in In All. Her love Its huh * toidh as?. HI kaowstli how to chid>, Rnt '• no pnr vnno# to ohor Rhe we* in her guide. Hie froan doth hurt hot to the heart. Tot the would not rehol; Rhs could not ooe't wore they apart - Ho the doth love it well. The mntic of hie rot.v CM loo* Xtnght ia ito otemoet change : Then, though he chide, the cannot chxve Her loving to oetrange '* Re Good to Yourself." " ftood-hy the driver taid. At the ouch went off is > • liirl 1 And the cotchiuan tovnl hit hstiiWoius head— "Mr fotxi to yowotcf/•" -my girl Ah many a fond good-hy have I heard. From many an aching heart; Ami many a friendly farewell word. When etrangem tome to pari; Ami I've heard a thoueaml merry qwip*. And many a eeneeloM joke j And many a fervent prayer from lipa That all a-tremhle eiwke; And many a hit of good advice. In emooth. phraee ; And many t wi*k huW )wtoc - For health . Rut how the human xml, oate'er the fates may will, UiU aaeaamwe by it* telf-coeUMl, It* greatest good or til. Of bantdie*ions. I protest. Htd many a thi mig pearl. I like the merry coachman * best— "Be good to yourseU my gul!" Joast G, Saxr. THE STEP-MOTHER. The clear, vivid sunshine of * Sep tember day was s.lniuuc, like sheaves of jeweled arrows, into Cecile Montpen auer'a spacious drawing room. It was a handsome apartment, fur nished in lilac and gold. Lilao ia a " trying " ec'or to moat faces, however lair and youthful. bat CWUe Montpen aier knew that she conld safely stir round herself with its soft, illusive fflow. For Cecile'* complexion, fair and del icate as s pink japonica, was perfection in its waxen bloom, and her hair, a deep brownish gold, waved into natnnu curia and ripples upon her transparent tqmples. Her eyes were the deep, lim pid violet, that almost verges oa black, almond shaped, and with long thick lashes, and her mouth, red and melting, like dewy coral, had but one fault—it Was almost too full, and seer let. Richmond Cheswiek gazed down at the languid beauty with a look of en thusiastic admiration, which it was im possible to misconstrue. How lovely she was, as she a&t there, with his moth erless little one in her arms, shower ing kisses ou Willie's golden hair, :ind lisping pretty caressing sentence, of '■ baby-talk " to the four-year-old cb Id. " I do think he is the most beanUfn! creature I ever saw in my life !** she ex claimed, looking up into Mr. Ches- wick's face, with the deep eyes ail soft and sparkling, and the coral bps apart, just disclosing a row of tiny pearls with in. "I love him so dearly 1" Ordinarily Richmond Cheswiek was a cool,'composed sort of personage, as little inclined as any man to act sudden ly, and without deliberation—bnt we are all infatuated, at one period or an other of oar lives, and Cecile Montpen sier's rare beauty would have maddened almost any one. w " Cecile !" he xdaimed, suddenly, •' do yon love him well enough to be hie mother T Do you love f well enough to share life's lot with me ? For I feel that you have taken my heart captive, and I never can be happy with any one else ! Cecile, apeak to me—do not keep me in snspense I" The roses erep over Cecile's satin check in soft pink billows of bloom, as she bent her head in charming confu sion ; it would have taken a wiser man than Richmond Cheswiek, to know that this was the very consumation she had expected, and been maneuvering for, daring the last six months. She had triumphed at last—and when he went away leading unconscious little "Willie, who thought " papa stayed a long time," Miss Montpensier was Rich mood Cheswick's promised wife. " There, nurse, take the little fellow np-stairs far his sleep," he said, aa he sat down in the big easy chair opposite the glowing fire of anthracite coal, in bis handsomely appointed library, and l>egau to contemplate the new and daixling future opening to his mind's eye. What a regal Mrs. " Cheswiek" Cecile would make. His first wife, Willie's mother, true and loving as wife could be, bat utterly ignorant of all those pol ished graces and acquired amenities that made Oeeile so attractive. And when she lav upon her death-bed, she had said to him : " Dear Richmond, if ever you should marry again " He' had interrupted her with words of passionate protest—she held np her slender finger with a plaintive, moon light sort of smile. " Hear me out, my husband. If ever you should marry again—and you are so young that I think it more than likely you will—l have only one favor to beg of yon. Do not give Willie into a step mother's cam. Bend him to my home in the fresh, pure country; my sister will gladly assume all the charge of him, and 1 shall rest more quietly in my grave. Will yqa but promise me this?" Blinded with tears, Richmond Ches wiek haji promised, and so Janet had died, calmly, with her little sleeping boy l-i&sped closely to her breast. But now he was going deliberately to break this solemn compact with the dead. " I cannot spare the merry, loving little fellow," he thought. "He is too close to my heart; if Willie were gone, half the sunshine would perish oat of my daily life, and Ceoile i* so devotedly attached to him, also. If Janet ooula have known Cecile, she wonld never have wanted to send the boy away." And then, he thonght, with a thrill, very nearly approaching to disgust,how plain and liomespnn Hetty Bryan was— the Hetty the old people had wanted niai to mariy, when poor Janet died. What a contrast she was to royal Cecile Montpensior. Meanwhile, old Jndge Montpensier rubbed hia wrinkled white hands, and chuckled gleefully. " It's a good thing yon've canght the rich widower at lost, Cecile," he said, in his fat, hnsky whisper. "We couldn't have stood it mnch longer—tbe funds were giving away dnsedly fast Yoa have rather a genius for spending money, young lady; it's well you're likely to have plenty of it for the future." Bo there was a grand wedding in fashionable society, with show of satin and glimmer of pearls and orange blos soms, and an interminable train of bridesmaids, and Richmand Cheswick married Cecile Montpensier in a great kaleidoscopic church, and took her to the home where blue-eyed Janet, for eighteen short months, had fancied herself in ait earthly paradise. And all thai autumn, Mrs. Richmond Cheswick rneved, a "bright particular star," ♦ hrough the charmed circles of the great metropolis, fondled Willie, with sweet, artificial smiles, and persuaded her admiring husband that she was the vary model of a devoted wife. Down at the old country home the news came like a thunderbolt. " Richmond haa married again," said old Mr. Bryan, with a sigh, as he closed the letter announcing to him the im portant fact, " a Miss Montpensier of New York."' His daughter Hetty looked np from her sewing with a start. " Married again 1 And Willie J Ob, father, I must go for Willie at onoe I" FRED. KURTZ. Kditorand "Proprietor. VOL. Ml. " No, child, no," said the old man. " Richmond wants to keep him : he says that even Janet would have been satisfied with his new wife's fondness for the little fellow." "Yes, but fsther," pleaded Hetty, " Jauet herself said we were to have \iitn in case cf " ! " I know, Hetty; but, after all, the father tins the first right, and tuaylie he knows best what is well for the ehiht. We'll wait patiently—perhaps the flue ; new step-mother.will get tired of her little toy, after awhile." Hetty bit her lip, but there wu no alternative save submission and pa tience. "1 have ba*l news for you, Cecile," said Mr. Cheawick, entering hia wife's drawing room, one rainy evening in mid-January, where, in the most grace ful of attitudes, she was reclining on a sofa, languidly turning over the leaves of s fashionable novel; " I shall be obliged to leave town to-morrow, for an absence of two months in the West." " Richmond ! surely I may accompany you ?" The grieved quiver of the ripe mouth was admirably simulated—the trans parent eyelids drooped. What an act ress Cecile Cheswiek would have tumlc ! "Nay, dearest, don't fret," soothed her husband, tenderly, " the time will pass away, almost ere we are aware of it, and my way lies among rude, tiutrodden wildernesses, where my tropic flower could never endnre the hardships that canuot be avoided- Meanwhile, be as happy and light-hearted as you can. I shall leave an unlimited credit at the banker's, and I want you to enjov your self." Ceoile's eves sparkled under the drooping lids ; after all, it would be rather a relief to be rid, for a while, of the prosv, middle-aged husband. But, for all that, she cried, verv naturally, the next day, when Richmond Cheswiek took his departure—and then went, yawning, back to the drawing room, and rang for iced champagne, and s chicken's wing, for lunch. Presently tho door opened, and a golden Haired little fellow came running impetuously in. "Mamma, "Willie so lonely—can Willie stav here with mannus ?" Unconsciously the little one hit his arm against the slender-stemmed glass of beaded champagne on the table —it tir.pel over, spilling the contents on Mrs. Cheswick's morning robe of cherry colored silk. She bit her scarlet lip, and gave Willie's ear a sharp, sudden box. " No! Go back to your nurse, this instant, yon bad, troublesome little imp!" For now, during his lather's long continued absence, Mrs. Cheawick con sidered it time and trouble thrown away to court and caress the child whom she secretly hated. The boy stood for a moment with quivering chin, and blue eyes slowly brimming with tears—too proud to burst out crying, yet hurt and wounded in his little spirit beyond all descrip tion. Mrs. Cheswiek rang the bell sharply for her nurse—s French woman, who had been her own maid before her mar riage. " Liaette, take tkiß child sway " In vain Willie straggled. Liaette caught him up in her arms, and carried him off to the nursery, volubly scolding ail the way, in broken English, for she, like most eye-serving domestics, had caught her cue from the very tones of her mistress's petulant Toiee. " You bad, naughty boy ; me shut vou up in one dark closet where de big bogie will get you, if you no stop cry this minute." And Willie checked himself, in the midst of a prolonged wail. List-tic's threats and ghost stories had already wrought their work ot mischief in his tender mind. From tlmt day Mrs. Ch. swiek avoided her little step-son as ninch as possible ; if he came into her presence she ordered him banished st once—she cheeked hia childish advances with frowns and bit ter words. "He is such a little nnisauce," she •aid, irritably. While Willie mourned and fretted over this new and unpleasant state of things. " Mamma does not love Willie any more as she used to do," he sobbed, hiding his face in the Frenchwoman's raffled apron. " Oh, Liaette, I wish papa would come home to love Willie." "Hash—sh—sh 1" sibilated Liaette, sharply. "Go off to sleep, or de big bear will come and carry you off to de mountains." " Hopkins," said Mrs. Cheswiek to the housekeeper one day, " I want you to get Willie's room ready for papa and mamma ; they are coming to stay with me during Mr. Cheswick's absence." "Yes, madam," said Mrs. Hopkins, formally—the new mistress was no favorite with her; shall I put Master Willie in tho blue room ?" " No; I have invited the Misses Giier to visit me next week, and they must have the blue room." " The little oak room, then, ma'am ?" "Of course not," answered Mrs. Cheswiek, shortly ; "my brother will occupy that" Mrs. Hopkins opened ber eyes. " But where will Master Willie sleep ?" "Oh, anywhere. Put him in that corner back room, in the third story." " But, ma'am, that chimney smokes, and there's no carpet on the floor, □ugh, the groom, used to sleep there." "Nonsense—there's no necessity for a carpet, and what does a child like that need of a fire ?" " Indeed, ma'am," said Hopkins, anxiously; "I couldn't reconcile it to my duty to master—" Mrs. Cheswick's eyes sparkled bale fully. " You are discharged," she Raid, drawing out her purse. " I tolerate no servants in this house, who presume to oppose my will." And so poor Willie lost his one faith ful friend. The evening of Mrs. Cheswick's first ball proved a brilliant success. The elegant rooms were thronged—manic, flowers, and refreshments were alike saperb. The house was crowded with gay guests, and Ceoile, in her heavy white silk, point lace, and diamonds, looked fair as a Circassian queen. But almost before the first arrival was auuonncd, Willie was seized upon by Lisette. "Come, leetle boy," she said, "it is de hour dat you should go to ze bed." "Can't Willie stay up?" coaxed the child. " Papa always let Willie stay and see the people, and hear the music! Please, Lisette, please!" But Lisette was merciless, and the sobbing child was speedily tucked up in bed, in the dismal " corner back room," witn the yawning chasm of a chimney, and the bleak, uncurtained windows. "Oh, Lisette," wailed the child, "it is so cold, and Willie's throat does ache so." "You are one bad boy," said the Frenchwoman, threateningly; " you are always of complain." " Don't go and leave Willie all alone, Lisette," pleaded the little fellow, through his tears. " Willie so 'fraid of the dark and the cold !" But Mademoiselle Lisette waa pining for the more appropriate sphere of the lighted dressing-rooms and perfumed THE CENTRE REPORTER. stair-cases, and she waa in a hurry U> ad just her ribbou* and join the other at teudnut*; to, extinguishing the gat, she artfully disappeared under oover of the thick ilarknesa. " Liaette !" call ml Willie, in a voice checked by terror. " Liaette 1" lint there waa no auiawer, only the whistle of tho wind down the chimney. The child covered his head with the bedclothes, while the cold drops oozed out of hia baby brow. To him every corner of the room was instinct witii hobgoblin life and ghostly shadows, and hia little heart seemed to staud still within hia breast. Suddenly a burst of gay music from the aonoroua wind instrumeute beh>w sounded like a reassuring patau. Willie crept ont of bed, scudding down the stain in his little white uigut-robe like a hare. •' Mamma ! mamma !" For it was Mrs. Che*wick whom he eucounted, coming tip to her room for a jeweled cassolette she had forgotten. "Willie," she said, frowning, "go back this instant!" " Willie's fear of the gohlina was even greater than hia dread of hia step-moth er ; he clang convulsively to the folds of her glistening robe#. "Me so 'fraid, mamma, me so 'fraid!" With an angry "Pshaw !" Mrs. Chea wick seized the child's arai, and hur ried him up stairs once more. "There," alio uttered, aterulv, "go to your bed and stay there. t'lf teach you to make such a scene as this again." She pushed him roughly into the room, and closing the door, locked it, and dropped the key into her pocket. "He will be safe now, the little plague!" she muttered. "Liaette la too useful in tho dressing-rooms to be spared, and there is no other way of silencing his noise." Willie, too much terrified even to sob, crept shivering in between the chilled sheets of his bed, and presently wept himself noislessly into a fevered sort of slumber, When he awoke again, two or three hours later, it waa to the preeeuce of grim Death. How little they reckoned, those gay dancers underneath, that up in the soli tude and silence of the starless winter uight, a liUle, lonely creature was struggling in the mortal agonies of the destroyer, Croup ! At about one o'clock, a slight bußtle at the door announced a new and unex pected arrival. Cecile glided gracefully forward, then stopped short, in sur prise. " Richmond !" she cried, ss her eyes fell on her husband's face. " Myself, darling. I thought I would give you a surprise." He greeted her with a tender caress, then smilingly turned to receive the welcomes of the guests, who crowded around him. " And now I must run up stairs and see the boy sn instant." Cecile turned scarlet, and then very pale. " I—l will send for him to be brought to you, Richmond." " No; there is no use in disturbing him. I can kiss the dear boy in his sleep." He waa turning awav, when Ceeile laid her trembling hand on hit arm, to oheck him. "He ia not in his nsusl room, Rich mond," she faltered. "No ? Where is he, then ? and why have you changed his sleeping apart ment ?" " He ia in the back room of the third story." " The back room of the third story!' Mr. Cheswick's brow involuntarily Contracted with a sternness which Cecile had never before seen there—she trem bled yet more. " I t is only a temporary arrangement, Ricumond, while the honse waa full of company. Htay—l have the key in my pocket.' Mr. Cheawick snatched the key from her hand, and sprang np the stairs, two steps st a time. To his surprise and horror, the room waa dark ana tireless. Where were the servants ? where waa the child's nurse ? He rung the bell impetuously: it was answered by a stout, good-humored Irish girl, who had many a time stolen in, st night, roused by Willie's stifled i sobbings, to soothe him to sleep. " Lights, here, quick !" ejaenlated her master. " What does this mean ? How long has mv boy slept in this hole?" Bridget sought in her apron pocket for matches. " Bure, sir, it's goin' on two weeks now—the madame's father and mother have his room—and a buruin' shame it is, bless his dear little heart I He's been treated worse nor a dog, sir, since you'vs been gone; it's Eton a cross word here and a hard push there, from the madame, and Liaette is no better. Here's a match, sir—sure it's meself is glad you've come back to take his part !" With hands that trembled nervously, he scarce knew why, Mr. Cheawick lighted the gas-jet, sod turned to the chill, lonely bedside. " Willie ! my little Willie 1" But Bridget s shriek rent the silence, like the cleaving of a knife, as she bent over the conch. " He's dead 1 he's dead ! the pretty boy ! The sainti in heaven have mercy on our souls ! he's dead !" " Hush, woman!" shouted the father, frantically, as he bent his head close to the pillow. " Willie! my boy ! mv son !" But no voice of earthly sound should ever resch those dulled cars again. The bine eyes were half own, with a glassy glare; the golden curls were all tangled; even the tears were frozen, like dia monds, on the wa*en-whito cheek,while the little bands, clasped tightly to gether, told of the mortal struggle by which life had departed from the tiny frame. The casket was there, but the jewel was sparkling otherwhere. Little Willie had gone home ! Silently, and with compressed lips, Richmond Cheawick took the child into his arms ; silently ho descended the stairs, and, walking into the midst of the affrighted guests, held the tiny corpse to Cecile. " Woman, behold your work !" he ga*ped in aocenta strangely deep and stem. " Murderess ! look upon your victim 1 Aye—look well, for yon will never behold either him or me again." With a cry that rose np to the illu mined oeilings, Cecile Cheawick fell fainting on the floor. Richmond kept his word ; he never looked on the fair, deceitful face of his wife again. Supported by a barely sufficient al lowance, Mrs. Cheawick haunts the fashionable watering places, a mere wreck of her former self, while her hus band lives a solitary life and broods upon the past. While Willie, perhaps the happiest of them all, sleeps nnder a quiet slope in the perfumed shadows of Greenwood, beneath a marble shaft on which are cut the simple words : WILLIE. AOED Foru YEARS AND SIX MONTHS. "f shall g>> to him;, hut he Khali not return to me." A young girl in Troy who became ex asperated with her family, took her re venge by stealing a shawl that she might bring them into disgraoe. She was sent to jail for ten days, OENTRK HALL. (KNTRK CO., PA., THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 5, 1874. The Highway Robbers' Art. Ten years ago, says the New York it rarely occurred that auv per son unfortunate enough to fall iuto the liauda of the highway robber eacaped without suffering serious t>odily iujury. The favorite plan was to aeixe the vic tim from behind, and reader him power less during the process of pursc-rifliug. Bcores of men have been irreparably in i jure< Iby such treatment. In every State the highwayman adopted tins de vice to fill his pockets. Now, whether it ia to be credited to ail increase of civ ilising influences, or U> an advance in the art of the robber, or to Ixith, we cannot exactly say ; but whatever the cause may bej it is a matter for thank fulness that the skilled highway robber no longer finds it myicaaarv to add gar rotting aud murder to the list of his crimes. Heretofore the New York thieves were supposed to be the clever est in the country. Things have changed very greatly in this ss in other respects—so greatly, indeed, that the New Yorkers have not only lost much of their reputation for cleverness, but have begun to be considered stupid bunglers by the outside professionals. I The highway robberies that have lately I been committed in the city will certainly not change this opinion. It ia qnitc evident that the "great" highwaymen have been compelled by circumstances to carry their talents elsewhere. They have gone to cultivate new fields. Nu merous evidences of their success have come to ns from time to time through the reports in the Western newspapers. We occasionally hear of the man who was stopped by s gentleman of the road, and ordered, on paiu of death, to re move everything of value from his pock ets, hand over his revolver, and depart in peace. We also occasionally hear of the man who was wise enough to fold his arms in apparent resignation, while s gentlemanly new acquaintance de spoiled him of hie purse, pistols, and jewelry. Incidents of this character are often brought to our notioe, but we never wonder why the victims submit to be robbed with such good grace. We attribute it all to the perfection of the highwavman's art. The golden dreams which have lured so many am bitious men to California have not been without their effect on clever highway robbers. The fact that those who ac quire fortunes rapidly are the moat pro fuse in adorniug themselves with val uable jewelry, and the moat lavish in opening their wallets, has not escaped observation. As a result, we find that Kau Fran cisco has a large number of artist-high waymen. These "geutlemen" do not knock down and beat their victims within an inch of their lives in order to gain uhatcver of a portable nature may be upon their persona : neither do they draw revolvers aud frighten them into submission, like their Texsu brothers. Nothing of the sort. This is how they work : The victim having been se lected, is approached by a well-dreaaed person, who charges him with the com mission of sn offense that provokes his anger aud precipitates a quarrel. A third person promptly nppear* on th<> scene, goes between the beligereuts, and in the effort to separate them, deftly removes the wallet and the watch and chain from the pockets of the ac eased. This device may not be alto gether new, bnt the way in which it is carried into effect bespeaks the artist, not the cold-blooded murderer. The San Franciscans are, therefore, to IM* cougratulaU-d in having the wont ehiv slric, as well ss the most finished, high wsrmen in the United States. Hydrophobia Cure. Mr. Morales, the Mexican viee con sul at Washington has furnished Mayor Oirand with the following prescription for the enre of hydrophobia, which ha* been tried in a great many instances in Maxico, and never known to fail : Take the most tender sprouts of the cotton plant, freah, with leaves and all, grind tneni well nntil all juice is ex tracted ; sprinkle it with water to facili tate the operation; tbe grounded mat ter must DO pressed hard. Whenever sufficient quantity of juice is extracted, in the manner indicated abote, the pa tient must be compelled to take a strong dose of it. Those patients who are fonnd in the very highest stage of the diaeaae are generally dilatory and re fuse to take the medicine, but the as sistant* may recur to other means in order to obtain the effect desired. Having suceet-ded in getting tbe pa tient to take the medicine, it will sure ly, after great effort* of oonvulsion and desperation, bring him so that he gradually commence* to quiet down nntil he falls asleep, soundly, in which state, and with great precaution, he mnst he placed or so arranged that he lies with perfect ease. When he awa kens from that rest he feels himself safe and cured then and thereafter. A relapse of the same attack ha* at no time taken place. In times when Ihe patient shows no symptoms, other than well-fonnded fears of suffering an at tack, then there ia no difficulty in ap plying the medicino to him, and he willingly takes it. A Guilty Conscience. One day as a menagerie was entering a New England town, and the majestic elephant marehing at its head was nesring a particularly muddy creek, one of the focal deacons was s at lit* Kh KIIM bl. Mallui for M*at|. The terrible trsgedv enacted iu Jer sey Citv lias created the utmost excite ment throughout that sectiou of the country. Crowds of ouriosity-seekere gathered about the house, and many endeavored to gain admittance, but the afflicted family lial no desire to gratify a morbid curiosity, lienor none but relatives and immediate friends of the tamily were admitted. The house is a capacious yet unpretentious two-story building, located on Carteret avenue, two blocks south of the Newark and New York Railroad cut, aud is sur rounded hy half an acre of ground. The family consisted of Mary E. Free man, the murdered woman, Joseph N. Freeman, her elder son and murderer, Alrnan Freeman, his brother, who is s well-known physician in Jersey City, and two daughters. About three years ago the elder daughter looked with favor upon the attentions of a young man named Turner Fronk, but the girl's family were atrenuouaiv opposed to the match ou account of the young man's poverty. The pair were clandes tinely married, however ; whereat the Freeman family were very muoh en raged, and forbade them the house. Frouk had no occupation, and no means of support, so that in a abort time the newly-wedded oouplc were reduced to extreme destitution, and they decided to separate, the bride returning to her jiareut's house on condition that she should never sec or communicate with her husband again. About a year ago Joseph H. Freeman, the husband of the murdered woman, died, bequeath ing all his property to his widow, in order that his son-in-lsw might not de rive any tmneflt from it. Of late Mrs. Freeman gradually became reconciled to her mamed daughter, aud the others feared that the growing influence of the latter would have the effect of ingratia ting her hie-band into her mother s good graces. It does not transpire that thev had any reasonable grounds for sncn fear. Thus matters stood at the time of the enactment of the tragedy. After making the demand ou his mother for £I,OOO, Freeman drew the pistol from his pocket and threatened to shoot himself. His mother and younger sister started to leave the room, while Mr*. Fronk remained seat ed in her chair. Just as hia mother reached the door Freeman pointed the pistol st her, and, taking deliberate aim, fired. The hall jiasseJ through her buck, and penetrated her heart, the murdered woman falling dead over the threshold. Then followed the murderer'* hasty exit from the bouse, his frantic bnt an successful search for a physician, and his prompt arrest The prisoner was brought before a Police Joatioe, and declined to make any statement farther than lie intended to shoot himself, and tbe shooting of his mother was acci dental. Coroner Malisu.of Jersey City, began his inquest over the remains of Mrs. j Mary K. Freeman. The prisoner was present with Norman L. Howe, his counsel Mr*. Turner Fronk, the married daughter of the deceased, was the first witness called to the stand. She was dreaaed in mourning and cried bitterly while giving her testimony. Her! brother, who aat by his counsel, and al most directly opposite the witness, sat with hia eyes bent upon the floor, and all the while that bis sister was upon the stand he never raised his face to hers. She was the only one of tbe fam ily who remained in the room after the prisoner bad threatened to shoot him self, and narrated the circumstance* at tending the shooting, a* already given. She said, in addition, that her brother was not of an affectionate disposition, though he liail never, within her knowl edge. threatened to take life other than hi* own. The witness always believed her brother's mind was unsettled. The lady concluded her testimony by saving that she saw her brother draw the pistol from liis pocket and discharge it at hia mother from a distance of about three feet. Mrs. Freeman expired without j speaking. Myra Freeman testified that she.with her two sister*, was sitting in the room in which the tragedy happened, when her brother asked her mother for £2,000. The mother refused to give it to him. He said that he wonld shoot himself. Witness, fearing that be might do him self some harm, ran from the room. Hhe did not want to see him shoot himself. Hhe hail got half way down the stairs when nhe heard the pistol-shot. She ■apposed that her brother had shot him self. Her brother ws* of sn excitable dinposition. He never lived happily with the family. Ths jnry returned a verdict that de oeased hail come to her death bye pistol shot fires! by her son, Jos. N. Freeman. Ho was committed for trial. Neatness. A girl's everyday toilet is part of her character. The maiden who is slovenly In the morning is not to be trusted, however fine she may look in the even ing. No matter how hnmble yonr ro*in may be, there are eight thing* it ahould contain: s mirror, washsUnd, water, soap, towel, hair, nail and tooth brashes. These are just as csseutial ss your breakfast, before which yon should make good use of them. Parents who fail to provide their child ren with sneli appliances, not only make a great mistake, bnt commit a sin of omission. Look tidy in the morning, and after the dinner work is over improve yonr toilet. Make it a rule of your daily life to " dress np " for the afternoon. Yonr dress may, or need not be, anything better than calico ; bnt with a ribbon, or flower, or some bit of ornament, yon can have an air of self-respect and itisfnction, that invariably comes with being well dressed. A girl with fine sensibilities cannot help feeling embarrassed and awkward in a ragged, dirty dress, with her hair unkempt, if a stranger or neighbor ahould come in. Moreover, your self-respect ahould demand decent appareling for yonr body. You ahould make it a point to leofc as well aa yon can, even if yon know nobody will see yon bnt yonrself. A Golden Dream, It is kiuted in army circles in Eug land that the expedition to be sent ou to Ashantee will in all probability re turn laden with " loot"—with treasures of gold plundered from tho unlncky savages who have called down upon their devoted heads the wrath ot ilie British lion. All the information the English have abont these rumored treasures seems to be gathered from the report of on agent sent to Ooomasaie in 1817 as an envoy, who gave glowin reports of bracelets so heavy that th laden arms of the chiefa had to be sup ported by attendant pages ; of gold and silver canes in every direction; of ohaira inlaid with ivory and gold ; of death-dealing muaketo adorned with rims of gold; of full dress costumes and breaat-platea of solid gold, Ac. The golden accounts of the ageut are now eagerly accepted by the English soldiers ana sailors who are engnged in the Ashantee expedition. Thus the trinkets of the barbarians are coveted by those who pretend to be civilized, and who thus show that they have the same gross instinct* of the savages. Alexis oa America. The Ht. Petersburg correspondent of the JluUfr (hurtle has aeeu advance sheets of the first volume of the Grand Duke Alexis's scoount ot hie voyage round the a-orld. The first volume la exclusive!v devoted to a description of the Grand Duke's adventures in the United State*. The aliove-Moutioted correspondent writes as follows about it: "This is certainly a very curious work. To judge from what I have road of it-whether hia imperial highness wrote it himself, or whether sn abler |>en did it for him -the book ia in tensely interesting. The Grand Duke says that his reception in New York al most stupefied him. Up to the last moment he had not thought that so brilliant an ovation would be tendered in republican America to Uie son of a monarch. He was very weak when ha landed in New York, and daring his progress np Broadway felt like fainting. Bnt everybody was so kind to him that he tried hard to look pleased, as he was in his heart of hearts. Broadway, he says, in his opinion, is the finest thoroughfare iu the world, because everything there, housea, shops, and the people look not monotonous, but gay, lively, and bright. What amused him |terhapa more than anything else was that the bands, upon catching sight of him, struck up, not the regu lar Russian anthem, but the so-called • Dirge of St. Catherine," which is played in Russia only at the funerals of s member of the imperial family! The cheers of the people were more deafen ing than any he had beard in Europe : from wuick he playfully concludes that lung diseases cannot be very prevalent in the New World. As to the soldiery, the variety of uniforms struck liim as extremely odd. He says he saw, pssos fully side by aide, he 1 meted Prussians and ' kepied ' Frenchmen, red-coated Englishmen and Irish troops bearing the banner of the Green Isle. "The Grand Duke cannot praise too highly Amerioaa hotels. American fare, he think*, however, ia too rich. 'There is at their tables,' he exclaims, naively, 'always too muoh of a good thing. I asked for the peculiar dishes of America, and at the hotel they could not give m# any. Their cooks were Italian aud French. The landlord shrugged his shoulders when I asked him about it. Out west, however, my desire was at once gratified. I dined one dar ou baked pork-and-bean*, a very palatable dish, which would cer tainly bear transplanting to RuMia.' " American manners, tbe Grand Dnke think*,are a little awkward and angular, bnt decidedly pleasant on account of everybody's frankness. He tells a numWr o! curious aneodotes on his experiences with aborigines. In Wash ington he was told thai the Irish sct vant-girls at the residence of M. Catacazy were dring to see him. He put on a cap anil an old traveling-coat, and went unheralded down into the kitchen among them. He was not recognized by the Biddies, and chatted with them for half an hour. He found out that not one of them had an idea of where Kusms was situated, and one of the girls even asked him if tbe Czar always wore a crown on his head, adding that she knew tbe Queen of England always did. Equally amusing is the aoooont of his reception at Omaha, in Nebraska, where a member of the Legislature congratulated him on the sncceases of bis fsther in the war with France ! Another of that state wanted to know if it was always cold in Russia. 'These funny episodes in the west, however, were amply made up for by the extreme kindness and consideration with which the army officers there treated the Grand Duke. For General Ouster and hia snbcirdinste officers the Grand Duke has words of Uie wsrmest gratitude. General Caster's photograph m published in the volume, which ia moot sumptuously printed and profuse ly illustrated. Duly a few hundred copies of the book will be issued." Ilew He Naved His Money. The story is told of a father, " well to-do, but rather imfiecnoiotia." A few weeks ago lie had a marriageable daugh ter. Bhe had been courted by the son of a neighboring farmer for a nn-über of years, and had grown so tired of it that she expressed a desire to have the dream of her life realised before the end of the present year. The lover, it ia but jnat to say, was also anxious. He wished to avoid the necessity of having to jonrney night after night over a lonely road daring yet another winter. The father of the young girl, thus pressed from within and without, was almost on the brink of despair. He could not afford to disburse the neces sary funds for such a wedding feast a* he would be expected to provide. The crops had all been gathered and sold, and the butter for two or three months pledged in payment of debts. To in cur any further obligations was not to be thought of. For nights lie lay awake, turning the matter over in hi* mind, nntil he finally diacovered away out of the dilemma. The next morn ing he thrilled his daughter with pleas ure by announcing st the hreakfaat ble that lie had decided to consent to her marriage, and was willing that the ceremony might take place aa soon as the arrangements could be perfected. Then there was a meeting of the re spective parents, the day waa fixed, and a list of the friends and kinsmen of the intended son-in-lsw carefully made ont. To this waa added the names of nearly every farmer residing in the oonnty. Tlie day of days came round at la*i; the roads were hard with frost, the sky was clear, and Uie gnoeta be gan to arrive at an early hour. The house was soon crowded nntil barely standing room remained. The barn was used to increase the accommoda tion. The marriage ceremony over, and the young couple started on their way to the nearoet railroad station, nothing remained to be done but to discnsH the viands and wines. At length the time arrived for breaking np the company. The fanner, after hav ing goou-humoredly appropriated all the compliments he could get, walked leisurely t* the front gate, and there took a position from wliioh lie was en abled to demand payment for dinner and horse-feed from each of the guests. The proposition was received as a capi tal joke, and it is said that every per son present, not even excepting the clergyman, williugly paid the "tax." Premium* for Church Pews. Tbe auction in Henry Ward Boecher'a oh arch was for choices. The pews all have fized prices, the highest being glift). Tbe sum bid must be added to the fixed price of the particular pew selected in order to find the cost. The bidding was very spirited, $325 being the first bid for first choioe. It was speedily increased to SIOO, and the enoioo was bid by Mr. 8. A. Ovington. He will have to pay $-520 this year for the privilege of sitting in pew No. 87. Henry 0. Bowen secured the next choioe, No. 89, for $385. A. M. Bhep £ard paid £l9O ; McDonald and Hatoh, 195 ; H. B. Claflin, $390; aud so on till about twentv-flve pews were se lected. Mr. Denis was the highest bid der. The premiums at last, about nine o'clock, drooped to abont S2O, and at half-past nine o'clock all the pews were sold. The sum realized was $59,430, aflsinst $59,301 last year, an increase of $129. Of this sum over $40,000 was for premiums. Termx: 02.00 aYenr, in Advance. The Agriculture ef the Fete re. There is a carious and vary radical srtiele in the December number of /Vasrr's Magazine upon farming. The writer's belief is that in Uie ume to come, a farm will lie an immense food factory carried on by a company. The companies will be joint slock concerns, issuing shares of from fifty to tFo hundred and fifty dollars each, and working from three to ten thousand we- ea. The buildings of the farm fsiuk is the scheme) must Vf placed upon the highest point of land, so that the water and manure may be conveyed over the surface by gravitation. Machinery is, among other services, to sheer the eheep. A whole staff of butchers will be employed to kill and cut np bollocks and transmit the meet ill pieces suit able for the London market straight to the salesman, without the i lervention of a dealer. The salesman will be m the company's employ and will only sell their meet. The company will make an effort to get more than one crop in a year. But the moot sur prising of the results which await the future of farming will be the ripening of erope by means of an electric cur rent passed through the plants, or by some other kind of artificial best. One point of which the writer makes much, is the impossibility of profit in England from the cultivation of wheel. Wh-at ia almost the only agricultural Knluct which has not risen rinse 1770. e only sort of corn which is much dearer now than then ia barley, the reason bring that barley ia used in dis tillation atul brewing. In the last fifty years meal and dairy produce have greatly risen in prion. Yet wheel re mains the same, notwithstanding the rise in the price of labor and the in crease in rente. No increase ef demand has any important affect upon the price of oora. A rise in wheat will at once bring any quantity of it to England. The importation of wheat by England n 1859 waa five millions of quarters, or forty million bushels. In 1871 the im- Krtation was nearly ten million qoar 's. Yet the price of wheat in 197! was lower than in 1801! It ia very plain, says the writer in FYnrr, that wheat cultivation can no longer be pro fitable, and it would lie batter to use the land thus occupied to rains produce, which must be imported to England at a lose. One of the difficulties which j the fanner mast meet is to find some green produce which will take the place of wheat ia the rotation of crops. This obstacle the author of the article thinks s very serious one. Frightened at Ntgtt. 1 remember weU that nervous sensi tiveness and morbid imaginativeness had act in with me very early. During my Graamere visit I used to feel fright ened at night ou account of darkneoa. I then was s stranger to the whole host of night agitators, ghosts, goblins, demons, burglar*, rives, and witches. Horrid ghastir talcs and ballads, of which crowds' afterwards came in my way, had uot yet cast their shadows over my mind. And yet I was terrified in the dark, and used to think of lions, the unh form of terror which my dark engendered agitation would take. My next bugbear was the Ghost in " Ham let" Then the picture of " Death at Hell Gate " in an old edition of I'ara diae Lost, the delight of my girlhood. Last and aorst name my uncle oonther's ballad horrors, above all the "Old Woman of lVrkr'y." Oh, the agonies I have eudnred between nine and twelve at night, before mamma joined me in Iwd, ia preaotiee of that hideon* assemblage of horrors, the hone with eyes of flame! 1 dare not, even now, rehearse these particulars, for feer of up some of the old feeling, which, indeed, I have never in my life lcc:i quite free from. What made the matter worse was that, like other ner vous suffering*, it conld not be under stood by the incxperieneed, and conse quently subjected the sufferer to ridi cule and censnre. My uncle Sonthey laughed heartily at my Mpiuie*. I mean at tbe cause. He did not enter into the agonies. Even mamma scolded me for creeping ont of bed after an boor's torture, and stealing down to her in the parlor, saying J could bear the loneliueea aud night fears no longer. But my father understood tbe case better. He insisted that a lighted candle should be left in my room, in the interval between my retiring to bed and mamma'a joining me. From that time forth mv sufferings ceased. I be lieve they would have destroyed my health had they continued. Sarah Ooleridge. The Humbug at Adrertt*lug. Concerning advertising there iu a great deal of humbug. We aay " hum bug " because the word " fraud" does not fully cover the case. Advertising ia unquestionably one great secret of snccem. Bnt it must be judicious ad vertising. Home men want to buy ad vertising as the vulgar buy pictures, looking to the quantity, not the quality. Of course, what is called "late advertis ing" pays, but only, however, when done with good judgment. For in stance, it ia not good judgment, except in very rare cases, to advertise, at any price, in cheap issues, or charitable Sublieatiou*. They are seldom read, ext in point of worthleesness as a vehicle comes the ordinary almanac. These are manufactured to a most sur prising extent, and the investment ia immensely profitable to apothecaries and paper dealers. The man of paper, co-operating with the man ot pills, makes the whole almanac business one of mutual profit. One collector, on tbe Hndsou, to our positive knowledge, has bought, during the lost few weeks, no lean than ten tons of almanacs which were sent ont to country apothecaries for distribution. There is also a whole sale druggist in New York City, who sells these things regularly by the ton. instead of sending them ont to custom er*. Thia ia only one of the way* in which injudicioua advertiser* waste their money. Advertisers should re member that a circulation even in a vil lage newspaper ia worth vastly more than a hundred thousand through the medium of a questionable agent Printing ianot odvertiaing.— Kxchange. Following • Precedent. Horses soon become familiar with roads and localities ; so that, if left to their own ohoioe, they will take the road to which they are best accustomed, or whioh leads'to a well-furnished stable, in preference to another ; and it in also very easy to note that they often pro oeed with mnch more apparent alacrity in going home than when going away from home. Bat the memory of the horse is more tenacious than ia common ly supposed. A gentleman having on one ooeaaion traveled along a oertain road at a considerable distaooe from home, turned off it to pay a abort viait to a friend, at whose hospitable abode his horse found rest and refreshment aa well ns himself. Riding along the some rood abont a year after, be wished to see if tbe horse retained any recollec tion of the place and occurrence, and when he came near whei o the road to his friend's honse branched off from the main rood, he let the reins fall loosely on tbe horse's neck. Presently, the ani mal prioked np his ears, quickened his pace, and on ooming to the side road, unhesitatingly turned into it. Instead of going straight on. A Trnast's Obligation W Repair. Leases not seldom contain s eovsnsat that the tenant shall keep the premiaes to good order sod repair. Aa to just whst this oovenant may mean, however, there is considerable difference of opin ion, sod sometimes the intervention of s judge end jury ere necessary to settle toe 'ligation. A ease of this kind has been at trial to to* flujwnor four! of Baltimore, ia wbteb toe to charging toe jury, described the legal of toe matter. The work "heep," he said, implied aa obligation to put the premises to repair if they were out of repair when received, and to keep than so, for it would be idle to stipu late to keep is repair what ia not to re pair and the covenant waa, therefore, equivalent to "put and keep and de liver op," io good order and repair. Th* red) difficulty, howefer, waa to the words "gc"d order and repair," Three words, hie said, nieczrf such a reason able condition of fitness as belongs to houses of the age, class and oood.tkm, aa good repair tor one might not be tor another. It waa not necessary that aa outgoing tenant fbouhl repaint and re paper. but only to keep the paint and paper to aoch condition as is OOBStstost with use j not allow the bouse to be de faced; use it with proper and reaaonakle care; and deliver It ap sa it may be left after such cam. The judge remarked that there was no custom or rule of tew by which an outgoing tenant waa com pel led to repaint and reeaper, nolens under a distinct and well-defined agree ment to that effect On the other hand there is no implication that the tenant shall keep the premiaes ss received. The obligation to keep to good order and repair does not mean to keep the house is the condition to which it is received, but to a condition that is reasonable. The llahama Award* The present condition M the Alabama award business ia this. Then are three bills pending to Congress, neither of which has beca even onaeidered to oom- mittee, although the private claims oa the fund amount to 118,000,000. Besi ator Rdmunda's bill creates a special commission of five jndgea, and bars ail elaima of insurance eompaniea, unices they eun prove that, during the Rebel lion, the sum of their loaaes on war risks exceeded the sum of their pre miums ; to which ease an allowance may be made for the execsa. Mr. Poland a bill puts the business into the hands of a Circuit Court, to be selected by the President, to which the United Btatee ia to be admitted ae one of the general claimants. Ia case of the disallowance of any claim exceeding $5,000, the claimant may appeal to the Supreme Court General Butler's bill decides the tew of the cans first, and then leaves it to the ouurts to hear the evidence and apply the principles. General Batter allow# any one to go into any Circuit Court and make hie claim, and under his bill the underwriters stand to the same position aa under Mr. Edmunds's, while any one who paid extra war pre miums, on sooount of Akbaaaa risks during the war, may recover them. Butter's bill only admits the United Btates ea claimant for eetnal looses. Theme is still, howerer, a fourth plan, which consists to the United Sates keeping the money, and not distrib uting it at aIL This plan is represent ed to be growing to favor at Washing ton. A Father who figured. About a year ago, if we remember rightly, a story waat the rounds which credited that ingenious person, the Western man, with having successfully carried out one of the moat original of plana few getting his daughters com fortably settled in life, without say coat whatever to himself. He had s large and expensive family. Three oat of four of the daughters wen marriage able. They were very pretty girls, and had many admirers. The father per mitted them to receive attentions from the meet eligible young men, and to all outward appearances seemed per fectly content to part with his treasures until asked to do m. Each demand for consent waa the signal for sa out burst or fading that ended in the sud den exit of; the applicant The lovers, however, were not to be prevented from attaining happiness by what they be lieved to be the whim of s selfish father. They eloped, were married and foe given. The real state of the case was, the father oonld not aflbrd to buy three suitable outfits, and pay the expeuse of three fcasta. Not seeing any pros pect to the immediate future of being better able to do to, after ransacking his brain to find away oat of the diffi culty, he at last concladed to frown on the young people, and taka the chancre for what might follow. Tha elopements didn't cost him s cent; the expenses of outfits and weddings waa saved; his reputation for liberality did not suffer to the least, and hia neighbors con tinued in ignorance of the actual con dition of his exchequer. Banbury w ffotes. We were pained to learn that s gen tleman who has been in the habit of entertaining and astonishing his neigh bors to this vicinity by gracefully light ing his cigars with currency, has s car pet bag at a Stock bridge hotel doing doty for a board bilL The position of usher to a country church must be singularly lucrative to Cnit the bolder to appear to new ts every Sunday. A lengthy article is to circulation telling how to make s mustard plaster. And article telling how to suooeasfully dodge one ia what a smitten people want. There is nothing quite so exhausting to s village newspaper man aa to write up a complimentary notice of s local exhibition, to whiefa there are thirteen performers who design sending copies of the paper to their friends. Terrible Death. A young married man, named Thomas Sage, has met with hia death in s frightful manner at the Old Mill# Colliery, Paulton, Somerset, England, where lie was employed as chief en gineer. It appears that it is a custom every Christmas to clean out the boiler. Sage entered a small arch under the boUer lor the purpoee of tapping it. He turned the Up, net noticing Inst a culvert through which the water should have run waa stopped up. The water, in consequence, flooded the tunnel. The deceased, finding no other means of exit, attempted to escape by rushing through the boiling water ; but that be was unable to do, as the way waa stop ped by a grating through which he had crawled en entering the tunnel. STRBTCH or PBXVHJW*,—Daughter of the house (to s priviledged old friend of the family): "Dear Mr. Lupus, you dont seem to be enjoying yourself. I should like to have you waits this once with me." Privileged Old Friend— " My dear child, I don't danoe ; but, if it suits you, I wouldn't mind sitting here with my arm round your waist, while the others are making themselves disxy." The Archbishop of Santiago declares that female voices in the choir are dan gerous to true piety and devotion, I ttmt mf MMR, Purr & is bettor th toj-r weak lens* Erary nwwtwr of Omnm from Minnesota TO raised is Main*. An assistant clerk of the Illinois Bouse of Representative* la a woman. California will hereafter raw* Of* as i a substitute for mm fa fetleninf hoga ' Fif pork will be a new thing. Sham ara reported id baa drug in soma parte of loam, and fane** offer to aeir tbem at sl.lO to 8 apieea. One dealer ia Faribault, Minn., has shipped about fifty tona of butter to the Eastern markets the past season. Ia less than thrae months mora than thirty women base town gprointed roatrniat rnaaaa la the United States. A smart DanbnfJ woman dose toe work for e family of utwe. milks tee sows sad keeps track of tkirtssa soo tirnied stories. Ii is said to be the fashion in Boston, to snocusaes oa toe invitation eerds to gold and sliver weddings, that "no pres ents Will be received. A jnry ia lowa recently swarded a looomotive engineer slff.oW dun ages for injuries received while to the d charge of his daties. An obiamr says that a little baby to iyXi to U, hot a big baby is a bard thing to km*. .specially if yon have to marry her—or him. The City Treasurer of the city of Bolyoke added ae a rider to his oath oi office-—"And I swear tbte if I see ar mote stealing going on I wfUeapoeeil " Let every one, theeosmmt rear es okony of aetiea." Good erops to oaiti rate any year. A well-dressed, abta-bodtadnronse down with a largw pWned on his bet bearing the iaacnptton, "I waat work. Before tefciag prnaie arid a yonng lady ia CJuosgo indited the wqoe* Umt aha be SrffM* to*toraarww borne ia ba eflk arses, and that bar braeelete should not be removed from i her wrteta. There art a large aamber of rtwesUk bailding to rtriotie seetioue of North Carolina. Aa lumber beeomea seems at the ll'rth, the attention of Inmbermen is being tfirmrf to the greet piae ragtoos of that Htete. Dr Cotter recommends the ana of sfss&i*s , sf>teo4 its good, to bnild ap nftsvsrtsr sad to btese the world. A Virginia farmer lost SSO teat yeas by snbecribiag for a sonpte ef inornate, for, to their coat is to be added the time the family spent to reading and to talking about them, and so he " stopped the papers." Of course he will save thegTbewoftor anlem hi. boy. get into some scrape, or a patent right to bought, or acme othar game ia ptefnd on the poor man that the pqpes would have protected him from. Herein aa lowa story:—"A young girl near Marengo is wonderfully mark Si by m£~nakes. Running putially around her neek. side hy d, are two snakes ss netural aa if alive, and the skin being trxusjmrmt they seem only lying in wait for a victim. On the front of the neek and upper part of the br east are the rattles—ss though a breastpin making a perfect picture, and shedding regularly every year." The wooden pavement is to grant favor to London. It is Shed because it afiorda a good foothold for homes, ia noiAelesa, smooth, and eaaily kept clean. The great drawback, of ooome, ia it* perishable nature. Bat on the rw tail arv goods street* and in toe old parte of the city, all arouadtbe Bank, the tax payers express a wfUingnena of bear toe expense of renewal once to every Ave or ate yeans tor the sake to the comfort of its use, Savtag a Train. The Troy Timm anya a landslide oe eurred to a curve on the Troy and Oreenbush Railroad. A locomotive wae up to be attached to the first local train down, when it waa caught by the landslide, foroed from the track, and partly turned so that its headlight waa pointed weak The slide occurred just at the ssomrnt the New York and Boaton express was leaving the Troy depot. The engineer of No. 39 kaev thai the down train could wot paaa the obstructions. He told hie fireman, AL Bescom, to take a red lantern, go up the track and intercept the train. Baaeom etarted on hia aua akm ;in the darknem he stumbled and feU cm the track ; the light waa ex ttowuiahed. was too abort to allow him to return and procure anotoer lantearn; it was impoitsibto ia the strong wind to light a install. Covered with mud, but losing scarcely half a mtonta, he pushed on ; toe heedlight of the ap proaching train came in sight; he xnevr bis voice oi warning, be it ever so loud, could not be heard above the roar of the train. Ho had but a few aeoonds to which to determine upon hia course. What did he do? Something very few would have thought of doing. Taking aim aa best he oonld he raised his lantern and hurled it si the ap proaching locomotive, and then awaited toe result He could not see where his missile landed ; the intervening seconds seemed ten minutes. By what we must regard as a mysterious sad beneficent interposition of Providenoe, it entered the cab window, breaking the wood work and ooming within aa inch of striking the fireman inside fairly to the faoe ; if it had hit him he would have been seriously injured. When the shattering and shattered lantern fell at the engineer's feet, he knew thalsome tbing had gone wrong and whistled " down brakes the train slackened speed, and at length came to a full stop within ft hundred feet of tbe wrecked locomotive, saved from destruc tion by the presence of ipiad of the man who had thrown the lantern. At the point where the way was ob structed the track is built on an em bankment oloee by the river, and had a collision occurred between the disabled locomotive and the moving train, the latter would have been throw* from the track into the river, and the horrors and loss of life, the wonndlnga and maiming# of New Hamburgh would have been repeated. All honor to At Basoom. Post-Mgesns. ■ A Paris correspondent write* that fre quently as many aa forty or fifty posh pigeons pass during a day to and fro between Paris ana Versailles. The operator who dispatches the Jurds !• a little office opposite the Oour du Ma roc. Thus the reporters have but to rush across the street, attach the paper beneath the wing, and away , flier the tiny messenger. The man wno keeps the birds ia a small, singular looking man, with a long beard. During the sessions be aits holding a bird in each hand so that no time may be lost. The zsspA? aavgtf that daily steads gaping and staring ■* the busy IHtlsfords. NO. 5.