The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, January 15, 1874, Image 4

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    Farm, Garden and Household.
Premium 1*bIIoi.
The New York TWftunc aaya : We
•ataly interviewed a practical farmer
■who for several years past has taken
the first prise for hia potatoes. In re
ply to inquiries as ta his mode of opera
tions, he said that the largest and beat
shaped tuber* are always selected for
plantiug at digging-time the previous
year ; aud he Dads that they have been
gradually increasing in site until his
potatoes are now enormous. Hod
ground is chosen for the crop ; it ia
very carefully and deeply plowed, and
thoroughly pulverised with the spike
harrow. ' Previous ta breaking up,
however, the whole surface i* heavily
manured, and thia manure raked iuto
the furrow as the plow passes round.
The tubers are cut into qcarters a few
days before planting, and dropped ui
the rows sixteen or eighteen inches
apart. The row* are struck out with
the plow about three feet distant, and
the seed ia covered with a good depth
of soil. A roller passed over the
ground, leveling and smoothing the
surface, ta be followed in a short time
by the spike harrow. As soon a* the
young plauta appear above tho gronud
the cultivator is started and kept goiug
frequently throughout the growing sea
son. Every weed is pulled up as soon
as it makes its appearance; for, to use
his own expression, he is " too poor to
grow weeds." As the plants wax strong,
alight furrows are thrown up to them
with a small plow, aud these are still
further increased afterward by a repe
tition of the same process. In dig
ging, great care is taken not ta akin or
bruise the tubers, but ta handle them
all carefully, and this enables the owner
to preserve them much better than the
careless farmer who throws his potatoes
about as if they were cobble stones
Thia ia the only magic he employ*.
Careful ohoioe of seed, thorough prepa
ration of the soil, frequent atiiring of
tie surface, and total extinction of
•weeds—these are the scarets of his
The Fattening of Sheep.
Mr. L. A. Morrell read before the
American Farmers' Clab a paper on the
** Fattening of Sheep," in which he
aaad : Quietness ia indispensable to
rapid fattening of sheep, cattle, and
awine, and to contribute aa much aa
possible to this end, regularity is re
quisite, not only in the quantity of the
food bat the time in which it
is given. It is not a little
aurpnsiug how quick animals, es
pecially when fattening, will learn the
stated hours when their food is to be
supplied; and if it ia transgressed,
they become restless, which, to s certain
degree, retards the process. The ob
servance of this, with full measure of
food, ia of paramount importance.
Again, it ia esaeutial that the aheda
or buildings in which they are confined
should be often supplied with fresh
litter, and plenty of it; in short, every
thing mast be done to promote com
plete rest and contentment.
Bheep, when fattening, should not
be fed oftener than three times a day,
namely, at snnrise, at noon, and an
hour before sunset. The interim be
tween feedings will enable them to fill
themselves leisurely, and to have time
sufficient for that quiet digestion which
is interrupted by more frequent feed-
Water ahonld be t iven without
limitation, and that immediately, after
Th* Pioflt of Cow>Krtplug.
Before the American Farmers' Club
was read a communication from E. D.
Stoddard, Pultneyville, Wavue countv,
K. Y..
I will sck and answer the question,
Does it pay for a poor man to keep a
cow f
Orbit. | Crwllt.
Com Afrit 1. ISTX. |3O SO To csif tat tad fj) cO
Internal oq <*>t— 1 W Butter for famil?
futur.nj Merea tiurty-iwo *<*k-,
wreh* 11 00 four uil a lull
Our and * half Was pound* jfr wrek.
of hi*..,. 33 SO lit pound* a M
Thirtj-* bundle* eruts. A3 JO
of tut*. 1 3S Butter told *ad on
Two load* of pump- hand. <SJ pound*.. IS 90
km* 4 Cultilk u*r*l lofamUv.
Tbrw load* of euro. 3 Out uoe and * half
Grain and other quart* prr da* .. 16 at
f**d S3 OCMllk aoid 13 00
Kedjctn* lia Prwent **iue of
j cow, fat, and
Total . .{ltd h (hail *rU to butch-
I for beef Dec. 1. SO 00
Total $ 6.J 90
Deduct u it
J Profit $53 56
In this reckoning I have said nothing
of the value of soar milk or labor." The
oow is an old one, no front teeth, and
had fodder cut sad was well cared for ;
was very poor in spring—is in excellent
condition now for beef. I have milked,
fed and fatted her to the present time.
How to Cure Spilt Hoof.
I bad a horse that had both hoofs
split from top to bottom. He could not
walk without his feet spreading apart.
I kept him for three months on straw
one foot deep in the stable, but all did
BO good. At last I went to the black
smith shop and had heavy shoee made
which spread wide at the heel*. To
these heavy shoes thara was welded, at
the outside of each heel, a piece made
of shoe nail iron. These pieces were
made to fit well ronnd the foot, about
an ineh below the bair. I let the pieces
oome together within half an inch each,
and turned np about three-fourths of
an inch. In the turned-op part a bole
was made to receive a bolt an inch long,
with a square head and screw and nut
en the other end. On nailing the shoe
on and patting the bolt in and screwing
on the cut the foot was brought to
gether. In this way I was enabled to
work him every day if I wished. Pre
vious to this my horse had not walked
one mile in three months. Next day
after I had the shoes pat on I drove
him in a carriage twenty miles, and I
have used him right along.— Cor. Cin
cinnati Gazette.
How to Estimate the Wright of Live
The following rule for estimating the
weight of live hogs we find in the Na
tional Live Stock Journal: " From
the first 100 pounds dednct 25 pounds
from gross ; from the second 100 pounds
dednct 62$ ; all over the third 100 is
Mfc Thus a hog of 200 pounds, live
weight, will give 156$ net weight, and,
as a rule, 13j pounds should be allowed
for on every hog of 300
pounds or over. A hog of 100 pounds
will net 75 pounds ; and of 150 pounds
118} ; one of 200 ponnds 162$ ; one of
250 ponnds 209|. This, of oourse, is
only as close an approximation as can
be given for the general average of hogs
as brought to market. If they are thin
there is more shrinkage, if large and
well fatted, and especially if pure bred,
they will often sLrink even less. We
have known instanoes where the shrink
£e amounted to only one-sixteenth of
3 live weight.
Wintering Bees.
In an article in tbe November nam
ber of the National Bee Journal, Mrs.
Ellen 8. Tupper, the editor, says:
Give them plenty of honey, bat not too
moch, empty space to cluster in, and
keep them dry as well as warm. For
us a dry oelkr is the best place, others
And rooms above ground as good. Be
sure that there is room between tbe
bottom of oombs and tbe honey-board.
Near the last of November, remove
them to the cellar or house, leaving
them in perfect darkness and undis
turbed till spring. Allow at least
twenty pounds of honey to a hive win
tered in the cellar, weighing the first
of November, and much more if left
out of doers. If bees have not that
amount, feed them at once until they
have; they do much better if fed while
they can fly freely.
A Nashville printer teoently had
tome very bad manuscript copy to set
up. Every word needed close study
before its meaning could be guessed at,
but at length two or three words came
ip succession, which it WHO quite im
possible to decipher. All hands in the
office tried and failed, until at length
the printer, in despair, set up "oopy
books ten cents each," and continued
the work, afterwards sending the proof
to the author for correction. The hint
was taken, and the author employed an
linocestlf Executed.
Oue of the most notable executions
that ever occurred in Kentucky, aaya
the Louisville Journal, was the hang
ing of Captain William P. King and
Abraham Owens, at Franklin, in June,
1867. King waa the leader of a gang of
tliievea who stopped several trains on
the Louisville aud Nashville Railroad
aud robbed the passengers, slid Owens
was a member of King's gang. The two
were convicted of murdering Harvey
King, a balf-witbd brother of Captain
King, and it wsa asserted that the mur
der was committed through fear that
the half-witted brother would expose
the robber*.
The day on which the hanging took
place was iutenselv hot, aud the crowd
iu front of the galiowa, suffering trader
the hlaxiug ami, grew impatient at the
seemingly interminable speeches of the
doomed men, who again aud again re
iterated their innocence, and called
upon God to witness the truth of what
they said. The Sheriff was at length
forced to admonish them, and they
stooped snd made ready to die. The
body of King twitched horribly after
being swung off. aud he appeared ta
die hard. Owens struggled some, but
did not suffer *o much aa hi* conqiau
iou. Everybody familiar with the trial
seemed to feel almost oertain that the
men were guiltv, but their almiwit fran
tic assertion* oi innocence did not fail
ta make an tmpreaaiun.
Home time ago a man by tho name of
Evans was huclied iu Kansas, aud a re
port of the lynching in one of the Kan
sas papers alleged that before his death
he made a ooufearion, iu which he sanl
he had once committed a murder m
Kentucky, for which two men had bevu
hanged. It is now aaid that the Evans
who was lynched in Kansas was one of
the priuclpal witnesses against Kiag
and Owens, and that they are the per
sons referred to by him iu his conies
aion. Should these statement* turn
out to be true, they will be likely to
cause unpleasant feelings in Simpson
county. It is to be hoped that this
publication may lead ta au investiga
tion that will give us trustworthy infor
A Clerical Charmer.
Burleigh writes from New York ta
the Boston Journal: "Oue of our city
pastors is a most excellent singer. He
has a sympathetic voice. He frequently
supplements his aermtna with a song,
and the musio is quite as efficient as
the appeal. He visited a mad-house the
other day, and was shown a cell in
which a madman was confined. He
was one of the most furious sort. He
had to be chained ta the floor to keep
him fru dashing his brains sgainst the
sides of his eelL It was as mnch as
one's life was worth to approach hum
He tore his clothes into ribbons, and
his bed was a mass of rags. As the
minister looked through the grating
the prisoner made for him, and with
snch violence as to jerk himself back on
to the floor. He rose foaming with
rage. ' I'll kill vou.' ' I'll beat your
brains ont' • tlesr out.' Instead of
moving, the preacher began to ring.
The hymn he selected was, ' Our home
iu Heaven.' First the madman lis
tened ; then he stretched himself ont ta
the fall length of his chain. First one
arm relaxed and then the other. Tears
moistened his eyes. Then he coiled
upon his bed of rags as quiet as a chifd.
And when the hymn was ended he
looked up, saying, 'More, The
preacher sang till his strength gave
way, aud when he left the madman
seemed hashed in slumber. The
keeper said he had no doubt but it
would have been perfectly safe for the
minister to have gone and sat down by
his ride in the cell. It was the old cane
of Saul and David."
The Russian Monks.
According to a recent statement, it
appears that the monks in Russia enjoy
a very comfortable position, There arc,
it seems, in Russia 9,000 monks and
nans, who are waited on by 16,000 lay
brothers or sisters, as the case may be,
who are really servants, although they
wear the monastic habit instead of a
livery. All the property of the monas
teries was confiscated in 1764 by the
Empress Catharine, who at the same
time assigned to these establishment*
in compensation a money indemnity
which amonnta at the present day to
about $300,000 per annum. She, how
ever, took the precaution to make a reg
ulation that no monastery should ac
quire any landed property without per
mission by a royal rescript. The monks
have been none the worse for this act of
spoliation. The piety of the Rnssian
people has made them ample amend*.
The annual offerings to monasteries to
whioh pilgrimages are made, and which
nearly all contain relics or miracnlons
image*, amount to no less than $7,500,-
000, and for the last hundred years the
legacies in money alone have consti
tuted a capital producing $6,000,000 an
nually. The result is that each indi
vidual monk has an annual income of
$772 at his own disposal, and one-third
of the revenue of a monastery belongs
to the Superior ; so that the poorest of
the archimandrites have from $l5O to
$7,500 per annum. There are others
who have as much as $22,500. The
monks, moreover, engage in trade, lend
money, and indulge in apeculatious.
The Feet and Health.
Of all parts of the body there is not
one which ought to be so carefully at
tended to as the feet. Every person is
aware from experience that colds and
many other diseases which proceed from
the same are attributed to cold feet.
The feet are at such a distance from
the " wheel at the cistern " of the sys
tem, that the circulation of the blood
may be easily checked in them. Yon
seo all this, and although every person
of common sense should be aware of
the truth of what we have stated, there
is no part of the body so much trifled
with ss the feet. The young and would
be-genteel-footed cramp their feet into
thin-soled, bone-pinching iioota, in
order to display neat feet, in the fash
ionable sense of the term. Now this is
very wrong. In cold weather, boots of
good thick leather, both in soles and
uppers, and large enough to give free
circulation to the blood in the feet,
should be woru by all. They shonld be
water tight and w'arm, but not air-tight.
It injures the feet to wear an air-tight
cover over them. India rubber shoes
or boots shonld not be worn except in
wet and slushy weather, and then taken
off as soon as the exposure to it is over.
No part of the body shonld be allowed
to have a covering which entirely ob
structs the passage of the carbonic acid
ges from the pores of the skin. There
is one great evil against which every
person should be on his guard—we
mean the changing of warm for oold
boots or shoes. It is a dangerous prac
His encumbers.
A prisoner in tbe Missouri peniten
tiary, too woak to work, and who had
the run of the yard, ene day asked the
Warden if he could be allowed to culti
vate a small corner of the enclosure.
" What do you want to raise ? " " Cu
cumbers, sir." " Why, you can't raise
them here, the other prisoners would
steal them." " No, sir," said the man
firmly ; " they will not steal one of
them." "Well, go ahead," said the
Warden, "if any of your cucumbers
are stolen, don't come to me with your
eomplaints." "You will never near
from me on that score, sir." The cu
cumbers were planted, watered, trained
and cultivated, and an immense crop
was the result. As fast, however, as
the fruit ripened, it disappeared, and the
Warden became oonvinced that the own
er sold it for liquor, produce, or some
other contraband article. He directed
the man to be watched, and finally he
was detected in the act of carrying bis
cucumbers to the hospital and giving
them to the poor fellowß who, in their
sickness, craved them. Not one had
been stolen.
Kentucky has finally abolished the
whipping of criminals. The last man
to be lashed was a cripple, who hobbled
to the post in Lexington on cratches.
The Kentucky Senate wouldn't vote
against accepting free railroad passes,
How to Quota Sterling Exchaugv,
Some now method for quoting ex
change on London unit bo adopted on
the flrtt of tho now year, a* the act of
OougrtM ia iu|erative. Heretofore, all
attempts to overturn Uip system have
utterly faMed. HabiU of any kind are
harder to change tb*u wore tlie edicts
of tho Mtnlri unci rvtuiau*. Tha old
way of competing valuea of produce iu
our market* by ahilliuga haa continued
to thia day, although the ahilling coin
haa long aitice goue out of circulation ;
and hav i* aold ou all the atauds at ao
tnauv smiling* to the hundred. Any
attempt ta tlx the price iu federal cur
rency would l>e a * unintelligible to a
Long Inland or Westchester farmer aa
if atated in Prauoa or Herman thalera.
There could not te well devised a
mere awkward method of reckoning
sterling exchange than the one <• long
iu vogue in the Vnited Statea. Them
waa a time, a century ago, when 4*. sd.
sterling <54 pence) waa the equivalent
of a silver dollar. This would make a
pound sterling equal to ft 44 49 of
federal enrrencv. river since that date
the nominal value of the British sover
eign haa been kept at these tigiirea, and
the rate of exchauge made up bv adding
a premium to that assumed value.
Thus, if exehange was actually in our
favor, aud billa ou London were sell
ing in thia city at a discount, the price
might seem to le greatly above jar,
and tlina be very confusing to or
dinary observers not conversant with
the mvaterie* of the calculation. The
actual pj in the old style of computa
tion is about lIWJ. That is if we multi
ply $1 44 4 9by 1.094, we have $4 86.6
which would cover the bill in British
gold. IV ordinary munis, however, ex
eliauge on Loudon at 109} give# the im
pression of a price 9} per cent, above
par, aud many who are theoretically
acquainted with the system could not
real ire w hen sales were made by ship
pers duriug the late panto at 106 to 107
that the rate was so far below par it
took away all chauce of profit ou the
shipment against which the exchange
was made.
We have often referred to an attempt
made a quarter of a century ago by our
selves and all the leading hankers here
to rectify thia matter, and to quote the
pound at its selling equivalent in dol
lars aud cents. There was no pecuniary
profit to be gained by the change; it
commended itself to the public solely
as a matter of sentiment; and it was at
tended with some present inconve
nience. In short, the inveterate habit
was too strung for Uie argument, and in
a few days everybody reverted to the
old method.
Congress has now taken the matter
in hand. The value of the pound ster
ling was fixed by act of March 8, 1873,
for all official reckonlnga,at $4.86 6}, ami
it was euacted that " all contracts made
after the first day of January, 1874,
based on an assumed par of exchauge
with Great Britain of fifty-four penoe to
the dollar, or $4 44 4-9 to the sovereign
or pound sterling, shall be null and
void." The reason for Congressional
interference was undoubtedly the efiect
of the old method upon foreign quota
tions for American securities. The price
named every day in the London market
referred always to the assumed,and not
to the actual, equivalent of the dollar.
Thus, 92 quoted there for five-twenties
bears the same relation to the actual
price of the security that $4 44 4 9 does
to the actual value of the aovereign. As
we must add about niue and oue-half
per cent, premium to $4 44 4 9 to bring
it up to $4 86. 6}, the value of the sover
eign, so nine aud one-half per cent,
added to 92 would show that tne quota
tion, although seeming to be at a dis
count of eight per cent., is really above
par. American federal money securi
ties, therefore, quoted at 92 in London,
are equal to British consols quoted at
100J, and it was to rectify thia that the
act was passed. As a question of Con
stitutional right we do not believe that
Congress can Toid a contract between
individuals because it was made at a
reckoning of fifty-four pence to the dol
lar. But the change is iu itself very
desirable, and no one will presume to
test that right, we suppose, in the
It will bo seen that the law does not
prescribe how exchauge shall be quoted,
it simply forbids (by voiding the con
tract) all computations by the old moth
ed. There are two methods for selec
tion as a substitute for that which ia to
be abandoned. One ia to take the given
value of the aovereign ($4 86.6}). and to
give the rate upon thia as a basis. If
this were adopted, " Exchange on Lon
don 100} " would mean the half of one per
cent premium ou $4 86 6}, or about $4
89 for the pound. But the fraction would
prove awkward and troublesome, espec
ially when exchange fluctuated lust
about the par, now above and now t>elow,
since the discounts would be given as
99}, 99;, Ac., and much confusion arise
if the fractions only were quoted.
There is evidently no better way than
to go back to the reform attempted
twenty-five years ago, and to qnote the
offered sale of so many pounds at the
actual equivalent proposed in dollars
and cents. A customer applies to a
banker for one thousand pounds on Lon
don, The banker asks him $4 87 for the
bill. That means that he must pay
here the banker his check for $4 87, and
receive the banker's draft on London
for £I,OOO This is plain sailing, and a
child can easily reckon it. All mystery
on this subject and all confusion will
then be eTermore at an end.
We hope that the bankers will meet
and agree npon this method, and ar
range for its adoption on the first of
January, when the Act of Congress ap
plies to the subject, so that all may in
augurate the one svstem together, and a
uniform practice tLat shall be intelligi
ble to all prevail thenceforth through
out the country.— Journal of Com
Carbolic Acid Mot a Disinfectant.
The Southern cities that have suffered
from yellow fever, or been threatened
with it, this fall, have, of coarse, re
sorted to a profuse use of disinfectants.
Principal nmong those used has been
carbolic acid, which, according to
popular consent, is the most effective
of all the remedies against infection.
Prof. Cochran, of the Alabama Medical
College, condemns it as being condu
cive to the spread of disease rather
than its suppression, and says, after
watching the effects of its nsc in the
hospitals of Mobile and New Orleans :
Not only do the facts and examples ad
duced in proof fail to establish the
efficacy of carbolic acid as a prophvlac
tic against yellow fever, bnt wit Wit
any violence, and without any sophis
tical interpretation, they go very far
toward the establisnment of the sus
picion that its influence has been the
very reverse of prophylactic ; that if it
has not contributed to the extension of
the disease, it has at least added to its
malignity and increased the mortality
to a fearful ratio. The experiment has
been made, and it has failed.
C'arrlng for his Dinner.
The Boston Transcript relates the
following anecdoto of an old-time New
England stage-house: "Atone of tliefh,
day after day, a stranger, apparently a
guest, was politely asked by the landlord
if he would be good enongh for that day
to carve the dish before him. Uni
formly the well-dressed stranger grace
fully complied and a* gracefully carved
the oontents of the platter. Borne over
inquisitive person, for there were such
even in those famous old times, at last
observed that day by day the same dish
appeared in the same spot, that the
same person occupied the same place
at table, and the same polite request
was in the same tone preferred aud
complied with. The well-dressed guest
was a neighboring tailor who was
famous as a carver, perhaps from prac
tice on the goose, and who got his din
ner for his services."
A correspondent of the Waterloo Ob
server tells a story of a man who went
to a new town in'.the West. When he
arrived with his wife the town was
building a hotel. She being the firßt
woman here the town stopped work,
gave three cheers, and engaged her on
the spot to mend their clothing for $2 a
The things whioh try people show
what is in them.
Stories of Virginia* Kurrirora.
Many of the circumstances of the
j capture of the Virgiuins and the im
prisonment of thoae taken on board
which Uie priaonera brought by the
Juniata have related to Uie New York
I IVibum reporters aie of considerable
: lutereat. Samuel Gray, a oarpeuter, of
llarrinburg, I'vnn., ia oue of the moat
intelligent of the prisoners. He barely
escaped the fate of his more unfortu
nate friends. He was sent to the
"chapel" twice, each time being told
that lie waa to bo shot, but waa after
ward* remanded to the place of im
priaonmeut, much to his own surprise
aud to the auiaaemeut of all the prison
ers, who had twice biddeu him what
thev supposed to lie a last farewell.
At Sautiago he was in the hospital for a
considerable time before the de|iarture
of the Juniata, wheu he waa takeu on
board. The treatmeut of himself and
the other prisoner* in the hospital
seems to have been more considerate
than would be expected from people
who had showu themselves ao bitter
and cruel.
They received proper medical attend
auee, good uursiug, such nutriment as
their condition required, together with
comfortable quarters. It is doubtful if
the M|i*uiard themselves in the hos
pitals receive better atteution. It ia
aaid that Gray's real name ia Gratis, but
duriug his oonneetion with Culwui af
fairs he haa uniformly been known by
the former uatue, aud ia called Gray in
the list of prisoner*. Mr. Gray him
self attributes his safety ta the good
will of au Englishman who is an officer
iu the Spanish army ; while it is thought
tiv certain persons familiar with all the
circumstances that Ilia Maaonio rela
tions served him st the last momeitt,
wheu every expedient had been .tried.
Mr. Gray acknowledge* that some
things were thrown overboard from the
Yirgiuiua during the chase by the Tor
nado, but claiiua ta have no personal
knowledge of what kind of property or
what amouut of it was disposed of in
that way.
Another instance of good fortune ia
the case of a fireman named King, wh<>
is an Englishman by birth. He could
uot a pea* a word of Spauiah, and was
unable ta aire auv account of himaeit
to the Spanish authorities. When the
37 who were shot together were taken
out for execution, King waa also taken,
but when the names of the condemned
were called, his was not amoug them,
and he was returned ta the boat over
come with delight at hia narrow escape.
He had witnessed the terrible slaughter,
and hail himself expected immediate
death, wheu the joyful word waa giveu
that he should live. One of the case*
that hail excited especial interest among
the officer* of the Juniata, ia that of
Edward Scott, an American boy 16
ve. rs of age. His home ia in Salem, N.
i J., aud hi* father is superintendent of
the gas works in that place. Some
mouths ago young Scott, like many
country boys, became tired of the dull
life at home, and excited by the won
derful stories of the outside world,came
to New York without the knowledge of
his parent*. He was accompanied by
several young friends, and made up his
mind to go ta sea.
The Atlas waa about to sail from New
York, and he was given a chance ta go
as lamp-trimmer upon the vessel, which
wsa bouud ta Costa Rica. This oppor
tunity he gladly accented. On board
he fell sick and was left at Jamaica, but
after a week or so recovered, aud went
on the Yirgiuiua at Kingston, without
kuowing or thiukiug anything about
the character of the vessel. When
taken prisoner with the rest l>v the
Tornado, he waa among the few who
were placed upon the small gunboats.
Of the five who were with him upon one
of these vessels, three were takeu to
make up the wretched thirty-seven who
were shot together. His waa remaka
ble good fortune in escaping death,
since many of those who made up the
doomed baud were taken indiscrimi
nately from the whole number. Home
of the officers of the Juniata being
pleased with hia appearance aa>l
interested in his story, took him
iuto the cabin on the passage from San
tiago, and he is now iu good spirits aud
rejoiced ta raturn ta his friends after
so severe an experience. The foregoing
ia hia story verr much aa he ha* given
it to several of tlie officers of the Juniata.
Philip Metxler, a native of Charles
tan, S. C., and a cigar-maker by trade,
gives a somewhat confused account of
the boarding of the Yirgiuiua by the
Tornado. He was evidently much
frightened, as were many of the pas
sengers aud crew, aud the result proved
that they hail good cause ta be. Capt.
Fry hauded the papers of the Yirgimus
to the Spanish officer, who took them
with expressions of the utmost con
tempt, crashing them in his band and
declaring that he cared nothing for the
papers since the vessel was inliia pow
er which he had been searrhing after
for weeks. The Ameriaan flag was im
mediately hauled down and all on board
ordered ta the other vessel. The state
ment of Mr. Metxler aa well as others
of the passengers indicates that the
Yirginius would have been able ta es
cape from the Tornado but for her
wretched condition at the time, as she
had a bad leak and eight feet of water
i in her hold in the forward cc mpart
ment. Ordinarily she could make 14
knots per hour, and at that rate could
have left the Tornado out of sight iu a j
short time. It is also said that when
the Tornado finally overhauled the Yir
ginius, after fall eight hours' chase,
flaiues were rolling np from the smoke
stack of the former, and had nearly |
burnt it ont. The vessel could hardly j
have borne a much longer chase tinder
snch a strain.
The statements of nearly all the pris
oners agree in disowning any knowledge
of the purposes of the officers of the
Yirginius. They profess ta hav® em
barked as passengers, to have seen no
arms on board, and ta have seen little
or nothing thrown overboard. Those
on the Juniata certaiuly do not present
a very warlike appearance, many of
them being very young aud diminutive
in six®, and without any very intelligent
estimate of the undertaking which they
entered upon. The fact that the Yir
ginius WW) advertised ta go into Port
Limonea and then sailed arouud among
the islands of the West Indies, seem
ingly without any exact deatination,
appears not ta htve excited any curi
osity among them as ta her object, but
on the contrary their statements ex
hibit an utter indifference ta the course
of the ship, or the intention of the offi
cers. One point, however, is clear,
namely, that the vessel put in or was
about to put yi at Port-an-Prinee fur
repairs, when Captain Fry changed his
mind, and turned her to the westward j
and back to Jamaica.
Brotherhood of Engineer*.
The headquarters of the International
Division of the Brotherhood of Looo
motive Engineers ia located at Cleve
land, Ohio. From the last report of the
Grand Chief Engineer, Mr. C. Wilson,
made at the Philadelphia meeting, we
learn that the progress of the Order has
l>een rapid for the past year. There are
172 divisions,with a total membership of
0,500 ; bnt since that time theadditioas
will bring the aggregate up to 10,000.
The total cash on hand October 1 was
829,803, exclusive of over 80,000 as the
net income of the Journal, a periodical
under the control of the G. C. E. There
were 83 deaths daring the past year,
and 821,041 were dispensed to meet the
wants of the families of the deceased.
The lato railroad strike has brought
the brotherhood prominently before the
people, as the public is intimately con
cerned in the movements of the rail
roads. A correspondent had an inter
view with Mr. Wilson, in which ho
stated that the recent strike was not
authorised, consented to, nor encour
aged by the brotherhood in any par
ticular. The rnles did not justifyit,
nor did the Order sanction it. The
brotherhood, at their headquarters,
deny all knowledge of the striae in an
official charactor.
A Troy girl whose parents would not
let her marry him wrote a letter to a
convent asking (or a situation as a nun,
had the letter interoepted by her
mother, and a finale of white satin, laoe,
orage blossoms, and things followed as
a matter of course,
Winter again, and tha land ia onoe
more wrapped iu the asms spotless
mantle, Inched in tha same icy tetters,
aa it waa that memorable winter so long
ago when Erio nud I bad that fierce
wild struggle "for daar life." At thia
aeaaou of the yea.* the uwvvr quite dor
mant recollection revives, and I feel
all the horror o> that midnight scene
rise and come back upon me, like a
ghost from the ooufiuea of the past. It
chills me with its dread presence, until,
shivering in nerve and liuih, I rise and
draw nearer to the biasing hearth, heap
on aouie more pine logs, and atrive in
the region of light and warmth to bid
it deflauee.
In vein. Through tha whir of iny
spinniuK wheel cotus* the lotig-tlrmwu
iti<>nll of Ilia wind, whilst without the
SHOW falls as heavily we aver, adding
desolation to the already drear ana
sombre Imidecapc. Eric haa gone to
the fold yard, as tiesrema a thrifty
hiiahaudnian, to eee after the well-being
of our kiue. Would that he wi re back
to laugh off uiy fear*, and exorcise the
iihantom* which rise thus unhidden
from tha day* that are now no mora.
HIM hearty presence aud joyous voice
ere iu theuiaelvM tot potent against dis
traught fancies an the "sprig of rowan"
which the faithful wear for safeguard
against witchcraft and tha evil eye.
Meanwhile, aa I ait waiting with the
sup|H r ready, aud all things bright and
tidy, I must e'en yield to the spell of
the place and hour, and listen to the
tale suggested by tha wandering I one ias
of old.
New Year's ve some tbiity years ago
—and we were keeping it right merrily
at the old mauor-liouae of Htor Aswan,
tha homo of my childhood, as it had
been tkat of mv forefathers for many
generations, 'fhe pleaaautekt spot in
all tha world, I thought, aud still think,
that quaint Norwegian homestead, with
its buff walla and birch bark roof, which
euceeodiug aummars haul rendered ver
dant with an evergreen thatch of moss
and lichens. Just now, however, this
was not visible, for snow lay thickly
upon it, aa it lud lain for weeks post,
not only there, but upon all the coun
try round. We were iu the midst of a
v Lite sea, whose billows were the par
tially submerged hedges, that daily
grew loos noticeable as the snow drifted
in and piled above them. The fir trees
alone stood forth bravely, as if defying
this iusidious foe, yet even their stately
branches trailed earthwards, and their
atroug arms creaked an J strained under
the ever-increasing load.
It waa the hardest winter there had
been for fifty years—so the old folks
said- and they foretold its continasnoe
for some weeks longer. Other signs
were not wanting which more plainly
than aught else denoted the unusual
severity of the season. The flocks of
wild fowl, usually so shy and difficult
of approach, came down from the up
per mere*, their accustomed haunts,
and strove with tie tome deniaena of
rmr own farm yard for a share in their
midday meal. Hares and rabbits, im
pelled by hunger, forgot their nature,
and stole up to our very doors, beg
ging with Uieir large black eyes in a
piteous dumb fashiuu for relief. Herds
of reindeer also came south from Lap
land, seeking more genial pastures; and
it was rumored that less pleasant visi
tors had recently been seen and heard.
The black pine forests of Halten had
again sent forth the grim, blood thirsty
pack of legionaries who for ages had
dwelt unmolested in its dark fastness,
and the cry of "wolf was no lougcr, as
heretofore, on empty wound.
All thia, however, did not affect say
of our party, who were all Norsemen
and maidens born, naed to the oold,
full of health and apinta. I, Ella Bieorn,
daughter of the houae, was the wildest
of that mad circle who had aasemhhd
at Htor Aswan that Chrtsauiaa-Ud* to do
honor to my betrothal to Eric Jarl, the
lover of my youth, ere long to be my
husband. A soon as the birch-trees
put forth their fiist green tassels in the
early springtime, I was to leave my old
home for a new one; so now, aurronnd
ed bt ktnstold and neighbor*, we were
keeping this last anniversary of my
spinsterbood in goodly fashion. We
revived many a bygone pastime, and the
vast hull at Htor Aswan reechoed once
again to the shouts that greeted the in
coming of a mighty yule-log, and rang
with joyoua laughter at the tricks and
antics of morria-danccrs and mummers.
B<>, in dancing, feasting, and merry
making, the week aped, until a few
honra more would ace ua all acatUred
in variooa directions, to meet again we
knew not when or where. For the laat
day, therefore, we had reaerred the
chief pleasure, thecrowuing point of all
oar cnjoymeul—a sleighing and skating
party to' Btor Aswan, a mountain-en
circled lake some ten miles further
north, the same from which our home
stead derived its quaint Kunic name.
This was to be our vail or greeting to
the New Year—oar welcome to the in
oomiug guest.
Brightly dawned the eventful morn
ing, clear and fair aa heart could desire.
Blue wss the sky aa a sapphire, whilst
the freshly-fallen snow sparkled and
shone as 'though strewn with living
gems. All nature seemed rejoicing like
ourselves at the advent of another
rear, and one already so full of promise.
Without, the snow-bells tinkled and
chimed merrily, making the frosty air
ring again as the gaily-caparisoned
horses pawed and shook their heads,
impatient as their owners to be off. At
length we started, Eric and I aa hosts
being the last of the party, for of course
he wna my charioteer. 1 well remem
ber my father standing at the door to
see us go, and aa he tucked the bear
skin rug more closely around me, bid
ding us " return early, and beware of
the Salten hounds." We laughed at
the warning then, but lmd awful cause
to romemberjt afterwards.
' Of that day I shall not speak ; we
were all young and in wild spirits, and
some of ua in love. Need I aay more?
Au-idst the many fair faces and lithe
forms that glided ho gracefully over tho
frozen mere, tireless through these long
hours, I was the fairest. I, blue-eyed,
golden-haired Ell i Bieorn, was the ac
knowledged belle and queen of the
party, and Eric, my lover, the most
stalwart youth of the country-side. But
all things, even the pleasantest, must
come to au end. So when the shades
of evening began to fall heavily, merg
ing earth, sky. and water into one groy
leaden cloud, we began our journey
homewards. Tired out with my exer
tions, as soon as we started I nestled
down amongst the soft furs in the
sleigh, snd, rocked by its easy motion,
soon fell fast asleep. How long I slept,
I knew not; but when I awoke it was
snowing fast, snd the darkness so in
tense that we could not see a hand's
breadth Wfore us. I called to Eric,
who was driving, and asked if all was
well. To which the answer came hack,
half deadened by the thick atmosphere,
"AU well, hut "for Goil's sake try to
keep awake." *
So I aronsed myself and sat np,know
ing that sleep in' that bitter night air
might mean death. Of any other fear
I had no thought, for my driver was
akillfnl whilst Thor and Odin, onr two
sturdy little mountain ponies, knew
their way home almost unguided. Sud
denly, as I listened vainly for the echo
of our companions' bells, I heard an
other sonnd come up with the wind—a
long-drawn hollow moan. Twice or
thrice it came at intivals. this weird
noise, each time nearer and more dis
tinot- The third time the ponies also
heard it, for they sprang forward with
an impetus that almost shook me out of
the carriage. Frightened, I said to
Eric, " What, O, what is that ?" And
the answer came backf short and atern,
" The Balten hounds !"
Then began that terrible chase "I or
dear life" whioh, though we should
both live for twice our allotted spun, we
never oeuld forget. Swiftly we sped
along, our steeds impelled by a terror
ns great as our own, until thev appeared
almost to fly. Breathlessly we barkened,
hoping even yet to leave the enemy be
hind. But no ; they traveled witn us,
gained upon us, nearer and vet nearer
—their cry growing peroeptihly from an
uncertain vague voice of the darkness
into the unmistakaMy wolf-like note.
We knew from the" direction from
whenoe it oame that they were tracking
ua by aoent; to now our last poor
chance Uy in the darkness of the Bijrht
and our nearneae to Htor Aswan. Lrie
■till held the rains, and I covered down
at Ut button of the alsigh and prayed
morn earnaaUy than I had ever ret done
in toy life " for an inoreaaeof the anow
drift, or aught, even a miracle, if it
might only aavn aa."
(3u, and on, for a time that aeemed
interminable, yet in truth might hare
been hut a few momenta. Then the
ntarm oeaeed, the moon emerged from
her elirlter, and we aew half a mile in
S our rear a dark line oomiug awifUy and
kteudily down upuu ua. In the middle
of a white plaiu, with no nook or earner
viaihle wherein we oould take refuge,
and atill nearly e league from home,
our cstae looked hopeleaa enough, (to
our purauera aeemed to think, aa they
uow caught aight of ua for the tirat
time, and lifting Uieir black muaalea
from the ground gave vent to a howl of
oarage exultation. 1 could have
acreametl too when I heard it, for fright
waa driving me half wild ; it waa eo
unutterably horrible to periah thus,
llut a glance at Erie, an calm and et*ad
faat, gave me new courage. I felt that,
come what might,we ahouid at least die
Faster and faster we (lew, like hunted
snimala, death behiud ua coming on
apace. A few yarda more and he would
claim ua for liia own. Already I could
hear the rapid breathing of our foea,
see their fierce eyee and white teeth
glittering and gleaming in the moon
light, Prompted by Eric, I threw out
the beer-akin rug which protected me
from the cold. For a moment thev
paused, smelt at it, then on with fresft
fury after their old prey. One by one,
ruahiouß, wraps, all went over to the
hungry pack, each gaining na an in
ataut'a priceless delay. Aa tha laat fell
from my hand, the foremost wolf
bounded'forward, juat miaaing my arm,
whilat his strong, cruel jaws met with
a painfully audible snap.
Then Eric turned and looked at me—
a long, loving glance—and began knot
ting tlie reiua to the iron aide of the
driviug-aeat. leatinctively divining
hia purpose of giving hia life to aave
mine. I sprang forward, and clinging
to him frantically, whiapemd ;
" Dearest, remember, we aland or fall
A sudden thought, justified by our
dire extremity, flashed through my
brain—it waa'a beat a forlorn hope.
Quickly I bent ov* r Eric, anatehed the
bunting-knife from hia belt, and cut
looae the neereet pony. With aa al
most human cry of pain the poet ani
mal galloped on, Willi the ravenous pack
afb-r it, A few strides only and it waa
surrounded, overpowered, down ; and
the laat sounds we heard ere the wel
come lights of Htor Aswan came in
aight were our baffled enemies growling
aud fighting over the remains of my
gallant little steed. It waa a cruel sac
rifice ; but necessity known no law, and
by it we w ere saved.
In year* after, aa we sat ronnd the
fire at New Year's Eve, with the storm
beating wildly, aa now, against the
caeement, and the wintrv twilight closing
in, our children would ask to hear,
" once more,'* the oft-told tale of the
" Sal ten hounds," or our flight " lor
dear life."
Kescned from Santiago.
The United HUtee steamer JuuiaU
has arrived with one hundred and two
rescued prisoners—the survivors of
those taken on the steamer Virginias.
Some new light ia cast upon the cap
ture tud the immediately related events
by the men now brought hither. Bj
their story the bistorv of the massacre
is somewhat redeemed from the confu
aion into which it waa thrown bv the
several contradictory statements of the
numbers of persona killed on the vari
ous days of the executions. It appears
that in all fifty-three persona were abut
—four at first, on November 4 ; thirtj
seven on November 7 and twelTe on
Novemlter ft—and that the executions
were only stopped by the arrival at
Santiago* of the lintiah uian-of-war
Niobe. There ia a further report that
the thirty-eeven who were killed on the
7lh were at first to have been shot on
the Bth, bnt that a change was made In
the day in consequence of its becoming
known that the British man-of-war
would arrive on the Bth.
statistics of Bengtl.
The Christian says that a oeil
eus of Bengal lately taken makes the
population C 7,000,000, instead of 40,-
000,000, aa waa estimated. In some
districts there are 600 to the square
mile. The unrulier of Mohammedans
ia far in excess of popular ratimate,
which lias counted them at about 13,-
000,000, while they are found to be 20,-
064,000. Of all who call themselves
Hindoos in faith there are 42,674,000.
The Buddhists are 85,000 in number,
and the Christiana 88,000. Of the
aboriginals, included ia neitberof theee
claaaea, there are 2,331,000. It is stated
that the Mohammedans, with their
armies of missionaries, their theory
that all faithful racea are equal before
God, ami their practice of raising any
convert at once to fall social equality,
are becoming so numerous that by t&e
year 1900 they will he half the popula- <
tion, and ultimatclv will control the
religious destiny of bengal.
Will Wonders Never Cease !
When Dr. Walker proclaimed that
he had produced from the medicinal
herb* of California au Elixir that wonld
regenerate the sinking system snd cure
every form of disease not organic, the
credulous shook their heads. Yet his
Vrweoan BrrrKttH is now the Btandard
Iteatorative of the Western World. Un
der the operation of the new remedy,
Dispeptics regain their health ; the
Bilious and Coustipatcd are relieved of
eTery distressing symptom ; tho Con
sumptive and Rheumatic rapidly re
cover; Intermittent and Remittent
Fevers ore broken ; the hereditary taint
of Scrofula ia eradicated ' Skepticism
ia routed, and this wonderful prepara
tion is to-day the most popular Tonic,
Alterative, and Blood Itepnrent ever
advertised in America. We don't sell
Rum under the guise of medicine. We
advertise and sell a pure medicine
which will stand analysis by any chemist
in the oountry.— Com.
All young men, and most young
women have an interest in this subject,
as it is a condition in life to whioh all
look forward, and hope to attain at
some future period, and if the young
man has any he will not
assume tho responsibilities of married
life until be can make some provision
for the snpportof those dependent upon
him, should be be called away by an
early death. In tha gnat majority of
enstw this proviaiou cau only bo "secured
by means of a life insurance policy,
that will cost hut a small sum annually
and yet provide all the security that
ean be desired. One of the most re
liable of these companies is the Penn
sylvan in Mutual Life Insurance Com
pany of Philadelphia, throngh which
life policies may be obtained or agencies
secured by application to the home
office, or to J as. W. Iredell, Jr., Supt. of
Agencies, No. 78 West 3d street, Gin*
ciunati, Ohio.— Com.
A good and useful Christmas present
to a gentleman or boy, will be a carton
of Elm A oral or Warwick collars, con
taining 100 oollars. Any furnishing
store can supply them.—Cum,
which raises the lid eft the kettle led a philo
so|>hir mind to utilize it Ibr msn'a benefit. No
one dreamed that ws should now be dragged
along by it at ttie rate of sixty mil*a an hour.
When Terry Davis made a preparation for the
medical nee of his family, thirty ream ago.
neither he nor any other man imagined that U
would uow be sold in every land, and prove to
lie the FAtN-Kii.i.Eß of the world.—[Com.
to relieve all lUienmatie Afflictions, Kpreina.
Neuralgia, etc. The best, the surest, and the
quickest remedy for all Bowel Complaints, lie
lief gnarranteed or the money refunded.—&m.
okl, " broum'i Bronchial Trochtt" are offered
•vitli (ha fullest Confidence in their eificecy.
They main tain the good reputation they have
■natl; acquired —[Com.
Wonderful cure* by WtrrAß'e BAM*at.- Com,
Let the People Hpegk.
MANIUTTA*. Kan., April 1 1878.
It *. Puses, Buffalo R. 1.4
Utar Sir - Year Parents Prwaarlptian has
does my Wtfs a world of good, fths has taken
nearly two bolUee and haa fall baiter the peel
Iwe weeke Uiea at aey time In the peel two
year*, No more periodical jsuus i none of that
aching hack or drsgslng sensation In her
• el if baa been eneaetomed to for several
years I have so wo< b confidence la II that 1
would U perfectly willing to warrant to oar-
Uln otiMomers of oors who would he glad 10
gel hold of relief el any vi paoee. I have tried
malty Patent IMSUM, but never bad ooea
aUm to axtol one before.
Vary truly youra.
Mi*, p. It llama, M strut whs. 111., srrtlee, Jan.
Mb, 1173
lb 11 v Piano My aUler te uatng lb*
Favorite Preeertpliou Willi great benefit '
MANY AWN Pisax*. Lehman, Pa., writs*, May
88, MIA
"Dr It V. (tare* What I have taken of
your medicine baa been of mere benefit U> am
than alt others sad hundreds of doctors' UU.'
Lffjra Ixwrmtn for a few dims*. The
price of H*i.i • Ib.NH ov lleaawuvww AND
Tea is to aiU. r 81 a buMie ; sad on* bottle
will care a cough thai might otherwise prove
Pike s Toothache Drape cure ia * aainuie.
On the death of one of England's
awl enuaeel jdayatrMMW, all hia effects were
suld at attcUuO, aad among other llaigi* was a
sealed packet, marked "Advice to Physicians,"
which brought ■ p*l irle*. The |mn-hkar
<>o opening the jacket, rea.l as fullowa * Keep
the need cool, the buwwU o,*u sad the feat
warm." If pbvan-is teowiary, use Foronlr
Pcrytihr Pi ill ttiev are the most ■Hentifically
pr*|r*d (Nil thai has appeared to the last
hundred jeata,— (Com.
We received a very plaassnt letter of
thanks frnm our etd friend Kendall, atwc* his
return home, lor a bottlesf ./ehasos c
Lutunrm which we gave him. and which he
says has entirely cured him of the troublesome
ami dangerous cough he bad whoa bar* —Com
CairriD HAXDS, lace, rough akin,
pimpiaa, Hag-worm, salt-rheum, and other cu
taneous affectious eared, and the akin made soft
and amnolh, by wetag tee J niru Taw Hoar
made by Cairwau. flataan A Co., New Tork.
Be sure to get the Juniper Tar ftoap mad* by
oe, as there are many Imitations mad* wMh
summon ur winch are wortblaiw Cam.
Tun Baowna AXD Bticti produced by
that starting preparation, CWTOTADOBO's EXCKL
uoa Ham Dra. nawnnt be aaoetiad by Nautr#;
Ua Uula rliallcng* oumpartauo with Nature's
most favored production*, aud defy detection.
meet set Oldest family *edSeUse.-Ow
(rt t l*ar hmnhr <pn>h Va**l*kLUsttar
Mr se fj MI ts< Pysmrs'i.Cseswastlee.llenUltr
Br eh leUiki. Bill we* Alter**, ant alt Asraags
■eats of Low, ItsMsk wedleweU. tit veer
nwrris te it ff—ecs sfwemsfitswa
tttisTi Hunt Kxrauuacacit or
A* OLD at it a*.
waa wifsbow-s BOOTBIBO aracr is TUB
ragackirTTOa or oe* at a a**t rai* rsjst
aaes a*4 Wsrsm la the retted States, set hat
base esed lor Mwrty veers with sever aMßa****r
aeaseeems >r etUUews of rnlMn set ehtiaree
treat the SseUe MdSat eteas week eld te taeadvlt
II eerrests sMdltf of lit sumach, r*Uves srlad
sob*, regetesas the bevels, set V" rest, hsalth
aed coebrt te ewtw ead mild. WTe believe II Ss
DSU, Wbethar It arises frm Tsssaiag er from
aes Otis* eaess VeU Sireettee* for eslog will a
ii ■any sack Santa ■ •• . ilee# tb*
tar sivileafcl'kriaa fBBEINS is ee the ewtatds
jaeim av av* gvwtaa Pwai awa
(rem a* ether sees* thee kevtag worms ta tb*
sum ark,
aaowaw vaawiriaa ooarni
will Sssu-Of verms vtthoet laterF W t*s skoM,
ksts wmfkrUr WfflTß. aed free frem all eelorlag
er other i|aiw leerediraid eseellf esed la
verm yrsaeretlsea
CCBTIS 4 SBOWS. Hewitstese.
Wo. WtS future Sirssi. Vsw Tork.
add bk Prvgdi sd tWseoWr. ead tislvi m
grh ess at a Wow
TUX taot aaaaasMsO pxaatat,
D tha beet rsmedr W h* wortd Br Iks lollevtaf
eomflatew. vis. Cramps la lbs Ltmks bed Stem
ash. Vats la the atossark. Wovsls er mas. Whs*-
metism te all its forms, muees Ooltr. Pseralgia.
Ckolarh, Dyseetery, Colds, glsah Weeadt. Wares,
Sort Throat, Spteal Cempletate, Sprains aed
Wrwttss. Chills bed Vsver. tor letetwal aad Ba
tereal ess
lueperetioe is set naif to relieve the petlmt,
bet sawrs'T removes ths eeuss of tks eompialat.
It pesMdratss md pmvadm tks whole srstsm r—
storied heaiikr actum u ell it* parts.sad eick
eeted the blond
TWB norma hold ran acsa ia rr&Bxx TWO-
Stakts aud ati M sauna
Prepared by
crßTia a WBOWW
We WIB Feltoa Sirsst. Rsw Terß.
Pet sals fcf ali nrodrist*.
nowit "* cot"o h7COLD. 8088 TWEOAT
15 Tb "vH r* L aMS less istaediat* atimtiee. aed
TWJtHfit saeetl a* Cksrbed If allnved t*
„ niSs. ooettaes Irr'taUwa of ths Lend*, a
OOOJaI pewseset Teroat atecuoe or ae
*N* l scurst-ls Lead Bliss ss. u oftea
OOLDB tks rsaelt.
Wavieg a Street leSeeeesm the perks. Stve Waa
dials rsltrf fur WreeehlUs, Astkma, Celerrh,
Coaseieetive aed Throe* Diseases. Troches are
used wis pree4 wtnroai.
aisowwa Aim rvwuo aruuu
win ted Troskss ssrhl is rleerteg the voice wfcm
tekse bsfl-rs tispind "t Ipeektog. sad rsLsrted
the throat setsr ee eaunml sderWae of the read
' ifhtata snip •- Wrosre's Wsvecktal Troches," ead
o ant tabs key of tks worthless Iml lassoes that
ey he sdsrs f 4 AvyeUra.
The Markets.
Beef OSTTTS- rmjif 10 EXIT* BaiiocArX 43 a Ji*
Pint quality IIV* .11*
hml quality, .Jl • .HI.
Ordinary Una OetUs.. . a.!•
Inferior or ItnS fr*&* ,eT*a .to*
Milch Oa-a 6ABB US.##
Ihp-Un .fSW
DtMMd felp
ShM? M a JfiH
Oofeoa- KMdMfi* 16* e .16*
Flow—Eitte Western A6O • So
Stat* E.Ua 6.60 a 6.8 D
VWal-M Waacs. !. a I.SI
la 3 MprUhf I M a 1S
Rt 1 00 a 1.06
■artsy—Man -• aJW
OaW-MtaaS *<Wr* M a .SIM
Corn Mlirl VnUn 1 a .83
Hay, partem 16.08 iVOO
Htr.a, i*r u IXOB eli.JO
HOT* "7*. .* a .68-NW, OS a .18
mrk— MMO ixn aICS
Lard -08ka art).
fetrrtwui -Crude. .V • \H.aoedl3S
Bnitar—Stafe M a .88
Ohio ranry ... .34 a .M
" TeJJew 30 a.
Wasters Ordinary . It a .11
Pnuwylranta Ana........... .86 a .86
081 n Htate Kitory IS a .14
- Skimmed .04 a.(•
Ohio C a .18
in- mm fa .si
B<W Oettle 4.50 a 7.00
HUM . 4.09 a 6.75
Hte-Uv.... 886 a COO
Plow 7.40 a a.OO
WNeel-No. S Spring I.SB a I.SB
Onra - A7 a .70
(felt ♦* 6 80
Hya ISO also
Barlaj. .... l. 6UW
Urt? 08 a .08 k
Wheat - 1 sl
Rye—Slala 06 a .86
Oom—Word St a .S6
fear lay- -State 1S a 1.66
M 6 .64
lUonr rvnn. Xrtra TJ6 atS*
WbaaS-WartarnHad 1.63 lIN
Oars— Tallow..t *® 6 .81
Mltsd s .78
patroidtun—Crodr 6b Rata-dlS*,
jgm B>I1 iww
Tmoiky W *
Oatlan Lew Middling*.. M'V*
Flour—Extra alrt
Wheat * 1-W 6 1.80
Onre—Yellow 75 t .80
rtste . 60 a ao
&1 ft Per nay . l.M* iynU wanted Bant
1? I d at us aw A. X Rla> 4a. S. leati. M
S The a-Nectar
With thsOrees Taa Flam-
Tha Nit Taa Imported. fe>
aala everywhere. And Ibr aa'a
whetreeta M ir *T U OR* • T
(H .. No- IS and 87 Traay Slraal.
Naar Irk. P. 0. Sat, tJU
t.Blhr Thaa W solar ci renter
Woalta Mao, On. and Bya arantad lo aall oat
Pranch and American Jsarelr y.Booba,Sanaa.
Ac. No cajHtai i.c-nt, Catalogue. Tcraat. Ac. aanl
free P O A Ob.. Aaynrta. Ma.
And. Its Our©.
Carbolated Cod Liver Oil
la a •ciaothie eomldiiettea of two weimeowa inedV
romiption and duuay oaaaea. It purlftea tha source*
ot <#?uZr OUU&atvrtl** —uuml to rwtittot
Couauroptt'H. . . ...
at Mt linat, how Vwk
OrinM. lllMlrii| TiiuinM MfWJirMI
LAIJU- > IIIMIIM ,L Tend*. A WFW dfaraant
la >1
ANY ••<• M UlM4fMia<lMH>MM*ltt
""I I HM.tUnMln^riMkMlWlllMMW
one I
5p *rcud^\i££Vtfi&
TWakfldps A Co.. liMifi, ImOtljl V* >ll llj.lf.
TM Suafiri Lrauri i UM Otittf SUiM.
nSuAmim*. W— ■ >1 <|A| or njtt,
Ma—Me aad ft'otM, Aor*
(WWMMA, ImtmtlirtmM
if-amd*. /lam fa. tofapd.
7£2?.~~ fcssrss.
snXf CYmrt,. Mitmvkmlt Wm*rnlU,
uS* <4 aU nh, go——— tmt,
ivfaJ /fl*/.,*, ivtoMffak
m £,, /•<•* M >krrp,
Largs Sua ft 00 ■adhtM>e ■miltfe
Ml AH AM Paasily Was. ttaanta.
Thr oarxlmp UU ha. Urn W MIM
liniment afara MBA AH i li 111/r
trM *• to auia an<l Wlwr rttr—skraa.
Ak >,uro*nr*.t Urn—fat ordernier a Pat
out M-tw lne ft* e—erewr Al—ay. —d
I— whs! Ufa pa—M X
Hir i.*nrtn|7*| io far •ia'T o*tr
>kMr lenfoea llmtug—• Mm I ndfarf
•a— # nndrfal
lUrr data from MD la I— pt*
•el, aad are ansa—d Wmlm— iA
■•rd Mall Wo— Takktt.
Wa deal law and liln—l wtth SM. a—
4rf> cottinulkUuit. lUtvtkiurwl ai
Loek|ivN. Y., L. ft.
Merchant's Gargling (Ml COL,
JOHN HODOE. aactlrjr
S5 to S2O ££ t=S
m aid. *oi sua* t •( work fat ■■ is tkatt anaes
tMaak KillUtUH uatttaNM— ntllM
Uratms AddfamOAxuurn A<kT77—aad.Maum
fwioy,faait.t MujiwHA—aan j
Dr. Timer's Guile to Ml.
Citini all tlrltt aaaaaaary fat ntiyaat law
to lluwtt o1 aay kial, atrrttl or titfa; aU at
MMilfa aU •tH i'M.or oaadruaos Uk
a*nie nan tad |o< tki. ih Wat astiiap Wok HI
UIM i —ad M WW Ma .*ap!a <•*# t
Tea*A*.a WMktH— A—-At Lmos, **
Tfce laiftM aj— Itaal ta4 ctaaafwal Itolfar
la lit* War— la Ilia
Toledo Blade!
Fifty-aim arfa* Co!taaa.( fa|N)
For sl-50 per Year, in Clubs!
W lilt Haiti altaal (Mans. l**r>
IFTIAM CC-pia. MI trm fa Y IH—I Sand
Mr * aaorlaa* at* axaata* II
liur writ** hi runMcal lama ssalnairaly
Mr ttr Situs IMrm,
toes a a Jomr. Tt—a. —.
<•*. ■
lta ItrrtrrM, Ctkaal . lilih—N. Patnral
Cano iMa.stn. linaMu Ma im tar*n|i
at lha See, -• y , Lull, hiylt a— CiiIMIIIN at
thaltraai Wat . a— it It# |*WWI tt>* fcoet a*H
tap knohaenr pwatleMM. Sand Sir turtat .nam
to* iitrt, tta ttrat *rdresa. PaTIoKAL
mtttmsa CO. Htit—l—ia. fa.
p wiLBaM ÜBOutiaii N
UiiWi-iCmI UrrrOHa— Llaw. Ptr#
tout akd htaa Mat taking Co* LiI <MI will W
hlaatal fa lura that Or. Wtlbor aat uailtt
•ram dtramo*. of ae*ara< |ra*a*tiotial (.tUttua.
lawaMMtfitt tmiooll aad Ua>s la sack a maa
urr thai it it uitttlai to tha taata. aa* littlrrtt
ta ln<* ithlituii ut t • tljr ai.nltthl Ttrj
aw) |>rrttt* t' t# uttt war* |raau— tofh
Ira at#* thr ha* t#k*a thr rtaar uil Mr a long Hat
ithuut aultl C**t MaraMiAf car— kg
att• glhit arrhartnoß. a* tarraa* galthagvaß'
m*. attuhrttrtl only bj A. S. WUJhih. Cktaltl,
I. Lite hold kg all arkggtou _______
Oeet 1.500.000 arre Eat• road Lofaon tSo O
as W. at>S 111. Cant. Kaiiwaya I* lowra.M sale hp
Ike lowa Sailraad Ual Co—lha hast, c heaoeat, and
nearoal praia land, now m marfcet-pnesa hed
htaa tka Moat Mrarakfa. Map. and pampkleta
aai froe Por Land Bipkmop Ttaka<a, or any
desired tntonseuoa. onll am < t address JOBS A
CaLB T'S. L-oa Ctonmaeiooer. tt Sn— lp>
•taast, Ckiaapo. or Cadar E>p,<*a. faara
n * t\t i a naxtk fa wan. wonraa. Soya asd plrti
c 1"" to weuk Me aa. raaexnaa* Pan >.
Addrnaa. PQWBB A oo". aa. ona
Tfcia Pun class Ckraae Wtu kaptveato soery
Wketker to a tuple Sn tacrlber Ml Tkrea DoliarS.
Or fa a cms of Sis aw PourfaM Deifara
Addrrea, L A OOOST.
W B Cor Sink asd rkaatant PkAfadatpkAa.
Spar men Copy a*M an saaatpt pttt a— to '
d*db ApaMa' Prwpta par wiek. WiU
•?i) 4 .>' * praeeliorMrfa.i M 0 Saw arttcfaa
raat sal*'led. lie. e* fro# fa ett.
wß. CSIPSSTPU. Pea—eaor. . t.
d—l—fair pa<kaa of Prof BaU'a BMW Com-
L gUjcod will force whlake, a fa pra
|mm ■lku I and Sexry on tka aaioofaeat face
■ J| eilhel UJ*ry> in B da yd. or Money
fl V7I Apefkodsd snx a >nka>. pool peSd. I
M ' i I —f 1 fir (rk. One appiloatlon if ay
kVI 'fl HUr Ca'l-r" will earl ke kair of
Kj sex ks*Bllfßlly S.flafarUoo
■ll ■liaii iwr tt ru. a itdrkapa. pat*
■AUPpatd.Slor M eta
E w JQS—. A.kland.Bea ,
News! Mention Agents
AGENTS. Tie Mepileit.
I'ur OuiSU and aplsadld Pr—lnaaa Me l* are
now ready. T>a CM eaatly arakn traa •>(• faS—
par month Liberal rash commit a ton. paid Bery
raw an karri Ser reoeiroa a proailnM worth afaSS
lhaa tka aabarriptton nc Wa wast ape rial
Sprat. Mr erery fawn pot team, ana lit l ora
niimi addreae H C I0W I Park flwe.Prn
fork, or BASBUIAX A DOW LBS, IS Pnetla—
Btre-r. Boston. .
It U sot a quack nostra.
The ingredienta are published
ou each bottle of medicine. It
is Died and recommended by
Physicians vkarmr it has
[ been introduced. It will
positively cure SCROFULA
in it utricmt rtagrt, X}{EC
coxa l XPTTOX, and all dis
eases arising from an impure
condition of the blood. Bend
for ourßofuDAwa Almanac, is
a bich yon a ill find certificates
from reliable and tnwtvorthv
Physicians, hi misters of ate
Gospel end others.
Dr. B~ Wilrcs Csrr. of BsMisxsw,
toys br baa und It ln<aar*af hrtWnla
and ether diKtm %" s mack aauafeo-
Dr.l.C.Fifk,*' vujb
txaada It to all nor *i.- >-:k*rtnr orttb
dtaoaood Bkod, aoyt * * -# amnio. 01
arr rirrarattaa bf *'t#bhc.
% fir*- tabney Ban.of tooi*Jjw* -
M. X. fumV Sctib, raja ba baa
toon ao morh t> orfittrd by Ha OMitbat
ba rbacrfully TwiuHßda H to an bta
frirada and arqaatotaortak
Crs vrn * Co, I raMiota. at OirSoea
▼flic.Va., nj it nrrtr baa tailed tograa
■attarart ton.
Sam'l 0. IcFitta, Hoi ft aaohoro*,
Trmireero, taya it cured bin ot Bknr
malum bra aUalaa failed.
wlllonra Chilli and Few. LI rat Complaint, Dya Wavnarantaa lr<aasai.ii aapartor to
all otbar Mood Pnriflart. Band for DaacripUvs
rirrnlar or Almanac.
SB. Oommarca at, MaUiwun, ML
*m>amhar to aakrocrl)mortal for Soaanajua.
nr.. from romlng sndrr the door. Tbe pert* marked A imomi ofaard wood, a.d are nailed b* a strip or
heary pure rabber marked Bio the engraring. Th -übbeHi lettnt Uio wood pieces,a* will !m obacri d la
thss.riioiisl wr :>ove sodtsssoersay fastened tbers, thasferailngs rubber tick la the center. Wben
toe threshold Is In Ms piece, the robber area presses gsntly on the bottom of the door when closed, across its
eotlrs width, completely excluding rata, cold, dust, etc. Its dnrsbltttr has bees tested for years, and we will
guarantee it to outwear say ordinary wooden threshold. Ills baposidbte for I* ie get oat of ortler. ts sssllf
wSbled o *7ot only'so. but It FATitlfT
OOtupeUtor la the known world.
x o * a.
For Single Door fwldt*. two feet six lactase to three feet). It JD each, Fei Doable Dear frtdh fear tset
TS* (erlhamatlbsHardwarestorestor srewill sssdfffsof axpease.anywhere, en reoatptsf IhepitMt
wium. rmxncM * co Me KtMdNMnM. m cm m cim—g
sgtr Bitter* re parf|T VsUb4e
ti* bert* •& on the tower room el
the Sierra Nersd A mountains of CalHar
oto, the medkinsl properties of whidi
are sztracted thavftwi without the use
of Alcohol. The qoestton is aimort
dally asked. "Whatls the cause of the
i novalleied •ucceae of VunnAß Btt-
TKHsf Our answer is, that they recoore
the cause of disease, and the patieat re
cover* his health. They are the greet
blood purifier and a life-gmng pdneph,
a perfect Renovator and lorigorittor
of the eysteiß* Kever before Is
tdatwy of tlw WOIU ii— e oiedWneb—a
MBiittti4e4 nottari&l tha musfkebie
of vi&iAt Brrrr- hi h-lta|the
dek of every Olmam e-elekelrto. They
•n e Q—i la PwasUve well e Twdfa
naigvuig Ooocnuuoa or luflsi—slinn m
Orjsna, In Bihoee
The ppMMTtIM d I>. WauewH
Oeraim—ivr, VvtriUe—, LA— Uv* 111 IMI.
Sedsu, uiairlmuiii. hndoriM, Alien•
thrs. end AifQ-Bihuua
(iratefui ThMMtada proclaim VIA
SOAR Bmske the nmet sFondortul In
uforset that ever wnlained the siakieg
J >O Penmi ran take THPUE Bittern
aecording to dinsctiooe. and remain toog
an well. are not de
stined by mineral poieou or other
steam, and vital organs wasted bejoad
'"SiW Beaaittent and Inter
mittent P eter*, which are so preva
lent in the valleys of our great riven
throughout the Cnfted Stau-*, cspooialiy
the- of the Mississippi, Ohio, lUui i,
.IBiiiois, Teuneeoee, Cumberland, Arltan
•ae. Red, Oohwade, Brsros, Rio Oraode,
Pearl, Atohama, Mobile, Hataansb.Ro
snake, Junes, end msf others, with
their vest tribo ten—throughout w
eoure country daring the Summer end
Autumn, end remarkably so during sea
sons of unusual beat and dryness, are
invariably aooorapenfed byezteosivede
rsngemeutA of the etooueh and liver,
sod other abdominal viscera. In the*
treatment, a purgative, ezerttog a pow
erful infiocmce upon these various or.
gam, is essentially necessary Then
is no cathartic for the purpose equal to
Da. J. WALZM'i VWBOAB Brrraaa.
as they will speedily remove the dark
eoiored viscid matter with winch the
bowels are loauwl, at the same time
stimulating the aecretions of the liver, N
sad generally restoring the healthy
functions of the digestive organs.
Fortify the body against diaeaa*
by ,uriiytof all its fluids with VDTBOAB
Bxmoss No epidemic can take boM
I a MM tbu MM
Djaaepeia or iadhresttow, Heed
ecbe, Pain in the Shoulders, Cough*.
Tightness of the Cheat, Pi nine—, Soul
Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste
in the Mouth. Bilious Attacks. Palpira
tatiou of the Heart, InflemmaHiin <A the
Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kid
neve, ind a hundred other painfol symp
toms, are the offsprings of Dysj ps
One bottle will prove a better guarantee
of its merits than' a lengthy advertise-
or King's Evil, White
Swsllia—, Ulnars. EryMpelas. bwaUsd Kk
Oesus. iscni/aiou* lagsasisri'e ladeissl
laflaaasiK■n>. Msrcuriel Aflsetiona, 014
Ron*. Erui.tioas of tha Ssin, Son lyes, ale.
la these. sß other vunstftatkaal Dis
Vsumn VIS—AS Birrs— have
diows tier crwu relative pewsn ts the
most obsUDSle ""A inVrwlslfle aasss.
For laflammalorj audi Chronic
Rheurust ism. Gout, BiUona. Remit,
tent and Intermlueot Fcrera. Diseases at
UM Mood, liver, Eidners sad Bfedder,
tbe** Bittsn have no >C "M Book Hl—
sis csaaed by Vitiated TUEEA
leehanical I)Keai*. - Persons en
gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as
PLUMBERS TJ-pe-setwn. Gtdd bestan, sad
WINRAA, ai they hdraac* in life, AN SUBJECT
u> psrsiywa of UM Bowsis. To r-*"i
hgatokt llna. take a da— of W ALKUS'S VB
—AK Birrs— arassiaeeOy.
Fur Skin DiuAs*. Eruptions, Tet
ter Ssh-RHEUM, MoWhes. Spats, Pimp*—
Pustules. Boils, Caibuncies Ring-worms.
Scald* bead. Son Eyes. Eryauelas. Itck,
Scurfs Discoloration* of the Rain. Humors
and DlM— of tbe Skin of wkawver name
or mtuiu, an UteraUy dug up and eatriad
out of UM system to a abort turn by tke a—
of tke— Bitter*.
• Pto. Tape, and other Worms,
LURIUAS is tka rrttem of so many tbousaoda,
—S DFCIWESRY totnysd AAI newred. ■ a
•rstem of ssadsoma, vennffu—•, no a—
thalmiutiea will 6 ike system HUM won—
like these Bitters.
For Female Complaints, in young
or old. otanied or (ingle, at tbe da*u of wo
m—koofl. or tke tarn of life, these itmis
Bitten dbptov deetdad an influeaos tkat
improvement is so— per——ibis.
Cleunw the Vitiated Blood when
ever you bad its imparities barsU&g ihrougk
tke ATO to Pimple*. Eruptions, or Sores
el— U* it WHEN roa find TT obstructed
atoggMk to UM vet— ; eieane E tt wk— A is
foiuT your feelings will tall you wbeu. Keep
ike blood pare, and the health of TUE system
will follow.
m. n. MiDOftLD k CO..
aad gar id W satilu—mw and v hlfiURI Nfek, A. X*
i J '
A Sew A— t'aa—l Holiday Ollt
S eoMMaatloa or MaMlaw Oaaa W.lh nowpUfa
Hat of Worst a Sick wiiara art llafcla fa t—il\*-
rarree'iy. Iw tal# k. Rtatloo-ra aa *t I< Streak, Phllaaofahla. Pa, 4—4 /or If-
wbk* do*e sotdrr ap a eoo*k ami keee Us e—is
fahtad. kut Uoaraa It. cxaiuea lbs lnc(* aad aCaea
kikaliiai .bo;-rma^ingtoilaanofUMraaapwit
by a fS—Jrrawrt fa Una alaadard ramady.aa U
Wrrrad bv bniklri-la „f l-ktlinooWa It baa neSig.
SKTJIU'. GOWTK * BOM, rsoeaiAXoaglloe
wnuilAM. BOKIB/ Jaakfanaiajr,
an CKNta Mr tka Waasir Viiconm. tka
fall be.l l .tolij ar aonlka. eonialntag
*lll <k* wk I* "• ike i*ier*e'l*a eeiial araiy,
w w Tkia grant feaikre Soaa noi I, fHnga 8008
tka eoaaeUkaaeaa of oifcar dapartmenlA Tka
Willi r Wlacowatw Haw ra'amn quarto, lareor
than tbe.Vrw i'or* Latiyri or the .Vtu IV, rk WeaAw.
Bam*lr ooptra free. AU leiiera akoold berar#Mlly
Ml'weu.-e. Wla
t&>R Cor ttop cemutaatoh or *3W a work
I* MM Salary, ana ex„*n*ea We iHMr It mod will
p*p It. Apply sow. O. WEPSSSACA.MarIon.A