The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, November 20, 1873, Image 4
Farm. Harden and Hoaiahold. How to Rati* ■ Mtlh-Hnnr. For a milk-homo (or twenty-five cow* a building 16 by 24 feet will lie ample. It ahould be dug out five or nix feet lie low the ground, and atoned or bricked up to three feet atiove it. On thia foundation a building at least eight feet high ahould lie erected. If a frame building it ahould be built with atnda air inehea wide, and lathed and plas tered, leaving that space lie I ween the inner and outside walla to retain a reg ular temperature within. The floor ahould be either of cement or brick, and if the earth ia elay a drain ahould bo tpadc that the door may l># dry. An upper fliior ahould lie laid upon the joists at the earea, to make aa large an air apace above aa possible. A venti lator ahould open iuto thia apace from the milk-room, and a finely grated ven tilator ahould iie placed in the lower part of the window*. The windows should lie only njHin the north aide. The milk shelves should be arranged at not less than four feet above the floor. If a supply of spring water ia at hand, we would recommend that xine lined cistern Ullea should lie need, with w cistern at least font inehea deep, in which to act the pans of milk, around which the cool spring water should lie alwavs flowing. A separate apartment should bo made in which to do the churning. The lieat churn ia the up right churn, with the common dash. There are many patent chnrns (8,000 of them), some of which will bring the butter in from five to twenty minutes. This haute, however, brings' waste, for at least forty minutes should be occu pied in churning butter, to have it first class; and in a dairy of thie size it will be found profitable to have a pony-pow er or a windmill to do the chinning thrice a week. In this case two of the • ordinary churns could lie operated by a contrivance similar to the walking-beam of a marine steam-engine, with a great saving of labor. If any patent churn is to lie used, we prefer the Blanehard, which can be procured of any agricultu ral implement dealer. Pall Treatment of aheep. It ia customary to give the thsep the run of the fields till the 100* cuts *3 their anpport, and* even after that we of ton see thorn pawing np the anew to got at the grass. The result ia almost invariably that the sheep go into winter quarters in a reduced, condition. It re quires then extra feed to bring them up again—grain at that, and grain ia not generally a profitable fee*! for store aheop, or at least l*%s profitable than other cheaper yet nutritious fodder. When the fall rain eoties, cold and of ten soaking, and still later the snow*, damp and clinging—atill worse—shelter should be prepared for aheep; indeed they should hare access to shelter the entire Summer to amid the heat as well as the spring and fall rains—and if they do not readily take advantage of it thev should be made to occupy it and feed there. Nothing is so good to feed as early-eut clover hay. If secured, as it should be, when just in blossom, quite tender, it will be relished: and if thrown to sheep often and little at a time, they will eat it np clean; it will answer much the purpose of grass, so that it will be, in effect, no break from grass to hay. If the hay has been damaged in the har vesting some additional feed will be re quired, such as meal, roots, Ac. The point is to avoid the rains—which drench often tc the skin, causing the animal to shiver and suffer, and take cold and engender disease—and to get the fiock to go into winter quarters in good strong condition. Especially should the young sheep (tegs) have this care given to them, as the severity of the fall and winter weather is new to them, and they are more tender than the old sheep." Aftermath is an excel lent feed for them, and can yet be se cured, the season growing it well. Dnlrjr Afftln. Mr. D. X. Farrand, of Morristown, writes that intending to adopt the deep pans or pails far his whole dairy, he engaged a supply, which reached him when in so great's hnrrv in haying that only one-half of the pails were set, con sequently the milk of every other day had to be put in the old-fashioned pans. His wife suggested that the cream be kept separate to see which produced the most butter. The cream from the pans made the most butter the first three days, when the following three rperimeata were made: Weighed the milk, set one day in pails, the *ext day in pans, and so on for six days; than churned, and weighed the batter. In 'the second trial there was one more morning's than night's milking; in the third, one more night's than morning's milk. The depth of the milk in the pails in the first two trials was from seven to ten inches; in the third from ten to twelve; and in the pans from two to twe and one-half. The temperature of the air was generally from 56 degrees to 70 degree*; that of the water from 60 degrees to 66 degrees; when the air was above 60 degrees we cooled the milk set in pans before setting in the milk room. We skimmed the milk as soon as it began to change, which was in about forty-eight hours with the pails, and thirty-gix with tha pans. To make a pound of batter it took in first trial: with pails, 27 pounds of milk; with pans, 25 ponnda. In the second trial: with pails, 25 pounds 13 ounces; with pans, 24 pounds 10 ounces. In the third trial: with pails, 27 pounds 13 ounces; with pans, 25 pounds 2 ounces. These trials were made in August, com mencing the 10th. Keeping Ef|i. H. Schneider, Cannelton, Indiana, writes : " Will you inform me how long eggs can be kept fresh and good under the beet treatment, and what is the best treatment as regards packing and temperature ? Reply. —The only requisites for pre serving fresh eggs are to protect them from contact with the air, and to keep them in a cool, moist place. Large dealers keep them for several weeks, while they are plentiful, so as to sell them when scarce, by a process called liming. The eggs are immersed in very strong lime water, or milk of lime, and they are known as limed eggs, and are so sold in the market at a very small re duction in price from that of fresh eggs. A keg, barrel, or jar, would answer to keep them in. Eggs have been kept for six months perfectly good, by sim ply smearing the shells with linseed oil | and placing them upon their ends in saud so that throe-fourths of their sur face was exposed. At the end of the test they had lost only three per cent, of their weight and were equal in flavor to fresh eggs. For family use, eggs might be thus prepared, a layer of them E laced upon their ends in sand at the ottom of a box, when fine sand might be poured upon them, and other layers Cut in in the same manner. We have ept eggs from this season until after the New Year by simply filling a net, and tying them up and hanging them in a cool cellar, changing the mesh upon which they were hung every day. How to Ascertain the Weight of Cattle. Measure the girth close bebiad the shoulder, and the length from the fore Eart of the shoulder-blade along the ack to the bone at the tail, which is in a vertical line with the buttock, both in feet. Maltiply the square of the girth, expressed in feet, by five times the length, and divide the product by 21; the quotient is the weight, nearly, of the four quarters, in imperial stones of 14 pounds svoirdnpois. For ex ample, if the girth be 6J feet and the length 51 feet, we shall have 64 m <4 ••421, and 51 M 5—261 1 then 421 * 261—1109 1-16, and this, divided by 21, gives 52} stones nearly, or 52 stones 11 pounds. It is to be observed, however, that in very fat cattle the four quarters will be about one twentieth more, while in those in a very lean state they will be one-twentieth less, than the weight obtained by the rule. The four quarters are little more than half the weight of the living animal; the skin weighing about the eighteenth part and the tal low about the twelfth part of the whole. The hay crop of Maine for the pres ent year is estimated to be worth more than forty million dollar*. What U I.epro*), A VMS la Ihe soilruirnl of UlKis In Ilia fenitnlrh Island*. The leprosy of the Sandwich Islands, says a correspondent of the N. I. 7Vi7>mhs, ia a disease of the blood and not a skin disease. It can lie caught only, 1 am assured, by contact of an abraded surface with tlie matter of the loproua sore ; and doubtless the habit of the people, of tunny smoking the same pipe, has done much to dissemi nate it. Its first noticeable signs are a alight pufilncas under the eyes, and a swelling of the lobes of the ears. lo the practiced eyes of Dr. Trousseau, the attending physician, these signs were apparent where 1 could not per ceive teem until he laid Ins finger on them. Next foil aw symptoms which vary greatly in different individuals; but a marked sigu is the retraction of the fingers, so that the hand comes to resemble a bird's elaw. In some cases the face swella in ridges, leaving deep furrows between ; and these ridges are shiny and without feeling, so that a pin may be stuck into oue without giving pain to the person. The features are thus horribly deformed in some cases ; 1 saw two v'eung boya of 12 who look ed like old men of 60. In some older ivitu ami women, tin* fac<* waa at llr! sight revolting and hal>oon*hke ; 1 say at firat sight, for on a second look the mild sad eye redeemed the distorted features ; it was as though the man was looking out of a horrible mask. At a later stage of the disease these rugous swellings break open into festering sores ; the nose and even the eyes are blotted out, ami the body becomes pntrid. In other cases the extremities are moat severely attacked. The fingers, after being drawn in like claws, begiu to fester. They do not seem to drop off, but rather to be ab*erted, the nails following the stumps down ; and I ac tually saw finger nails on a hand that had no fingers. The nails were on the knuckles ; the fingers had all rotted away. The same process of decay gee* on with the toes ; in some cases the whole foot had dropped away; and in many the hands and feet were healed over", the fingers and tees having dropped off. But tha healing of the sore is but temporary, the disease pres ently breaks out again. Emaciation does not seem to follow. I saw very few wasted forms, and those only in the hospitals, and among the worst cases. There appears to be an astonishiug te nacity of life, and I was told they mostly choke to death, or fall into a fever "caused by swallowing the poison of their sores when these attack the nose and throat. Those diseased give out soon a very sickening odor, and I was much obliged to a thoughtful man iu the settlement, who commanded the lepers who had gathered together to hear an address from the Doctor to form to leeward of us. I expected to be sickened by the hospitals ; but these are so well kept, and are so easily ven tilated by the help of the constantly blowing trade wind, that the odor was scarcely perceptible in them. You "will perhaps ask how is the dis ease contracted. I doubt if any one yet knows definitely not from all I heard. I jndge that there must be some degree of predisposition toward disease in the person to lie contaminated. I believe I nave Dr. Trousseau "a leave to say, that the contact of a wounded or abraded surface with the matter of a leprous aore will convey the disease; this is of coarse innocnl&tion; and he seemed to think no other method of contamina tion probable. I was careful to provide myself with a pair of gloves when I vis ited the settlement to protect my hands in case I should be invited to shake hands; but I noticed that the doctor fearlessly shook hands with some of the worst cases, even where the fingers were suppurating and wrapped in rags. There are several women on the islands, confirmed lepers, whose husbands are at home and sound; one, notably.where the husband is a white ma*. On the other hand a woman was pointed oat to me, who had three husbands, each of whom in a short time after marrying ber became a leper. There arc children, lepers, whose parents are not lepers; and there are parents lepers whose children are at home and healthy. There are three white men o the island, lepers, two of them in a very bad state. Bo far as I conld learn the particulars of their previous history, tUey had lived flagitiously loose liTes; such aa mnst have corrupted theirblood long before they became lepers. In some other cases of nativo lepers I came upon similar histories; and while I do not believe that in every case, or indeed perhaps in a majority of cases, involves such a career of vice, I should say that this is certainlv a strongly predisposing cause. And aa to the danger of infection to a foreign visitor, there is absolutely none, unless he should undertake to live in native fash ion among the natives, smoking out of their pipes, sleeping under their tapaa, and eating their food with them ; and even in such an extreme case his risk would be very slight now, so thorough ly has the disease been "stamped out" by the energetic action of the Board of Health. In short, there is no more risk of a white resident or traveler catching leprosy in the Hawiian Islands than in the City or State of New York. I have heard one reason why thia dis ease has keen more frequent in the last ten years. About thst time the islands were visited by small-pox. This dis ease made terrible ravages, and the Government at once orderwl the people to be vaccinated. There seems to be no donbt thst the vaccine matter used was often taken from persons not pre viously in sound health ; this was prob ably unavoidable, bnt intelligent men, long resident in the islands, believe that vaccination thus performed with impnre matter had a bad effect upon the people, leaving traces of a resulting corruption of their blood. The Question of Sllrer. It was Itelioved that the U. S. Treas ury Department intended to inaugurate the return to specie payment, by paving out silver. A later report says: Were the Secretary of the Treasury disposed to issue silver coin to any larger amount, he would not at this time be able to ds so. The inflnx of foreign gold makes it necessary that it should be assayed and reooined at the earliest moment. Every effort is being pnt forth at the Philadelphia Mint to coin gold, and the capacity of its machinery is not equal to the present demnnd. As the labor of coining a piece of silver is as great as coining gold the Secretary says the public will readily see that it would be impossible to turn out any large amount of silver coin without allowing the un coined gold to accumulate, and that would be a positive injury to the busi ness interests of the country. He doubts whether people will care to" burden their pockets with metallic money when the fractional currency is just as valnahle and a good deal more convenient What ever amount is put out, it is his impres sion will be hoarded and not be used as a circulating medium. His plan, he thinks, will lie to allow all government indebtedness in small amounts, and snms sf $5 or $lO on large bills, to be paid ont in the silver stand ard coins by the Assistant Treasurer; this to continue while the premium on gold remains below 110. Tne extent ef pouring ont silver coin, it will be seen, has a basis, like that of circulating the trade dollar, entirely governed by the premium on gold. A Bidden Teasel of Wrath. It is said that there is a can or a glass jar of nitro-glycerine, or some other explosive compound, buried in the Southwest corner of the Capitol Square, near the old Arsenal, at Raleigh, N. 0., which has been there for many years, having bsen secreted there prior to the surrender, and the i>laoe of its concealment having been ost No one dares to dig for it, as the blow of a pick might send the enter prising digger to roost on the Presby terian church steeple. And so it will sleep until a happy ckamce or some dreadful aacident shall reveal its rest ing place. The total amount ef United States currency outstanding is §409,621,823. The November Flections. The Benate of New York Htato will stand as follows:- Republicans 16 lienioernta ...... I" Liberal Republican I The following is the report of the Assembly:— Republican* J'- 1 Ibunoerat* .. ■ • 8® Liberal Republican . , I In the city of New York Tammany elect*! their entire ticket by large ma jorities. ('.mistook (dem.l, for Congress in the i Fifth district of Michigan, is elected by about 200 majority. Returns from Minnesota give Dsvis trep.) from \OOO to 8,000 majority. Dike ithe farmers' candidate), for State Treasurer, is elected by a small majority. All bnt a few small towns in Massa chusetts show th. folk)wing aggregate vote;— Washburn . TO,7Tjl Gaston... 6T,ttl"> Washburn's plurality will reach about 19,600. Eleven Democrats are elected to the Senate and sixty to the House. lheroe was elected to the vacant seat iu Congress. Iu Wisconsin th* Reformer* claim 8,- 000 to 10,000, while the Republicans concede only 5,600. The Beuate is tiearlv a tie. The Reformers have a ma jority in the Assembly. Iu New Jersey the H nat will stand 14 Republicans to 7 Democrats, Th* Assembly 33 Republicans mid 27 Demo crats. No Governor, and no State offi cers or member of Congress was to be elected this year. A Little Law The Pittsburg Law Adti*cr in its answers to correspondents, gives a case that mav lie of iuterest in any section. We give the qiieniiona and replys : 1. Can a fattier le held fir debts con tracted by a miuor while ho is engaged iu business? 2. Can I bring "larceny by bailee" against a person to whom I have loaned money through friendship and he does not return it? 3. Suppose A is assaulted on the aijeet by R, A strikes in return, they clinch, when an officer arrests both and prefers " disorderly conduct " against both of them ; would it be lawful to impose a fine on both ? 4. Can a person bring a civil as well as a criminal action against a person for assault and battery, Ac., or caa he drop the criminal and prosecute the civil action ? 5. Does the law allow persons di vorced a mrnsa ft thorn to remarry i with other persons ? PiTTSBrauH, Pa. 1. He cannot. A person deals with a minor at his peril in such case, and mnst trnst entirely to his honesty. 2. Yon cannot. A loan of money as an act of friendship is not a bail man L When we loan a sum of mouey to a friend it ie certainly intended that he shall make use of it, else such set of friendship will be of little service to I him. In order to constitute such trans sction a bailment and not a ban, and the use of the money larceny, it must have keen given for safe keeping or any other purpose than a loan, whereby the money had to he returned to the len . der. Larceny by baile •is a crime com mitted only when a jk -son being a bailee of any property, that is.a jierson with whom any jierwuial pro|>erty is left by another "for some purpose agreed upon "between them, and to be returned when that purpose ia aceompliab'-J, shall fraudulently take or convert the same to his own use or to the use of anv other person, except the owner thereof. Pen a. Penal Code 1860, sec. 108. 3. A man is justified in defending himself against an attack by another npon his person, but he must not go further. He msy use sufficient force to protect himself, but not such violence as will punish the other, or revenge himself. Whether both parties are guilty, depends eutirely upon the facts in the case. 4. He can bring both or either. i. The law does not. Such divorce amounts practically merely, to a sepa ration, and, except that the parties do not live together, they are still husband and wife as if no divorce had taken place between them. They may termi nate the divorce by simply agreeing to live together again, any illicit inter course with other persons is indictable, their mntnal rights to the others prop erty, aa dower and tke courtesy, are us before, and the hnsbaml generally sup ports the wife bv what is called her ali mony. HhaulJ either party marry again, it would be bigamy in the same manner aa if they tiad not been di vorced. Determining the Purity of Butter. An important paper wa* recently published in the Liverpool Medical ami Surgical Report*, in reference to llie moat practicable methods of determin ing the extent and character of the adulterations of butter. The various processes are principally chemical and spectroacopical, but are, to a cousidera able extent, sufficiently practical to form the basis of Tery definite ex|eri ment. As a preliminary, an ounce of the sample of butter to w examined is placed in a 1 test tube seven-rights of an inch in diameter, and melted by the immersion of the tube in hot water. A thermometer with a pear-shaped bnlb is then to be introduced, ao that the bulb shall be in the middle of the fat, abont an inch below the surface ; after which the whole ia allowed to cool spontaneously. If the quantity of water in the butter be large, it will collect in the tube below the fat. Casein will also collect in the lower part of the tube. The temperature ia to bo care fully noted, when solidification com mences, and when it ia complete. If the butter is pure the thermometer is obeured between 74 dog., and 68 •leg., and is solid at 61 deg. An addi tion of leef dripping causes the ther mometer to obscure at 79 dog., and to become solid at 72 deg. M utton ob scures the thermometer at about 85 deg., and it is solid at 84 deg. Lard obscures the thermometer at 84 deg., and is solid at from 79 deg., to 70 deg., hat often remains as roft as butter at a much lower temperature. Mixtures solidify at intermediate temperatures. If pure butter bo examined by the microscope, with a one-fourth or one fifth iuck object-glass, nothing will be seen excepting the characteristic globules, the granular masses of curd, and the the cubical crystals of salt in the butter. The hard fats are present in the glonblea, in a stato of solution, and not recognizable in a separate form. The presence, however, of single fusi form crystals, or star-like aggregations of needle-shaped crystals, indicates that melted fats are present. Starch, flour, Irish moss, Ac., will lie appreciable by the microseope, as distinct from butter or fats. Ifow Storms are Caused- Prof. Henry in a scientific convention suggested that if the storm comes to the seaboard the air is constantly drnwn in from sea, bringing an immense amount of vapor. This may continue several days, constituting at Boston, for instance, a long and violent north-east storm, when 50 or 75 miles back in the country the air is clear. The storm ap pears to We produced by the heating of the lower strata snd their expansion • then the equilibrium being disturbed there is a rushing up of the moist air into a higher region, where it is con densed and the caloric given out, where by the effect is increased. The whole storm is wasted eastward till it comes to the seaboard, where it receives a con tinual supply. In the interior the sup ply at a given point is soon exhausted, and this may be a cause for the storm moving eastward. During a storm at the seaboard there is a motion outward; the wind ia blowing inward from the •eean below, but outward toward it above. Josh Billings divides the human race into three classes: Those who think it is so, those who think it isn't so, end those who don't ears whether it is se or ■Bfct, No tatters. I y at mom " I shall have one loalav I say at night, " I shall hsveoii* to-morrow Out day and night go creeping h>* away, And leave tne with my sorrow, And I* he sick f or Is he dead, or changed 1 Or, haply, has lie learned to love another 1 tf 1 could know hlut careless or est tanged, My pride my lot e might smother. last night, Indeed. I ill earned a letter came, Ah ' set- ..met thai, any (lrl May hlossotu! And then 1 heart! tay mother call mv uatue. And hid it Iu my bosom And, chested, woke, and heard Ihe night wmj rave. And hnt my wet eyes in ttiy lonely pillow . And >hearned agsru. and saw a nameless giate. Half hidden by a willow ! THE PAT MAN'S DILEMMA. An Fnglish gentleman of 'rue John bull pnqmrtions—weighing some eigh teen or twenty atone—had occasion some year* ago, anterior to the railroad car, to travel in an mm or by stage-coach from Oxford to London. The stage carried six inside; and our hero en gaged two places (as, in conaulersatn n t.f hia size, he usually did) fur himself. The other four seats were taken by Ox ford atiuleuta. 'These youths, being lighter than our inoderu Lambert, reached the stage Ire fore he did, and each aungly possessed himself of a corner seat, leaving a centre seat u each aide vacant. The round, good-natured face of John Bull aoou after appeared at the carriage door; and, peeping into the vehicle and observing the l.wal arrangements, its owner said, with a smile: "You ace I am of a pretty comfortable size, gentlemen ; so 1 have taken two seats. It will greatly oblige me if oue of you will kiudly more into ihe opposite seat, so that I may be able to enter." "My good air," aanl a jwrt voting law-student, " |>osaeaion ia nine-tenths of the law. Y'ou engaged two seats. There tlunr are, one on each aide. We engaged one each, came first, entered regularly into possession, and our titles to the seats we occupy are indisputa ble. " '• I do not dispute ysur titles," said the other, " but I trust to Tour polite ness, seeing how the case stands, to enable me'to pursue my journey." "O, hang palttansss!" said a hopeful voting scion of some noble h tise, " I liave a horror of a middle seat, and would not take one to oblige uiv grand mother ; it's ungraceful as well as uu comfortsble; and, Iwsidea, one has no rhanoe of looking at the pretty girls along the road. Good old geutli man, arrange your concerns as you please ; 1 stick to my corner. Aad he leaned back, yawned, and settled himself with hopeless composure in his place. Our corpulent frieud, though a man not easily discomposed, was somewhat put out l>y this unmannerly obstinacy, lie turned to a smart-looking youth with a siuiper on his face—a cleiical who had hitherto sat ia a reveW, {Nisaibly thinking orer his chsnees of a rich benefice in the future. " Will Ton accomodate me f" he asked ; " this is the last stage that starts for London to-day, and business of urgent importance calls me to town." •• Some temporal affair, no doubt," said the* youth, with mock gravity; " some speculation with filthy lucre for its object. Good father, st vour jige vonr thoughts should turn heavenward, instead of being confined to the dull, heavy tabernacle of clay that chaius ns to the earth." And his companions roared with langhtwr st the good joke." A glow of isdifmation just colored fhe tranger's cheek ; but he mastered the feeling in a moment, and said, with much composure to the fourth—" Are you also determined that I shall lose my place ; or will you oblige me by ta king a central seat ?" •• Ay, do, Tom," said his lordship to the person addressed ; " lie's something iu the way of roar profession, quite s physiological curiosity. You ought to accommodate him." " May I be poisoned if I do !" replied the student of medicine. "In a dis secting-room, he'd make an excellent subject ; but in a coach, this warm weather, too ! Old gentleman, if you'll put yourself under my care, I'll engage in the course of six week s, byj a judi cious course of depletive#, to save you hereafter the expense of a double seat. Hut, really, to take a middle seat in the mouth of July is contrary to all the rules of hygiene, and a practice to which I have a professional objection." Aud the laugh was renewed at the old gentleman's expense. By this time, the patience of coaehee, who had listened to the latter pat! of the dialogue, was exhausted. "Harkee, gemmen," said he, "settle the business as you like; but it wants just three quarters of a minute of twelve, aud with the first stroke of the University clock my horse* must lie off. I would not wait three seconds longer for the king, God bless him. 'Twould be as much as my place is worth." And with that he mounted his box, took up the reins, hid the hostler shut the door, and sat with upraised whip, listening for the expected! stroke. As it sounded from the venerable be! • fry, the homer., as if they reewgnixed the signal, shot off at a gallop with the four young rogue*, to whom their own rudeness and our fat friend's dilemma afforded a prolific theme for merriment during the whole stage. Meanwhile, the uniwetof their mirth hired a postehaise, followed and oYer took them at the second change of horaea, where the passengers got out ten minutes for lunch. As the post chaise drove up to the inn door, two young chimuey-sweeps nassed with their hags an J brooms and their well known cry. " Come hither, my lads," said the eoipulent gentleman; " what aav you to a ride ?" The whites of their eyes enlarged into still more striking contrast with the dark shades of the sooty cheeks. " Will you have a ride, my boys, in the stage coach ?" " Ilea, *nr," said the alder, soars< IT daring to trust the evidence of lua ears. " Well, then, hostler, open the stage daor. In with you! And, d'ye hear? be Bure to take the two middle seats; so, one on each side." The guard's bom sounded, and coachoe's voice was heard: " Only one minute and a half more, gen'lemen; come on I" They came, bowed laughing to our friend of the corporation, and passed on to the coach. The .voting lord was the first to pnt liia foot ou tho steps. " Why, how now, ooaclieo ? What con founded joke in tliia ? Get ont, von ras cal*, of I'll teach yon how to play gen tlemea ancli a trick again." "Hit still, mv lada; yon*re entitled to yonr places. My lor<(, the two middle seats, through yonr action and thnt of yonr yoting friends, are mine; they were regularly taken and duly paid for. I choose that two protege * of mine shall occupy them. Aa English stage coach is free to eTory one who behaves quietly, and I am answerable for thoir good conduct; so mind you behave, boys ! Yonr lordship has a horror of a middle seat; pray take the corner one." " Overreached us, by Jove 1" said the law student. "We give np the cause, and cry your mercy, Mr. Bull." " Wythe is my name." "We cry quits, worthy Mr. Blythe." " You forget that possession is nine tenths of the law, my good sir, and that the title of these lads to their seats is indisputable. I have installed them as my Itjcum tcnente s, if that be good law Latin. It would lie highly unjust to dislodge the poor youths, snd I cannot permit it You have your corner." " Heaven preserve us !" exclaimed the clerical student " Yon are surely not afraid of a black coat," retorted the other. " Besides, we ought not to suffer onr thought* to dwell on petty earthly concerns, but to turn them heavenward." " I'd rather go through my examina tion a second time than to sit by these dirty boys," groaned the medical student. " Soot is perfectly wholesome, my young friend ; and you will not be compelled t violate a single hygienic rule. The corner yo elected in vacant. Pray get in." At these word*, eoaohee. who ha.l •torn! grinning behind, actually cheated into forgotfulncs* if time by the excel lence of the joke, cane forward. " Gentlenien, you hare loat iua a min nte ami a quarter 1 must drive on without ye, if so l>e ye don't like your company." Tile atiuleuta oast rueful glaiuWM at each other, and then crept warily into their corner*. Aa the lroatler ahut the ! door lie found it iiu|o*aibla to control liia feature*. " 111 give you aouiething to ciiange your cheer, you grinning raa cal," aai.l the diaeiple of .ASaculapitia, at retching out of the window ; but the koatler nimbly eluded the blow. " My white pantaloons !" cried the lord. " My beautiful drab aurtout 1" ex claimed Uie lawyer rxiwlaai "The iilthy rascal* !" The noie of ihe carriage- wheels and the uurcstraiiird laughter of the spec tator* drowned the sequel of tiieir la meiitationa. At the next stage n bargain was struck. The sweeps were liberated ami dismissed with a gratuity ; the seat* shaken and brushed ; the worthy tons of the university made no, among themselves, the expenses of the poet chaise ; the young doctor violated, f<r once, the rules of hygiene, by taking a middle seat, and ail it.urnoyed on to gether, without further quarrel or grumbling, except from coachee, who declared that "to lie kept over tiaie a minute nud a quarter at one stage and ouly three seconds less than three rnrti utea at the next, was enough to try the {■etienee of a saiut, that it was Piano Playing by Machinery. Human ingenuity has perfected a machine that makes it jmsaiblc for any one with capacity enough to turn a grindstone to |-rform the most difficult written music for the piano. The ma chine iu not a myth, says the Cincin nati Commercial. We aaw it oulv yes terday. It has just taen mqiorteu from Paris, and was attached to the piano only tho day before. . It played oelee ti.mgfrum "Borlserof Seville, ' "Faoat," ••Taunhanser," and other iqu-ra*. In deed, its rapacity is unlimited. It wi play on sight any piece of music, and its playing cannot be distinguished from that of a living player. It is c*.- pable also of playing on the organ, or any instrument havmg keys similar to those 011 the piano. Another instru ment of the same kind, the only on# in the city, has already taken the place ©f an organist at one of our churches. The machine is a marvel of complica tion. It occupies a position in front ©f the key-board of the piano, and extends from above the key Ward to the floor. Iirect!y .\er the keys *f the piano are keys corresponding to the pianc keys. These are the fingers of the machine. They are as many as the keys, and thus the machine has un advantage over the human player. How these fingers are made to work is the problem, which we can only faintly indicate in this descrip tion. The top of the machine is about one foot in width. It has in the oentre two rollers, which are moved by a crank. Theoe carry the music through, and ** it pans** the piano play it. The music isturpsper, but it is not written. The notes are made by cutting square hole* through the paj>er. A*these holes pass s certain pwiut tliey allow a hammer to pass through, ami the stroke of that hammer ia communicated to its own key is the piano. En h key ha* its hammer. It only require* that these hole* be cut at proper interval* to strike any number of kcya'in any given series. Ifhe machine has s pedal arrangement which connects with the piano and en ables the player to have the effects pro duced by an* ordinary player. It alao has an arrangement to change the fores of the touch. It ia a French instrument, and In* been known but a short time. The manufacturer baa orders beyond his capacity to fill. The two machine* in this city will doubtless attract mueb attention. kenalion Report*. The daily pajiera are just liegmuing to fißd oul what WuAitiesA men knew slniut the panic, namely, its influence I ou manufacturing entorphae, and now that the worst part of it 1* over, they srw filling their columns with details of the sL- Jticgo of manufacturing, etc. Tl lte ae *bo are at all acquainted with tbc bo-t and shoe manufacture know . that we have now arrived at the usunl acaao" for stopping l-tween the fall and sprtug traile, and if the panic has cat ns off from three or four weelct' trade, the full influence of that was diii couatcd three or four week* ago, and only ill effect* ean result from an a't tenipt now to revive the general dis trust atnl want of cenftdcnee which pn>- vailed toward the latter port f Sep tember. We have now, we trust, got Iwond the influence of any such efforts, and we are sure that, in the boot and ihoe trade, the prospect* of a large and business in the near future were never better. Collection* are reu sonably good, because manufacturer* have made up giiod# oulv on orders ar.•! have not over-supplied the market, *o that they have no surplus on hsnd. The country is, also, notorious y short of goods, which they must ar.d will have a* soon a* money Ixvorno# easier throughout the country, a* it is now f:i*t lieooming in New \ork ftifj- Manufacturers and leather dealers sre showing their confidence in this prospect by their preparations for the future, ami by the firmness with which both the raw "goods and manufactured articles ore held, and those who base their action on the newspsi>er report* so far as to presume that we are going to have a dull, hard winter in the shoe and leather business will, we are ooa fldent, find themselves n.iftnkcn. We have had oo failures of any oonscqueuoe in the trade, and with the mouey market daily working easier, the distribution of goods must IMI aeceleiated in the future to make up for the deficiencies thus fnrexprieneed.-iV'.ocanf /,caifirr i Chronic Ir. Strike of Cigar Maker*. The New York Cigar Makers are on A strike. The manufacturers wish to re duce their rates of payment to the standard ill vogue before last fall aud tliia Alteration ia murmured at. A local paper au~* a good and attentive eigar maker can, if he works well and tea lily, manufacture _ 250 per diem, o truing thereby s■*> n clay or £lO per week under the old rule to which manufacturers wish to return. Under the rates which have been usual during the past year the price paid to the makers lias been ?'2 per thousand in advance of this, which would make a good innn'a pny 533 per week. The manufacturers *ny that tliey are williug to do all in their power to help their emplovea, but the stringency of trade compels them to lower tliernte of wages. On account of the scarcity Of money and the laxity of bnsiness, many of the smaller factories have been compelled to discharge many of their liituda. A Mad Duelist. Brvan Maguire was a stark-staring mad Irish duelist. He was a big, burly •snhicrcd officer, with a bull neck and an elephant's shoulders. His "humor," ns Nym would have said, was to stand on a street-crossing, and to jostile into the heaped up mud any one who dared attempt to pass him. His domestic habits were equally New Zealandish. He seldom rang the bell for the servant, but fired at it till it sounded. His wife had snch confidence in his skill that she was in the habit i-f holding ont a lighted candle for Magnire to snuff with a pistol-bullet at so many paces. This infamous bnlly used to sit for days st liisopen window. If any one passed whose manners irritated liim, he would fling some rubbish at him. When the passes-by looked np, Bryan would spit in his face, and offer him a loaded pistol md an invitation to nn instant duel. A blind woman who was n witness in a Detroit police court was able to give the denominations of two curreusy nots by siuiply fealing thflm. In the Scum*. Eugene Hue, the French nnveliat, need to viait in portions of Paria. In ragged and dirty apparel, he wended hi* way city-ward, to localities where even a cleanly mechanic would have at tracted unpleasant attention. Into these horrid resorts, the Itatcliffe Highway and Heveu Dial* of Pari*, differing only fiem their taindon parallel* in that the •h-gradcd ty jH*s of humanity in Paris have a larger share of the demoniac element iu their composition, the ci decant dandy found bia way, trusting to hia plausibility and good nature to keep huu out of harm, and to hia pre emiueut muscular force to extricate him should be become entangled in a row, or, aa the denimis of Itatcliffe Highway would term it, a " tataruacle light," * Here, in some low tavern, be would shake hands, and be hail-fellow well-met with tbo eeuia of humanity, the aNMaaain, the forger, the thief, the ehiffeiiuier, tho pseudo-manned, and the mendicant. Here he would aaaiat at wretched festivities, when bar! liquid* would mock the miserable be ing* who partook of tliem with some maddening imitation of joviality. Here Hue was aide at la*t to see life as it *i, without sny of the lacpier which had seemed so wearisome iu the gilded saloons of fashion. Hih Waoeii. -Tlia Eutaw (0a.,) Whig says that Beu Duuii, a freedmau living in North (Ireene, offers a premium of 810 iu gold to anv one of hia race who will have on the fair grounds at Eutaw, ou the second day of the fair in this month, aa young a wife with aa many children aa lie will then and there ex hibit. The unsuccessful competitor is to pay for the fair ticket and (tinner of the successful party. Beu'a wife ia only twenty-six rear* of age; was married to him lit 1863, and is the mother of twelve children, kaviug four pairs of twins. Let r loksideb. — oince tiia intro duction of dietiUrd rpirit* in the Six teenth Century, they have been habitu ally preacrita<Tl as remedied. W* know that alcohol, iuall its forms, Uperniei uu* to health. Knott ing there thingt ami that under tiie system of treatment which include* their*uae, the mortality among the sick is, and ever has been, enormous,is it not worth while to try the effect of a remedy which oombines in their highest excellence the qualities of a Tonic, an Alterative and a Regulator ; contains n<> mineral bane or murderous alkaloid or alcoholic poison ; doe* its oumtive oITW without P*"i w l wtl k uniform certainty * I>r. Wtuil'l Ytraoaa Bitters fulfills all these con ditions, an 1 ta u*w affecting the most extraordinary curea. in cose* where every " sjieeiflc" of lite faculty has ignoimnioualy failed. Consider, in view of these facta, whether anv aiclt person is justified by reason anu eom mou sense in declining to test the vir tues of this uiide&leu and irreaisttble remedv.—(bffl. FILIAL AFFECTIO*. —There was a pe culiarly touching exhibition of filial affection at Scwburyport. Mas* , lately. The aged father of a worthy oitiaen of that place was on a visit to the son and had brought a small dog with htm. The wise sou was of the opinion that the father's wavward affection for that "purp" should l*> checked, and accord ingly he entered a complaint against him* f>r keeping an unlicensed dog. The old man was arrested and fined fcKi, ami not l*rag able to pay it was sent to jaiL m • - * A WIVKHKILIX MALM Can ha f**aoß is t**B *ra*t sad rauakl* SMISM ALLBS'S LURO BALSAM. Br thautde'wfcich AmUA at>4 kijrnwu rratorad If U> •• au led *ll# ur tatny vl Throat liIMM, ■lit as OuMt, (X-iagAf, Aatbma. Bremt SUM, O wia|<ua CKSOLICITKD avxnisca or rn nun. at At* tat rouotitt; pr A. L. SCOVILL It thd Invanuw of aavsrsl medinal rrtpaitic i*t whit* Sat* Wwai vei y r>rolM, tat MO been llfcefali* ato4. Am. as kit lOttAtK Bt tit " Han't Hal tarn far tkc Lunga," awd Llttiai rik auS Tar " Lr Oi yul lenyaaias 1-tttr I -taod y kat bean < B.iad la tke MkUr. Bead tkr r< tWtiur tenet ttvm Da SCoVILL rafama* IN || : Mstaas J M. BaatTt A Co.; limn I wak# ikt fi'liowtaa alalamaat from a yet feci ooavirtiak and knowledge of Ikt l.totStt <4 at-ial't l.tao final la rurma Ika an dacy tcaitd /-Wat. rary Oaantmr**! m . I kaaa an tat ltd IU tficu on Ikt • on® and ikt old.ud I can It uly tar IMI 11 it l>r far Ika Ml aaoorlotkal iaatd| aitk kick lam argualatad For Cowgks. and all Ikr rtti j tiag.a of Lung I'otaylal uft. I kauaaa II W< IT t ctrltitctia.itr If arttr family would II by Hon. teady *<* admtel.iat or* tkr Artt at riiai •of ditaaat tkoal Ika Lang*. Ikaia "Old -art few caeca of ftla eoutamyiiua. II oantaa Ida yhl.gts and maltar to raua wtlkokl Irritating delicate rirti (Ikt Lunga*. and with ul eiedactng oonat*|tuoo id Ika kon tlt II Stan flirt ti**:<Th u> tbt tittrm. tl< at Ik# nigbt-aweait. ti.d rkangat kit Ui mot bid serration* lo k baallfcy itttt Touts. radyactlWUy. A. L SCOVILL - IT SAVBD MV Hrß.•• SOLVSBi*. ALA.. Msrck , 1813 J. W Raaata A C : frar Mr* lam liking It tafi Leva Siuaiw tar id.iFW.ortk. W lkoi*u yaara Minding. I fcav* m.d *v*.y tamady off*iad. and ika la Ik# imly r.n.dy (fcal fca# gtvia m any r*!if 1 k*" it I.vvd * yI tr U.I ayviag AI Ibil urns 1 e*m- BMiisd aung It. ana r*-*va isanu r*Jl*t II ai'-ptmd no asy laaga ik Mm k -an Yi*a art at tv.rfr.-1 |tb*rty v.* yakliah ibia l.iu>r.Mr tb baaa- Sl ufa taring hamsaiiy, and a ilk rasyart, 1 ramata, Ywara truly, D S Poou In k my acSrlagmaada. bra ika l.ttara racalv *4, and d>< yt-n di.itkif. r a nc raM Ika afflea ry oflkn valnabta nallrlaa Bala tima. and laka to y ur km* a kntila of At-kaa'a Lrsa v. nlll Sad la II aglonoua yilaa, and a navar failing fnaud la Una c*fa*a4. CAVTIOM. Ba tal 4aclvaß Call tor ALL(S*S LCVO BAL SAM. and laka no oikar. Diractiona accompany ae* nctua. J R HARRIS A CO.Claeionaß.a, Nommiaa For tal# by all Madlclna Paalara. res a at. a ni.i'tis sy JOUlt F RRHRV, Raw Yotß OSi* C. tMu>l>WIH 8 CO.. R.*atn. jollkso* llnUiw AT 8 Co 1 k.ladalphta. BROWN'S * coroa. COLD, SORB THROAT **tori.-ir ra' Raasltva immaOtsla allnnUoa. and IRLLULS .kculd rk*ckd If Allvnad to *•"_ onMon*. lrrnation of lb* Lunga. a COUtIHI rnmanr nt Threat 88-riii.n, i*r aw en* Inrurabl* Lung Dlrvaa*. la wflan COLDS. tka laauik RnoWN'B BROXCHIAI. TROCHKB | Having a Blrrt liiflnnr* on lh |>arla. glva Imma diaia rrl.rf r Rronchifi* Aatbma. Caiai rb. i'n •nmpi ivr and Throat Dtaaaava. Tmckva dt* ifß vilh ynvdf rurrva*. aiMIKHS AND pmLIC RFRAKKRS W II Sad Trorhoa uarful In claarlng lh volra nhr. lakon brf..rr (iinglug i r Kpr-ak.r g. a d rvllamng lb* throat aflvr an uaainal rxartion of lhv ral n only " Brown'i Rrcr.rblal Trerb." and 4.. U. I lair any f lb. nnrihlraa imitations tkst may b* ..errod ,VM Krvryirtrii IIIIKTY IK.IHC KII'KHIKMK OH AM OLD NI'RRK. MRS*. WIX3LOWB FOilTniNO FTRCP 11 IHK PREFCntPTION OP on* of tha bast Prmals Pbysl riaas and Nurses In Iks t oiled Stales, and has been used for thirty years with ntver falling safety aud aurraat by millions of mothart and children, from the feeble Infknl ofons week old to tha adult. II oorracta aridity of tha atom*, h, ralievee wind colic,ragulalea tha howaU, and glvaa real, health and oomfnrt to mother and child. We believe It to be the Real and Surest Remedy In the World In all rases of ItTSRNTRRY and DIARRtUKA t* CHII. DRRN, nhfiber It attars fr. m Teething or finm any other reuse. Pull directions for using will ac romnauy ea. h b ttle None Oennlne nuleat the fac-etmtl* of OCRTIS 8 IKRKINS is on the outalde arsyper. Sot n ST AM. Mstltctss PS At SSA rUILUUKN OKTKW IA3UK PA LK AKU RICK from u i osbar rants than having worms ta ths ■toaaack. BROWN'S VKRWirrOR COMFITS will datlmy Worms without Injury to tha thlld, bring perfrrtly WHITS, and fraa Dam all aolortng or othar Injorlooa lugrsdlrrita uanally uaad la worm prsparatlsnt. Ct'RTIA A RKOWHi Proprtdtors. No. *l3 Pulton Strsat, Raw Tork. Still by nrugyitti and Cbnmiata. and dta rrt in ilrdirinit. at TWBVTTF IVS Cswra a Bus. TIIK HOI RKIIOI.U PANACKA. AND FAMILY I.IMMK3T I* the belt remedy la the world ft)r the following complaint*. *l* I Cramp* In th* Limb* and Stom ach. pin In th* stomach. Sowtli or Bid*. Rheu metum In all It* furm*. Bllioa* Colic. Kearalgto, rholer*. Dysentery, Cold*. Flask Wound*, linn, Snra Throat, Spinal Complatal*. Sprain* and Bral***, Chill* and Fever. For Internal and Xx ternal u**. li*npration I* net only to rallee* th* patient, hat entirely remoee* thecaaeeof th* eomnlalet 11 penetrate* end pervade* the who]* **•!> m. r* •toririg healthy action tooll ll* port*.nod guicken- Ing the blood. TUK noUSRUOLD PANACEA IS FCXXLT VXO etahle and All Healing. Prepared by Ct'KTIU A HKBWN, Ho. ma Fulton Street, If*w York. For *at* by all Drnggtit*. TO rosirMFTivEs i The *de*rtl*er. having b**u permanently *ur*d ■ f that dread dleeaae. Consumption, by • simple remedy. I* anrt ton a to mall known tn hi* fallow • uflerer* the mean* of cure. To all who de*|t* It, ha will aerol * copy of th* prescription uaod, (free of ekarge). with the direction* for preparing t.d name me anna, which they will And a ivun Ccxa for Conat-aeTiori. AaTttu*. Ukomhiti* Ae. pirnna wialung the prescription will please addra* H*r. X. A. W ft,SON. lIH P*nn Street, WtltleiuaUuigh, N. T. Tne I.rsfl.H are Strained and Racked by a per alatent Cough, the general strength wealed, end en incurable complaint eatabltaha* thereby. Dr. J iyne a Kxptctorant It en effective remedy for caught end CoU* and evert* a beneflctai effect on Ike Fulmenary and Broncktal Organ* Cahmht Drcouatjow*.— Don Carina, of Spain, ia described by a writer who aaw him receutly aa wearing a wliit# flat hat, like a Hcoteh cap, cnllod a boina, and on bia breaat Uirca ordara, or ratbar two, for the third ia the eacrr catur and ia worn by all bia aoldiar*. The otbeiw other* were the (loblen Flecca and Carina ICI. Ilia soldiera wear over their hearta an oval piece of flannel with an embroidered heart, with a chain around it and the worda " Do not barm me, for the heart of Jeaita ia with me." Tiiia they conaider a charm agaiuat the btdieta. The Elmwood and Warwick collar* will fit tatter and wear longer than any other collars, either linen or psper, Try them.—Com. Blessed are they who seek relief from *' Liter Complaint," " Htlmusinas," Bod Blood, Pimptas, lllolclms, llWptfeM, ftoagh UtUtt, Kail lUfum.Krvmpelas and horofukm* dlwe*. t>v tha uh ul lr. PMftw'a AU. K*l. or OohJwD kiadi.wl Lueovsry, fur Uiay *haU ha hapnv ui knowing ilw eurs ia .jmplata. Hold by DlUggisU til Wist** U*l*a* far touauiaptloß.—JtaWU A Cosafurnvx Cibed. Dr. A. Junu wlut* axpertmwniiug. aeetdaniaily md* a pieparao-.i. of Cuuial* Indie* sliWk rarad his Cbtbi <>r I VmsumpUoe. This ramody la ua for sals at firwt-elaaa l'ruggli Try it; prova it for yoarsalf. I'nea *-4.6(1. hand stamp fur .areolar. CraMeek A Co., jjcoprtawra, 1083 iiaoa W . Philadelphia, Pa [Cum. Heap the Wamtnr Dkatu Lmt of (imnUMUaii, and learu taw many dia if iirglwixa ...ughe aud cold* that Uiti a Hovei or ll.'Scaucsii **t Tab would tava cured Inks s Tuoitarta Drops eurs in oos miaots. —-Com. _ . Have yon a severe wrench or aprain f Have you VttaomalMßi iu any form t Hava you a siilf aerk, or bunches rauaod by rttaaauttic |wins I If so, Johneont Anodyne i.tntenent t* a specific remedy, used internally, and exter —jCoes. ________ We often see a large stock ef cattle which do not seem to thrive, and coma em spring poor." all far wont of something to aurt them in the right directum, flue doner's w.rttli of Sheriitan i (~a entry Condition fme rl'tt. given to such a stork oocaenmahy dnrtng the winter, would be worth mure than an aura half t*u of hav —Com Dr. Miller's Magnetic Balm is a cer tain cure fur all dteaaaa* of tha Htomach and Bowels. It rehevee Nvisee, Vomiting, Colic. Cramje, and pain of ail kin.le, like raoguenem Only coste 35 ceuu to buy it. Hoe advertwe meut in this paper. Coigbs and Colds are often overlook ed h continuance tor any length of time cause* irrltaiiou of the Lung* or some chronic Throat Dtsreee. "Brtnm't Bronchial Troche*' are an effectual Cocoa llrwxnt (Com. Hxiiri.Es Fkee.— The Saturday Even im/j Poet, 319 Walnut etreet, Philadelphia, givae a beaultful I'aaoso to every yearly subscriber. Feerlee* f'lttbrs Wringer, L. lleyniger A Cc , 1 Pnltcm htrsat, Urm V-*k [t'om. Chatted Haxoa, facie, rough akin, pimples, nng-wurm, salt-rtaum. and other cu taneous affectiutis cured, and the skin made soft and -month by using the Jrsu-ra T*a Hoar, made by Caswnx. Raxaan A O* , Hew York. Be certain to get the Jnniprr Tar Snap made by ue, as there are many nutation* made with oununcw tar which are wcrthlsas Own. FLAOO'S INSTANT RKLIEP baa stood t*<M.T sears' test. Is warranted to glv* Hs JuVr nitrf to all Rheumatic, Neuralgic. Head Ear. and flack schea or money refund* i. —Oon l THE BMOWMS AJTD BLACKS produced by thai ainriiiis |WT>arsuoa. CaitraiKiko T ESCCL MTOS lists mi. raamot La axcmUed Vy Nature . I ita.Uiita rlisßev-.P* cumponacai with Nsiora T | D<al favored prtnlacUooa, sod defy datsstlss ! /VWI • The MaifceU. saw sou. But Oatffla ritmr lo Eitrt HallocOaO .IT A .it|( Fuwaatlili JT • .ILK Saoead .18 a JF* OF-dinarj THTK Oallla. .08 a .oW lofanar or lawaelf rada .<4 a .08 Mllcis Oowa .OO aSCUM Saga— Lira .11'a S Praaatd J*Ma jn% KHOER. M%* .<*) OONOK-MIADLINA IN* -181# FlONß— Extra Wraterti. 8t a *.*S MU> fxtn 838 a 8.10 Whaat— RED WAAUM IM a IAB Ma. X SPRTHS L aUI *7 *8 .88 Bartag— Mall LB* a I*4 ttam— Mixed Wae1TT. .............. .88 A AT Cant— Mixed Wrtdarn EB a .83 llajr. per ton .......... MSB ES&jOt MUaw, r*A too. UM alia* HOL-.'.R: 13 A dOaSS— WBK .8A ,U fork MM 18.80 Stl.ttL' LORD „ ,os a ."*K FKro etisr. Crort- 81 *(% LUDUWD ILK Mcutr -auu M a .so Ohio, Fine 38 * Jt •• Waaler*, ordinary 18 a Jt haoneTlemttla BUT .38 A A3 Clkattt IAU rartory it A .13% " HTM. turd .08 0 .08 0hi0.... TO a JIK ESSE Mara. M I A •CBVAIA. Barf Battle _.... 800 a 8.11 Abort* 8.13 *B.BO Baga—Uee 8.10 a 838 Fiona BAO aUL WLoal— MO. 3 ftprtag L3B a US Corn.... .80 a .81 (Ma 88 a .#8 Rye *8 0 .?T liar; EG * 188 Lard ...a... JM 8 .(% 88*0 SY. WBML 1.88 S 1.53 Bra—Male .S* a .80 Core — Ml sad 0X a M Barley -Male I*B a 1.80 OATT Stale .* a JO miLact.icsoa. Flawr 1.38 S 8.88 MTHOTL— Wralem Bad LM IJB Oarn— Yellow M a .18 Mixed 88 S .08 L*ern>)E-4D>— Crude 10 K TWSAAD .1* C*r Seed B.SO aIO.OO TUnoUir ATS S ALLO ssmasMk OoMoa— lew Middling. .JV* J1 Floor — Kxtra 8.38 a TJ* Whart 1.80 a 1.18 Oorn .88 a JU •lata .... 8* A .81 B1 MAIL. PLMLT-L*AIOI (low's flood Morals an* Gentle Manners. 81,38 San*T*la Coyy to Viaebert, M eonta. Mailman's Kindergarten ( nllure. 11l na il tlr-1 T* rtiile. Yrntblr'A Arhool lagr. 3F kmiti FAYA 1 lutlltled. L.® The KlTM' Tearhar't AM. Smtl. WILSOK, HIXKIKB CO., Peblltkart. Wt; UI M * INN II # d LI ST CRUMBS Area aaoderr el. AT 8k Ban Are kallar, kaeanta I- Itrh. far belter EL ► Ikey aiaa T FLAER ibtn B"Y albrr in " ■ gh rrlkts toy dbrr rxltlanra yellil. COMFORT TIEM T brilliant tilsety tkaan. wiib Irtt Ibtn half 1 BELABOR rrgalreS OHEN I*iker ixillaaat art *TR4._ AIiKYTK WAYTKD FDR TIIK UNDEVELOPED WEST OR, Five Years in the Territories. IU Ratonrrea. Climtte. InkabiiaaU. natural Canntlller. air. II ronUint 440 (LIE angtttlngt of ihe Sretier*, Lanßt. Paeyle and Curioslllaa of ike Ore at *,M. and IR Ike ANNEAL and beat telling bank -eei yublttbrd. Send fur tpariiaan rater AND rlrrnUrt, will term# Addrete XATTUMAL FL'B LINRIXO CO . rhlltdelyh a. I*a. S| a Par l>ai . I >' Aganlt mauled. Sand I *9 ttamr >■ 8 H BLILRSO.-.St LN'. WU THE TOLEDO WEEKLY BLADE Natnt'A l'araa During the MM tug year Fa.SV mill MRILE T terlrt of ariialea In bit aeln, on gen rraletnell at |R'luteal TUPLES Sperim n eoplea free. Send tit nae lb LOCKS 8 JO*KB, YULEOO, OMA_ IMMBUmH THEA * NECTAR BIMOU TEA MLLH the Orcrn TanFlaeor.TH* BE.I TEE Imyortrd. Err eerrjrmherc And F*R sale YS-LBJI'M oholeaala only by Ika Oraal TJJ .JOIL all A'Unllc and RARLDR Tea CO .XN. 181 yultan St., and 18 1 Chinch St.. Kern YCTK F. O. *•■..FC Hand (Or Thea-Nrrlar Circular RICH FARMING LANDS! FOR SALE VKRY SRKAM TMK !!K*T IAVKSTMKSFT 1 NO Floctuatiooa ! Alwsya Improving is VXLNO! J*E H'MLL/I n) Ikr Onnnfry it mntU by t Ad ADTOMM in Aieal *>F.IL. NOW I* TMK TIBK 1 Mllllnna rf arret I f the flnarl landt on the Conti nent, In RASTXR* B KRKAFK A. now f*r aele ntamynffkeM ERRRR btfort in market— St yrtcee thai lIKFY COML'ETLTLNS. Five and Tan Yaara Credit Given, with Interest at Six par Cant. The Land Oram Rnnda if the Company falro af • lands They ran now be purcnased ml a late'- DU. num. „ Full psitlnilarr stren. new Guide with new Mapa mailed fiee, by addressing O, F. PAVIB. Land N mmtttiemtr V. P. R. R . Osasa, Fx*. Pass This Bv TO'S7™°:": AOLOO laaO ±JJ MLLB T0 MAK# G*. dress, Brssaa FOBTAII, TASLS Cn., 81. LOOLT rilßl.KCat APIIiaU-A full conr*e for gUO * I r (Be* connected with Jones Com'l College, St Lout*, Mo. For ctrrnlar* addre**, J W JOHN SOS. Managing Principal. A hi Y (rending na the artdreaa cf ten p*r*ona, will '•■ v 1 Ireretve /re*, .a beautiful Ckromo, and In naic la'nictton* how to get rich, poet-paid. Ofy UN 11 Y 'lrlfy 0".. ISt Bontn Mh St., rhlla. __ ___ " SrCRKT IIP M't-CEN m WALL ST., &! i-egea. Bulla, Bear* Proflta on pnla and call* coating fin to glut. Mailed for stamp by Valentin* Tumbrtdge d Co., t>Uil,St„H T. Ss) K Per Hay Cuiamteelon or SAU a week mrnt Salary, and expe'ase. We offer ft and will pay It. Apply now. O. wISSISdtft,IUrIOB,O. Women, Men.OlrUand Boy* wanted tp tail ear >V Trench and Amertoen Jewelry, Ife capital needed. Catalegne, T*ma. Ac .ten! g. F.O.TICKXI* ?CO ,Atinita,iC*. I§l Dr. J. W*lkf*r'n Cull Torn In Vii n*nr Dltteri *n tt purely Vegetable preparation, mads chiefly from uis na tive herbs found on the lower ranges of the Kierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, the medicinal properties of wbicb are ei' acted therefrom without the use of >'joho|. The question la almost da! asked. " What is the cause of the unparalleled success of Vixeoar Bit ters V Our answer Is, that they remote the cause of disease, and the patient re covers his health. They are the treat blood purifier and a life-til v lug principle, a jwrfoct Renovator and Imigorator of ths tTKtcm. Never before in the bitry of tho world biu a medietas been compounded pasreswng the rwnartabla qualities >f Tisroas llrrntss in heaitefths tack of every disease man is heir to. Tbsf" are a gentle furgatlve as well as a Tenia relieving Con geni km or i i.&ammstion as tha Liver and Visceral ©rgaas, in Bilious PlMlftdl The properties of Dr. TTauutß's Tissuaallirtcsa ars Apsnsnt, l,anhui*ti% Canuinaura, Nuinuotu, Laxative. biursUa, Bsdative, Counter Irritant, Budonfin, Altar*, live. and Aou-Biliana. M. H. Hcoonaao * CO.. !r*f f i-t, and (tea. A fia.. tu Vrai uteris. < AUtnfnla, aad s ut M'sslasccue •i.a t'seines tn. X. f. "" •eld ly ell Orsfftda S tWlw. Iron in the Blood MAKES THE WEAK STRONG. TheJ*erurian Syrup, a Protect ed Solution of the Protoxide of iron , fa so combined as to have the character of an aliment, cut easily digested and assimilated frith the tdood as the jfi mplrnt food, it increases the uuaniUp of Nature's then Vitalising Agent, iron In the blood, and cures "thousand ills," simply b\f Toning up. Invigorating and 1 Uatizlng the System, The m riched and vitalised blood per meates every part of Ike body, repairing damages and waste, searching out morbid secre tions, ami tearing nothing for disease to fectl upon. This Is the secret of the won derful success of this remedy fit • curing JKspcf msla, Liver Come plaint. Dropsy, Chronic Diar rhoea, lioi Is, N crvou* Affection*, Chill* and Fewrs, Humor*, Lom of C onstitutional Vigor, Disnuon of tho Kidneys and iiladdor, Prmaie C omplaint*, ami all tli*ra*e* originating In a bait state of the Mood, or ac companied by dcbUUy or a low state of the sy stent. Bring free from Alcohol, in any form, its energizing effects are not fol lowed by corresponding reac tion, but are permanent, infu sing strength, rigor, and new life into alt parts of the system* end building up an Iron Con stitution. Thousands hare been changed by the use of this remedy, from weak, sick-fit, suffering crea tures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women; and inratUls cannot reasonably hes itate to give it a trial. See that each bottle has PERU VIAN SYRUP blown in the glass. Pamphlet# Free. SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Proprietor* So. 1 Hllto. PI*M, But**. Sovn t I'xtociiri OXXXXALLT. AOSASRLI [iKfiWfliti THE GREAT ALTERATIVE axd BLOOD R CRITTER. It is sot a quack uoatrum. Tho irgrodioxtx are published c n ceoh bottle of medicine. It lis ucd and recommended by Physicians Trhcrcrcr it ha* been introduced. It Bill positively cure SCBOtFULA in its (• Bou# stapes, JillF U~ MATISM, WHITJZ A WF.L~ l.jyO, GOVT, GQITEF., BRONCHITIS, JCFFVOU& DEBILITY, INCIPIEN7 CONS L'BPTION, and all dia eiwce arising fnja an impure conditir nof the llord. bend for onr ROCUUVAUS Ai.MAKAC, in u-hicli rou arill find certificetee from reliable end trnstrrorthy riiyeicisns. Ministers of the Gee pel and others. Dr. *. Wflfoa CaiT. Crf PaWmra, a*;, t r I *• tu< d It in raara (rf Hrpofnla ace otoar Uikmcs atto muck aaltttao ttox. Pr. T.C Pxfh. <rf rtorto. •waU II to a3|(*oca nflrln* vttk d. ratod Shod, WjrlßX It l *Uprtior to St* I rt raraUew l-r I u ftrr arid. Est. toatwy Ball. rf to* BaHto V. X. (taiinacr Katk, a*j* M fc* I era *e> math Uwtiinl fcjr Its im, toot It rtrrrftlly rrrcrtrmrado II to all Ui* trtmd* and *cqttalDaae*a. CrtTTU ft cn, Pmrclrtojrt Oordom. Wv, v*. toy HMnrUatoH to sir < MtlvfirtiCi. ttt'l e. WcTaAls*, Vorftotoioto-. Trt t >r. r*. II < urtd buuerf Uwu tt.ii.iiu nbeaallalMtaOrd. tux pAaniATTs nt ooxyrcnoK tmu cm arin rare CXlll* a4 Trrrt. T.laar CmrMlnl, Pya rp* W* rnrntr* HoiiMui tnpertor lo all atkrr Xtoo4 f nretort. SruO hi DMOlyllM CircaUr or Almanac. A4droai CLIUIKTS S CO., • X Coatmrrca St. HtStimcr,, MIL lomamtor to A*k yoar PrnarMt Sir BUAASALI* AtoentM Wimtect. raan aoa CATAXOOCS Domestic Sew ing Machine Co.. N. V. hr.try on thr far* wtthcnl tnjary, ta ■ dry* or tony rertttidr# * rt*. a yaekatr*. po*t- M.i 4. or .* ft M rta. K. TT. JONS*. Aahlaud, a***. NEW YORK, 1873-1. WEEKLY, SEMI-WEEKLY, AND DAILY. THE WEEKLY SUN la too widely known to require any extended recommenda tion: but the reanons which have already given it fifty thousand eubecribors, and which will, we hope, give it many thouaanda more are briefly as follows: It ia a first rate newspaper. All the news of the day will be found in it. con densed when unimportant, at full length when of moment, and always presented la a clear, intelligible, and interesting manner. It is a first-rate family paper, full of entertaining and instauctive reading of every kind but containing nothing that can offend the moet delicate and scrupulous taste. it is a first-rate store paper. The best tales and romances of current literature art carefullv selected andlegibly printed hi its pages. It is a first-rate agricultural paper. The moet fresh aad instructive articles at agricultural topics regularly appear in this department. It ie an Independent political paper, belonging to no party, and wearing no eol lar It fighta for principle, and for the election of the best men to office. It es pecially devotes its energies to the exposure of the great corruptions that now weaken and disgrace our country, and threaten to undermine republican.institutions altogether, h has no fear of knaves, and asks no favors from their supporters. It reports the fashions for the 1 allies, aad the markets for the men, especially the cattle markets, to which it pays particular attention. Finnllv, it is the cheapest paper published. One dollar a year eecurert for anv subscriber. It is net necessary to get up a club in order to have rHE vV LEh.Lt StfN at this rate. Ant one who sends a single dollar will get the paper for a year. TUB WBBKLT STir.-Bckt pages, fifty-six CoSumas. Oaiy gI.OO a yser, ae diseouato from* this rate. THE NEni-WBKKLT HTN.—Sameshe as tbe Dally Baa, f2.00a yew. A dlseoutef SO per cent, to Clubs of 10 or over. verr. RADWAFB READ! BELIEF Cares the Worst Pin o*l TO TWHfTY MUTUTBS. it or own HOUR arena assarts rat aimssihsussi Need any ona Suffer with Pain. Railway's ttssly Baltaf t a f retry Hta. n was res aits* are is THE ONLY PAIN REMEDY M testaeWf MefS tkf west wvwiittsiljtaa alters lidteiaattoi., suS'-'-S tea S, tjtg m, <• ik Last*. •'-'>. Xowsss,• -Owe Stand* ar or tans, k " tx reo* ore to vwxrrr wxarxs. ae Matter -Mast sr •tenMSallagl tte salsi MM SBESwsSiraBS K S-Ssr. RADWAY'B READY RELIEF wiu. arroßD msra*T uu. lm4 ***^ of^^^!maresftbslßad4nt l tarnation of tba Btwels. fcn Tbrert. XHU Hyrtrilsa, ftrey. THjCbsna, . - , v^ Esadasia Tootfcatba, Cold Cbihs Arts Chills. to Tar a tssltet weSaMrtntas f minoies rars Ciania, Sp-sna Sear Sttsjac^ jssraa mSs9sb* szz? tassaaasussatesl. FEVER AND AQUE. uOTiusiueL'srMtsstiM Wr "V* WrV" *° * *" ** Ai FIFTY i wis fit win BOTBUEI HEALTH, BEAUTY^ DR. HADWATd Samsarilliai Bssolfeat Every Day m Increase ii Flesh arul Weight is Seen end Felt Tho Q-reat Blood Purifier Imj 4ro .rf tM A*ArA*lt:.U* Vtttf VtXT TOUIOIIII thn-ugn UM MM>4, .•. Unut. m 4 . Uwr Cu. • .t4 ftiieSSShS* **• 7 u :w tsxxSXZ pgveAiISXLBXSiVZSV.S to iki >UU| M< m>r ytfto **tM "tow*. <•} Iril, lIIHMMI i#ilat*4 fl<M tw *AJS. UM **fdt fM.* ft ! * .A .W Sorto. Scald Hr*4. *llll wa*. Salt ■*•*£. K'.ii eviKa^pts nrnin twr 'HM Itodora fl— liy.-**^* S& sSjSWi^WPiifiEW **{?iSTUmU Mlf M4 H • •MtooU d*. te'4iuc 'to i dMWxeaUg Irto Ptoll. lr.dit •rttottov tSMBa Ktoi* tto aam* mk mw es*C l, si."fffJ™a kr.itny toM-Mk to . ito uMAkAWi.UA* *' J and #o* nw< rmi u nrrtate; tor wfcmi el Sf M to** t je "jtot'ato'si'i tM kes qTSSSm^ anas 44 aimmriae tottof, u tnaowto*, an* C.*k a4 • r,ht linMKI. k'.H Mir a-jc tot StotorrMUAA**•*■**•" r*l *ll fcM.ra filul ML to UM rN RF CM**, nr. nr..fulto, CaMMaMMI. an 4 Bkto toto*i Ml MM tot only ptoAur* *mtor , Sidney and Bladder Complaint!, rH-tory **4 trma* llwut, Or*rJ, JMV i laa, tow. .*1 trap ut Tim, to If IHlma r* Unw, aright* tn***a*. Attmmtaarta, a*4 to *H tone •kr>* tktrtw WteMtts* ar*ai*.t ta thick. cAuadf, mtx*4 wlto aatotoanM |. fct toa *Ua7o •*#. r torreSs lt*a h* aoa.ortkrr* it* >M4. Sar*. itiliutia irfMitMr, smS tstoie hoard a 4rj~*.ia. *<■ atom itotUA arietiAne. to re in* aa>itor. v htit p—H n# eajcr. ani U UrSautlrrfUe *ac* eMsMW *e'ld(ae Tumor of 12 Yeanr* Growth Cored by End way's Boeolvect. PRICE SI.OO PER BOFTLE. DR. RADWATS f ~ Perfect Psnatin ui BsplatiJi Pills, rttortlj *lr • tly rl* arU* to erf Um ItMk. toMf, Jtoarla. Ktdurya. KMl'r, ktr< mJ Mama**. isMMttM4l*m, Mm • cm MiWi*. lri~'i*i*. iluiawaa. Mm, frakrawto Tj rto u <4 tk* Xovrls. I*l Ha, and *ll |>#raaua<#ci to* Ifnto V-* r %l aatdt.*r rt*j* *rcr. rnr*t lr vxrtti i* muoiir no aruuy, m*tt#mia,oe Mrimoiu Inp. Okaarra *• A ltmr'rt irarMi rraolua* toaat dltorJererfihr D'frnirr iria: CMWuMto, I—r* * um U*Wn4 to tor Hm4. AH4IW erf tor Storfadl, Wtaaaa, n •*! Mii. oto*ai otT" A. Paiiuttoor wjjrfaiM Mt Hrart.tu.tia. ft*Kt *!*!#• to* MJhr r.l ef to* llM*\ sUMUa§ jitta rf.rt *4a4 T> a<WraM*to,fjatotrtf t tor H". Ckr*t ®r f*"iaait itotoM who to a I-rtoat Mian, Htcuaaa aijrs.*j, JJa ft WrM Mf .ft tor a..-fc<. r*Tar a4 ru la to*llr*d. :>*BHr-rfjtrfrr*f raUM.T*l> Artoairf tortklaaM Epl.Varli i!.r ai.Ctoat.,Ua* aad aadrfra n- •'. * 1 ttitM MraAtta la toe ritoh. AF'LMRT"(AL *ARR riLt-S AILLFIM toti}*- tra (ta all tor atora KABN Priea SS eouto par Bo*. BaM *r r>i*e;Ma *BA •• **!.?* A*l TTI" Jul M •tana to *AIWaT PO. M Wmtm m-, a. Z. laftit autuw act to llunttoatla will M a*at <u jfj MP—Ma4 CHICACO. MILWAUKEE A ST. PAUL RAILWAY. OUlwMMkm * ft Pul tail way Ca. Xctraair* Araaa CbhaM to* €>■. U ><,.. Htttla**, . P*rl m 4,. A... tu WtoMto. PttWr 4a (hit., katila, Ontl.BH. Ctutriao (Hr, (tt*CUT ul ll(M*| *to to l.ina, Wari, rflr.a Hln a.4 OtUntoj. Rtr.B-ar .!:* MOTT IAM.U* II OCTOLM *8 ■ BLIHA --att Bri.Hl* Ait >.• -torr SrtMr<n. lito rmnwi I>m>T - Crnwr I*ml a4 MadiaaMtto't ■'<> *iuMt -n * ajar * Pr. ttlt( h.rrrt.Al' •" 4 5t tun t ya) MII.W * (KICK OKPOT - frnwr Bm4 M to.lh U .Itr Wrrrli. C ■mi*, tu *la t- .ttoall *ailwa tfltrr*. la*' hr- r. Mi. Yam* rtrrtra—S" Bu a.ay. ■MTUI Or ritia—l C.rt linrl OsaaaAL oancaa—aiil.*fcrr *ll a S Mxautx, * Manatar. JJtO C. OACLT. AMt Ora. lU. **r A_V a ruwinta. **.4 r imt. CONMMHiON And. Its Curo. WILLSON'S Carbolated Cod Liver Oil la aaclrotiQc eojablaation of two wMaon n>A- iw to omwt Oi<- w, tbf* s? wx ?afe:sMrr KsglS!r^ Cf ODOiWan'iM inlOnl la ratottag aW&SSSSSSS ft dr. H- WIIiIiBOW, t Jnk. WtML Www Vnrk. t MURDER?b B- • rum miMMi VZU AV9WH. $25 Per Day anyla,aa<ol ttHnataCTftftTftatiwiday. Rata* trnda of Can aft it ndmrnma. aivßmao madal to qatelaaai Baal tool la ttaawrid i. jL^jrVS r CtoifMkUullu. A > "i K A URH WKM-A O KKTI WAKTKD | Iti'aina.o l-attimata. PamenJajra troo. J. WORTH, ftt.lxata.lfn. ft at.m