The Crlrksts. Hf% 1A0 minstrels St the *UiiJ year. la gsnUe concert pip#! Piys MJ# warn noon#; lb# maUs* ksrrssi sssix Tb# #pi I## ilri'pjnng hp# ; Th# l#np#r#! snnshins, mi tb# soften#.! •had*; Tb# trill of louelj bird; Tb# ##nled trouble of the year. Pipe low and pain Sees pain ; Pip# your unceasing melancholy chesr; Tltc y#ar is ou th# wane The Sweet Bet raj a! • My darling tnes with all her art To hide young Lot# within Iter heart, But, prisoned in that tender nest. He frets and frets, and will not :vt; Ami soon the littl# rogue 1 spy At play within her laughing eve Mr darling tries with all her skill To bind young Love unto her with Rut work such witchcraft as she may. Tli# pretty rebel hath hi# way He deck* her cheeks with blushes rare, And lingers ut tbe dimples iitsrs . In glance mfc blush and smile 1 spy All that 'jjy i ot a would fain deny. ADVENTURE IN ST. PILL'S. Going over for a rix months' viail to England, cue of the first thing# I prom ised myself ou lauding was to sec St. Paul's; and vet it's a singular fact, that up to the very end of my sojourn there, I had never been inside the great ca thedral. I felt it impassible to go back and face my relations and frieads, if I couldn't r%y thai I\i seen Si Paul's; and T made half-a-dozen plans, at vari ous times, of paying it a visit. But first owe thing intervened, and then another, till my last day in England had oome, my pilgrimag- unperformed. This last day, however, 1 had kept dear of en gagements, ou purpose to see the place. But before I was ont of bed in th# morning, I had a telegram of import ance, which took me off post-haste to the eastern ocnnties; and it was past eight o'ehyck in tho evening before I reached the Shcreditch station, ou my return, journey. N'ow, I was"bound to start early next •".oraing, to reach Liverpool in time for the steamer, and it thns seemed as if it were my fate to miss my last chance of entering St. Paul's. Still, I waa deter mined uct to throw away a chance. It might be that the cathedral was still open; and I picked ont a fast-looking horse from the row of hansoms, and bade the driver put me down in the shortest nrvssfl'fe time at the comer of St. Paul's cu arch-yard. As I descended from the cab, and stood on the edge of the pavement look ing up at the giant balk of the dome, the clock struck nine. The sun had set; but high overhead the golden ball and urosa stood out against the sky, still burnished by the evening glow. All the lower part of the building was in deep shadow, rendered still darker by the thick coating of soot that encased it; but the upoer portion, towering clear of houses ana chimneys, and swept and sweetened by the winds and rains, caught a gleam of brightness from the clouds above, and raised itself white and fair into the evening sky. * The traffic of the day had slackened ; there were few pedestnuns, and only an occasional cab rattled by. The big warehouses had retired from business ; the shops were shnt; the city seemed to sleep. St. Paul's, also, was closely fastened up. It misgave me that all I should see of it would be the outside. Bending back my neck, and gazing upwards at the huge dome, I saw that about the great golden cross and ball was a tracery as of cobwebs, and men like flies were crawling about those slender filaments. Stout scaffoldings and thick cables they were, no doubt ; but from the street they looked like the delicate fabric of the gossamer I walked quickly round the church, hoping to find some doorwav open, some access to the interior. The iron gates were all closed, the doors were fast. Paul's portal# look as inaccessi ble tnd forbidding as the rocky flank of a mountain. I w&s determined to find my way in, if passible; but I knew not how to set about it. Could I have come across anything that leoked like a deanery or sacerdotal residence, I should have made bold to knock thereat, and ask the occupiers for the key, But I could And nothing of the sort. Even at a bun-shop, which waa still open, where I inquired as to the way of getting into the "chnrch, the people knew DO more about St. Paul's * than if it bad been a thousand miles distant, I began to feel despondent about the matter, but went round the church once more till I came to the end of the south transept —the shorter limb of the crons—and looked vacantly up at the fine semi-circular portico, with its tall columns aud flight of steps. All this time, I never thought of there being anybody living inside of Ht. Paul's ; I should as soon have expected to meet with furnished apartments in the Cata combs, or a family residence in the Pyramids. But peering curiously about, I espied, in the angle formed by the nave and transept on the western side, a window, from which came the faint glerftn of a candle. I stood and looked between the railings, and saw that somebody was moving about with in. There waa a bird-cage in the win dow ; on the sill outside, some red flower-pots. Presently, somebody came to a desk near the window and began tc write : an old man, with white hair. If J'would only make him see me, per hawi£ would take compassion on me, anJß|no Dnt ll wasn't likely that see me. Looking from the ligHHRn into the twilight outside, it was HffWly possible that he should see anything. I thought of flinging a peb ble at the window ; but it was a good distance off; I might break the glass, and be taken into custody. I gave a few shrill whistles, holding my fingers in my mouth ; bnt it was all of no use. The old man didn't turn his head. Once again I had almost given the thing up, aud gone home ; but just then the light disappeared from the window, and all was darkness. Was the old man off to bed. I wondered, or had he gona to grope about among the crypts below ! Should T see his light presently twink ling in those high windows ? Did he couch in some stone gallery, or find a resting-place in the golden ball ? Whilst I was thus speculating, I heard a door softly closed, a footstep on the stone staircase, and the iron gate at the bot tom creaked on its hinges: I sprang forward, and met a gray-headed old man with a thin pallid face, who waa just openisg the iron grille. With all the eloqueuee of which I am master, I besought him to do me the good office of letting me into the sacred fane. He hesitated, shook his head ;at last he-relented. " Very well," he said, " its against rnles ; but I'll let you in, if you don't mind stopping inside alone for an hour. It will be that time be fore I return; and I mnst lock the door behind me. Do you still wish to go inside ? " • I thanked him warmly, and said : " Certainly, yes." Indeed, I wan de lighted at the idea of an hour in perfect stillness and seclusion among the migh ty columns and arches of St. Paul. I ?:nt under the great dome, which hangs ike a luminous cloud above, full of hazy, uncertain shadows, a faint circle of fight rimming it round, arches and huge piers encompassing it. From the west, a subdued crimson glow ; east wards, the choir, dark and sombre ; the windows of the apse showing as gray luminous patches, the altar glooming in the distance like some funeral cata falque. White figures gleaming here end there in shadowy recesses, marbls warriors, heroes, statesmen. • Under the dome, in the great open space, was a vast crowd of chairs— wooden rush-bottomed chairs, lashed together in n,w, > looking towards the Kl' I!TZ, I&titor and 1 'roprietor. VOL. VI. east. Choosing otto of the most control of I sat ilowti, and Begun to dream, peopling this wide area with a vast invtsib.e congregation. In soft, long-drawn cadence, the bell of Paul's struck ont the hour of teu. I had been in the place uearlv an hour. I felt chilled aud numb. Fuoagh of dreams. Let me walk briskly up and down, and thiuk of the busy scenes , awaiting me: the rapid flight over con tinent# and seas ; the wanderer's return; the warm, glad welcome ; wife and chil dren lidding ont eagr anus, I paced rapidly up aud down an avenue between the chair*. I had stcti enough ; 1 was anxious to be released, to get away from the world of alia-low# iato the living world outside. For a j moment, 1 stood ill what seemed to la the very centre of the dome, and looked upward. A faiu circle of light marked tlie apex of tho scaring vault, aud just above my head I saw—tuy eyes beiug now accustomed to this half-light—l j saw, I sav, a roje hanging down from the vast height above. Then I remember the spider-webs 1 had seen outside about the hall and cross. Ami as 1 stood, and looked, and listened, 1 heard faint sounds of ham mering and kuocking. Men were at work, hundred* of foot above ; a light shone here and there, twinkling like a star. In year* gone by, I used to be a fa mous gymnast, and the sight of the rope hangiug just above my head, put me in uiiud of my aucient prowess. I was heavier now, my muscles elastic ; still, there was some salt of youth in me. How many times, I wondered, could I, hanging to that rope, draw my chin up to my knuckles ? The rope was just out of reach, but I leapt up and caught it—once, twice, • thrice. I felt a kiud of emulation with mv old self ; I wanted to persuade my self that I had not lost much of my former prowess; and so I weut on draw- , ing myself np aud letting myself down, not touching the ground, till I grew tired. Then I stretched myself out, expecting just to reach the pavement with my toes. But I couldn't reach it. Casting a glauee below me, I saw with horror that the flooring had vanished from under me. I was swinging sus pended by my hands high np in the dome. Perhaps, if I had dropped at tkat mo ment, I might have escaped with only a serious shaking; bat I hesitated, and was lost. Slowly and steadily, the rope was being wound up. I shut mv eves. Surely this was a hideous delusion, that unother moment would dispel. But no; as I looked down, the floor below was almost lost to my sight. There I swung, a tiny human speck, half-way between heaven and earth. I conldu t hope to hang on muck longer. Mv muscles were wearied with the task 1 had given them. I made a desperate effort to raise myself handover band, so that I might grasp the rope with my j feet also; but it was impossible: I could not do it. Even the desperate energy of self-preservation could extract 110 more force from my muscles; 1 could only hold on. I was now on a level with the plinth that surmounts the great arches of the dome; the gilded (jrmind-work of a new fresco in the spandrel casta sort of glow upon me, the colossal figures seemed to mock my agony. I must be half-way up now, and for the moment a ray of • hope shone in upon me that I conld hold on to tlie end. But, to my des- < pair, I now uv that the seeming dome was a false one, above which rose the veritable conical roof, another hundred feet or more; and that through a vast round orifice in the sham dome, the rope was to aseend to the uppermost peak of the roof. In that moment oi torture, I recognized my fate as inevi table. I might prolong my agony for a few seconds; my muscles are involun tarily relaxing; my grasp would fail; in another minute at furthest I must fall, to be dashed to pieces on the adaman- . tine floor below. A thousand confused thoughts whirl ed through my brain, like the smoke and sparks of an approaching conflagra tion ; but especially clear in my mind's eye I saw—l did not think, but saw this vision—the picture of my far-off home, the rolling plains of grass, the herds and flocks, a galloping horseman—there was my home. Mv wife stood in the portico, shading her eyes with her bands; the children were clustering about her; there was news of father coming—perhaps father himself. It J was bitter to die thus. .My limbs relaxed; my senseß almost deserted me; a merciful oblivion, the intoxication of despair, stole aver me; voices, I thought, were calling—perhaps a delusion of my failing senses—l was slipping, slipping, and I fell. " How do yon feel now ?" I heard a voice say, close to my ear. Was it pos sible—was I still alive ? Yes ;my < brain was yt conscious. But the frame ? Shattered, no doubt, a mere human wreck, to which life would be a mockery. I only dared to use my eyes. Any other muscular exertion i might bring on torments to which I i then insensible; and yet I hail no feel ing of pain ; perhaps some merciful paralysis had cut me off from torture. An old man was bending over roe the same who had admitted me. H j had a wine-glass in his hands, with some liqnor in it; a candle bnrned by bis side, forming a little chamber of light about us. "Am I knocked all to pieces?" I whispered. " I don't think so, sir : I don'i think j you're hurt a bit. Bless yon! you ditln t fall more than three feet" I stretched out my arma ; they wen whole ; mv legs—they were sound and unhurt. What a happiness to be alive, after seeing death inevitable ! " Hew is this ?" I cried, sitting up, and looking about me. " I thought 1 was carried np into tlie dome ?" "And so you were. You'd have been a ! dead man by this, but just in the nick of time I came back. I don't suppose I would have noticed you, for tho light was pretty nearly (tone ; but I caught sight of you against the gilding, and then you gave a sort of moan ; and says I—There's death here, if 1 can't think of something all of a minute. And then I recollected that I'd heard the work men chaps whistle three times, like this, when they wanted the rope low ered ; and I piped away, and then the rope stopped, and began to come down. I shouted to you to hold on and keep : your heart up ; but 1 don't tbink vou heard me, for when your face came in sight it was white, like death, and yonr i eves closed—but yon still holding on, , till, as I say, yon come within three feet ' of the floor! and then you gave a quiver and fell; and I caught you in my arms, for you were in a dead faint. But what were yon about, to let them draw you up like that f" Then I told him of my gymnastic feats. " Oh, then, I suspect you shook the rope. That's the sigual to pull up, and up they pulled, and never knew what sort of a load they were pulling np. Tlie men are working double shifts now, and in a hurry to get finished." When I left St. Paul's, I felt weak and aerveless, as if I bad just gone through a long illness. I couldn't start next morning, I waa zo upset; and I have written this account of what hap pened to me, as a sort of ontlet to my THE CENTRE REPORTER. fooling# ; for 1 don't think 1 shall talk much about St. Paul's whoa i got The Mns'arat as a Ma.ou. As soon aa the first frosts aro folt, the muskrat soloota a mud bar, or s|Mit whoro tho bushos grow iu tho winter, often uoar ltlios—a# th# root of this plant is a favorito article of food with them and proceed to lav a fouudatiou for their house. Iu tho flr*t place they gnaw off at tho water's edge a quantity iof twaurso gra*stwi, rushes and small hushes. Gathering this between the chin and fore paw, as if carrying the material iu their arm*. they push it be fore them w here they iuteud using it. The place where they have harvested their grass and rushes looks as if some one hsd mowed it with a scythe. After the muskrats have brought together mate rial euough to make a selid foundation, ind have raised the structure to the water's edge, they diTe below aud tuuuel underneath it, comiug up through the middle of the mass. The work is then ' carried on from the inside ; mud, de cayed vegetation, moss, and other •ma terial, is carried through this tunnel and pushed out from the inside until it is raised to the right height aud rooled over ; or as Wkittier poetically describes lit: •• Tli# mu*krst plied the masswi s trade. And uer by tier lus mud waits laid." Inside this hillock a small chamber about a foot in diameter is left, aud here, with solid, compact walls, some times two feet thick, the muskrats have their winter quarters. Their tunuels give them access to the water when the brook is frozen over. In the winter a rap on this nest will bring one or more of its inmates out, ,-iud vou will see them scatter awav on the Wttoinof the bok. picking their way among the stones and niota, leaving wherever they go, if the brook is frozen over, a line of bubble# under the ice. When an open space is reached the creature gently rises to the water's sur face, and just putting the tioae and one eye above water, takes an observation and a breath of fresh air at the same time, but instantly dives again. These nests varv in size, and look unite rough when first built and until the suow and rain smooths th#m off. If ; the nest is broken open they immedi- i ately begin repairs, working from the inside. When the meadows and brooks are frozen over, the nests appear as if built on the ice, and sometimes, in the late winter or spring freshets, the upper part of the nest is lifted up and moved, which would naturally confirm this im pression ; hut upon examination it will be found that the foundation always rests en the solid ground below. Last fall the muskrats, moved by some freak bnilt a nest iu the boat honae at Puakapog pond, after the boat was housed for the season. The foun dation #f the nest rested partly on the floer of Jhe house, which, owing to the high water, was submerged ; and as the boat was nbt raised in the house, the space between it and the floor served tlie same pnrpese as the tunnel tliev, 'under ordinary circumstances, would make. All the flshipg tackle, and everything they could manage, was drawn together to help form their struc ture. When the house was opened in , the spring the nest was fonnd. It was estimated that in building it about five bushels of material kail been brought in. Tho tenants were loth to leave their comfortable quarters, returning again and again as the work of removing the material went ou. The New York City Labor Market. The New York World, in a review of the labor market and the progreasive shrinkage of values, says; The Typographical Union will nse its influence to persuade all employers throughout the city not to discharge their operatives, but rather to reduce the wages of all, or pat them on short time. This plan, they think, would prevent ranch suffering which can in no i other way be avoided. The same men • will advise all their confreres to assist the employers by willingly working a little longer for " the old wage# or ac cept a reduction of pay. Th:a is no > time, they think, for employers and em- , ployed to bo at war. The panic is a ca lamity to all, the rich as well as the poor, and they contend that all ought to help one another to weather it throngh. The coopers are the only on strike at the present time. A large number of that very numerous class have taken exception to tho conrso pur sued by the firm of Havemeyer A Ehler, aad arc trying to make them yield to the demands of the workingmen by uniting on a strike. Thns far the firm have stood their ground, keeping their shop in working order by importing coopers from the country. About 200 parasol-makers, girls, are at present idle in consequence of a strike. The cmpltyers recently reduced the prices from 7 and 11 cents apiece to ; 3 and 10 cents. At one book printing company and binding establishment in Williamsburg, the largest iu the vicinity of New York, the operatives have been put on nine hours' time. In the various job offices the expenses of running have been cut ! down to the lowest. llallow-Een. The going ont of October brought round the old festival of Hallow-ten, which was observed in many places in { Great Britain, as well as in some few old-fashioned parts of this country and Canada. It is a festival of apples and nuts, both appropuiato emblems of the russet time of year. Apples are placed in tubs of water and " bobbed " for by ! aquatic boys. The girls melt lead through the wards of door keys to find of what initial it will take the form, and so give them a clue to the "coming man's " name. Or they place nuts on the fire and predict from the starting of them wonderful things connected with the constancy of lovers. Witches, clad in the livery of Beelzebub, are supposed to ride throngh the air on fiery, untam ed broomsticks. These " modern in stances," the telegraph wires, mnst be terrible impediments to the poor hags in their noctural eqnitalion. Hallow- Eon is followed by All Bainta' Day and I All Souls. Dreadful Butchery. The other morning, relates a Louis ville paper, a lady sent her daughter to the butcher's for a piece of veal. She got it, and laid it away until near noon, when she discovered that it was taint ed. Indignant at the butcher, the old lady donned her bonnet and went to his shop to give him a blessing. She made her complaint, when the butcher, cool as a encumber, went-to his ice-chest and took out port of a leg of mutton, and told her to smell of that. She did so, and pronounced it good meat. With a triumphant air the batcher said, " Now, madam, the veal your daughter got came right off that piece; upon my honor it did; and if it ain't good, it spoilt since it went from my place." The old lady seemed satiufled and left, but wa# somewhat nonplnsned when her daughter asked her if that butcher made her believe that ha oould cut a piece of real from a leg of mutton. She don't •end to that butcher far veal now, but [ goes t® another shop. CENTRE HALL. CENTRE CO., l'A., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1873. A Colorado Desperado. Our readers are familiar with the facts connected with the bold attempt of one Major (J. \V. Graham to roh the United Hates Paymaster -tear Hugo, or Uiver Bend, Colorado. This Iwild man, Mingle handed, stopped the ambulance and shot at the paymaster and the armed escort, but was immediately shot down ami captured. H# subsequently made his escape to tie re-captured. Graham i* desenlied by a Western paper as a per fect gentleman in appearance, and has always associated with gentlemen. There ia nothing of bravado iu his man ner or language. He seemed to lf the sporting houses of Kansas City, Leavenworth and Denver, bat until "this mad attack upon the United States paymaster, near Hiver Bend, upou the Kansas Pacific Rail road, he has never been known to com mit a criminal actiou. Should he recover from his wounds received in his attack ujxin the soldier* he will be placed upon trial for highway robbery, and will no doubt be convict ed, a# lie cannot aud will not pretend to deny his identity. Hi# punishment will tie a matter for the courts of Colorado to determine. Graham i# certainly one of the bravest and most reckless men living. ___ Indian* Spearing Salmon. It is astonishing to see how tlie Ralmou crowd the rivers of northern California and Oregon, at the spawning season. The Indians then gather from a considerable distance, to spear and trap fisli, which they dry for winter uae; and you will see at tin* *e**on many pictun sque l*dion camps along the river. They set a crotch of two sticks in a salmon jaiol, and lay a log from the shore to tin* crotch. Upon tlii* log tlie Indian walks out, with a very long spear, t ws-pronged at the end, and there armed with two bone spear heads, which are fastened to the shaft of the spear by very strong cord, usu ally made of deer*' sinew*. The In dian stand* very erect and in a rosily fine attitude, and peer* into the black pool until his eye catches the silver sheen of a salmon. Then he darts, and instantly you see a commotion in the water as he hauls up toward the surface a utrugcling twenty-five or thirty pound fl*h. The bone spear-head*, when they have |*enctrated the nalmon, com# ofl from the spear, and tlie fish is held by the cord. A squaw stands ready on the shore to haul him in, and he is lnnteu over the head with a club until he ceases to struggle, then cleaned, and roasted on hot stones. When the meat is don< and dry it is nicked off the bones, and the squaws rub it to a fine powder be tween tlieir hands, and in this shape it ,H kept for future use. From one of these pools a dozen Indian spoarmeu frequently draw out four hundred sal mon in a day, and this fish forms an im portant part of their food. Of course they kill a great many thousand female salmon during the seassu; but ss fur, I believe, thia murderous work has not lieen found to desreoac tlie numlwr of the fish which annually enter the river from the ocean, and' go up its head waters to spawn. The Northwestern Farmers' ('oaten- The Farmers' Convention at Chicago debated the subject of cheapening transportation. Mr. W. C. Flagg, ol Illinois, msde the principal speech, ap parently reflecting tho sentiment of a large class, the substance of which wo* that although he did not believe iu Uit government's embarking iu the busi ness of constructing transportation lines, he feared that there was no othet way out of our present difficulties. Finally, resolutions wore adopted asking Congress to pass a maximum freight and passenger law regulating trade between the Stab's, and the legis lature* to regulate trade in the States , protesting against subsidies to privatt corporations; demanding "the com struction of railroads and the improve ment of water communications lietweec the interior and seaboard, tho same b lie owned and operated by the general government for the purpose of afford iug cheap and ample transportation, and to protect the people from the ex actions of monopolies urtring the people of the interior to build up manu factories to make home markets, and te. free themselves and Ifeep from debt declaring that no one industry can be protected by legislation, except at tlu expense of all other industries, and de nouncing all special legislation. Dress Plainly Some one IIBS given the following reasons why people should dress plain ly on Sunday. These reasons aro a* valid any other day in the week ; It would lessen the burden of many who new find it hard to maintain their place in society. It would lessen the force of tempta tion# which often lead men to barter honeaty and honor for display. If there was lea# #trife iu drea# at church, people iu moderate circum stances would lo more inclined to attend. Universal moderation in dress at church would improve the worship by the remittal of many wandering thoughts. It would enable all classes of people to attend church in anfavorable wea ther. It would lessen, on the part of the rich, the temptation to vanity. It would lesson, on the part *f the poor, the temptation to be envious and malicious. It would save valuable time on the Sabbath. A fashion writer says: "Imported cloth garments for the *treot consist ol fancy coats and jackets, such as women might wear who were masoueroding as men. They aro in dark clotns in the prettiest shape# imaginable, the edge* piped with peacock green or blue silk, mustard colored silk, or some other -'riking sliode, of which only the single .i ie above the rim i* permitted. But the tails or lappels, and the dear little vents and waistcoats, fastened with old silver or pearl buttons,aro ' too killing ' —as young ladies say—for anything, and suggest canes and neckties and manillaa, and all the naughtiness which is supposed to be so fascinating." The season has been noted aa an un healthy one. The New York World aays that iu the charity horpitala there are 10, UK) patn-uts, with the authority of physicians that the uuniler will ia ereaau to SO,OOO. Mr. KiUock, the Hujieriutendent of Out-door Poor, who has been connected with the Depart ment for twenty *ix years, estimate# that there are to-day not leas than 20,- 000 peraona in the city of New York who are utterly destitute, and that the number will be increased during the winter to from 10,000 to 50,000. It ia a ami prospect, but it is one thst should be looked iLto the face at once. •• A man in the strength of his year* would fall out of the ranks if he wero obliged to carry the enormous weight of clothing a woman carries who walk* by hi# aide keeping a perfect stcn. That she finally breaks down i* a fact, but that *he keep# her place long is another fact, maneluu# ana aignificauL ' How many thicknesses of cloth do you think our girls wear about their waists?" asked a teacher of me. ' Half a dozen, perhaps,' I answered; *Bc likened to a cat's claw in shape— solid until near the root, where n cavity ia formed, having a small orifice at tlie bottom. Connecting with this cavity is a duct leadiug to the back of tlie head, aud there joining a bag containing the poison. The fang is not aet in the jaw at right Angles to it, aa it generally shown in drawing*, but at an angle that allows snfficieut length of the point to make the wound. The length from the orifice to the point is about one quarter of an inch—length of tlie duct to the poison-bag one inch. It will be seen by this arrangement that a wound may be made without infusing the poison, if ths strike penetrates less than a quarter of an inch. It is not known whether the snake controls tlie emission of the poison by action on the bag ; it tgay be presumed that it does. In procuring its prey, a hard strike may lie required, which, by going its full depth, would infuse the poison and spoil its food. In the case of wonnds, given in auger, that we hear of—some latal and others easily cured—in the latter case the strike "must have been short, the point of the fang only enter ing, and the poison wasting on the ground. I know that there are differ ent opinions about the jx>ison passing into tho wound; the common belief is that the orifice is at the point of the fang, and consequently, even in alight wouuda, the poison mnst enter. I trust thst my statements may be received as 1 correct, and that the unfortunate per ' son who mav receive a wound may be oonsolefi by the chance that the poison j did not enter. There is nothing in the story of a rattlesnake biting itself. The hunter seldom kills them. The casual traveler throngh the woods should use all due caution, and I would recommend all naturalists and explorer* to be very particular when they fall in with a fallen rock with grassy tufts, and back ed by heavy piles of driftwood. ITKRRANANCK TO WHEELBARROWS. In prosecuting the Ashautee war one ol the difficulties against which England has to oontend is the repugnance of the Gold Oaast natives to wheeling barrows. Neither horses nor mules can live on the Gold Coast, and the only way ol transmitting articles is either by wheel barrow or on the heads of the natives. These obstinate fellows, when furnished with wheelbarrows, invariably pat them on their heads and cannot be persuaded to work them. The same objection to wheeling barrows waa observed by Cap tail Warren among the Nsbian laborers in Palestine, who oould not ba induced to work with wheelbaarows at all. NO. 47. Making her own Hit Mr. Howard Psel, in kin eaterlein mnt, says " that when a sudden sharp fewr of Mxmomj attacks a woman, ma abe determines to make a bat or a bonnet for baraalf, for a briaf period between the formation of the resolution and tba consummation of the dead bar mind paaaea through various amuaing stages of agitation. Firat, aba gata herself np in her moetat tractive guise, mud proceeds to purebaae a * abapa ' aa I believe tba fragile onUinaor frame work of tba future structure is called— then, taking the • bus bona, aba drinks in tba details of every bat that enters, and learns them all by heart, and does mental sums over the ooat of tba rib bon, and makas np bar mind to have flowers in bers like thoae worn by tba woman in the corner, and lace lika that gaudy-looking creature in tba middle. The next Jay aba walks down tba street, and atudiee all the beta that oome along; and, when a woman paaaea bar with one on, she twists bar naek round to aaa bow it looks behind, end is disgusted to sea that the woman k also diaUcetmg her neck to aaa bow abe trims bar bat. When abe arrives in front of a milliner's, abe lingers until she has analysed all th beta in the window, and site de term 1 nee to trim bers nineteen different ways, snd decides not to have flowers like the woman who sat in tba corner Then abe shoots into the shop, and asks to * see bate' with the air of a par son who wishes to invest a small fortune in bead-gear. Hue examines every bat in the establishment, overhauls ten bushels of flowers, girts about fifteen shillings' worth of work out of the saleswoman, and then says abe will •look farther.' Then aba gats home with her mind fixed on thirty-eight! or nine different styles in which aha { wants to trim her bat. After a while she begins to think aba ought to have a feather in it, and aba paaaea two or three sleepless nights trying to decide whether to pat one in or nob At last abe resolves aha will. Then aba Has awake for two more nigfata endeavoring to determine whether it shall be red or bine. She aettles on blue. She bays the trimming, and aewa it os in twenty successive positions, her mind filled' with deepest anxiety aa to whether the feather should go on the right aide, the left aide, or on top. She pute it on the right aide; but just then Mrs, Da Boots paaaea the window with a feather on the left aide of hers, snd so she changes it tha next morning. Mrs. Fttsbrowii calls, sad her feather is on the right side, snd then another change is made. At church next day Mrs. Smith has feathers en both aides, and Mrs. Johnson baa one on the top Then more sleepless nights and painful un certainty. At last, in utter despair, she take* the hat to a milliner, and pays thirty shillings to have it trimmed. When it cornea home she pronounces it • hateful,' and picks it all to pieces, sod broods over ib and worries and frets and loses her appetite, and faala life to be a burden for two weeks loager, until suddenly abe has just the right thing, ! and becomes once mora serene and happy, and puts tbe bat on and goes <>ut and makes millions of other women miserable because their hots an not trimmed exactly like hers. As a wife, woman is s blessing; ss a mother, naught can or mparts with ber; aa an organiser of new hats, she is simply an object of amusement er -compassion.* Speculaliou# of the Loot Ostary. Benson J. Lousing renews in the Poughkeepmie Ragle the famous Mise iMipppi scheme and the Booth See Babble, the two great financial sensa tions of the last cent urv. The Missis sippi scheme originated, it will be re membered, in the bad state of the finan ces of the French government. That government lent itself to an immense scheme for swindling the people, in order to fill its coffers. The compear, with John Lew, s Scotchman possess ing s great reputation as sa Amsterdam broker, at its head, had a monopoly of the trade of the Mississippi, on the condition that it should relieve France of its debt The most extravagant atones of the richness of that valley were told, and the excitement among all classes at Paris was intense. The company was chartered, and after its shares had gone up to 1,300 per cent above par, burnt Wide financial rain followed, and Law died in poverty at Vienna. The counterpart of this organ isation in England, the South Sea com pany, was to hare a momopoly of the South Sea trade, acd was to confer the same favor on the British government that Law had promised to the French. Its shares rose above 1,000 per cent, and as s consequence s great number of similar companies sprung np around it The objects of some of them were very curious. One was •• for planting of mulberry tree# and breeding of silk worm# in Chelsea park another " for importing a number of large jackasses from Spam in ordei to propagate s larger breed of mules in England," sod a clergyman proposed a company "for discovering the land of Ophir." and monopolizing the gold and silver of that country. Toward the end of July, 1720, when" the stocks of the various London concerns exceeded the value of g1,500,000,000,news came of the bursting of the Mississippi Babble. The shares of the South See soon fell from 850 4o 175. Share-holders pressed their share# upon the market with the eagerness of men fleeing from s falling building. Thousands of families were reduced at one blow to absolute poverty. Old families, whose estates were lost, dis appeared from society, and the names of many noblemen were dropped from the list of the peerage of England for ever. The event stimulated emigra tion to America, where rained men hoped to retrieve their fortunes. From the debtors' prisons in England, Ogle thorope procured most of the first emi grants who accompanied him to Georgia and founded that State. Going West. All who go West do not find the happv home expected. One man who was doing well in the East relates his experience ss follows: I thought I could do better, so I sold out, pocketed my money and started for the West. When I arrived theam things were not as I expected to 'em. Bnt I wish to say to all your readers who have had a similar e|se rienoe, and are homesick, dou't come back after the manner of one poor fool. I know of. I tell you the railroad com panies got over S2OO for carting me and mine out and back. Now don't be a lunatic, as I was, but " stick." I came back to please wife's relations, bnt when I had tieeu back three weeks they wanted to know what I came back for; now then I can go here and there to get a day's work and get my pay—well, some time. People who ge West with no definite idea of where they are going and what they expect to do when they get there, will in nine oases out of ten be badly disappointed. The Tycoon ot Japan knows how to start s newspaper. He does not offer premiums for subscribers, bnt having tak#u an interest in the publication of s newspaper at tha Japanese capital, he has issued an order that all men of certain social and political standing •hall take it or be beheaded. ifrfiwtT' '* baa Whs-" 1 i Boston U9 times. Two ex-Sudors of Milwaukee both ' NBad"im Umt. <- daf iHiflj. I Homo of ■* Island. IM , oIWiMA AArn fro® • j to 935 per day of eight hours- The Brooklyn; KXrOntd Jury have , indicted Wkttelaw feud, of the TViteaw, ; and Charles A. Dana, of theAWn. Z ] A lady reporter tent to an agrieut tnral fair wrote of a lot of pigs : "They look too sweet to live • minute.'' A Wisconsin man has bsd to hsvo his . ! lip amputated on eoooant of tfIUMW - produced by exeuaaivo smoking. Ho Baratoga hotel except Congress , Aall paid expenses this .last eaaaon. Stewart's grand houaa hart 180,000. ! I Naturalists, afteryearaol investigation | of tba anatomy and morphology of aala, have discovered that they are of no sex. • | Wealthy citisena of Memphis, who >' have got off to a safe distance, are said I to be tbe meanest about sanding ro i Uef. 1 A Mr. McElrov.of Wasbinlon ecmnty, 1 %y., lately called together his ton r children snd geve them twenty thou -1 sand dollars e-ptoee. • A man named Gin, in Indiana, has 1 petitioned to have his name changed. , (because he eannot persuade soy damsel to accept his present one. i A boy in ChiUicotha, 0.. was killed , instantly, (he other day, by Mtaff neri • dentally struck is tba stomach by tba . | elbow of a young coauada. i When your pocket-book geia amply, aod everybody know* it, you aaa put t. all your meada into it and it will not ■ •'bulge out worth a eeub" A lady " with a rush of iaee to tha J head " was tha expressive description of • a toilet at a recent musical oouveatioe, ' given by one of the aedieuoe. ' Burgess and his wife, who were on 1 trial for lebamae treatment of Carolina ' Louise Dunning, aged six years, at New ! Orleans, wars found guilty, the penalty 1 for their crime bring imprisonment for t life. , | Louis Biel, late Prarideut of tbe As ainiboin republic, alleged murderer of [ ' Hcott, end raembar-steetof theCenadien . i Parliament, is is eustody, baring been , j arrested near Toronto on a magistrate's , warrant for murder, i Some one suggests, with meat ex i i sellout good sense, that the immense deor-plstes worn by the ladies on their * 1 belts might be atilixed by eognviag i ! hereon the wearer's name, age, ram i! dence, fortune, or rxpeetetione, end > j stating whether heart fres er engaged. 1 j The Marquis of Bute, who, it ap k pears, owns nearly all tba unoccupied Ig ' land at Cardiff, has given a derided ro ■ fuaal to aa application made to him to 1 sell or leaar e site for a church. His 1 agent assigns no rseson for tee refusal; > be merely steaee that Iks Marquis "de r ciiaae"tog>MtUM application. ! 11M Dutch Government is ia the for- H tunate end exceptionable position of . having no debt, and also of making ' mousy out of its colonise. Tha ex , penaea are always kept below the ta> , JomeT Tbe budget for 1874 ti*tet . the expenditure at 100,000,000 florins, , and leaves s surplus of 400,000 floi-ifix. A Kentucky planter recently took i , tobacco worm and stopped htm up ia , i aa auger bole, aad at tea end of eight days he went to examine aad aaa rthaX 1 effect the eonSaameut would haws on i the worm, and found to hit surprise . that during right days the worm had transferred to a large aad full-grown ; tobaeoo fly. A eurioua eirenmttanoa haa transpired • | ia aaanoottea wslh tba Duuw riarifau. L Several hundred blank voting paper* i were found in the ballot boxes. The > i conservatives say that theaepapers wuiw I' deposited by " conservative working , | men,' driven by railway influence to I tbe pML but determined not to vote i i iLL*a.' nil their otiimoQA. .! • r A Kaahville paper teeotda " the Aral Rute-pniliaf final haa oocarred then tor forty yeara." The noble aport waa I partideated in by mounted ** knighta," who galloped past and .made deabae for • gander with a greaaed neck that VM vnepended from a beam. One of the reliant pal lew waa heavily thrown, but, ii nfortunately, iua neck wm only brain ed. According to a California paper, a young lady of that Stale, in telling a gentleman about her Yaeemite trip, aaid the aetamrr wm gorgeona—perfectly rariahiag—-out aha didn't like their style of locomotion down there. ** How'a that V aaid her friend, ** how did yon locomotor" "Why, don't yon think,' the replied, "I had to ride a taclothe*- pin." Ideal-CoL Hogg, the plaintiff in the recent divorce ease ef Hogg sgl Hogg end Oordery, has been called upon to explain his conduct in taking advantage of bis official position as Director-Gen eral of the Fustoflfoe in Bengal to ab stract a letter written by his wife to Mr. Oordery white it was naming through tie-post Meanwhile Lieut - Col Hogg fans been suspended from There was nothing very attractive about the manner in which Mr. Arnold, of Johnson county. Ma, met his death. In attempting to extinguish the flames in s threshing machine that was run ning and burning at the same time, he was cenght by the cylinder, of oonrse, and, to prevent his being drawn in, his brother seised an ax and chopped his legs off It used to be considered a beautifn exhibition of the fitness of things that worm* were created for birds to eat,and birds created to eat worms. The intro duction of firearms, and the epreed of Young Americanism, however, have wrought a change in inspect to theee matters : the bird has declined, sad boys, guna, and worms increase rapidly year by year. In North Bridgewater, Mass., las spring, an elderly citizen, while plant ing potatoes lost his pocket-book When the time com# for him to dig the potatoes, the hoe brought out" of the Kill his missing receptacle of cash. We suppose that be must have been short during the interval, for he testily re marked that "it was the poorest crop he ever planted." A clergyman was asking the children a variety of questions of a Scriptural nature, "to which he bad received very satisfactory answers. Just as he was concluding, he addressed a girl some what older than the rest, and among other things inquired—"Who made your vile body? "Please sir," re sponded the unsophisticated girl, "Betsy Jones made my body, but I made the skirt myself!" It is an uncommon thing to see a silk or " stove pipe " hat worn at sea Pas sengers never put them on until the vessel is neariug pert. The first person who appears on deck in a " stove pipe " is—according to the custom of ancient origin—expected to treat to wine. It is an amusing sight to see all the male passengers huddled together at the foot yii.tho oabin stain, waiting for some Rieturageoiis anfl generous fellow to "lead off" in a silk hat. \ Oil Cify, Pa., has a colored Mayor. The Republicans there nominated Miles Green, a colored man, for the City Council ami he was elected. Sinee the eleotion the Mayor of the city has resigned to aenrpt the office of county treasurer ; ana as the citv charter pro vide# that in case the Mayor's office is vacant, the CounoHmsn who has re ceived the most votes shall become the acting Mayor, the colored Councilman has reached that dignity. A Chicago panerstates thtlHtfH t* = bibition there lately _ a i faeetttMMPMtt eran from Milwaukee, on a wooden leg,