Little Annette. Little AmiKU'' Little Annette! With joor rosy cheeke and treaeee of J*t t With the taabe* ocnceeling your prpsy area. MMt for a King', or an Emperor 1 * prim! Your white teetli gleaming Uke drifted mow, Orehiniug Uke pearl, in well-laid row ; LiU* Annette : -Kiltie Annette! I beer the ring of your laughter yet. Little Annette' Darling Annette! Only a year ha. flown, and yet, Ere you could melt the mow with your breath. A meeeeuger own*, and hie name wa* Deatli! Little Annette" Darling A unetie! Newer your face can 1 (ergot; T.Mea ; The augelr are calling yet •ver the pine-tree.. - Utile Annette' " Little by Little. Wh en the new yeare come and the old yean go How, little by little, *U tbiuge grow! All thing* grow-mnl all decay— little by Utile paeaing away. Little by Utile, ou fertile (datu, Bipen the harre-;s of golden grain. Waring and (bahing in the eon. When the awnmer at lent it doue. little by little they ripen ee A* the new year, come and the old rear* go. Low en the grouud an acorn hee, Little by little it womita to the akiee, hadow and abetter for wandering hettla Home for a hundred aiuging binl*. Little ty tittle the great rocka grrw. Leng. hmg age when the world one new. Slowly and eUmtly .lately and ft**, Ctttae of eoral tinder tlte tea Little by little am UkMcd—white eo— Tie new ream wane and the eld year* go. Little by utile old teak, are time; *ta are the crown* of the faithful woo. So ia heav cw iu our hearta begun. With work and with weeping, wtth laughter and play, little by hide the longest day And the tangent life are peaetaf away, raaaing without retunt—while ee— The new year* come and the old year* go :" ■ * *Y LADY DISDAIY. MY Lady Disdain waa a brilliant queenly girl. II e Vero, but he seized him by the arm that held the knife, and wlale struggling with him the other fourteen came to the rescue and took posscasion of the ring. You can imagine the disturbance and com motion caused by this act. Women and children screamed, and a general rti*h was made to get out of the tout. This lasted about fiftesii minutes, when everything seemingly quieted down, and the Mayor of the town asked ua to go on with the circus, and we did so, but the worst of it wa* to r<>me, aa the roughs once more made their appear ance and threatened to kill ad the showmen. Mr. J. Robinson gave orders not to show at night, but to load the stock and cage* and try to leave the town be fore dark. The order* were obeyed, and about (De o'clock in the afternoon, while the animal-men were engaged in pulling the rhinoceros cage on tne flat car, the mob gathered more cam pan ion*, and not thinking we were prepared for tliem, made a raid upon our men with kuive* and pistols. As this was going on Gill Robinson gave order* to Are on the mob. As this order was giveu 133 ahota were fired, killing, as far as we know, three men. How many more were wounded we have not yet learned. Six of onr men were wounded. Mr. Robert Btickney'a knee waa dislo cated, and it ia feared be will never be able to ride. Mr. Rose, a per former, was shot through the left hand. I wa* shot through the right hand and my fur cap. One hostler waa shot through the right breast, and another wa* stabbed in the back near his kid neys. Three canvasmen were shot through the legs. Mr. Charles Robin son was struck on the head with a clnb aud knocked to the ground. Something About Iceland. Iceland has altogether the start of America. We propose to celebrate our nation's centennial in 1876; but mean while, from the land of snow and ice, volcanoes and geysers, comes the intel ligence that the Icelanders propose to celebrate their millennial in 1874. In 874 Ingolf. a Norwegian chief, planted a small colony on that island, which had l>een discovered a few years before. In abont half a century manv thousand* of hardy settlers had established them selves on thia oold and barren isle. At one time the popnlation mimtiered no lees than 100,000; but the inhabitants have suffered greatly from famines, epi demics, aud volcanic casualties, and the number is now reduced to about 60,- 000. Iceland contains an area of 40,000 square miles, of which the glaciers oov er a surface of upward of 4,000 square miles, and there are thirty known vol canoes, of which eight have been active within n centnry. There are also nu merous thermal springs, the principal of which ia the Great Geyser, in which the water, at a depth of seventy-two feet, ia thirty degrees above the boiling point. Water and atones are thrown at interval* from thia geyser to"h height of 100 feet. No grain of any kind eah l>e raised in Iceland, bnt vegetables can be cultiva ted, and fish and birds 'are abundant.. Forest* formerly abounded, but now the island is almost destitute of trees, and the want of fnel is severely felL The islanders are of the Scandinavian race, and are by ao means lacking in intellectual capacity. Althongh there are but few educational institutions, domestic education is universal, ana the people are intelligent. Manv of tlie most valuable works of Knglisfi litera ture have been translated into tho na tive tongue, and are read nnd appreci ated by the common people. All the inhabitant* believe the doctrine* of the Reformation in their primitive sim plicity, and tho majority of them are Lutherans in profession. In short, the Icelanders are a* prosperous a* could be expected of any people living in such a barren conutry, and deserve s national festival. Consumption. In a new work on consumption, by Dr. Henry MacCormac, of London, the theory i* maintained that consumption, or tubercular disease, is caused solely by breathing air which ha* already been breathed, either by animals or human beings. The hourly elimination of carbonic acid by the Inngs, amounts to ten or twelve hundred culiie inches, and if the air ia already contaminated with that gas and witfi other organic effete substances, it* power to remove these from the body is seriously in jured, and the detritus of degeneration being retained, becomes tubercle. After reviewing the death-rate* of different capitals, the doctor concludes that the prevalence of consumption in Vienna may be traced directly to tho use of close stoves, doubly-glazed and padded windows, which are never open ed, and consequently to living in chambers which are never ventilated. The caae is the same in Bt. Petersburgh, where ont of an annual mortality of 5,000, 1,900 die from consumption. In this capital doable doors and windows, c i-ry interstice being carefully closed witli wadded cloth, or violoh, exclude the currents of air, and along with the close stove, reader (tagnant the Htiuted breath-fouled atmosphere, effectively hindering its replacement from with out, and, in fine, entailing the direfnl scourge of tnbercnlar disease, from whioh no OIMS or oondition of ths com munity ia exempt, The Vl'klpplng-PwL l*ul.ltc riuKglus ul tor ( tela at Saw ('•alt*, (HI. Four New York aud Philadelphia burglars at New Castle, Delaware, re ceived the following sentence: SSOO fine, tho coat# of prosecution, one hour iu the pillory, forty luhoa, aud ten ! year* imprisonment. When the whip i ping took place much excitement en sued. A correspondent describee the j scene a* follows: The law requires a public whipping, but makes the narrow jail-yard the place. The pout, a anb- I stan'tial piece of oak, aix inches mpiare, rises in the middle of the yard about eight feet Upon it is built a platform ; five feet square, and risiug from this ia a pillory with accommodation* for two neck* and L.ur wrist*. Thia is a i>erma uent structure. A dispatch from Phila delphia had announced that from GOOto 1,300 roughs, armed and intent upon releasing tho men from the whipping post, would arrive at New Castle, aud much excitement ensued, but tho relief party did not come. Hopo aud Carter, two of the men to be whipped, were brought forth. They reached the pil lory platform by a ladder, aud a deputy sheriff opened the jaw* of tho pillory. ; Carter's head fittod tho groove, but Hope's neck waa too short, and the up : per segment waa left loose ou hi* *ide of the post. The pillory is not adjusta ble. If a man i* not long enough, he trotehe*; if he ia too long, he stoops. I Hope had the beat of it. When the up|er bar hurt htm, he lifted it with one of his loosely confined hands and set it over upon his back somewhat. The other man waa looked up tight. When the hour was over and the men were removed to make way for tlie oth er couple, Hope said to the crowd a* he passed through to hi* cell, "I reckon you're satisfied uow." "No," wa* Uie chuckling taunt, "we shan't be satisfied till just about one hour fiorn now." Hope shivered, and passed in to wait one hour for his whipping. Roth men had been well dressed. But wheu Law lor and Hulburt, the other two, came out it was in the glory of standing col bus aud kid gloria. They ascended tlie ladder laughing, and one of them made acme sportive inquiry as to "how the old thing worked." After standing in the pillory for an hour, the whipping took place. The first man. Carter, was brought out, made fast f the poat by iron clamp*, and stripped to the waist. The aherifl addressed a few remarks to the crowd, snd ordered * few ambitions apeotstor* to " comedowu off them gate*." Then he advaneed, displaying his *' cat. The eat had a handle a foot long, and nine rolled leather lashes, three feet long aud aa thick as a lead pencil. Those lashea are solid and hard as iron. They do not break the akin at first, bnt bruise it and bring ont great blue and red blisters of extravaaatcd blood. A backward swing of the arm, then a for ward stroke, and the nine are laid deli cately. almost gently, on the burglar's broad back. The sheriff ia evidently an expert The 1 ashes *wmg. First nine rid *tri|os. With the next blow these *re turned to blue; thn conic nil and blue alternately, as regularly and accurately the stn|>es ascend from the waist up while Uie deputy sheriff counts twenty. Then the whole back ia inflamed, said tlie theriff goes over it again. The akin begins to butble ami blister, and the burglar winces with each new stroke. " Forty," says the depntv. Big Frank ia removed, his 00at looaely thrown over hia shoulders. A surgeon present volunteers tho in formation that though a back mav seem to stand it pretty well, the heavy leather cylinders bruise severely. " Before night," said he, " those back* will be terribly swollen. They'll fester, too, and be* sore for a week. The next mau brought ont was Hope, and the people looked on while the forty blows hronglit blood. N*xt came Lawlor, and then Hurlbnrt, Five min ute* di the whole business. Tlie men took their flogging quietly. They suf fered severely bnt made no complaint. Their backs "were a shockng; sight to look upon. (•old and Sllier. The public niind ia specially in terested just at present in regard to gold aud silver coin, and the possible reanmption of "specie payments.'' Many of na have almost forgotten the times when dollars, half and quarter dollars, with smaller silver 00UL and possibly a sprinkling of gold nieces jingled in our parses -those ola-foali ioned purser, which, being no fit recep tacle for greenbacks and paper currency, arc, perchance, laid away in sonic nn requented drawer, nnd may yet prove, useful. "In view of this subject —as lecturers snd clergymen are accustomed to say—a few items, taken in substance from the annual report of the Director of the Mint for tho fiscal year ending with June last, may not be uninterest ing to onr renders. Tlie amount of gold and silver deposits and purchases, coins struck and stamped, and bars manufactured during the year was as follows : Gold deposited, $.V.,R37.423., 45 ; silver deposited, 812,-307,380.43 ; total amount received and acted on, $72,244,818.88. Deducting deposits made and issued by one institution and deposited with another, the deposits were, gold, $57,704,385.88; silver, $3,- 145,328.43; total, $er of gold nad silver pieces coined waa 32,523,670. having a total value of $38,689,183. Tho value of bars of fine gold and silver mnnufaetured, and of imported gold and silver,amount ed to $27,517,530.61. Borne idea of the increase of ojieratioua may be obtained by tho statement that the coinage of gold during the month of Oetol>er ap proximatod in value $14,000,000, the coin, except a* to the Pacific coast | States and Territories, being, as a general thing, in the Treasury and banks. From the moat reliable data j obtainable at tlie present time, the gold coin now in the country ia estimated at $135,000,000, and subsidiary silver, $5,000,000 ; total, $140,000,000. The silver coin is principally in circulation j in California, Oregon, Nevada, Idaho, j Arizona, nnd Texas. Of the coin now in the Treasury, about $5,000,000 will | need to be renovated. A much greater loss result#, in process of time, from natural abrasion than would be gene rally supposed ; and when a large num ber of pieces are ao worn as to be below the prescribed standard, it is necessary that there ahonld be a recoinage. It ia stated that there ha* not been a re coinage of gold in this country since that which followed the change of standard in 1834, and that in the very large exports of coin since the suspen sion of specie payment* in 1861, the un worn coin wa* selected for that purpose, and tho light or worn pieces excluded. Ia the course of a few months it is probable that the New Orleans Mint will be in n oondition forooinage opera tions ; nnd the new mint edifice which has been for some time past in' the coarse of construction at Ban Francisco is nearly completed. It is now being fitted up with the necessary machinery and apparatus, and, it is expected, will be finished hy July, 1874. It is a large building—though none too large for its purpose—and will doubtless be one of the Rest appointed mints in the world. Troubles are like dogs; the smeller they are the more they annoy yon, ( hrtotiuan Is Coming. Christmas is coming, it is almost j licro; aud iu tho general rejoiciug we fail to retueatber that winter is sadly wearing a shroud for the dying year, even oliile her miooeeaor, roaplcndent in aatiu aud pearls, gaily prepares s queenly trosaeau for the grand " coro nation '* that is soon to take place. Al ready her heralds are upproaching; gal laut kuighU, decked in full arni'ir, Waring their lady's favors; aud the brilliant cavalcade heedlea* of cere mony, hardly pause* with proper re spect until the funeral cortege of the " old year" pansr* by, waving a aad farewell from sombre nail aud drooping plume. L'gb ! how tlie winds whistle and shriek their jubilant medley: rising at first in furions gusts, ami clarion blasts, anon, dying away to the plain tive moaning of .YSoliau harps; lite in visible chorus *ounded by angel fingei s. See the tiny " snow elves" in their gossamer array ? What mad revels they are having at the banquet of the storm king; flitting " hither aud yon " in their wild dances through the air. While their brilliant oomimuiona.spark ling "froat fairies," in their diamond fringed robe*, wink and blink at ua from every wiudow-pane: as much aa to say, uo time fur sorrow and tears now, happiness reigns supreme. Christmas is coming ! Now little eyes sparkle and little faces grow radiant over possible to morrows, in which hol iday featiyiliee are toaliine preeminent! And childish hands; how often they turn the leave* of the old *1 manse.reck oning np the number of d*ya before the 25th, to see if they have not made a mistake in counting. No problem in mathematics ever interrated them so before; if only they could apply the rule of subtraction to the boars,thereby lessening the time, how happy they would be. What magnificent pictures imagination nnvaila and holds np to their admiring gaze' Much glowing visions of holly wreathed churches, and invisible choirs chanting the Te Jirum " Peace ou earth and good will .toward men." Bach ahimug glimpses of Christmas arches, and bolliantly illu minated tree* decked with ooatlv pres ent*. Bu*h sweet echoes from the feet of " tiny reindeer," prancing over the root to the chime of •'silver bells," while good old •'Santa Diana" glide* down the chimney, and fills expectant stocking* full to overflowing. Alladiu's palace or fairy gTotto with iu enchanted ground*, never looked ao attractive to young eyes aa thia coming Christmas. No exile npon Iwrren strand, or desolate island, ever longed more for sight of home and friends, than young hearta long to-day for this " good time coming." HeaTen grant it may soon come to them, replete with unlimited happiness. May it visit the cottage as well aa the mansion; and oh, mav it be only " one of many " blessed holidays, that shall keep life bright, until "earthly glory palea before the magnificence of Heavenly joym,awaiting them in that " golden city " beyond the " gates ajar." A Hero of tbr Southwest. Horace P. Jones ia a notable charac ter in the Southwest. Ho i* at present official interpreter at Fort Bill. Through him the officers of the Govern ment at that post hold in'ercourae with the wild tribes of the plains. Perhaps no mau bring has a more thorough knowledge of the language of the Com anche* than ia possessed by Mr. Jonoa. Mr. Jones wa# present at the massacre at Old Fort Cobb, in 1361, where he made a verynarroweaeape from sharing tlie fate of many other* who bled on that occasion. During these troublous tunes Mr. Jones passed through some terrible experience*. On one occasion he found himself suddenly surrounded by a band of acme twenty-five aavagea, with lev eled rifles aimed directly at him. The night waa dark and gloomy. There wa* but an instant for thought, and that in stant was improved by the imperilled hero to extricate himself from hi# per ilous position. Quick aa thought he dropped npon tlie grass among the brushwood, snd propelled himself ser pent-like under the bnahe*. This ac tion for a moment disconcerted his would-be murderer*, and. taking ad vantage of the confusion, he managed to crawl under the brush until the op portunity to rise presented itaelf, when, suddenly springing to hia feet with the swiftueaa of an alarmed deer, he fled, and sneoeeded in eluding pnrsuit. On another occasion lj was pursued by fonr well-armed Indiana. The chances of eacajie seemed small, bnt Jonea nev er wa* known to lose hia presence of mind in the face of danger. Taking his chances, ho received a round from his pursuer* without harm, and then shot oue, reached a ravine skirted by timber, and soon the only live Indian of the partv was on hia way back te disclose to the Band to which he belouged the fate of his throe comrade*. Cash Instead of Credit. If the lesson oonld be permanently learned that the cash system is better than the credit system, all the suffering entailed by this monetary crisis would not be a dear price to pay for it People who buy for cash always buy cheaper than those who bny on credit. They bny, too, more closely, and select more carefully. Purchases which are paid for when they are made are limited more exactly to the purchaser's wants. There ia nothing like having to count the money right out when the article ia bonght to make people economical. The amount of indebtedness incurred ia not much considered when the pay-day is afar off. Persona who do all their bnaineaa on a cash basis kuow just where they stand and what they can afford. Conaeqnently they never nnd after-occasion for re gretting, in a turn of times, that they have indulged in thia luxury or that, which they would have foregone had they seen what waa coming. Ileal want* are few and can be grati fied for cash. At all events, thev ahonld always be limited to what can be paid for in cash. How mnch of anxiety, how many sleepless hours, haw many heart-burn ing*, disappointment*, and regret* would be avoided if this rule were always strictly adhered to. The Cause of Fevers. Dr. Littlejohn, Medical Officer of Edinburgh, in a recent report, gives it as his opinioa that typhus fever a the result of overcrowding, ana typhoid fever tlie effect of sewer gases. The former, therefore, is common in the dwellings of the poor.while the latter ia found in houses of a better description, where there are pipes communicating with an external drain. In tlie case of the vory poor, whose houses are de ficient in drainage arrangements, typhoid fever is rarely seen. Prac tically, Dr. Littlejohn has failed to detect any bat! effects resulting from the use by cows of grass grown on sow age meadows. All the cows fed on sewage-grown grass find their way to the slaughter-houses, where they are examined by Dr. Littlejohn and a stafi of inspectors, who find that those appearances which are met with in diseased meat are not more frequent in those animals than in others. Sewage grass is, so far as his observations gone, unobjectionable m food for cattle, Torni: &2.00 a Year, in Advance. A Terrible Txle of the Se*, A MaaUw t'aflala *•■ (Mr* la bla (iaa- IMwSar-USts Hrfrary, Ha •i.anlir■ aw* Mlrai ala Za| of lbs k'r*w< The Eden, a ship of over 500 tone burden, sailed from Loudon on the 15th of October last, boned for Valparaiso. Hho was loaded with 150 ton* of gun powder, and-—following the statement of Uie crew, as pivan in the Liverpool /lath/ /W-widi a general cargo, in wbieh a quantity of mate he* con veniently figured. The ahip waa making a good passage, and all was going well Uu she had been almut twenty days out, when symptom* of insanity began to appear in the conduct of the captain. The symptoms rapidly increased in in tensity, and presently manifested them selves' in an exceedingly unmistakable manner. At midnight on the 7th the crew, sleeping in their berths, ware aroused by shouting and the shuffling of feet, aud rushing on deck they found their captain with loaded firearms in his hand, gesticulating, raving, and threatening to shoot the watch. This was not a pleasant situation, to be at sea with a captain prone to turn out of his cabin in the dead of the night with loaded pistols, and an evident reckless neaa as to where their contents might go. But the sailors seemed to have taken the matter very coolly, and soothing the madman in their kind but very clnmsy manner, they induoed him to turn-in again, he promising, like a child who had been naughty, to " go to aleep" and not make any freak dis turbance. Half an hoar passed away, the ahip meanwhile pursuing her course over the darkened aea, and the aailura all asleep again save the watch. Suddenly there was another alarm, and the crew crowded again on deck to Snd a sight more startling even than that ot a mad man armed with loaded pistols. The captain had, in accordance with hia promise, gone dowu into his cabin and fastened his door, bnt so far from "go ing to sleep" be had set the place on Are, and, R>oking down through the skylight, the horrified crew could aee the flame* through the lurid cloud of amoke that Ailed the room. With 150 tons of gunpowder in the bold the case waa plainly one that demanded instant treatment. The cabin door was shot, and so tho men dashed in the skylight nnd tried to get down through that Bnt this course was found to be im practicable, and the second mate aud the carpenter volunteered to go down, bteak open the cabin door, and secure the ""■i"'" l who, attll armed to the teeth, was pacing round the cabin ut tering shouts of demoniac glee. The two men succeeded in breaking down the door, and the second mfte entering waa shot in the head by the captain, and retreated, followed by the carpen ter. The flames were spreading with a rapidity which presently led to the dis covery that the captain had carefully prepared for the fearful scene by soak ing parte of the vessel in parafine oiL When the Bailors learned this they gave up all hope of saving the ahip, and a move was made for Uie boats. Aa the longboat waa swung round ready to drop from the davits the infuriate cap tain, having now added a bayonet to his armory, appeared on the deck, and seeing the preparations for escape, rushed at the crow gathered aronnd the 1 lioat, fired at the bead of one, and stab bed another in the shoulder with the bayonet. A sailor, picking up a hand spike, smote down the madman's arm, and the rest rushing upon him he was overpowered and disarmed. The crew then got into the boat, and rowing round to the stern implored the captain to leap over and join them. Bnt he waa not going to leave a spectacle which he bad prepared auch forethought and trouble, and waving the boat away lie continued to walk up and down the 1 deck, above which the flames were al ready beginning to leap. Should they leave him to the fate he had designed for them and gloried in ; for himself ? He was a violent maniae, 1 perhaps beat ont of the way, and, more over, the gentle wiud that drove the almost deserted ahipthrough the wave* waa slowly but surely blowing sheets of fire over the hold in which were stowed 150 tons of gunpowder and the con venient "quantity of matches." It waa a situation iu which men might well hesitate, and it seems from the ; story that at first the donbt was decided against the captain, and the boat's crew turned their back* upon the ahip, drift-; ing " towards the Line " with its fcarfnl cargo and its solitary paaacngcr. Bnt on second thought* tne sailors decided, j as is the general habit of English sailors, to do the thing that wa* right and manly at whatever coat; and ao they pulled back, got the raving madman safely into j the boat, and rowed away in time to 1 vie"w from a safe distance the sudden j going up skyward of the good ship j Eden by the explosion of 150 tons of j gunpowder. At daybreak the lioat had j the good fortune to be sighted by the , Juniata, of Scarborough, bound for j Rabin, and all were got safely on board, j The captain of the Eden being atill raving mad, waa pnt in irons, where he remained for four days, after which period he " got an anchor loose," and, running to the aide of the vessel, leaped overboard, and, weighted with his irons, ! went straight down in the aea and wa* never more seen. Aa fo* the crew, they went on to Bahia, whence they were sent home in one of the Pacific Com- : pany'a boats, and arriving in Liverpool were comfortably lionaod in the Bailors' j Home. An Ohio (Rant. A Cleveland paper relates a nnmber ol anecdote* illustrative of the strength and size of Abner McDrath, whom it dub* a giant It appears that Mcnratti ia " sixty-one years of age, and ia aix feet seven and" a half inches standing in hia boots, fairly proportioned in form, without a poiind of waste flesh. Ho waa and ia a giant in muscular strength. Ho has lifted 1,700 pounds of iron, and a blow with his massive flat and long arm is ao powerful that on one occasion, when some twelve or fifteen Kaiiora went out to hia place to " raiae a mil as." he thrashed the whole lot and threw them one by one out of the door jnat aaone could throw no many babies, and during that operation he dared not double his fist for fear his blows might prove fatal to some of the rowdies. He formerly carried on the buainesti of a cooper, and nsed to come to town with hia loftd of barrels. On one occasion, while stopping at the " Red Tavern," latterly known aa the "Jackson House," and which is now torn down, a snob from town, who was out there with his turnout in the shape of a livery horae and buggy, got .into a difficulty with Abe, and having insulted him in some way or another, Abe resetted it bylifting the bnggy rightnp and strad dling it across the fence, and then got on his wagon and drove off to town, whistling as though nothing was the matter, and leaving the luckless wight to get hia buggy off the fence as beet he conld." The late Rev. Baron Stow of Boston said : " Sermons are like guns, long or short, new or old, bright or rusty, load ed or empty. Some shoot too high, some too low. They teach, amuse, or exasperate, aeeording as they are men- NO. 52. The First kteamboat. mm lk H*< Hl*.* Is ISO* The first steamboat mi the Hudson : Hirer pused the city of Hudson on the ' 17tl of August, 1807. In the Jlud*->n j Iter, a newspaper in that city, the fol io wing advertisement was published in , Jane, 1808: STEAMBOAT. /■br the Information uf the Public. The Steamboat trill leave New York I for Albany every Saturday afternoon < xaotiy at 6 o'clock, and will pass West Point, about 4 o'clock Sunday morning. New burgh, 7 o'clock Sunday morning. I'ougbktM-pnie, 11 o'clock Sunday morning. Esopus, 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Itea Hook, 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Caiekiil, 7 o'clock in the evening. Hudson. 9 o'clock in the evening. She will leave Albany for New York every Wednesday morning, exactly at 8 o'clock, and paaa Hudson, about 8 in the afternoon. Esopus, 8 in the evening. Poughkeeptie, 12 at night. Newbnrgh, 4 Thursday morning. West Point, 7 Thursday morning. Aa the time at which the boat may arrive at the different places above mentioned ma j vary an hour or more or Ices, according to the advantage or dis advantage of wind and tide, tbaae who wish to oome on board will see the ne cessity of being on the ppot aa hour be fore the time. Persons wishing to oome on board from any other landing thau those here specified, can calculate the time the boat will paaa, and be ready on bar arrival. Innkeepers or boatmen who bring passengers on board or take them ashore from any pert of the river will be allowed one shilling for each person. mm or rassaog-rsoH sew rou To W ftutst * N.Ci|V ...... .IS CiHiOOqiM SS VMOfum M a*d as ItuSsoo SS Altaar ..... T • rnOM ALBAXT To HttAwa -...J • SB M ltuofc • BO tmipm* ... I — * ss ul Wam Point * OS X.< tort. 1 S AO other paaaengare are to pay at tha rate of $1 for every twenty miles, and a half dollar for every meal they may est. Children, from 1 to 5 years ef sge, to psy one-third price, and sleep with the persons under whose care they are. Young persons, from sto 15 years of see, to psy half mice, provided they sleep two in a berth, and whole price for each one who requests to occupy a whole berth. Servants who pay two-thirds price are entitled to a berth ; they pay half-price ii they do not have berth. Every person paying full price is al lowed 60 pounds of baggage; if less il whole priee, 40pounds. They are to pay at lite rate of i cents a pound for surplus baggage. Storekeeper* who wish to carry light and valuable mer chandize can be accomodated on paying 3 cents a pound. Passenger* will breakfast before they oome aboard. Dinner will be served up exactlv at 1 o'clock; tea, with meats, which ia also supper, at 8 in the evening, and breakaast at 9in the morning. No one has a claim on the steward for victnato at any other time. 11m War Appropriations. The Secretary of the F. 8. Navy sent the following letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, which baa leen referred to the Oommittee on Appropriations; "Under the circumstances of the present emergency I {am compelled to ask that a -pecial appropriation be made to eoTer the expenses of putting the iron-clad and eraiae navy of the United States ii a condition for imme diate and active service. I hare taken measures to put every available iron and wooden ship of our navy in a con dition for immediate duty. I hare or dered all the ships of the various squad rons within reach to rendezvous at Key West. I am enlisting men to supply and fill up the crews of all our reaaela. I have accumulated materials, pro vision*, and supplies for their mainte nance and support, and ordnance and ] ammunition and all the weapons of naval warfare for their use. " The eireamxtanees which hare eon strained the Department to this un usual activity ana consequent expendi ture are known to yon and the count ry. The fact that they occurred during toe recess of Congress made it necessary that I ahonld myself assume the respon sibility of prompt action, relying upon the wisdom snd Justios of the people and their representatives for support " I bare not sa yet exceeded the ap propriations for the current year, but these measures, with the cost of pre paring, transporting, snd concentrating everything necessary to carry them out, have alrrody almost exhausted the money of the working bureaus of the departmenta, snd this must be supplied at once if the work to to so on. The cost of putting onr iron-cladain service, s work already undertaken, and, in some instances, far advanced, will also , require a larg- appropriation. The amount required to reimburse the bu reaus so aa to carry them through this year, and also to put all our available monitors in order, will not lie less than 84,000,000. If our force is to be in creased, or if the powerful double-tur-J re ted monitors Miantonomah, Monad nock, and Puritan are to be put in condition for usefulness,at least $1,000,-1 000 more will be required." Catching Turtle. This is the way catching turtle ia described: You spy him from afar off floating in the undulating surface of the water, sometimes miles from the shore. Slowly, cautiously your boat man rows the* skiff to tha turtle ; the least clumsy splash of an oar would dis turb his siesta. At last you get behind him, snd inch by inch you approach him. Then you stoop well ovor the t>ow, and turn your turtle. Alicm. Turn him ? It seems easy enough to say, " turn him," but how "do you do it 7 You bead down, leaning for over the bow of the boat, make both hands meet under his belly in the water, and yon lift Mr. Turtle clean out of the sea and tumble him backwards into yonr boat It is surprising how light a turtle is ia the water and what a dead weight he ia when out of his element No matter if he does straggle a little and dash his flippers at yen, the only thing really to op afraid of is the bar nacles whioln almost always grow on his sides snd cat like knives into the arms aad wrist* when yon hold s two hun dred pound turtle in your embrace. A Cat IjjynicTS Fatal Wocxds on A Child. —At Malival, canton of Viaay, in France, Madame P. left her infant, eleven months old, alone in its crib. On returning to the room in a quarter of an hour, she heard.cries of pain, and perceived a cat upon tho orib gnawing the hand of her child. The animal es caped by the open window. Not only part of the infant's hand was lacerated, but the right cheek and ear were bitten. The wouuds were of suoh a character that no hope la entertained of saving the ohild'a life. Christina* Trees. We are all familiar with the conten tions! Christmas tree, the evergreens covered with toys, and splendent with wax estate*, ieicW of glass, soil balls of glittering raeUL Such are hallowed bv oor memorise of childhood, of parents' lova, and of friends perhaps no more. Many of na, too, are mow or leas acquainted with the sombre pines, firs, or spruces, which we adapt to our winter decorations, bat few ere aware haw beautiful they appear to their for est homes. To be sure, in summer we cannot but note the contrast between the iWWY greens of the deciduous trees, with their light and delicate spray, ami the darker masses of the coniferous foliage. | While ordinary trees, aw* ee the df, the map)*, ana the oak,allow then prin cipal stems to dissolve, as 14 were, into branches, the great pine family, ss a , rule, subordinate the limbs to the main ') trunk, and assume a pyramidal form. By this habit, and their peculiar fructi fication, we can always distinguish them, varied as their different form® may I**; but it is in winter tint they are most noticeable, when they form ! the only green ornaments which nature retains in bar oostnme. They seem to be given us to order that we may pre (ww. u our faith Ir. the coming summer, and that we may not become totally disheartened by the stormi JL< J™*" ! and isolation. . V_..- It well repays one,after a snow-atom, to wander to the woods. It is tk\ that the evergreens may be seen in their i perfection. To Ihe admiring eye* of waking childhood the highly ornament al Christmas tree cannot be more bean tifaL The skeletons of the maples, ' beeches, and chratouU, new seem mournful enough; the mom so, per hep*, from thafset that they still re tain within their trembling g*wo a handful of their summer toavee, iiut now is the holiday of the evergreens. They wade knee-deep to snow; they eatob it as it talk, and weave of it the moat wonderful coronate end garlands. If we shake hands with some familiar pine, the crystelued holy water falls upon us tike e blessing. And how tasteful is Urn costume of these trees I Here is one, radiant with diamonds, defying the imitation of mac: while an other, near by, is clothed in bridal p*- I riijr. As the cool brasses rock them j to end fro they join in egladaome snow ball frolic, and pelt each other play folly with the woolly whiteness. Their outline is distinct against the deer j blue sky. wtiieh, with their eoneeotra i lion of folmgit, gives them a 'Certain as pect of majesty. The pinro, with their fwilbeiy foli age; the stately JiemJoeka, with their . delicate tracery of lesvea; the sombre juniper*, and the arbor-sotm, all pre sent different terms of beauty,hot there are other, humbler plants, used to our Christmas decorations, upon which it will be petite to egU. w will meat the red berry-cluster* of the ilex, look ing veer preeiaas, where all else seems dark; the eareeainw * Creeping Jenny" (a kind of XMM|jbofJ, and tee moun tain-laurel. tu plaee of the snowy mareee with which the miter beautifies the month of Juna. awMßfuady terely bashes of snow-flower*, the souls of the departed still liagsnug about their earthly homes. We will And the " prince's ptoe" atiU retaining ita gsriT roea. But ail these smaller plants bo long to the summer ninths, and a# this season cannot compare with the knight ly evergreens—'who, ell 100 quickly, wave us their oourtoous adieu. The Seeteacv of Marshal Budm. M. Lack and, the eounse! for Marshal j L'axuin*. finiahed his address before the sourt-martiaL He declared that as Mw Marshal did not surrender to the open field he was guiltteasof violating artsoto I 210 of the army code. He said; ** I deeply aymvathixe with the valiant soldier overwhelmed by a terrible am sstion. I fear not death for him. He is brave sad fears nothing but the lose i of iris honor for the sake of his wife and children. I feel moet for France, which will deplore the loan of a valorous eoi dier. tour honors, patriotism forbids that TOO condemn him. Yen know what political trials are, on the spct on which posterity has raised a statue to those executed after such trials." M. Pouroet replied, demanding that a terrible example be made, aa a Mason to the rising generation. Before the judge* withdrew Baaune said: " I have two words in my breast, ! honor sad country. I have new been wanting towards this proud motto dur > ing forty-two years of service. I swear Man Christ that I hare not betrayed After a long deliberation the judges declared Baaaine guilty of the charges of the capitulations of Met* and of the armv in the open field without doing all that* was prescribed by honor and duty I to avoid the surrender, and uusnimoaa ir condemned him to death and to be epraded from his tank previous to hto| | execution. . j After judgment bad been rendered all M the members of the court signed an ap peal for mwev, which the Duke d .ram ale conreyedT in person to President MacMahon. Baaaine waa greatly agitated when he heard the decision of the court. The decision of President MacMahon, of Franco, in the oase of Basaine to an uounoed. The sentence of death;"; against the Marshal to commuted to t went v Teat*' seclusion. He is to bear the effects of degradation from rank, but will be spared the humiliating cere- ID OUT. Marshal Basaine addresaed a letter to his counsel, thanking them for their efforts in his behalf, and concluding as follow*; I *UaU not sppmisretml the eeoteoce twt miliar to urotooß u to* *** of the world the of 'uch a pawfulhtrofrta. I request ,'m to take no farther p* 1 look no longer io men for Itrfgwrot. Strong aw en -cnce which rsproaetisa me with nattontjt . . .ufl lenUy await the jaeUflcanan which will com. with the tap* of time end toe enbekksM* of party | .