The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, December 25, 1873, Image 4

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Farm, Harden mid Uon-*-hld.
Orrkunl an*4 sramrr.
Something can be done this month in
many sections of the country to lighten
the labors of tho coming spring, and
advantage must be taken of every favor
able day that will allow oat-door work
to bo well and profitably done.
Ciona.—Cut from the growth of the
.past seosoit before the wood frwaes.
f' Imbel each variety and store in frvah
11 sawdnst in the eel lor, and look to them
occasionally during the winter to see
that they do not dry out.
Pruning, except upon large limbs,
mar be done now. Young orchards, if
looked after every year, will seldom re
quire any large lunbs to be cut off;
besides, all the ueoesaary pruning can
be done 4tf • time when other wk is
not pressing.
Stocks for root grafting may be lifted
whenever the ground is not iroseu, and
heled-in in a dry place or in the cellar,
ready for grafting during the winter.
Manure. --Continue to cart out manure
to the orchards whenever there ia time
to spare from other work. It is better
for a team to work a little every day
than to remain idle in the stable.
Miee and Rabbits.—To prevent their
injuring lite trees, keep all rubbish
away from the truaka, and whenever
snow falls trami) it down firmly around
H the tree. Pre&u blood smeared upon
the trunks will prevent damage
rabbits, and paper, tarred or otherwise,
oi cloth wrapped around the base of the
trunk will keep off mioc.
Heeled-in Trees.—See that they have
drains to take away the surface water if
necessary, and be sure that the roots
are properly covered.
Fruit stored in cellars will need look
ing after. Take advantage of the mar
kets to sell fruit when the prices are
good ; better sell at onoe than watt un
til spring and loae half the fruit, even
if prices are somewhat lower now.
Fence*.—-Look after fences and gates,
|| and have all closed and strong enough
to turn -stray cattle. A stray animal
will do more damage in a yonug orchard
in an hour than can be repaired in
Seeds of stone frnit should be boried
in the open ground at once if it has not
already oeen done. In the spring most
of them will have sprouted and be ready
to plant in furrows in the nursery.
Dairy Caws tu W later aa* Suvinfi.
Chester Hazen gives in the Wiscon
sin State Agricultural Society Report
the conclusions of his experience for
twenty years in that State. He says:
The care and food of a dairy are of
s much importance as the proper se
lection of the cow; for eveu good
cows, unices well fed and cared for, are
poor property, yielding little or no
protM. They should always have good,
comfortable stables in winter, and be
liberally supplied with the best quality
of hay, with a light feed (from one to
two quarts) of meal each day. With
this treatment, if fed and watered regu
larly, they will pass the winter in good
w*Normditson,T>e fat enough for beef to the
spring, and will not have to lay on flesh
for a number of weeks before they come
to a full flow of milk.
To secure the most satisfactory re-
Hsuits, good pastures should be provided;
the tame grasses, timothy and clover, '
are the best. A daily mess of ground
feed through the summer will be found
profitable ; and some provision (sowing t
corn or some other m p to cntup green);
should be made for drought or short
feed in the fall. Pastures should have
plenty of puie water in them, easily
accessible at all times. Shade trees or
jl some kind of shelter from the aoorebing
heat of the eon are essential to the com
fort, and consequently to the profitable
ness of the cow. When the weather is
warm and the flies are troublesome, they '
should have a pasture to nm in nights,
'o At this season of the year they will
feed more in the night than during the
Good, careful hands at the milk pail
are very essential in the proper man
agement of the dairy. Each milker
should have the same cows assigned him
to milk regularly night and morning,
and the milking should be done, as
nearly as possible, at the same hour
each day.
It is eminently true that the better
the care token of the cows, and the bet
ter they are fed. the greater will be the
flow of milk. The special aim of every
dairyman should be to get the greatest
amount of milk from a given number
etoews, for in this they will find their
greatest pro/it.
Kec la Orchard J.
The German town Tel c graph com
mends the following way of preventing
the ravages of mice among young trees .
in the orchard:
" There was a great dea4 said last
spring of the injury done to young ap- i
pte-treea during last winter by mice, I
and the only remedy that yet!
seen suggested is to stamp the snow
firmly around the trees. This is, bow- j
ever, not believed to be a remedy at all,
and we doubt if it is of much advan
tage. Bat our method is a remedy, and
wp have tried to impress the fact upon
our contemporaries for the past twenty
years, but we should say, judging from
their ignorance in answering Imploring
correspondents what tbey must do to
- save their trees, that it has received
"tint little attention from many quar- '
tors. /
"It is simply to bandage up the
stems of the tree with any cotton or
woolen cloths, if of old muslin with two
or three wrappings, letting the bandage
go into the ground an inch or two, and
six or eight inches above ground, and
tie up. This should be renewed every
autumn if necessary, until the trees are
large enough not to be injured. Those
who are in earnest for a remedy will try
this and save their tree#; but it will be
too much trouble for others to devote a
ooupie of houra to this labor annually,
and they will rather run the risk with
the mice.
"This method will keep out the
borer also, as we have stated on several
occasions. Rabbits'can gnaw, when the ,
stems are small enough, two feet from
the ground, and would require the ,
bandage to be much higher. Tarring
would help as a protection, bnt we have
known in many cases the simple ban- .
dage to be ail-suffieient."
f 1 '
Pumpkin* tar stock. I
The different opinions of farmers ps j
■-"to the value of pumpkins for milch ]
cows and other stock, is believed to be <
the result of different ways of feeding
them by a correspondent of the Gar- i
mantown TeUsffraph. In a hurry to .
clean a field, farmers will give their i
cattle a surfeit of pumpkins for a day or \
two, then for a day or two perhaps t
none, and thus alternate feasts and
fasts, and conclude pumpkins are
worthless. The writer gives regularly,as
long as they last, once a day, from one 1
to three pumpkins per head, never i
more, and finds them greatly conducive 1
to health of stock, besides greatly in- j
creasing the quantity and quality of the 1
butler made. 111 —— ■ i
m „ ■„ 1
I Bishop Meade says" our girls arlr.
poorly educated, but OUT troys wjU 1
never find it out," ' )
\ 1.11 Id. rONWREHS.
Mr. Hnmtier prasentad a petition risned by
eitiren* of Penneylvania asking thst Congress
take steps to pro* ids for the mUMMBt of
foreign MrMM bv S system of erbitratien
It* Mr. Ofeyta*- to repeal the tax of ten tr
root on the etmMOG of bank nolo*, to take
affect Jan. 1. 1574. Referred to the Committee
011 Finance.
Among tit* hill* introduced to the Senate
*an on* by Senator Itigall* requiring the re
funding to artt low ou tha dunW mtntarom
lands within railroad grant* of alt thajr ha**
peidovar tha sum of ft.33 per acre. and also
giving homestead aet tiers ou tha aawa Ml of
land*, who ara now restricted to eighty •W* of
land, tha right to eighty aura# additional The
Mil abolishes all distinction bete*** laud*
ui anil those on Utile of railroad grant*
The Chaplain of the Sonata lu hta opening
prayer alluded to the death of Cot. paid, Mm.
Grant'* father, invoking the ooneolaUen of Pi
vine Providence U|*4 tie FresnMnt auil family
in the hour of arthetiyi.
Mr. Morrill, of Vermont, from Uie Committee
on Finance. reported tlie aot amendefewy of
the aot to nAm the duties on hnport*. and to
reduce internal taxes, alack provides that
foreign merchandise whtoh arrived at a port of
llie I luieil State* on or iwfora the list day of
July, ISTi, and upon which duties war* not
paid prnw to Aug, Lof l>at veer though the
name Were not entered or transferred to a
! ruhtto a tote or bonded warehottee. ahalt he en-i
utlaii to the tieoetiu of the Mi Man* of the
act of June S, 1*73, the aame a eueb raemhan
diee would have been entitled to bad u aetualt*
lieen in a public aMw ar bended eareheuee ou
or prior to the t of -* of that year
! Passed.
Mr. Paris introduced s I*ll te ratmnura* the
State of West Virginia, directum the bncrerary
of the Treesttrv to pv to that S'.ste. utwui the
order <y the of raid Bute, tb. sum
of ttoti.iVM, to be epphed to the both hag of
iniko \Airi-h<*i '<"bool-trtwte*, chnn-hea,
ture-take roede, and .uhmrjfuhUe property to
said Rtate detray*t by Federal troiij*. by
aiilitarv order*, during the late rivil wai .
The House ball spcwpriaUng t,OtW.OOO for
the uavy was pasaed hy a vS f td yeas to 7
The refusal of the House to ttoud the pcert
iocts iiMietian on the Salary hdl, by a vote of HA
nay# to Ito veae, jiracttcally rejects the bill for
the **kry repeal reporte.l by ilie |>ecial ixua
mtttce, known as the • Hals NU." lbs vote
was by telleni. niwn mouon for the previous
rtie Miieaker lent before the Ho*e a eera
mnnicsuon from the Seoratasy of War calling
j attention to ;n the accounts of Oeu
eral O. O Howard, of the Freedmen * Bureau.
I At the reviueet at Mr. Wood, tha tetter was
rved It tixes the total amount of defalcations
at fSTAMSJS, ami statre thai the Secretary of
War would have Gwnaral Howard tried by a
military oviart of mmrtry wen ;t not that most
of the mattets are rarred by the statute of
The Mouse iu Comnutteeof the Whcde, wuti
Mt. Tyueriu the ctiair, toek up the bill appro
priatmg ft.Dto.OUO for evtracr.linary ripe use*
of the naval see-vice, aud passed it.
After a lengtlyr debate tha salary bfll wasre
committe.t to the special t'ommttiee. with in
siraeiioiis to report a btl iwpeahug die whole
salarr act of the taet Outgrera, so far as can be
done'under the t'onsuiuuou.
BUls introduced for the resumption of specie
pevuienl: for an additional judicial district in
New York : to make Albany a port of entry and
delivery; f.* fits imtm of owtrarnhk bouds
and U redm-qoupf interest #u the fuu.tol
debt ; granting iwnaioue to sotiher* of the
Mexican waf; granting the franking privilege
to publisher* of newspajwrs for journal* mailed
to subscriber* iHiliiu the county, and for*i-
I imai.r n Ac., Tor the construction of the Fort
St. Philip Canal and it* maintenance a* a public
highway ; to put limiting ]<aper. type, Ac . ou
ihe free list ; for the establishment of an irou
ehip-buildina uavy yard on the Southern coast;
for reciprocal free' tirade with Spanish American
possession* j to snlieutute the national cur
rency for the natioual bank currency ; aalhoft
ting'national banks to withdraw bonds in pro
portion to their reducuou of curntatkn : also
graiiung a pension to the **k> of Urau Csnhy;
for a survey for a Ship csnal from Lake Michigan
to the Waliaah river.
amended, was adip:td.
Mr. Kelley of Tsunsyti snia asked leave to
offer the following resohttton :
MocM. That it is the eenee of thia House
tlmt the taxe# which new harden the people
should not be increased, but that the extra
ordinary means, if any be required for the sup
port of the Government during tha temporary
paralyi* of the industries of thia conntrr now
prevailing, tfu-nld be obtained by a temporary
tocn or k>MUL bearing a low rate'of interest in
currency and redeemable in United States
Air. Ikwe# objected, unless the resolution
was referred to the Committee of Ways and
Mr. Keßey moved to suspend the role* uJ
adopt the reaolntiuu.
The rejseal of the bankruptcy bill being un-
Jer eotuuJersuoa. Mr. Tremain moved the
Gerion* qaesuati on the third reading of the
11. The pferioaa queaftiou was uoa fteeamled
by TO to 121.
Mr. Beck then moved to strike oat all after
the first section of the bill, and to insert in hen
thereof the following e
Sac. 2. That all suite ami proceeding* now
pending in the court* of the United State*
herein an adjodicatiou of bankruptcy baa
been made shah be proceeded with and govern
ed by tlie provision* o( existing lavs, which
are hereby continued in force on IT for the [tir
po*e of cloning op eiute and proceeding* now
pending; provided thai from and after the
passage of thia act the fee*, commission*. and
eharge* of the officer* and agent* of the c-MUte
in bankruptcy ease* shall he reduced to cue
lialf of the "fee*, t m.nuwand chargre
heretofore slowed.
Ike BVfiOus question w* seconded ou Una
propoßJtion—l'JO to SI- an I the sraewftuant
fit agreed to wither* <Wion.
The bill u amended naethen
CO: Data. 41. It cotnueta of two toeiioim, tit*
Unit repealing the Bankruptcy act of March 2.
1167. and all sets amendatory thereof. and the
aecond ena -ting the Ipropoellion rubtnnted by
Mr Berk.
The lions* vote on the bill making the ro
il notion of members nalariea Utke effcot from
the 4th of March. 1873. waa adopted bv reaa
172. nave 77.
Mr. Hale stand bow the committee had ar
rived at the figure* of #5.500. fixed foe the
aalmy of ntnu The aggregate mileage of
' both Roused last Congress was $280,924, mak
, tag a jeath average of *416.89 for each raewi
-1 her. Y> that waa to be added the allowance
for stationer, #125; that would make the
salary and Allowance* #5.541.90. The com
mittee had therefore fixed the total amount
at #5,500.
Lite House ordered an inquiry into the offi
cial career of Judge K H. Ihi rail. of Louisiana.
After the adopttafa of Mr. Hsrlbat'i sub
etitute for the amendments previously offered,
the Mil to repeal the salary increase bill waa
passed by a vote of Ml to ltd. The repeal
fixes the salary of Congressman at #6.000 a
year and traveling expenses. The discussion
in the bill wga lengthy.
Fntnllfa. Tied Ilia Money Up.
i Dr. Bunjamin Franklin, in a oolioil
to hie will, left his native town of Boe
i ton the Fiun of one thousand pounds to
|be lent to the young married artificer*
■ upon good security and under certain
| other conditions. If the plan should
'be carried out as successfully as be
\ expected, he reckoned that this sum
j would amount, in one hundred years,
[ to one hundred and thirty-one thousand
pounds. It was his wish, snd so ex
-1 pressed in his will, that one hundred
thousand pounds should be spent upon
public works, "which may then be
judged of most general utility to the
inhabitants, such as fortifications,
bridges, acqnedncts, public buildings,
baths, pavement*, or whatever makes
living in the town more convenient to
the people, and rentiers it more agree
! able to strangers resorting thither for
I health or a temporary residence." It
i was also his wish that the remaining
i thirty-one thousand pounds should
again be pot upon interest for another
hundred years, at the end of which time
the whole amount was to be divided be
tween the city and the Btato. The lie
quest at the' end of the first hundred
years may not attain the exact figure he
calculated, but it is sure to be a large
sum. At (he present time it is more
than a hundred and eighty thousand
dollars, and it has about seventeen
years to run. Franklin died in 1790.
Fossil oyster shells are found upon
the Pacific coast mountains, two hun
dred miles from the sea, and on dera
tions ef <me thousand feet; and not only
these, but the skeleton of a whale was
found, a few years ago, almost entire.
How came that monster np there, high
and dry ? Did the central fire which
threw sip the mountain ridge east him
up en 4ts crest, or was this range of
hills once the bottom of the ocean ? In
the view of the first easeor supposition,
how astonished he must hare been to
find himself up there, blowing off steam
among volcanoes or comets ! He was
found on a mountain that overlooks the
great valley of the San Joaquin. There
he still reposes in grim majesty, while
the winds of ages ponr through his
bleaching bones their hollow dirge.
The old ehnrch at Longmeadow,
Mass., has held Thanksgiving services
more than a hundred years, it first
having responded to the Governor's
J .reclamation | n 1767, and the gallery
or the olioir is the Baine as when the
singers took their kevnote from the an
cient chorister's pitch- pipe.
Two young ladies at Stafford, Ct.
latelv w.ent to a doctor to have spiders
There are 120 men residing in 6
conation in California who own t!,140,-
OCO acres of land. A part of this large
area consists of Mexican ranches ; but
much the greatest part haa been ac
quired by scrip, land warrants and cash
purchase* at almost nominal price*.
nnt*atlii TNuatM Krt.
I don't fvol like writing ; my iiMkt
achei*. 1 nisU* New Year's call* yesterday
made ISA celts. I ooramenoed iUu> at noon
and finished before midnight.
My ides mas to make ISA .-ail* of five mtnutoe
each. Ttiw would take 63A mtnutee. or ten
hour* 1 did it. I worked hard. I did all
anybody ninld do. If auy follow say* he made
US calls, be aril, he is guilty of a be-hel.
I made my IXtth with mv eve* eloewl. and at my
! Jdtli 1 aw'smod ou the lull stair*. Oh, wsau't il
fun. The !a! in only caiW weru made with
one eye ohwed. My tongue talked right
straight ahead front force of habit AU 1 had
to do aa* to open my mouth and the same
word* tumbled out :
"Hap-New Year, MiaSmiU*!"
" Ah, Mr. Perkins, I m delighted—s-"*
" May your have many I tap returns by-by!"
" But aru'l you going to drtuk to—"*
**Thank—'epteasure (.drank 1 ); may you lira
(hle> ihousaud year*. By-by—''
Kha said "you have many calk to stake
would you fortify youself oitk a !UUe aheiryr
I said 1 woukl, and drank small gtaa*. Catted
next 00 married lady ou Fifth avenue. She
raid. "Aet'a drink S> Wtlliam-yoa know Will
kotf making call* ou girls."
Then we drank eoo* iwri to abeeul Wrlham.
" By-by—"
(kited 00 old Virginia mother, who had tumt
real Virginia egg-nog Very nice "bouthern
egg-nog. Abu*ed the Yankee# and draak two
glass with Virginia mother/ \l|
i-sixk to res. sujeux.
Then drank to ftie ohiMren.
Knn in to see Cos. the temperance man, ate
brandy peaehee with him. Then dropped
around to Miss Thom(ir .-n'e. Thompson feanma
for ram punch. Tried wo glasses with Miss
Thompson. Very happy. Houae looked lovely.
Good many light*. Pretty girl# i|nite ntuner
ou. Prank their health. Prank claret. Then
drank Romas punch. Went out changed has*.
I.eft twelve dollar umbrella to hat-rack.
Happy ihonght! Took Charley Brown in the
carnage with the driver, end got on outside
with myself.
ma rxßßtxxa awn BIT.
Dropped in to soa Kin Mason. Drank to
Mrs Mason, and ala boned turkey to young
lathes. Young ladies dressed beautifully. Left
overcoat and changed high bat for fur rap.
Saw Charley Sing outsider He waa tighta
alb alight Said he'd been into Lee's eabng
boned sherry and drinking pale turkey.
Now called on the Lambs'. Old Lamb waa
sound. Drank brandy peaches bare and ate
mora pony brandy. Young ladlee beautiful.
Nice Hainan punch with monogram on It. Pre
sented a large bouquet I found in the corner
to Mm. Lamb.
SLID DOWS aaiuso.
Exchanged bat for hall card-baaket, and
did down front banlstcis.
Called on •"-nderWlt. Hang (hie) Tander
blit! Vandc- ..It didn't receive calls. Carried
off Vaii's card-basket and. hnug Charley's
i CARD nasarr.
hat on belbknob. Caed Van'a cards ts make
other calls with. Kept calling. Called steady.
Called between calls. Drank more. Drank
everywhere. Young ladies more beautiful.
Drank more lobster salad. Drank half glasa
silk dress, and poured rest on Miss Kmith's
champagne in the corner. Slumped plate, gas
light, green silk dress down on nice ice-cream.
Sat on lady hand and held etaire, vary (hie)
happy, fellows had been drinking. Drank
noiiloNUf hM>
("allod thou on the Furgisou'*. Furglson
bock. Took shorry. Iloauiiftil young
Iu Idue Ittiman punch. Opened bottle of white
jwv yrrtin. I 'rank it up. I'sUowe gelling
teto-uly alight.
Ifl'j | ft
iiFT orrsinx.
Wet outapls. left pocket-book in card
bsekot, SIHI bung * aLli and chain on bell-knob.
DOT nrto rsEC.
I "tiled carriage and 'got into Fred. Aftcr
sard* came borne. Wrote tin* article fur the
(Yuf-vaamxa. Pull coat off with boot-jack,
and stood self up by the register to dry.
! Then wrote more thiej wrote (We).
> Cu Puti^hic)txa
An organist, for manv rokrs engaged
i in oou of the noted churches of New
I York city, tells this: A strange man
! was acting aa sexton. An old gentle
; man who wo# dntf took liia seat in a
i pew, and produced from hia pocket an
! ear-trumpet of curiona ahape, and to
the dismay of the temporary sexton
: raised it to'wan} his face. The sexton
I sprang to hia side, and mid something
j in a low voice, whereupon the gentle
man endeavored to raise the trumpet to
his ear, and was prevented bv the sex
ton aeixing hia hand. With increasing
voice and excitement, he aaid: "You
inusn't. Sir. You mustn't blow that
born in hero. If you do, 1 shall be
obliged to put you out !" And the
gooY old man, pocketing his bugle,
heard nothing of service or sermon.
Adulterated Adulteration*.
Chicory is aaid to eontaiu properties
positively injurious to the health. Yet j
ground coffee as sold by grocers ia often
adulterated with this subatauce, and
many persons insist that it improves the
flavor of the ©offVe. We arw informed
in a recent work on coffee that the cof
fee denier adulterates his coffee with
chicory to increase hia profits ; the
chicory dealer adulterates lua chicory
with Venetian red to please the eye of
the coffee dealer ; and, lastly, the Ve
netian red manufacturer grinds up his
color with brick dust that, by its gre**-
er cheapness and the variety of abodes
he offers, be msy secure the pstronsge
of the trade in chicory.
Man's Life.
Home modern philosopher bos given >
in these eleven lines the summary of
life :
7 years in childhood s sport aul (Jay 7
7 year* in school from day to day .14
7 year* at trade nr collage life 31
? roar* to find a place and wife ...28
7 years to pleasure's follies given. 33
7 ysars to tnisiuess hardly driven 13
7 years for some wttd-gnose chase 49
7 rears for wealth and bootless race. 56
7 years for hoarding for your hair.... .63
7 veer* in weakness spent and care . 70
Then die. and go you shotdd know where.
The proportion of cream to milk
yielded by cows of the various breeds
used in the dairy waa ascertained by
experiment in England some time since
to bo aa follows: Brittany eows, 16.27
to 22.00 per cent. o( cream; Jerseys,
18.65 to 20.00 per cent.; cross of Jersey
and shorthorn, 17.95 to 19.05 per cent.;
shorthorn or l'nrhain, 15.32 to 18.56 per
cent.; Devon, 14.86 to 17.00 percent.,
and Ayrshire, 13.47 to 14.84 per cent.
The variations depended on the feed,
which for the lowest yield was grass or
hay oniy, and for the highest was the
moat abundant food of the richest char
acter that could be procured. As a
general thing, however, cream is yield
ed in larger proportion in bur dairies
than in those of England. We have
been assured by Mr. Crozier, of North
port, L. 1., that he has taken one quart
of cream from three quarts of milk from
one of his JerWhy cows.— American Ay
We have seen a stick of wood weigh
ing scarcely four ounces fall from a
boy's arm, and striking on his toes
render him incapable of further actiou
for hours afterward, while the same
boy has slipped with a pair of skates,
and striking on the back of his head
with sufficient force to split that article
open, lias uot only reached hia feet un
aided, but has given the boy who
laughed at him one of the most aston
ishing whalings be ever received.
The lata Mr. Daniel Andrews, of Del
aware, died possessed of a very largo
fortnne, leaving kia brother a bequest
of six cent* bacanae that brother had
onee jerked a chair from under him and
Buffered him to fall npon the floor. Mr.
Andrews onght to have murdered hia
brother in cold blood for auch an
offence, but by bequeathing him the
munificent sum of six cents, he bespoke
himself a Christian, who could l>car no
Near - Knoxville, Tenn., it is said
there is r mule wliioh has been bnt one
time outside of its stable in twelve
years, and then it was taken out by the
soldiers during the war, and as they
could not use the animal it was imme
diately replaced, it is said that ita
hoofs have grown to the length of about
twelve inches, turning up at the ends,
while ita mane reaches to the ground.
There will be seven editors in the
next Minnesota Legislature. A sub
stantial column.
Widows who dry most are easiest con
soled. There is nothing like wet weather
for transplanting.
There are 1,838 Granges in lowa, with
an aggregate membership of 100,000. '
A Salary Speech.
Among the many speeches made in
the United States Congress. Mr.
Oroeker, of Massachusetts, amia much
laughter and applause deacriled the un
certainty of hia mind after the adjourn*
mout oi laat Oongreaa aa to what he
should do with the hack pay which he
had received, after voting against the
bill. He said he was iu the category of
those who had taken the back pay. Ho
had collected it all according to law,
every cent. He did not like to be alow
in returning it lie bad tried to get
some, company in Uiat action but failed,
lie hail, however, found some noble
men who had made up their minds to
Sire the back pay to schools. He had
tially deposited it iu one of his banks,
thinking it would lie there safely
enough. After that he had become
grievously sick. Ue bad uot made up
miiul as to what bia conscientious duty
In the matter was, so being very sick he
called his confidential clerk and said to
him, " Here, put that to the credit at
the Uuited Htales. It is a aiuall matter,
but there will be enough effects left to
pay for it," lie had done that because
he intended to do right about the mat*
ter. Now, he continued, cornea the se
quel. 1 began to get better. I took up
one paper which told us that I was a
aalary-atcaler. Another aaid I was a
salary-grabber. Another called me
this thiug and auothcr that By and
by 1 began to open letters aud the let
tern continue to come to this day, and
' as long aa they continue to come that
; money, unless disposed of by the act of
i tliia House, will lie where it lies now. I
j say that boldly. Ido not act from in
timidation. f am williug to act from
: my sense of duty to my Clod and conn
try. 1 have had a letter since I came
' here. I never heard of such a thing.
I got a letter the other dny informing
me that the best place for me was down
at Blacks ell's Island. 1 should there
ilnd somebody who waa congenial to
me. Now I come here and take the
oath administered by the Speaker,
while I hear from my own State, where
I 1 have disbursed millions on milliona,
that lam a salary thief. Sir, I shall
remain so until there is a better feeling
ill tbe country, unless Congress shall
act in the matter, aud I shall moat
cheerfully pay back my little ati]>end,
aa Congress says, la conclusion, 1 ap
peal to my friends on thia floor to ewtne
to some couclusiou at onec, and let it be
a unanimous one. I have been grati-
I fled by the dignity, decorum, aud pro
priety, which have characterised olr
d< bates. It is worthy of auch a House
1 of RepreeeuUtives, emanating from the
: moat free and glorious republic that
the sun has ever abone upon.
A Tidal Wave,
It is well known that tbe velocity
with which a wave moves over the our
i face of the ocean is, in general, de*
j pendent upon the depth of the water at
the place over which it is pasting at the
! moment. Thia principle enabled Pro
feasor Bacbc, in ISM, and more recent- j
ly Professor Uilgard, of the United
i States Coast Survey, to determine with
approximate accuracy the average depth
of the Pacific Quean in certain regions, j
The earthquake which dtrov-d the
town of Hiiaoda, in Japan, in lfoi, waa
accompanied liy an immense tea-wave,
which, sweeping over that region, waa
recorded on the self-registering tide-
Sugce at San Francisco and San Diego.
lis wave occupied about uine hour*
i in croaaing the Pacific Ocean from west
: to east ; aud Professor liaobe deduced
the mean depth of the water aa sotne
| where between twelve and fifteen thou
i sand feet.
The groat earthquake of Area, Peru,
which occurred on the 13th of August,
1866, has b. u recently employed by
Mr. 11 ilgard to make a similar aeries
of calculations. This great aea-wave
occupied eleven hours i passing from
Anca to Ban Diego, aad twenty-three
hours from Ariea to Sydney, Australia.
Records were also made at ten other
points, among which waa Kodtak,
Alaska. Twelve deterroiaaliona of the
average depth of the Pacific Ocean aro
thus deduced by Mr. Hilgard, which
vary between six thousand and eighteen
thousand feet, according to the geo
graphical positions of the stations at
which the wave waa oliaervctL Mr.
Hilgard states that the superior depth
of the Pacific Ocean in its eastern cqua- i
torial part, which there waa otherwise J
good ground for belicviug, is made
manifest, aud that the depth iu the
northern part also seems to be leas than
elsewhete. It has been proposed to
make use of the tide-gauge along the
shores of the Mediterranean aa a re
eurderof earthquakes, and as a meaus
of further perfecting our knowledge as
to the depth of that sea.
Talking to Santa Uaua.
" Children make Christmas what it
ia," aaid Aunt Priai. " 1 remember my
baby, nic little Plum, cherished a firm
belief that Santa Clans lived up the
chimney ; aud as Christmas drew near, ;
and visions of possible gifts filled her
little heart, she would go slowly and
timidlr to the fire, hesitate a moment,
and then deliver, aloud, ' Tea-set!' up
the chimney, running away instantly aa
fast as she could, with a vague fear of
pursuit from the uukuown deity. We
used to hesr her calling out these ab
rupt messages at all hours of tbe day : j
' Dolls,' ' No's ynrk," ' YitHe tart wid
horses,' were fired up the chimney like j
minute-guns. Once, when she had
been fretful, ber mother endeavored to
quiet her by the sugeation that Santa
Clans might hear licr. This seemed to
have an effect. Miss Plum aat de- '
mutely on her little stool for some time;
but finally the idea of an unseen sen
tinel became oppressive, aud going to
the grate she called out, ' Santa Clans,
you needu't watch me any more ; my
mamma can take care of me.'"
Building Association.
This ia a favorite mode of investment
n some sections of the country, partic
nlarly in Philadelphia and its vicinity.
By means of tbe payments that are only
required monthly, many a workingman '
or mechanic has been enabled from his
earnings to provide a comfortable home '
for himself and family, who would j
otherwise never have been enabled to
raise the sum required to make the first ;
payment to secure the property. In j
order, however, to provide against pos
sible loss in esse of death before the
payments are fully made, and the con
sequent inability of the family to con
tinue the payments, the purchaser of a
home in a building association should
seonro a policy of insurance npou liis
life in a good company, by means ol
which the property could be secured to
hia familv in case of his early death.
One cf tuo beat of these companies ia
the i'enn Mutual Life lusnrance Com
pany of Philadelphia, in which policies
for sny amount, large or small, may be
secured, or ageucios obtained by appli
cation to the home oflloc, No. 921
Chestnut street, Philadelphia, or to J.
W. Iredell, Jr., No. 78 West Third
street, Cincinnati, Ohio.— Com.
HEART DISEASE.— -Many persona suffer
with heart disease without knowing it
—suddenly they drop off, and their
friends areastenished, on a post mortem
examination, to loom that they died of
heart disease. The heart, like the
brain, is the seat of life—its diseases
are of several characters. The most
common are valvular disease, fatty de
generation, and functional derange
ment. If the liver becomes deranged,
and digestion is impaired, the heart,
through sympathy and juxtaposition,
beoomea abnormal. The following
symptoms indicate approaching disease:
palpitation, giddiness, f&intness, nerv
ous prostration, deranged digestion,
vertigo, cold extremities, etc., etc., for
whion the old school will administer
iron, opium, antimony, mercury, and
many other mineral poisons. Heart
disease is a blood disease—purify the
blood ; remove obstructions to a limpid
circulation by taking that Vegetable
Alterative, VIKEOAR BITTERS, and yon
will be a sound person in two or three
mouths.— Cum,
Mrs. Deacon Hmitb, of Oollinaville,
Conu., is slowly starving to death from
an inflammation of the throat,-produced
by a iiah-bolie which lodged there some
time ago, and which prevents her
taking any nourishment.
A good aud uaaful Ohriatmaa present
to a gentleman or boy, will be a carton
of Elm wood or Warwiek collars, oon
tainfhg 100 eollara. Any furniahiag
•tore can supply them.—foot.
Sjmptoma of liver Complaint.
A sallow or ysllow rotor of akin, or y silo wish
hrowti spots on fsc* and otbsr pari# of the
IMHIY I itiillusa* ami drowstus— srith frsiiuaiil
tisaitaelia; dlsaiiiMM, Ultlar or had lasts in
! montii, dryns— of throat and Intoma) U*al i
i pslptutnai i In many i-as a dry, is—lug
| rough, with surs throat, unstssdy apnoUts,
I falsing of food. cUuhiifS —nsaiion in tta throat,
■ (listrnas. liMYinsss, l>)<<ated or full fssHns
sLnit stomach and sidas, pain in aid—, bach
or liroaat, aud about almuldsr* , ooik). pain
• and anrouaaa liiroueU boaela, with hast t on-
I supation sltartialing .milli diarrhea; |iU—,
Batulsncs, uarvoosussM, culduc— of atlrsMU
U—. ruah of blood ta baad, with symptoms of
atxtpistv. niuiiima— of Uinta, sstuM-iaUy at
uiahti < <>M chills alutrtitUns with hot flasbsa.
kiutioY and on nary dtOrolii—; dullos—, tow
aiitnia, unaociabiUty and glut an j fnrebodiug*
Only a fsw of sL>v* sym|itama ilkalr to bs
•raasnt at ons tuna. All who u— Dr. I'isres a
Alt Ext., or (loldan Mistical Dtooorary for
Uvrr (Vtuptaial aud lis complk-atiuns ara loud
iu lu praiae.
s ecu: or LIVES DISEASE.
Ulwe Ist—, May IMb, I*7A
j Dr. It. V. Pißiw-a;
firor Mr MY wifs laat yaar at this tllus w—
i confined to liar bad a lib t 'bronis U*sr DlM
jmw I bad ons of Uts beat doctors to a— bar,
and Its gave har up to dis. whan I cams upon
soma or your msdicins 1 bought ons IxrUis
i and romiasncod giving it. Mho tbsn walghsd
, HJ 11.4 ; now aim wolghs I*o Urn aud ia fubual
: and hsartv. hha h— taken night bettl— in
. til, so you a— 1 am an advocate to voai Msdl
: out—. WM. MKAZEL.
Tlie propriety of giviug oouditiou
medirin* to Uonut*. cattls sod shaep, war <Us
cuassd and admitted by many of the Agrioul
torsi Mocieti— tbrougbout tbe HUte last fall,
. and we bebevs thai in every .-sac but ons they
decided in favor of Mrrnbla's Colo cry tW
dtri—t fbiedsr*. Ouod Jiidgtnenl Cvm,
LRT NUT TUX FAILCHX of all oilier
remedies for rough* and robla deter the suffer
er* from seeking <WY relief from II ALB'S HOMXV
of Hostittocsii A*i> Tea,
Pike's Toothache Drops ours In oae muiata.
j —COM.
There is, probably, no way in which
we can Isntil our readers mote than by rec
ommending to litem fur general uae /eAatoa't
.tnnlyM lAninuml It la adapted to almost
all the |4irpoa— of a family HadlrißS ; aad
a specuiv for roughs, txdds, slumping rough,
korsne— of Uts cheat, lam* etomtt'li. rbautua-
Uem, spitting of blood, and alt lung difficulties,
it b— no equal (hat ever ws —w or heard of
j COM.
Caarrxa HAKIM, FACB, rough akin,
pimples, nng-worm, aalt-rhcum, and other
eutaneou* sffecuoua cured, and the akin made
•oft and smooth, by usuig the Jrsirxa Tax
Hoar made by CASWIX, luxtu A Oo , Mew
Turk. De certain to get the Jumper Tmr Setp,
theis are many imitatiaus made witheommon
tar whkM ara vrorthleaa Com
CKUVTAMOXO'b Rxoxuuox Haix Dn
•lands unrivaled and alona. Iu menu here
beaneo universally acknowledged that it would
be a soperarogatwo to deecent oo them any
further -nothing can beet It—Oom.
medio— h— been before the world so long
and tie virtdos hare bean so thoroughly tasted
that a rommeodattou of it would seem sopor
duous Almost every family to the lend bee
—ed It and had occaatou to thank Mr. Davta
, for giving lhem is so ehsap and eonrantsnt a
form, such a powerful pain antidote I* Is a
Household remedy Always keep a bottle of
he I'sAO-KiUer ia yowr UotmeFie. Aryfut
"A BbiooT COLD," Cot*aaa.—Few are
aware of the impedance of checking a rough
m " SUOMI coui" which would yield to a mild
remedy, if neglected, often attack* lb* lungs.
• Jrovs'i Bnomehinl TVosAar" give *qr and
iinmiwliiu r*U#f.— Obm.
PxxL'vitx Hrxcrr giv— an Iron ronetiintioß.
| - Com.
A Ooxsnepmni CrxxD. l>r. H.
Tunes, while eipenmetiring. eccvkmtally mad*
a preperauan af Csnnahla Indies, which cured
his otdv child of Caasmwfithm. This remedy ie
now tar —le at ffiwt-ctaes Itongciam. Try It
prove it far yourself. Pnos ft B0 Ksnd
•temp far circular. (Veddaek A 00., proprte
totw, lUS4 I lace St.. I'tuladadphta, I'M, — Corn.
- -
to nlitvt mki rnmiim Aflwuooi, Hprmnuk,
Neuralgia, etc Tbe beat, tbe —rest, and tbe
; quickest remedy for all Bow*! (Vimpbunts Rev
Uef guarantaed or the xmost rafuinlad.—Own.
Prvrl—t < l.dh Wringer.
L. Ileymger A Co., 18 Fulton Street, New
The ■BJffvtß.
esw vosdt.
ttssf Cattte-rrtsxtoßktteXiini mi .1* e .UM
Ttiet yeslMy 77 .It a .11V
—rood ]*Uity .10 e .11 s
Ordinary this Geo*#. ..Ml .SO*
Inforter or k*4rst grade AX e .00
MitshOews AO
iCagw—lave tdSJ,e M%
DR*I ■(1 -OOhs ATM
tomep A**s ACM
< v-ttoc—MMdUag -UN* JB%
flour— Xttra Wv5t5ra............... OB* e ?01
•Ut* Xttre a TOO
Wbtot-B4 Wmtera 1.01 a lAI
Xo. X Spring lAt S IM
Dorter - Matt XOt s LIS
ÜBte—Mlied Wst*r* JO e JO
' item- 141T*4 W**ter* T*M -U
ti*r, p*r 100 lOAo dtoo
lUraw, (MS ton. 1108 *14.00
U0—..77 . .HVXkeSt-MOM. 0 • .It
Port—M*e* lABO Sit.St
tew* AO a .•*
rtoraksus-Orud* t at', BaSn*d I3\
Hotter—Btate, At • AT
Ohm, Tine J. -B At
- T*4low At o At
Wmtora ordwary It S AO
heioTtnilt ta* At a At
Oh—** urn* factory U • Jl
XkinUßßd At 0 .CO
onto .ro o .it
Eg**—Xtste A 4 .
W>*p *AO a tAO I
Ajo Itß
noor OJO a AS* I
VrT*et—Xo. IBprtng. L* S 1.40 j
Cters 77. 0s e .08 i
Bye .ft g .OT
hsrtey IA s1 j
Yard., .09 I .99 i
w— - Lti eix j
Rre- -Hist*. AO * JO
Ooni—Mlaed "4 s .14 I
Parley—Otete. * lAO e IAO |
(Ms-BUte J S Jt ,
flour TJO l O.tO
srh*at—Wmtwn Rod IJt s 1.00
Core—Tsllow A s .TS j
Mind tt s .00
MrdMm-ilrsA 10 !Uon*d.ll
Otevsrßtod tAO iO.M
Ttmotby. LtO 0 ATI
OoStoo—Low UMs .UM
Floer—Extra U ,
Corn .00 e .Tt
'Ml* ... 40 O H
BHOWM B A Couoh, Cold. Bore Throat i
B TBOCHES ttegsirs* lmM*Bisls attestloe, ant i
TBOCHte tko ,ls n* CfcscbeS. If sltoweS to '
nnttai. IrrtUMon of It* Lang*, s
COOUHH r.raan.nt Vhro*t Auction or sn
ASI> laosrshi* Lsng ID••**, U often
COLDS. tk* rssnlL
■srlng a Otrect inSn.r.-* oe tk* port*, giv* Isst
4t*t* relief, for XrtmrfclU*, Aalkm*. CSUrrh.
ron.uMptl** ant Tkroet Di**s***, Trockto are
**•4 wet* greet nnwn
Sl.VOßlta axd PTBLIO Brxaxxxs
Will Bn4 Trock** e*fSl Is dosrlcg th* volte when j
token b*o>r. Singing or Sprsklng. sn4 reltevleg
the throat after as snnaaal SB*rtioa of tk* rooal
"l?btot a only " Brown'* Broecklsl Trockte." n4
dn not t*k* any of tk* w.rllil*.* iMltotton* lk*
m*ykaog*r*4 *44 Ktergwtrr* ________ I
I* tk* k**t iem*4y In tk* world tor (k* following
eon plaint*, via: Cramp* In lh* Link* and ttoa
*ch. fain In U* Otomkch, Bowel* or Old*. Ek*n
moUsm In all It* tor M*. Bllloa* Coite, Xaaralgla
Cholor*. t>y*nt*ry. Cold*, Oltek Woand*. Bnra*.
tor* Throat, Opine! Complaint*, Sprain* and
Sroi***, Chill* aud favsr. Tor Internal aad Bs
ternal is.
It* operation !• aol onlr • •"?"!•
bat entirely NaotM tbeobueeof lb# copltt
It pmatnld end ptnilM thd whold eyetom. rw
etoriag iMllb; action to nil Ha parti, nod guich
entng lh* blood. _ .
The Ilanachalit Panaeaa ta yaraly V
a table and All Healing
Prepared by #
No. BIS Fulton Street, Now Ttiffc.
For aata by all BrawUtt.
PNKScairTIOK OF ooa of the beat Faniala Pbyel
etana and Hare** la the United Stataa, and baa
been bead dor thirty yaara with never falling aafety
and euoeet* by mlHtoii# of mother# and ehlidron
from the feeble Infant of ona weak old to Uta ad nil
II correct! acidity of tba atonacb. relieve! wind
colic, regulate! the bowel!, and reel, health
and comfort to aoUer and child. We believe it to
be the Beet and Bnreet Remedy tnjat'World In all
DRIR, whether II arte## from Teething or from
any other oaoee. Full direction! for utiug will ac
oompany eaob bottle. None Oeaulne unlet! the
fno-timtle of CURTIS A PERKINS icon Ueontatde
from no otter cauee than havlug worm* Is the
will deetroy wormi without Injury to the child,
belog perfectly WIUTI, sad fr:i from all colortu*
or olaer lojurtoae ingredient* atally need in
worm preparation*.
CURTIS A BROWN, Proprietor*,
So. Ml Fulton Street, New Torh.
Mi by DrufffuU an 4 OktmiMt, and dealer* tm
Medicine* #1 Twurry-Ftrn OnT A BOX.
If yon denies rosy obeelu and a com
IIISXMO fair and fraa from Itnploa, lilotriiaa,
sd Eruptions, imnfy your blood by taking
Dr. I'lares"* ftuldsn Medtoal
has no aqua) for ibis purpose Ml
| M
7 W '
' .u BflHVyp' .
[l*9 MV TrftiM ItfUtif fiUMi mpom ito fill
iW t m! will few Mm UrftM kitiMMt tflw (■
in# world It will few niM *l-ort#t faitftr *t4 will
3—%, iidMif* f itu, ilium Mltefi ]
2Sri-Uk {tribune.
The Loading American Newwpcpes.
- ssvra so ooon aa IT IS *©-#*."
Ttrwi •( IKI TRTKOSI •
LIUROR BAIL), sat r*ar, (I.
L>M U'UUI, MI v*ar, *, (• ANIIU*. M
J*l. MB ESPIM (sai ua S*IR MI HUM rsar,
WIMTT. a** jrr. W. art NSW, A"*. TEW
SOPI*', IWMIF T-APIM, S3. aaS ihtny
(WW**, .
--■aiMri uraliMu ••* rainMIT,tIA
•fly cf more to • 111 l ViUU, J-*p*>* M
. (nil a44tu*al O ike AKUV* tais*.
tk* XlrtLl'ltom Mill S*4 eIBUS* u be lbs
bMI ifitMl url piper publlH*4 It Itoouiss
■oar* oulum** Inul uUiol lotUMiniM
Utetr FTMILITE. FVLU# MI mere ill; I-.IKU~
' srsls. *>,*•< Si f (TONS*, Ml Ml Malm ..•-
TUC ii lb* *S' lfsllaisl, *A w*ll M INWILMN
of lb* MUSUR Tk* arsBSLV IM femeere •* MI-
Mtbutvr* la •**>{ *M*t|R la l*t t'slW4 MsUl,
MT U IMISIII T*>•!• M termen la all part* at
ILL# eudilff.
" LLT'L (brat* " ll* !(* MMitautlrMl ana
ala IBA Utaai aaS baai MuaA la AH. ICMWI
[ loaratar*. bisbsrf **4 t 1 ( TAN SIMSMIUMI.
[ TM MftMa ssira* saw (MB .baa st BY
Mail t* > > ASAIEI* ta tbs Van 4 KUIN LUF
[ OM NHW. aaaeriaUvsstrrstsi *. >•!.-> M
talis at TA# EON last# af cats* Mn, aaci tree
A Maailai aaS a iai##|iir.
nova warn urns MOBS nua VWA trier aw aaa
Taa Tataora *l* UW rnartaal STTNLIH
W>4 A*Rl*4l all "T ibu EUAOIRR M4 Sa>R, U
irtbc WNB fUbn aSutmi <4 Tws Taiavaa, AT
tb* ITE • AUIFCO4 ia4*cuoa FIUM UM
teftder WRRW* B- i IM,
HMWI'I . tta AS TM
(tiiMfi Hwalbly ~!< 1(4 so
Tb* amo a .... 4an c < t M
aUaalic MuMAif . . *•' * SSI
Ktrwfi Itaaat , . 4<M b* WAS
U Klrbalaa I tcs
■aras r* Wr .. ■' 1 iue
Haw Tata Wi.Uf . . tu i I m
O*TEA> . . . . IM IS
La*H T *ltia Wrrklf . 4> 1* OS
•McaliSi lamtu . '* <*> 44* 14*
EUAAKR *.*•<. GOAIAI* t bit 4 TT
art* Mw'e Bofc 8 IS IS
rwSiiilcil lottal , IM IS IS
S( tb* amt U aajr >4 lb* she** (liMllr ta
Tas Triscws. at lb* yabtukm rat*, MM* fern wtU
rr.t*r b .tb t.*a(*j . i ■. Brlalt bf
INITIO BUN, INTI M A# * rt,M psasal
R. R. Re
Cure* tho Worst Pain*
m rsow
Need any one Suffer witn °ain.
Baiviy*! MmAy %db£ U a cww lor *mj fiS*
nr w aj turn niir a *v i
(hat latlaaUj WP tb* *t unS*UII( patas.
AU*M ltiSwa*ll<>(. MM* rarr* CIAFWIWA,BOTB
*I || tb* LAUIAM.. AA -macb. Boa ATA, AT ALLMR etsinS*
or etfiH. BJ MR *P|4lcau<>a.
is rttm oaa TO TWIJCNR MAN as,
a mttrt W UAWIWAMTUAM Mb* SSTS tb*
iUßmariC, IM-NSAAA, lain*. CRTBBUS. XW
roa*. **OU*IC. or )inOM*4 WTTB 41—*■ MAY
""" "FXO. 4TN Mite.
TT—RTAFLIA Toothache,
- '• WANNTAIA. Dmaitina
SJ4 chill*. ARAS Chill*.
Tb* apbtiratiua of tbr KXAUT **l.l IF to tb* part
at HTM km tb* —la at sUßoslt j asUta ui W
TOW ALMU* car* CR—SMB, TEats*. BewtauMto— S
Hrartbnnk. Sir* H*aS*rV. CTFRTM, P|*story,
t*. vrtak la tb Bowals. M 4 all l.SWlh gfu
TR>.U*N fboaM IRMRRR * betl*A
WAV* GSTOT RELlXF'wtththOM. A to • 4 raj#
In W.IAT TU **! siAn***ot YNN TRM rb*O—
nFwbtor. *1 (< —TTOT tbSM Traatb Biaa4r or MB
t*rs A* * Ottatalaat.
rsnm and a®t "aradfor
uaot > .1 —w' >*• ry>* >*"
rT n* Arm*. and • U othei Mlwl,*a. MIM%
PER Borrm _
Sarsaparillian Resolvent
Every Iky an Increase in Flesh and
Weight it Seen and Felt
The Great Blood Purifier
Bwy drop of tbt iAJHAPAaH-U** ***™ C
9Ut ooßtmnntr.r* ihr.ngh Iha k>o4 ..**rV:
linn*. aad wlher fluid* Ml Jolt**
sfogaifsss gs&ryJS
In the* and olber pari* #f la* !**• hot#
Krra. Blrwmoroaa dlarharge* from lb* K*U,
Ik. wwral forma < f Skin dlßeaaea. Krnpttor*rFrrar
B>rea, S<mJd Head. hit it Worm, flail l!u V?"
rla*. A cor, Black flpol*. Worm* In Jjd
?.xVwii ■" ESW ■££
and all waste* .T theh* pritnlpl*. VV***!d*tow
curat it* rang* of (hit Modern*''"
<sx m# ail*j>*fvf to oy F*rtoa tittvxg t% wr
?,X, o'ttaSafCrS of dl*ea*a ll* jmUmt p-wr a*
c *lf*ihV7'aH". d*!lr becoming red need *T y
wail** and decomposition that ta continue. ly prw
pi ran on, n..<rJ la Ofraflttng tb*a* fljjjjijj*!
repairs the nam a with *w K . fVf f
healthy btuod -and thl* Ik* BAKBArARt 1 Ah* II
and do** *mio—a rflrfl I* certain; *i r whew one*
Ibt* remedy r-immcnrestUWorkof
and aarceeds In diminUhtag lb* <mflW>•
repair* will b* rapid, and avery flay Inpatient
wit! feat hl#rtf*r*wln b*tir *nd *tron*r, tM
fwd dlgratla# belter, appatlta improTlag, AM
flash and weight Increasing. ~
KM only doe* h* (laaaaraflTUdAK fIBBTH-J*?" **"
e*l all known remedial agent* In thacwr* ofCwflJ*
lr, brrofnlwa, fonatilational, and Skta dl**aar*.
bat Itl* lb* ooljr pootu** car* tor
Kidney and Bladder Complaints.
rrtoary, and Womb dl*****, Or*TCl, Wahetafl.
Dr,.f.*> ,1110ppaga of Wal*r, lam* ttauene* of
H right'* l>i*a*. Alkuntitiuiia, aad l *ll *•
where there ar* brick-daa* deposit*, or Iba wawr
I* thick,cloudy, miaed wllb *ub*tamwa Ilk* lb*
whit* of an egg, or tbtrad* Itk* wblt* Silk, or ther*
I* a morbid, dark, bilKm* appearance. mrivMM
lane-dust d*p tia. and *K*n there !•* prtektag,
burning aaaaatioa wba j>***iag watar.and pain la
lb* Small Of lb* barb and along I b* Loin*.
Tumor of 12 Years' Growth Cured by
Radway's Resolvent
Perfect Piriatire and RecilatiiK Pills,
n. KADWAT'S I'lLLttorlb* ttiTaof alldlor"
of lb* Stomach, licr. Bowel*, Kidney*, Bladder,
Norma* M**t,**(, H ra*rh,Cont i pauon, Cn*tl*o.
nc*. liidiirctton. liy*p*pla, Blljofld****. BHlfllg.
Typhm and Typhol.l _f**or*, Inflamisttioa of lb*
Bow*!*, IMlc*. and ailD*ran#ein*nl*ortba Intrnl
VKmra. Warranlod lo rltoct * poaltt** eur*. Pnr*-
It V*t*ub|e, coniaimngso mercury, mLu*raia, or
drletarlnu* drag*. , .
Obmry* b* S-llowlnK ayinploM rfanKina from
dl*ord*r*of Ih* pifattT* Organ*:
Conatlpatlnn, Inward Pile*, Pullnen of lb* Blood
In the Head, Aridity of lb# Stomach. Sauaea,
Heart burn, l*gut of Food, Fulln*** or Weight In
Ihoblomat li, Simr KruoititUma, Sinking or Flutter
ing at the Pit of the Btomarlt, Swimming of th*
Head, Harried and t>.cnlt Breathing, Muttering
m the 11, art. Choking or Siiflocalliiß Senaatlooi
when 1 a l.ying Poalure, Dtranea* of jnjiop, Dot*
or Wrba before The Sight, brver bad Duf Pain tu
Iba Head, l>eflr4enry of Portplration, Vl> gnraaal
the bktn and Ryoa.Paln to tbo Bide, Cheat. Idraba,
and audden Fluhe* of Iteat. Burning In Ih* Fleah.
A law doaea of RADWAY'S TILLS will free the aya
tens from ail the above named disorders.
Prie* as cent* par Bo*. Sold by Drnggist*.
MB&i Ajrr§
TW Ca*4rt LuumM of <l* iW*.
n <ioot> rod
SBUS* - * BrSa;.-
* 'UmH I/MM*!* ' iiiwf iPHMft
MTmA #%M Msy*
r-af //*. AJpwWta, MOMMft,
KUmmti faOcmt. .<ypt*m
MSB# 1
fffj ITHt, /h*
ppm <f ft<■*'. < in lywltrii,
r4a M Imm Pm*, <fr„ ,fr
LuftMlo9. MdAitudAOt. tauStte
•mall Ms. Mr Family Cw,llMttt
Tlwr UMVtlnf MI has IwBB BM MJ
liniment tow* lK All w# MIUiM
frM, Uut I* euro and fcno* dlrrwiti**.
Ah jemrinwreat UrufOttll or !*!'• t in I'm
MI Mwlirlnre f.r our </or Aftwrnac*. *4HT
rw*l whM Uw |f*i my aWmlld* Oil,
Tlw tiarwllni <MI t* tor tola Uy Ajlto-
Miaruilili* Slri lAn>(tK>ul IM * mum
Mam• l *A a w."Hr
iMi tola frmti WJJloih' ?"•
Ml, fl mrwrtU!'lM/"< naueeetoeitUW
ttn TMu<
W* <lMl Mr Ml IH-tot wW dM, M<
fidff fanlfßctk torn GtaftfffftMMHCieG
Lockport. N. Y.. U. 8 A . by
Xerehant's Oairling Oil Co*
JOBPf HODGB, Seuiotmry.
(a a chahs, o. a. **u<w>
n |iN ltb ireaaa ef MKIM liMilhlCtiMM
araeentad Willi u| (.:■i. a
Mrl>ri. o*tJr IMI IM >■, i.< Iliol, hf C I Altof
MA *. ImmMiA
linn HIIIII. B*w T"rt
$6 u> ho R&.tawsto&'SS
12 Per Cent Net egrSLSSSSUS
Mr wmlir. A i >Vimn
Fill Your Pockets tmtXiSuSm CaSai*
sg6ggirtf vsafoa
" Til K m SATtRK."
hJlitkM' s *** Clr—% tOI ft* ft'* I ** * mt|
GODEY.S LADY'S BooKforlß74,
a.a. Cor. tom'h Ml CtM%!ii*iH?pSliMpHc !
"Bad mm Copy wyl M wyy<axw)l
STboa -Nectar
Til "Mi A
WIJ, lk7 fr> >"'.■
fe>*d rci rtrwoia*
SP/irut Mitt. * rt .
"rA lILI en t.ewc- v.w. PinWiii
MM Mrtinieri Aeaary. C*rlhs, JflanHLrf
And Its Ouro.
Carbolated Cod liver Oil
MM fh* . rlfUltlM MMMfM(|V I
■ext. pmPmwm* iy am
domm mm* it huh
! nrl wwiralU>%tl Xr hull iwM. C,
ivrixtautteelrr****!, H at IBM nanalia wift.
ome}t*. wad toaeiy cmM. 11 poitfia* im mnbbm
tjßrltor <xiaSmm-f*twr wMwl M tmMfct
MM iiktimMMtri iiililiwl m>l la Mt-
Lnn iratM VI
Pwtm BMONi Jrnl. Ah 1
laf*. MM. MM><ir.M*. *• luifct* HHptti * U
tirantan* fie> Hal* ar>4 Fnnalr. MrleeieHM.
fhr iv.e- .ft , Hi IMiHHimor.l >< aa#Ba;
\ ••r..T-ty<vP- 7
A Saw and LMM HalMaj lilft.
A emHtiM"! "f •<• >••• 2?* •"■tfßS
Hat ef*MWte* m4*M i
eerrwnlyTra* nu* H <'■••• ?"*, f* }£; 1
riiti •"iji IHAiell 'Hi la- Sn>€JmOm i
leriplMi rNte law.*
Twuke ik*iM*af Mr •• * nl..itfae PaaMly
Mart aaaar. Or#r *-# Irkwftrn tar la
<t*r. rie cursHr 01 ran altrH.i
i '' < Mi' it* 'H tW tttk (ml and
ik iii-tt tnrle % ■ ■ v i i Ha am*. ipe'W'l
week line, if, t4 e4.'<**< alth c-<Utbllow la
tml*BtVPrilr. OnM |JW B fca
thiw* M owl he. XHa kwetoil C he-Ma rrwa
line la awr Trerlt i* a Mr Aelart
and literal • k* pel* loan epiwawat .laatl
Atari la ••! Co'ttnlf. Mi karri ka aa4 f*i aaa#
*rt.i**l Iwai, with ia* pl
Banna * Mil aad teiknMt aoronat T tha MlMf
ttaecr th* Aaaarwan VaaiM MMarM ih* aaMM
tioae afTk* lU'l-ord rnapeel'i, with • bietmr j
lie Haa aa4 pewniMltM (Mar SMHH#!
■arhaairy : It* r( j.,u and p aeperti. It wlh at
eirll, leel Me i|iaai Prl aad Meraa ta
la-me Wi4 aa* ahp |l arlto lir.erlkee Ml < hat
rr.Ue**le.hi*-Fa- , .-i,:.. ■
-Raa*T Vara in-sa'i Caanif . ej *pae
airrt araey inUrf.het * rid <4 tha MrfaalMi I
■ UL.IMM4IIA PHI two maat illredfn
rnM.rte. thai - tdka'" < i?*l >aletad Vf ■*.
*• -.r.e..n, ea aiir.Ua**> n<l r-oM* -aeaaa M M
•■ M lie ,lwl*end '• Bnf AMrrm," A(er l*r< ;
tHII RINK tall 11 •• baat krIBBI |
•vat rlrree Mr oanreeerrr." "V* faratrh th* lihw
rat and haAdmaiaatimiai and p* rary •'** *•' i
anal*** r r-h taka-ithat terwi'l witimiaaj.l i
in-. kwniiiMl al<-—* wMrh art raa*r **'
•land* p"t'lei mo-a leallf lrrtH. lelrl eo
tiler Ik*l of lie <-!•* it kaa tk Iwraf*
I n i fbr aajlf Hmployr Ike till rlet'e te
11. Mud feaadaaMa'r art*l awry n Jwai %•*■ :
atnalnc; b*rk ci.r"' r| pl rd to aaeh aakar ik ;
a*. Jtr* heoeea'r u #**••* to ""Alt
tl\f* arid tf kewUie Is Ike .r - erar At ? oaaßlrk
tot • i>nd Mint, or an irJepedeni Inrtoea*
lhr*M eaad fx ntculir*. SCENTS
aad Irrau to J I n*n f Auikklßtn
CO.. Saw Talk, Hnato* nWANTtVi
ChNaSO.C.nmanett, or > SranwUett.
Iron in the Blood
piatrvT > v
AYAt'P Vdaltora
I aad gmliAri tba
Xhnd. IkM* op Ika
■ **taedewh. tVna
two ckenred by tin
mn af Una wreJi
Mm weak, alckb,
Strcmt ttaaJthr, and kenoT Man and waoMi aad
taraWaeaaoot r.a!jy toailal* tostro itatrtrL
Clteirinn -B mix yiidyst tti* rtfbt arfldk Saa
*MK5"4ra5 SEa I k%va
A SOS 9. TV.fav.tora, Morton, Mrto. yor rate ky
THE WEEKLY SUX la too widely known to require any extended recomroenda
tion- but the reasons which bare already giten It fifty thousand subscribers. and
shich will, we hope, aire It many thousands more, are briefiy as follows:
It la a first-rate newspaper. All the news af the day will 1* found in K. sea
densed when unimportant, at fall length when of moment, and always per sealed In
a clear, intelllgitfis, and interesting manner.
It is a first-rate family paper, full of entertaining and instructive read ing of every
kind bat containing nothing that can offend the most delicate and scrupulous mate.
It is a first rate etoiy paper. The best tales and romance* of current literature
are carefully selected and legibly printed In its pages.
It ia a first-rate agriaaltaral paper. The most fresh and instruct*** articles en
agricultural topics regularly appear in thin department.
It ia an independent political paper, belonging to no warty, and wearing no col
lac It fights for principle, and for the election of the beet men to efice It as
peoially devotes its energies to the exposure of the great corruptions that now
weaken and disgrace offlr country, and threaten to undermine republican, institutions
altogether. Ithaa no fear of knaree, and asks no favors from their supporter?.
It reports the for the ladies, and the markets for the men,especially the
cattle markets, to which it pays particular attention. is the cheapest paper published. One dollar a Tear *
any subscriber. It is not necessary to get npa dub in older to ha ve THE WEEKL?
HUN at thia fate.' Any one who sends a single dollar will got the paper tor a year.
THE WEEKLY SCII.-J&gbt pages, fifty-slx Columns, Ooty |I.M ■ jser, ne dbwwnM
from thl rate. ,
THK IMbWBRKLT MJW.—Same else as the DsMy ®*s, IS.OO * yaw. A discount ei
To thee after* sew.discern* m m jwr * w , ilt M
AfiTsee. • twm *"•
, m Al
W BittßPi art! • pofrty VtaMN
prepiinittoft, nde ehteflf fr<Bß ib M*
tits Ml foiiad on Lb Imrer Ymwj of
tbn Sterr* NSHriftnwaUin of €*fcl>
otsetb* 9WU4M profw§m otj*hteh
at* extracted witbot tbP im
of Alcoifo). TtW o<*tbin ts jifcßMe t
dally ukerf. Wnt m eaoeo of 0
uoparaiteled Vtsaosa Brr-
TKir Our anew® mbat they rmoor*
the f MM* Of Mmam, md (be paUwt re
eorer* kie beafcb. Tbe.r are to* ST<t
yiiotf purifier *U a MA-W* IWlfc
a perfbet bciiovai'ir wbl lartgorator
of the .ydle.ii Xem brforeja the
" iv UFopwtiwi *n. WJJX*#*
YfliaoAS wrrsßdwe Apefieat,
CannißAiita. Xubniiauk ITrentoWt
hrdAtife. OeptlnlMW badodfe, I Iw*'
M. n. N|M9U.B * 00;
815 Si.'S'i SdS&SfeS
II it4inin|B
The are webliabdl
oaearh battle el
Is **4h! fcf"
1* bisfiiWC'i m, 1, tJ.
pceitrvriy ease SCHOFVLA
Up varitrm Mast*, UHE U
MM acitmif tmm ea iiwwid
eoad ilia® ©ll-k® l lfd. dead
for cmr wH*flk la
ebich joa *iU find certifcßtas
from t: d tnaatvMOty
PbytirisM, the
Ae 1 VIW taL#MlWl
„P' , T c IfIRSB 5 •"■! ■
a.. . ... —.jff truMndi in* iir ain in turtifir
Xft. bkbßsy asIL <* **■**■'" l
twae dotowfc iwffaHßS&Stok, IW
b etwMtlMßlHhw toaßdor
<l todtCTa' ** aw aiß
TtinT™eejnwawiia Mltod toswt
r ab'"B-
Tiir aoax^ligi' is ceKyRCT!o\ rni on
#. CtocMtoma • K JS*aimn,MA.
BMMMtef Hi Aii t fvei ** flirt'TftiMrfX
TtmM a txiltart Miaary wtlh Ma*MM
the tolear iwbhm3 whaw at kaa ydtto-aa naa WA.
Araaaaaaaoedatoaa- dk|(lMtanrlell
ly art -1 >. mnktaswa fl fa Ue fiartor wlttnwt
ut SWT dM a kaa mm I tk# trweiMa at tM
ta. Mawtßd fa rait a r or
in tut n>ta Banff to anch haa new t>
* that nay athff' mm I Mor Ml totoff* Iff
totlffb ">**<•
aaata* rntk ed (haM ted'*haa. __ lllu
r^Sir^OFEi^? 13
• itMen. ta acaaym-
w>%S~„n.S7SST."SS , tfTWfi
Sfflß'g ■( MNR dlAllbJr yO'WI IKMMfila IMBdl Sw# SMMMA v
'StfST.'cSBSMS .. sa-H
Otrearaaad Haalaahte tka MUH Bdatoa. swd a
--•all lualart ffHU ftd ffham lh atoal j ntahl.
from tha that that tkay aaa to* hrterl •*!*
art tela of to* Mad ia the mark at.
11l Rth Front Strwt. Fkfle<WpW.
(da Cbuobiß Gtmti *w Tort.
M Biieit Bodtan. __j -■■
Wanton .law A r.u . H*nkr. Bretoaaaiff well B> M T
\v aiMean.Maa.ffHrta and By* toll >**
it fr*aah and isenetn Ww*lnr.V<ml(.4MaMd
Old Maids,
lilckeit. Sthdaßto, CUryeaem Pnatmretar*. ad
Wine *kf Xoaa# Haa. aad Has and Weatu
all rlaaaa*:
to* caaeaetly aara * drai-alaaa tawtrf WmIBSH
or Mwkf infldrat to rtoafe * Likrary; e>r lenie
aalakkta tlotarat to kaaatlty yrmr hotaaeu oraatem
*<■ • -#; or a sood Tint* Kr* pisffg or
Batch); or* Maata lea i or a Hold Pea ; or a Ph*>
M'if raektc Album; at a dtai;- Keiuee e Uiat Mr
• etr r*elor; or a Flit# *rce>raOk: or STtbttefa
lllarlratod Ifu*rto Mottooary ;or Sowar's World
Rene:* tad S-ti'-ory Otcupr : ar a Ptoa Vtolla ; or
<>. the W. B P. 08. Perfrrtly MsfffftStoff. IMI f
•rn iffWr ; isaar wooir •** phuaamewßh*
Aftarans, 11. t X*atkhSff£sa*r twrh.