The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, February 05, 1874, Image 3

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Our friandi will oblige bv tending u*
item* ot local new* in their locality, five
u the fact* only, and we will put them in
thaiw, alto nolicfi of deitoi an<l aiarri
**Any one tending u* tha i*n*w
subscriber* with tha cah, will be entitled
to receive the Rxfobtx* one veer free.
The R*roMß* being read by neaily
everv bodv on tbi* aid* of the county,
where it he* e larger circulation than any
two paper*, will be found the bet medium
for advertUing business, aalee, Ac. Ac.
Reed the advertisement of Mr.
Brechbilt, oi the Bellefoete Furniture
bead quarter*. Ha ia now in hia naw build
ing, with an antira new and template
ThaTribuma Lecture Stira, No. 9.
i* recaived, and contain* a volume ef guid
on information, in aix lecture* on Astrono
my. by Mr. Richard A. Proctor, end el*o
the lecture* of Prof. Leui* Agassi*. daliv
ered at tha Anderson School on Peaibate
ltland, on natural history. Read tha ad
verti*emeat ia another ce umn for fortler
- -Ia tha caae ef Jacob Durat (or burn
ing the barn of Dan ial Durat, the jury re
mained out from Thursday noon to Fri
day morning II o'clock, whan a vardict of
guilty wat agreed |upon. The jury, in it*
d ligreemenl stood 9 for conviction and
t for acquittal, agreeing ;however. Anally,
upon the verdict of guilty.
——On last Tuesday afternoon tha judge
pantenoed Jacob Durat to one year end
Seven months in the western penitentiary,
Sod pay ce*t* ef prosecution.
—The Model Book store, ef Jame*
Welch A Co., the Centre county empori
um lor every thing that ia handsome, use
ful, and ornamaatal, in tha linn of book*,
stationery, fnncy article*, for man, woataa,
and childrea, rich or poor, this establish
ment ia about to be removed to new and
handsomer room* in the new First Na
tional Bank building, where they will
have a more elegant display than evar
batere. This bout* doe* a large business
—it has been so attractive ia its arrange
ment, and tha proprietor and clerks ere
eo obliging end accommodating. Eo
member, the Model Book More, goes into
the Ana, new bank building ia e few days.
—Mr. Andrew Kormaa, en old end
respected inhabitant of Harass township,
died at Aarensburg on Saturday last
Daniel Wsiden ail. thepopelar host
ef the Old Fort Hotel, will move beck to
Woodward, in the spring, aad lake charge
of the gnat mill there.
M. J. K. Shirk, one of Xarlystown's
good citissit moves to Miltoy, in the
spring, and Mr. Stmsuel Working, long a
resident ef this town, also move* to Milroy
in tha spring.
Mr. Van Ormer, will be miatk at
Woodward, after ntxt spring, u ba in
land* morin( to Millbeim. and taka
charg* of tba naw grist-mill which Mr
Elisha Campbell is arreting at Tex a*, near
A faw day* ago, whilst a daughter of
Mr. Jacob Walt living on Pann* craek,
la Pans twp., agad about 14, wu walking |
alongtbe atraam, aha became frightened at j
a dog whiah apraag toward* her. and
ran into the creak ; the fright and chill ah*
awaUinad thereby, cauaed bar to Uk* aick,
and died from the effects a faw daya there
Our friaad John F. Throne, haa been
appointed poatmnatar at Cant'* Mill*. A
good aalaction-
The third, and daepeatsnow ofthia
winter, thua far—n three incher—cam*
down on Monday last
Ear. Lacki* ia having quite a pros
paroua meeting at Sprucetown. Service*
have bean held every night for soma six
weeks, with a large attendance.
Ear. J. K. Miller has al*o bean holding
a protracted meeting in George's valley,
which has been in operation the laat two
// Rev- A. A. Karlia has beaa engaged ii
th* soma work, in his charge in Stone va!
ley. -j
A bar* belonging to Mr. Wm. Rod
ger*, one mil* above th* Junction, in N it
nay valley, was cansumad by fire on
Wednesday night of last week. Tba live
■lock was alt saved, but tba grain and
fanning implements were deatroyed with
th* barn. Th* origin of the fire is un
known, and was discovered on th* hay
—-Jamas Duncan, eon of O. P. Dun
can, Aaronsburg born, ia now Uetaring in
Union Co., on "Travels over Land and
Sea.** "Gretz," as we used to nick-name
Jim, has traveled some.
Th* township election will be bald
on the third Tuesday of Feb. Nomina
tions on Saturday previous. Remember
Mr. John B. Heckmaa, of Gregg
twp., took >23 bushel* of wheat from 12
acres ef ground, last harvest. This would
rank Mr. Heckmaa as on* of th* foremost
wheat-growers in th* county, and bt is al
so a staunch democrat Who can show a
better yield.
The Farmer* Club, ef Patter twp ,
met Jan. 24th, at Pine Grove School
House, and erganized by appointing David
Rbinesmith chairman. The minutes of the
previous meeting wer# read aad adopted.
The first question, "What is the relative
value of clover and timothy"—was dis
cussed quit* lively, by Messrs. Arney,
Flisher, Richel, Win Be*!, Spengler,
Rhone, Rbinesmith, Hofihr and A. H.
question: "Should farmers join the
Patrons of Husbandry"—was opened by
J. J. Arney, followed by Jeceb Spnngler,
L Rhone, J H McCormick, and J A Kel
ler. Th* speakers all cenjidered tba order
a benefit to th* farmer*.
The names of thirteen new members
where then added to the roll.
The Executive committee presented tba
following questions for discussion at the
next meeting:
Ist. Would beneficial to barrow
winter wheat ia the spring.
2nd. Fruit and its culture.
Notice tit then given that the fellow*
ing would be discussed at the next meet
ing at Article 7, of the Constitution.
Art 7. This Club shall appoint aboard
of trade, consisting of three members,
whose duty it shall be to beep a stock,
grain and produce directory ; also to make
a monthly market review as to the pros
pect of markets; with a schedule of prices
of such articles as farmers generaly have
for sale, to be changed from month to
mouth, according to the rise or fall of the
markets On motion of Wm. H. Boal the
Club adjourned to meet at Centre Hall,
the 7th of Feb. at 1 o'clock P. M.
JAMKM A. Kkllxe, Sec y.
—Some of the papers last year were eight
months behind hand in filling their orders
for chromoa. Talmage's paper, The
Christian at Work, has taken time by the
fbrlock, and has scores of thousands piled
up in its warehouse ready for any emer
gency. Agents make a note of this.
Sample copies and terms sent free. Of
fice 102 Chambers street ;New York. See
Sale of personal property of David
Ertle, dee'd, in Gregg twp., 6th Feb.
Sale of personal property of Mra.
Johanna Kurtz, at Aaronsburg, Saturday,
March 14tb, 1 o'clock.
Sale of Mrs. Mary Armegast's farm
stock Potter twp., Feb. 24. See advertisi -
Sale of Jas. I. Foster, farm stock and
household, March 4th. See advertise
■ Win. Erhard's | sale, near Centre
Ball, farm it jck, Fab. 26.
f Tka German aakibiton, at Mil Ik site,
on lul Saturday av*ning, was a grand iuo
cess. Tha crowd In tha kail was estimated
at 600 at leest, and thero ware upward# of|
ISO who could not fain admittance, a# tha
house wat literally packed. Mr Kokcrt
Miller, the teacher ef the German school*,
may wall faal (laltared at this appreciation
of hi* labor*, and the tucce** aad slfloien
cy bit class** have attained undar hi* io
druction in tha German language, which
i* one of the moat perfect, powerful aad
beautiful at all the living language* We
trail the gved people of the lower end will
five him tha encouragement which hi*
laudabla work o waU deserve*
Progress Grange meets in Centre
Hall, Fab 9th, 1 o'clock. J. J. Arney
Master, Jn*. A. Keller, See y.
—"Blind Tom" is in town, and we are
informed by hi* owner, that he is about SO
years old, and can trot a mile in ±35.
——Rev. Lmgsdorf, of the Kv. A; . it
holding a protracted meeting, at tha Zion
church, in the Loop, which has been in
progress nearly Ave weeks, and their
labors have boon crowned with great suc
cess Gn lost Monday night thirteen seek
art presonlod themselves at tha alia. |
Great revivals are boing held everywhere
throughout the county.
The Farmer'* club of Potter twp.,
ha* turned into a grange On Tuesday last
the member* met in the .school-house at
Centre Hall, with closed doors, end were
initiated at granger* by on* of the author
ised officers from Willinmsport. Nome 'JD
persona became member*, among theui
the following ladies : Mr*. John Arnsy,
Mrs. Lef. Nsff. Mrs. l>. Ueinsiuith, and
Mrs. Rhoaa. Tha iailiatioa fee is Ibrte
dollar*. There was a tueoling ia the after
noon and avsuing. Tbi* is about as much
of the doings as ware mad* public, and
secrecy is epjoined at to the rest
J. L. Npangler, esq., bad been admitted te
the Centre county bar. We call attention
to hia card in another column. Our Ger
man friends will remember that ht can b*
consulted in that language.
Win. Cameron ha* presented Lew
is burg with a steam fire engine and hosa,
coating $9,775.
A1 loon a, February I—Tbe Pennsylva
nia railroad company increased the work
ing time of their employees to nine hours
yesterday Eight hour* ha* boon the
working time heretofore. On the Aral of
March the working tims will he extended
to tea hours.
Constantinople, February 2—A Are in
tbi* city last night destroyed over e hun
dred house*, including the grand resi
dence of the grand visier.
Lutztox, Mo., Jan. dnth
Editor Kkpobtkb Seeing nothing in
your column* fiom Missouri, I thought a
few item* from here would net he amies.
Never have I witnessed so ntild a winter
as this U— four degrees below zero is the
coldest we heve had this winter. Times
ere herd, and why is it to lam sure tbe
markets have not been so good for some
Ave years, as they are at the present.
Corn 35, oats SO, wheat $1 00 per bushel,
hog* live, $4 60 per hundred, beef $5 per
hundred weight. The Granger* are still
!at work fon Friday last they received a
lot of good* on which they saved 25 per
cent, sending directly from the Grange;
to Chicago. The Reporter it a weekly and
welcome visitor here, all are eager to po
ruse its contents. Nodaway county ia not
so slow a place. Noma of our farmer* are
going; to build a eh mm igrjory large
enough to manufacture the milk from iQO<
e: wa. O. P. G.
Scodxx Drawa.—l)n Friday morning
last, William Bowertox, of Frankliaj
township and others repaired to th* He*,•
singer's new tbureh graveyard for Ibej
purpose of digging a grar* for William
Showers, a neighbor and much re* pec lad
citizen. ll* was in the act of markingloutl
the grave whan h* fell dead not uttering (
a syllable and not evan a contortion. W*
are informed that ba arose early that morn
ing cheerful at usual, ate a hearty break-}
fast and complained of nothing He was a
highly respected citizen, and the commu
nity deeply sympathise with the bereaved
Mr. Shower* was an aged and esteemed
citizen oi thpsame township and far year*
a consistent pepber of the Lulbem
Church. He was about fiti yegra of age
Middltburg Pott, Jan. 26.
Tribune Extra No. 9,
(Now llsady)
Contains Pl Lacturcs on Astronomy. 1
By Mr. Bichard Proctor.
I. Th* Sun.
11. The Sun's Family of PlanaU
111. Comet* and Meteors.
IV. Tba Moan.
V. Wonder* of tba Star Dapths.
VI. Birth and Growth of tba Solar System
The Extra also uonUins lecture* deliv
ered at th* Anderson School on Psnlkaae
Island, but naver before published,
By Prof. Louie Agaaaiz.
I. First Lessons't<> the A nderson School.
11. The Art of Teaching.
111. The Best Books to study.
IV. Classification in Natural History. I
V. Glacial History ef the Continent.
VI. Notable Words on Various Topics.
The Proctor-Agassiz Extra takes the
number and place in The Tribune Extra
series of the "Credit Mobilier" "Library
for One Dollar," unless otherwise ordered.
Price, postpaid, to any address in the
United States. 10 cents ; twenty copies to
one address, $1 60.
jarTbe Series of 14 Tribune Extras,
now publishad, by mail to any address in
the United States for One Dollar. Circular
giving datails of Tba Tribune Extras free.
Address The Tribune, New York.
gFNsw is the time to subscribe for
Tba Weekly Tribune Single copies, one
year, (2, Thirty Copies to ene addrass. SI
each, and extra copy to the getler-up of
the club, flpouimen copies free.
Addrass Tux Taming. Naw York.
A Newspaper, a Literary Paper, a
Story Paper, and a Picture Paper
Each subscriber remitting the cost of a
yearly subscription, will be entitled to re
ceive the magnificent chromo picture en
"The Guardian Angel."
Th* largest and most slegent work of art
ever ofTered as a premium to newspaper
This Chromo has been prepared exclu
lively for subscribers t* The Weakly
Graphic and is not and cannot ba obtained
at any of tho picture stores. Its produc
tion nas occupied months of time, and cost
several thousand dollars, and art connois
seurs who have seen it pranounc* it to be
one of the most beautiful and artistic Chro
mo* aver exhibited in the Unite Bt*tes.
AgeoU Wauled Everywhere.
We wish to engage immediately Agents
in every City. Town and Village. and
throughout evtry County in the United
States, to canvass for The Weekly Oraph
ic. Our Special Rates for large Clubs, to
gether with the Unique ana Attractive
Feature* of the Paper itaelf, and the In
comparable Beauty of our Premium Chre
mo, are sufficient inducements toanergetic
ana vigorou* Agent* to secure, on the av
erage, over One Hundred Subscribers
daily. Now istbe time to begin, when
people are dropping their subscriptions to
other papers.
The weakly Graphic—An Eight-page Il
lustrated, News. Literary, Story and Fam
ily Paper combined.
Printed on fine paper, in just the size
and form for binding. Published every
Wedneedry morning.
One Copy $2.50
Five Copies fIZOO
Tan Copies, $22.00
Thirty Copies, SOB.OO
Fifty Cop les, „ $ ICO.CO
Large clubs at the rate of $2 per year
for each subscriber. The Cbroino'deliver
ed free, unmounted, at our office, to every
subscriber. Mounted and post-paid, 60
cent* in addition to the subscription must
be sent.
Postmasters and others forming
Clubs may retain 10 per cent on all sub
scriptions, and add single copies at
Club rates after tbey are formed. Remit
tances may be made by Draft, Money Or
der, or Registered Letter, at our risk.
Specimen conies sent free. Give Post
Offlcs address in full, iucludiug State and
C B ttr, and address
New YorkJ
] The Keport of hia Death Confirmed
fj Great Sufferings of the Exploring
. Prty.
l London, Jan. 27- Uerr Breaner, a Gsr
, man eiplorer of Africa, in a letter to Dr.
i Prternrann, of Gctha, dated Eanaibar,
- say*: Livingstone died on the 15th of
* August. This date differs from that v '
1 previous report but all doubt lias been sat
' at real by an official despatch received by
* the Government to-day from Zanalbar.
1 This dispatch stats* circumstantially that
1 Living-tons Lohyata aftsr crossing
lira marshes with water for.hour* above his
t waist Tha sufferings of hi* whole party
were terrible, and tan of them died in con
sequence. The member* ofCauseren's OX
> pedilion were suffering from fever end
1 aplbalmia but would await tlra arrival of
the Doctor's rentals and bring them to
i Ujeji. From the latter place they would
i be conveyed to Zairaibar, where it it es
i peeled the.v will arrive nest month.
" Last Letter Ke vived from Dr Liv
Toronto, Jen. —John Livingstone,
I brother of Dr Livingstone, and residing
at Listowall, say* The last letter which
reached his friends in Knglaad from my
brother was dated August, IST'J, from
I'uysnysuibs, on the eve of hi* leaviug for
.ha interior.
Ote Buruiug of the Ohmpic Theatre
—Two Firemen Killed.
Philadelphia, January U. -At three
o'clock this inoruing dame* were diecov
ered issuing from the green room of the
Olympic Theatre, situated on Market
street, below Twelfth. The Are spread
with wonderfol rapidity, igniting the dif
; tereat portions of the stage and the teen
ery and climbing to the roof. Within
twenty minutae after the breaking out of
the Aatpe* the entire structure presented a
broad sheet ef Are which illuminated the
neighborhood for many square*. The
Fire Department went quickly to work,
and tome fifteen powerful stream* were
played upon the burning building. Mean
while the wildest excitement prevailed,
and a crowd ofspeeuton numbering folly
2,000 congregated in the street* immedi
ately surrounding the theatre. The Are
made such fearful headway that it toon bo
came evident that tha building wat doom
ed The flaws* burst from every quarter
of the edifice, and created a heal to latense
that it drove off lira A ram en and seriously
impeded their work. The Aremen became
demoralised to a great extent as tba lurid
flames broke out in freth and unexpected
auartcra, -and Anally turned their atten
on to the saving of tha surrounding
property, which wa* in imminent peril.
St. John's Catholic Church, known a* the
Old Cathedral, standing on a street in the
rear of the theatre, was in great danger ef
igniting from the sparks which continu
ally (all upon the roof, an J it was only, by
the moat Uiuafy and iuplipual effort that
it was saved. During the lite tba boll was
tolled and tlra chimelnc-reased tha excite
ment. The Are spread to the adjoining
More* and warehouse*. About four
o'clock, while the Aamea were still raging,
the floors of the theatre fell in with a lerrt
i ble crash, leaving the bare wall* without 1
support At tbi* lime a aquad of Aremen
I werp }tending upon the roof of a store ad- (
joining, holding • host Suddenly the
wast wall of the Olympic tumbled down, 1
carrying with it the wait of the premises i
upon which the firemen were werkiag and
rune of the men. The.v fella distance of ,
forty feet into the cellar below, and were
buried beneath tbe ruins and amid the 1
fire The horrible calamity struck terror '
to tbe hearts of tbe hundreds who witness- |
ed it, and iKo work uf rescuing ;ho vic
tims, dead or alive, was immediately he
gun. In about twenty minutes after tbe '
wall fall and after the theatre was antirely i
destroyed the Are wa* subdued. About
six o'clock workmen with pick-axes and .
shovels succeeded in reaching the spot In 1
the ruia* ■if erg the Aremen were buried. '
George \V. Dcviit, a iivsasran belonging \
t# Engine Compear No. S. And Chariot .
O" Neil, of Engine No. 4. were taken out,
the former dead. O Neil died soOn alter 1
bejng removed to hit home. Four other
firemen w*rpa)p rescued, all of whom
were more or l#s* lnjureq. Tfo were ta
ken to the Pennsylvania Hospital' in a
critical condition. The thaatre buildings
belonged to tbe estate of Charles Preutxei, i
and was valued at $ 100 000. The insurance ,
upon it amounts to about $50,000. Tbe
origin of tbe Are it unknown, dome be
lieve that it was cause*! by a hot etovp in I
the green-rooni setting fire lo fomo food- <
work, while others (kmk that it wa* ,
work of an Incendiary. Tha maUer will
be carefully investigated, and it is rapor- '
ted at Police Headquarter* that suMcrant 1
evidence bat been accumulated to give an ,
sir of probability to the suspicion that it j
was the work ef design.
N. JT., Jan. 27.—A despatch
from Fulion, ou the Oswego Biter, to the
Timet says: The moat extensive Mood
known here for twenty react U now de
vesting the lower portion* of the village.
It iaoccasioned by the high water in the
river and the darning up of a large quan
tity of igp on both aide* of the island chan
nel. From pile* ipafbinp shop to La
prairie and Merlon t grocery, a distance
of about half a mile, and all west of the
canal*, the water covert the ground from
two to *eren feet deep. Sunday evening
about thirty farailie* were obliged te leave
their home*, and many more thi* morning
were carried from the second tory of their
hou*e, where tbey had taken refuge, by
boat*. Unp iptnpe it related where a
whole family were taken from their up
stairs retreat, and among tbein a very tick
: mother, carrying a tiny baby, Men were
teen wading in the water to their waitU,
carrying the women of their households on
their back* to a place of safety. A num
ber of families have been cared for by the
poorniailert, tome %re tping looked after
by charitable citiseot, and many still negd
The damage dene to our business inter
est is already greet. The gas-werks are
below the water mark, so we have no gas.
Some of the flour mills are unable to run,
and there is danger that work in all will
be stopped.
Mr. Morten (Rep. ind). moved that the
Senate proceed to the consideration of the
resolution offered by him e few day* ago
providing for creating * commission of Ave
person* to examino and report to Congrats
what legislation it required in rogard to
intar-Slate railroads to previde for cheap
er transportation for the safety and coin
fort of passengers, for the reform of abuses
and to promote the general efficiency of
railroads in tbe interest of commerce and
the convenience of the travelling public.
Mr. Morton addressed tho Senate in fav
or of the resolution. Ha argued that the
l>r to regulate commerce, which the
Constitution gave to Congress, iucludes
the power to regulate the common carrier
and public highway upon which it is trans*
ported. Railroad companies are common
carriers, and railroads are public high*
ways, therefore Congress has the power to
regulate the railroad traffic of the country
end as common carriers are reqaired to
carry for all persons and at reasonable
rates, it is In the power of Congress to de
termine what are reasonable rates.
Kmmettsburg, Md., Jan. 23. A child of
Jas. Sweeny, living two miles from here,
aged 2 years, want up slain Saturday,
where a pistol bad been left lying in a
box. On hearing a report the mother,
who was too much alarmed to go herself,
sent her little daughter to ascertain the
cause The girl returned, carrying the
baby in her arms. It was dead having
keen shot through the heart.
London, February I.—A despatch from
Cap* Ckast Castle states twelve embass
adors from the Ashantees recently arriv
ed in tl a British camp sueing for peace.
Sir Gennet Wulteley replied that ha
would only treat with the King himself at
It is reported that General Wolseley has
detained the AslinnU a ambassadors as host
ages for some British sailors taken prison-
Igri by the enemy.
lnteieating Trial at Ilarrisburg—A
[ Cae* of Conflicting Evidence.
Harriaburg, Jen. 27.—A murder trial
bet been progressing ia this city since tb*
23d inst., which ha* attracted attention
from tbe circumstantial character of the
' evidence adduced by the prosecution and
tb* positive contredietion* of witneaso* a*
to dates end identity.
Two brothers named Uebm, bulb aged
men, a housekeeper, and servant weman
lived together near Middletown, Pa On
the evening of 14th November lat on* of
the brother* went from the house to the
barn near by for tbe purpose of shelling
corn, laying that he would return by sup
per time. Not coming back, the family
becauia alarmed, and on searohing, found
bit body, yet warm, but dead, lying in an
outhouse adjoining tb* barn. He bad
been killed by blows upon tbe bead. Near
the body was found part of a flail, loosen
ed from lb* handle, with tre, * of blood
upon it, which vu conjectured to be the
instrument with which tbe blow* bad
beeu indicted At tba lime tb* body we*
discovered, footstep# were beard of par
tie* escaping from the barn, and the in
mate# of tb* hou>* were assailed with
stone* thrown at them, but were unable t*
tee their msailanl* ia the darkness In
this emergency tbe housekeeper ran up
Hairs aud bisw tbe dinner born, which
soon brought neighbor* to tb* rescue,
when the muderera ran away. Tba pock
et* of lb# murdered man were rifled, aud
tutu* leaf tobacco taken from a boa of to
bacco in tb* barn
Suspicion attached to twe negro men
who bad been seen in the neighborhood
on the day before, and who, on the day of
tb* murder, bed called at the bouse of lb*
brother* Uebm and begged lerlood, which
had been furnished them. Several aua
pected parlies were arretted, among them
twe negroes resident her* named Rosen
tine and Moody, wb* were identified by
twenty or thirty persons a* having baen
seea in Middletown, and in the neighbor
hood t the place where lb* murder was
committed, on lb* day of tb* murder and
on the proceeding day. On tba mgbl of
tba murder, not long after its commission,
two negro men bed stopped at tba shop of
a shoemaker living not far from Behm's,
and robbed him of a blouse, a cane, and
aome other article*. Th*y alto offered
him sorn* tobacco of lb* quality *to leu
from Behm'a. It was in proof that ou tbe
day before the negro** identified as Rosen
tine end Moody had begged tobacco of
different persons. Tbe blouse and the
cans stolen frem tbe shoeuitkpr wets also
traced to their possession. A bloody shirt
similar to on# owned by Kosentin* wai
found in a lumber yard at Middletown
These were the main facta proven by wit
neasea of unquestioned veracity. Rosen
tine bed boen in jail serving a term for
larceny, and several of bis fellow convicts
•wore that be bad wad* propositus* to
rob some man living near Middletown
when he got out *f jail , also that be had
said ba must have money if be bad to wade
through blood to get it.
Against this very strong array of cir
cumstantial evidence was th* direct lesli
many of witnesses whose veracity ceuld in
no way be impeacned, that may saw
Moody and conversed with him in lb*
streets of Ilarrisburg on tb* 13th end 14lh
of November. Among these witnesses
were person* in whose employ Moody bad (
been for a number of years, and who could (
not be mistaken as to identity. Ruaentine (
also proved en alibi, bqt not ijvi* "0-, (
spectabl# testimony.
Th* pleadings in the caee were finished
last night. The jury were charged this 1
morning, and brought in a verdict of guil
ty of murder in the first degree this after-1'
noon. Jhf negroes were defended by
able coups*].
Information roceived at lb* Intereel 1
Reyypu* Bureau yoet to show tbat Ihf 1
illicit distillers in tbe mountain regions*
are being brought to term* pretty gene- 1
rally throughout South Carolina and Geor- 1
gia. Nearly all the illicit stills have been 1
captured. *nfl tbe distiller*, feeling tbat 1
ibja sort of operation dog* not pgy. bar* 1
concluded to wake a show, a! least, *f do- 1
ing an honorable business In the last 1
yeas one of the collector* increased tbe !
Government's revenue ffiO.UO in his die- I
trict, and k* thinks be can increase then.
fbO.OOU more this year.
The new Election lew passed th* Houee
of Representative at !larr>fbur|, on
Thursday, tbe)Senate amendments being
concurred in, end now await* Ibe signature
efGov. Hartranft. It provides for lb*
careful revision of tb* asseeement lists, to
begin on th* first Monday of June in tacb
yepr ; for lbs appointment of two overseers
of different political pfrl'p* in aach elec
tion district, when lv* or more citiaen*
shall petition for tb* same, and for th*
punishment, bv An* or imprisonment, of
any election ottoeri who may obstruct the
everteers in the discharge duties.
The polls are to be opened el 7 n. m. endi
closed at 7 p. m. Every ballot is to be
numbered in tb* order in wbicb it is re-j
ceived. and the number recorded on the
list of voters, opposite the name. Election
officer* are to swear, in addition to tbe or-i
dinary oath, not t* disclose how any citt-j
sen has voted unless required to do to at.
witnesses in e judicial proceeding Any I
person whose nemo does not appear oa tbe
registry list* shall produce at least one
qualified voter of tbe district te witness
tbat he bat residad in th* district for at
least two month* immediately preceding
th* election. Naturalised citizens ere re
quired to stale when, where, and by what
court they war* naturalised, and to pro
duce tbeir certificates of naturalisation for
The voters are to be counted as soon at
tbe polls close, triplicate return* mad*,
and th* vote a* soon as ascertained pub
licly end fully declared to the citiaens
present and posted oa the dxor of tbe olec
If any person use vieleuce or intimidation
to drive th* overseer* from the polls or
willfully prevent them from performing
tbeir duties, tbe offender is to be tried for
a misdemeanor, and upon conviction to be
fined not more than SI,OOO or imprisoned
not more than two years, or to be both
fined and imprisoned. Tbe same penalty
it provided for any person who use* intim
idation or viol*ne to prevent any election
officer from performing hi* duties or pre
vent any qualified voter from exercising
his right to vote or to challenge, and for
any election officer wbe diacloees, except
ax a witness in a judicial proceeding, bow
any elector b* voted. Ail fine* collected
under the law ere to go to the common
school*. AU duties imposed by the act on
county commissioners ar* to bs performed]
in Philadelphia by the city commissioners,
and all special elections and elections for
city, ward, borough, and township officers
•re to be regulated in th* same manner as
general elections.
Philadelphia, January 28.—Eg-Chief
Justice James Thompson, of tb* Supreme
Court of Pennsy lea nia, fell dead In the
Supreme Court this morning.
Deceased was arguing before the Su
preme Court In Banc in tha case of taa ti
tles. He had spoken but about Ave min
utes. The opposing lawyer had said that
Judge Klwell was a better Judge on titles
than ha. Here he made the remark that
it was amusing that the opposita couutel
should remark this, and then went on to
refer to tba fact that that decision was not
made by himself. Judge Thompson was
going on with bis argument and was lean
ing over tha table whan he dropped down,
and in Ave minutes ceased to live. The
Court immediately adjourned.
St. Paul, Minn., January 81.—A dis
patch states that twantv mea engaged in
chopping wood near Fort Rica. Dakota
territory, were murdered by Sious Indians
early in the week.
White Wheat $1 AO, Red 1 &.... Rye
70 Coin 60 ....Oau 36 Barley SO.
70 Clorcrsoed 4,60 Potatoes 60
Lard per poun.l 8 Pork per poundOO
Butter3o. Eggs3o Plaster pertmi
116 Tallow 8 Bacon 10 Ham 16
>ard per pound Scents Buckwheat
tiicts., Fiour per barrel retails,6o...
Wholesale 7,26 to 7,60
1 Operation* ufa (sang of Burglars
R THat a oiaaxrioss IX TIII* tirr
• Intonating Dt-volopeiurnla Expected,
Chicago, January lit) Proceeding* In
' the Criminal Court of ibis city, wbicb'bave
' Just resulted In the conviction of Mike
' Jones, alias M. 11. McUsnry, and his ten
' tence to lha penilsntiery for ten years,
• ( have davsteped one of the most extensive
I end stupendous s< lis mat of robbery ever
discovered in the United States. The
band of which June* was only an ordinary
' member, have directed their attention
> 'chiefly to railroad lines, particularly to
' the Pittsburg, Furl Wayne and Chicago,
' and to large dry goods houses of lliia city,
'Pittsburg, Cincinnati and Bt. Louie.
Business uien hsve tskengrest interest in
this case, and are encouraged by this
prompt verdict to hope that now the Isad
-1 ers may also be convicted, though they
•re becked by money and legal Ulenl.
' Jonas, although but twenty-three years
e d, ba* already served on* term at Juliet
There are four indictment* against him in
connection with the'same nefarious busi
ness His arrest, trial and conviction err
regarded as important nchteveiuanU every
way, and great credit iadueto Mr. W. W.
Chandler, agent of the Star Union Line,
in this city, who, in the face of numerous
threats of
Deal ruction of Freight Train*
and peraonal violence, has continued his
effort* with a seal, auergy. skill and deter
mination worthy el ail tbe praiaa wbicb
all good citiaens accord him Jatne* H
Uarrew, alias Adam Brown, alia* William
Davidson, and at least a doean ether alias
es, is now in jail, having been arrested at
Buffal* some four weeks since, |by Detec
tive D. P. Tyrell, |uf this city, who bed -
baen loeking fur him diligently for tbe j
lest eight month* in various set lion* uf the
country. At least half tbat lima Barron :
waa living in this oily, acting as the bead i
center of (be moot
Desperate Band of Burglar* ,
and robbers ever organised on this conli> ■
nent. Mike Jones belonged to this gang 1
end was the first of lhair members includ
ing Barrow, whose arrest .the vigilance of
Mr. Chandler has caused, and the six oth
er member* have scattered in various di- •
The Star Union Line suffered to tbe ex- j
(*n( of nearly by depredation* 1
from incoming night trains during tbe j
period of four month* last summer, and t
goods thus stolen in transit were secreted a
temporarily at a point in Indiana aot thir-
ty miles from Chicago, were repacked on j
the premise* of Jauios Emen, a farmer, <j
also a member of the gang and who ia also t
under arrqep l"rqtp tkf lire (ha gsods ear# j j
shipped from various tpotnli en the Pitts-
burg. Cincinnati and Ml Louis road to t
sundry auction houses at Cincinnati, St. 1
Lout* and elsewhere.
Tb# bouse of Rademacher A Co., of Cin- j
cinnati, D. Healon A Co. of the same city, *
claiming to do a (respectable business sold
for nccoynl of 4<Dm Bropn during th®
summer >me SJO.UUO worth uf goods slo _
Isn from the Star Lin* end prwbably as
much more that wax derived from sundry p
burglaries of storm in Chicago and vicini- j
ty. The proceeds of sales wars pa'd * fer s
to Adam Brown at Cincinnati, to D. S. (.
Gould, St. Louis, but tbe same man in a
both installs**. 'Ahta Barrow 1* a noted
hotel robber, snd his first trial here on lb* e
nine indictments now confronting himjg
wili probably be the famous jTremont Ho
tel robbery of this city nearly a'year ago. ,
An adroit thief mads a haul of nearly S'JU, - 0
0W worth *f jewelry, tb# property of Mr. ja
Mills, of Neg York; that Barrow was the J
man there it not the slightest doubt. He p
wst arrested, escaped on a straw bail, and ft
after a temporary absence from tb* pjly, 11
c*me back, routed e dwelling on Park
avenue under tb* nam* of Burton He al-j
so ranted three barns wiihiu as many i*
squares from hit residence under different
name*, end in those locked herns the gang
overhauled their plunder and prepaied it
for shipment. Ha made this lb* headquar
ter* until lb* day of Mike Jones arrest,
September lbtb, wbsn he suddenly disap
peared end was found by Officer Tyreli as tl
before slated. Barrow, whose prison nam* '
was Atkins at Kingston, Canada, during
his three veers' residence there from 11*66
to 1868 was Adam Brown ; ia a Scotchman '
•bout thirty-two year* old, vary intelli
gent, we!t educated, fin# address, hat arv-i
ed clerk in silk debarment of tbe three
beet'dry good* bouses in Chicago ; also,
was three month* in Sample a store in Al
legheny, during which lime the store wa* I
robbed, safe blown open and Brow a nevsr
suspected. Yat hit woman say* be put up
the job.
ProMvUling Attorney Bircb, assisted by'
S, K. Dow, conducted tbe case of tbe Peo
pi* vs Jonea with such skill abd ability aa
to fully establish the existence ef tbe plot,
which Mr. Chandler's pertervance hadj
unearthed. Tbe mistress of Brown is a
woman about eighteen, formerly the wifc (
of a citiaen of Pittsburg whose intemper
ate habits uada her an assy victim to tba
wilat of Young, accepting the position, as
Rarrew did, in tbe prominent dry goods
house of Sample in Allegheny. She has
placed officers in possession of much val
uable information touching the operations
of tbe gang of robbers in large cities. To
make sure of Barrow, the prosecution hava
••cured a requisition from lbs Uovareor of
Ohio to take him to Cincinnati.
Articles of tinpoechmcni against Judge
Uualeed. of Alabama, have been presen
ted to the house and referred to tbe judi
ciary committee.
Corrected by John M Dowel. Grain
White wheat 1,60....Red wheal 1 45....Rye
60 Corn 50 Cats 36 Barley 80
Clovers end 4,00 Timotliyseed, 350........
Salt 2 25 per 5ack........ —•
Bacon 7c Hair 16 Huttci 27... Eggs
20 Plaster 9 60
Chestnut Coal per Ten $6.76 Stovo
Coal por Ton $0.60 Egg Coal per Ton
s6.6o..Limeburner's Coal per Ton $3-60
in hi* elegant Now Rooms, Spring street.
Belle font*.
Has on hand a splendid assortment of
HOUSE roiMlftll fhMB ilie M
aiunest to the mot elegant.
and anything wanted in the lino of hit
business—homemade and city work Al
•o, hat made a speciality and kerp* on
hand, the lur<est and Kuril stock of
Good* told at reasonable rates, wholesale
and retail. Uive him a call before pur
chasing elsewhere. febO-ly
OTICK. — Letters of Administration on
N the estate of I.ucy Working, late >1
outidale, Chmfield county, dee d, hnv
ing been grantci to thn undersigned, all
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate aro hereby notified to make im
mediate payment, ai d those having claims
to present them legally authenticated,
without delay, for settlement.
feb6 0t Centre lla!l,|Ceiitre Co. l'a.
T L. fPA NGLKK, Attornev-ut,
9J • Bellefonte, Pa. Otllre with
Budi & Yocum. Consultation in English
and German..Collections prompt lyjattend
•d to. feb6-tf i
Till; I'll I I.A UK L I'll I A M A YOB AI.
Philadelphia, January 28. The demo
cratic nominating convention assembled
till* morning ami paued resolution by a
vota ot (It to 19 declaring it inexpedient to
make a nomination for mayor and recom
mending lion. A. K M (Tura tths demo
cratic volari a* iba cttiaea*' constitutional
candid ale.
Tba Uagua, Fubruery I. A despatch
from Padang reports that tba cholera baa
broken out in Arbeait. It ia rumored that
tba Hultan of Achoen bad diad of it, and
that tba war ia virtually over.
Ikl'ltLlC MALK.—
I Will be sold, on the Farm of Pater
lloffar, NKAK CENTRE HALL, on
Thursday, FEBRUARY. 261 h,tba follow
ing property : Klva head of Horsey one
j Mare with Foal. 2 Cow*. 7 bead Young
t'allls, 1 abort born Bull, 2 plantation
wagon*, I tbifting top buggy, one hied,
i I'lougba, Harrow*, Cuitivatora. shovel
Plough*, corn acraper doublatrea*. aingh •
treaa, threshing. mnchin*. horaepower and
• baker, 2 hay elevator* with rope and pul
lay*. I aet bay ladder*, hursegears, rruperr,
bridebanda, plough gear*, collar* bridta*,
It) i.rl* and other farming Implement* 100
numerous to nteulioa. Male to comment e
at 1 o'clock, when term* will be mad*
known by
1 Will ba sold at Public Male, at thr
residence of the undersigned at Aaroita
burg, BATUKDA Y. M Alt I4lb. at 1 o'-
clock Largs Dining and other Table/,
Cupboard. Mahogany and othor Chair*, a
iolefyood Carpet, a variety of Book*,
large Man of l' H., on* good Clock
Lookiiiggla**, Coal Steve, Ulas*ware, flu*
I'eaveit, and all kind* ofkltcban Furnilui*
Spinning wheel, Tubs, Barrel*, grain
Bag*, Woodtaw, Axe, Iron Vo*l(, keg,
of Npalh, and many other aiticle*
Will be sold at Public Sale, at tbs
residence of lb* undersigned, 1 mile south
west of PoUert Mills, on TUESDAY.
FEB. 24th, at 10 o'clock, 4 Work Hurts*,
3 Cow, a lot ol Young Cattle, and Uogs,
1 Buckeye end one Buckeye, Jr. t Reaper,
Threshing Machine, Shaker and Horse
Power. Two 2-Ilorso Wagons, I Sleigh,
Usyrake. 2Horse Sled, CornpWnler, Cern
toraper. Hayfork with Rope and Pulley,
Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Field Roller,
Hortegners and Harßea* of every descrip
tion, Windmill, Forks, 2 setu Uayledders,
Rakes, Hay by the Ton and many otber
a rite! at MARY ARM AG AST.
The undersigned will offer at Public
•Sale. In tar Spring Mills, on WEDNKS
DA i, M A HCH lib at 10 o'clock: 4 Heed
of iiorfea 2 being mares with loal. one 2 |
year old Co|L $ good tttilk Cow*. 6 head of
routtg Cattle, 1 breeding Sow 8 Shoal*. 1
Buckeye Keeper, Threshing Machine with
Power and Shaker, en* new iler*e Wax
on, 1 broad wheel plantation Wagon, I
spring Wagon, 1 Carriage with pole and
thafl*, 1 Buggy, 2 Sleigh* on* new *led,
Logtlodt, 1 guuidrill, 1 Panning Mill 1
Hayrake, liayladdert, 3 Patent Hayfork*,
different kind* with rope* and pulley,
1 1 Cornh#ll*r, Ourtiplattier, Cornscraper,
Plow*, Marrows, Cultivator* Keeper,
Grindtione, and other fhrining implement*
Chopper Machine with four knives and
balance wheel, 1 Copper Kettle. Iron Ket
tie*. 1 Cook Stove. Parlor Stove. 1 ten
plate Stove, 1 Gasbureer Coat Stove, a I
large .lock of FURNITURE, Bed room
Setu, Table*. Chair*, large dinner Bell,
and many other article*. <
T SALE -The undersigned oßcr* at
private tale hi* valuable Parin, aitual* in <
Herri* twp.. Centre county, near Linden
Hall, and about 1 mil* from the L. C A
S. C RR . containing HI ACRES OP
about 3 Acre* are fine e
i The tafiu fa under good fence* and in a |
high * let* of cultivation. Thereon are
erected* very large BRICK UOI'SK.
!go,.d BANK BARN, and all other neces
sary Outbuildings The watei i* piped to W
the hou*e and barn There U alao a large 1
and thriving ORCHARD, with all kn.d*
of choice fruit, upon the place Taken,
altogether thi* i* ene of the ia**t desirable
farti.i now offered for *al* in thU valley I
Purchaser* can buy thi* property at a greet V
bargain, if application it made on or be
fore April Dt Itftd Por further particu
lar*, add re**, !
WM. I) ROSS, i
Shaver* Creek, Huntingdon Co . Pa., or'
John or Jar. Ro**, Ltidrn Hall,Pa '
janSr2iu : 1
se of "The Partner * Mutual Fire In
*u>noe Company of Centre county," |cl
Casraa HAUL, Jan. 12th, 1874. <~
In compliance with the provision* of
their charter, the Director* prevent the 11
sixteenth annual statement of lha tranaac-1 *
lion* of the Company : 1
Hill* receivable, be
ing premium note* a
dueand pavaldeby
member* for insur
ance tba pa*t yuir $28259 46 j
On which there net
been paid 665 78.
Lc ring due on pre
mium note* taken j*
the part veer ■■■ ■... f28573 67 '
To thi* add assess
ment Jfo. 7, for
payment of lotuce
and caah in the 1
Treasury. _ 4585 07j i '
Making lha total
ax ailablc a**olt* of
the Company tba -i
1 past year _ >12958 74
Compensation to di
rectors..™. $l2B 50 j
Salary of Socreury 150 U0
Salary of Trea*urcr 50 00
Printing, atScerent
postage, and *ta- jj
tionary ............. 75 82
Election Board 6 00
Proteil fee* and in- I
leret ...... 174 54
Cook and Kraanier
on merchandise... 1591 81
J W Steram on ac
count 300 00
Lulb B Stover :m :
bouM - 8 40
Adam Krumrine I
on Reapor 75 00 f
Dan'l Dural on
barn 000 00
, Penti.valley bank
ing company ..._ 000 00
$3,760 07
Total accruing a
etu and fund* of
i lho company the
p*t 'year, after <
i deducting cx
i pente* - $29,199 77
iTo which add
> fund* reported
of previous year* 107,392 94
Minus note* ex
pired and can
celed 81,700 72 75,683 22
Making the total
available attalls
of the company
thi* day $104,882 99 '
Ki*k* and insur
ance* taken the
past year 362,964 85
Santo heretofore
■, reported for pre
vious year* 3,880,755 50
f Grand total of
risk* and insur
ance since or
ganisation $4,233,710 35
Protn which de
duct policies ex
pired and can
celed $1,773,909,82
Leaving $2,459.90063
• Liabilities fur losses,
n Putin* Valloy Bank
ing Company....... fIOOCO
Daniel Durst on barn 600 00
Adam Krumrine on
reaper 58 00
J W Stem 220 81
P Total Liability " $1478 84
Outstanding taxes
due th# company $2,276 97
! Attest:
D. P. Luaic, Soc'y.
At an election held the'same day, the
following member* were elected Director*
for the ensiling year: Geo. Buchanan,
Joshua Potter, Henry Keller, James W.
Campbell, John W. Krumrine,_ Atnos Al
exander, J. G. Meyer. John Wolf, Satn'l
Gruiuley, John H. Keller mid David Gil
Whereupon the new board organised
and appointed the following officers
President Geo. Buc-hmian.
View Presidont—Joshua Potter.
I Treasurer—Henry Witnier.
I Secretary- D.F. Luse. jan22,3t
At the residence of tba bridt'a father,
by II lhi.her J P., Mr Miiuon K r us of
Adamstill* Mich . (furtoorly of Snyder
Co, Pa.) and Mm Mary J Wingard.orth*
•atue place, and formerly of Pentis Valley
Centra On, Pa.
On the 29th iwat ,by Rev M G Karharl
Mr William W Forney and Mn Kline
beth Workinger both >( Jnckaon twp.,
Huntingdon Go. P.
Ou the 22nd iutl , in .Marion twp., Mis*
Joanna Oarbrii k, aged about 'if veers.
In liregg twp, on the '/Jlh of Jan, after
a lincrieg illness of about "ne year of old
age, Susanna Mu*er, aged 8/years, 10
muntba and 7 day*
On iheSWt, at Aaromburg, after an IH
nes of elmut two month*. Mr Andrew
Korman, aged Ml years, 6 month* and 80
day a
On*Ath ull., in the Haven Mountain*,
widow Mary Decker, aged 7* year* and
'A day*
At bar residence, Cedar Spring*. Clinton
< Sunday, Jan, Hth. Mr* Elisabeth
Wa*on. wife of George Wa**n, former
ly of Millheim, aged 7.' year* 6 month*.
(•it Itrd. at Aarofitborg, at tb* residence
of Michael Harper, widow Catherine liar*
per, aged MO year*
On 2nd, at the re*ldnc of John Run
kel, in Potter twp., widow Hoffman, aged
[aboutOH years.
Wholesale & Retail
ift large varietlc* and every thing gener
ally kept in HARDWARE STORKS.
My Miock at lb I* time ia heavy, and will
iffer inducement! to cash on abort credit
buyer*. nov 27. 3m.
Kejstone Store.
Go to
No, 6 Bush's Arcade. Bellefonte, P*
All kinds of country produce tak
en. Ruat Bargains in town to be
bad. uov'JOtf
Stoves! FirelStov's!
At Audy Ueearaau's, Centre Hall, are
latest and beat tttive* out, he baa just
received a largo lot of
Cook Stoves, tbe Uiouecr Cook,
the Eclipee Cook,
tbe Reliance Cook.
PARLORS—The Radiant Light, self-fee
der, Ga* Burner. National Egg,
Jewell. Ac. ell stove* as LOW a* anywhere
ia Mi ill in or Centre co.
Tb* undeasigncd hereby inform* the
citiaen* of P< nnsvalley tbat ne bat pur the Tin-hop heretofore carried on
by tbe C. 11. Mfg Co., and will continue
the MUI, a. tbe old *Uuid, ia all it* branch
es, in the manufacture of
All kind* of repairing done. ll* baa
alwayton hand
Fruit Cane, of all Sisea,
AU work warranted and charge* reason
able. A share of the public patronage to
jlicited. AND. KKKMMAN,
' 2*cp?ov Oeutre Hall
Shortlidge & Co.,
Bellefonte Lime Quarries,
Th only Manufacturer, of Limn, burnt
etclunrelv with wood, in Central
Anthracite Coal,
White Lime,
Du Pout's Powder,
Sporting and Blasting Powder ou
Fuse for Blasting,
Fire Brick,
Ground Fire Clay,
)ar>3o 78
Office acd yard near South end of the
Bald Eagle Valley lialtroad Depot, Belle,
fonte. Fa. _____ j an 10.78
Weekly Press,
The Representative Journal "of Penn
as premiums now ready.
atwr UM I rustic by An(.lk KTWUI.
la U Royal t.allety al Ilnriw.
• THE STRAWIIEERY GIRL, the Patellae of a oalebrutsd Oanaaa A rttat.
Kaab U by 14 taclaa, )aal Satabed by IH'VAL A
HI'ICTKK. of tht.ctu. Ibe .Ml t'brocao aad Lllb
• *rpb Publisher* la Lba lojied States, eainaaly
These two iniaMb! Obroutoa. widely nana aad far
their haauly aad aruatac tutab. an uaaajdadja
any residence, as pnalooed by 111 VAL A Ht'NTKR.
ere annoy tbetr aaual sncceuafal a.oka Thatr ratall
price 1. *) to each, hut aa atll forutah Ipoat paid] a
choice of either A" rHK VESTAL V I Ri. IN" or lba
KTH IWBkRRT IRL"Ib tbia data, kavatka
Mtb, 1r. hi rrarr aabariibar to lba W 17K1.T PKKKS
ab eenda at St. tha prtoa for oaa yaar*t aabtirlllita.
and aim oaa of either to tSa (altar Bp of arerjr clab of
Hiacin.u of thaaa apleolU vurba of art oaa ba aaaa
at laa
Business Office of
Seventh Street below ChettnuL
Anecdotes of Public Meu
slso offeisd st s premium.
Ratal! price. St par copy la eoUrlpalloa of lba
! Thud KdlUoa, aa oSar | poet paid] a copy of lba "Aa
aodolaa of rutdu Mm" to any paraoa abo atll aaod aa
. laa aubaaribara for lba Waakly Pi sea. oaa of tha Moot
I rartad publlcattona ta tha country. abundlna la lllar
aiy. agricultural. political. and baataaaa matter, print
ad la quarto form. on strony atitta papa,, and with
dear. brantlfal tija
VokXRV'S WKKRLT PRESS rial ma to ba tha
baat family Paper. Itic Rest l.l'rrarjr Journal, tba
Heat Keputdloea Weekly. lba Boat Agricultural Oryan,
lba Brat Weekly Newspaper. lba Heat Adrartutaa
lladtum tu lba Keystone bteta. It la. la all respeou,
lba aiiHinanttal Journal of PenaaytTunW. (ota eewry
wbara. aad always Ilnliii, lba toad toy and repraeeu
tattva loan In each township,
Tba AyTtcutural Payr of lb la Paper la a mark ad
specialty. Ita niaaaavmeat la ta lb>- easlualre ooaWol I
> of Mr Thotuaa Meehen. whose reputation throuyboul
' lba wbols country aaa practical and sueoeayfal ayrt
- oulturtsi ta wall and faeoraldy known.
AMOUNT or Kk*iu*o MATT**.—Thar* ta, parfaapa.
_ no waaßtyt tourual a blob ylraa aa tauoh talar a. t toy
i and laatrurtlfa rradlny matter ta a alaeta aa
tOfINKyS WI KKI.V PKKSIL IU Nonaction with
the AWH iitnl Praaa enables tba proprietor of tba
WKKKI.V PKKKS to furnish tba readers with lba
rcry latest Koraiyo and doraoalta Nawa by lalayraph,
•taamahipa. Atlantic Cable. Full market reports,
money. yreiri. rattle, aad yurieial„-of Philadelphia
e aad all tha laa.Uiiy clUaa .of tba Union, oonatltaia a
, prominent aud Inralaable feature of th. WMkb ft**
The f rfat#nl ORT U •sercft*d in th * lectloe of Um
|s vsriwil table of con)cnt, aud in linking Up of UkR p*'
. per.
Spociiueu t'oploa Rent froe,
j lerms of The Weekly Press,
liupylyoar SSUO 60 copies ~... <66WI
" 6 copies S 1 tw 10 copies, 1 addruaa, 14 OU
10 copies 14 00 to coptv. 1 address,. |6 00
l SO roptoa 37 00 60 copies I address,.. SO 00
Poraona yati iny up a rlub of tan or mora can choose
aa a premium allbrr oaa of tha Cbruntoa. a ropy qf
"A ao-dotae of Public Man." or a copy of tba WKyllY
PHKSS All orders ahouhi be addressed to
■t Editor and Proprietor,
Sjutt H. W. cor. 7tb bad Chestnut, Phi lad
ster* dwelling houte and good lot,
in on* of tno moat desirable portion* of
Aaroroburg Is offered nt private *nl*.
li l ' e " e,,D f®*Wy vutbuiUl.tigisui h
*• kitchen, w<M>dh®d, tin >k*houe, a shop
•table, cistern. Ae. Choice fruit of *ll
kind* on th* premise*. Apply to
Miller & Son,
for ; medicinal purposes.
Truaees & Supported is groat variety.
Atto, Aolm
and all other artiolo* usually k*pt la a ,
flr*t class Drug Mier*. '
i'reeeriplious car*full* Compounded. <
Aoot tf MILL KB k BOM.
at the
Prioa. Lees than at any Other 83mm
Store in Cantra Covaty.
Call and See U !
No. 5, Busb'i A road., BeliefooU.
July 19tf.
At tb Grocery Htor* on All*b*ny
Street, Bellefeote, Pa., opposite iiofer
tiro'* inform the public generally, tbat
the* hu*e now and keep at all tiaMa OM
of the beet and largo* neeki of Ore series,
ucb a*
Ac.. A*,, A*.,
consisting of canned peep bee, cberrie*,
omateee, plum*, groan com, dnod apple*.
Piu be*, cherries Ac.
In brief they ba** ***rything usually
kept in a tratclaa* tiroc*r* Store. Gall la
ladle* and gentlemen. Our price* are
leaeonabl* We aua to pie***. octfef
offer* bi* services to the dtiaant of Miftia
Oak. Walnut, Maple, Aeb.
MahogOny. sc.,
Plain and Pane* Paper-hanging. Or
der* respectfully solicited.
All In* wu-k don* for ether painter*.
no* 6 tf.
Salt per Barrel—.,. It
Salt per Sack IS
Bct Rio Ceffee per h , 80
While Sugar per * 18
Men's Stoga Bam*
Moose Boot* per pair—B 40
Horse Blankets per 1 78
Men's Shirts, a piece 100
Army Pantalooa* , TT ,,.178
Beet double thick tobacoo —BB
Bost Navy Tobaoco ....... 80
W* are Wsnamakars A Brown'* agents
and will fornkh customer* with any kind
of clothing you want at Philadelphia
prices, snd will show you large samples to
choose from.
W# are sharp! see' agent* of Philadel
phia and will foraiah customers with any
kind of drees goods, shawls, Ac., at city
Largest stock of Merchandise ever
brought to this town. Collar, Room and
up Suin all foil. Call aad eo* for your
selves and save from 80 to 80 per coat.
The highest Market price paid fer hat
ter. eggs, grain, Ac.
Fifty different kinds of men's glevm.
Excelsior Cement-
The undersigned now manafoctnro Co*
UUALITY, at their kilns, near Pin*
Creek Mills, in Haines twp. This cement
has already been used ia large quantities
epon the L. C. AS. C. RR., and has been
found highly satisfketory upon nil job*
whete it ba* been used, aad as equal to
any now manufactured. The undersigned
now take pleasure in recommending, and
warranting it to all, for use ia CIS
TERNS, WATER PiPRM or whatever
purpose a good qualify of Cement ia desi
rable. This Cement has already been
tested far and wida, and randerod the ut
most satisfaction. Persona, therefor* con
structing Cisterns, laving Water Pipes,
Ac., will find it to their advantage to boer
this in mind, and alio, that thay warrant
the article as represented. Tor further
particulars, addteea
aOdsctf Aaronshurg. Pa.
*winsß!^?r ,^?^nn<uTT!JoKftave
constantly on hand first class Mules*
which thsv will sell or eaehang* for Hor
se*, at their rtablas at Milroy, Pa.
11 dec. Sin.
WANTED -We will give energetic
men and women
from $4 to $8 per day, can he pursued ia
your own neighborhood, and ia strictly
honorable. Particulars lee. or sampla*
worth several dollars that will enable you
to go to work at once, will be sent on re
ceipt of fifty cent*.
Address J. LATHAM A CO..
BJanfit. 2FJ Washington St., Boston Matt
Brot Sample Rooms in Town.
D. JOHNSTON A SONS, Proprietors,
Bellefonte, Penna.
Free Butt to and from ihi Depot.
ILLKR'S HOTEL, Woodward, Pa.
Stages arrive and depart daily.
s New Store!
1 New Goods!
New Prices!
New Everything !
Bo*t American Priats ——. 10rl
Bedford , r-cU
Appleton A. Mnelin 4(4 1
Augusta..— do. 14*
' Cbwtnut Hilt btaerhwl.. 1
CsßUtii n ,., r> , 3
White Sugar.. JS, •.!
Boat Mtvy Tobacco L
Lovariag Syrup —.... —TV'*
Ac.. Ac., Ac.
A Plftß of Iduiifl*
MOM colored Poplin* -MM*
Japan** Silk*. t~ :•
Tycoon Rap*...... - ......—...... 2M*
Finn Mohair SBk Finish -- !.•
Black Alpaca*, ne Wu
Frnaeh Meria0*..........——... I '
Very FtaoOaehmerae...... .. 7oct-
Ac., Ac., Ac.
All other good* in proportion We
here bid ma big*dock rflhe beetg<od
which ware purchased at the very
peak price*, and, the * iMtwg rii
advanced, we are determined W
them out at prices that have *••: n
touched b tail country since tlu war.
Com* and examine oar Mock and pri--r
and ha oeavbeod that we *: il d > .
good. S. A WOLP,
aeelfitf. Centre Hni|._
son* n. oar is, C. t. autxaxper.,
AttorneresM-bw. ilftc* opposite Court
yf mm. hmi **.■ 11.-1, p*.
Jan Ut '74 t£
J6AH P. bOTTktt, Attorney-at-La*.
OeUectiona promptly made and
epacial attention given to thu— uav g
bedaer property for sale. WW draw up
and have acknowledge d Deeds, Mot-ica*. .
Ac. Oftce b Mi* diamond, north *i < f
tk# bouit, Btllirfmtf ' f.
/VINYkE HA 1.1. HOlfci.
V Jokx Srastuuta, Pr pr
Stager errl** and depart daily, for ai
polato. aerth. eouth. aeet and wot.
*. m. x iuuru. uuii. Miflt.
•ellefonta, Centre 00., Pa. apO&ii
nxvi* iiectiuorr" t. t>. m tiin*.
Preatdent, Cbfaitr.
(Late MUliken, Hoorer A Co.)
And Allow ißteresl,
Discount Note.-,
Buy nod ceil.
Corernment Securitice, Gold <L
apltf&Hf Coujtit.
F. FOBTNBY, Atterni"y"ar 1
• Bellefonu, Pa Oftce orcr ?. -
onldahnnk. maylf a
Old Fert, where he i* at all timer, prepared
te make ell kiadt of men and W> * < ii
bg, according u> th* bteot rtyl** an-! at
maronahb chargve,
D. M. RrrrrjfHoceE,
wnoLsarut og* jx
Fi*k, Cheese and Provisions.
144 North Delaware Arenuc,
147 North Water Street,
PntLAPxi rata.
raiigL O Sewwana J. saiaaa*
Banking Uo.|
And Allow I nearest,
Dircount Mote
Buy and Sell
OoToramnat Saeuntiea, Gold and
Prrim Horrxa, W*. B. Mirotx,
Preet. fitihiLf
ChaaTli Held, ~
Clack, Walchmakcr A Jcvck-r
Mil, h eni!, Centre Co n Fa.
Kerpectfully inform* hit fViend* and the
public in geanral, that be ha* jut opened
at hie eew eetabliahmeat, above Alexan
der's More, and keeps constantly on hand,
all kind* of Clock*, Watchm and Jewelry
of the latest rtyie*. as also the Maran v iiie
Patent Calender Clocks, provide 1 ;ih a
complete index of the month, and day of
th* month and weak on its face, which U
• arramed a* a perfect time-keeper.
gftrClock*. Watches and Jewelry re
paired on abort notice and warranted
sop tl fib ly
w. A. CURRY;
Would moat respectfully inform the cit
ten* of thia vicinity, that ho ha* started a
new Boot and Shoe Shop, and would be
thankful for a share of the public patron
age. Boot* and Shoo* made to order and
according to style, and warrants hi* work
o equal any made elsewhere. All kin 1*
of repairing done, end charges reasonable.
Give him a call. f,. 1 : ly
Dentist, MUlheira.
Offer* hi* profeMiona! service- to the
public. He I* prepared to perform nil
eperations in the dental profession.
gg-Ht la now folly prepared to extract
teeth akeofwfafy without pain. nyg-lt-U'.
YOUNG'S HOTEL. Corner of Third
and Cheetnut Street, Miffiinburf l a.
John Showers, Proprietor.
It* Central Location makes it particularly
desirable to peraons visiting Town on
business or pleasure.
H, A. Taylor'* Livery Attack.!.
! on pi ly
T. D* Witt Taltnage is edii >r of
he Christian at Work ; C II Spur
ton, Special Contributor. Th
rite for no other paper in America,
hree magnificent Chronio*. Pay
.rger commission than any other
>Y. Mo Sectarianism. Mo Sec
onalism. One agent recently ob
dned 4SO subscription* in eighty
our* absolute work. Sample copic..
ad circular* tent free.
L W. ADAMS Publisher 10-
Chamber* Street, Mew York,
an 8
If job rt Buffering from any
Brakoi Down Constitution
.. Or require a Remedy to
y Purify nnd Enrich the B!ood
• Ton will And Or-CrookUCwmponnd Nyrnp
U offPwßon—4teassarnsm-saterwt^r.., ccre
yon more apeedUy, and do you more neod
than any and all other remedies combioeiL
That rale,Yellaw. Slek ly.lookin;: SKIa
la etoamaad to one o( fre-huess and (n .Hli
Thoee Wlaeaaea of the R>ln,rimplee,ru
- tnlw. niatehea and ErepUeas two re
moved. Rrrafwla. herofnloaa Dlmsms
of the b**, White dwelling*, lleer.,
sMAfamm or any kind of Hunmr raj Uy
j wind * and dtmppear under Its Influence.
What la MT Jl ts natu-e's own restorer I A
, eoiublo osyd of iron combinett. vi ih tht
uiwlicinai propertie* of Poke RtvA divi'el
ot ali 'ltengreeable qnalltlet. It w l!" ~ ny
Mum wbuae real or direct £ati?o i > It <•
niand. Rheawaiiam. l>alne i> tin
or namoa, I'oaeillaUoaa bro* c. ,:
by Mercurial or other poison*, i I
. brll, gar ttyphltte.or Byph '.it 'U
* A "