The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, February 19, 1874, Image 3

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Our friend, wiling. b 7 •',Vti in wiww
item* of local new* in their• local' y, g
u< th# facta only, and w# will >u ,
also notice* of death* and
TTnyon# tendinous the of new
subscribers, with Vhe caah, will baMllllcd
to receive the RroTß* •••/•" ,
The Raroavi* being
•ATArv kutir ibi# *<*• of tHo county,
where it baa a larger circulation than any
two will bTfound the be*, medium
far advertiaing ftusineas, aalea, Ac. Ac.
The venerable Chriatian Dale, of
Harris township, ba* a powdar-horn ia hi*
poweaaica, which hi* graadfatbar bronght
. from Germany.
Some jally fallow aant ua a valen
ting_we can't re-produce the picture,
printer at hit caia—but here ia the poetry :
laky Printer, blue Monday i* too much in
your liae,
Fo*l"* ta ba your Valentine:
Tou ~' has* to get a aw* instead of me,
I'd ne'var ** * **•<* ,or * UI h ** tl,# *
Th, p m hTMriaaa and Methodi>U,
of this place, now worship iu the new
Kvangelical church.
are iufartued that raai #tat has
been anaannl at a higher rate in 1 otter
township than in any other district in the
county, whareby the people of Potter are
obliged to pay more tax#* then th#ir
neighbor# ia th# adjoiaing towuabip*.
Thi* certainly ia uajuat, and ia a matt, r
that sheuld bo born in mind by th* *•*-
tor* or Potter at th# coming tri-#nnial #a
sasament; of course the e*#e**ort of Potter
n>wa#hip are to blame far this, and we
with ta call the attention of th# newly
elected on## to this matter. It is th#ir
.duty to *#e that m undue burdens h#
placed upon our property bolder* in this
mwpect, and the valuation of land should
be lowered so a* to correspond with that of
adjoining township#.
—Th# trst broad-ekaei wagon **>
brought to P#nn*vali#y by (be Hustons,
at aa early day, bafer# th# turnpike* were
made. I* had, consequently, to be drag
ged aero#* the S*v*n|Mountaina, by piece*.
Thi# wagon ia atiil in possession of Mr.
Samnal Huston, nar thi* place, and
seems nat yet to hav# served out it* tim#. I
a* we saw it at th* .black-smith tbop, foe
repair#, a abort tim# ago.
Th# mortality among ageU wen, the
procaax winter, ia thi# county, •• chroni
cled ia tkgpbiluary notice* of th# RKFOB
TKK from wo#k t week, ha* attracted at
tention, aad wafimi tbi# th# case iu oth#r
parte. Th# Lcwiaiery CSrouteU say a:
An unusual mortality exist#, la this vicini
ty. among mn of advanced age, aa our
obituary tacoed far the past th.-ee month* 1
•how*. W# ar# reliably inform",! that in
Hartlay township alana, there art eight 1
nan, noa# of whom are uadar Ta y ear*, i
lying ia bad* of sickness, moat of them 1
considered seriously ill.
Oar neighbor, Mr. John Saakay, up
Oh# Brushv#lly road, having purchased a
pert of th# Neff farm, was busy hauling
brick, from 8. F#rn#r'a kiln, last week, 1
for • new dwelling koua#
Mr. Sam'l Farnar ia also erecting a tarn
porary dwelling, ia this place, and intends 1
putting up a brick building afterwards.
Mr.- Wa. Carry ia also having material I
Ksaled for a new house on Church street. ■
We are informed that th# railroad '
company ha* made arrangements for funds,
to ro-aommance work oa our road ia a 1
abort time. Since writing the above we
BO'ica aa item in the Levisburg Journal
published at the home ot President Miller, '
which teams to cor firm this. The Jour-
sal aeya:
We are authorilively informed the '
wr k on Ut L C A S C railroad, which
uts lean mapendad for soma time peat, '
will be renewed on the Ist of March, whan
it will ta pushed to completion as rapidly 1
aa possible.
LATEX. l-ince the above wa* in '
tvpa wa kave official conirmation of the '
above. Mr. Miliar, in a letter to Wm. '
Wolf, ct this place, dated Lewisburg, 13th '
i-ist, says: "I am happy to ba able to in- 1
for.n you, that before leaving Philadel- '
phis, anaagaments were made witb tha 1
eoniractom between Laurellon and tha '
Fork*, to raauma work on thair rcfpactiva
•action*. Work ta commasca March Ist, |
cd proctal moderately. This, no doubt, (
•rill be cheering news to our Pannsvallay ,
friaa 1, as there is now a fair prospect of ,
their having an outlet era long." ,
ABOCT LOT'S Wint—A lady read
er of the B*irter drop* us a note, a* fol- j
laws"Mr. Kurt*-—Can you tell ma
noma*.hing about Lot'a wifa and the pillar
of salt, bow long was it standing, and ia it '
Kill to ba roan."
Well, yas, dear, wa can. By reading in
Ganaais you will find that Lot'a wife, like
some of ker sisters, die just tha contrary
of whit ska was bidden to do—sha looked
back. Aa wa ware too mock a minor at
the lima, wa can not give you much more
about her. Aa to the pillar of salt into
which tha waa' turned, Joaephnt, who
wrote in tha first century, says, that it
atoodin his day, and that be taw it; Cle
ment of Home testifies the same, and Ire
naeua nays that it waa standing in the next
century, and modern travelers say it ia still
ttandlcg, bat that# latter must be taken
witb same grains of doubt Prof. W his ton
•ays, -IU remote situation, at the utmost
southern point of the sea of Sodom, in tb*
wild and dangerous deserts of Arabia,
makes H exceeding difficult far inquisitive
travelers to examine the place." Howev
er, we know this pillar of salt is not in
Pennevaliey, at least we have not yet seen
it. From the destruction af Sodom to tha
day* of the Jewish historian, Josephus,
who say# he saw the pillar of salt, were
nearly 2000 years, and if it existed that
long, it is not unreasonable to suppose that
it it still standing. This habit of "looking
back" is still in fashion witb lots of women
now-a-days. but they look back to tee
their trails, which is just as bad at when
Lot's wifa looked back upoa Sodom. Al
though there are no other women that bave
been turned into salt, yet there ar* many
whs prove so salty that thair husbands re
sort to drinking . We suppose Lot'a wife
was a woman's right woman, and consid
ered tha bad a right to look back, and tbe
Susan Anthonay', of to-day, era reminded
that there is a passage ia scripture which
unjoins them to "Beuiembar Lot's wife."
which may saem rathar obsolete to tbem,
and thay would render it, Husbaads, re
member your wives and let them vote.
The editor of tha Reporter always takts
particular paiaa and pleasure in answering
questions asked by the fair sax. Next.
Tom Merton ia enjoying!
hugely at the Danville Lunatic Asylum,
having become possessed of the idea that
he ia proprietor of the establishment. Poor
Tom f -
Best cheapest and most delightfully
beautiful Magazine in tbe world. Sent on
trial for 19 Cents, er specimens and the
prettiest $ 1.00 Cbromo you erar saw. 25
cents to any one who will raise a club.
Splendid prizes for clubs. JOHN B. AL
DEN, Publisher. Chicago, 111. febl9-8t
Sale of personal property of John
Love, dae'd, Potter twp., March 6.
Sale of real estate of A J Young,
decM, Feb. 21. _
—Bale of real estate of Nich. Decher,
March 7th.
Georga Jordan's aaie, Potter twp, farm
stecA, March 24.
—-Saieef personal property of Mrs.
Johanna Kurtz, at Aaronsburg, Saturday,
March 14th, 1 o'clock.
Sale of Mrs. Mary Armagast's farm
stock Potter twp., Feb. 24. See advertise
SaleofJaa. I. Foster, farm stock ai d
household, March 4th. See advertw
which FIFTY SIX CTS. per Bushel in
CAjSH will be paid, by
Th* Potter Townahip Farmers' Club
will meat the first Saturday March, 1
o'clock, p. at., at Centre 11*11 -Subject
fir discussion : (Fruit and IU culture.)
Eminent fruit grvwsrs from Harris twp,
IRR expected tc be present. JSMK* A K KL
t,m, Sec'y.
Next May we have forgotten the
day—will he '.he oae-hundreth anniveraa
ry of the arrival of th# drat Campbell* in
central Pcnn'a. Thay halted under an
oak*liee. in the ncighborhtod of Green
wood, in Mirtl.ii county, which U till
Handing and alive, and i* regarded by the
Campbell .frvwadsAq/H a* tbeir "Plymouth
Rock." The Campbell connection intend
celebrating the centennial of tliit arrival,
under thi* tamo old iak. in May next, to
which all the Campbell* in th* I'nited
State* are invited. The circus and menag
erie camel*, we tuppoae, are excepted
Descendant* of th#*c oak-tree Campbell*
are living lu llarri* township and other
imrtion* of Centre county, and they intend
to be present when the great celabration
come# off. May they have a Jolly time
| W# have repeatedly referred to the
aifh ere deposit* along the line of th# L
C. At Tfhicb have been discovered
I ia Union county, is the mountain* along
Peun* Creek, and through Pnuvallcy.
Some of this oio has been found to be very
valuable, and the opening of the road will
alto opau (hcsfi .mine* of hidden w eallh
To tbow that soma oft Lo*fi pro* are vary
rich in quality, we reter to one .bank near
Oak Mall, in llarri* twp , that hat been
opened, and ore, a* Hon. Samuel Gil
liland informs ut, * wagoned from thence
to JtelWfosm, $ distance of (otne 6 mile*,
from Urn latter point u iJbipped by rail to
Muncy. whanc* u is taken opto** the river
on data and tbanfby wagon b mile* to the
furnaces. Now ore that will bear all thi*
expense of transportation and re-shipping,
and thvn still be prodtabl# Jto the ftirnace
owners, must certainly bo • mineral of
more than ordinary value. The opening
of our fpijfopil will undoubtedly develop*
many treasure* whU'h pow lie dormant
under the surface, and only await the roar
and whistle of the locomotive to waken
them up.
• The youngest looking oM man, in
this country, arc suppose is tbe old wii! '*
master ot over quarter uriitpry ago, and
whom hosts of tbe readers of th# Hxroi
f rax will remember—John DeLoag, of
Briishvallay, who "in hi* day" was one of
thewoat'skiiifwl l.*nj in the art of cliirog
raphy, and whose writing clasaaa ia these
valliea were numerous and largely attend
ed, 25 and 30 years aga. Mr. DeLong has
since taken to farming and lumbering in
the Brushvallev narrow*. Jfe paid the RK
roßTca office a visit soma litia ago. whan
wa were surprised to hav* him inform us
that he was now over 90 years of age—hit
appearance gopld indicate that he had
not seen over 00 sunt in ess, isJeed.'he is far
more sprightly, vigorous, and bate than
moat men of a& and tit), and no one, not
knowing him, would take him to be oldar.
Mr. DeLong us he can wade the
streams and perform other labor with the
same case aud with M little fatigue as he
did 25 years ago, and notwithstanding ha
can look back upon the nineties, he teems
to have the promise of twenty five more
before him. May they be scored to hi*
—On l*st (Sunday evening, at tha peo
ple from across the vailay gorp Returning
in their wagons and buggies from preach
ing at Centre Hall, quite a jam accurred
beyond Judga Hotter jia.n's. As all seemed
to ba ia a borry!to get home, there was fast
driving 'among. thoae who wished to be
foremost, in rontequcNce of which one of
the parties in the front.wagon, had his
hat blown off, which caused a suddan
halt. The vehicle* each other
clneely, cau>t(l the horses of the third
teamJMr. Burkholdas t, upon th*
bind end of Mich. Decker's wagon, which
at second, breaking it down ceinpletaly,
and also breakihg the pole in bis
wagon. Mist Sadie M Cormick received
some slight injuries in the jam, as also an
other person. The grrdpked parties want
home afoot, on horseback and as p.aen
gers on other rigs. Another young lady
who was in a spring wagon with her fath
er, we are told. "Frmng out, in her fright,
and waa uut miaaed until her father had
driven quit* a distaioit.
C D Keller, is about to leavo Belle
fonle, for Philadelphia, as partner with
Gen. Crimmingt, in tha Merchant's Ho
tel, Christ was ana of Bellefonle's best
merchant* and business men and will be
Tha following ara tha name* of of
fice!" elected in Potter twp, on Tuesday :
Judge—James M Cormick.
Inspectors —James P Runkle, Win J
flchoal Directors—John Emerick, Adam
Auditor—J J Asney.
Townclark— Wm Spanglar.
Assessor—Gao W Spangter.
Assistant Assessors -J E Royar, Jacob
Supervisors—Palar Shefflar, Robt Lae.
Overseers—John Hosterman, Jamas M -
Clin tic.
Justice, as this was the matter of great
est interest, wa give the vote far Justice—
A Luckanbach 1&7. D C Kaller 101, Joba
Shannon 100, Wm Armstrong 82, J C
Boal 62.
Con stable—Wm Carson.
The following is the report of the
Staversvill# school, Miles twp., for tbe
month ending Jan, 30th, No of scholars
28; average 28; per cent, of attendance 98.
Tha fallowing ara tbe nam** of the pu
pils who waie present at each roll call;
Delia Wirtb, Asanath Slaver, Frances
De Long, Mary E Wolf, C Olia Wirtb.
Annie L Long, Geo U M Stover, Thomas
N Stover, Manatees Stover, Franklin
Haugb, John Jones, Maiden W Adams.
Others were in attendance every day hut
not prasant at roll call. J H DxLoao,
Progress Grange Organized Feb. Bd,
1874, at Centre Hall Pa.
LUt of Officer*.
Master—J J Arney.
Overseer—Leonard Rhone. •
Lecturer—Dr Pater Smith.
Steward—John Sankey.
Assistant Steward—David Rhinesmith
Chaplain—Daniel Flithar.
Treasurer—Gao M Boal.
Secretary—James A Keller.
Gale Keeper—Geo lloffer.
Oeraa—Maggie Rhone.
Pomona—Mary A Neff.
Flora —Maggia E Keller.
Lady Aast Steward—Maggia IToffer.
Tru-taas—James H w cCorinic, Peter
Smith, James Llngle.
Progress Orange Meets Saturday after
noon tne 28th of February.
From Browru' Republican, Belle*
fonte, we clip the following, relative to
what tba Order of United Americans in
tend doing at that place, on the 20lh of the
present mouth.
The Order of United American Me
chanics, of this place, Lodge No. 270, es
tablished over two years ago, hare deter
mined to have a dinner, a parade, a lec
ture, aud a grand ball, on Friday, the'JlHli
of February. They have chosen to cele
brate the 20th instead of the 22J, Washing
ton's birthday, to as to give the eight or
ten invited Lodges a chance to return
horre on Saturday. The Williamsport,
Jersey Shore, Lock Haven, Plemingtcn,
Altoona, Meshannon, Pbilipaburg, Snow
Rhoe, Millheim, and other Lodges of the
Order have been invited and will be pres
ent It will be one of the best, handsom
est and gayest display* that ha* ever been
witnessed in Beliefonte. It will indeed
be a gala day.
The programme will bo, Ist. dinner; 2d,
parade of members in regalia; 3d, lecture
and 4th, grand ball, with the best of music,
to commence at 9 o'clock, p. m., after lec
ture is over. One of the best lecturers in
the State invited.
- ♦ ♦
CGarner, negro, is elected high consta
ble of BsUe'onte by 50 majority.
The newest and best thing comes oil
the lower and f list ie, on S*iur<t*v, Fob*
21 '74. H will be ike opening of YOUNG,
STORK, l llnblrr • Old I'liC*. There i
great preparation for something big.
A groat crowd of people will participate.
A groat lock of new good*.
A groat reduction in price*.
A great deal cheeper than elsewhere.
A great variety of every thing
A great deal more good* for money or
produce than anybody elac give*
A great advantage *they bought good*
for lash, at leweat tlgure*.
A great trade will be eatabllahed.
And it i* designed to make it the tlrcat
e*t place to trade
tireateat place to buy,
Create*! place to have the worth ofyour
Greatest place to be accominflated.
And greatest place to get good mervhan
dite of eyery kind, in Pennvalley.
Mind thi*--the men In I hi* now atore,
are men of knewn integrity, t>)d buine,
men, who undanland the iiiercaulile bui>
nrn, and intend to carry on a first cla*
•tore at the old Hublcr aland. There will
be fair-dealing and no gouging customer*.
They come to J business and atay, and
are determined to render the utmost talis
faclleu. Remember the day lor upeuing
an Saturday 21st, intt when there will be
a great time. Don't any on# fail to be
-there . ]l
For the Reporter.
How FKCIT Tata* Snoi'tK LIE Pi ASTSI>
First— Your tras should never be planted
deeper than they originally grew when
takan from the nursery, and atler planting
they should have a good mulching ol
straw, partly rotsan fo ktep then> moist
Kvary fall they should be manured with
stable manure, or compost of lime and
chip-dirt, and be trimmed out to lot the
virtue# of the manure through the lop*
No sprouts should ba left to grow a)>out the
trunks of the tree*. Washing with soap
suds is vary good to prevent insects fram
operating undarttic this willde
•troy them. You might at well expeol to
raise a good crop of corn by planting and
'hen letting it have ita own chance, and
leaving the weed* grow up to destroy it
The isniv bold* good a* regard* fruit trees
By planting ana to them
afterwards, you cannot expect a g>oo crop.j
I do not care how excellaut your varieties
are you can not have fina fruit without
proper attention.
At regards grafting large trees, 1 think
it a great improvement, avail on good va
rietiea—it will give you fruit ever; year.
My experience is thi* : I change the tops
of tree* lh*j grf over 40 years old, and the
tops of which ara dialog. •ta# yh'cß ara !
putting out young sprouts—that* sprouts 1
I graft and remove tbe dieing branches
and in tha course of two or three year* the
graft* bearing. New I have'
such trees, 7s years old, bean,.g crops.
But what 1 said shove as to the care for
your young traea, it applies also to your
grafting. Tha watar sprouts should be
kept from about them, and kepi thinned
out. My reason for putting on different
varieties is this: Soma will bear una yaar
and tha others the neat year. I have tome
trees with very full branches one year,
while tha fallowing yaar the branches
which had no fruit the year before are full.
There are now farmer* with 'A) acres of.
land who should have good supply of
fhiit—even thoae that own but one act*,
should have part of thai in fruit trees. At
to the proper time far pruning—l prefer
the tall aftrrtha leaves arc off tha tree* - i
say th* l*t of November -tne wounds will
dry up, and no sap laikt out. The water
sprouts should be removed in the month
of August. I have practiced this for tome
years and find it to be the best plan. 1
bave tried pruning in tha spring when
tree* worn i tbom but I prefer tha fall 1
far it.
For the Reporter.
Ma. KI KTZ.—It may bo interesting, aa l
wall gj beneficial, to make a few criticisms
in regard tutu# vwojiictpracticed by soine
of the youths of this village it ha* been
to our regret to hear remarks made by
strangers, at well a* citizens, about the im
prudent manner in which some of the
young mfn of Cei.trc llail conduct them
selves. We bave beva frequent observers
of actions indulged in by the slrael-loafars,
which were astonishing, and strangers can
very readily form an opinion of the char
acter of the same. But who it to blame.
—th* parents are probably unaware of
tha toiifopfjupt of tLcir boys. Wa were
pained, a faw days ago, to yitnw| a pitiful
sight. An old man known aa "Charley
Farley," while walking our streets, was
perniciously net upon by a number of boys,
who snow-ballad him until he reached a
place of shelter. Bince the revival has
barn in progress in the Ev. church, quiet
and unmolesting cifizens. whilst returning'
from chupch, gerr treated l h* mol aby-i
tive and insulting manner, by these cgpri- i
cioua youths,—a manner unbecoming to |
the decencv and morality o( Centra Hall.
Young won remembtr tho words of
Franklin, "The want of behavior, is tho
want of sen*#." CMTIO.
Philipsburg is to be manufactured
into a summer resort, a* will be observed
by tho following move, which wa clip!
from tha journal' Ilia valuable proper
ty on the corner of Front and Pretquaitla
streets, owned by J M. papier and now
occupied by the old Spread Kagla hotel .
was purchased by a hotel company, form
•d of soma of our most enterpris
ing citizens, for SIO,OOO, and 6,000 In cur
rency was paid into tha hands of Mr Kap
ler on Monday. It it tha intention to
erect a large hotel on the spot, as tha mostj
favorable location far a firtUclats houtuj
that will draw patronge. Such a hotel as
is contemplated cannot fail to benefit the
plat ain many ways. There it no reason
wiiy Philipsburg should not become a
Summer resort. It hat all the require
ments of climate and location, and all that
is required ara tha accommodations.''
The Musical Convention in SCM ion
at Freeburg, on Friday the 30th uit. form !
ad a Muiical Association (or Central
Pennsylvania, comprising thirteen coun
tiaa, viz: Snyder, Union, Juniata, Mif-i
din, Parry, Cantre, Dauphin, Lebanon.
Northumberland, Man tour. Columbia,
Lycoming, and Clinton. The following
gentleman were elected a ita officer* :
President —F. C. Moycr, Frcabnrg,.
Vice Presidents— Hugh II n mil ton, Mex
ico, Juniata; Win. Moyer, Freehure,
Snyder; Hon. J. W. Kiilingcr. Lebanon,
Lebanon; Prof. Perry, Danville. Mon
tour ; Rev. A. J. llelier, Williamsport,
Lycoming; Alf S. Sheller, Lcwisburg,
Union ; John A. Weaver, Pine Grove,
Centre; A. 11. Knecht, Beech Crock,
Clinton; Wm. 11. Bratton, Lewialown,l
Mifflin; .Sol. Malick, Sunbury, Nor
thumbeiland; George F. Moyer. Now
Bloomtield, Perry; W.S Conner, Blooms
burg, Columbia.
Secretary—Prof. I. W. Nile*, Bloonu
burg Columbia.
Crresponding Secretary—Prof. Jacob
G. Meyer, Aaronahurg, Centre.
Cincinnati, O , January 2& —lt it report
ed that seven persons era lying at the
point of death at Aurora, Ind , from hav
ing eatan fresh pork with trichina in il.
Tw<> weeks ago Mr*. Henry Trainer had
two hogs killed for family use. A few
days after eating of the meal Mrs. Train
er and ono of her children were attacked
with what appeared to ba tvphoid fever.
Mrs. Ben'.er, the wife of a German minis
ter, visited her, aud, wih two of her chil
dren, partook id the meat, and in a few
days were attacked with the same symp
toms, which attracted the attention of phy
sicians, who UPOII an examination ot the
pork found it literally alive witn trichina
At this writing Mrs. Trainer and three
children and Mrs. Renter nud two children
ate not expected to live.
I'lnl lorm of l'i iiniplt'N
• St bouu, February 11.- The National
Orange In-day, after the transaction of
aouie minor buaine**, rocelvcd the report
jof the' t'oinmirre on Rr.olultoiu, ptesenl
ed by Mr. Wardlew, of Florida, and
adopted it unaninioualy. It it aa followa
The Kcaotulioiia.
Profoundly Impreaaed with the truth
that the National Orange of the United
'! Sutra thou Id definitely proclaim to the
world it* genera I object*, we hereby
unanimously make Ihi* declaration ol
pur|M**ea of the Patrons of Husbandry.
First, United by a strong and faithful
lie of Agriculture, • mutually resolve tup
labor tor the good of our Order, our coun-1
try and mankind
Second, We heurlily iuJorse the motto.
"In essential*, unity; In non essentials,
liberty ; in all thing*. .liarity."
Third, We ihall endeaor to MIISH**
our cause by laboring to accomplish the (
following objects: To develop a better (
and higher manhood and womanhood
among ourselves, to enhance the comforts ,
end attention* of our home* and strength. ,
en our attachment* 1° ®ur puriuila, to fo* ,
ler luutual understanding and co opera- |
lion, to maintain inviolate our laws and to (
emulate each other to labor to ha*t v
(CKHI lime coming, to reducd our etpentct
bv>ib individual am| corporate, to buy less ,
•".? produce mote in order to make our ,
farms self-sustaining, to diversify our
crop* and crv>p no more than we can culti- ,
vale, to condense the weight of our esport*,
■elling less in the bushel and mora on the
hoof and iu fle<re, to systematise to our
work and calculate intelligently on pruba
bilitiee, to discouutmance the credit *y*
lira, the mortgage system, the I'asjuon
tys'.eui, end every other syttam tending to t
prodigality and bankruptcy We pro |
poee meeting together, talking together. *
working togeibor, buying together iblling n
together, and in general acting together u
for our mutual protection end advance- t
ment, a* occasion may require. We shall „
avoid litigation at piilcti a* possible by ar- c
titration in the grange. We shell con- t
stantly strive to secure entire harmony, p
good will aad vital brotherhood atuung r
ourselves, and to make our order perpeiu- t
al. We shall earnestly endeavor to sap- b
pre*s persouai prejudices, nil unhealthy *
rivalry, all seltlsb ambition. Faithful ad- d
herein, a to these principle* will insure our c
mental, moral, aocial and material ad- il
Fourth, For our business interests we
desire to bring producar* and consumers,
farmers arid manufacturers inte most di
rect and friendly relations possible
!{a/ic* w# must dispense with a surplus ofj
middle men, not that i ,c Bjj"!endly t*
thani, but we do not need thaui. Yli#ir'
lurplut and their, csactions diminish our
profits. We wage no aggrcasive Warfare
giM any other inlerasU * hataver. On
i the contrary ail eur a. U t;.d #H our ef
fects, so far as business it concerned are'
not only for the benefit of producers and
IcoHtmiu, but also for ail other intrg*i*j
that land to bring thuse two parlies in
speedy and contact. Hence
w* hold that trans|K>rlat ion companies of
#v#iy kind are necessary to our success,
that tbeir inter*,ts are intimately canned
ed with our interests and harmonious ac '
lion is mutually advantageous. Kseping
fin vliw the |tl senlynpe in our tjeelgra
tion of principles of action that individual i
happiness depends upon gensrwl prosperi
ty, si shall therefore advocate for every
| Stat* the increase in evaiy practicable
way of all facilities for transporting cheap
ly to to lha seaboard or between hues*
producer* and consumers ail productions
of our country We adopt it a* our filed
purpose to open out the channel* in na
ture's great arteries that the life-blood of
coenmerce may flow fravly. We are not
enemies of taiiroada, &** msbl* anj lega
ting canals nor of any corporations that
will advance our industrial inlcraeta. nor
of any laboring classes In our neble ordsr
there i* no communism, no agrarisnism
We are opposed to such spirit and man
sgctnctit of any corporation or
a* tend* to oppress the people and rohj
them of their just proflu. We are hot en
emie* to capital, but we oppose the ty ran
ny of monopolies. We long to see antag
onism betwcin capital and labor removed'
hy pctntnon consent, and by an enlighten
ed statesmanship worthy of the niucleeiuii
century. We are opposeJ to excessive,
saltries, high rate* of interest and exorbi-.
tant i-er cent, of profits in trade. They:
greatly increase our burden* and do not
bear a proper proportion to tbe proflu of
produces*. \Vjj desire only self-proleo
< tion and protection of every t u* Inter '
est of our land by legitimate transactions,
legitimate trade and legitimate profits.
We shall advance the cause oi education
among ourselves anJ for our children by
all jutt turan* within our power. We es
pecially advocate f.-r our agricultural and
industrial college* that prn< (icgl Agricul
ture, domestic science and gll the *rti
w hich tdorn tke home be taught in their
course* of study
Fifth, Wt emphatically and sincerely
assert the oft repeated truth taught in our
organic law that the Orange, National,
State, or tub >rdinate it not a )>olitical or
party organisation. No grange, if true to
its obligation can discus* political or re
ligiout qui ttiona, nor call political conven
lions, nor nominate candidal**, nor even
ditcuw their merit* in lit meeting, yet the
principle* we teach underlie all true pol
itic*, all true *t*tciman*bip ( and, if prop
erly carried out, will tend to purify the
whole political atmosphere of our country,
for ma seek the grcmle*l geod to tho great
ctt number, but we mutt alwnyi bear in
mind that no one, by bocoming a grange
member, give* up that inalienable right
and duty which belong* to every Ameri
can citizen to take a proper intercut In tho
politic* of hia country. On the contrary.
lit i right for every member to do nfl in
jhis power legitimately to influonce for
good the action of any political party to
which lin belong*. It it hit duty Pi do all
ho can is hi* awn party to put down bri
bery, corruption and trickery, to see that
none but competent, faithful and honcit
| man, who m ill unflinchingly tland by our
. industrial interests are iiominalad for all
; position* of trutt, and to have carried out
j tho principle* which thouiu alwa.vt char
acterize every grange nicn.ber that the
office uliould tvrk the man, and not tha
' man the ollire. W> acknowledge the
i broad principle that difference of opinion
I it no crime, and hold that program toward*
i truth i made by difference* of opinion,
i while the fault ie in the bip.ernesi of
controversy. We desire a proper equal
| it.v, equity and fairne** protection for the
weak, icstraint upon the strong, in horl
justly distributed burden* and juttly di
tribute! power. Tlietu are American
idau*, the very ctMDt'a of American indo
peudence, and to mlviK'ate Ilia -contrary i*
unworthy of the ton* and daughter* of an
American Republic We cherub the be
lief that aectionaliam I*, and of right
. should be dead and buih-d with the past
Our work i* for the prn-eriland the future.
' In our agricultural brotherhood and it*
IpurpoM*, WM shall recognize no North, n >
|.South, no Hiiat, no West. It i* reserved
by every patron as hi* right tit a freeman
to affiliate with any party that will be*t
carry out hi* principle*.
Sixth, Our* being peculiarly a farmer'*
institution, we cannot admit all to our
rank*. Many are excluded bv the nature
of our organization, not bucuuso they are.
professional men, or artisans,' or laborer*,:
but because they have not a soffit iently ,
direct interest in tilling or pasturing the
soil, or may have some interest in conflict
with our purposes, hut wc appeal to nil
good citizen* for their cardial co-operation
to assist in our effort* toward* reform,
that we may eventually remove from our
midst the last vestige tyranny and curs
ruplion. We hail the general desire for
fracternal harmony, equitable compromise
•lid earnest co-operation a* an omen of
our future suece<*.
Seventh, It shall bo an a hid ing principle
with u* to relies e any of our oppressed
- and suffering brotherhood by any mean*
at our command, Last but not least, we
ptoclnim II among our purpose* to Incul
cate a proper appreciation ol the abilities
a*ul sphere of woman, as is indicated by
j*.(milling her to membership and pueitionj
in our older. Imploring the continued at
sistaiice of our Divine Master to guide u*
(in our uurk, w* here- pledge ourselves to
faithful arid harmonious labor for all Bt-! (
tur* time, to return by our united efforts
to the wi*d"Ut, justice, fraternity and po.
litlcal purity of our father*.
London, February 14—-Taylor's I'm' 1
tecbnicon and furniture rcpoeltory in Hel-i
gravis, covering alt acre <>f ground, was '
burned last ermine
Thu fire broko out at four o'clock p. in.
end -aged until midnigbl The building
alone was insured for $ 1,(4)0,1 tX). . ,
The total loss, including the contents of
the burned structure, consisting of pic
lures. mirrors, five hundred carriages, and
a fast amount of utlsas goods ol various
kinjt, is estimated at B14,000,01)0. Five
house# and scvsral U-* # lUb ,„ .jj,,.,,,,
were partially destroyed.
There were a number of accidents, and
two firemen were killed. The fire at
tracted en iitiuirnte and unruly crowd,
and il became necessary to call oat 11st
military to preserve order.
IVcpaiatiotis for War —Troop* Mov*
Omaha, Bob, Feb 11.--Large amount*
of ammunition are being shipped from
Kurt Leavenworth and Rock Island ar
senals to the vsrious posts in this depart
ment. All post commander* have been
ordered to keep their command* in readi
ness to take the field against the Indians
on a moment's notice Two companies eli
cavalry aad one of infantry leave here in
the morning for Fort Russell by rail;
tbenre to Fort Laramie. Indians ran
ranchmen in sit miles west ol Big Spring*
to-day. Forty cavalrymen, under Cap
tain Mills, lett immediately by rail aad
will endeavor to strike them. No other
depredattvus *i* repotted 10-dey. Ofli
c:s'.s err i cry reticent, desiring to keep
their movements as quiet as possible so
that belf breeds and reoegsdws may aot
possess taomseif e* of information valuable
to Indian* to whom they would certainly
carry it.
Major Cham bats, commanding Fort
Krttarman, telegraphs that be hat just
learned that nearly all tbe Indians have
left their agency knar killing Red C'wud'*
sou who made them return stolen stock.
Ja|wut-oc l'eae —200 Bushel* to ibe
Farmer* and Gardneit Head Ibis-
AgduU waufcil to tell (lie Jajianeee
Tbaae puas have mcaatly beau bioughl
to thu country from Japan, and prove to
be the finest Fee known for table use or
for stock.—They grow in ibe form ofa
bush, from S to 6 feet high, and do not re
quire sticking They yield from one
quart to a gallon of |osi per bush. A
sample packsge. that will produce from
,6 to 10 buthei* of pre*, with circuler* giv
ing terms to Agents, and ftt'l directioni as
t J the lime and manner of planting, wilt 1
'be sent, postpaid, to any one desiring to
act at A g-iit. on receipt of 60 real*. Ad
drai. L L OSMKKT, Cleveland, Tann.
Wa have cultivated the Japanese I'ea
the past season, on a small fela, T*
era convinced they are a perfect success
Their yieiu was enormous For the table
and for stock they are unsurpassed by any 1
other pea. They grow writ on thin land
and are b.-und to be a No. 1 fertillcar
A J WHITE Trusts# Hradley co
A. E BLUNT, J*. M, Cleveland,
Tann i
I have cultivated the Japanese Fee lb*
pal year, and raised them at the rale of
JOO bushels to the acre. The bloom ex-.
eel* buckwheat for bee*
F. K HARD WICK. J P.. Bradley tv.
("eveland, Jan 23, 1174. 2t
Clisai.x* M. (frixsio* —C H
Spurgeon. of Iyondon, has been engaged
at the special contributor of The Christian
at Work. Ashe write* for no other pa.
per in America, admirers of this great
p aacher, would do woli to sand to thair
pulill(*li*n lU9 Chambers, Jj. Jf-i (
for specimen copies. T. l>* Will Tal
mage. a* editor, and Spurgeon, at special
contributor, make a strong team.
Our Loop Correspondent tends u*
the following :
Banvtrtit—Ahem ' well, here we ere
again, afler an abeetica of taveral long:
week*. That mattarly production of.
Amor'*, knocked u> out of time, but we
have fully recuperated and are on our
walking tlickt again Pnendt, left thake
hand* "Spelin' tkulet,'' write* and in
dignant parent, "it what I am 'potad
The tb.reaid "tkulet 11 might
make aa improvement on bit orthography.
you into the middle ef neat week, juat get
up and atk to be eicuved, thai you didn't
mean to be pertonal It take* Juil Ibraa
learnad men to wtile a letter now-a-days—
one with the hunt the
word*, the second to do the writing, and
the third, to prophesy ratulu. How nice)
lo'be able to do your own writing......
What i* the meaning of the word "brevi
ties 1 " Why you ignoramuses, get your
dictiunarie* and *re, and 4<'n't be bother
ing u* with your question* Tbia win
ter's sleighing it about over, and jaded
herte-llcth, and disappointed inaida are in
rapture* of ecatalic b1iu...... \\ bat nest ?
,Vu< Peci4r4. let. Who (truck Dan
Daughcrty? 2nd. W Dooly'* cow
poieoned ? 3rd, Whoniahed Lib Reigh
rd' window in.
.Vrnact Chap. —The city editor of the
Berichter. vide, the graphic and minute
account of the German exhibition. Such
enteipriie deiaree* encouragement.
Momentous- —W hat will the Wood
warder* d' if Van loaeu*, and what will
Mitlheim not de, when he comet. The
•|uo*lion i really growing tarious Well
time alone can tall.
Prttiifontiitl. —Our Teutonic friend Bon,
never appuar* to bolter advantage than
when president of a meeting. Ili* broad
3a lon face, if all aglow with delight on
auch occu ion*, and he feel* himielf of
I rodigiou* importance. Vain fellow.
Appropriate. — Wrcntling on Sabbath on
a wagon. Well, our landlord* think that
not only the moral and intellectual part of
our machine aliould be developed, but the
phyioal a* well. More anon.
l'hlludt>l|tplu KliTtiou
The Philadelphia Mayoralty elec
tion resulted ilia triumph ofSlokely
mill the ring by 10,000 majority.
Hon. Atuaa Walker was before the
banking and currency committee and
made a strong argument In favor of con
traction. He demonstrated pretty clearly
that inflation to uny considerable extent
wnu'd fHMtpnn# indefinitely a resumption
of specie payment*.
lie urged the committee to adopt Sena
tor Sumner'* proposition of inuing two
hundred million uf compound interest
notes, to take the place of the legal ten
The way* iiiul means committee have di
rected their chairman to pre** the hill le
galising forty-four million* a* soon a* thu
army bill i* disposed of. Debate on it will
la*l for svoral day* a* there are a large
number of members who wish to *poak on
the question.
Senator Sherman ha* decided not to
wail fur a vol* in iko aanala on hla flnan
rial reaolutlon, a luffinient number of inn*
atori have already *|>okan lo indicate pret
ty dearly Ihn rlewi of the innate, Thnr#
U un doubled ly a majority Of ainat inflation,
and ilia fluaiice rummiltae la praparliiK
their n heme ami will ant aroordinicly. I
I —— iMs-oaiaar SUIT* A number of
| rioit juiu but been commenced in our
Court of Commuii Pleas, ths issue of which,
will bo awaited with general interest,
Frederick H. Ulstsend otiior parties, who
liavo hod not** discounted ol tba Co I urn-J
bio National Honk, brought o Urge num
ber of ouitt against that corporation for'
j tho recovery ol interest |>ai<i, ellcgsd to!
he bean uouriauo. N (bat tba uotro
have fallan dua, the liank boo brought,
• uit for tba r*i ovary of tka princi |>al. ami
hence two KU of suit* have arum, thai
main issue in which it the alleged charg- J
log of a bight i rata of internal than ia al-j ■
j lowed by tba law of|lha Htala or the Na
tional bonking law. In view of the lac', '
that thyrsi} gia similar in ohsracler,'
measures have been taken to consolidate,
ibeut, and tiateen auiU lie** been coprw-Ji
bended in ail. Tba iaaua will ba aubiuit 1
tad to arbitrator* at an early day. Messrs
O. J. Dickey and H M. North are couu- |
aei for lha Bank. Mr ({ell* and other*
are represented by Messrs Deo M Klin*,
S 11 Reynolds and J F ®'..,eauff.—Lea
cuttti li<ttihy*nt.r
On the "Jttlh ult. by Wns M Landls, at
Reformed Parsonage, Reberaburg, Mr
Win C Noll to M ta Maria K llooeer, both
of Madieonburg
On the Wh mat, by the aaiue, at lhaaauie
place. Mr William H|*ng!er of Tylers
ville Clinton 00, to Miae Sophia Sharp of
Centra 00.
At Lock Haven, Jan, 2Ud. by Itav W
Crisley. Mr Win South to Miss Mary
Etuerick, both formerly of Centre Uall.
On Wlh ult, el Kane-Olle, 111. bjf Rev S
•Stover, Mr Uriah Spangler and Miss Mil
lie Raymond, both of the former place.
Mr S|Mingl*r was formerly from Urusb
Ou the Oth of January at the Lutheran
parsonage in Aaronthurg by Re* 1' Sabiu
111), Mr William Ml Millar of Mill Hall
Clinton co, to Mis* liettie Buyer of Peon
Hall Centra cu.
On lha 10th met, al the Lulheranisarson
age in Aaronthurg, by the same, Mr Elija
S Burd to Mist Mary E Fowler, both of
Heine* twp. Centre co.
Ou the 'JStb ult, at the residence of Hon
Jat MacMsnut, father of the bride, in
Itellefonie, by Rev H Allen, Wmti Zel-
Isri end Miss Elvira J M> Manus, both of
UD thg ljth in.t, at Centra Hall. Mr
Francis Alesandor, aged 07 years.
A'hit* lYhaat ft 60, Rd 15 ...Ry*...„.
70 ......Col n6O ....Oat* 36. ...... Barley BU.
.>Clufcr*r<l t.JO .. ..PuUtvfi 60
Lard |>'T pound fL Pork per pound 06
Butfr 30,...... Plaster perton
115 Tallow $..... Ba<-ot 10 Ham 16
ard per pouod B cent*..........8uck aheal
66 t-u., Floor per Urwl retails, 60...
wholesale 7,36 to ~,W
Oorraotad by John M'DoweL Grain
White wheat 1,60....Rtd wheat 1 46....Rye
OJ Corn fio Ual* 36 liariey
Cluversoed I.Ut) Tiwolhyseed, 650
Salt 2 3ftpr tack,
Bacon 7c Harr 15..... Buttn 27... Eggs
30 Pla*ter V 60
Chestnut Coal par Ton 65.76 Stovo
Co. I per Ton %f, 60.. Egg Coal per Ton j
66 60.... Limeburnar's Coal ter Ton SI.W-
Will ba sold at Public sal*, at lb* lal*
r*iJcuct of John Lore, deed, 1 mile wast
of Chunbville. Pottar twp . on Thursday
I Marcb 6th, 1K74. at 10 o'clock. Sis bead
work h-Tiaa. two year old colt, milk cows,
one bull. 4 head of young catfl*. 1 i'borM
ibroad wheel road wagon, 1 4-oors* planta
tion wag on, 1 2 kuiM wagon 1 2 horse
sprtag wagon, I Buckey* reaper, 1 Grain
drill, hora* rake, thrashing machine A
power, sleigh, fanning mill, hay laddars.
ha* fork, rope and pulleys, cornscrapor,
corn planter, plows, harrows, callivatorw,
dinnfr bell, fruid*ior,a. ooppa* hatle.
cook sto** aadpipa. 2 ten-plat* store* and
pipe, desk and many othar articles 100 nu
merous to mention. Reasonable credit
will be given KLIZABKIII H. LO\ K,
fXECI'TOR'S NOTICE Letleri of 1
I j Ktecutiunon lh nUte nl Henry j
Jjitf, tale of Halnat twp., Centre ceun-!
ty. drcoated. having been granted to the
ui.denig tied ha request* all parson* indebl- 1
ed to *aid <-taU Us mate immediate pay-;
Minnt, and thoae having lagal claim*u
again* the tama will prevent them with
out delay in proper order
Jan HlOt * ' KgectUor.l
I Br virtue of the la*l will A testa
ment of Nichola* Deckard, late of Potter
township, dee'd, there will be told bv pub
; lie out-vry. <>n the nritmtea. in Potter
town* hits, on SATURDAY. M ARCH Tib.
1874 at 1 o'clock- Two traoti of limber,
i land No. 1 bounded bv landt of Henrv
! Broierhoff, John ZeUle, JohnD
and containing about 4i ACRES. Ihe
' improvement* are a SMALL HOUSE A
STABLE, abont 4 acrws cleared and tin
ider cultivation. The balance well tim
bered with pina, oa*. and chestnut.
No. 1 A tract of land tilualed on Sand)
Mountain, bounded by otber land of *aid|
estate, h* la 4 h'toderlct Arnold, i
; DnnleiVUcirt, and Jobn D Dec Card,,
containing 147 ACRES neat measure. j
The lal described tract it well tjtnlsered
' with pint*, rocl:otA and efetttmit. 1 KK£
ioKSALK: Ht percent ot the purchase
i monev to be paid on the dgy of talc. one
, half of the reuiaiuder on Ike delivery of
the deed, on or bvfora the 10th of April,
and the balance in one year afler with io
' ■ '.eratt to be tecured by band t *nd> mortgage,
I Will be told, on the Farm of Peteri
II offer. NIAK CKNTKK MALL, oi ,
Thur*W. yEMRUARi. :Skh. the follow-1
tug ur|)trlr. Fit® Beau of llortt*. ont
Mrt with Foal, 2 Cow*. 7 head 1 oung
Cattle, 1 tborl uorn Bull, 2 plantation
wagon*, 1 ihifting top buggy, one SW,
Plough*, Harrow*, Cultivator*, thovel
Plough*, corn uraper doubletree*, ttngle
trct*, thretbing. machine, horsepower and
.haker, 2 bay ciThb>r* with rope and pul
ley*, J *et bay ladder*, hortcgear*. cruper*.
brideband*, plough gear*, collars, bridle*,
flvnel* and other farming implement* too
i numerous to mention. Male to commence
•i 1 o'clock, when term* will be made
X Will be *o!d at Public Hale, at the|
ri*i4owo uf thu undesigned at Aaron*-1
burs, Saturday, mar. utb, atio'-j
clock •' Large Dining and other Table* .
Cupboard. Mahogany and olbar Chair*, a
loiofgiMMl Carnel, a variety of Uookt,
large Map of U- S., one good Clock.
| lA>okinggla**. Coal Stove. Uia*ware, Una
Tea sell, and all kind* of kitchen Furniture
.spinning wheel, Tub*, Harrel*. grain
Rag*, \> oodsaw, Ai#, Iron Ve*L, keg
of Spalb. anil many other ailiclr*
X Will he *old at Public Sale, at the
residence of the undemigned, I mile *outh
writ of Potter* Mill*, on TUESDAY,
KKB. 24th, at 100 cloek, 4 Work llor.e*.
a Cow*, a lot of Young Cattle, and Hog*.
I liuokaya ar.d one Buckeye, Jr. Reaper,
Threnliing Machine, Shawer and Horje
Power, TVo 2-Hor*e Wagon*, 1 Sleigh,
ilayrake, 2 Hora Sled. Cornplanter, Corn
acraper. Hayfork with R.<pe and Pulley.
Plow*, Harrow*, Cultivator#, Field Roller,
Horsesoare and Hernee* of evary descrip
tion, Windmill, Fork*, 2 sett* Hayiadder*.
Rake*, Hay by the Ton. and many other
article*. MARY AR MAO AST.
I The undersigned will ofTur at Public
Sale, near Spring Mill*, on WEDNES
DAY, MARCH lib at 10o'clock: 4 Head
of Home*. 2 being mare* with foal, one 2
year old Coll, 5 good milk Cow*. 0 head of
young Cattle, 1 breeding Sow, 8 Shoata, 1
Huckeyo Reaper, Thrashing Machine with
Power and Hliakar, ane new 2 Horse Wag
on, 1 whool plantation Wagon, I
ipring Wagon, 1 Carriage with pole mid
hnfl>, 1 Huggv, 2 Sleigh* ono now .led.
Log* led*. 1 guindrill, 1 Fanning Mill, I
ifayrake. Ilayladdem, 3 Patent Hayfork*,
different kind* with rope* and pulley,
1 Corn*)iallor, Cornplanfer, Cornaeraper,
Plow*, Harrow*, Cultivator* Reaper,
Orindstone. and other farming implement*
Chopper Machine with four knfve* ami
balance wheel, 1 Copper Koitle, Ir m Kel
llus, 1 Cook Stove, Parlor Stove, 1 ten
plute Stove, 1 Qasburner Coal Stove, a
large stock of FURNITURE, Bod room
Setts, Tablos. Chairs, largo dinner Bell,
'and many other articles.
MA LK - -Tb# underaignod oiler* at
private uilfl hli valuable Farm, aitual* In
Harri* twp . Centre ccunly, r U#jln
Hall, and about | mi la from tb# L. C- •
M. C. KK. containing 91 ACKKB l OP
CHOIOK FAKMINC) LA Nil, of which
about 30 Arret arc line WOODLAND.
Tha farm it under fence* and In a I
high tUle of rolti vation. Tbereon are i
wii<d a very large IIKIOK IIOUSK,
igood BANK ft A UN. and all other necee
tarjr Outbuilding* The watai la piped to
the huuto and barn There la alao a large
and thriving OKCIIAKI>, with all kind*
of i*lioien rrult, upon thn place Takan
altogether Ihia L ana of the maat datirabla
farm* now offered for tela in thia valley.
Purchaaart can buy tbi* property at a great
bargain, it appih ation it tnada on or be
fora April lot 1874 Tor further particu
lar*. add rat*,
Shaver* Croak, Huntingdon Co., Pa., or
John or Ja*. K, l.mden Hall, Pa. I
JjoTICE. Letter* of Adminietratl—aw
N the estate of Lucy Working lata of
out4v(aU, U'uarfleld county, dec d. hat
ing been grant* 1 to the undersigned, all
|seraont knowing lhamselves indebted to
•aid natal* ar* hereby uotifed to make im
mediate payment, ai d those.having claims
to present them legally authenUrals*),
without delay, fur eetuemeni
febis-ta Centre Hall,(Centra Co. Fa.
Wholesale & Retail
in targe varieties end every thing gener
ally kept in HARDWARK STORKS
M \ Sleek at this time is heavy, and will
•ffer Inducements to cash on short credit
buyer*. gov 27. 3m.
keystone Store.
Oo to
(LOT 111 >4*. OIL (MTIIL
No. 6 Bush a Arcade, Bellcfoote, Pa
All kitxla of country produce tak
en. Be 4 Bargains in town to be
bad. uov2otf
Stoves! Fire! Stov's!
At Andy Keexmnu'a, iVsuire Hall, are
latest aiid host stoves out. be has just
received a large lot of
Cook Stores, the Fiooeer Cook,
ibe Eclipse Cook,
the Uelt&oce Cook.
PA RLOBB—The Ha4tat: I I,ight, self fee
der, Gk* burner. National Egg,
Jewell. Ac.
lie sells stoves a* LOW as anywhera
in Mifflm or Centre co.
Th undcrigned hereby informs the
riUaent of l'miuvgUey that ne hat nur
cbated the Tmthop heretofore carried on
by the C. 11. Mfr Co., and will continue
the tame, at the mil eland, in all it* branch
es, in the manufacture of
AM kind* of repairing dona. He hat
always on hand
Fruit Cant, of all Site#,
All work warranted and charge* reason
able. A thare of the public natnunane so
licited, AMD. HEK-MAN.
'iaepTOv Centra Hall
Shortlidge & Co.,
Beliefonte Lime Quarries,
The only Manufacturers of Licoe, bnrnt
uclutivclr citk wood, in Central
Anthracite Con I,
White Lime,
Du Pout'e I'owder,
Sporting nod Blasting Powder on
. Fuse for Bleating,
Fire Brick,
Ground Fire CUr,
inn.lo 73
Office acd ynrd near South end of the
Bald KagU Valley Railroad Depot, Belle
fonte. Pa. Jan 10.73
Weekly Praaa,
The Representative Journal of Penn
as premiums now roady.
NO. 1.
| AfWf *• ■
Fran tho PetaUg af a (MMM UM ArtWh
asnob Publisher, ta the taped Melee. espreaal*
Thee, two ntiliiu I'biMMt. widely iwmti h
, Mi besot* and arU.U. Knieh. ere o,m-U ••£* J*'
en* reai.Von. a, proJecwi b* !>l \ Al. 4MBuKHt*
I an among thalr moat auccoaafal mta That* ratal)
Jit h. I ATI. ta •ranr subscriber to UM WatEl-Y RAK*H
aba aaeSa <u SI. <h P" fee m rear's ataiMlr,.
and alaa wat .liber to lb. getter up of arm dak of
See nvle or imrre .
Knectmena of IIM splendid work, of alt aaa fco aooa
at 100 .
<■ Business Olhce of
Seventh Street below ChettnuL
r Anecdotes of Public Men
• alto uffeisd a* a priMnium.
RotaU price. SI |i m|>7 ta aaliolpeUaa of tbo
Thttd KdiUoo woioSOT [post-paid) a com of the "An
; ecdotos of mhlle Uro tf an* mwu who wUJ send a,
. too subscriber. for tho ookl* I*l aaa. IM of tbo moat
~ ,artod publications In tbo oouatrr. abnndlna la liter
an. agricultural. political, aad manor, prlat
*' ad la qaarto fnrai. on strong while pa par. aad with
r PRRBB claim, ta ba tba
boat Yaatllr Waaar. tba tlaai Utererr JaaraaJ, tha
' Hoal Kopubli. -ti Weeklr. tho Boat Agricultural Organ.
Iha Boat W-.klr Newspaper. tho Baal Adrertialnf
Modium In tho Keystone Stale. It la. la all rwapocta.
tho 01 lai journal of Peaoarlraala. going OTorr
where, aad always striking tha loading aad I i|ilaain
tat Ira man ta aach township,
Tha AgHcutural Pago of thta Papor la a marked
1 .IM-lallj Ita management la ta Uw eictlualra control
i of Mr Moooan. whoso roputatloa throughout
' Iho whole uountry aaa practical aad snccoaafal agrl
I culturlat la wall aad faorebl* known
AuorwTor KKapiao MITTCS - Thar, la, perhaps,
ao wMklj, (oaraal which gtsea so maefi lataroatla,
aad Inatrucllr. reeding matter la a slants nuarbor aa
KOKNKY S WKKKI.Y PRKHH. Ita ooaaortloa with
Iho Aaaoriatod I'r.., .nahloa the proprietor of Iho
WKKKI.Y PRKKS to furalah Um readers with tho
rerr latest Koralgn aad domestic Now, bi tolagra|>h.
■tea HI ship,. Atlantic table. Full market reports,
mono*, grain, natllo. and general, -of Philadelphia
sod ell lh < leading cities of tha Colon, constitute a
prominent and laraluablo feature of tha Weekl* Pre
Tho graatrot cars la aian load ta tha aoloctloo of tba
ariod table of r.iatenta. and ta making ap at tho pa
Specimen Copies sent free.
lernis of The Weekly IVKS.
1 iop* 1 year #SOO SO oopioa s46*l
I Copies VUU It copies. I address, U Ufl
iu copies 14 iw SU copies 1 address .S4 UP
j copies 27 UU Id copies 1 address.., iuUB
Parson, gutting ap a ciab of tan or mora can cbooar
M a premium either oaa of tha Chrumo,, a oopjr of
•• Aaacdotaa of Publlo Mm" or a cop* of theVfKKK 1 Y
PR All ordor, ahoold ba addraaaad to
Editor snd Proprietor.
Unit S. W. cor. 7th aad Chestnut, Phlled.
•torv dwelling bouM and food lot,
, in one of tli* mint dealrabte portion* nf
, Ah r.r>.bur*, i. ..(Tared at private anie.
i *£? 'J ,r * ■" Bf<TMary outbuilding* .url.
I •• J" tchan, woodshed, —tebibnu. a (bop
. (tabla, extern, An. Choice fruit of aJi
tf Aaronabnrg,
Miller & Son,
I'M iuadkiaai purpeeaa.
Truaara ABupporter in grnnl variety.
Alao, cbo tea
and all othar artieina usually k apt la a
Implant iteg (Hart.
HMaateptkma earefuljv Corepoandnd.
Prusca Lwa :baa at nay CXbor Bboc
Slum in Ontr* County.
Call and See Us !
No. 5, Buab'a A read#, ReiiafoaU.
Jul* mr.
Wood ring 6c Co.,
At the Grocery Aim* on Alkwbony
Street, Ballafonte, Pa, uppoatta llaffar
Hru'i infurtr, iba Public generally, tba>
l bay have now and kaap at all Uwmw on*
of the bnat and largaat stocks of Q war tel.
such a*
Aa., An.. Ae^
contesting of cam aod pnacbaa, ebarrtea. ;
oaaatoes, plnma, grann corn, driad apptea.
peach e*. cherries Ac
In brtnf they bava avarytbing nanally
kept in n Irat ciaaa Grocery Store. Call in
lad tea and gentleman. Our prtcna am I
inaaonabla We ataa tc planan. octM '
"fen b xrrWu to tba ctueeas of Miflis i
Ontra and adjoining counties, ia '
Sign and OraMMMial
Oak. Walnut, Mepla, Ask,
Mahogony. Ac.,
Plain and Kr Paperkanging. Or
der* respectfully eoticiiea.
All ftna work d-ae for other painters.
no* 6tf.
S*Uptr Barrel 35
Salt per Saek .. t*
Boat Rio Coffee par ■ ... . 10
White Sugar par A . II
Men'• Stofe Boot*— 174
Roe# BooU per pair.... I*o
Horee Biaakets par piece...—..— 1 ?*
Meo'a Shirt*, a place 100
Arm j Panlalooat 174
Bert double ihtok tobacco e bar S&
Bert Navy Tobacco per bar 4O
We ere Wanamakers A Brown * agent*
end will fairish customer* with nt aiad
of clothing you went et Philadelphia
prices, end will *how you large sample* to
choose from.
Largcti stock of Merchandise ever
brought to thia town. Collar, Kocas and
up Stair* all full. Call and see for your
selves and sere from 20 to 90 per oesrt.
The highest Market price paid for but
er. rags, ham and all binds of produoe.)
P:Oy different kinds of men's[glares.
Exoelsior Cement
The undersigned now maaafacture Ce
QUALITY, at their kilns, near Pine
Creek Mills, in Haines twp. This cement
has already been used in large quantities
apon the L. C. AS. C. RK., and has Wen
I found highly satisfactory upon all jobs
I whete It has been used, end as equal to
| sny now manufactured. The undersigned
new take pleasure in recommending, end
warranting it to all. for use in 018-
TKRNS, WATER PIPES, or whatever
purpose e good quality of CementM desi
rable. This Cement ha* already been
tested for and wide, and rendered the ut
u>ort astir faction. Persons, therefore con
structing Cisterns, faying Water Pipes,
Ac., will And it to their advantage to beat
this in mind, and also, that they warrant
the article a* represented. For farthei
particulars, address
20d*c tf Aarooeburg. Pa.
Before ordering elsewhere send for Cat
atoguc, which is now ready and will be
mailed gratis on application.
Our Chronto "Taa Little Florists, e
beautiful Perlor Picture-pronounced by
judges a success, is now sent free to all who
fovor us with orders to the amount of tee
BJsn 3in. Rochester, N. Y.
Imp I piFistu RsaiJaaiSts uSi >■ n IK-
used with syrup.
M~ ILLEB S HOTEL, Woodward, Pa.
Stages errire wd depart deily.
New Store!
New Goods!
> •
New Prices!
New Everything !
Beat AtMTiMK Wia.. Tl , lUeM
hH— , , Ml
Bedford , ~ get*
Appletea A. Mualin 4(4 mLm* mm Uct*
Angola da itcu
CbeHnut Hilt bleached..... ............ 12rii
Canton Pl*A eel. .. 15ct
While Safer. ....... ......... 13|r!
| Best Nijr T0bacc0...... "Set*
Lover leg Syrup , ~ m —' "Set*
Be.. Ac., Ac.
A FSm of Ladies
Moe* colored P0p1in*......... 40c *
Ja|NUk*M Silk*, -mm mmmmm..mmm MM Mc 9
Tycoon Bop* - 2Brt*
Pine Mohair Silk Pieiak 1.00
•lack Alpaca*, 1**^..„„ n . w ..... I Set*
Prench Merino* -- I.CO
Very Pine Ceakcnere* _ net*
Ac. Ac, Ac.
All etker good* la proportion. We
save t*M i* * large dock of tke keel good*
wkk-h were pu renamed at tke very bottom
panic price*, and, Ike nwub being well
advanced. we are determined to elooo
Arm out at price* tket have not keen
mucked tit tat* country tince tke wnr.
Come nnd etnmine eur Hock and prtcee
and be convinced tkat we wilt do yu
Cd. S. R WOLP,
II If. tVnlrc Hji.
i*M *. oavta, c. r. tutu**!*,
c. w. no wan*.
ISaoag* at law. Uflc* opponsu Court
Ben**, Bel latent*. P.
Jam l*t '74 If
JOBH P. POTTKK. Attorney-ml- L*V,
Collodion* promptly made nnd
•pacial auestion firm tu Lmi icg
lend*or property for mate. Will drew up
aad kave uniatrkdnt Deed*,
Ac. OMca in tke dnunoad, north tide of
tke eourt bouee, AeUeloat* o*st£f<Mktf.
/MMTkft SALL JioritL
\J Jama Bran ana, Proprietor.
Stage* am** aad dopart daily, for al
paint*. north. *outk. eee* and wot.
a. n. at *LU*Tia. aact*. turn.
Belief on te. Centre co., Pa epCSil
aanar aaocsaaaorr, t. t> caruKaT,
Pmidc&L Cnahier.
(Lete Millikan, Hoover A Co. >
And Allow iotnmt,
Diaooaat Not nr.
• Bar and ~c!'.
I'ovmiiceal Secwrtlica,Gold <C
aplOMtf Coupon#.
P. POBTNEY, Attorney at Lew,
• Bolledknla, Pa OMc* over Key
eald * bank. meyll * >
Old Poll, wbare be i* nt nil Lime*, prrpartd
to make all kind* of men and boy * cloth
ing, according to tke la teat ctyte* and at
raa*oa*bte ckargm.
D. If. RirrsawocsK,
Fish, Cheese and Provisions,
144 N .--th Delaware Avenue,
147 North Water Street.
P. AJTi*p*. • imia J. knua
U> ke
Banking Co.
cxmrsi BALL. FA.
A*d Allow
Discount XU
Buy udMI
Government Securities, Gold aad
Pxrxx Ilorrta. Wm. B. Mtxouc,
Prw'L Cwhitf
Ch*. H. Held.
Pek. Watcluaakcr A leveier
Millheim, Uoire Co.. Pa.
Respectfully inform* hk friend* and the
paklic to |Wnl, thai ti ha* jut uwntd
at hi* m establish meat, above Alexan
ders Han, aad keep* constantly on band,
all kiad* ol Clock*, Watch e* and jewelry
of tba latest styles,a* alto the Maranvilla
Patent Calender Clock*. provided with a
complete index of the month, aad day of
the month and woek on its foce, which it
warranted aa a perfect time-keeper.
Watches aad Jewelry re
pair*.: on abort notice aad warranted.
tep 11' 68 ly
Would meet reapwctAilly inform the eit
sont of thia vicinity, that he has started a
new Boot aad Shoe Shop, aad would bo
thankful for a share of too public natron
ago. Boots aad Shoos made to order and
according to Kyle, and warranto his work
fto equal any made elsewhere. All kinds
of repairing done, and charges reasonable.
Give him a call. feb 18 ly t
Dentist, Millheim.
Offers his profstsiona! services to the
public. Be ts prepared to perioral all
operations in the dental profession,
yrlle it now fully prepared to extract
teeth eheoiwßefy sestkoaf ye*a. myß-78-tf.
Beat Sample Rooms iu Town.
D. JOHNSTON A SONS, Proprietors,
Beliefonte, Penna.
■ftVen E*u to and from the Depot.
|T. De WiU Talmage is editor ofn
■The Christian at Work ; C H Spur-H
Hgeon, Special Contributor. ThovH
■write for no other in A m.-rh .■
■Three magnificent Chromos. ISvW
■larger couimiiumm than any othcrH
■DY. No Sectarianism. No Sec ■
■tionalitm. One agent recently ob-H
■tamed 880 subscript ions in eight,>■
■hours absolute work. Sample copit sH
■and circulars sent free.
AGENTS Wanted ■
|U. W ADAMS Publisher llH
■ Chambers Street, New York.
■Jan 8
If yon trt Suffering from *n|
BiwkeaDßva ConaUtutioia
Or requim a Remedy to
YouvriUflwd Dr. Crook "i Cawpennd My rap
StrekflftSttO|MwrM preafer mertf, curt
you more speedily, and do you more good
Itian any and all other remedies combined.
Thai Pale.Teltow, Alekly.loofclajr hklw
Is ebanged to owe of fr**hnee and health.
TtKMS Ulimisfi of tup flUfiics, I*l mplcß, Phu*
lain, BIUh and trap lion, are rt
mored. I*-rata la. NciefalMU PtaeaMS
turjzxr r,"r,5-rissss,^
dwlnd e and disappear under ita Influence.
Whan la Ist It 1s nature'* own restorer I A
soluble oxyd of Iron eomUtnod. withthe
medicinal propane* of Toke Hoot dlretted
DttkUmsagniaabie (jn a 1 lUe t^wdacure^ny
?VwM^"a*lt{■Uno'sroken ioini