SEXTKL '.J nutt.nnra...-..-. ■* IUT ' 0 Hal), IV, N*v. 6.1873. ' TKRWS.—Th Rirow" ba si,w rr JJJ 1BM) for three insertion. Advern** n- 1 * for if, 0 and I'd month*, *1 reduced rnt*^_ Anv wer*"* ••ndin* u* th * * now ~iubs four blast Airnaco*. coal bsuks, etc., have sue cumbed to the financial pwwurt and have ceased ojxrstion*. Tho rhcaaia iron company, 1 has nixville, have been reducing wag** Boilers will receive #6 per ton. pud dlerass,so aud helpers' wags will be reduced Ibur cent* per heat. All other wages at the mill*, blast farna c and thopa, aa well as other labor, will be reduced tea per cent. where the daily earnings or wage* are at preacut over $1,50 or leas the deduc tion will be tcu cenu per day, but when less thau $1 the deduction will be five cenu per day. A dispatch from Pitubvrg says the management of the Cambria irun wroks at Johnstown have given un tie* to the workman of the suspension of payment of wages aotil such time as money can be collected. The com pauy will guarantee to the employees all uecessary supplies to the extent ot their ueeds. Owing to the mouey stringency the Newburgh steam mill* have stopped far an indefinite period. About tour hundred persons are thrown oat of employment. The World rays: A gentleman recently returned " from Connoeiieut, represent* manufacturing interest* in j that state as in an unfortunate coudi-1 tion. From 15,000 to 20,000 opera tives aud factory hand* have already been thrown out of empioyui! Tl ,HI>TH A KI'MTKO SIUKKINtI A MONO Til K Poo*. Nr* Yoik, "I. of charitable iwlitulioniMy llit pW - ft clasrsr* *itf *|ply'Nfc iWicawd numbers to lliriu lor relief. I IMP in stitution* ar eveiy where crowded, NI il every indication I* WII L * l*f* libly M Vfi* wittier on the laboring I'IAPMS. The institution* now pub inly appal lor aid to help thfiu re it vo tb wants •! iht tuU'vnttif.titfv m£ p<>ph\ win. have been thrown out of employment in usetjueuee 1,1 Ihe lartiey stringency. lheii own fuid and tpproprwti'ona are exhausted. TV CbiMreu'* hul society report* au uniuunl witiouul of *uflWing among familo*. The Working \Yaureus protective union *y* that ih* PP ,i cation* for help have fallen olf since Ibe panic, and applications lor situa lion* I'ttVt luorcaatd four fold. All bnuevoWpt *oeletl 00|P|U> *■ iug harder pressed then they nv"f • exi-erieuccd bfrv. " 'care thai untata aobalanual help i x tended some wuat clow iheir d>r fbi is the darkest lde of the panic. THKCOAI. and Ft iwmutK TUADK .ire ouly bejjining to feel the depress lug flints in the situation, and no* aie* are falling otT very largely, and the wtu-king force# are coiMvquentty Urgeiv reduced. The jewelry and ailvei ware ira Jew almost at a'itandstrll. Laces and tuilliuere good* hare alao experienced , a considerable diminutiou in the vol uine of trade, but there i# a hopeful prospect for spring. The haiUre complain of being em barrassed. In all branches of try workmen and workwomen will *uf ferduring thacoming winter. Wage* i and force mui* be reduced, or mauu* factorim and ahupa will be cloaaJ. TRK TRAOKH' Tstows ' Dnorgeuxatiom i* reported to ex-j 1 iatamong the tmde* uuion*. Many. uf theiu which mouths ago numbered ' thousand* do uot now uuiubar a kuu ' drod. From inquiries auung car penters' ami joiner*' societies il i*| " learned that the oply society work-* ing the eight boui*' basti a the! r amalgamated order of car pouters and 1 joineis. The uuited order of carpen tera and jointtt ha* broken up the 1 committee of conference which was; 1 appointed some time ago to discuas 1 the right hour movemeut, which was " a faSUre, The German carpenter* and cabinetmakers #nd piauotuakers r have all been obliged to mtyfV to the. tea hour *y*tem. lne bricklayer* • 1 society, which wa* one of the uroet 1 formidable in the state, ba* become disorganized, aud U now reported a without fund*. A hard winter is ex pected for the working classes. It ha> 1 been determined to call a mass meet ing of citixen* at Cooper institute to * ask thesa to aid the mechanics and ' working people through the winter. ® LLOYD, HAMILTON & CV's FAII+KK. Lloyd, Uamilton k' Co . who failed . yesterday, hae Itahililie* on con e tracts in ihe stock excimoge. They; t represented fully thirty iive large i banking institution*ef Pennsylvania, „ al! of which are more or lt*§ intiuiate u ly couuected with the now embarram etl manufacturing iuteresUi of the j oouaUy. A LIST or Fail, putt. Rumors of uiany failures we#* in circulation yesterday. Among the list were the following: Hoyt, Sprague A Co., Lloyd Hamilton A Co., T. AW. H. Daly, of 4t New street. C. Mattmann Schmid A Co.. and Kirnber, Vivian A Co- *f Lon don, T. A W. H. Daly were shipping merchants, engaged in lb* southern trade, but the head of the firm it i* said ha* become involved with ihe capitalists in the ereetiou of the new Windsor hotel, aud they have been obliged to suspend. THE NEW FSXXSTLUSU LP;IR LAIVHE. —According to the returns at liarrisburg the next Legislature of this State will consist of 20 Re- SbJieans, 12 Democrats and 1 Liberal -publican in tbe Senate and 60 Re publicans, 38 Democrats ami 2 Inde pendent Democrats iu Urn House. This gives the Republican* majorities of 7in tbe Senate, 24 in the House and 31 on joint ballot. In ihe last Legislature the Rei übiican majorities were 3. in tbe Senate, 20 in the House and 23 on joint ballot. 9. e What Constitutes a Uankraptf The question of what constitute# a bankrupt has just been settled by ® Judge Drummoud, of the Uuit.ti • States Circuit Court of Illiuois. In it a case just concluded, Judge Drain- K osood decided that .any roan who' f without any legal reason refuses pay- 1 ' aieut on hi# paper for two weeks, may r be under the law adjudged a bank rupL He must satisfy the court that. r be is justified in withholding payment. 1 j His mere caprice or unwillingness to pay will not prevent his being adjudg ed insolvent, if the refuMi to honor; • his promise to redeem extends over e fourteen da vs. This decision, if con- j , curred in by other authorities, ujji have the effect of hastening settle meots in time to come. — Ex i. . COB* AND HOGS • Chicago, October —The Com merrirt Jlerietr publishes this evening' a table of replies by Milward A Co.,j ' provision dealers from correspodeuts ' in Illinois, lowa, Missouri, Kansas, f Ohio and Indiana, to inquiries ad-' ' diVaaed to them in regard to the num- 1 l*r of hogs likely to be rent to market frt.m their sections, their praenl poudi ' ' tioii, probable time of mark -tin* and condition of the corn crop. Of nine- 1 > tjr seven points to Illinois, fiftv-eight i rejrt § iesa number of hogs than i last year, twenty seven about the ' sme number, arid twelve uitsrc. The, corn crop is universally reported! 1 short in Illinois from one third to one- ' half. Of fifty-eight places in lowa,*' twenty-seven report fewer hogs than ' last year, twenty about the same, elev en morn- '/"he couditiou of the coro ! crop is about the *an* 4# in Illinois. Of rweuty-one points in Imliapu sl*v- ' en report fewer hogs, seven about the * same nuoilier, three more. The corn " crop is reported better in several lo calities, hut generally short. In Mis 1 soprj twelve point* report fewer h*gs, " eight aboqt flip same number, three 1 more. The Coyu cynn iy phprt one- ' third to one half. Ohio ma/ies tbel best showing, four points reporting UII! H increase iu the number of hogs, fit 0 teen about the anw number and eight n report a decrease, whila tfje average! . of the corn crop reports shows the crop equal to last year, several point* * reporting a better crop than last year. Except ip Illinois the condition of '' hogs appears to hp ab°f{t (he same w tone last year, but mapy poinjj jn yI/- : report them not so fur advm.c-. The grand jury of (bo United Stales district court for Western Pennsylvania, has returned bills of! indictment ujniint ex postmaster' Hu-wart of Pittsburg, for finery nj| peijury- Stokes' Obliging IVIIiHM' 1 * We if (litre ha* It. HI any j more motiving criminal before the I mlilic I.>l a ilitiiilo itr mi tIi AII tU 1 young malt Htukfi. In Gteal ltil ' t.iiu thev have their Tk hbnrue claim- ' ant, iu Viatic# ihcir Datable, uml iu tbi* I'nln-d Stali-a wa have Hi.ikat wli> ha* been fortunate knongh to root- ' niaml not only iiAtioiial lull I ike his dkiugnhhed col#ti|.irariiii named, iptet national attention. The cnaienl dot* the tail become that the shadow of the shall never again daikeu the prisoner 'a existence, utiles* it lie for the killing of muir other man than Kik A part from the sympathy which a laige eiess n New \ork extend Stoki*, the lalimony this lime Im* been wouderfbfly in hi* favor *0 surprisingly strong indeed in hi be- Im'f a* lo occasion doubt of its truth fulucaa. Tltrc* witneasee huve lmu {called aiio deimae to (lie fact of h ik having a piatol diuwn toady to lite when he was himself slwl down and also to hi* having made frequent threnU of murdering St- kea. All this it. veiy tine, it i* just the thing that ha* IA.U needed tv give tiie jury an opportunity of acquitting upon the ground ot elf defense. To Iw sure, it mav occur lo the inquisitive mind: why did n>>t these people CoguiMlit of filch material fact* come forward at the previous ilia's and wcnr to tlituiNeverlhch fs potently though ibis consideration might weigh at any other lime, or iu atiT other ease, it will not have in fluence agaitiit the defendant here. The jury s generally et down tveu lung before thi* stage of the trial, to have daUrtwined lavoiabty to the harraaacd young man. A* l" r these ! witneawe* the late appearauiv of foroe 'of them at Irast i* easily accounted 'lor. Had they come forward on the nrallrial aud sworn t a lie, they ! would run serious risk ot detection •mi in dktmcut for petjary not hav ing sufficient knowledge ot the facts in of the Commonwealth to] [guide them into safe misstatement*— Uwd basides their testimony would be [ tpore liable t-i attract attention iant be accurareig tCtgh*d wheu the sensation wo fresher llian now. They have eioce learned what the j proaeculion know* of the ease aud all that it is prepared to disprove; so that it becomes au easy ma ter for them to sup iuto the box and swear many Ihiuge that cauuol be contra dicted. A* this is the plnu upon ' which the pretent trial is being am 'ducted therv can'be littie how | it will result. . ... - • • THK STOKES VKHDItT Four Yours in Sing Sing. At 11:20 W.dneadajf eveuing the jury iu thej Stokes case rendered a 'verdict of ''Guilty of manslaughter in the thjrd drgrer." The announce ' luent was greeted \viih cheer* from jsouie portions of the house while hisses obtruded thgmsajves iu others- Stokes was directed lo rise aud was asked what he had to say why judg ment should not be pronounced against 'him according to law. He humldy I and iu a voice that was scarcely audi ble replied. "1 hare nothing to say." Judge l)avia iu a tone as haoh and stem * h|9 dignity would permit, addressed him with yard; of stem regret at the inadequacy of the punish ment. The uiument the prisoner noticed the tone aud expression which i indicated idaiuie the opinion of Judgy I)nvis o! the fajrjic&s of.he Verdict snd that no such clemency was to be rjtpfttcd in the {■• licen cing of the sotiU-nee a surprising and instantaneous change was noticed in Stokes. His form was suddenly straightened, and the bowed bead was rained with a defiant gase, which he bent as steadily on the judge as he had Jy{ previously on the floor. The sentence wr.s then delivered in Judge Davis usual impress ire manner, and was as follows: "In rendering thi* vcidict ihe Jury hare exhausted and mole than a bsu-trd, all the merry that should be 1 extrude,! appeal to this court can diminish the genumpp bfluw the highest penally fixed by statute to the degree in which you are convicted; and that i* apparently alight when compared with the great crime you 'have committed. I don't desire to 'make any further remarki in this case |but shall impute upon yog all the punishment that the law authorics, uuly regrettiug that lb* sentence can mot be more adequate to the awful jcrinia (hat rests ujw>n your guilty head The sentence nf the Courtis, 'that you he imprisoued in the state prison at Sifug Sing alhard labor for i the term of four years." A great deal of comment was excited Iby tha verdict which even at the late Ihour of recojitiitn crept about some 'of the adjacent hotel* of the city, and |wa* wondered and talked over by the 'loungers aud any who might not yet have retired. The most popular opinion was that Stokes' counsel would act trouble the court of appes's again. A Sanctimonious Shoemaker. HP BGTIA THE CITIZENS OF JERSEY •SLIOKK —Hp M A HRI ER FA UTOO'MUCH- I.Y, RTT IS FOUND OFT AND FLEES THE COUNTRY—A RACY RASCALLY PROCEEDIXO. The Jersey Shore Herald say*: A shoemaker giving his name as Wil -1 liarn Jones camelo this place last win , U*r and procured work with Mr. A. iW. Bruwit. After working for Mr. jB. N few days he presented a certifi jeste from the M. K Churchfßuffalo N. Y. as a local preacher and was ra jcejvod into the M. K.Church here. He ; seemed to bp y0/ in the , cause of christianily and madeinaay friends incur community. Mr. Joa. Huff had taken an interest in the j man—and his wife who accompanied him—sent to the city for a fine assort i ineni of Boots and Shoes and led the J <'Mubli|piient go iff jij? uame, Mr. ■ Jones receiving a share oi the pro/its. He preached oorasiounlly—once iu | the M. K. Church. A vacancy | occurring in the Evangelical Associa tion of christums, some weeks ago, by thf ri'tircmerit of Bev, Kighlmire, Mr. Jop< B withdrew from the M. E. Church ami connected himself wi|h that de n iminaiion, und filled the appoint ment of Mr. Hightmire. i { T iifortuiiattdy tor Mr. Jones and fortunate for I lie ursociatiop, while be was filling an appointment at Wayne >St til ion, on Tuesday last, a young lady from Troy, J idler sou Co , PH., who was visiting Mr Dies at that place, i wiif joy i'ed p> go to church to which I she consented. When ihey gifjyed at the church the services were com menced, Mr. Jones petitioning the | throne of grace iu his usual happy style. They stood outside as they uid not wirh to disturb the congregation, After listening a moment orltro this yoiino lady 'remarked that if that preacher vu# u iame man otie would he willing t<> lie otialified that hi* projn r name wa ItokiiiMn, irm Tmv, .Ml .n n •,, IV, u liot'iioue rbirm ltr, who hl\ t l itt phuo uiil the ci urch conclude I to mml for H v. Mi. lie* rick, the preacher in charge. A ft* r Mr. Itearick ariived In* told Jon* what on# Miid ahout him hv I hie yntu y lady and that he had better call ••• Iter mid tdeai litui*vll of o aeriou* a charge. lie turned pale and refute I to d> <> at (lint ll.lte tilll protliiaed meet lor the urxt tuoruiog. I hot elt< n lie lett fr lan k tlavou and that ia the lt een of Wm. Inner, alia* Haute Hohiuaoii, It ia raid lie has another wife at Carry, I'a , making three in all. lie ; uithaatd a Itotee from a gentleman near thia place t r the auiu of t'23o, iwftnty llvft of which he pot I dnwit.n httggy and hariieea from nn othcr gentleman on whiult he paid a email eutn taking the hoi *c ami bugt;)' uwui with kirn. )ii* lt wife remain* in Haven with kotne tf her tftlativre. 1 hat be haa been baaeljf deoetved l>y Itobinaoii we liave no doubt. Ho U about five (hi high. l>!*< k hair, tliui k t\ l Ul.ll llul k C.'lU|>losiuU. ill* lilt Ig • |ulll JLni ul ii kllullM than lite illlirf. |1 i m (juliii *oouu* iiit-1 and tl> |rf througtiout the eouutiy will confer tt favor on 11*** own no of chtirtiauitv ly giving liiro a Uotict. DKATII OF At C^TENNAUIAN. Wutcrtuwn, N, Y. OMnUr 26 Hoboit Setbury illnl in October 23, in the |uwu u| JcfTorioii coun ty, aged one litiiolnil Mini liii year* ami rv< li lituutli*, H* l>a>i aitjwieil a great reputation a* a hunter on John horiion'a tract in ni|th*ru New ' York, miter* ne had kil.ed ovir two thouaiul tiitr, When pu*l eighty, voare o| *g ; ; It* met with ail accident which iimKiutol ilio uiu|uitatioU l ou ol hi* log*, ami beuMiUii a ooun try doctor to perforin the opriaihn without flinching. lit* fimrrul *m attended by several of hi* cluldrcu aged bit wciii tig iity aml uiuity J^rj, THE FKEKCU CHIBW. Paria, October Sl.—lt it tcported that in coutequeuce of" thw position maintained by the Count tic (.'ha u burl w hi* Idler to M tie (Jhesueloiig all hope* of tu* restwatioii of the monarchy have been ahan.bmed. It tt probable that oon--rvat : ve deputie* tu the *eeiblj *i}| Vol? ID favor of the prolonging of the urui of office of I'resid lit MacMahuii. it t* uu-Jttalootl ibat lutßiceiial modification* under the presidency of M. Alngnc are impending. The leA centre i* now killing permanently. In unmbir* demand proclaipaiidu <) a noun"! >4U** i*- I public. The il u tiou for (lie tu.iuarclii * ! liecuiw* nun* ami unr- critkwl atl JThe Oihit|>it jrin-e * having been 'I ft' •!' l ' ,r uiwiMtrpluiMi Jmlrr, }m>c absolutely declined | btcoipu p[||t(Klrf, * cfrni ihuUffe fiiwtmd >|' |MiVTfrfu support. " The royaist* *re greatly discoti . eerie < t the rvfuaw!,' while lit* llonapar tit ate corrtspondiugly * elated. The picaeut turn of atlaw* 11 b entirely changed the political aspect itr mi ti.>w*fcli gU ptj in ' spired renewed confidence In repub'i can circle*. 11 7*l'? I°?*' l - * 4 hy tha fire at Iteno, Se ' rali,ii new ci down *t ,.'*j,U*l. in j turaiire, > Letter IVOIII i leatrllfltl To. Baiv Lick. Oct. 'JHth, l;i 1 Mi! Kt'kTZ:—l fin Jby the return* of f the late election in old Centre county that L " the 'etnocratic vote ti- not out, nr the i regular democratic majority would hare 9 been considerably targar. It seems the I deiootrat'c vole here in Clearfield ant not mt by ti or 7 hundred, or the democratic R itali' ticket would hare had it* uUai Ml * jority , and nearly *oi it in every county * of tlc State, a large decrease of the denx t cralir vote clcwrly ahoaing, if the whole * Vote had been out, Ibe democratic Stair j ticket would have hern eiootad, not with ; standing the large republican vota Philadelphia. It would, f think, be well for cur politician* to ccnidcr the reatan ( and why it u, that the democratic votar* , of the parly no longer attend the election*. , Thi r* i* a cauac, certainly, for all thia dereliction. The old dgmocracy are tired of voting and ding no good, and *0 have concluded not to vote at all. The loader* of the democratic party hare through shift and policy to obtain the acendancy of , the party and the rule of public aflair*. brought it into bad repute, and the people bare considered under tho suspicious character* of many of the leading democrat ic politician* that the party would net be honored if it we in power. The safety of the party in going forward and adopting many of thy wide departure* front tho good old principle* of the party ba* endan gered it very much; and with many of it* voter* at the prevent time, it i* thought we have no longer a democratic party in prin ciple. It i true we have a corrupt ting in (hp Stale and al*o in almost every coun ty, that have ruleij tho party U>o jntich for their own purposes, and it hashed the effect to dishearten and dl*gu*t the bonet por tion of tho party. Democrat* who think inure of principle than submit to wrong doing, should resist and oppuacilon every occasion aa was done bore, in thif county democratic ticket, in Clearfield. The par ly should gu back to it* principle* and maintain them at all cost, and when itstuc cess comes, it will be a triumph of princi ple. <-f honor, and manhood. The move ment in pUarficid county wa* eutirely a moral one. and a like movement, politi cally, in Centre county, I think, wou d be attended with the same good efft-ct. A well written lender, inthi* regard, publish ed in all the honest Democratic paper* of the State, in the.c times of political cor ruption, woult} be a jiroper thing and have iv good effect. - Touta, J .NO. (jILULAND. MANHOOD AND MONEY. Henry Ward licecher Opens tho Mer , egllfile library Lecture Course. Tho first l*ctur of the Mercantile Li brary (yourso was delivered last avening 1 bj tlie Uet. Henry Ward Bcecher at Con- ' vent ion Hall, thesubjert being "Manhood ' and Money." The audience was a large I one, every parf of the ball tjaiitg veil (ill- ' *d. At eight o'clock provltely Mr. Peter < Voorhis, the President of the Library As- • soclation, introduced Mr. Beocher, who v spoke as follows : I 4P] 0 1J1U% which are til work iu modern *oomty there i* no other (but Ml prrmmUima li •tronjr, and J iway iay iu fVrvent •> tiia deaire for nioiioy. Ai it i* the tnmiter-key which unlock* almost evory dour ol hupp, po*- •<> ion, or enjoyment, to it j* .uijxU of all manner ui m*p hop, all manner oflflotlvo* —from ambition, from lovaofpii*, from doincatlcand soda) taaaun*. from lora of powar, Mhd from avarice Itielf, the laat and 1 think tha loait, of the motive* that arc t work, Nun-lucrative profession* tCefO never so much -hunned as to-day. Ortico* of honor may be plenty, bi|t (he occupant* are not many. All those pro f*aloii*, <>n fle other liamt, are erowd d wliore iliitf end i mmey-making Thox' prf<>,alalia which bringeonipenaa tioii are (.untied with interne in dor, ninl In the direction of gain. Now, we are a Chrtellati t|eo|d al|er a amain r. We hold ouiirleet tHo liable In a item -at wa.V In t'l r. tpu |. ihe |>l. At any rat* it n I lie eritieUm nftd it the g. i ■ ral ft rat eanoli, and it I* >ti|.|>< ilain in the light of Chrntiaii trulli the one, that men ouglil tot to ***k tit-It* • HI tliia wnt id if I hey want to inherit ■ lei lint fit lie* j and, tlmiifthey do *e< l> i leli> they ewioiot gain riehea, n ll.e world t, wltliout ihu lat iitli'* of il.r tulotanliel liloral *leinetiU wlt tli go to < olotitutft (In Ollnli i.i ho. ii If lit It bo ■u, there ia and ha* been from the beginning hi work in sociaty h tep ilvnc> tshltli can be called nothing lets lhali | r.iv idcntial, along lio linn of which nil lIUnIMIII llMiil iuu been uluitittl mill the* i* liit|i> World lui bwli forced largely by tin - direct and Indirect commercial spirit tbo productive ipiril of the world, the *.'a I th-producing spirit of the world. It Wi'A|n Us, therufere, to ask whether it lie true that ('bri.liahily disallow* ridim, all tlm more ItccsU v lltett urn ulllivcmtli ly insincere, because mail hava a kind ofj policy on llit* subject, While they hold olt the one >td til their deeper and relict- | an* mood* llmt they iiia t deny them-, klvn and not to seek or covet wealth, yet drawn on hy the necessity of rireutnstaii tea they utt seeking it. They are trying to ntfipnmint thtii cun*oletuo* without daman* to |n ir theological scruples. The; thurt'll lUelt, 1 lilt'lk, Iliac Ilea (to Ucllj doi trifte he-amc thvg.iod men in the church j have 100 many churches to ha endowed, too many i haritiea to he up|iortad, too! Inanj tfliginp* opcr||t.r.*!t> he carried on; J and Mure t# the money to coma fiottt it! they die*o|*r*ge lb getting of wealth? \'rl im n talk about tlm wolld i tbey go into i hut> bon .Sunday and try to forget the world, and go out with mtiult fear and trembling on Moitday and through the week Ut what I* called the world, *UVpo*- itig It |u be distinctively tdtnething Vastly I worse than the church Now 1 hold that | tar all |nir|-ote* of check* the world i a i great deal better than the church, and the world for all that it i* constituted for. W hat uiari get on Sunday in the church is •>f very little use to them unlma they car ry it out Into the world'with lhui upon tna other day* of the week. Chrit'.ian if compatible with the puruit of money, hut ChrUtiaii manhuoJ ought to be the retult of all the processes by which it i* w'* l. We iuul taka a large vfew 11 tpe sufqsct {<* the best place i wo are mat with the general statement of i a life at aolf-deaial that man ought to be t cafeftil l deny themselve* ; and m they ought m ionic it lid' It i ii:y dut> i.i J man to dtny myself as an animal; it u ! necessary that I fhuuld deny rnyaelf t >irarcetne pride or vanity or telfUhneos . , but luilherlhali tberi >• no special go I m aalf-danial. It i* simply the assertion 1 of tne higher way a* sgsiu.i the low way I i.d *ulf'd*nial I* simply the aaeondaney, ' of acntetlilng better* over something w orae. | There ere two prevalent notion* ef mora . purpose* for lhi World and,it* *ocielv There U one habit of ihiuking of turn he- I tog one stupendous wreck ujmn whict > idinj genereti 'he, Ugl lb..<• p. nu •* - ' try log* io*av the w reek j' h I# unk |a< j redemption, bulywu may perhtpt pick of with the life boat a few and save thcui ] and that therefore the w hole buiiov** til mm in tbi world i* to get.f*!y out of It; I any thgl e juafl thai itmM a* hot to l> ! swamped—the men that can • ling to any, thing-jilapk, |pat, boat, urtjrtbiljg—atl. G.i #(tri> Iplhp thoir, bae dupf a'l th* iiw inquired uf theto A meaner idee I life than thi* can scarcoly b poutwivad j for 1 apprehend that it i* lilila abutl o ; blasphemy t up|M** that of all the my rlado, gei.i-ration u|*>n grnemtion. onli one here and there l clutched and car rtof to the shore in aafetv The wrorSt mean* something more tpau' tbl*. I mean* that men nrc put to school here: ti u a ttupctidoua seadcWV. an.! ''•*• atriving P-gether to lift mo'i higher ant higher in the successive generation*, unti the garth bai| be populated by a perfect ed race, lie that it buay iiclualvaly |r getting biiutelf ready for another world n not in the path of duty, 1 hold, therefor* I Uiat it i* both right aud often the duty o; Chriiltan turn to create wealth. If a mar ho* a calling in that direction it I* ju*t a truly a Christian ealllbg a* if he had beet called to preach. It it poraible for men ti win money and manhood at oar ami thi aanie 'itne. To be auto it Un t the eaaie* thriig. Well, it it nut cay to lino at all there >• nothing eay that i* worth having \lo are born with pain, both in the moth er and the child and there i* nolh | ing that abide* with men but that which i burned in the furnace or beaten on the an vil. jf jit* hard jnf e wan to be n man I: the great • to any considerable heigh in c vilioation that did not fitc in wealh and no nation can unfold iUclt, oxi ipt h, tboc method* by which wealth it devrl oped. Hen think that the pliitHiplie that ha* hi* daily bread and hit daily col coffee and hi* daily ateak and hi daily wine only, all of them in iitoder ntinn, ha* enough to wear, enough to e*t book* enough, and yet i* quite n poo man. Uod help ruch poverty u> that lie think* hecau*e hi* deaiaa* are ntoder ate that be i* not wUhy ; but he t* th child of wealth, and In* very ieiture ha been bought through tome one elae ; f o if the philosopher had *o earn every pout that he ato ; if lie wn to take care of th everlasting animal which ever; man lire* in, would he have time to b< tuch a pbiloeopher? So, when a mei any*, "I cannot indulge in wealth ; I mua found churcbe*; 1 mut aend abrf tiiiui, aro perfectly copipatihle Will Christian manhood. Thi dlstru't o wealth leads to docepliun. People nruut tciuptirig to produce the imprtvaion or thciuaclve* that they arc not rich; they say they haven competence, but they are not rich ; yet there is a practical worldly ien*e that takcy hold of and Js plipl uf it On Sunday they thank God thai theydc not care lor the world ami that, they think, is piety , and when ou Holiday the rent* coiua in and everything flourishes, they look through the day and they •ay, "Ob, my poor heart, how it has gone out *i\cf U, j Uggaily ulouiunis of this world I" as if that was not their steward ship, their very trado and profession ; a* if they had md a right to those things a-if this attention to business was not a part of perfect manhood UiCmi* to ligiop Is designed to produoe in man. In coiioiuslon Mr. Uoccher said that men should understand that going out into the world and achieving wOallli was a part of Christian character- thaf pursuit thay pi|id develop and skrvugtken all the Christian virtues, He wurnod them againlt haslu In the iicquistion of wealth, and that there was an unvarying law that no wealth could bo gained without f equivalent being given. The tuv, uf "quid P r " "bsojufc, ant) not to be viola ted. Tbp tpap in business bvtmipo Imln 'd in the Uw at honesty, and was ~o ferniar ou U :[g Vfend that was as . as the honest man on YVall Stroet. because the latter had been triad and tempted and hnd -tood Arm, and "tliero fore I say," he continued, "that the h (,• i',iOT K ts ? r • /■ T ;; i / ' j i • ( A.Uii. 5,1(4 y,4M 4,148 2,487- Allegheny I .',Ol a K.,Vt| 12,237 K.Ol'.ri Vriu-trohg 3.UMS 2.M7 2 125 2,B>*> ■ lli-in er 'J Mil li.lM-,1 2,782 '2,1071 i Bedford 2,570 -.'.mii 2,n 2,71* ,'Hi'iki, 3.MJ2 7,'jmi mm I 7,W| B ■' -j.i**i .OH • ' lira.l for. I 4,47 8.005} 4.7 6,814 HS77 ■'< MMM O.IOUj , IlutU r s'K! *44, i Cambria '2.H57 <1,59 Im 2,741 .1,222' 4|M HM7 4l '2,550 'l' ••ariiulil 1 ii*.*7 1,74*. 2,6 > 'Cut,ten I.4S* -*tn 1,4(15 I,*V, ColuttihU I,ld 2.5*il 1,115 2,6*4) t'ruwf i 2 4,i3 H.MIK 4.14') 2,001 1 . laii.l .t,l a. : ,);k a,2f18 S.4MT • I'aDj.'iiu 6.211) .8.25C1 4,104 5,4 i 1' . ■ ■ •;- All.' ,|KJ Ml l 2!i |AS 1,614 Krl. I 1.V2 '2, MM 8,1*7 2,7tf.i ' Ky il* '."<' l 'i 844 :s iff.' : .... > Furtil 287 IW 2ns lM*t i j Krat.klrii U.IM 0,112 2.3U,' 3.(ri| .! Knil.4 2,'06 I (MM , .1.-fl i.'iyi i.diil 2(H<. I ..liiuata 1.110 IWO I 127 1.4.X UncWor 7,K.1t ( mm) h/ilc -1,767 • l.uvrnieo 2 334 1.404 2.427 1,238 . 1. ..., ~7.* 2 42) .#ll v-I . | Lehigh 8.124 t out 3,(174 4.034 Luxe rite 7,1*8 M,ij|7 7,419* 8.1*26 ' Lvroiiitng r, 171 8 ISO 0,174 3,5 m i M K (u..iii rj ..,- 01 7'*-< (. n>7 7.1.VT . Monro* -'(l7 l.uuu 44* I,'*C I M..1 t.M.I Kit I . ||J 151 , North mi i a 2.1Kl 4,081 2,300 lull, NorthuroWr 3.173 .1 474 3,107 4,41? • Per* 2.0 M 2,0 M 2.241 i Phil a 3(1.077 1)1.*250 51,437 42,732 i 'ik •-> HI; 104 PtM M2O 045 (£7l 096 SchujlkiU T.h'7 MM 7,011 SnvJgr \7 44 I. It." 1.71.4 1l Somewet 3U15 1,184 2,305 1,464 . Sull■ van I'll 784 mo ru 1 SuMiurhhi.i.a im 17V. ?,*7 1,742 ' Tioga 0,517 1,412 R. 544 1,474 • (Till ■ 1.676 I 145 l.sti 1,4# VoAattge 2,u*i" 2,254* 2,4tf) 2.*2'-*'' Wrfeu I 7H,, 1 .1 1;A2 I ,(517 \Valoiij(U>ii 4,(04 4,071 4,5*63 4,014 VVi,jnt* 1,501 I.VW l.ptll I. *4l We.tmnwpd 0,(60 4.757 .I.fCS 4.712 Wyoming 11.51 1,4-V.l 1,15'J 1,451 ; York 0,71(1 A,t® 0.742 5,236 l Tumi .').', •H- 21. 4-1 M , -Jl4. itialorllv 18.551. _ - .. . . . CKNTI'K COUNTY (official) 187u Tr*'r &}■ Jlv< ?r ? ? - 6 o z I ' s J S 9 5 ? . iltlii iu(i|. |jo la ai,( 79 145 75 'l* ■ Sk Ul Joi 104 109 I W " 44 0> 45 4 Mi'.lur< ll ru. (2 75 41 75 1 1'otoorlUo 1fc*f0...... 2* :J2 22 ll.raranl llr<> 2M SI JT >i l*nil.|al urg It.r. '>4 141 *4 111 IMtt* It'J 171' iU6 s"O \mi |M 153 rai ii'ii'Mit*".,). i.v1,,2u *1 41 If ;v ..mi >*. 3 125 W6 T" Orc .210 34 211 VI I llaiiira 432 7H l* 17 HallMirtnti *\ uM 14 W • Mar*-. I4"l 2IK t4 2! 7 , 4i-,arO 4* II .t lilutlan m| 2} tl | Litwrt* £44 H£ 17 10' Ixiau't) .... . 71 Y> .4 N Mi':. 301 51 *.?4 51 i Patl u " . 47 t| 13 (•! ,1 Prnn lH stu P 4U,r 274 IT. 9 l£B M(uh 63 03 02 54 Saoa Sb.Mt (6* 76 w 7 Spring IX4 l(il *Si jTaylur 37 22 36 21 !t*(,l„n 53 SS 56 K7 Walker 151 ** !,* M W'Vfth. (ti *8 43 Total— sfcm II s " Jrjo 2512 — "til. hint<>n :t9i: luUilic* Vaii'vr .1 **!*/•' 4* ' S IS n . : 5 SilMlnirell.>Mi„... M , 47 W 4'.< (.| ! I niuarilU H - 24 50 20 UU Huaard 14uM>..,...,. n 21 00 61 2D , !'l..ii|>t.urjr iluiu '-'I 123 HXt 112 , Bofga 1J 172 17 177 i Hiijner,._ 100 :i( 134 7* , lliirtnldr 2! 31 7.4 HI j Purlin - S3 IS ft 7fc K. rgUM.n l'.rt 127 ll, (•rt'Zg - 214 57 210 05 . Ilain. Jul M 150 SI ll*ifmu*n 'ls (?.( 35 'iM Harr.t lld '.'J4 lld 17(5 • ( Howard . 41 OS 41 ... . Mutton 21 ti *'.l| Si l.llMtrljr. 47 I i*l I". 7 Itr>, i Mari0n........ 75 iu Ml 3:5 Mill'*. 380 l.i 3.1 -17 PatTnn II 7(2 JW H5 . Pfn* >;.. 'JOI 541 I'M '> j Poltfr 27 ISO 3K7 Its'- Hutii ii*2 ?.| cj u| ' Snuw 51i0r...*..-.... 70 75 72 71 : hp on* 122 157 144 181 , • Taylor 47 22 26 22 1 Union 54 8 05 •*"■ 'Walker 145 7(S 158 1 f Worth .6 50 (VI 61 ill . Total 2047 41316*66 ■Vlajuriliea WaroaiQ 2X2; Orvia 7C7. Jrroi'r fumm'r X ts V- Z * * 9. r < a Jj, * r a f 2. 3 r r j - ; h Ilcllrfunto f K Ward 00 186 7C II" S - 6S 123 108 1(R A IW " *2 • 7T 41 *3 ,1 Miioahurc itaro.o... IW 7X 4* 75 1 niunrlllo - 23 S7 i 27 ' i >lowar<) born • Philijiaburg— *) j:l W 120 Bnfjr* — tu I'.fii KC )7(S . Itcnncr 145 m 153 M Hurnride "28 38 3! 34 •iflurtln H*4 37 .80 27 nWgiiton...'. 210 KM I'M ISO) Gregg 217 56 17 7( . Mai net 14.1 MM 121 ill I llaifiiKuin :(.*• On S3 oj 1 • j i tTowanj r 48 ti 43 ?1 . M 25 fa! Ixlierly 40 107 m pr, i Marion TV -- i|M(i* 2W SO 145 ISSI in • n iy . i E OI l tt P- 32 I olfor 271 141 -Jul U5, f (■•■ M 'mi 02 31 1 Mhonr Slifto RN 7- -o 1 Tnylor 86 23 .'2l 23 lUp Mm .*d KS 68 1\ alker .... l.Vi i.'ai j ;>>*rtn ;• 4J( liH ,*,O ,H; I v . T ." t -■ ,l 2072 2716 2740 | Majnritle. MtUsTp-ll '."?1. qrai.uoy 84. f f M Si | S t fj r r ? r i Hullefonln (K M ard SI 77 14(5 Ja.'i " KW jit, KM he | . , Va ' W Hi tu GC M ijealiura U050... _ 4 ! 42 72 75' 1 nlunville Utiro . ... 20 28 21 :fj> Howard Barn 20 3.) S3 84 Pliililliiirg 1t0r0.... '.ll v:j p**, . Ijentiar fji, w 1 ii.iMuu. y:] 3t :;i 2W' n '• 8.1 27 27 Kergiwon UW 190 127 13; r ':*K .u - . 214 214 6S ~8'! }{?!?.? '"I •ua K3 M Jlalnnnoi) X _ii6 t!U )(',• tei'V IW IM 219 211*1 J"*"*! 43 71 71 Liberty SO -* 107 10; J " r,oli J~ T7 mi Sbi S'r* '■& #Ol E j,* tton U 41 62 61 ; tv. %>4 idoti ai "1 o* a** 1 ™ • j Sj tSL*" 11 "" 134 , - 1 I'd Ift-*, 1 - ;, -4 34 26 25 * tnwn 53 54 88 86 1\ Hiker 155 155 14) 00 Wrlh 40 50 C(] (57 ..Total 2972 2W>B Xm si!- tre lltil. fli'f# he p iI" 'Si nil |kind 41 nuiffiftK m I lIK-f L *>iriiMoig i I it r tu are, Xntb, At Circular and lluti.l Shu <, Ten-tun Haw*. ' WrbbSnw, Clothe* Knelt*, n fbll ntrt iiiuiii uf IIUm mi l Mirror )"! Picture Kri nit-*, Spoke* KvllnM, ailrw.y Hods, Oil*, Tllulli, Carpenter Tool/, i'uitil, Vnrn* Ul4. I'lfturw ft Pi tht< fine, t ,(y la e#-Any thing in ike Hardware tine ordi red upon *hurtr*t untie# At*.# n lull itoeU oi ri'KNITIHtK a1,14-u.** ,14-u.** tn ban I. I fc Ki'iiU'tllbcr, all nod* offered t lti-i|n il or than i-lu-whr'r 7Mf il "" "" """ |f- , - n < .■ - it ■ t ft:: *# ■ - * 1 ii i] ij | NEW HOODS ANDNEW PRICES. ;< AN KNTfltfc NEW SToCA OK BOOTS AND SHOES M ll* , at lite BOSTON BOOT k KHOK MTOIt K. WO. 5. itt SII S 4 lit 1 OK. •Pnrej J/m ilmii at U /iy Other Shoe Store in Cvtitre County. I v Cull and See Us ! if No. 5, Bhtnh'n Areale, IMltifoute. jfttl* Itef. | f l -I NEW GOODS! NEW 1*001)8! ; A. W GRAFF, J < KNTHR HILL. CENTRE 0O„ PA., ' Ha* Jil*l rn-fhrcl a Irry r iktuwr of ) Spring Goods ! I (°.t:t>M4i't|( of it#* Ik-4 a-orlJnef,*, *f i RKADYMADE CLOTHIHGI * GROCERIES, s? PItOVISION* ROOTS* SIKIM, HATS A CA PA. AND FANCY ARTICLES. II , f*w brought (.* I'uUvrlwp. t Al* well known to thcneuplr. Hand who will Im pleaned to nh old friend*. af&f. l*iet>e i"tij| uf . very Ut iwdM. J ' j ■" ; > t j r. H. WIUMtK. T. A. ttlcsa. WISON & HICKS. | WIIOJ.ESAI.E AND RKTAIL j Ilurdunrc ;uifl Mf#c Utolt r*. ' Rtiililrrs lliirdware >i • T CAKRIAGK MAKERS GOODS, •J SADDLERS TRIMMINGS, AI.L KINDS Of HARDWARE AND HOCsK FURNtSIIING GOODS. STOVES. fSPKAKS ANTIOLINKJtR MTOV4CS! .v I Mil ULK HKATKKS ; hi -h will heat one or two room* dt>wn ' rtair,. and nnn- number above Cost very littlo more tlmw *iugle t*vr Th#*e are the bol parlor tove, made. S"Sv|t'*llANNA COOK STOVE. • ' Thl* stove ha* large oven*,, will l;rni lined or aoft eo#l and wood. w v ery 'nne warranttul to give oerftsi •afLfaclion. WILSON A HICKS, Imarl3 if BelUfonte, pg, I I |7~ MI I, ROY MJKAII AGAIN !! tlij; Stock of Cinthiiifr, Roots. Shoes, Hots, C^aps, niul Nolious. / Jl. Krino li toe people of i oiinavslley to know that tiny haveiui packed a Uego took of Clothing. *uch it* voaU. suit* fonnen and b..y*, and a big .took of B , 1 for men and woman, whieh they boaat td " sulling cheaper tbiin anv other e.~tblH>i lil Ut Or. and try them, tlu-y off-r the bovt " bmgaiii* outside the city. itciueinber, . their motto is, CHEAP. octlti tf • | 1 i I. Guggenheimer. J J^ KVV AHKANOKMKNTI * 1 ' JuAAC O UOOEXHKIMKB,• having e jturfliw-rat,<%eMlmla, IVr Clustery, Fancy Uesds Mko. i'ar* WISH nd Liquor* for medio*l f alwsys kupt. may SI. 72- , VSW PUKMUrUEKSSMUk 1 two* HU.OW llorraa'a **• . (/BORON (7 BUY AN, • Dueler in fuMi v un i ok AM. KWL BKDSTKA US, TA BLES. CHAIRS, Parlor and Chamber \ SOFA S, LOUNQNB, BUREAUS, WASHST>*aIDS, WA iu)iu, xtnu: a i, Particular Mleau-a te ordered Work. xti'Aihisv rnoMPTL r. I'SPARTA KIM*. In All Its Bmnchea,, WALNUT, ROSEWOOD, A*l> OU UHQS CAtILKn, Always on Hand, and Funerals Attended Will ao Elegant Hearse aphU. Stoves! Fire! Stov's! • At Andy Reestitau'a, Centre Hall, are 4 la tort and beat store* out, km bat jurt received a lance Let of (Cook Stoves, the Pioneer Cook, the Eclipse Cook, the Reliance Cook. • I* A KLORS—The Radiant LighL #elf-f*a der, tie Burn or. National Keg, A. Jewell, Ac -3; HtU tell* rtove* a* LOW a* any a bare in Mifflin or Centre co. TIN ANO SHEETIRON WARE ', The undersigned hereby iefones the .iiUent of Pennavalley that ae ha* pur chased the Tinakup heretofore carried on '• by the C. I! Mfg Co.. and wll. continue a I IRQ same, at the old stand. In all iu branch • ♦ea, in the manufacture of " STOVE PIPE A IPOITIXG. Allkiad* of repairing done. Be has alwaysoahand i- FrnitCana, of all Sieee, BUCKETS, 017 PS, v DIPPERS, } DISHES, AC. f All work warranted and obarges reason able. A bar of the public patronage ao .lHritod. AND. HEKSMAH, JsepTOv Centre Hal! ' EW HARDWARE STORK. J A J. HARRIS. r *| No. A BROCKERHOFF ROW A new and tootupleU Hardware Store ; ha* been opened by the undersigned In j Brockcrbofft new building—where they J are prepared to soil all kind* f Building j and House Furnishing Hardware, Iron. d Steel, Nail*. . Buggy wheel* ia setts, Champion Clothes TV ringer, Mill Saw*. Circular and Hand Saw*. Tennou Saw. Webb Sear*, Ice Cream F recent. Bath Tub* Clothe* Rack*, a full a**ortmcnt of Glast and . Mirror Plate ol all ise*. Picture Frame*, i Wheelbarrow*. Lamp*. Coal OB Lamp*, , Belling, tiled,?*, Felloe., and Bub*. .Plow*, Cultivators, Cora Plow*. Plow j Points Shear Mold Board* and Cultiva g j lor Teeth, table Cutlery, Shovfkh Spades and Fork*. Lock*. Hinge* Screw*. Satb Spring*, iioisedihoet, Wall*, Norway Rod*. CUlt, Lard, Lubricatine (M Tanners, Anvils, Vices. Belkiwa Borew Plate*, Blacksmith* lool*. Factory • 5* I*' ? Gr:udrtones. Carpenter Toola Fruit Jam and Can*, Fatah Oil*, yarm.he; received and far **le at ' X A J, RABBIS. I - THE PEOPLE'S DOUG STCRE. 1 Next door lo Wiiaou & Hicks' Hard ware store, Allegheny St., BELLEFONTE, PA., R* F. Rankin & Co., (Successor* to Linn A Wilson. | DEALERS IN PURE DRUGS , AND ASNMCWEB, PAINTS. OUA DTE STt'V FS. \ ARNLSiiEs BkUSU- s KS. FKKFUMER Y, NOTIUNST 1 AND FANCY ARTIOLBS < FtR 'FHBYDILST.^CT' for modioli. pur^Kxea. 6HOULDF R BRACES, TRUSSB', & SUPPORTERS in great variety} Also, Choice CIGARS AND TOBACCO, and all other article* usually hopt in firrt clau Drug Store. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFU T COMPOUNDED. ■ tf.Uune R. F.RANKIN A CO. • . BUTTS HOUSE' Bkllekonte, PA. J. B. BUTTS, ProiPr. Has first class actumiitodatioo ; charg er reaaoiw* *we t tf JAS. M MAN US, Attorney .at Law, Bellefonte, urotnptly attends to all buiiae** entrusted to Mm. jui2,'Mtx > Shorllidge & Co.. PROPRIETORS OF THE Bellefonte Lime Quarries, The only Manufacturers of Luna, burnt ei*lu*he!y with Wood, in CWatml Pmnrylvani*. gAt.XM nr Anthracite Coal, While Lime, Da Pbnt'a Powder, Sporting and lllaatitig Tuwder >n band, * Fuse tor Blasting, Fire Brick, Grouod Fire Clay, Fertiliaeiw, lM|4eineii(a. lan.Hl 73 Offlre ard yard near South rad of the Bald Eagle V alley Railroad Depot, Belle fante. Fa. JanlO T" YOUNG'S HOTEL. Comer of Third and Chestnut Street, Mifflinhurg, Pa. John Showerr, Proprietor. It* Central Location makes It particularly desirable to person* visiting Town on business or pleas era H. A. Tajrlor'a Lieery Attached, uwgt ly ... C. Fl lierlacher N. Crooniiller. f* I2SW A J YA L or GOODS!! 1 HEULACUEK k CRONMILLER Wish to in to* to the eilisou* of Potter that they have opened en entire new stock of goods in their old quarters, and will keep constantly on band * toil and good assortment of LADIES DRESS GOODS, ixtftiiktific of ALPACAS, Poplins, PLAID*,- Lustre*. and all other kinds mt DRESS GOODS, i * I f ff&t Mlmi of ? NOTIONS US FANCY GSSDT Bonu rilun raw""- etc., etc, etc.. All of whldt we ofhr at greatty reduced prices. litgh-rt prices peid far enewtrypewgner. By strict atumu-.i, to bttkiness we hepe to asm and receive the tmUfnage of the, public CIHTRI HA' a (OACH IETI BIRR4V, td Ms ble rates. Carriages, Buggies, At Spring Wagons, PI.AIK AXIS FANCY . and vebkles of every dc* tolay end aaayjtf. u _ LEVI MURRAY, " uu, fe^T n AND CIXTRE AIILRI Will attend to adminhering Oath*, Ae h!f* VP Bwm ° f *• Ar Deles of Agreement. Deeds, Ac. may 16 Gift fc Ilory's New Shoe Store ! AT CENTRE HALL pey have now opened, end will coaaUnt mew, women end children, from thf best many factories ia tbq coeatrf, and new of fered at the , Lowest Prices. BOOTS and SHOES made to order, %o \ •hort notice. They ierite the poop!- of i this vicinity to give them a call as they V erill strive to merit a aha re of their pat- * roc. age. mst&f UARtLEI6S Steam Tannery, HARTERBROS. " Harticton, Union Cottnty. Pa. This Tannery Mm wow aeqgnred *},„ reputation of tuMMifheturing met r'<