The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, January 15, 1874, Image 3
THBCKNTRK RrCUOttTKR THURSDAY JAN. IU„ 1874 LOCAL ITEMS. Our friend* will oblige by tending u Item* ot local new* in their locality, gt*e u- th© fact* only, and w# will put them in ahnpe, al*o notice* of death* and niarri* - Any onMending u* th# name* of six n w subscriber*, with Uio ca*h, will ba entitled to receive the Reporter one year face. The Report ** being read by neatly avert body on thi* siu* of the county, where it ha* a larger circulation than any two paper*, will ho feund the be*t medium for advertising business, aale*. Ac. Ac. Our friend Mr. 8. R. Oettig, write* ut: I like Virginia very well, eo far; I would not wih my*elf back again. —A musical conventien will be held at Freeburg, Snyder county, commenc ing on the2i>th, and closing with a concert on the Friday following, to which our mutical talent U invited. The hunting or killing of deer, tur key*, pheasants, partridge*, squirrel*, rab bit*. Ac., expired with th* close ©t Decem ber, and it will be a* well to remember that aven th# possession of gme, or their fresh skins, out of season, i* prima facia cvidenc* to convict and impo th* fin*. StockTno Streams Witu Salmor.- On Wednesday afternoon 12,tW0 salmon were placed in tbe waters oftheSnyder tpting, a branch of th* Mohontongo—a stream which divide* Dauphin and Northumber land—by Mr. Cta*eling, superintendent of the state batching house and Col War ral, of Uarrisburg, ex flsh comtuissianre. The kalmon were hatched at Dr. Slick's establishment. New Jersey, and were transported from that placa to Harritburg under the car* of Mr. Cleveling. This makes th* thiid establishment which ha* bean introduced ink) either th* Susquehan na or tributaries of that stream In March last \V. D. Sciier, Esq., Coloael AVxrrel and Mr. Cleveling placed s,oft) in the Susquehanna, early in December from 12,000 to 16,000 were put into the Y'allow Breeche* and Toaodoguinnat and on Wednesday 12,000 into Snydei'a spring. An important change respecting the morning hour of leaving eastward on the R. R. went into effect on Monday of Ibis week. Instead of that distasteful Br* o'clock ride w* now hv# it at eight o'clock, which will suit the traveling public admir ably and thereby increase the patronage of the Road.—.ViJßudsrg TWeyrepA. Taken on an average, Haines town ship has th* youngest couple in thas* paru •f the vinyard. He it abaut A', ah* a lit tle over 14. Better early than never. Centra Hall, we find the following "mot to'' over an opening in tha desk : "Lat her box." vletter boa.) W# second that motion any time, if she wants to box "let bar boa," but send the school-master around. —-"Avilude, or Game of Birds, just published by West & Lee, of Worcester, Mas*., is a card game ef real merit, and •ntirely unexceptionable. It is getten up in a fin* style, the play is excellent, while the amount o( information afforded in such email space, by the fin* engravings ot Birds and their discriptions are surprising. __ It must have a large sale, and deserves it, too." Faieof persons! property of David * Ertle, dee d, in Gregg twp., sth Feb. The Harris twp. Farmer's Club met at Kock Hill, pursuant to adjournment, Jan. 9,1874. Geo. W. Campbell in the chair. Subject tor discussion, "The kill h ing, curing, and preserving of meat. ' ■ Pork was ;th# main subject, mutton 2d, F and beef *3d. C. Dale, John Carper, D, M Weilsnd, Geo.' Swab, Sam'i Davis, F. • Potter, A. Stover, Jerry Tressler, John 8. Forster, Joseph Baker and other* took part in the discussion ; although the night was dark and raining, the meeting was large and interesting. The subject, al though a plain one, yet opinions differed very much—no two agreeing. Adjourned t* meet in Boalsburg, Jan. 22d, in the evening, subject, "Feeding of Cattle." Josxrii BAKKX, Sec y. —All in want of shingles can get them at a bargain of T N. Wolf A Bro. S adv. They have a real good shingle at six dollar* per thousand. 31. CESTUI COISTT ATLAS.—Subscri ber* to the Atla* ot Centre county, pub lished by A. Pomeroy A Co., are notified thai the work i* ready for delivery. Sub tcriber* will plea** have their money ready for the A Rent JAMES LAXAGAX. Agent for A. Fotneroy A Co. And atill Newt Wolf • neck is not broken, although hor*e-fle*h again under took the job, for the forty-eleventh time, Tue-dsy of last week. Newt left Rebars burg in the evening with the mail; it be ing dark and no one about, when along a lonely spot on tb* toad, hie horse tkought it safe to make things lively for his driver —juttas *o many of hit species bad done before. The nag , put on a full bead of steam, and the driver was set upon the road in a manner to badly skin his face and lay him up for a few days. Thinking Nawt was all right, the fiery steed, with boggy passed Wo[f s Store, and spent the night in the Brush valley narrows. We think it is about time that horses give up the idea of breaking Newt Wolf's neck by running off, and smashing buggies—they have tried itloooftea, throwing him against rocks, posts, fence*, building*, Ac.;—ex perience thould bave taught the horse tribe, ere tbi*, tost it i* all of no avail when tried on Newt Wolf, let them quit that mode and try it by kicking, biting, stamping, or chawing him. Nawt, wa reckon ia a safe tubjoct for life insurance companies, but let accident insurance concerns give him a wide berth. Go t<r Hoffer Brothers for your good*, if you would buy to cave money. They sell dry goods, groceries, notions, Ac., chaapar than elsewhere, and always a full stock on hand. Our Loop correpondent sand* the following.- BREVITIES. Petty thieving is rampant at the unseasonable hour of midnight, i* that a sign that be is going to steal your corn? Not a bit of it The inclement weather, for the past week or two, has se riously interfered with the progress of re ligious revivals Leonard Rhone's in ventive genioux, ia never asleep. Ha has just completed a wood-saw, which ha think* will astonish the native*. Wood chopping, baa no further ache* for him The "spook" sensation, has abou' died out. A lighted tallow-dip, may do to scare immaginative people, hut it won't scare sensible beings worth a red Jew-1 helljkens! if the "pedal extremities'' of the' "Ferguson teacher," are as big and strong, as the Jaw-breaking expletives which ha hurl* at the head of the Loop re porter, they must be about the size of a coal-bucket, and smell stronger than e xotten herring......"Cuba or bust," is the motto of that Potter twp. teacher, who drilled bis scholars on Naw Year* Day. War to the knife, and knife to the hilt, will he the rallying cry of the "Black Hawks" ......It is said, that potty ia an ex cellent substitute for braini, and ai we kaow of several persona who are sadly de ficient in this crgan, wa would recommend abeut six pounds to each individual, it might restore lost equilibrium......"What next ? GXBMAM EXHIMTIOS.— The MilV beim, Aarocsburg, and Pennscreelt Ger man-evening schools, will give a public „ —. —. entertainment, under the supervision of The impression prevails in Washington* their able and efficient teacher, Robert that the senate intends to stifle all measu- Miller, in the town ball at Millheim, on res looking to a return to the original Con- Saturday evening, January; 31st, 1874. gressionat salary. The exercises will consist of addresses, es- —Met holla, who was hanged the otb. says, vocal, and Our (r day, smoked a cigar until the loop was readers will remember of a similar enter- put around his neck when the sheriff bad tainment gi?n, three years ago to a larre take it frpm mouth, and a few days audience and from there all returned will beforj he threw ft ftuh f f ltW in th nln plMMlt "jlWlftcei U* rout* ATE.—Mr. Law back t ED. ward) af near llublarsburg, lost a valuable bona about a week ago. We had about three inches of tnow on Tuesday night. Mr. Young, of MitHinburg, we are told, Intends bating tbe old Uubler store •tar.J in Ilainet twp , Mailed up again. Tbe farmer* around Htiblenburp are net troubled with the chicken dimase, but with chicken thieve* A party of young men are in the habit cf aneakmg through the neighborhood in the night and Mealing the chicken* (Voni the roo*t. Farmer* Swart* and Thompson caught •evaral of the "Sknuks la*t Saturday night almost in the eery act. They fol lowed tha two leggod to***, with lhaii rifle*, but wore a little 100 late. "1 hey are patiently wailing for them Uo"call again when they will give them a warm recep tion with powder and *hot. I*et them try it again. ——Sec the notice in another column ot the Tribune extra*, curtaining valuxhl lecture* by most eminent *civnlifl men of the age. whch are thu* brought within th# reach of the poore*l. ——The Burreli School House, 1-ama; District, Clinton Co., wa* set on Are lat week, and burned to the ground, ooituum ing all the book* and aparatu* belonging to the ichool, and Teacher Aa eat end chap remark*, that there it con*olati>n in th* thought, that if school ui ever held in that locality again, the teacher and com munity will enjoy the blessing ef a new order of book*. The Boonevilte band anfertained the valley folk* with music on uew year* eve whilst .erenading the newly married cou ple Mr. and Mr*. Aaron Kieckner. at the residence of tha hridagrooiu near Logan Mill*. They furnished eicellant mutc and abo did"eoual justice to th* bountiful repast eel before them by the happy bride groom. Quite a large number of wild tur kjr hi;** b#en kit ltd in ike Su* gar and Brush valley woods, awut hunter* having killed a* high a* *i* and seven separately, and yet they are *een daily in flecks wandering about through the wood*. Baa.v Bvrjct.—-On Saturday evening lart, a short tiiua after dark, tha barn on the old homestead of Abraham Mease, de ceased, now in possession of Lewis M. Snyder, was destroyed by fire. Mr. Sny der was at home at th# lime, and ay* he had been in the barn looking after his hors e> just a short time before he discovered the fire. Everything in the barn was des troyed excepting the live stock, which was all got out. About IWO bushels of oats, 500 bushel* of corn in the ear*. It 1 bushal* of wheat, and sotue rya, and frem 20 to 25 tons of hay, together with all such farm implements, gears, etc., as are usually kept in a bam, were destroyed. There was an insurance ef $3,1 *) on the barn, stock, etc., in the Farmer* Mutual of Dan ville.— Stiirugntw* Timet. Traverse Juror*—lst week Janua ry Term 1874. Beiiefont# Boro.— John P Harris. John Wagner, John Irvin jr., Win S. Trlpple, A. > Valentine, and Geo. W. Jackson. Milesburg Boro.—K C Onrr, Wm 11 Kerlin. Philipsburg Boro—John Bradin, John S Gray. Banner twp —John Lutx, Jm M Wilson. Boers—John Beside*. James Llngle. Curtis—John M Dalle*. Fergunon—Peter Lauck. Jamm Dunlap, Jo* B Ard, Wells Gardner, Henry Krebs, U Y Meek. Gregg— Luther Kiskel, Wm Heckman. Half Moon—Wm L n lison. Harrie— Evan Williams, Geo Kerlin, Adam Stoeer. Hsines—6eo B Slaver. Henry Keinhart, H H Weaver, J C Mou, Wm C Warnta. j Emanuel Musaer. , Howard—Rubtn Pletcher, Michral Pletcher. Husten —Wm Turner. Liberty—Wilson Clark, U A Snyder,, David Robb. Miles—George Weaver. Penn— John Bracht Potter—John Rishel, John Booxer. Spring-George Valentine, Jeremiah Eckenroth. Union—Jacob Taytar. Walker—James Huston. Worth—Samuel Stevens. List of Jurors 2d Week January Term. Bellefonte Boro—John W Moore. John Moran. Edward Graham. Edward Browa. Milesburg Boro—Wm Bogry Union ville Boro—John H Shipley. Boggs twp—P W Bamhart, James Id-1 dings. Burnside —Fred Carson. Furguson —Bigler Meek, Samuel Mus ser. Peter Kecbline, Wm E Burcbfield. Haines—Samuel M Motx. Howard—Hiram Lucus, Samuel Kline, Jonathan Schneck. Half Moon-Samuel Martin. Huston —Scott 'Mf i'!iam. Liberty—Michael Sehdeck, Jos B Hall. Marion—lra C Johnston. Miles —Abs Barter, Jeremiah Heine''. Potter—James Runkle, David Guisa, J , G Carson. Penn-E C Campbell. Snow Shoe— R H Roach, Calvin Rank in. Spring—Charles Eckenroth. Tayler—Wm Merry man, Geo Merry man.- Walker—Soloman Peck, Daved Dun kle. Worth—Hanry W Hoover. List of Grand Jurors for January Term. Bellefonte Boro—ll U Rot brock, David Bartley. Fred Smith. Milesburg Boro—David Furey. Boggi twp—Henry Homan Gregg—David Kunkle, John Coldren. Harris—Joseph Bsker, Perry Kreamer, Isaac Woomer, Geo Wesson. Howard—Wm II Neff. KC I-eatbers Huston—Jno J Thompson. Jno O Miles. Miles—Jaha Wolf, John B Shaffer. Potter—John W ( onley. Pann—J HRci&nyder Snow Shoe—Samuel Y Lucas. Wm A —John Noll, Jas R Alexander Joseph Roes. Trial List—lat week, Jan. Term. Jas Smith use of Ac v K K Nelson Isaac Uaupt v* Cleaviand A Fleming Ilenry Snyder use of vs Ale* Knoll A T Voornead vs K A G Hasting* Commonwealth Pa vs H Brix kerhoff j W L Wilson vs Henry Stephens JAG Fraaier vs Hale A Co John liy vs Williams A Cox Ktnier A Foust v* Edw'd A Green A co First Nat hank of Huntingdon vs Edw A Green A Co First Nat Bank of Huntingdon vs Jos Green A Geo Kby Jas P Coburn vs Geo Vonada et al John Duke vs J a s P Smith Mary Ackers Adams vs Robert Cooke Geo Durst viJB Soil et al Mark G Williams vs Penn a R R Co John D Gardner vs D J Richards Lloyd Caldwell A co vs J V Thomas A Co Jot Alexander vs Penn'a R R Co Amelia Royer vs John W Sholl Trial List—2nd Week. Joaiab Stahl vs R U Downing et al Joa Wilkinson vs J W Scott et al Illman Winter* va aaine John Warren vs same James Fox vs same Cyrus Michaels v* same James Sutherland vs same C H Huston vs same J A Winters vs same G G Winters vs sauna Andrew Gardner va same J T Woods vs same Lewis Dunkle vs same John Frost va same Milliken, Hoover A Co use of vs Jo* Underwood* adm'n Fillnaoro Naveling va J W Scott otal John M Lest v* same John Sheridan va same James M'Henny vs Wm founget al Martin Houser vs Penn'a RR co Jonathan Krcamer trustee Co ■ Ira A y r< J Gyrus Watson et ai va J C Decker et al Wm M Lyon et al va Henry Youngilng Filghman heirs vi B F Shaffer Agvew Moore vs Samuel Homan E Morris vs Peaa'a RR Co Geo W Jackson vs same Wm Young et al vs Cline Quigley E P Jones vs Penn'a RR co John Kline vs same Norwood coal A Lumber co vs Jno Kl lisha A Co | P McCafiTeryvs David Harter Keller Staurt A co vs Jno I Thompson E Elliot vs Wm L Musser Philip DeHaaafvt Pa RR co. For the Reporter. CHRISTMAS KVKNING IN HUB LKKSHUKti. Christmas i alway* a*eaon of i ©juicing i especially to the young. It ,wa *ucb, at !ea*l, to the people ef Hublertburg end vicinity. At an early hour the leer of i the l*reb> terian church were epen and invited young and old to come. Long be fore the hour for the opening of the eier |ci*# had arriveJ, the hou*e wa* fttll aU mot to overflowing. The object, which niott attracted attention. wa* a large Oh rill ma* tree, well l*den with nice"and g<H>d thing*, and beautifully lighted with was taper*. Thl* tree wa* a friend to all; it bore gift* for old and young, the rich and poor, irrespective of name or denotuina* lion It wa*, therefore, emblematical of the coming ot ChrUt our Saviour, lie came to save all. Tha rich and poor, young and old, blacjf and white ; all can cewr and partake..of the gift* whick He brought with hun to thi* inful world, rhi* Christmas tree, of wkich w# have been speaking, bore some very valuable {ill*, of w Inch the writer of thee line* and ii* family received their full there, and for which the kind friend* will. plea*# ac- cept our sincere thank*. May God bl* you richly, for your kiaJnett to hi* *er vant for supplying hi* want*. The speak er* on thi* occasion wero Rev. M C'ondit, of the l'retbyterian church ; Rev, J. A. Bright, ofth* Lutheran church, and Rev. J. Longsdorf, of the Evangelical Asso ciation. Rev. M. Stoat, of th* las', named denomination wa* also invited to attend, but could not. on account ef previous en gagement*. Rev. Condit directed his re mark* principally to the eld folk*, —head* of families. He spoke with much earnest ness of the vital importance of not neg lecting the training'of the youthful mind, lie advocaled.lhepluctrine of the wise man, "train up a child in the way he should go, | and when he is old ho will aot depart faom it." (Prov. 22-C.J lie aleo spoke of the Sabbath school,—the right arm of the church, a* being neat to the family, the place wherofthis training should be car ried on, and of the responsibility which rosts'upoii thvwe'who engage in this work. His remark "take car* of the babies, and th* men will take care of themselves," was certainly very true. By the way, we hop* Rev. Condil may have hi* thare of babies ie lake care of. Revs. Bright and Lungtdorf also spoke short time. Thejr|adopt*d th* Socratie method, and by it accomplish* J their end* It was Astonishing to all present to hear how readily the children answered the questions put to them. Their answers were net such as you generally receive from children, hut intelligent and senti hie. The writer doee not hesitate in as serting that there is not another Sabbath school in Nattany Valley, and very few in Centre Co., that will "out-anawer" the Unien Sabbath School* of Hublershurg ; and for all this we must thank the efficient Superintendent, Mr. John Divent, nnd hie able corps of teachers. All honor to them tor their noble efforts in teaching the ! young the word ot God. which rnaketb wise unto salvation. But we must not forget those three little girls who "capped the climax" by coming forward on the stage, and without any assistance, scarce* ly, singing that beautiful infant Sabbath schawl hymn, "I am Jesus' Little Lamb." jO, bow sweet I If any part of tha exercises of the evening were more pleasing to God than the others, it was the sweet tinging of j these three little girls. Yea. they were truly the "Little Lambs' of Jesus flock ; and it was to such that He referred when he said, "suffer them to come unto me and forbid them not, Ac." Go on little girl* in the ofpraising your K adeem er—soon lie will tend hi* angels to take you home to Himself, where you will be- , come lambs of that large (lock "who have j washed their robei and made them white, in the blood ofthe Lamb." Now few closing remarks. We found •niy one objection to all the exercises of the evening, end it wee the coining into the house of God, ■ character who wee named "Kris K ingle," or "Belsnickle," ae be is sometimes called. Now this we thought, and do still think'so, was alto gether uncalled for, and very inappropri ate on such an occasion, via. : The cele bration of the advent of our blessed Sav iour. God was certainly not pleased with this part of the exercises, it is impossible. The appearance of this character in God's house remember, where his name is re corded, and where honor dwelleth, did | not make the desired impression We feel it our duty as God s servant, to make these remarks. We make them in leve; we make them for the good of us all, and i for the glory of God. May they have | their desired effect. J- A. B. LETTER FROM LENA, ILL. Lets a, 111.. Jan 6th, 1874. EDITOU RnronTKft.—lt seems some of the people of your town and neighbor hood are very much concerned about my welfare, and are anxious to know whether lam dead or alive. Many no doubt pre ferring the latter. By your permission I ! would say lo them through your paper thai lam as live a man as lives in a live town in the lively west. And I can vouch for every one being alive that reads the RaroKTaa. Now as the Holidays are ov er our town is again a.-uming a business like appearance. Hundreds ef teams are to be seen our streets daily, laden with the products of the broad and fertile pra ries, waiting their turn to be unloaded at the si ack>us elevators where they meet geod j markets. After purchasing a few of the necessary articles of life they return heme with a full pocket book lo make glad the hearts uf their wife and little ones. But Ibe farmers are not the only ones that en joy themselves, as we were convinced on ■ Christmas eve, when looking over the vast i audience that crowded the Lutheran church in our town, thero were two very fine evergreen trees, beautifully ornament ' ed, and laden with choice end precious gifts, amounting to seven hundred and twelve dollars and twenty-five cents. What joy was pictured on every counte nance as the gifts were called off and pass ed to the owner I—amongst the rest the worthy Pastor, Rev. Treasler, was not for gotten, receiving for himself and family t two tewing machines, a baby perambula tor, some clothing and a purse of forty dollars. The next entertainment wet en Friday night, Dec 27th, a public installa tion of the officers of Lena Lodge, sad chapter of Royal Arcb Mesons, which was enjoyed by a full house. Having a few days ef leisure time, I paid a vi-it to Otangevillo, whero I met a boat of my acquaintances and found thorn all enjoying themselves, and all giving the Reporter the credit of their success. On Monday night I accompanied Mr. Chaa. Muster to a grand concert, (which was given for the benefit of the church) 'under the management of the very accomplished ' and successful music teacher, Mise Jen nie Coats, assisted by Miss Lucy Waster, both formerly of Spring Mills, Centre Co. The singers as well as the Excelsior brats band of Orangeville, did themselves cred , it. That part of our county is settled prin cipally by Pennsylvanians, amongst which I are the Messrs. Musters, who aro doing a 1 thriving mercantile business, their sales footing up from aixty to eighty thousand dollars per annnm. While some ere mer chants others ere very successful farmers, raiting abundant crops, especially of hogs Georgo told me he could raise from one lo * two hundred per acre, by simply planting the tails in rows about six feet apart they i would produce trom five to fifteen good, healtby pigs to tbe hill j as a hogist, Goo. ■ a success. I saw them kill and luanu ■ facture five large fat ones into sausage, - and Jhad about ten thousand lbs. yet in ' the pen, for which he refused five dollars and fifteen cents per hundred, live weighL George and bis brothers are not only good [ farmers, but they are also good marksmen > as the fruits of their labor showed when from | hunting expedition in Wisconsin, whore their unerring rillo* brought down ten liitf large deer. Hut, with lt lliu pleasure I enjoyed suiong my "Id school mates tn that neigh borhood, 1 wa* shocked to learn that one of them, Mr. Mile* Itanna, committed tuiciile en the 13lh of lW , hy cutting hie throat while laboring under a temporary aberalion of mind. Mr Henna lived to eipre** hi* regret fur the rath art. He leave* a wife and family to mourn hi* untimely end, Alter (pending a week will) my associate*. !|relurard onNaturdai through the mud, via Freeport, w;jere 1 met my friend* Dr*. McKitu and Htiver, both looking a* though they would be happier if they would take to themaelve* another rib. Alter (pending a hall hour with theut, 1 look the train for Lena and found it in the rame place. Buhkum For the Keporier. Mn. Kptroa i—Accompanied by Mr W. Royer, Secretary of |chool board, we vleited the school* of thi* place, we llri entered the primary taught by Mi* Laura Barn hart, and found .her .ohool ta good order and doing well. We neat (topped a* No 2, .taught by Mr. Calvin Harper, and found that gentlaman in good spirit, and doing, we thiuk, very well i alter a •hurt converatton with him we stepped into the Grammar School, taught by I'. J. LelUsll; *• wera vary much pleated to >oe the condition ot hu *chool, we found the room neat and clean, and very gcod order preserved ; we do thiuk that Mr LsilxtL t* making an atfort.lo gain a repu- Ution for hi* *chool, and also to advance hi* pupil* a* fa*t at poeohle. Hoping that the parent* will by all the mean* in their power *u*Uin him. we wiah him suocaee. 8. S. r. The Farmer* Club of Potter Towu •hip met at Ceulre Hill, Jan. 3, 1374, and were organized by appointing Geo. Holler Chairman. The tir.t question, W hat ben efiu ara delived from fall plowing, wa* opened by Peter Uolfer, followed by J. 11 Keller, Adam Rankin, David Giliiand, Gee. Udenkirk, and other*. Th* follow ing Keeoluliou wat then adopted. Reaulv ed, that the club coutidei fall plowing a benefit on very heavy clay oil; but on light or loamy toil* it may be injuriou*. Tbe second question "What breed of cat tle ere beet adapted to thi* locality, ' wa* opened by Lenard Rhone, followed by Merira. Uillileud, Uoffer, Boal, Rankin and other*, a majority of the .peaker* pre ft red the /Vm CaUl*. Third question, "What breed ofhortae are be*' adapted to thi* locality," o* *■ 4 u- David Gilli land, followed by Keller Wm. Spangler and J. K Kunkle—the Englub draft horse eeued to be the favorite.— Tbe Executive cvmmiUee than reported th# following question* for discussion at lb* next meeting. let Would it he n benefit to th* club to hav# n recorder of stcck for *al\ be longing to member* of the club. 2nd. What are the advantages of reis ing clover aa<' *i jicthy relatively. 3rd. "' 9 Lir-asra join Ut /V.Vwi of Uu^oanir>. On motion the club adjournaj to ~ieet at Pine UrotSch<iul llouee, the 4th Sat urday ot January at 1 o'clock P. M. JAMES A. KELLER. Sec y Aud now Cushing's Domination for Chief Justica i gi*ing (rouble. Many of the radical aeuetor* will not vole for his confirmation, because of hie having one* been a democrat. Grant can't iep hie congress under bia thumb any more ; it went back on him on Williams and wou't obey bim on Cushing. The radical party is fast going to decay, and thia chief justice matter is a good sign of it. The lower house, at Harrisburg, on Bth, passed the following; Kaeolved, By the Senate and House of Representative* of Pennsylvania, That it is the true intent and meaning of the new Constitution that the fcrst mi on of the tinnaral Assemhiy elected under its pro visions begins on the first Tuesday of Jan uary, IHT&, and tba members of the House of Representatives thereof shali be elected at the general elactiun of 1874 The vote stood—Ayes, '>l. nays, 2. AN INTERESTING COLLOQUY BETWEEN MESSRS. TIPTON AND SHERMAN. The following intereeting little talk took place between two radical seua tors a few days ago : Mr. Sksrman said he w uld vote fer the amendment, a* h* could stand th* smaller pay a. wall a* the other Senator*. Mr. Tipton said he hardly knew how to express himself in parliamentary language a. to lb* desire of Senators to accomplish indirectly that which they cannot accom plish directly. The gentleman from Ohio (Sherman) aaid he could atand living on a small salary. Perhaps he can, when tb* last documtut which come* to my table (producing a paper) speak* of man like Sherman of Ohio, the head ef the Finance Committee, now a millionaire, who came into Con great poor. Mr. Sherman—l a*k the Senator from Nebraska if that is true T Mr. Tipton—l know nolhiag about it, I giv# it a* 1 get it. Mr. Sherman—Well, Mr. President, that i* grossly unaanaterial and grossly false The Senator who introduced that statement ber* violates hi* duty as a Sen ator, and deserve* tba condemnation of all his fallow Senator* Mr. Tipton said ha did not think it dis creditable to read the fart It was not dis creditable to th* gentleman, a* other* had come to the Senate poor anv are new rich. He meant nothing against the char acter or integrity of the Senator from Ohio. A bill haa been introduced into CoDgreaa providing for tbe appoint ment of a Railroad Commiwinner, who (hall revise and regulate freighU and tariff* on railways. This ia un derstood to lie a Granger luovemeut, and a strong opposition to its passage by the railroad interests, is predicted. The Supreme Court of the Suie of Texas has decided adversely to the election law framed by the Thirteenth Legislature, under the provisions of which the recent election was held. This decision annuls the late election, and retains in office the Thirteenth Legislature and the present Governor, Governor Davis. There is great ex citement in Texas over this decision, aod an open outbreak io some quar ters is apprehended. Louisiana may be duplicated iu Texas. The bill repealing the Bankrupt Law, which pasted i lie lower house of Congress the other day, provides that cases now in the process of adjudication shall not be affected by such repeal, aud that the law shall be oonlioued, so far as these cases are couoerned, until adju licit ion shall have been accomplished. It also re duces the fees of officials under the Bandrupt Law iu such cases fifty per ceut. The Baltimore aud Ohio railroap and the Pennsylvania railroad are just uow having a lively quarrel.— fhe result is the passenger fare be tween Philadelphia and Pittsburgh has been reduced to 17, and between Pittsburgh and Baltimore to $4. — How long this child's play will last of course uo one can tell. Rukawat Enuih.— Y asterday fooe-noon Engine No. 128, N. C. R. W., left the yard st Sunbury with a full bead of stosin, (how it happened ws hsvs not learned) and without engineer, fireman or tender sped sway up lha road. It seemed scarce five minutes from the time the officer* [plvty m lj# Wlff MIiJWU until it !I.ewihurg like a meteor. The operator a Milton received order* to open tho twitch In two minute* after the ffiliiaway caun bounding alung at a tearful pace. Lea* 'I mg the track at the upon twitch Just abovi Broadway it bumped along over the ilh for almiKt two square* bofoia U cam# toi halt. The lrn k wa* knocked out of Joint the (ill* (plintered and huge elone* whirl lay bt-iweeu the track* were thrown ii every direction. Wo noticed one weigh j ing upwaid* of fifty pound* which lia< been thrown arrot* tho road agalnil tin fence The Engine wa* soon .urrounde> by a crowd ol perton* drawn thither by the nei.e ol the accident and the tire w*> drawn. The gagua indicated 148 lb. u • lean, enough to run it to Muncy Strang) to ay th* engine (offered bul little damage to il* machinery although lit. cow-cvlchar and forward truck were oeai pletely demoli.heil The Klmira mail ea.t which wa* due In a tew minute* aftei the accident wa* detained but a.hortlime, being ablet" pa* around the obstruction on the aiding belonging lo the Car Work* Kroiii the *tory of the engineer of No 128, it appear* that th* tram wa* about pulling out o! the yard, the fireman being on board. The engineer wa* walking to th* engine from the office where he had gone tor order. The fireman ttepped back on to the tender to lake up the signal Aag* a* the engineer wa* about to .tap on th# engine. At thi* moment the coupling broke throwing the fireman back on the Under and thi* engineer to one *ide, (tun ning them koalk fora moment. When they recovered the engine wa* rushing away beyoud their reach, and all lhay could do iwnatofo into the telegraph office and give warning of th# runaway Mittonion ®/ Saturday. A G A 8 8 I Z AND H A Y I> K N. The Tribune "Extra," No. It, tmw ready, contains; Prof. Agaaali'a Amazon Expedition, (Si* lecture, en the Vallev of the Ama zon, firet delivered in New-York in 1867, •ml now published in ccmplete form for the firtt time. 1 Tho Harden Colorado Expedition ol 1873. (Letter* by Prof W. D. Whitney ef Yale College, and Review by Prof. I \ Hayden.l New Route to Yellowatoue Park. (Expedition ofCapL W. A. Jone* from Fi'rt ilridgar, W. T.) Price 10 cent#; Al copies for |1 fill Tribune "Ext-e*," No. 8 i Agaai* twelve lecture* on th# Method ol Creation); No. 10 Proceeding* of the Portland Meet ing of the American Aaaaelation for the Advancement ol Science); and No. mail, to anv addres*. for '& cenla. The en.ire una of 14 Extra* now published, sent by mail to auy adsir#** in (he bnii*4 State* for One Dollar Circular* giving full details of the content* of eaob extra, sent tree. Address THE TRIBUNE, New-York LARGE FIRBIN HELENA, MON The City alrnoet Totally Destroy*! Salt Lake, January k 9.- ll is reported; ; here that Helena, Uua., i nearly destroy-, ed by a fire which commenced thi* inorn-i ing in ChiaaU'wn al half pa.l six o'clock i end swept away nearly the whole city j Ilia International and Ccemepolilan ho- ; lets, the First National Bank, and every j frame building on Main street abov# tbe St. Louis Hotel (have gone. Yen's A ; Blrin's large flre-preol store and the offl- I ce of tbe Western Union Telegraph Cum- pany ara deetruyed. A strong wind was blowing at tbe tune, and nothing could , •top the progress of the flame*. UKKAY KAILWAL PROJECT. 1 Kepre*ea tative Uurlburt, vf Illinois, member of th* Committee on Railway* and Canals, Introduced a bill, tbe feature* ' of which he foreshadowed at the meeting i of lb# friend* of cheep transportalio n for the construction of a double track freight railway from New York to Council Bluff, with breach#* lo Chicago snd St. Louu, th* railway lo be contracted anJ operated by a corporation under the aa.picet of the General Government and controlled by a Board of Corouiiadouera, tbe rate* for lraofsoriation on cereal* lo b# filed at five mill* per n per mile for any distance over even hundred and fifty mile*, tbe enfre length of the rood being fifteen hundred mile.; for ihorier distance* than■ Kita hundred and fifty mile* the rate* are lo be a little rneru than five mill, per ton per mile, lbs road I* to be operated exclusively a* a freight road for cereal*, •tack and other production*. Train* will move at the quickest but moat economical rate of peed which will be at l*a*l ten mile* an hour. Th# co*t of the road t e*timated at one hundred and aevenly five million dollars, including necessary rolling *tock. Government aid i* suggested in a guar antee o( five per cen. internet on thirty million bond*. The tapacity of tbe road will be aixly thousand ton* a day each way. Tbe commissioner* are to fix the various rate* ef transportation and make suitable provi*iou for the car# and safety 1 of freight carried. When lha road hall ' earn beyond what b neec**ery lor the pay -1 ment of the intere.t on the capital atock and eight per cent, dividend, the rate* of freight originally etablihed are to be reduced. It is considered prubabl# that a new election will b* ordered in Louisiana. It i* slated tbat Secretary Robeson baa enlisted, in positive violation of the law, 1,600 extra seaman. SCRIBNKR FOR 1874. ■n., lavu accorded U> lOe Miiula: I* U> eabtu cneblM ue to ee'-r upon U cowlas r-*' • It* IU vwei ol metis* It store eltrsctlw eml . els eble lUeu -t-r before lo lie ler* esd ber of rseiler. Os bolt eldee id Lb- AUesUe. Tfce Us ual atorr of Ibo jeer, Katharine Earle, b> Mus Trefton. I* e chanslna lore toorr 1,, s (tllsd writer. sWrli Is dseUsed lo e wld# i-opstsril* There sill be brUltes! soreHlee end Ike bsel ehart etarlse. Br He.e Hobs. I'rrl Herts, end other dU*bl , rU i"lrrTr-* 'f*™ri(ln* end unbiue Toesw. with lUurtre Uone "HID TimtXlt'HHY' . . .. I.f lies) V Tar lor. known for hie bullion! eeblrtbs ilase to the Wretwrs I'rwee. will eln* :Ur see* aln Ihe mneie of lb. hplnnut* Wheel, rbe Ylell. Tbe ltla*e 1 pSrtrJiu* Isd' flbaerephlral Rketrhee of Aaeriren Aslbots . Paiiere on l'elrr I ermln* end Hlock Kal" in* ta Ksrope. OS llou-ehold DiKoreltos .nd fwrsl tare. Besides more than lift* other Illustrated Articles are sow In MrwpereUeo T UB RPI KBDIDBKRIKS • THE GREAT SOUTH." the mwt Important esd eepeselre eerlre of |lJo*'y d l-epere errr osdertahre b ear Mewerlnr. will be sot. untied thmofh tb* fnr. Ia li# DIJMfcW "■■WW • p eompl*tff Ukfl piper* o lmlMtna Th* w*R ]• orl*ff l os- aier (tale . The Wonntale Ke*loo. ef tbe Houib . Tbe Iron Kewlone of MiaeosH, 1 . *. These with lb- Keeejrr end Editorial lierweeione ef l.lieretnre. hriesrc end Art. bketrbee of r rwTwl. or rsetose 1 Poems end Kt Inn*-, will make up e Me tine of Christian Utareture d#einwd to be "The Bed in the World " Th* Oecoml>r Sul> (no r-adf) !>*• *n bU Ar tl<|p oa lbs HiiimpU-n o( •*•s, bf IH Att#r. I'fMim* by nn>t MA4*l>ottAt ao<l othr Th wltoull..a *f lb bnrtnl Sljwtn*. HpUndld II • luanUuM ol !*•• Orlnnn*. tbn Hti* t Anuria, KrllWrUl* b a Urg* nd abla ron>*of wrllon. Top ic of lb. Tim. bl>r Holland. In whirl. h. rjll|L • Hour. K*llalona N*pa|>an i* a Uuababln Kubtaa. Sc., S, An .nlotlalnioa numlaf. The Holiday Ne. of St. Nicbola*. oar Spl.ndld K.n tlllll iMmulm fsrJ lilrto *nd Hoii. flnwi lewd, will b* ami U> • i; SuUirlW. Monlhl/ for liCl Ala. lb. Noromlw and l>mb.r nnntna of St StrboUa rfr~ to tboa. who aubactlba foi bolb Maaaaiun. Tb* Jul* -lumlmt of Horlbnor'a Monthlr oonlalnlna lb. Introdactory Ar Ucl. of lb. tlmal Sou lb 5.r1.., wat to aulwcrlborai la Srrtba.r wbo rauunnl It wbnn mating lb*lf *ub*arlp Monlblr •< 00. HI JWi •*. or $7 .<#o for Hll* " OVERCOATS. OVERCOATS. Just received another new lot of Besvsr Cloth, Petersham, nnd other overcoats, which are offered at decided bargains. Also clothing of all kind* for men and b-.ys. Boots, Shoe*. Ac., at prices to suit buyers, at the Clothing Store, Milroy. Pa. Z. B. Kri*e A Brj dsct BELLE FONTBM ARK K'l'B. vVlnto iVheat $1 60, Red 1 16.... Rye—... 00. Coin 60 ....Oat* 86 Barley 80. 70 Clo/erseed 4,60 Potatoes 60 Lard per pound 8 Pogk per poundoo Butter 80 Egg* 80 TPlaster per ton sl6 Tallow 8 Bacon 10 Hani 15 Lard per pound Scent* Buckwheat 05 ot* Fiour per barrel reUilb,so... wholesale 7,26 to 7,60 MILROY MARKETS Corrected by John M'Dowel, Grain Merchant. White wheat 1,40....Rid wheat 1 35....Rye 00 Corn 60 Oats 86 Barley 80 Cloverseed4,oo Tiinothysoed, 860 Salt 2 25 per sack, Bacon 7c Hair 16 Butter 26... Eggs 20 Plaster 9 60 Chestnut Coal per Ton $6.76 Stovo Coal per Ton $0.50.,,,,. Egg Coal J> er Ton tlmebunwrVuol pgr lug fO.UU it' Cincinnati, December 20 A .pecial di*-, i.'patch from Dnhaon, Montgomery county, • jobio, *nye that at a ahnotiug match near f- there, yesterday, two brother*, John aup e Henry Slon*. quarreled about leading a I. rifle Juhc railed Henry a liar, when a| Henry drew a revolver and ehot and kill* Mod John. Tli* apeclalora being much ex it cited, ceughl and hung Henry lo a tree n{ when taken down life wa* ex-inct. Too i-j much whisky cauaed it ail, d• ♦ • SIR EDWIN I.ANDSEER. I Of the great painter, Sir Edwin Land • eer, thnlmparial Biography of Artaay*: •* ' Nii English painter ha. been more popu i lar, and none—eaeept Sir Tboma* Law ,f ranee- ha* received uch immense .unit for hi* work*. For th* copyright of some '' of hi. picture* he ohuined xH.UJt) t^l 1 in addition to the original price <■( tlie pic e lor.- It wa* a ma*ur lrke when the I publisher* of The Chrittinn at Work pre • ented the tuple combination of a magnif '' | icent cliroiuo (about two by two and a r half feet in *iae) ef Land.eer (great paint nig af dog* and aheep 'The Twiu*' - with Tannage a. editor of lhair paper, and jSpurgcon a* apacial contributor They de.orve *ucc.*, and will got it Write to j than*, at 102 Chain bar* atreet, N. Y., for I (ample copiea and term* Agent* wanted. See their adverlt.tment." MARRIAGES I On Christina*. M. Ueileu Crandel and . John Mliter, all ol Snow Shoe. i On Sunday, 2Mth uIL, Mt.i Ellen Mr- Kinney and Samuel Meoney, ail of Snow [ Shoe. Onthe23J tilt., by Friend* ceremony, T. Wil*on Way 'and Annie A. Seller*, 1 both of Half Moon twp. Ou the 31*t ull, Mr. Tall Lewi* and ' Mr*. Fannie KeikarJ, both Of Fowelton. ' On the 23d ult, Mr. Hhadrach Par*on 1 and Mi** Sarah Irwin, both of thi* coun ty. On 21*t ulL,by Rav. W. 11. Grob, Mr. 1 Jacob Wingert ami Mi*. Rebecca Becblel, both of Potter twp. On the 23J ult, by Hav. Wm M Lan- Jit, Mr Samuel G. Clark of Lycoming co., to Mia* Clara Foot, of Miilheim tin* county. On the 'JMth ult, by Ui**ame, at the ret iJence of bride* father, Vr. Aaron D. Kiev* tier, to Mix Carolina St rob acker, i , both of Sugar valley, Clinton co. Ou the 4tfa inat, by theaame, al the Re- 1 formed I'arauuage at ReLvraburg, Mr. John W. Snyder, to Mia* Sophia E Kahl, both of Sugar valley, Clinton co. [Clinlen co. paper* pleate copy.J DEATHS. ( On thetHh ult, John I*. Kabi, of Sugar I valley, aged S3 year* M month* 17 day*. On th#23th ult, near FineOrov# Mill*, Mr. John U 100 in. aged 78 year*. T. *. woLr*. *■ t wolfb. T.N. WOLFE A BJtO., Wolfe (Store, Pa * Have on hand and offer for aaie, at a very low price, 100,0001'tnr hhinxlee, J lock, ( I for CASH, reasonable lime or any kind t' ; Grain, Seed, or Froduca. jaali-St T DMINISTRATOR S NOTICI. - I 'aim l OaaaMi** •# m am* IRfIU, ol i.fMf lf . Im I kA* Nm (raffilM W KLawlW U> Mil MUM U4—kaU imiwnl god U. • K*rin| Mu* |>u ue. A4m * m * n> ~ riv.vKE NOTlCE.—Notice ia hereby 1. given thai my Vendue note# will be left in the hand* of David llenney. at Pol- c ter'a Mill*, whereauch a* are interacted c will pleate and make payment in*ide of b tour week* frem thi* dale, Jan. 1. Mr. t! DaTid Uannay will be readv to meet nil e ■ucb, on the 24th and 30th day* of Janua ry 1574 Pvr*an* paying their nolea inaatd time will ave coat* * Jen. It LAMBERT J. NOLL. I VLSSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. , If NoGcei* hereby given, that on the ajt of Deoember A. D RC3 the Copnrt nrrthip of Miller and Celyer known un der the name ef Centre Mill* Coatpeny, for the making of all kind* of lumber ha* been mutually dia*olved, and that the bu.mea* wit! be carried on al the mill of tawing and plaining floor board*, tiding. * and facing by J. Keller Millar, in whoee ] henda lieoxa and paper* are loft. Thankful for pa*t favor*. 1 a*k the con tinued patronage of the pqbi.c Th*a in- , debted to aaid Arm, will piea.e make ael liemenl. J. KELLER Mll-LER. JanS 4t WILLIAM Q)LY KR SHERIFF SHALES m Br virtue of cundry writa of fleri facia*, 'levari facia* and venditioni expona*, there, will be exioed to public tale at the court boufa, in lteilefonte, on Monday tbe 2Rlh day of January, A. D. 1874, at 1 o'clock,! the following' described real eaUle U> Wit: I' AH the right title and inteie*t of defend- j an: in a certain lot of ground kituaU in ; Potter twp tTenlre county, beginning at a .tone at the north east of land of the BOOR- J era, thence by mountain land couth 6741 'leg.,, wet 7t) pcraha* to a dene thence' by land ol Margaret Gregg, couth 214 de- i grc ea.t, 11 S-10 per to a done, thence by j land ol Jno Boorer, north 674 deg. WCt! 7J 3-10 per to a done ; Ibenca by land of; north 364 dog, wed 11 3-10 per U> the j place of beginning, containing about 6; , acre* more or led, about 2 acre* cleared ; land ; thi recti erected a dwelling houce. .table and other outbuilding*. SeUcd and j taken in execution and to t>e cold a. the' ' property of Henry Ueidwaile and Mar-: [ garct Ucictwaite. ALSO E All the undivided half part of throe! tract* of land aituate in the townchip of 1 Snowcboe, county of t'ontre. One curvey-1 1 ei on a warrant to David Karvcadden, I dated the IMb day of Dec. IHU, containing 412 acre* and 44 perche*" and allowance; i t another thereof curvcyed on warrant to. David Karrcadden, dated* the 16th day of t June, IKVL containing 412 acre* and 44 IMg AM allobranco And the remaining tract, centainiog 287 acme and 80 perche. 1 ' and allowance. Surveyed on a warrant to David Karccaddcn, Dated Nov Mb, Dihtt I Alco all that tract of unsealed land (ituale {in raid twp of Snowthoe, curvered on a > warrant to 1-uke Micaimcr, dated 3d day ,* of March, 17.4, containing 400 acre* and ' allowance for which a patent wa. granted ; '' lo *aid David Karccaddcn. dated 25th day ' of January, 1866. recorded in patent bock J d ' W. Vol. ii, p 251. ALSO : 1 All that certain tract of land situate ir , th* township ol Bogg*, in said county of i Centre, .urveyed on a warrant to David Karccadden, dated June 17, iB6O, contain * ing 4UO acre* and allowance for which a patent wa* issued by said commonwealth, " to said David Karccaddcn. bearing date • Jan 26th, 1865, and recorded in Patent " Book. W Vol 68, p 263 Also, all that cer tain piece or tract of land situate in said lowmhip of Bogg*. surveyd on a warrant to John Cochran, dated 3d day of Match 14 17V4, containing 306 acres, 112 per and al lowance fur which a patent was iaaued to " tho said David Karccaddcn, bearing date " the lt day of January 1865. Recorded in i Patent Hook, W Vol 58, page 259, togeth- J er with all the building*, way*, water rights, liberties of Ac, thereto belonging Seized and taken in execution and Lo be aold a* tbe property of Wm. J. Health. ; B. F. SHAFFER, jt janS Sheriff. REGISTERS NOTICES. The following account* hare been examined and paused by inc and remain Died of record in this office for tbc inspec tion ot heir*, legatee*, creditors, and all other* in any way interested, and will be l>re*entsd to the orphan*' rsuri of Centre county, on Wedieday the 2Htli day of January, 1874, lor allowance and conc iliation : 1. Tlio account el Alexander Kerr, administrator of Catharine Rankin, late of Potter twp. dee d. 2. The account of John Meyers, ad ministrator of Ac. of Jacob Meyers, late ot Bennar twp. dee'd. 8. The executorship account of Samuel Gramley, executor of the estate of Elisa beth Grimes, late of Mile* twp. dee'd 4 The account of Christian Hechdol executor ol Ac. of Jacob 1). Hechdol, late of Liberty twp. dee'd. 6. The administration account of J. li. Fisher and Polly Fishor, executors of Ac. of Adam Fisher, late of Gregg twp. dee'd C The first and final account of John Colo, executor in the last will and testa ment of Eliza 11. Smith, late of Harris two. doe'd. _ i. Tho trustee account of John Irvin, Jr.. and Daniel Kliosds'surviving trustees under ;tlie will of William A. Thomas, late of the Borough of Bellefonte, dee'd. J. H. MORRISON, janl Register. % BARLEY WANTED. ONE THOUSAND BUSHELS of Barley wantod by tho undersigned, t<> he deliv ered at Milroy. Price troiu 80c to 96c per bu., Cash, according to quality. | UENItY BOSSINGER. .] W.J. MHAXIO4L r ; Wholesale & Ilelail DEALER IN ALL KINDB OF HARDWARE, MILROY A MILLHKIM.I'A, LARI>K STOCK OF NKW GOODS JL'NT RECEIVED, AT PAN I(J PRICES LAMPS A LANTERNS. MKAT CUTTKRH A HTUFFKRH, BUTCHKR KNIVES Ae. POCKET A TABLE CUTLERY i in large varieties and every thing gener ally kept in HARDWARE STORKS M v Stock at this lime i heavy, and will olfer inducement* lo cash on ahort credit buyer*. liov 27. it in. UOL'SK A Lot VoR BALM.— A two ,' .lory dwelling hou.e and good lot, in one of the mint desirable portion* of Aaron.burg, 1* offered at private aaie, f> ith it are all necoMary outbuilding* tuch a* kitchen, wood.bed, *mokehou*e, a .hop (table, ciatern, Ae. Choice fruit of all kind* on the premi.e* Apply to MRS. JOANNA KURTZ, ocCfit tf Aaronhurg. Keystone Store. FOB FARMERS AND ALL OTHERS Go to H. YEARICK & SON, FOR POKBION A DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTH A 8HOE& CLOTHING, OIL M.OTIIN, QUKKNHWARK. G HOCK RIBS. PRO VISIONS, FLOUR, Ac. No. G Buab'e Arcade. Bellcfoote, Pa. All kind* of country produce tak en. Beat Bargain* io town to be had. novJOtf Stoves! Fire! Sto v*s! At Andy Reetman'*, Ceutre Hall, are latest and best stova* out, he has Just received a large lot of Cook Btuvea, tbe Pioneer Cook, tbe Eclipse Cook, the Reliance Cook. PARLORS—The Radiant Light, self-fee der, Gas Burner, National Egg, Jewell, Ae. samite veil, stove, as LOW a* anywhere in M;ffiin or Centre co. TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE The undersigned hereby informs the citiaen* of Pt-nusvalley that as has pur chased the Tinsbop heretofore carried on by the C 11. Mfg Co., and wili continue the tim, at the old stand, in all its branch es, in tbe manufacture ef NTOVE PIPE A NPOITING. All kind* of repairing done. He has always on band Fruit Can*, ufallSixM, BUCKETS, CUPS. DIPPERS. DISH EH, AO. All work warranted and charge, reason able. A share of tbe public patronage so licited AND. BEESMAN, 2*ep7oy Centre Hall THE PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE. Next door to Wileon A Hick*' Hard ware store, Allegheny St., BKLLEFONTB. PA , J R. F. Rankin & Co., (Successors to Linn A Wilson.) DKALE 8 IN < PURE DRUGS 1 AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS. PAINTS. OILS I)YE STUFFS, VARNISHES, BRUSH ES. FERFUMERY, NOTIONS, AND FANCY ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET, Ac. PMBSWIM3E&UGU&A# for medicinal purpose. SHOULDER BRACES, TRUSSES A SUPPORTERS in great variety! Also, Choice CIGARS AND TOBACCO, ' and all other article, usually hept in first clau Drug Store. PRESCRIPTIONS CARKFC Y COMPOUNDED. tf.ljune R.F.RANKIN A CO. 1 T*r ANTED.—We will give energetic i If men and women BUSINESS THAT WILL PAT from $4 to $# per dav. can be pursued in your own neighborhood, and ii dricliy honorable. Particular, free, or .ample, worth icveral dollar* that will enabla you to go to work at onca, will be ent on re ceipt of fifty cent.. .... Address J. LATHAM A CO., SJaaCt. 29ct Washington St., Boeton Me*. II v 1 ' SPU KOEONI I T. De Witt Talmego i editor oil ■The Christ iat; et Work ; C II Spur ■ eon. Specie! Contributor. ThoyM ■write for no other paper in America.™ ■Three magnificent Cbromoe. I'ayß ■larger commiwlon then any other™ ■paper. CIiROMOS ALL.KKA-B ■ lY. No Sectariani.m. No Sec™ If xiali.m. One agent recently oVM ■tained KSO subscriptions in eighty-™ ■hour, absolute work. Sample copies™ ■and circulan sent free. AGK N T S Wan ta d , 111 W. ADAMS Publisher lOrll H Chamber. Street, New York. |Jan # J AS. M M ANUS, Attorney at Law, Bellefonte, promptly attend, to all j butiaeu entrusted to him. jui2,'CSti Best Santpie Rouius iu Town. BROCKERHOFF HOUSE, D. JOHNSTON A SONS, Proprietor., * Bellefonte, Penna. ! Free liim to and from the Depot. TO-DAY.— We call attention to the ud -1 verli.ement of 7u-/Viy in another column Thin paper seems to have laid out a path for iUcif, aiming to furnish a tlnely-illus irntcd paper at a prico that places it with ' in reach of all intelligentreader., and .par iug no expense to secure the best reading i matter for its patrons. Added to this, the sound judgment and , eX'iui-ite taste that is shown in it- selection of Premium Chromos enable. Agents to offer inducements that are irresistible. Last year Mrs. Anderson'. "Just So High'' was the subject, and few thought it could be excelled, but now the publishers come forward with another charming child picture, "Little Sunshine," by the same artist, and also a Chromo of one of the celebrated Birket Fester's most beau tiful landscapes in wntsr-eolor. Each sub scriber has a choice of either one of the above named chronics, and we do not ex aggerate when wo say that neither one could be purchased fur less than seven dollars. The publishers wish agents everywhere, and offer .liberal induce- CI MITH HIIOP POR RENT, ij On* of the ,<et ftim-lt smith Huitdt n the country i offered for rent by the undersigned. The shop is located tn Ms.i --isnrbu-g. hat two lrr, end Ifdeeired, the Toole can alao be leased with the shop. Kerry thing le in the beet order for the business. and the e.and ia always full of work. Pcweeeetoa can be bad at any time Apply to WILLIAM NOLL. Tbie etand ie also offered ior sala, with dwelling houee and lot. 6BOT, im. Medi o <b> g, Pa. Miller & Son, CENTRE HALL, PA. DEALERS IN PUREDRUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS. OILS, DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERY. NOTIONS, FANCY ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET, Ac., Ac., Ac. PI'BE WINE AND LIQUORS, for juedlrina! purposes. Trusses A Supporters in grrat variety. Also, choice CIGARS AND TOBACCO, | and ail other article* usually kept in a ffrst class Drug Stare j Prescriptions carefully Compounded. MOocttf MILLER A SON. | NEW GOODS AND NEW PRICES. AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES at the BOSTON BOOT & SHOE STORE, NO. 5. II( MI'S ARCADE. Price* Lea* than at any Other Shoe Store in Centra County. Call and See Us! No. 5, Bush's Arcade, Bellefonte. July mr. Q. ROCKET STOKE.— Woodring <fc Co., At the Grocery Sura on Allegheny Street, Bvllefoeie, Pa., opposite Hoffer Bros inform the public gcuerelly, that they have now and keep at *ll lime* one of ins best end largest slocks of Groceries, such as COFFEES, TEA, SftOAR, HO* ASS AS, Ac.. A., Ac., CANNED AND DRIED FRUITS OF , ALL KINDS, consisting cf canned peacban, cherries, omaiocs, plums, green core, dried apples, peachse, cherries Ac. In brief they have everything usually kept in a £n*t class Grocery Storv. Ceil in ladies and gentlemen. Our price* are seasonable. We aim tc please. octStf adamhtld; PAINTER, IK'.lf offers hi* service* to the citiaen* of Mifltin Centre and adjoining counties, in Heuae. Mgn mid Ornnmenatal Palnllng. GRAINING Oak. Walnut, Maple, Ash. Mahojtony. Ac., Plain and Fancy Paperhaaging. Or ders respectfully solicited. All tine work done for other painters. nov 6 If. PRICK LIST. BURNSIDES & THOMAS. JOBBERS] A COMMISSION MER CHANTS Salt per Barrel... .......(3 4> Salt per Sack 226 Best Rio Coffee per A 30 White Sugar per A.— —. ....... IS Men's Stoga 800U...—.. „ .. Moose Boots per pair 3 60 Horse Blankets per piece —— 176 Men's Shirts, a piece.... 1 00 Army Pantaloons 2 76 Best double thick t0b5cc0.................. 36 Best Navy fobacco CO We are Wanamakers A Brown's agents end will furnish customers with any kind of clothing you want at Philadelphia prices, and wiOshow you large samples to choose from. We are sharpie**' agents af Philadel phia and wilt furnish customers with any kind of dress goods, shawls, Ac., at city prices. Largest stock of Merchandise avar brought to this town. Collar, Room and up Stairs all full. Gall and saa for your selves and save from 20 to 30 per cent. The highest Market price paid for but t'L <***. f*in, Ac. r iftv different kinds of men's glove*. BURNSIDESA THOMAS. Excelsior Cement The undersigned now manufacture Ce- I menl WARRANTED OF A SUPERIOR OITALITY. at their kilns, near Pine J Creek Mills, in Hainea twp. This cement { has already been used in large quantities < apon the L. C. A S. C. RR., and has been J found highly satisfactory upon all jobs i wbeie it has been used, and as equal to | any now manufactured. The undersigned i now take pleasure in recommending, and warranting it to all, for use in Clifi- i TERNS, WATER PtPKS, or whatever i purpose a good quality of Cement is desi- j rable. This Cement hat already been < tested far and wide, and rendered the ut- 1 most satisfaction. Persons, therefore con- , structing Cisterns, lading Water Pipes, i Ac., will find it to their advantage to bear this in mind, and also, that they warrant the article as represented. For further particulars, address MEYER, HOFFER, Jb CO, 20dcc Aaronsburg, Pa. NOTICE is hereby given that the ac count of Samuel Hess, committee of the person and estate of Lydia Musser a lunatic, has been filled in this office, which said account will be presented to the court for confirmation at January term next. AARON WILLIAMS, 18dec8t Prothonotar.v. NOTICE is hereby given that the ac count of Griffith Ly tie, committee of the person and estate of Jacob Wortx a lunatic, has been filed in this office, which said account will be presented to the court for confirmation at January term. AARON WILLIAMS, 18dec8t. Prothonotary. MU LKS.— M' NITT & BRILLINGXR have constantly on hand first class Mules* which they will sell or exchange for Hor* ses, at their stables at Milroy.Ta, Udw. Bm. I''New Store! ! New Goods! New Prices! New Everything! ; FIGURES WILL NOT LIE I HERE THEY ARK! Beet American Prists - lOete ' I Laurent.. .......d0.........f10t* ] Bedford Beta Appiaten A. Muslin 4fd lAeta ' Augutta d 0..... ... Mete Chestnut UUI bleached 12ct* | Canton F1anne1...... 16et* White Sugar USfcta Beet Nevy T0bacc0—..................... "Beta Levering .Syrup..... 76eta A Fine Awtortoient of Ladies llreuMgood*. Moss colored Poplins 40cta Japanese Silks. . Biele Tycoon Rape 2Bet Pine Mobeir SHk Pinieli 1.00 Black Alpaca*, Cne 76da Preneh Merin05..—.......... - 1.00 Very Fine Cashmeres.. 7Scta At., Ac., Ac. All other good* in proportion. We have laid in e large stock of the beet good, which were purchased at tha very bottom panic price*, and, the season being well advanced. we ere determined to closa them cut at prices tht have not been touched In this country since the war. Come end esamiae our stock and prices end be convinced that we will do you good. S. S. WOLF, dec IB If. Centre Hail. SOBS B. oavia, cr. AiHistiw, C, W B6WBBH OR VIS. ALEXANDER, A BOWERS. Attorneys-al-law. Ofice opposite Court House, Bel let ante, Pa. Jan l*'74t£ JOHNFPOTTEK, Attorney-at-l*w Collection* promptly made aed special attention given to those having lend* or property Lr sale. W ill drew up sod Lave acknowledged Heeds, Mortgage. Ac. Oflce ie the diamond, north of the court house, Bellefonte. octJfdStf. HALL HOTEL. V' JOBS Spanouca, Proprietor, Stages arrive and depart dally, for el points, eorth. sout.° r east and ** B. S.k'ALUtTSS. J*W*. IMTM. M'ALLISTER & BEAVER, A TTORNEYS-A T-LA W, Bellefonte, Centre 00., Pa. aptttet Hxaar naoexxaaorr, a. p. aaragT. President. Cashier. QKNTRE COUNTY BANKING CO. (Late Milliken, Hoover A Co.) RECEIVE DEPOSITS, And Allow interest, Discount Notes, Buy and cell. Government Securities, Goid A apHTSßtf Coupons. it. foRTNKY. Attorney at Law, , Bciiefontc, Pa. Office over Rey onld a bank mayM't RAJ. I.BHREFFLEB TAYLOR, ILLER'S HOTEL Woodward, Pa. Stages arrive end depart daily. D. M. RITTKBHOCSE, KOOXfi. Willi ARE Ac CO. wHOLaaaut PKautae i* Fish. Cheese and Provisions. 1M North Delaware Avenue, 117 North Water Street, Pitti.ADKi.rniA. V. a. Koqgu. O lesvm tlcavoi mard ly. J MABBia. JD. BHCOKBT J A BKAVEB PETER HOIJKU. Pennsvalley Banking Co. CENTRE HALL, PA. RECEIVE DEPOSITS. And Allow In .wrest. Discount Note Buy end Sell Government Securities, Gold end Coupon* PBTBsHoyrBB, WB B. MIAOLB, Pres'L Cashier Chas. H. Held, Clack, Watchmaker A Jeweler Millheim, Centre Co., Pa. Respectfully informs his friends and ti>< public ia general, that he ha* just tmenrd at his new establishment, above Alexin der's store, and keeps constantly on tuu • . all kinds ot Clocks, Watches and Jewe;rj of the latest style*, a* also the Msrani itt Patent Calender Clocks, provided with i complete index of tbe month, tnd da% v the month and week on it* fisce, which i* warranted as a perfect time-keeper guff-Clocks, Watches and Jewelry IT US.ted on short notice and warranted. set. true IV W. A. CURRY, BOOT A SHOE MAKER CENTRE HALL. PA. Would most respectfully inform theoit sens of this vicinity, that he has started • new Boot and Shoe Shop, and would be thankful for a share of the public patron i|i, Bool* and Shot* made to order and according to style, and warrants hi* work 5 equal any made elsewhere. All kind of repairing done, and charges reasonable Giva him a call. fvb I<> 1) JJR.B.G. GUTKLIUS. Dentist, Millheim. Offers hia professional services to the public. He s prepared to perform all eperations in tbe dental profession, pgr He is now fully prepared to extract teeth abtoin My without pain. iuyß-7-tf. Ym OUNO'S HOTEL. Comer of Ttird and Chestnut Street, Mifflinburg, Pa. John Showers, Proprietor. Iu Central Location makes it particularly desirable to persons visiting Town on business or pleasure. H. A. Taylor's Livery Attached. un(2l ly pOUKT PROCLAMATION. u.'2S3 , s£i. c iS5 Sis Ksssjj: rassrsr Hoaorabi* Hsnrr JK.pi.. W. si. Jodto*. Ui Ceatrs lot til. v-ouuijr Of Contra, mad locommrncc tut the *h Honda* of JH.MII. bnni IKT SStb ds* of JOB. 1114, uf to oooUaos two wsnh*. Notice is bsrsbr jlton to tits Coroner. Justus* of the Ponce. Aldermen sad .unstable. of the said count* of spiwrtaias to bo done aad those who are bound la re oocaisaaoee to proeecote uuut the pOaooors that are or shall be la the Jail of Centre count. , be then and X.~tprolateEatart theme.dnßte tajt. Utren under m* hand at BeUoloate. the 4th da* of Jan In ths iss* of oar Lord WJ4. aad In the aiaetr- Dr. Crooks Wine of Tax |B Contains ftmrtaMe In ersdieato ofPafentied SAf Tonic value eomulued n with the rich ttf OK Qualities of Tar. which - cause U to bulla an the weals sed drhli tUlcd and rapidly rssisreexhaustrd strength. It cleanse# the Stomach, relaxes the Liver, and rautrs Use feed to di|t, Pysprpela and Indtg. alien. It la a Superior Tonic, restores the appetite and strengthens the system. For Paine in the Breast, htde or Back, Clravel or Kid ney dla ease, diseases of the t'rlaaiy Or ■aasjeaedlce or mar User Cemplolnt ft has no equal. It eneo tnally cures aUOossph* St* the raioATtS LVHOB. and has been SSSSSFfabW?" iwaiiyww ww W Btiw **