The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, December 04, 1873, Image 2

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    jjftNTKE SfrErOHTLR,
rsra.KViTs * aiur
Centre Hall, Fa.. Doe. 4. 187:1
TERM*.— $2 per pear, iu 2,6
teJUn mat paid h adrancf.
AJirttfmtnti 20.- T> fr "'f ' • " **
•srfto**, and for 5 mud 12 montM* ht ■■<*-
cod eoafracf.
What Will Peintsvalley lb) I
On the 16th of Decembar the pee
pla of thia state are to decide whether
corruption shall continue to exist, or
whether hottest government shall
henceforth take its place. The pro
posed new Constitution strike- ;.t all
the evils that the honest people havi j
Complained ot for the last quarter ot a
ccutury, and the constitutional Con
vention has now framed au iustrumeut j
which will wipe out corrupt legislt
tiou, and prevent the wholesale and
retail plundering of the tax-payera of
the state. Where will the people of
Fennsvalley, of Brushvalley, and of
Centre county he found on Tuesday,
Dec. 16th, when this great aud iui|>or
taut questiou is to bo decided ? \Y ill
you be indifferent and remain at
home? Do you understand the itu
porUtuce of tlm iseue? Re#l the uew
Coastituliou, aud see luw clearly it
now is within the reach >f the people
to correct the abuses that they have
had imposed upou them for o many
year*. How can you b indifferent ?
Turn, out, then, fellow citizens, deuto
crata and republicans, talk to your
neighbor of the great importance of
the subject, the most important one
the citizen eau he called upon to vote
on, and see that you and they vote to
adopt the uew constitution.
Are you iu favor of having the As
sembly meet only ouce in two years,
thus saviag hundreds of thou.-amis ol
dollars, then come out on the lt>th,
and vote accordingly.
Are you iu favor of stopping that
great curee of our state, of which yt u
all have complained aud by which all
have been made to suffer, we mean
special legislation, then show your
consistency, by turning out on the
16th of December and voting for the
new Constitution, which totally for
bids the further practice of that busi
ness by our corrupt servants at liar
Are you opposed to salary grab-,
then vote for the new Constitution, it
effectually shuts down upon that nu de
of stealing.
You say that you are opposed to
monopolies and the uujust powers and
privileges that corporations have ob
tained and exercised, then show your
linearity, people of Peanavalley and
of Centre county, bv coming to the
polls on Tuesday, Dec. 16, and casting
your vote for the new Constitution.
The ring aud all their wicked ad-
herents in the state, have combined to
defeat it, and it is the sacred duty of
honest mcu to combine on their side,
and put down the gang that ha* be
come rich by plundering the people.
Now is yeur lime to act. Let no
honest man fail to be at his post.
it is not sufficient that the constitu
tion lie adopted but it should be done
with such an overwhelming majori
ty, that the rogues aud thieves may
kaow in what numbers their masters
Nominate Good Men
That staunch democratic orgar,
the Pittsburg Poet, says:
The Tribune has an article going
to show that a party gains iu popular
esteem by nominating honest and
capable men for representative posi
tions, and clinchts its argument by
sundry proofs. We do wish that idea
woald get abroad in Pennsylvania, it
would do much to improve the nomi
nations of both parties. It is person
ally aunoyingjto an honest and intelli
gent citizen —be he Democrat or Re
publican—to bis called upon to vote
for some stupid scallawag for an im
portant office, and if he refuses to
meet the enmity of the dunderheads
who have secured a nomination as
well a B the ill will of the shrewd and
unprincipled wire pullers who have
aucceeded in placing numskulls upon
the ticket, because they can be wrap
ped around the fingers of their makers
like to much pack-thread.
The right way to do —and the sug
gestion is thrown out to both parlies —
is, when an unfit nomination is made
to scratch it most effectually; there are
precious few party tickets that would
not be amazingly improved by just
that opeiation. These remarks are of
very general application hut the shoe
may be used by any whom it fits
The new Constitution, by uinbing
smaller districts, will doubtless enn
ble both parties to make more accept
able selections of candidates. Roth
tides are largely open to improvement.
The election upon the new (Joiwti
tution, will he one of greatest itti|or
tanoe. Its adoption will not be a
triumph of democrat!- over repuhli
cam, or republicans over detnocruts,
or a triumph of any political party
over another, but it will be a grand
and enduring triumph of the honest
man of ail parties over the thieve#
and plundering rings iu ull parties.
Let no citizen miss the opportunity
of saying to bis children, that he
for tbe new Constitution, it is an
act that every one cau leel proud
■ ■ * •
It it the most sacred duly of every
good citizen of Pennsylvania to vote
for the new Constitution on Tuesday
It occurs to us that if, instead of
starting a war, tbe energy, eloquence
and fhnds expended in that direction
were employed toward getting up a
national revival for the recantation of
■alary grabbing Credit Mobilierism,
financial defalcations, and so forth, it
might he more to the glory and
substantial benefit of the couu
trJ- |
Another debt increase is. HIIM< unced
■—nine millions for NovmtW Theie
appears to be no end of the' hies ings '
Vouchsafed to us by the Grai|td.oinii*
Our Now Constitution
From ihe (i i nuiiitiivv n T< r> tiiph
* * * Special legiid •
lion is utterly and outirclv nboli* •*!,
prohibited and declared null anil
void, mo! this ii' one plow tnnibiltln
the main source <>l legislative cor
ruption ami disgrace nt Hurritburg.
This reloriu alone is worth all the
money that the constitution has iwt,
as it will resent the proud name of
Pennsylvania from the mire into
which it hatl so long tmeu diapg.d,
ami elevates otir legislature t> the
MUM high level as that atUUlwd IIU
tier similar provisions in Ohi> an>i
Illinois. I tnler this reform th tun .*
titui of the | rolcsstonal lvrci
ilcalcr in special charters will heal
an etui s> far as Pennsylvania i
couceruetl, for in future li ' 11; 1 -' •
tiou must Ive hy goncm! laws, anil
charters must be obtained nn ertlum
The railroail article, as now f.iutul
iu thecompleted diart <t the const.-
tuliou, is* compromise between the
railroail reformers and the railroail
1 companies, and will, i. i* l> ■ v oo
work mauv salutary ehauge* As
the legislature ear. no Ujti grant
sjseeia! favors the influence so
wielded by railroad agenu at iiari
burg will be useless, and it is t>. pctl
that Harrubuig be lr> t!un
presence. The prohibition of tie.
passes ro.ievos tie public of .1 *uur. e
of corruption bo hot the legi-laluto
ami the | üblic officials —for joutna!*,
judges, legislaturi -* executive llieits
and local authorities ail coin und r
its influence; and such of the com
pauiss as cadeavored to shake otl tin
evil fouud themselves the victim- ot
I newspaper as-aults or adverse acli* n
Ibv legislative aud other offic.aU It
| is" believed that the railroad a.ttelu
wil reform the freight charges in
such a way as to prevent the sudd ling
ot the whole burthen of maintaining
the roads for the benefit of through
business carried at ruinously low rates
and that this change will be in I e
I highest degree beneficial to the l'ar
j liters, tradesmeu, merchants, miner
and manufacturers of our own
Of late years the legislature has
been so filled with railroad solicitors
elected as members to take care of
th > interests of their company clients
that the influence of the formers ni.d
business tueu has grown steadily less
aud less until little else appeared to
bo atteuded to than the interests of
railroad aud their caunected jobs Hut
uuder the new constitution, with a
greatly enlarged membership and a
Kneral prohibition of all special
gislatiou, we look for a return ot
the era of practical men at Harris
burg. For these and many other
reasons, which we shall hereafter refer
t, we ara most earnestly in favor if
t'ie adoption of this uew constitution,
and trust all whom we address will
V .le to sustain it.
Hon. Alex. II Stephen*
[Correspondence of the World.]
Washington, November 2~> —Hon.
j Alex. 11. Stephens, who will represent
the Eighth District of Georgia in ihe
j Forty third Congress arrived at the
National Hotel in this city las: night
j from his home Liberty Hall, Craw
fordville, Ga., via Augusta, where
Ihe remained a few days, lie bore
1 the fatigue of the journey much bet-
Iter than he had anticipated, and this
I morning, having had a goo I uight's
j rest,was quite uright and free from
pain. Mr. Stephens is afflicted with
rheumatism of the severest type,
wiiich has thrown one hip out of place
and though he can hobble about a
; room with the aid of a cane, he ha to
i use crutches ou the street. Physically
. lie is very feeble, but his intellect is
as clear as ever. He eats auinial
food very seldom and then spariugly,
ami cannot partake of milk, butter,
or eggs without suffering afterwards.
He is fearfully emaciated, and so
. colorless that his slender fingers seem
almost transparent. He lakes an
i active interest in his approaching
Congressional duties, but refers to
his hermit-like life as having left him
: in ignorance of many of the local
' changes which have taken place since
i his former residence in Washington.
| With all matters of public import
Mr. Stephens is ofcourse au courant,
as he has been a constant reader of
the daily journals. In looking over s
list of the members of the Forty
thiul Congres he has market] the
names of twenty us having beeu former
associates and friends. lie is auxious
to know to what committees he will
be assigned, and referred to having
st-tved on the Ways and Mean* and
Elections Committee having been
referred to as not including in the
last Congress even a solitary South
ern member, Mr. Stephens remarked
that that was a new committee to
him. He thought he should like to
serve on the Committee on Foreign
Affairs at this time, and no doubt
Speaker Blaine, of whose re-election
there can be little doubt, will assign
this veteran statesman to some posi
tion commensurate with his acknowl
edged ability.
Mr. Stephens has been literally
besieged with visitors, and frequently
expressed his surprise and gratifica
tion at the number of old frends and
acquaintances who had already
sought him out.
Tweed In the Penitentiary
Ntw York, November 30.—After
being taken to Blackwell's island
yesterday Tweed was asked the usual
questions by the recording clerk, to
which he answered that he was aged
fifty years, occupation a statesman,
uo religion. Jlut as his family are
protectant he was entered as a protest
ant. He weighs 2G3 pounds. He
was taken to the bath, then had his
head shaved in penitentiary style and
was nrraved in the full striped uni
form. lie had two Utters from New
York city physicians recommending
that he be placed in the hospital, hut
after an examination by the peniten
tiary physicians he was remanded to a
common cell like all other felons and
numbered thirty-four. The jacket
giveu him to wear is known at the
penitentiary as a larceny jacket. I lis
BJD stayed by him until he was led
a'-uy to his cell, when lie and a few
fri.uds and reporters left the island.
The Judge Davis "Contempt," Case.
New York, November 29.—Judge
Davis to-day fined Messrs. Graham,
Fullerton and W. 0. lkrtlett, senior
mem bars of the couurel for Tweed in
the late trial, $250 each after cub
jecting them to a sharp lecture for a
breach of good morals in handing
him a paper giving reasons whv he
should not preside ut the trial.
Resignation of Senator t'avsei ly.
New York, November 30 —Senator
Eugene Casseriy, of California, has
resigned his seat in the Ignited Sints
♦ ♦
Three personb livintr ii lloiitnV,
11 nmn. woman and hoy died b\ drink'ng
from u bottle which they thought. iniituh
ed Whisky. Five more are suffering,
SJiue of whom are not expected to live.
Stunniion lit lowu.
H.irrou- nj Story <>l IS<ititio <nnl SuJ ♦
A citiaen of lowa lis- wnUiut<>
' ill,- I >c* Moimis Register I ruin delict
Sen, that Siuie, uuiiei du:e id N.o.
IT, u sad story of the hardships ami
I -nil' rings of many of the settlers in
i the northwestern pun of that *t >te
il> says; "1 haveju-t had a long in
jterviiov with a fui mer soldier comrade
now II homesteader in Osceola county
jail I from him leuui something eon
c ruing ihe present and tutun wants
of the hundred* ot people oak
nig I hems. Ives homes in thai and
other counties It will lie rvtucmhci
i'il in 1672 gl crops wen]
I ; aised iii (iia I net ion ami that all hud
i plenty aud to spare. In the spring,
t,s7;* ev. iv priparati. il was made
t r a great nop of small grain ami it
[ prxisjiered exceedingly until about the
lit >i of June, when the gr4hup|ei*
I cnate. and the fields i w \n g grain
were made dt solute —entirely ruiuing
liio e;op. A gn 'I many heuiestiader*
at on,i left, i valuing tin touting it
t e pu-ii l condition of maitei lull
I hundreds of families hud not the
mea is al command to pay their ex
leweee ot mew, ami hsnce mm
e 111 pe l led to stay. A litlie Col li W'tt
-.ivi'.l iu some sections but ot Very
inferior quality, l'iculy ot hay wa
in.ule of tho best grade so the stock
will at hast have that much for
I support Hut a- to the people ? My
informant makes this statement
'\ .viiy man i- pool *WJ
j pool and a great majority are ex
s ,|tliers of the I'nioii, with young
families to supimlt W lien the r m--
hopJKMS took I He* crops, we did the
be-t we could tor the coining winter.
We went to (he lake- and caught
barrels of fish, but we did not have
the means to properly care for them
ihev spoile'd. Stock was ?u rifieed
to the'sharks that iufest our section,
al next to uothing of a price, and
! mauv of us have thus eaten up and
1 worn out the horses and Work cattU
. that bad been our main stay. We
: couhi buy uo tuel and when 1 left,
twisted hay and rank weed grass wen
the only fuel niuo ten h* of the people
were n.-ing. Much sickness prevail*
brought mi by a long abstinence
wholesome and nutritious food* Ope
family 1 know of has tin* lather down
with rheumatism, three out of six
children were down with the measles,
while the iu >ther was about worn
down herself. Corn-meal, grated
from frost-bitten nubbins was the
only food in the house, if the soil and
boanl sbantv mav be called such
The ieople bear with each other, and
mutually exteud aid as much as
possible. One young man from
.)a*|>er county, who happens to be a
good si o', ha* valiantly taken upon
' himmlfthe task of keeping all invalid
families supplied with meat wild
game, ami the day I left brought
some geese and ducks to the taiuily 1
have mentioned. Hut that will so >n
lend with cold weather, you want l><
j know what they need? They need
everything —fuel, clothing and pro
visions. l'lse w omen and children are
suffering greatly already f r the want
of clothing. I know of several women
win died *.oii after giving birth to
children because they could not have
j even the common luxury of a cup of
tea or anything nutritious t>aid them
in regaining strength, coupled with
the want of proper bed covering
{ The most of the counties can extend
uouid, for the reason that thievis
have been running affairs and stolen
all, just as they did some years ago iu
Clay county. Manv tamilic*. will
leave on foot, having sold their cattle
and horses to keep them alive. Some
general way of relieving those who
| most remain mu-t t>e pului op ialion
| rigiit away else the first suap of ri-ul
'cold will send many a good
man and woman or diild to death—
frozen, because they will he s > weak
aud emaciuted that they cannot -tand
I ihe riguis of winter, even in its
s weakest appearance.' The peison
j who makes this statement i know to
jhe reliable. It will be seen from lhi>
j then, tlirit aid canuot lc sent too soon,
and that a general of relief
.uust not be delayed longer than
Suiuo con-idrable curiosity has bion
escited by vajjuc rutners of a railroad to
be made up While Deer Creek. Kailr-.u.)
ruiuor* are, like aruiy rumors, burn to
trace. Hut these have taken u ilefinile
shape in a pamphlet issued by the "I'enn
sylTnnia and Western ltailroaii Compa
ny." Under the act of Assembly, HIIOW
ing the consolidation of Kuilroad Conipa
nics—various companies, the East Jfrosd
Top Coal A Iron Company, IJcdford Ir.-n
Co, w.ih its supplements, Suuiers. t A
Cieartieid Coal Company and its suppl- -
men's, Stubrn Iron Company of Centre
county, and Catedonio Iron, Land A K.
K. Co., and its various supplements, there
has been a consolidation under tin* name
of the "Pennsylvania A Western It It
The pre.cnt allotment is but for '.uo
hundred miles, from anoint at or near
Milton to a point at or near Clarion. IV, j
running hlonjj and near the line of the,
■list parallel, upon an air line from the!
City of New York to th a City of Cleve
land. on the Lakos.
Large sums have been expended iu pre
liminary surrey.., and it tin* been ascer
tained that an air lroe can be constructed
between New York and Cleveland which j
shall be shorter, have lighter grades, cod
er curves, and be more economically o iri
■trucled than any line in exi-tuiice
They claim that the roads that ero* the
barriers of the A llrghani. - nre et such
grades, (Tyrone A Cieartieid, fits fo l to
the mite, curvature OOU feet radius, P. A
K. 115 feet to the mile, Baltimore & Ohio,
110, Penpsy I van ui VHI, with severe curve-) j
arc at a decided disadvantage compared
with tb * route, which er<.-e the rauge nt >
a depression of 11(10 foot lower than any
other, heaviest grade 52.h, with no curve
le< than ! K*l feet radius. Thu heaviest
grade is al oig White Deer Crook, in Un
ion county, and only •) feet per tuilo on a
straight line. It is claimed that between
Mew York and Cleveland the distance i*
made by this route 51K inile. (VJ miles less
than the shortest. The l'ressideiit of the
road is 6. C. Johnson, New York; Chief
engineer, Samuel Brugger, Unionvitle,
Centre Co. Pa.
The stream whore it pusses along i-
White Deer Hole Creek which comes out
al Uulontown.not While Deer .that comes
out at White Deer .Mills.
Our Valley will soon he traversed hy
main through and competing line.-, tin*
great desideratum in cheap transportation.'
—Lrtciiibury ('Hronietr.
Atlanta, lid., Novemher 2H. Milton ;
Malone, who wm i ondenined to b - hung j
to-day, took morphine in the pri-on la-i ;
night, and died at eleven o'clock to-day. !
He died defiant and unrepentant. He
wrote a note to the jailor gloating oxer
the hading of the Jud/e and pro-ecu*
"It..—" Tweed's cell in thu tomb- pre
sent a comfortable appearance, having
be.-n carpeted and lltte.l up hand-omely '
He ha- a luxurious aim chair 11. <: small.-I 1
chairs and a locking chair, lie has also a '
book case, and i* -uppli.-.l well Wilts >ur- 1
rent literature, lli.-mcitl an served from ■
a first class restaurant.
lIoIIKIIII.F. ui I'll \tii:s f\ c.vTH- MIN-ioN \iu I
Nan Francisco November "I l.ei
sl.MlU.bip til. vt Itepulilii l , tl ;n t'liina j
and Japan, arrited at this port to day.
\ .tkobam* pal>. is -tat. ell lbs dh ol Sep I
ten.', , r tht lesi.l ,!u .-- <f two Uatli.dlc uiii .
'si.uariit were entered by it uoih, who
itital thi titiasloiiarisifl anil dragged then,!
tin 'ougli the streets with tope, until dead. |
I'll It I \ I'KN KD I VMIN I IN t(>\\ V
Frival* letters received hero >sv that for ;
- uie time past the i is 1 abilwnt- of a |s,>rli.'fi ]
of northwestern lowa particularly within
the b.-uudri, -of I t..! and I It. la .uu t |
liax o boeu suffering >u\,-rel\ I rtb. n.lnul
ne.-cs.aties of life, produced bv the utter
taiiuit, ol the grain < rop l>t sum in i
I The** suffetuts toed everything fuel,!
clothing an.l piosLuu.. N.-voral women
1 as t dI,-,I fl. 111 Want
nil. \ liUiINU S til Tit AGE Jl NTI-
Nladild November 2t, I l.„ lgni,lJ.<J
newspaper justitic. til* exetutioii ol the
V trgltllll* capttxcs, I.lid t. as .i pl.t.
!! dent for tl,e actioi, of the Spanish author
; Hies u ( Iteular I.siied by lite United States
: g>>\ eminent during the 11, il wr 4c laring
euutsnleraie privatiw rs pirates
THE Ui \i 1 4 OK si FFKKIMI.
! Mr. lic.t lici Ihsi'.iursi-- ut l'lviuoulli
; Mr licet hcl * text uu Suiii iay morning
I was chosen (roui itoiuans >.,•■ *
For when w# were set without strength,
111 due t-lue t lit i>l died kr the Utigodh.
Fxi .tatcely tor ,-f tight. u> man will
; one J.e ; \ el p, indv vuture lot a go-id man
some would even dare to die.
Hut Go! couiuiendeth his love towards
il*. m that while we were yet sinner*
i t'iifist tlis-sl lor Us.
I In the opening vetse* of this. liapu-r it
is said that vs. rrjoire iu the hope of the
'(glory ol (S,HI, un.l Hot only so, but I List
• wr gi. r> ill tribulation, also bringing to
gether tb. two great vienuuts wl.icb move
' iu i.utur, j. t and swrrow The-e
• twin forces bave bean from the first the
. prune moral agencies in tit t doping, con
-1 duclti g. and establishing the human race
i on a spiritual plane. The Old Tcstaluclit
appealed in lelo j y as a p sitae and al
. lirnialive ui t:se than lo anything else; it
, employ id sorrow as a tbt. at, but there
- run through both its lyric*, it* prophet :c,
• and its formula# ot worship mysterious
, element* of suffering that had then no in
( terpr% tatioi. N. w the New Testament
. discle-.-s thi- mystery of suffering and
I dc\elopes the germ uf the Uld Testament
• into the truth ol life, and git. n. u views
of the moral sphere nnd character of suffer*
, ing. It w .11 be for another tiuie to eon-id
| er more in lit tail the iiiteracliuli ol joy and
. sorrow With. ut altogether leaving out
j the matter of joy, 1 ty-h to present in
chief to-day a view of suffetitg as an in*
j lerprcter of moral truth ; a- a great mural
force ai ling through the imagination ; and
the function which suffering work* iu ,u
subject is one thing; that i hotv the sul*
ftreris Unfit!! p.rt-ct.d by suffering.
I What a cleansing power it is, what a
, strengthening pow.r, what influence
it ha* in tl.. ai.git g hcrircn of the
I mind, what inward contfol it bring* to
man * own personality that i* the one
' thing I bave often disCUs-td, and do i. t
' prtq o-e to take it up to-dny ; but what
power it has tli the heart, in tt.e imagina
lion, what its relation is lo the making of
"moral principles and truth- tuptemt
• a i >. ,g men—that i- a quotll.>:i 1 have hot
1 di-t tissed, anil which 1 mean to tlx to day.
' The fir*t step of life is tho *cn*e;
■ il i* to the life t-f the ti,*h we are iutro-
I tlu. dby birth \V< arebern in the fl.-b,
) and live by its appetite* all the while
• Lite i a gradual develop, nu-nt. There is
no i!*\ elopmetit of huiig.-r or thirst ; they
i come to us a* bl.od |.uhrs, and nerve#,
and I ave gii a function ; hut ideu* come
i latest of all, and il is a question by what
instrument is this young animal taught t>
1 be Sxiuethi: g In or* than an animal, . nai
. ly, morally, |Kdiucaliy, ami spildually
. what are the ft.rt, , that are employe i to
, d\ eb-|-e this higher nature '* Truth# of a
I higher kind come slowly and with difti
| cully . the idea lor iu-tanc. •>( kindness.
|ut .positive intentional kindness, of
self-denial, of p-Jitene* these, never
, come of theinselves, they are ail induced;
there is some regiment hy which we strike
into the hltie annual tiiind as it begins to
he susceptible of the conversion ot such
qualili*- st llie-e as something soparablu
from mere animal sensation, and has de
veloped a higher life than by me:fly eat
; ing and drinking.
Continuing, Mr. licccher said that its
1 tl*. developmuiit parental exampie was
much more thru all ti aching that
given. W hen a boy he had been taught
w hat self-restraint wax, but ho remember
> td one day when a man came to his father
> in a towoi ing passion and rated hiuiaound
! ly, the example ..fhis father s self-restraint
> answering reproof wiDi gentleness and
' the tuun by governing hit own
- temper. This example wa-worth mere lo
- him than all he bad ever learned from
■ books or from teacher* of the value of self
restraint. No the influence of the suffering
I wn* powerful upon the imagination ; suf
. fering for a principle made that principle
: r more potent than it could have been made
by any other influence, was asked
who were the benefactors of the world, he
would ar take those that luflcrcd at the
' stake in oldt-n times for their faith. They
inig Ist be right or wrong, but any men
that *o believed ill the Uutli that they
were wilting to tlicrather than reneunce it
1 claimed the dignity of manhood and
would ulways live the ideal uf tbc world
for heroism. When Graco Darling ven
tured to save the perilled lives of those
stranger* to her she saved not only her
own life but tho race down for heroism in
] the w hole life of tho world. When Flor
ence Nightingale suffered tho raised the
whole circle of philanthropy and heroism,
and it never will go "down again. It came
at a time which brought many imitators ;
when our women in the war carried relief
along the whole lino'of suffering ho
thought they di! that bdau-e oi what
Florence Nightingale had tlonu ; and when
he saw the work now being done in jails
and prison* he saw the influence of How
.aril's work, -jo no man ever took up any
single quality and lifted it up by suffering
without thrilling the world with enthusi
asm fur moral quality. He that dot s Dial
] use* suffering divinely. John lirown was
not a man to be admired in all respects.
He was not a man w hose wisdom Wat lo be
l>iu:*cil or his statv-iiianship; he Wat look
-1 ing upon suffering for others until hi- life
wa given for nothing hut hi* suffering for
ihriu ; and when his life was accepted nnfl
In* was let! lerth to sacrifice be kissed lit
tle children ; he would not have the regu
lation prayers, but was glad to have slave
mothers pray or him ; be walked to bis
death a- tiicO ti.unlly go to a banquet ; his
iiatiio will go down through ages illuslra
' live simply ol'n hat may be done by a man
willing to sutler for* great (.rinciplos or a
great ktntimi-nt. So the death of Christ
] was more potent than his life, and iU ex
| ample of suffering for others would live in
'the world's imagination lor all lime. It
was necessary that he sliuuld suffer to (ui
: til the law und to give the world an uxuin
i pie of perfect love. God so loved the
world that lie gave his own son to die lor
! it.
New ilcvincd Kdition.
Entirely rewriltuii by the ablest writers
on every subject. Printed from new
type, ami illustrated with Several Tliou
snnd Engraving* and Maps.
The work originally published undt-rj
the title of Til k Xmv AiIKUrcAN CtfLO
I'.tUlt was complete ill IXIM, since which
time the wide circulation which it has
iittau.ed in all parts ofthe United States,
ami the signal developments which have
taken place in every branch of science, ,
lit. Intnl. no.I alt l.c induced the ..Ii
ti i .Old puldlsllcl • I < sflblliit it to all ex- j
11. I I II t 'loll tl l> > i oil. Mild to |.SUM
to w iiltii at ut.lied I'llc Ameru Nti t'vclo
pae.l in
H ;l hiu the 1.0 l ten ymrstlio progress
ol discovery tit every department of
knowledge lots i.ia.le n new work of refer
ell. e all Mlipeln'lve Wulit
T1,.. II .teiiicnt ot affairs has
kept pc with ill* disCovarle* ~ trace, Ii fittul npplo .ili.iii p> tb,, in.
ilo.t! .1 and <i.,l mi- ut.* the ...iive
nii] i . e and i. linement of so. is I life, (ires!
Wr* tl It .1 . olfse.pleltl le\ olutioti* have OC •
ctirred, involving t.atioiial changes of pe
.uliMi The civil war of our own
. in!,l i which w.o at it* height when the
oi t s .diilne ofllie otil uppeufs-d, has hap
pll i 1., en ended, and a new course of
. oiiiiio reial and imlu-tria! u* tivity ba<
| lit en • otnmeio etl,
T...rg at t. -ion* to our geogtaphicnl
know oil's lis*, been made by the 111
d. '..ligsbl. . p tela ol Afti.ll
fhegieut politic.l revolutions uf the
!a*t le. lide, w till tbc natural result uf tlo-
Ispse of liute, i use bisiuglit into pubilc
\ lew a multitude of new men, wlio-e
nanus uie in < very one's mouth, und ol
w bo*e Ut e> every one i* curious to know
| til* parti, tilat Gli al battles liAVe berli
; fulighl i.iol impoltSl.t si. go* maintained,
| if ttbh k the detail* are as yet preerte.i
i only iu the new paper ur iii the transient
: publii ullon. ot the tiny, but wliieli ought
1 now to take tl,, ii plat, in permanent and
authentic hi-tort.
In pre| trlng tbt prc-ont adilbin fur th#
pie-- il lias at. oidingly been the aim of
the editor* to bnng down the information
:lo the Intel possible dates, and to furnish
an a. . orate u.count oflhe in. ,t recentdls
eoveri< - in science, of oteitr freli prodite
lion in lilerattire, and o( the iiewt--t inven
tion* in ihu put (it al arts, as Well u> lu
give a succinct and original record of the
pi ogre-, ..I political and hist-irnal event*.
The work hu- been begun after long and
■ aretul preliminary, un.l with tlit
ini -t ample re- urn-, for carrying it *n to
iicct -sful termination.
None ef the original stereotype plates
have beeli lise.t, but every paga has been
printed on new type, forming in fact a
new Cyclopaedia, with the same plan and
eon. pass as il- prod.-tes-or, bnt with a far
greater pecuniary expenditure, nd with
-uch iiuprovemeiiti in it- composition u
liave been suggested by longer experionee
! und enlarged knowlt-Jge
1 in-illustration* which are intfoducud
for the i.i si time in the present edition
base b- en added not lor the *uku uf pic
torial effect, hut to give greater lucidity
and f.i i.- to the explanation in the text
IT •>■ embrace all branches of - -ittneo and
of natural history, nt.d depict tha must
famous ami remarkable feature of scenery
! trchite. tur, and art, as w || a- tha \ ariou-
prx.-t'-se* of met kulfl an.l manufactures, j
A though intended for instruction rathei
than rd.hellish l i-nt, li j pallia base been
spared to insure tlx ir artistic excellence ;
the . ost of their execution is enor.nou*.
and it i> brlistwd they will find a welcome
re. i-ptien • an admirable feature of tht
CycK'pa. dta, a lid worthy of it- high char
This work i sold to .Subscriber* onlv,!
pavabi. Un deln of i scb Volume. It'
wi;l be completed in sixteen large octave
volume-, each containing about (KM page*,
fully illusttati-J with several thousand
Wood Engraving*, ami with nuiuerou
colored Lithographic Map*
Ft ice Style of liitniing.
In s-xtra Cloth, per vol., fo.UJ
In Library, per vol., li.On
In Hull Turk v.. il ■ roct >, |>*r v 0 1.... ",ol>
li; lln : Russia, extra gilt, per vol ~.. H.UU
In Ful Moioct t, antique, gilt edg. -,
p i vol. lO.tX I
In Full Russia, per vol 10, Oil
i'hrtt volume* no* ready. Sun aeding
volum • uniil completion, wil! he issued
one* in two months.
St iU.en pages of the American Cy
clopaedia, showing type, illustration* etc.,
Willi be sent gratis, on application
Fir-t Ula-- t'aiiva -ing Agents wanted
Addro* tha Publisher*,
IDA VJI Hrondway, N Y
no* 4m.
WIIXRKAW, In and by an ordinance,
pi -.-d by the t'of,vt-ntion for Amending
lhe C iislitution of the C iiiiiionwi-ahh of
Pen 11-\ ivania, oi the .trd day of NOVMU:-
ber, A D. IcTx. it i- made the duty of the
Sl.c:iff. ( .scb county to gite nolict of
tbe election, to be held for the adoption or
r-j ttixii of the Amendo-1 Constitulin,
pr.q-o#i-d by said Convention, and hy thr
laws f tbe C-tnuionwialth In pursu
ant.'thereof, I, IS. i'. SH AFi'Eiv. Sheriff
of the county ol Centre, do therefor e,
make known and give public notice to
tho el.. tort ol said county ol Centre, that
a Spe. .al Election will he held on the
THIRD,TUESDAY" in Dct mber next, bo
iii if tlx- Ditb day ofthe month, in the (sen-
rial Election Districts therein, and
1 also hareby make known and given.,
lit *, that the place of holding tbe atort-said
election in thr several Boroughs and
Tow nships within the County of Centre
are as follows, to r:t .
For the twp., of Hams, at the Public
House of John Limhen.
For tho twp., of Halt Moen, at tha
School House in Stormstown,
For the twp, of Taylor, at the house
ercited for the purpose on the property of
Leonard Merrynian
F- r tli.- twp . of Potter, al the house a!
Daniel Weidctuaul, Old Port Hotel.
For the tw p., of Gregg, at the public'
hot:** owned by J. ii Fisher.
Foi the twp . of Ferguson, in he s. hool
house at Pine Grove
For the twp ol Harris, in the school
bouse at lloalsbuig.
For the twp , of Pat ton, at tlie house of
I'ster Murray.
For the Itorcugb of liallefonte and the
townahin* of Spring and liennar, at tha
Court House in Bellefonte.
For the twp., of Walker, in the school
hou-e at Hubier-burg.
For the boro* and township of Howard
at the school house in said borough.
For the twp, of Rush, at the Cold
Stream school houto.
For the tw p., of Snow Shoe, at tho school
house near bamuel Askey.
For the twp.. of Marion, at tho house of j
Joel King, in Jacksonville
For the borough of Milesburg. al th#
school house in Milesburg.
For the tap., of Huston, at the house of
John Heed.
For the twp., of Ponn. Xt tho houaa of
W. L. Musser. (
For the twp., of Liberty, in the school
house nt Kagiovilic.
For the twp.. of Worth, at tha school
house in Port Matilda
For the twp., of Burntide, at the hots-*
late f J. K. Iloak.
For the twp., of Curtin, at the school
house near Root. Mantis.
For theboraugh of Unionville and Union
twp ,at tha new school hoiisa in Union
For tlie borough of Philipshurg, at tha
public at htMsl house in said borough.
WiiriiXAs, By the act of Congress of
the United Slate*, entitled "An aet to
aim lid the scleral acta heretofore pasted,;
to provide for the enrolling and cnlling
out of the National Forces, and for other
purpose#," and approved March 8, Ifffio,
all persons who have deserted the military
or naval service ofthe United States, and
who have net been discharged or relieved
from pi unity or disability therein provid
ed, ami forfeited their rights t citizen
ship. ami their rights to become citizens,
ami nre deprived of exercising any rights
of citizenship thereof; and
WIIKKKAS, Person* not citizens of the
Unitwd States are not, under tho Constitu
tion MI i.i law* of Pennsylvania, qualified
electors of this Commonwealth.
See 1 Bo it thesenateand hau-e
of Representative* of the Commonwealth
of I'oiinsylvania in general assembly met,
and it is hereby enacted by authority ot
the -nine That in all election* to behold
Iter. nft. riu thi-Commonwealth it shall be
unlawful for the Judgo or lnipocton- of
any such electioii*| to receive any ballots
from any person or persons embraced in
the provisions ant! subject to the disability
imposed by said act of Congress, approved
March 3, INJt. and it shall be unlawful for
any -uch person to offer to vote any ballot
or ballots.
See. 2. That if any Judge or Inspector
ot Election, or any one of them, shall ro 1
cciv . or consent to i eeeive any such ua*
lawful ballot or ballot* from nay such dis
qualified person, lie or they so offending
shall be guilty of a mi'ileineanor, ana
upon convielioti thereof in any Court of
Ou.ti ter Sonnioii- ol this Common wealth,
shall for each offence, be sentenced to pay
a (.no of not less than one hundred dollurs,
and to undergo an imprisonment in the
jail ofthe proper county for not less than
sixty days.
Sec. 8. That if any person dep-ived of
rili/.t fisliip and disqualified a* aforesaid,
shall at any election hereafter to be held
ill tbe Commonwealth, vote, ur lender to
the officers thereof aiul offer to vote a bal
lot .*r ballota, any person so offending shall
be deemed guilty of u misdemeanor, and
on conviction thereof in any Court of
(Quarter Session* of the Ceinmouwealth
shall, tin each ofl'ellce, be punished in
like manner as is provided in the proceed
ing section of tli is net, in the rase of offi
cer# ol election receivitg -ticli unlawful
ballot or ballot*.
Sec 4. Thai if any person -hall here
nflcr pei -iin.le or advise any person oi
persons deprived of citizenship and dis
qualified as aforesaid, to offer any ballot
>r ballots to tin' officer* nf iktiy fUctiuti
lior.-Mlti rlo In- lirld til till* Common
wealth, IUCII person so ott'.-ixling shall be
guill) C it misdemeanor, i>tt■ t upon con
v let lull IL i-r < • r ill ti _v Court .>| ijuml' ■
*-<l**loll* In 111 IN <'l.|l|M|M||\Vl'Mll)|, shall be
ftiiniln l|l.manner lit t provided In
till' 'HfHIld •fl'llj# llfthll |('t, 111 lH CHtO
sf n(llc*ri ol'iui'h election receiving *ub
unlawful ballot lir blliotl.
Aml iMfthef, li\ tin-111 t svclioti of the
111 1 of Mut. It 11, | Hi, |
**c. I He it enti'lnl by tin - ."-innate and
II >m-e of ti. |.ri *i.tuti\ <• uf the Common
wealth of I'i'iintyinula In lii>tirtl Assent
tily met. ami it i* hereby ttmrcied by au* :
i tli.irily ol tin tuiiu' 'fi Bualii.t-d
voter* of till" >n\ cral olllilb-s of tills Cum •
mni.weallli at all! general township, b->r-
I ougb aiul special elections,* are hereby,
i hereafter autti.-ri/ed anil rt''|mreil to vol*
l. lu piintwd or written, or partiv
print*.l and partly written, evcrally
. ln. Cit| at follow. One tie kit .hall um
brae* the liainea of all Judge* of court*
voted for aiul be labelled .lillnitle "Judi
" clary , m ticket .hull rtubri.t the
nam. <>! nl Stute officers voted for, ami
" lie lubrhrd "Stale; 1 ' one tickt shall ein-
I brat e i .e naiiii ol nil county officer* vet
•li for. ini ludiiig office of Senator, metn
-1 bcr • 1 l.'oiigre-r, if voted for, and lie la
. holle.l "County , one ticket shall embrace
' tin i nine, of nli towloliill officers voted
tor. and le i a bell id "Townshipone
i tieket .hall embrace llie name. of borough
officer- voted for, and be label. .1 "Bor
ough ; ' and eai b cl* .hall lie d*|iotiled
1 in -cperal* ballot boar■
I Aml a. dire, ted by .aid I >th section of
> ilia ai tof July, 1 s-.v.i, I beiebv giv '■
■ lit t that e\ ery person (excepting Justice#
■ of the I'eace ..1.0 -hall hold any office or
- appoif tiueiit of profit or trust under the
■ Government of the l' it it ed State, or this
Slate, <<r of any city ar incor|Mrated di*-
> triet, whether a comntiationad officer or
otherwi,e n .übordiuate officer or agent,
I jvhu Uor .ball be employed under the
Icgislaliv. . . 1 ulive • i unlit tary depnil
niri.t of tbi State, opoftlio United State*,
..r of any t ity or Incorporated di.lrii t, und
■ also that every in. mber of Confm and
' of the Stute Legislature, end of lb# Baled
>j ur Common Council of any city, or com
-1 mis loner, ef any iucori>orated district,
Mi* by let. incapable of hoidmg or fieriit
-1 ling at the tmue time the officii or appoint
■ iiunl of Judge, tor or Clerk of an> ;
• eleetion of this (.'■ iiimtu.w. alth, ami that'
| no Inspector, Judge or other oifUerof uny |
I isuch election .i.ull be eligible to any uf 1
' lit e to be tbt n Voted lor
And lurtber. tbat bv the 4lh i t lion of
the aet of April lb, Ihte, it 1. prov itlcd tbat'
j the aforesaid l tlh section of July 2, ItvtW, j
; .hall not be >o t on.truled .. to prevent any
ti militia oflii er or borough officer from]
1 nerving a Judge, lii.pector or Clark at;
■ any general r .pecial sk-clion in tl.. i
• i Commonwealth.
When-a*, by the a. lof Congress •! the]
.■ I idled Stal'*. entitled "An Act to enf. .••
the right of citizens of the United State. to !
,; vote in the several State* t>f thi* Union j
"and for other purpose.," the firat and
t second sections "f which are a* follow - :
He. lion I Ifc it enacted by the Senate
and lloueof KcpruScntalii e of the Uni
. led Stales of America in Cuiigr.-• icrui
> bled, That all citizen* uf the Culled Stale* j
w bo are or *l.all be otherwise qualified hy
law to vote any election by the people, in
1 any State, Territory, district, county, city,
- pari*h, township, school district, muni*
cipality, or other territorial aubdevi.ion,
shall bo entitled and allowed to Vote at all
•uch elections, without distinct; .n of race,
i color, or previuu* condition of servitude,
i mi constitution, law, custom, usage or
j regulation of any State or Territory or by
ii or under iu authority, to the contrary nol
i, Sec. 2 Arid be it further enacted. That
y if by or under the authority of the CVuti
tution or law .of any Mate or the law* ol
K *nv Territory, any act i* or wl.all be re-
I .pi;red to be done a* a prercpiitite or
ipialificatiuii for v. ting, and by .ucb cin
. vtitulion or law nermmt oroAcer* are ..r
• hall be charged with the tierformance <>f
dutie* in furuUhing to ciliten* an oppor
tunity to pert.iriu uch prerejuiit.-. or t>
hecuiue ipialilied to Vote, it khall lie the
duty of every uch j>er.on and officer to
give to all ciliacna ol the United Stale,
the *auie and cjual opje,rlunify to pert .rtn
*uch re.piiiitc, end to beooun qualified to
,v.-te without di.tinction f race, color or
previous condition uf servitude; ntid ii
iany auch perwin or officer *ha)l refute or
. > knowingly to give lull . if.-. ; to tin.
>e. tioli, lieahali for every -uch c-ti. ii.e,
forfeit and pay the .um Five Hundred
ii Uollar* lo the |>cron aggrieved thereby,
f to be revovetcd by an action <>n the < ae
" with full edit and tuch allowance for
'counsel fee* a* the Court -hall d.vjtu ju.t;
nnd *hall al*o for every ueh ofleft*c, be
; deemed guilty ufa mirdemeauar, and
- .hall, on eotiv id ion thereof. h>- I t
hleu than Five Hundred Dollar., or be
• imprison. .! not le*. than one month and
*" not mora than one year, or both, at the
1 discretion of the Court
r > And whereas. It i* declared by the sec
ond section of Article VI of the Coaslitu
r lion of the I'nited State-that ' tins C n
*;, and law. of the United Stales
- which .hall be made in pur.uancc th< <•{.
• .ball bo the .uprctuc law of the land.
"I Anything in the Constitution or ttw* of
'■ any State to the contrary natwiihstaud-
Wiu-rea-. The Fifteenth Amen J met. I of
" the Constitution ot the United Stales, a.
follows '■
' Sec. 1 Tito right <>f cilirem of the I ni
| ted States to vote shall not be denied or
1 abridged by the United Slates, or by any
' Slate, on account ot race, color or j.-evi
oii* condition of servitude.
r Sec. 2. The Cuigre-s shall have pc-uar
to enforce this article by appropriai. leg
• iklation.
And whi-r.-a-, Tbo Legislature of th.s
'' C >mmonwealth, on the Oth day of April,
! A. I>. |HTi>. pas-td an net entitled "A for
j liter supplement to the act relating to
1 election* in thi- Commonwealth, the
Tenth section of which provide* a* to!-
f. lows .-
Sec- 10 That • much of every Act uf
As-embly as provide* that only while
freeman shall be entitled lo vote or regis
f lered a* voters, or as claiming to vole at
' any general or special election of this
1 Commonwealth, be and the same * here
by repealed; and that hereafter all free
f men. without distinction of color, shall be
• enrolled and registered acc- rding to the
| provisions of the first section of the act
I approved the ITth of April, Ih<W. entitlecl
"An a. I further .uppb-mental to the act
relating t > the elections oi this Common
wealth;" and when otherwise qualified
1, under existing laws be entitled to vote at
II general and special elections in thi.
!. Commonwealth.
• hi tox w runmuu m . >ati w
! THE uuaLtriEP ELK>'To as THEREOF,
f AS VXSSKV hki'oxp saniM,
f lit it ordainttl Ay (At (kn.hfsfi nnl <t• -i
--renfion t>f tht (l.mni i wtalth uf /Vnn
j' sylrnnin, as fuWoxt :
1. That the niucndc.l Conalitution
' prepared by this Convention, be aubmit-
M to the qualified doctor* of the C..m
--■ monwcallh for their adoption or rejection,
at an election to be held on the third
' Tuesday of December next; exrept as
hereinafter ordered and directed, the .aid
1 election shall be held and conducted by
• the regular eledien officer* in the several
election district, throughout the Common-j
*1 wealth, under all the regulations and pro
visions of existing laws relating lo general |
' elections; and the sheriff* of the .everal
' counties-hall give at lea-t twenty days
' notice of said election bv proclamation
I 2. The Secretary of tha Commonwealth
shall, at least twenty days before tho said
eh . lion, furnish 1* the Commissioners of
cadi county a sufficient number Tprop-j
erly prepared circulars of instruction* j
The ( omnilasionars of the several rouiitir.
shall cause to be printed at least throe
times a* many ballots of otTirmative vo
ter* u* there are voter* in each county—
an.l the same number of negative \ -les ;
and the said Commissioners .hall, at least
five da\ t-efore aid election, cause to be
fairly distributed to the several election j
di.triet* in their respective counties, the
said ballots, lally-fi-U, returns, circu-!
lar- of instructions, and such other books'
and papers as may bo ncces.-ary. The;
ballots shall be printed or written in lliej
following form: On the outside the;
word "New Constitution;" in the in-j
side for all persons giving affirmative]
votes tho words "For the Now Con
stitution," and for al I persons giving neg
ative vote* the word- 'Against the New
*. tl It sttall Sl t-Olr Dial s "■Vjorltjr of 111. ,.|o*
. 11.—I sr. (or lb. n#<r Constilulioiiih.-n II shall ho U><-
i;..o*i|luUon ol tli* X ..Boooi'-rsllli .| I'annsilrani* on
suit sflor lb* Ural it*, of Jsnusr;. In thr >o*r of .air
1-rrO 08. Ilioosanil olabl liuiwtml ,.l —,-ntr f.iur ,
but If It *hall *l>|.O*T a niajoiUsp.f lbs la i-.H—t
_ srs aaalnal lbs nr Cm.Miluliun. thru It shall Ik> rs
Ts tod and la null and sold.
I. Ur* Columiaalonar* of Kindlon, ft* , Kdrrln II
Kltior, Kdw.rO Ui .niilii,. John P. Vsrroo, Usury 8 '
Ha*nri ami John O. Jamra, am bar. l.> a|>i>..iiiiod 1.,
IIO.t bars diroefkin of lbs #lm>
Uoa uixm ibi* smsn.ts.l C.HisUtuiloii In lbs rltr of
Pblladslt.bla. Tb* **ld CmuuilMt .ttsra al.all ts dull
•worn or alhra.'d lo psr.'ortn th*ir dutisa with Impar
llalll* and ndvlltf Miry .ball also liars powor to all
raean.'lsa In thstr own nuiulrsr tl -ball bo tho duly ol
•aid I ommlr-loiier*. or a majority of Iht-ni, and t
■hall bars aulhortty UI nakr a roglstrallon of rolsra
for Ihs asr*rall*eUon itimh.n* of aald city, and to
furnlab His llsU a mads to tbo rloctkra ofllorra of
•aoh prsclnrl or|ilir Ulon . to dtatrlbiiln lbs tic Ist- for ;
••id . lly luorldod for by Ihl* urdl.i-in 0.10 bs u*od at '
tbo olsollon ,lo appoint la ).id(* and two Inaiurtora
for *ab *lootlon divlalon lo whom lbs nl.-otlon tbsroln
aliall tC bsld and conduotsrl, and to aim ;al! no.-s-sary
Inatruction* lo tbo oloctlou oltloor, rocardln* Urntr I
dutloo 111 bobltnc tlio olsollon and In msklna return,
iboroof No hsraou .hall oorro .aa an ols,lion oßlcor 1
who would bs dlmiuallbod undsr aoclion li. arlirlr h ol
tbo now IkinelUuuon. Tho (rnoral rrturn of Ihs else
Uon In tho aald city aball ho o|otu-d. t-<mi|iutsd and
cortirie.! boloro tho aald commtalonor*. and with thslr j
t|.|.rural which apuroral aball l lm!or*otCu|->n tho
rolurn. Thoy aball mako rs|Krl. dire, tod to tho l'rori
dout of till* t:our*nUon, of tbolr olbclal action undsr
tills ordination and con. ornlnc (lie conduct of tbo aal.l I
oliN-tkrn within Uio aald city. ,
Tlio Jwdgo* and Inoportoro afornaabl shall conduct I
tha olscthm in all rrminwla oonrunnaldy lo tbo jron.-r.ll
slm lion laws ol this romuionwoaltb, and irltb liko '
iHiw-n. an.l dullea lo thoso of nr.lin.rry 010.-tlon officers
Via. h l.iH|M*.-t><r-tiall on*, clork lo aaal-t lbs
Hoard iu Ihs porlortuaiioo of ita duties, ami all tbo t
ohk-tlon ollUwra sliall bo .Inly sworn or aiHnm-.l accord
luk lo law. and shall po-si-sa all Iho quallNoaUoris ro '
cynir-t by law ol nlocUon olhi '-m ot thi- I ounn.... i
wiwllb Al aald oloctlou sov duly.iiuaillhal t-bu-loi who ,
aball be iiuroKl-tornd. -ball In. permitted lo roto upon
uiatlu* proof of bis right* to Ibu olocllou officers, at
.HO.lloa t. ||| a".oral ielinn la -, ol Ibis rm !
woallb It-ism turps, i.o. and lively . Isrba and an
hourly count|i„. vwdea ■ call |. dir. an-'-S wills, Lui
„,s.asst. of wis, i pot may Hwtsolcal for any ttrrr.ttrl
PI, I mills,l.o.srr kloww
; a.a -ball ho lbs aatno as fboao .f .aarwon of ob stow
'<n asid rlly under sspdi-* |orl, ti laws sptcoaMol
Itbwroto liatisor,, of lbs nl. .aton lialllr* aisos ... aat-11
I saw 'dsn sla*M.-n , last a
i (cii-lais al rni.ww .-i. -aid <rlly dftfll 1". mads w*.
Sl.'l l of Warded toths t*. . d*S|l of lllp I .-ntSHt SI
llstrithui*, as is hsewp. Pr .r.ilod <■■ < a<. rd . won
;ly return*
I Inea-bof tb# tX-ui.iiaw ..I lb* I ...umofrwdMlth
oroerd l-'dladsipbla.) lb# ffsfwtws of lbs riarUm. j
-hall I.# Msads aa In ibo raws fan sis. ... f..r Irorrra
v.r hoi ll.s tesurn pide. in rs. i. . .uuly shall msbe ,** !
; a IripUoalw . nsni. rol.iin and loaosmll Ihs sso.r ailb
:In flea dsya allot lbs rletho. dir.. tod lo Ibo t'rwsl
•1.-nf of ibis I .nsoutkHt, al liar* ~i org
I kins in I • Tnird ,la> v i smlror, I* ,
It.# yoat f ner lord, uns thousand * t*hl bumlts-l shvl
seronly Ibrws
.IlillN II .V AI Is Bit Prwshlsal
l> I, IMIIIH Kl'tork
A true copy ti .crdiican. - ot mhnci-sl'.a
M H gt'AV.
Hour, t-ry i>i i*€ ( Hoimiii ifKltli
It sliall ire tlie rluty <>f tins s. Vutiii suet
..its of rscli district t< httelid at the place
*<f li.iltliiig every gnn rul, rlitwn-'
stiip cloi Uuß, ilurilig tho v. Imtfl time snid
elri tidfl is kept ripen, for the purpose ..f
giving information i<. the ihspucior and
judgcw, when cuiit-d ••n rotative lu the
right ui,alty per- n assi itetl hy tin in lo
vote nt suen eiectiun*. or uch other mt* I
ten in relstudi u. the *.*<-a.uieuls of voter*
natlie.aid in*peel"rs ur either f them
..Itnll from tiqie to time require.
Xo person hbll he permitted 11 vole at
any old tioli • af.o. said, other than • free*
liitfi u| till ugc u( twetily-ofie > - nt* or
more, Whurhall have iii the state
nt least oue vesr, and in the etc lion dis- 1
triet where he offer* hit lute at least ten
■ ia> . immediately preceding such election 1
and within lw year, paid a slate or
county tax winch shall have been arses*.xl
al li-bol ten diryt b.-forc the election. Itul
.ttui/.vii of the Unit* i r-iale* u lio liu.
pt< in u ly been a qualified voter of thi*
-late and removed therefrom and return
ed, and who shall huvc resided in the
election district and paid lexer, as afore
said, >hall he entitled to * lst alter resid
ing lit this slate .fx months l't or oforf,
I hat the lrccu. ii, i iliscbs of the I uiusl, .
State., bet si ecu Iwunly-lwo year* who '
have resided iu Hii)al<-. lion di.irn tjar afore
said, sliall he entitled to vote although
they shall not have paid taxes.
No person shall J> permuted to v.*l
who.o name is nut contained in the list o(
laxablo inhabitant* lurnubvd by the com- <
mi*.lout r* unless, First he piwducc* a re- ,
ceiptior the payment within two year* id
! a slate or county lax n.reso* J agreeable P>
the conslitution and gis'u satisfactory evi- 1
I denoa, cithi on hi . oath or athrniatiou or
the oath or affirmation of another, that he
rj ha* paid suen a tax, or on failure to pro
: duct a receipt shall make oath to the pay* ■
j u.ei.f there. : >r 0;,. i, it i:e tiauu tho
right to Vote by* bring uli elector between
Uo- age .•! twenty-one and twenty-two
y. >r>, shall depo, 1 ott oath or nffiruiatioii
; that he has re dcnl In this -'.ate al least one'
year before hi- npp.n ntioir and make
j .u. li pr.Hit of rcatdeiu o in the district a* it j
, required by this art, hereupon the name;,
,] of the person thus adunC.ed to vote shalii
be inserted in the alphabetical li.t by tbSj,
. ] iu.pccUirs and a note made opje..,te there-;,
to by writing the word "U.x if be shall!
be admitted to vote by rea* >n of having'.
■ pa.d tax ; <>r the wurd "age ii he shall bel
admitted to Vote by Mason ol ruch age.!,
! .bail b called out lo the clerk, who sbaii.,
, make the like note* on the list of voters -
kept by tiim
In all cs-cs where the name uf liie j-er
un clainong to vote is not tound oil the',
list furat.hid by tbu commissiooer* and
j j assessors, or his right to vote, whel net
. found thereon or not, i* object- u to by!
any qualified ritixcu, it shall be the duty
| jpf the inspectors to examine such person
jon oath at to his qualifications, and if be
'claims lo have resided within the state for
one year or more, his oath shall be suffi .
( ; cicfit proof thereof, but shall make proof j
by al least one competent witness, who]
thai! be qualified voter, that he ha* re-t
tided in the di.-triLt tor mora than ten;
t Jays next immediately proceeding such :
. laimlion, and shall llw himself swear lhall
f hi* tseiiafide residence, in pursuance of hi*
rjlawfol calling, is in •, <1 district, an.l that
.i he did not rrtuov r into said distnet (ot
,!the puq os ot voting therein.
[.( Every pets ■ qualified a* af.reaaid, and ;
. who shall in:,..e due pro if, if re-pii red, ol
, tho residence and iiaymcul of taxes as;
aforesaid, shall t. admitted P> ycte in th# )
township, c ard or in which lie*
r 'shall reside.
If any person shall prevent or attempt
. to prevent any offic r of this election un- ■
,; der this art from holding such election, or i
] u-e or threaten any violence le any such j
1 .officer,er sbaii interrupt or improperly
; interfere with U.m in the .xrctthufl ofhts;
duty, or shali Ills, k up lite window, or,
; avenue any window where tho same
may be holding or shall riotously disturb!
the peace at ,u< h election, or ehal! u.
1 any intimating thtaals. force of violence,!
tj with t<> unduly or over*
i awe any eh-itor, or to prevent hitu (row
i j Vl'titlg or to lestt ..ill the (rswdansuf choice ,
t such person on convi<-u. u shall !e fined'
any sum riot exceeding five hundred do]-!
- Jars, and imprisoned (or any time not less]
■ than three nor more than twelve months,!
- if it shall be si...wn to the court when the |
- trial of such offense shall he hod, that the
pcr.<.ri so offefi.l itig was not a resident of
the city ward, district or township where;
: the offence wa> .,milted, and not cnU*]
- lied t vote therein, then on couriction he
shall|be senbene* .1 to gnsy a fine of not less
: than one hundred nor more than one thou
sand dollars, and be imprisoned not less
than six mouth* nor more than two year*,
-j It *:>• person n>l by law qualified. hs.;i
: fraudulently vote any election of tlxi*,
i t'xiiiiuonw caitb, or Iwihg otherwise quali-,
fie.) shstl vote out ol his proper district, if
any pexson knowing the want of such
r qualificaUon shall aid or procure such per
- <>n to Tote, the personcffeiding shall, on
conviction, be fined any sum not
. exceeding two hundred dollar#, and be.
itupriannr-d in any te:m not exceeding
- three months.
If any Person shall vote at more than enc
■ li-cti..:t district .j ctticrwUe fraudulent j
- ly f<d.i|*nd deliver to the inspector two
tickets together, with the intent to illegal
f ly vole, or shall procure another lodo o,
he or they offending (halt on conviction,
- be fa. .I in any sum not let* than Cftv nor
t more than* live hundred dollars, anil be
- imprisoned lor a term not lexs than three
- nor more than twelve months.
If any person not qualified to vol* in
this Commonwealth agreeable to law iex
■ ccpt Die sons of qualified citixens.) shall,
t appear at any place of election for the
! purpose of infijcnc-eir.g tha citixens quali
! tied to vole, he shall on conviction lorfeii
- and |my any sum not exceeding one bno
-1 drcd dollars tor every such offense, and tie
t imprisoned for any term not exceeding.
- ] three mouths.
If any person or person* sliall t. *ho any
: bet *>r wager upon the result of tbc ele<-
; lion, within the Commonwealth, or shall.
- offer lo make any such bet er wager, eith-.
i er by verbal pror'amntioii thereof, or by!
any written or printe.l advertisement, or:
invite any person or person* to make such j
i bet or wager, upon conviction thereof, be'
or they shall forfeit and par three times
*i the amount so bt or offereif to bet.
And the election law* o( the Common*
, wealth further provide tbat "The Inspec-j
. tors, judges and clerk* shall before enter-1 1
. ing on the duties of their offices, several ly
take nnd subscribe the oath or affir
mation hereinafter directed which shall
.' be administered lo them by any judge, al- ,
I derman or justice of the peace,bat if no
such magist rale be present, one of the in- ,
Ii specters of the election shall administer;
. the oath or affirmation U> the other judges',
. j ami inspectors, nnd the inspc. tor so quali- ;.
i: lied shall administer the oath or affirtua-j
IjUon to him,
"The in-p<'etorv judges and clerks re- (
' quired by law te hxid tow isbip and gener
al elections shall like and subscribe the
several oaths and allirmat.ons required by'
the I'JU, 20th, and 21st .ections ol the act
j >f 2d day of July, ls.J% "An act relating
to the el cliona of this Commonwealth,
wl i. h oatb or affirmation shall beprcpar- l
ed nnd administered in the manner pre
scribed in the I Nth and 22d sections of said)
act, and iu nddilion to the powcrconferred!
by the 18th sadlM ol -aid act, the judges 1
or either of the inspectors slmil ltwe the 1 *
power to the iHilhs prescribed
!>y said act to any clerk of a general, spe
cial or township election.
11. F. SHAFFKK. 1
J Sheriff'. ]"
Shortlidge & Co.-I'
Bellefonte Lime Quarries, j
The only Manufacturers of Lime, burnt j (
exclusively with wood, in Central
Anthracite Coal, (
While Linie,
I)u I'otil'e Powder,
Sporting and Wasting I'nwiler on -
Ftiao (or W oat ing,
Fire Brick, 1
Ground Fire Clar,
Fertilizers, -
jan.K) 73 1 1
Office ncd yard near South end of the
Itald Eagle Valley Kailroad Depot, llelle- '
ftsnta. Fa janin.T-t 3
fI'MIK undorsigiic.t, determined to meet
1 the |topular demand for Lower
Prices, respectfully calls the attention of
the public to his slock of
now offered'at the old stand. Designed j
especially for the people ami the time?, the
largest and most varied and complete as- j
snrtinent of w
Sail (Ilea. Ilaruc-N, dollars, lindlcH, si
of every de-eri|itb.ii and quulitv ; Whips, T
and in faet every thing to complete a first- ii
class establi-lime.nt, lie now offers at prices ti
.which will suit the times
JACOIi Dl NOES, Centre Hall. 4i
Ilu jmt r clved N large invoice of
Fall (woods ! j
Cuni*littg of tlo bot assortment of |
uf brought to Potter tw p.
Also, • large n*ortmont of '
/-fir Produce taken In exchange at highe-i
market (irlrM.
tttj Hjr,
( I* K(' K^S
Coaoli Manufactory. \
Tlir undrr*igi.<-d kti opened a new ri
labli-hmeiti, nt his new tliitji,, fur the
manufaetuie of
Buggies, i
A Spring Wagons,
SIR tan* AM> MLCT*,
of every dtwrriplJun .
All vehtc',t-t nmiufit'turrd by him
are warranted to render au*factkm, sod a* j
"ju*l to any work done t-1-e where.
He u*e* none but the bo*l material,
! and employ* lb* m.i -kiilful workmen.
Hence liiey flatter iherotelve* that their
work can not be excelled fur durability
and finish.
Order* from a diUnc promptly Attend
ed to.
t'oiuc and exaiuin* my work before •
• outraging elsewhere, <•
All kiadaof Reparing don*.
110 Arnllfion ! •
by purchasing Cheap good* at
who l a- jut unpacked a large and splea-j
did rtock, j
which be iiK deu-riuined to salt vety'
• heap, consisting of
Print*, Mailiii', Op ra Oasiloa*. And Woll I
Flannel*. Ladic- Hrm hoodi, Mich a*j
1) lain*, Alpaca*. Poplin*. Kn>|>r<- Cloth, j
Sat<-cn. Tjtmci-e. together with a full s
►tock of everything usually kept in the'
Dr Good- line, j <
V full at -k, (MniittiM part of Ladiei and !
: Children'* Merino Hose, Collar*. Kid'i
glovea, Lett auaiily -ilk and Lisle thread ji
juloyca, llood-, Nubia*. BreakfaU shawls,j!
| HATS & CAPS. ;
A full a—ortmcnt of 1
Men' Boy'* and Children't ,
of the latest rtyle and hot ,
i 1
Heady made, a choice selection of Men'sl
and Uo.v'sof the newest style* and most
serviceable material*.
Hardware Store.
A new, complete Hardware Store haj
been opened by (be undersigned in Ct-o-:'
jtre Hall, w here he i prepared'to sell all
kinds of Building and House v *umihing
Hardware, Nail*. Ac
Circular and Hand Saws, Tenaon Saws, i
i Webb Saw*, Clothes Racks, a Bill assort-I,
">ent of Glass and Mirror Plate Picture •
Krr.mea, Spokes. Felloes, and Hubs, table
! Cutlery, Shovel*, Spade* and Forks, ,
Locks, Hinges. Screw*. Sash Spring*. ,
Morso-Shoo*. Nail*. Norway Hods, Oils, ,
Tea Bells, Carpenter Tools, Paint, Yarn- .
Picture* framed in the finest style
Anything not on hand, ordered upon
shortest notice.
Also a full stock of FI'HNITURK al
ways on han 1.
£#" Remember, all ooJ offered cheap
er than eLewbcr*
aug2s' 78-tf *
No G BrockerhofT Row, Bellcfonte.P*
lbs-alerN in Drug*. ( hcmicalM.
PcrHimery. Fancy LOIMIN AC.,
Pure Wines and Liquors for medical'
purpose* always kept. may 81. 72. m
J. & J. HARRIS. j
No. 6, 11K0CK EKHOFF ROW p
A new and 'complete Hardware Store v
ha* been opened hv the undersigned in n
Hroekerhotl * new building—where they
are prepare*! to sell all kinds of Building
and House Furnishing Hardware, Iron,
Steel, Nails.
Buggy wheels in sott#, Champion f<
Clothes Wringer, Mill Saws, Circular and si
Hand Saws, Tennon Saws, Webb Saws, n
lee Cream Freezers, Bath Tubs, Clothes
Racks, a full assortment of Glass and b
Mirror Plato of all sizes, Picture Frames, tl
Wheelbarrows, Lanuis, Coal Oil Lamps,. -
Belting, Spokes, Felloes, ami Hubs, J
Plows, Cultivators, Com Plows, Plow A
Points, Shear Mold Boards and Cultiva
tor Teeth, table Cutlery, Shovels, Spades
and Forks, Locks, Hinges, Screw*. Sash
Springs, Horse-Show, Nails, Norway
Rods, Oils, Lard, Lubricating; Coal
Linseed, Tanners, Anvils, Vices, Bellows.
Screw Plates, Blacksmiths Tools, Factory
Bolls, Tea Bells, Grindstones, Carpenter
Tools, Fruit Jars and Cans, Paint, Oils,
Varnishes received and for sale at |j
|uneo t8-tf. J. & J. HARRIS.
SCHOOL TAX NOTICE.—The citizens p
i>f Potter township are hereby notified, 13
agreeably to law, that on nil School Tax
i>aid over to the undersigned on of- before ]
November 25th. next, there will be a de
luction of 5 per cent; and on all paid
within one month after said date the full
■uiii will bo claimed, Hftor which all such
razee remaining unpaid, will be placed
n the hand* of a Collector with an addi
.ion of 5 per centum.
laug'Jm Treasurer.
I. Gnggenheimer.
purchased the entire stock ofthe lte
firm of Sttwmitn A Gtiggwnheimar, ex
cept the leather and! Shoe-finding*,
ha* filled up bte shelves with a lot of
HATS A cara,
and ia now prepared to accomodate all
hi* old euaLontera, and to welcome all
new onea who may favor him with
their patronage, lie feels safe in aav
tog that he cau pleaae the most fastidi
ous Call and see.
P. B.— Mr. hussntan still continues
to deal in
in the old room, where he may alway
be found.
at his nctablithment at Centra Hall, keep*
on hand, aiud for safe, at the most ntaaati*
ble rates.
A Spring Wagons,
and vehirles of every decrtption aaada to
order, and warranled I o be taade of the
bstt seatooed material, and by the meet
skilled and competent workmen. Person*
wanting enythiug in hi* line are requested
to call and examine his work, they will
And it not to be excelled for durability and
wear. maySStf.
Wilt attend to administering Oaths, As
kaowle igement of IWd*. Ac. writing Ar
ticles of Agrortnent, Doods, Ac, tuaylh
Gift dc Flory'e
New Shoe Store !
They have now "petted, and will constant
ly keep on band, a splendid (lock of now
tnen, woman and children, from the boat
manufactories in the country, end now of
fered at the
Lowest Prices.
BOOTS aud SHOES made to order, upon
short notice They iavke the people of
ibis vicinity to give them a eall. as they
will strive to merit a share ef their pal
ronage myMfcf
J it ■ ORV it. c. v. utitxan.
Attorniv,-st-law OMee opposite Court
House, belletonto, Pa.
with Orvw A Alexander, attend*, to col
lection* and practice in the Orwhaa'e
Court. _ _ jan7 '7Oll
r. a. wrtaox. R. A. KICK*
Hardware and Nleve Heeler*.
Builders Hardware
whi-h will heat one er two rooms down
stairs, and same number above. Coat
very little more than single stove*. These
arc the beat parlor stove* made.
Thi* -love has large ovens, will burn
hard or *oft coal and wood. Every one
warranted to give perfect satisfaction.
marM tf Bellefonte, Pa.
Big Slock of Clothing,
Shoe*, Hate,
and Notions.
Z" B. Krise A Bro., wish the people of
Penntvalley to know that tby have un
packed a largo stock of Clothing, auch a*
rest*, suits for men and b<n-s, and a big
itock of
for men and women, which they boast of
telling cheaper tban any other eetabliah
Go and try them, they offer the best
bargain* outside the city. Remember,
heir motte is, CHEAP. octlitf
1 noon BEI.OW Horrxa'a
Dealer in
Parlor and Chamber Seta,
Particular itttention to Ordered Work.
In All lbs Branches,
tlways on Hand, and Funerals Attended
With an Elegant Hearse. apotL