Fans, (Harden and Orchard sad NUmi} . ? . RABBITS aire Mies.—Look out for tbes* animals. When a light snow falls the/ will often do a great deal of damage ia a abort time. Tramp the snow firmly around the trunks to prevent the mice from injuring the bark. Blood sprinkled upon the tree* will prevent injury from rabbit*. Ont cions when the wood i not froten, as a larger proportion are likely to live if cut at this season than when left nntil spring, a* the severity of the weather often injures the buds. Take particular care to have every variety properly labeled aud packed in frosn sawdust or sand where they will not dry ont dnring the winter. TXJTT GATKRTIT.UA as. Look ont now for the eggs of this destructive insect. When th trees are leafless the little bands of eggs glued around tlie twigs, usually MOT their extremities, can ne readily seen and removed. If this mat ter is attended to at once rnnch time will be saved when other work ia press ing in the spring. Tiuuw,—lf trees were not ordered early in the fall order at once, so that there will not be any delay when the time to plant arrives. If there ia a nur sery near by it will often be beet to pay an extra prior for the privilege of aig ging or selecting the trees one's self. In •electing varieties, attention must be paid to the purpose for which they are wanted, wheth v for market or for home nee. If for market, select auch aa are known to succeed well in the immediate vicinity, with a fair proportion of early and late sorts. When selecting for home use many can be planted which are of fin* quality but scanty bearers and poor keepers. 800 l grafting can be Jane at this season. Graft at the " collar," ami nev ar on the tips of roots. The beat tying material is waxed cotton twine. Agri culturitC Th Hui *hwp maw. The beat sheep man we ever heard of was a soldier, who saw somewhere how yelnsble sheep are for renovating woru- OQt land, and after the cruel war was over, he went home to his poor farm, and bought thirteen ewes, all that, for tunately, he was able to bar. He put them in a small field of briar* and weeds, which they soon destroyed, then he fed them on bran and meal. In the winter he sheltered them well, feeding oats and swamp hav, and in the spring he had thirteen fine lambs. Saving the manure, he planted the old briar patch with corn, and harvested a fine crop. All his spare time was devoted to caring for the sheep. The next spring he had more lambs; he was ante to plant more corn; then came more lambs, when he sowed clover and grew turnips; and now. to-day, as the reealt of snch small beginnings, he has several hnndred fine young sheep, free from disease, bringing him 12,000 a year, while his farm has become ex tremely fertile, and he is a rich man. We know that thousands and thousands of poor young men have a free coarse open to them to become wealthy by beginning in the same way. But the trouble is, the way is too humble and slow ; they want to get along faster ; they have no patience, no faith, no pluck. Truly, it does seem small busi ness to watch a dosen sheep, sa if it were beneath the attention of a bright American youth ; but if said youth will look the subject all over he will see it worthy of all his powers. A young man can well afford to sit down with a dosen sheep on the plains, live in a dug out, and feed on antelope meat, rather than undertake to become independent in a city on a clerkship of $1 ,000 a year. Html* ter \Vlnter. Give pigs a warm nest and plenty of straw. Feed horaes according to the work they do. Bemember that the more work a man does the more he can do. Make yonr hennery tight and warm, and feed poultry warm food. Better hire an extra man than de vote yonr whole time to mere routine work. Shelter saves food. It sometimes does more than this. It saves the life of the animal. Breeding ewes and store sheep will winter well on good straw and baif a pound of corn daily. Chaffing hay and straw adds nothing to their nutritive value, bnt makes them more convenient for feeding. When feeding hay it is a bad practice to let the horse stand with a rack fall of hay before him all the time. Machinery does not do away with the necessity for labor ; it merely changes its character. It demands brains rather than muscle. Animals require daily care. Make them comfortable. Feed regularly and liberally, and see that they nave a con stant supply of fresh water. Give sheep grain. One pound of corn per bead per dsv for Merinos is an aver age allowance. The large breeds may be fed 1} lb. each per day. A good boy can frequently be ob tained in the winter for little more than his board. It is poor economy for a farmer to spend several hours every day in doing work which snch a boy can do nearly or quite as well as he can. Smtpklsni Lire-Stork Dealer*. We have before mentioned, says the Agriculturist, that numerous ' com . plaints have been made of certain deal era in live stock in various sections, and letters continue to come relating trans actions which, as they are represented by one of the parties, appear to be nothing lees than downright swindles. The gentlemen who complain have suf ficient means to forward pay for high priced animals ; why do they not bring these alleged swindlers into court ? The latest letter received in relation to this matter oomes from a postmaster in New Mexico, and we give an extract from it to show the general tenor of the charges against the firm : "In Feb. lsst I sent to one of these firms for fine chickens. I sent them a draft for $26, and as yet have got nothing from them, only they acknowledged the receipt of the money. Then they wrote me that the Express Co. would not take them unless the charges were prepaid, and that I should send them so mnch (the amount of Ex. charges) and they wonld ship. I then mistrusted them, and wrote to pay ex- ' press charge* out of the money I sent them, and send chickens for the bal-' anoe as per my letter. That seemed to be a deadener on them, and from that time I can get no reply whatever." The writer of this letter asks if we do not think this firm ought to be exposed, i We oertainly do, and the best way to expose them is to bring a criminal snit against them for obtaining money under false pretenses. To Purify Tallow. f In order to obtain tallow quite free from smell, and to preserve it lor a long time without becoming rancid, the fol lowing simple process may be osed : The fresh tallow is melted in boiling water, and when oompletelj dissolved, and consequently hot, it is passed through a linen filter—then rendered solid by cooling and washing with water, and lastly separated from it care fully by pressure. It may be melted at a moderate heat and preserved in earth en Teasels, covered with a bladder, pa per or good closing lid. If the linen niter is not thick enough to keep other ingredients from passing through be sides the liquid tallow and water, it is better to repeat the filtration. Tallow thus obtained may be used for ordinary food, for pomades by the addition ef pore olive oil; for salves and plasters, by the addition of white wax, and may be kept well preserved for a time, as free from smejl as when first prepared. Don Pedro C. Amijo, a sheep owner of Bante Fe., suicided on the 6th. He was about twenty-five years old, and under engagement to marry a lady named Oten, whose sister wss recently married at ML Louis. Amijo formerly did business in Wall street, New York. He was ths owner of a quarter of a mil lion sheep. "ilitti ! Ttiila, * IsAilsaa** *ai liftat sf no Danger. The Loodati INmc* devote* its lead ing editorial to a vigorous article on the famine in Bengal, decrying the mi tape system in vogue and urging the Viceroy I to l>e guided, by instinct rather than by precedent and evidence. The editor says : " It ia not possible to read with any attention the anceeaaive letters and telegrams from Calcutta without a fear fnl misgiving that we are on the eve of a terrible and irreparable disaster. In a very few weeks we niav And onraalvea recording the irresistible progress of sncli a famine as that in Oriaaa, and that other nearer home, twenty-eight years ago. All the figure* point io such a conclusion. There appears to lie auch a distrust ol native statements, as alarmist or interested, that the lieads of the government are devoting themselves to the task of divesting them of exag £ ration. They who speak in behalf of e cultivators "seem wild in their terror, while the proprietors, and with Uiem the mercantile claaa, seem more dis posed to such an estimate of the im pending dearth aa would make it nu necessary to interfere with the regular course of trade. The efl'ect of the gov eminent purchases for the relief work* has already bean to raise the (trices at Calcutta, ami to lower them in the dis trict* threatened by famine. • • • " Tlie population immediately affect mi by the drought and Uie coime auenUv bad harvest ia nearly equal to that of Groat Britain. But there are important differences between their case and ours. Tbey depend almost entirely upou thefvempa— that ia, upon the rain from heaveu. They have no other industry or wealth to speak of, and the whole constitution of their society is agricultural Being iuland, they cannot, aa in our case, he reached by a hundred open and accessible porta well able to receive and diffuse the pro duce of evenr food-prodncing country iu the world. Those twenty five mil lions are surrounded by other millions wanting all the food 'they eau grow, and only leas affected by the dearth. Northward lie the mountains ; North west are province* which can lend but litUe help. All, or nearly *ll, depends on what can be done from Lower lien g*l Whcu all things are taken into aoconnt—the existing store, the possi ble aid from the I'pper Provhieea, and the results of the forthcoming winter harvest, of which there are so many conflicting estimates, but which at the best will be but a fraction compared with the harTcst which has passed and failed—it will still be necessary that the distressed and jeopardized popula tton receive from Bengal wore than two thousand tons of rice a day for the whole period of the pressure. That is upon s low calculation of what is nccesaary to support life, and, as the deficiency has been calculated at four mouths, it follows that consider ably more than 'JOG,OOO tons of rice, or rather grain, will be required, it must be said, at the hands of the Anglo- Indian Government. At a recent date only about 25.000 tons, that is, about a fortnight's supply —had been stored for the relief works— hardly a tithe of the whole believed to be necessary. It is evident, then, that the work is" only be gun, and that force will have to be ap plied to pnblic opinion, and not less to the energies and the resources of the administration. England cannot bear so great a scandal as that which threat ens her, and which certainly will be at tached to us if she fails at this emer gency ; nor will it give her credit that she has faithfully stood to the inexor able lsw of political economy and free trade."* To more clearly understand this ar ticle, it shonld be borne in mind that Bengal is threatened not only with a food famine, but with one of water i also. The Hooghiv at Sermmpore in November was as low as it had been in the hottest months of the year, and the tanks in its neighborhood were threatening to dry up. A gentleman writing to one of the Calcutta papers says : " The scarcity of water attracts much notice." This new form of dan ger Sir G. Campbell appears to have rv cognized by a timely offer of loans to municipalities and landowners for the making of new and the deepening of old wells, the cleaning oat of tanks, and the improvement of other sources of water supply. A Regular Communist. Justice Schwab of Frankfort-on-the- Main, was arrested by the police of New York as one of the workingmen who were determined on having a parade and told his story with s frankness that • -.lacked of ambition fox martyrdom. He is a tall, athletic young fellow, whose military bearing was evidently earned in service. A policeman found him in a saloon, with a red flag wrap ped around him, proclaiming liberty, equality, and fraternity to a little knot of disappointed workingmen. At the station a badge said to be that of the Commune was fonnd pinned to his coat. He gave liis name defiantly and main tained a belliooee demeanor even be hind the bars. " What was I doing there ?" said he, " I went there to lead the workingmen. They wanted to be led, that's all If they had followed me the police could never have stood against us." "Where were you ar rested ?" "In a saloon," was the reply. " That makes no difference. I was tell ing them that citizens had a right to' parade and a right to live. They drag ged me away for nothing, nothing at all. It mnst come to an end soon. Capital has been grinding the face of the poor long enough." " Are yon an international ?" " I belong to the Tenth Section. We advocate the abolition of property and the marriage law. It mast come to the Commune at last. We intend to make the streets of New York run redder with blood than those of Paris did." " Did you ever learn a trade ?" " I am a mason, but I have had no work for weeks. An employer offered me $3.50 a day, where he waa making his hundreds off of the job. I would not work for such wages ; $3.50 a day ! It hardly feeds one, much less bays clothee. An Oregon Character. Wrestling Joe died in Portland, Ore gon, recently. He bad notoriety and something of a history. He was a great rascal in his dav, although latterly he has been too old to be much of a scoun drel. He had wives at different points in the West. He once ran off with funds that had been intrusted to him by a firm to buy tobaoco, and, in short, his only passable quality was great dex terity in wrestling. One of his wives moved to Oregon npon leaving him ; and, under an assumed name, took np a section of land upon which a portion of the city of Portland afterward grew up. Before any appreciation in the value of the land had taken place, how ever, she died and left no cine to her identity. As the property increased marveloualy in value, several specula tive men began a search for the heirs, intending to buy a title to it at a low Jriee. At last they found Wrestling oe, and got from him a release from all right to the estate, giving him in payment a guarantee of support during The Brain. This organ has been studied with three objects: the descriptive anatomy of its parts, the comparison between the brain of man and apes, the illustra tion of function. After s pretty careful study of specimens and consultation of all works in which brains are accurately delineated,we feel justified in asserting that ws cannot as yet characterize the fissnral pattern of any mammalian order, family, genus, or even species, without the risk that the next specimen will invalidate onr conclusion; that our studies in this direction should be based upon the careful comparison of accurate drawings of a much larger number of specimens than now exist in any museum; that nearly allied forms of oarnivora should be compared, and that the most satisfactory results arc obtainable from large series of festal and young brains of the same species, and if possible, family and sex, in order to estimate the minor differences. Not to bo I*ovc rules, and the Divine blessing and riches will flow upon yon to yonr heart's content; but, first of all, remember that the chief and great duty of yonr life should be to tend, by all means in your power, to the honor and glory of onr Divine Crea tor. Without temperance there is no health ; without virtue, no order ; with out religion, no happiness ; and that the aim of our being should be to live wisely, soberly, and righteously. The Cashing Letter. Numerous and conflicting versions have been given of the oonteuta of the letter of Caleb Cashing to Jefferson Davis, but the following is a copy of the original: WASHIXOTOV, March 2>\ 1861 DEAR SIB: Mr. Archibald Boane, for for the lost six or seven years a clerk in the Attorney-General's office, desires from me a letter of introduction to yon, and he desires it, not in the view of anticipating administrative favors, bnt that he may have the honor of your personal intercom sc. Of tliis I take pleasure in answering yon he is emi nently worthy. A Southern man by birth, family, and affection, he has care fully studied and ably discussed in Mr. De Bow's Review and other Southern works the lamentable events which have been gradually nndermining and have at length overthrown the American Union. Whilst a practical man, he is also a ripe and accomplished scholar, with, indeed, predominant literary tastes and habits. In the dtschargo of his official dnties, he has oombineu in a tingnlar degree the purest integrity and most enlightened intelligence with mod est contentment in his lot, having more than once declined offices of more con spicnons employment in the public sei serviee. He now resigns hia present office from sentiments of devotion to that which alone he can feel to be hia country—namely, the Confederate States, from one of which (Texas) he was appointed. I most heartily com mend him as a gentleman and a man to yonr confidence and esteem, and I am, with the highest consideration, yonr obedient servant, C. Crsmxo. The Hon. Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States. A Husband's Fatal Mistake. Reuben M. Murdock, a special officer who does police duty in Greenwood Cemetery. Brooklyn, shot and killed his wife, EmmaC. Murdock. He says that his wife started to visit Some friends in Flatbusb.with the intention of staying all nightr Murdock, who was off duty, remained at Lome in the evening. About half-past 9 o'clock his atten tion was attracted by a noise in the yard. Taking his revolver, he went into the yard and saw a form entering his cellar door. He fired, and the heavy fall of the supposed intruder testified to the accuracy of his aim. He rushed to the spot, and was horrified to find hia wife, with a ballet in her head. Death was instantaneous, as she did not utter even a grean. The police and neighbors were soon on the spot, and Munlock was arrested The police were unable to find any evi dence to contradict the assertions'of the hnsband, but locked him np pending an investigation. Murdock is a middle aged man, and is said to have been at one time a captain of police in a neigh boring city. The neighbors are un aware of any domestic troubles, and those aoqnainted with the family be lieve that the shooting was aeoidentAl. A Jfew Treatment for Consumption. Dr. William Koch of Berlin, well known to specialists from his investiga tions in the domain of modern surgery, and from his treatise on gnnshot frac tures, has discovered a new method of treatment for consumption. It consists in healing tip the affected portions of the lungs by injections of iodine, so as to cheok the process of festering, which is the origin of the disease. The treat ment has been tested in the great hos pitals of Berlin within s short time, among others at the Royal Charity, in the presence of the most eminent snr geons. All the reports of the cases in which this treatment has been ad ministered are favorable, and hold ont a promise of a complete cure. For many years Dr. Koch has been trying the experiment with animals, having tested it with more than three hundred, at a vast outlay of time aud money. There is a paradox in pride—it makes some men ridiculous, but prevents others from becoming so, The Sultan in all hi* filmy. The people f Turkey celebrated the Mohammedan feaat of ilairam, during which a singular ceremonial took place at the Holms Hugtcho Palace, which i* Urns deaorihed by a l lieen built In advance uif eettleuieiit, hut they were ale aye the |4onere of civilisation. He dealred to again elate Utel Uie recent panic in our country did not eprtng out of *oiv defeat lu our c unci icy. 'llia our IOIK'V did not run itown during that panic, hut iui the c .iiirerv liicieeneit lu relne. He aew tiehliid ell thla < null act lou arp -cent the old Hlate hanking eyeteni looming u,. Mr Hawe. of Win Uilro-'. i a bill for the eilitdtawal of Irradreniahle n> >unl notea and the auheutitltou of redeemable national bank notea. Henator t'onktliig, of S V., iireaeutoil a memntial t Uie New I'erk fltauu>er of Com toen-e i-aUlng Uie aIMUU the inefficiency of ttie ineivhaut uiaittie aeivlce of Uie I lilted Htatoa The reenlunoN from Ihs finance Committee Inokuiß to a raaumptioti of WWi le jwvmaiile, •ar iltr-i-uaneJ Mr. Ht-hurs delivered a lengthy ■lweek In which tie urge.! an tmioadiate re •nui|iUon of e|taeta payuauta, and .-ppwed so mflailou of the currnuoy (Wish Cuahtng's uniuuiatliiu U> tie Chief J nance waa wiUidrawn by tlia freeidcnt Mr. I.iigan of ill., introduced a tall rehuhig to retirements from the army ll propoew La make It obligatory upon the President to re nte any officer v't Uie army or Manne Uorps except Ui* Ireneral or laeutenanMlwieral of the army, whoa* name ahall hav* tweu horns upon Uie register 45 year* or who ahall be 63 yearn of age. In the financial dlaeuaalun. Mr Hhsnuau, uf Dhio, said that OU June 90. ISO, the lege] tendei* outstanding atu. muted to three hun dred and flfty-aix million dollar*. Ou the Ist of January laat Uioy amntmted to three buuilred ami aeveuly-eigbt aulhona four hun dred arid eighty-one Ihonaaod three hundred and thirty-tune dollars, or an increase in the form of necurltr of twenty-two million* four hundred and eighty-one thousand three hun dred and thiitv-ntiie dcltara. The fractional currency, which In WD amounted to twenty seven millions five hundred and eight thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight dollars, now amounted to forty-eight millions tire hundred and fifty-four thousand seven hundred aud ninety-two dollar*, betns an increase of over twenty-one million dollars ; and again, the ualioual bank cin-ulaUou had been increased from two hundred and uiuetv-iuue nii.iions •eveu hutidrval and eightT-tilue thousand dollar* to three hundred and thirty-nine mil linos eight hundred and eighty-oue thousand dollar*, making the total uwreaae ou the currency over eighty-two million dolier*. He argued that it had lawn practicable during the last four year* to adrauoe our note* in specie value If not, when would it be ? Mr. Mitcholl, of Oregon, introduced s tall to provide for the incorporation of the Portland. Oregon end Salt bate tlailruad aud Telegraph Company, lire P K. (tovemmenl to guar antee lire payment of internal on the comivauy a ItotxU to Pre axleut of ten thousand dollars per aule. Mr. Ixrgsn. of IU.. in diaruaeiug the finance quueUou eatd be did not oppose an ultimate re torn to specie paymeula, but ounaidared such return at preeenl impracticable and uunecea eanr. (told aud silver are not euffideut in amount to return to coin payment They do trot and cannot represent the value of labia. indue) ry and commerce. consequently gold and ailvcr cannot now eerie aa tire Man-lard of i alue or medium of eachauge in Una country, lite confidence of the ]opie ui our (wpar currency ha* never wavered in the daye tf the panic gold fell to one hundred and six. The Senator from Mlmouri ahoned tlial (be amount of our currency per capita iu I#6U wae fourteen dollars and fifty eetile, and that It ia now mneteeu dollar* The logical result goee even further. In lmUHhe amount of properly per capita wae fire dollar* aud twenty-ail rents, which increased to seven dollar* and ninety one cent# In I*7o. The eame ratio of tncmaee of currency would now require iw*my-two dollar* iter capita, a total rti eolation of eight hundred and fifty million dollar*. Title amount la now needed fur active circulation It would not he in exceaw of the amount j-ar ct|*i* in Ureal Itrttalu aiul Trance The tnorrU believe that he wiU he Impeached, The Naval Vjqr-ropnaUon WU waa paused without amendment, jnet aa it came from the committee. The entire amount appropriated ia sixteen and a half million*. This is fully 1) million* leas than the average annual appro priations for the last five or six year*, and ia siting a million ae low aa (he appropriated for 115 ii Ute House has passed, and the ttrnale, with a "light amendment, has concurred in. a btil appropriating M.<**>,<**> fr Die ex traordinary expenses of the navy. Mr. Cox, of X. Y., quoted from the .trmp and .S ory Journal In corroboration of a Mate ment which he had made iofora the holidays, tliat New York wa* at the mercy of foreign iron-clad*, and remarked that ita only protection waa in a refined ywtem of torpedoes. Mr. Kelley. of Fenn., aleo slated that when the ship Cathedral could not get into New fork ahe lied to be sent around to Philadelphia end to have her cargo discharged there and eeut lo New York by red. A bill relating to I'tiilod Stale* court* aa I mo* nl : a codification of Uio alatnlaw aa* re )>ortod, and it waa agromi lo bold two availing aaaaiona a naak for it* oouu.ier*iln. Mr. Small of X. 11., aaked laara to offer a rvoolution. ln*lnioting Uio Committee on Apprnpnaliotte to inquire and report how many homo* are owned and maintained by llta Crov arnraont of tba Pinlrict of Columbia, iba r\|-enae and naoa of tba tarn*, and who tin# thorn ; ami wbalhar they are reqaired for tha public aervice , and aJao. aa to carriage* and olhor vehicle* ownod by lh (iovommrnl and unod with mtcb homo*. Mr Dawaa, of Mat* , from the (ommlltoo on Wav* and Moan*, reported a Ul] (o ratm btireo ilioUllorn for amonnta paid br thorn In procuring Ttoo motor*, br ordor of ill* Intamal Itoranuo Human, but wblob motor* wore aub fouurntly aliolialiod br law. ItilU lntrmincod : To provido a ntrrenrr In coin and paimr of oqnal and nniform ralno th rough out tho t'nitad Stale* ; to ah >bab the arptom of milobga ; t> nataliliab a do|>arlmeiit of manufacture*. Al*o to allow national banka a cirrulaUon for leaa than one year, or who nhall hare died by rcanon of wound* received or dieeaee .con tracted. nhatl le entitled to receive the *ame Imnntio* a* if naid noldter had collated for tliree yeare. Till* hill Inclnde* all who enlhifexl for three or more montha at the commence- mailt of the war. and who hare never receive.! bounty. llafcrrod to Committee on Military Affair*. The Holier raf!inemes so profitable as to ocoasion many to apply for it, the profits ought to be lessened by the Legislature." The Salary Hill. The Henate debate on the Halary bill reaulted in the peeaage of the following anbatitute proposed by Mr. Oonkling: A* APT /(cf mating the Aureate ff the Salartr* u/ MemUri of C\tngrce and other nffterrs, 110 it enacted, Ac., That ao much of the act of March It, 1*73, entitled "An Act making appropriations for I regula tive, Kxeeutive and Judicial expense* of the (lovcrnmcut, for Uie year ending J iiue HO, 1H74," tut provided fur Uie in creaee of Uie ouu|teuaaiiou of public officer* en.l employee, whether member* of (Vruf rcaa, delegate* or other*, except the Preirident of the Ignited Mtatea atul the J nation* of the Supreme Court, Ire and the name hereby la rc)tealed, and salaries, compensation, and allowancee of all aueh pernou#, except aa aforraaid, ahall be fixed by the law in foroe at the time uf tire |Mun>age of aid act; I'ro vided, That mtlaaga ahall not be al lowed for the firet suasion of the Forty third ('-ongroan ; that all moneva appro priaterl aa coinpenaation to tne uiem liei i of the Forty-second Congresa in exoraa of the mileage and allowances fixed by law at lh ooninienoeinent of said Oougre**, and which aball not have been drawn by the metnbere of said Cong rein respectively, or which, having been drawn, have lteeu returned in any form to the United Htatea, are hereby covered iuto the Tteaaurr of the United Htatea, and are declarer! to be the moneva of the United Htatea absolutely, tne same as if they had never been appropriated aa afore aaid. The bill now goes back U> the House for the oouearrenoe of thai body. Jt paaarwl the Senate by a vote of 60 to 8. Betting Them Oat. A family named Prather, ear* the Detroit /Vec /Vree, occupying a' house on Croghan street, have paid no rant for three mouths, and the landlord has been trying to get them out. He took away the front steps aa a] gentle hint, bat the* lived right on. Then he got hold of the front door key, but they went around to the aide door. The landlord then pnt a carpenter in the parlor to make repairs, but the family moved iuto the kitchen, and were still happy. After doe consideration the laud lord took the windowa out of the parlor and bedroom, but the familtr liad a good stove and plenty uf wood. Next, after learning that he hadn't discour aged his tenant*, the owner of the house went in and removed all the door* aud window*, leaving the pnre air of h?aven mailing through the old coop like a rnuawsy male. He thinks they will leave in a day or two, but it 1* doubtful, as pvdeatriana who passed the bouse in the afternoon caw the children playing horse in the window* and the father seated on the bed mend ing a rat trai>. The pnbiio ilebl of the Catted His tea ia only about (JO.OOU times greater than it was in 1835, loss than forty years •#o- * ViN'coxß Brrrna— DM. J. Waunrm, a | regular praotitnng physician of Califor nia, has conferred a priceless boon upon < mankind, by the introduction of a "Jitt- U-rs" oompoaodtid from herbs exclu sively, which may be trnlv said to be superseding all others, and ia lieooming a OUtrr dose indeed for the charlatans aud quacks, on acconnt of its immense sale and nniverwal popularity. Not only arc these VIXROAR I'.irraita, aa he callej them, an iuvalnable tonic and alterative, bat fhey are acknowledged as a stand anl Mxtui isx, aud the astonishing ra pidity with which they care diseases , hitbertj declared incurable, seems al most incredible. After having been carefully tested, they are kept on hand in thonoanda of lionsehold*, and nsed for any and every form of diMnae, many relying npon them in jwefeienc# to the I moat celebrated phrwimana. They Have > beeomeareeogniaed "Family Ueuedy," and properly wo. -Coin. A distinguished German snrgeno named Ksmarch has invented a process whereby amputation of the limbs may be performed bloodlsaaly by applying elastic bandages to the limbs above the C'nt of operation. The method baa n succtlaafully tried in England. Now is the time for good resolutions, •o resolve that hereafter yon will al ways look well Ivy wearing the Klmwood or \Varwiok collar.—-Gm. Let the People Speak. MawßaTTan, Kan., April fi, 1873. P. Y. Prxa for a few ditnoa. The price of HAI.E'O HOWBT oy H MRMTM AND TAR M 80 eetita, or •! a bottla : and one bottle will mra a cough that might othorwiae prore fatal Tike'* Tootbacha Drop* cure in ana tamuLo. • ICoaa. Crag FOR Coron OR COILD— At toon aa there la the abghtaet unoaataeaa of tba 1 cheat, with AifAculty of breatiiing. er indication 1 of Congh, lake during the day a few " Tfrmrn' I ArortrAwi JYwArd."—(Com. DAVIS' PAW KILUER bM iron for ; itaalf a reputation uiuuupaaaed iu tha luatory of medical preparation# lt* inataataneoua effect in the eradication of pain, and tha verbal teptlmony of tba maooca in ltd favor have been aiid are lie own baat advertiaamaut. Every family ahould keep it in lhatr heme# in caaa of ptidden attack* of many diaoaeoo in which it it an antidote. Aa aa internal remedy, it baa no equal. Iu caae* of oholie. anniroor complaint, dy*|ej*ua, dyaeutary, a*thma.anl ooroa. burna, ocalda and aiiraina. ( Com. * For cough* WE Wr*TA'a RAIAAM. (Colli. On the ilostli of one of KURUUIPR mo*l ominoiit pbyaiciaiia, all hie c fleet* ware aold at auction, and among other tiunga waa a *OAIC<| packet, marked "Advice to Thyeirian*," ; which brought a good price. Tlia puruhaaer on o|iaiiing the packet, read aa follow*: " Keep Uie head cool, the bowel* open and tlie feat < warm." If plivaks i* ueeeaaary, u*a Par ton*' Purgalitf Pill*; Uier are the moat acieniiftcallr prepan*! pill that ha* apjeared iu the laat hundred yeare.— (Com. We received a very nleiwiint letter of thank* from our old frietio Kendall, ainoe hi* return home, for a bottleof Mntoa't Aiwlytu Unimml * Inch we gave him. and wlhoh be pay* ha* entirely cured htm of the tronhleeome and dangermi* cough be had when here (km Fh ANN'S INSTANT B*hi*P.— Warranted to relieve all Rheumatic Afßiotiona. Hpral'M. Neuralgia, ato. Tha beet, the aureat. and tb > nuiokaat remodr for all Bowel Oomplainte. IW liaf guarranteaoar Ua money refunded.—Com. Tint BROWNS AND BLACKS prodncxvl by that sterling preparation, GaunTAimao'* EXCKL uoe Haia Drx, cannot be exoelled by Nature ; It* tints challonge oom|iariaon with Nature'* most favored productions, and dofy detection. Com. THIUTI YK A Its' KXFBKUCNCK OF AS OLD St'RMS. MBS. WtNSLOW'B BOOTH INO BTICF 19 THI rssscairTioK or oa* or u* k**t r*m*i* rbt etaa* and liar*** In U* United But*., And h. been o**d for tktrty year* with n*v*r falling aafety and .ncc... by million* of mother* and cbtldr** from tb* f*bl* Infant of on* w**b old to tb* adnlt II oorraet* aeldtty of lb* atomaeh, r*ll*v** wind eolle, r*ga!*U* tb* bow*l*, and give* reat, b**ltb •nd oomfirt to mothar and child. W* b*H*va It to k* tke B**t and Bur**t Remedy In tk* world lln all oaa*• of DYBRNTRSV and DIARHHiRA IN CHIL DRRN, wheUar It art*** from Teething or from any otkir otute. Full diriftlont for 81181 win ao company each bottle. Nona Geauina uaWaa Ik* fac-atmll* of CURTIS A PERKINS I* cm tka outald* wrapper. SOLD *T ALL Mwpicnr* P*AL**. Beat an.l Oldest Family MaSlclae.-^i*- /uTd . Livrr Invigora ld -a purely Vagatabl* (Mfaor lic and lonto-ior I>yap*pata,Con*ttpattoa.O*btltty, Sick Hananoho, Btlloua Attack*, and all daraag.- mania of Liver, Stomach and Sowala. Aak year t>rnggl*t for It. Aawnr* of ladfaMew#, •■OWNS a oot'on. COLD, BOM rit an AT "TV"! !!i-i' sa**trM iMaisSlsta aoeatiaa, aa TI H Ik- nil ka CSarbaS If ailnwa* to ooEt. fsssyHra74ftSTi; NOW, , .IOJCVMI. Taornu SYLVARVJTAATSERTS&FVJY rmitustfUivs and Tfcruat Otssaisa, treekea ar* MM 4 Ml A gwl IWWM. UXOIU ASM rrsuo TAIM Wilt Sr.* Troekaa aaaVwl in elaartag I** votsa wSee 1.1 at, trra SlaslnS • #aklag, aa* n'llfilf U Ik/Ml afta< an saataai asarUaa uf ta vasal " ifaTata only " Iron* Brnni hlal TIWIM," aaS 4a aei tak* or uf Uia wortklaaa mutation* tksl ■ay *• eSara S4 Ami >in TltK HOtSKHOLU I* ABIA A AAA, Ana fABILI uatlKlt la IS* baat nasly la tka worU tut tka Aullowlaa •maytaints, vts.. Craaya la tka Liwba aa4 lUa a*k. rata ta tea MmucA. s*rii a* SMs, IkM ■sUmb ta all Ua krw, Bin*** Oelu, Saaralgla, OSo lata, Dyaaalary, CuWa, flak WoaaSa, Saras, Sot* Tkrwat, Cnaytaints, Syratn* isl *■ ■>!•*. Ckllt* an A y.var. gar UUrnal t*l la nraal *a lis nyaraAxa la m only u ratisvs ika ywwk kui aumaly Isaac*** tka •* uf Ik* NaMllat II n*>.• i> • i•• *aa yarva*** ia **■■!• loan, re sl art as *am la all us yarls, asl flak TUB HUL'SKHOLI) FAMACSA 1* rVAALT VAO •taula aa* All MaaHj^. Pr*y*ra4 by CI'STIS 4 a SOWS So SIS fwltoa Straal. Saw Tart. Sor aala by all Srvfem iHiuMtKS urrsa UNIK CALK AMD •lost Iraat aa eiaar aaaa* than ban ay *—* ta Ika abaaarb BBOWSM TSAAIRROB cosrm tU Saatroy tnrmt without Injury to UaWH, bat ii# yarfactly WAITS, ml fraa trum all aalartas or otkar mjuriaa* ta#ra4M#M wasatiy aaaS is wur yrayaraUuus. Cl' AT IS A BAOWS, rroynatora, ta SIS SWIM Straal, Saw Tarfc. | rr,~ii fftttt a*| (XaflwO***, a*| Saular* M tUMr *m mi fwasry-Sivs Can** a lai The Markets. tlref Cattle -J *rt>a* lo Earn......... t .•** -k Ktref quality., 11 a .It* Herood 11 a .11 \ Oi-lißsrr Uusi Ml* . ,m a .l% InJeriur . SB a low Mli.hiV.we aB.OO aSBJO Mage-- lav* ,uv* jm* Incased M% a M Sheep. .. o\* .OtJ( . CeMew— MtSShag .itat tav lluur-Katre Western C M a 7.88 mate KOr> 808 e 1.88 Whaet-hed WrOU-ru 1 M a I.W Re 1 Hprttif I.BT B I .SB ' Bye I.M i I.l# barley - Malt . l.t a XOC Oar*— Mlsbß Weaura SB a .St Here— Mixed Western..., Ml a .M May—per tow UUS *.BB ■Wrew-par toe lt.o* aULBO Hups lb, .RteSO-w* a I .11 form—M..... MB a IJI barley. l.fct a 1.83 lord . I S , autavv. Wheal.. LO ILH Rye~At*t* .BB a. Cure- Mix"! .* a .M bat.<9-(Rale 1.48 • IJB Date—WaU. .. SIMS M rwn nei rwiA. rVwr-Nav. g*tie T.TB aUB Wheel-Wreteru hod... I.SB * j. Core—Tallow .1* e JB Mixed M a M • nil.4— Unade My Iteßned 14 (Xevor newt kit a OJB Timothy Xttt a SSI RaMMBOOR. Coitow—Low Mnldtias* JI > h Fiucr— Extra 4JO a TJB ' Wheat 1.88 aim Core V allow da a .14 Oata it • U ASK YOUR ORUGGIST OR GROCER CONTI'S WHITE CASTILE SOAP, *MV CONTI'S WHITE FLOATING SOAP. PERFECTLY PURE, WIIILK THE COMMON MOTTUU) CaRTTLX IS AIiITTEIUTF.iI. wowb wst'ltt CBXBBS na.siian E. CONTI & FICLI, LIVORNO. iHHBnDsSSBM Tie Besl Paper! Try It!! Tl KcWalitf (WHHI l*tfc*<-b*ap**la*d k*i Hlntiratrd wrakla pr*l fwf nubar rtnluw hw "•* It. IA mifibil eafraatnffa I of naw m*i binary, noarl ntwluii. ttridffaa, Ka fleatrtnd *■ ik. kioklMvmrt, iwprr-**# Pan* ■ plrafli. UJ !} tumH; It CkMli I try. k •'• mtn* malm 4 |*|>t uf ut' oral bund >ad at lbuaa*d* vf ruluxt m n >>•< tet nf rffal, lit pafa.eea ttinloa law a aad fail ftneuaaa fbr nbiatnlns Pat rata Addirrrh i tba Papar or rc-ocerolnff 1-ataaM, 111(1 * CXM 3f rak Itww, Maw Tart rarvrb OAra, an*. F ant Tib • .Wabi*rtoa, RC QENTAL CLIMATE. fertile son* CHEAP LANDS ARKANSAS! The Little Rock and Fort Smith HA I UtOAD opyxiu V< BALB One Million Acres of Land ; la tba rtcb rallay cif tba Arbaaaaa Klrar, aaaar P****d la tba production if * ottoa. (Tar*. Pratt*. \ rratablaa. lb* via*, aa* all raraal* Tba laaa I bauatlbl* fartillly or tba aril: tba climate (arar ! *** anaoal lamparatarr Ibr Warn bar. Jaaaary. Pabraary and Mart*, AT V ), partnlttlnff a* rlrullnr.l labor alaran mentb* of tba yaar tba uauaaauortd baaltb of lb* rallay . tba ranoaa aad I abundant tlmbor. and ,-od watar. with tba rapt# 1 datplopmant vflba Blaia in ballrt ada. popnlatiaa and wanaral Improramaot. oombtaa to raadar tboar land* tba UAHOKI* or Till tDI RTRI I l Pom IV" to pa "0. and litu Porroiu from w to ft* par arra, an lor# orodtt. KXPUUUNB Tif xrre AND mufral. inirab Ilim M im COLOMM, It allrnail and l.*mbo*t ronnertlon with M. La*l aad Mrtnphia. Por Map* and rampblata.fraa- N. H. HOHL. T*t I v LVa; Ketarpanta# yean# and JJMIt Wlddlaayud art aad wo man ambition* tomab* a accaaaaml atart la bnat* off>rad .npar.or faailltla* for p-aparluf thant.alrr. at tha *PPNP.It] A.K •tttfMP tx>** LRIK. KllukM, bia Dr. Tnrer's Guide lo Health. Hiring all adrira naraaaary for ararjr on# Habit to dlaaaa* of any bind, mar Had or atnglai o* o* toting, for all ***. #*##. or rendition* In Ufa. Agaat* wantad fir tbl* Iba Oral *rlllng boob pab luhrd, a cad to roata for aampl* nop* to Dr. L TI'BNFR. MM tffaablogton Aran**. H. t.oni* M* WHBOM OMOOTID Of PURE COD LIVER LIME.^j \Vtlhor'a t eg Liver Oil aad Ltana.-far ton* wko bar* teen lakmt Tod Lirer oil wIU b* ntaaaed to laar* tbai Dr. Wllbor ha* aa.eaeded. froa* direction* at act oral pr. f***ional ff*atl*ai*n. In oambininc tba pnraeiland Hm* In *nrb a man nartbat 111* plaaaanl to tba la*ta. aad ll* affae'* in Inng com plain la ar# truly wondarful. Vary manv paraan* wbcaa oa*a* war# pronnaacad bpa ir,* B nd wb<> bad laban tba rlaar oil for a long Urn# without marbad affnet, bav# baan antlraty eurad by uaibff tbl* nreparatloa. Ra *ur* and gat tba #na tna. Mannrartarad only by A. B. WII.B-.UI, Cb*ml*t, Boaton. .'ld l. all dragßtata- Wood's HoiisetioH lagan The Best Dollar Monthly. KUSU&&SZ .7x a J bU u) JLv ■'<•#-.<> t tu uu ~ vol-wllk Ckroao, The Yosemite Valley, HtVO inches, In 11 Oil Color*. Magarlne, on* yaar, with Moantad Chrome, *X<* Mngaslne.otie yaar, with VumoanUd Chromo, UW M*g*itne, alone, one yaar, .... l.*o Rxamin* our Olabblns and Premlmm Ll*'*. Two Klrat-ct*** Prrlotftrain fwr ll** price ot oar. W* anltrlt Kip.rl.arMl C anvaaarra end nihr* to aen* at oo. for tarmt and Sued men Mngnitn**. Aid re.. K. S. UHlTKAnik ll.ber, <1 Park Row. N. T. City, or Newburgh. ft T. Ci * t> Bach weak Agent* wanted, partira 4g> 4 £t lar* frea. J. WQhTH A Co.. *t. Lonl* Mo. 200 PIANOS AND ORGANS, Nrw*-' Mroooil-hnorl,"/ Maker*, wiit a. h*wrr Prirm/w i. wo iaauul. A SM, tSlHroeiln*.r|Ur,h?-r7J Organ*. in**triitejl ( tluMMl mIW WtM IM|MM**l*l. 'm Trade, A large dlaeonnt Ie WlnUirr., Charoba*. *u4*r-SehW*i cte. MASON ( HAMLIN BRG&RS. Unrivaled! Incomparable! WTWRBM OB Tvi Hicbeit ledab aii Diloaa or Hner At Vie una, 1873; aku ma First Medal at Paris, 1807. or GOLD AND SILVER MEDALS US UTHIUi HIUSUT A WARM In AMERICA ALWAYB! Tat Utaor ash JUaua Oaoas Co. here, by the to<•<• of the Hoertal tnrr, lit* International Jury n4 two Sab Jarias of ana* NUMnt aruata tad h|i*iw ham iMatnt ouiiutnM, been officially twtrdtd Um Fin* end Hixlhmi Mod*J at (lit Vienna KipoaUmi in competition with the boat mahaiu of alf wmui- Irian. !<• addiuoti the AaMM Industrial Hooast t Ti*u# uuiM to Mr. Kutmuu* Hammi, of thin Company, their Unuid Ktcsr Modal and lapluai nf Honor, for 0w valuable itn|N< iiiouu sibilated, and eUraordtMary aapcutunu diepUtod la tbaoo Organ* at tbo Ku.aitlMi fMker AmrrWmm KrhtkU> A lUaui ( ammr Ohoam Uaat Utot aio iba Uighm* aw ard at lndnatrtal Kii.iUiiotm ia America. thora not baun* boon Lftf a duieti f ir*pQrif* il btUidretki of mtfft r./Oi part Bona TMUaway frooa I,M Maildaat U (KtbUabod bfUo Maoos A Htiui Oigao UuO)|n to a Timuntouy Circular, •totob anil ba Brut t roe to any addroaa. it artll bo fraud to tndodo tbo )dpu.rt Of moot of UiO bwdirr r organ***, juameu oooderton and ■ ■■pail of Uw oßuutry. artlb tba aaaot dotinfabM rooalmU and imtrumontaJiate; tba fooara! laoar of arbom andaaao la thai the mmrice-Uy of ihr Mtu> 4 lliau> Oaoaus tow di M Ihr world U ohvknu ami mairrlal, that tb bar* parity and aaoaltaot tyoaMwof ton# not ytt mtnimtl by otk nr.. which *Ol not only plaa.r at Bret, but oontinua to ptaaao ; that tbnv ora b*o Jly remarkable tor tbear rarioty of effort thaij paver and daboacy, tbotr promptnoaa and uqaality of Bealr and. Mportatty, their Utot our-mxn of ranainietlMi and dniibtbt* In I ibia ia tba Judymaui not oniy of AmatV oait trniwmaua. Dot uf oaaf of tba Moat Matinsotaatad la Batmpa. Tbr Toatuooutai tirraW aliodnd In ooataina traumouy from many of tbo vary mom imtnint mtanoiooa-ia laadaa. Porta, trkaaa, Hart In, Piafa*, M. HalaratMarf, and otnar principal Eurapaas rtilaa*. So highly ara tba Mum A Hu* Oaoaoa rTm'-rt to Europe, aapaotaUy in Eaflaad, riyhJ Kmmtmd of tham bare bean eotd in It-milt* alomr during tba yoar 1)71, tba droaaiid for tbem hinuft MM yaarty. on an ararwpa, ainra thctr lulroduaoou ibrrn, a low year* liitoft. Tift# Plea ftflelltef Secures fatrnaaa and lowaot pneao to aiL Tom tnwniT raicta ara ru>ru in tbo ratca-ucr. of tbo ( uatpMif, and art Iboraforo Aaod and htvtrtablo- liika to all. Only amallmt oootmia oiona ran bo aiiowod to daaiara. who tborofore aouMOi urns rwumicM mjtriar Or foot tm which thru art atUnmi larger proJUr. Sear Mytaa Brady. Tbla Compotir Kara nwwnOy ooaoptatad and new ofor a nosibat uf mm otyiao. Mm moat bootiufnl iuoatnrnal inianuM, bating tbo ernotoat moaieal rapadty. and aidd at prvoa wittob ram W tbsco tbo rbaepeet wbieh tbay bar. ovr madw Among tbam atw Pira Ot> TAraDuroLE lIKKn OooArn at Slltl, AISS. tUO to ftS: with thrwo and four aou of mft, •17ft to SSM Other rtrln op to fawtaan ooia of roadaat ti.bE>. Mailt of tbaoa ara in Mm• now OaiaoT lUmoxavr Cimek. of graat axnol lanro and baorny Soma oontain tba naw oto(a> Tiol n'Anoca Kcraoor btriuro Vot Ho saoa. and tbo Btrouoa FaiX'Suasoi. Orjraii* reotnd arilb prinlaga of parebaao, or Bold for pormoula itnining through om to foatr years. Illnatraiod Caialagqoa. Pricw-IJabi, Ac., fm Mason & Hamlin Organ Co., BOSrOK, KEW YORK and CHU AOO. it* TM*OAT.VIfPLO- 1 EMU. MOO p. I SO COCO H. Caorr, 1 ra. Aarwwa. and laeT aSinim dnliiH"'. Jbilr"ra ttwiwr. srniw Pi>Wl.* A *>sa. ra inmwoa.Sao* wtKna. Bakbr lulwifao— j A Sow tail I whil Holiday QUI. A ootwblaetlot. at Blottta* Oata trltk cAaeplale Hat of Vara# cklrk wriiera at* liable to r*'l la aatm'lf. Par ttla hp •ttlimrt aad at !W CfeMIMl ttraij, PatUaetpMa, Pa. M fir /V maWx pack*** d Prat Kali's Mwia Caat kßßw"*"l fears vktiba.i a gram ■ WL-M tfUrk u>t taary aa U>a MiattMl fare ■ U-J n •Ilk al ItlMf) la tl day*,or aaonay fIV J ■ llnfmari ru .a pt< Wag* a Pall, ,|'i! MM lfer Prtf Oaa appneatloa at a; kV A FJ Hilt Ct'l't" will earl the hair at Mt bc-ulirully, eUaferUon n I (II a packer*. pom*- ■kHUVptt. >ktNU JL W JOPBA. Aiklant.iltar wmmmaammmmmmmmmmmm ■ GARGUNBOSL Tbt BttadirC Luuaari of CaM Stata. ISOOUOWS* Muwwad StaUt, KkmmgtUm. fkiMattu, ;irmurr*.*d, ar Pfc| v>rwtai OMf frdm AW .YWa, (V>H "twfa, (kht jnavrt, /?Mt Woawd*. fvMt, .Wn* . M Mat .Wiwa, swwp, Kaurmal f law. .wwtAat ar <*■■> MOaett .sa lap it ft Wlafeana, timlU YmU Hmd*. f *adw it Pxd. •Hi Hfcvhowe, (Yrno tad Wwl*. MM Maw Y Amtmmta. *p ta Aiatti p. Tmrnkmek*. Immr Aaot Jr.. Jr. LarfeSiae SIOO Mediaa SOe Small MA. Small 61M fer Family fee, cast* The utrrlmr INI hat bra* tn * aa a Itntiaant tiara IK*. AH we atl it aMP trial but la aura ami follow dirrrtkma. Ak youraaamt lv--ucpitor At. ant Mr-lK lno* for oor o(*r Almamea, tad raw I what the mtadr tv about the Oil. The lianrlNic Oil l for talr by atl re. anrrtablr .iealer* throughout Ihe f'idtrrf .Haiti awd dkr twaafa Our IMlwaltliilttt (VmtlWUiUa pews oat, trxltrr wiu-dirftnl We *l*r> manufacture Bwrlitnpt Worm Ta biota. IWc deal lair tol IttirnU with all, aad ibfy roalnwtlrlkm. Manufactured at Lockport, N. Y., U. 8. A-, by Xtrchaat's or* auaata at work lor at it their apafw ETrST Tha-Nectar a tmi 'TSffIMsF SlmolA TXLA. With tba A race Taa Plaror HhJUMm'Uir Til bit T Imported. Prr 4MFV ttle trarywbara. Aad for aala A wbolettw only OT taa ÜBPaT m JfSINX ituimo a paoipio TBA T . Ko. *1 aad Yaaey Street. ■SHa x Kaw Tark. P. a Boa, ui Sendfer Thtt fftrrtr Olrrolar ANY •mid at ta* addraat of ttt. peraora with Hl* • 10 cti. wt n recetra./rea.a baautlfttl Caromo nUtT 1 .nurMout tow Ui net rirh.pott-petd. Ulat I cda .Veadta Cb.. w> aoautth MtMHOI'H BnOXZK Tt'RKK V A.— L. 1 RdA't. Aubara, Oaio. Circular! ft—. u[ I T Par Uajr. 1.000 ifiiU waatad. taut ™ 1 ) tump to A. H Bltir A Co.. St. Lotlt, Mo iw>|Xit CONSUMPTION And Its Cure. IV I 1 T Carbolated Cod Liver Oil la a arlentiae eaablnattoa of two wrlVknowu malt Claea. ltstbeory U Oral to arrwat tlir drear, thea baild op the tyatcm Phyalclaaa Bud the doctrine cor rect. The realty tartilog caret performed by WUI wrroM TVray I tie 0.1 BKMt powerful aimtcpttc In the keowa world, fa terlns Into the ctrrulaUon, It at once rranptae with corruption aad deaty daaatae It purUlea the aouroet "'(MliSr 00It JRMVY*I WtMoiU la reaUtla. Oonaamptioa. (SP Bitters srs s pwrijr Yssristts j-r. tmrni,.#, IBbuO tbieflv ftom lh BS tiYa herb* (Htr-a on the lower ntnmaof file Bterrs Nevada laountdJns of COMr nis, the medicinal woperttee of wbA sue extracted i h< mfrom the am of Ateehoi* The * Jfy on a gratis Purtatiro ss wall so 'Tonfe, ti-bofWf Oasfsatton or luflimMMrm os ttfJUvm m 3 Vhasd Orfsss, to Bitoss < The proper! ict* at Ds. WaxxX** T tKbUAB iiiTTVu an Aperirnt. Osrtotoattra, Nutritious Lsxadro, Diuwfto, SudstiT®, Oraater-lniuat. SodorlSc, AltM* „• UV-, and An': ioitt ss other means, ocxi rUsd ergans wasted beyond TSuW Eemlttent siid laler mittent Fererii, which are o preya lest in the ralkya of iir great rivers Unoughoui the Uuitol Sute.cepeEaal.y tteeeofjbs MukusdpphOhio,lJWri, Ilfiuois. Teanessra, Cumbertfflid, Arkan l tm. Bwl, Colontdn. Brans, fco ftraode, t Peart. Alabama, Mobile. Savannah, Bo na**, Jstars, and many ethers, with thrtr wast tributaries, tacougtioal our sotiie eountrv dunng the Bomoier and Astuqm.aod reatarluthiy so durwgsea eons of uoosoal hast and drjrnera, are mrsriahlY arrnpstnl*€ by exhmtive de raofrrments of toe stomach sad ttwer, ' and ether abdominal riaeera. Ia their treatment, a purgative, sxertinit a pow erful influence upon theae * arioss or gtoto, is essentwiy necessary, ,There to Do cathartic for the purpose equal to : D*. J. WALMKBS VtjnSGA* Bjtteks as ther win speedily remove the darfc , oolored viacid matter with wMeh bowels am loaded, at the earns (tone : stimulating the twcreUooa of the liw, 1 and generally restonog the healthy , fuse:tons of the digestive organs, j Fortify the bodj agsJuat s by purif)tng all its nuidt* with T*ia* Bettkba. NO epidemic can take bold 1 of a srstem thus fore-armed, j l>ywpep>ypepato. ' One bottle wfl! prove a Iwtter guarantee of it* merits than a lengthy Ptmttoe- metit. 1 Scrofula, or Erii. White SwwUiaga. Uksort, Etyaipeim. Swrllid Xwh ! Goitre, SrrufaknM intlammattana, lj t eases. Wsum's Vijokjab Birrsss bars i nbawn their groat oumtire power* ia tbe ■t obattaaie and inlracUUe our*. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilkma. Remit tent and Intermittent Pbrera, Diaeaaee of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Btoddsc. them Itiitcm h*r no auut-4 bach ihaaaw ara ctaM by VlUated Blood. lechanlcal Dhieabea.—Persona en pvged hi (Mints and Mineral*, such aa Vlumtmrv, Trpe-settort, Ctold-'beaitei*. sad Mivraa. aa time advamee ia toa, are vuifieet -. to pantlysta of tba Bowel*. To guard mgauirt thto taka a dose of Wauub's Tus- Sbua Bitttas ixvtuioßaQy. For Skin IMseases, Eroptiona, Tes ter, iTall ITIIMSI. BWdSM. Spot*. PimpbH, Pustelea. limit. Cartarade*. 1 ting-wis am. S,ldbeM. Sort Byoa, itab. Scarf*. !.>ii>oli>ratiu of tba Skin. Human and lhmaeea of the Skin of whatever name or natare, are literally dog wp and merited out of the aratetn to ashertfiSM by the WW at thtMP Bitten. Pin. Tape, ud other Worms, lurking in the ardent of ao many thoasaada, are offactually destroyed and removed. No ,rletti .if medicine, no renrtfuees, we an .•iie'minitb * will tree the fyotma mm vam like three Bitters. For Female Complaints, in young tr otd, warned or Magt. at the dawn of wo ' inanhx.V v the turn of Bfr. theae Twnic Bitter* dttptov *0 decided an inSuene# that iunproveirenl . .I.*. ■ Twp-awi ______ AODASLSRI [KfILy^NKI THE GREAT ALTERATIVE AND BLOOD PURIFIER, i It is not a qmaek Bowtran. The ingredient* are puhlialMA I cm each bottle of wtedkixM. Ik to used and recommended by Physicians wherever it hsta been introduced. It will positively curt SCJtOTULA tn its r ttrttw* trtagtt, MATISM, WHITE SWEL LING, GOUT, GOITRE, BRONCHITIS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, INCIPIENT CONS UHPTION, and all dto eaeee arising from an impure condition of the blood. Send for our Boradaijb AUIAXAC, in which you will find certificates from reliable and trustworthy Physicians, Ministers of tote Gospel ana ethers. Ihr- A. Wfloun Carr. of Baltimore Sjl btii chl it lu A3U IS QQKWtcnos WTTH OTB wtXlcure Chine and Brrer. llrer ComrUtnt, J>y. pepela, oU. STa gwaraateomaaanAUa eurertor to jtfgaejloo aJSEZ Bend fur Daecrt^tv. ASdreae CLXXKKTS 4 CO., B a.Commrce 81., BmUimorr, JU. Rftmnmbtor to uk vmy Drngit Irir Rntintw Good Newsl* tten, ' on A S ents TO * OB AGENTS, m Mepeideit Our Outfit, end •ptendtd htulsy■ *r IMN *>• now readT. T< ueu eaaily make from fIOO 'O *290 per mouth. Liberal each cummiieteo* paid, leery new lubacriber rw,iri a ptemtum Worth mora than tba eubeerlptloa price. We want aueetal Aireot, for every town, pnr term, aa* lot of nr.- m.em* Ul'Ui H. C I'iWl* i Park Place, Dew - vurk, or HABBinAX 4 DOWLBB, lb Portiaßd Btre.t, Boaton. __ PuaHcy. MS* da PelU'a Jeerna . CU—bomkn* Mb ax uwajrhwaaaaift ?IWRlrSwJe%wTor lid Madiaon at.,Cb',eae