SKE }S£NTXE StEFORTER. FIIDETIITI iur - Centre Hall. P*, Ort- *■ ltC: *- TERMS.—The R*roeT* l •oeklr t Si per veer, in edvenoe. or $-,* p*X edvenoe. Fore, i k .. i- -2-,-" linen) for throe insertion. Advi-'ti-rnic for a, 6 end 1* month*, et ****** r* l *? , Knr person tending u the •><* new Wribe*r. -iith the ce.h *ll> re ceive tho Reroete* one veer free. Democratic Nominations. FOB svraKMK jftKJK: JAMES R. LUDLOW, of Phil* FOK STATK TRX-j't'KKK r P. M. HUTCHINSON, of Allegheny For Senator : JOSEPH S WA REAM, of Jfiflia ro Ammlh-JOHS H. OR VIS. JYtatnrtr — J . B. MITCII EL. Oommietioner — J. 0. SASKE i • Jury C\>mm'r —Ml Off. e re corded, in a book kept for that pur pose, in the auditor general's office, and shall be open for the inapection of the governor, heads ofdepartraeuU, members of the leg slature, or of any citizen of ike date dairiny to intped the mine. This committee proceeded to the Auditor General's office, and asked to see the reports, as every citizen has a tight, but tbejr met with a flat re fusal on the part of the radical offi cials of that office. If tilings are all right there—and it is notorious they! are not —why refuse to let citizens make the examination ? The refusal ' is an (viiiclKt I !•• ( I lit' i• i- so m-thing rotten, and itirr* fresh evidence t ihf charges made by Mr. Orvto in !?*, speech 1k1 winter. No, tax payera, your ium*p are rquaiuh-ied and iiwtl tr private speculation mill the \ ami .Jay Cooker, ami other busted hank ing institution* >ii" the parties thai have the lux<;r that ate annually wiested (roin \m llm lonu will I you flailtl this? 1< lu> have a > liauge j in the ntl'airs of the slate. I. t th chief of tlie ling, HU Al>uky, n.w running for itate treasurer, he vte that the ring may continue iu plun dering! and have the public money, to speculate upon. \\ ill you give your vole to re elect Maekev " • * * ltrouu's rejubluntu, m U* craiy awl l injure John 11. P< Vhas the j stupidity to *sk onr people to rote agaiut htm ou account of the stauJj betook iu the legislature iu reUrrnce to the Cruteuuial jubilee. It will be renumbered that a bill was introduc ed iu the House, laat w inter, to lake a hell onlliou of dollars out of the .late treasury to nay c(|wper* for the big Philadelphia spree in 1876, and lhaf the bill would have passed thus had act our member, Mr. Ore is, at once pounced upon the monster, nml with his irresistible logic the hoy** to its senses and exposed the wrong about to be perpetrated upou the tax payers of the Commonwealth iu a manner that defeated the bill; the members did not dans pia*u) tjiejuaelvea upou the record in the face of Mr. Or via* arguments. Ihe original bill was thus defeated, solely through the bold stand taken by our member, aud be offered a new proposition which pass ed and by which the expenses for tjn Caoteuuial are to be taken out of the gross receipts of the Philadelphia passenger railways, who are to reap a rich harvest out uf the Centennial. Thus, can the tax payers of Ceptre county and of Pennsylvania, thank John H. Orvis that the moneys of the people were not taken from the public treasury for the purpose referred to. If auy on. thinks Mr. Orvis did wrong, why in God's name, let hi:n vote agaipst him ; hut we know that every honest lax payer wit! *ay he did right. Then endorse Mr. Orvis bv your j vote. Ilia whole legislative record I stands in favor of the people, aud 1 agaiust the schanu-s to rob ib-ui. Levi Miller has returned from a trip down the valley, ami now its all gone up with Orvis. Levi reports for himself 40 democratic volse in Haines, ;U) do in Penn, 30 to 40 do in Miles, and a nice tiling for hjm jn potter. Well, now, who'd a thought he'd run so well before the election? —As we are a little busy now we will wait and count what is left for Orvis, after the election, -*rt BSWP* One of John Irwins arguments, in favor of himself, is, that Centre coun ty ought to have the Senator this time. Well if Mr. Irwio dido'l think so it woqU he really astonishing, and that a great numtvr sJoiy'l think so, will mucii astonish him after inc rlgpiiou. But, Centre county did have one of her son* elected to the seuale a few years ago, Hon. 8. T. Sbugert, and who but John Irwin's party, with Mr. Irvrips approbation put him out of the seat? Did \i x. J rwin think then Centre should have a Senator? Capt. Waream, our nominee for Senator, hasservodthe people of Miff liu county in mauy capacities, and always proved faithful, and Miffim will give him a large vote. lie stands well at home—and that is sufficient recommendation. In his life uothiug can be showu up against him. He is a plain man, of good sound sense. We submit that the Radical party, which has supreme power in the Na tion, iu the State, aud in ail the chief cities of the State ; which has legisla ted with unchecked lioeuac, cpqtjnu ally, concerning the monetary aud business occupations of the people, are wholly responsible for the present monetary derangement, ami f'-r all its baneful consequences to States, to Cities and to private persons. And we appeal to the people here and now to discard that party and to remove it from the places it lias dishonored and abused. The first opportunity to do this in this State will occur at the election to be held October 14, 1873. (.'apt. Waream was a soldier during the late rebellion, arid John Irwin, his opponent, was a Now where are ttie "soldier friends" among the radicals? Will they vote for (.'apt. Waream the soldier, or for Irwin who never saw powder burn or heard connon roai? During the late rebellion, when the fit d call was made for men, C'apt. Wa ream enlisted in the Logari Guards, which has the distinguished honor of being the first volunteer company that reached the city of Washington, and remained in service during the entire [>el no democrat be led into voting against Mr.Sankey. He has discharg ed his duties faithfully as Commismuti er, and nothing can he shown to the contrary. We defy the radical or guns, which are making such a fierce effort to defi-at Mr.Sankey, to point to a single action of his, during the three years that he has acted as Commission er that is wrong. He is an honest man, a hardworking, life long Demo crat, and it would be uugreatfui in our parly to allow him to be defeated. The election of Frgpcis M. Ilutch* iusou to the office of State Treasurer will rescue Pennsylvania from the Miury business in which the Common* wealth is now engaged through her fi nancial officer. RADICAL TESTIMONY. Hon. l\ NV. Willard. Kepti licau from Vermont, make* a statement in l to ll* President# connection with the salary grab. 1 When the pMpwilioti met rase the President's salary w first broached, he say* it met with email thvor either in Congre** or the country, an I Ilint the scheme of raising the Congress ion itl salaries was ail af ci thought, a de vice resorted to with Iliu sole object of. he jiiui? the Presidential 101 l through.i Mr. Willard ay§ distinctly thai fh* Provident favored the hill he | it tonawd either Home, and |>er votiallv expressed to member* a desire Ui have l:i* own salaiv increased ; and the selfish inletesU ol member* in in creasing thru own pay wa* ouly one ot the tie vice* by which the Pendent* , salatv was raised ; in other word*, it pulled that increase through, and the whole nieaaore favor at the While Hou.e on that account. Mr. Willard goes uu to refute the statement that the increase of the President'* salary wai 'just and oecea aarv" by statement* in detail regard ing the cxpeim* of the Presidential office, tttld tile t>rov isiuli made above thy nle.ry in the appropriation bill* to meet litem. JJeanle* the S26,IHH) a year. which was the salary previous to the passage of |hi* hill, all annual ap propria!ion of from tarntv to sixty ihou-and dollars Is made for keeping op the "While House" establishment. The grouud* are always kept at the public charge, and carpet*, furuiture, g*s. fuel, and many of the servant* are lid for by separate appropriation*, fhe appropriations for the current year U? }, llie items of which are given by Mr. Willard, foot up #77,- o, making, as he savs, the expense of the Executive establishment, with the increased salary, $127,000 Out of the salary, Mr. Willard says "the | President has *u|jr jli? personal pen sea of himself and family, and the expense* of his table to pay for." lie* turuing after the premutation of these very significant facts at:d figures, to thu* discriminating resolutions of the Masiacijujdts Republicans, he says: Tha coufemua(iuu of members of Congress who favored ibis increase has beeu in the main undoubtedly de served, but even au American love of fairuem ought not to make distinctions ■ between those voting for and the one urgiog ti, of aud approving with his signature, nK!*sry iq make the bill a law, a measure unfairly aud unreasonably increasing salaries. Members of Cougres* voted for the bill increasing their own salaries, for which they hyvo beeu properlv crili cised; the President Urged the jWs sage of this bill iu advance, approved it after it passed, aud thereby made it a law and doubWd his own salary, aud the Massachusetts Republicans practi cally approve hi* course ■■ ♦ m ♦- \ Lov. From the State Treasury. few ci all postid iu the management of the piste' Treasury, or who renirmber the developments in the failure of Yeikc* £' Co. in this city, can have been without appre beusion us to the safety of the public funds in this crisis. The extraordinary fact appeared also before the legisla tive [uvqstijMfim; (.'otHinitiee winter, that Mr. Mackey setljed In* loeaes as un individual speculator by an official draft on the public uioiiey. Now come* a disclovure that isaccred ited by the** proved fact* aud by information from a reliable source communicated to the pituUifj.b P.wt. We copy from iu issue of Tuesday the following letter front Flarrisburg, which is entirely consistent with what bat been generally ausjiectad in this city since the panic began. The enonuoiji balance nominally kept iu the Treasurer, is notoriously >lte Luu of speculations which make huge fortune* when all got* well; but whan disaster cornea, the loss falls on the people, as it did when lb* Chicago fire exposed the sjieculations in wbicb the fund* of this city were embarked. There is pot an intelligent man who i has not expected *•*€•> >)*<.io-ure a* i* now made iu lb* following publication. We bava no further knowledge of the particular fact stated iu the Post; but that lbs safety of the public money in the bauds of Treas urer Mackey is a subject of well grounded appreheusions at this time among most ,u;cl!.gcst business men u a fact too uotorioOs {by anybody not to know: HAKKISBURU, Sept. 20, 1873. Editor "Pittsburgh Poet It has just leaked out to day bete that the Stale Treasury through the machinations of Mr. Mackey, State Treasurer, is a loser by of the Union Banking Company, of Philadelphia, to the amouut of nearly half a million dollar#, "fhe tiling has been xept as quiet as possible, but like murder, will out. The exact tuts ia not yet fully known, but it is from three to five hundred thousand dollar*. The utmost endeavors will be made to keep this new breach of trust on the jmrt of t|ie State Treasurer from tbe public, a* the knowledge of the fact on the part of tbe public would damage Mr. Mackey'* prospect* fur election in October. Mr Muckey is iu Philadelphia just now trying to fix thing# up and to cover his tlank if he can; but the people should know that to eutrust the custody of the public funds aoy longer to Ujtnau who has proved so unfaithful to his trust nothing leas than a ciitpp. A iiule jiiofo than u year ago the Sinte loss iu the failure ol Verses, of Philadelphia, the defaulting broker, who was also a p t of Slate Treasurer .Mackey, was about SIBO,OOO. This sum Msckey asserts was made up to the Coinm.iuwealth by the Treasurer but how was it done ? Wheu the Com raittee consisting of Mr. (shatter and some other party from Philadelphia, parties cliosou by Mackcy himself, certified to the correctness of the Treasury, it'was done in this wise: Hevcrnl banks, the First National liauk, of this city, and several others, who weyp favored by the Treasurer with the deposit of public money, furnished the amount to make the cash account show a sum sufficient to make the books square; but in two hours after Messrs. Shaffer A Co. left the Treasury Department, the money was returned to the ">d the de ficit remains just as it was when Yerkes (ailed. This same process is repeated every time it is necessary for tlie State Treasurer to make his exhibit 41111 wheu the devil is whipped around the stump; and the honest taxpayers duped and their uiouey ig squandered ami recklessly used by Mackey for his own private gain If ev "Tbr necessary cm sequence ia that If buaineaa ia done at all ll.'.uga muat be .old at panic price* Hut buaineaa uiu.t be don*, <>r mankind cannot be clotbrd ai.d tod Let tile ditllcultie* be what they may, buaineaa will be done, and It la a matter, 100, which d>on Governor Kellogg with a view of laying the facts of tba case be fore bitn and ascertaining their course of action in the matter. The governor told them, it is said, to go on and do whatever the exigencies of trie case seemed to re quire. Armed with this permission they pro eeeded at once te seise and hang three or four nl the > ••* character*, among them Iwo sons of ex-Aneri Lege. A prisoner was taken out of jail and shared the same fate; a butcher was teixed and executed. Persons who came (rem ]Abbeville last Monday testify to having seen three or four bodies swinging from tree* in tb* neighborhood. The most intense excite ment nrpyailod and the members of the commute wero" scouring til# country in search of the "spotted" individual* and hnng-ng them as fat as caught. Two ef the trailing thieves are kaowti to have pasted New Iberia on Bunday, tba day after the hanging coinmanoed, on their way to the bay. One of them is said to have thrown hi* saddle into the bay. and turned his horse loos* upon arriving there, pr eparatory to making M? way ta the city, lie was, however, telegraphed for and ar rested. On Tuesday evening a man named l'agnel was hanged. Tho up boat was boarded on 11, while at Jeaneretle by a party of fifteen or twenty men. armed with shotguns, and a prisoner on board, supposed to be the one arrested at Brashear, torcibly abducted. Parties who afttrward me| this sqma crowd de clare the prisoner was not than in tbair possession Tlris morn ing be is said to be on a tree near Dr. Dungan's plantation. Tbe foregoing are only detail* we have been able together in regard to this fear ful affair which may be considered at all reliable. It Is not konwn her* how ma by thiyye* have been executed up to this time |ho mp;t reasonable reports put the number down at twelve. Tliu tiny bcfurit the failure of Jay CwW he entertained thi President magnificent- I) at hi* palatial residence at Ch alien Hill near Philadelphia When Jay look# failed lleitry Clrwa •aid bi "died of Northern Paciflr." I'vr haps it trouble# him now to flnd I'laws to tbe iialute af hit own fatal complaint Captain, Hrain. r of the Juniata, repot la to the navy department from Kt. John*, N K , September 17, of the luil of the American sehsscmer Addia Osborne, from I'rov liu'floii. kl>i„ by collision with the Ki k I lilt strainer |'rrur>ui, of Hull, on tbr lil|lil uf Ilia 14th of Sepleuiprr, The tchiMMter sunk in throe or four minute* af ter the accident. Only three|nn-n wera laved, twelve beiiiK lol. (tun NAVF. THE COiillllN -1 WEALTH. ELECTION PROCLAMATION. 1, B F Kucrs an. High Hheriff of Can tre county, ('oiumoiiwca)th ef l'eatisylva nke, do hereby make known and give no-, tice te the elector* of the county afore.aid that an election will be held in the said eounty of Centre on TUESDAY, OCTOBER I4ih. HCS, iu accordance with the Act ul Assembly ; REGISTRY LAW One purw>n for (be office of Judge of ihe Supreme Court uf the Communwi-alth uf Pennsylvania. ()ne pet*.-li for the u(Nt>e of Spßa Treas urer ot the State of Pennsylvania. One person lu represent tbe count in. of Centre. Huntingdon, Mifflin, and Juniata in the Senate of Pennsylvania. One person fur the ulHc* uf Member ul the llouaeof Representative* of Pennsyl vania, for Centre county. One pcraon fur the office ol County Treasurer, fur said county. One person (or (he office uf Commission er for said eounty. Two person, lor |t* r y Uipiun*aiupi r fur the county ut Centre. Two pcraon• for County Auditor fur said cou nly. 1 al.u hereby make kiiuwn and give no tice that the place uf holding the aforesaid election ill the several Borutigha and Townships within tbe County of Centre are as follows, fo wit rurtheiwp . Haiti**, el the Pubiie House o| John Limberu Fur tbe tap ut Ualf Mowu, el tbe tvchoul House in Sturtuslowii. Fur the twp , of Taylor, at the hout erected for the purpose oil the property ofl Leonard Mrrryinati For tbr twp , of Putter at tbe boua# of Daniel W etdrnaaul, Old Fori Hotel. For the twp , of tifegg el ijaf* puhlifc hoUa-1 oWUed by J 11. liailCl- For the twp., of Ferguson, in the school house at Pine Grove For the twp, of Harria, in the ackool house at ttoaisburg For the twp., of Patlwn, at the house uf Peter Murray. F*r the borough of |lellefu|,lg aliJ the tuwpsi.uo Ol Rptlliu akd Uetiner, af the Court House in Bellefonfe. ' For the twp., of Walker, in the school house at llublvrsburg. For the borough end township of How ard at the school house tn said borough. For the twp., of ltush, at the Cold Stream school hocap. Fur ihe twp.. hf kf.w w txhue. at tbe s- kool house near Satuuel A*k*y. For the twp.. ol Marion, at the house of Joel Kiag in Jacksonville For the borough ef Milraburg. at the new school bouse in Mileaburg Fer the twp , of Huston, at the house of John Reed. Fr the twp., of Penn, at the hams* of W. L Mussa-r. Pr the twp.. of Liberty, in the school For th# r*m t.r World, at lh tchool house in Port Matilda. For the twp , of Hurnsidr. at the house Ut* *f J. K Book. Fur the twp, uf Oirtin, at the scboul house near RuU Manns. Fur the borough of Unionvitle and I'ni am tw p , at the new school house in Untun villa For the bonmgh of Pbiliuaburg. at the ipht,ol }>o,i,y In s* give notice "that every person except Justice* of the peace, who shall bold any office or appointment of profit or trust under the guverament of the United Mtatea, of thia Ntalc, ur af ijir ciU or le cuit>er*t<4 uisUhA. qhvlfcef yemp.Uion ed "fit# of otheivi**, a suhurdinalx officer er agect ho is ur ahall l>* tupluyed up* Jer tli# Legislature ur Executive or Judi ciary department if tin* Stele, or of any incorporated district ; and also that every member of Congress and of select ur com mon council of any city, commissioner* of any incorporated district, i* by law inca pable of holding or exercising at the same tints lbs . ffle# ur appointment of judge, itM-<,'Vr, iff Msj he eligible t M f tfif JJ lo \e ruled for,"' Tli# Inspector* and judge* oftb# elections shall meal at their rospoctlve places ap pointed for holding tbe election In tha dis- Uici to which the? respectively belong, briore 7 o'clock in tha morning. and aach of said Inspector* hall appoint n clerk, who shall be a qualified enter of such dis tfivl in tau tpo pnn who •hail have ra crlrni ti* wt"4 highest number of vote* for inspector* ahall nut attend on lha day of any election, then the per-on wnu ahall have repaired tneaocond highc*t number of votes for judge at the nail preceding election ahall act aa Inspector ill hit place. And in caee tba paraun who ahall hava re ceived the hlgbaat number of votoa for In |iector ahall not attend, tba peraon elected judga ahall appoint aa inapector in hi* place , and in caac, lha peraon elected judge •Hall not attend, they lb# inspoctorj who raceived the higheat number of vole* for tba space of one hour altar tba tima lived by law far the opening ef the election the qualified voter, of tbe townahip, ward, ordiatrict for which auch officers ahall have been elected, preaent at auch election, ahall elect ono of their number to fill aucb r m. Ie the duly of tbe aevaral aaaea- ■ •era of each district to attend at the place af holding every general, apecial, or town ahip election, during the whele time raid election ia kept open, for ibo purpoae of giving information to tha inspector* nnfl judge* when called on, in relation to tha rig"i °f apr Ppraop assessed by them to vat* at such election, or aucb other mat tera in relation to the aaaeaamenUof voter* a* the aaid inapector or either of thcui from tima to time require. No poraon ahall be permitted to vote at any election, a* aforeaaid, other than a tret-man of the ago of twenty-one year# or more, who shell have reaided in the Slate for at leaat one year, and in the elec tion di'trjet v)ivr hf jrw |ii vy reason ot such ace shall be called out to the clerks, who shall make the like notes en the Hat of voter* kept by thorn. In all case* whore the name of the per son claiming to vote is found on the list furnisbod by the commissioners and as sessor, or bia right to vote, whether found thereon or not, t* objected to by any quali fied citixan, it shall bo tbe duty of the in spector* io exammv such person on oath as to hit qualification!, and if ha claims to have resided within lha stale for one year or more hla oath shall be sufficient proof thereof, but shall maka prooi by at least ona competent witness who shall ta a qualified elector, that ne hat resided in 4 the district for mote than ten days next ; Immediately preceding such election, anuch election, or uae >r ihteatei. any violence to any mi li oltlcer, or aball interrupt or improper- j |IV inletlere v. ill. him iu the execution of dutv, or aball hbuk tin the window here the suiue may be holding, vr aball ilotoualy dtaturb the peace ol aucb elec tion, or aliall uae any intimidating threat*, loree., Willi deaign to influence unduly or overawe any elector, or to pre vent him Ir..nt voting or reatraiu the free dom of choice, auch peraoti, on coiiviciion, aliall he fined in any auto not exceeding five bundled duller*, and impriaoned for! any time not lea* than three rtor mire than 1 twelve looiitha, and if it aliall he ahown to' the iH.lill* where the trial* uf *ueh nffenae* .hall be had, tliat the peraoh >* offending *■• ioi| a resident uf the city, ward, die alricl, or township where the offenac was comoiitted. and not entitled to vote there in, the, I, on conviction, he ahall he ten fenced to pay a hue ot nut lea* than one hundred nor more than one thouaand dol lar., and he impriaoned not leaa than six I uioiilht nor more than two week*. Ifany per-oii, not by law qualified, aliall fraudulently a "to at any election ol tbi* Commune raith, or being quali fied shall voir out of his proper district if any I arson knowing the want of auch qualification, snail aid or p-ocure sucb person to voir, the pcraon offending shall on conviction he fined in any sunt nut ex ceeding two hundred dollars, and be im priaoned in any term not exceeding three months. If any person aball vote at more than one election district, or otherwise fraudu lently vote more than one# on th n ajtuie day, or shall fraudulently fold and deliver l<> the in.i.ictur two tickets together with li," intent illegally to Vote, orihall pro cure another to do so, be or they offending shall, on conviction, be fined in any sum not lea* than Illy nor than five huti dred dollars, and be imprisoned ft r a term nut less than three or more than twelve ■ii<>mb If any person not qualified to Vote ill this Common Wealth ugn-tabU la law (except ih# u>n* of qualified citien>) • hall appear at any place of election for 'the purpose of influencing the citizens •jualified to vute, he ahall, on conviction, forfeit and pay any sum hut exceeding one hundred dollars fur every such uf lenae and he iuipiisoned for any term nut exceeding three months. 1 alao give official notice to the elector* of Centre county, that, by an act entitled "Art An further tupplc|i|ctilnl lu the *.> t relative to the cloytioii* of thj* Cotpmon weajlb. qpprot ni April 17th, ltJWt, it it [ provided ii lulloAl: HtiTloti 1. fir it rmartnt by tkr Srnatr I dNif Honn of Htjimtulirtt of tkr tum moMu (itllk u tf f'enmyti-> in *cb of the u*i*.r* within to it Commonwealth, on the lirt Monday in June, oT each year, to take up the trail ! acript he ha* received frutu the cwunty cuttiinlMioneri under the eighth taction uf the act of fifteenth April, eighteen hun dred and thirty-four, and proceed to an I i ill in rd tate rwitiun uf the •atue, \)~ ilrjk | itft Ureifoi, tiie nemo uf every jwrton ' who I' known hy hint tu have died or re moved aince the la*t previous awumriil from the dotnet uf which he it the aatne tor, wh.-te death or removal from the ' tame thall he made know n to him. and lo . add tT the tame name of any qualified vo lar, who thall he known hy him to have . removed into the district the latt preriout at>r*tmrni, r whe removal in. I to the tame tliall he or that! ha.e Veer. kt-wu 1-. n.hl gltll (lie RdtuM I <*fail who thall make trlatui lohim to lie qualified voters therein At euuti a* this rcviaioh It completed he thall vitit every dwelling liouto in hU dulrict and make , jcareful Inquiry vf an v person wh name it on the Ittt. hat died or removed from hie dittrici. and ifao. to take the tame there* \ from, or whether any qualified voter re tidet therein w note name it not on the lot and if to, to add the tame thereto ; n:;d ip ' all Catei vl.riL fle..,- U tddru to the lltl I a ta% thkll forthwith he alet*d againtt the person ; and the in-or thall, in all catet atcertain hy inquiry, u|hw what I ground*the perton to awiwnl claim* io Oca voter. I. poll the c-imtiletUn of thit work, it thall be the duty of each a**c*or at aforetaid io proceed to make out a list, in alp' a' el.. J wruv,. u mo fckibr tree Imen, "above twentytons yeart of age. Iftaln.lng to be qualified volar*, in tlie ' ward, borough, townthip or ditlrict of which he it the attestor, and opposite to each ofaald name* ttale whether taid free ! man it or it not a houtekceper, and if he , it. the nuuiher of hit residence, in tf. , where the tame are numbwrJ kgk the. t|re,-,. tijr, u, -ovl.t, i* W hirh situated , and if in apt• wC|i w here there are [no num , bert, tne Paine of the ilrtri, alley, or . court, op whith mid h< urn frunU) alto, ilm occupation of the prison; and w here be it not a boutekeeper, the occupation, i place of boarding, and with whom and if working fr another, the name of the cm-, r ployrr; and write opposite each of mid , n a tort the word "voter;"' where any per ton claim* to vote by re a ton of naturauut*' lion, he thall exhibit Ms "c rtmmlg tocreoti Ito tLe *i.rt*or, unteat fie hat Veen far flvp' coniecutivayearv nest preeeeding a voter j of ta>d district, and in all uatse wharo the paraou ha* barn naturalised. the name thall ba marked wllb the teller "X ; wbare the person ha* merely declared hi* intention to become a cituan, and detignt to be naturalised before the next election, the name thall be marked '1). I where lb# claim U to vote by reason of fining be tween the asc of tyeeb-eni aua twenty- > twe Or provided by the Word • age" thall W entered: and if the per ton ),at moved into the election Jwtrivt to reside, tinea the U*t general election, the lettor r "K" thall be placed opposite tho name. It thall he the further duty of each attes tor. Ht aforetaid. upon the completion of the dulic* herein imposed, to make out a aeparaUr liat of all new- attettmenl* made, by him. and the amount* upon each, and' furnith the tame immediately to the coun ty rornmiaaioncrt, who thall immediately add the name* to the duplicate, of the ward, borough, townthip. or district" in which they bay a been at*cd. See. it Un the liat being completed, and lha attntuienU made at aforesaid, the tame thall forthwith be returned to the county cuminittiotier*. who thall cau-e duplicate copie* of taid li*U, with the ob j tervaliontand explanation*, required lobe | noted and aforetaid. to be mads out at ■din „* toon at piaittvablc. and placed in the hand* of the a*c*or. who thall, prior to the I*t of Augutf in each rear, put one copy thereof on the door of. or on the haute where the election of the rcin-otive diitrirl U required to be held, and retain the other in hi* |x>af*ton, for the intpec tion, free of charge, of go v pertou rctincnt in taid election ilfttri. V. who thall drtire to tee tho tame t and it thall be the duty of taid attestor to add, from time to time, on the pereonal application of any tM claiming the right to rote, the name ol ■uch claimant, and mark oppotita the name "C. V.," and immediately asset* him with a tax, noting, a* in all other) rate*, bit occupation, residence, whether a boarder or Imu-ekeeper: if a boarder, with w||pm he board*, "'.d whether natur alised.'or detigning to be marked in all rata* tho letter*, oppotite the name, "N." or "D. I." atbeca*e may be, if the per ton claiming to be a*CMed be naturalised, he thall oxhibit to the attwtor hit ccrtifi cate of naluralixation, and if he claim* that he dctign* to be nnturaliacd before the next t ntuing election, he thall exhibit the ceitifl. ate of hit declaration or inten tion ;in alt ch*m where any ward, bor ough, townthip, or election dittrict it di vided into two or more precinct*, the at teator tliall note in all hit atteaamenU, the election precinct in which each elector re tidet, and thall make a tepamte return for each to the county commiationert, ir all catet in which a return it required from him by the provition* of thi* act ; and the county comniiuionrrt making duplicate copiei of all uch return*, tliall malt* du plicate copie* of the voter* in each pre cinct, separately, and thall furnith the tame to the attettor ; and the cpic* re uuircd by thi* act to he placed on tl. door* of, or en election placet on or be fore the I*l of Augutt, in each year, thall be placed on the door of, or on the elec tion place in each of raid dittrirU. See. 8. After the ac*iiienU have been completed, onthe tenth dav proceed ing the tooond Tuetday in October in thi* year, the a**e*tor h*ll, on the Monday immediately following, make n return to county coinmittioiier* of the naiuw* of all pertout a*te**ell of thit act. noting oppotite each name the observation* and explana tion! required to lie noted at nforesrid ; and the county commiaaionera thall, there fore, caury the to bo added to the return required by the seeiion of thi* ! act, and a full and correct copy theitof to bo made, containing the name* of all per- i tons to returned a* resident taxable* in *aid ward, borough, township*, or pre cinct*, and furnith the tame, together with I the nscettarv election blank*, to the ofli- 1 cert of the election in taid ward, borough, i town-hip* or precinl* on or before six o'- eoloek, ip the morning of tlie second Tuetday IA October ; and no man tliall be - permitted to vole at the election on that day whore name it put on said list unless he shall make proof of his right to vote, as hereafter required ;* B.F.SHAFFER, Sept U-1973. Sheriff. CENTRE HALL llnrdwart* Slow. 4. ti. DKININGEIf. A new, )cie Hardware Store haa been "iiem-d by the undersigned in Cen tre Hull, where he ia tuepared to tell nil kind* of Building anil ll"U*c v urni*hing Hardware, Nail*. Ac Circular ami lland Saw, Tension Kawa, Webb New#, ('loth#* Kecks, a full assort meat of ((lata and Mirror |'at* Picture Fri met, Hpokea, Felloe*. and lluba. table t'utlery, Hliovrlr, Spade- end Fork*, I Locks, liingc, Scrwt, Hah Spring*. Horre Shoca, Nail, Norway Itoda, Una, Tea Bell#, Carpenter T.m.1., I'aint, Yarn iabea. I'ieturea framed in the Burnt atyle •A - Any thing in the Hardware line ordered upon ahortcat notice Alao a full a lock of FURNITURE al waya on hand. •dflteincmber, all wall offered cheap er than cite where aug '£' 73-If. NEW GOODS I ANDNEW PRICES. AN RXTIRK N'KW HTOCA OF BOOTS AND SHOES • t the IM)STON UOOT A SHOE STOKE, NO. .1. 11l *ll'* ARCIDK. ■ Price* than nt any Other Hhoe Store iu Ccnln County. Call and See Us ! i I No. 4. Dueli"* Arcade, Ucllefoute. • July I'Jtf. • NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! A. W GRAFF, CENTRE HILL, CENTRE 00., FA., Has Juai rwrivcl a large invoice of Suring (hunts ! ! Consisting of the boat HMrtawat of HEADY-MADE CLOTHING! j DRESS GOODS. GROCERIES, FItO VISIONS, HOOTS A SHOES. HATS A CAPS. AND -FA XCY A RTICLK* brought Potter twp. Aiao, a large amirtu.cnl of CAItP E T S ! LOWEST ASH PRICES! ,P-I'reduce taken in (4 highest 'market trill, A. W. GRAFF. myfi-ly. A- STERNBERG, engaged to manage for I L. Reixen* In, |in the corner building, opposite Uoffer's atom, Belief.-tile, haa established a new Clothing Store when- the beat bargain* in the county are offered. s<".so to 919 fur Suits of the On ost Casslraere. HATS, CAPS and a full and complete assortment uf v --cry thing in the of olotMr,|. t.puCw I'nrstkblni (iomh all directly from their own manufactory. A l*o. Jewelry, Wnleheu* Ac. They have engaged their old clerk. Mr A. Sternberg, a*, well known to the people, and who will be pleaaod to tee nt* old friend*. apSlf. Piece good* of every diacriptjof;, aolJ low to enable everybody bo have hi* clotb i ingmade to ordrr. jr. n. wiiJioK. T. A. mats. WISON & HICKS, , WllOLbffiALK AND RETAIL lliirdwiirr Musi Mote Dcglcnt. Builders Hardware | CARRIAGE MAKERS GOODS. SADDLERS J.RIMMINOS, ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE ANDI HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. STOVES. SPEAR'S Akill-I' LINKER STOVES! & DOUBLE HEATERS whi-h will heal one or two rooms dwn -lairs, and same number above. Cost very iiulc more than single stove#. These arc the best parlor stove* made. BUSqU ED AN N A COOK STOVE. This stove ha large ovens, will burn bard or wit coal and wood, Every one warranted to give perfect satisfaction. WILSON A HICKS, tnurlS tt liellefonle, Pa. Anvil NISTKATO Its NOTICE -Let- j lert of administration on the etlate oi iCisabeth Heck man, late of Gregg twp. dec'd, have l>een created to the under signed, who roquet* ell person* knowing themselves indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having de mnnd* agituil the ame to present them duly authenticated bv law for settlement- J NO. ft DECK MAN', aug3H fit Adm'r. HaHTWW Steam Tannery. HARTERBRO'S. Hartleton, Union county, Pa. ThU Tannery ha* now acquired the reputation of manufacturing tome of the be-t leather in the State. Calf Skin* and Heme made and City Sole leather, alwavt on hand. Highest market'price paid for Hide* and Bark. Plasterer*' Hair, &c., always on hand. Hide* left with VVui. Harter, in Hainet twp., will he paid for at highest Cash pri ce*. J U. ORVIS. C. T. At.EXa.MJXR OR VIS & ALEXANDER, Attornevs-at-law. Office opposlto Court House, Belletonte, Pa J. P. 6KPHART, with Orvls Jt Alexander, attends, to col* lections and practice in the Orphan's Court. jan7 70U I. Giiggenhcimer. ARRANGKHKNTI ISAAC (Juoukxhki meii, having purchased the entire stock of the late tirw of Su* ma it A Guggenbeimnr, ex cept the leather ana Hboe-findinga. has filled up hia shelve* with a lot of SfLRXbID xkw uooua, embracing READY MADECLOTHING, t>H tens UOOIM), UUOCKKIW, rKovutoxa, BOOTH A anon, HATH A CAW, AXIS PAXCY AKTICLM and la now prepared to accomodate all hia old customer*, and to welcome all new ones who may favur him with their patronage. He faele safe la My ing that he can pleaM the moat fastidi ous Call and ace. ISAAC OUGGKNHEIMKR. P. B.—Mr. Kuasman still contiauei to deal in LEATHER AND SHOE-PIN DINGS CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEEM, in tnc old room, where he may alway be found. J. ZELLEB SON DRUGGISTS No 6 BrurkfrbolT Row, Btllrfoßt(,Pi Denier* in Drug*. 4 feeaaftcnl*. IVrfituacrj, Fnney 4lf, Pure Win* and LiurpoMM at way* kupc atay si. 72. y E W PrRNITUBKSTORr 1 boot nkkow Qorrn'i BELLEFONTE, PA. GEOJi (JE (fBHYAN, Dealer to / \i ri ft ] Y u a 2 OS ALL KIKM, ItKDSTEA DS TA C'UVIRH ; ud Chamber Seta. ZQ,F4& SO, (JJfQEB, BUREAUS, WASHSTANDS, WAUt )SK, >ITTUtm. U Particular Attention to Ordered Work. RF.PAIMSG DOSE PROMPTLY. UN DEBTAROIti, In All lu Branches, M ITALIC, UU[VX, A* OtittMOS CASKS!*, A1 army ton Haqd.and Funeral* Attended Witt, an K !<• rani Heart* a|4tf. Stoves! Fire! Stov's! ,Ai Amly iUesmau't, Co*lre Hell, are la leal and beat tiovaa out, be ha* jut I received a large lot of Ctiwk Stoves, the l'ionecr Ceofc* the Edip-e PecA, tee Reliance Oook, i,Ur mII Mom m LOW aa any• bare in Mifflin or Centre co. TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE K W Ft: HNITU UK STORK. 1 boot askew Ilorrn'i BELLEFONTE, PA. UEOKGE (fUHYAN, Dealer to fUAinvuiAS OE ALL KIXIN, BEDSTE A DS, TARM& 111 AW,j aud Ofaanib-rr Seta. LOUNGES, BUREAUS, WASHSTANDS, WAKOX )SZ*. ■ ATTEEMZt. U Particular Attention lo Ordered Work. RHPAMI SO DOSE PROMPTLY. I'A DKKTIKIXU, In All lla Braacbea, MITALIC, A*t (tfKMOX CAKEKTA Alwajr* on Haqd.and Funeral* Attended 1 * Witt, an K Want Heart* ipllt The undesigned hereby inform* the ciliaen* of Pennavalley that At ha* pur rha*ed the Tinthop heretofore earned en by LheC. U Mfe Co., and wUi cos#*"* the tine, at the pld lit all Ha branch >m, lu tl,,' ii:aovfatureof STOVE PIPE * SPOl'TlltiU. All kind* of repairing done. Be hu *1 wayton hand Fruit Cans, of all Siiee, BUCKETS. CUPS. mppiw. ItfSH Bii. AC. A>l VtHTh warranted and charge* reaaon abiv*. A tnare of the public patronage ao> lulled. AND. REKSMAN. J*ep7or Centre Hall T E\V HARDWARE STORE. J. & J. HARRIS. No. &, IIRiH'KERHOPP ROW. A new and Hardware Store hat been opened by the underaigufd in j Brockerbofr* new building- vhurt' they i are prepared to a&ll all bind* or Building iland lioua* Purni*bing Hardware, Iron, 1 Stool. Nail*. Rugrv wheel* in *ett, Champion i Clothe* \Vringer, Mill Saw*. Circular and Hand Saw* Tennon Saw*. Webb Sawa, Ice Cream Kreeaera, Bath Tuba, Clothe* Reck*, a full a*aorto*ent or Gla* and Mirror flun( all (iae*. Picture Frame*, f Wheelbarrow*. Lamp*. Coal Oil Lamp*. ; Belting, Spoke*. Felloe*, and HUM, i Plow*. Cultivator*. Cam Plow*. Plow Point*. Shear Mold Board* and Cultiva .] lor Teeth, table Cutlery. Shovel*. Spade* and Fork*. Lock*, Uitvgua, Screw*. Sath {.Spring*. Hunkb-Sboe*. Nail*. Norway | Rod*, till*, Lard, Imbricating: Cent, I Linaeed. Tanner*, Anvil*, Vice*, Bel low. Screw Plate*. Blackunitb* Tool*. Factory i Boll*. Tea BeU*, Griod.tooea, Carpenter Tool*, Fruit Jar* and Can*, Paint, Oil*, Varnithe* received and for tale at june&US tf. J. A J. HARRIS. THS PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE. Next door to Wilnon A Hick*' Hard ware store, Allegheny St., BKLLKPONTE, k R, F. Rankin 6c Co.* I (Succeaaor* to Linn A WiUon.) DEALERS IN PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS. PAINTS. UIIA DYE STUFFS. YARNBRUSH ES, f hHPVMKRY, NOTIONS, AND KANCY ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET, Ac. for medicinal purpose*. SHOULDER BRACES, TRUSSES A SUPPORTERS In great variety] Al*o, Choice CIGARS AND TOBACCO, and all other article* u*ually hept in first olut* Drug Store. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFU Y COMPOUNDED. tf.Uune RK RANKIN A CO. BUTTS HOUSE BRU.EPONTE, PA. J. B. BUTIN, Prop'r. Has first class accommodation; eharg e* rettMine *, |f. TAS. XWSk'W &, | tf Bllefbnte, promptly attend* to all buiine** entrusted to him. . jul2,'6Btf iNfcrii tatfCOVbRY U nl mm 4 MMwi Mh*. Dr. aAIVU** T\ n KI.*FJIM Cure Incipient C'wtt Dr. GAUVUri Till ItDIEDIBI , Cur* Cm*!•■•. Dr. axurtK-n ta;i " :em Cue* A .(!>.:>a. Dr. €*.IIIVII TaIS UUH3IRI Cut* I.Vart Dr. OAR VIVI T'.l Uf'fEOIEI Cur* f>u:n •*. Dr. OAUVX.V4 T:.ll UE lEOIEI Dr. Till UIIVEDin BeguLAe th* m*rai>r .i l*wh Dr.GAUVICI Tt.t UCVEDfO Cuiu b.t IVmnle Weakßeeue*. 1 Dr. UAUVIY K TAD BCIEMBi > Purify tW UlooA ' Dr.GiltVlY'i TAB ItEXEMIW Cw* of Ihe Tkraat Dr.titKVlVi TAR BEKEDin Cur* BruarMil*. 1 Dr. GAHVIXK TAB CVEM Cur* "lln^ l <*|d.*"r "tUyiWßf Dr. OAIffT.VS TALI KCIBMEt Cur* I.iim : Diura**, Dr. GAItVIVS TJUi IIEIEDIOI Cur* (°4.u:l)iuiiomiL Dr. GAHVIW TAB BEIEDIB Rrta-v> rata m tb* tMc or Dark. 1 Dr. GABVI\*!i TAB BCWEDIBi An > Huprrtor T*uk. Dr. GABVLYI TAB BCXrOIB Bolon Oa* ArUBIB. Dr. GABVIPS TAB BEiIfERVEft Genu tk I'oßd IB Digrrot, TAB KBKEMEtt W Weak *M DrbllUmeeA Dr. GAXVIVt ri! BEVEDID Um T>*w *• V*ur lynta. L T. HYDJB Sl CO.. AO. m raofurroßA J95 Hevrnm* Ire., .Vete ForA, Iftdec.Tty Shortlidge 4c Co.. PR OPRJE T CJQS Or THE BftlMtafe l\m Quarries, only Manufacturer, at Lime, burnt exclusively with rood, in Ommtu) i rawyNak DUIAH ax Anthracite Coal, 1 WhiU Lime, Do Pout * Powdet, , Sporting and Bigistog Powder on Pom for Blasting, 6 Firo Brick, Ground Fir* Clue. Fertiliser*. Implement*. leaßß OBce std yard near South mml at the ' Bald £** l* Valley Railroad Depot, Bell*. fiHit*. Pa JuaMLTt * \roVVQ-8 HOTEL. Comer of Third X and Che*taut Street, Mifltiahurg, Pu.. John Shower*, Proprietor. Iu Central Location make* It puftiruUH) * dacirabla to penoas visiting Town on ' H A Taylor'• lawy*Attacbwi, - —P* ly C. F. Harlacber N. Ctuu*s 11. rnSSN ARRIfAA GOODS!!! HKBLACBEH * CSOXMILLKK Will to iafuu the eitiaaua of Potter that they have opened aa entire n*w * wock of good* in their old quartern, and - will keep ootutantly oa hand a full and good assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS.. consisting of j ALPACAS, Poplins PLAIDS, TjiiiCi w. _w4 lit oilier kind* of DRESS GOODS. \! . full Una of NOTIONS and FANCY 6oods Hats A Cap*, Boots dt Shoot CROCKERY. ul/EKNS WARE, STONEWARE. CEDAR WAKE, SUGARS. •TEAS, COFFEES. FIBH, SALT. etc.. alt, da. AII of which are olhr at greatly reduced price*. Highest price* paid for eooatry produce. By strict attention to burin*** we hope to morit and receive the patronage of the j public — — ' CENTRE HALL COACH SHOP, * * LETI 818 RAY. *t hi* establishment at Centre Hall, keep* on hand, and tor *ale, at the mo*l reaosna ble rate*. Carriages, Buggies, & Spring Wagons, Plaikaxd Faxct, and vehicle* of every description made to order, and warranted to he made of the beat teaaoned material, and by the moat skilled and competent workmen. Person* wanting anything in ki* line are requested to call and examine hi* work, tbey will find itnot to be exoelled for durability and wear. mayjtftf. LEVI MURRAY, NOTARY PUBLIC, SCRIBNK* AND CONVEYANCER, CENTRE HALL.PA. Will attend to administering Oaths, Ac knowledgement of Deed*. Ac, writing Ar tide, of Agreement, Deed*, Ac, may 16 Gift & Flory's New Shoe Store ! AT CENTRE HALL They have now opened, and will constant* ty keep on hand, a splendid stock of new SHOES, GAITERS, A SLIPPERS, fev men, women and children, from the beat manufactories in tb* country, and now of fered at the Lowest Prices. BOOTS and SHOES mad* to order, upon short notice. They invite the people of thU vicinity to give them a call, as they wul strive to merit a share of their pat ronage. zsylvtf