■ FRKD.KURTZ. F.ditor. Centra Hall, Pa., Mar. 5, IST I IRRMS.— taper pear, adrmncc, when not paid in adrancc. Adrrrti yemrnt 2tV per hnr for tin rrfion*, and far fi and X'lmontlr I v "! ial contract. An amendment to the Constitution, providing for the election of 1. Senators by tho people instead of the Legislature is being agitated. That would be proper euough, the people should have the right to deterroiue who shall be their Senators. Under such an amendmeut it would never have been possible io saddle a Simon I am* eron upon our state, who never was elected to any office by the people. And now Sumner is opposing the centennial jubilee. On the -• ult ~in the senate the centennial bill came up when Mr. Sumner offered his amend ment in the nature of a substitute, providing that the government haii not take any responsibility with regard to the ceutenuial. Mr. Suuincr then proceeded to address the senate iu favor of his proposition, lie dis claimed any opposition to the celebra tion of the centennial of American independence, but he was op|w*.d to mixing it up with a world's fair. He then proceeded to sketch the history of American independence, speaking at considerable leugth without dis cussing the merits of the bill before the senate. If the Philadelphia linjt were killed ofl", there would not be so uiu£h hcsitaucy iu some quarters to give the ceuteunial more earnest encourage ment. But people have an idea that if the riug gets its dirty fingers into it, they will steal the bigger part of the funds. A New Yorker has sent #SOO to the conscience fund —rnouey which he had unjustly taken from the govern ment. A few fellows have cheated the Reporter after lifting it some rears, if conscience dont strike them, the sounding of Gabriel's trump on the last day, will be the commencement of a warm time for tbeni. John Latta, some time ago, was mentioned iu connection with the next democratic nomination for gov ernor. Now we notice that he is mentioued for lieutenant governor. Mr. Latta may next be recommended for chief clerk of one of the depart ments. Bruce Petrikeu also was mentioned for governor, a month ago. We now hear a Huntingdon paper "tetchiiig him out" for lieutenant governor. Trot out your second rate material, there is some more of it on hand. Our member, Mr. Orvis is on the committee to investigate the recent black-mailing scheme to aid in the passage of the usury bill. He has given the witnesses a thorough sifting, and if there was anything in them, on ly the deepest perjury on the part of the witness, could prevent Mr. Orvis from getting it out. Senator Cameron meets with i success in putting the centennial hi through the senate, and has failed in several attempts. No wonder, any measure in such hands must be look ed upon with suspicion. Cameron is the wrong mau to put at the head of any thing reputable. The bill allowing parties to take 10 per cent interest by special coutract, was defeated in the house, the other day, which settles the matter for this session. Brown's last week's paper pelts u broadside at representative Oryis. Wc thought Wiliiam had learned to know, ere this, that all his shots are as paper pellets against an iron clad, bo far as Orvis is a fleeted thereby. W. W. "went for him" right hand somely last election, and the result was a largely increased majority for Mr. Orvis. Brown is past hurling any one, and never would be held guilty of slander, for bis abuse has the opposite effect, and no one believes what he Bays. Better print Mr. Orvis' record, and let your readers know What he is doing, and make yourself respectable—Mr. Orvis is gaining strength every day, no matter what Brown says. The state of Massachusetts and the radical parly of that commonwealth io particular, has been iu tearful com motion, on account of the appoint ment of oue Simmons a collector at Boston. Butler and his faction were for Simmons —the balance of the Mas sachusetts delegation and the inost of the leading rads were against him, and the war was terribly bitter. The matter was decided on 27, by the con firmation of Simmons. Iu fact, the fight could not have oeen more bitter and caused more ugly mouth-malting, if it had been a peck of Green per-| simmons that the anti Simmon's rads were made tc swallow, aud everybod/ knows how quick gaeen persimmon will draw a rnau's mouth into a whist ling attitude. Senators Boutwell aud Sumner again severally spoke iu op position to the nominee. Senators Conkling and Carpenter advocated the nomination, speaking in praise of the gentleman and of his business ca pacity, and were unable to see in the remarks presented any proper reasous for rejection. Finally the vote was taken, and the senate confirmed the nomination by a vote of 27 to 17. Late advices from Beunos Ay re* report that the Asiatic cholera continues to rage with unabated violence. • The State agent of the grungers of Indi ana has reports up to this date of the or ganization of fourteen hundred and fifty Grangers in that Sthte, an average of sis teen to each county. Nrpro** at Tin' Cnpltol DA ItK SKINNM* toCNUKISS OK Till" CAM.Kim* AND t.OAKK.i:9 OK TIIK STKKKT9. | (iract (ircoi wood in AVtr YorL lYwrs The Philanthropic allusion of Mr. Cox to the colored patriot!*, "sit it>g uniformly in the galleries, and to their urgent, desperate need of decent clothing, suggests a question which somebody ought to consider and m l upon, ai d that wontbody should be the Senate or tlio House of Kepreeu-1 iativ*s. It is, Shall men and boys, howev* r well colore*!, but ragged to I rhe poiut of indereuey, and dirty to absolute filthincaa continue to enjoy the freedom of the galleries? 'l'hey now make them their lounging and rest ing places. Soiue of these habitues are famous sleepers. Keen when the rights and privileges and wrongs and disabilities of their own race are un der discussion, somnolency * vcrcomea them, and they sleep "not wisely but too well." Senators have told me thai ihorugh ail their night sessions thev :iir 6ncotnpAtt\ k il about tv thii uiiik cloud of oblivious witnesses, who some limes spend the entire night, especi ally if the weather In* cold or stormy, luxuriating in the warmth and com fort of the suiunur-like air aud soft cushioued seats of the gallery. Now the quesliou is. Should the I uitrd States Senate Chamber be u*ed as a station-house for vagrants, however meritorious, sud tatterdemalions, how ever patriotic ? Colored women, hav ing a more lively sense of propriety, and not having the franchise, seldom visit the Capitol except in their Suu day best, vet 1 saw the other day in i the ladies gailt ry of the Senate a cou i pie of elderly ©oloivti UUIKIUSM** who [evidentlv did not do their own wah ing, ueithsr did they put it out. 1 was a irieud to the colored peo ple when they needed friend-—when the politicians who court and use them now were ridiculiug, reviling, and hunting them down; harsh or fault finding spirit I sjwak now. "Faithful are the wounds of a friend." I mean all I say in kindness, but somebody oogjit to sp-ak out when there is a general cause of corn plaiut. Sloth aud squalor are uot confined to our lately enfranchised citizens, but here at the capital they oftenest put on that color—a color which always inclines mo to lenient judgment, remembering the long, dreadful past, the hard condition ot the old life, the cruel hindrances, the darkness, the boudago—all unfitting them for habits of rder ami industry, for selfrespectiug respectability ztiil. 1 think it is time they were taught either by the precept aud example of the most intelligent and refined ot thairowu race, or by the authority yet f>r a lime renting in ours, to re ! gard the proprieties and decencies of life. Into our street care, especially those on the avenue, come rneu and boys whom it is uot disagreeable but positively perilous to set by anima ted masses of rags, giving out foul and sickening odors Ihe street car, | tis true, "is the poor man's carriage," but it it extravagauce in the poor J man to use it when he can as well j walk. How men ragged as Xeapo ! litan lazzaroui tan afford frequent indulgences of the kiud is to rue a profound and baffling mystery. 1 have known great hulking, lazy boys, with rags fluttering in every wiud, like signals of distress, tske a street ear for a lift of three or four blocks. I Colored youths of this sort show a raauly jealousy of their rights under the fifleeutb amendment, aud seldom | are known to offer a seat to ft women, | whether she be a delicate white girl or a feeble old colored "aunty, are almost as uncivil as New York merchants, lawyers, and (tjlton. I hope I need not say lam glad that colored people can ride in the cars, but it does seem to me they are over doing the thing in this city, he hardly have a fair chance; they have so taken possession of that popular vehicle that we think of petitioning the munificeut and magnificent cor poration of the Georgetown and Navy vard Street Railway to furnish a set |of new aud eleguut cars, and put new straw in them aud colored eouduo tors on them, and set them apart for our colored citizens, leaving to us the present* old, dilapidated concerns, unchanged, except that they shall be plainly lettered. "While people allowed to ride in these cars." To be serious and not invidious, It seems to me that for the honor and safety of the community, regu lations should be established exclud ing all persons indecently ragged or offensively dirty not only from the galleries of the Capitol hut from the public conveyances of the city, and that these regulations should be rigid ly enforced without regard to age, sex color, or previous condition of servi tude. Since winter weather and black of funds have suspended operations of the Board of public Works, many poor colored men are quite out of em ployment. How do they live ? Do the ravens feed them ; and who are j the ravens ? They are not riotoua or disquieted. They seem rather to en joy their leisure in hanging about the City Hall, and thronging the head quarters of the District Governmeut. Any point where voting is going on, and their race is represented, has still a novel attraction for them. The more ignorant have wild ideas of their political privileges. They seem to think that offices are lying about loose, and that they can help them selves to the franchise at any time. What man so ignorant and so poor among them all as to be wilting to change his political status for that of an intelligent, well-to-do white wo man ? They are adopting, I fear, come of the questionable social philosophies of the highest civilization. A friend lately overheard a little street-corner talk between two young colored la borers, Says one, ou the broad grin of friendly delight at the encounter : "Why, I declar, I'se mighty glad to I see you: how is you, and how's yer family?" Says the other, ou a broad*r grin, "O, I'se fust rate —but I haint got no family," "Whatl is yer wife dead ?" "Bless ye. uo, she's only run ned away with another roan; how's your woman ?" But slavery was not the best of schools in which to learn respect fur the marriage bond as a sacred, irrevocable compact, ami per haps it is well that they take its oc casional rupture iu this easy philoso phical spirit—not considering that the emancipation proclamation ami con stitutional amendments give them the right to stab ami smother inconsistent consorts, like so many Othellos, or to avenge their domestic infelicities by shooting right and left, like ordinary Anglo-Saxon heroes or great am bassadors and envoys extraordina ry. Cardinal Antonelli -has s*nt a circular letter to ftll the Roman Catholic bishop* asking them to come to Rome, as the Pope wishes to see then) before he dies. Jacksonville, February 27.—William Keen*, murderer of Valentine, was hunj? at 10.3) this morning. He acknowledged his guilt. Legislative SKNATK. llAititisiit'RU, February -7, 18* I The bill dividing the eighth nor mul school district was n*eu!l l from the 1 louse ami reconsidered. The only bill read in p'aee was a bill authorising the governor ( np \ point aldermen to till vecflhciee in tlmt office The legislative COIII|N nsaiioii bill j was taken up and i*s>id ii<* tbiil I reading. The Senate spent the afternoon on the corporation bill and only got about half through when they <l jotiriied till Monday evning at hall 1 |iast seven o'clock. Hurst. fhe House was occupied all IUOIII ing on the bill providing for the col lection of taxes. The act raquiiiug Judges I this Supreme Court to tile written opiu ions was amende*! to apply lot luun Fiets Judges, giving the Utter six mouths in which to do so. Mr. Young, from the Di'uiuick Committee, will report in fall on Tuesday. The Special Committee, of which Senator An*lers*>u. of Allegheny, is chairman, appointed to investigate the charges of lieen'.iousiieos, preferred against A. L. Guso, of the Caosville Soldiers' Orphans' School, have ie turned from Huutiugdou county, where the Committee held meetings at Caasville and elsewhere on fuc? day, Wedueadny an.l Thursday of this week. They adjourned la-t night to meet again in Huntingdon on Friday of next waek, whet) thetvi deuce will be closed, and the Com uiittee wilt make their report. At this week's meeting of the Committee upwards of oue hundred ami fifty witnesses were examined on behalf of the defendant, Guc- The testimony was entirely of a negative character, and was aimed to excul pate Guss hv the evidence of persons who hail uever eeeu him commit the acts complained of. The general impression is that the evidence put duccd for the prosecution was uot shakeu iu the least. There are rumors at Huntingdon that extraordinary cttbrU are being put forth to induce some of the wit nesses who testified against Guss at the past meetings of the Committee, to put in retractious a' the meetiug uext week, and that money is being freely used to accomplish this purpose. Oue pretty straight story is that a girl whoso testimony seriously iucriutiua ted Guss, has been offered four- liuu dred dollars to go on the stand again aud contraiict herself. There is rather strong evidence of this. The closing meetings of the com mittee are expected to be very excit ing. The people of the county ate ! intensely interested, and the feeling . runs high. The majority believe IGuss guilty, while ne has a few \ friends who staud by him and say lie is a persecuted saiut. Feb 27- House bili No. 18; re galing the usury law,,, expo pj ou j second reading. The pending question was a motion of Mr. E. Reed Myer to postpone the bill indefinitely, Mr. Wolfe entered into a personal explanation of the motives which had induced him last Friday to call tie previous question in the midst of a speech by Mr. Orvis iu favor of the bili. liw bad taken that action be cause it had been apparent to him that Mr. Orvis had intrnded to "talk against time," i e , to consume all the time until the hour of adjourumeul, and thus prevent a vote upon the bill. He had been confirmed in that view by tindiug upon the floor, at the foot of his desk, a noto addressed to Mr. Orvis by another member, saying, "Orvis, can't wc prevent them from getting a vole today? Wide is ! preparing to call the previous ques j tion." At this point Mr. Wolf* wa„ jpter I rupted by the speaker pro Inn. Mr. , Newmyer, who alluded pointedly to the impropriety of presenting a nols obtained in such a manner, more I particularly in be absence of Mr. Orvis (who is on duly out uo an In ' vestigating committee). Mr. Wolfe defended himself by say i ing that the note had contained notii j ing improper, nnd that Mr. Orvis, j who war effected too by it, was fully able to take car* of himself on his return. Mr. Talley said that he bad made a definite agreement with Mr. Wolfe on that day by which he [Mr. Wolfe] promised on his houor as a man and a member not to call the previous question, yet lie had violated that promise a f;w moments afterwards. Mr. Wolfe admitted these facts, j but explained that he had only vio lated the agreement when it had be come evident that Mr. Orvis intended to talk uutil the hour of adjourn ment. He had moreover, become irritated by some |tersona! allusions made by Mr. Orvis. Mr. Talley replied that a member who allowed himself to become so irritated as to forget a solemn promise ought not to spenk. Mr. Newmyer (Speaker pro tem.) said that the attempt made by Mr. Wolfe on that day to force a vote on the usury bill immediately on the heels of tbo developments of the at tempted bank swindle, was as bad as calling the "previous questisu" in the midst of a member's speech. Mr. E. Reed Myer considered that Mr. Wolfe had violated no rule of the House, and was in his opinion entire ly justified it) the course he bail ta ken. The bebate then took h discursive form. Various members explained the reasons which would influence them in their votes upon the usury bill, all of them alike disclaiming being influenced in any way by out side pressure or by any of the acts of irresponsible parties. The motion to indefinitely postpone! the bill was agreed to by C 8 yeas to 14 nays. House, Feb.2B.—Mr. Orvis rose to! a question of privilege, und staled that lie saw from the proceedings of] the house that a private letter ml-j dressed to him had been read by the gentlemen from Union, nnd said he was very much obliged to the gentle man for withholding the name of the writer, and hud no objccliou to the gentleman's reading all his letter under the same condition, and only; rose to let the writer of the note know that his confidence had not been betrayed, as lie (Mr. Otvisjj did not know how the gentleman from Union (Mr. Wolfe) had ob tained possession of the note. Mr. Wolfe stated in reply that the note referred to hud been hand ed to him by a third party and had not been picked up by him self. Mr. Orvis replied, und lite mallei was further discussed by Iwitii yen j, tlemeii. The salary of the Lieutenant Governor is to be thrae thousand dollars per an-i num. Soutli Unrollnn's ffow I 111 I Hmm lint it I IT It is of Nl iilto 4VD CARCRSBAQ lit 1 1 EXORBI takt Taxis Ami Uahi iwi h I'i.iMiKit- a l'Mortair Uhom Tax- Hay Kit. Colttniliitt, S C'., Urbtuury 17 l li>> Inx-jmycr* Convention nut at noun today. Nearly 2(B) * were present. In bit opctiii j ml,iiii* Uiotiilcnl I I'ortrr mtiil tlml I lie bad faith of tic Stale 1 iovi 1 ntiicnt and public coirnp lion uud cxlravup'nntv nmdc the ten • of ibe Cnn vent ion niccstary. rax*|uivcrs tiro in (Ittpair. Tbcy bavc tu> civil liicdoin, but lire eul iccU ufa plain and naked !dc*potii-tn. Tb prciH.ndcrniico ul ilia political power it in the hands uf nan tax pay cis who rcfuw the tax payer* u fuir mpretrntatioii for llu-tr piutectioii. Hie piopiietary inlcrctl#, iepr><nlino 9170,0(K),tKKl ul propei Iv, is taxed ml ' libitum witbuut Hs consent by tbtue who luai no burden und eiijuy the spoliation, liovernor Hurler eluiwid by- facta and figuna that while tax able property bad declinid fiotu 9 itlO.tHX) 00(1 to $175,f 00.000 the 1 lax<* bail ritcii from 6l<H>,OOt) to over B'J,, r <K),tK.KI. The people are virtually uuuiiid to pay twenty timisas inutli "us before the war. Ibe bunded debt ts lu Med, the amount of the floating ' debt 1* unknown, legislative expense# have risen frutu 140.000 to 1300,000, and the public printing from B>Y,OOO to 9330,000. The address wit# received with much applause, csjwt'iallv the refer ences to immigration and to the pint 1 play d by South Carolina in the war l of independence. lit solution* weic 1 adopted for the appointment of a standing committee and for the ap pointment of a committee |o take to Washington u petition to Congress. rite Conventi >ll then adjourned till 1 to-morrow, Hippie Mitchell Again 'lbe memorial ofciiixcua uf Oregtu charging Seoul >r Mitchell, of that I State, in aeven distinct count* of living under an n&sutued name, aud with seduction, bigamy, adultery, *{e., 1 lie 1 full detail* of which memorial were rvccully givcu in this corrcapoudcuce wa finally preaeutcd to the Scnat* ', on J7* by in* democratic colleague, Mr. Uclly, who added (bat duriug 1 the twelve year* Mitchell had lived to Oregon, be bad ut-vrt- heard ofibtat ' charge*, aud that be submitted the petition without cuomieul cither way. I It waa referred to the Committee ou l'rivilege* and Election*. The memo rialists *ny that Mitchell'* nultiao.< is Johu Hippie, and that they are able 1 to prove the other by living ' witnesses if the Committee will semi for tbvm. Tbev tiit a-k that tb charge* be shown to Mitchell ihal bt may resign, but if he refute* then they demand that be may be expelled. The ' memorial raise* the old t|ut-*:i -11 a* ;c "* the jHiwer <if the Senate to gy behiud ' the record of a Senator'* election tu ' imjuirc into id* personal conduct. • • The Ma-achuett* Senate ha* pa**- 1 ed the ten hour bill by a role of to 1-1. It makes 00 provision Ar thf 1 hours of labor of men, but provide* '' that women and childieii uudor t igh teen, shall not be employed in any c* ' tabli'hment for the manufacture < 1 ' textile fabti 9. thread*, yarn* c-r wur 1 sleds more than sixty hours a week 11 k an average of teu hours a d*y. Earli p violation is punishable by n fine uf filly dollar*. ' The Senate Committee on public £ lauds ha* agrio I to report favorably e on the bill allowing nfly person whe ' has failed to acquire a jwrfect title tc his preemption or homestead entrv tc r file auotber declaratory statement 01 1 homestead application for auoihci • tract- They also agreed to report fa • vorably to I'ratl'j bill, grauting tc 1 the several Slates all uusurveyed • overflowed land* ami with rundry • amend men ta the House bill, amentia tory of the act to encourage the growtl cf limlwron western piaries —- ♦ • 9 Going to the Doga. — intelligenl ■ corrcsiwmdent of the N. V. Graphic e writes from Washington under date • of Jan. 20th, ns follow* : •j flic Republican leader* are it great trouble. The tight for the succession i* alteady under way " The shrewder men who know they • bavc no chance become painfully '' aware of the fact (bat while the av • piraut* quarrel there is a strong pvchtibiljty that long before the time e comes there will be no llepublican L " party to make u secession from. One j of the oldest and most trusted of the ' Republican leaders declares that to s day Grant far more popular in t the Southern than in the Northern Stales; that ho lakes 110 advice nud • a*k* no couuacd, unless it be that one • as mischievous ns Hotter and as in ' different to moral sense as Gushing or 1 contemptuous of the average, as is *j Mr. Fish. He declares (hat unless L " the party faces lo the West, aud ' adopts a policy commensurate with the continental necessities of the r land, there w ill act U be a rapid ' disintegration, with nothing to re - place the great organization. The President, he declares, is unwilling to lead oITor indicate a policy, nnd the • successful men of business atfairs, who 1 are the only ones with whom he is ' on familiar terms, do all they can to • prevent him from recogniyiug the 1 national impulses; which should he ■ first felt iu the Executive office. The Republican party, this statement [says, is fast degenerating into an ' organization of details in which the m of mind nio 10.-ing grasp from over eagerness to obtain promotion , fur lliuinselvea. 1 j ■ —p * " Disastrous ConHiigiution in I'nnn inn Kingston, Jamaica, February 21. ' There was a very serious fire in . Panama on the 19th nit., which uoiuumed the main portion of the Icily. Among the buildings burned 'were the Grand hotel, city saloon and bank. The loss ia roughly (Mi mated at $1,000,000, the greater I portion of w hich is covered by iusurHtice. No further detuils lutvc been received. K SUA FKOFHELA \V ABE C(>N Vlt TS Five Prisoners Rreak Jail at New castle and Escape — The Jailer gagged. Newcastle, Del., February 25.—About one o'clock tki* morning ltrcal Biding*, the warden *t the jail in thi* place, boring a flight pein in the yard opened the door, when he *ll immediately seized by a ku"K of a dozen men who K n X'*d and hniidcufi'ed him, tied hi* feet, and threw liiin into u coal-hole. One of tho gntig threatened the warden's life with a drawn knife, but another man known ** "Hoc Frank" interfered. The men got over the wall by two short ladder* lied together, which they hmughtwith them. They car ried uway a prisoner named K. Frszior, who was under a life sentence f>r theinnr der of A Bison. It is supposed the parly 1 reached ju re jn u tug-host, which wasaeen <>f|*Newcastle !u-l puid.l and h*- disappinr cd thi* inorning. Big Frank is one of a parly who was whipped loiue time ago, and lor whose res cut before the whipping a plot wat formed, J but did not tuei eed, being foiled by the cilUtht who were on guard In addition to Frnxier, the bank l.urg lnr> I.HW ten, llurlburt. Carter, nud Hope. I each under >entvnce of ten yeart' iinpri-j | tonioent, wcto r, cur,l by tliegaiig el men | wbicb overpowered the warden of the J.iil lutf night. Tile rc.cuer* opviiod the prit-;' otiern' c lit by meant ofjaektcrowt, forcing open the in-low , There were twelvem ( lißcro linn engaged 111 the retcue who arc . tuppoted to come frolu l'llllaJelpllia A KMI.BOAH llOliltOlt IN CANA I HA. Montreal, March I \ 'earful accident 1 ■ uited 011 the Gieat Wuttern ltailroad '* lull night The Sarnie accommodation ■ train Ictt London atft.SUP M , auj con ■ j tilted of empty taiik-i art, baggage, and tecond dait curt and coach. W ken tcven uillet weit of London lb, coa, li look Itie, it it tuppoted by the fall ! | ing of a lamp The Ore wat not ditcov-! eitd until tli interior of the laluen wu- ' completely Atled with Aaiuet, which tpiiotl through the coach aliuotl inttaiilly ' I lie | a>-, ugert w-re compelled l jump troui the 1 ear platform and wriujowt. I lie train wai itopped at toon at pofti blc, but before they could be ratracateil eight putirligeri wore fatally lulfocaled all J burned, I •♦ . I Btill.KU FX PLosION -TWENTY ' I'LBsONS KILLKD AND TUIBTY i INJI'BKH. London, March 2 - A dopati h from • lilackburu, l.ancatbite, bringt in!,-Hi- j gelice ota terrific bollar egploiioii, caut ing 11 tlartlilig lott of lilo in that town to- j" day Pwrnty pertoMt were inatantly killed ] and thirty injured Many of the wound ed are badly hurt, and it u believed many, . of tbuiu will die. |H\PF.NHITCKKS OF t'KNTHK I j Col M \ PAll) BY -US K. WKA YKIt, TBKAsI'KLB Full TUB YKAK 1873. ( "■nini-tiouert pay-■ S F Fotter paid on bal, Jan, 73 - 9 141 63 do salary as Cum r.. till 77 760 3t)' A C Hiuton paid 04 bal, h ■ln, I. 1873 40 IU A C II in ton alar> to Jan 1874 in full 629 Ul>- 6iHj U> , -J G Han key 489 98 . MeOlotkty in full ... 129 -40 S 1 1 otter writing un- latld bookt.o6 (A) S 1 Fotter trrvim on at* tea. book# . 1761*1 — 246 26 W ui Furey talar) at com mit'rt clrrk and on j La' duo hnu 1 Utiß 82 Wui Fury, tcrocet at (Tommittioncron ppb* Bp b.iildingt, uutel tled by formtr Corns luittionert 2ol) Ul- 1318 82 ('-•ui mi. I,inert pay for enrolling and making iitt of m.liiic No. toil miui Kl Ul M 1! itia account— * i'aid Comtn ittiunem en rolling Militia- - 80(10 Paid P K Sellart 200 00 Paid John Htng.... 18 U>— 298 Ul • ——— Bote# af.J intrrctt ptij .... 14 476 29 Inturance on public building! 362 44 KoftanJiiig tax, County 137 do do Sutc paid Stale Treat.. I 886 78 J ndiue Fire Co approprialioii ... 61) Ul W Wood ring, late SberilT . . 1 lltiCU Jat Welch A Co. tlatioiiery Ul J Zcllor A Son, medicine* for prisoner* || Ul 4 W liliamt Uw.krU 61 V) I W M*on A Hick* ttov'• and Hard ware 32 66 Jat F W raver, rxpentct teeing tax Collecton - - 26 Ul 1* J W bile, repairing at jail II I Ut At Uint-n, cxpenteon Huplicale 18 Ul Holler Brut, rndte f-rjail 39 22 Ail J ibiitoti, cleaning otttce 2 fal ■fno 1 Join., ton. pottage 16 29 •' A J Ilarrit. hardware......... Ttl 71 W m V Hughe*, lumber.. 1161 H H Kime 39Hi Hari>er Urot. indte 4 76 1-oeb, May A mdte 24 6li W McCulley. horse hire— 2UI L Miller, cutting wood 1 66 | John Mark*, F Miller, cutting wood 10 6il J H Morrison, tiaiiouery. 2600 Tho* Miller, work 1 75 Agnew Moore, making draft 3(lit W m M urphy A S .n. bsmk*. Ac 6(1 Ui John s Lonberger, repairing Jail roof, slovrt, Ac 41066 Jno A S Mailorv. smithing ....... 19 U0 1 Sam I Nlchol*.' w->rk 6(W 'J H Orvi*. wood a 6i(ti i ti t> Brvan, chair* and mattrast . 63 60 i(i W liuthetibcrgi-r, rep g bell* in i.il * ... 800 1 J U Sankey. extra ejpcuie*-.- 4 Ui ; Sijr.iui A Co. binditig carpal*-.... 7 ui I StiUer, WiLitnd ilttionrrr IUC (1 W K Staffer, repiir g and worm on 47 16 W H W tlkint.in A Co. boarding juror* in Richard t cate 104 (O Wilton William*, cleaning and Wiirk - J6 (*) 1 <ieo H hotter, removing a*het a (ti No rah McAUolcr. wathiug for pritonr -• 133 76 J II4CI Alexander, coal bill* 442 98 B F Bali heller, indte for primner* 4 19! pi S Barn hart. Com r* All y 10000 John Breechbil), malfrattat for j*il - u (G Andrew Bat ret, wood 2 50 Robert Brennon. work at cittern. 2 60 John Bowl, w00d...... 17 60 Hr J II Dobbin*, medical atten dance on pritoner* 70 00 Commit*'rt expente, u*a of Coun ty 10 00 li (4 i'onter, mercantile appraiser 10 Ul W'm Hailey. wiHid | 60, Centra Co ' Banking Co. on ac count cftafe 2UIOQ 5 F Fotter, pen* fir ofßca I 00 K M Fottor. ervic<* on regittra tiiin b00k*.... —— 26 00 Wm Furey, election paper* No vember election IHM Joseph Furey, sub, to "Standard" 200 Frvberger A Grim, mdte 16 12 H J." Koitnay, au-iiling docket* .. 36 pO i -f Grenoble, book* and 'tiatioD erv for ufßre 57 60 Kliai Grove, repair* and carpan'r work 66 8(1 Hart, (tnlbraith, painting fence st work 110 00 Isaac Guggenbeimcr mdse 67 40 Haniel German, tundrr expente*. 40UI ; Bob t McKnight, gat bill 300 00j Daniel McGinloy, water ta* 160 OU John McDcrmoit. repair* to jail and court huue 296 00! Geo N Hale, court reporter 16 Oil Ilarv ev Hoover, Hauling lumber 1 On ' l*aa* Iluupt. catting* for furnace 39 4" J K HackeiiAerry, ice lor court i. room - 1 ait A*o*or# pay and regi*tration ex nente* 1 761 32 Flection pay 1 (187 71 Juror* expente* 3 678 K6 Commonwealth cU 2UM 7'. t'ontjil>le' pay CVtf luf- Jury Coiniuittioner* pay 2887!, Teacher* Institute for 1872—73 276 80 Agr'l Society of Centre county... lOOOOj" Inquitition* on dead bod jet Mft 81; Auditor*' par Jan 1 '73 62 00 do clerk do 26 <*• Premium* to collector* I'd HI Court crier* and tiptav# 127 60 liart. (ialbraith, Janitor of court lonise 810 00 Scalp pimittM 666 70 We* tern Penitentiary, keeping prisoner* 475 68 IVnna. State Lunatic Hospital Ifarrisbtirg. keeping Insane... 1 764 31, Slate Hospital lor the I mane Dan ville, keeping Insane 677 If 1* 0 UcS, aec't printing MOOO W W lirown, do 718 66 Fred, Kurt*, do 471 25 Itargi-r A Co , do 6 00 1* I> Stover. do Mid KTJt K I'Tut an. arc't printing. 06 20 <i W Foot. do 220 00 Koad view* 127000 It damages I. Tror.iyulny, paid dama ge; |6OOO K MeMren, do do 80 CO .!<> ((tnrdnrrdu do 60 00 1) Cos, do do 60 00 T flutter do do 60 00 flridgo—(leech Creak Agnew M00re,... 645 00 Agnew Monro on bridge account 47 01) Com mi**i oner* expense* nn mud view* and bridge* <lO 00 S F Roster expenses on road view* and bridg .- .. 8 00 A C llinton expense* on road view* and bridg e* 13 00-1282 00 f T n*eatcd Laud Refunding - .1 II Orvia! sllO7 Kdmund Blancbard 38 40 J '* Oephart 7 07 (IT Alexander 28 61 K.I l'runer 264 00 S 1) Clray 66 21 .la* V Weaver 063 00 .1 M Kill* 172 00—1641 08 \7 Ensealed Laud a paid Twpa— McAllister & linrlr $ 43 86 John Thompson, Liberty 71-72 0 20 Jacob Vinpoot, Taylor, 70-71 39 68 Sunn*l Hoover, do 70-71. if|:i 4* .Imiiii llu\crly, Howard, 7 71 .Hi,VI A Sample A Soli, Furgu •mi, '73 7ft 17 l<i HuyiioMt, Ku>h 70 71 79 00 J K llostvrman, Mil, 70 71 f.'j Oh Philip Shook or K Wea ker, G rcgg UN) J0 V\ alter, ll 'KK*. 70-71. 'jo ,V (i H Kline, Karri*, 70-71.. 6 02 Juhti 1 1 >1 ■>><••, Marion, 70 71 41.77 C M liown, llninA*. oko. To 71 . atvj I' \\ Klme, lluitoii, 7o 71 >l7 71*14'. *47,710 0.1 11 Kt'APITU LATIoN Tre.i*'r paid on acc I Co *!<'.,l,lf 17 ilo >lo Militia .. 298(9. Jo <lo unseat! I'd* 7*4 40 947,710 3 List of Taint outstanding at,J in hand* of colle 'on, Jan. 1, |M74 1806 Martin Murphy, liurnside 170 32 Minion I.inn fn, Liberty . ... 242 22 1t0.7 S K lihlur, Benner 10 04 1808 A SnyJt-r, lti'llefoiita bor<> 76 liu W in Aakey, Burtttido 60 16 A JonJ hilip*l>uig 96 48 [ John l'ownell, Bogg* 167 m Jaooh llotlrnuan. llainea 447 38 WinCfus*. Half Moon oft 91 Iftti'.i I) K Port nay, Bellefonte... l'.(l 7ft J M ll,ah. .ration ... 76 On D lloslsrmati, Maiiit't 223 U3 92109 62 IK7O Daniel 1 .-rr, Bellefonte,... 276 71 John Hotter, Hogg* 113 00 Sam! Hrit-kltiy. IL.ward ~ 9367 lli'inj I'artln, BellefonU- 207 lift AJ.f U •. ing er, Benner '■>" 32 John Minnich. Gregg 170 26 John Ward, Hall M00n... 94 OS Sam'l Itriiktry, ilowarj.. Kn 49 Joseph C'ruUer, Potter 39 32 > Joseph Shatter, Walker 697 11- 1904 36 1872 Win Riddle*, Philipsburg 293 09 Tho* Marshall, Benner 247 06 J C Walker. U>gg* 100 II i Jno M<-Clotkey, Curtin.., IfH 38 S N cin. l regg 670 27 II I Galea, Half Mooll. 25ti 9, Nt-Uoii Atkey, Howard.... '.<914 David Hobh, Liberty........ 1(13 07 David llsru-r. Marion...... 614 94 Daniel Geary, J'a1.U....... , 2134 Geo Stover, roller. 924 23 J C Nation, Ruth 247 46 Jai Gale*, Know Shoe 3*44 79 Jacob Keber, W alker-.,.. 11(1 Ml 4047 In IB7S t'ha* llrown. Jleiltfontc... li*43<>4 K H C'arr. Mdeb irg yul 4s K Pt-rk*. Philipsburg 950 40 J M<iivatie. How J bur„ 164 14 KJ Lucat, I'uionville, „ 107 49 Saan I Yeartv k. Rentier . MB 40 Haniel Malol.e, 80gg*...., SUM 91 i Jacob Croft, lsorniJe...„ lKitti) Fred k Kllllnif, Curlltt... 234 11 Albert Hoy, Ferguson 2326 06 Haniel Barge*. Gregg...... 2281 SO John Ketnor, Haine* 1676 SI W 11 Miller. Ilarrit 2M36 83 J 11 Griffin, Half Moon. . 469 02 W F leather*. Howard-. 3,19 14 W \V Clme. Mutton 266 00 Win Slangier. Liberty . 63636 Levi Itarh-k. Mari0n....... 1293 62 Henry Wolf, Milei 1166 89 Jona* Stine. Patlon 640 |7 Dan i'M uer. I'vnn 14' X) he 1' 14 Ncjt. l*oUer...„ a. r >S9'.*4 David Logan, Itu*h 990 IS Jot Thonipton, Snowsbue 628 33 Jo* iloai. Spring . jcjftj ao W'inSpotu, Uni0n......... 17161 J M Garhrick, Walker... 18M194 Kliai Turner, Worth 282 69-4104177 439,76282 LUlofTsx Collector* who h*ve itaid ince setlleiuent of account Jan 1, 1874. 1872 Wm Riddle, Fhiliptburg ...9 lUOUU 1873 Ju Tliompton, Snow TSno#.... 'A*! U Cha* Brown, Bellefonte.—, M . (XU W 1871 Jo* Crolzrr, Poller 39 32 1873 W F' Lesll.er*, Howard—. 3ft 86 !gT2 Jacob t' Walker, Hogg* lUUU 1873 Joeeph Rost, Muring 624 76 Samuel Yt-ari: k. jßenner 770 78 L t* Itcsfiek, Marion.— 132 10 W W Scantier, Liberty 43 Ul! Jn Mclivane. Howard B-.r.. 69 83 H W Kline. 14uton„.„ lUOOO J W Kierth..ff Curtin.... 6373 J H tiriffin, Hail . 174 Ui DA Mu*er, P.enn..6uß on Klia*Turner. Worths— 11800 P D N elf. Potter '.flOWi Wm 11. Miller. Harri* ... 1230 98 1872 D Ilarter. Marion— aim 1873 John Keiner. Hsine*—....... 478 24 J M Gar brick. Wslkor - -18199 14*71 Joseph KhatTer. Walker— 27 66 1873 Daniel Bartge*. Gregg.OUU OU 1872 D*n ie Geary, Pen a.— 60U 1873 Albert Hoy, F<-rgu*on 831 09 Joseph Stine. Patton 60 09 lienrv Wolf, Mile* (in fu11).... UMI (V K M Luca*. UnxuiTiile..... 76 IK! 1872 Tho* Marshall Benner—,, 61 U' 187 1 D B Mlc>se, R.'gg* lioOO 1870 Jnti llolter, B-igg*..— lft lti 1872 Mamuel Neee, Gregg „ 60 U0 STATE HF PENNSYLVANIA SS. CKNTKK COUNTY, i We. the undersigned Auditor* of Cenur Co., do hereby certify that in pursuance of an Art ot Assembly entitled "An art re lating tc CWnliw* and Township* and County and Township Officer*. ' wc met at the Commissioner*' Office, at Bellefonte on the Dt Monday of January, and did audit and settle and adjust the several ac count* *et f-.rth in the foregoing state ment. In witne** whereof we htvp here unto j it our hand* a.. J teal lu H day of JanuaiV. A. D. 1874 ROBERT HOLMES, [t_ s.l A. J. C.RRLST. lus.l SAM I.GKAMLEY.ft.. a^J Attxst: Auditor*. W J Kkuii, Clerk to Auditor*. CENTRE 00l XTY. SS. Wc, the undersigned Commi-sioner* of **id County. d hereby certify that the iWwgotog o * true and correct *talernent of the r.-ceipl* and expenditure* ol aeid County, from the Jd day of January, A. D 1873, to the 6ih day of January A. D., 1874 SA MU ELF FOSTER, AUSTIN C HINTON. SAMI'EL GRAM LEY*. JAMES F. WEAVER. Trcaturur, in j account w ilfi Centre County. 1874 DR. Jan. 1. To bal at last settlement. January 1. 1873 ...$ 318688 To oulslaiid'K taxe* Jan. 1,'73 31739 Ml T.i taxes >ec<l fur 1873 34228 00 To nete* not included in out standing taxes 120000 Received from County Cum in it iouers and other toqruci 81 $91,242 92 Jan I, To balance $ 4.676 64 1874 CR. Jan 1, By outstanding taxe* 9 34916 41 By warrant* paid! Treaurer. 4fiti2B 17! By exonerations and com mission to collector* 3012 80' By ba1ance...........— _ 4076 64 491,242 92 MILITIA ACCOUNT. 1874 DR. Jan 1 T<> utt'nd'g t*x Janl'73s 149691* To balance Jan 1, 1873 604 S. r > 91V.8 26 1874 CR. Jan I. By oulsl'nd'p taxe* tbi# date 6lX< 18 By Warrant* paid Treisurcr... 298 Oti To cfoni'iatiop* and comuiit sian* to collector*.... 426 82 Transfi-rrod to County account ft 67 86 Con-.inition* to County Treas urer 14 99 SiUGI 26 Jaiue* F Weaver, Treasurer, in account with the Commonwealth ot Penn'a. 1874 DR. Jan 1. To belance Jen'l, 1873 $ lti lti To outstanding taxe* 2ti'.i:i titii To taxu* n*Mcd lor 1873 8667 4T sti,2ti7 2ti 1874 CR. Jan 1, By outsandiog U'i* at this .tale $ 4129 66 Paid to State Trea*. per re ceipt* 1688 42 lly exoneration* and commis sion* to collector* 482 74 By commission* loTrcnurr.. 16 66 sC,2|i7 We, the Auditors pf Centre county do certify that we have examine I above ac count* of ,la. F. Weaver, Trea*uror of said County, and find them correct.^ Witness our hand* and seals thi* 7th day ol January, A. I). 1874. ROBERT F. HOLMES, ft., a.l A. J. GKEIST, 1.. 9. SAMUEL \l. ■] Attkst! " Auditor*. W. J. Kkai.sh, Clerk to Auditor*. 1873 DR. July 29, Rec'd of 11. Y. Stit/or, late District Attorney 9 1500 Received of John F Potter, District Attorney 175 00 Jan 7 fobal in hands Com 9k(s 1872 CR. Jan 12, By hut duo com. at.latt settleuieut 7 29 Apr 4, By cath paid ef proton hook* HO Apr 22, By cah p,I Lit tle. Brown A Co. U S Digest (, 09 By cath tent Kay A llro. on account ol debt 176 till Hal in hand of Coin 91 9 190 00 The Committee, to ftr at they can at* certain, report lb* following indebted nmi: To Key A Brother 9168 66 Centre County to 1* (i Meek Hit Jan I, 1873. To balum e 9271 16 To contract UUOUi To billt rendered for procUrua tioiit. Ac 790 30 91,66746 - By over t harge 9 6 10 ,Order* paid in 1873 - 80000 (nUi 10 Jan 1 74, balance due !*(• Meek 9 802 3,7 FINANCIAL K XIII BIT OF CF-NTKK COUNTY. 1874 CH Jan I, By carh in handt of Tra urer 94.676 64 By outtlaiiding late# 39,702 12 Br ouUland g tatetuii unteat ■•d land# 3,8*16 37 lly note#, As, in handt of At tome* for collection 1.701 96 Hue from Boro of Bellefolite. 'AM'. Ul, Due from Tow iitbi|it IfUOH Hue from Clinton county...— 27800 961,67696 I>R To amount iiotet and bondt due to— Sundry pertont. .....943.749 48 B F Hhafttr Sheriff .... 1,80106 Win Furey l.itlM 96 P ti Meek 862 26 Sam'l (tramley, I'oiu'r 60 J (< San key do 248 63 HZ Kline 619 07 Commonwealth ta* ... 1,824 88 6(1,431 32 Bv balance in favor of county, f 947 Oft febl9-4t KL UN ITU HE. JOHN Blt ECU HI LL, ; in hit elegant New IltMiiut, Spring ttrcel, ; liel telonle. Hat ■ >ii hand a tplendid ataortnient uf i lltll'SK Fl'itNlTt'UK froiu the com. mufifit to the tnl elegant ( HAMHKBSKTS. PABLOMSKTS. J SOFAS, CHAJKS. WUOL MAITKKSSKH. 11A1B MAT TUKitSKs, and anylbiiig wanted in the line of bit hutinett- homemade and city work Al to, bat made a tpccielity and keep* or, jhaud, the lergett and flnrtl ttock of WALL PAI'KU. Uiealt told at rent.-liable ra'.et, whoioMlle and retail. Give li'm a call before pur -1 b*tu.g eLenberc. febo-ly CENTRE HALL FOUNDRY <sc MACHINE SHOPS Vhe tinderignrd having taken p,ae•, lioti of ihf ilxiirg rtub'itlimral, respect- , fully inform the public that the tame willi he carried on by them in all iu bmnoho a* heretofore. They manufacture the CLl.hbltATED' TRIE BLU£ Cuß* PLASTER, the! heat now made." IIOR.SK POWERS, THESHIVG MA-' CHINKS A SHAKERS. PLOWS.! STuVKs. oVKN DOORS. KETTLE' PLATES. CKLLARUKA.KS. PLOW SHEARS $ MILL GEARING at ? tc,. ry tie.cripiioti, in ahort their Foundry M! complete in every particular. We would call particular attention pr our KXCKLaRofi PLOW, ecknowl to be the bet Plow now in ite, ahifiing in the beam for two or three hor- We alao manufacture a new and improv ed TRIPLE liKAKKI) HORSE POW ER, which bat been ojfeiiaivelv in' the nurthfTQ ah 4 weetern Sutaa, and'haa I taken pre* edrneo over all other*. We arc prepared to do" all kIN I>S OFi CASTING from the large-1 to the amall-; eat. and have facilities for doing all kindai of IRON WORK -urhw PLANING. TURNING, BORING. Act All kind* of repairing done on rhort no- , Itiee. VAN PELT A 3BOOP, jan£Hjr* Centre llall. FURNITURE. , J. C AMP D SON. MILROY, PA. We beg leave to inform perron* going! to hottte keeping, and other# in need "i Furniture, that we h*v a a*ort-| a*ort-| men! of Furniture'on hatui which we are' prepared to tall cheaper than it can be bought elsewhere Corns and bo convinc ed. BEDSTEADS, TABLES. * BUKKACS. WASHSTANDS, CUA* BER S-FTS, WOOD SEAT CHAIRS, CANE SEAT CHAIRS. AC. Jan 22 3ui THE PEOPLE S DRUG STORE. Next door to Wilsou A liiok*'Hani wtti-e wtore, Allegheny St., - BELLEFONTE, PA., R. F. Rankin & Co.. (Successors to Linn Jc WiLon.) DKALK S IN PVMK DHUO& ASD MEDICINES, CH KMICALS. PAINTS, OILS, DYKI STUFFS. VARNISH KM, BRUSH KS. I EKFUMKKY. NOTIOiIK, AND FANCY AKITCLKS K4K THE TOI LET. Ac. for medicinal yanoi^, SHOULDER BRACES, TRUSSES A SUPPORTERS in great variety, A 100, Choice CIGARS AND Tt>HACCO, ai\J all ottior article* usually kept In first da** Drug Store. PRESCRIPTIONS OARKFU Y COMPOUNDED. tf. 11 tine R K KA NEIN Jt CO. WHAT NEXT? Best, cheapest and most delightfully beautiful Magazine in the world. Sent on trial for 10 (Vnl-, or specimen* and the prettiest 91.00 Chromo you oyer xgw. 25 cent* to any one who \vi|l ;ui a club Splendid priie# (Lr club*. JOHN B. AL. RKN. Punlisl.er. Chicago. 111. febl9-3- p.tfeei'Tnil'A ND'HCH-Lett •rs o! | Xj Execution on tho estate of Henry Stowr, lateoflluine* twp , Centre coun ty, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned he request* all parson* indebt ed to said estate to make immediate foty ment, and those having against the 991114 Cl)' I'l'vK'ut (iiem with out delxy ipr'<-ticr oiafor for settlement. "' n ' NOAII STOVER, jan ID Ot. Executor. * MULKS.- M'N'ITTtS liait.i.inukk have constantly on band first class Mules' which they will sell or exchange for Hor* res. at their stables at Milruy,- Pa lldvc. Bu> • NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! A. W GRAFF, CKNTHK HILL, CENTRE CO., PA., Ila* ju*t received * largo invoice of Fall Good*! C'oiuUUiiK of the be*t ataortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING! II'KKSS GOOD* GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, BOOTS A SHOgS, JI ATS A OA PS. AND FANCY ABTIOLKS, over brought to Potter twp. Aim, • large ataortment of C A It P ETS! LOWEST <\AB!f PRICES I JC4T- Produce taken in exchange at bigbett mark el price*. A. W. GRAFF. •nyS-ly. CP EC K'S New Coach. Manufactory. CENTRE HALL, PA. The undesigned liti opened • new e labluhnn-itt, at hit new tbopt, fur the manufacture of Carriages, Buggies, dt Spring Wagons, SLKIoHa ASP BLKU, Plais aid Fascv of *<) description . All rehielH manufactured by him fare warranted U> render tali* fart ion, and a* j equal to any work doiy ei< where. > i lie ute* none but the beat materia], and employ* the mint tkillful workmen. Hence they Batter themaelrea that their work can not be excelled fur durability ! and linith. Order* from i distance promptly attend ed to. t'me tad examine my work befor* I contracting cUcwhere. PRICES REASONABLE. All kind# of Ke|iariog door. I llo! Attention! SAVE MONET! by purcbxlß( Cheap good* at WOLF'S, who ha* Ju*t unpacked a large and *ple&- did stock, > which he ha* deU-rtnined to Mil tcif j cheap, consisting of DRY HOODS and l Print*, Mu.lin*. Opera Canton*, and Welt 1 Flannel*. Ladie* Dm* Good*, tuck a* I lielain*. Alpaca*. Poplin*. Km pre** Cloth, ;Siuwnt. Tameik, lugntlier with a full stock of evnrv thing utualiy kept in tha Urj OokMl* line. NOTIONS: A full dock. ixuikUting part of Ladie* and Childr-a • Merino i(o*e. Collar*, Kid i glove*. bed ouality ailk aud Li*la thread Glove*. Hood*. N ulna*, Break fal shawl*,; *• HATS & CAPS, ! A fUll assortment oi Men * liov * and Children'* ol the latet *t) I* and bed. CLOTHING, Ready made, a choice (election of Men'*, and Boy'iol the newest styles and mod eerviceabl* materia)*. BOOTS & SHOES, WM. WOLF. _ cei|Tre hali> Hardware Store. J. O. DEI SINGER A new, complete Hardware Store ha| been opened by the undersigned in Cen tre Hall, where he it prepared to sell alii kind* of Building and House Furnishing Hardware. Nail*. Ac 1 Circular and Hand Saw*. Taneua K*w*. Wcbbßaw, Clothe* Rack*, a ftU assort - nient of Glass and Mirror Pl** Picture Frnmet, Routes, rollout, and Hub*, table, i Cutlery, Shovel*. Spade* and Fork*, I Lock*,' Hinge* Screw*, S*h Spring*. ilor*e-Sboe*, Nail*, Norway Rod*, Oil*, Tea Bells, Carpenter Tool*. Paint, Vara . who*. Picture* framed in the fined ityle Anything not on hand, ordered upon *hortc*t notice. pot~ Remember, all "d* offered cheap er than elsewhere • ug'iV 73-tf "V"K>Y WABDWABk STORE. J. <fc J. HARRIS. No. 6, BROCKERHOFF ROW. A now and Hardware ktoro ha* been opened by the undersigned In Hrockerholr* now kuilaing—where they are prepared to ell all kind* of Building and House Furnishing Hardware, Iron, Stool, Nail*. I BuggA- wheel* In setts, Champion Clothes Wringer, Mill Saw*. Circular and Hand Saw*. Tennon Saw*. Webb Saw*. Icc Cream Freezers, ftalk Tun*. Clothe* Racks, a ful' assortment of Glass and Mirror V't ot all *U*, Picture Frame*. Wheelbarrows, Lamp*, Coal Oil Lamp*. Helling, Spoke*, Felloes, and Hin*. ; Plows, Cultivators, (.lorn Plows, Plow Points, Shoar Mold Boards and vultiva-i tor Teeth, table Cutlery, Shovels, Spa dee) and Forks Lock*. Sc-rewt, Sash Spring*. lloro-Sl*ivs, NsiU, Norw.J Rods, OU4 iard, l.uhrieatinw, 'Coal LiiisuoL Tanners, Anvil*, Vicea, Ttello-J Screwjrlates, Blacksmiths Too'.*, Fr Hells, Tea Bells, Grindstones. C„ r "22 Tool*, Fruit Jar* and Cant, **•,'„* <sn Varni.be* received and for June6Uß tf. J. Jfc J. HARRIS. 11 Ali DRESSING. . i ßo Viui®[' W? ,0,,T ' s now prepared £ i! Unir Dressing equal to iho bestdon© in the cities and kt lew coat He has had long experience in manufac turing W tgs. ladies Switches, Ourls, Chig nons, &c. Prof. Wright guarantees su perior workmanship iu all kinds of Hair Dressing, and lauies wishing Switches. Chignons ur hair curled, will please call, and aoe our work and judge for themselves. Charges lest than in the city, and the work equal to any. Proi. S. 11. WRIGHT, t f - Centre Hsl). \ DMINISTRATOR'S NOTIUk— ,, J-'Uers of administration on the estate of \Y in \ enada, of Potter twp, dec'd, have been granted to the undersigned, wno re c.uo*W all persons knowing themselves in debted to said estate to niaAe immediate payment and those having demands against the same to present theui duly authenticated by law tor settlement. JOHN P. RUNKU*. fel> 12-Ct. Administrator. ID. MPANGLKR, Attorney-el-Law, • _ lielktouse, Pa. Office with Rush \ Tecum. Consultaliou in English iand Gorman. Collections promptly attend ed to fob6-tf i * ' L Ouggenheliiier. ARRANUKMXNTi Isaac Gbookhhkiiicr, haying purchased the entire atock of th I.U lira of Suaaman A Ouggtiheinor,*z fpt the Loathor andKboefindinga has fillrd up Hia shelvm with a lot of •FLEXDIP SEW GOODS, embracing READY MADECLOTIIINO, dress uoom, it CROCK Rita, provisions, ROOTS A aiiatn, hat* A aw, , ARD FARCY ARTICLES and is row prepared Lu ar*oM*daiil ' bis old customers, aud to welcome *ll oew one* who roar fa Vt ,r bim with their patronage. He feels safe in mt iog that be can please the moat fastidi oua Call *od see. no P. B.—Mr. Sussmao still continues to deal iu "ATM* A YD SHOB-FINDINGB. CLOVER and TIIIOTIIY HKKDH, in the old room, whera he may alway be fouod. 12ap.tf. CENTRE HALL COACH SHOP, LEVI MIR RAT, at hi* e.ubli.Lmeni at Cewvrw UrU, keep. , on hand, and tor a*!*, id th* moat twaotne tie rate*. - it Carriages, Buggies, A Spring Wagons, Plairard Farc*. and rehiciee of erery deacrtpkio* mad ato order, and warranted to ho made e." the , beat aeatoned materiel, end by .h* ai*at •killed end competent workmen. P . *un , wanting anything in hi* line are requwtod to call and examine Ma work, tbey will find It not to be excelled for durability end mays if. I LEVI iruil, 'Notary public, scribncr and CONVEYANCER, CENTRE BALL.fi. Will attend to bdminidering Oath*. Ac knowledgement of Dvedx, Ac, writing Ar ticle* of Agreement, Deed*. Ac, may 14 Gift 6c Flory'i New Shoe Store ! AT CENTRE HALL " ; They have now opeoed, and will constant ly keep on hand, a spirniid clock of nam SHOES, GAITERS A SLIPPERS, for mea, woman and children, from tha best manufactories in the country, and now of fered at lb* , Lowest Prices. BOOTS and SHOES mad* U ardor, upon •hot* notice They iavita the people aw this vicinity to give them a eat!, a* they will drive to merit n share af thnir nai renege. _ _ _ _ EF*"!. 1 1>. n. wilhox. T. a. Hkta W!So*£ HlCfcfc * WHOLESALE RETAIL Hardware aad State Dealers Builders Hardware 1 CARRIAGE MAKERS GOODS, SADDLERS TRIMMINGS, ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. STOVES. SPEAR'S ANTI-CLINKER STOVES A DOUBLE HEATERS whi:h will beat one ar tw-i room* down stair* and *ama number above. Cod vory little more Dan tingle dove*. Thete are the bed parlor (tores mad*. SUSQUEHANNA COOK STOVE. I Thi* dove ha* large oven*, will burn ! hard or tuft coal and wood. Every una warranted to glva perfect satisfaction. WILSON A HICKS, marlft U SaUefome. Pn FUKNITTRE STORK. * 1 tou miaow Borrtt'i BELLEFONTE. PA. GEORGE CtMMYAN„ Dealer in puhhituhx. OA ni.i. KINDf, BEDSTEADS, TAWJaiiCIU Parlor an<l Chamber Set* ' SO?** iOPJf'.re BURHAUS, WAN* riSTAM ' DS TMan t. Particular Aiaawai, mm. ricwiß ft/ to darad Work. l>Wr DOSE PRQMPtI r.. jertakixg, . a AH Ita B ranch oa, -ic, trtuiui, rosewood, abb *• 00 MHO* CASKETS. l*ay on Hand, aad Funeral* Attended I With en Elegant Hearse. , apfitf. r pilK undersigned, determined to meet A the popular demand fvr Lower Prteea. rmpect/Ully call* the attention of the public to hi* stock of SADDLERY, now offered' at the old dand. Designed especially for the people and the time*, tha largest and mod varied and complete as sortment of Saddles, Harness, Collar*, Bridle*, i Y , er l description and quality; Whips, and in !hot everything to complete a first class establishment, he new offer*at price* which will suit the times JACOB DINGKB, Cents* Halt J. ZELLER & SON DRUGGISTS No 6 Brockerhoff Row, Bcllefont t Pg Dealer* In Dr<m Chemicals, Perfttmery, Fancy tieada dfcc., dfcc. Pure Wines and Liquor* for medical purposes always kept may 1. 72. JAN. M'MAN US, Attorney at Law. ♦I Be 1 lefonte, promptly attend* to all business entrusted to him. jui&'Mti BUTTS HplE BELLKFONTE, PA. JB. BUTTS, ProiPr. Hu first cktsa accommodation; chart; - ag reasmia "*>*, tt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers