The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, October 16, 1873, Image 1

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The golden annuel gleams athwart the corn,
The sriasaon blush of eve ie in the w*M;
The reaper homeward whistles from hi* toll.
And on the earth ta at sniped the Seal Of real
Low beuda th* beaMM bailey to the braes*.
White with the Wise*, of the harvest quest);
The oats quake tremulous, aud on the eea
The still, pure Autumn sky re fleet* it* sheen
The yellow plums hang mellow on the tree.
The hlne-hloonwd iaMsoos gleam amid the
The rose-tinged peach cling* needing to die
And jocund gleaners roam amid th* .heave*
Spirit at Harvest! Wake our grateful hearts.
To rsias clad anthem* to Urn earner I praise.
Reaper of alt- Him who alone ran give
Sweet hopeful seed-time, goldeu harvest
An DM Road.
A curve of green
m Aud a common wall below,
And a winding read, that dip* aud drope
Ah me! where does it go 1
Down to th* lovely day*
Goe* that familiar Hack.
And here I eland ami wait and gsss,
As if they could com* back.
Somewhere Iwnsath that hill
Are children a runniug feet.
And a hule garden fair aud eull.
Ware uover flower* so vroet 1
And a house withui an open door.
What Km therein I know—
-01 let mo enter nevermore.
But aim Whcte It ao.
Vp Us* of t-tsoddeu slope
What visions nee aud throng I
What kastv ramemhrance* of Bojs
Lie sliattered all along t
These flower* that never grew.
Bloom thee iu aflv chme ?
Can any Sprite- te rem# iw
What tied hi tt at sweet
Hero I believ ed in fame.
And found no room for fear;
Here sprang to meet what never came ; .
Here loved- what is not here I
Not worth a moment's paw*
Reerved any fallsn gem.
Not worth a sigh, a glance, because
Life would W fall of them.
The child ta the fairy tale
Dropped tokens as he passed.
Bo pierced th* darksome fareal-vetl
And tour J hm bom* at last:
- 1, m the falUng day.
Turn back Uirough deeper gloom.
By gaih-rcl memories feci my way
Only to j'md -a tomb.
Far there they he asleep,
Btpj that made alt thing* sweet,
Hands of true pressure, hearts more deep
Thku any left to beat,
A wetU wbsrs ah was great;
Faths iroddcr. not. but eeen ;
Light streaming through an open gate -
The world that might htre beeu 1
Futures, ami dreams, aud tears—
O Lobe, is tais the whole ?
Kay. wrap year everlasting years
A hoe; my fmhug soul 1
The lightest word you spake
Beyond all tune shall last—
These only sleep before they wake—
I In Love there tana Fast!
* —M. B. Kxmut.
. . . .J* - - .
" Do you suppose, mama, in case the
money goes from me that it will be
given to you ?"
"Dear* child, how can I ever guess ?
Tour aunt, remember, is your father's
sister, not mine ; so it is scarcely likely
she has thought of me. lam afraid the
heir in the sealed will is John Garland."
" Mamma!"
"It is only guess work, dear."
" But he is so unfit to hava the re
sponsibility of money ; a man known to
be a gambler and a drinking man, if not
an actual drunkard."
" Very true. Yet he is the nearest
relative yonr Annt Jessie had, except
ing only yourself." %
" I ran scarcely think Aunt Jessie
would leave him fifty thousand dollars."
" My dear, ahe has left it to JOB, her
niece and namesake."
" But upon the condition that I shall
never marry. If I do, the sealed nill
in the hands of her lawyer is to be
opened, and the money pass from me
to the heir or heira named therein.
Yon must know me well eliongh to be
sure that the money would never tempt
me to bre.k mv engagewat; yet for
your sake I wish— Oti; why did Annt
Jessie leave it to me at aH."
"Do not think of me. I can live as
we have sineo-yciu fath.-r died. Bat,
Jasate,"—ami Mrt. Mkrkham's face
looked grave and sad, —"there is one
view of the matter you do not take."
"I dare say there are fifty. Remem
ber we have now had only an hour or
two to think, since the letter oune from
the lawyer. But what ia the view you
mean ?'
" Charlie."
" Charlie T
Jessie's large brown eyes were opened
to their widest extent a* she repeated
the name, adding : " Why, I haven't
thought of anything but Ciiarlie 1"
"But—l me said the
mother, shrinking from altering her
own thonghts. " You know, dear, you
have always been considered yonr
aunt's heiress; and Charlie is yonng
and only commencing the practice of
his profession. It may be that he
will "
"Be false to me for the sake of
money ?" interrupted Jessie, with the
rosiest of cheeks and brightest of eyes.
*' We will soon test that, and she drew
a writing-table to her side. " I will
send him a copy of tbe lawyer's letter,
and " —here her voice and eyes softened
—"the assurance that Aunt Jessie's
will makes no difference to me."
Mrs. Markham made no objection to
this step; but after the letter was
signed, sealed and dispatched to the
village bv Polly, the only servant of
Mrs. Mark ham's household, she called
Jessie again to ber side.
Over the fair, sweet face of the young
girl there had oropt a shade of gravity
and jterplexity-since tWe arrival of the
lawyer's letter, that clonded the brown
eyes and gave the sensitive, mobile
mouth a firmer pressure than was quite
natural. Life had been all sunshine for
Jessie Markham, yet ber's was one of
tbe buoyant natures that find tbe silver
lining for every cloud ; and eoax some
sweetness from every bitter dose. Her
father had been dead six years, and his
business affaire having \>een compli
cated in some way not comprehensible
te feminine intellect, his widow and
child found themselves reduced to an
income that barely covered the neces
saries of life. They left the city and
took a small cottage iuthepretty village
of Merton, where Mrs. Markham soon
procured a class of music scholais, and
herself gave Jessie lessons in the high
er branches of English studies, Ger
man, French, and music, till, at eigh
teen, her daughter also procured a few
pupils in languages. They were very
happy in their mutual affection, in the
love of their pupils, and the cares cf j
their little household.
It had been understood from the time
Jessie was a tiny baby that she would
inherit the fortune of her maiden aunt, !
fur whom sle was named, and who
came front the city every summer to
spend a menth or two in "the little cot
tage, always bringing pretty presents
to brighten tbe home of her brother's
■widow, and lavishing the tenderest af
fection upon her neice.
Yet, though Jessie herself had known
of her aunt's supposed.* intentions,
neither she nor her mother had ever
made o&leulstio&b on a fortune depend
ent upon'the death of one whom they
felt t|se warmest affection, and the idea
♦hat others won! I be inl!aen6ed by it
was a new thought to the young girl.
She had givi n to her betrothed,
Charles Beaton, the first love of her
young heart, believing his love was all
lier own. In the six years she had
lived m Merton, child and maiden,
Chiulle Seaton had been her devoted
admirer from the first, and had recent
ly finished his coarse of law study and
been admitted to the bar. His fortune,
inherited from his father, was vary
.7.J5 iff
small, barely covering hi* expenditure
for board tail clothing ; but ho wa*
energetic, industrious, utd, without
brillnuit tuleut, a clear-headed, iutelli
gout student, promising to make im|m
bio lawyer, if uot a sinning light at
the bar.
Answering her mother's call, Jeasie
nestled down in her favorite seat at her
feet saying, sadly:
" If Charlie waa influenced by any
ho|>e of Aunt Jessie's money, mamma,
it is better to know it now. I had sup
posed we would have to wait for our
wedding day nntil he had some practice,
and you know I have a little sum of my
own toward tirat expense*. We could
live here, and There, 1 will uot think
of it any more until the answer come*
to TOT letter."
'•Whileyon wait, dear," said her mo
ther, "shall 1 tell you what I think is
the explanation of your aunt's singular
will ? You, who kuow her only as the
gentle, sail woman of her later years,
can scarcely imagine, I presume, that
she was ouee a* bright, hopeful, aud
sunny-tempered as yourself. 1 think
it to save you from her own sorrow
that she has taken from you the power
of giving wealth to a mere fortune
hunter. She would have you wooed
aud won for yourself alone ; and as ahe
ha* sever pguitmdy said you were to
be her heireaa, she ha* probably never
supposed Charlie biased by thai hope.
Sti !, dear, it i* possible."
'•Yes, it is possible," said Jessie,
slowly; "but tell me about Aunt Jes
Your grandfather Markham. Jessie,
waa one of the leading merchants of
New York, when your aunt, hi* ouly
daughter, was introduced into society.
Your uncle Hoyt was in good practice
as a physician, your father doing then
a fair business, and already married
and in his own home.
It was therefore with the name of an
heiress that Jessie lanced through her
first season, a careless, light-hearted
girl, very pretty, and accomplished
enough to make a pleasing impression
wherever she went. She was but a lit
tle over twenty when she became en
gaged to Stanley Horton, the most fas-
HhSting man in all oar circle of friend-.
Not only handsome and talented—aud
he was both—but possessing in a re
markable degree the courtly polish and
winning grace of manners that go st>
far toward gaining a woman's heart, the
absorbing love that Jessie felt for him
seemed mutual, and congratulations
were the order of the day, when your
grandfather failed. Prom a man of
wealth he became actually poor, ahd
losing energy aud hope, he came with
Jessie to share oar home.
Stanley Horton, tire man we all sup
posed a devoted lover, was fullj aware
of th change in Jessie s prospects, jet
he continued his visits, miking no ab
rupt, ungentlemanly desertion of his
betrothed. Yet we* who watched her
with the jealousy of affecti <n, soon dis
covered a change in her. She became
pale and sad, often tearful, till finally
she confided to me that Stanley was
evidently weary of her, and hail ceased
to love her. Even then she attributed
the change to some defect in herself,
not seeing the mercenary motive till
later, when time had taken the glamour
from her eyes and heart. She gave
him back his ring and promisee, thus
accepting the position his unmanly eon
duct forced upon her, of herself break
ing the engagement between them. The
first love of her life was the last. She
wus jour grandfathers eorafort until
be died, and then she went to keep
house for Hoyt, who lost his wife aud
baby one veur after his wedding day.
When he died he loft her the house aud
money, and she lived there till ahe died.
Still 1 know she loved you, and I am
quite wire her will ia not designed so
much to keep you single as it is to win
the disinterested love of your future
There was a long silence after Mrs.
Markham concluded her story, and Jes
sie allowed her head to rest in her
toother's lap, under her caressing hand
trying to picture a future of easy com-
EcUmcy shared by the compauion of
er life. It bad its bright side ; there
was still love and happiness for ber yet.
And then a bright face crowned with
curly brown Lair would come before
her, and she knew that the handsome
house nor the comfortable income could
ever fill her heart il Charley left an
aching void there. Suddenly, like a
gust of wind, there swept into the little
sitting mom a tall, broad-shouldered
yonng man, in a gray tweed snit and
slouch hat, which latter article found
a resting place npon the floor, as the
young giant braced himself before Jes
sie in an attitude of grim defiance that
sent thrills of glad music into ber heart.
"Will you have the kindness, Miss
Markham," said the intruder, towering
in bis six feet of manhood over Jessie's
low seat, "to tell me what yon mean
by that absurd letter Polly Handed to
me ? Was it not fully understood that
yon and I were to share this cottage
with yonr mamma until I attained suffi
cient* legal eminence to warrant the
?nrcliase of n brown stone front in N w
ork ? Was I not deluded into the be
lief that your presence in the culiuary
department of our establishment was to
reduce our expenses to the limits of our
present income ? Was it not represent
ed to me that my present hoard was
sufficient to meet the requirements of
two in this domicile ? In abort. Miss
Markham, in whht way was I ever led
to suppose that the fortune of yonr
spinster aunt was to influence in the
slightest degree yonr matrimonial rela
tions in regard t myself? I paused
for a reply."
Jessie stood np, her hands meekly
folded together, and her happy eves
downcost till the long lashes kissed her
'• Please forgive me this time and I'll
never do it again," she said ; and then
the laugh dimpled her cheek, danced
in ber eyes, and rippled oat clear and
sweet upon the air.
" Oh, Cbrlie! Charlie ! I knew
you never thought of Aunt Jessie's
"And ysu," said Charlie, holding her
off at arm's length, "you con have it
all if you give me up."
"As if I loved money better than
you," said Jessie, nestling now in the
strong arms folded closely around her.
It seemed, however, as if Charlie w< ra
actually afraid of the money that was
so temptingly near Je-wie's grasp, for
he commenced a series of interviews
that bore entirely upon the subject of
an immediate marriage.
" What is there to wait for?" he would
ask, and then enter upon calculations
of his present expenses and those of the
future, proving most conclusively tha
there was a decided saviug for both in
uniting their incomes."
" You remind me," said Jessie, "of
the Dutchman who said he could al
most support himself alone, and it was
a pity if two of them could not do it
But though she laughed at him, Jes
sie was quite willing to admit the force
of his reasoning; and one bright June
morning, six months after Aunt Jessie's
death, there was a wedding in the vil
lage church, and a breakfast iu tbe cot
tage for a few chosen friends. Among
these was Aunt Jeasie'a lawyer, for the
will stipulated that the sealed codicil
was to be opened at Jessie's wedding, if
she preferred love to money.
The bride was a little paler than
usual when with s solemn face the New
York lawver broke the big red aoal.
Vision* of John Garland holding drunk
eu revel* in her auut'a bonne tinted
aeruH* her uiuul, aud then *he looked
into Charlie'* face, and over her own
crept an expression of perfect oonteut.
The will was opened and found to
contain only a letter directed to Jeasie,
and a ahort, legally worded formula,
making herself and her chosen husband
joint inheritors of her aunt'* foituue.
rrulv the bride opened the letter from
the dead.
With loving word* Aunt Jeasie
blessed her and wished her happiueaa.
" 1 do not," she wrote, "approve of
the money power in a family being en
tirely in the hand* of a woman ; there
fore yon will flud, dear Jessie, that half
of my fortune ouly is your*, the remain
ing half to go to the husband who ha*
proved that lie loved you for your own
sweet *elf, not for your fortune."
Daring the weddingtour of the young
couple, Mrs. Markham, at their earnest
solicitation, took an affectionate fare
well of her pupils, and removed her
household treasures to th New York
uiansiou, to a LieL s dee time came
Charlie aud Jeasis to t tighten the long
silent rooms with their happiness, aud
establish that loving circle that makes
home of any house, however grand or
Fashion (lilt-that.
The English or Dolman cloak will lie
much worn.
Rough overcoats will be much worn,
and will be made rather long.
In cassimeres, subdued plaids and
stripes are the prevailing pattern.
Feather* aud fruit will be extensively
used, almost entirely superseding
Iluts will be worn larger than hereto
fore, giving room for more elaborate
trimming. , v
In colored silks, dark cloth shades
are the latest styles, and black silks will
also be largely worn.
The popularity of the Normandy cap
for haties has almost ruled out tlie
quaint little Fiench cap.
HntUings a la Qneen Elisabeth, of all
varieties, but principallv large, is a
predominant mode of neckwear.
The most elegant of fall suits will be
a lizard-green and black-striped linen
polonaise, the stripe being of satin.
Cashmere and camel's-hair cloth will
be much sought after, and the rougher
the surface the desirable will be
the goods.
The Scotch snood is being again in
troduced. Brunette* should choose
pink, and blondes, bine or Nile-green
or narrow black-velvet.
A novelty in polonaises is promised
from France. It will be double-breasted,
and made of a dark-blue linen, with
lemon-colored cord and buttons.
In ribbons, tlie latest colors are
prune, ours, sorosis, Wsterleo, Niagara,
Atlantic, serpent, lizard, vert mousse,
marine, myrtle, Ardoise and bronze.
Ladies' dresses will l>e of quiet style,
long redingote* with large buttons and
]H>dketa, with moderate trimmings,'w>il
be the most fashionable street dress.
A pretty hat, and likely to be much
in vogue, is a dark straw turned up at
the aide, with a peaked crown, and
trimmed at the side with a rooster
For evening gathering*, brunette*
will appear the prettie*t in all shade*
of yellow, red or erimaon; ruddy
blondes, in blue and light green ; pale
ones in blue.
Neckties arc rather atibdued; the
latest style ia the wearing of a narrow
ribbon corresponding in color to the
dress, tied into a small bow, and the
ends falling below the waist.
Oxidized jewelry ia the rage, taking
precedence of any other kind, and aeU
of this material are worn extensively,
including large buckles, canteens and
urns for snapeneion from the waist.
A nice covering for chilnren in the
winter is a hood, which conceals the
entire head, with ends attached, which
falls gracefully over the shoulders, af
ter the manner of a Russian baslicb.
A nice Marie Antoinette c-p, with
long streamers, which cross the breast,
and are tied around the waist, the ends
falling down the back, is a handsome
appendage, and likely to be much worn.
A pretty style in sash ribbons is no
ticeable, tLat of a combination of Ro
man colore and water edge, or Roman
edge and velvet centre. These combi
nations are imported in Tarions widths
for sashes, belts and hair-ribbons.
The Story of the Polaris.
The special dispatches from London
give the statement in brief of Captain
Haddington, of the ill-fated Polaris. It
takes as buck at once to the terrible
scene on the 15th of October, 1872,
when tlie party on the ice-floe were sep
arated from the straiued and leaking
Polaris. We have the story of those so
miraculously preserved who were drift
ed fifteen hundred miles on the ice-floe,
and the balance of the tale eoming from
those so fearfully sundered from their
shipmates is like a story from the grave.
It will be remembered that Tyson's
party on the morrow of the separation
sighted the Polaris steering in under
the land, and that they signaled and
signaled in vain. It was then an open
question whether Bmldington's party
had seen them or not. The question
was still further subdivided by the
doubt whether, supposing the party on
the ice had been seen, Captain Bud
dington had found it impossible to pro
ceed to their relief or had wilfully
abandoned them. All these points are
covered in Captain Haddington's state
ment. In the first place, he says, the
party on the ice-floe were never seen by
them after the separation. In the sec
ond place, the condition of the Polaris
leaves no room for doubt that, oven had
they been seen, any attempt to save
them would have been futile. We learn
also as to the manner in which the win
ter was passed in Lifeboat Cove, how
the dreaded senrvy broke out among
the men, bat, fortunately in a mild
form. The party started southward as
soon as tho water opened, and sighted
Capo York on the 3d of June. They
were picked np by tbe Ruvenscraig.
Thus, out of strange perils and unheard
of adventures, and out of the locked
empire of the ice, all who sailed away
in the cause of science return home,
save the gallant commander, who lies in
his frozen grave near Thank God Har
bor, amid tho awful silence of the dread
regions it was bis life's ambition to ex
The Panic in London.
The London Time*, commenting on
tbe financial panic in New York, says,
in view of the extraordinary prosperity
of the United States and the nigh price
of government bonds, the present gust
must be regarded as simply an effort of
the financial system to get rid of its
dishonest elements.
The Daily Telegraph says such local
troubles as the suspensions in New
York seem to be are merely the rank out
growth of au exuberant prosperity, and
accessories to a progress which does not
for a moment holt.
Wheat is worth 90 cents a bushel in
lowa, and rys 15 suits a glass.
The Hoy who Splits Wood.
There was a law in a Nelson street,
Daabnrv, yard cutting wood, yesterday,
and he worked nt it in a strikingly nat
ural wanner. First he act the stick on
one end and prepared to strike it when
it tumbled down. Then lie stood it tip,
slid put a sliver uudrr llu< weak side to
sustain it, and lifted the axe for the
blow, when it tumbled ugaiu. As lie
had got the axe up quite a ways tlda
time, and was fairly quivering with ex
dec tat ion, the reaction was uot pleas
ant. It appeared to weaken hint, and
before another trial, he leaned <>u the
axe and looked around ou the scenery.
At the third trial lie put several sliver*
under the stick, and was some five min
ute* doing it. Then he raised the axe
carefully, deliberately took aim, ami
brought the blade down with terrible
force, and within alw>ul an ineli-aiid-n
--half of the stick, which immediately
tipped over. This surprised him. He
looked at the axe, then at the stick,
aud then around at the houses to see
if auvbody was looking. He was ten
miuutes propping the stick up the
fourth time. AYlieu he got it so it
wonld stand without being held, lie
teok up the axe, and after several mock
motions ao to get the right aim, he
awung the implement down again.
The blade struck tlie stick with terri
ble force within alniut s sixteen tli-of
nn-inch from the edge, and took off a
slip about five inches long. Wo don't
suppose there is anything quite ao ag
gravating as this. Splitting your shin
opeu to the bone is a pastime in com
parison. The Nelson street boy stood
that stick up sgsin without auy cere
mony, and with the least displsy in the
world swung the axe over his bead and
brought it spitefully down. The blade
this time dipped off a half-inch chip,
and then swung around with such mo
mentum as to throw the boy off his feet
and drive him headlong over a pile of
other sticks, every one of which lie
struck with his knees or face. We
don't think we ever saw soy boy get on
his. feet as quick as tiist bujr did. And
we were uot iu the least surprised to
see him snatch up that axe, aud with
screams and sobs, beat that stick until
he was exhausted. With this unpleas
ant duty performed, he flung the axe
in among the tomato vines, and went in
the henke for a piece of cake.
Stranger than fiction.
A North Germany paper advertises
for the American heir* of the fortune of
a widow ladv of Amsterdam aa follow* :
"The following heir* of Catharine
Spelling and her daughter Dorothy,
both of whom died a violent death in
1853, at Amsterdam, are requested to
send their addresses immediately to the
Royal l'robate Court at Amsterdam :
Sophia Behreuaburg, Otto Kcileuaer,
Anna Derniug, Maria Derfling, Joseph
Derdtug, allot whom emigrated to tlie
United State* since 1864.
Ernest Helper, Solicitor.
The story of the dsalb of the two j
women, so long ago as 1K52, and the
finding of their murderer, twenty yosrs j
after, the revelation of actual occur
rences which arc as terribly tragic a*
may tie found within the lids of ro
mance. The widow, Catharine Spelling,
and her daughter Dorothy, were joint
(tossessora of diamonds, money, and
bonds worth one hundred and fifty
thousaud dollars, and occupied a house
by themselves on Hnrlau street, Am .
sterd&m. One day, in tho summer of'
1852, a placard appeared on their door, I
saying they had gone to the country. |
Six weeks rolled around and still tne i
placard remained on the door. The
suspicions of the police were aroused ,
by the long absence of the women, and
tho house, was entered. The placard j
was found to be a fearful deception; !
the bodms of the two women were found '
on the Minor, their diamonds, m >ney.
and bonds missing, and no clue to the i
murderer and thief was found.
11l July lost, the house we* torn dowu,
aud in ita destruction came to light a
circumstance equaling in horror the dU
covery of tlie assassination of the two
hnc women. Between the house taken
dowu and tho adjoining on- was a spore
of about a foot, and confined in this
narrow cell was found the skeleton of a
man, caught midway lwtween the top
and bottom, and on the gronnd beneath
him were found the diamonds, the
bond*, nud the money of the two mur
dered women. The assassin, in attempt
ing to escape, had misst d his footing,
fallen between the houses, and, with a
strip of blue sky visible above the high
walls of his living tomb, had starved to
The Yellow Fever.
The Bhreveport (La.) Time* of a lato
date says:
Tbeepideaie exhibits l)Vt littleehange,
an<l that the decrease in the number of
new cases is greatly owing to want of
material. The number of deaths is
fearful to contemplate ; the mortality is
beyond precedent, and it looks as
though hut comparatively few will get
well. Thus far very few have got
about, while some linger along between
life and death. In some few instances
whole families have been swept out of
existence in the short t pace of ono
week. The sudden change ie tho
weather last Sunday night sent scores
ts their beds, which accounts for the
lsrge number of interments in the last
day or two. In the language of one of
the New Orleans physicians, tliev drop
ped off like sheep dying with the rot.
Medical treatment of the most skillful
kind does not appear to do any good in
a great many cases, whereas, in many
others, the temporary relief afforded is
qniekly followed by death. Onr stores
are all closed, ami all onr dwelling
houses turned iuto hospitals ; ID fact,
Bhreveport is one great hospital; one
great oharnel-bouse!
The Time * publishes a death record.
That journal says the number of inter
ments since the Ist of September sums
up 342 ; the number of sick is estima
ted/ variously, at from 500 to 800,
Publishing a Newspaper.
According to "Oath," who has re
cently been to Springfield, this is the
way Bamnel Bowles edits bis paper :
Ife breakfasts frugally in bed, nud
reads from beginning to end, every day,
when at Lome, tho morning's licpnb marking ont those parts which
he does not need for his weekly—a de
velopment in which ho takes much
pride, as it was his father's paper, the
basis of his jlaily. eleven o'clock
ho dictates to a phonogrspher answers
to personal, political, and business let
ters ; or, on some occasions, repairs to
his office and meets inquirers person
->ly. Dictation of editorinl matter fol
lows, and lie break fasts a aeeond time
with hia children at their mid-day din
ner. At three o'clock lie goes to the
office, and writes editorial ; and at
night, generally speaking, reads liis
proofs or paragraphs, or dictates at
CALIFORNIA BITS.—A gentleman wri
ting from California says you hear the
word "bit" used very often. A "bit"
i 'welve and a half cents, or tea cents,
■r fifteen cents. If you buy on article
that costs "a bit" you pay ten cents,
and it is all right If yon hand the
store-keeper a twenty-five cent coin for
an article worth a "bit," ho hands you
back ten cents change, and that ia "all
I'p In a llalloon.
f*ref. 14 lo* H4m mm AsmmsloM ft*
lltiffoto Klilt Three H|>etsrs.
A reporter who was with Prof. King
in his iialhiou ascension st Buffalo, I bo*
describes his experience ; The balloon
was one of the largest ever seut np in j
this vicinity, and when filled, measured |
5(1 feet iu diameter st the largest part,
and 86feel in height from the bottom .
of the car to tlie crown where the valve
was placed. It took 1)5,000 feet of gas
t> fill it. It was named Buffalo, after
the city from which it atarted. In less
than lour nnuutea from the inoineut
when sho rose from the ground we ;
were gracefully floating along at anaal t
titude of 4,50(5 feet. Hut most snrpns
iug was the delightfully easy maimer
in whieh we went up. There was no
swsying Mid stringing of the oars, and
as 1 looked up at the immense, bulky
tuachiue above it seemed exactly a*
though it had atLaiued a position that ,
was perfectly stationary. There were (
no sensattous of giddiness or vertigo ; i
no holding on of hsts ; all was as easy
as a feather bed, and as calm as though
the wind, which had all day long :
threatened the balloon with destruction, '
had been entirely overcome. J'loauag ,
on ui perfect quietude we could hear j
the tumult that waa going on below,,
from the hoarse hack men to the yelping
dogs. The view from the balloon as it
snared over innst have been magnifi
cent. But the bird's eye view of the
city, giving tlie appearance of large
row* of teuts, such as arc seen where- j
ever long aruite* are found, tnough ,
specially inviting, did uot equal the
slew now had of the mighty lakes, Erie
and Ontario, those vast inland seas of '
the North, where every wave, aa it were, '
brings wealth and stability to Luc Queen
Looking orer Lake Erie to the north
and north-west, u fur a* the eye can
reach at this altitude, (rum the numer
ous grain elevator* on the aliora line to
the far distant horixon which seems to 1
dip into the sparkling waves beyond,
there one rut body of water. Here j
the water ap|Hjajre to reflect the bright
ethereal above ; llierw again the raja of ,
the atin are dancing on the tiny wave*
and sparkling brilliantly, while in in
numerable other place# the separated
portion* of nimbus cloud floating silent
ly aloft are reflected in dark sp' la that I
represented amall islands. I'rotn the i
direction of Fort Htaulev, on the Caua- (
dtan aide, appear a number of vcaaela (
under sail, which are no amall tliat one
involuntary recura to the day* when he
made ahiua of 6 by 4 inch cardboard
ruul rigged them with half a ahcet of
note psjwr and a yard of outtou thread,
tioing out of the harbor to meet three
are several atnall ateaui to*-boaU. To
look at these from the car it recalls |
utetn traveling, when excited oaaacn
gcra rush to the deck to ace a school of J
fnaky prj*iaea leaping over the wave*
and dashing ahead over the billowv'
mountains, covering tin-mselves wtla i
the spray. Towards Dunkirk the a*
poet was somewhat forbidding.
Wilbdrawring the game from the wa
ters of Krie and still following the
shore line around by Fort Porter we
see the Niagara lUrer. as it hugs the
city; and, following it in iU eonrae, the ,
attention is soon riveted on one of the
greatest natural and most beautiful
scones in the world—the waterfalls and
ravine* of Niagara. All those who have
seen the mighty torrents or beard the
harmony of waters, watched the foam
ing and botiiug, the dancing of the ,
spray ami tbo unceasing rush of the
streams there, would be struck with,
their grandeur and dignity when view
ed from an altitude of a mile. "Hie im
mense body of water (alliug over the '
precspieea represented a vast grace
fully o uitcti ti.woe of spotless wool, and
the spray was likanril by one of our i
party to a fountain playing to the height,
of 100 feet, the hill* and background ,
being the basin to receive the foaming
liquid. ...
At three o'clock tlie barometer mdl
esteil that we were 5.404 feet above the 1
earth, witli the thermometer down to >
47. Scarcely had we registered these i
figures when we were struck Ht the
peculiarity of the boriWD, I have
noticed on previous ascensions that the (
clouds oa the horixon almost formed a
circle, the outer edge of which was on a
level with the oar Iwneath the balloon.
Now, bowevjr, the clouds formed v.nly 1
about a mtatrole, the heaviest por- •
tiou of the cumulus stratum being to j
the southwest of Erie Lake, but appear- j
iug to le below us. Mr. King called
atteution to thi* aha, and expressed
some surprise at the phenomenon, ■
AWay from the horixon anJ up over us, 1
in the immensity of spao*. the only
clouda vial bio were gradually forming •
a oanopy. getting lictwceu us and the
snn, causing oux captain no little con
cern, as he knew he would have to pay
penalty In ballast for this rise in the
misty * region, and ballast, above all
things, he to store as far as pos
sible, because on it, to a great extent,
would depend the duration of our voy
age. Hence the study of the horixon
sud the debate on Ibo faultless are of I
heaven Unit
Bproad o'er shsltsr'd earth
An ample root
were cut short by the preparing and
launching overboard of the 30(Vfoot
drag rope. But the rone became en- i
tangled, and required throe of us to
clear it again.
The balloon rushed on a distance of |
9,000 feet, and then sank rapidly, dowu
to 1,200. Passing so near the earth, ,
parties were hailed amj answered the
signal. At 5,000 feet nbove the cart!*
the temperature was 51 degrees, and at
7.000 feet, the highest elevation, it was
39 degrees. The balloon landed the 1
reporters a few miles from Corning,
N. Y., and Pmf. King went on his way
for a more extended trip alono.
A Bearded Woman's Passion.
Tho death Of the bearded woman,
says n Paris correspondent, ia an
-1 tnnineed. Her name wan Jacqueline
i Donbliu. For the past year she )uui
liecn a nightly visitor at tbe"Chate
let." Eacli evening aho attended the
theatre in the gnrb of a man, alwaya oc
cupying the same seat. Bho called
forth not a little attention, her long
black hair and beard tendering lior an
object of eaporial interest. About two
months ago she appeared in an elegant
woman's attire, her face closely shaved.
Notwithstanding the change of drees,
she was instantly recognized by tho
euliery, and greeted in a couapicuoua
nt not satisfactory manner. From
that she was seen no more, and it waa
noon rumored that aho was ill; also that
snid illness was the result of a violent
and bnpulcaa love for the leading actor
of the Cliatclet, On her death-bed the
unfortunate Jacqueline wrote a letter to
tho Oommiasioner of Police acknow
ledging her passion, which the physi
cians actually state was the cause of
her death.
** parlous Times."
A German writer states that the
deaths in Hungary amount to 6,210 out
of each 100,000 -very year, wliieh gives
the average length of lire at less than
twenty years. This death rate is equal
to two und a half times that of England.
The excess is amounted for by the mor
tality consequent on assaults, duels,
drunken quarrels, and other violence.
"Those be parlous times," indeed, in
Koutwrll ou Farmers' Debts.
11l his address at the Worcester Ooll-
TT, MWM., Agricultural Fur, Benator
limit well said I I do uut ilung lac that
MitMiicLuiM-tu far men are generally in
dtlit, but lam quite sure that some of
thtut have applied their annual earn
ing* to the puynieutof mortgages, when
the money could hare been more profit*
ably used for the improvement of ttoe
farina. It may seem * Iran go that I
ahuuld auggeat that it ia not i al
waya, and under all cirenmMaueea, to
pay debt*. It ia told of Mr. Webster
but whether with any foundation iu
truth, I eannot aay—that iu a speech
at Philadelphia, on a festive occasion,
when l'emtaylvama ai embarrassed
atui her credit impaired, he iuaiated
that ho> public debt muat b paid.
Warmed by the oeeaaion aud subject,
he said : " The debt of Pennsylvania
muat tie paid ; it shall be |>aul —if I pay
it myself." And then, after a little de
lay; he addeil, " but aa to private in
debtedneaa, that ia a different thing."
Private indebtedness, gentlemen, under
soma uircuiuatancva ia a different thing
fruui from a public debt - I do uot
apeak of the obligation, bat of the wis
dom of delay with the consent of the
creditor. Public debta nanally reprr
aeut the coat of wara, of public build
inga, of auterpriaca too vaat for private
undertaking. There are no available
aasaU except the private property and
the producing power of the people.
Every delay abifta aomething of the
burden from accumulated wealth to the
wealth-producing claes*-*. Tha interest
on the public debt of Kugland can be
wrung largely from the labowng claaaea,
but the pt t net pal could only be paid
from the accumulated wealth or from the
income of the accumulated wealth of
the country. The logic which forma
the haae ol British policy on tiiia aub
ject ia dear. The wealthy men of the
country receive from the laboring claaaea
wtercet at three prr cent, upon a debt
which they tketneelvea ought to pay.
tlenoe the policy of (Ireat Britain, dic
tated by the wealthy ciaaaca—no any
plua income, no payment of the pnblic
debt. Her example teach** that pnblic
debta ougbt to be paid, and paid with
the least possible delay ; but private
indebtedness, under aome circum
stances, ia a different thing. If a far
mer has half the sum of money nccea
aarv to buy a farm enited to hia tastes
and plana, there can bo no doubt of the
wiadom of the purchase. The debt is
sectiiw ; it ia it PH in tod by real prop
erty, There ia hardly any personal re
sponsibility attaching to Uie debtor.
He enjoys the uae of the land upon the
payment of a certain annna] rent, anb
[act only to tbe chance of nae or fall in
the value of the estate. Every im
provemr nt ia for hia benefit. The debt
ia an annual charge to the extent of the
interest—nothing more. If the farmer
oan uae hia annual gains in tbe develop
ment of hia farm, in tbe increase of laa
product*, he adds te his wealth more
rapidly than he would by the payment
of the debt Tbe debt ia a fixed turn ;
the increase in tha value of his farm
shows bis gains. It is certainly wiset
to add to the value of the eatate than
to diminish the incumbrance while the
owner lies not all the means in his bus
iness that he deeirtw.
The Temple of Plana.
The Temple of Diana, about which
there has born so much contention
among the learned for ao many genera
lions, is now proved to be oetastyle,
that is, having eight columns in front.
It has eighteen columns on the sides,
and the interrolnmniations of tie latter
are chieflv three diameters, making the
temple disstyle. The statement of
Pliny aa to its having bad 100 oolumua
i externally) is correct, and as many as
twenty-seven of these might have been
the contributions of kings. Of the po
sition of the thirty-six rolwmntr r,rlater
(seulptured columns!, I may obtain fur
ther proof before the excavations are
completed. Allowing tor the protection
of the sculpture on these columns,
whioh, in the fragments lately found, is
as much as thirteen inches, the diameter
of the columns was about 5 feet 10
inches. The dimensions of the temple
given by IMiny, via.: 220 feet by 425
feet, were evidently intended to apply
to the raised platform upon which the
Temple was Until. The actual width of
the pisiform, measured at the lowermost
step, was 238 feet 3 inches English.
The evidence ns to its length is not at
present so conclnsive, and the dimen
sions given on my plan may have to be
corrected when the western and eastern
extremities have been more thoroughly
explored. The dimensions of the Tem
ple iteelf from plinth to plinth, " ont to
ont," are 163 feet SB iucbea by 308 feet
4 inches. The height of the platform
was 9 feet fl inches. Tic interior ap
pear* to have been adorned with two
tier* ®f elliptic*! columns, lonic and
Corinthian, fragments of these having
been found near the walls of the cells.
—A fhmtrum.
An Insult to the Horse,
Do yon know the origin of tlie fashion
of that cruelty to the horse, known as
blinkers on the bridles ? No! Then 1
will tell yon. In 1802 tliey came into
fsabinu in thiswise: The Dtikeof Kent,
the father of Queen Victoria, was woe
fully in debt. Being a Prince, he could
not be sued at oommon law, or arrested,
but a ribbon stretched across tlie side
walk mqjt not bo breken by the debtor.
So liia creditors contented themselves
by using this ribbon to compel bus to
take to the street, or go back. So lie
had to travel in a roaeli-and-four. Hia
off leader got "walleyed." The duke
nnnld not buy another team, and this
white eye made the horse unpleasant to
look upon. Here was a fix, a princely
fix. Poverty and no credit ruled the
roost, and it seemed that hia Boyal
Highness would hare to go on foot,
nntil one of his drivers lit npon the
hlinker dodge, and so one was fitted to
hia head. It completely hid the white
eye, aud then a blind was put on tlie
other horses to make things even and
Our stages were once driven through
the country with four blinkers on the
horses, i. r., one on the outside of each
head-stall, and that fashion continued
many years, or nntil one-horse wagons
came in vogue, and then two blinders
were placed on each head-stall. Thus,
because the duke was too poor to sup
ply his carriage with sound horses, or
those having sound eyes, we to-day,
after over seveuty years' experience,
follow the fashion set by him.
The Reward of Kindness.
" The Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals has swarded its an
nual premiums," says s Paris corre
spondent. "One gentleman received a
medal for purchasing an old horse in
capable of working, and, to save it
friim suffering, had the animal alangh
tered, and the flesh given to the poor;
another prise winner saved a foal from
being buried alive by its owner; an
architect obtained u medal for plnnging
into tho Seine last November and
saving a dog. An agriculturist received
honorable mention for extending the
culture of goat's beard, a plant which
increases the production of milk in
sheep, enabling them tliUB to rear their
young. Perhaps that farmer might
discover a plant to increase tho supply
of milk among the Paris herds, anil
tnus enable people to escape from a se
ries of terrible adulterations."
Terms: 5'2.00 a Year, in Advance.
Wall Stract la a I'aalc.
Tlo in Ovsr ikt lsi|wsil*B •<
J* t Mlu * C •.
Not since Black Friday has there been
ao great an excitement tn Wall street,
a* on the announcement of the stitpeii
aiou of Jay Ceoke k Co. The Tttnes
•ay a:
It was a wild day in Wall street. The
announcement* in the morning pre
pared the public in a certain degree for
the trouble which waa to ensue, and
many parties were enabled to go in the
market early tn the morning and pro
tect themselves from loos. While many
did this, and so saved themselves from
rain, there were others, and by far the
majority, who thought that the trouble
was solely brought about by machina
tions of the bears, and that there would
only be a small-sixed panic, whieh
would result ib a sudden rebound in
prices. Those who took this view of
the situation held on to their invest
ments as lung aa possible, and, so soon
as their margins gave oat, were com
pelled to go ander. Of course, there
were many who, by superior strength,
were enabled to uoid on to their par
chases, and ao escaped being sold out,
at least for tlie Urns.
The first intimation which came into
the Htoek Exchange of any change tn
the programme was contained in n brief
notice, which said authoritatively that
say Cooke k Co. had suspended pay
ment. To say that the street became
excited would only give a feeble view of
the expressions of feeling. The broken
stood perfectly thunderstruck for a mo
ment, and then there was a genera! run
to notify the different Looses in Wall
street of the failure.
The brokers surged out of the Ex
change, tumbling pell-mell over each
other in the general oonfuaion, and
reached their respective offices in race
horse tune. The members of firms who
were surprised by this announcement
had no time te deliberate. The bear
clique waa already selling the market
down in the Exchange, acu prices were
declining frightfully.
Of course every one gsve orders to
sell out holdings as quick as possible,
in ordar to obtaiu the best prices, sod
in this way when the brokers returned
to the Lung Room s fresh iwpuias wss
given to the decline, which brought
about s fearful panic There was no
one on hand with nerve sod money to
arrest it either, and so the bear clique,
taking advantage of the general demor
alisation, made oonfuaion worse ©un
The news of the panic spread in every
direction down town, and hundreds of
people who had been carrying stock in
expectation of s rise, rushed into the
offices of their brokers and left orders
that their holdings should be immedi
ately sold out. In litis way prices fell
off so rapidly that even V underbill
oould not hare stemmed the tide.
The stock exchange has I wen the arena
of many desperate conflicts between
bulla and bears, and it is di aril to di
criminate as to the violence of the re
spective melees, bnt it was said by old
frequenter* of Wall street that no panic
ao frightful had ensued since the failure
of the Ohio Trust Company in 1857 as
that witnessed.
The sellers and purchasers in the Ex
change seemed to Lave lost their reason
in many instance*, and abouted oat one
offer in one minute, and then, either
completely demoralised oroversaoguine.
pat the priee up or down on# or too per
cent. At one time there seemed to be
no bottom to the market, end if the
been bed pressed their advantage, it U
likely that etocka would here declined
much lower then wae the ceae.
Everything went down, and although
at time* desperate resistance Was ofler
ed by the Yaudsrbilt broker*, n* sub
•Uncial check was given to the decline,
and the l>eara had everything their own
way. Jay (lould's representative* in
the Stock Board pressed sale* in the
moat persistent manner, and so soon as
there was any cessation in the excite
ment, or the slightest reaction in the
market, they were ready to sell large
blocks of stocks and to put up the Be
eeesary margin*
Yanderhilt had immense quantities of
stocks; Gould had millions of ready
cash, Greenbacks told, and the Van
derbilt clique was pressed to U e wall.
Men went about the street with blanch
ed faces, and requested pileously of
their brokers that their stocks should
not be sold out as more margin would
be obtained in the morning: but aelf
pcrservatiou seemed to be the first law of
nature with every one, ao the accounts
of the customers were closed out, and
the losses became a fixed fact.
Some of the men who were ruined
swore, some of them wept, some went
oat of the street without saying a word;
others talked of the trouble in s jovial
way, and went about trying to borrow
mouey from friends to get on the abort
tack with.
Stephen Glrard* Memory.
"Stephen Girard," say* a writer in
a Philadelphia paper, "had a remark
able memory, seldom for/retting any
thing to which hia attention hail once
tveen called. As an instance, when, in
1793, his ship Voltaire was euilt, labor
ers were scarce, on account of a fever
raging at the time, and Girard person
ally assisted hia favorite carpenter,
•Jimmy Humphries,' in driving in the
oopper bolts which held the breast
hook fastenings in the bow. In 1812,
during the war, the Voltaire required
repairing, and it was overhauled at
Kensington. It was necessary to re
move the copper bolts which held the
fastenings, in order to replace some
wood-work, and it liecsme necessary to
know whether the bolta had been rivet
ed from the inner or outer aide. The
same carpenter, Humphries, was as
sisting in the repairing of the vessel,
but was unable to find the bolt-beads.
Girard, who was standing near, smiled
quietly, noticing which, Humphries
asked, rather jokingly, ' Perhaps you
know something about thorn, air ?' The
old mau laughed, sod said: 'Why,
Jimmy, don't you remember that hot
afternoon in *93, when you and I pat in
those bolta ? The starboard ones are
riveted from the outside and the lar-
Itoard from the inside.' Through all
the whirling memories of that wonder
ful head, the old man's mind had gone
back to the simple incident of nineteen
years before, with perfect accuracy."
Rolling Stock.
The decline in the ralne of new rail
road seonrities caused by the financial
trouble* promises to operate in a dis
tressing manner upon some of the in
dustries connected with the railroads.
At the Rogers Locomotive Works, in
I'aterson, orders for locomotives for
three months ahead were cancelled and
nearly 600 workmen were discharged,
ft is also feared that 600 more workmen
may bo discharged from the same
works and several hundred from the
Danforth and the Grant works. There
is also a cheek to car-building, and it is
not at all improbable that much suffer
ing will result to Turkmen in these and
other railroad industries during the
ooming winter. Hard-pushed employ
ers may prevent some distress by adopt
ing the plan of the Pennsylvania Rail
road Company and shortening hours
of work, with a corresponding decrease
in pay, inatead of discharging their em
NO. 42
lagomar, the Barbarian.
Ingomnr is a M-tm-civilised chief,
•bo, even in bis Bleep, drratu* of pur
suing *ud capturing, mf cm thing end
j killing, of Iriumpi) end bootv. Curses
re at home in his month. He { <W
|Ktio and tyrannical Ilia will ie hie all
sufficient logic. He wtrtwhipa liberty,
▼oath and strength, and think* at rvngth
Imlr ia free. AH that he expert*, when
tieahall have (roam wbite-luiired and in
firm, ia to ait under A tree and await
the aummoue of the g<xW. fie think*
j that vigor only ia life, and that life
without it ia like a sbeaih without a
blade, a quiver without arrows. He
baa no pity for cowardice, not even in
the old and decrepit, and dieoiM the
egotism that clutga to life. Toe hnnte,
the rude banquet*, the oomhsts and the
•laagers of hi* adventurous life content
him. Hi* idea of womanhood ia bar
barous. He believe* that women are
false, playing tbe coquette from the
era-lie up.* At flrot he 1* an indifferent
to Parthenia, who lias voluntarily placed
! herself m servitude to him to redeem
her father, that he would send her away
| because she ia of no use. Be boeaU
that he never knew feer, and ftrat ad
mires Parthenia when her pride mas
| ters her tears, but be stilt regards her
j as a chattel, and wiabea she could make
* word a instead of wreathe cuj* witl
row*. He ia first brought to thin*,
tenderly of her because of her reeem
blance to hie tittle brother, who be*
He ia prone to think of the use of
things rather than their beauty, and ad
mire* eups and vases as utenaila, sad
not because Partheius adorns them with
flowers, lij degrees be comes to praiee
j her workmanship, and ewears by tb*
Imams of tbe sun it pleases him. But
be wakea to a sense of Parthenia'a puri
ty slowly. He strikes his sword sod
calls it bis wife. He ia almost a woman
hater, not because be baa been deoew
ed, bat because be has not yet seen any
. woman worthy to be loved. Tbe con
versation between him and Parthenia
ia ingeniously led up to love by • eoo
aidcratioo or tbe different methods in
which wives are wooed by the Greek*
and the wild tribes he governs. H*
knows no love beyond comradeship.
But bending beneath tbe indefinable
influence of Parthenia, he begins plonk
ing for her the very flowers which, a
j few momenta ago, he forbade her to
pluck. He even promisee to bring the
, freshest and beat perfumed. By bis
reference to hia little dead brother, it
I ia shown that he wea always the servant
of those whom be loved, and thus the
incredibility of hia seemingly sodden
change ia softened. Passion is first
woke in him by Paithenia'a singing
" What love is wouldst tbou be taught"
He falls into a reverie, whence it ia im
possible to rouse him. He tries in vain
to break the chain that binds him
i That chain ia love, and until now be
has never felt its power. He i thrown
uto an agoniztng tumult. Hia soul,
for the first time, is wounded with the
clash of arma. Yet he blushes for thn
dream of love and seeks to reconcile hi*
peat life with hia present feeling* by
wishing IVrtbeaia were hia youngei
brother. Again and again be return* the burden of her song.
Two aoola with bai • MOKU thought
Two heart* that beat a* one.
At last, in an excess of savage pas
sion, be inform" Parthenia that sfc
must be hia. Hia wild habiU gaining
the upper hand be remind* Partbent*
that ahe is hia slave; bat ia struel
dumb by her standing motionless befor*
Lu* upraised sword and preferring death
I rather than submission to hia embrace
He wee pa, he who ban despised tears,
and wincing beneath her acorn of hu J
violence give* hr her liberty. In th
midst of all this conflict be *a conscios*
of hi* superiority to his comrade*, MM:
wishes her to feel it too. He conduct*
her honorqjrlvto the burdens of berowi
land, and a* Le does an, ahe carrying hi*
lance and shield and he bearing hei
lia*ket of berries, tbe exchange ia aa ef
festive and picturesque a tot of autithe
mi as any dramatist ha* ever introduced
When finahv Parthenia ia about to bid
him adieu, he wishes that he were sunt
with hia shield in the swamp, tka<
Maasilia were at the bottom of the M*
that ships sailed over ite tomans, and
that canes and reeds roee instead ol
spires. All hi* aeu*uality give* way U
nobler feeling*. He beaaccbet ber t>
atav with him. She tells him that he i
a bright star veiled with mist, a rougl
gem before the artificer baa fired it*
t remnloun rays, that he worships only
strength, that hia sole argument ia hi*
sword, and that order and law ar
foreign to him. She remind* him thai
a common law aud'sweet customs mus<
find those whom love has united, it;
order that esteem may purifv and pie
serve the warmth of youth. He quiver*
beneath her words, and the lingering ,
savagery of his natnre construes them
into insults ; but, with a heart aa great
and beautiful aa his native forests, he
conquers himself, asserts his own worth,
sad acknowledges hia willingness to
t>ecome a Greek. He grows docile, ac
companies ner home, and implorea bei
father, who had oneo been his despised
captive, to tesch him. He doff* hi*
hides, trim* hia hair and beanl, conduct*
the plow, worka at the anvil, and even
deliver* up bis sword. He meekly en
dure* the taunts of Parthenia'a mother;
but he cannot master conventionalisms
He worships the candor of the forest
still, and cannot become obsequious to
the Timarcb. He refutes to betray his
recent oomrkdee and ia willing to forego
all the gifts and honors promised him,
Parthenia into the bargaiu, rather than
act the spy. Driven forth at last by
the people of whom he hoped to become
one, he learns with ecstasy that Par
thenia will accompany liim. Uncon
sciously to himself he has convinced
her that all is comprehended in the gilt
of a heavenly heart.
The rprising Against Early Rising.
Early rising has been very rudely
and successfully shaken. Charles Lamb
has shown that there ia as much ex
cess in rising with the lark and lying
down with the lamb aa in the practice
referred to in Moore's song, which reo
ommends a lengthening of our days by
taking "a few hours from night, my
dear !" That philosophy was shake*
in the early days of the world by two
sleepy children who came under the re
buke of vigilant fathers. "My eon!"
remarked one sire, "I found a piece of
gold by rising early !" "Aye 1" re
joined young hopeful, "bat the man
who lost it was up before you." "My
son," said the other worthy parent,
"observe that it's the early bird thai
catches the worm!" "I do, oh my
father," replied the exoellent boy;
"also, that the worm was caught by
getting up earlier than the bird."
Sai/nyo MEAT.—A writer in Dingier'*
Polytechnic Journal recommends a
mixture ol 7 pounds of salt, 3 ounce*
of saltpetre, and one pound of sugar to
every hundred pounds of meat. For
the reason that if this mixture ia ap
plied in a dry state it extracts the water
from the meat along with some of th*
most nutritive constituents, he is in
favor of using a solution of the pickling
materials in water, as brine.
A moth flew into the ear of a young
woman reaiding at Middleport, Niagara
county, and could not be dislodged for
several hours. Finally a surgewn tuc
eaeded in aliva.
It em i af Intern!.
{ How to make m Indian loaf—Give
There ia nothing so uftecbireia bring
ing a man up to the scratch aa a healthy,
high-spirited flea, ~ .
It ia estimated that the fciohborne
trial, in England, baa already cost up
wards of ft,000,000-
Uaronm propose *S ff* *P fifty
thousand dollar balloon experiment
across the AUaatie.
George Stoaeoo scored 2.000 paintsi at
four-bidl billiards ia one hour d fifty
minutes at Chicago.
Tbe working population of tb* United
States ia estimated at 13.000,00—one-
third of the population.
A mass of copper was recently taken
from the Cliff mines. Lake Superior
which weighed thirty tons.
Let men laugh when you sacrifice de
sire to duty if they will You have
time and eternity to rejoice in.
A man died lately at Nashville, from
the bite of e " ameH epider having a
urn all red spot on hie beck. *'
A hearty reapenae has been made to
tbe affliatod people of Shiwveport, La.,
from sfcqgejnw* of tbe country.
When female neigbbora quarrel now
a-days, thqy don't spring for each oth
er's hair. Things have changed.
Very few horses eat ooreed beef, but
we eaw one standing the other d*y be
fore a store with e bit in hia mouth.
Aridi old lady ie New Haven keepe
her bens in the parlor, and feeds them
with jelly cake and English walnnta.
A fire in Chicago destroyed fit houses
all but one of which were of wood, end
were mainly residences. The torn ia
There were four persona killed end
ten injured •• the Midland Railway
through the criminal Mckleaeaeae of a
conductor. ~
A full-freighted schooner, tbe name
of which is unknown, suddenly sunk a
the Iferuey, carrying down all on
A New York chemist emna be sen re
duee boat lege to beefsteak. Bom*
Landlords have had tea years, the start
of him.
The yellow fewer ie reported at Ful
ton, the tormina* of the Cairo and Ful
ton R. R. also at aeveral of the smaller
town* in Northern Louisiana.
No actor baa yet been able to eountor
feit that *spratooe of joy which a man
•hows when discovering .a ten-sent
•temp in hie paper of tobacco.
A tea merchant at Peoria had his ad
vertising wagon follow a funeral pro
oeasioe, and ri was very properly tip
ped into the dttoh by the mourners.
The man who doesn't like Mount
> Washington, bcoeeas he cant stand the
• climb it, should keep quiet. He will
find it precious herd work to ran it
1 down.
Bath, Me., has built end launched
thirty-seven vessels of various rig* and
tonnage since the beginning of tbe
' --*r has nineteen ethers now on
' the stock*.
Three yeere ago a person was privi
leged to view all parte of tlia Falls of
Sugars by paying fifty ewnfe to cross
the t-idg* to Gold nlw.l. Now it
oosfa 911.60.
The Utiea Herald save men will
never know what effect it would have
had on Job if eleven girts had called
on him, one after soother, ana tried to
id! him Bunday-ecbool picnic tickets.
Jk pensioner of the war of 1812, who
has since received a government allow
ance of 9240 and has nevpr spent a eeut
of it, ie new said to be the richest man
in Rockingham oounty. New Hamp
A peculiar throat disease in Luserae
county, Penn., ia Mentioned by the
■icreiAon Time* of Saturday hut as hav
i ing proved fatal to upwards of sixty
-hudren within the spaee of n fort
night. ,
A doctor of Portsmouth protests
veiut the tolling of bells at funerals.
He thinks the sound has a depressing
-fleet upon the rick, and can not prove
* source of mack enjoyment to the de
Woden fabrics associated with velvet
or of a corresponding shade are to be
preferred this season to costume* made
entirely of ailk. comparatively few of
the latter being visible among the fall
impertphmc. .
How tbe heart of Horace Greeley
would have been delighted with tbe
little piece bf cable news, that one hun
lred ton* of Ameriean bar iron aold at
Liverpool at ill Ida., thus undersell ug
the English market
Tbe New York Central Railroad Co.
is going to build at Albany two hog
pens, tech 700-fed long by 110 fed
•ride, and ha* advertised for proposals
for masonry, sewerage, carpenter Work,
plumbing and slate roofing.
The engineers on some of the Penn
tjlrauia railroads amuse themselves by
..wiring tame trout ia the water tanks
if tbeir locomotives, where they are
<*aid to flourish, spite of the constant
motion to whicO they are subjected.
An Essex street men bought a pig
Saturdav. "What do you feed your
pjr wikcd a neighbor. •Com.' 1 he
•aid. "Do you feed it in tbe ear ?"
aaked the friend. "I>o you think lam
a fool?" said the Essex street man,
There was a Violent storm on tbe
Black Sea which proved very destruc
tive to stopping. Seventy veaaela were
wrecked near the mouth of tbe Bosplio
rua, and nearly all on board perished.
At one point on the coast over two hun
dred andaixly corpses have been washed
A blacksmith hia succeeded in
changing the gait of a pacing borne to
that of a trotter, by simply fastening an
extra pair of chocs heavier than usual
to the fore-feet whenever he wants the
horse to trot, and taking them off at all
other time*. The sudden change of
weight on hia fore-feet forces the ho ee
to char ge hia gait.
Fanners will be interested to know
that an agriculturist has discovered aa
insect tost wilt destroy the potato bug.
There ia one alight objection to this new
hug, however. It bores into the potato
to he in wait for the other bug. Natu
rally the potato suffers. The agricultu
rist fondly hopes to discover another
bug that will destroy the bug that de
stroya the potato bag.
"The Human Frog" is the name
given to a deformed inmate of the
Orleans county poorhouse, near Albion,
in N. Y. State, who was born in the
building twenty-eight years ago, and
has never bat once moved outside its
yard. His legs and arms are con
tracted in auoh away that he hops
around after tbe manner of the animal
from which ha takes hia name, and his
only enjoyment consist* in "lying in
tbe sun covered with muck ana dirt"
The Rifles, in Washington county,
Ga., are drilling for the State Fair,
The Captain talks to them in this genial
manner : " Men—l want you to go with
me to Maoou to contend for the pre
mium. These town man call us the
ropperaa breeches company, and they
iangh at us; but which will be the
most honor for us—the copperas
breeches company or to drill against the
town crackers, under their silk banners,
and we win the prise and bring it away.
Hen, stick to me, far we will win the
jt lady was much beset by her negro
oook for permission to attend the fu
neral of some relative; but, to com pes
sate her tor the deprivation, her mis
tress "Rose, I really feel very
sorry for you, but you shall lose noth
ing dv staying at heme. I promise that
you shall go to the flirt; party that ia
given by any of your/needs, and stay
ill night long." Rose, tossing her
head, replied, " Law I Mies Susan, how
kin you talk like dat K You know I
don't set no vally on parties. Forty
parties couldn't pay me few de sight of
one corn!" She was allowed to ace the