The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, October 16, 1873, Image 3
*tiK CENTRE REPORTER THURSDAY OCT Ifi, IST*. LOCAL ITEMS. Mr. Geo L Ooodhart, had two fine ftork-kiro pfir at the fair, fellow* that hiako one* nvuilh water U *OO them. -~.J.0. Kmeriok goon to Karthouse to teach school. , v The mountain! end wood* now look like* Wl tower garden, end the eight from the top of Mlttnny mountain is granJ beyond dcifription. We challenge any other part'of the world to evcnl it —The men that put* up door-belle we* In town I**l week. *nd came ecro** n fal low who don I believe in bell*; he mid he once hnd a gel wrhoie name wa* Bell and , be wer.t back on him, and ho swore he d never again have anything to do with any bell*after that, el they are o likely to fool a fellow The Rebersburg Luth. charge being without a'paaior at 1 resent, R v. J A. Bright <?f Aaronshurg. preache* for those congregations temporarily. . Th grain fields in thi* county have a fine appearance just now, There will be a great deal of soft .corn in this county, this fall. Read the advertisement of t. B Kreisc A Co.. Milroy, they Intend that the people of Tennsvelley shall ave money by buying clothing, boots, shoe*. Ac., of them, at Milroy. Mr. Tobias, of this place, whom fall front the haymow to the barndoor ol Mr. Dmges' barn, we recently mentioned, has net yet been able to walk ftom the injuries sustained in hi* hip. John Irvin, on hi* electioneering trip, a week ago. got to Millheiut, when he met that old outspoken democrat. Bill Muster, *nd the following conversation ensued: Mr. Irvin—Wall-Mr. Mussor, 1 think you detnocrali down here should do some thing for me once ? Mr. Mu#*er- Well, Mr. Irvin, I just, tell you what it ia, during the war you j were for hanging all us democrats, and I now you come down here and ask us to 1 vote (or you vet. I tell you Mr. Irvin, right straight out, we don't do it. Mr. Christian Dale, ot Harris twp , the vaaerahla. grower of fruits and vega table, was at the fair, last week, as usual, with a fine display. We wish, particularly, to refer to hi* monstrous beets, of which be raised ten tons from oue-tbird acre of ground. These are beets what are beets and yet can't bo beat. Mr. Dale's beets will beat any other beets that ever beat heretofore —they are none of your dAid-beats but live beau, regular beating beet* that beat any other beet out. The Tuten RfpuUiean. outside of its w,-oden nutmeg politic*, i a pretty fair paper, keeps publishing a dry Waahing- i ton lUar,;overy weok, of notb- j ing. We auvise them to quit it and copy | a chapter from scripture, once n week in stead, as it would be news to some of its radical renders, or, which wauld bo the • neit best thing, let it copy from the edi torial columns of the RINITH, and afford its readers some wholesome politi cal rending J. H. Harpster, one of our Nimroda, *hot 117 gray squirrels, thus far, this sea son. On Saturday last, he and Benj. Amey brought down £L The installation ceremonies ef Re*. King, a* pastor of tba Bellefonte Reform ed charge will take place on Sunday, <t>ct. 36th. The Centre Co. Fair, held at Belle- j f.-nte, last week, was one of the beet and most successful ever held ja this county, j Thedisp.ay in every department was bet- J ter than at -any previous exhibition. Among the live stock ware many fine hot see, horned cattle and hofs. all of the j best and most noted breeds. The depart-1 merit containing the products of the soil < was a fair show ef what can be raised in j Centre county, and was credit ible to eur farmers, while the department tor domes-: •ic manufactures and fancy articles was j j u j* and complete, presenting a nice muse am'thai WM constantly crowded by visit er On *.f*ursday lh crowd iro * inense. and exT*"* "J 1 * 11 * ew wit " nsssed in this coun * r " trotting course was constantly -T triU of horses, foot races by fa" * nd and the inside of the rinf ..* "* ( players. Several bands ef music were intend* 00 *, aniens: which we noticed the Reber.b."*'* Ban 3, Pine Grove Band, and Philipsburg Band, which discoursed sweet music. AH seemed to be pleased with this year s Ex hibition, nnd pronounced it the largest anc. best Fair yet held in the county. cast for Isaac G. "Goroon," instead of Geidon, a mistake in the radical ticket, for tupretne judge. On '.at Monday morning nbeut break of day, a horse belonging to Mr. George Swab, of near Linden Hall, fell down a well, a distance of some 24 feet. The horse broke through the plank and went down butt foremost. There were some ten feet of water in the well at the lime, and Mr. Swab's other horsea stood around the well, looking en as their companion made bis exit from terra firma, and they seemed to be much alarm ed at the sudden disappearance oi one of their number, wondering, perhaps, whether he had a through ticket for Chi na, The groanss of the unfortunate ani mat in its watery dilemma were heard by Mr. Swab in the house, and on going out •to see what was up, found that one ef his j was "down" as above stated. Neighbors to the number of twenty soon hurried to the scene of trouble, and by means of ropes and belts the animal was pulled out of its close and went quarters, having sustained some cuts and bruises, but none of a nature to render the horse unserviceable. s. R. Gettig, of Gregg twp., intends eoon fo move to Virginia. Wearesorry to loose Mr. Gettig, he was a good citixen. and a man of influence in his neighbor hood. // Miller A Son haio Just opened a Drug store at Centre Hall, and are now supplied with a full line of fresh drugs, mnbraeing every thing in that line needed by the public, including the most approv ed patent medicine*. The community are invited to see their new establishment. ly 100 democratic voters absent from the polls on Tuesday Don't forget that Theodore Deshner, opposite Bush's arcade, is a practical gun smith, and keeps constantly on hand and makes to order firearms of all discriptions, as well as ammunition and all articles connected with the gun trade, and all kinds of fishing tackle. 8. B. Gettig'* sale of personal property! near Farmers Mills, on 18 Nov. Penn twp., i* advertised in the Reporter, . at public sale. The farm of Geo. Gramly, dec'd, in Su gar Valley, is advertised in the Reporter,' at public sale. A valuable farm 'in Buffalo Valley, Union co., is advertised in the Roporter at public sale."* ' The M'Minn farm in Potter twp., is ad vertised in the Reporter at public sale. The Nala farm in Pottet twp., is adver tised in the Reporter at public sale. The valuable mill property of J. F. Throne, in Miles twp., js advertised in the Reporter at private sale. The valuable farm of Sam'l Spangler, dec'd, 'in Potter twp., is advertised in the Reporter at private sale. —On last Tue*4J night Jake Bolt's sor rel nag took the. totems to Bellefonte quicker than they ft went .over before. THE ELECTION. THE WAY WE WARE'EM THE WAT ORVIS DID TEAR KM OH VIS ELECTED BY 800 A MILI.KK WHOSE GRIST WAS SPOILED IN TUK BOLT." WARE AM ELECTED. SAN KEY A SMALL MAJORITY. AN -EXPLAIN." Wareaiu litis over 500 democratic majority in MitHin, a large gain Wareatu carried the district by •ooie 500 majority. The Republicans have elected the State Ticket. Orvis carried Harris and Belletbnte. Ths following are the return* from this county so far at received, up to Wednes day evening : TV tat r .Vui> Judy a k c ©I r g H -; o J r s s- 5 ? o i at ; : i Bellefonte i N Ward CO 00 00 Oil ' s •• 000 000 oai (xv) t w " 00 000 (XI (TO Milesburg 80rn........ 42 75 43 76 I'niunviiTe Boro 00 *lO 00 *l6 Howard Bom.. 00 *6 00 M Philipsburg Bore (W0 *29 (00 *6l Bogg* - 100 179 100 lfci Benner— *7l UW *73 000 Burnside 00 00 00 00 Curl in (W 00 00 (X> Fergusen AW 125 108 128 Urry 210 54 214 60 Haines (W0 00 UX) 000 Hnlfmoon 00 00 (W 00 Harris— 140 218 143 217 Howard——— 00 *27 (W *2B Huston (W M 6 (X) *64 Liberty..-. iX) 000 00 000 Marion °34 00 *42 000 Miles. .- 224 61 224 61 Patton 00 ax) 00 000 Penn —. 200 29 199 30 Potter 272 127 260 110 Rush - _ 000 000 Ou) till Snow Shoe 60 76 68 73 Spring OUU *4O 000 *4O Taylor - —uO 00 00 00 Union - IX) OU. 00 000 Wnlker - 000 (XX) iwe 000 Worth „ 00 U) 00 (X) Tetnl (WOO UXX) OCW 0000 Senator Attemhly ~ OS * 3 = If f * a : : Bellefonte, < N Wsrd 7 3 165 127 05 S. Ward 1( W 119 86 ( WWsrd 40 66 58 60 Milesburg Be re........ 4* ®0 49 64 Unionviile Boro 00 *l2 tie ti Howard Boro -... 00 *l3 *2 00 Philipsburg Boro 000 *3l 000 *2l Beggs „ 109 in HI 177 Benner *B2 ((X) *76 000 Burnside OO €0 00 00 Curtin - 00 (X) 00 00 Ferguson..—. l9B 127 208 116 Gregg 214 57 201 66 Haines 150 83 149 84 Haifmoon 00 00 00 00 Harris -- 148 123 188 179 Howard - (X) *2l 00 *3l Huston..——oo *64 00 66* Liberty 00 UW 00 000 Msrion *35 08 *4B 00 Miles 230 49 251 47 Patten 00 OX) 00 000 Penn - - 201 33 194 28 Potter 279 130" 297 106 Rush (W0 UW OIW UW Snow Shoe 7O 75 72 71 Spring (WO *35 *lO 000 Taylor (D 00 NW 00 Union— *> <W 00 UXi Walker - _ (XX) 000 UXI OJU Worth OO U) U) 00 Total 00U) UXX) UWOOOrt) Irtat'r Comm'r *9 | ? s: H 3 i ft pr 3 ®" 2 .* y fi- *< -5 • • Bellafunte | NWard 61 IOC 00 00 B 8 • 83 123 UW I W " 00 (XX) (W UW Milesburg Boro 39 78 42 76 S '4 S " S:?:V r oo 000 *6i 000 Burnside"— -- U) 00 00 U) Curtin 0 U) 00 U) Ferguson 219 106 1% 130 Gregg- 217 o5 lid tO Hnlfmoon - t 00 00 00 Hrrii 1., iri■■ i— - I'B 217 187 229 | Howard CO *2B 00 *2B Huston 00 *SB 00 Ml Liberty U> UW 00 000 Msrion *42 00 *3B 00 Miles - 228 80 145 125 Patton - 00 (WO 00 UW Penn - 208 30 149 52 Potter 274 181 264 110 l Rush. W 000 000 awl Snow Shoe 68 11 i2To 1 Spring - 000 *sl 000 *4l Taylor 000 000 (XX) 000 Union - 00 (XX) 00 000 Wnlker 000 UO 000 000 Worth 00 00 00 00 Total OUtt 0000 0000 0000 j Auditor. s; jji c x a 3 ? 5" I -■ a 5 -• * k- x r* *:1 ! I Bellefonte (N Ward (4) 00 00 00 ' S " 000 000 000 00 |w " 00 000 00 000 Milesburg Re 50..,.., 42 °OO 72 000 Unionyille Boro'W it) 00 00 Howard Boro 00 00 00 00 Philipsburg Boro— UW 000 000 (XX) Boggs 187 187 104 104 Benner 000 000 000 000 Burnside 00 00 00 00 i Curtin 00 5 00 ' Ferguson..—— - 19!) 109 128 127 Gregg... 214 00 000 68 ; Hsin". lie w 83 Haifmoon ui UC 00 00 ■ Harris 162 000 219 000 ) Howard 00 <WO 00 000 Huston 00 000 00 000 Liberty 00 000 00 UW Marion—.— OO 00 00 OD Miles 229 226 38 37.' B Patt0n.,,.,.,, 40 000 82 000 a Penn..-".,, 201 200 31 31 • Potter-- 1480 273 W lj , Rush (W0 000 UW 000 Snow Shoe 06 000 76 UW . Spring - 0U) UW 000 000 1 Taylor 00 00 00 00 • Union 00 000 00 000 Walker 000 UW 000 0U) i Werth 00 00 00 00 T0ta).,.,. 0000 0000 0000 0000 Thoaemtrked with HP * * re major* ities. MILL BU**T.— The fine saw mill of ] Messrs. Thomas A Mason, situated on the canal and B. R. RR. was burnt down early last Saturday morning, ft is suppos ed te have caught from a spark from the stack. The mill was built in 1870, sod has been very energetically worked by its en terprising proprietors, particulsrly John S. Mason, Esq., who has managed it. The mill cost $10,000; was insured for $90,000 —52,000 in the Columbia, $2,600 in the North America, $2,600 in the Penna. Fire, sl,6ooin the Niagara of N. Y., $1,600 in the Republic, end SIO,OOO in the Lycom ing. Mr. WIN. Lehr, from the ore bank brought six whopptu potatoes to this of fice, weighingl2%,averaging 21bs., each. They are Chlliet, and do credit to Mr. Lujit'a farming. Mr. Orvis may well feci proud of J the rota cut for him lu>t Tuesday • the intelligence, decency and sobriety iof Centre county gave him their sup port. The rabbit voted ngainst hint and attempteil his defeat. Many ot the most retpectable republicans voltd for him. because they knew in him Centre county would have ti reprcen-j tative who would be an honor to his constituency. There were aunie pro- ' feasiug to beloug to the democratic i fold, who secretly Worked for his de-l feat—theeejoined in with the whiskey' •lenient of the radical party and vot . ed for Miller—nine tenths of the voti cast for Levi Miller was made up ol that portion of all parties that would prefer to stand upon a keg of old rye 1 for a platform and who permitted their fusfos to lead them in their choice, I rather tliau support a statesman and a man of known honesty and ability, t It is an act of which they cannot , | boast and know they must feel asham ed of. We are glad that the respectable j republicans saw that the nom- inee of their party was the creature ( of the lowest element that often con trols politics, and that they rose above I oarty aud cast their votes for John II Or vis. They will never need feel ashamed , of it.—Mr. Orvis was the representa tive of the people, last winter, and he | will agaiu prove true to his import- t> aut trust. The democratic party of the stale. *' aud the houeet meu who yearn to see t. corruption driven from our legislature have turned their eyesto Centre coun ty, prayed that our gallant member of last wiuter oe returned to continue in *■' the great work of reform which lie J inaugurated. The lnpior element on their |*art combined, openly where it was safe, aud secretly where that an- tv swered better, to defeat him. His ' defeat under such circumstances would j have been as much of an honor to Mr. | Or vis as success, yes, a thousand times more honorable than success l> under the Hag of the inebriate. W hen we have good men up for positions, let all good men make it a rule to vote for tbem, in that way alone can our government be purified, anil we are glad that the intelligent aud re spectable portion of the citizens ol Cer.- tre took this view at the election on ]„ last Tuesday and cast their votes for tr John 11. Orvis, for Assembly, while the remainder voted for Levi Mil ler. * * f|| Centre Co. Official, lHri lUrtiMft ki Bellefonte, |W. Ward - r - -• S. Ward Hi I">'- to kS. Ward 1-W X" OTO too Ueionvilfe Boro 4-j en Howard Boro 37 H Pbilipsburg Boro I®< l li Boggs ...... . 2C2 in Bonner.™ 100 Bmnside Curtin - 3® Ferguson 157 Ik Gregg 28] st HeiSw HC I Halfmoon 82 I Harris 245 Howard 108 Huston.™ HO Liberty Marion • s '- Mites 58 251 i Pattoa WO -rt Penn M 202 Pett.r - 135 37s H Rush - 128 189 Snow Shae 100 Spring 195 145 d: Taylor - 4® 40 Union.™™..™ - 113 gi Walktr 113 l'J3 Worth.™ 75 57 Total 3292 3712 Buckalew's Majority 4'J' j List of Traverse Jurors for Ist week w Jsoverrubcr Term. Bellefonte boio' Roland Curtis. Hinion C Harper. Felix Mullen, Jainc* Harris, W W Montgomery. Mitcaburg bore" —George Gray, Jonalh. Bullock Philipsburg boro—W K Irwin. Jamc. Perks. w Bonner twp —II I. Harvey, J*aai4Vn nington, A J Shuey. Boggs—James Thomas Curtin--A C yuav, David Bcchdol, J H Noll Ferguson—J H M itcliell, James Lapot to ti David Young Haines—Thomas W Ilostcrman, 1) II p Rote. Harris—Wm Gobecn, Levi William*, w George Kline, Samuel Glenn, .1 Swim hart Howard —Jobn Hughe*. W II Neff. Miles—T N Wolf. ci Patton—George Mattorn. Ponn—Jacob lsenhuth. Potter—Jainos M'Corniiok, Jo* Bitnrr. Rush—T J Batcholor, Jonathan Beck, Geo. McGaffey Snow Shoe -Mark Moonee, Daniel Wolf, Able Campbell. J 1! Breon. j Spring—Mark William* I Lnion—Perry Lucas. Welker—Jes.e Stewart, Jacob ltcber. Worth Jaines M Purdue, Owen M'- P Cann, J G Jones ' •' Ivst of Traverse' Jurors for November Term, 2nd week. > Bellefonte—D Z Kline Pliilipsburg—A J Graham, J S Gray, W R Fulton .1 Boggs twp— Michael Heaton, Itobt. Bierly, John Dearnut p Ferguson— Jarnos Dunlap. Sidney Slioi! Geo Kecbline, J G Hess Gregg—John Kishei, Henry Duck, Jno Cold run. M ichael NofUcer Half Moon—Jackson Thompson, Isaac La rr. burn 1 Haines—Wm ShatTer, Jno U Jell, Lew is Monoh,Charles llosterman 1 Harris—John Luc*. Howard—John Jenkins, Jaine- Anli- Liberty—ltenj. Ligget, Samuel Beeh- < dol, Penn—lsreal Confer. Potter—John Snyder, John MeCor-. | mick, George Kenrick. Snow Shoe—Edward Poornian, C. P Stoneroad, Spring—Jno 1) Miller I nion—Henry Blake- Worth—J W Faust. Walker—Josiah Johnston. List ofCratid Juror* for November Term. Bellefonte boro'—James II M'Clure Pbilipsburg—George S Fleglo Benner— Martin MtMe, V Stover. Boggs—Samuel Charles, Richard Gibl ■ Burnside—Geo P Zimmetman. Gregg—Samuel P Herring. Haines—Solomon Kttlingcr. Harris—Jacob Meyer, George Fortney, Jno W Stewart. Huston—Win Steel. Marion- W W Beck Miles—John H Waite Ppnn—Samuel Otu>, Jucob Dutweilor Patton— M D Gray Potter—Thomas Lingle, George Oden-' kirk Rush—Hamson B Ros* Walker—W Snavely, Thonms Dunkle. Worth—Wm B Beckwith. , # t Woodring JL Co., have purchased Ruhl's well known Grocery, opposite Hof fers, where they intend to carry on the Grocery business on an enlarged scale, of fering opportunities lor bargains in good treshgoods at prices lower than elsewhere. Ex-sheriff Woodring und his partner, Mr. Strick, will he on hand at all times to ac commodate the former customer* of this good old stand, and will he glad te meet many new onse. Wlign Jay Cooko failed Henry Clew said he "died ofNorthern Pacific." Per haps it troubles hiro now to find Clews tc the nature of his own fatal complaint. Tito Fair—lVtiiluiiis. IK-low wg furnish w partial list •! lh | TcioiuiUt awarded to i'\llibitr Nt til ' Ut(> countv fair. A* it w copied fron 11 ho book* in great haste, thorn tuny hi some errors, which, it there ho any, will be corrrotl ill our next Uu when tin balance of the lint will ho published flits* 1 \ II Kunklo, ho ; ,i liliiik .1 \ \\ oodwnt, t'. t iiinro N S Human, best horse volt between .i Mini 4 vr* Jit,. M Kuroy, mure colt between ;t ami 4 yen t'ou . Curlln, best hor>o colt bctw or* 2 and 3 M Purev, mare colt • an.l - Prank Wont oi best hora > olt between 1 wild - i f* A J HliUoly, mare colti hrtweon I ami yrr> \ S Ti|>loii best ~iokiiit volt Win M t'lellatid, bet pr carnage horse. Jno A Woodward hett single liamtss horse tlo hot saddle hor.e Cla** l tiratio Cattle. J:o A\\ 'iward bc-t heifer between I and 2 yr* Jno M Furry b- l |-r -leer* do 2nd belt tui' I cat I Mi, K It \ aloiiluir 2rd best heifer be ta or nt and "J yt> >to boat ilttrr Jno 1 Thompson, host breed of rattle do'.'ml host hull over 2yi* Jat Troisier 2nd bel hull, hel vtern 2 and !t Adam Dei. l o t bt I#m - Sum'l Gillilaiid belt cow over 8y- do he>t hotter between 2 and 3y- do hrrl bull call Saitl'l Siirankle 2nd best bu'l between t *n.l 2 yr* A J Shtvely, boat bull ag.- Tho* Pennington 2nd beat heller be lween 2 and ,1y S S lloman, beat bull between ti and Iv II A C M t'lell ii.d brat I -t heifer bo ween ! and 2y Clan —Thorough llrcd Cattle. Jno A Woodward Ist pr *hort horn >ull between 1 and 2y - Agr College 2nd |r t. II over Irri K Hlanchard, S< c y, of stock (nip A*s tet thorough bre.l Alderuey bull over Sy. J H t)rvit 2 pr.(thorough bred Aldi-rnoy >ttlV between I and 2 year* Ad Hoy b, -t thorough bred Jewry cow A S Valentino 2nd be-l do J II tlrvia beat Alderney heifer between ! nitd ily 11 L I'eltert host thorough bred Aid mil between 1 and 2yr* Agr College 2nd best Aid bull between! and oyr li ibt outer bo-t Aid bull call \gr College beat lioiatein bull between | uitd 3 vr* A S \ alentine Jiul beat Aid ~w, be weft, 2 altd 1 do lirtt pr Aid heifer 1 nd 2 Henry Meyer* best short horn bull over do tio-t altori horned cow between 2 and yn do be-t short horn h- ifer between and 2 I'h - <Srvc be-l abort horn hull calf Mrs R It Valrtituio bc-l short horn ult between 2 and Syr* Cltt.-> (i—Sheep. Jno M Furcv, lest buck Jii 11 Urvi. 2nd beat buck \\ J l>lc best yeo do best p. rt of Keep Jno M Furcv 2nd bed Cia.-i B—Poultry. Hev CritU ndi :, heat trio W bile 1> •wit Jno A Woodward best coop white Hoi ind turkeys—do best collection of poul ry K s M Camantbest pair bronze lurkeya, -do 2nd beat 11 Hutts beat trio w hit* ban tain a J C Uerr 2nd beat trio black Spanish hickeua do beat trio black Poland Mr-. .1 Ji Orv.-2nd be-t trio light Brab* m chielien*. 1 K .riitau 20, l be-t trio white Uir ey- ' I fail y A Singer best irto black Spanlfh • wis do heal trio iioudan#. A Harkhuncr beat pair ot Poland duck* -do 2nd beat per. of white bantam chick n Win Short ltd go I t tr. • light Brahma Iticken* do b, - t trio partridge Coch 1 chick* Clas* H—Agr. Implements linn Korman l*t pr revolving round oard plow —do Michigan subsoil—do irawbery plow Geo Swartx roller Cbr Furner, gang plow—do revolving toidboard Godircya—do double Michigan low J II Frank, lt pr- Prank * pat Cultiva jr Superior Mower l>t pr, Sujierior Mow, r i Reaper lt pr Russcl It caper, -elf take, lit premium, liurt.aido .V Thomas Ist pr Imperial low Agr College, 2nd pr May's plow \\ m Shortlidge it pr Speers potato igger J P Zimmerman, la*, pr Keller * pal. rain drill M .ch Grove Ist pr plow sulky. W P lhile, Ist pr combined cultivator A orn plow Class —Crops. C Dale. Ist pr Rocky Ml corn Sam ! Ely, 2nd pr peck of cloversoed Geo l>ale Ist pr 1 bush white Jennings rhcat—do 2nd pr 4 bush rye P. Valentine 3rd pr mammoth corn Win Hudereatler pr. 4 bush white .'hrnin wheat Wm A Marshall Ist pr peek clovcrteed Mrs 1 frcs-ler Ist pr peck timothy seed -do peck pop corn Sum Gillilnnd Islpron buckwheat II K Zimmerman Ist pr i bush red rhcat -d*2nd pr red wheat Lancaster \V J Dale 2d pr on |>p corn Chr Dale 2d pr on hcans I*an>- Trcs-ler 1-t pron white corn Jul Zimmeraian 24 pr whito rye i lav id Kdier 2d pr Tussey Mt main - uotli corn J I Lucas lstpr red Full/, vvlu-st- do Ist •r white rye do 3d pr mamuiolb corn John Isiiler 2il pr yellow corn d > 2,1 pr rhil" gourd seed corn If \\ atkins 2.1 pr white blue stem wheat do Ist pr red wneal white chatT, bcardy Saml Crawtord 4 bu>h white wticat, spe ial nolico—do li pr ryo l I. Good hart 1-t pr M'Clintic corn As 'liplwn Ist pr. white wln at Mix F Tipton Ist pr on peck beans I Tressler 31 pr beans Flour. J U Freed 1-t pr tlour e Ycgatablea. J A Woodward early rose potato $1 —do I'rincc Albert notice—do Garret Chili $1 -do Hseezes Peerless notice do 2d pr jest collection of |>etatoea Ciir llaie sUgm heels pr. J a G laker $1 - aetaten Notico on other varietie*. tin '•> varieties •f potatoes $2 Mr* .las Itaker tr white table turnnips Jo pt Chickory—do pr <iip ay of g,>urds : -do water musk citron ineilon* —do 2nd pr table vege able* C W Lambert $I pr sweet corn—do pr on onion*—do pr trophy tomatoes Mrs Joseph Kckerpr Hubbard squash Win it hckley lstpr for display of pear* —do apples 2nd pr do display of grape* Ist pr C l>ale sr Ist preollcction of apples—do Ist pr l ider ,1 A G Hal.or 2d pr 2d varieties of apples Mrs Joseph linker Ist. Pr display of quinces .1 I' Rupert Ist pr fall apples 11 varieties do Ist pr do on peaches .la* Zimmerman best ham Mrs Jacob Fishbtirn, best home made soap Miss SB Jones, best homo madechee-c Mis* Rneluiel Strublo, best dibs butter J 11 liarnhart, best honey Mrs II A Gray, 2nd best butter Win Wolf, MrsH F Foster, Mrs I) Rhinestnilh Class— Horses. And Host on, ptetuium on light drafi ktallion 1' f I>ule heavy draft stallion Mrs R H Valentine .pr on span of mule 1J Showers light drall stallion hetweet ! 2 and I year* ; J 11 Runklo heavy draft stallion over I yen r* J I Willimm light dratt "tallion over years 1 For the Reporter. I*l NK Ghovk Mili.s Oct. Urd, 1873. 1 Mr. Kditou The Furguson lownshi| | Tompcrniice association convened in th I M .K. ChurcJ, at the above time and plnci | Rev. N ore rots, presiding, the meeting vvs i opened by singing and yrlpyer, when Rci j Norcro.-s inadea few introductory remitrk I stating the object of the meeting, declni ing intcnipcrimco the greatest evil of oi land, urging the necessity of reform in th I direction A". Gen. W. H. Blair the followed with an earnest and interostin ' | address, astonishing the audienco wit ' | statistical statements of the great mortal j ty caused by intenipui'unce, or the iminoi " cru'.e usu of alcholic beverage, and th j notwithstanding all the preaching an pruying of the past against it, it has be< ' fearfully on the increase ; while ho heart " lv endorsed preaching and praying, 1 0 ! said the time hud come when men shou vote against lias well; it beings ipnch [politichl •|ur*li<>ii ' any lhat MM COHil IMbr* the pioplttikis lino political question I'll! not n party i|tie*llon. lie I'tuiud by *how ing the iuvo-lty of vigilant" : I \ g muling tlio local option law by elect ing only men w bo will urely not vole for i it. repeal or modification. Rev. M 1, Sniytrr, of llollofowlo, then aiidrrmetl the audience in a very earnest it ii it cihorlivo in ait lie r showing llml tlia question of Temperance or Intemperance i> paramount to every other question that the people lint e to ileal w ilh ; that it should lay m ar the heart* ami conscience® ol the people much nearer than party lain or par ty tie- , that it i* lrielly a (HiUlieal que tion hilt not a party question ; that H cen-j earned both pnrlie alike ; the proper tune Ita* come for action, ami it hehoovoa the friend* of Temperance to ec to it hy thej power of their vote* and their influence that men irrespective of party are elected | who will ciuofully guard the local option law, and aUo the law gcnvrally known a*| the liurkalew law, w ilhout w Inch tlie form-! er would be inettectual and of no value. I ' Hy request he then lead the constitution • and bylaw* of the open Temperance Un ion ot Centre Co Itev. Norero** then • made u lew brief and pointed remark*, jOn i.i t ion lCut k Spring was agreed upon a* tlie neat place of meeting Friday Nov. ;th On motion the Secretary wi> refuell ed to eiid a copy of the minute* fur pub lication in the different county paper*. Meeting adjourned to meet again at the above time and place. A. J. OrmpokF, Sec'y prolan. •OPENING OF THE STOCK EX CHANGE. New York, Sept. ; IU. - Wall and iiroad -nd New tireul* in front of the tevrral eu rauce* l- the Slock Exchange, were rowded this morning a* the hour of open ng approached. When the deor* were thrown open, shortly before ten • clock, the member* and kpectatur* ru*bcd in, tilling the floor ofthc exchanoe and viait or\ gallery. The ineutber, doted round DEATHS. tin I lil*. in Millheini, ol dysentery, i Mr-. IHllbttb Weier, wife of Sam II Wetter, aged jtVl ytars, H month* and 2j ; <i a. L M-- WaUar wa auaf Millhi-im • moat | w ortliiet citizen*, and in ber death the j community lim* lot a good and nraiaa- i worthy CWMk She wa alway* liberal , and opened-hearted toward* the pc<>r and j toward- benevolent purpose*. Mr* W ui-t-r -ought and found the pearl of* great price, and the i.ord prcciou* to her' t • ml, -orne forty year* ago, and ever -ince - -!ie proved a worthy member of the Evan gelical church. She wa the mother ef j • ighl children. Shu adorned her profes -ion by a Godly walk, and a ch*te con venation. She had to tuflbr great pain* * during her illru -n, but *he bore them with- * out a murmur. And we have the full a*- '' -•■ trance of meeting her in a belter land. ' May hor name l>a cannonixed among the " mo-t holy. e- wo may all meet, ye* we may all k meet. {j W hen thi- life nmi it* toil* are o'er, lb And each other greet, and each other h i .rrs , „ h In tin- lami w iicre we II part no inure. * K. S. '/. MARRIED. 'I On tkik'llh instant, by Rev. M. L. Smy- a M-r, 'plain Michael Kunkle and Mr*.! Anna S brock, both ef Hellcfoute. On Sept. k'ilh by Rev. M 1. Smy-er, F '-ter \ Jodon, and Sarah J. S mil both of Spring townihip, Fa. On the tan • day by the *atue, Mr. J * Fannin to Mi- Maggie Morgan, all < ilellcfonte. On Sept. "Ist by the Rev. W I!. Oroh c Samuel Grove of ItoaUburg, and Mi-> Maggie M. lto ■Moan from nearfl < 'hurcHvilte. On SOili, ult-, bv K.v. It >bcrt Hamill, Mr t< II Campbell, of Fine Grove, to Mi-* Annie M F otter, of Linden llrll. t lAI TION —All permit* are hereby V cautu ned not to meddle witb the ar ticle- named belew, which were bought by the under-igned at Sheriff 1 < -ale a* tne property of J. 11. Soil, and and which. 1 w ill leave in hi* puttCMiou at my pleasure, vix '■ One torref horse, 2u U tug haruea*. a I hre spring wagon, I cook *tore and utensil*, I pair bcdt-ad, I barreljvutegar I iron kettle, V tub*, shovel*, spade* and pick-, axe and balance of defendant'* property. P. I). NEFF. Oct 16 "t Centre liall. Xa (liable Farm AT PUBLIC SALE. Will be offered, at public sale, on the premise*, about I mile sooth of Millheim, On Saturday, Nov. Bth, at 1 o'clock, the valuable farm belonging to the estatal of John Dingo*, dee d, on the road laad-j ing from Millheim to the Fork*, andi about I mile from the railroad, contain ing 112 ACRES with allowance, ol which 100 acre* are clear, the balance being of the BEST WHITE FINK TIMBER. The land i under a high date of culti vation, and under good ikmi fence- There- 1 on i* erected n TWti STORY FRAME ' DWELLING HOUSE, large bank bam, nnd other neceaaanr outbuilding*. There i* a never failing Spring of Water near! the door, the water of which i* conducted : through the collar, thence piped to the'* barnvnrd. On the prenti-c* i also a largo j ORCEI iBD, with all kind* of choice!] fruit Belonging to thi* property i* a SAW MILL AND WATER P()WKR with 12 feet of heed. A lane run* through ' the farm having the field* on cither eido, j 1 enabling tho farmer to leave hi* bar* open! ? *o that catt o can go at will from their | 1 pasture to water and back again; he-ide* ' which the farm i *o ihut out a* to exclude 1 1 entirely all ktrangv cattle. TERMS : s£oo to be paid on day of ' -ale; half of the balance on the I*l of April following, nnd the residue in two , equal iiiii'ual payment* thereafter. , JACOB DINGER, I, oiT.iot. Executor. A SITJAtt VALLEY FARM " AT PUBLIC SALE. The valuable Farm of George O ram ley, I d"c d, about I mile -outh of Logansvllle, Clinton county, will bejofferad at Public Sale, On Friday, Oct. 31, at 1 o'clock, ! 'containing j K: ACRES OF LAND, • of which 12 acre* con*i*t of Timberlaod,: ; the balance boing under geod cultivation i Thereon are erected a FRAME HOUSE, BANK BARN, ■ynokehou-c Springhmue, Woodshed, Jet. i There i* running Water at the house anil at the ham. Also, a thriving YOUNG ORCHARD I on the pretnieee. Term* will he tnnde known on day of alo. ! .IONATI! GRAM LEY, Sugar Valley, JEREMIAH HAINES, Relier*burg, joctO Executor*. / 1 ROCF.RY STORE I I Wood ring & Co., tj At the Grocery Store on Allegheny Street, Rellcfonto, Fa., opposite lloffer llro'* inform tho public gcnorelly, that they have now anil keep nt all time* one 1 of I lie het and large*! stock* of Groceries, | such it i el COFFEES', • I TEA, "• ' SVG AM, •* rj M GLASS AS, 111 Ac., A®., Ac-. • h '"I CANNED ANO DRIED FRUITS Ol I- -ALL KINDS, I '' consisting of canned pcuchc, cherric '• ourutoe*, plum*, green corn, dried apple* i- peaches, enerrie* &c. ... I In brief they have everything u*ubll; I kept in u first -las* Grocery Store. Cull '"!lauies and gentlemen. Uur price* ar n Jeatonablo. We (tint to plttaie. octut • KI TII.K KFFoBTTO KNFOKCB TBI ' UqtJOK LAW IN BOSTON. " Boa'on, Sept., 21 -Some week* ag° '2,<*Jo citi/.ons of thU city übd the Board ( Aldermen for a hearing on the petition to require the Chiel of l'olioo to enforce the Prohibitory Liquor lew in the City of I Boston. The hearing took place on Mo 1 day evening, and singularly wattonducf ed exclusively by Universal!*! minister*, ilUv. l>r. Miner being the chief pokes jiuan. It i well known that no attempt > has been made to enforce the liquor law for the reason that many of the leading I merchant* ol the city, member* of the l(e|iubiican party, have peculiar con nection* with the city government, and the mercantile community iuelf ha* met the argument] of the probibitioniit* by® representing that the impartial enlorre , mcnl of the law in Boston would ruin iul trade, shut up it* hotel*, and that grant would grow in it* street*. 1 r. Miner, however, held up before the Alderman a terrible picture of the demur-1 alined condition of the City of Boston.i Kev. (ieorge 11 Vibbert al*o trotted out a fearful nrray of statistic*, showing howl alt the citiaem wcr rushing toward* Picsidci t * desk cheering vociierousiy and waving their hat*. Prom|t'y at ten o'clock President Chapman rapped the broker* to order and at once all became silent. The Kebertburg Band, on last Thursday evening oa Us return from the Pair, treated our town to *everal poiee* ol mutic. Tin* it a new band yet it perform* it* peice* in a mailer which would do cred it to tome older institution*. Our people were highly pleated with the inuiical treat, and long may the Kebertburg bend live and "blow." THE MOSf VALUABLE FARM IN BUFFALO VALLEY. Known as the 117/; TE SPRING FA KM, Will be offered * PUBLIC BALK;: On Wednesday, Nov. ft, 1K73. Thi* Farm corajv Ue* 170 ACKKr store or les, tiluated in isuestone twp.. Union County, Pa., '2 tii'o southeast ol Mifllinburg -the preaenl lerminu* of the L O. A S. C. Ilk Thi* road will be; completed ere long, when the distancei from said Prrtu to the ltailroad will be but one mite. The land it ALL CLKAIiKI) except iug about I*2 Acre*, and i in an excellent I state ef cuilivaJoi. The Improvement* are a Large flood PICA MK H(UBK. known a* the MANSION HOUSE" with a Tenant House attached, an exlen live Barn with"other outbuilding* in con nection. Not far distant from these buildings it another tmali structure, used ■* a tenant houte, with a stable close by. The farm it well (upplied with water large Spring rising at the Mansion, known far and near a* "WHITE Sl'KINti.S from which the'poet office near by derived it* name. The Spring U very large, of exceedingly freth Limestone! Water, and add* largely to the value a*j welt as the beauty of thi* excellent (arm Alto, at the *ame lime and place, about! NU ACHES OF TIM BP.RLANI>. in an adjoining lowngtiip. Sale to commence at ten o'clock, A. M. jf said day, when Term* will be known by JAMKB CHAMBERS, KM it T B. BAKBKK. Adm'r* rum testamento annexe. pUBLICSALK- In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court ef Mifflin county, the undersigned will offer at Public Sale, on the premise*, on Thursday, October 16, 1873, A VALUABLE FARM, situate in Potter twp., Centre county, ad joining lands of oacob Wagner, John Jjore and others, containing 100 ACRES and M perches and allowance, mostly cleared and under cultivation, on which j are elected a good two-story FRAME HOI'SK, BANK BARN,CIDER PRESS! and other improvement*. There are two | ORCHARDS on the premises, one a young one of choice fruit, and water i* niped to both house and barn. Also, a TRACT OF WOODLAND; situate in said Potter two., adjoining lands of J no. Fry e, W. W. Love and others, containing 10 acres TERMS —One third ol the purchase money on confirmation of sale; one-tnird in on* year, and the balance in two years, iasith interest, and to be secured by bonds [and mortgage on the premises. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, p. m. of said day. H. L. CLOSE, Admln'r of W. Nale, dee'd. Mifflin co. TjCARM NOR SALE. The well known farm of Samuel Speng ler, dee'd. situated in Potter twp.. Centre j , I'ountr, Pa., is offered at Private Sale, 1 containing about 200 ACRES OF THE BEST LI MR-1 STONE LAND. ' About 170 acres being in a high state of. J cultivation. The ,balnnce being well set 1 with a FINK GROWTH OF LUMBER, > consisting in part of White Oak, Chestnut and Chestnut Oak. f Tho Buildings are good, large and commodious. Water A Fruit second to none in the! State. A never failing well and alsoj running water near tho door. Any person desiring a good farm and ' pleasant home, as also a profitable invest " I mont, can address MARGARET SPANGLER, on the premises, or K. L. SPANGLER, Juliet, 111. TaugSin Executor* v VALUABLE MILL PROPER Y FOR SALE, e at Centre Mills, within 6 miles of the L. '• C. AS. O. Rll., and 8 mile* from Mill helm. Thia is a well known merchant and custom flouring mill, having 8 run of Burrs On a Never Failing Stream of Water, it in good running order, has** large cut torn trade, and la located in one of the finest wheat growing section* of the state. Connected with it is a Commodious Dwelling, surrounded by ornamental shade trees, making it a desirable place to live. Be longing to the property is a Store Room, Ware Room, & Tenant house also a SAWMILL, and '220 ACRES F OK LAND, part of which is tillable, the balance being well timbered with a choice luualitr of Whitepine convenient to the Sawmill. There is also a YOUNG OR js, CHARD on the premises. The water is, power is an excellent one and suitable for uTiy manufacturing purposes. For Term* ly anil further information, address, J. F. THRONE, ,' t , 2laugtit Centre M ill#, Centre co, fa. HKLLKFONTKM ARK KTS. White r/heat $1.40, Red 186 ... Rve...... 116 Cot n 611 ....Oats 86. Ilaffay W. 7t......C10/ersecd 6,00 l'ulatoa* 46. Lard per pound 7 l'ork ner pound 00 Hotter 2U Egg* 16 Plaster per ton #l4 Tallow 8 Bacon 8 Ham 12 LKWIBTOWN MARKETS White wheat 1,40 ... Ktd wheat I,B6.^Hyc •16 Corn 46 OaU36 Barley 00 Cloverseed 6,00 Tiinothyseed, 860 Hall 2 60per sack w. Baron 10c Han 16 Butter 27... Egg* 20 Plaster 9 60 f PRICK L1 S 'l' ! BURNfiIDEfI A THOMAR I • Jo lilt Kits \ COMMIKBION MKK ( IIA NTS Kalt per Barrel f 8 ' Salt per Sack .' Uetl It to Coffee per #0 *| While Sugar per *> 13 • Men > Stoft IktoU 8 76 Mooe Boots per pair... ... ...... 360 ' florae Blanket* per piece I 76 Men' Shirts, piace..~....~...~.....~. 1 ®0 Army Pantaloon* ..... —276 lie.l double thick tobacco..... 36 Beat Navy Tobacco 60 We are Wanaumkers A Brown * agent* and will fUrnUh cuatomera with any kind of clothing you want at Philadelphia pricaa, and will show you large sample* to choo* from. We are bar pie**' agent* of Pbiladel phia and will furituh cuetoiner* with any bind of dress good*, shawls, Ac., at city price*. Largest *tock of MerchnnJue ever brought to thu town. Cellar, Kocm and I up Stair* all full. Call and *ee for your aelve* and tav# from 'JO to 30 per mat. The highest Market price paid for but ter, egg*, (rain, Ac. Fifty different kind* of men's gloves. BURNSIDESA THOMAS. Come to Milroy for Clothing, j Jutt received a fine new itock of Urns.* wntl HoyV l ull and W in- Mr Clothing. (IRKAT BARGAINS in *uiU. New stock of latest rtyle Hate, Boots, shoe*, Ac. Nice Suit* at $lO. Kino cattimere tuita at Irotn sl2 to slo Also Milton Beaver Overcoat*, for fall and winter, at the Clothing Store, Milroy. •aptß 4t 7 IVKRISE A BRO ToSCHOOL TEACHERS.— By a resolution of the Board of School I Director* of Potter twp., the common [ schools of said township will commence on the third Monday of October neat, be- j ing the 'Jtfch day ot the month, and to con- I tinue 110 days. Applicant* for achool* are I hereby al*o notified that the Board, by | resolution ha* graded teachers' salaries, a* per nulwber of certificate*, a* follows: Mate*- Professional Certificate, per month $10; No. Il$38: No. Hs37; No. li SB6; No. J $35; No. 21 s3l. Le** than 2i not employed. Female*—Professional Cer tificate. $37 . No If $35. No. li $34 ; No. li S3B No. 2 SB2 ; *(o. 2i s3l. • PETER IIOFFBR, W. W. Roraa. Pre* t. Sept. 18-41. Secy. QTRA Y~( ATTLE Three heed ofcat (l came to the premises of the under- J signed, at Old Fort, about two month* ago. the one a dark red steer, the other a light red beifer, and the third a small white and r<d spotted heifer. Alt of them are two 1 years old. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay i ,U, and remote the tame. J. II ODEJiKIRK. Oct. 2. 8. t LIVESTOCK at PRIVATE SALE.— The undertigtied. having been burned out, offer* the following live Stock at private ■ate: SIX HEAD OF WORK HORSES. THREE MILK COWS. ELEVEN HEAD YOUHG CATTLE. Thu slock can be aeen at the reeidence of the subecriber. about li miles west of Old Port 18aug3t A. KRCMREIN I Chas H. Held. (Took. Wichuakerdk Jeweler j Millhcitn. Centre Co., Pa. Respectfblly informs bis friends and the public In general, that ba ha* just opened at his new establishment, above Alexan der's stare, and keeps constantly on hand, all kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelir oftke lalt styles, as also the Maranyllle Patent Calender Clocks, provided with a complete index of the month, and day of the month and week on it* face, which it warranted as a per!eel time-keeper. Gn.Clock-. Watches and Jewelry re paired on short notice and warranted. sepll 68 ly THE undersigned, determined to meet the popular demand for Lot#r I Prices, respectfully calls the attention of the public to hi* stock of SADDLERY, now offered at the old sUnd. Designed • pccially for the people and the times, the largest and most varied and complete as sortment of Saddle*. Harness, Col lam. Bridle*, of*verv description and quality ; Whip*, I and In fact everything complete to a first class eetablbhroent. he new offer* at price* which U- 1U „ IIINRT aaocKiaaorr, J. . BHrosaT, President, Cashier. J (Late Milliken. Hoover 40o) RECEIVE DEPOSITS, And Allow interest, Discount Notes, BUT and Sell. Government Securities, Goid d* apKTMtf Coupon*. JOHN F~P(ITTER, Atlorney-at-Law. Collection* promptly made and special altention given to these having lands or property for sale. Will draw up acknowledged l>eods, Mortgage*. Ac. Office in the diamond, northjjideof the court house. Bellefonte. oct*_ tr.Hf. rTICA STEAMENGINE y—iiw I jdWfijjr | ' |y 1 f ijgj r xr^jt: . P (FoawamLT WOOD * Ms**.) STATIONARY & PORTABLE Steam Engines. The Best k Meat Complete Assortment in the Market. JSSS of BagtM. Boiler* and Nill* a ■pwialty. Ws have thesiyet and ". <wn,,t. te work* f the kind tn the country, wph machinery * >1' **• large number" of Eiupne*. which we t UsvO I pi*** JTTthe nburtrat notiee. W* 6M,\'x7in* -nLwMjil 1 v jsiitDta*.! U) Mine"* Kw M£TU* Ori*t Mill*, tt oCuut., Thrcwher. and alieU-c now building the celebrated Lano Ctmi- Ur Bsw M i:l. the b*st and ny"! rouipleta aaw mill "wilaiSks the manufacture of Raw Still onttta a apeeial Iratura of our buainees, sud can fnrnieh eomoUte on the Short*** aetlee. , UTICA STEAM ENCINE CO. SX%CA, PI. T. NE PLUS ULTRA. ; No Better Place ! Th subscriber U Just receiving from the eastern rltle# A Full Stock ol HUMMER UOODB which ho Int. determined to roll very cheap, consisting of DRY GOODS and Prion, Mtulink, Opera Cantons. and Woll Flannel*. LkdiM Dreu Goods, >uch at Inliioi, Alpacas, Poplin. XnprM Oloth. Sateens, Tameise, together with a full ttork of everything usually kept In tho Dry flood* line. NOTIONS: j A full stock, consisting part of Ladies and j Children'* Merino flooo, Collar*, Kid i aloret, hoot Quality ailk and Lisle thread i Gloves, Hood*, Nubias, Breakfast shawli, j Ac. HATS & CAPS, 1 A full assortment ol Men's ftuy'k and Childron'a ol the latokt atyla and be*t- CLOTHING, Roady made, a choice aalactioaof Mae't and Boy'kol the now art styles and moat ser*iceabla material*. BOOTS & SHOES, WM. WOLF. JJR. S (J. GCtSLICTH, Dentist, Mill helm. Offer* hi* professional service* to the public. He i* prepared to perform all operation* in the dental profession. He • now fully prepared to extract teeth attmlutely without pain. n*y(t-7S*tf. EDWAKD77EVANS* 00, NURSERYMEN <t SEEDSMEN, Yerk, Pa. > pe~Caialogutk Mailed to Applicant*^! Rffrr (Ay permission) to Hon. J. H, Black. Washington, D. C., Weiser, Son A Carl, Banker*, York, ra. June b-fan. Excelsior Cement- The undersigned now manufacture Ce ment WARRANTED OF A SUPERIOR OUALITY, at their kilns, near Pin* Creek Mills, in Halaes tarn. This cement ha* already been used in Wge quantities upon the 1.. C. A B.C. KB., ana has been found highly satisfactory upon all Job* where it ha* been used, and a* equal to any now manufactured The undersign ed now take pleasure in recommending, end warranting it to all, for u*t in CIS TERNS. WATER PIiES, or wbateeer purpose a good quality of Cement is dart rahfe. Thu Cement has already been tested far and wide, and rendered the ut most satisfaction. Persons, therefore con structing Cisterns, laying Water Pipes, Ac., will And it to advantage to bear this in mind, and aleo, that they warrant the article as represented. Por further par ticulars, address MEYER A HOFFER, 90 dec tf Asronsburg, Pa. W. A. CURRY; BOOT & SHOE MAKER CENTRE HALL, PA. Would most respectfully inform the cit cen* of this vicinity, that he has started a new Boot and Shoe Shop, and would be thankful for a share of tne public patroa age. Boots and Shoes made to order and according to style, and warrants his work jto equal any made eliewhera. All kinds of repairing done, and charges reasonable Give bim e call. feb It ly. C. PECK'S New Coach Manufactory. CENTRE HALL, PA. The undersigned ha* opened a new es tablishment, at hi* new shops, far the manufacture of Carriages, Buggies, & Spring Wsgons, SLKIOBS AXD SLUMS, PLAIX *XD FAKCT of every description . All vehicles manufactured by him . are warranted to render satisfaction, and a* equal to any work done elsewhere. He uses none but the best material, : nnd employs the most skillful workmen. < Hence they flatter themselves that their i work can not be excelled for durability ! and finish. Order* from a distance promptly attend- i ed to. 1 Come and examine my work before 1 contracting elsewhere. PRICES REASONABLE, All kinds of Reparing doss. The Chamoion of the World. The new Improved American Button- Hole Overseaming and Complets Sewing Jfachine —The great eat machine of the Age 1 Slmplclty, Durability A Cheap ness Combined. guaranteed. All order* promptly attend ed to. A. L. BARTGES. Agent for Centra County MADtaoXßuao. PA. Pennsvalley Banking Co. CENTRE HALL, PA. RECEIVE DEPOSITS, And Allow Interest, Discount Note Buy and Sell Government Securities, Gold and Coupons. PETER UOFFER, WK. B. MINOLE, __ Pros't. Cashier. D. M. RITTENHOUSE, WITS KOOXS, SCHWARI A CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IS Fish, Cheese and Provisions, 144 North Delaware Avenua, 137 North Water Street, PHILADELPHIA. R. A KOOR*. O SI-AWAS*. J. Bear* ASS marfl ly. SCHOOL TAX NOTICE.—The cltiaen* of Potter township are hereby notified, agreeably to law, that on all School Tax paid over to tho undersigned on or before November 4th, next, there will be a de duction of 6 per cent; and on all paid within one month after said date the full sum will be claimed, after which all such Taxes remaining unpaid, will be placed in the hands of a Collector with an addi tion of 5 per centum. JAS. C. BOAL, i 4aug2m Treasurer. CEMENT ! CEMENT !--Meyer & Hot Tor's Excelsior Cement for sale by the un dersigned. This Cement It warranted when worked by any experienced hand. Apply at tbe lime kilns, to 18aug4t GEO. KOCH. /"TfcNTRK HALL HOTEL. L JOHN Sr ANGLER, Proprietor. Stage* arrive and depart daily, for *ll i point*, aortk, loutf ml wd wt. 8 ltl By o (aTHitoCyL) | 4L 'I'RABK fCJ MARK. fl % w OMP 1 I FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU? • Is UM eely lim Basil/ far Brtabt'i Ms ftSEffiESMaSa t'icersttofi of Uir &U2civ and Ifhnlif*r Htftt' | j .%<■]. •'t.f'j','' {K*aM/l<acttM esrstisr to tad!**, lbs Kx tdSsSSsS^S^l^E, ChmM trMlrm nu of Uta lisrn*. L imti> jwjgS* lymy. KiiiNKfti kxtmact arrnr, CVnw Mmomv A'Ms? firm fmprtatmm, BaMu ef iMmtpmHm, MU . la U their stags*, at Dttlo ckimom Kill* or aa cfcsag* ia diet, no la n—mimm. sad ao ttfomn It mass* a fra- datoe, sad glras mmgifc to urtnu tl f UM f'sls frpiwitU;<i*s of dis -1141 par hottis ar sis bottles for |£ 00 drl:vored to amy Uliraa. serai* froei <.bsriviu.i bold by ir * ,l^s3sißri wfuSfiSjao u. *. r. latum lor tefunaetiob sbuuJ4 ba Avoao QUACKS ' AMD tMSOSTt*S. 9§ (%t*g* Imp iJMtB &&d Or J B imu Ona—uutJifermm BMMI fUTigt. fhiisdatpkii*. aatbor of s**el rateable ftM So tXjftMklUNft Oft ftSI djbr „t of fhd be to mate aa wair i stsdrj, ~£*■ iu aula t* fseisl*. ao aaw Sw alaT oaaao ertghssUag. or of koa laag A of M jw sssblas aatasd. Cbun —nualln. Thoao at a dla taaea eat faa isstor dtmruag syM)Htms. •ad flattest!* ataau to peepa* portage jPßEßfife I SEWING MACHINES. , Tlia tale* of Soaring machine* in 1872, a reported under oath, in 1873, lo own " em of tba Sawing Machine *Ntcnts tbow that the SINGEIt MANUFACTURING 00. Lsst Year Sold 2 19,758 MACHINES OK 35.49S more than in 1831, Nicety -per ce#L of them being for FAMILY USE Tim tt Or** 4 5,000 More Sewing Machine* than were sold by any other company during the came period, and over ONE QUARTER of all the Machines told in 1 S7'2. Principal Ofier ©/ The Sieger Manufacturing Co. 34 Usiow SgiAKK. Philadelphia, office, 1106 Chestnut St juae*i-m JJROCKERHOPP HoUSK? Allegnenev Street, Beliefonte, Pa. D. JOHNSON & SONS, Proprietors, a riaar class hotki.. cowroar a blx koom* PROMPT ATTENDANCE. ALL THE MODERN CONVKN'IKN CES—AND REASONABLE Charge*. The proprietor* offer to, the traveling pablic, and to their country flit-mi*, fir A das* accoruniodalion* and careful atten tion to the wants o/guesu at all time*, at fkir rate*. Carefulhostler* and good table ling for hones. An excellent table well •erred. A Bar cuppiied with flne liquors. Servant* well trained and everything re quisite in a Irst class Motel. Our location i in the business part of the town, near the Post Offlce, the Court House, the Chur ches, the Bank*, and tlfe p incipal places of business, renders it the most eligible place for those who visit Bellefoete on busi or pleasure. An Omnibus will carry passenger* and baggage to and from all train* free of charge. GIVEN AWAY. A Fine German Chromo. We send an elegant Chromo, mount* ed and ready for framing, free to every Agent for OR LIFE BELOW THE SURFACE' BJ" THOS. H". AWO.Y. 942 Pages Octavo. 190 Pine Engravings. Relates Incidents and Accident* beyond the Light of Day; Startling Adventures • In all parts of the World ; Mines and Mode Working theui; Under-currents of Society; Gambling and its Horrors ; Cav ern* and their Mysteries; The Dark Ways of Wickedness; Prisons and their Secrets; Down in the Depths of the' Sea; Strange Stories of the Detection of crime. The book treats of experience with brigands; nights in opium dens and gamb ling hells; lire in prison; Stories of exiles adventures among Indians; journeys through Sewers and Catacombs; accidents in mines ; pirates and piracy; tortures of the inquisition; wonderful burglaries ; un derworld of the great cities. etc., etc. AGENTS WANTED for this work. Exclusive territory givon. Agents can make SIOO a week in selling this book. Bend for circulars and terms to agents. _ J. B. BURR A HYDE, • Hartford, Conn., or Chicago, 111. If you art Buffering from any CHRONIC DISEASE, Broken Down Conatitullon Or require a Remedy to - Portly u< Enrich the Blood, You will And Dr.Crookb ©aaspwmsd Rjnraw mt Fake tot to •—— greater merit, cure won more speedily, and do you more good than any and all other remedies combined. That Fale.Yellaw, Dlclily-looklag fatal* is olisuited to one of freshness and health. Those Disease# of the Bkla.Flmples,Paa •alee. Biaushee and Eraptloua are re moved. Derafaia, MersfSlons Disease* of the Kyes. While Dwellings. Lifers. M Peres or any kind of Humor rapidly dwind e and disappear under Its Influence. What la lT It ta nature's own restorer i A soluble oxyd of Iron combined, with tb medtelnel properties of Pohonool divested Ot all disagreeable qualities. It will cure any wisim Whoso rest or direct cause is Badl llaad. Rheumatism. Fains la Llmke or Donee. CssUlbllb broken (lawat