Echo, Coma to ms In the silence of the night: Come in th* speaking silenss ef a dream . Corns with soft rounded aheek* and syw* as bright ha auulight en a stream Come back (v tears, O memory, hop*, h aof finished tears O dream, hew m, too sweet, too hitler sweet, Whom wakonine should hare been in Para dise. Whera sonla brimful of lor# abide aud meet ; Where thirsting, longing eyes Watch the alow door That e|>euing. lets in. lets out no wore fet come to me in dreams that t ma* Iris My vary Ufa again. th> ugh sold in death ; Pom* back to me in dream- that I ma* gne Pulse for pulae. breath for breath : Speak low. lean low. Aa long ago. my lov*. how long ago ! " The Babes in the Woods." wo ms ruT, 1871. " Something characteristic," eh ? Hump ! I reckon you menu by that Something that happened in our way. Here at the croaain' of Big lVe Fist. Tune* aren't now as they uaed to be. When gold wa* flush and the boy* were frisky. And a mnn would {Will out hi* battery For anything maybe the price of whisky. Nothing of that sort, eh ? Thai'* strange. Why, I thought you might be diverted. Hearing how Jt tie*, of Red Rock Range, Prswed his " Hint to th* Unconverted, ' And saying. " Whar will yon have It t" ehot Cherokee Bob at the last IVbaring ' What wae the quest too . I forgot— ftii Jones didn't tike Bob'* war of stating. Nothing of the kind, eh 7 Yon mean Something aukler ? Lat'a see Ok, Joe ? Tall to the Misuser that Utile venae Oat of the "Babee ui th# Wood*. * You know. " Babes" waa the name that we gave em. AT, Two lean lads in their teens, and greener Than even the belt of spruce and fir Where they built their meet, and each day grew leaner. No one knew where thev ram* from. None Cored to ask if thev hod a mother. Runaway schoolboys, maybe, line Tall sad dark as a tpmee ; the other Blue and gcM in the eyee and hair. Soft and low ia his speech, but rarely Talking with us : and we didn't cere To get at their secret at ail unfairly- For they were eo quiet, eo sad and shy. Coolant to trust each other eotaly. That somehow we'd always shut on* eye. And never seem to obaarve them wholly. As they paseed to their work- 'Twos a voruout claim. And it paid tliem grub. They could iiv* without it. For the boya had away of leaving game In tbatr tent, and forgetting all about it. Ist no awe asked for tbeur secret. Dumb It lay in their big eve* heavy hollow*. It waa understood that no one should come To thetr tout unaware*, save the bees and •wallow*. Bo they brad alone. Until one warm night 1 waa sitting her* at the tent-door, eo, sir, When out of the sunset's rosy light Up rose the sheriff of Mariposa. I knew at once there wae something wrong. For his hand and his voice shook just a Utile, And there isn't much you can fetch along To snake the sinew* of Jack Hill brittle. " Go warn th* Babes !~ lie whispered, huorse ; ** TeH 'eta I'm coming—to get and scurry. Few I've got a story that's bad. and worse, I've got a warrant; now, man. you hurry I" Too late; they had seen him cross the hill I ran to their tent and found them lying Dead in each other's arms, and still Clasping ths dreg they had takan (bring. And there lay their secret cold and bare, hie. their trial —the old, old story For the sweet blue eyee. and the golden hair. Was a ttxman'e shame and a voman't glory. " Who were they ?" Ask no more, or ask The son that riaits their grave so lightly : Ask of the whispering reeds, or task The mourning crickets that chirrup nightly. AB of their life bat its Love forgot. Everything tender and soft and mystic, These are our Babes in the Woods, you're got. Well—Human Nature—that a charactersuc. RKKT HUTS -irST HIS DCTT. It was in the year of the great Min ceaota snow storms. Ton heard of them, I dare say. Most people did ; and Tve little donbt that, to ladies and gentlemen sitting by their sung fire sides in London ana New York, there was something pleasantly exciting in the daily accounts from those far West tern States, of bow the anow kept fall, fall, falling, day by day and week by week, in one soft, steady sheet of daz zling white, till it rose high ewer walls and hedges, blotted out roads, and fields, and streams, and made hills and dales alike one dead, blank level. Peo ple reed with eager earioeity of whole coach-loads frozen np in one night, of traveler* lost in the whirling drifts within a yard or two of their own homes, of men going 'ont to seek for stray oat tie, to be found dead and stifi within an hour or so. His name was Hugh Garston, and he was the master of an infant*' school half-way between Rock Rapids, lowa, and the village of White Water Springs. Hugh's father had been a gentleman of property, given to traveling in his yonth; and having rambled as far as lowa one summer, had there fallen in love with and married a trapper's daughter. As soon as the deed was done he was very much ashamed of it; deserted his wife as aoon as possible, and returned to his ancestral halls in Yorkshire. Un fortunately, the trapper's daughter was not a person of delicacy. Instead of taking her desertion as a gentle hint that Mr. Garston was tired of her, and resigning herself accordingly, thia vonng woman packed up a change of linen, and not only started off in pur suit of him, but actually found him in hia own home; and, arriving at the hall with a fortnight-old baby in her Arms, she presented the baby to tbe hall's master as his son. In good time Hugh went to college. In the letter's twentieth year, however, something oocurred which turned all this good to bad. Mr. Garston had destined him for the church. Hugh de clined to enter it A quarrel ensued. Unpleasant disclosures followed. Hugh learnt for the first time that hia mother was not dead, but living and disowned, snd that the second Mrs. Garston owed her marriage to a lncky and legal flaw in the first ceremony. Passion is productive of hasty words. Wise men pay no faeed to them. Hugh was not wise. Within a week he had thrown np father, college and pros pects, and departed to seek his mother in tbe far West. Please to remember his trapper blood in excuse, and excuse him —as I did. When I next met him it was out there, and he was returning from his mother's fnneraL He had fonnd her living alone in a small house on the bills, keeping a small school, and suffering from a lingering internal disorder which made life one long tortnre to her. Hugh brought the best medicine that torture could admit—his presence and hia love; and under that gentle balm Mary Garston lingered two years, rest ing bom her labors in peace and happi ness, while tbe young Oxonion kept school and bouse far her, and tended her like nurse, servant, and son, in one. Naturally, now she was gone, I nrged him to give up this wretched life, and l>egin a better in England, with my aid. He thanked me, and declined. He liked teaching. The school had increased, and was a blessing to those outlying farms and cabins, whose young fry wonld otherwise have grown np mere heathens and savages. If he gave it up, no other would inke it, the pay was . so poor, and the situation so lonely. Besides, he was now bent on the Inde )>endent ministry, and found this a capital place for perfecting his studies in qnie% and practising their lessons in irsedom. These were his arguments, and I combated them with sat*. Then KHKD. KVHTZ, Kclitorrmd I *roprutor. VOL. Ml. he turned on me, and told me- 1 have grown to care for a girl in the village youder, MalTa Keith. Hhe is not a lady, and 1 am not a gentleman -after my father's pattern, at least. This state of life anils her better than anv other; therefore, if 1 marry her, it aud no oth er ahall suit me." I had used reason against arguments, and tnrned them itilo smoke. To ue reason against love would have been folly; and 1 waa not a fool. We shook hands heartily, bade each other "God speed," and parted the beat of friends, never to meet again in thia world. The rest of Hugh's story I give from hit letters and Malva's lips. Hhe was a practiced ooonetto, honest enough in her wgy, and beautiful be ▼ond measure, with the full, upright flgwre, lithe, round limbs, aud rich col oring of a prairie Hebe—well aware of her beauty, too, both from the glass and the more audible homage of at leaat a score of rough and ready admir ers, trappers, timber-feller*, railway employee, 1 osiers, and the like, who *ll vfed in paying court to the fiower of White Water*. Hugh came in among these like a star from another system; and struightwav Malva oast off her suit ors, and hauled down the flag of free dom to lay it at the schoolmaster's feet. So far, so well; but, unfortunately, surrender was easier than subjection to this young lady. Hugh lived nearly three mile* off, and was at his work all day. Malra lived just outside the Til lage—her father was a timber con tractor, and a well-to-do man of the roughest class—and the bouse was always full of those of her swains, ss did not care for work, and found making love a pleasant pastime; and Malva waa too partial to this incense to re linquish it at once, and for the sake of a grave, stern young man, who had other work than hanging on Iter apron strings all day. The end of all this was that Hngh grew anxious, then jealous, then angry ; took to reproving instead of worshiping, and so irritated Malva's pride ; all of which culminated in a desperate quarrel respecting a cer tain Mile* Pearson, whoae over-familiar worship of the flower of White Waters had for some time been arousing Mas ter Hugh's wrath. 1 fear that latter gentleman had inherited hie father's pride ; at anv rate, he bore himself so sternly on wis occasion, that Malva, who was on the point of yielding and ashing pardon, suddenly nailed her colors to the mast, and said she "wasn't going to be bullied. Milee was ss good as some folk, and better. He didn't get riley and tyrannical; and for her part she preferred Americans to half bred foreigners," Ac., Ac., blue eyes flashing and pomegranate chocks aflame. Hugh looked her full in the face, and answered her, very white and cold— " That is vour choice, then ? Yery welL The half-bred foreigner will re sign yon until such time as you change your "mind, and ask him to come back. Good-morning, Miss Keith." And so walked back to his school, and came no more to the Keith homestead. The weather was cold enough then ; but the real heavy snow did not set in much before January. It had been falling off and on for several Jars, and was so deep in place* that Hugh's school benches haa grown very empty, many from the more distant clearings not oeing able to come. Still, the mas ter was a great favorite with children, and these in lowa and Minnesota are a tough and hardy little race ; no, on the sth of January, 187—, though the sky was an ominous color, and the barome ter falling fast, about nine boys end girls arrived as nsual, and, after a good wanning at the fire, began their studies. One of them, Seth Halkett, brought a bit of news. " Miles IVarson's gwiue to splice with old Keith's gal. Guess there 11 be grand fixings down to her place. Air you gwine to the marryin', teacher ?" " You shut np, Setb," cried hia sis ter, a sharp girl of twelve, who, with precocious womanhood, had got hold of Hugh's feelings in that quarter. " He'a always talkin 1 when lie knows nathin', teacher: an' he aren't done one figger of his reck'nin' vet." Beth stock hi* hands defiantly in the ragged bands of bia corduroys, and mattered—" Darn the reck'nin";" but Hugh spoke to him mildly, and bade the girl mind her own work. It was not with children that hia atemness cams ont. And the anow went on falling. It soon grew too dark for studying. The flakes froze as they fell in a solid heap on the window-sill, and blotted out tbe light. One of the boya looked ont at tbe front door, and got hia nose frost-bitten; and a murmur rose that they would be obliged to stay in school all night Hugh went to the back door, which was at the lee of the boose, and confirmed the foreboding. Tbe road was impassable for children already, and the snow falling in two cross cur rents, which made a sort of frozen whirlwind in the air. There conld be no going home that evening; and he busied himself in piling np tbe Area, and helping the old negress who waited on him to get snpper ready for his pu- Eils. That night, tbe two girls who ad been plucky enongh to accompany their brothers to school slept in Hugh's bed, while he camped down with the boys in the school-room. They kept roaring fires, and used every wrap there was in the bonus; but tbe cold increased hourly, and one, the yonngest child, woke crying more than once. And the snow went on falling. It never ceased all the next day and night Hugh kept up tbe Area, fed the children well, and told tliem stories. Little Tommy, the youngest, cried, for his mother at first; but soon ceased when tbe master pnt him on his knee and comforted him. Still, tbe time passed very drearily; every peep from the back room showed only a white waste of snow, trending downwards to the valley, and blotting paths, fences, and landmarks in one huge winding-sheet. Worse was coming still; for that night old Gassy whispered her master that the food was almost gone. Nine hungry months soon make away with the contents of one man's larder. And the anow went on falling. Chi the following day breakfast was a miserable meal, and one of tbe girls having discovered the cause thereof, began to wail ont that they wonld all be starved. Hugh quieted her, gently but firmly, and going to the window, pointed that the sky was clearing, ana tbe snow-flakes falling leas thickly. They continued to lessen hour by hour; and by noon Hugh determined to make his way to the nearest village store, and bring Back food to the hungry children. It was a difficult errand, even for him, who knew every inch of the way, and was cased m fur and leather from head to foot All signs of the road were obliterated. More than once he missed his way, and sank in the snow nearly to his thighs ; and the cold was so intense that the very breath froze upon his bps like an iey akin. The poor fellow was well-nigh dead when he at last reached Ethan Ball's store. Only a light sprinkling of snow bad fallen since his departure ; so that he was able to retrace the journey by bis own track, and was toiling heavily up a steepish hill, when, of a sudden, LIB ear was caught by the dismal bowling of a dog far away. He paid no heed, thinking it came from the settlement: and presently it eeased, then changed THE CENTRE REPORTER. to a Lark, growing nearer aud nearer ; till, finally, a Inrgo black dog cauie in aight round a point ol rook, and, bound- | iug UJHUI huu, began a series of (awn iug and w lniiiiig. running sway ■ few #teps, and returning to look up in Ida face writb all a dog'* frensy of lmjHiteut eloq uenee. Men soon grow to under stand these sign* in the far Weat. Ungli kuew. a* well a* if he hail been told, that somewhere within hail that dog's master waa lying iu iitnut so great as to need help ; and help accordingly he aet out to give. The dog led the way, and he followed ; now stutubliug, now falling outright; sometimes letting the handle of the sled slip from his half-froaeu fingers, and ofteu deter mining to give up the attempt mid get home while he oould ; but always urged on, as much by that inflexibility which made part of the mau'* chnracter aa by j dislike of leaving a fellow-creature to perish within reach. Ho on and on, for J half a mile or so ; and then the doc stopped beside a big, motion lea* mound of snow , and Hugh, bending forward, found himself staring into the white and rigid face of his old enemy, Miles Pearson, Independent of rivalry, this man had alwava been peculiarly obnoxious to Hugii. He was a big, burly fellow. That such a man should dare to admire Malva Keith, and not l> repulsed with loathi n g, had certoinlv lowered that voung lady in her lover's evee ; and of late tue two men had hardly even met without exhibit iug a man >fe*t animosity. Now. Pearson lay a half fruxeu, insensi ble log upou the Minnesota suows , aud Hugh Garston stood above him ! Only for a momen ; then he knelt down "and felt the man's wri*t It gave back no answering beat He laid his hand ou his heart ; that still ticked on, but very feebly. Death was ruuning a race with Miles Pearson, and no time could be lost if he were to be beaten. Hugh lost none. Without a moment's hesitation, he set to work to force some drops of brandy down the man's throat; theu jerked the bags of food out of the sled, and half dragged, half lifted the helpless body on to it instead. The children were very hungry, but tk,y could wait. Milee was past waiting. But, not to lose the food, he drove the long stick with which he had been walking into the frozeu *now, and fas tened the dog to him. He had gut out of the way, he knew, aud was for from home ; but that would mark the spot And now he looked round, half despair ingly, for some nearer shelter, and straightway uttered a shout for joy. A spird column of smoke wss rising into the air, beaide a huge gray bluff, about half a mils off; ana Hugk's heart beat thankfully as he recognized the cliim nevs of Keith's homes tend. As he started to reach it the snow began to fall. In the great log kitchen at the Keiths', the family were all gathered roahd a hnge lire that afternoon, talk ing cf the suow, of the time it had lasted, and the easnalties it had occa sioned, and wondering when tine weather would set in again. Abram Keith bail heard of a Minnesota bride and bridegroom snowed- up in the sleigh, en route to their married home, and only rescued after two daya—bring, bat crippled for life ; and his father told of a neighbor fonnd dead and frozen stiff, within a few yards of his house, that very morning. There was no end of such stories. Only Malta held her tongue, and looked pale and weary. Possibly she hail begttn to_misa Hugh Gareton. A heavy bang at the door startled them all ;" and Abram, going to open it. gave rent to such a volley of oaths and ejaculations of wonder as brought all the family to his aide, and turned the 010 to a chorus. Xo wonder, for what had entered was the body of a man, fact foremost, laid on a shed; and propelled by another man, who, as if utterly ex hausted, dropped his burden at the door, and staggered to a bench, with out uttering one word in reply to the questions which assailed him. * Xo hoed was paid to him, however, for all eyes had tnrned upon the apparent corpse ; and there was another shout from Abram. "Jechoeophat and all hia tarnation grand uncles, el 'taint Miles Pearson!" The whole house was iu a oommotion at once. Brandy and hot blankets were called for ; Miles was put into Abram'a bed; and everyone was so busy in sttending to bis restoration, that Hugh had stumbled to the fire, helped him self to a drink of hot coffee, and turned to the door again, before anyone noticed him. Then Mrs. Keith cried out— " Garston, don't open that, man ; or you'll let more of the cold in." " I will shut it behind me," he said, laconically. " Why, what's the ftiry! yon're not going ?" in a chorus from the men. " Yes, I am—home." Abram delivered himself of a whole bagful of curses, ingeniously diversi fied. Malm came close, ana put her hand wonderingly on her lover's arm. Hugh did not look at her ; but turning to his host, stated the reason for his departure—nine famishing children. •'What lout there? Why, I reck oned you were coming down here till the thaw. Where did yon spot poor Miles, then ?" Hugh told. " And yon left the prog, and come away to toat him along down here ! Well, I'm darned I" Old Keith shrugged his shoulders; but Malva's eyes glistened, and her warm fingers atole down his arm, and glided sinnonsly into his gloved ones.. " Garston," said old Keitb, giving up tbe paat idiocy for the present—" it's most dark already, an' the snow falling like wildfire. You'll never get home with your life this day. Don't lie a fool an' risk it." " And my children ?" " I)drot the shavers I If they've empty bellies one day, they cun All 'em the next, an' no harm done, I reckon. Let 'em be. Why, you're most broke down a'ready, an' as white as a skunk's liver." This from Abram. llugh looked at him ooldly. These two yonng men did not "hitch well," to use Malva'a phrase. " Will you go if I stay?" he asked; "or will yon oome along with me and help ?" With the greatest sincerity, voting Keith shook his head, and wished him self at eternal perdition if he were snch a fool—" He'd, keer for his life, he guessed, ef schoolmaster didn't far nis'n." "The schoolmaster laughed con temptuously. "I thought so. Good night, friends. I care for the children given to my charge. Look after your frost-bitten friend, Abram. Ton can do that with out running the risk of losing your precious life, or freezing your foal tongue either." He went oat at he spoke, and Abram, boiling with rage, caught una "Colt's" and made as he would fellow. Old Keith hold him back. " Let the darned fool go, and be cussed to him," he said. " Look at the snow, boy; he'll never spot home to night Malva, bolt the door." She flew off; bat not to obey. Hugh had taken but a few steps, when his arm was caught, and Ualva, half buried in her father's huge bearskin robe, clang panting to his aids, CENTRE HALL. CENTRE CO., PA.. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12. 1874. " Hugh, dear Hugh, do conic Lock ! Why, for pity's sake, do you flare at Abiiam so ? lie only wauled to stay you. Dome book, ilo !" " I Log your pardon, Malva. Your brother always irritates me; but his selfish cowardice just now put my blood up. Go liack yourself, child. It iau't safe for von to be here a moment." He put her liaek as he spoke, press ing her into the shelter ol the deep porch, and wrapptug the muitlera still cloaer rouud her. Hhe got one arm free, however, and ttuug it round hia neck. "Hugh, don't you* now don't! Look at the Hitow, it's "falling fast again, an' dusk's drawing in. Don't go to-night, Hngh—for my sake, don't! Listen ' — trying to rub her aofl cheek against hia caressingly- " 1 love vou—J love you better nor any OHM; aa' I'll never s|>eak another woid to that drunken brute you saved, nor no one if you bid me never, Hugh! Do forgive "me, old man I Hay you believe me, aud stay to-night—do!' Hhe was sobbing aud crying uow, with her wet, flushed face bidden on his breast, and her warm, shapely arm* clasped and quivering about hia neck. The proprieties of courtship are not a matter of education in the Northwest eruHtaieo. Hugh lifted her face and kissed it. "I Jo forgive you," he said, " 1 would make von my wife to-night if I could, and I believe you would come," "That 1 would, old man, right away." "Do your duty, then, child; and obey me like one. Mine ia to goto those child ren this very minute, aud I must do it There," unclasping her hands, aud kiss ing both Uiem aud the trembling lipa with long, grave kisses— "God bless you, love, aud good-by ! Pve delayed over long already." He opened the door for her, and strode sway into the driving snow, without wailing for an answer. Hhe walked heavily into the house, pat up the bolts, siitl dropping down into a seat, hid her face in her apron, weeping bitterly. And the snow went on falling. It never ceased all that night and the following morning; bat toward* eveniug the sky cleared, the barometer rose steadily, and two of the children's fathers from the village found their way to the school-house on the hilL The drifts had blocked up the front doors and window*, but the back waa atill dear ; and at the sound of their voices, kalf a dosen little faces, white, gaunt, and haggard-looking, appeared iu the o|>eu doorway, clamoring for food. "Thank the Lord, mine am safe!" Jim Ualkett said, griping his son's hand, while the other arm held the sob bing girh " Why, where'# school master, my kids ; and what's gone wi' Nathan's little Tommy T" " Teacher went away to get some thin' t' eat vesterday moruin'.and never come back," Seth said ; •' an' Tommy, he tuk bad an died last night, tineas he were so hungry he couldu't wait We're moat dead wi' hunger, father." Jim had brought a bagful of bread stuff, on the chance of such ueed. He hastened now to divide it among the sick and famished children, while Tommy's father went into the back room, where the little white body lay, cold and quiet- not hungry now. Old Gassy stood beside him. " He did nothing bnt cry," she said, after de maas* went, till he took sick ; and den he quirt bery soon. He'd been a lyin" still, mont lie a couple o' hours, when all of a sudden he skeered right np, his little fat* all smilin', an' cries out, "Teacher's oomin'! 1 see him walkin' up de bill, aside of a man all white an allium*. Ob, let me go ! He's holdin' out his hands to me. let me go !' Item was his lery lsat word*. ma*sa. He went off slick that minit, and ef you ask my 'pinion. Muses tlarston went fust He'd never ha' stayed awav from these 'ere bleased children if the snow hadn't caught him." She uid truly. Two days later, a man and woman, starting from Keith's homestead for tlio achool, found his Ixxljr half oovered with MOW, and Wing within a dozen yards of the stick, where the dog, stark and stiff too, crouched gnardi n-like npon the heap of now useless prorisions. He must nam lost hia way in the blinding drift, and wan dered round and round in circles, till he dropped from sheer exhaustion ; for there were marks of hia footsteps still risible, crossing and recroaaing each other in every direction. But the face ws onite peaceful ; and on the stem lips tncre still lay a smile, frozen there by the ice hand of Death, before he rose np to meet the Man whose dazzling whiteness is beyond that of all snows yea, even of the sun and atars. And even in dying he had tried to carry out that task* which, unfulfilled, had trou bled hia laat moments ; for one rigid hand still grasped an end of pencil, while beside him lay the pocket-book, in whioh the poor frozen fingers had scrawled— " Food—to the children— Quirk !" That atrong right hand must hsve grown strangely dead ; for the letters were all but illegible. How the Chinese Catch Ffh. The cormorant ia largely employed as an assistant to the fisherman, and is carefully educated te its work by pro fessional trainers. When thoroughly trained, a pair of birds is worth forty dollars, the high price being explained by the cost and labor of instruction. Dnring the first seven months of its life, the cormorant is left with the flack snd is taught by its elders how to feed itself on small fish. After that however, a collar ia fastened about its neck so that it cannot swallow its prey, aud to one of its feet a cord, some two feet h>og, is attached, terminating in a bamboo float. At a signal from the fisherman, whose sole implement is s forked stick some ten feet long, the oormorsnti plunge into the wster and search for flan, each bird, as fast as he catchos one in hia beak, riaing to the surface. The fisher man then hooks the bird's float with his stick and draws it towards him, taking the flah away fiorn the oormorant as soon as it comes within reach of his arm. When the fish is very lsrge and weighs seven or eight pounds, for ex ample, the cormorants will assist each other, one catching the fish by tail, an other by the head, etc. They rarely catch anything less than a quarter of a pound. After erery capture a small bit of fish is thrown to the bird as s reward, the piece being sufficiently little for the bird to swallow in spite of its oollar. Chinese fishermen keep their feath ered assistants at work as long as day light lasts. Occasionally the birds be come tired and refuse to dive, a pro ceeding which occasions a series of frightful yells and beating oi the water with a stick by their master, which frightens them to such an extent that they resume labor instantly. This mode of fishing, which is not in terrupted even by severe oold, is qnite lucrative, as twenty or thirty birds can readily catch about a dollar and a half worth of fish per day. In general the fishermen are associated, and the birds belong to a society which marks them with a peculiar brand of its own. Oil of sesame is said to be the panacea for all ills of the cormorant, whioh con tinues its career of active work until about tea years of age, I l'alr of Brute*. Hcutsikalili auit Marrtbic HiatalX at a HIM IIMMSH family . William Park#, aged about twenty one veara, has been bulged in jail at Tuukhauuoek, Peuuaylvauia, for re totaled attempts to take the life of hia father, Hlcpheu Wells Parks, of the towu of Monroe. This bring* into prominence the history of the Parks family, known as the " Wild of Mounie," which, without exceeding the iNiuuds of truth in the least, ia one of the moat singular on reoord. In the fall of IM7I a party from Pitts ton were huntiug iu the mountains. In a wild, lonely a|ot, miles from any habitation, one of them, hearing a rustling in the leave* and bushes on one side of him, was astounded to see a young woman, perfectly nude, digging among the loaves, apparently for beech uuta. Hhe waa on her hands and knees, aud was not aware of the hunter's presence for aomo li m <\ When she aaw mm she uttered a harsh cry and started off like a deer through the woods and was scon out of sight. Determined, if possible, to find out something more in regard to this singular apparition, the hunter summoned hia companions to gether, told them what he had seen,and proposed that they follow in the diree- Lion she had token, aud eudeavor to learn where she had come from. The party walked (or about a mile through the wooda aud came to a small clearing. In one corner of thia clear ing was a miaerable hovel, built of loga and with a roof of atraw. Tliey went towards it Itefore they reached it Use girt who hail been seen by their com panion came out of the door, and fol lowing after her waa a boy, also en tirely naked. They jumped about the door, as if playing, on all fours, pick ing up something from the ground oc casionally aud eating it The hunters stood for a moment speechleea with sur prise at the moat singular spectacle, and tbea approached nearer. They were soon seen by the wild beings—for wild they snrelr were—who st onoe ran swiftly off aud bid in the wooda. Comiug up to the door of the hut, the hunters looked in. On a bench in the middle of the room sat an old man, reading from a large (took which reatod on his kneea. Hia clothing waa scant and ragged, and evidently made by himself. A lung white beard reached nearly to hia waist and, like hia hair waa matted and unkempt There waa no furniture in the room, except the bench. In one corner some straw waa scattered about aa if for a bed. The be re ground formed the floor. Near one eud of the room a hole waa dug, in wliich there waa a fire. Over thia waa an iron kettle in which something was boiling. Everything betokened the moat abject w rwtrhedneaa; filth and dirt were on every side. The old man aroae when the strangers came to the door, lie waa below the medium height, and had a sharp, bright eve aud an intelligent facet He invited tfie gentlemen into bis honae, and asked them, in polite terms, the nature of their errand. The hunters were at a loss at first to explain, bnt finally Udd the old man what they had seen tn the wooda and about his door, and expressed a curiosity to know who and what the strange livings were. The old man Langned and said: "Those arc my children, William and Melvina—brother and sister. They appear pocoliar to strangers, no doubt, but I'm used to 'em. Clothes arc of not much account, anyhow, here in the woods." The old man then stepped to. the door and gave a peculiar shout. Very soon bis children were seen to emerge from the woods and come stealthily toward the house, gesticulating aud rLattering a strange git-U-rish, aud now and then laughing idiotically. They came near enough to afford a sufficient scrutiny. Both were well formed, with the excep tion of the lower limbe, which were dis torted. The girl's face, although lack ing auy sign of intelligence, was not unpre)>oaseasing. The boy's features were repulsive. Their heads were small, the foreheads slanting far back. Long, matted hair hung from their heads, and Uieir akin was nearly black with dirt and exposure. While the strangers were looking at them, the boy, with no apparent provocation, struck bis sister a blow in the face, uttering a peeulir cry. She ran serosa the clearing and the boy followed her, seixing a stick thst Isy on the ground. The father started after them, shunting, " Let her alone. Bill! Let her alone, I say!" "Bill" did not catch bia sister, how ever, and ran off in another direction. The old man returned to his guests, who oould not repress their astonish ment and disgust, but solicited an ex planation of the extraordinary and almost incredible eoems which they beheld. The old man, without any hesitation, told them the history of himself and hia wild children. His name, he said, was Stephen Wella Parks. He wsa born in Luzerne county. Pa., and was fifty years of age. Whcu he was twenty-five years of age he married, and moved, with his wife, to the farm where the hunters found him. His wife's health, ho said, was poor, and her mind very weak. Hia daughter Melvina was born in 18.50. She never had any care from her mother after she could walk, and no clothing except a cloth wrapped about her when it was cold. Wuliam was born two years afterwards, and was treated in the same way. Parks and his wife believed that it* was useless to clothe their children ont in the wilder ness where they lived. Neither of the children ever spoke a word beyond their atnuige gibberish, whioh they ap parently understood. They ran wild in the "wooda, living on roots, beech nuts, berries, and sometimes killing and eating snakes and toads. Walking so much on their hands and knees, hunting their food, occasioned the dis tortion of their legs. Melvina had al ways been of a docile, gentle disposi tion and easily managed. William was quite the contrary. He was vioiona and ngly from the time ho could creep, and, at the time the hnuters diaooverrd the family, was getting quite unmanage able. The " farm" was used merely to raise enough potatoes and pumpkins to fnrnish food for the father and mother. The children seldom ate st home, and slept in the woods when the weather was not too oold—sometimes being gone for days at a time. In 1807 the wife of Parks left him, stating as a reason that " Bill" was getting so unmanageable and ugly that she was afraid of htm. Bbe took with her another child, a baby, and had never returned. Up to the time of the visit of the hunters Parks had lived alone ia the monntsins with his wild, mute, idiotic children. If he had occa sion to go away he always tied Bill up in the honse with s strong rope, for fear he might kill Melvina. Parks said he found them a great bnrden and their care interfered with his studies. Bur rounded by wretchedness and filth, the father of these brute like offspring had learned the Bible almost by heart,being able to repeat whole chanters at will from any portion of it. lie was also well veraeu in history and mathematics, and had invented a system of shorthand writing which he used with wonderful dexterity. He exhibited specimens of penmanship executed by himself whioh ware really elegant, He also reeited selections from Hhakaixiare in a manner that aatouiahed lus hearers, lie said he regretted hia wife's absence very much, as it prevented him from inves tigating an important etymological theory of bis. The hauler* left, finding it difficult to credit oven what they had seen and heard. When the news of the "wild family" lmcame known the faro wna besieged with caller#, and two enter prising individuals conceived the idea of securing the family and exhibiting the wild mil tea about the country. Porks was willing to engage in the en terprise, aud lent ai hia unfortunate off spring for the purpose. He ocoou- Enied the exhibition, lecturing upon e circumstances attending the Uvea of hia children and himself. The mutes were taken about the country for n few weeks, but the speculation proved n failure, aud they were returned to th* wilderness, iiemoved from restraint, they tore to shreds the clothing thai had been placed upon them, an noon an they reached home. After the first excitement created by the discovery of this family had died away they were forgotten. The arreat and incarceration of one of them has again brought them forward, and re vealed a still more sickening chapter in their history. Parka, the father, says that after their return home from tue exhibition tour, Bill became more and mora vio lent in his temper. He made several deadly assaults on both his stater and father. A few mntiUts after their return Melrine gave birth to a child. Thie child ahe and Bill killed in the wooda and tore it to pieoee. Not long after wards Bill attacked his sister ana killed her with an old knife that Pocks used to eut up pumpkins with. Parks buried his daughter, and ever sinee that time be has lived in deadly fear of his son. One day Bill attacked his father, knocking him down with s eiub. The old man got away from him, however, aud came for an officer to arreat him. Two men went to Parka's plane, aud succeeded, after a struggle, in captur ing him. They put a suit of alotuing on him and brought him to Tunkhan nock, and lodged him in jail. Aa soon aa he was placed in the ceil he tore off hia clothing, and ia now perfectly naked. Hundreds have flocked to the jail to ace him. The wild, mute, maniac son will doubtless be acut to the ineaae asylum to apend the reel of hia days. It seems incredible that in this en lightened age, within the sound, aa it were, of the church bells of a populous town, such a oaae of utter depravity and wretchedness could exist But the above are the facta, which can be sub stantiated by plenty of reliable wit neoaea. Warm Winter*. It is customary to forget each win ter's weather before the next comae, and to consider every season remark able. An old number of the Hartford (buntnl contains some records tran scribed from the journal of the Rev. Thomas HmiUt. of Portland, Maine, kept between the years 1730 and 1735, which are rendered especially interest ing by the present mildness. In 1735 Jannarv waa pleasant aud moderate, and February waa a " summer month in 173K January came in like April; in 17t0 there were bnt two snow storms ; February was a summer month again, sad March the aame ; in 1751, January 15, the frost waa entirely oat of the ground, February waa like spring, and " the winter ends a wonder through ti c whole." In 1756, in Jannary the fish, as they are reported to have done thia Tear, " struck in " from the sea, the weather being so warm. February was delightful, and March blustering, but .oft as May. In 1773 Mr. Smith record* a summer day on January 27, " wonderfully moderate the next day," and February 9, "no *now since Decem ber 29, wonderful weather. We saw two robins." In the'year 1775, Feb. 27, the New Yerk Oasrttr and Post Hoy reports that " last Wednesday the wea ther waa so uncommon warm that many lads went into the river to swim." These are records all but one of them more than a century old. They notice six remarkably warm winters within a period of forty years, bnt oon ing with no noticeable periodicity. People who are calling this season strange above all others, indicstivo that our planet liae drifted into new influences, and who are promising all aorta of consequences from iioor crops to Heoond Advent, may liear in mind that there is a precedent for H all, and that whether the weather is divinely dispensed each day or ia a grand sequence under ordained law which prayer cannot effect, it keeps coming and changing hour by hour, and the peculiar freaks of a century and more ago have not resulted in an nihilation yet. Nor lias the period be tween theu and now been one of nnin terrupted disaster. A Cantloa. Each year hundreds of people lose their lives by the communication of fire to their clothing. Children's cloth ing ia light and inflammable as they venture near gas lights or other oolnmns of flame. Dancers and others <>n the stage arealao nightly subject to danger. French chemists declare that experi ments in that lino have convinced them that a valuable compound to do the de aired work may be formed by boiling together twenty-live pounds of sugar of lead, fifteen pounds of litharge and forty gallons of water, for about half an hour. When this liquid is to lie used, as much of it ia taken as will at least completely cover the fabric or material to be treated—or, in mauy cases, the fabric, may le simply passed through the solution, raised to nearly the boiling point. This opsra ton having been performed, the fabric is removed, and spread ont for about twelve hours to the contact of the air, after which it ia to be immersed for a period of from one to two hours into a hot and moderately strong solution of silicate of soda. On lieing withdrawn from this bath of silicate of soda, the material is allowed to drain, then wash thoroughly in soft water, and when dried, it will be found to have acquired, to a valuable degree, the property of being uninflammable. If a hundred or more human lives can be saved each Sear by this process, it will be one of ie most valuable ever presented to the world. Bid Net Enow. Mr. Lay anl, the Eastern explorer, once requested a Mohammedan official to give him some statistics of the city in which he lived. He received in reply a letter, of which the following is an ex tract : "My illustrious Friend and Joy of my Liver: The thing you aak of me is both difficult and uoeleea. Al though I have passed all my days in this plaoe, I have neither counted the houses nor have I inquired into the number of inhabitants; and as to what one person loads on his mules, and the other stows sway in the bot tom of his ship, this is no business of mine. But above all, as to the previ ous history of this city, Ood only knows the amount of dirt and confusion that the iutldela may have eaten before the coming of the sword of Islem. It were unprofitable for us to inquire into it. Oh, my soul! oh, my lamb! seek not after the things whioh concern thee not. Thon comest unto ns and we wel come thee, Qo in peace." Terms: #<2.00 a Year, in Advance. Ttu lirltk Pua. rit Uneerning whom public oonjectare has been busy daring the last week, finally settled down to the dreery conviction that the life which began ao beautifully has ended darkly and sadly. From hrr childhood Mrs. Badger waa distinguished for her cleverness and aptitude aa a scholar, attracting the at tention of Horace Maun while she was a pnpil at the Normal School at West Newton, and winning the hearty com mendation of the masters with whom she afterwards pursued her studies, at home and at AnUoeh College. It waa after leaving this institution that she went to Kurope with the Hawtburnee, and traveled with them. Among the Atnencena whom she met abroad waa Theodore Barker, to whom, from en ap preciation similar to that which called forth the naturally chary sympathies of Hawthorne, she had been long endeared. Quite a pleasant anecdote is related of the cordial welcome extended by Mr. Parker at the time the two met in Florenoe. After her return aha again went West, and eventually married the Rev. Henry C. Badger, of Antioch Col lege, a Unitarian minister. With him she paaaed some years at the West, where he waa preaching, and afterwards came to Cambridge. Hia health failed, ' and his energetic wife opened a school for girls and carried it on ancoeaafnlly foryear*. This ia the very short and simple story of a life whicn waa very qniet un til within a few mouths, when Mrs. Badger's appointment on the School Committee nrocaaarily brought her be fore the public end made her name a household word in every city of the Union in which a daily newspaper ia published, and caused her to be an ob ject of interest both to the woman suf fragists and to those who oppose them in the political field. Whether the ex citement of the discussion which arose, or the feeling of the responsibility of her new position, or some unknown cause, drove her to her death, will probably never be known. The few brief notes that aha left behind her tell little, and she seems to have been reti cent m her conversation with the ladies to whom ►he spoke on Hie Fall Biver boat; there is no hint of any secret grief, and the only theory of the suicide is that the gifted woman and talented 1 teacher sought her own destruction, hav- ! ing become insane through dreed of in sanity. Having already seen the dark cloud descend upon more than one member of her family she feared ita ap proach to herself, and sought security in death. Herein it ia proper to remark that some misinformation haa been pub lished is regard to the presence of in sanity in the family. Her father, the late Otis Hhepard, of Dorchester, was never subject to insanity, nor ia it true that one of the aistera died insane. The derangement in the only two cases that have occurred waa temporary, and {ieldeJ readily to judicious treatment, t ia the conviction of those beat know- ; ing the that if the subject of this < sketch oould have been reached betimes, whatever aberrations of mind she might have been thus subject to might easily have been warred off and a permanent mental restoration secured. Business Prospect*. It has been the prediction of si meat all who have much reputation as com mercial prophets, that business daring 1874 would be active and remunerative, and we have already indications that the activity has begun. Manufacturing, especially of textile fabrics, ia pro gressing favorably, and few establish ment* are idle. The fact that the cot ton factories are now tanning at a profit ia not the least gratifying feature of the preaent condition of affiura. The woolen manufacturing interest ia in a leaa prosperous condition, but those who are doing business with a reasonable degree of cantion are paying their way. The retail dry goods trade haa hardly settled down to steady work on business principles, and there ia still considerable driving off of goods at leas than coat for the sake of moving them. This ia not general, however, and ia likely to come to an end before veil to take into account, in estimating the probable consumptive demand for goods, the fact that the purchasing power of the country was reduced millions of dollars by the panic. In the South and West the pro ducer* were compelled to sacrifice very heavily on their products in order to turn them into cash at a time when money was scaroe. The enforced idle ness of thousands of mechanics for two months placed them also in a position from which they cannot recover at once. Many of them will feel it their first dnty to replace, as soon as possi ble. their deposits in ths savings banks, which they were compelled to draw upon ; while others, less fortunate, will be obliged to devote several weeks to the payment of debts contracted during the time when they had no work. This will, to a certain extent, diminish the volume of trade during the early part of the year. On the other hand it is well known that stocks of manufac tured goods, of almost all kinds, are light, necessitating the immediate production of considerable quantities to supply the demands of distributors. Boston Cnmmrrrial BulUiin. A BKACTUTO. Tints.—The camphor tree perfumes the air, end its leaves yield the finest honey. It often reaches a hundred feet in height, with a girth of fifty feet. The precious gum is found sometimes in layers as large as a man's arm, but more frequently in small fragments, extracted with sharp pointed instruments. The weod is ex cellent for house, ship-timber and furni ture, and, excepting the teak and calambuoo, is the only wood never at tacked by the myriads of voracious in sects in ths East Indies. The common kinds of camphor are procured by dis tillation. Tha Hmm Hußkng* <|wwtloa. The Judiciary Committee of the Now York Assembly hold ■ meeting in the Assembly Chamber to give • hearing on tha petitions In favor of granting the right of suffrage to wotuao and on the remonsteneaa against tasalioo without representation, lira. Blake of New York aftid : In coming hers ones mors to ask for .<-hu<*.l equals the poorest and moat degraded of your own eex -svea theoolored man, who a little while ago ware the vary outcasts of society. We demand by what authority yon have dona this while refusing justice to as ? At* we so much more stupid, so much mom degraded, t so much leas moral than these men. that we are unworthy to share the privileges they enjoy t But when with hearts hot WIUUD ua we indignantly ask you these questions, you will perhaps tsy thai women are so wall protected by smm that they do not need I hear political se curities, or that woman do not want to vote. Let us look si tbaas two argu ments. First, as to this specious theory of protection It sounds vary wall, but let me ask who is it that woman fear on lonely roads at night f Is it tha mam- < ben of their own sex or of that sax who are their "natural protectors?" sad when we corns to legal matters let ua see how this theory works. "A dis franchised class is always so oppressed class," said one of U>* greatest states men, and to-day wooes find it very diffi cult to obtain justice in courts of law, and small wonder, when judges bold ; their seats by election, that they give the preference to voters is their, rulings. If you tell me that women do not want to voto, I tell you there is ; much to prove that this m not so. Our | conventions and meetings art largely attended by audiences of woman. In : Washington the other day tha woman would not leave the hall the whole day 1 in their eagerness to hear the gospel of ) their freedom and eacuritv. Ia Yir- ' ginia aa election was held or postmas ter, at which women, being permitted to vote, they want in great numbers to the ballot-box, while in Wyoming and elsewhere they have faithfully dis charged the new duties to society. At | Newport, in this Bute, tha votov of the i women carried the election. Despite; all these evidences of the wishes of one half of our people, despito the justice of our claim, tha last six mouths have heard the decree pronounced in this State that declares it to be a erime for a woman to olaim her freedom—e crime tor a woman to do that which is every man's duty. And ww must psj the taxes and obey the law* of a Government which can utter soch a declaration aa < this I Do vou wonder that w* are in-) dignant, and that wa gsk of you, with , persistence and eagerness, that you! make haste to set ua free. A Strang* Affruy la Kentucky. A preliminary examination has just been conclndedin the court in Harrod*- burg, Ky., which gave the particular* of one of the most bloody, tragedies, consequent upon the habit of carrying concealed weapons, which has oocurrea in this country. For many year* the Thompsons and the Davieaew has beau friends, but st last they fell out, and bst bitterness enwned which alwar* follows when friends disagree. In No vember last both families were inter ested in s lawsuit regarding money which was triad in Harrodsburg. Each testified point blank against the other, and if the teetimoney of either was true the members of the other family were most infamous scoundrels. In our cool Northern country such things might be and blood not flow. Bat the Kentucky spirit was stirred and the result waa a moat bloody fray. Each party was armed, and aa the testimony showed they were in the habit of being armed. Even while the civil trial was progress ing, there in the very presence of the Court the fight began. A shot was fired, but by whom no oee has been able to swear. Then followed s fusil lade in which the Thompsons and the Davieseu all took s huad. The result was three dead Devisees, a father and two sons, and several wounded Thomp sons. In the meantime the spectators rapidly disappeared, some through the windows, ana others behind the stoves or benches. There wee none left to testify as to what they had seen, though many oonld swear to much that they had heard. Tha Judge took refuge behind his desk, and there s brawling ruffian, with ft pistol in hand, fau across him, both lustily yelling " For God's sake don't shook" Now four Thompsons have been brought into court upon the charge of murder. Doctors have testified, and bloody garments have bean exhibited. Ten days have been occupied and the ablest counsel in Kentucky have been employed. Upoo general principles it has bean found that it waa a free fight, and nobody waa to blame, though upon the specific action of chasing young Theodora Device two blocks, and then shooting him ia tha back, tha alder Thompson has been held in the sum of five thousand dollars bail, which was promptly furnished, while his three sons were discharged. Effect af African Climate, It is really pitiful to look st the faces of young Europeans who have been out here only a couple of years or so, says s corrcNjxuulent on the African gold coast. Their color ia that of a pallid Cllow. They seem to bear on their itares that stamp of despair which only these deprived of sll hope of health can have. Though the oldmt ia not twenty-three years old, I should judge, vet one of them is as gray as a man of fifty. They ell look like old young men, with their jsundioed com plexions, from which every freshness of youth has departed, their lack-Instre eyes and languid movements. Tha trade in which these Europeans, under Mr. Croker, are engaged, is that of pur chasing pslm oil, gold dust and gum oopal, while the Basle Mission buys not ooJy palm oil, gold dust and gum oopal, bat black monkey skins, cotton, India Rubber gum, and almost everything that can be turned into money remu neratively in Europe. When the mer chants have finished boiling the palm oil thsv pour it in great puncheons con taining over 150 gallons, wnitewash both ends of the punoheons, and ship them to Europe. The currency of the Gold Coast is gold dust, and, in soma parts, oowry (hells are still used, though they are being rapidly superceded by British silver coin. An ounce of gold dnst is sold for £Bl2s. The natives frequently exohange among themselves the weight of even a small bead in the precious dust, which they call npwua—a trifle as insignificant to tha Aeeras as s pica yune would be to ua. JLiIB|.L4L: -BWIU JU..JHH , ■ (ferns T Isfereat, Evil communications corrupt good mhmni Hwitoariand ie to hold ft world's fair at Geneva in 1878. According to Ptmeh the b*t substi tut tor oold le warm toMtttMf. There are mid to h* but three copper .melting works in opstettoe in • country. * . What requires mora philosophy than taking things fta thay eomat 1 arting with things ae they go. Home of the French pepm>o mend the drowning of prisoners oon rioted of capital offeoaa*. Memphis physicians talk of erecting • monumenMtotba"dootore who died there of the rtotni plague. You win not mwh by showing that yon hate him as by ex pressing a oontempt of him. ielpbia sod jmmouuom :J2g.'yg^at:4SS tural collage funds are mJspp!"i. j&'s2jr?*!ffsrz*E j girls and imrm only tha sanribl* onee. ricrrdibla aa it may Nmt• JJ* Krorm* there IN fsmili® in new York stty murting on lase than oon dol- f S la* a weak. A woman waa raeartl? sent to prison ! at Montreal, Canada, for hw i far oollneting money on piwlanaa *na* | ahe wae ft nun. i " [ „^: 1 sf T egdr!aJ , < rupm.'. I)iAQi&r Atftinp. wasn't for tha ton-®** •** xxwsiooally fc and ui a bbew of tobaooo a meiderabla portion of our cttiaens j would fttnrm ■ ..... iSKSSSPSS KS&hbSSS reoently^thrt^th*7\ha*^J^^ hmL XTK. lot Oto* of tha oaopln, who ware oonrtnced ot the treachery of tha feeders. A man writaa to tha •ditorfo* $L " baeanaa ha ia so infernally short, and ha gate in reply tb* Imartieee rwmeee, aa I do, stand op on a chair. In California the pi* In**™ of the precious metals amounted lert year to 108.000,000. being an tnmmwe year at about $10,000,000. Good estate to own. An embryo poet, who ie certainly * elaae obamw of human nature, re marks : " Time marchee an wtththn slow, measured tread of s man working by the day." Tha Pittsburgh flam manufacturers want to red ace the wages of their em ployees 25 per cent. Tha employees claim that tha manufacture® ere mak ing high profile. Borne bungling workmen smashed acse: , ara?yg Watertowu. They weighed *OO pounds each, and sort $3&-or s total of sl,- 800. Mm. Jarald, of Jacksonville, HL, left a bottle of ether uncorked in bar room when she went to sleep. It was with difficulty that either her fnendi.or her self became at last eoevinead thai aha was not dead. Professor Reynolds has found that, by means of a strong discharge ofrteo iricitv, be could buret a tobe which . ..aid' stand a discharge at one inch of powder, retained by wire slugs three-. quartern of an inch long. A abort mums memorial waa forwarded to the Biahoo of ]Ww hy Lord Forteequa, signed by lUp sous in tha dioeeaa, orartug ttm Bifthop to restrain the introduction of confes sion into tha Church of England. The most confiding woman bves ia Providence. She went to an auction, and, knowing the pravalenos of thieves at such places, sskad a siee-looking man to take care of bar pocfietbook, containing SBO. He is still taking cam of it The people near Farmersri!le, Liv ingston County, Missouri, ware scared nearly out of their wita, a law day* ago. by the faU of aa immense molite. It sow lies embedded in tha ground, ,n ' t is said to be about twenty-five feet in diameter. Gov. Taylor of Wisconsin was born in Connecticut loft • P°®f anfhmin infancy, went to New York at an early age, and thmce to Ohio, where he en gaged in farming and teaching. He Settled in Wwooosin in IM*. and has (Iliad various public offices. One reason why tha workingmen in New York were so uumerwiully dub bed was thus given by a policeman: • Ton see the Oommiastooer* had bald the whole fores in reserve for some time