Farm, Garden and Household. Profit* of Farming. We believe that there are many farm ers who take an incorrect view' of the business of farming, so far as ita profits are concernoJ. They seem to suppose that what is sold from the farm is alone to be accounted profit, while no account is taken of what goes to support the family or is invested in the improve ment of the farm. To give an instance, we will refer te a conversation we hail with a farmer a few dav* ainee--a man wish some five or nix thousand dollars, industrious and thriving, who com plained that he was only sble to raise in cash acme seven or eight hundred dollars annually. As a contrast he mentioned one who had about the same amount in funds as he himself had in real estate, and he seemed to consider the intoreat which liis friend received aa clear profit on his capital, and that the money so invested gave a greater income than the farm would. We knew that our farmer friend bad a large family to provide for, ami suspecting that he had overlooked the cost of providing for them iu his es timate of what he had received from his farm, we inquired how much he thought he should have left in caali after main taining such a family aa his, from the sum which his friend received as in terest ? He hesitated a moment and answered—not anything ; his receipts would barely foot "my bill of family ex pense for one year; in truth, he lias little or nothing left to support his own. B*. we donbt not, it often ia with the farmer; that which his family eat, drink, and wear—that which goes to make them comfortable and respecta ble, (the gift of a kind Providence and the result of his own toil.) ia frequently over-looked by him in the estimate of the profits and loss iu farmiug, and nothing is counted but the cash which . remains after expanses and outgoes are provided for. In one case the farm is cafMtal, and in the other the capital ia in ths funds. That which goes to support the family is as much the produce of the capital iu one case as in the other, and iu both cases should be considered as the profit. And if the farmer, after the mainten ance of his family and defraying the ex penses of his labor, improving his farm. Ac., has some SSOO or S6OO left, it can not be inferred that tha farmer*' profits are the least.— .Practical farmer. llau.rbol.l Jtsctps*. SPONGE COKE.— Three eggs, one and a-baif enp of water, one tableapoonful of cream tartar, one-half teaapoonfnl soda, and two cups flour. Flavor with extract of lemon. MOUSSES CANDT. —Two enpa molas ses, one cap sugar, one tableapoonful vinegar, butter size of a hickory hat. B®il briskly twenty minutes, starring all the time. When cool, pull until white. EXCELLENT DROP CAKES.—TWO cups of sugar, one enp of soar milk, three teaspoons of soda; two eggs, one tea spoon of cloves, one teaspoon of eiuna mon. Stir very thick and drop on but tered tins. Cnrm-Ess.—Four eggs, four, table spoons of brown sugar, and one of flour, well beaten together; add four table spoons malted butter; mix hard; roll thin; ent in two-inch squares; set in bars; fry in very hot lard. TEA.— Water for making tea ahonld be used the moment it boils. The reason assigned is, thst if it is boiling for some time, all the gas that ia in it escapes with the steam, and it will not then make tea of the best flavor. FILTER POR CISTERN WATER.—Per forate the bottom of a wooden box with a number of small boles; place inside a piece of flannel, cover with coarsely powdered charcoal, over this coarse river sand, and on this small pieces of sandstone. BREAD OMI LET. —Pnt into a stew-pan one teacnpful of bread crnmbs, one tablespoonfnl of hotter, with salt, pep per and nutmeg; when the bread has absorbed the cream work in two beaten eggs; beat them np a little with the mixture; fry i n an omelet-pan and roil up. REMOTAL OP INS SPOTS PRO* COLORED FABRICS. —A solution of pyro-phoaphate oi soda, it is said, will quickly remove fresh ink stains (old ones less so) with out affecting the colors of the fabric, as is the result when oxalic acid, chloride of li me, or chlorine water are made use of. Sail for Ho|*. An English agricultural paper, the Gardeners * Chronicle, relates the death of one sow in pig, another with a litter, and of eleven small pigs, of what was called "strike on the brain." The Eigs were taken with what seemed to e epileptic fits; they suffered great pain, uttering occasional shrieks, and constantly throwing back their heads conTulsively. They died in a few boars after the first seizure. On examining these pigs, the brain was fonnd ail right; the stomach and intestines were inflamed in large patches, showing that death waa caused by irritant poison taken in the swill. €>n making inquir ies, it was found that a quantity of waste salt had been cast into the swill barrels to get rid of it The lesson to be learned is, that while dry salt is wholesome for pigs when taken volun tarily, when it is given in in excess in such away that they are obliged to take it, it ia* a deadly poison. Wreck on Lake Xiekigan. The schooner W. J. Whiting went ashore near Grand Haven, Mich., dur ing the night, and until daylight the wind was blowing a terrible gale from the west. The vessel waa heavily load ed with salt and her deck even with the water. About 9 o'clock in the morning the captain and one man leaped into the water, and to the amazement of the assembled crowd succeeded in reaching the beach. Boon after this one of the Ironsides' life-boats, manned by a crew of five men, pnt off from the shore, but before reaching the schooner filled and capsized, and one of the crew eras drowned. The tag Miranda then start ed with one life-boat and one vawl towed astern, and succeeded in. drop ping the yawl alongside the schooner. The four men jumped from the rigging into the boat and were greeted by the cheers of a thousand spectators. The next moment the yawl plunged nnder the schooner"* bobstay and rolled over. Three of the sailors again succeeded in reaching the rigging. The other waa seen for a moment, when an immense breaker swept the poor fellow out of sight. The tag came into port, righted the boats, and again started for the re lief of the men. Again the boat got to the vessel's side, bnt swamped before the men could leave the rigging. At last the tug Miranda succeeded in get ting alongside the schooner Whiting, and took off the three men. The bodiea of two men who were drowned have not yet been recovered. The body of a man supposed to have been drowned from the steamer Ironsides was fonnd on the beach, nine miles north of Grand Ha ven. His Salary. Ministers' salaries in some sections oftener are less than SSOO than more. Old Dr. A , in the town of , prior to the war, only received S3OO, on which ho had to support his family and keeps horse. The war increased the cost of living so much his parishioners had a sadden fit of liberality, sod voted to increase his salary to S4OO, of which he was informed by old Deacon C one evening, who was amaaed because Dr. A did not seem overjoyed. Next Sandsy, after his sermon, old Dr. A laid asiee his glasses and sur veyed the congregation with tears in his eyes. He thanked them in touch ing language for their great generosity, etc., but said he had slept on it, and had thought of it night and day, and had come finally to the conclusion to decline it, for three reasons: First, he was not worthy of any more salary; second, they could not afford to pay any more; but third, and mainly, it was as much as he could possibly do to collect S3OO, and if he had to collect SIOO more, it would be too hard work, and more than he coold possibly do and preach. The Export Trade Crippled- ItesadsinfCi Held Kd I" llotwOwlsl to h* l.a< k of Vortl|W ICultM|. The embrrg© oil the aliijunent of gram to Enroj>e, save a New York paper, eooflnnea in as rigid enforcement s ever, except in the cave of n few small lots that wen' sent off by ltiekv dealers who were able to negotiate n little for eign exchange. Franklin Edaon, l'nai dout of the Produce Kxohange, stated to ft reporter that tlu> produce arriving fnnn Uie West was stopped hen* com pletely, and a million or a million and a quarter bushels of w heel ate locked up in tha harbor for wont of foreigu ex change, Bottoms had all been en gaged some time ago to carry it. " Have Tinir efforts to aeeure tlie aid of Secretary Richardson succeeded ?" "Up to this hour I have uot even re ceived a reply to our telegram." "What other means remain of break ing the deadlock ?*' " None but reato ratiou of confidence and case tii green back a. We seem to Ix* some steps nearer these than wre wen< several day* ago. Everything seems to be easier, and the matter will probably adjust itself tiefore long. Heaven only knows how ! It will come out all right some how. The produce men are all hope ful. and the Exchange i* standing up under the infliction manfully." " What ia the effect on your cuato mera out West?" "It has brought trade to s. complete standstill out Weak One merehanr* here cannot advance anything to farmer* out there until the block ia broken." One ef the moat prominent members and atatisticians of the Produce Ex | change was also celled upou by Uie re i porter, and questioned relative to the figures of the grain supply and inove ' wont, He said there are now 2".],1td,000 bnahela of grain, iueludiug wheat, J corn, oata, barley, and rye, IU atore at j the principal points of accumulation, , at lake and seaboard porta, in transit iby lake, rail, and, and iu the . granaries. Of this amount, there were i 7,500,000 bushels of wheat alone, and half of that agutu was passing through ; the canals. The railroads cannot carry j grain because they require gn-cnbacks in payment for transportation, cash down. These supplies will come next week and the week after, and New York will have to meet ttiem in great part ' with foreign exchange. They can do . nothing in Milwaukee, Chicago, and Western cities in foreigu exchange, be cause they never have banking capital s enough to rnn three days when New York fails them. There is in atore here, in New York and Brooklyu ware houses, nearly 3,120,000 bushels of the same grain, and (was and malt. This cannot t*e moved from the lack of for- i eigu exchange. " Will the arrival of the heavy ship ments of bullion recently rejiorteJ help you ?" "It may and it may not. It | will depend upon the demand* for gold ; ten days hence. But observe that the ; rate of gold rose one per cent to-day. ; That looks to me as if English capital ists were combining to lock np gold while this cargo is on the way, to run it inp To a big price, and make a heavy ; percentage." " Is it likely that a lock-up iu gold will take place with such a scarcity in currency ?" "It seems to be a des perate venture, but it can succeed. : These men are sharp enough to aee right through a financial matter on the instant, and they will not make the venture without comprehending all the details." "Currency still remains tight?" j " Yes, and it will always remain tight, unless the ordinary laws of trade ar range the matter otherwise. You can not make it cheap by throwing it upon the market now, for the reason that spectators seize it The men who hold bonds soil to tha Government for greenbacks, but then Ihej sell their greenbacks at high rates. They com mand 105 in the street to-day. The savings banks that sell their bonds get the greenbacks and put them away for a run, and in fact, of the $10,000,000 put out by the Government very little of it has "gone into any channels that benefit general business. If the United States Treasury had pnt $40,000,000 on the street, it would have gone just the same way." " How is the feeling now among the produce men ?" "There ia a much better feeling." " Is the scarcity of foreign exchange the only difficulty in the way of maviug the grain ?" " The only very pressing one. But we are short of ships. There baa been a loss of a million and a qnar j Ur of tonnage within two years, with out any observable increase by building. There* is an nnusmd demand for our crops of all sorts in Europe. Two hun dred and ten ships are now with petroleum. Of the 5,000 available ships we ought to deduct these 210, as well as 1,000 more used exclnsivelv in | the Pacific and Eastern seas. And of this small margin, ships will be needes for the movement of pork and cottou a well as grain. Yon will see at once that freights are likely to be very high. The lack of foreign exchange will hold onr grain fast here until freights are too high to allow it to be shiped, although the continent of Enrope clamera for our breadstuff's." The Kelsej Case. The following is a synopsis of the ev idence given by Mrs. Sammis, nee Miss Julia Smith, in the Huntington, L. 1., Kelsey case: I reside at Huntington; I was at home on the 4th of November last; there were present in the house Mrs. Oakley, Mrs. Ketchum, Miss Merritt, and Royal Sammis; Wrn. J. Wood and his wife came in in the latter part of the evening with Mr. and Mrs. John McKay; I do not know that Mr. Hurd came in; I do not remember to have heard any noise in the back premises that evening; I was informed about 9 , o'clock that Kelsey had been caught; i don't remember by whom; was in the parlor at the time with Mr. Samtnis; don't remember how I ascertained that . there were men in the back yard; I ' noticed an odor likp that of tar, but could not teli where it came from; I went out soon afterward and saw some Eersons, not a great many; can't tell ow many, perhaps from five to ten; did not notice that they were doing any thing; saw a queer-looking object in ! the yard that I supposed to be Kelsey; I spoke to him, but he made no reply; I hiard the breaking of glass and the light went out; I was aware before that j parties were watching for Kelsey; Dr. i Banks was one; don't know the others; ; had never requested any one to do so; i some persons on the street were dis guised, bnt I couldn't tell how; two of j them stepped into tli* hall, but I was in ! the other end, and could not distin guish theoi; I never stated that I knew i some of the masked persons; I did not 1 order them ont, and did not feel j alarmed; they soon went out again; Mr. Sammis left the house a little before 10 o'clock. Buckner and Burnside. The Mobile Register notes that some thing of a romance is connected with the recent returtT to Mrs. Buckner, the wife of General 8. B. Buckner, the ex- Confederate General, of Kentucky, of a certain large property, which, when the war broke out, she had conveyed to her brother. When General Buckner entered the Confederate service, and 1 before Mrs. Buckner joined him there, •he conveyed thepropertv to her brother under a deed of trust. The young man afterwards married, became a father, and entered the Union service. The ques- , tion now waa what would become of the property. If be should die or be killed - without making a will rcconveying to his sister the property she had deeded to him his child would inherit the for tune. On the eve of the battle of Sharps bnrg, however, he made a will of this character, and at the battle named was killed. General Bnrnside, who com manded the corps in which the yonog man served, knew that this will had been made. He kept the Becret, and, after the war, informed General Buckner of it, and the latter by his aid was enabled to reoover the will. The testamentary S roofs having been obtained, Mrs. iuckner's title was fully proved, and the fortune, which seemed at one time to hang upon a slender thread, was returned to her. The Romance or a Itleh Young Girl. Then* ia ft young girl employed in the faot®rv at Ottawa, Canada, where the Hank Not® Company tnrna out Canadian {rreenlmeka hr tne cord, whoa® life from neared to be, to secure somebody whose reputation warranted an interesting discourse. This is laud able, jarhaps, but editors and pub liahera do not care much about listen ing to a speaker, however intelligent he may be, when he talks about a subject witli which he is not familiar. We claim that no man not a thorough, prac tical printer and editor, can deliver an address that will interest or claim the attention of an editorial association. On this occasion something connected with the printing office is expected— something practical—something that will benefit. Of the many addresses we have seen this year, a few by printers have con tained this information; but we regret to say that many of thsm, so far as the printing and publishing ef newspapers coucerneu, have as much to do with the subject as a dime novel. Theoreti cal newspapers will do to talk to the outside world, but to newspaper meu something a little more tangible is needed. We trust that the experiments tried by association committees have l*en sufficient to satisfy them, and that hereafter when an address is wanted, a veteran out of the rauks w ill be taken— some mau who went into a printing office determined to learn his trade, re mained there until it was learned, and wben he sat down into the editorial chair, assnmed a position that he had earned. Bach a man will never fail to tell editors and publisher* something that will interest and benefit them. —IV. 1". Unum. A Had Buy. Tire spirit of malicious mischief which has given no respite to the tortured spirit of George Russ, of Jonesvilie, found an aperture for whole sale exit in the numerously attended party at the Harris Works, says a local paper. After long and patient watch ing, his expectant vision took in the grand opportunity to relieve himself at one fell swoop "of the overburdened desire to inflict his mischievous in genuity upon his fellow creatures and achieve that sudden distinction which oome* to those who enter with the true spirit of energy upon the consummation of well-laid plans. George purchased a quarter of a pound of cayenne pepper and placed it safely in his outside pocket. That night he attended the party. Ho had no invitation, bnt George stands not upon the conven tionalities of that society which refuses him recognition. He had business there and he went. Cautiously he entered the crowded room, threading his way here aud there, meandering to the right, to the left, forwards, back wards, and as he progressed in his travels the quarter of a pound of cayenne pepper which lie had Iwiight iu* tho afternoon, spread itself in ser pentine shapes upon the floor of the room. Then George withdrew to a retired corner and enjoyed the sneezing and excited remarks of his two thou sand victims. He went home happy that night, and doubtless would have been so still had not Marshal Crotzen bcrg palled him from under the side walz on North Main street the next morning and taken him to jail. He was brought into the presence of Justice Smith to answer to a criminal charge, and the upshot of the nfTair is that he was sentenced to forty days in jail and a fine of $14.90. snm Marshall'* Dnei. Tom Marshall.waß captain of a com pany in Col. Humphrey Marshall's regi ment of cavalry in the Mexican war. One evening, when very much under the influence of liquor, he went to the quar termaster with whom he mas intimate, and behaved in so ontrageons a manner that the latter was compelled to kick him out. Next morning, of course, the quartermaster was the recipient of a cartel from Captain Marshall. The challenged offlcodeclined to fight a duel for the several reasons that lie held a profitable position, from which he de rived a comfortable support for his fam ily, who depended u]>ou his exertions for a living; that he was constitutionally opposed to dueling anyhow; that he had taken an oath when sworn to his com mission not to engage in a duel so long as he was an officer in the United States army, and he did not desire or intend >to forfeit that commission and suffer ig nominious dismissal from the service by sratifying5 ratifying Captain Marshall's very evi ent mania for tho duello. "But," wrote the quartermaster in conclusion, "as Captain Marshall is dissatisfied with one kicking, I will pledge myself to give him a kicking every time ho comes abont my quarters and misbe haves himself an he'did on the occasion complained of," "Gentlemen," Tom would say, in that peculiar serio-droll way of his, "I would rather the rancul had shot me dead than decline my challengo in that manner." Persian ladies call a European lady's dress " trousers with one leg." China and the Panthaj*. The Rangoon correspondent of the Io*idcsanother em bassy that appeared later to treat for surrender, were beheaded, and eventu ally the city was etitered st the end of February last, ami ever* Mahouituedau niuii, woman, and child remorselessly muvtaered. A l'authay'a idea of num bers u hardly trustworthy, but there is every reason to believe that lwtwecu ■III.(SHI and 80,000 people were killed. After the taking of fsleefoo the vietori ons armv marched for Mouuen, and taking all the smaller towna 011 their war, finally atormed Mouueiion May 25, and massacred those who were not for tunate enough to get away, Mouiieu is the town visited by Major Sladeu arid his party in PVW, and which he wa* so well received by Tah-as-Koue, the (Kivernor It is believed that Tali-sa-Koue and some of his garrison escaped from Mouien at the time of the capture, and that he has retreated to the nilly tract iu the uwrth of Y'uuau, where the Chi nese will find a difficulty in following ium. The fall of Momien and the re establishment of Chinese sovereignty in Yumui are, the writer says, matters of much importance, and the numerous chambers of commerce iu England who have an long pressed for the develop ment of the through trade to Western China, may indulge some hope of their expectations being realised. There ex ists no difficulty in reaching Momien, which is OUIT ltd miles from lthsmo, and as the Burmese Mission lately in England assured the mercantile bodies by whom they were entertained that it was the sincere desire of the King of llurtuali to reestablish ths trade rout*' to Western China, it may be expected that he will join cordially in resuscitat ing and developing a route which is cal culated to produce such important com mercial results. A Chapter of Calamities. The other day Charles E. Sumner, a worthy farmer and merchant near Suf folk, Vs.. kissed his wife and children and rode over into Gates County, N.C., to look up a stock of chicken* and egg* About noonday a severe storm came up, and Mrs. Sumner had jut laid the table-cloth and fixed (he knives and forks for dinner. Her t*n boys, nine or ten years old, and one of them deaf, came to the house as Mr*. Sumner sat in her chair, after some nails, to go out and nail up the fence. Just as they pot to the door going out, the lightning Collaterals." The. excess of collaterals upon these loans has been estimated and included in the assets. The firm expects soon to submit a proposition for a settlement with its creditor* which, it believes, will lie acceptable to the latter. . I>led of Starvation. A man named llvan died, the other day, in a London workhouse, whither he had been carried in a state of utter starvation. He had !>een editor of a French newspaper, which, being sup pressed, ho had come to London and endeavored to get a living by translat ing manuscripts ; but, as this did not prove a lucrative employment, he left his ladging* suddenly, and had since been walking the city streets day and uight. He had had, he snid, 110 food, for days, except pieces of bread which he fouinj on walls, fences, etc., during the day. He at times slept on the grass in the* parks, bat at night " it was one continued ' movo on, move on !from the polioo. We can well understand that poor UTAH'S nerves must have boon unstrung by this kind of life, more es pecially ns he was suffering from con sumption—his death being accelerated by that disease, though immediately caused by " exhaustion and neglect. ' The jury found a verdict in accordance with the facts, and Hyatt has " moved on " to a world where no policeman's voice can disturb him. Sunshine as a Force. A good illustration of mnn's inability for self support, independent of sun shine, is afforded by the following cal culation : The mechanical equivalent of the ver tical sunshine upon a square mile of the earth's surface ia computed to be .1,32.1,000,000 pounds raised a foot high in a second, lender the most favorable circumstances, a square mile of terres trial soil receiving this amount of sun shine, if planted with bananas, would yield, according to the estimate of Baron llumboldt, 50,000 tons of nutritions food yearly. This is the greatest amouut of food-producing power of which the earth appenrs to bo capable. But this quantity of food would suffice only 100,000 men, whose united mechanical force would not raiso more than 10,- 000,000 pounds a foot high in a second. It would, therefore, not be possible for any number of men, by their mechan ical force, to procure anything like a sufficient light and heat in the absence of sunshine to raise from the soil the food which is needful for their own support. • . A STORT. —The Record of Chico, Cal., furnishes one of those quiet, unvar nished short stories which seem to verify the Shakespearian adage. Two sisters were sleeping together in an apartment. One of them awoke during the night and beheld, to her amazement, a little Sirl dressed in white standing a shoit istange from her. She nwoke her sis ter, who also saw the little girl. In stead of screaming they struck a light and as the light increased the object faded. The description corresponded with that of a little girl who had died in the same room a few months previous The family were afraid of the apparent ly liarmleas visitor and moved fr*m the house the aezt day. !*r Yark Nuirl Hctlcw. The market in all kinds of Grocery goods has been undisturbed by the crash iu Wall atreet, much to the dia gust of speculators in staple goods, who expected to reap a rich harvest had the excitement reached commercial circles aud affected values. Coffees.— Prices remain firm for all grades. The market is quiet, sales hav ing fallen off considerably, but not suf ficleut to ufleet values. The stock of Itio ill the priucipul msrkets of tho United Htstes amounts to less than 85,- (KM) sucks, about one-third the usual supply at this season. Tho decrease in demand was not anticipated by jobbers, and they have, in cuuartjueiice, liberal stocks oil baud. Hugaiw. lieww arc selling slowly, re finers evidently holding off. Prices are unchanged ami steady, with no immedi ate prospect of a decline. Molasses. -Hales have been unusually light, and should they oontintie so stocks will have an opportunity to accu mulate. Rico.— No activity is noticed. Teas. —The trade iu lines has bseii at a stand still, but the distributive de mand is very active, and full prices aro obtained. Hide s. Prices of all kinds remain unchanged, but firm. Mackerel. Prices for all grades, especially for Hhore Noa. 1 aud 2, are very strong, which are selling at out side figures. The supply ia limited aud the demand fully equal to previous years at this season. Hays are also firmer at slt>ussl? for No. i, and sEt(g> sl4 for No. 2. Full stocks of Hay are in market, and arrivals are largo and of good quality. Herring.— Large stocks of Bcsled are iu market, and farther large arrivals are expected. They sell readily at 3Uq£3sc. V boX. Flour.— Prices are iu some instances lower aud unsettled. Tnule has been moderate, auVimiC—Quotation# arc Uw-r than last seek oil several grades: Amber White, we quote at 81.tkh(£$l.t>8; Ohio White, M 5; Western Winter Red, i1.60ft51.65; Milwaukee Spring No. '2, $1.42vi£51.50. The other* remain unchanged. Domestic Dried Fruita.—Apple* have advanced about jo. lb, and are firm. We i)note Southern i'vit 12c\ ; State tht£ 10c. Western, IVeled Peaches are in fair request at full pricea. Pitted plum* have advanced to "i"2n£'2so,and are ID but banted supply. Cherrte* arc alao scarce and firm. Blackberries arc quoted lta*plerries at 40(&4A). Whortleberries, Foreign Fruits, Ac.—Prices of all kinds of Nuts are stiffening some, hav ing already advanced. Almonds are in steady request from confectioners and Others, au.l selling at outside figures. Soft have advanced to 21vit23e. Wal nuts hare advanced to 1 Out2sc, with but little inquiry, as yet UrazilnuU are demand at 9u£loc. Filbert* ■feans remain unchanged. Cocoa in better request at s7ii£sß 'f Hi advance of 82 V l^ l Peanuts KIKHI demand at steady prices. K no change except for ttufisquc, ■ have declined 10a V bushel. Prune* we quote at 13((i£ do, Figs are in fair and are steady. Raisins are Hriu at present quotations. Layer* at outside figures, ana in an advance has been ob- H. Loose Muscatels are not in ■ supply, and prices are strong. fair request on account comparative cheapnes*, and the is Bnt few Valenciaa, in Hcondition, are to be had in this Ht. lufetior fruit may be bad at 7|* I A few new crop Layers have ar- Hper steamer, whichare held for $3.- ■w loose Muscatels,*!lo. New Val- H are held at 12<(£l.H. Only 5,000 in all were brought by the steam- sufficient to establish prices for H(a Leghorn Citron is strong at for Prime. Dates have ad- a fraction, and are firm at pres- Huotations— Sc; Southern 22u(24c. Since the cool weather ha* made it possible to ship Southern eggs to this market in good eondition, consignments have leen so licited ; with what result may be seen from the pricea they bring. The Age of the Farth. The new method of ascertaining the age of the earth, which is a present topic in German scientific circles, at tempts to determine approximate!* the time at which tha fiery liquid eartliball for the first time covered itself with a crust. This ia done by means of the difference of the longest and the shorost diameter of the earth. According to the calculations of Newton and Hay gens this would be iu 1578, if the rota tion of the earth had always been com pleted in twenty-four hours, while, in fact, it amounts to 1298, which is equiv alent to n rotation time of seventeen hoars and sixteen minntes, which must have once l>eon the time of the earth's rotation. It is, however, probable, for reasons which need, not be gone into, that at the time the earth was covering itself with a firm crust the time of rota tion was also a mean between the origi nal and the present time. That a re tardation of tiie rotation of time has ta ken and is still taking place is now as good as proved, although formerly it was stiongly doubted. Of all heavenly bodies it is the moon whom astronomer* know best, and have most exactly calcu lated from her movements. Now, the co-efficients of the secular acceleration of the moon's course, as found on the one hand from the oldest observations of eclipses, on the other frsm the theory, aro at variance, and there are differences which ought not to exist in the calculations of so well observed n body. Agreement can only be obtained when it is supposed that during the 1,0(10 yenra which have passed since the Greeks first calculated the eclipses, the rotation of the earth has leen retarded 0.01197 seconds. There exists no diffi culty alwint the causes of this retarda tion, which IR |>erfectly well explained ly the tides. From the cipher thus found, it is easily calculated how much time will be required to cause a retarda tion of nearly four hours, and the re sult is that since the firm crust of the earth formed itself, more than 2,000,- 000,000 of years must have elapsed. A ClAMnuxo BTORT.—It was some timo ago that a man at one of the gamb ling tables in New York city, after play ing a time, got up "broke." He felt in his pocket for any stray money that might remain there, lint there was none, and he drew forth only a eongh lozenge. He was abont putting it into his mouth when he was struck with the similarity of its appearance to a " split," and part ly in jest threw it upon the table. It won and was paid by the dealer, who did not notice tho deception, and with this amount he continued to play until he left the table a winner of more than 810,000, and with this sum he estab lished himself in business as a druggist and apothecary. Never after could he be induced to bet on a card. The largest blacksmith shop in Ihe world is at Reek Island. It is 210 feet long with two winga each 250 feet long. Three Paragraphs of Hold. A good advertisement in a good news paper is the best of all |>ossible sales men. It is a salesman who never sleeps, and is never weary; who goes after business early and late; who ae costs the merchant in his shop, the scholar in his study, the lawyer in his office, the lady at her tea-table; who can be iu a thousand places at once, and ap-uk to a million |>ooplo every day, saying to each one the best thing iu the best manner. A good advertisement in a uewspa|>er pays no fare on railroads; costs noth ing for hotel bills; give* away no boxes of cigars to customers, or ruerino dres ses to customers' wives; drinks no whisky under the head of trsveling ex penses; but goes st ouoe and all the time about its business free of ex* ]iense. A good advertisement insures s bnsi liens connection of the most ftcrmaueut and independent basis, and is in s cer tain sense a guaruutec to the customer of fair and moderate prices. Experi ence has shown that the dealer whose wares have obtained a public celebrity is uot only enubled to sell, but is forced to sell at reasonable rates, and to fur nish a good article. WNIHKET IM> TUB WEEO. —lntelligent physioltigtsla ami pathologists admit that all st (culled medicines containing alcohol—whether they emanate from the regular phariuacopu-in and are called tinctures, or from the Empirical Rtuu Mills, and are labeled " Tunics," —are essentially dangerous aud destructive. The only way iu winch drunkenness eau lo arrested is by restoring the in tegrity of tlis nerves (s|eeislly the nerves of tsste and the great sympathet ic nerve), and purifying the animal fluids ; and these objects sre more cer tainly and Nwiftly accomplished by the uee of DN. WALX-EB'S VISEOAK liirrEits than by any other means. Hence, urobahly, the opinion now so general ly expressed, that this pure preparation is a sovereign remedy for the evila re ferred to. HbouM it be clearly ascer tained that YtKBOAB llirrfctui is not only a specific for indigestion, liver disease, nervousness, scrofulous ulcers and eruptions, and a host of other dis orders, but also for inebriety, thousands will rise up and call the discovery blessed.—thin. The National Life Insurance Com pany of the United State* of America u in no rcsjK-ct afieoted by the recent suspension of the large banking house of Jar Cooke A Co. Its securities are such as are proper to a conservatively conducted Life Insurance Company, all being of the moat substantial de scription. It holds, invested in mort gages and in Government bonds, a much larger amount thuu its total liabilities, and all of its other assets arc worth all that they arc claimed to bo. It haa not, and never had, a dollar of its funds invested or secured by the Northern Pacific Railroad bonds or stock. It did not even have deposits with the banking house of Jay Cooke A Co., or any other private banking house. The policy holders and friends of the company aeed entertain no shadow of apprehension as to its permanent stability, and of its future 1 prosperity and success.—CVm. Cramps and paius in tue stomach are tbo result of imjorfsrt dv< mion. and way LW uutaetbslelv RELIEVED BY s IIJSO of Ji-Htuon > tkoiynr /.unionif. A teas(>oouful U1 S lilUs sweetened aster is s dose —('can. Flachi'S INSTANT Itturr haa stood twenty ysars' lest Is warranted to gtv* *•*- iwlwir rritrf to all lUietuosuc, Nrnralgw. Bead. Ku arid Hack acbee. or iaotiv refunded. The missing schooner Three Brothers, of Petite ltiver, Lunenburg county, was picked up and towed into Little River, Newfoundland, on the 23d tilt. She is a complete wreck, with spars, sails, and rigging all gone. Seven bodies were found in the cabin. Ths remainder of the fourteen are supposed to hsvs been washed overboard. Right of tbe crew were married and leave large families at Petite ltiver. A SOVKKKIUX HAI.W Can be build La ISsl srsat sad rabab'e family ■BSdlct MS ALLBX'S LCDS BdLSSM. Rf fk* ua# of w> hirh iutp)NMii it rrU. ris) in th. tr airtf4 Willi t'7 L*ng *r f**r bla Utf.ujM At* •• H&•••#r*d '> the |k)lr Re*4 tlefolluvinf Istter f.ota Pi. ICUfILL r*l*irltiß , Ui It MKMM 1 N lUimiro , • (feals t tn •k* lb* f.i 1 aliif tr*m A I Retfrrl AmeictPHi ar-4 kMl f* <*f ho WnRt of ALIH> Lrio RamaS in rtiii g lit# ttoti deep- Iv*le4 /SilaisWdt y OwntAffma ' I bar* vtinrMH IIA tffef'l •> the > '• A. 4 lbe • 11. And I can ti *ly • sytbattli* tffsr ottffbi. AAf ereff fttni.y w< Bid ! ilfcjrltoia ready m ndfrp uur tt|ae*r*ti.e fdiisAe*b.til tbt tb*r aoU i W t*rt few eimi f f*t| rcniuntd on If fat in ] He pblevm i4tnitGf UtU Mhi>ot Inilsti g . lb ** D*LIRAT (tbe Ltttfs), AND afibt^t i Rrrsdtirltßfo'miMiito ofibe We i It *lP||Te Itientih to th eyelet* tt *• tbo t l(bt tr*t, •nd rhatifei A'l the A >Ud • ""1 M to A feewlfhy •Ut* Tomr, frtpAcifttlljr. * A. L ftCGTILL. IT I>AVD MT LIFB." COLCNBI a. ALA-, March , itfl J N lltn'l A Co iMr S.r Im lakln As.) ■' tnrn f„r t ( lb- of ii,l l-n jnara , I baa* mm (j icm-'if (■•<. auk Ih'i |i lh Italy liaimt hat hat jlraa la at t r-l tt. 1 ban* II ■•ird HI llf- Ual annua At taal l.tna I cow afi.rr.l 1.-ln u. at A I rrcairaA lamalniar.l.a', ll ato|>p— on mjr 10-a l In boar* I noil Mrf rt t bally to juM'ah tbia lMtr. f >t lh bana it of auffi*ri"tf bumai I jr. and attb trapect, 1 rwalu, Yoora truly, D. P POOL. inrb. Ny •uNarlns filraSa aa Iba l-llat* racala ai'tfai a. and do * a drni Hl bran mo Uh rffira c* of Ibta valuatila HI- lilaa P- In ll"♦ and lata la y.nwal. and girt a real, health and comfort to motbar and rblld. *'i ball-va It to ba tba Naal and Snraat R-mi*. ulna unlraa iba fao-aimlla of CP Rllß A FRRKINSy on tba ouiaida wrapper. / Nolil lr all Slaillrliaa Daalwra. CIIIL.DHKH OFTKS I.OOK IM LK AM) NICK from no otbar aauta than baring worma IA tba •tomaoh. BROWN'S TFRMirrOK COHFITg rrtll dattroy worma without Injuiy to tba rbNd, balng parfrrlly It HITR. and fraa from all coloring or otbar lnjurlua ingradlanla naually naad In wvim praparaltona. CCRTIN A IROWII, PmpHflora, No. 819 Pulton Street, Raw Tork. Jbfif bp flrwogieft and rbemiafa. no f dtaSort in JMaifirtnea. of Twaair Fira Cgara a Hi* TITO IIIHNKHIH.iI I'A.\AbK.A, tan FA (111, V LIKIMKHT ta tba brat ramrdy e lha IPtlnwliig onmplaliita. Til.: Crampa In the Ltmba and Btorn acta. Palo ta tba Biomach. Bowel* or Rlda. Rfciu mallam In all 111 firm a, Bi lion a CoMr, Neuralgia Cholera, Dysentery, Cold*, Plrab Wrnudi, Burnt, Bara Tbroat, Spinal Complaint*, Bpralui and Braiaaa, Chilli and Fever. For Internal and Kx tarnal at*. IU nparation la not only to rallar* lha palUnt, but entirely rcmovrt tba cauae < f lha complaint. II panatralra md i*tii>i the wbola ayatrm, re storing baalthy action to alltu pails, and quick ening tha blood. Tha Household Panacea la pnrvljr Vrg alabln and All Healing. Prepared by CUKTIN dt BROWS, 80. WIS Pillion Btraet, Saw York. For la!* by all Druggists. __ To Lit a Coi.d hat* It* own way !• to aiaiit In laying lha foundation of Conanmptlon. To cure tha m-at etubborn Cough ar Cold, poo hate only to uta Judiciously Dr Jsyne's Expectorant. I)a. Bi,AU.*nnaaoKß'a I' Ha ara not a pnrgatiaa. Thay ,nrn srtry roils of Fever and Ague ir-rnrrf.- „(•<. without alrk'ioia '-r diacowpirt. Ural and Oldest Fauili) Medtelnr.-Ai I ird'i fiitir /net porn (or purely Vegetable iVifhur .i, and Tunic lur Dyapepala.Conatlpatlon,Debility •■ok Headache, Bilious Attacka. and all derange as Uta of ClTcr, Stomach and Bowela. Alb yoar Dr if gut fur It. JTairurf ot imitations. The superiority of the aloek towl in making the Elmwood and Warwick ool lara, and the edges folded all aroond, arc the reasons why they are liked bet ter than any others.—(torn. The Emperor Francis Joseph of Aus tria vtsttad ilia Alumirw 11 Agricultural Hill, si Vlauus, August TAI, and was much Interested in ll>a display. Tba fccliuss dual Usug Plows, sililldtml ly Colli us A Co.. of New York, par- Uculsrlv attracted Us attention. Pointing to tba seal for Ilia driver, ha said, smiling: "Tits Amariran farmar Is s bs|ipy lichvldusis ba knows boa to got ilia moat labor manylialail g Hie least i|M>nsa uf money sod power. We bsva much to laarn." The blgbsst prise st Vlauus, tba Medal of Merit, ass award ed to Collins A Co., for tbsir Gang Plows -A'. )'. UrraM, Stfit, 17. HAMI'S HOKKV or HOUR not'no ABU Tar nvar|>oaarm iba laaal troublaarsna rough within fortv <-1,-i,i botira. Pike a lootbsebs Props curs hi ons mlnuts. Com. Heavy oata are good forhorsos ; none ; will dsn* tlist | but osla ran t ma k* a boras'* ! coat took smooth and glossy wliau he la out of cuudlUon SAsHttmit'l 'atalry ConiUhtm Pw j Art will do Una wbsu all else fails. - Gum. CIIAI-I-EK HAXOS, face, rough skin, ptrapls*. rut*-worm, aslt-rheum, and o'hw culaneeua alt Uona cured, and ths shin madr soft and smooth, by UMUR ihs Ji sirea Tas Hoar, ruade by I'aswatx, liars an A Co., New Vcrk. lis certain to gsl the Juniper Tar Hoap. uuuls by us, as tbeio are many luitiotiona mad* with Common lor which are worthless Cor*. CIUHTADOBO's ExOKUUOR HATB Dn stands unnvalad and alone lu merits hav* been so universally acknuwlsdasd that It would be a aujwrerogaUnu to discsut on thea any further—nothing can beat 11. Stows Wlvraa's UALSAM for Itruwebltts. Com. " .Netoral tiersy— -I'rol.el the System. Tba huwan bogy U a marbles.*** ibenfsreeao 'Hl rridura (•• , bulla, a wslrb era iseiel tsar his*. II will last Bid lobgsr if yreyerly U1.4 a4 4ulr i.ysir.4, lbas If sa yaiaa war. iUk tats kaey Ula erSar. Ta. graat I'M art offvary a aud kaaltby lit. IXMM ha ' 10 yet hit hotly la tntliliM te resist the life tbtsataalt g Ibßutatti by ehirhw. aia avers er j latt turruundad , and so ta*t(.raal er oerrwrMee ( at yraaarx hcows ee rSseliealr astwart thto at -1 1. at !h. viul .itb sttßir, ssdtr in. sa yitltsdlbS Btmt of ■u.i.nar't SteaiarO Bnirri, aat btau lor wore ibta iwasiy yaart lha ttaedard toslc of ats.rlrt Is rrowdsS ciitsi, wOtra tha atuoabOart la coo lam (salad wilk Oat .Sttvla la toft) a bit frc zs laigt p psUliobt, la marshy irg.oot, where tat soggy tetl 1 with ■laasta; ae IS* piattiaa and Is lit forsau, stary tail iba air la taiutst wita .tkalatiott fro si reiusf stsdi sad gitttrt. at lwosyNlt| lsarrs-a • every lersltly where malaria cmldU, (hit yostiral e.g.labia aeiidol# Id srgeelly saadaS. Vtver and agut. bit.oat fevdtt., cot Jet ties of tbt Itvar, jtuudnt, rbesststlim, aid aU dltnt.t Wbtrh art g.nvratsS by Ibtaried air. tm byett walar. or osddsa tbaagoa if ismperawra, may bt attrltt by itrabgihaslag tha aytlrm lb advasco with Hoalsttar'a Bntaro. Aslsaut la at wtyt a t.ttu of peril, a.ptrially 10 w.ab. taartpl ibl. Oisas Ittton. Ktaa tba mare elgortat are t I to b. ■ a tat tssaacie dtcetted by the bemtd altaoarbrr., beted with drlet-rlest gtttt pro duredly rgetsbla Tba fall ia a period • f tb* )— Ijrs Wk itmii m s .ma aaT Holies—Mxldliis* UDj noor—Ettr* WMtors. #*e uii - • Lea (BTO-MIU* WELW .811 (S S (Vra-lliod f * M Har, tru ia,o# stl.OO AN*, P* MI 11-oa Uot rr utmu—vr*. a e M hork~ * * lTja WbS J rrtroirajt. -i"rodf. B\**S "■*"■* !•* kauw-Stau M s . utuo, n* aa a ji ~ Vollow M a. Wasters ordissry OS * .11 haiajlTUlt Sue.... .SI s J1 Cans, out* UMorj. -Us .UK BklttßMd .M * .• Ohio ie s .1K Ks-uu J* # 2 SOTAIA. mr ™ • • Lord J • <*H AAS4JTV. Wheal l.S* S l. iiw. -m.i- v .. s Jt Ooro— Ml I'd M m M Bariajr - Bt*l .1 M til* CMla-aieW a e JM ruunarau. Lao s iso WheB-WMtra Hod L l.a Oers—VnUow •*• • *• Mixed - • • • IVtrolaiim—Crsd W-.Beaced.M CIOTM Seed *•** Slt'.iJO TuaeUiT - . a LTI Minaoaa Cotton—Lew HlddlUK a AT r^otir—Baits. - * TJIB Wheat - l.tu #1.71 Corn .** S *8 tle. sad rhe Wonderful S ehia • f the Sorl'.n.l Capttel ti oelia ydlrt n' fjr apenmea psfr one cirrw ■ u ore oar term I . Urol, dddn •• i iiU m'l >r 38 rente Cllmee A Co., ll Wtnlej Mff*'. B'UIOR ---——a.- (lIMID CIDKH ILLTMK VKtH ROt JO. the f. e' rI Suiphne of l.imr, •• prepared b_BiL- Llso* rtlPPrro Ko.i....rrerl J B X*cß .Mii ro.,k-ep Cinvs IWKIT ALL THE TEAS Bur BP hew York olHce. Cl)e* Vlore sew* if If SHMI'I SRAL XBW TOBKRB. Ivi I! I V the Greet tlleatrAled Agrleulte- I H l I rel sod FamllT Wert 1. 111 1 Mandard Anthorlljrspo" Pr e*V • •••*• •* • rel *u I*l me and a Hritee.a Addreaa PTVT Moo* X T.City. I ire Men Wanted to sell * IM1 kdUcle. t wanted In arer* faierlf. warranted to aelL lead Utria for n pie end r ban re to naka ronr fertwse. W Ve AuaM't. loemror * ST Mudaoo. X T / Ih. Hsrfallw Polirls, or Su-ar v Root end Herbal Jiooa, Ano-BuW Cranulea-i:M " Little Giant Cathartic, or \n.7r re Pltruc, scarcely ItrffrlUsß IMUS turd seed, yet uproaraung A muck cathaitie power at largr rrpulaire pilk, tqAf wrarf **• omj fteeenx*. frt Ctntly oofkimdff tfrrmhnf lie!tig entirely aogviabls, sopsrue ular ran i< waist thc W Jiiumllec, licadnehc, Impur mood. Conifipailon, Psln ft shoulders, Tlglttncas • Chee|| Dtrzlitrse, llAnr.Jßrnetations. Ba* taste In TloXtlt, Hllloas attarko_ Internal I'fAr, Hrtnh of Blood to Head, BloaVcd Mtomaeh, Mlfk Colored I r rlne|\looinT rorched lugs, lake Or. PleiV* Pfllfli. , (h dt iww bV*n dailXf 1 * * uc, *iß curt Pimples, Ernpilons, llalla, MrrOfulOMS SIVcS end J'lrW leul Affcctlous of kln. Throat and I I'M ton. No cheap wt.l or paoa beard h.-rn. but freth and reldlda in rula tie rente, Vjr dui--;tt, or It eßiv Mamrtac luml at the O orld'e 01/ pc usary. No* C ET ZE' S New School for the Parlor Orp, I liihirn. Ihr i.abnr of Tmwbfr and 1 J Scholar. Tn b hil at ell Bock bud Music ttcm. Sent by mail Ptlca,flßo CIiAnKXI'S NEW SCHOOL FOR THE PIANO. hv the I'mfruloii oath* heat. j m"i l|n>iafl, marl aitractlv*, and irarbra In the meat direct Banner, an Had to pupil* of every grade or i'itdj>, prrp*<; ig the mora advanced R>t Thorough Ban. Bant by mall. Frio*, 18.75. \\'ll.L RE RKADI' IT HRPrEMBBX." II The I.teat and best Cbotr Buck, "THE SABBATH," i ontama lha rood old atandard tunae tar Churcb Caoira. ,f all da< omiiia'inna, ani prrtty malodiaa '•y rnnnai t aniborf. Piica, tl 30. Banl by mall. Sample ropy. •! 'O. I.KK A YVAI.KER, il CBSFtat-T T A Wtlkfr'l Mntiotl.Alßmc, froi to uy ftddroM. CMWC fcchtml, but looaana It, rieanaec th Intgt and aCarc Irritation liua removing thocauae of the compact CONSUMPTION CAN BE CUBED by a timely resort to thla atandydl mnady. atito prowl by of taatlnnmlaid It baa received. Vbo pernio.* Is elgned"/. Autumn the arama, bi:rfl W. >\>W I.K A BOSS, l**oammoB, Boa- Tu, Mam. boU by Jaalort Bda—%. oior \ WKKH. Watrhfraeto Agent*. Addr's Qlt:3 PiTTsni'auit Sui-r-L* Co., Pmaburgh, P. IfUTKY Mad* rwpwßp wltb Standi AKey Cbsck jjJL Outtne. Catalogues, samplss and full parttr lacs Free. B. M. Bpsuear 117 Bane*** St., Boston inr inttnt ftrt o purely Vegetable preparation. Rinde chiefly from toe M- Uro berl* found on the lower ranges of tbe Sierra Nevada mountains of Csllfor iiia, tbe medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom without tbe uee of Alcohol. The ouestlou la almoat daily naked. '• What U tbe cauae of the unparalleled success of Vimeoaß Brr- Tr.Ka V Our answer ia, that tbey remove the cauae of disease, nnd the patient re cover* bia health Tbey are tbe great blood purifier atiu n li.-glving principle, a perfect Reoovotor nnd Inrigorutor of tbo ayatem. Never before in the birtory f the world ban a medio ae Uea componndnd poaaoaaiog tha rrtiiarkallo qaanora of Vi*m.jji Uirr*M ia beaiiugtßs wsk of every dieeam man ia heir to. Thvy are a ge&Ue I'argstiva a* well aa a Tyata, rebeuug umeeaitata <* JMJwawMlok of tha Liver and Viaoaml Orjaoa, In JiQioaa The properties of Da. Walk*** rtaaoaa Itirrtaa are Aperient, IHaphwcrue, Carminative, K uinucnu, Loaetive. undiq j hedeuve, Coeuterlrntaat, hudonfic, Aftere- j live, aad Anti Bilioaa. (intleftil Thousand* proclaim Vis sua* Birrßjta the moat w underfill In vtguract that ever eueUinad tha aiakiaf system. No Hereon can take tbv*e Bitters according to direction*. and remain long unwell, provided their bunes are not de stroyed by mineral poiaou or other meana, ana vital organ* wanted beyond repair. Bilious. Remittent and Inter mittent Fever*, which are ao preva lent in the valleys of our great rlvera throughout tbe United States, especially iboee of the Mississippi. Ohio, Missouri. Illinois, TeoMMttt, Cumberland, Arkan sas. Bed. Colorado, Brasue, Bio Grande, Pteri, Alabama. Mobile. Savannah, Ro anoke, James, and manr other*, with their vast t nbytarx*. throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn and "remarkably so during ee. sons of unusual beat and dryneaa, are invariably accompanied by extensive de rangtrtuenu of tiie stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow- j erful influence noon these various or- * gaits, is essentially necessary. There j is no cathartic for the purpoee equal to Da. J. Walk em's Vivkoab Birmt, aa tbev wilj speedily remove tbe dark- , colored viscid mutter with which the bowel* are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, J and generally restoring the healthy ' functions of the digestive organs. Fortify* the body against diswu* by purifying alt its fluids with Vixeuab Brims. No epidemic can take hold of a ayatem thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head- ■ ache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Cheat. Dirtiness, Sour Eructations of tbe Stomach, Bad Taste In the Mouth, Bilioaa Attacks, Pal pi ta ut ion of tbe Heart, inflammation of tbe Lungs, Pain in tbe region of tbe Kid neys, and a hundred other painful symp toms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One beetle will prove a better guarantee of its menu than a lengthy advertise- > Writ. Scrofula, or King'ft ETH, White Swelling*. I Irer*, Kry sprU*. Swelled Keck, Goiut ScrnfaUMW lalliuiiw*Unt, 1 ndolent ItnUmmatKin*. Mercurial Aflection*. Old Sore*. Krupti in all other coc*titotionai DU Man, WALKBK'S \ iawi*i Jlrmraa have thovn tii.-u great connive power* in the tuutt obrtma.e and laltecuble cmm. For Inflammatory and C hronic Rheumatism, tjoo?. Bilious. Kemlt unt and Intermittent Fevers, Dieraaee of the Blood. Li tree. Kidney* and Bladder, tbaae lister* nan noMual. Snob Diaaaaa# are aa-.tsed by V mated Blood. Mnrtianioal UiewuifiK.-Persona en gaged in Faints and Minerals. euch aa Y'l umber*. Trpe-aetter*. Gold beater*, and Miner*. a* they advance is life, an auhject to par*;™* of tha Bowel*. To guard against thi*. take a dot, rf Waiuun'e Tin kx.AU Buret* ocwwhmallr. For Skin Diwrn**, Eruptions, Tet ter. Salt-Kbeuni, Blotches. Spots. Fmple*. Pu*tuls. Boil*, Carbuncle*. King worm*. Scald-head. S<>m Eye*. Ertndpelas, Itch. Scurf*. Diacokirationa of the Skin, liun><if Vf lulißitua Md Cbartmr It*. X T. Sold h) all l)r*(flaU and Ctalrn. I~ HIM * W U \KRIHKA COTUL-lb wo*a*r f, i Jimni'n ,rm*oy *et* alnoit loyUl. fault tiklt an* pemctlf harmless. lHe*e •ra tjr a * n.*er™tr fovths utWoilolbo •n r, eeipt of *Bct* IMrtn It B. WOLFS. Will*. *l*o Hod*. IJTICA STEAM Ell IFAUNU WOOD dl Mitt.) STATIONARY & PORTABLE^ Steam Engines. The Best k Most Complete Assortment in the Market. —■ H TSfIM Kflfciiww hav* alway* maintained the retry hlghwit .uindard of excrtWa. We make tha manufacture of F.ngtaca. Boiler* Mtd Sew Miltoe ■peetaltT. We have the Uigvet end mod complete worke of the kind in the country, with machinery encoallr adapted to the work. 1 We keep eonnantiy in proeeee luf numb*** Of Emm,,., which we fUTtiiah et the eery lowest pnoee •nT on the ihorteet notice. We brnld Bnpnes of manufacturing. _ , _ * We era now building the oelebrnled Lane Cheu lar dew Mill, the beet end mat complete eaw mill ever invented. . _ ___ ... S We make the manufortoTe of Saw Mill outAta a rfccial feature of our buaiSem, and ean funnel* complete on the abort eat notice. i Our aim in all cneee to to furniah the best me ehlnery in the market, and work absolutely un equlrd for Wflty of dM&rn, powooy Bend for Circular and Prise List. d UTICA STEAM ENCINE CO. rnci, nr. T, _ * Wimooin, ii UIITUXPT Br., Nrw To**. QM E S T"^% Agents Wmntoci. BK*P FO CATALOGUS Pom eg tic Seeing Machine Co** K. Y* Peerless Clothes Wringer. L HIT 111 OBS A CO.. 18 Faltee street. M. T. WJloasatA mutsm ** *9 + gm\ S2SVW tS ; Or MfiMSMMI. CoßrtW4 IM •aid Herbal JUIM, AnU-Mlllene OranilM- TBE M Ira A'XUSGIA.N1 11 CATtf AirriC, er MwUmm ta arvf Physic. The aovrtty of modern toedkaL CVmleal *ed FWwroii *1 !<■ laser Ho of mj taw* taktos Ih. iff*.wjuoavj eei.iiiiiiiiiii pafr bi* root. aad i,*vb, sod tmmmmu tha* lew tSSWWBSN.^^a by thnra of the m.l eenaaitra Main*-*' ikhMWM. SachUlUaPwrgeMllve Pellet tii>nwnu lot t, , t ooMPBtnM forth, as ewl caUtofltc power • "r V? Urcr pliu ftmed fw[rata l the dray their wotidrrfnl cathartic peww, lo proportion!* their alae who hwe not Utod lb*tosra*pt uxxAvrJi&zss&Si spsagUss^r2.:M pricior of three Felteta. W aoy eh' tn t "he. wtaiyata, wtfl Sod ta than any Catora*! or Kern* of mmtmry or ay other mineral entirely veweUißle, nojnrtka lor cave te repaired Wflto Being Mwab Ivwyopj rnu wlthooi dtatnrtwwe t (So *an*ttattow diet, or iirropnlyo. for JsMdir*, llead* fhr.u Blulajos MrlmiiMw Of Ike SMMSrh, Bed twlr tt OWBtb. SI I lone attack*. Pain* In r*fL\-n t id or- va. Internal Pawev Oloaiwi ellnt a boot kiannrh, Bnk of Inch, lhitn lh. Pierce** Pl'-aannt I*l r cnilve Pellet*. 1* ipUtwtt'*. of the naM •HU t K,wer of my Rw.-stive Mk * ever eo awt * vortVrtv of dWoM, I Mt M nj Unt tbclr •el lon apon the aulntel eeononsr !• nnlverael.. nod a Jflnnd ortlhooe eaeaplu* Ikelr aenatAr ImprfO. m doa wit iinpite lh.; U • r'.itioc and. betas eoctaetd ia h are • eatohMe rewehv ta all tee** of eera*cmaeat #- eu>.. Kvn e eteerdored etateef h*i * U.ev ConpUmt. Mkw Bieevaava, S*tt*tea. huh B.e.*ehe. VvpW tf a*4 oUtey Peveve. Aa..At., ag ueteilt tV. free aaeef kinret t Bo*u Ptixa. tat e*le h all Braenwta aad Pealeva. Good for fan. ldutodoi f all fciade Dipktherta, Wecsd*. Urtueea. Bono, 6am Tbteei, l-c!?iie£ ot •be OUnd*. InSetamaftoti of the Bye. Utoul I*i net jii'-f. Hiaa, Bee IKtap. aad all hare*. Good for Bewt. Trrmb WamtA*. jl, ?■ priuti*. Bntier*. tracked UnrM.Btaf Awe, Wind OaUa, hpavtoe. boMory. yotuaSer. lwiai't. haad cracks, fecratfta*. er ttrraec. | UonM Tkle tmly wonderfkl Llnlneowtwee dieeoverad by lIoMLJI it, late In (wear of dndttetry aad MeUweoaUre ta the 111atoo Liberal leetitate,ef OoetdaOaaty. N.T. is .xpenmenmj far the porpora of wekrac ivcwc Add. hy nciunf tbe ladependeatcaeeaaa bodie* of vukb It w ouoipoaed, a netdosa w left, vrtodu oa brui* applied to hrciM* aad la flawed paru. by tb, atadeoteof th* laantat*. en fooad tr> naaoaaa tbe maorkahta propotv of coot toe doe* and rai-i i£ off ibe taSaatmatloa aad aoraoaw at oaee. aod rratortaf the iiartateaoead •eaa aad health too f*w boun hoat paw or It le not a boating Untaaent. kt new by lu peeaHar apanbe < r ebrmwai; aatltMe la dtoaatvtaa aod ecai'er i * tbe auraoaav aod ta flawouittac of tha taja-ed part By a free ap pHoaUaa. tbe red nthet aoaa beeewe* oao'. motet aad aaMnd.aad to leeto-wt to naraal health trttboat aappcrartcas ordearrarfloa. As n Ltntatont for Horn rkwh.for tha rara of ao Urn ani;e oamed Shore, we cbaltoage the wwfd to Sod Its apod. Price aa 4k go ccsstt per bodUe. D. BAHBOM, SOW & 001, Pnn\ ■CTTAIX), P. V. Bee OBttee latacel tibma BE In £9(l r*r hay < aeet we ted I an rtoeea 1Q to etw cfertiMswp.a-i. v*., ray it sever baa tailed to glra Latkraetlea. Sant'l O. *edw. JPwftw*""*. Teroraeee, je It corvd htm of Bhaa- Biativa obeaaUakefltikd. THE BQBADXXJB IM OOKKBCnOB WITH Cgß Win ir CkllH ul ?mr, Llw CowpUtnt, Dya ! tie. W# niruilH louiiiii #iarlt>r t# *ll other nVood hruton. Ind (or SwaifUTl ' Circular or Almautc. Add rut rLKXIWTI A CO., • . Cmatm EL, Eeltomcrt, Mi Ban an bar to uk jvm Snntit tor loi*stu*_ w HIT;" ferXlt'***■- i i . Jf't\ V em u4 naltw II tat \i■lr wt & ■Hll' nntlflit m4Mm Imt W liar Mr daaahtw waa ta la* tufcHiO. taaaMtat takta Eartaf to* atfht a** Cwara Market, tad la hat* toaawjaw Brrtwi : atotr aaatual aIA lltleeaaia watrtoßt tataa Bleed. aad l*ae : aurtflee tha he "tot fit* It ta Ike Bleat.- 1 toerahre > Kartllruiitoawtllte*a****iiimtri Paul; etetlelntak*h It at til Uata rtadjr to tea Bat. MUX ft. FBITfHET, raiter a*lß* Otataa ltd ail Ota a*. ttauM*. A* Wt atta tot aht* at a* artteaaa af to* HOME BEFCTATIOS I at BttMlJCXti MKKB BiTTKMK It It *<**)]'tttM ta ataaa* ! atarr Ikmllr. tat atata tat ta toatltor att* tie awta*. leeeanr I ■* 111 It ta Ik* f.tady UttaMv at tat* aalkd latara*t I Baa; ta* aatk It IW wared lhai ear pav|4t 'fact uta THE MEAT HoraEHtl.W BEHEST. Alwari leant*. cartala ant talk: It earar klaataatata. I Tha Meeemaer tf Health- ta furmiakoi armietuM; to Drur Cant Ceuatre StortMtptn tor totutttoto*. ar win banal kr taall. ta tpyHaallaa to PH. B. B. MA KT MA It to Oto. I a* taaHa, fa. wmmm THEA-NECTAR 1 BlaolE TDA. KtoßßSfti with tha Oraar. Tea FlarorThl ; holt To* Imported. Eur atl* MBBiT n*liir. , And tor aal* V"A aholettle oily by tha Oraat Si AW ItoTCl A'UntieMl Pacidr Ta* C0.,8e. ■ in Fulton Bt .andli Cbureh El.. Raw York. P. O. 80,A.M Band tor Thea-Bertae Circular rfIEI.KRAPHI!(6-A (Ml centra# *"•* A • fflcr connected with Jon ft Cum'l College, BE' I Lout*, Mo. For (i-mlatt add-oat, J. W. JOBSEOH, ManagingPrtßetpal. IT mi' T) If Ton r# a fool or lunatic Pass This Bv u * * * f * * ,w •** [ x twJJ AUIU '"J wiah t make ntntf. §4- Jrr. Emm Foi-taulb TABLB C -.. Et. fcaal'. AUKEAT SKE'AITOi J-Aaeato Wanted Big fachat* t -ee B Mar than W Addreaa |*' OLC *' r A ILLa i CO.. Cti lull-. Mich. tJtFTtB AA ÜBB WEtE-A*ST# WA*O <57 £*t" * Buata#.* lai:lm*t. Partoaalore. 1 tree J. WOMB, gt. Loait, MO. Boa I^ME. -A il : -a - .%"*,} ; lifa * • - --v *