i Cyele. If he ha.l com* in tfes early dawn. Who i tho ounriM flushed the earth. I would hero given hii ell my heart. Whatever the heart wee worth. If ho hed com* et tho ne ! Freed from u. and tread from death. Hid with thee, in heaven above, Ovwmpfendor me. O God, With the glory of thy lore. A TALE OF THE CIRCE IT. It aa a first night on the circuit after vacation, and old Tom Badger's tarn for a starr. Tom's forte lay in the " criminal line." He had cheated the gallows so often that Bill s>uiply used to say be wondered how hn eotud look a hemp field in the face. " Did I ever tell TOO." said Tom, ftiTing his tumbler of jnlep an exhaust ive suck—" Did I eTex tall yon, boys, about Obed Scott's case f* No, he never had. " I should like to have snch another . now," he rwsnmed. "It was just des perate enough to put one on his legal metal; and I think, with my present experience, I could win throe times ont of five under similar circumstances. But I waa a boy then." " How was it f" we asked, desirous to cut short the preface. "The ease was in a nutshell," said Tom, coming to the point. " Eno Bnrdge was an old settler, without wife or child, who began to feel hampered as the population averaged half a man to the square mile. He de cided to Mil out and go West. "He bad a choice tract of lan 1, with a comfortable cabin on it; and Obed Scott, the likelieet yonng man in the settlement, made an offer to bay it Obed, instead of squandering his gains foolishly, as too many youngsters do. had saved them np. One reason of his prndenoe, may hap, was his engagement to Hettls "Ward, *h< prettiest girl I ever saw." The old lawyer stopped to honar her with a reminiscent swig. "Though others," he eontinoed, "offered more, 'in payment*,' Enoe accepted obed's bid ; for the latter was ready to pay cash down, and Enos said he wished to quit the country for good, and ' didnt want to leave no omettled business behiut him.' "On the day fixed for completing the contract, Enos went before a j nstiee of the peaoe, and duly executed a deed to Obed Scott, which he carried away with him —saying Obed was to meet him that evening, pay the money, receive the deed, and take possession ; after which it was Enos' intention to psss the night with an old friend to whom he was to psy a small debt, and whose honse lay in "the d : rection of his journey. " But Enos never reached his friend's house, and the only aoconnt gireo of bim after leaving the justice's. was by Obed Soott, who ssid he had met Enos at his cabin, as agreed on, paid him his money, snd gotten the deed ; and then Enos had gone away, leaving him in possession of his pmcbase. There was n<> honester man than Enos Bnrdge. That he should have left the country clandestinely to avoid paying the one trifling debt he owed, ana with out stopping to bid his friends good-by, seemed a thing hardly credible. V Komora of fnul play began to be calculated ; and those were not wanting who hinted at the possibility of Obed Soott's having thought it an economical stroke to pat Enos ont of the wsy, snd so possess himself of the deed without paying the stipulated price. *' So rife did these rumors grow, that sundry good eitirena at last called on Obed, and told him that a thorough in vestigation was necessary to vindicate his name. " Instead of inviting inquiry, as good policy, to pnt it on no higher ground, would have dictated, Obed was indig nant, or feigned to hie, at the imputa tion cast upon him. His tone enhanced rather than allayed the prevailing doubts, and a search of the premises was begun without waiting for his per mission. "Not fax from the eabin, beneath some scattered straw, signs were dis covered indicating that the earth had been recently disturbed; and on digging down a little way, the mangled corpse of Enos Bnrdge was exhumed I " Obed admitted that he had taken possession of the cabin on the evening of its late owner's departnre, and that he slept there that night. Enos Bnrdge had never bees seen alive since. Who so likely to have slain and buried him where his body was found, but the man who had both the motive and opportu nity ? " That was the question I asked my self when retained to conduct Obed's defence, and I confess T was unable to return n satisfactory answer. Still, I felt bound to do my best, and I did it, " On the trial, the facts were proved much as I have related them. In sum ming up, I made the most of Obed's good character, dwelt on the fallacious ness of circumstantial evidence, read cases from the books to show how many judicial murders it had been accessory to, and wound up with a strong appeal to the jury to give the defendant the benefit of everv reasonable doubt. "Bat old Paxwax, the presiding judge, stripped the gilding off my speech by repeating, io his charge, the usual platitudes about the impossibili ty of circumstances lying. True, he told the jury that the prisoner was en titled to the benefit of all reasonable doubts: but then he emphasized the word ' reasonable' in such away aa to indicate, plainly enough, that in his opinion, in the present ase, any doubts would be wholly unreasonable. "When the jury brought him in guilty, Obed turned pale, for a moment, though, on the whole, I think ha bore it better than I did. " ' What have you to say,' asked the judge, 'why the senttnoe of the law (should hot be pronounoed upon you ?' "' Nothin',' Obed answered; 'only yon're a goiu to send me, jedge, afore a court as has got more sense, I hope, than this'n, an' whar I'll git a fair trial, even f Squire Badger ani't thar to plead my caea.' "The judge reproved him for hia levity; and, after an exhortation to re pentance, which wonld have become the month of a better man, old Paxwax sentenced the prisoner to be hanged, at the end of six week?. " I applied in vain for a writ of error und stay of proceedings. Equally in I appealed to the Executive clem ency. Governors of States are gener ally so mnch more just than the Great Governor, that when it becomes a ques tion of mercy, the responsibility is commonly shuffled off on the latter. "Obed sect me a message to come KRKD. Kl T KTZ, tiditor mul Proprietor. VOL. Ml. aud aoe turn on hia last night. Ho was the oulr inmate of the little log tail, with wsi'l* three tiers of tinilwr thick. "The jailer lei n\e in and closed Ihe door upon me. It wasn't usual then, as now, to keep close watch ou con demned criminals to see that they didu't anticipate their iltxun. If thev hanged themselves, it was so mneh trouble saved. " * How do von feel, Obed ?' I in quired, taking his baud kiudly. " * Jest iniu'lin', he answered. ' You see I could a stood it a heap better if flettie hadn't come here to see me.' " * Pie like a man.' I said ; there's no help for it now.' "' I can't do it, he replied ; an* what's mow, / trow'#.' " 1 looked at him in surprise. " ' You see this yer rope," he con tinned ; •1 made it "out o'my bed-dose this afternoon, detarmiucd, ef 1 bad to be banged, to do the job myself ; bnt scnce 1 seen Hettie, I've changed my mind.' " My astonishment iaetffcicJ. " 'A lawver han't no right to peach ou his client, lies he ?" he asked. " That was a question including sev eral others, among them the important one when the relationship referred to might be considered ended. " * At anv rate, ef you give the alarm now, I'll kill yon,' he" said, quietly; aud before I kuow, he had grasped my arm with one hand, and placed the other on mv month. ""•You must submit to be gagged,' he added, in the same firm, determined tone. " I felt that conscience didn't demand the imperilling of my life. I saw that Obed was desperate, and would stick at nothing. I was, moreover, an infant in hia hands. " He stuffed a wad of something into my mouth, aud secured it by a bandage brought round and tied at the back of my neck. " Then compelling roe to change clothing with lum, he bound me hand and foot with the cord he hail prepared, and fastened me on his bed. Then bid ding me good night, he tapped at the door —my nsual sign a! to be let ont. "I do not know if I wonld have warued the drowsy jailer if I could, aa 1 heard Ob.d bid lum 'good uiglit,' in my votae and walk away unmolested. I think 1 was glad I could not; for I had never more than half believed in Obed's guilt, and despite the incon venience to myself. I entertained a se cret hope that his plan of escape might succeed. "Of course, there wis s hubbub when the sheriff and his assistants came in the morning. Of course, my expla nation proved satisfactory; and, of course, it would haTe been carrying the doctrine of representation by attorney to an unwarrantable extent, to have hanged me in my client's stead. There were some who whispered thst it was a concerted thing between Obed and myself ; but my professional standing was a sufficient vindication against such a slander." "Ha ! ha !" langhed an irreverent junior. The "death rattle" etoked by Mr. Badger's last suck at his julep was the only reply deigned to the young man's impertinenoe. " And what do yon think of the case, after all ?" asked Bill Qnipiey. " Oh, the truth came out at last ! Ahab Graady was paying me some money, one day. Among the bank notes he gave me ona peculiarly marked, which I remembered having paid to Enos Bnrdge, on the day he disap peared. I secretly procured a warrant, and had Orandv's bouse searched. The result was the iisoovery of a numl>cr of the murdered man's effects, among them a watch he had worn for manv years, and whieh was readily identified " When confronted with the proofs of his guilt, Ahab confessed that he hacn it for a long time. Finally they procured a email boat and made the venture. Tappin pnlled on a rope attached to the bow, while Smith pushed at the stern. The object in taking the boat was, in case the ice gave way, to have it handr to take to, and thus aave themselves from a watery grave. It was agreed that Mr. Hale— be being the largest man—should re main on the shore until Smith and Tap pin had gained the other bank, when he should follow on liia bauds and kueea. The parties with the boat reach ed the other aide in safety, when Mr. 11. struck out as prerionalv ar ranged. He spread himself out like a bat, in order to cover as much surface as he conld, and thus crawled on his stomach for a half an hour—a very fa tiguing pmeees of navigation. At the end of half an hour ho had reached midway of the river, when be heard a noise behind him that filled hia soul with terror. He thought the ice was breaking UP, and that he was a goner, ■ore. He looked aronnd and there was a team of horses attached to a load of wood. He sprang to his feet to escape being run over, and lit ont for his com rades, who were Iving on the ground almost choked witn laughter over their groundless fears and Mr. Hale's ad venture. From (Irate to day. Thus apeak# a Bt. Lonis paper: Tticre is s popular, but decidedly erroneous impression that the paths of Jenkins are paved with roses and orange blos soms; that he wanders through the pleasant fields of society, and that his ways are pleasant and his lines cast in delightful places; that his life is silk woven and ficeoe-lined; that bis whole existence is roseate and perfu ned. Read this note, laid upon my table on Thursday: "Go to Pinckneyville on morning train to hanging of two negroes. Hang them both in a column ami a half. Re turn on evening train, and report at the office in party dress at 9 p. M. for Jen kins duty. J. B. McC." Reflect, oh I ye whose feet are clad with kid. From the home circle to an execution. From the gayest scene that fancy can paint to the saddest human eyes can Know. From the rustle of satin to the mnttered prayer of the con demned wretch. From the flashing of diamonds to the sudden glare of eyea looking for the last time upon the earth. From the swell of music to the thud of the executioner's sx upon the cord. From the graceful movements of dancers to the spasmodic contractions of a strangling human. From life, with all that makes its worth, to death the moat horrible that man'a ingennity can devise. Surrogate Warren of Troy has given a decision in a curious will dispute. Doel Banders, a respectable citizen of Hoosao Falls, made hia will there some Giars ago, and after wards removed to asnaohusett* without issue. The es tate was valued at about $20,000 in per sonal property, a part of which at the death of the testator was in New York and part in Massachusetts. The will left only a small share to the widow o( Mr. Banders, and that hulj preferred to waive her right un*er the will and claim what the laws of Massachusetts allow: the whole estate up to SB,OOO, and one half the exoess of that sum. The lawn of Massachusetts, however, require that a will shall be witnessed by three persona, ao the will, being witnessed only by two, had to be proved in Troy. Then a certified copy was recorded in Massachusetts under the United States laws. Surrogate Warren of Troy de cided that though ordinarily the funds biiould be remitted to Massachusetts, that having been the domicil of the tes tator at the time of his death, yet the intentions of the testator should not be defeated by allowing the widow to ob tain a larger share than lie had intended for her. Therefore the personal estate in New York will lie divided among the legatees. A Will Case. Life la the City. llnh t'copli M* r 111 !• Ilk an Kvwr- Iviii Uuttai* ■ Willi, Fuuttoril dollars a week, or S7'JH a year, ill Sew York city, is a salary paid 1 to thousands of clerks' who by industry ' and close application hiive passed from the lowest rank to one where a position is assumed and the first promotion is i gained. To win and bold audi a posi tion requires medium buaiucasabilmes, a good hand writing, methodical habits, unvarying diligence, and a more than average knack at the particular trade in question. There are thousands, fully ai compe tent, ready to take these same positions : at from 8* to $lO per week, i Promising that an average man of family devotes a week's income to liis mouth's rent, and rarely finJs it advis able to rise above that amount, a week's expenses will be nearly as follows: ' House rent •• #3 60 Fuel <*> 1 Jglu " Milk. . Mutter ... (ironrid t'offss. lib #0 SO Tea. Ilb - Kuzar, "1 lb* k$ ' Potato** ; t abbage 3" Soap. Ae 35 Kiuidriw ... • 4® XV. Uroad, two losis" daily I.to ' Total HI M Car fare ... l'obarco. 33 Clothing and euitdnaa I 35 (trand total. 614.00 That is to say, one-fourth of the in come ia spent in rent, one-half in food, one-eighth in incidental and inevitable t-ipenaea, and two—perhaps four—per sons are clothed on Bt>o a year; or.uuder the most fsvorable circumstance*, one fourth for rent, one-third in food, and the expenses of a family remain to be ' met on twice that sum. There is no l hardship in it, no hunger, no cold. ■ Neither are there Ikm.ks, papers,amuse ! ments, culture, accumulation. Take the look of room. In any part of the city exeewt the quarters abandoned to the so-called criminal rla*eeflGß a year rents a room and two bedrooms. Built as tenement-houses ordiuarily are, this gives about two-lhirda the space on one floor of an ordinary twenty-foot front bonse. In other words, if one family has an income of $3,0H0 and another ; 8700, the first has six times the room of the other. Remembering the undivided use of hsllwsjs and yard it wonld uot be unfair to say that a disproportion of inoomea represented by three to one means a difference of living loom of ten to one. Two room* can he practically used for nothing bat bedrooms, anil in these the air ia laden day and night with aix, eight, ten times ita normal weight of carbonic arid gas. One of them only communicatee with a eloae yard or a foul atreet. The other ia ventilated by a window opening into a ball which i never lighted or ventilated except bv a street door,and the window ia uduraJly kept cloaed and curtained. To one room, then, the family ia confine*!. There the food ia cooked and eaten, there clothing ia waahed and through the winter dried, there the family live on Sunday, and there the family have to upend their evenings. Puysirtan* are familiar with the fact that the con finement to a aiogle room in rickues* itaalf prevent* the elaatte vigor needed for reouverv. Yet for all the need* of home life tliooaanda of familiee are re stricted to tliefonr walla that bound the living room. The Age of Tree*. It is well known that the yearly layer* or rings by which the age of a tree ia determined do not diminish in relative thickness by a constant law. A paper was recently read before the French Academy of Hoienoe* in which the can sea of thia irregularity were dis cussed. The writer concluded that the data of meteorological phenomena, when known and tubulated, might tie com pared Tear by year with the annual layers formed iu different varieties of trees. From sncli comparison some ideaa as to the law# of development of tree* may be obtained, and these laws being established, trees might become collections of meteorological evidence where observations can not be made. An exchange suggests a rather striking example of what might be learned from ancient trees: " Buppnse that there should be found in Egypt a very old though living tree, the origin of which dated back to thv time of Joseph. If on -ntting the trunk the riugs ooirespouding to that period showed seven thi. k and seven thin lay ers, there would be tangible evidence of the Hcriptnrsl tradition of the seven vear* of plenty and seven years of fam ine, besides of the immediate canton of humidity, temperature, etc., to which auc.h phenomena might be due." Viewing trees in this light, they may indeed become historians of the past The Bodies of the Siamese Twins. What the proposed final dispoaion of the bodies of the Siamese Twins is to be, says a correspondent, I am not in formed, but report here says that they are to be embalmed and disponed of at an enormoua price to some museum or medical college, or placed on exhibi tion at a sum equivalent to the value set upon them by the Mount Airy man agers, who, of course, will realize a handsome percentage out of the trans action. All of this, however, is to be subject to the decision of the moml>er of the families, who bavo been notified of the deetli of their parents, and are expected home at an early day. No eflort whatever wa* made to per form an operation on the ligament with reganl to ascertaining whether there was an artery passing through it or not, as that woulu have materially interfered with prospective greenbacks, and pres ent speculations would have been nip ped in the bud. Embalmed and pre served as they ore, the bodies of the twins will have a market value from which money can always be realized by those having possession of them. The ligament cut in the interest of scienoe, the curiosity would be destroyed, and consequently the separata dead bodies would be of no value. A Little Heroine. Once in a while is told some story of heroism iu a child which ought to help the professional cynic to a little faith in his kind. Not long ago a young girl, lost in the woods witu her little brother, protected him from the weather sll throngh a bitter qight at the cost of her own frozen limbs: Some days ago three children, a little girl of six, her brother only fonr, and another little boy six years old, went tb a pond in Ken tucky to skate. That day tho ioe had been out from half the pond, and the six-year-old boy skated directly into the deep water and sank. The three small creatures were all olpne there. The four-year-old tried to rescue the poor ohild, but failed ; then the little girl, with a presence of mind a woman might be proud to own, walked to the edge of the ioe, waited until the boy rose gasping, seized him and drew him out. What a glittering romanoe might be built upon this trae story of a child's courage ! Coronation of the king of Mlin. This city, ys * Bangkok norrespon dent, has lately been a aoene of fes tivity and gorgoons processions and illuminations, owing to the rocorouation of the King, who haa lately aitiiiod bis majority, 110 waa originally crowned alKiut six years ago, on the death of his father ; bill, lieing then only a boy of 13, he could not undertake the sole charge of government, which was, therefore, intrusted to a Regent, who has fulfilled his duties in a manner which is seldom met with in Oriental countries. Prior to the present ceremony, the Kiug, according to BibUtcae law, was compelled to enter the priesthood for a short time, and had to perform all the duties of the youngest uovioe aud to receive instructions suitable to the position he was to occupy. After this ceremony lie was, on the morning of the lfitb of November, at half-past 6, re crowned by the attendaut priests, which fact was announced to the people by a salute of 101 guns from the palace, and another of 21 guns from a French frigate which came to Bangkok in honor of the occasion. At 10 a. M. the King repaired to the itoyal Throne, arrayed in the aplendid .SUU- robes, and attended by hia nobles bearing the different insignia of his power. A most brilliant assemblage had beeu previously congregated in front of the throne, and representatives from almost every civilized nation were present. Immediately after His Majesty had taken hia seat on the throne he read a proclamation abo lulling crouch ing and prostration in the presence of a superior. From lime immemorial it has beeu tb Siamese cue torn never to stand in the presence of Royalty, aud the highest nobles in the land could onlv approach the King on their knera, with their elbows resting on the floor, and their b*3* joined in the act of worship. A nobleman visiting another of higher rank than himself wonld have to remain in a very similar position, no matter bow long the interview might last. In the proclamation the King stated that he had been impressed with the conviction that no country could prosper wbcresnch servility and worship from one man to another was the cus tom, and that he wished to see men on a mure equal footing, so that the poor est aubjert in the kingdom might feel -are of obtaining equal justice with the rich. During the reading of this edict, all the Siamese present, to the number of about 400, remained in a prostrate con dition on the floor, but at its eorclttanio they arose simultaneously and did tbwr beat toward making a bow to the King in European Fashion. Many of them anpoared ill at ease, and it was noticeable, by their round shoulders and half-stooping gait, that they were almost afraid of the position they found themselves in. After s few more formalities, the King retired amid the moat horrible din of oouchca, gong*, horns, and all other native instruments which could possibly render discord discordant. As the King now possesses some mili tary bands very fairly trained in Euro pean music, it is anticipated thst the native instruments sounded their own death knell on this occasion. tdverllaer* who As| for Credit. Advertising, unlike other mefrlur disc, in presumed to coat nothing. Hpar* in u newipaper ia a perialiablc commodity. In many eases it ia woree than ralnrlf**. If not used for fclwr tising it muni b filled with reading matter at a coat for composition. Theme reasons cause publisher* to M>ll advertising space where tboywould not think of trusting for job printing, or any other article representing a coat in aetna! money. Tills is the reason why irresponsible advertising agencies ao readily get credit foe largv sums. There are six thousand paper* published in the Union. A man believed to lie worth a thousand dollar* ia readily trusted for hia wants in the way of advertising space. He may get credit an the books of three thousand publishers for# quar ter of a million without owing any in dividual as much sa two hundred dol lar*. However tiue it may be that advertis ing space costs nothing, no publisher doing business on that pnucipte has ever made money. Withiu the past ten year* American publishers have lost, in bad debt*, np wnrda of a million by advertisers from New York city, no one of whom could buy a hundred dollars' worth of mer chandise without planking down the cash before delivery. Advertisers who cannot give responsible security are de barred from contracting with responsi ble advertising agencies; they therefore apply to publishers direct. If every one accepts a fifty-dollar contract,three hundred thousand dollars' worth of advertising is obtained on credit Pro vided only one publisher in ten accepts, the amount is thirty thousand dollars. If the bnsineea is a success, the adver tising bill# are paid wholly or in part with a greater or leaser degree of promptneas.aceording to circumstances. If the business is s failure, no one is paid, and there the matter ends. If there were no responsible adver tisers—if all advertising wsa done on this principle—possibly no oce would lie wronged. Publisher* would thue become the partner* of their advertisers and share in their risks and profits. The case being otherwise, responsible advertisers, who can be made to pay, are co]ielled to compete with those who cannot. The moral is easy to be aeeu. A pub lisher owes it to himself and to his cus tomers who pay that he make himselt sure of his money before he contracts to render a service in his advertising columns. —JVwipapo" Reporter. A Qneer Family of Lunatics. Tho family of Jsme* Scott, of Clark connty, Ind., ia afflicted with a Tory strange nort of lunacy. They are Mor mono, and Scott professes to bo the oracle of Qod. His wife waa taken nick late in August, aud he coutined her in a room, to which he refused to admit anybody bnt hie eon and daugh ter. The neighbors made several at tempt* to get in, but he always op posed them. One day a Mormon min ister called and said he list! received a " manifestation from Ood " to the effect that he should see tho woman, but Scott replied. " I have a later msnifc s tation to kick you off the premises," and kicked him accordingly. Finally, a band of men determined to unravel the mystery. They broke into the room, the father, son. and two daugh ters meanwhile standing by moaning and talking wildly. They found the confined woman sitting in a chair, and looking stiff and stolid as marble, her face yoid of expression, and she evi dently quite indifferent to all that was going on. The woman, when she waa first taken sick, got a notion into her bead that ahe wonld never die, bnt would he translated as Elijah of old ; and, after sifting the matter, it is pretty clearly ascertained that Soott in tended to keep his wife concealed until she died, and then give out to the world that she was translated. A move ment has been made to have the whole family examined by a lunacy commis sion. Tt?rm: S'-i.OO a Your, in Advance. 11. 1X74. Humiliated to Death. A New York coroner investigated tlu circtimoUuoe attending the death of David Whits, s schoolboy who com mitted suicide by hanging. Young White lived with his parents. lis was not twelve year* of agw, and had two brothers, one older and All# other younger Utau himself, The trio at tended the Allen street public school, and he waa oousidered by his teachers, ss well as his parents, very iutdli gent child. He was studious, and cut stripped boys older than himself. He waa recently promoted to a higher class, and at Una jxiiiit hi* troubles be gan. He was unable to keep pane with his classmates, and disheartened by hit failure he grew careless. As a punish ment for nis carelesauess bis teacher placed his name on the blackbird as thai of an imperfect student, and left it there for the inspection of the whole aehooL He was a proud, high-spirited boy, aud the publicity thns given to his short comings, together with the recolleotioaa cf his former suaeesses, affected him keenly. One morning, before school time, he told his brothers that be intended to end his life, adding Uiat he had a pocket-knife, bnt it waa too doll for the purpose. The tw> boys told him be must be crazy to talk so ; Uiey looked upon his words ss mere childish bravado not dreaming that he waa serious, and thought no more of them until subsequent events showed how thoroughly in earnest he was when be uttered them. In the afternoon his mother heard him enter the house and go up stairs. School was just over and she supposed he had gone to leavt bis books in the bedroom' Fifteen minutes passed and ahe tiooame alarmed. Thinking that be might, perhaps, be ill, she followed him up stairs and attempted to push open the bedroom door; there wee something behind it which prevented her from opening it, and at ahe felt the impediment the first premonition of what she waa about to am- fell upon her. She called alond to her son to open the door, but no answer was returned, end the weight within still hang against it. At last ahe summoned s!l her strength end resolution, forced it open, and en tered the room. The next moment it shut fast again, leaving her inside with the body of her son hanging before her. Under the first horror of the situation ahe waa ineapable of action ; she could only shriek for help, and in a few moments another woman, an inmate of the houae was by her aide. She at onoe drew a pair of scissors from her poeket, and with some difficulty severed the atrap by which the boy waa sus pended. A physician waa •am mooed, and learning that the bodv could not have been hanging more than quartet of an hour, he waa encouraged to hope that resuscitation might be possible. He applied an electric battery, and en deavored to produce artificial respira tion, but be failed. A book strap had been passed through a hole in the npper panel and carried over the door and back into the room. To this a second strap eras attached with the end psased through the buckle, tlms forming a noose whieb encircled the neck. The noose was not drawn tight, but fasteued at the buckle. A chair was lying on the floor, and from this the boy" liad evidently dropyed, up setting it either at the time or by h subsequent struggles. The neck waa uot broken. The v.-rdiet was simply auieide by hanging. Brazilian Women. A Bio Janeiro correspondent of the Providence Journal declares that hand- , eme women are rare in Brazil, and adds : The face ia generally very plain, and often ngly, and I really believe that Iterance the lark of comeliness ia eo frequent it ia not troly apprehended. The complexion ia generally aallow, never clear and freeh, and by no mean* , improved by the abniylant nae made of' ooametioa. If any single feature de aervea notice it ia the eyes, and yet them' do not po**e*a that quality which 1 make* even the plainest eyea brilliant; j there ia no eonl looking a? yon or apeak- J ing to yon through them. Childhood seems to cover the whole period of | physical beauty, and tome of the chil dren are moat intereeting; yet even then the habita and taatos of ignorantj and oo mm only negro nnraea are fixed, , in place of the impreasiona of a moth er'# careful training,and the example of a mother's devoted life. The exoeaaive vanity of girlhood, which aeema to be encouraged by the parent# rather than restrained; the gratification of tha palate with all manner of aweeta and condiment# ; the entire absence of any phyaical exercise; and, what ia wore, nothing but weakneea inherited, cannot assure any perfect womanliacea. For eign ladies who teach in the schools (private and acleot schools; have told me that school-girl life in Uracil ia in a moat lamentable moral condition. A knowledge of French, music and dan cing ia all that ia considered worth ob taining, and then until marriage— which doesn't come at all to many of them, or if it doeaoome ia an arrangement of the parents, and simply changes the place of idleness—they wait,doing noth ing, week, month, and year, nothing; they neither atndy, nor read, nor aew, thev do nothing. In the forenoon, in a state of slothfnl d**haM{le, they dawdle and lonnge arotmd the house ; in the afternoon they look out of the windows; and tliia ia a national cuatom, moat striking to a stranger to see them, white and mick. high and low, edu cated and illiterate, hanging oat of the windows through the afternoon ; in deed. the window seats are filled with cushions that the arms may not become bruised by the continual leaning upon them. In the evening, dreesed—and I really believe the taate displayed would give Madame Demoreet convul sions, if not paralysis—they sit and ait, and do nothing else again. Sometimes they speak, and it's wonderful what commonplace# can be uttered, and how little can be arid when the Brazilian mouth does open. So far as female employment is concerned, a Brazilian girl labor for her support ? No, indeed! She would rather have but one drees and turn it on holidays. Her father would sell hia shirt first, and then but tou up hia seedy coat. Her mother would die of mortification. And so they live, poor and vain, aping an aris tocrscy by mock attempt at show, the cheap and tawdry emptiness of what is ridiculous. The wealthier, and not leas vain, are surrounded with an atmosphere of frigid hauteur, through which only members of the clique have the courage to attempt to penetrate. The Brazilian woman develops and ma tures young, and becomes old while still young. Her moral sensibilities become obsoured by the life whieh ex ists about her, and into which she may possibly at times get a glance through the customs of her father or her brothers." A paper was reoently read before the Frenoh Academy extolling the virtues of buttermilk. It claims for this artiole a good share of the acid which destroy* the incrustations which form on the ar- teries, cartilages, and valves of the heart, and believes a oonatant use of I nttermilk will free the system from 'troubles which inevitably cause death between the seventy-fifth and hun dredth year of man's life, The tttemcee Twine. Kuril*.. l-.rtl.aUr. f (trra*,. ■una 111..11.1 Tk.tr OMlk. The Philadelphia /Ves* given the re S>K of Dr. Jturk HoUingewortli. of ortli (Uridine, concerning the death of the Hiamcse twine Dr. Rollings worth, II says, la *l>oot fifty yeer* of age, and very intelligent. He wna bora in the mty of Harry, in n village named Mount Airy, in which be now resides. He atodisd medietas and graduated from the J.fferaon College, in Mill ulciphia. in (be year 1*447. After obtaining hie degree of M. D, he re turned Hontli, and baa since rvmainiKl there. The Prtm oontinnea: "Hoon after arriving in Philadelphia Dr. Hollingaworth proceeded to the of doe of Dr. Faneoeet, at Eleventh and Walnut streets, and a private oonenltn tion between these two gentlemen waa held regarding fat are movement* to be made in the matter of examination. The following eketoh of the deeeaeed wan offered: Tim twine were born in the village of Meklong o* the ooeet of Hiam. in Urn yeer 1811, and name to the , United Stale# about the veer 18*19. After traveling through tbla country and Kurope, they, in 1848, bought a I plantation at a email town named Trap- Hole, in Wilkee canty, N. 0., abeat forty miles from wbetw they died. Here | they married two aietera named Ystea, who were uative North Carolinian* ■ and, although nnedoeated women, were, nevertheless. poaaeaoed of very good intaltoete. The wive* were both vwrj mtrong and healthy women. Their mother, it ia said, was ao large that gben aha died it was found impossible to get the body oat of the doorway of the dwelling before a portion of the aidaa of the door-frame waa eat away. Home time after taking op their abode in Mount Airy they paichaaad a aeeood plantation about' two mi lee from the first, and erected a t welling upon it, to which Log removed hie family, Chaag'a family remaining at the old homestead. It wee their custom, and the plan waa never departed from, of aprt ding three day* at each house. Odd weather or warm, rain or ahine, nothing whatever waa permitted to interfere with their idem U pou ooe occasion a child of the brother at whose house they were stop ping died upon the last day of their visit to the dwelling, bat the foDowing day being the appointed time for their change of base the two brothers left ibe scene of death, and at nek to their usual programme. On the Thursday II reviona to the death the brothers were I at Chang's residence, and the evening of that day waa the appointed time for a removal to Kng's dwelling. The day waa oold, and Chang had been com -1 plaining for a couple of months pact of being very ill. Tim road leading from i the two house* wee very rough and frosea. Early ia the evening they started upon their journey in an open wagon or carryall, and in a abort time arrived at F ur'-. Chang become chilled by the ex posure and oomplained of being very oold. while his partner waa in apparent good health, and grumbled because he had to sit by the fire. They retired that night, and, ia answer to an inquiry from the aiek man's wife, on Friday, he stated that he waa much better. On Friday evening they retired to a small room "Ijt themselves and went to bed, but Chang was very restless. Sometime between midnight and daybreak they got np and sat by the fire. Again Eng protested, and said he wished to lie down, aa he era* sleepy. Chang stoutly refused, and replied that it hurt his breast to radio*. After awhile they re tired to their bed, and Eng fell into a deep sleep. About four o'clock one of the eons came into the room, and, going to the bedside, discovered that his uncle was deed. Eng waa awakened by the noise, and in the greatest alarm turned and looked upon the lifeless form beside bim, and waa seised with violent nervous paroxysms. So physi cians were at hand, and, it being three miles to the town of Mount Airy, some time necessarily elapsed before ooe oonhl be summoned. A messenger was dispatched to the village for Dr. Hol lingaworth, mid be sent hia brother, also a physician, at once to tlie plantation, but before he arrived the vital spark had fled, and the Siamese twins were dead. The news spread like wildfire, bat, the village being forty nuke from Greensboro, the nearest railroad and telegraph office, of coarse did not reach the pn' lic of the ontaide world nnti Monday. Dr. Hollingaworth made an examination of the bodies, and found the band which connected than to be ad extension of the sternum for about fonr inches in length and two ia breadth, i The band waa convex above and in front and concave underneath. The two bodies had but one nave), which was in the centre of the band, and it ia supposed that there were two umbilical oonls branching from this, one extend ing into each body. The connecting link waa found to be the eosifonn cartilage, and waa as hard aa bona, and did not vietd in the least. [lt may be here mentioned that for some time pre i noma to their death no morions were observable in the band. j The doctor said he did not think they would have j survived a separation, not from the fact of being afraid of separating the arteries, but from fear of producing peritonitis. No hemorrhage would have been produced, ao far as could be seen, aa there were no arterial connections of any account. There not being any means of em balming the bodies, the following method was taken, after much persua sion by the doctors, and a final consent by the respective families, of keeping them from temporary decay : A box of tin waa made and the bodies deposited therein, and the ooffin was hermetically scaled. This was placed in a wooden box, and a third box enveloped the whole. This casket waa deposited in the basement of a dwelling in the vicinity, and covered with powdered charcoal to the depth of about two feet.' A Wicked Bo J. A wicked boy caught a fire fly one day and stuck it with mucilage on the oeutre of the largest lena of the tele scope in the Washington Observatory. The astronomer peroeived a blaze of light, which died out at intervals, and thinking he had discovered a meet ex traordinary star, he pronounced it "of the third magnitude of Orion." He telegraphed, at au expense of $2,500, all over the world, and the astronomers gazed at Orion until they were wild and then telegraphed back to the Professor for further information. In the mean time the discoverer fonnd his star had moved eighteen billions of miles in twenty-fonr hours and peroeived it act ually bad IMP ! But on polishing his lens he fewnfi the lightning bag ! OOOTVLSOBT EDUCATION.—A bill for the compulsory education of the chil dren of Illinois has passed the House. Children between 9 and 14 must be sent to school for three months of the year, and six weeks of this tchooling "must be continuous. Poverty cannot be pleaded as an excuse for failure to oomply with the law, as all the books necessary will be supplied by the State, and clothes will be given to des titute children. Parents and guardians neglecting to obey the law will subiect themselves to prosecution and to fines for 13 weeks, rising from $1 to $5 for each week of snoh neglect, ■ % jSlfe ' ' items ff lria***t. What is the keynote ol good breed* tug ? B natural. Meiioo now raise**! the notion need ed for ber owe mill*. The old—Murder wtl! out. The new - Mordurors will oat. Whet HteU ia round m both end* end high in the middle 7 Ohio. Hot sand bath* have been totrodnoed in London for rheumatic patient*. In France the horse eheetnnt is ex tensively need for the ratmnfactnrc of 1 steveh. * Mine Bete*, of Indianapolis, recently deeeeeed. hte bequeathed 1160,W to the city poor. A man in Washington souoty, New York, recently eloped with his ristar-fc taw, aged 18. Don't aim in your voice scolding ***** children. The little wretches won't ap preciate your sacrifice. From sn estimate baaed on its new eitv directory, New Orleans claims • population of S3o,®. Key West ia the only place in the United Htates which never has frost, and which produces oreoanut*. Two millions and a quarter of people have emigrated from Ireland to America daring the last twenty-two years. A recent writer declares that mortali ty among childres increases aa the tim ber of the country iaeut away. In England and Wales there are 18,- 483 places of rrbgiooswomblp.occnpicd by 181 different denominations. One thousand throe bandied and eighteen vessels were lost on the lakes of the United States last jam, worth, with cargoes, 84.000,000. A New Haven journal says the nltirs lempennoe men ate starting a new se cret order to be colled "TheChamp tons of Prohibttiou." Mm Hasan B. Anthony petitioned the United States Senate to remit tha fine imposed on her by Judge Htfnt for illegally voting at Boebastar, N. Y. The new Minnesota Legislature has cot down the ©oat of stationery from 84,800 toffiOO, and refused to appro priate any mousy fr poategs stamp*. U is proposed to import bumblebees into New Zealand. The baa* are to be moved vrbito dormant, the neets bring ■erroumted by ia* during tronaporta \*T child bora in Fairfield, Vt.ro ! emtly to the wife of Mr. Barton Web* i rier, *i of the fifth generating its great gr-.i grauJmotber being still alive at 1 the ac* of 80. "The arrangement* of nature sr- ad mirable," exelaisked a young lady, dar ing the late high winds. * The same wind which disarranges our drees blows dart in the eyas of would-be ob -1 "Would that I could eaO her miner exclaimed tha hopeless aoitorw for■ the band of Lady Oarriine Guest, of Eng land, who haa an annual income of a million and a half loUaro from her coal mine in Walaa. An exchange ref ess to a young man who, having just returned from a ae qnes&ered village to the city, declared that it waa so still at night ia the coun try tavara wbaro be lodged that he ooohl bear a bed tick. Tha aombsr and extant of New York State banks have almost doubled within six veare. The capital on September 13, 1873, waa £*,988.880; loans and discount*, rn,073,844 ; dae depositors. 870.7*1.491 ; total resources, fllfi,- 588,734. Two date are given from which to es timate the value of a fowl for the table or market. A table fowl shook! be all breast, with abort limbs end email bones; also, fowls are in perfection for the tabla only before they have attained maturity. Middteford, Del, with the beat water power in tha Htata. used to contain flourishing otitis and ship Sour and corn to Earopa. The machinery haa long been idle, and the thirty house* have far yeun been giro® over to bate and owls. Two Irishmen were in peiaon—one for ntfuH-g a cow, the other for steakng a watch. "Hullo. Mike, and awe what o'clock ia it r said the cow stealer. ••An* sure " arid the wrick stealer, • I've no timepiece bendy, bat, suppose it's j i*taboo t milking time. We are willing to believe That a Cali fornia miner food a* whisky took * drink by mistake of quicksilver; but wa are not willing to believe in the aseom panving statement, that "the miner Las'been kept bwsyevurau.ee breathing on panes of glass to convert them into 1 - 88 miiTOiiv The New York TVffiwae A (manor, tor mauv years a standard sntborify in political,* statistical an 1 commercial matters, is this year better than ever. Several new and valuable departments have been added, making the work in dispensable. Send twenty centa to the Tribune, New York, for it The world failing to end in accord ance with the lost prediction of the Ad veutista, their newspaper organ comes out in new type and every preparation for permanence. " After all, any* ita editor, " may it not be true that we are the simple-minded, foolish i* opto the world at large esteems as to be, and our hopes mere dreams ?" A large number of the Bursts* Men nonitos will leave for America in April next. They are selling their farms at aery groat aacrifioe in order to escape. The Russian government haa already ordered a draft of six men to the thou sand for military service; the order has alarmed the Mennonites and hastened their preparations. Those who havo arrived hero have settled in Minnesota and Erase* A newspaper in Southern California advises greater cultivation of the fig tree because the fruit to so good for hog feed. An acre of figs will fatten more hogs than will an acre of com. All that ia neoeroary ia to stick h fig cutting in the ground, and in throe or flro months the plant will bear fruit—three crops a year- and in three yean the tree attains the sine of a twelve-year old apple tree. NO. 7. When a man baa the painter's faculty of recollecting frees, and -with it a quick and retentive memory of small facta, the combination fives him great toc'sl power. This was Maeanlay's case. He never forgot the free of a man whom he had met in society, and with the free he remembered all the salient facta ©onneeted with the owner of it Few things are more flattering to an ordinary mortal than being thoroughly remembered by a great lion with whom he has perhaps had a brief interview several years before. I doubt if this faculty exists to any great extent among our public men ; indeed, I have often been surprised at the absence of it. A Russian baron of the true divine right eohool once maintained to me that this was an effect of republican institutions, or, what came to the same thing, that the opposite was the effect of monarohi al institutions. He said that kings and princes were obliged t© see a great many persons, whereupon Providenoe had conferred on them various means of being gracious to those persons, of which prompt recognition was one.— Galaxy. He Knew About It. When, sixty years ago, a bant called the State Bank was started at Trenton, the late Abner Seeder, a man of large wealth, but limited intellect, was asked to subscribe. He refused to do so un less ke should be appointed President. When it wsa found, after repeated efforts, that the amount oonld not be obtained elsewhere, his proposition wat agreed to. He subscribed largely Mod became President, but was never consulted about anything of impor tance. He was kept busy, during the few hours of the day he attended at the bank, in signing bills. One morning, on arriving st the bank, he was told that the institution was about to fail. " Fail !" he cried, "that it impossible I" " Why iXii]K>esible, Mr. Seeder ?" " Why," he answered, *} because I have done nothing bat sign bills for the Irnd six months. How can a bank fail which has so many bills V Memory af races.