The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, November 20, 1873, Image 3

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    (New Culitutin, cent.nuedfiom 2nd
for one only, and w hen three are to bo
< ho*en, he vote Tor no moretbanlwO.
the candidate. hi(rho*l in rota hall be de
' Xia any two or more Judg
Mof the Supreme Court, or any two or
more Judge, of the Court of Common
Plea* for the Mini# di.trict be elected at
the -a me time, they .hall, a. soon ** r
election at convenient; caUloUfor prior
ty of comniiraian, and certify the mult to
the Governor, who shell i*u# their com
mixtion* in accordance tharawUn.
Sec. 18 The Judge, of the Sunrj intCourt
and the Judge* ot the several Court, ot
Common Y'J*- and all oth.r jud
ed to be learned in the law, .hall at t
time*, receive for their .erview an ade
ousts compensation. whichthall he
fi".V end paid by the Slate They .hall
teceive no other compensation,
p requisite* of office for then moe from
any source; nor hold any; Othar o<nw o
pi\ fit under the United State*, th SUte
or aay other State. . . fi
Se. 19. The Judge* ot tho Supreme
Court, during their continuance tn office,
shall reiuie within this Common wealth,
and the other Judges during ihaircwntm.
uance in office, thall reside within the dis
trict for which they shell be repcctivcly
elected. _ , ~
Sac 30. The teveral Court* ot Common
Pie i*. betid at the power* herein contone.l,
•hall have and exercise within their re
spective district*, subject to such change*
a. may be made by law, tuch chancery
power* a* are now vested by lew, tai in*
-everal Cenrt* of Commen Plea* ol tni*
Commonwealth, or a* may hereafter be
co nferred upon them by law.
Sec St. Ms duties shall he imposed by
law upon the Supreme Court or any of the
Judges thereof, except such a* are judi
cial. nor shall any of the Judges thereof
exercise any power of appointment, ex
cept a* herein provided. The Court or
Nite Priuaii hereby abolished, and no
court ot original jurisdiction to be preside*!
over bv *nv ne or more of the Judges of
Supreme Court shall be established.
See. 22 In every county wherein the
population shall exceed one hundred *nu
fiftv thousand the General Assembly shall,
anil in anv other county may. establish a
separate Orphan' Court, to consist of one
or more Judge#. who shall be learned in
the law, whicu Court shall exercise all
the jurisdiction and powers now vested in,
or which may ber sftei be conferred upon,
the Orphans 7 Court, and there upon the ju
risdiction of the Judges of the Court of
Common Pleas within such county in Or
phan' Court proceedings shall cease and
determine ; in any county In which a sepa
rate Orphans' Court shall be established
the register of Wills thall be clerk of
such Court, and subject to its direction
in ail matters pretaiutng to hit office, he
may appoint assistant clerks, but only witn
the' consent and approval of said Court
All accounts filed with him at register or as
clerk of the said separate Orphans Court
shall be audited by the court without ex
pens# to parties, except where all parties
in interest in a pending proceeding shall
nominate an auditor whom the court may,
in its discretion, appoint In every coun
ty Orphans' Court* shall possess all the
power and jurisdiction of a Register s
Court, and separate Register s Courts are
hereby abolished.
Sec" 23. The style of all process shall M
"The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
All prosacutions shall be carried on in the
DISK by tho authority of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania, and conclude
against the peecs and dignity ofthe same.
Sec. 24 In all cases of felonious hemi
cide. and in such other criminal caiai as
may be provided for by law. the accused,
attar conviction and sentence, may remove
the indictment, record, and all proceed
ings to the Supreme Court for review.
Sec. 2s Any vacancy happening by
death, resignation or otherwise, in any
court of record, shall be filled by appoint
ment by the Governor, to continue to the
first Monday in January next succeeding
the first general election, which shall occur
three or more months after the happening
of such vacancy.
Sec. 36, All laws relating to courts shall
be general cnd of uniform operation, and
the organisation, jurisdiction, and power*
of all courts of the same class or grade, so
far as regulated by law, and the force and
effect of the process and judgments of such
ct'ufts shall be uniform : and the General
Assembly is hereby prohibited from crea
ting other courts to exercise the powers
vested by this Constitution in the Judge* of
the Courts of Common Plea* and Orphans'
Sec, 27. The parties, by agreement filed,
may in any, civil case, dispense with the
trial by jury and submit the decUion of
such case to the court having jurisdiction
thereof and such court shall bear and de
ter mine the same : and the judgement
jhereun shall be xubject to writ of error as :n
other case..
i urKioHMKNT ixn raou or- fl
Sec. 1. The House of Representatives i
shall have the sole power of impeach- S
tucnt . . „. .
Sec. i All impeachments sha.l he tried
by the Senate; when sitting for that pur
pose, the Senators shall be on oath or ai
tirmation; no person shall be convicted
without the concurrence ot two-thirds of
the=inembers present. ....
Sac S. The Governor and all other civ
il officers shall be liable to impeachment
for any misdemeanor in office, but judg
ment in such cases shall not extend further
than to removal from office and disqualifi
cation to bold any office of trust or profit
under this Commonwealth ; ihe person
accused whether convicted or acquitted,
shall nevertheless be liable to indictment,
trial, judgment and punishment according
Sec. 4. All officers shall bold their of
fice* on tbo condition that they behave
themselves well while in office, and shall
Leremoved on conviction of misbehavior
<n office or of any infamous crime.
Appointed afficers other than the judges
of the courts of record and the Superin- '
ten dent of Public Instruction, may bo re
moved at the pleasure of the power bv
which they shall have been appointed
All officer* elected by the people, except
Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, members '
of the General Assembly and judges of the
courts of record, learned in the law, shall
be removed by the Governor for reasona
ble cause, alter due notice and full hear
ing. on the address of two-thirds or the
Sec 1- Senators and Representatives
and all judicial, Stat* and county officer?,
shall, before entering on the .duties of their
respective offices, take and subscribe the
following oath or affirmation :
I do solemnly swear (or affirm! that I
will support, obey and defend the Con
slitution of the United States and the Con
stitution of this Commonwealth, and that
1 will discharge the duties of my office
with fidelity ; that I have not paid or con
tributed, or promised to pay or contribute,
either directly or indirectly, any money
or other valuable thing, to procure by
nomination or elaction (or appointment)
sxcept for necessary and proper expenses
expressly authorised by law ; that I hare
not knowingly violated any election law
of this Commonwealth, or procured it to
be done by others in my behalf; that 1 1
will not knowingly receive, directly or in- 1
directly, any money or other valuable 1
thing for the performance ornon-perform- '
ance of any act or duty pertaining to my
office, other than the compensation allowed j
by law." ,
The foregoing oath shall be administer
ed by some person authorised to ad minis
ter oaths, and in the case of State .officers
and Judges of the Supreme Court, shall
be filed in the office ot the Secretary of the
Commonwealth, and in the cue of other
judicial and county officers, in the pro
thonotary of the county in which the same
is taken ; any person refusing to take said
oath or offirmation shall forfeit his office,
an 4 any person who shall be convicted of <
having sworn or affirmed falsnly, or of
haying yiolated said oath or offirmation.
shall be guilty of perjury, and he forever
disqualified from holding any office of
trustor profit within the Commonwealth.
The oath to the members of the Senate
and Bouse of Representatives shall be
administered by one of the judges of the
Supreme Court or ot a Court of Common
Pleas, learned in the law, in the hall of
the House to which the members shall be
Sec. 1. Every male citizen twenly-ane
years of age, possessing the following
qualifications, shall be entitled to vote at
all ejection) .* •
'First- He shall have been a citizen of
tb* United States at least one month.
Second. He shall have resided in the
Statd one year (or if, having previously
beep a qualified elector or native born citi
zen of this State, he shall have removed
lliprefrom and returned, then six months)
immediately prccedingsthe election.
Third. lie shall have resided in the
election district where he shall offer to
vote at least two rncnths immediately pre
ceding the election.
Fourth. If twenty-two years of age or
upwards, he shall have paid within two
years a State or county tax, which shall
have been assessed at least two months
and paid at least one month before the
•'Sec. 2" The general election shall be
hud annually on the Tuesday next fol
-1 owing the fit'st Monday of November,
iul the General Assembly may by law
fix a different day, two-thirds of the mem
ber* of each House consenting thereto.
Sec 8. All elections for city, ward,
borough and township officers fo.- regular j
torus* of service, shall be held on third j
Tuesday of February. |
Sec. 4. All election* by the cilixan*
shall be by ballot. Kvery ballet voted
■hall ba numbered in the order in which it
•hall ba!roceived and the number recorded
by the election officer* on the list of voters
opposite the name of the elector who pre
sents the ballot. Any elector mav write
his name upon hu ticket or cause
the same te be written thereon and attest
ed by in clliaen ofthe district The elec
tion officers shall be sworn or affirm* - not
to disclose how any elector shall have vot
ed unless required to do so as witnesses in
a judicial proceeding.
See. 6. Klectors shall in ail cases ex
cept treason, folony, and breach or surety
of the peace, be privHedged from ar
rest during their attendance on election*
and in going te and returning therefrom.
Sec. u. Whtnevernny of the qualified
electors otthis Commonwealth shall be in
active military service under acquisition
from the President ofthe United Mates or
by theauthorily of this Commonwealth
such electors may exercise the right of
suffiage in all elections by the citizens,
under such regulation* as are or shall hi
present st their usual places of election.
Sec. 7. All law* regulating the
holding of elections by the citizen* or for
the registration of electors shall he Uni
term throughout the State, but no elector
shall be deprived of the privilege of voting
bv reason of his name not being register
Sec. 8. Any person who shall give, or
premise, offer to give to an aleclor
any money, rea-ard, or ether valuable
consideration for his vote at an election, or
tor withholding the same, or who
shall giva or promise to give such
consideration to any other person or
party for such elector's vote, or for the
withholding therss-f, and any elector
who shall receive or agree to receive, tor
himself or fer another, any mettey, reward
or other valuable consideration for his
vote at an election, or for withholding the
same, shall thereby forfeit th* tight to
vote at such election, and any elector
whose right to vote shall be challenged lor j
such cause before the election officers, j
shall be required to sw ear or affirm that
the matter ef the challenge is untrue be
fore his vote shall be received.
Sec. 9. Any person who shall, while s
candidate for office, he guilty of bribery,
fraud, or wilftil violation of any election
taw. shall be forever disqualified from
holding an off c• of trust or profit in this
Commonwealth; and any person convict
ed of willftil violation of the election laws,
shall in addition to any penalties pro* ided
by law, be deprived of the right ot suf
ftwge absolutely fer a term of four year*
Sec. 10. In trial* of contested elections,
and in proceedings fer the investigation of
elections, no person shall be permitted to
withhold his testimony upon the ground
that it may criminate himself or subject
him to public infamy - but such testimony
shall not afterwards be used against Kim
in any judicial proceeding, except for per
jury in giving such testimony.
Sec. 11. Tewnships aud wards ef cities
or borough* shall form or be divided iuto
election district* of compact and contigu
ous territory, in such manner as tha Court
of tjuarter Missions of the city or county in
which the same are located may direct, but
district* in citiea of over one hundred thou
sand inhabitants shall be divided by the
Courts of Quarter Sessions having juris
diction therain whenever at tha next pre
ceding election more than two hundred
and fifty votes shall have been polled
therein" and other ection district* ghon r
ever tha Court of the proper county shall j
ba of the epinion that the convenience ofl
the elector* and the public interest* will
be promoted thereby.
Sec. 12 AH elections by persons in a
representative capacity shall be viva
Sec. IS Kor the purpose of voting, no
person shall be daeuied to have gained a
residence by reason of his pre*coce, or
lost it bv reason of his absence while em- 1
ploved in the service, either civil or tnili
tarr, of this State of the United States, nor
while engaged in the navigation of the
waters ef the State or the United States,
or on the high seas, nor while a student of
any inrtitutionof learning, nor while kapt
in any poorhouse or other asylum at pub
lie expense, nor while confined in public
prison. 1
Sec. 14. District election board* thai!
consist of a judge and two inspectors, wha
shall be chosen annually by the citizens.
Each elector shall have the right to vote
tor the judge arid one inspector, and each
inspector shall appoint one clerk. The
first election hoard for any new district
shall he selected, and vacancies in electien
boards filled as shall be provided by law,.
election officers shall be privileged from
arrest upon days of election and while an.,
gaged in making up and transmitting re?
turns, except upon warrant ef court of
record, or judge thereof, for an electien
fraud, for felony, or for wanton breach ol
the peace. In cities they may claim ex
emption from jury duty during their
term* of service.
Sec. 13. No person shall be qualified to
serve as an election officer who shall bold,
or shall within two months hare held any
office, appointment, or in 01
under the government ol the United
States, or of ibis Slate, or of any city or
county, or of any municipal board, com
mission, or trust in any city, sare only
justices of the peace and alderman, no
taries public, and persons in the militia
serrica of the Slate ; nor shall any elec
tion officer b eligible to any civil office to
be filled at an election at which h shall
serre, save only to such subordinate mu
nicipal or local officer* below the grades
of city or county office* as shall be desig
nated by general law.
Sec. 16. The Courts of Common Picas
of the several counties of the Common
wealth shall have power within their re
spective jurisdictions to appoint overseers
of election to supervise the proceeding #f
election officers, and to make report to the
court as may be required; such appoint
ments to be made for any district in a city
or county, upon petition of five citisens.
lawful voters,of such election district, set
ting forth that such appointment is a rea
sonable precaution tci secure the puritv
and fairness of elections ; overseers shall
be two in number for an election district,
shall be resident* therein, and shall be
persons qualified to serve upon election
boards, and in each case members of dif
ferent political parties ; whenever mem
bers ef an election board shall differ in
opinion, the overseers if they shall be
agreed thereon, shall decide the question
ol difference ; in appointing overseers of
election all the law judges of the proper
court able to act at the time, shall cocur in
the appointments made.
Sec. 17. The trial and determination of
contested elections ef elector* of Presi
dent and Vice President, members of the
General Assembly, and et all public of
ficers,'whether Mate, judicial, municipal,
or local, shall be, by te court* of law, or
by one or more of the law judgos thereof:
Ibe General Assembly shall, by general
law, designate the courts, and judges by
whom the several classes of election con
tests shall be tried, and regulate the man
ner of trial, and all matter* incident there
to; but no such law. assigning jurisdiction,
or regulating its exercise, shall apply to
any contest .arising out ot an election held
bctore its passage.
Section 1. All taxes shall be uniform
upon the same class of subjects within the
territorial limit* of the authority levying
the tax, and shall be levied and collected
under general laws, but the General As
sembly may, by general laws, exempt
fiom taxation public property used for
public purposes, actual place* of religious
worship, places of burial not used or neld
for private or corporate profit, and insti
tutions of purely public charity.
Sec. 2. AH laws exempting property
from taxation, other than the property
above enumerated, shall be void.
Sec. 3. The power to tax corporations
and corporate property shall not be sur
rendered or suspended by any contract
or grant to which the Stato shall be a
Sec 4. No debt shall be created by or
on behalf of the Stato except to supply
casual deficiencies of revenue, repel in
vasion, suppress insurrection, defend the
State it. war, or to pay existing debt, and
the debt created to supply deficiencies in
revenue shall never exceed in the aggre
gate at any one time one million of dol
Sec.s. All laws authorizing tho bor
rowing of money by and on behalf ol
the State shall specify the purposes for
which the money is to bo used, and the
money so borrowed shall bo used for the
purpose specified and no other.
Sec. 6. The credit of the Commonwealth
shall not be pledged or loaned to any in
dividual, company, corporation or associ
ation, nor shall the Domrnonweallh be
come a joint o\* tier or stockholder in any
company, association or corporation.
Bec. 7. Tbe General Assembly shall
not authorize any county, city, borough,
township or incorporated district to be
come a stockholder in any company, as
sociation or corporation, or to obtain or
appropriate money for or to loan its credit
to any corporation, association, institution
or individual. . •
Sec. 8. The debt of any county, city,
borough, township, school district or oth
er municipality or incorporated district,
except as herein provided shall never ex
ceed seven per centum upon assessed value
of the taxable property therein, nor shall
any auch municipality or district incur
any new debt or increase its indebtedness
to an amount exceeding two per centum
upon such assessed valuation of property
without the assent of the electors thereof,
at a public election, in such a manner as
shall be provided by law ; but any city,
tbe debt of which now exceeds seven pei
centum of such ussessed valuation, may
be authorized by law to increase th same
■ three per centum (in tho aggregate at any
1 one time) upon such valuation.
Sec. 9. The Commonwealth shall not
• 'assume the debt, or any part thereof, ol
I any city, county, borough or township,
II unless such debt shall hai e been contract
l ed to enable the State to repnl Invasion
• suppress domestic insurrection, detenu
• | itself in time ol war, or to a*i-t the Stale
i, in the discharge of any portion ot its
rj present indebtedness.
• See. KV An- county, township school
•■district, or other municipality incurring
t ]any indebtedness shall, at or before the
• time of so doing, provide for the colleo
i lion of an annual tax sufficient to pay the
interest and also the principal thereof
• I within thirty years.
r Sec II To provide for the payment of
• th* Suto iltfbt* HtiU huv ,
• 'debt contract.d rfore-aid, the General
i Assembly -hall continue and maintain the
I sinking fund sufficient to pay the accruing
l inter#>l oil such debt, and to re
i duce the principal thereof by a sum not
• less than two hundred ami fifty thousand
1 dollars ; the said sinking fund shall colt
f sisl of the proceeds ot the sales of the pub
, Ik works or any part thereof, and of the
i income or proceods of the sa.c of any
tock owned by the Commonwealth, to.
> gather with other funds and resource*
■ that may be designated by law. and shall
be increased from time to time by assign
• ing to it any part of the taxes or oilier
; revenues of the Slate not required tor the
ordinary and current expenses o: govern
ment; aud unless in case ot war , invasion
' or insurrection, no part of the said sinking
fund .hall be used or applied otherwise
than iu the extinguishment ot the public
debt. u
Sec l'i The moneys of the State,
and above the nyce-.ary reserve, shall be
used in the payment of the debt of the
Stale, either directly or through the sink
ing fund, and the money* of the sinking
fund shall never be invested in or loanwl
upon the security of anything except the
bonds of the United States or of this
State. . ~
Sec. IS. The moneys held as necessary
reserve shali be hunted by lu* to the
amount required for current expense*, and
j -hall be secured and kept as may be pro
vided bv law. Monthly statement* shall
be published showing the auiouut of such
moneys, where the same are deposited,
and how secured. ,
Sec. II The making of profit out ol
the public moneys, or the same tor
any purpose not authorixed by law, by
any officer ofthe Mate or member or offi
cer of the General Assembly, shad be a
misdemeanor, and shall be punished as
in ay be provided by law, but parto: such
punishment shnllbe disqualification to ho.d
oflicefof a period not less than five years.
article a.
Section 1. The General Assembly shall
pro\ id* fur the maintenance and support ,
lot a thorough and efficient system ot pub- i
hie schools, whereiu all the children ot ,
this Commonwealth, above the age ol six |
vears, may be educated, and shall appro- ,
il uQtf million uolliri ••lii i
year tor that purpose. , . I
Sec 2- M 0 money raised for the sup
port of the public school* of the Oommon- |
! wealth shall be appropriated to or usi-d for |
| the support af any sectarian schoel. ■
| Sec. if Women twenty-one year* of age j,
I and upwards shall be eligible to any ot- t
dee of control or management under the ,
j school law* of this State ji
i Section J T ll freemen of this Com- ,
| monwealth shall bo armed, organi*ed and ,
disciplined for il* defence when and in j,
i such manner as may be directed by law
The Geueral Assembly shall provide for ,
maintaining the militia by appropriation j
from the Treasury of the Commonwealth,!,
and may exempt from military service.)
persons having concientious scruple* |,
•gainst bearing arm*.
public orrtcKiw.
Section 1. All officers whose sele-tion i
is not provided for this Constitution filial! i
be elected or appointed as may be directed .
by law. '
Sec.*— No member ot Congress from (
thi* State, nor any person holding or ex- i
ercising any office or appointment of trust •
or profit under the United States, shall S
at the sanio time hold or exercise any of- 1
See in this Slate to which a faU.-v, foes <*r -
perquisites shall be attached Hie Gen-
eral Assembly may by law declare what t
office* are incompatible.
Sec. 3 Any person who shall fight a i
duel or send a challenge for that pur
' pose, or be aider or abettor in fighting a i
(duel, shall he deprived of the right of \
holding any office of honor or profit in ( i
ibis Stale, and tay be otherwise punish- I
ed r* shall be prescribed by law.
.Section 1. No new county shall be ,
established which shall reduce any county |j
'to le* than four hundred -quate miles, or ,
to ie* than tweuty thousand inhabitants ; ,
nor shall any county be formed of !<•*
area, or containing ale** population, nor ,
shall any line thereof pas within ten |
miles of the county scat ot any county i
propoiißl to Jividtil- I
eorxTr ornoEß*.
Section!. County officer* shall consist ,
.of sheriffs, coroners, prothonotaries, reg- |
i isters of wills, recorders of deeds, com-j,
rnissioner*. treasurers, surveyors, auditor- j
io* controllers, clerks ef the courts, di*- ,
irict attorneys, and such others as may ,
I from time to time be established by law,!,
and no sheriff or treasurer shall beelegibk- j
for the term next succeeding the one for
which he may be elected. I
j Sec. 2. County officer* shall be elected ,
at the general elections, and shall hold],
j their office# for the term of three year*, ,
beginning on the first Monday of January j (
next after their election, and until their ,
'successors shall be duly qualified ; all vs- ,
cancie* not otherwise provided for shall |
be tiled in such manner as may be prori- }
jded by law.
I Sec 3. No person shall be appointed to ,
any office within any county who shall
j not have been a citixen and an inhabitant
'therein one year next before his appoint
I ment, if the county -hall have been so long ,
: erected, but if it shall not have been so erec
i ted, then within the bait* ofthe county or :
] counties out of which it shall have been
I Sec. 4. Prothonotaries, clerks of tin'
courts, recorders of deeds, regi-ters of
wills, county surveyors and sheriff's shall
i keep their offices, in the county towns of,
' the countv in which they respectively
' shall be officers.
j Sec. 6. The compensation of county
1 officers shall be regulated by law. anil
all county officers who aro or tuny be:
salaried shall pay all fee* which they may
be authorized to receive into the treasury
of the county or State, a may be directed
bylaw. In counties contain ing over one;
bundled and fifty thousand inhabitants all
county oflicar* shall be paid by salary,
•nd tha salary of *ny such officer and his
clerks, heretofore paid by fees, thall not
excaad the aggregate amount of fees earn
ed during hi* term and collected by or for
Sec. C. The General Assembly shall
provide by law fur theitricl accountability
of all county, township and borough ofTi-'
cers, a* well for the fet' which may be
collected by them, a- for all public or
municipal moneys wiiich may be paid by
Sec. 7. Three county commissioners
and three county auditors shall be elected
ia each county where such officer* are
chosen, in the year one thousand eight
hundred and seventy-five, and every third
year thereafter ; and in the election of said
officers each oualifiel elector shall vote
for no more than two persons, and the
three persons having the highest number
of votes shall he elected ; any casual va
cancy in the office of county commission
er or county auditor shall he filled by the
Court of Common Pleas of the county in
which such vacancy shall occur, by the
appointment of an elector of the proper
county who shall have voted for the com
missioner or auditor whoso place is to be
Sec. 1. Cities may bit chartered when*
ever a majority of the elector* of any town
or borough having a population of at least
ten thou*an<l shall vote at any general
election in favor of the nmc.
Sec. 2. No debt shall bo contracted or
liability incurred by any municipal com
mission, except in pursuance of an appro
priation previously mado therefor by the
municipal government
Sec. 3. livery city shall create a sink
ing fund, which shall he inviolably pledg
ed for the payment of its funded debt.
Sec 1. All existing charters, or grants
of special or exclusive privilege*, under
which bona fide organization shall not
have taken place and business been com
menced in good faith at the time of the
adoption of this Conslituti >n, shall there
after have no validity.
Sec, 2. The General Assembly shall not
rotnit the forfeiture of the charter of any
corporation now existing, or alter or
amend tbo same, or pas* any other gener
al or special law for the benefit, of such
corporation, except upon the condition
that such corporation shall thereafter hold
it* charter subject to the provisions of this
Sec 8. The exercise of the right of em
inent domain shall neyer btf abridged or
so construed gs'to jireyent t'|e General As
sembly rroni taking the property and
franchises of incorporated com pan les and
subjeoting them to public use, the same as
the property of individuals; and the excr
cise of tbo police power of the State shall
never be abridged or so construed as to
permit corporations to conduct their busi
ness in sucll* manner us to infringe tin
equal rights of individuals or the general
well being of the Statu.
Roc. 4. In nil election* for director- >r
manager- of a corporation each member or
shareholder may oal the whole number
of iii vote* i<t one candidate. or distribute
them upon two or candidates, n* he
may |>refer.
See, ft No leroign corporation lmll ilo
any btiino* In tht* Stale without having
one or wore knov tt places ofbuxines#, alio
att authorised agent or agent- in the saute
upon whom proceaa may be erv. >1
Sec. 0 No corporation ihall engage In
any busin.-* otlicr than oxprr.-l) autho
, rlacil in it* charter, nor shall it take or
hold any real otate except such a- ma>
t>e necessary anil proper tor its legitimate
. bu-itio**.
I Sec, 7. No corporation liU untie to k
or bond* except tor monev, labor done, or
money for properly actually received and
all fiilltiou- increase i f tock or indebted
lies* thall bo void ; the il.n'k and indebted
lies* of corporation* shall not be incroated
except in purtuance to general "or
without the content of the p#riu holding
the larger amount in valuo ol the stuck
fir I obtained at a meeting to bo held after
>ixty day*' notice given in pur.uunee to
See ?• Municipal and other rorpctalioin
and individual- invested with tlio trtv
lege of taking private property for public
use-hall make ju-l compensation lor prop
erly taken, injured or destroyed by the
e >n iructioi. r enlargement ot their ork
liighways or improvements, which com
peii-atiou shall be paid or secured he lyre
such taking, injury <-r destruction Ihe
Geueral As-eliiuly is herb> prohibited
froui depriving any person ol an dppeul
from any preliminary a-eineiit of dama
gt-s agniil-l any sucii corporntiens or iiuli
viduals, made by viewers > r other* isl
and the amount of such damages, in all
cases of appeal, shall, on demand ol l itlior
party, be determined by a jury according
to the course ol the common law,
Sgo. 9, Kvery banking law -ball provide
for the registry and countersigning, by all
officer of the State, of all n. te* Or lull- de
signed for circulation, and that ample se
curity to the full amount thereof shall be
deposited with the AitditorGciicral for the
redemption -if such notes or bill*
Sec. 10. The General Assembly shall
have the power to alter, revoke or atutui
any charter of incorporation now existing
and revocable at the adoption of tin* IW
stitution, or any that may hereattr be
created, whenever in their opinion it mav
be injurious to the citisens of this l .-m
--iiiuiiwealth, in such manner, however,
that no injustice shall be 4oM t" IM J or
j-oratorA No law hereafter enacted -hall
create, renew or extend the charter ot
tpore than one corporation.
ijec. 11. No corporate tody to p 1 '*'-" 4 ;
banking and discounting privileges shall |
beer ated or organued in pursuance oi
anv law without three mouths' previous
public notice at the place of the intended
location, ot the intention to apply for such 1
privileges, in sucli manner as shall be pre
scribed by law. nor shall a charter tor
such privilege be granted for a longer pe
riod than twenty years.
Sec 12 Any association organised lor
i the purpo**, or auy luaividual, sbH have ,
the right to construct and maintain line.-
(f telegraph within llits State, and toe u- '
| nect the same with other lines , and the
j General Assembly shall, by general i*w
iot uniform operation, provide reasonablo
' regulations to give effect to this #•> lion :
No telegraph company shall consolidate
with or hold a cotittolftug interest in the]
slock or bonds of any other telegraph
'company owning a competing line, or a. -
.jutru. by purchbse or other witn, any ulhci
competiug 'mo of telegraph.
Sec. 13. The term ' corporations, ' as
used in this article, shall be construed to
include all joint stock ompanie* or a-o
--cialions having any ol the power* or priv i-1
iege- of corporation* not posse-•> Iby In
dividuals or partnership*.
HallßOAp* A HP
Sec. 1. All railroads and calm's shall be
public highways, and all railroad and ca- ,
ual companies snail bo common carrier-
Any assiwiatioti or corj>oralic>n organized
tor the purpose shall have the right to j
construct and operate a railroad between
any points within thi- -tate and to connect |
at the State line with railroads of other
States. Every rat/road company sbaf. .
have the right with iu road to inter-i-,:
connect witn, or uruss any other raiiroaJ
and sbaU receive and transport each the I
others' passengers, tonnage and car*, foa- I
ded or empty, without delay or discrimi
Sic i Evcry rai/road and i-ani/ cor|*o- i j
ration organised in this Mate *tia// main- „
Lain an i>fiic therein, where transfer* of
it* tiK k *ha// be made, and where it*
hook* sha// be k'lt f>r map :ti>n hy any t
• loi-kho/der or creditor of *uch Corpora- j
lion, in which ha// be recorded the
amount of capita/ stock uibacritnl or paid , J
in, and hy whom, the name* of the owner* ; I
of it* ►lock and the amount* owned by > ,
them, respective/.?, the Iran*/. r of said ,
(lock, and the name* and p/ace# of r*i- '
dcnce of it* officer*. | a
Sec. 3. A// individual*. associations and - j
corporation* ha// have~;ua/ right* to hare '
person* and property I ran* ported over
rai/roadt and cana/*, and no undue or un- < i
reasonable discrimination tha//be made in ! t
charge* for or in faci/itie* for transport*- j
lion t>f freight or pacngcr* within the i (
State, or coming from or going to an,) i
other State Person* and property Iran*- |
ported over any railroad shall be deliver | ,
ed at any ttation at charge* not exceeding
the charge* for transportation of peron j |
and property of the *ame clan* in the same
direction to any more di*tanl talion ; but ;
excursion and commutation ticket* may j .
be i**ued at *pecia/ rate*. | I
Sec. -I. No rai/road. cana/, or other cor* ' i
poralicn, nor the /e.*ee*. purcha-r, or ' j
manager* of any rai/road or cana/ curt>-1
ration, ha// eonso/idate livestock, proper- *
ty, or franchiie* ofiuch corporation with, I i
or / ca*e or purchaie the work* or fraiicbi-1 '
re* of, or in any way contr**/ any other j .
rai/road or cana/ corporation owning or '
havigg under it* contro/ a para//*/ or coiti
peting line, nor tha// any officer of uch j
rai/road or cana/ corporation act a* an offi
cer of any other rai/road or cana I corpo- J
ration owning or having control of a pa- i
r**//••/ or competing /ine, and the question |
whether rai/road* or cana/* are para //e/ or
competing Zinc* shit//, when demanded by
, the party comp/ainant, be decided by a.
; jury a* in other civi/ i*ue*. .
Sec. 6. No incorporated company doing '
the butinc** of a c xnmon carrier *ha//, di
racl/y or indireet/y, prosecute or e:ig*gc *
in mining or manufacturing artic/e* for j
transportation ovor it* work*, nor *ha//
|uch company, diroet/y or indirect/y, en 1
gage in any other business than that of
common carrier*, or ho/d or acquire /and*. |
freeho/d er /encho/d, dirrct/y or indiiect
/y, except *uch a* ha// be ncceary for
carrying on it* business ; hut any mining
or manufacturing company may carry '.he
I product* of iu mine* and manufactories
on it* rai/road or cana/ not exceeding fifty 1
ini/e* in length.
Se<- 0. No president, director, officer, ,
agent, or omp/oyoe of any rai/ioad or ca
na/ company, sha// be interested, direct/y
or indirect/v, in the furnishing f materi
a/ or *upp/ie to such company, or in the
busine** of transportation a* a common
carrier of freight or passenger* over the
work* Owned, /eased, contro//cd, or work
ed by such company.
Sec. 7. No discrimination in charge or
faci/itios for transportation *ha// be made
between transportation companies and in
dividuals, or in favor of cither, by abate
ment, drawback, |>r otherwise, and no
railroad or canal company, nor anv leee,
manager or employe thereof, shall make
any preference in furnishing car* or mo
tive power.
Sec. & No railroad, railway, or other
transportation company shall grant free
pas*e*, or passe* at a discount to any per
son except officer* or employe* of the com
Sec. 9. No street passenger railway shall
be constructed within the limit* of any ci
ty, borough, or township, without the con
sent of it* local authorities.
Sec. 10. No railroad, cunal or other
' transportation company in existence at the
time of the adoption of this article, shall
liavo the benefit of any future legislation
by general or special law*, except on con
diliun of complete acceptance of all the
provisions of this articlo.
Hoe. 11. The existing powers and dutiu*
i of the Auditor-General In regard to rail
! roads, canals, and other transportation
I companies, except as to their account*, are
hereby transferred to the secretary of in
' tenia! affair*, who shall have a general su
pervision over them, Ruhjert to such reg
- illations and alteration* a* klinll be provi
t ded by law ; and in addition to the annual
reports now required to be made, said sec
• retary may require special report* at any
- time upon any subject relating to the hu
sine*i of said companies from any officer
ot officer* thereof.
Hec. 12 TheGenoral Assembly shall en
, force by appropriate legislation the provi
r sions of this article,
i* Section I Any amendment or amend -
• merit* to litis Constitution may be pro
posed in the Senate or House of Reprcsen
t uitivcs, and if the sumo shall be agreed In
p by a majority of the mem hers elected to
r each House, such proposed amendment or
- amendment* shall be entered on their
li journals, with the yea* and iihv* taken
i thereon and the Secretary of the Common- j
J wealth shall cause the same to be publish
• ed three months before the noxt general
election in at least two noyjupaper* in eve
- ry county in which such newspaper* -hall
r be published ; and.if, in the General As
• sembly next aflerwiirds chosen, such pro
d posed amendment or amendment* shall
<1 be ngreud to by a majority of the incm
is bar* elected to each Hnu*e, the secretary
r of the Commonwealth shall cause the
II same again to be puhli-hed in the manner
o aforesaid, and such proposed amendment
i- or amendment* shall be submitted to the
qualified elector* of the State in tu< It a
manner, and at such time, at least three
month* after being go agreed to by tho two
lioiiitii. tt tlii l lien ml A*wtlilily shal
prescribe. and if su • amendment •
!*iuin4nitnU thull lm npprovid by a nm
Joriiv of those voting thereon, >utli amend
itmni or amendments ►hull become a par
of the Constitution: tmt no ainandmen
or amei .intents ahull hi lubfllitliil oftenei
I tlmu once in live years; when two >•
mor amendments •linll bo submitted the}
i ktmt l In- voted upon separately.
j Thiit iio tin oiivi-uuiuhj tuny nrtsa frou
tlin titangr* in ilio eotislilutiou l
tin- (%iiinniiiiw'.iltli, mill in niili-i' Ic
lurry lit# stuite into fntnplelo oprrrt
t kiii, ii i hereby 100 Intel that,
Sivli.m I. Tliin constitution shall
: inkt . iti < 1 on ibf llrsi day t January
'in tin-11 hi one thousand < hundred
J and M'Vinty four, lor nil |>uriK>t**
not othviwioc provided for there
Sei- '2 All la ■** in foltfg ill tins
Common wealth at the time of the
adoption of thin constitution not in
consistent therewith, and all light*,
actions, prosecutions, and contract',
ih 1111 continue a* if this constitution
hail not been adopted.
Sec. a. At the general election in
the yearn one thonsaiul tight hutjdrcd
and seventy-four and one thousand
eight hundred Itnd seveuty live "Seua
tors shall he elected in all districts
where iheresliall be vacancies. Those
clecltd in the year one thousand eight
I hundred and seventy live shall serve
! ibr on i year, and those elected in the
vear one thousand eight hundred and
1 seventy live shall serve for one year.
I Senators now elected, and those whore
terms are unexpired shall represent
the districts 111 which they reside until
the end of their terms for which they
were elected.
fetec. 4 At the getters 1 election in
the year one thousand eight hundred
and seventy six Senators shall be
elected from the even numbered
districts to serve for two years, and
from odd numbered districts serve for
four years.
See b The lin>l election of Uover
tior under litis constitution shall be
at the geiu ra! election in the year one
thousand eight hundred and seventy
five, when a Governor shall be elected
for three years ; and the term of the
Governor elected iu the year unci
thousand eitrht hundred and £Veuty-j
eight and of those thereafter elected
shall he for four yean, according to
the provisions of this constitution.
Sec. 0 At the general election in
the year one thousand ight hundred
and scveuty four a Lieutenant Gov
ernor shall be elected according to
the provisions of this constitution.
Sec. 7- The H'eielry of luterual
Affairs shall be elected at the first
general election after the adoption
of mis constitution and when the said
officer shall be duly elected and
uualitud. the office of Surveyor
General shall be abolished, and the
Surveyor General iu osce at tho
litno of the adoptiou of this constitu
tion shall continue in office until the
expiration of the term for which he
was elected.
Sec. 8. When the Superintendent of
public Instruction shall be duly
t|uahficd, the office of Superintendent
of Common Schools s! ail cease
Sec. 'J. aiothiug contained . iu this
OOOttiluti <n shall be construed to
rcuder any person now h ddhrg any
State office for a first official term
ineligible for reelection at the cud of
such term.
Sc. Ift. The judge s of the Supreme
Court iu office when this constitution
•hall luke effect shall continue until
their commissions severally expire.
Two judges iu additiou to the number
now composing the said court shall
be elected at the first geueral election
after the adoptiou of this constitu
Sec. 11. All courts of record and
all existiug courts which are not
specified in this constitution shall
continue in existence until the first
day of December, in the year one
thousand eight hundred and seveuty
five, without abridgment of their
present jurisdiction, out no longer.
The Court of First Crimiual Juris
diction for the counties of Schuylkill
I-ebanon aud Dauphin is hereby
abolished aud all causes aud procecJ
ings pending therein 111 the county
of Schuylkill shall be tried and tlis
posed of in the Courts of Oyer uu-l
Terminer and (2 uar ' cr Sessions of
lVace of said county.
Sec. IJ. The registers courts now
iu existence shall tie abolished on
the fir.-t day of January next succeed
ing the adoption of this constitu
Sec. 13. The General Assembly
shall at the next tension afterjtlte
adoption of his constitution designate
the several judicial districts as rcquir
led bv this constitution The judges
in commission when such designation
shall be made shall continue during
their unexpired terms judges of the
new districts in which thsy reside.
Hut when there shall be two judges
residing in the same districts, the
president judge shall elect to which
distrsct ha shall be assigned; 1111* the
additional law judge shall be assign
ed to the other district.
Sec. 14. The General Assembly
shall ut the next succeeding session
after each decennial census and not
oftener, designate the several judicial
districts as required by this constitu
Sec. IS. Judge* /earned in the/aw
of any court of record hu/ding
commission* in force nt the adoption
of tHi? constitution pita// ho/d their
respective offices unti/ the expiration
of the terms for which they were
commissioned, and until their aueeen.s
ors alial/ he duly <jua/ittcd. The
Governor she// commission the pres
ident judge of the Court of First
Criminal Jurisdiction for the counties
of Schuy/ki//, Lebanon and Dauphin
as a judge of the Court of Common
I'/eus of Schuylki/i county for the
unexpired term of his office.
Sec. 16. After tlie expiration of the
term of any president judge of any Court
of Common l'leat in commission t the
adoption of this Constitution, the judge of
•uch court learned in tlie law anu olJet
in commission shall be the president judge
thereof, and when two more judges are
elected as the same time in any judicial
district they shall decide by lot which
shall be president judg<; hut when the
president judge of a court sballbe re-elec
ted he shall continue to be president judge
of that court. Associate judges, not
learned in the law, elected lifter the adop
tion of this Constitution, shall be commis
sioned to hold their offices for the term
of five years from the first day of January
next nil -r their election.
Sec. 17. The (Jeneral Assembly at the
first session after the adoption of this Cons
stilution shall fix and determine the com
pensation of the judges of tho Supieme
Court and of the judge* of the several ju
dicial districts ot the Commonwealth, and
the provisions of the fifteenth section ot
tho article on Legislation shall not be
deem d inconsistent herewith. Nothing
contained in this Constitution shall be
held to reduce the compensation now paid
to any law judge of this Commonwealth
now in commission.
!Si-c. IH. Tlie Courts of Common i'lsni
in tlie counties of Pliiludclpltui and
Allegheny shall be composed of thy presi
dent judges of the Itistriut Court and
Court of Common l'leiis of said counties
until their offices shall severally end, and
of such other judges its may from time to
time be selected.
For the pnrposo of first organization in
Philadelphia tho judges of tho Court
number one shall Im* Judges Allison,
Pierre and Pit ttou ; of the court,
two, iJuilgt't, Hare, Mitchell, and one
other judge to be elected ; of the Court
number three. Judges Luulowr, Finletter
and Lynd ; and of tho Couit number lour,
| Judged Thayer, Hriggs, and one other
I judge to bo oloctod.
I The Judge ft rt mimed shall ho thapresl
r (lent Judge f said Courts respectively.
. nml thereafter the president Judge shall
ho the ih judge olflest in commission , but
any president judge re-elected In the
•nine court or district shell ctiiilinue to
he president judge thereof.
Iho additioiiHljudgei for CaurU num
ber* two mid four shall he voted for and
elected nl the It ret aeiierßl election after
'ho adopt ion of this Constitution In the
xsiiie manner t the two additional judge*
■•f the Supremo Court, and they shall de
••ide hv lot to which court they shall be
long. Their term of (dilce shall rem
mciit-e 011 the first Monday of January,
]in the year one thousand eight hundred
and seventy life.
See 111. In the county of Allegheny,
lor tho purpose of first organisation uuder
this Constitution, the juJgcs of the Court
of Common I'leas at the time of the adop
tion ofthls Constitution shaft be the judg
es of the Court number one, and the Judg
es of the District Court at the same date
shall be the judges of the Common Picas
number two
Tho President Judges ef the Common
I'loas aud District Courts shall bo Presi
dent Judges of said Courts number one
and two respectively until their office
hall end, and thereafter the judge oldest
hi com mission shall be President Judge;
hut any President J udjjo re-elected in the
uuie court or district shall continue to be
President Judge thereof.
Bi-c 20. The organisation of the Courts
><f Common Pleas, uuder this Constitution.
' for the counties of Philadelphia and Atle
giisuy, shall lake effect on tho first Mon
de > of January, oiiu thousand eight bun
, d red :md 4#*only-five, end existing courts
1 in said counties shall continue with their
present powers and jurisdiction until date;
hut no new suits shall be instituted in the
I'ourts of Nisi Prius after the adoption of
this Constitution.
Sec 21. The causes and proceeding*
pending in the Court of Nii Ihriu#. Court
! Common Picas and District Court in
Pluliwlelphia shall be tried and disposed of
in the Court of Common Pleas. The re< •
cords and dockets of said courts shall be
transferred to the Prolhonotario's office of
said county
Met-. 22 The cause* and proceedings
pending in tho Court of Cojnuioh P!ea
in the county of Alleghany shall be tried
and disposed of in the court number on g ;
and the causes and proceedings pending
in the District Court shall be tried and dis-
P >ed ot it. the court number two.
>ce 23. The Prothonoiary of the Court
of Common Pleas of Philadelphia shall be
first appointed by thejudge* of said court
on tho first Munday ot Dei sip her, in' the
year one llioOsand eight hundred aud sev
enty-five ; gnd the present Prothououry
of the District Court in said county thai!
be the Prothonotory ef the said Court of
Coiuinou Please until said dale, when bis
commission shall expire, nod the present
Clerk of the Court of Over aud Terminer
and Quarter setsions of the Pftsce iu Diitl
delphia shell be the clerk of such tfourt
ur.tij the CepMapon of bi present com
tiii-donun the first Monday of December
in tho year one thousapd eight hundred
ami seventy-live.
Sec. 21 In cities cenUiuing over fifty
thou-snd inhabitants (except Philadelph
ia ) all aldrrmen in office at the time c( tho
adoption of ibis Constitution shall contin
ue in office until the expiration of their
commissions, and at the election for city
and ward uffioer* in tbp yegr eue thousand
eight hundred Snd seventy-five, 0110 aldor
tiiXn shall ho elecUd in each ward, as pro
vided in this Constitution.
80c. 2.V In Philadelphia magistrates in
lieu of aldertnen, shall be chosen as re
quired 111 this constitution at the election
in said city for city and ward officers in
the year one thousand eight hundred and
seveuty-five; Uit-ir term ef office shall 1
commence on the first Monday of April j
sue. coding their tlevliun.
Ihe teruu of office of alderman in said
city, holding or entitled te coin missions at
the time of It.e adoption ot this ConsUtu
lugi shall not bv affected thereby,
S.-c 'J6. Ail |>erons ut this Common
wealth at the bine of the adoption of this
constitution and at the first election under
it shall hold their respective offices until
tho term for which they have been elected
er appointed shsll expire, and until their
uccvxPr* shall bo July qualified, unices
otherwise provided in this constitution
• s *c. 27 Tho seventh article of this ten
stltuUon, proscribing an oath of office, 1
shall lake effect on and after the first day
of January, one thousand eight hundred
and seventy five.
?eo. 2K The terms of of!L oi county
commissioners ami county audi erg chosen
pru r tu the year one thousan.i cig ,t hun
dred and icventv five, which suall not
have expired before the first Monday of:
January, in the year one thousand eight .
hundred and seventy six, shall expire on
that day.
Sec "-".I All State. county, city, ward,
borough and township officers in ofiTice at
the time of the adoption of this constitution
w bos* componaatit-n it col provided for
by salaries alone, shall continue to receive
|M 1 umpensatu-n allowed them by law
until the expiration of their re*|iective
terms ot office
Sec 30. All state and judicial officers
heretofore elected, sworn, affirmed, or in
offii e w km this constitution shall lake ef
fect, shall severally. within one month af
ter such adaption, take and subscribe an
Mta ar afTirmatioii, to support this con
Sec H! The General Assembly, at iu
Cr-t sossion. or as soon as may be after the
adoption of ibis constitution, shall pass
such laws as msy be necessary to carry
the same into full force and effect
See, .12 The ordinance passed by this
convention, entitled "An ordinance lor
submitting the amended constitution of
i'ennsylvanis to a vote of the electors
thereof," shall be held to bo valid for all
purposes flu-roof.
See. ;U The words "County Commis
sioner-" wheroevcr used in lh{s constitu
tion, and in any ordinance accompanying
the same, shall be held to include the
Commissioners for tho city of l'bilhdel
A-busied at Philadelphia, on the third
day of Sovemhcr, in the year of our L.rd
one thousand eight hundred and seventy
Office ef )
Secretory ef the Commonwealth.
Harrubnrg. Nov. 13. IN?3| )
I certify that tho foregoing is a correct
copy of the new Constitution, proposed to
the people of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, for their approval or rejection,
as the same appears of record in this office.
Secretary of Commonwealth.
TvrtoN or rtxxsYLvtxu to a vote or
TIIE uual.triEt> EI. El TOES Til KRRuF,
lit if or.lainrj by thr Chssfifufiusif Oia
resfms of f A* flimwosiraiHt of /Vss
sylrnatra, at /ollwi :
1. That tho amended Constitution
l-repared by this Convention, he submit
ted to the qualified electors of the Com
monwealth for their adoption or rejection.
t an election to he held on the third
1 Tuesday of December next; except as
tn-ri-innfter ordered and directed, the said
lelection shall be held and conducted by
:hu regular electien officers in the several
. lection districl-shrouyhout the Common*
-vi-alth, under nil tho regulations and pro
visions of existing laws relating to general
.-lections; and the sheriffs of the several
counties shall givo at least twenty days
j notice of said election by proclamation:
2. Tho .Secretary of the Commonwealth
shall, at least twenty days before the said
.-lection, furnish to the Commissioners of
■ each county a sufficient number of prop
erly prepared eirculnrs of instructions
The ( ornmissionert of tho several counties
■ hull cause to ho printed nt least three
lima* as many ballots of offirmativo vo
ters as there are voters in each county—
and the same number of negative votes;
and the said Commissioners shall, at least
five days before said election, cause tube
fairly distributed to tho several elections
districts in their respective counties, the
said ballots, tally-lists, returns, circu
lars ol instructions, and such other books
and papers as may be necessary. The
tin 1 lot shall be printed or written in the
following form: On the outside the
words "New Constitution;" in the in
j-ide for all persons giving affirmative
iVOtM lit words "Tor the Now Con
l-titution," and for all persons giving neg
■itivc votes the words "Against the New
3 If it hll ap|wr that a majority of Uftf vol**
Io11hI am for 1b ni> tkiMlitaUon then It aliall ba the
i Otiat It utioV) of tho rututuon wealth <J (Vuitaj Ivanla on
and alter hp lira! •!> ••( JnMR, in ■§ year of our
our thousand viglil hundred and Mtrah foar .
toil If M ahall appear that majority of tha vr*a* Btollad
; wrr* agaluat tha new 'onatltutiou. than It ahalTba rv
| ) ctcd and ha null and void.
4 r ira t'ommlaal.mara of Klactlon. tu , lMmii 11.
I Pillar, Kdward llmwntng. John I* Verrea, Itenry 1..
1 Hagcit and John O. .Uram, ara harahy appointed by
| Hit* i'ontont ion, who aball have d tract ion of the alec
tltoi uiHn thla amended ( .institution In tha city of
' Philadelphia Tha maid t 'nnituiaaioncr* aliall ba duly
• w..rn or altirtnad to perform itialr dutiea with tin par
; Ualtty and Hd<4ity They hall rUi hava power to till
{ vacancies In thalr own nnmhar It hU*II be tha duty of
*aid •, oinmiaaioncra, or a maturity of I ham. and thay
' ahall hate authority t make a regtatiati>ti of volar*
! for tin* aavaraleduction dtv||on of a*Jd city, and to
I fui i) lab tbo I lata eo ntada to tha election otftcera of
prec Inct orfitiv lainn ; to diatrihuto th ticket* for
laatdcity pvoddid !• bat Ilia OMMMIJo la uaod at
the election ;U aip->int |a judge ami two Inspector*
for ano|i election division. tnr whom tha election therein
, aliall !• bald and oonducted. and to give all nacoaaary
iult actions to tho election officer* regarding thalr
! dutlaa In holding theekwlUu\ and In waking raturna
thereof. No IMHMMt akuMl eecae aa an olaction officer
who would Ue disqualified under aeotlon 1&. article*, of
the now Cunatttutton. Tliagnneral return of the olec
ttt<ii in the aatd city ahall be |n|*iied. computed and
oorttnod before Uia aaid ootumiaioitcr*. and with thalr
approval which approval ahall ba fimloreedSupon tha
raturu. They ahall maka report, directed to tha Prei
dent of thta lon vent ion, of their official action undar I
t In* o rtllnance and concerning tha conduct of tha aaid
election within the aaid city.
Tha Judge* and Inapectora aforesaid ahall conduct
tha election In all nmtecta conformably to tha
election laws of tlita I'uimtiunwealth, and with like
. lKtwura and dutlaa to thoae of ordinary election olWcara.
fcach Itiapoctor ahall appotut one cleik to aaaiat tha
lioinl In the performance of ita dutlaa. and all tha
. election ottloera ahall ba duly aworn or ailirmcd accord
lug to taw, and ahall poaaeaa all tho qualifications re
, |utrod by llaw of election officer* of thla i'onmou*
wealth* At aaid ai.y ,ua liked #1 tutor who
• hull be oiircflaterod, ahall be pel milled to vote Upon
miking proof ofbia tight* Wthf fiUeUon uAourt, M*
•online WUw MMMI *Uollo la** of Ujto Comm.*
..|tb. Minhemtiw •" iWr etk. tal *i
bowl, NU*>l Uw "*m fktilW# dMooMod "Üb. bo
of .l#cllon MM MtMUdfOT *a, l*Jl>IO
t Hid I'MM OJMMMM ,wI*m datiM tod •
• (In ow m Una# of OMMOOM of •[*<•< {"
la ..i<l t lljr uod ailatlng .pblloobl.
liwrot* lUtonw .1 Uw *!•• U< •>•' h* ""do •* •o" 1
.11, OUUHWIU .UelWo for
lUrrl.Oui g , M U Ur#i4>Uf !• W #•*••
''ilmmli of Uw UoaaU** of Uw >#—
ffItSwACS.'S tt?
or, l.ul Uw roloro lo.tao* lo roool/ .boll ok 00l
• Irtplwol. oooolt MMWW mod IraOMall Uw *ow, with
in l fui ittor 110 oMlwi. 4lmM to Uw nw
doof of liu. I'mnoUtb <UJMT**oro
Ifcaw lo I ..0.08U..8 il.l. IWI .I*, of Norojrtwf, in
Uw ,onr of u<r Lord, oo Uuwuf l*tl |bundod nod
*"• JOHXH iUtl.hwM.
I U IMBEl.Sqiork.
A Inw out* i f ..rdlnonoo of y
Mac rotor, of Uw UwaawbwmMh.
The Chamoion of the World.
The new Improved American Button*
Hole Overtraining ami Complete
Sewing J/achine—The great
eat machine of the Age !
Simplcity, Durability A Cheap
neaa Combined,
guaranteed. All order* promptly attend,
ud to. A. L IIARTGKS,
Agent for Centre C>unly
M Aiuaoaauau. I'A.
JOHN NORMA. rrrxa NOR ran
Banking Co.
And AU°* luteteat.
bitcount Note
Buy and Ball
Government Securities, Gold and
Parca Ilorrica, WM. B. Mixuuf,
Wood ring & Co.,
At the Qtoeaiy fHore on Allegheny
Street, nellafuntu, Pa., opposite Haffer
tiro'e Inform the public generally, that
they have now and keep at all timet one
of the bast and Urgent elocks of Grocer i*M,
each at
Ac., Ae,, Ac ,
contielitig of canned peacbet, < hemet.
Won, plumt, green corn, dried apple*.
pWt h<-t, cberrie. Ac,
In brief thy have everything u.ually
kept In a first clatt Grocery Store. Call in i
ladiea and gonilemen. Our price* are
deatonable. >V o aim to pleat*. octbtt t
at the
NO. a. iti sirs AKI ADI:.
Prices than at any Other Shoe
Store in Centre County.
Call and See Us! •
No. 5, Buah'a Arcade, Bellefonte.
July mr.
PROCLAMATION.* Hon Chert** A. Mow of
lb* coon of < inooi rioiw. le Uw SUA J odurwl IH
inn. owwWUno of Uw coaaUo* of l oom tTtotao ood
riooMcld. ood Uw Hwcnlit W W Lm ud lb*
Hoooroblo Hoot, lM>f. AwocUW JUfo. la Oootf*
MUt,. toiUie mood I belt jwocpl Marina dot. lb.
<U da, of J. 00.17. AO. I*?*. U w. dlrorlod for hold,
to. t ooort of Dm tad T.rmlnw nd I.nml J .11 Do
llion .od goortoi tawu at Uw hw lo HlWuoW.
foe Uw cooow of I'ootr*. ood to conuoooc* 00 lb. lib
U M.1.7 of lfn Mil Mw lb. Mlb *M of Roc IRS.
.od la eooUoaa 100 oook.
Motto* t. borob, (IMB la Uw Oarooar. JooUca. of Uw
rwx. AH .row* oad i'.Mtobln of Uw oil ooaot, of
Canlr*. tbol Uw, b* IbM .od UWM I* that, prop.l
HMM .1 1* " Ml I* Uw forooooo Of Mid do,, *4UI
Uwtr ramdt kouolUltaiu. .uoluun*. .od tbolr own
I I.IBWWW i.i do Ukw thloc. oblob la Ibalr <dkt
Mlwrlaln. la b. AIM. uf Uwa* obo in boood I* m
coaoltooco. la poomto MWoM lb* pnwo ■ n tbol r
ot oboU UlilU JoU of COBIm coo oil. ba Uwa ood
UWM la praooMl* sealant lbo a. Uwll be Jon
UIMO oador mj hood tl Ballofoot.. tb* tb do, of
Jon la tb. roar of oar lard in, and la lb* oloot,-
Toarth ,*or of Uw I
Would moil rotpectfully inform the cit
sen* of this vicinity, that he hat tUrteil a
new Rihjl and Shoe Shop, and would he
thankful for a thare of the public natroa
agc. Root* and Shoet mad* to order and
according to ttyle, and warrant* hit work ,
ilo equal any made cltcwhere. All kindt ,
of repairing done, and charge* roaeonable.
Give him a call. feh H ly|
Dentist, Mlllheim.
Offer* hit profettional tervice* to the
public. He ii prepared to perform all
operations in the denial profeation.
yrllc it now fully prepared to citract
Uetk aWtfr'y trifAvuf jwia myS-?.4-tf.
York. I*.
60*l'aUlogut Mailed to Applicant*"®®
Refer (Ay prrmUtion) to
Hon. J. S. Black, Washington. I>. C.,
We leer. Son A Carl, ilankcr*, York, Pa.
jun# b-tini
Allegtiency Street, Bellefonte, Pa
D. JOHNSON A SONS, Proprietor*.
The proprietor* offer to the traveling
public, anil lo their country fiiendt, flrtt
clatt accommodation* and careful atten
tion to the want* of guette at all timet, at
fair rate*. Careful bottler* and good stable
ling for hornet. An excellent table well
: served. A liar supplied with tine liquor*.
Servant* well trained and everything re
I quLile in a tirnt das. Hotel. Our location
1 i in the bu*i nets part of the town, near the
J Pont Office, the Court House, the Chur
' chen, the Bank*, and the p incipal place*
| of buninea*. render* it the most eligible
r place for those w Hvllefoete on bu.i
--• or pleasure.
f Ail Omnibus will carry passenger,
t and baggage tu and from all train*
' free of charge.
< Excelsior Cement
2tklec tf Aaron*Durg, P*. !
: qUktS. H. Held,
* o tClock, Walohumker A- Jeweler
Millheim. Centre Co.. Pa.
! Wli.ta (7heat $1 sft. Red I*V... Rye
166 Com AO ....Out
| 70 010 7er#eed A,A" PotltMi 60.
> l.nrd |>r iun<l h Porkper pound DO
Mutter "in Kggt'JU. . . .Platter perln
■IS Tallow (t Bacon 10. limn 16
Correc ted .by John M'Dotil, Grain
White wilful 1,JK>.... R l wheat I 26....Kye
OA Corn 46 —Oat* HO Barley VO
Cloveraecd 4,00 Timothy teed, <160.,......
Halt SOO per ark ...
Bicon 7o Hair- to Butter 23 Eggt
•JO Platter 0 60
!0 One of the brat Hlackamith SUnd*
lin tho country i offered for rent by the
! undersigned. The ■hup b I oca tad in Med
itonhurg, ha. two tire*, and ifdetired. the
i Tool* rati alto bo leated with the thop.
Every thing it in the bl order for the
kutinatt, end the ttand it alwaytftill ol
! Work. l'oteoMion ran he bed at eny lime,
i Apply to
Thi* stand it alto offered lor tele, with
[dwelling boute end lot.
fcnur. '2m. J4t!lltonktirg, Pa.
„f l'uttrr lownthip ere hereby notified,
'agreeably to law, Ihet on all School Tea
tmid over to the undertigucd on or before
Si ore tuber 26lh,netl, there will be e do
duet ion of A per cent; and un ail paid
within one month after uiJ dale the full
auui will he claimed, aftor which all auch
Tama rcunaining unpaid, will be placed
in the hand* or a Collector with an addi
tion of A per centum.
4auß2m Treat urer.
offert hit tervicet to the citiaent of Mittin
* jowtre and adjoining countiet, in
■fount*. ttlgit and Oriiititiruitlui
■'Hinting. ,
Oak. Walnut, Maple, Ah,
Mabogouy. Ac,
Plain and Ptucr Paperhanging. Or
der. retpoctftilly (elicited.
All fine work done for other pa in ten.
6 nor, tf
Fall Opening of
■fount*!*, Trimming*. Milline
ry, ui
in Centre Hall,
who hat ju-t returned from Philadel
phia, with the LATEST FASHIONS,
and a complete clock of New Bonnet*.
New llat*, elegant Trimming*. Ac., which
will he cold or made up, at reaaonabia
price*. Alto, old ladle. Ilrecc Cap*.
The new rtylec are very prettj. Ladle*
call and tea ihern early, rirtt come, firct
lertcd, ociSO It
Miller & Son,
Ac., Ac., Ac.
for 'medicinal purpoeet.
Truaac* 6: Supporter* in great variety.
Alto, choice
and ail other article* utuaily kept hi e
firct dast Drug Store.
Prescription* carefully Compounded.
Salt per Barrel—
.Salt per Sack —— 2 26
Bet Rio Coffee per A *>
White Sugar per lb....—■■■ IS
Men* Slog* Boot*.— —B 76
Moo*e Bool# per pair— ———. !60
: Horte Blanket* per piece 1 76
J Men". Shirt*, a piece I 00
j Army Pantaloon*—
Bt t double thick tobacco— —. 86
1 Bet Navy Tobacco—.
We are War.amaker* A Brown #
and will furctth cuttomert with any kind
!of clothing vou want at Philadelphia
price*, and wifl .how you large templet to
cbooee from.
We are thar pleat' agent* of Philadol
phi* and will furniah cuttomert with any
kind of drea* good*, thawlt, Ac., at city
Large *1 atock 6f Merchandiae evor
brought to thiatown. Cellar, Rocm and
lup Stairt all full. Call and ee for your
mltm and tare from 29 U> 80 per cent,
j The highoat Market price paid tor but
ler. egg*, grain, Ac.
I Fifty different kind* of men'* glove*.
New Cluth i ng Store
engaged to manage for I. L Reiaen* in,
in the corner building, oppotite Holier'*
.tore. Bellefonte, ha* ctUhlithcd a new
Clothing Store where tha bc*l bargain* in
the county are offered.
$7.50 to sis for Suits of the fln
est Cassimere.
and a full and complete anortment of ev
ery thing in tha lino of Clothing.
Gent'* Fnriiiwhliig C.ooilh
all directly from thair own manuCactory.
Jewelry, Ralcltca, Ac.
They have engage,! their old clerk, Mr
A. Sternberg, to well known to the people,
and who will bo pleated to tee nia old
friend*. t , apstf.
Piece good, of every di-cription, sold
lowto enable everybody to have hi* cloth
in gmado to order.
Ilanlware Store.
A new, complete Hardware Store
been opened by the undersigned in Cen
tre Hall, whore ho is prepared to sell all
kinds of Building unu House v urnishing
Hardware, Nails, Ac.
Circular anil Hand Saws, Tcnpon Saws,
Webb Saws, Clothes Racks, a full assort
ment of Glass and Mirror Plate Picture
Frame*, Spokes, Felloes, and
Cutlery, Shovels, Spade* and Forks,
Lock*, Hinges, Screw*, Sash Springs.
Horse-Shoes, Nails, Norway Rods, Oils,
Tea Bells, Carpenter Tools, l'aint, Varn
Pictures framed in the finest stylo
Anything not on hand, ordered- upon
shortest notice.
AUo a full stock of FI'RNITURE al
ways on hani.
*r-R. member, all ood* offered cheap
er than elsewhere
aug'io' 73-tf
H 1 Oi'SK & LOT FOfISALE.— A two
storv dwelling house and good lot,
|in one of the most desirable portions of
| Atiroqsburg, is offorod at private sale,
i Witbjt are all necessary outbuildings such
as kitchen, woodshed, smokehouse, a shop
stable, cistern, Ac. Choice fruit of all
, kinds on the premises. Apidy!to
oct2U tf Aaroasburg.
Ho! Attention!
by pure hating Chant) goods nt
who hat j u*t unpacked a Urge and tpla
did stock,
which hn haa determined to tell Ttn
cheap, consisting of
Print* Muelin*. Opara Canton*, and Wolt
Flannel*. Ladie* l)ru Goods, tueh a*
I'flaiHk, Ajpaoaa, Poplins, Empress Chun,
Sateen*. Tawaiae. together with a lull ,
•MM or everything usually kept in the
Dry Good* line.
Afull stock, consisting part of Lsdis and
Children'* Merino How. Collar*, Kid
glove*, W quality *llk and Lisle thread
trio yes, Hood*. Nubia*, Break fait shawl*,
A full a*:*orl*oitt of
Men'* Bov and Children'*
of the latest rtyle and belt
Ready made, a choice selection of Men's
and Buy'* ot the newcrt style* and most
serviceable material*.
"C.P E C fc' S r
Coach Manufactory.
The undersigned has opened a new es
tablishment, at hi* new shops, lor the
manufacture of
& Spring Wagons,
£luubs AXD SUED*,
Pun ask Fjuci
of every description .
AU vehicle* manufactured by him
are warranted to render satisUrtion, and a*
equal to any work done elsewhere.
He u*es none but the best material,
and employs the most skillful workmen.
Hence they flatter them solve* that their
work can not be excelled for durability
and finish..
Order* from a distance promptly attend
ed to.
Come and examine my work before
contracting elsewhere.
All Linda of Repariug done.
The following account* have been ex
amined and 'passed by me and remain
filed on tceord in this oMce. for the in
spection, of heirs, legatee*, creditor*, and
alt other* in any way interested, and w ill be
presented to the Orphan's Court of Cen
tre county. on Wednesday, the 3tith day
of November, 1878, for confirmation and
allowance ••
The account of Joseph Devling, guardi
an of Mary C. Luces, late of Centre coun
The arconat of Joseph Devling. guardi
an 01 Millie K Luces, late of Centre coun
ty. • tSM
The account of Joseph Devling guardi
an of John N Lu<Tt late of Centre coun
* The final account of D. J. HUllfeish, one
of the administrators ol the Hon. !*arr.uel
Mtrawhecker. late of Mile* twp., dec d.
The account of Robert Green, guardian
of Daniel Bailey, miner child of Jame<
Bailey, late of Ferguson twp., dee d.
The guardianship account of A mo* Al
exander. guardian of Emms Alexander,
minor child of James Alexander, lete of
Potter twp.
The account of John Grove, adminis
trator of William Grove, late ef Gregg
twp., dee d.
The eccounl of George Long and Then.
Miller, administrators of Mary Parker,
late ot Howard twp dee d.
The account of John Morgan and" Hugh
Glenn, Administrator*of William Clarke,
late oi Bcllofowte borough, dec' 1.
The account of David Rishel, adminis
trator of Solomon Rishel, lete of Gregg
twp.. deed.
The second account of Jociah Neff, exe
cutor of MaJ. John Neff. late of Pott r
twp.. dee d.
The account ot r Daniel Runkle and Cy
ru* Condo. administrator* ot Daniel Coo
do, late of Gregg twp.. deed, a* filed by
Daniel Runkle the acting administrator.
The account of B. F. Leathers and
David 1! Ford, Executor* in the last will
and testament of Jane K. Ream, late of
Unionrilte borough, dee d.
The account of Wm. M'Parian*, admin
istrator of John Coble, late of Harris twp.,
The first and final meet Hint of Henry
K. Narhofl r , and Samuel Ralfton, admin
slrator* of Andrew Neaihoff, late of Tay
lor twp., dee d.
The guardianship account of Burdino
Butler, guardian of Alice A Brown, Sarah
E. Brown and Angelina Brown. minor
children of Thomas Brown, late of Centre
octaO _
Has just received a large invoice of
Fall Goods !
Consisting of the best assortment of
ever brought to Potter twp.
AUo, a large awortment of
s ys®- Produce taken in exchange at highest
; market price*.
5 my 8-1 y.
- Dr. Crooks Wise of Tar
mmm Contain* Vg*table in,
B iBV sMlUatiVlMwilnl
• U| Tonic value comrjmed
with the rich meaiciuat
quuUtiee of Tar."which
*r mtii6*~*i cause tt to haiM up
jyaHkX Hi* weak and Befell-
Mlß* and rapidly
m war If Wg|r*st*r*(xbsttilrtl
|Ses|srsc,Si4 , s3
. IMWiWlsrvadgigrS
flasrßakßKgAia a Superior Tonic.
*" —"
PlOnrMflitminllsod strrarihrn* the
ll l'.';.l*l iVlWiMMaTatciii. For Pwlas in
UfiHlili RBIM Breast, SWeor
Back, U ravel or Kid
nry disease, diseases
the Urinary On
>f gans.Janudlceor&c,y
FNgMiliH Li %er Complaint 11
C IfeiZIOLSIEHHB has no equal. It cffec
u MOT)W> .mkIBSIiMI tuallycuresailCougJi-
P IBfsstdgHUHREEIS Cam. and alldiseasea
II IV/tMffsP!!sEa of the TfIKOAT and