THE CENTRE REPORTER THURSDAY JAN. „ 187. tuyll ,11 '■'* 1% LOCAL ITEMS. ' ijftiendt will oblige by sending ue Id local newt in their locality, ** u A facta only, ond we will put them in notices of deaths and warn - owe tending u* ibe namw olei* new Subscriber*, with the c*h, will be entitled ti recehre the RiroiTtn one year free. The Raroat** being read by nearly •rerr body on thi tide ef the county, where it he a larger circulation than any two pajxT*. wrin be found tbe beet roedlem for advertising Purine**, talct, &r. die. Sale of personal property of David K tin, dee'd, in Gregg twp., slh Feb. ——Mr. Duncan inform* u* that pran dom Miller hat called a meeting of the di roctort of the L. C. A B.C, HR . tor Wedneaday, Feb. 4, next, at Philadelphia. Wo tuppct* of couite with refrence (o putting through the balance of the work of our road, at toon at possible. Wa Irutt the rctull will accord with our wish**. The annual statement of the Penm- Tiller Fira In'. Company, *ppar in thi> week't Rkpoitxil Kvery property hold er and merabai af the company, on this aide of tbo county, thould give it a careful ptrvtial, at tht affairs of the company are inuligently given. The company, It will be teen at a glance, ; the le*t foot in*, and it* operation*, at theflguretthow. arajvery flattering to the president, mana gers, and friend* of the tame. We have every confidence in the concern, and there is no reason why not every building within iubounlt should be insured in it—(br the last sixteen years of its history prove that it it the safest and cheapest fire intur ince company for our people Farmers thould eontult Shortlidge A Co., before telling their grain to other part as It. A letter from D. 11. Harter, of Wayne county. Ohio, dated 11th inat., gives an account of a rainstorm, that occur red ia that section, which proved vwry destructive to tree*. H* any*: It com menced to rain on the 7th intt., and con tinued for 24 hours. The rain frcs* as it fall, thus forming heaps of ica upon the trees, and breaking thaw down. Tb* ap ple tree* suffered greatly ; while the poach trees, which ware very plenty, scarcely one remains standing in tha county. Heavy timber suffered equal destruction. The forests which are computed mostly oi oak, hiekoYy, maple, chestnut, etc., are perfectly belt*red down Part of the country is impassable on account of the fallen timber. The falling and crashing ot trees resembled the distant cannonading in time of battle. Co', Neff, of Centre county, Penn sylvania, hubMaoiiftw days visit to lb* patent back-action, double-soled, anti fric-tioe boot and shoe man, Spangler, of tbia city. Tha Colonel is one of the lead* it>a citixena of the eld "Keystone" He thinks Illinois a big thing, and our city a sort of a hub to the world.— Joiitt, HL, R*~ jwUisss. The fcdiotie Tom Morton, well known here, wN was arrested for setting fire to several filling* in Sunbury recently, has been diseased, it having been demon strated that he was in a barber shop about tha time the fire commenced and that he could not be held accountable because of his palpable lunacy. ATTESTIOM, JUSTICES!—The Attorney General of the commonwealth, Hon. Sam uel S. Dimmtck, has decided that all Jus tices of the Peace in commission at tha time of the adaption of the new Constitu tion, must, within thirty dsyt alter its m . oar before the Register and Recorder and bs sworn or affirmed to sup port that instrument. As the Governor's proclsmalion, announcing tha adoption of lb e new fundamental law of the State, was datad the 7th day of January, it is pretty plain that tha re-qualliicatioa must occur bafere the 7th day of February next. Shertlidge A Co., pay the higbeet marks*! prices for grain in Cash. lL CBXTSB COVSTT ATLAS.—Subscri bers to the Atlas of Centre county, pub tubed by A. Pomeroy A Co., ere notified that the work b ready for delivery. Sub scribers will please kave their money ready for tha AgenL JAMBA LAXAUAM. Agent for A. Pomeroy A Co. GERMAN EXHIBITIOX.—The Mill beim, Aaronsburg. and Peanscreek Gor uian-evening schools, will give e public entertainment, under the supervbion of their able and efficient teacher, Robert Miller, in the town haU at Millheiai, on . 'urdey evening, January* 31st, 1874. xercbet will consut of addresses, as *" * -si, and instrumental music. (Vr _. 1 remember ofs similar enter n, three years ago to a large audience 'ad nr classed. The foil© ,D * the programme, which will be interspe"sad with music: SALUTATOET A PEAT LOM-Peansylvsaia ill dtuUcbir Muturtwit Mr. L O. Dininfcr. ( B vTie*—Die Aufgab# und der Nutsea der deutachen Sprach# in den \ er. SutUi —Mr. Robert Miller. DXCLAMATIOW— LendIeben Miss Jenny Wolf. • —Pennsylvanbcb DetiUeh Mr. W. Hartmsn. " —HochdeuUeb— Mr. David is s Klmirs Stover. •• —Das durume Hsnschen— Mr. Robert Harter. SELECT KBADIXO—Mr. Henry Lose. I>*CL.M*TIOK— " —Lilien und Rosen—Mist Mary Kreamer. ] m —Der Prediger--Mr. J /• M iaa i litixu H-TtMLUmr. S.L.CT RV—.. T < A VTIOX— I)er Htrr im Deioh | Dltl "\7 —Mr PW. Weight. _ElrnlU>-*SM*ggU , •• —Langacblafer—Mf, Wil* liam Harlman. • Rosen und Vergissmein jiieht—Miss Xmmi Wolf. BELECTBEAMEO —alls* Joanna Doining •> Mis* Sarah Deininger DXCLAMATIOS— Die LIEUCHAFT D BB gehtxu nicks —Mr. Jacob SUin. •• —Gescbwisterliebo—M i s • Anna Stover, Di:LAitATie*—Die nana Sort Dackentel leit— Mr. Jordan Deshler. " —DM anna Waisenkiudlein —Mia# Emma Doablar. fcmxcr BE tpixo—Mr. And. Riahel. 7. •> —Mia* Kroraa Keaaer. ORATIO* —Die W'uarda de. Manwban- Mr. Wtfttam ?• Smith. " —Hund una Wittman. • „ _ SELECT RIAWIO-Mi§ Maggie Ale.*, dar. •• " —Mr. John Page. DRCLAMATIO* —Die nachtliche Haeracbau Mr. E. Smith. . —Die Schwalben —Miss 8. Sum bach. " —Hund und Katze—Mr. Solomon Weiaer. •• —j) er Schreinergeselle—Mr John Hartmau. .E.LY, B""RS£2F A"SSSS: ,D .a.- 0cUcl •• —Bush und Stadtl—Mr. William F. Smith. V —Pihwie—Mr. Harry Mus ser. u Brief eines grumen Schwa wen nacb DeuUchlaxnl— iff. John C. Bible. SELECT KEAOIKO—Mr, Jonatb. Harter. do -Mr. F. Zerby. do —Mr. Lindenian Wen gart. DECLAMATION-DOT Beltnickel-Mr. J. Cando. VALEDICTOET-Mr. B. O. Deininger. Cash for grain and coal for cash, it the motto of Shortlidge A Co. It. Jonathan Speicber. of Walker twp. Juniata county, recently Tell dead from a chair in which he was sitting. He waa fifty yesfi old. —According to a prearranged plan, ho Manor and KarlystownSundiy tchoolt, met in the tchool house at tha latter place, on Sunday l*t, and held a Union Concert under the immediate supervision of Rev. Crittenden, aseieted by tha Superintend , dent* of the above schools. The order of i etcrcitet, "consisted in repeating from 1 memory, the name* ef the book* cowprit ing the Old and Sew Testament, nleo an alphabetical list of title*, a* applied te I Christ. The concert wat, Jutl what all union concert* are a decided tueoets, and reflect* much credit upea all cancarned. Let ue have more of them. —Farmer* do arell by storing their grain ia the Thomas war* houto, and Ink ing their receipt* to Shortlidge A Co. U. —The following named pupil* have been in attendance at tcbool every day, far the put month, whteh ended January 19th: A. G. Dubbt, C. F. Spiehar, J. M Spiaher, W. J. Wsgnar, MolUe Boat. Bai lie BettUyon, Oily Rettlyon, Sidney Spieh er, Agnes Snyder, Mary Rhone, and Mary Wagner. The percentage of atlendenc* tor the month wat 41. Who it the Folter twp. teacher that can shew a batter report? Let ut hear from him. K. S. Gap Via, Teacher. —-The weather a a* wry changeable the last eight or tan days; Ifitb and 17 vary cold ; 18lh fin* ; 19th rain ; 2Cih Ina; 21st tlaatand rain. , ——Mr. John Camp, of Miltroy, adver titaa hi* furniture rttablithment in anuth er column. We can reoouiaud his work a firtt class, and his price* fair. ——The first female aetaol director < elected under the new Constitution ia Mr*, i Fredrick Fairlatub, of Madia, who was recently elected t* fill tha position of a re- ' trad diractor. < ——S. W. Walkrr, of this place, who 1 served in tha late war, and wat severely wounded teveral time*, hat in hit pottst i i tionaminnie ball which be carried inL hit hip teven years, and which wat extract- j ed about two year* ago by Dr. Potter. A meet lingular incident occurred Ii j the M. E. church, at Sprucetown, an i Tuesday eve, Jan. 13th, William, tun ef ' Robt. McCorm'ck, of aar Pattai's 'Mills* ' while at tending church at the above pi|c, i wat quietly sealed ameng the congraga- 1 tion, when he rested his head upon the j tide of tha teat, at if tleepiing, no one no- L ticiog anything strange in hi* position, he < was not disturbed. After the uongrega- 1 lien was dtetniaeed, b* still retained the j above described fo.ilion. Tb* attention i of his brother Franklin, was attracted by 1 ! tome persons who were trying to awaken J | him, but found it impomibl*. A pbysicina j who wat present wat summoned, but of no avail. Ue teemed entirely unconscious. 1 He was then removed to a neighboring * hou.-e, and from thence be was conveyed <. bom* by bit brothers, and hs* ever sine# o bean confined to his bed, and has not ut- f tared a word. The case is a strange one to; j Physician*. The Repablicans of the Nlnataaoth ward, Philadelphia, have nominated MIA George W. Woelpper and Mrs. Harriet W. Paist tor school directoreasea. I'nder the new Constitution they are eligible. Traverse Jurors—lst week Janua ry Term 1874. Beilefente Boro.—John P Harris, John Wsgaer, John Irvia jr., Win. S. Tripple, A. > Valentine, and Geo. W. Jackson. Milesburg Boro.—E C Csrr, Wm H Karlin. Philipsburg Boro—John Bradin, John] S Gray. Benner two—John Lutx, Joa M Wilson. Bogga— John Resides, Jsmee Llngle. Curun—John M Deilev. Ferguson—Peter Lauck, Jsijiss Dunisp,' Jos B Ard, Wells Gerdner, Henry Krebt,' H Y Meek. Gregg—Luther litshel, Wm Heck man. | Half Moon-Wm L Wilson. Hsrria—Evsn Williams, Geo Kerlin,. Adam Stover- Hainan— Geo B Stover. Henry Reinhart, H H Weaver, J C M°uc, WmCWarntx. Emanuel Musser. Howard—Rub *n PluUher, Miwbss* Pletcher. Husten—Wm Turner. Liberty—Wilson Clerk, H A Snyder, David Kobb. Milan—George Weaver. Penn—John BrachL Potter—John Bishcl, John Booser. Spring-George Valentine, Jeremiah Eckenrotb. Union—Jacob Taylar. Walker— Jamee Huston. Worth —Samuel Stevens. List of Juror* 2d Week January Term. Bellefonte Boro—John W Moore, John Moran. Edward Graham, Edward Brows.' Milesburg Boro—Wm Hoggs. Union villa Boro—John H Shipley. Boggs twp—P W Barn hart, James Id ding*. Burnside—Fred Carson. Furguson-Bigler Meek. Ssmusl Mus ser, Poter Kech'ine, Wm K Burcbfield. Haines—Samuel M Mots, Howard—Hiram Lucus, Samuel Kline, Jonathan Scbneck. Half Moon—Samuel Martia. Huston—Scott Williams. Liberty— Michael Schdeck, Joa B Hall. Marion—lra C Johnston. Miles—Abs Harter. Jeremiah Haines. Potter—Jamee Runkle, David Guise, J G Carson. Penn—E C Campbell. Snow Shoe— R if Roach, Calvin Rank in. Spring—Charles Eckenrotb. Taylar—Wm Merryman, Geo Merry man- Walker—Soloman Peck, Daved Dun k]e. Worth—Henry W Hoever. ListofGrmad Juror* for January Term. Bellefonte Bono—ll H Roth rock, David Bsrtley. Fred Smith. Milesburg Boro—David Furay. Boggs twp—Henry Human. Gregg—David Bunkle, John Cold-en. Harris—Joseph Baker. Parry Kreamer, later Woomer, Geo Watson. Howard—Wm H Neff. R C Leathers Huston—J no J Thompson. Jno Q Milne. Miles—John Wolf, John B Shaffer. Potter—John W Conlev. Penn—J F Reifsnyder. Snow Shoe—Samuel Y Lucas, Wm As- k x v. Spring—Jova oil. Jss R Alexander* Joseph Rots. Trial List—let week, Jan. Term. c its &piilh use of Ac vt R K Nelson 1 Isaac Haupt r Clearland A Flaming ti Henry Snyder us#of v Alex Knoll f, A T Moorhead vs E A 0 Hastings v Commonwealth Pa rs H B roc kerb on W L Wilson rs Henry Stephens n J A O Frazier vs Hale A Co John Hoy rs Williams A Cos Etuier A Foust rs Kdw'd A Oreen A co First Nat bank of Huntingdon rs Edw A Oreen A Co Firet Nat Bank of Huntingdon ri Joe t Oreen A Goo Eby t Jat P Coburo rs lieo Vonada at al John Duke rs Jas P Smith Mary Ackers Adams rs Robert Cooke i Geo Durst rs J B Solt etal t Mark G Williams rs Penn'a B R Co John D Gardner rs D J Richards Lloyd Caldwell A co ve J V Thomas A Co Jos Alexander vs Pann'a R R Co Amelia i&yer rs John W Sboll TyUJ Jjiat—2nd Week. Josiab Buhl rs B H Downing rt al Jos Wilkinson nJW Scott ef al 2"man Winters rs same John W rr#n eme James Fox rs Sn3*e Cyrus Michaels vs *£Wie James Sutherland rs same C H Huston rs same J A Winters vi same G O Winters rs same Andrew Gardner vs same J T Woods vs same Lewis'Dunkle rs same John Frost vs same Miliiken, Hoover A Co use of vs Jes Underwoods adm'rs Fillmore Neveling vs J W Scott et 1 John M Last vs same John Sheridan vs tame James M'Henny vs Wm Young et al Martin Houter vs Penn'a RR eo Jonathan Kraamer trustee Co rs Ira Ayres ' Cvrus Wasson et al rs J C Decfcgf et al Wm M Lyon et al rs Henry Youngling Filghman heirs rs B F Shaffer Agnew Moore rs Samuel Homan E Morris rs Penn'a RR Co Geo W Jackson rs same Wm Young etal rs Clin#Quig|#y E P Jones rs Penn'a RR co John Kline rs same Norwood coal A Lumber 60 ft JftO #l* H# a A Co • P McCufferyvs David Harly Keller Suurt A co vs Jno I ThomptOfc E Elliot vs Win L Muster Philip Pa RR coa i, —Report of the Early stow n School for i, the month ending January lfith. Ne. of I, Pupils enrolled 36 Average SI. Total t- per cent during month, Hfi. The following t pupils were praeent every day during month as follow*; Ida M , Minnie, >f Manaie, Kuperah, and Maggie Stover, n Minnie and Boeaie Khineamith, Annie and e Sallie Shirk, Fannie Ileal and Katie Weld n, William Slever and Andiow e Durst. Five of the above named girls II have not missed n day since school open i ed K. B HOSTKKM AN Teacher. r ——- Messrs. Van Pelt A Shoop, of the Centre Hall Foundry and Machine thopt, are now under hill headway and prepared to fill all order* in their line ef butinees. ' They call especial attention to the Triple '.Geared Rorse power, KxoeUior Plow, Ac., ' mentioned ia thoir advertisement These gentleman are worthy the patronage af our peapla. f —Our Loop correspondent tendt the following RatviTiits. Winter hat come at last , ......Farmers are buty hauling grain to market......The Co. Supt. ha* completed hit round in this twp , and anxious ped agogue* feel relieved ia consequence * Sotue people don't like "brevitrea" Well, if they do not like bim, they can de the ' ether thing dielike hint Directors theuld not neglect to viell the school* an - der their charge, and to offbr a few werdt of encouragement and advice, to teachers ' and pupil* .....It it nene ef our bueinett (nor any one else * for that metier, 1 who > escorts his gal home from a party, by the tweet silver light of a pine-knot, though i we mutt confots, thai we think it rather rough on the knot We feer the case jutl cited, will eventually end in premeditated t matrimenv.—Whet next? —We congratulate ear farmer* of | Peantvallev en what teem* to be a revolu tion iu the Bellefenu grain market Dur j tag the early pert of this >eaaon e* well as in year* past, the prion paid far grain in j Ball a fonts was sa low, that many former* i nought a market elsewhere ; notwithstand ing Bellefonte was the moet desirable place for them to tail their grain, if prices ' corresponded with other locaiitiee. It ie •aid that this law priced arrangtnent was maintained by n combination of capi tal and buyers, until within the past four weeks, when Meaers. Sborllidg* A Co., coal dealers of Bellefonte, entered the laid as buyers and as competitor* , imme diately after which the low price* were forced to give way to the new order af 1 things, ana an advance of fifteen to twenty cants per bushel on wheat was promulga ted, without fpy corresponding advance in Philadelphia, the prise* of whiuh ragu lata the prices in the interior af the Stale I when we have grain to ship to the sea , board. When the farmer* of the county learned the above facts, many of them 1 called on Skertlidge A Co., to congratu lata them on tha new order of thing*. while those whp were ready to sail commenced delivering grain to tha Thomas warn-house Shartlidge's place of storing. This new order of thing* soon smashed *A oM low i pritt teketiul* and grain new finds n ready , markql in Bellefenu, end sells for cash en , 'delivery at the highest rale* I Farmers thould protect their own inter- I **•.* by dividing their trad* among thoeo < who mad* the competition, for as toon ss the -.-e{pptitien shall be allowed U lsngu lor the old schedule grill come ioto play 1 [again By tolling a portion of your grain at least to ShortliJge A Co., bias fair to < : keep up the con petition among the buyer*. ;At all events, you yourftalhraciU coal of them a* long as they continue to 1 tell as low as any body else, in (bet they i thould have the preference in thie branch r of trade, from our farmer* and merchants, who are as much interested a* the farmers l era ia keeping up a lively grain market, f It 1 LKTTFRPROM ILLINOIS. OaAxaavrua, 111., Jan. 12th, 1874. Mi KDITOE :—As 1 see soma remarks .in the Reporter nearly every weak from 'tome of your Centre county hunters, and as the hunting season is now about over, I thought it would perhaps interest some ef them to have a repert .from seme of their Illinois friends who used to hunt in com pany with some of them. We do not have our hunting grounds as convenient as wa bad before we left old Centre ceunty, but Jeer are mote plenty. About the 3Xh of November last, your correspondent in Company with George and James Musser, and Martio Dreibelbis, (the latter from near Monroe Wis.,) started for Clark oounty. Wis, about 240 miles northwest from here by railroad, and 110 miles south east from St. Paul, Win, with previsions en ough to spend a few weeks in the pine forests of north western Wisconsin, be tween the Black and Chippewa rivers. We arrived st the hotel of Wm. Hawk, Sergeant on tke 'evening 'of our second day's travel, (it being the point we started for), which is the head quarters of hunters and lumbermen in thet section. The first thing which attracted eur attention was seven very fine dev hanging on a pole be fore the houte, which were brought down j by the unerring aim of eur fHend Hawk. I do not think it nectsary to describe to your Pennsvalley hunters how the sight of those deer raised eur hunting spirit; but we almost fait inclined to strike out immediately and take a short hunt, but i were persuaded by Hawk, to deebt, wko promised to Airniah us with s good supper of venison, in which he did not diaeppoint us either, for hit lady knows just kow to gel up s good meal; and I presume she thought we knew bow to do it justice by the wayfthings disappeared from that table. Our obligiag host also tarnished us with aa excellent cabin which wa might occu py as long aa we wished to remain, and in every possible manner assisted us to make us feel comfortable and at home. Wa found deer plenty and the snow nearly two feet deep in tha swamps, but not qu its so deep on tha ridges. We were gone two weeks ; killed ten deer and wounded five more that we did not on account of| not having a dog with us. Mr. D. Graves, from Esu Clare, Wis., killed sixty three deer sad five bears this fall. He also in formed me that over two thousand deer were there within a radius of twanty-five miles, within three month's time, the most of which were shipped to Chicago. In cleeiqg, Mr. Editor, 1 wish to axtend, through your columns, a cordial invita tion to any of your hunters, if any should feel inclined to have a good time next fall, to accompany us in trip to the wilds of northvfrattarp Wisconsin. HVXTEK. Loor, Jan.. 14th, 1874. BOM. F. KCETX:— Tha State Supeiin > tendent of common schools, wisely end truly said, in a speech in Lancaster city, some time ago, that out of 17,000 teachers in the State of Pann's, only 2,000 are fit to teach, and from tha writings under the heed of "Loop Brevities," clearly proves i to a demonstration that that scribbler is one of the former class. Hb absurb and ludicrous language in reference to the Loop girls proves clearly that he b a blockhead of the baser sort, and a vilifier and not worthy the respect and confidence of gn enlightened community. The girls of the Loop haye concluded to purchase a pound of fill up the soft places in hb cranium if they are so fortunate as to find him in thb neighborhood. Qo say* in on ol his articles, "I here ban uk fa $p 20th time who i the writer of Loop bflHfftlps ?" answer, he says, "Ben Butler". fte baa truly nod faithfully answered this question ; for the world knows i*U Jbere is no greater liar in the United States than Ben Butler, and if he { not more caytipijs In fh* future his last end will b# like bis- If the writer of "Loop Brevities" is se anxious to write for the press, he ought to write about the girls of his own neighbor hood, end net vilify the character of good, honest, end upright girls, of whom he knows nothing. A friend of the fair sex. New York, January l#.-*x-Benator Graham, defaulting president of the Wall kill national bank, was sentenced to-day to ten years imprisonment In the Albany penitentiary. London, January 19—6 A. M.— The Minnichha, from Callao for puhlin, has .been lost off the Spilhr Islapds. Ten ef. >her crew were drowned. A FIRST CLASS SCANDAL Fred. Grant and Brother-inlaw Cany Booking liovenge. [riper ial to Pittsburg 1-eadar] Washington, 1), C, Jan. 12.- Tbit morning 1 wo surprised, u u doubtless many readers of Pialt'a Capital, to rod tba following card at tba hand of tho edi torial cotuiani t "At it ia not cuitemary in civilised com munition to coll ono to a poraonal account in tba proaonco of bin fbinily, and an there aro painful and imperative reasons why wo abould object to auob a eourta, wo with to aay that wo aro regular la attendance, during buainoaa houra at our oßlce. Wo aro lb ore every day, prepared to toe any ono diapoaod to call on ua; and hereafter whenever an aggrieved perten attempt* to call ua to acoount in our van houee aucb peraona will be met by the police. There are no police, however, about our place of buainoaa, and weaaaure all aucb an en trance will be unobatructed, whatever the es it may be." Thiakiag thereby there might hang a tale, I took tba paina to call upon Coloao) Piatt at hia reel deuce, to learn lha mean ing of the card. Krotu that vlait I laarned a ftill explanation of lha card. Den Piatt publiahao the only Independ ent paper here, tbet la in any way iudapent eat. Ilia criliciaiaa of people are in gen eial very aharp, and it ia a wender he haa Uua far eacaped with a whole akuli. Upon the occaeion of tha death of Mra. Grant a father, Oolonol Piatt took occaeion to compliment her very highly upon her devotion to her father, and her loving care for him in hia laal day* Last Sunday a Capital contained an ar ticle criuaiaing the President's wife very severely for taking part in the New Year*a recepuen, a aha anly received during the praaance of tha cabinet officers and than retired. PutU allgmalixed thia diarepect of bar father'i memory by epenly wing liag ia n public reception only n week af ter hia death, aa indecent. 11# aaid that twoyaartago no Naw Year a reception waa held out of reaped fer the death of Mra. Belknap. If preper reaped waa akown upon the death of the wife of a cabinet official, bow much more proper waa tuna auch token of ret pec t when the deceased waa tha near relative of the Presidents own family. Tha article waa quit* aharp, but in no way could anything bo found in it that could ha regarded aa ae attack upon Mra. Grant's character. Upon the following Monday night two ■ton arrjied with pluba and evidently un der tho influence of liquor, called at Pi; atl't bouaeand rang the balL A colored boy earn# to the door. The eel lera naked if Colonel Piatt waa in. Tbs boy retired t# ***, and told Ban ning, member of Ohio and brother-in-law of Piatt's, that there were two men in the hall asking ter Piatt who refuted to give their names. "But, 1 ' said tha boy, "one of them ie Fred Grant; 1 know bim," Banning went out and asked the calleri what they wanted. They replied, in gruff lone*, with a firm er grip upon their piuba, Col. Piatt. Banning said be was net in, when the men turned to go. Banning asked ibem if they wished to leave any name. They refused, saying they would call again, then going out It was afterward found out that Colonel Caioy—the custom house Casey of Now Orleans -was Fred.' Grant's companion. They had com* with tha intention of beating piajt, and as (b Colonel was uaamod they might have murdered bim witneut bis being able to make any resistance, lit* wife, vftio is* greet invalid, was nearly frightened out of her sense* by the call. Piatt mad* complaint to tb* chitf-*f police in aeoordaap* with the wrmsoftb* card above, and last night be received the followingcommunicatioa from the super- Undent . COL. DO** PISTT:— My D**r Sir.— Tb* young man wbo was the subject of conversation between us last night has reconsidered his proposed action, and will reprat* tb* emotional attack* unuer which ho was laboring yosurday. Very reopectftilly, A. C. Rtuuaana, Mayer and Superintendent. The affair has been kept vary quiet, and has not been published However, it was a matter ef talk at the hotels to-day, and is therefore bound to come out. Banning will introduce a resolution in the House to-day asking if the President is entitled to two hired assassins? how many should a Senator or representative have. He will also ask what Fred. (Irani and Casey are doing in this city away from (their poets of duty. The scsndal will be a big one. THESTRIKEON THE NEW JKR.SKY CENTRA L. Whitings, N. J., January 13.-The en* gineers o( the New Jersey Southern rail*' road, by preconcerted arraingement ami at the instigalian of all the other employ ees of the company, last night, after tak ing their several trains to their destination, ran tboir engines to the headquarters of the motive power ef the road at Manches ter and there disconnected them, which ac tion has completely closed up the business of the road and of all other roads depen ding upon them for connections. The cauve of the strike is the failure of the com pany to pay the men the wages which they owe them. The track has been torn up in sevetal places to prevent trains of other roads from running on the New Jersey Southern company's track. THE SITUATION AT MADRID. Madrid, January 13.—The intransigent# insurrection coelinue* at Barcelona, and there has been considerable fighting in the suburbs. The governer of Madrid has ar rested all the officers of the Saladero pris on because of the escape from that iastitu tioa ef an assassin whe was to have bean executed te-day. The captain general has issued an order to the republican volunteers of Madrid di recting them to surrender their arms to day. All who disobey will bo tried by court martial. The authorities will search the city for concealed arms la-morrow. Mode of Electing the President The senate committee on privileges and elections yqpterday met and con sidered Senator Morton's proposed constitutional amendment to provide a better mode of electing the Presi-, dent, without reaching a formal coo cioaion. The following propositions were considered : jt First. To abolish the electoral col & Second. The President and vice! president to be voted for directly bj the people. Third. Each slate to be divided into aa many districts as it has repres entatives, and the caudidate having the highest vote for President in a distrct, to receive the vote of that district, which shall count one presi dential vote; each stale to be also en • titled to two presidential votes at large which shall be counted for the candidate having the highest number of votes in the whole state. Fourth. The person having the highest ntiiqbcr of si)ch presidential votes in the United States shall be President. [This will allow a Presi dent to be elected by a plurality vote.l Fifth. These provisions to be applicable to the election of vice president. Sixth. Congress shaU haye ROjrpr to provide tor holding an J conduct ing presidential elections and to establish tribunals for decisions ofj contested elections in diptripts or states and make regulations fQ govern these tribunals. NKCKMBAKY LKOIBLATION. A ut>-com mi u* of Ar, f whicli (Ja rral White w chairman, had confided to it the subject of what naw law* ara neeei •wry This committee reported that after ia a careful a lamination of Ilia naw Oonatitu u lion it rn|uiro but a casual mailing to Bndj d that there ia a peremptory direction and I- imuiailiata necessity for legislation upon tha fallowing subjects: I Prescribing tha uumber, duuaa and il compensation of tba members of tba lcn>aa of .government, and tha manner of securing , t and keeping auch reaerve. Thare ara other aubjecta, the couimiitoa i'stale in their report, which abould be pro vided for during tbepreaant session of the 1 Legislature, if at all praclicaple. With out auch propar general proviaioua ralaliag to them, acme conluaion and annoyance may aoeult to the buaiuaaa intaraata of tha people of tha State, among which subjacta, tha cotumiUeasay, ara tha following: I.— Regulating tha cbangea of vonua in , civil and criminal caaea 2 —For tha granting of divercee in caaea not already providad for. | B.—Addition# and modifications of tba I lawa far tha regulation of tha affaire of counties, citiaa, township#, wards, bor oughs and school districts. 4.—For tha incorporation of farriaa, brjdgaa and auch other corporations aa ara not already providad for. 6.—For the location and changing of county seats. G.—For the organisation and ragulalion of banks and banking. 7.—Declaring what offices ara incompa tible. d.—Defiling particularly tba duties of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. V.- - Praecribing tha manner of iatuing the writ of yu . tmrrantxi against officers, judicial and otherwise, whose jurisdiction doe# not extend over the whole Stale. 10.-- Regulning the Urn* of, ami the m*nuer of, election* for ctljr. borough aoti tovutbip officer*. THE PROPOSED PUBLICATION OF THE REBEL ARCHIVES. It haa been suggested that tha en> tire rebel archives, including thoae captured and purchased, be printed for the general uee of the public. Everj member of coogrea* has taken steps to that end, and it is likely that the matter will lie brought before con gress. It iaaaiJ that with these archives are letter* from many men now stand ing high in both the republican and democratic parties | Boeton, January ll.—The Are in Natick ie now under control. Nearly the whele , buei n eta portion of the village ta destroy - ed. Only three elorea were aaved. The leee la estimated at Ave hundred thousand dollere. Charles T Hberman, an engineer of the Are department, waa killed by a fall ing wall. UKLLRroNTKM ARRETS. White (Vheat fl 60. Bed )t& .. Rye Com 60 ...,Oau Hi Barley HO *® Cloreraeed 4,60 Potatoes 60 t-ard per pound 8 Pork per pound Ui ?, U "V * Plaster pertor 115 Tallow Bacon 10 Ham 16 Uard per pound 8 cents Buck wheal T? Flour par barrel reUilK6o... wholeealo 7,26 to 7,60 MILROY MARKETS Corrected by John M'Duwel. Grain Merchant. White wheat 1,60. ..Bed wheat 1 46....Ryr Corn 60 Oata 36 Barley 80...... Cloveraeed4,oo Timolhyaeod, Mfl .... *alt 2125 per sack,.. " co V 7c H * ro U Butter 27.!. Eggs 30 Plaater V 60 Chestnut Cool per Toa *5.75 Stovo T?" - KfM.Oo. 1 per To. v° 50 Liuiebumer'a Goal par Ton *3.61 4N N U A L BTATKM K .IT. r*of"Tlis Farmer's Muluel Fir* ID •urance Company of Ceatre county," CMTM HALL. Jan. 13th, 1871 In compliance with the provisions of their enactor, Ihe Dime tor* proton! th* sixteenth annual *lOlOlllOlll of tho iraaooc- Uon* of the Cowpaay : ASSETS. Bills receivable, be iu* premium note* duo and payable by member* for intur anee the pact year s2tf2S9 41 Oa which there ha* been paid 606 T* Leaving due on pre mium note* uken the pest vear $285:8 87 To this add aate**- ment No. 7, for payment of losses and eaah in tb* Treatury 4886 07 Making the total available assoU* of the* Company the j $32968 74 lExruau. Compensation to di rectors..... $l2B 60 , Salary of Secretary 150 00 ; Salary ofTraaaurer 50 00 Printing, efßeereat postage. and sta tionary _ K lection Board 6 00 Protect fee* and in* tereat. .. 174 54 I Cook and K reamer on merchandise. . 1681 81 J W Stemin on ac -1 count 800 00 1 Lulh B Stover on j house ........ g|o Adam Krumrine oa Heap** 74 00 ; Dan 1 Durst on ; barn 800 00 Pean.valley bank ing company ... 60000 $8,769 07 Total accruing as tetU and fUnd* of the company the peat "year, after deducting ex peoees ... aog 109 77 To which add ' ' fund* reported of prev tout year* 107,89294 Minu* note* ex pired and can- v 5, . T00 "2 76,688 22 Making the total available aaeetu of the company this day..™,...,, $104,882 98 Rick* and incur ance* taken the peat year _ 862,964 86 Same heretofore reported for pre vious year* 8,880.76660 Grand total of riaka and .insur ance since or ganisation $4,288,710 86 From which do duct policies ex pired and can tW 51,778,909,82 Leaving $2,469.80068 Liabilities far losses. Ponns Valley Bank ing Company....... 60000 Daniel Durst on hern 600 00 Adam Krumrine on reaper ..... 68 00 J W Stem 220 84 Total Liability $1478 84 Outstanding taxes due the company 92,276 97 GEO BUCHANAN, Treat. Attest: D. F. Lew, Sec y, At an election held the'same day, the fellowiag members were elected Directors for the ensuing year Geo. Buchanan, Joshua Potter Henry Keller, Jamee W Campbell,'John W. Krumrine. Amos Al exaader, J. G. Meyer, John Wolf, Sam'l Gramley, John H. Keller and David Gil liland. Whereupon|lhe new boerd organised and appointed the follewingofflcers: President—Geo. Buchanan. ' Vica President—Joshua Potter. Treasurer—nenry Winner, i Secretary—p. F. Lute. jsn22.3t. FURNITURE^ J. CAMP dk MOIV, MILROY, PA. We beg leave to inform persons going to house keeping, and ethers in need of Furniture, that wa hava a large assort ment of Kurnitura!on band which we are prepared to sell cheaper than it can be bought elsewhere. Come and be convinc ed. BEADSTEADS, TABLES, SINKS, BUREAUS, WASHSTANDB, CHAM BKR SUITS, WOOD SEAT CHAIRS. CANE SEAT CHAIRS. AC. Jaa22 3m. CENTRE HALL FOUNDRY & MACHINE SHOPS Ths undersigned having taken posses sion of ths abovs establishmant, respect fully inform tho public that tho same will bs carried on by ihtm in all its branches as heretofore* They manufacture the CELEBRATED TRUE BLUE CORN PLANTER, the beat now made. HORSE POWERS, THISIIING MA CHINKS A SHAKERS. PLOWS. STOVES. OVEN DOORS. KETTLE PLATES, CELLAR GRATES. PLOW SHEARS A MILL GEARING of eve- ry description, in short their Foundry is complete in every particular. We would call particular attention to our EXCELSIOR PLOW, acknowl edged to be the best Plow now in use, shifting in tbe beam for two or throe hor ses. We also manufacture a new and improv ed TRIPPLK GEARED HORSE POW ER, which baa been used extensively in tho northern and western States, and has taken precedence over all others. We are prepared to do *ll KINDS OF CASTING from tbe largest to fhe small est, and nave facilities for doimr U kinds 2f IRON WORK such as PLAINING, TI'RNING, BORING, Ac. All kinds of repairing done on short no tice. VAN PPLT A SHOOP, Ijau32-lj. Centre Hall. FATAL ACCIDENT IN SPAIN Madrid, January IS.—The vailaray via duct at Toquella fall yeaterday, and thirty three workmen were killed. MRRIAGES. On Dec. 26th by Rev. J. W Lochia, Mr. John A llenneigh to Mlva NenijJls, Lytlo. b itksßFwwrtwp ■ ■* rr - —■ .. ffer inducements to cash on (hurt credit buyers. nov 27. Bm. HOI SK A LOT FUR BALK.-A two story dwelling house and good lot, in one of tfie most desirable |> rtiona of Aaronsburg, is offered at private aale. With it are all necessary outbuildings such as kitchen, woodshed, smokehouse, a shop •table, cistern, Ac. Choice fruit of all kinds MRS. JOANNA KURTZ, oct2B tf Aaronaburg. Keystone Store. FOR FARMERS AND ALL oTUERS Go to H. YEARICK & SON. FOR FOREIGN A DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. NOTIONS. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS A SHOES. CLOTH I NO, OIL CLOTHS. Of* KENS WAKE. GROCERIES PRO VISIONS. FLOUR, Ac. No. 6 Bush's Arcade. Bellefonte, Pa Ail kind* of country produce tak en. Beat Bargain* in town to be bad. nov2otf Stoves! Fire! Stov's! At Andy Reesman's, Centre Hall, are laloel end b*rt itorw out, he bai just received ■ Urge lot of Cook Btovee, the Pioneer Cook, the Eel ipee Cook, the Reliance Cook. PARLORS—The Radiant Light, *elf-fee der, Ga* Burner, National Egg, Jewell, Ac. a*.lie ell store* a* LOW a* anywhere in Mifflin or Centre co. TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE The undersigned hereby informs the eiliaens of Pt-nnaralley that ne has pur chased the Tinhop heretofore carried on by the C. H. Mfjt Co., and will continue the same, at the old stand, in all its branch es, in the manufacture of NTOVF PIPE A hPOITIXti. Ail kinds of repairing done. Ha hat aiwaysonhand Fruit Cams, of all Sixes, BUCKETS. CUPS, DIPPERS, DISHES. AC. All work warranted and charges reason able. A share of the public patronage so licited. AND. RKKSMAN. 2ep7ov Centre Hall THE PEOPLE S DRUG STORE. Next door to Wilson A Hicks' Hard ware store, Allegheny St., BELLEFONTR, PA., R. F. Rankin & Co., (Successors to Linn A Wilson.) DKALK 8 IN PURE DRLHJ6 AXD MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS. DYE STUFFS, VARNISHES, BRUSH RS, FKRFUMKKY, NOTIONS, AND FANCY ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET, Ac. for medicinal purposes. BHOULDER BRACES, TRUSSES A SUPPORTERS in great variety! Also, Choice CIGARS AND TOBACCO, and all other articles usually hept in first class Drug Store. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFU T COMPOUNDED. tf.ljune R.F.RANKIN A CO. WANTED. -Wc will give energetic men and women BUSINESS THAT WILL PAY from $4 to $8 per dav, can be pursued in Jour own neighborhood, and is strictly onnrable. Particulars Froe. or samples worth sevoral dollars that will enable you logo to work at onca, will be sent on re ceipt of fiftv cents. Address J. LATHAM A CO., SJantit. 292 Washington St., Boston Mass BPUR6BD N.B T. I)e Witt Talmage is editor o Tha Christian at Work ; C H Spur-H geon, Special Contributor. IbeyH write for no other paper in America.® Three magnificent Cbromos. PayH larger commission than any other® paper. OHROMOS ALL' RKA-® I>Y- Ne Sectarianism. No Bwl kjoiiulism. Ono agent recently b-S llained 380 subscriptions in eighty® [hours absolute work. Sample copies® land circulars sent free. kg f A(IE NT S Wanted ■ 11. W. ADAMS Publisher 102® I Chambers Street, New York. SMITH SHOP FOR RENT. Ona of tha hast Blacksmith Standi' ti tho counlry li off. red for rant by h# ! undersigned. The shop U loented in Mad uonlmrg, ha two fir**, and If desired. tha Tool* ran alao ba laaaad with tha shop. K?ry tiling ia in the brat order for tha business, and tha aland ia always foil of work. Possession caa be bad at any time Apply to WILLIAM NOLL. Thla sited ia alao offered for sale, with dwailing hWiaa and lat. flno*. fn. T Madiaonbarg, Pa. Mifer & Son, HALL, PA. DEALXRS IN PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, \ CHEMICALS. OILS, DTI STUFFS, ! , J'KKFiIWICRY. NOTIONS, 1 FANCY AKTICLKS FOR THE TOILET, ' Stc. t Ac., 4kc. VIBE WINE AMD LIQIOII, for >adkinai purpoaaa. Trusses A Hupportara in graat variety. t Alao, eboiaa CIGARS AND TOBACCO, < and all olbar article* uaually kapt in a 1 first class Drug Sure Prescription* careful!* Compounded 1 aaoettf MILLER A HON. j NEW GOODS i AND NEW PRICES. i AN ENTIRE NEW HTOCX OF | BOOTS ANO SHOES at the BOSTON BOOT & SHOE STORE, I MO. S. 11l Nil*M ARCADE. ' I Pricea Leas than nt any Other Shoe J Store in Centre County. * a Call and See Us ' ( No, 5, Buah'a Arcade, Bellefonte. ; Jul/ ikf. J | " ft ROCERT STORE 3 Wood ring & Co., j At the Grocery Store on Alleeheny J Street. Bellefonte, Pa , opposite Hoffer Hro'i inform tha public generally, that B the* ha*a now and keep at all time* one of the beat and largest storks of Groceries, ucb as 1 COFFEES, B TEA, ( SCOAR, A UCK ASS AS, Ac, Ac., Ac., c CANNED ANI> DRIED FRUITS OF J ALL KINDS, _ romuung of canned peaches, charriea, . omatoes, plums, green corn, dried applet, i peaches. cherries Ac. In brief they ha*e everything usually - kapt in a first class Grocery Store. Call in ladts and gentlemen. Our prices are Jeasouable. We aim tc pleoae. octStf F ADAMHILD, PAINTER, IRE.ST: offer* his service* to the ritiaeas of Miffiiu j Centra and adjoining couniiaa, in llwonr. Hign and OrnnnennUtl 1 Painting. J GRAINING „ , Oak, Walaut, Maple, Ash, Mahogony. Ac., Plain and Fane* Paperhanging. Or ders respectfully solicited. All fine work done for other painter*, no* 6 if. i L PRICE LIST. C BURNSIDES A THOMAS. JOBBERSI A COMMISSION MXR- 4 CHANTS. I Salt par Barrel $125 c Salt per Sack , ~T T - 526 1 <3 Bon Rio Coffee per A 10 1 c White Sugar for A . |1 j Men's Stoga Boots I Moots Boots per pair 160 Horse Blanket* per piece 1 75 Men's Shirts, a place 100 Army Pantaloons. -■■■,„ 276 Best dou bis thick tobacco 15 ' Bott Nary Tobacco....™ 60, We are Wanamakera A Brown's agents J and will foruish customers with any kind of clothing you want at Philadelphia <, prices, and will show you largo samples to , choose from. We are sharplots' agents of Philadel- - thia and will furnish customers with any kindofdreaa goods, shawls, Ac., at city prices. I Largest stock of Merchandise over brought to this town. Collar, Room and , up blairs all fall. Cull nnd see for your- t salves nnd save from 20 to 10 per cant. The highest Market price paid for but ter cK. grain, Ac. 6 ifty different kinds of men's gloves. BURN SIDES A THOMAS. 1 Excelsior Cement* 1 The undersigned now manufacture Ce- I went WARRANTED OF A SUPERIOR ' BUALITY, at their kilns, near Pins . reek Mills, iu Haines twp. This cement i has already been used in large quantities S apon the L. C. A S. C. RK., and has been 0 found highly satisfactory upon all Sobs • wheie it has been used, and as equal to jj any now manufactured. The undersigned f now take pleasure in recommending, and * warranting it to all, for use in CIS TERNS. WATER PIPES, or whatever purpose a good quality of Cement is desi- „ rubic. This Cement has already been ti tested far and wide, and rendered the ut- J most satisfaction. - Persons, therefore con- o structing Cisterns, laying Water Pipes, J Ac., will find it to their advantage to bear this in ntind, and also, that they warrant J the article as represented. For further particulars, address MEYER, HOFFER, A CO, •JOdec tf Aaronsburg, Pa. VfOTICE is hereby given that the ac- \ j.\ count of Samuel Hess, committee of 1 the person and estate of Lvdia Musser a lunatic, ha* been filled in tbia office, wbich said account will be presented to the court for confirmation at January term next. AARON WILLIAMS, lfidec fit. Frothonotary. XTOTICE is hereby given that the ao- XN count of Griffith Lytle, committee of tne person and estate of Jaoob Worta a lunatic, has been filed In this office, which said account will be preaented to the oourt for confirmation at January term. AARON WILLIAMS, 18dec fit Proth o notary. MULES.—M'N ITT A Baiiuxuxs have constantly on hand first olass Mules wh|ch thpy will sell or exchange for Hor sea, at their stables at Milroy, ?a. lldc. km. JAS. M MAN US, Attorney at Law. Bellefonte, promptly attends to all busiaew entruitaa to bun. Jui2,fißtj • New Store! New Goods! New Prices! New Everything ! FIGURES WILL NOT LIE! HERE THEY' ARE I I Boat American Print* lOcU t Lsureas. *.40................... ... Oct* Bedford ficte Appleton A. Muslin dfd l-Vcte Augu5ta............d0. .............. 1 let* Chestnut Hill bleached lte Canton Flannel.. Ificte White Sugar —... ... 12Jcte Beat Navy T0hnc0.. m ....... 7M§ Loveriag Syrup —7Set# An., Ac., Ac. A Fine Awyrtnent of Latitat llrfssiiowi"' Moe* colored P0p1in5............... Afcta Japanese Silks 35cta Tycoon Rap*...... ■., fflcto Pino Mohair Silk Finish .... 1.00 Black Alpacas, fine ">ts French Merinoa . 1.(10 Vary Fine Cashmeres , 76cta Ac., fin, Aw. All other goods in proportion. We have laid in n large stock or the heat goods which were pon-h *si at the very bottom panic prices, and, the season being wol! advanced, wo era determiaod to cloee them out at prices that have not been touched in this country since the war. Ceme and examine our stock and prices aad be convinced that we will do you good. S. R. WOLP. declfitf. Centra Hail. sonn n. carta, c. T. sLcxsanxa, OR VIS. ALEXAst I/f% BOWERS, Attorney Office oppoatte Const House, bet let on le, Pa. . Jan lat '7 tf J~OHM F. POTTKM, Attorney-at-Law. Colloctioat promptly made and special attention riven to those having lands or property lor aala. Will draw up aad bava acknow ~-dcrd Deeds, Mortgages. Ac. Office in the diamond, north side of the eourt house. Belle on'e. • nf. /Tg.NYKEHALL HOt EL V Jos* HranoLn, Proprietor. Btagesnmve nnd depart daily, for nl points, north, souty east and wsi B. S. H SLLJITIS JXMSS A. KIVIS. MCALLISTER A BEAVER, A TTORSEFS'A T LA ff . Bellefonte, Centre en.. Pa. apfibti Bxamr nnocgnnsorr, i. t. sai uKET, President. Cashier. OINTRI COUNTY BANKING CO. {Late Mitliken, Hoover A Co.) RECEIVE DEPOSITS, And Allow inUNBt, Discount Note#, BUT and cell. Government Securities, Gold A aplO'Mtf Coupons. F. FORTNEY. at Urn, • Bellrfoatc, Pa. Office over Err- I • hank. mayli'W MAJ. jr. BHBEFFLEB TAYLOR, ILLER S HOTEL. AWdwarJ. Pn. Stages arrive nnd depart dally. D. M. RITTEXMOCSK, KOOAtt. M'HR'ARZ A CO. WHOLES Au: nuuu w Fish, Cheese and Provisions, 164 North Delaware Avenue, 117 North Water Strum, PaiLAiutinua. r. A. Boupa. O aowesna y.aasWaas J HARRIS. J D StirorkT J.S MtTEI JOM * uorrmt. r*T*B Eovrnn. Pennsvallcj BanKing Co. CXNTMK HALL, PA. RECEIVE DEPOSITS, And Allow la.wrest, c Discount Note Buy nnd Sell Govnrnmnnt Secutiliea, Gold aad Coupoua PxTxn Uorrtß. Wa B. Mtxcu, Pree't- _ Cashier Chas H. Held, Clerk, Wetrhuaakrr A Jearrlrr Millbeim, Centre Co., Pa. Respectfully informs his friend* aad the public in gnaarnl, that he has just opened at his new establishment, above Alexan der's stern, nnd keeps constantly on hand, all kinds ot Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of tha latest styles, as also the Maraa villa Patent Calendar Clocks, provided with n complete index of the month, aad day of the month and week on its face, which is warranted as a perfect time-keeper. Clocks. Watches aad Jewelry re paired on short nouoe and warranted. aep liChly W. A. CtJRRY, BOOT & SHOE RAKER CENTRE HALE. PA. Would most respectfully inform the cit sens of this vicinity, that he has started a new Boot and Shoe Shop, and would be thankful for a share of the public patron age. Boots and Shoes made to order and according to style, and warrants his work c7> equal any made elsewhere. All kinia of repairing done, and charges reasonable, lit** him a call. feb U ly j Dentist, Miliheim. Offers his professional servient to the public. He is prepared to perform all operations in the dental profession. AT He m now folly prepared to extract teeth absoluteiy without j ain. myfi-73-tf. YOUNG'S HOTEL Corner of Third and Chestnut Street, Mifflinburg, Pa. John Showers, Proprietor. Its Central Location makes it particularly desirable to person* visiting Town on business or pleasure. H. A. Taylor's Livery Attached, uofai ly poURT PROCLAMATION. sun SS&vtISS Hoaorsbi* HNIT Dope. AsseoUU Jndt.ta Centra gaifKJsrtrunre Ins • eewS ot User nd Te*ur end Osnrrsl . ill Oe- Mnndu of Juiui. betas (be Mtb dnj ut Jen. I*l4. nnd ta amttane two weeks. . _ NoUee ie berate Stree to tie Ooroaec. JnsUeee oitthe Peeeo, AMermen u4Co*Ulta ot tke ejM eoanls "t Centra, thst Um> be then end tbera In tbetr l>rop MUM, at Iv a'cnnk In tha teraneen ot ssW itar. tote heir raeotds. Inquisitions, ssnrataelioM, ntoteb n rarnnabtuoen. to do then, thtasn which te their uStee ippert-tin* to be dans, end thaee who irr bound in ra re movwL, arrafbls. of toe Kyen, While Snreilittgn, Llecre, Mid Sores or any kind of Hnl.'ior rsj-Juiy dwlnd e and disappear under its Influ nce. L What la IST It I* nature*s own rastorarl A ® soluble oxyd of iron combined with tlie medicinal propertiM Pake Root dJvjtoed Bi7wkß Rtteumstlsm. rains In JLlaobs* or Bones, Constitutions oroben fovra : bv Meicuriai or other poison*, are all enroj j iil * RWm i9BB