TttK CENTRE REPORTER THURSDAY KKB 2fi., 18T4. LOCAL ITEMS. l)ur friends will oblige by sending us items ot local news In their locality, giy u* the facts only, and we will put them in shape, also notices of deaths and marri- Any one sending us the names ofti* new subscribers, with the cash, will be entitled to receive the tUronric* on a year free Tlie Itvronvan being mad by nenily everybody on this side of the county, where It has a larger circulation than any two paper*, will be found the best nielnini for advertising business, salee. Ac. Ac Some follow stole corn from the crib of the editor. May the Ijord bless him with cornU) stiough on his toes that ha need not trouble the core In our crib again. The revival in the Methodist church, in this place, is still going on. and has resulted in quite a number of conversions. /"Rev. Leek if, assisted by Rev. Gslbraith, j from Indians, csnduct the services. Messrs. Krumbine fit Grossman hsvs bought out lha furniture establishment of J. O. I>eininger, in this place, and will carry on the business at the old stand, and have put down the prices of See their advertisement /j •—Mr. Henry Witner sho'snd us a large hen-egg the other day, measuring 7 by t 1-8 inches in circumference. —The grangers, we are informed, have adopted a resolution that no one who is not actually engaged in farming as his occupation, can be admitted as a member This is a pretty broad hint that members of that class had better withdraw, as not being wanted any longer. Will such take the hint ? —James Kttinger, a son of widow Kt ' linger, of Aaror.sburg, whilst at play, in the barn, on last Monday evening, fell from the loft and broke his arm. Snow again on last Wednesday morning. —lf you want five dollar* worth of in formation and entertainment, go and hear Jaines Duncan's lecture, at Spiing Mills, *n Saturday evsning, 28th. —List of officer* elected in Heine* iwp.llth Judge, A Dutweiler—ln spectors, Cbas Bower—Jonath Krape.— School Directors, |John C Stover. Jacob Vonada, J T Oobssrw.—Bpervieor, Sam- I Book, ' Jacob Bower, jr.— Constable, Jacob 1 Ketnor.—Townclerk. Ross Bell.- Justice. ' JJ JT Mingle.— Assessor Jacob Hcsterman —Assistant Assessors, Henry Fiedler, 1 Mich eel Bower ' . List of officers elected in Pcnn, 17th inst t Supervisors —Frank Bowersex, \N R Welsev—lnspectors, B O Deiainger, D E tientsel.—Shoot Directors,J Gentr.el, Em Kersteter. — Assessor A Zerby.—As sistant Assessors, John Smith, A Alexan der.—Auditor, Jacob KepharC—Constable Sarn'l OUOL— Judge, D L Zerby. 1 want to be a granger. And with tbe granger's stand. Hayseed upon my forehead. And a plow within my hand. Saw LicumsLA*.- A new license law has been, or is about to be, introduced in to the Legislature The first section re peals all eaLtlng Local Option laws; the second places a uniform license fee •hrossgnout the (Mate, in three classes ' Set 1 , the second *l5O, and the third S3OO. u v e fourth section repeals all eating house licea.^* ytWho folio u lli * r ** H,rl 4,1 lLe Centre Hall Grammar school for the month ending Feb., Pupils in attendance S5. Percent o/ attendance I The following were present ••> roH j call:—Flora Bitner, Liaxie Arcey, Allie Hoffcr. Cora and Agnes Hurray, Allen Erhard. Willie KurU and Willie Kich ard. P- J- LEITZMX, Teacher.^ Last Saturday evening a week ego, as Mr. Anthony Deabler, was on his way from Lock Haven to his home in Brush VatL-y, he was attacked by three men and robbed of twenty dollars. One of the par ty presented a revolver and told him to deliver his money, and Deahler searched lue his revolver, when the second one caught him by the throat, and then the three men robbeu him, and not being con test with Uus. they knocked bitn sense lass, and was fouad in about an hour af terward, by some teamsters, who were on the road across the mountain. The rob bery was committed on the Brush and T turnpike, near what is knowu as Fett'ru' Mill- — Register. / The following are the officers o: the Bennertwp. Grange, which was organoid lAh last. Master, Richard Conley. Esq ; Over seer, Joseph W Marshall j lecturer, J P s bert; Steward, David Loferj s .' -d, Uriah Stover; Chaplain. George "> ,**" vch ; Treasurer, Robt. Hender iTn Zreu V UunU >" O * U Hughes; Pomona. *•"- T Jane W Shivery ; Lad/**"^" 1 Mi.ribs Henderson. A Grange was also organic™ ,n -P r ' r 'B twp , with the following officer* : Master, P M Weaver ; Overseer", j"- iam T Tibbens ; Lecturer, P S Steward, J S Mueser; AssisUnt Steward, Josepn Ross; Chaplain, David K Hoover, Treasurer, W J Dale; fiUereta-y, C Dale, Jr. ; Gate Keeper, Henry Smith ; Ceres. Mary M.Dale; Pomona. JMS C Roth rock; Flora, Kate M Dale; Lady Assis tant Steward, M artba J Bsuiabatt. Mr. P. F. Keller near Centre Hall hau the fingers of his left hand smashed! by accidentally getting mntaet -wbh a pair ef cojjtb♦cK' Our amiable friend Mr. C. Z. HoflTer has been trying to cultivate the musical u .'ent of old Virginia during a recent visit to tha * *t*te. that is right, Christ, go in, may you' enter upon the same field of ac tion when TO" "*> th#t ' ute - ,nd may your' effurt b * crowned with success. One of the Medisonburg schools is now held in the hotel, isd the other in a vacant store room, but that is no sign that the scholars and teacher should contract habits of intemperance or become mer chants. John Ploughman once said: *1 never knew a good horse which had not aoiue odd habit or other, and I never yet saw minister worth Us wit, who had not some crochet or oddity. Now, these are the bits of cheese that cavillers smell cut and nib ble'at; this man is too slow, and another i too fast ; tha first is too flowery, and the tseeond >* too dull. Dear me, it all God s e*slAAf*' were judged in this way, we v ould WjUgfVf tlove's neck for being too •" shoottiefobbM frr eating spider', Ume ' -rows ten iwiopng tiftiT na killthe c BOt Miijc. When a the hens for ,*4 dog ji.e cajp oon find man want* to b. • rate auv hav* a stick, and at tbi. -imt IM best minister something to say ag* in England.', . „ „ - . u "ring Mill*, Sale of O. P. Karick, 8s March 17, farm stock and bouaebo March Henry Breon'ssale, Harris twp., - ' Jacob Dingos' sale, of farm stock, Centre Hall, March 'it. Sir John M. Miller's sale of person al property, at Spring Mills, M Brc h/21. Sale of personal property of John Love, dee'd, Potter twp , March 6 Sale of real estate or Nicli. Uecner, M George Jordan's .ale, Potter twp. farm stccA. March 24. u rc Sale ef personal property of M - Johanna Kurt*, at Aaronsburg, Saturday, bJLebold. lUrch dth. •dum— ■sent. WANTED—AT CENTRE MILLS, GO) RUSHELS SHELLED CORN, for which FIFTY SIX CTS- per Buthel in JWM? *""" **"' b sr TBKONS I Jas Duncan, a native of Aareiu bnrg. and who has traveled all over the world, will lecture in hc Presbyterian church, nt Serine Milh, on Saturday even ing, nest, '2Bth. inn favored our office With :i visit on Tueedty, end entertained in about one hour with what he had seen nnd gone through, in eight years of travel over the world. In order to ascertain whether ho had really traveled tome. w questioned him upon ( copies, and coun tries, and tribe*, and seas, and mot n'aitis, and found lie knew and had soon all wo ashed him about, and a vast deal more We could listen to hi* talk one whole week, so full of interest it it. Ho wat in Africa, India, Arabia, the Cannibal and other islands, and innumerable other pla cet, wat ahipwrecked, and twice told into slavery. We have nodoubt but whet his lectures are a rich treat, well worth the ad mission. The newspapers of Lewitburg, Williaiuaport, Lock Haven, and other towns, where he has lectured, speak highly of Mr. Duncan't lecture*, ami at Jamea it a native of this valley, let hit old acquein- i tance* turn out to hear him, they will be ' amply repaid by hi* interesting lecture. A KKM UV ttii.K ROOM.-— ln W right'* I History of Terry county, page Vio'-V t* mentioned a remarkable room a* follow* "Thi* is a room in the house now occu pied by Francis Gibson, Rq , Spring twp., Terry county, Ta., in which occurred the birth* ot John B. Gibson, Chiel Justice of the Supreme Court, of Tennty 1 vsnia, tieorge Uibtou, Commissary of the Cniled States, Dr. John Uernheisel, the Mormon who first represented the Mormons its Con* Cre*. Hon. John Biglrr, Governor of Cal ifornia, from !802 to ISa\ and Hon. Win Bigler, Governor ot Tenusyluania. from IS.U to IS,V>, still living in Clearfield, Ta. ' Is there any other room in the State that can mak> a claim to fbrnithiag the birth place of so many prominent persons * — .Vru- Wnd visit our school."' The foregoing ere the content', r trbatim /■t literatim- f tine f the feaubfir* on the other side of the mountain, received rym qua of the patrons of his school, the following note: "Eye don't want my aon to study any thing but Reading and Writing and Keth mat ek this winter." He is evidently one of tba men who signed the petition to abolish tba Superintcndency. W'e l:s'l the extreme pleasure of meeting "Brevities'' ftc other eve, ha looks as pleasant as ever after bis see struggle jfith "Amor.*' A Jog Wiivtic/ 1 HULKS yon Cuuacu Ooaa*.— MM tua adopu? *f the new constitution for the governmental thesUte we recommend some rules below, ft> dlffr#nt classes of church goers : Youxo GKNTLIMKS, (If there be any mora of that commodity) Ist Never chew your tooth-picks in tha presence of the looks so much like pretending you were boarding at a first-class hotel. 2nd. When driving to church, never pass through the isles with your long whip* at shoulder-arms, it tickles naughty urch ins and makes anglers thiuk of trout-fish ing. thus diverting their atleutioo froin ' fishers of nec" Don t join use church door bregade, at! the cioae of services, military tactics are onlv needed am the frontiers now. You no M IME— Don'I keep throwing your eyes to see the bonnets, ribbons, shawls, dresses and trails, you will miss tha te*t and sermon, and if ever yau bo coma mothers, there'll k c danger of your having cross-eyed children Paraa—Make your boys sit in the same pews withyourselve*, His worth half docag coi stables in keeping order. MAMAS- Don't Uke your babies to church, they are the original family or gani, whose music is not suited for church es. Mixtsvaaa-A dull sermon of 26 min utes has one msfit—kwilf- 2nd. A good sermon 0! 30 ih'mo tea, lias two merits—gocd and short —this fills tha requisite on an average. Japanese Peas—2oo Bushels to the Acre. SOMETHING NEW. Farmers and Gardners Read this. Agents wanted to sell the Jupauese Peas These pvfce have recently been brought to this country from Bn jf, P r ove to be the finest Pea known fur tublu use or for stock.—They grow In the/oymofa bit*-, front fit 5 feet high, and do not re quire asking. Tbey yield from one quart to * a#jlon of pea* cr A -umpie package, ).ljftt will prouUC# from 5 to 10 buahela of pea*, yitb circuliri giv i ing Uftf) to Agents, and full rfiwtion* as •*r the UMre ana manner of planting, will . wbt. postpaid, to any one desiring to bo * Agent, uu receipt of 60 cents. Ad drosY ■*' K GbitfKPT. L'eveland, Tenn. dr>ubiing or bend ing out, making almost a long union with a' distinct joint at the central point of union, on which the bodies hinge freely. Thi* joint i* somewhat similar to, but not *o complicated at at the elbow. Tbe baud ai the smaller part baa a circumference of nine inches, and when Uie link was stretch ed, and the twins were stood as far apart as possible, there wat a space of eight inches intervening. Yesterday the skin of each body was cut through posteriorly, and thrown back from the baud and ad . scent structures, exposing superficial and deep fascia or fatly tissues in the rectus muscle of each. The great question of) whether they cauld have been separated in lite was Settled iti the Negative, by various abdominal sections which war* made. Tba peritoneum or uietnbrannut lining of the belly in each was found to en ter tbe band, and four pouches er cuts ie sae overlapped each other at tbe centre of the band. The moat marked feature here was the presence ot two uch pouches from the body of the larger brother, Chang, the upper one shorter lhantho low er, but each lapping ene from above and the other from below the single pouch of Eng. An aluioat exact idea of the ar raugeuient of theec cuts-Jc sac may be ob tained by holding tbe drat joint of the fore linger between the thum and linger of the other hand. The Astounding and Curious Fact waa developed that a liue passing down! the centre of the band would sever all three of these prolongations, and open the perilonital cavity of each Us er. If the knife had beeh used in life, death would have therefore most probably, if net ne-' cessarily, resulted. The examination yesterday and lart night also showed that there was a portal! or liner circulation through the heart, as? was seen from the passage of (he injecting i matter used in embalming. Tbe abdom inal organs lie in close contact with these pouches, but are not continuous unto them. To-day mutt important investigations will take place by making deep tedium into the band with the view of ascertain ing the umbilical oonnediout, bearing on physieloigcal manifeautiont in the foetal life of beings. THE RECORD OK DR. LIYJNIi- STUNE. A Foreign Office despatch leaves no longer any ruoiu for doubt of the death ot Dr. Livingstone, this hero oi science, so heroically discovered two years ago by your held countryman, Mr. Stanley. The newt comes direct fauiu Lieutenant Cameron, whose Livingstone Relief Ex pedition has been nobly prosecuting iu tesrch for the great traveller only to meet with the news of his death. Livingstone bad returned to the scenes of his first discoveries. Whether he had actually traced or disproved the connec tion of the great obaia of southern lakes with the vast lakes on the equator we shall know when Lieutenant Cameron comes home. It is oct vol kaowa how far Livingstone had succeeded in putting what be regard ed as the finishing truifc (9 his labors. If. as seems not improbable, be wa# on bis way home, he may actually have bad jjrith him the crowning discorery, and died with the Nile secret in bis hand. It will be remembered that after Mr. Stanley found him at Ujiji, at the end of 1871, Dr. Livingatono and the adventurous Ameri can correspondent made a j >urney to the , northern end of Tanganyika, and found that lh Biu l ** river gowed into, and not out of, the said Xbii 4V" covery seemed to prove that the lake sys tem which be had asplored and described was not a part of the fountain-beads of the mysterious river. But whether Livingstone died after hav ing completed his task or not, his fame is by no means dependent on completing the discovery of tba Nile's sources. Thej world owes to him most of the information which has caused the great blanks in tb l maps of Central Africa to be filled. When be went out to labor as a missionary l among the Kcchuunas in 1840, the region north of his field of action and south of the Equator was unknown. He has added over a million square miles to our geo graphical knowledge, and has opened the j dark contre of Africa to the light of knowl edge and civilisation. JJe may be just'y I called one of the greatest benefactors of humanity. J£6 YPT- Invasion by the Sultan of Darfour. London, February lb.—A diipatch froni| Khartoum, dated February 14th, ays : Tlic h)Ufl of Darfour invaded Egyptian territory wear Rhrel (ratal and captured a number of slave*. l"te Egyptian ((over nor, rteebia, gave battle. The fighting lasted lit hours, and resulted In the dis pering of the Sultan'* army, which wa* ten thousand strong, capturing four gun* and the killing of Vetir and many chief-. INDIAN CAMP BROKEN UP. Wuiugum, *f<;bqary JS.—The war department baa advice* (rW T'f M M ,Bt Lieut. Col- Ruvll, with a commend con r tilting of CV* I), and (J., lOtb cavalry, and fifteen Tanka scout*, struck a small camp of Comanche* >n a double moun tain fork on the 6th inst., and killed ten Indians and captured all their stock, con sisting of sixty-four horses. *T4 A Severe Engagement Havana, February 17.—A heavy en gagement lias taken place in the central department, of which Havana journal* givo tie fallowing account: Gen Uascones, with 3.00U men ai.f fityf of " rti " er J attacked the main force of insurgent* pear Naravjo. The latter wore 6,00) Itrong un dor Marquis Santa Lucia, Cuban cotnman dey-j#>'bief. The lattle lasted seven houri &0.4 ill the success for Gen Basconc?. The Spfijlnr,4* Iflit fifty killed a4 one hundred am) four wounded The rebels tmit o prisoney*. T)/,?"" lo '• not ' given. The ineurgapU in (be ventral de partment arc setting fire U, ftrHl hoyeev in alt directions Gen. Burrlel has salted Tor Spain. |1 he Emperor of Austria has left St. Pe £etpb#rg for Moscow. J A PAN KNK AND INDIAN NOTJfcS Th# Bangkok (Slant) Advertiser of N vei lr 111 gives an account of the re. <-i I c second coronation ol the King of Stan ll* ai orl|inlly rriu4 on the decrai j ofhis father, hut hauiK then vary jroun he could not undertake the IUI* charge the Government until ha became of gi ] which was in September last I'riortoth 0 ( ceremony Hit Majesty had to divrsl him J. *lf ol all (hoar of royalty lor a ierti ~, number of days and to oilU tale tn the loin K | |U a* a Buddhist pi lost, r . The Advertiser *ay* of the corouatioi u ceremonies p. About Ave a. ni the Siamese noble* am oOU-ial* began to assemble wtlhin the i-a 1 ~ ace wall*, and before sit a. tu. the cere monies began. A temporary throne wa l _ erected in the Totig Pra-ong, on whicl 111* Majesty was seated ('onsetrated wa ter in a golden howl wa* presented to hiiu with which he wet his head, aud a thuwci ' bath thoroughly drenched hi* person Water was poured upon lit* Majesty by ■ * Buddhist priest, and some ot the relatives I of the King completed the bathing cere ' monies. All the water used wa* supposed to posses* tome special virtue, aud had n beou brought from different place*. Al ter having arrayed himself in reral ap parel, Hi* Majesty ascended the octagonal . throne, when the sword and sceptre and other insignia of sovereign power were de livered to him, aud froui that moment he was the supreme ruler ot Statu. The Calcutta Overland Mall announce* that Mine. Arabella Geddard gave the first concert at Madr* recently. The Japan Mail says The Government has taken very dect , siv# steps te slop the rabbit mania which j set in some mouths ago, and has imposed taxes upon the keepers ot the animal* which haa made them regret their pur | chases. j. The Japan Mail also publishes a transla tion of a recent edict regulating the native newspaper press, from whiji it appears I that— In case they have no bad tendency, the; r following subjects are admissible in news paper column* Kitraurdiuary natural occurrence*, fire*, war, price*, produce, : trade, birth*, death*nd marriages, official notification*, literature, manufacture*. 1 amusement*, clothing, land and house*, translations of foreign writing*, miscella neous foreign news, and other unimportant; (public matter*. NJ newspaper may be established without official authorisation. It is prohibited to attack the constitution of the Government, to di*cus* the laws, or to cast obstacle* in the way of the work ing of national institutions by the persi* tent advocacy of foreign ideas. It is for- I' bidden to append uncalled-for reinarkt te ' the laws. Ac , which are published in the 1 .papers. Moral teachings must not be in-j trodured in such away a* to injure and ' obstruct the Government. It is forbidden to disturb or demoralize the uiiud* of the 1 jpeeple. It is forbidden to denounce man ' I for crimes on the faith of groundless ru- < ; mors. Editors must not take it upon 1 ihtmtelt es to publish remarks upon offi- 1 cials during their term of office, or their 1 iofficial conduct, or even anything, how • ver trilling, which is connected with for eign intercourse. All error* which may,' have been made must be rectified. The ' editor is responsible for giving explana i lions in regard to any matter upon which '* lit may be necessary to question hiin. The English papers published in Japan ' are a* a rule well printed and well sup- ' ; plied with local new*. Prominent among * these is the Japan Mail. The Siamese pa- * per from which si have quoted is appar- 1 lently a new venture, but it ha* already I competitors in the field. The East Indian < papers do not seem up to the same mark 1 as those published in Yokohama and ** liong Keng, but, on the whole, journalism ' in the East seem* to be far more advanced 1 than is generally supposed. TEKRIBLE DESTITUTION. New York, February A young wo- c man of twenty-five and bar infant child * ; were found yesterday nearly froxen to ■ I death in a snowbank near the railway sta- 1 tion at White Plain*. Both were insensi- 1 ble. Stimulant* revived the mother, when i the told • pitilul story of distress, hunger r and suffering She is the daughter of a. t 'wealthy New York merchant, but married ) a coachman against her father's w ill, She t started yeslsrday to walk from Mount 1 hi ico to New York, being entirely desti- ( lute, and would bare perished in the storm f had not the litutly succor arrivvd The t husband died some time ago. Her child ( will die from exposure. , ln order to increase the circulation ef the REPORT IK. we make the following of fer to our subscriber*: Any on* of our subscriber* (can have the REPORTER for tint year, for jI.TS by forwarding u* the nam* of a new subscriber at the! satng ' price, and sending us the Cash in ad vance for the two. This is a belter offer than made by the paper* which give 5 and 10 cent Chromos a* premiums. THE "GOD IN THE CONSTITUTION" AMENDMENT. The House Committee In Congress or. the Judiciary reported, on a petition for the acknowledgment of Almighty Slid (lie Christian religion in th* Constitu tion," that. |L : |>on examination oflba mesgreoeoeies by the f#tk*r* of the republic in the ceu v*ntion which framed the Constitution, we find that the subject of this njemerial gas most fully and carefully considered, j and tliaf the Convention decided, after grave delibsiatien to which the subject was entitled, that in thiscounliy, thefoun . dation of whose Government tb*y ?er* laying, was to be the home of the oppress ed of *ll nation* of the earth, whether Christian or pagan, and full realisation of th* dangers which the union between church and slat* has imposed upon so many nations of the Old World, with great unaniinjty thgf it was inexpedient to put 1 anything into the CotistlUitlonJor frame ofj Government which might be construed to be a reference to any religious creeds or doctrines; and wo further find that this decision was accepted by our Chris Man. fathers with suuh great unanimty that in, the amendmends which were afterwards j proposed in order te make th# Constitu- lion more accei>table to the nation, none baa ever been propoaed to the Stale* by üboh taiia wie determination of the father* ha. Lm gifeippted to be übnngedt wherelore, your Committee report that 11 i* inexpedient to logialate upon the aubject of the memorial, and aak that tliey bo ui eliaracd from lb# further conaideration hereof. The coraeapondent of the London Daily Jl'twt oil ll|c h|ngton, February 20.- The Senate has at last pun op eg a vo*a uli tl)* dlff.- 1 question of bank note Inflation, and by a majority of three adopted the instructions of Mr. Merritnon, of North Carolina, to the Finance Committee to bring in a bill increasing the volume of the currency s4j,tiiJUjUUo, or to proyidp that its limit shall Le s4oo,C*r,l Cp. Tie 1 v >tiv 0 strength of the ii flationists and re.ump tiojiisJj jyas twenty-eight to twenty-flye. Chris'.. HoffVr and Wni. ,\tll Uft j with their team*, last Turela.v, r route 1 for Virginia >■ OBITUARY. | t K > ik William l.unalilo. „ <>n the 3rd of thi* mouth King l.unalil of the Sandwich Islands, died at hit pa ,g ace at halios, on the Island ol Hawaii, i t>f ' bronchial disease, which had throatene his life (or several months previous. II lr death, therefore, was not altogdhor unei i|. pected. Ihe now* was brought to Sa in Francisco by the Australian mall stean i j ship City of Melbouroe,'which touched i Honolulu on her way cast. „ King l.uualilo was boin about the yea iNi i, and was a native Sandwich islandei j He was a • outin |ef the late King Kama j. hamcha V . but, owing lu his exceeding 1.1 ly dissipated habits, he was rarcl; is thought ol before the death of that person I, age at on# ever likely to succeed to tht ~ throne "I'rince Bill," as he was familiar ly called by the foreigners residing ti r Honolulu, was very popular with the las mentioned class for the rate and frecJou , of his inaiilier. It has been related of hill , that, in his days of privacy, it was not a . all an unusual thing for him lo be picket 1 up in a most undignified state of into sic* I tioii in the streets of Honolulu. "I'rince Bill" owed his title of king U . the iseglet lof his predecessor, Kaiueha , inelia V., to appoint as it was hit duly un. i Jer the constitution of Kauiehameha 111. . t > do, a successor Kamehauieha died on the lllli of December, 1872, after a reign ol I uiue years. Failing to name bis successor Jan interregnum occurred, and the Legia . latine was called together by the acting Council of Kegoncy to elect a king or queen to govern the country. The Legislature mot on January V, 1873, and on Ibal day "I'rince Bill" wa)elected, and was crown | cd King of Hawaii under the title of Lu jualilol. Previous to the assembling of this Legislature its legal authority to elect king was denied by a large and intelli gent element of the population, whose de sires at that time was lo establish a new, i independvnl home government in which ' the people should have additional privi lege* in the selection ot a ruler. Howev er, "Prince Bill " was elected, and no op position was manifested to his elevation : l'he principal incident of his rather uu : eventful reign was the report extensively circulated several months sgo that oar Government w as contemplating the annex alien of the islands to the Lulled States, and that again a certain Hawaiiac harbor' was to be ceded to the United Stales. If a late letter from Honolulu is to be credited the death of King Luualito hat been due to continued dissipation. U had long been a sufferer from -iterate, and when his doctor advised "stimulants," I but in moderate quantiea, Kibg Lunalde drank to excess and steadily. At the turn the letter referred to was wtitten —December 18-he was at Kallua, whith er he I ad gone for the sake of hit health It w*s a disappointment te the people lo tee this prince, who was popular, and of 1 whom great hopes were entertained, a lit- 1 tie more than a year ago whan be ascend ed tbe throne, thus nrutraltxing hit power -' for good and hasten tug his end by diasi- 1 patien. Immediately upon the newt of Kiug Lu- I ualilo t death becoming know n the Cabi- I net met, and a meeting of the National ' Council was ordered lor February 12 to 1 take into consideration tbe condition ol ' tbe affair* of Hawaii. The telegraph 1 mention* as the two prominent candidates ' for the crown David Kalakaua, who it nut 1 related to the late King, but it a descend- 1 ant of the high chiefs of Mani and Hawaii- - in chiefs, and tjueen Emma, the widow of 1 King kamehameha 1 Y (Jueen Emma it ' ihirty-aeven year* old, and became a wid- ' aw on the death of Kamehameha IV in ! I Mil. Her maiden name was M;tt Kn--ke Bho visted this country a few years ago riie portion ol the cuinmu nity of ' Honolulu would be glad lo sc* her elected ' but there i* no probability of this rosull in ' new <>f the candidature of DaviJ Kalaka- 1 na, whose choice U considered a foregone L-oocfusion. Kalakana is a Very inleili- ' Kent man. and net long ago he published ' a letter in the Commercial Advertiser, of 1 Honolulu, in which he expressed the most liberal sentiments, showed himself to be tbe friend of the United Stales, snd de rlarcd himself unreservedly in favor of 1 the immigration of foreigners into the is- ' lands. Another possible candidate for the throne is Mrs Pan ah i Bishop, whose hus band, C U Bishop, it a banker and the ' present Hawaiian Minister of Foreign Af-jl fairs. The intelligence from Honolulu is ' to the effect that there would be a sever* conlstl in the Legislature—it% of course, i decided bv this time—over the candidate brought before it. FIVE MKN KILLED. A Terrible Scene bv Night in Michi gan—Five Men Literally Blown lo Tiecttt while s'iepaing t>u*lin to uae for a Sand-B'wat. Gaxetle Office, Houghton' Mich. Feb. 15. —On last briday evening, about 71 o'- clock, a tciribieaccident occurred at the Phoenix mine, in Keweenaw county, two! miles from Eagle river, the origin o! which will probably never known. Four miners and subordinate underground officer wer* preparing in an apartment of a building On the location, occupied by the mining captain a his office, a quantity j of dualin, to use in making a "sand-bla-t' in uie mine. The men were taking the i dualin—JOOp 'unds-froui It* orginal pack-; nge, and transferring it to a bag, when the explosion took place. Besides th; , there wore three keg* of powder in lh#j I poop) Three of the men were handling * tbe explosive, the fourth was holding aj ! lighted candle, while the fifth man I ! stood looking on when the explosion oc curred. The house was shattered to atoms snd the men literally blown to pircea. Captain John Hoatson, underground sup erintendent of the mine, was in his office. au adjoining room, at the time, aaated at hi* de*k, and wa* struck by aonis of the Dying tnitiilea on the left side of the head and face, receiving such Injuries that be died. A MILITARY MUTINY IN PERU Panama, February 12. —On tho night of tho "Jolli ult. a riot auior.g tho soldiers of the Barrack* of .Hail Francisco took plan in Lima. ft *ccuj* tho regiment became dis satisfied at being continually refuted leave to go out-idc, and a certain number deter mined to make their escape. 4 desperate alt net vj nt niado by the mutineers on the gate of tho barrack*, and a tire *m opened and returned at abort range. The guaeff atood firm ; the belter dopoaed men turner on their inaurgent comrade*, and after an hour'* rcaiatance the rebel* laid down their arm* Thirteen were killed in the action and thirty wounded. Kxce*ive drill ia •aid to have been the eauae of thi* affray. The (joviitnniaiit baa ordered a oourt of 111. qulry. BU BNO.H A Y It KH SCOU KG ED Asiatic Cholera Making Terrible Ravage* —Thirty to Forly Victims Per Day—The People Fleeing fiom the City, Aijvjcrs by the steaiuar Irom Bueno* Ayroa, Just arrived at Now Yrk, aj' that the Asiatic cholera U raging there with intensity, claiming fioiu thirty to forty victim* per day. The total number of death* attributed to lliia terrible scourge amount* thu* fur to 30). Fifty thousand people had HOandened thoir Input** i" |ht city to seek refuge in the open country, The President of tho B 'public had al' fled tho contaminated city for a henllhiei residence on the Island of Tarapachay Tliia act of Sunnieiito is unfavorably com j uuptjjd JjJ'Ufj b 7 The insurrection In Nagaaki, Japan, i -pleading and thu aituation it coii>iderM , j critical. Tjie insurgents arc advancing o ' that city and the foreign residents are pri 'paring to leave. ITIIK OKA NO KB* AND TKMPI AN UK Topekn, Kan., Feb. 19 At a moetii 10, | of the State Grange to-day restitutio •I- 1 woro adopted requesting the Kama* l,r of ialature to pan a prohibitory liquor la odand declaring that no person who retai lo liquor thai) bo admitted to the order , alt i declaring that the greatest good and higl an eat ha|>pii>-at of an enlightened, virtueu in- and proaporout people, aro the legitime at re*ulu of a thorough and practical cduci ; lion diffused among the luaaact CLASSIC KKMAINS DESTROY F.D. . A correapondent of the tyrant llrritlt JJ. j writing from Messina, lauiciitatho lamuvi lyj and deatruclion of thoae claaflic reman „. which touie twenty-fire yeara ago all i,| adorned the aite of the ancient town t r . i Pompeyopolia Yiailing the tile at Porn in ; neyopolii about ten year* ago the write tl ' itatea that ttie walla of the ancient city, th ui | Acropolis and Other odiflcta, and alto th ID | lomaii.t ot a trnall mole, which in th ,1 i ourte ofcenturies had been fllle.l up will J ( aaioi Pur tome yaara part the inhabitant l. ,of Mratina have Utilised thete tnlerratilq I remaina of antiquity aflc- a lasbioti wbicl cannot fail toeicile horror among arcbae ologiaU. The tile o( the ancient town hai been retorted to aa a convenient quarry foi I. bui Id itig ttonea, and, indeed, there it now „ tcarcely a houte in Messina of which tin tfj walla are not built with the finely polished r marbles of Pompeyopolia. The recenl . erection at Meraina of a lighl-houte, i U moaque, and of an agency for the Meaaa „ genet Mariiimot, and the repairing oftbs ~ streets, have abaorbed every vettage oflhr ancient tow n, with the exception of a mar . ble t-olonade, which hat hitherto been . spared only because it* columnt were noi I to well adapted foi building propotea at I tbe block* of etune and marble which were torn front the surrounding edifice*. The . tupply of the letter materials, however, having been exhausted, it will probably ! not be long before these columnt are bro , kcii up and transported to another apot. The latt trace of the ancient town of Pom peyopolia wilt thus have ccated le exist • • liarritburg, Fubruery 19, 1871 ln the Monte, th is atternoon, the assertion wet made that a large amount of money Wat , being raited by assessment in the various i banks to pats the usury bill. Circulars had been sent by Mauri Sander* and j Gibbons to various banks. The names of bankers hero were attached, which lbey pronounce a* unauthorised end forgeries, ■ land denounce the attempt A Special Committee, consisting of; Messrs. Young, Orvis and McCreery were appointed Ut investigate the uieltor. a ooxli vridh'odn j The im|K>rtence of careful Co ng rets ion a) punctuation w as strongly illustrated re- j < wntly at tbe meeting of the Ways and! Meant Committee, where it was shown list a comma in one piece w*i worth |i|,> UUO.UUt) In the larifTbill whioh went Into effect August 1, 1872, it will be remetnber ,ed that the free list was extended by the . addition of several hundred articlee. Among the number added was "fruit ( plants, tropical and semi-tropical," fer tbe i purpose of propagation and cultivation. I lu engrossing tbe bill, or in the process of** copying it for official printing, acomma was ' inserted after 'fruit,' and ail fruit was there- i by placed upon the free list. The customs 1 officers, however, not noticing the change, continued to collect duties on fruit until the error was discovered. The Wars and Means Committee have agreed to report e bill l<> remove the comma, in accordance ' with the intent of the law of 1872.—The 1 amount ol lax illegally collected u not far ' from f-\t©,(Wo Plv i wjoN on a bill partly reatoriug 1 the franking privilege occupied a conaid- < crahle portion of lha session of tbe llouee j en 19 The bill permits the free distribution . of public documents and seeds furnished i by the Agricultural Department, end also ' the free exchange ot newspapers, a* well \ as free delivery pf papers to subscribers ] within the county. This is a virtual res ' to rat ion of the privilege except as regards j letters trom and lo Congressmen, heads of departments, postmasters, Ac. The prin cipal argument urged in ite behalf is that , nothing has been saved by the repeal, J while the people miss their documents. Severe fighting has been going on in Biscay between the Cerlists end the re-,I publicans Tbe Cerisls bate taken the ' lowtrof Yinaroa, in Valencia Information has reached Calcutta, that 1 several persons have died from famine in the district of Napcul. MARRIAGES Oa 19th Feb. in Pine Grove Mill*, by Ktr. M G. Karbart Mr. Daniel W. Mcy •r* and Misa Emma Stover, both of Harria Ofp. At the residence of Michael Decker, near Pollers Mill, Feb. 12. Mr Joseph M Gilliland to Mia* Annie K Slahl, both ot Can ire co On tbestb init, Mr Samuel L Comer,of Renovo, and MUM M Kila COX, of Plea ant Gap. At the residence oi the Bride* Parent), on the *;iih tn*t, by Rev J A Hriifat, Mr Francis Krabt offiublersburg Pa, to Mm Jennie Jackaon of Zian Pa. On 19. Daniel Keen, of Poller twp., and Mr*. Lichty, of Pleasant Gap. On 19, Jeremiah Shrrfflor of Old Fort, and Aggie Runkla, of Cenlie Hill. On 17, by Rev P Hahm. D I) Mr Cyrus Bright, and Mi** Kinma. daughter of \Vm SVoyar, both oi Aaronfburv, DEATHS On in Mileatwp., Mr Daniel Ri*hcl, teed 8 year*. On IV, in Potlcrlwp., Mr Adam Rankin, a (ted W yeara. BE LLKFONTEMAJuT ETS. White tVheat $1 60, Ked 116 ...Rye 70 Corn 60 ....Oai* 86 Barley (ML 70 Clorcrseed 4,60 Potatoes 60 Lard per pound 8 Pork per poundo6 Butler3o Egg*lW Plaater pertnn sl6 Tallow 8 Bacon 10 Ham 16 Lard per pound ll cenu Uuck shout 06 eta Fiour per barrel re tails, 50... wholesale 7,35 to 7,60 MILROY MARKETS Corrected by John M'Dowel. Grain Merchant. White wheat 1,60.... Re J wheat 1 46....Rye 0 Corn 60 Oat* 86 Barley HO Cloruraced 4,00 Tintyothyicod, &0........ Salt 2 25 per sack, - Bacon 7c Han 16 Buttei 517... Egg* •J) Plaater 9 60 Chestnut Coal per Ton $6.76 Storo Coal per Ton $•". 50. Eft* Coal per Ton tjfr.Mi Limeburnar't Ooal per Ton Furniture Rooms! lilUXf HIMA URO.HMM IX, 1 ranpectfully inform the oitisena of Centre county, that tljey hay* bought out the old •land of J. 0 I)iiiiiiger, and have reduced the price*. They liavo eonflantly on hand, and make to order BEDSTEADS. BUREAUS, SINKS. ASHSTAN lS, CORNER CUPBOARDS TABLES. 4.5.. *. ItoM k Map* Chair* At. way* ox Hard. Their stock of ready-made Furniture ia large and warranted of good workraanthip ' ana la all mad* under their own Immadt -1 ate aupervlaion, and la offered at rate* ' cheaper than elsewhere. r Call and *ec our Mock befora purchasing elsewhere. 36 f°®. l.Vy I " SJCKDS'"A~Nf PLANTS True Cap" Ood Cranberry. beat aort I,' 1 . tor Upland, Lowland, or Harden, C.' by mall, prepaid, SI.OO per 100, $6 - "00 pur 1.000. A priced Catalogue, of this r and all Fruits, Ornamental Tree*, Ever green*, Shrub*, Bulk*. Roaea. Plant*. &o. land FRESH FLOWER AND HARDEN 1 SEEDS, the choicest collection in the country, with all novelties, *ill be lent 1 ETZjlfi CAT A LOfiUK TO THE TRADE. w 111 BM. WATSON, Old Colony Kuneriet e * and Seed Warehomo, Plymouth, Mass. Ustablished 1842. * fob. ft ntTBLio nit' I Will bo sold allhc residence of lh< .7hdar.lgned In CKNTItK HALL lo * on SATURDAY. MARCH 14th, 1874 "f> si I o'clock : X bursas. 2 cows ami 1 half ,eg- rr. I. h-ad of ihaa|i, and a lot of lamb*. I iw *• >•"" wagon, I spring wagon, 1 l.uUleii 1 Knystons Reaper, ! rurnpisnler. X plowi **''• ( rufiui ftimr, corn cultivator, horserake. Is,i hay ladders, I pair lugharnass. buggyhar Kli. nana, Plowgears, and many nluar article* ' too iiutnaroiu to mention. ,u *' JACOB DINOEH ate | . <• pL'BLICBALE. W ill be * >l4 at I'ubli- aale. at the late I residence of John Iad wheel road wagon, I 4-horse planla ''"|lloti wagon, I 7 hutw wagon I 2 hora of spring wagon, I Buckeye reaper, I Grain m drill, Borse rake, threshing machine A power, tlvigh, fanning mill, hay ladders, l#r hay fork, rope and pulleys, cornsrrapor, ha • 'ornplanter, plows, narrows, cultivator*, he dinner hell, grindstone, copper keltic, , J cook stove and pipe, X ten-plate stovae and i pipe, desk and many other articles too nu -1, 1. morons to inention. Itrasuoahla credit .u Will be given ELIZABETH I! LOVE. ~, OLIVER K LoVK. Adtn'rs. h I)UBLICBALK OK HEAL ESTATE, •"i 1 Bv virtue of the last will A teata- meet of Nicholas lieckard, late of Potter of township, dec d, there will be sold by pub lic out-i ry, on the pritnisas. in Vuur • township, on BATUKDA Y, MARCH 7lh. lie 1874 at 1 o clock Two tracts of timber land No. I bounded by lands of llenry . , BroAorhoff, John Zettle, JohnD DectsrJ, and containing about 46 ACRES The • Dockard, containing 147 ACKKH, neat measure. u Tha last described tract is wall timbered rc *uh pine rocAoak and chestnut. TERMS OF SALE: 10 percent ol the purchase money to be paid on the dav of sale, one • half ol the remainder or. the delivery of! 7 the deed, on or before the 10th of April, . and the balance in one year after with in . terns Iu be aecureddiy band and mortgage, ;; I'AikO THOMAS M KLKOY. Ei'r r' I'BLIC HALE. Will be sold at Public Hale, at the ® residence of the undersigned at Aaron*- s burg, SATURDAY, MAK 14th, at 1 o'- t clock Large Dining and otber Tables, t Cupboard Mahogany and othar Chairs, a lot of cuod Carpet, a variety of Books, • large Map of L*. H., one goed Clock, 1 Lookmgglass, Coal Stove, Glassware, tine f leasett, and all kinds of kitchen Furniture Spinning wheel, Tubs, llarreis, gram 11.-igs. W oodsaw. Ass, Iron Vewsia, kegs . ol Hpath, and many other aitklei JOHANNA KCRTZ f| r 11LIC HALE The undersigned will offer at Public s a!o, naar .spring Mills, on WEDNES DAY, MAKCIIIIb at 10 o'clock: 4 Head of Horses, 2 being mare* with loal. one 2 year old Coll, L good tuilk Cows. 6 head of voung Cattle, 1 breeding Sow, 8 Hhuau, 1 Buckeye Keeper, Thrashing Machine with Power and Shaker, ane new 1* Horse Wag on. 1 br<>ad wheel plantation Wagon, 1 spring Wagon, 1 Carriage with pole and shafts, 1 Baggv, X Sleight one new tied. LgsleJs. I gumdrill, 1 Fanning Mill, 1 Hat rake. Hay ladders. S Patent Hayforks, different kinds with ropee and pulley, 1 Corn-heller, Cornplanier, Curnseraper, Plows, Harrows. Cultivators Keeper, Grindstone, and other fanning implements Chopper Machine with four knives and balance whi < I 1 Copper Kettle, Iron Bat tles, 1 Cook Stove. Parlor Stove. 1 ten plate Stove, 1 Gatburoer Coal Stove, a large tiusk Ol FURNITURE Bad room Setu. Tables. Chairt, large dinner Bell, and many othar article* J AS. I. FORSTEK. \f A LIABLE FARM AT PRIVATE V SALE The undersigned offers at private sale bis valuable Farm, ailuate in Harris twp . Centre ccunty, near Linden Hall, and about f mile from the L. C. A S C. KK . containing 91 ACRES OF CHOICE FARMING LAND, of which about'JU Aires are fine WOODLAND. The farm is under good fences and in a high slate of cultivation. Thereon are erei Utl a very large BRICK HOUSE, go -d BA N K BARN, and all other neces sary Outbuilding* The water is piped to the house and barn. There is also a large and thriving OKCHAKI), with all kinds of choice fruit, upon the place Taken altogether this is one of the BMSt desirable farms now offered for sale in this valley. Purchasers can buy this property at a great bargain, it application is made on or be fore April l*t 1874 For further particu lars, address, WM . D ROSS. Shavers Creek, Huntingdon Co., Pa., or John or J a*. Ross, 1. nJen Hall, Pa. ian'AUJm N'OTICE.— Letters of Administration on the esute ef Lucy Working, late ot Houtzdale, Clearfield county, dac d, hav ing been grantel to the undersigned, all pront knowing themseiTes indebted to aid estate are hereby notified to make im mediate payment, and thoee.having claims to present them legally authenticated, without delay, for settlement. S. S. WOLF. |fab&-Ct Centre llall,|Centre Co. Pa. Keystone Store. w FOR FARMERS AND ALL OTHERS Go to H. YEARICK & SON, FOR FOREIGN A DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS A SHOES. CLOTHIXti, Oil. CLOTHS, ODEENSWARK, GROCERIES. PRO VISIONS, FLOUR. &c. No. 6 Bush's Arcade, Bellcfoote, Pa. All kinds of country produce tak co. Best Bargains in town to be bad. io?2otf Stoves! Fire! Stov's! At Andy Recsmati's, Centre Hall, are latest and best stoves out, he has just received a large lot of Cock Stoves, the Pioneer Cook, the Eclipse Cook, the Reliance Cook. PARLORS-The Radiant I.ighL self-fee der, Gas Burner, National Egg, Jewell. Ac. es-lie sells stove. Si LOW as anywhere in Mifflin or Centre co. TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE The undersigned hereby informs the citiaens of Pcnnsvalley that ne has pur chaxcd the Tim-hop heretofore carried on by thoC. H. Mfg Co., and wil, coutinue the same, at the old stand, in all iUbranch es, in the manufacture of STOVE PIl'E A NPOI'TIMG. Ail kinds of repairing done, lje has always on hand Fruit Cans, of all Sixes, BUCKETS. CUPS, DIPPERS, DISHES, AC. All work warranted and charges reason able. A share of the public patronage so licited. AND. RRF.SMA3. , 2se|)7oy Gcutre Hall Shortlidge & Co., PROPRIETORS OF THE Bellefonte Lime Quarries, The only Manufacturers of Lime, burnt * exollusivoly with wood, in Central Penn*ylvania. DEALERS IN Anthracite Goal, White Lime, Du Pout's Powder, Sporting and Blasting Powder on baud, Fuse for Blasting, Kirp Briclf, Ground Fire Clay, Fertilisers, Implements. janflO 78 Office and yard near South end of the Bald Kagle Valley Kailroad Depot, Belle fonte, Pa. jan 10.78 , I Miller & Son, CENTRE HALL, PA. I DEALER* IN ' PUIIEDHUOS AND MEDICINES, '■ CIiKMICALS OILS, I)YE BTUFFB. I'KICKt'MKKY. NOTIONS, KANUY ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET, 4kc. Ac, PI HI: WINE AND LIQYOHA, for .madicitiKl purpoae*. Truaac* Art claw Drug Hur Preacripliona carefully Compounded. IBoet If )| ILLEIt A SON. NEW GOODS AND NEW ' PRICES. AN ENTIRE NEW STOGX OF BOOTS ANO SHOES at the BOSTON BOOT 4 SHOE STORK, NO. 8, 111 MI'S ARCADE. Price* Lea* than at any Other Shoe Store in Centre County. Call and See Us / No. 6. Bush'* Arcade, BellefonU. July lfttf Q.BOCEBY STORE Wood ring 6c Co., At lb. Grocery Ktore on Allegheny Street, Bellefonte, Pa., opf>u*it II offer Bro's inform the public generally, tbat lb or hava now and keep at all lima. on. of the boat and largest stock* of Grocariaa, such at OOVFKMB, TEA, SCO AM, UDI.ASSAS. Me., Ac., Ac., CANNED AND DRIED FRUITS OF ALL KINDS, i untitling of aanncd pane bet, cherries, omaloe., plum*, green corn, dried apple*, peaches, cherries Ac. In brief they bare ererytbing usually kept in a first class Grocery Store. Cell in ladies and gentlemen. Oor prices are Reasonable We aim tc please. octfilf ASAHHUJ), PAINTER, ••fieri hi* services to the citiaensof Mifflir Centre and adjoining counties, in Houm". Mgn and OruaeifiUtl Painting. GRAINING __ . Oak. Walnut, Maple, Ask, Mahogony. Ac., Plain and Fancy Paperhanging. Or ders respectfully solicited. All fine work for other painters. nor 6tf. PRICK LIST. BURNBIDES A THOMAS. JOBBKRS| A COMMISSION MER CHANTS- Salt per Barrel.. . || 35 Salt per Sack J 26 Best Rio Coffee per a s White Sugar par a lt lt Men's Stoga 800U—.—..... t 7S Hose Boots per pair I fcO 11 one Blankeu per piece 176 Men's Shirts, a piece—......—.—loo Army Panta100n*........,.... 2 76 Best double thick tobacco a bar 16 Best Navy Tobacco per bar SO TOBACCO AND SKGARB A SPE CIALTY. We are Wanemakere A Brown's agents and will ftirr.ish cuslomere with any Kind of clothing you want at Philedalphia prices, and will show you largo samplss to choose from. Largest stock of Merchandise erer brought to this town. Cellar, Rocm and up Stairs all full. Call and see for year selres and sara front 39 to tO par cent. The highest Market price paid tor but er. eggs, bam and all kinds or produce. Fifty different kinds of men's gloves. BURNSIDKS A THOMAS Exoelsior Cement- The undersigned now mannfacturo Ce ment WARRANTED OF A SUPERIOR QUALITY, at their kilna, near Pine Creak Mills, in Haines twp. This cement has already bean used in large quantities apon the L. C. A 8. C. RR , and has been found highly satisfcetory upon all jobs wheie it has been used, and as equal to any now manufactured. The undersigned now take pleasure in recommending, and warranting it to all, tor use in CIS TERNS, WATER PIPES or whatevsjr purpose a good quality of Cement it desi rable This Cement hat already been tested far and wide, and rendered the ut , most satitfaction. Persons, therefore con structing Cistern*, laying Water Pipe*, Ac . will find it to their advantage to bear this in mind, and alto, that they warrant the article as represented. For further 1 particular*, address MEYER, HOFFKR, A CO. 20d-c tf Aaronsburg. Pa. PKKMII M CHKOMO GARDEN AND FLOWER Seed*. ll<-f,>re ordering tdiewhere tend for Cat I alogue, which U now ready and will be 1 mailed grulU on application. 1 Our Chrotno "The Little Florists." M | beautiful Parlor Picture—pronounced by ; judges a success, is now aent free to all who favor ua with orders to the amount of tlve 1 dollars. CuasE BROTH ICRS A W< paired on short notice and warranted. sep 11' Gb ly W. A. CURRY, BOOT & SHOE MAKER CENTRE HALL, PA. Would most respectfully inform the cit aens of this vicinity, that he has started a new Boot and Shoe Shop, and would be tbankftil for a share of the public palroa age. Boots and Shoes made to order and according to style, and warrant* hi* work go equal any made elsewhere. All kinds of repairing done, and charge* reasonable , Give hint a call. fib 13 ly jQR. S. G. GUTKLIUS, Dentist, Millheim. 1 Offers hit professional services to the 1 public. He i* prepared to pcrlorm all J operations in the dental profession. pR-llt is now fnily prepared to extract 1 teeth a&soloteJy without pain. iiiyK-TH-tf. Beat Sample Rooms in Town. BROCKERHOFF HOUSE. ■ D. JOHNSTON A SONS, i'r-i-tMr,, . Bellefonte, Penna. J Free lints to and from Iht Depot. gKMßgyg^-Gl"Ai - Ha.<.r.ywtae-miwe*wt.oyaliita*Wilste> r.ln*re IV..W UMfc. s> sasr 1) MfWUDr. ft tier's V*|*uUs Rkjam'' ■ p. s.—Dr. Killer Pills 2UcU, should be used with syrup. ILLER'S HOTEL, Woodwa d, Pfc Stages arrive and depart deny. Dr. Grooms Wine of Tar Ifffiffiß Contain* re?*blm /* Hi urrHtrnl, ofVnUouOted BBS Tonie value combined with the rich nsealcinal qualities of Tar. which cause It to Solid ap XallkX Use weak and debll #K ■%\lUtl and rapidly ■ wineaae, diseases the I'rluary Or _ has no equal. It i fec tnal It euro* aiJCowgho 11 lew, and ha* been i pronounced a spfctt*