The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, February 12, 1874, Image 3

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    ~I K o ..v , ~i!i It 1 .I— IV
litl'KSDAt FEB. 11, 1574.
Dur friends will oblige by sending us
items ot local news in their locality, ***•
u the facts only, and wa will nut tliem in
th}ve, also notices of deaths and marri
ages. .
Any one sending us thenamcs of six new
subscribers, with the cash, will ha entitled
sto receive the REPORT** one year tree.
The Kkimrvkk being read by neatly
•very body on this side of the county,
m here it hss a larger circulation than any
txvojxapcrs, will bo found the b.;-t medium
for advertising business, sales, Ac Ac.
--"Miriam Neale," by J. Uarriaon
Butts, is a pleasant littla story, in this i
issueof the REPORT**, TED page.
Last Friday, fith, it snowed briskly
all day and night
Our Wend, Christ lluffhr, has leased a
(arm ia Cumberland county, Virginia, and
will go down shortly to commence work
on it Wm. NetThas bought a small farm
in the same locality, and intends moving
thither in a short time.
Gov. Cnrtin and lady have gone to
Florida, intending to remain there until
—The Reporter come* handy ia
t,*tne quarters to cabbsge locals front with
out c'***!'l
- snow of Friday and Saturday
night, last vr*k, measured 10inches.
The liabsrsburg hand has a fine
new wagon—cost s4t*X
Tbs meeting of the directors of the
L. C. A S. C. KR, which wss held si
PLiladalph ia, on Wednesday of last week,
adjeuraed without .transacting any busi
ness, on account at the absence of two di
rectors, whose presence was presented by
sickness- The main object of the meeting
was to decide upon the (adoption of a route
between * Liaden Hall and Ptnn'a Fut
naee. Boalburg had Mr. Sam'! Stover
there to ndrocate the Boalsburg route, and
Mr. John Thompson represented the Le
nient rout*. We are informed that quite
a warm lime was had between the advo
rates of the rival routes, and the thermom
t<er at Boalsburg bat raised a little since
Mr. Stover's return, who reported the
situation ,-ther favorable for the ir route,
based upon tb a following dataasoonuined
in Chiaf Kagineer J***"''• estimates, rela
tive to tha cost and d is. of *h® r ' T *'
routes, via:
Estimated coat, -Linden Uali,' T '* Boale
burg and Rock Springs te Perm s
nace SH,aW
Lindea Hall via Boalsburg, Pinegrove
end Fairbreok te Penn'a Furnace $133,-
Linden Hall via Oak Hall, Leniont,
y VI College and Shugarts Farm to Penn'a
Futn * c * SIBS,CWa
Estim'**** right-of-way, by Le
moat to P n" Furnace, S3MM).
Right of wa ▼ hy eitbar of lha other i
routes, to a. we p.* I )®' $2,000.
Boalsburg and .Sock Spring rouU 1
mil# and 400 feet shoi.'er than any other
Fait brook route 255 hort-T than the Lc- ,
moot route.
There will be another meetli'g of the
directors as seon as a full board can had
in attendance.
Boalsburg feels trump now, and is hap
py. It would not real until it won the 1
prize. Inside two years it. had a circa* j
and Sunday tebael convention,—w* ,
thought that had satisfied it, and that it i
bad concluded to let the railroad 'Ticker.'' j
#wm j k e, and the star of its only hope has i
„ -en. and Lemont is where? Over '
tl j(oee l?®npnun'n. t)ne mile and 400
feet shorter! .'"Aw really the sword that ,
cut* kiwi? WfU, then, Itt
Boal.burg rejoice- ->®t it have a big feast. ■
and in vita all Centre Hal! and tha editor
of the BrroiTK* and ]>ont, and nil oth
er good railroad folks.
The Fish Commissioners of Pear
ty'. vasts brought eighteen thousand young ,
salmon to Milesburg last Wednesoy. and
put them iau the Bald Eagle
where Spring Creek empties into that
stream. Our informant (one of the party)
tell* us that they has# been all over the
State stocking the stream* with fish, until
they have very faw young fish left, having
on hand now hut about twaaty thousand
Lake!trout. We did not learn, howsver,
when they expected to dispose of these.
The stocking of our streams and Lakes,
with valuable ftih is a noble enterprise,
and the money thus expended by the
State it seem* to )u(, could not be more
profitably asad. The salrnen grow to a
targe sue weighing from twelve te thirty
" ads at throe jeers M age
g -• tbe Tut■ Republican, pf -lib
, . i Tast tbe Fish Commissioners
Jill .1.1 stock Fenna creek —it is a large
will also stock ehaald not be
and beauUful etr^.^ ,B •
—The tenement hou*****''
hart near Curtln's Iron or *"■
tvrp., took fire some day last * nd * "
entirely consumed. The bouse was occu
pied by John Lyman. Through Um *- T
aisistance the furniture was removed.
"We learn that tbe fire caught from * <l **
fective fioe.— Bepubluan,
The reason why tome folk* save
mere money than otheis, is because they
keep their eye* on Burnside & Thomas
price list, in the Reporter, who always ad
vertise good* lower than others, benee
those who buy of theui are .the ones that
save mosey. See the prices.
Rev. Leckie, we understand, intends
closing the bome-csmpmeeting, atSpruce
town, and transfer his labors to Centre
Hell, commencing a protracted meeting
in tbe Ev. church, this week.
January 23rd, last, was 55 years sinco
the last man—Monks - was bung in Centre
The Blast or the Tel - merr Ai"-
ter listening to a sermon from T. ie Witt
Talmage, 'sue Chrisian Intelligencer said: I
"Surety the greet trumps, was blown that
with ap uncerain sound ; and if any
-*fc to iu blart never heard
Go**lbs£er, tbey heard it then,
vnrist s swept' l ***- * n " power,
with fulln. V jJn,. 'T&jmjancle preacher's
7he secret o. \ y ifJTg Li* natural en
success evident.. ia / , -w., | Gospel,
•dowments;' his ho. ' |J/y i"f "i <wt nr* *
".u still more in hi._ Uj Tabu#' A
The sennoas and artic , 0 Christian
are furnished now only . K ecow . editor.
at Work, of which he has -iiari,- far It,
Mr Spurgeon alao writes reg. , Bncß# yf„
and for no othar journal In An My
suppose they stand ready t **
number of letters from io-.
a"ents. Sample <*opi free. j v#rt j ae .
Chambers-street, N l- • *-
msnt { I
/J. —The walking c\ of the people .
/Centre Hall, were highly I i
urdij bv the erviceof afaw of the U*n ]
boys* (John and David Booxer, John
Harprter and Eugene Miller) who l usum- ,
ed the duty of shovwtß* the unow from
the aide-walks. We think their motive
vat (Ore y a good one, .or they remarked <
while busy at work—"How
little onea get out to QSfcfSl
through this snow"—Would that Centre
Hall were "full" of such nablehaarted,
compassionate youths. Go on Wk J 0 " 1,
end will be a good one. CITIZE*. J F
Sale of real estate of A J
dee'd, Feb. 21. 7
Sale of real estate of Nicb. Docker,
March 7th.
George Jordan's sale, PoUor twp, farm
etccd:. March 24.
Sale of personal property of Da rid
. Ertle, deCd, in Gregg twp., 6tb Feb.
Jdh* L -na Kurt*, at Saturday,
March IMb, 1 o'clock.
Sale oi Mrs. Mary Armefasr* farm
stock Potter twp.. Feb. 24. See advertise
Sale of Jas. I. Foster, farui stock and
household, March 4th. See advertise
VTtn. Erhard's| sale, near Centre
Hall, farm stuck, Feb. 20.
Report of the Pine Grove Grammar
School, tor Hue month ending Feb. 3rd.
No of pupils enrolled S&, Average atten
dance <i)L i'r vrol. mt altaoduM* W-
The names of tho*c who have horn pres
ent every day during the month mpm fel
lows: Kdward Wild, Willie He*s, John
Pannly, Jacob Exerts, Calvin Kokle
' William Wolf, William Hammer, Gertie
Sample, Kl' i and Lufhdn Dannlj and Sa
die Hrman. There who have reached the
highest grade in progress ani conduct
the standard being liW—are Kdward \\ aid
'.l*. Gertrude Sample VM. Willie Heea W7I
Join Dmrlj Kill* Danuly 1)7. 80.
ride* the regular brunches, PhlloiO|ll,T
and Book-keeping ere studied.
J. K. Sradmam, teacher,
♦ ♦ ♦
Commonwealth vs Joseph Wort*
charge- passing counter!!! money John
Coble prosecutor. Defendant discharg
Commonwealth vs William Fully
, charge- Fornication and bastardy. Susan
E.x er prosecutor. Defendant bound over
to April court in the sum of suoo.
Gammon wealth vs 1! S Morris, charge
—Assault arid battery with intent to kill.
Harvey Hoy prosecutor, defendant bound
over to April term in the >um of S!4V.
Commonwealth ri John Kwing. Forni
cation and bastardy. Rachael K. Walker
prosecutrix. Verdict tor defendant and
Rachel R Walker to pay the costs.
Commonwealth vs Kdwiu Lucas As
sault and battery Herbert Williams
prosecutor. Verdict for defendant and
llerboit Williams to pay costs and stand
committed until|sentenc is complied witb
Commonwealth vs Chat, Albright.
Surety of Peaca. Jacob Saakay protecu
tor. Sentence of the court that each pay
half the costs and enter into recognisance
in thetuia of #<k> to keep the peace towards
each other, and all good ciliscns for the
period of Ave months.
Commonwealth vs Ferdinand Raexar—
violation liquor law -James Rider prose
cutor. Ist selling liquor without license
on Sunday, id to mtaors. 4th, to tneu of
intemperate habits, oth, to men when
drunk. Continued to April term.
Commonwealth vs John Beexer and
Ferdinand Beeaer—violation liquor law-
Joshua Mitchell prosecutor. Defendants
plead guilty to five counts. To pay co*ts
and sentence held in abeyance to be pro
nounced if deeendant* found again to be
viola! tng the liquor law.
Commonwealth vs Was. Brown—viola
tion liquor law—John S. Barret prosecu
tor. Pleaded guilty to selling without li
cense, to minora, to men of intemperate
habits and to men when drunk. To pny
coat* and sentence held in abcyanco to be
p --xnouneed if defendant found again to be
violntuT* ,i l UOP '**
Commonv •**> v. James Wanda-For
nication and ' * >anne J Far
ley prosecutrix. l)v>odaot.plnads gu.lty.
Usual sentence.
Commonwealth vs Jacob M-matse* -
Violation liquor law—Joshua Mitchell
prosecutor. Defendant pleads guilty to j
selling liquor without license, on Sunday,
and to men of intemperate habiu.
Commonwealth vs Cyrus Wasson—For
cible eatery and detainer —Urn Klingcr,
prosecutor. Verdict for defendant and
prosecutor to pa* the easts.
Commonwealth vs Jasepit Hawkins — j
Violation liquor law— Henry Von Rider, j
prosecutor. Defendant pleads guilty to I
selling liquor without license, to men of
intemperate habits and to men when
Commonwealth vs Jacob Durst— Arson
Daniel Durst, prosecutor. This case:
was continued from last tetut by season of]
the jurv being unable to agree on aver-1
diet. The evidence adduced this trial was I
principally a reheraal of the evidence giv- j
en last tarns, exccptithat the time w* mote j
definitely fixed at 4 o'clock In the morn-1
ing. Additional evidence was brought
forward to prove an alibi, but the defense
was unsuccessful and a verdict of guilty
rendered Sentence, one idellar and coals
and o<t*< rpgrnPd seven months in Western
Commonwealth vs khu. Ifunsur —Sur-.
ety of Peace. Defendant was found U) be
insane, and ordered to be confined in th|
jail until otherwise ordered. —TV/e Re- j
The House, Feb. 7. —Mr. Orvia
ametukvl the act regulating taxea on
private corpo/ttjon*. making it obliga
tory instead of dieu*jttjur<Xrv on the
Auditor General to rej>ort to the
Governor aucb corporation* who for
three successive years failed to make
the repute provided for in the bill.
Mr. Christy's bill relative to the
number of jurors (|g) fa parti
tion, inquests, real eetah# ieyid hy
the Sheriff, and in casea of lunacy or
habitual drunkenness was recommit ted
to the general Judiciary Committee.
This bill jm taken up again in
Committee of tbe Wfcolc, goon after
the meeting of the Houae. eUeg go ne
diacuaion, the amendment offered by
iff- liaroey kii rejected by ayea 88,
nafh K
The bill wae gone through
with, aud reported back to tbe Hpoee,
where it paased first reading. Ituow
ctaCiL in the fullowing shape :
Section i• fie it cuacled, Ac., That
tbe annual salary of |be Judges of the
Supreme Court ahali be m fyllows:
Tbe Chief Justice, nine thousand
dollars. Tl> salary of the Associate
Justices, eight thousand dollars each.
Tbe salary of the Judges of thd dis
trie* court" and commou pleas of tbe
conntiea °f Philadelphia and Alle
gheny, ths suC 1 of seven thousand dol
lars each. The of the Presi
dent judge of the CouTf of Common
Pleas of Dauphin eounty, ihf ,um oi
fix thousand dollars. The JUr i>f
the president aud aaaociate law Jud
ge* of the several Courts of Common
Pieua of other counties of this Com*
icon weald. five thousand dollars each.
The ealariea the several Judges of
the Orphans' Court* of Ihjf Common
wealth, tbe sum of five thousand dol
lara each.
Bee. 2- The compensation of tbe
associate judges, not learned in the
law ofthfi several Court* of common
Picas of tlds Commonwealth, for those
whose attendance at court doe* not
exceed four weeks par annum, the
sum of three hundred dollar*; for
thnae whose attendance at court exceed
four weeks and does not exceed six
greeks four hundred dollars; for those
wlitwe feptlance at court exceeds six
weeks and does pot exceed fight
weeks five hundred duller# fur 'hose attendance at court exceed*
eight wawka and does u >t exceed ten
weeks, six hundred dollars, aud ail
those wh(*e attendance at court ex
jeeda ten weeks, seven hufujr#d <*"'•
The several annual salaries
hereinbefore ™tioned, shell be paid
quarterly by wa.7H d '**" b 7 ,e
Governor on the of the
State, and shall be m ''eu of nil
daily pay, mileage and olbfi* coinpen
ration, and all laws lugopjllfiteni
herewith be and tbe same are Hwt >y
tc pealed.
Ripley, Ohio, January 0. —The la
diet are di terminal! in Ike temperance
movement, and hire Derstvtred
through tie storm and l #ll J#y-
More liquor sellers have surrendered.
Others are obstinate. L. Reiuhart
gijye the ladies au invitation to come
hpdaf ap4 then shut them out in the
atom, where fhny jag and prayed
for these men, asking Qwf shut |
mercy's door against them. fCunchel
■iuantd the door angrily, ami dis
played a revolver. T MI ladies tai.g
mid prayed outside before Having.
Business houses were closed all duy
for prayer. The juteiest is intense.
Baioon-keepen are all willing to be
bought out. 1 hi* i* po i iroij tic
Utiiioriho superintendence of U<\
J II I'aifh, of Circ'eville, the Indie
of this nlacc have formed n tniniona
ry bourn for labor in temperance re
form. There huvu been nearly oni
Ituttt.itail wotucn under the leads ilii|
of Mn. Granville Moody. Mr*. Mo
Millnn nnd Mr*. Week# who wen
hard at work nil day. Under then
prayers and tears, and the power o|
God, six liquor sellers have pledged
thtUitdvrt to Mbitiiiloit the business
There are still others who have thin
far refused, but all are kind and re
sjH'clful to the ladies. The public
sympathy for ilia cause of the women
is intense. The power of these wo
utcn, with God on their side is won
derful. Meu who, at first inclined to
make snort of this movement have
acknowledged their mistake in tours
All denominations have united heart
ily in this work. The tueu gather in
prayer, while the ladies work. A
tremendous mass meet ing was held iti
j *he l'reshyterinn Church.
• ♦ •
The Granger*
A.nm alSesmo.n atSt. Lome.
St. lemis, Mo , February I"). The
| national grange of the l'atrons of
Husbandry held its seventh annua!
session yesterday. The master ot
national grangers informed the cor
respondent that there are between
11,000 aud 12,000 orgauixatiens of
the Fatrons of Husbandry in the coun
try. with a membership of 1,000,000.
General commission housei have been
established by the grangers at Bt.
Chicago, Cairo, Memphis, New
Orleans.Sao Francisco ami Wheel
ing. The regular session was held
with closed doors and the strictest
secrecy was enjoined.
On yesterday the address of wel-!
come was delivered by Worthy Mas
ler Allen, of the Missouri state gran !
ge. who reviewed the growth of the
order in that state. Various com
mittees were appointed and the mas
ter of the national grange delivered
his annual address, detailing the pro
gress aud general workings of the or
der for the past year. After routine!
business the convention adjourn- 1
St. Louis, February 6. — Last night's
session of the Natioual grange of the
patrons of husbandry was entirely
tafceu up with a discussion as to the
parliamentary rules for the govern
ment of subordiuale granges, and it
was decided by the state agents of Un
order Dow here to leave the question i
of co-operation entirely to the uation-,
a! grange, with a view to haying a;
constitutional provision made for it. j
This will deter the matter for another
year, as amendments to the xmstitu
lion must be ratified by two-thirds of
the slate granges before they lake
-■ -
Bold and ettmuLvsful Bank Bob
TttusvlUe. February 2.—A speeial !
to the Courier, dated Conr.eautville,
gives an account of a most daring and 1
extensive robbery at that place last
evening, tybiis ;J:e Caslner of the 1
First Kalians! Bank, D. p. William# '
was writing at his desk, he hearda' 1
rap at a side door. Up°" opening '
the door, two maked men sprung
upon him. bound aud gagged him, and 1
succeeded in making tneir escape wit!. '
fourteen thousand dollars currency <
and thirty thousand dollars United '
Suites bonds. Mr Williams was
found this morning in au uncoiuvioo,
state, but recovered bis consciousness
in a couple of hours after being re-
1 _ -f JT" *■
Selling Liquor to the Indintu
The secretary of the interior hu
submitted to the house of represcnta-b
tiyej a prop-wed amendment to the <
Indian loiwuwnjl act of 1835, de- i
signed to secure the Indians in any <
locality against the liquor traffic, ft <
provides heavy penalties against any i
person, including Indians, who shall i
sell, exchange, give, barter or dispose <
of any spirituous liquor or wine to I
any Indian under the charge of any-
Indian superintendent or Indian agent'l
or to any Indian not a cititen of the l
United Mates with in such juriadic- <■
(iencraj Harney, whose name tier- I
cised j-ueti a wh<de*<>ie terror over the I
hostile ludians a score of years ago.ii
but who has been retired from active i
eerrice for the last ten or tweiyeyear* l
ws; before the house committee on i
military aitaiis to day and was asked i
to give "his views in reference to Indian I
matters. He gave it as bia dpinionll
that if the Indians were treated fairly j
there would never be any difficulty
with liie/jj. He had known but two
instances In wtiici, hyv had ever i
violated treaty stipulations, iuid in ■
these two instances the Indians were||
to be sjcusod for the treaty bad i
grown old before they were sought to 1
be enfoiced by the go-vernrpent, and i
the chiefs aud bead men who fad <
made them were all dead.
The troubles with the Indians were -
principally caused bv fraudulent
ageuta aud by whisky dealers. IB i
had never known an Indian agent j
who had not grown rich in office ex- 1
cept one.
On being asked how the whisky
dealers could be suppressed, lie nn
swered without heaitatiou that they
should be banged or shot by the
nearest military officers to take thai
responsibility. He was decidedly of
the opinion that the management of
tbe Indjsns would be much more
efficiently and hooe#lly conducted
by army officers than by civilians,
unless tbe nrmy officer! had changed
very much since be knur them.
Kailroad Projects In Pennsyl
[Correspondence Philadelphia Press.]
Harrisburg, January 24.—The
movements of tba great rjval railroad
companies of the c >untry are now
conducted with all the precision, skill
caution, and engineering ability which
the handling of hostile armies
confronting c#ch pjher iu the field to
secure'advantageous gropnp for bat
ties or outlets for escape. At nresipt
tbe great object Is to secure the vnsl
carrying trade between the Pacific
and Atlantic coasts, to make the ex
changes overland of tbe commerce,
pot only of all tbe jrorts of this con
tinent, but of Asia and Europe.
Only !t'y in IN neighborhood ol
Mnrysville, a few tnilee above Har
risburg, a paity of workmen have
bpgu stpalthify operating engaged in
railroad consfrupfipu, for what pur
i pose no one seems to know, ana even
1 in what connection the best informed
railroad men in this part of tbeStati
arc poafd® explain. Ihe machiu
[ erv and tooia for #eyerl hundred
• workmen have been lately deposited
\ at Maryeville, and operatic Pi seem to
I be hurriedly pressed forward in a
manner bo mysterious and yat
1 prompt tbt even the people ovn
.whose land tbeae parties are daily
, passing are at a loss to diacovey the
.. authority for the proceedings. There
y is no doubt that a powerful Eastern
>. comb nation is now busily at work to
e atCJira Wte" n connct}oft acroas
IVnimvlvania, u liit-li mil luallv in*
tcrierc with thv outlet* i.f New i k
IK the \Vr*t tv way of the ami
i that if tho plan* iiinl operation# now
in (tiiloiK'i) Ami Iwiug actively pitas*
nte they will ch*ng<
tlio railroad iill%|> of lliv country,
i depreciating nnd appreciating invest
men la many millions of dollars in
extent, These railroad connections
are no* secured l>v tlic sale of old
acta of iucorpoiahou, which, wlu-n
derived from the Legislature, were
(lot drained of any consequence, hut
i wliii'h, now linked together, oonsti
tntr a chain of communication over
which avenuca of travel and trans-'
portalioli will speedily he had that
will start'* the business world with
ilieir magnitude rendering them mo
nopolies againat which no competi
tion can aland The question in, who
m doing all this ? No one seems to
know, and yet there air those who
believe that it ia a poilioti of the pro
giamme arrange)l hv tiial magician of
railroad enterprise, I'olonel Tom
ißcott, to hold the balance of trade
between the two ocean* ua it passes
over the continent
Still another railroad project!
)|uiellv anil to a certain extent eecret i
Iv working its way along, is one to so i
cure an outlet from the anthracite
coal region*, independent of that ovei'
the braiichei ami lateral road* now
controlled by the Reading Railroad!
Company. A charter or charters
have long been in existence to eon*|
struct such a road, hut the over
shadowing power of the Reading
Railroad Company deterred them
from making the venture. Now.
however, this road ia being construct
ed. and the fact that it is progressing
had much to do with the lately pre-1
cipitate settlement of the ditficulties in
the Schuylkill coal region. This'
new road will go in at a point called
Colter's Clap, in Schuylkill County,
from which it will run to Maliatouga
Valley, on the northwest side of the;
1 triad Mountain, by which it will;
avoid all the "plane*" and "benches"
now used at great expense in shifting
rains by the Reading Railroad
Coni| any, to run up ami down the
( Broad Top Mountain, and is uiakiug
its connections with Shantokin, Sun
bury, and the country lying contigu
, ous or stretching far beyond. This
road reaches the Susquehanna River
without the construction of a plane or
, a tunnel, and will c onset with the
roads uow controlled by the Peon
svlvania Railroad Company, and;
thus at once secure an uninterrupted
avenue to the Ohio River, the lake*
and the Delaware River. Before the
new road alluded to reaches Maba
tonga it will pass through what is
called DcerCreek Valjev,from which
it will pass to Ashland ami theu < n
■ through the coal-fields as before des
'cribed to Bunbury. After creasing
the Broad Top Mountain at Donald
son, avoidiug the Minehill (iap road
aud all the planes of the Ashlaud
read from Port Carbou, the transit to
Dhe hasieru seaboard wiH be clear,
either by the Valley or the
I Susquehanna Rai road. Many cual
operators, sanguine of the complete
! success of the new road, hare express
, ed themselves entirely indifferent as
being is dated at present by the
, exactions of the zteaqmg Company,
! became they are sure the future will
I'enable them to prdsct their own in
1 i t m
Science for Rum Drinkers—Kf
feet* of Alcohol on Ihe Body.
Pr. Brunlou, says the Scientific
American remarked tiiat the pe
formance of the vital functions de
nended on oxidation of the tissues and
Professor Biux's observation tant
' t|)ij was lessened by alcohol was the
key t<> mi eaptauwiiAp of phyii'do
jgical effects. These may Ih> nearly
all explained on the supposition that
the power of the nervous system is
diminished, different parts of it be
c.omir.g *u i*. cm*vei> First
the vasomotor turves become a dieted
ami the blood nerves consequently
dilated. After a glass or two of wiue,
the hands may lie noticed to be of a
very red color and plump, showing
'thai arUqi*} blood is flowing freely
through the capillaries aua u ( the
same time the veins are dilated aud
full. All the vessels of the boly,
however, are not dilated at the same
time. In some persons those of the
stomach oriptastinas heroine dilated;
am) the blond being ib'u* abstracted
from the bead, the brain becomes
anaemic, and the individual dull and
sleepy. In others the arteries of the
hpad become dilated first, and in con
sequence the tuaii) receives* full sup
ply of hi ood, and the intellect becomes
m<oc vigorous If this stage is not
passed, the functions return to their
normal condition, and no harm en
sues; but if more alcohol is taken, the
paralysis e*Ulidf fnother parts of the
nerwoua system. HunistiwN i|i
bral lobes, which are the organs ot the
mental faculties, are first effected, and
sometimes the center, for co unlimited
nmvem/rntp usually supj oed to be the
cerebellum, or, as it is often expressed,
"one uinu gets drunk in hi* head,
another in his legs." NVlien the head
is affected, the judgment becomes
impaired, though memory and imagi
nation may slid lie more active than
usual. Tbesa faculties fiext fail, aud
the emotion* become hllarfous, pugna
cious, or lachrymose. '1 he spinsl
cord is generally unaffected even
wiieu the cerebellum is paralyzed;
and a man ffba >• utterly unable to
walk cau still ride, the tone pressure,
of the saddle upon his thighs being
sufficient to cause reflex contraction
of hit adductor muscle* nud fix him
firmly on hi* seat, although the upper;
part of his body may# of swaying u
bout like n sack ol' wheat. The cord
itself next becomes paralyzed, and
Instly the medulla oblongata, which
regulates the respiratory movement*.
♦ m %
(tup Reporfs.
Cincinnati, J'ejjrqary I.—The
National Crop Reporter contains to
day estimates in relation to the per
cenlage of the last crop of coin re
maining in the hands of producers on
January 15, and estimates ol the
number of ptock Jiogs in the hands of
feeders at the tarns date, in com pari
sou with the quantity and number on
hand at the corresponding dale ol
1873. In relation to corn the State#
of Illinois, lowa. Kansas, Ohio, and
Wisconsin, which produced in 1873
upward# of SSijilKKhPOi' bi"helj, the
average amount on hapd ill the date
named is estimate.! at a fraction less
than 50 jier cent, oil an approximate
quantity of 190,000,000 bui-beis. The
average consumption WHS verv uni
form in all the ©tales 1 ring highest
iu Wisconsin, where It wif's (10 per
cent. The unustmlly mild weather
in all localities has aided largely in
keeujpg down the home consumption
i and the condition of the ityckgentr
i ally is better than was anticipated a
i mouth earlier, The estimates upon
i itock hogs are for llio snmd r'.itrr
named above and indicate an average
t r'allipg off of 2} per Cent from th
e number on hand Inst yea p. T|ie pon
i dition ol the same is commleiuhly he
ir low the average, the high prices paid
s by packers and tbe scarcity of corn
■ having caused an < inflow of the mat
, k (table II.IL; 1 ' '• I >• I 4 'hilt ng >'l lilt* suj
I ply of food to those remaining
t The outlook vary alim for |tog
■> lor summer pari ing. A rnmpariaui
rof average prict't in ilie status name.
, on December i. 1873, and .lattuan
15, 1874, alums a decided advance
it although the indicaliona are llintllw
a maximum lias been about lauclicd.
** T *
i, Waabinglon, February 3.—Th*
proponed mod i lira (inn of the Itank-
I nipt law una undri diai u.siuu i.i moat
. of 10-dav'a aeasion of the Senate, and
, will be considered till disposed of. It
i, is already evident thai the Senate iu<
t tend* to supjtort the conclusion* ol
I, the Judiciary Committee and not go
. as far for a repeal as the House voted
.jiii December last. The involuntary
„ feature ef the law is to be liberally
~'cliauged, reijuiriiig two-thirds of the
u !creditors to force bankruptcy . The
~ proposed amendments are claimed a*
f more JlM t to the debtor and creditor
, classes, and a* calculated to serve
the business interests ot the |*?ople
, more equitably than an unconditional
reirenl of the law. The debate on the
, bill will doubtless last several days.
Robert, Called I'poii To Show
.| IP
i Representative Orvis. continually
r on the alert to serve the best interests
I of his constituents and (be State, ha*
> called up and passed the House iiis
■ resolution calling upon Htato Tienu
rer Mat-key to state bow much money
: there is in the Treasury, where de
i posited and how secured. We have
, been demanding the same thiug for
mouths, but Mr. Muckey has shown
no disposition to comply, and when
application was made by ciligena at
.the departmental Harrisburg, which
'the law gives them the right to do,
'the information was refused them We
|aro pleased, however to find now that
there is a probability that the Treas
uier w ill IK? compelled to give the
desired information. If eveiythlng
is right he need have no fears and
there will be no occasion for him to
"make it hot" for any one. Let the
people have the facts.— JHtUburg
St Louis. January St.—A luoal daring
and successful robbery was committed this
evening on tbs Iron Mountain railroad.
As the train which left here at Vb4o this
mornii g came in sight of Oadshitl station,
a hundred and tweuly miles below here,
at i .tl) p. in., it wa| signaled to Stop, j;
The switch was turned and the train
ran on the ride track. As train'was slop- '
ped, Conductor Atford stepped off to as
certain what was the matter when he was!
■.■opfronted by .'a man in mask, a pistol)
placed to his heaJ when he was marched
off under guard. The engineer, fireman,
mall agent, si press, messenger and olhar,
train men were then ser/ed by five masked
heavily armed men and also placed
under guard The robbers then went
through the entire train and look from the
p-sen-*rs about two ?h lusand dollars in
cash and a large amouat of Jeaely. and.
from the Atlunis express messenger, ever
thousand dollars, and rifled the mail.
Tha robbers then left in a southerly di-i'
rection, and after the release of tbe train .
she men of the train started southward.
Note I/eft hv tbe Deeperadoea.
The robpe.. u'|t a 104a on o-arti U,il
train of which the fehowflng is a copy :
The original t new In poaaeaalen of Con- *
duclor Alfvrd. "The most daring robbery ;
on record. Ttie South boand train on the 1
Iron Mountain railroad was robbed o!
S 1 1 Tbe robbers arrived at the ata
Mm * pldltw bet..;# fl,; grriygl ot *
the tralh and arrested the agent, put him 1
under guard. Then threw tha train oh)'
the sw itch The robbers were all largr
mn, none of them under sia freU They (
were all ma.ked and started in a southerly 1
direction. After tu-y had ruhpsd the '
train, all mounted vu five blooded .horses. .
There is great eicitement in this | art of
tbe country.
(sigred) laa A. Mi mux
The robber* offered no violence to any ! 1
ene on the train, and'd>4 no ha,m to Ibo
train nton,
Deciiuntiou to Participate in the
t'et-trguijil pyhibition,
London. February 8. An official dis
patch from ft. Petersburg to the Daily
News, of this city, state* that Russia de- j
clinos to send articlas to the centennial ,
celebration, to be held at Philadelphia, 1 !
pa , lb \'"yr on tb'ground that the eahi 1
bitiofi is a private end ii"t a national ona.
Fatal CaaualUy.
An accident attended with fatal results
occurred at Bury, Lancaster, yestar Jay a! 1
a liberal election meeting. The floor gate j
way ami is n*mi)<T of people were preoipl- -J
tated to tbe ground below Hta persons
were kilted and many Injured.
A Bishop Arrested
Frankfort. Februarys.—Tbe jeliee have 1
arrested the rich bishop I-edowchovrski,
attdhphn* been committed to prison in
tliis itty,
[Second Dispatch.]
Berlin, February B.—Archbishop I,ed.
owcliowiski, who was arrested yesterday,
ha* been sent to IMrows, in llie province j
of Foien, w lirre I'p tffll b? imprisoned, in
accordance with the sentence of the court. :
Threatened Bombardment ofßilboa.
Madrid, February B.—Tlio Carlisls
threaten to open the bombardment of Bit
hot. to-day. The city haa two monlha' pro
visions. Ucjitrul Morine is receiving re
inforcements and will udvanc# to It* re 1
Repairing the Work of the Commune.
Paris, February 3.- The budget com
mittee have voted to recommend *n appro
priation of fMtl.ttt) fr repairing tho dam
age done during tho Inst days <>( the com
mune to the public building* in l'aris,
| including the TuiHcrle* and Palace Roy-
Fire in Evansville, I ml.— Several
I'kiMitm liurni'd to Dentil.
Kvanaville, Ind., February 5 —At three
o'clock tin* morning a fira wa. ditc ivere i |
iA*uioif front the grocery of
Mihr, ut the cornor'of tfeiiahukTi avenue
and John ttraul, and in a few minute* tin
building wai onvelopod in tlainu* The
ininutc* of the hou* were Mehr, hi* wife
and children, hi* father-in-law and n bar
keeper named George. Of the*e only the
father-in-law and two childron e-raped
from Hie gipr* ♦lehf. e fathef-dpdaw
•ay* he wa* awaketuii by tho moke and
heard Chritian calling tho bnrkoeper,
who oould not get awakeaeJ. Mr. 'Mob
be hid. had ruthed out of the hou*e with
two chileren whom .-he dropped and re
turned to the liou'e, but never came forth
aga in
A* *woo ai poMiulo *arih w made for
the iiodio* entl all tho tnUiing or.e* were
found. Mohr had the youngeat child
clanpod lightly in lilt arm*, and the re
main* of both wcro charred, a* ware the
Naihville, Tenn., February 1 —Laet
Friday night, at a dance in the Sixth Di*-
trict uf Davidton County, Jotoph Rriley,
nged, wa* kliut du-'td MfUije <>n
the floor with hi* partner, by Jlnbert
Bate*. Tho quarrel grew out or rival
claim* tojt Jf" un * In( ' v for t,IA Tk ""
pniiie* ieii in.) Uncldon to the lady. She
jtook Brlley, and Bute* was o enrage-l that
Ihe aliot him. P*to* escaped.
London, February fl.—-Baron Mayer dej
ltottocliild died to-day.
Mil 1.11 Mil Kit \l M KNTS
Mr. KIHTON :~-Dld you ever bear '
MlHhelm* I wr>pie yon did. ele I
would give you a full dr riplloti <f it,
it* gcogtulihical poaltioD, it* population,
i It* literary, benevolent, and Koealific In
| dilution*. .tc. Annulling then, that yur
reader* hare a fair tnonte jge of in, by
r. pulatmn at laat, rmi inut content yout*
, e!f with a few fragtnent* of eurrentevent*.
Here we go.
Dr. Mingle i* rather glad than Other
wt*e, thai lit* female hor*o muhed hi*
huggv. lie *ay* he ha-t Intended anyhow
In a*t new patent wheel*
J tut Coburn, etill nurrira* il.a late broad*
i aide uf the Iti-riehter man llew provok
ing II it*in agnia, (Seorge, ho can Hand it
if von ran
Wliat i* the penalty under the new Con-j
dilution, for whittling? 1* it to have
vonr "darned head knocked off withe
cudgel T" I'lil* i* the clrll nuntahinenl
offered, the other day What i* thecrim
litel ?
' The parlte* befo'o court lately, behave]
■ diiiirably inca their arrival W*< eouldi
have told iheui ail Judge liucher did, ami
j much cheeper 100, but lhea there i* noth
ing hke having thing* done according to.
■law. Moreanou.
New York, January M,-L*t* informa
tion fr-mi Havana. received hero by Cu
ban*, 11atea that the patriot araiy, tinder
Ueneral tiome*, now ituinbering over four
ihuutand men, haa advanced upon Trocha.
held by a imall Spanith force ia T*enidad
valley and C'lncovilla*. and dettroyed a
number of plantation*, with tugar and ma
chinery, to the value of from *i( to teveti
million* ofdollar*. The patriot* alo IrceJ
ten thouMiid negteet, and between three j
and four thouiand coolie*. Many of tbete
are now joining (the patriot army. The
patriot* now threalan Santiago <Je Cuba,
Manaanillo and other large cltie*. and are
confident of ultimate *uccet*.
tin loth, at liellefonle, Edward, *uii of
Jared Harper, aged l'J year*.
On 7iU, at llimburf, Mr*. Ann* Met'a-
It-b, aged Mi .VMr* and 2 month*. The
deceased wa* formerly of Pennsvatley anil
*iler of Henry (larber Esq, of rotter
On Bth, at WaUenlown, of palay, Cyrus
SanAcy, aged about 40 vart. The deceas
ed an formerly of Miilheim.
Whit* T/heat $1 Ml. Red 145 ..Rye
70 Coi nMI ....Oat* 86 Barley HU.
70 CIo /tript-i! 4,60 Pultlun 60
Lard per pound 8 l'ork per pound Jc
Butter JO. Egg* 30. ]'!ulr perlon
*ls Tallow 8 Bacon 10......Haiti 16
Lard por pound 8 tenu......... Buck wheal
I 65 <*u Fiour per barrel retail*,6o...
wboleiate 7,26 to 7.60
Corrected by John M Dowel. Grain
While wheat 1,60 ...Red wheat 1 45....Rye
ill Corn 60 Oat* 36 Barley
Clovereed 4,00 Tituolhyteed, 350 1
Salt 2 Si per . k
: Bacon 7c......1fa' 16 Battel 27... KKf
j'Jti Planter 060
| Chntnut Coal jer Ton $5,75......5i0v0 j
I Coal per Ton s<i 50 E| Coal per Ton i
ft! 50 .... Limebumar'i Coal per Ton *3.30'
By virtue of the lat will <5: testa
jmenl of Nicholas Deckard. late <•(" Potter j
: lowmhip, dee d, tbera will be *o!J bv pub
, iic out-cry. on the priuiite*. in Vultcr
itowobip, on SATI* RtA Y. M ARCH 7lb.
1874 at 1 o'clock Two tract* of limber
land No. 1 bounded by land* of Henry ,
liroAerholT, John Zellle, iohnll DecAard,
.nd containing about 45 ACRES The
[improvement* are a SMALL HOUSE A
STABLE, about 4 acre* cleared euj U*l'
der oulli*atiou. Tl.o welt tiui-ij
1 oercd with pine, oat. and chestnut.
No 2. A tract of land tiluated on Sand 1
Mountain, bounded by other land ..f aid '
■elate. by land ot Frederick Arnold,
Driuiera'lieira, and John L> DecAerd. !
i oiilaininjc 147 ACRES, neat meature.
The iatl described tract i* well timbered
with pi ne, roc A -at and cbeitnut. TEKMs >
OPSALe; 10 percent of purctaae
'money u be paid on the day of •*(. one l
half Ji the remainder on Rio delivery <.f
the deed, on or before the 10th of April, j
and the balance in one year after with in-
Urra*l U> be tecured by baud and mortgage,
I'd Jan UIoMAS B M KLKoY, Ear
Li iter* uf administration on the caute of
Win Venada, of Potter twp, dee d, have"
been granted to the undersigned, who r*-[
que* u all person* Anowing '.betutclve* in- j
ueblcd Pi *aid estate t<> mate immediate ;
payment, and liiou having demanit
against the same to present thcln duly
auUiU.l|snlu by law for settlement
feb 12-Ot. Administrator
VA Ul be *old, on the Farm of Paler
it offer, NEAR CENTRE HALL, on
I'liuraday, FEBRUARY. JGUi. the foßuw
ing property Five head of Horse*, one
Mar* with Foal, "J Cowa, 7 bead \oung
Cattle, t abort born Bull, 2 plantation
agon*, t ibifLng lop buggy, one Sled,
Plough*, liarrowi, Cultivators, *ho\ci
Piougb*, corn acraper uoubletrea*. •inglc
treae, tbreahing, machine. boraepower and
•hakur, * hay Critratoi* with rope and put
ley*. 1 et hat ladder*, bcreegear*. crtlpwre,
tridcbaiul*, plough gear*, coilara, bridl**,
tlynel* and other tanning implement* 100
liuiucrout to nienlioa. Sale to oomtnancc
at 1 o'clock, when term* will be made
known by
\\ ill be sold at Public Sale, at the
re*idvnee of the under*igncd at Aaron*-
burg, SATURDAY. MAR. 14th, all o'-
clock • Large Pining and other Table*,
Cupbogrd. SlefeogklJ A'ld <dhr Chair*, a
lot of pood Cdruit, a variety of Rook*,
large Map of L". S-, one good Clock.
Lo< kinggta**, Coal Stove, Uiaa.waro, line
i'eaictt, and ail kind* of kitchen Furniture
Spiuntng wheel, Tub*, Barrel*, grain
Bag*, VAoodaaw, Axe, Iron Yc*l*, keg*
ot spalb, and many other aitn lea.
Will be old at Public Sale, at the
renidanco of the underigned, 1 mile tout h
went of Potter* Mill*, on TUESDAY, i
FKH. v!4th. at 10o'clock. 4 Work Hortat.
S Cowf, a lot of goung t.attic. apd if og.
1 Ituckeye ar.d one ltuclfoye, Jr. Reaper,
Tlireatiliig Machine, Shaker and Uorte
Powor. Two 2-llor*e Wagon*. 1 Sleigh,
lUvmkc. J Done Sled. Cornplanter, Corn
-crapor. Hayfork with H p* and Pulley.
Plow*, Harrow" Cultivator*. Field Holler.
Home gear* and llarno** of every de*crip
tinn, Windmill, tforki. 8 *etu Hay ladder*.
Hake*. Hay by the Ton and many other
article*. MARY ARM AG AST.
7b* undorelgnod will tjflicr at l.uhlic
Sale, near Spring Mill*, on WEPXKS-
I> AV. M AUCU Ith ft 10 o'clock: 4 Head
of Hot**. Jlheing mure* with foal, one 2
year old Colt, 6 good milk Cow*. C head of
yoip.g (.nlklf, i hreodltiff Rw. h shoat*. 1
Bucknya Ruapor, Thraliltg Mnchine with
Power and Shaker, ana new 2 Hon* Wag
on, 1 broad wheel plantation Wagon, 1
•pring Wagon. 1 Carriage with polo and
•haft*, 1 Buggv, 2 Sleigh* one new *!* d.
Loaded*, 1 gumdrill, 1 Pttnning Mill, 1
liny rake. Hayladder*, 3 Patent Hayfork",
different kind* with rope* and pulley.
1 Cornnhellor, Cv,rt,pti>o4*c, v*"3icr*|ier,
Plowi, IfwrfoM*, Cultivator* Reaper.
Grindstone, and other iVrtnlng Implement*
Choppor Machine with four kntve* and
balance wheel, 1 Copper Kettle. Iron Kit
tie*, 1 Cook Stove. Parlor Stove, 1 ten
plate Stove, 1 Gahuroer Coal Store, a
large *lock of FURNITURE. BoJ rot-ni
Sett, Table*. Chair*, largo dinner |}c|l,
and many other rrticlo*
HALE • -The underaigned otlr at
private aale hi* valuable Farm, situate in
llarri* twp., Centre cctynty, i.or Linden
Hall, and about 4 milo ftoiu the L. C. *i
S C. ItR-. oonvalnlng 91 ACRES OF
about 30 Acre* are line WOODLAND.
The farm ia under goml fences and in a
high Uto of cultivation. Thereon *rc
erected a very largo RRICR HOUSE,
good UAL'K lIAHV and AM <Mher nece*
ary tJutuuiWing* The watet I* piped to
tho houio and barn. There 1* uLo n large
and thriving ORCIIA KD, with mII kind*
of choice fruit, upon the place Taken
altogether tliia i* one of the mwst d*irable
farms uow offered for ale ip fhi*
Pttiphaser* mj< thj* utApertJ/atg great
bargain, if" gupiicAtioti i* made on ur be
foro Afl' Ist 1874. For furltur particu
lar*, address.
Shaver* Creek, Huntingdon Co., IV, or
John or Ja*. R-i**, Linden
IL. SPANGLKU, AUorney-at Law,
* Bellcfonto, Pa. Office with
Buah ic, Yocuin. Consultation in English
[and German. Collections promptly attend
ed to. (tpb^-tf
NroTH !K. Uitin( \iinliiitr*tlon on
lliit ptale t>( Liny Working, lata i f
ILiutadale, Clearfield county, dec'd, !•**•
trig been granted to the undersigned. att
paranri* knowing themirlw indebted t >
•aiit nitate are hereby notified to make Im
me<liate payment, end tho>,halng elaim*
t preaent them legally authenticated,
without delay, for (ettloinefll.
faUCiCentre Hall,(Centre Co. I'e
W.J. M'lVMtai,.
Wholesale!& Retail
M K 11' 01 TT K It-* A HTI'FKK UN,
ill large varietir* and i-very thing aunt-r
--ally kept in iIAKHW AKK STORES
M y Stuck at Ihl* lime it heavy, and will
<>dcr inducement* to ca*b on short . red it
buyer*. nov 27. Bm.
Keystone Store.
O it to
' No. U Buah'a Arcade, Bellefonte, Pa
All kind* of country produce tak
, en. Boat Bargain* in town to be
bad. tov'JOtf
Stores! Fire! Stov's!
At Audy Kecsmau'a, Centre Ilall, are
' latest and boat Hove* out, ho ha* juat
received a large lot of
Cook Stove*, the l'ioueer Cook,
the Eclipae Cook,
the lteliunce Cook.
PA ItLORS—The Radiant Li(lil, aeif-feo
der, Ua Burner, National Kgi,
Jewell Ac.
S>He >ell atove* at LOW a* anywhere
in Mifflin or Centre co.
The under.igmd hereby inlbuiif tho
cititcn* of that e ha* pur
chased the lin.hop heretofore carried on
by the C II Mf Co., and arili continue
the tame, at the old (Land, in all it* branch
c*. in the manufacture of
All kind* of repairing dor.®. U na*
Fruit Cans, of all Bite*,
A'l work warranted and charge* reason
able. A share of the public patronage ao
liciu-d. AND. RKEHMAS.
djubTOf Centre Ilall
Sbortlidgc & Co.,
Bellefonte Lime Quarries,
| The only Manufacturer* of Lime, burnt
delusively with wood, in Central
Anthracite Coal,
White Lime,
l>u Pout'. Powder,
SporiiDg and Bloating Powder on
1 Fuao for Blaating,
Fire Brick,
Ground Fire CUj,
! janSO 78
Offlre acd card near South end of the
Haiti Ksglc Valley Railroad l)opot, Italia
fante. Pa janl(l.7B
Weekly Preat,
The Ilepreaentalive Journal of Peun
ay lean in.
a* premium* now ready.
Altar Ik* iVwwiwl Painting trj Itfttk kialau.
la tk* ltoal Uallwr a* Dnadm.
NO. 2.
Trmm ih* P.lnUn* at * wMnkl llarataa Artnt
Rack IX I.J II Imlm, JuM AaWkad t. lU'V At. A
lIt'.VTKK. of iklaelli. Ik* oMm* I'kromo ud Lttk
"trt*>b l*akU*kan la Ik* l'jwd St*i*. ci|* *—|y
Tka**lwa**mt*l*'<*knini<w. IJ*l* I,
aowiaa tkxir mom **n **fut *rark> Than null
MKAWHfcKKYUIXi.. from Ua <Um tmufci
Hi b. IMTJ. u> ratMcnbm io ih# WrttLT PIEB
Who wtidi HI 11 Ihp prtn for OM PMT I ■■kil l lipjl—
ao'l dUo am* of ilh#c to Ilk# ffvUor op of v#ry cltb of
•r<* ouplH or nor*
of the*# #p4#o4M ik 4 ci #f6 at it* %##■
Bu*incss Office of
Seventh Street below CheatnuL
Ancolles of Public >feu
al#o "ff> ied a* a premium.
K*Ull prlrJ. 11 |rr eopj la *atU-lp*U.m of U>*
Tlilrd<a. w* o€.r |ikmi paid| ■ mm of Ik* "As
of ruhlir Mm" Ui *oj ponon wko will Mtud a*
In Mlrelim tor Ik* Wookw Pnw. • of tk moat
>*r!*d publication* ia ik* ooeair*. *bwwdia* ta In or
tn. *artrnttrat. pollllr*!. and batlama ni*tl*r. print
•uf ta <|<**ro fens, an uru w' iu n*pen *r>4 with
' 'K!ksTT i i' U UykKI.V I KKSS Clutw* lob* tk*
|U>I rnittj i'*|wr. Ill* llr* 1 iur*rj Journal, Ua*
tt*l .i. Wuuktr. t)> tlort A*l Irullurul Or***,
lit* Hml Wroklr Howupapor Ih* li*| AdmrUttac
Mnlla* In Uw tmiuu till*, tit*, fa U iwepoct*.
ih* •I'.iii.ti'ia] twiml wf r.nnijl*ml*, e'lni rtwj
whrtw. *O4 *Jw*to *wtklu 111* touCin* MMD rwpr—m
Ul n • muu la eaob lownahlp,
Tk* AariMtwind !'•* of lhl Paper I* * marked
•owe I*l tf tu n>**Mretnenl t* la U> elclnelrr oualrpi
nf Mr Thorn** Meeh*n. WWW** repetition Ibrotichoat
Ui. whale country •*• prnrileal nnd *nconn*(ni **rl
calluriet I* well ud hnmbli known
AMofavo* RaPinu Morn There le, perh*p*.
no wwekty, ururuei which aI Me *e mack Inlniiltka
•nd Ineirndlrw ree.llßg m*il.r n * Il*rl, *uiMr An
KORXKY S WKI K til PHI Vl lu Knnecll.n. with
the *... i*|od Prem ei *l-i' the brwrlelor ef Ike
WKIk I V i'RI JS * farnteh the rM&f* with Ike
rerj tetoet t uMlgh and itotoreK.' New* b> lwl*ar*|Ui.
•Irunn*kl|jt, AtiAntle Ckle. Pall mnniet report*,
mono*. fTSIh. rli*. And *enr:*l. J.f Philadelphia
•nd *UlTir la'dina < lllee lof In* t'lilon. rail Hale *
prituilueul *ad Inralnal.le toalare M Ike Werklj Prew*
The gr,-*le*t cap* I* eierrlned In ike eeWttoa of Ik*
rnrlnd table of content*, and I* making ap of ike pw
Fwplw ##nl fr##
ierm* of The Weekly Pirn,
t.opylfwar *S OO to oepW. tk* oo
ir -pirn *flp t* cefw. I *,t.trvm. II OM
lu -ni'ie ... pet §> eoittm 1 ador***.. U**
*o mom free mcopi**t *Betw**. . wo
l ot win* (*lllll* ap * 1 lull of l*u or mora can chow**
u a pr-miam lk*r awe of Ik* I 'hremo*. • ropf nl
'A•k-Mmof Public Mm." or • rxjpj ul Ik* WKkk LV
t'KKXS All onlcr* tkould Ih- **u*.l la
Editor and Proprief—.
tjull * vy ; ar. üßl3w*inui. PblUd
Ttlrfr*iir of r*nn'a t* lial a4 ltrt f> rr*!* - txiwrtcrr -.
etrfKi*4 Z>r, T'ltlcrta V> cef able Uhemmat' .
i y vow- I(M*e*nM Itaai. ullikU ear* tor Rr**. -
Bwcrato.tkl.SClh April. I! U
P. A. USBOUR.-f. A'Wry /■ukkc. / /.. ••
7*s7lrfT* WW*CwdTft,an4wfflmtwy aairm*wr
hf 1A Rer.TbM-M nrpbv.nJ) M VnftkMPUuUT.C.! .
V win*,M#dtß* PA. R0*.,T.8 .
0 'I Srailli, rnufw.l,N Y.Kt..l,L* •.
1 ' tlv.Af. AWirtwlhotildwT<t#l>r.l"^tJkT J MrfU3nftii \ *
r**nr NmfmMA rnnnwt4* % rrMPi tfttftapwtdfntj:* H*
urA. l .c-> : ucurji-ociiArcnjAr lyCmcc*#: v
I l*. Dr. Fitlpt'* t ilu 20cU, shoiiid be
juaed ffitp syrup. feb!2 ly
34K) PagM, 300 Hngrnving*, and Colotcd
Plate*. I'ublithcd Quarterly, at 25 Cent*
a Year. First No. (or ISTi ju*l issued. A
Gorman edition at sumo pripo. Ad4p<*,
JAMES VtCK. Rochester. N- Y
MILLER'S HOTEL. Woodward, Pa.
Stagps arrive apd depart daily.
tUtrj dwelling houee and g<K>d I<>|
I in on. of tli mod daeirable portion* a
I Anronthurg, it oflVro! at private aalr
j With It are all ntsceaaar/ outbuilding* ut I
kitchen. w.iM.J.hwl, trnnkehnute, a ho|
I tlable, cittern. Ac. Choke fruit of al
| kind* on the tiretuiaee Apply to
I m'litt tf Aarnntburg
Miller & Son,
Ac., Ac., Ac.
for .medicinal purjKieee.
Truaae* d' Supporter! in great variety.
Alto, choice
and all other article* uaually kept ia a
firtt clut Drug .Store
Prescription* carefully Compounded.
•Jktcttf MILLER A SON.
"NEW goods
and NEW
Pricea Lew than at any Other Shoe
Btoro in Centre County.
Call and See Us !
No. 5, Bush'a Arcade, Bellefonte. i
July I inf.
Woodring Sc Co.,
At the Grocer; Store on Allegheny
Street, Bcllefonte, I'm , opposite lloffer
Hro's inform the public (•(■•rally, that
they lime now and keep at all limaa one
of the Host and Urged docks of Grocer tee,
such u
Sit* AH,
Ac, Aa.. At.,
consisting of canned peaches, cherries, ;
omatoee, plums, green corn, dried apples,
poaches, cherries Ac.
In brief they have everything usually
kept in • llrd class Uroaery Store Cell in
ladies ai4 gentlemen. Our prices are '
reasonable We aim U please. octtf 1
olTers his sertiuea (a the citisens of Midin i
C'-utrc end adjoining counties, in
Uon*. Mgts and Ornnanenatnl
Oak. Walnut, Maple, Ash,
Main.pony. Ac.,
Plain and Ksncy I'apei hanging. Or
ders respectfully suictiM.
All fino work done for other painters.
not >tf
Salt per Barrel s>96
Salt per Sack ~,,,,,,,, 226
Best Rio Ceffee per A SO
White Sugar per IS
Men's Stage Boota 3 76
Hose BooU per pair-... ... ~ 0
Horse BlspkeU per piece 1 76
Men's Shirts, e piece 1 00
Army Pantaloons ........... ........ 276
Best double thick tobacco s bar ... >6
Best Nar yTobecco per her 60
We are \Y* n *i"kers A Down's agents
and will fUrr.ish customers with any kind
of clothing you want at Philadelphia
prices, and will show you large samples to
choose from.
Largest stock of Merchandise ever
brought to this town. Cellar, Rotas and
up Suirs all lull, Call end see for your
•alvo* and save from 'JO to 90 per cent.
The highest Market price paid for but
cr, egg*, ham end ell kinds of produce. |
Fifty different kinds of men's gloves.
Excelsior Cement- -
The undersigned now manufacture Ce
QUALITY, at their kiln*, near Pine
Creek Mills, in llainee twp. This cement ]
he* • I reedy been utd in large quantities
apon the L- V A H. C. RU , end he* been
found highly satisfactory upon ell job*
wheie it ha*peen used, end e* equal to
any now manufactured. The underpinned
now lake plea*ure in recommending, and
warranting it to all. for u*e in CIS
TERNS. WATER I'IPRS or whatever
purnoe* a good quality of Cement i* deei
i a tile Thi* Cement ha* already been
lpuled far and wide, and rendered the ut- ■
mo*t satis factiaa- Persons, therefore con
*trucliiig Cisterns, laying Water Pipe*,
Jto.. will find it to their advantage to bear
thi* in mind, and also, that they warrant
the article a* represented. For further
particular*, address
Aider tf Aaronburg, Pa.
ja t Lk?g 'MS'
constantly on hand first class Mules'
which they will sell or exchange for Hor
10*, at their stables at Milroy, Pa.
Ildoc. Bm.
"tIFAMTKD.—We will giTe energetic
men and women
from $4 to $8 per day, can be pursued in
vour own neighborhood, and is strictly
honorable. Particulars free, or samples
worth several dollar* that will enable you
to go to wrk at once, will bo sent on re
ceipt of fifty cents.
Address J. LATHAM A CO.,
PJanGi, SRI Washington St., Boton Mas*
Be fur o ordering elsewhere send for Cat
alojme, which i* now ready and will bo
mailed gratis on unplicatiuu,
Our Cliroino %i Th# Floral#, a
beautiful \*arV>r Picture—pronounced by
judge* a oc<hws, is now sent froe to all who
favor i(i with orders to the nmount of five
OuASK Uhotiibrs A Wwujwahp,
tSJun Bm. Rochester, N. Y.
1 New Goods!
. New Prices!
New Everything !
Beat American Print*... 10cU
, Lauren* d 0.... , rM , Beta
Bedford ... ~, Keta
Appletun A. llu*!in 4f4....... Ifieta
Aufuila da r , )4 r t(
' Chestnut Bill bleached llictJ
• Canton Flannel ...... UMU
. While Sugar.... 18icU
Beat X**y T0bacc0..—.......... , 76ctf
Levering Hyrup..... Tm , "fid*
Ac., Ac., |t Ae.
A Fin# AsKorlment of Dulled
I fc—wssm > iw *i r- aA
Mo** colored Poplin* 40c t*
Japan*** Silk§.„—... Sbcts
Tycoon Rap* 'jtk-u
Tina Mohair Silk Fmiak 1.00
Black Alpaca*, —...... TSet*
French Marten* ~,,,, LOO
Very Fine Cashmeres 75cU
Ac.. Ac., Ac.
All other foods in proportion W#
have laid ta a larva stock ofthe beat food*
a hick were pttrckaaed at the rery bottom
panic prices, and. the MM** (rem* wall
advanced. we are determined to cluae
them out at prions that hare not been
ly*"* i* l* country since the war.
Came and examine eur etork and prices
and he ionrineed that we will do yoa
g&. *-%2££ a
joba b. oavia, c. T. tuxtxna,
c. v. aeviaa
AiU'rt;ry-ai-Uw. ufli* opposite Court
Bouac, Belial ante, Pa.
Jan la *74 if.
JOHN P. POTTKK, Aitora^srLaw".
Collection* promptly mad* and
special attaatiofi firaa to the** having
land* or property £,* mw, W ill draw up
and have tci now lodged Peed*, Mori*****,
A OBc* in the diamond, north ode of
the court bouse, Beiietowu- cCfcrnf.
V/ J on* Bpavolbb, Proprietor.
Mage* arriea and depart daily, for al
points. aorth. couth, east and want.
B. 1.1 l iLLHTia JAKES A. KUTU
B.iiaioata, Centra 001. Pa. apfihl
uaamr *. a ekhoff, j. p. eut asi7.
President, Cashier.
<Late Miliiken, Boor or A Co.)
And Alio* interest,
Discount Note*.
Buy and Sell.
Corern merit Securities, Gold <C*
[ aplO Ufclf Coupon*.
P FuRTNIY. Attorney at Law.
e Bcllefcata, Pa. CMBce over JUy
oald • bank. may 14 03
Old Fort, where be la at aHtinx*. prepared
to make all kind* of sees aad boy * cloth-
I inf. accordinf to the la Mat style* and at
reasons bie okaWe.
Koom htbii irx ace.
Fish, S^3TCMM*.
144 North I tela ware Avenue,
147 North Water Street,
Pun.* or Lent a.
W i.Koqn. O Sonatas. J.lcnu*
mart ly.
Banking Co.
And Allow In .avast.
UiMoaat Note
Bur aad Sell
Government Securities, Gold and
Petes Horrxa, Wu. B. liixouc,
l'ree't- Cashier
ChRS. H Held.
Clack, MalfkmahrrA Jfwrlrr
Millheitu, Centre Co., Pa.
Respectfully inform* hi* friend* and tha
oubiic in fenaral, that ha hat )ust opened
at hia new establishment, above Alexan
der • store, and keep* coasts ctly on hand,
al! kind* ot Clock*, Walcbot and Jewelry
of the latest Ur le. a* also tbe Maran villa
Patent Calender Oiocks. provided with a
complete index of the month aad day of
the month and week on its face, which i
warranted a* a perfect time-keeper.
AfCiivki. Wale be* and Jewelnr re
paired on short notice aad warranted.
tap U' 68 ly
Would moat respectfully inform the cit
tern of this vicinity, that he has started s
n#w Boot and Shoe Shop, and would be
thankful for a share of the public patron
aft Boot* and Shoe* made to order aad
accordinf to style, and warrant* bis work
fto equal any made elsewhere. All kinds
of repairinf done, and charge* reasonable.
Give him n call. ftb IS ly
Dentist, Millhelm.
Offer* hi* professional services to tho
public. He is prepared to perform all
operation* in tbe dental profession.
ffUe is now fully prepared to extract
teeth oAeofsrtefy scsfAneT pain. myS-73-tf.
Beat Sample Room* in Town.
D. JOHNSTON A SONS, Proprietor*,
Bellefonte, Penna.
spuRG E o N.
T. De Witt Talmage i oditor of
The Chrutian at Work ; C H Sp ur *
geon Special Contributor. They
write for no other paper In America.
Three magnificent Chromo*. Pay
larger commission than any othet
DY. No Soctariatium. No Sec
lionalitm. One agent recently ob
tained 3rto subscription* in cifhty
liour* absolute work. Sample copies
and circular" sent free.
H. W. ADAMS Publisher 102
Chambers Street, New Y'ork.
Jan 8
Sr. Crooks Wine of Tar
111 SMate value eomwi i
HI with the rl< h m
quaiiUee Of Tar. which
-_roloßTi._ cause It to Rwlld p
the wewls wad *<*£*'-
/SMVVltatoi aa* rapidly
0 fIF B wßlrestaraaxtaaiM
■ Mnf mm ■p wfpg'K Uetoaoicc
mriaf thrsf-nach. rciax.a
■■HyßMHtns Liver, and rausie
kMB t* dly L
Nnprrl*or Taair,
ImtiMiVfriTiMiffl reatorea thoappeUsa
and atrewftlmaa tha
ayateaa. For Palna in
Bresat. SAda or
mJmwH Bsarts. (travel or KM
new n igrMlft. <|IS6SS6S
Criwuy ®r-
and has bcB