The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, September 25, 1873, Image 2

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; TKKDXVITt .. EiiUr.
Centre Hnll, I'*-, I ;> ' ....
TERMS.—The RaroavKs ts |>ul.loheJ
weekly et $2 per year, in ad vain#, or s-.f*'
when not paiil In advance. horeix months
hi Aiirti™menU $1.30 P'r quarv .ten
lines) tor three insertion. AdvrrliM-m. aU
for S. and 12 months, at reduce.) thl.-s
Any person readout us the name* ol
now iubscrlbeer, with thr >s-h will re
ceive the IUroRTK* one year free.
Democratic Nominations.
for supreme Jt'iHiK:
JAMES It. LUDLOW, of lM.ila.
for statk tre*#vrer:
F. M. HUTCHINSON, of Allegheny
Far Senator .
JOSEPH S WA REAM. of Mijfiin ea.
Atsrmble—JOHX H. OR VIS.
Treasurer—J. if. MITCH EI..
(brnwieeroaci — J. ( A h 1
Jury (Vnn'r— MlCH■ GROVE
Auditor—SAW Ii FJi.l.iA. '2 your*,
" A. J. QREISE. -1 yaur*.
We think it is pretty certniu— and
wo have made careful observation —
that the good people of Centre coun
ty have decreed that Hon Jhu H.
Orvis shall bo returned to ihe legisla
ture by au almost uuauitn>us vote,
notwithstanding a candidate l>* 'wen
nominated, for form's sake, in npimat
Mr. Or vis made for himself a record
which command* respect all over the
common wealth, on account of the ex*
inordinary ability he displayed, and
the good usee to which he gave bis tal
ents, in battling against every act of
pernicious legislation which showed
it* head at Harrisburg lat winter,
and which was driven from capitol
hill with a black eye from the damag
ing blows of John H.Orvi*. Such a
cleaning out ol corruption and olt
cles to the "ways that are dark''
as was presented by Mr Or*is, ha* not
been witnessed since the days of
Frank Shunk. The plunder bills
were at once dcticted by bis |* net ra
ting miud, aud he was prompt to ex
pose them, and in mot of instances
succeeded in driving theui from the
halls of legislation, no mat r from
what source they came,or ho# ingeni
ously framed. Our represents livt
made it his especial-business to look
out for snakes and many dead ones
were left on the field, and if John H.
Or vis goes back—which he will, il he
lives —not a single legislative s.rja-nt
will dare appear at Harrisburg. nud
the rooeters aud pinchers may as aril
go into mourning.
People of Centre, you have r- ad his
record, now let Mr. Orvis know that
you appreciate the eflbita of an up
right representative.
We believe, from what w.- hear,
that you intend doing this overwhelm
ingly at (be ballot box.
If ypu do not, then forever keep
your peace, when your representatives
vote away your money, desert your
interests, and join hand in-haud with
vultures and corruptiouisls.
When you have an honest, upi ight
representative, it isyoui duty t.> stand
by him.
Au honest, faithful, vigilaut, and
able representative ha* Mr. Orvis been
—you know it. No honest man
will deny it. Now what is your duty ?
He has done the right thing with
you, what will you do in return?
Let the 14th of uexl October tell.
Jtseph S. Warrant
The Lewistown "True Democrat,"
printed at the home of our nominee
for senator, says:
It give* u< great satisfaction to be able
to announce that .Mitfliu counts's flrt
choice, Capt. Jo*. 3. WAKKAU. ha. been
formally placed in the field a* the Demo
cratic candidate for State Senator in this
District. TLa conference, after an uncom
monly protracted struggle, finally ami
harmoniously settled upon Capt. Wareatn.
The close of the struggle was is this arise ;
After the conferees got tired voting each
for his own man only, a series of skirmish
ing or cross firing was commenced, dur
ing which all the candidates at one time
or another received sit vote.. Finally
Petrikin s conferees voted with Waream's
for Wareatn, giving him six, and Messrs.
Watt and Greenieaf of Juniata wheeled in
and made eight, thus giving W a ream a
We need not tell the people of this coun
ty what they know, namely, that Joagen
8. WixtiM is at once a -turdey Demo
crat and an honest man. lie comes from
the workingmen. and is familiar with all
the rights as well as the interests of the
people of every class, lie has a mind not
only stored with information, but with sol
id sense likewise, lie is the sort of man
that has become scarce in legi-lative bod
ies these latter days; but just the sort that
is most needed there. It elected, (a. we
have no doubt he wilt be.) he will fill the
measures of his duties with honor to him
self and advantage to his constituents.
Firm, but neveroffeosive, in his |e>litics,
genial and sonable in his mariners, ever
ready to do "a ssod turn" for any one. he
has, in the last twenty years, won his way
into the hearts of the people, irrespective
of party, until at the present be is undoubt
edly the moet popular man in Mifflin
Count}/, llence, we confidently expect,
(as we have heretofore intimated,) that lit
tie MifHin will roll up for him no less than
400 majority, and we shall not beat all .ur
prised if the majority shall reach till
Undoubtedly the people of this < ounty are
in earnest in desiring a change in the kind
of rulers who have .at at H irrisbu rg, and
if tbey are so, none of them will go outside
of the county this fall to seek a tit man fr
Capt. Waream, if elected, will go to the
Senate simply as a citizen. He belongs
tonoclique, faction, r ">111*," of any
sort. Consequently, his only aim and pur
pose will be to do right —to deal justly to
ward all—and, a far as in him lies, to pro
mote the general welfare of his constitu
ents. In Itis official capacity, as in his
private life, puklie enterprise a* well a*
private interest will be properiy en
couraged and fairly supported.
Shoot the Traitor* !
The following from the Bloomsburg
Columbian will suit well for Ceutre
county readers :
111 discussing the action of the
Wilkes-Barre convention in rejecting
a salary-grabber, the Erie Observer
From this day forth let it be dis
tinctly understood that no man will be
allowed to minister at the Demociatic
altar without pure robes and clean
hands. If that be made tbe invaria
ble and inflexible rule our day of com
plete triumph will s|ieediiy dawn.
So say we. There would be no use
in denying the fact that ranch of the
bad legislation of the Republican par
ty is justified, or defended, or its offcn
siveness palliated, upon the groumt J
that Democrats also supported it, and j
We Would not deny it were time ever!
so much expediency iu doing so. But i
let il lie stated—for it is line —and at
li e same lime lot every Democrat wit"
seeks a repr.sentHlxe position !>• wm ti
ed in advance that herealtcr rv iy one
who departs in ilie least front tin inn
(nith will lie promptly ami unanimous
|y denounced as n I tailor, its was tin
pmclioc of the Democracy in the day*
of iU glory, which mini here ilie day*
of id luretn. l<t l ♦ action <1
Wilkes B.trre convention, >•> uuan •
mously ami enthusiasticnilj a|>jr >\ .1
by the paiiv, be taken as . lliiial >•
lice to all men that (lie ootir-i- i t . >1
Democrats in posili .it inns' l
pure and above reproach i h-y inni
in all things tie taiililu) lo lite |> m. i
itlew of Jellerson, among which mm
omy in public ex p< minute ami sit in
opposition to gnverumcut abl to pr.-
vale speculation are pioiuiin-m
l<et no tuau (ear thai (lie throwing |
of a lew un'aithful nun ovtrboaid
will weaken '.hepailv, however prom
ineut or popular they ma> lw In
this regard we rgtiu atlopl lite la-*
guage of the Kite ObseiVwr .
There it not a man in its tank
ihere are no one hundred men whom
il cannot atToril to retire Iruiu pub
lie life, to put asiilc, to cat! ovtrb aid
it need Ih- It it bail ladily insisted
upon perfect purity in the character
of it* public nu-o, it wi.ulil have se
cured complete control ol the otate
years ago Hie corrupt rings which
control the Republican pariy have
only betu enab!cl lo }>er|>eluate their
liaftmour rule thtt-ngh Democrat# to
oe fouml in the legislature elsewhere,
who were uot one whit better than the
Ra i cai repropwtr# by whoui they
were urr- umieil.
Yes throw thousands of tit* m over*
b wild if that be nei-e.-sarv to #cure
faiibful representation. l. tit le #et
dowu as sure that every repto eu'.ative
who is*uufailhful will le i-ondcuuit d
and lepudiatcd without regard to cio
sequences, and thepaity willbcStrcngt
hciu-d by tlie act. \Ve beliivc any
lrtv that has roguis in its i anks
all necessarily hav • ought to
IK* glarl ol such a chance '<• tabli*h
its iulegrity, for, as we often r.iuurk
ed, good character is as surely au ele
lueut of strength and suceess ill one
case a# in the other. For some years
past the Democracy have been mitrag
d and disgraccil bv the unfaithfulness
of-ome of it# representatives, ami
these form the chief source of it- weak-
J ness and want of success. So common
has this thing become that it is ordi
narily said by Republicans 'xcu.-ing
their own partitan* for imprrqa r ac
tion, "one jMtrty is as corrupt as the
other," or a* extravagant, or other
wrong doing, a# the cao way be.
Now let ibe Democracy he placed ou
its old vantage ground: that it is al
uavs faithful to its professions, that
it is economical in expenditure, and
that it oppose# all laws which circum
scribe the rights of or oppress the jh-u
--ple. To accomplish that end it inusl
purge out every representative who
gives a vote inconsistent with its pro
less ions. It has begun the good
wotk—let future conventions do as
! well as Wilkes-Barre lias done —let no
j tiiuid counsel hereafter ixcu-t the
j unfaithful or pass wrong doing in si-
I lenee.
Joint H Mitchell
The democracy of this County
could uot have nominated a more up
right geutleiuaw for County treasurer,
than John li. Mitchell. His charac
ter is as pure and spotless as tbedtiv
en snow, and every cent of the taxes
collected oil" the citizens of this coun
ty, will be safe in the hands of Mr.
Mitchell safe enough even without
bail—such is the honesty ami integri
ty of our nominee. The radicals will
make a ilcs|>erate push to defeat bin:,
but let every true democrat aud citi
zen see to it that he is elected. He
deserves a large vote, for, wheu we
have men of known integrity, they
deserve our support us a reward.
Mr. Mitchell has never been a j*s
tering office seeker ; he did uot obtain
hi* nomination by any iut.'igu.- or
bargain—he is not the mau to -toop
to low means to get an office. Demo
crat* give him a rousing majority, he
is a firm ami unflinching member of
our orguuiztiiou.
The democrat# of the tliiid district
of Philadelphia, are about kicking
Sam Josephs over board. That's
right, let the p-rt_v put out ii bad
aud corrupt men. Josepls lis* beu
a disgrace to sur parly us u member
of the legislature, nud every holiest
democrat will say "amen" to hi- being
thrown over board. Some more of
the venal legi.-latois can be spared
and the parly be the better for it.
"John H. '.irvin, Esq.,)the people de
mand it. will you explain ?"
"John 11. Orvis, KM), Explain! Ex
plain ! ! Explain! !! "
The above is the kind of stuff with
which Rill Rrown fills up his paper.
Every body in Centre county lias read
Mr. John 11. Oivia' record in the
columns of the REPORTER, and
the 2nd Tuesday of next October will
give the babbling idiot of the Rcpub
iiean such an "explanation" it# will
make him wonder who struck Levi
Miller. *
Brown's paper. like uu idiot,
cull* on John 11. ()rvis t<< ex
plain. The fool— why didn't lie go to
the democratic mteling in the comt
house. If there is any thing wrong
in Orvi*' record, why it would now
be in Brown's place lu take it up aid
explain it. Neither Blown, or any
other bigger or littler fool ran find
fault with Mr. Orvia' reecrd.
Farmers should l.e happy now! The
Radical* who lately nominated the
ring candidate for Treasurer, declare
their sympathy "with every movement
to secure for agriculture and labor their
due influence, interests and rights, and
the Republican party will he their ally
in every just cflort to attain their ends.'
In view of the fact that tlx- grange
movement in the West hud its origin
in the most Radical States in !he r Uni
on—lowa. Wisconsin, Illinois, and
others of that ilk—and hud its liaeotil
of the oppression of Radical legislation
in favor of monopolies and .iguiust the
interests of "farmers and laborers," it
will be readily understood that this is
merely a "tub thrown to the whale,"
and means nothing. So far as (he
grange movement —which is essential
| ly Democratic—lias gone, it lias been
a fight against the acts of mom|Milies
fostered by Radical legislation ; and
if the movement spread through this
Staters it likely will, the same work
will be in lo re—a gfiht against
the monopolies by liadicui
legislation.— Clinton Dtmoeruf.
Levi Miller, last week, was in
Fenjjsvalley electioneering, lie wore
out one pair of Intol s i!e, wore out •'
tin- loe'-ol two pair of (-lockings, lute ,
thr scat i f his hit h- s | cut a liltlcj,
lor local option, ami went home with
a ilea in his ear. Running lm- -liei
ilVpnihtl Levi, and running for A - I
stinblv will take the kinks out of him |
i-oinpletelv 11
I.evi'a cake i- dough
... I
We a I'm' 1., m-> ih-mo. ratio .
p pit- mi all v spcik- iiit against
the tiick of having candidate# -elect i
their own confiueis This new fan-
I gh'tl iila wuikail itiil iia salvation in
'the recent -•-iiatm ial ts.nfereiie#
m tliis ilisti it i, and tin-had usisstieli
it privilege can lie put I stood out
in hold relief. lat the lesson learned
le remembered.
Brown's Republican. of last week is
rather reserved about Jnn Irvin, and
Ims a communication which the 'I otiit
Rcptihliean ha* a* an editorial Jito. j
Irvin had hett'-r te' around and oe
Brnwn. Come down handsomely
get Rrown a pii-s and he'll make lor
• ♦ .
How Mat'key Is Paving Hit* Male
With one Record, in simtil aneous
concert, the Republican ccwspapeis
of the State are s lumliug jmeiis ol
praise to Robert \\ . Mackcy, becm-c
theio ha- lu'en a reduction ut
one mi llii u dollars m the Siate debt
According to the statement, which
is l-ing so widely paraded, Ihe total
I amount of debt reile-ineii during Au
gust was $074,74 • D 4. ami the balance
iin the treasury at the end of that
! month (after the paymeut had bun
in tided was $1,947,31)3,37. Ihat ilie
whole, or the principal part of ttiia
balance, IK- longs by right to the sink
ing fund, there is good teamui to be
lieve, and that the principal part of
it ought at once to In? applied in
payment of the Stste debt we have
no doubt. Why should Mr, Maekev
le praiserl for applying one fifth of the
. money on hand in payment of the
State tit lit w hen his own repoit show
that he is holding a balance of two
million dollars, to be used bv himsc f
and other members tit the treasury
ring for sjHt-ulaiivo put pars? Why
UCt 'apply tli. two millions to the
oavment of the debt, ami reduce the
balance to half a million, which would
be more than sutticienl, for a rt-sitve
The truth is, that what i calletl
lire unex|>elidtd balance in the State
Treasury admitted by Mr. Mackcy
to be two million at present, i- the
prize tiver which each succeeding
contest for the ofliee of State Treasury
has been curried oil. The present
system, with its attendant iuirpiitiea,
I dates I roiu the year IHSB, when the
, sinking fund was established. During
the whole j-riod from 1858, until
the prtsent time, there lias only been
one Democratic State Treastner,
Win. V. McGrath, ami he only held
the office one year. The unrX|>ended
balance has purposely Im-u made and
kept large. During the administration
of William H. Kemble it amounted
- up to $4.t>ti1,8.%.4t>, ami his bootv
t during 18li7 is believed to have ex
ceedetl half a million dollars. In oth
er word# he pocketed as tuuch money
in one year as Mackejr ha* consented
* to withdraw from his utiexpendol bal
- a nee, in order that he might claim
credit for paying a portion of the
t State debt.
The auuunl elections fur Stall-
Treasurer have la-en di-graceful
1 squabbles. They have given rise to
, much scandal, but half the story has
never been told. When the {'eunsyl
vania Railroad desired to put oncof
its solicitors in the Uuited Slate-Senate,
J. Don Cameron, who was then
managing the affairs of the family,
put forward It. W. Mackcy for State
l'reaauier, aud elected him bv making
n'poof, into which the >tate T'rca-urer
and the Sena tors hip were cast.
Under Mackey arose the Evan* ami
Verke* scnmluls, ami #u much wire
the |M*>pie of Pennsylvania disgusted they decided by more than a
hundred thousand majority to lake
the election of a State Treasurer
ihip into theirowu hands. Under lhee
: circumstances it was lo be expected
that the Republican party would put
forward some new man of high charao
t r some onu who would reiluce the
balance in the treasury and diminish
the State debt more rapidiv than
Mr. Mackey can le expected to do i
If the masses oftlie Republican party
had Imhit consultei), eiich would have
deeu flic result of the Repuhiican
State Convention, but that laxly was
eompletelv under the influence of old
party hacks, aud the popular will was
completely diregared. There i only
one course which honest men can now
pursu •. They must repudiate Mack
ey at the |ml Is Not to do so will be
to approve all the corruption which
lias been practiced for years. Are the
iteople of Pennsylvania prepared tor
that? It is for them loeay at the |m>lls
• n the etcoiid Tuesday of f)ctolw-r.
Lancartrr Intelligencer.
/1 ol) SAVK Til K COMMON-'
I. It. F. SiiAvrKß, High Slu-rlfT of C#n
lr- county, ('..rniiioriwealth of I'cnnsylva
nin, ilo hereby uisk.-known iind give no
lice t ike electors of the county aforesaid,'
that an election will lie held in the said!
county of Centre on
in necordnneo with the Art of Asurmhlv :
One pi-r-nn for tin- office of JoJgc of the
p-uiirenie Court of the Common we* lib of
! One person for the ottiee of State Ttvuti
■ urer of the Slate of Pennsylvania.
I Ono person o represent tho counties of
• Centre, Huntingdon, Miffiin, and Juniata
n the Senate of iVntisylvaiiia.
One person for tho office of Member of
the Huueof Representatives of Pennsyl-'
vanin, for Centre county.
| < 'no person for the ottiee ot County
Treasurer, for said county.
S One person for the office of Commission
er for said county.
Two persons lor Jury Commissioner for
I lie county of Centre.
I Two persons f-ir County Auditor for saidj
I also hereby make known and (five no
tice tlint the piece of Inditing the aforesaid j
election ill the several Boroughs and
Tywnship* within the County of Centre
are as follows, to wit:
For the twp., of Haines, at the Public
House ot John Limbert.
For the twp, of Half Moon, at the;
School House in Stormslown.
For the twp., of Taylor, at the hoilsi
eieeted for the purpoie on the property of
Leonard Merry man.
For tbe twp., of Potter at the house ot
Ibiuiel Weidensaiil, Old Fort Hotel.
For the twp , of lirMrr, at the puhlie
house owned by J It. tishei.
For the twp., of Ferguson, in the school
house at Pine Grove. 1
For the twp.. of Harris, in the school '
house at Roalsburg
For the twp., of Palton, lit tho house of 1
Peter M urray.
For the horoiigit of Itellefonte and the f
townships of Spring and Hen nor, at the '
Court House in Iteliefoiite. *
For the twp,, of Walker, in the school '
house at Hubler lutrg.
For the borough and township of How- :'
aid at the school house in -nut borough j i
For the twp, of Itu-h, at the Cold I j
Stream school house. .
For the twp.,ofSnoVv Ijlioe, at the school
house near Supnn l Askey. 1
For the twp., cl Marion, at to poupe of '
JIM1 kiti(f. in Jnoktofivillit,
Kr th# borough f M rg, Hi the '
now H'hnnl Itnute in Mi!e.bitrg
For the tup ,of llu-tou. ui I lie lumw of
.101111 Hood.
for tlio tup . of IVlllt, Hi llio liotl-c of
NV. 1' Mu.scr,
For the twp . i>f liilirrly, in the school
l|oll* Ht Kllglcvilh*
F<>r ilio tup of Worth, HI ill* *eho|
lioii-oln Port M111ilit
For ilio tup ,of lliirittido at the lmu*r
t ale of J K Hon I.
For ilio ii> . of i'lirtln, HI ilio school
lioii onoHi It.d.i \|iiiiti
For tlio l>oroilj-li of I'iiionv ilio niol I'm
*lll tWp, Hi llio HOW M'lldlll llollt.f in I'hi n
For llio hotougli "I L*l> ill l>Hl>U R|(. HI llio
pulilio ti'liinil hottc ill nid borough
In pursuant' o ol nil not of tlio itotiotnl
ts.eiuhly ol ilio t'oimuoiiMonltli. "An not
>t*lM I i ii|f to the election if tlil. ft tuition
won 11) i passed tlio 2nd tiny of Juno,
NtlTlf K i. hereby given IIIHI tlio Gen
*lit I Floollon will In* upciiod between tlio
hour, of ii Hit I 7 o look in ilio for* noon,
ami .lihll innlinut without intorriiplioii or
ttdjouriiiitoni until 7 o'olool* in tlio evening
U lull tlio poll* .linil L>o {IUMHI.
Vfid in Hhd hv tlio *Hi*l Hot 1 HIII ftirther
tilrrolotl (ogive hotioo lliot every por.oit
except iti*Hot* of llio peace, who .hull
httltl H ity 'ltioo or Hppoiiituioiit of profit or
It litl uittlor llio KOI grilluent ol tho United
Stales, of thi. Ht ale, or ofniiycity or in*
oorporHlotl ill,tritl w bethel a ootuiiiit.ioH*
! 0,l office or ofhriwito, M -uhordinut- ofHoor
Jot agent who i* or .hnll ho omplnyod tin
dor llio 10-gi-latorc or Executive ur Jtldl*
* utry department I tlo. Mate, or ol anv
i iflcul unrated tlUfriol ; and *ltu that evciv
, iuonil.or ol f 'UKro*> and of .elect or (tun-
I mmt c unoil of any oiiv, ooiiiinilonor of
| ant Incorporated district, l hy law in* a
i palilo "t holilinK * r exercising at llio -ante
' tniio tho * fti* o or Hp|>oiniii*ont <*f judge,
j iiirpootor, or olorh **| au.v olo* ti.-n, .hull
Ibe eligible to any office thou to ho votod
j for."
I'lii- illspx Ctor* alid judges of the election.
-IihIIiOOiI Ht their lc>|irCliVC place. Hp
pointed for holdiiiK the election lfi tlie- di*-
Uh t to whli'h the' respectively IH-IhIIK,
he lore 7 o'clock initio lllorniliK. and r-aoh
tf Haiti int|ini'lio. ibftll appoint one clerk,
who .hail ho a qualified tutor ot rtieh tli-
II riet,
In ta-o the per.on who .hall have te-
I'rlteil (lie .eootul hig hc.l number of v**te
for iiirpoetor. .IIHII 10-i attend oil tho dav
ol any election, lluui tho por-oti who shall
hut i- roi 011 ed thortw-ond highest tiutnhor of
tolr, for iiulKO at the next preceding
i eloolioii .l.all ai l a., tor in hi. plaen.
. And 111 OHM- tho por.oti who .hall hate re
ioltod tho higher! number of Vote. for in
' ,pOi tor .IIHII Hot attend, the pt-r*oll elected
-judge rlnitl Hppi-inl an in*|ieel**r in hi.
place; and in ea.e, the |.er,.H eleclrd
. judge .hall hot attend, they the in.prctor
who level ted the liighe.t number ol Vote,
i .hail appoint a judge in hi* place; or if
. any t acalicy .l.a!! continue in the heard
for the space of one hour alter the tune
tixod by law fur (he upeullig of tlie election
' lire qualified voter, of the town.hip, ward.
. ordtlriet for which .ueh utiioer. .hall
hat e been elected, present at *ueh eloctioii,
.hall elect ulie of their tlUlubcr to fill .ueh
' vacancy
| 1 it .hall he the iltlly ol the .floral ae
.or* of eaoh district to attend a', the place
of holding every general, .peeial, or t*iw n
r I .It ip election, during the whole time .aid
• election I.* kept opt U, tor the pur|*oto i*t
>giv ing information to the llipcctor alid
judge,, iu relation to the
' rig it of any tier.on a..e.ed by them to
- vote nl.uch election, or t'.ich othrr mat
ter. in relation to |b*> assessments of voter,
a, the .aid inspector or either of them
• fruiii liwo to time require.
No per.oli .hall he permitU-il 111 t 010 h!
any election, a. afore.aid, other than a
freeman of the age of twenty-one >'rar
' or more, who .hall hate rented in the
; State for at h rit one year, and in the elrc
. tion di.tritt where he offer* hi* vote at
lea-l toll day. immediately preceding u h
' i lift lull, and within the two year* |<a>d a
, State or county tat. which .hall have been
r *--e.ed at len.t tell day. before the etee*
liii-1 Hut a citizen of tho united ('ruled
■ State, who ha. boon a qualified
I voter of thi. Slate and removed therefrdin
, and returned, and who .hail have refilled
in the election district and Paid lave, ar
• afore.aid .hall h- entitled t" vote, al
-1 though thejr .hall not have paid tair*
| No per.oli .hall he ptrmitled l-' Voir
I whore iiatpr ir not contained in
the li-t of tatnhie inhabitant. fur
it ni.hed by the commissioner., unle tir.t
| he produce a receipt forthe paymetit with
in two year* of • tate or county tax a
1 ~ --, d Hgreeahly to the Constitution, ami
- give .all.factory evidence either on hi.
i- oath or attirmß, or the onlh or sffiriua
tion of another, that lie ha* paid .ueh tax,
- or on failuri- to produce a receipt, .hall
'• make oath tdffihc payment thereof. Sec
. oml, if ho claim the right to vote by he*
u lug an eloi lor MVM the age of two i'.y
,otte and twenty-two year*, he .hall dep..,,
' on outh or fctiirtnatioti that he ha* r*i<io*l
in thi. .tatr al lead otto vrar next before
, lii> apl'liealion, ntid made .Ueh proof ol
. residence in the district a- i required by
' thi* act. and th*t ho II.N-. vory believe
n trom the in count given him, that lie i. ol
j, ago aforoaid, and .ueh other evidence a*
i retjutred by thi* act, whereupon th*
name of tho perron tliu* adinitto*i to vote
I -hail inverted in the alphabetical )i*t hy
tin- iag|MN t-r. and JX nato made oppo.iti
' thereto, hv writing the word "lax 1 if h
" khali he admitted to vulo hv roa-*in ot hav
, ing paid lax. or tl.o word "age" if he eliall
t . he admitted to vote l>y r>a>on ol ruch age
.hall bir called out to the clerk*, who .hall
' make the like bote <*n the ll*t of voter.
• kept by thorn.
In alt e*.e. where the name ol the por
j *r.n claiming to i* found on the li.t
fnrni.he-d hy the rommi..ioner. and a*-
t *i *M>r, or hi* right to vote, whether found
j thereon or not, i- objected t<> by any quali
. fled citizen, it .hall he the duty of the in
, *pei tor. i<> examine ruch perron on oath a*
- to hi* ijualihcation*, and if he claim* to
r have re.ui.wl within the date for one year
, or more hi* oath el.nll he rutflctenl priHii
j thereof, but *hall make proof hv at leat
'• one competent witnm*. who tfiall he a
I iiualillei) elector, that he ha* redded in
, the di.trii t for more than ten dav* next
immediately pr*w eding .ueh elnction, and
' .hail alto him-elt wcur that hi* bona-fl 1e
i in jmr.uanee >.f hi. lawful calling
, i. in raid di.trict, and that he did not re
■ move into .nid di.trirl for of
voting therein.
' Kver.v per.on tjualillod. a* aforeraid,
. ami who .iiall make due proi>f, if reijuireii
of the rwtidencc autS |>*y merit of taxe, a*
'], thai! he adiuitlrd to in tho
) town.htji, ward, or divtricl in which he
| riwH witdt
If any per.oli .liall prevent, or attempt
!"• prevent any officer of thi* election, un
der tin. act, Ironi hot,ling ruch election,
or uae or threaten any violence to any
.ueh officer, or .hall interrupt or.improper
■ty interfr-re v. illi him ill the execution of
' hi. dutv, or .hall block UP the window
i w here the .atne mav ho holding, or hall
,jrtotouly *li.turh tfie peace of uch elec
tion. or .hall u.e any intimidating threat*,
torce, or violence, with <le.ign to influence
i unduly **r overawe any elector, or to pre
vent him from voting or retrain the free
dom of choice, melt per*n, on conviction,
.hall he fined iu any .uni not exceeding
: live hundred JOHNM, and iuipri.onnl for
.'any time not le* than three nor m ire than
twelve month*, and if it *hall he aliown t*i
the court* where the trial* of itich otfcii.e.
.hall be had, that the |xir*n oof Tending
not a rtiident of the city, ward, di
-trict, or tow n*hip where the offentt- wa*
committed, and not entitled to vote there,
in. the.i, on conviction, he .hull he *!>.
' j tonend to pay a Lne of nolle** than one
: < hundred nor more than one thou*and did'
tarn, and he impri.otied not le than ix
month* nor more than two week*.
If any per.on, not by law ipialiJed,
-hall fraudulently vote at any election of
thi* Commonwealth, or being ijuali
• tied hall vote out of hi* proper di.lrict if
r,ntiy | eraon knowing the want of *uch
ijunliflcation. .hall aid or p-oouru .ueh
perton to Vote, the perton urt'ending aliall
on conviction he lined in any MINI not ex
' i*i-<ling two hundred dollar*, and hv itn
pri*otird in any term not exceeding three
if any pereon .hall vote at more than
one election di.trict, or otherwi.e fraudu
lently vote more than once on the .ame
day, or khali fraudulently fold and deliver
to the inpector two ticket* together with
the intent illegally to vote, orrball pro
i ute another to do *o, he or they offending
.hall, on conviction, he fined in any .urn
not le than fifty nor more than five hun
dred dollar*, and he imprisoned fur a term
, not le.* than three or more than twelve
month*. If any per.on not qualified to
I' vote in thi. Commonwealth agreeably to
law (except the *on* of qualified citizen.)
.hall appear at any (dace of eleetion for
the ptirpiwn of influencing the citizen*
qualified to vote, lie shall, on conviction,
! forfeit and pay any um not exc. eding
• ■lie hundred dollar* for every such of
j fense and he impri.otied for any term not
exceeding three month*.
! I also give official notice to the elector*
|of Centre county, that, hy an act entitled
I "Act Act further .upplciiicutal to the act
| relative to the election* of thi* Common
wealth, approved April 17tii, Ifit/U. il i*
provided a* follow*;
SKCTION 1. lir it rimrlnl Ay (fir Senate
and J Inline qf J{ejire>rntir*K of the (ton
moll wealth of Prnnnylrnnia in General
AaneinMy met, and it it hereby enacted by
the authority of the tame. That it shall be
the duty of each of the a**e**or* within
thi* Commonwealth, on the tlr*t Monday
in June, of each year, to take up the Iran
script he ha* received from tliu county
coimnU.ioiicr* under the eighth section of
the act of fifteenth April, eighteen hun
dred and thirty-four, nnd proceed to un
immediate revision of the same, hy strik
ing therefrom the name of every person
who i- known hy him to have died or re
moved since the lust previous uneouient
from the district of which he i* the asses
'.or, wlo.edinth or removal from the
.nine .mill he mad* known to him. alol 111
j mhl to (he .nine name of any qualified vo
ti-r, wfi-> -hall ha known by him t-> liavt
j ri niov t-d into the ili.trli't since the lud
previous asses.merit, or wlmaw removal in>
'to the -nine .hall he or -hall have beer
I made known lo him, and also tlie nainei
jof all who .hall make claim to him to In
qualified volar* therein A. soon a* the
I revision i eomjileted lie .hull every
dwelling In.u.e in hi. di.tli> I and inaki
.-arefill inquirv ot any per.on whose nami
I. oil the li.t. ha. died or removed In in hi
district, and if *o t to lake tin* -nine tlieti
iti m .-I whether any qualified sulci te
. iif e therein w he.a name i Dot on the .i-t
anil it -o, to aild the .ante thereto ; alol 11
nil ca.i ■ wliete a name >• add- d lo the li.
a tax shall foithw itli hi' d again,
tin* pt'i.oit ; and tlie a**e*.of .fiall, In al
ca.e. ascertain hy luquiry, upon wlm
arouml. th* per.i*n o MO>i...tttf claim* i>
he a voter I'pnn the i"Uiildt li< II of thi
work, it .hall lie the dutv of each'.o
a. afore.aid to pria eed |o make out a livt
in alphabetical order, of the while fiet
men, alios e twrnty-one year* of ego
clnio'iug Ut he iivinlilied voter-, in thi
WHrd, borough, town.hip or district o
which lie i. the, and u)i|.i|e |{
each of .aid name, .late whether saiit ft tw
in ati i. or i* not n housekeeper, and if In
i tii* iiiimlo-r ot hi. resilience, in town
where the same are numbered with tin
>tn 11, alley or court, in which situated
Mini It ill a tow il where there are [lio Hum
her., the name ot the .trcet, alley, o
i • Kit, i n v> hit h .aid iu u.e front* ; aUe
the r*c upatioii of the person; and v hct
he i. not a housekeeper, the occupation
place of hoarding, alid with whom, and l
working tor another, the name of the em
ploy or, and write opposite each of ai
lialur. the Word "Voter;" where any pel
.on claim, to vote hy reason of ituHiiuli/a
tion, lo- shall exhibit hi. crrtith ale llteren
to Ihe a>.e..or, utiles, he lias hull for fis
ism.i i-uti ve year, next proceeding a vole
o| -aid ilt.lth't ; and in all cases where tin
jit imil hu. hern naturalized, the nam
shall III' marked with the let er "N' ;
where the person ha. merely declared hi
intention to become a citizen, and de.ign
to he naturalized before the next election
the name .halt tie marked "li. 1. wlier
tin- claim i. to Vote hy reason of fteing be
tw eell (hit age. of tw ellty-onu alid twenty
l". M provided t>y law, the word ''age
•hall he entered ; and if the per.oli ha
toox-d info the election district to reilil.
Tim e the last general election, the lette
, "It .ball he 111 aceil opposite the linlHt
It .hall be the further duty of each ae>
k>r. a- afori-iuid. upon the Colii|>letioli ti
the ilutle. 111-rein ,UI|>O*IHI, to make out
separate li.t of all new assessment, load
hv him, and the amount, upon inch, ate
flitlii.h the same imiiicdl.vtely lo the cout:
ty colli mi.. ("Her., who .halt immedialel
add the liatue. to the duplicate, of th
ward, borough, town.hip, or district i
1 which itiey have heeli a.-ersed,
S.c 2. fin the li.t bring complete,l
and the assu-metiU made a. afon -aid, th
•ame .hall forthwith he returned to th
coil lily commissioners, who hall eau
dupllca'.e copie* of raid list., with the oh
•ervation. and extilanatiuns, required tub
noted and afori.aid. to he made out
rmn a. soon a. praelieahle, and placed ii
the hand* of the iin-uor, who .hall, priu
lo the Ist of Augu.l in each year, put on
' copy thereof on the door of, or oh th
liam.-t- where ll.c cln lion of the respectix
' di.trii t i- teuuired to he lleld, alid retai
' the other in hi. |so>*e..ioti, for the in.pec
' tion. free of clialge, of any person resided
ill .aid election district, who shall desire t
' .* the ..air ; and it .hall he the dot
of .aid assessor to add, from time to ttmv
1 on the persona! application of any on
1 claiming the right to Vote, the natur c
such claimant, and mark opposite th
' name V.," and .mmediatelv *..<
1 tutu with a lax, noting, a. in all o|h
' case., hi. occupation, residence, whether
' hoarder or houekee|>er; if a boardei
with whom lie board., and whether natur
I ahzi-d. or designing to be marked in al
1 can-, the letter., opposite th* name, "X
' or "|i. I. a. the case may be, if the pi-r
1 .on i-iaimilig to he lutSHvl bv naturtxli/' d
lie shall exhibit to the a..ei-r hi. Certifl
I catc of naturalization, and if he claim
I that he design* to he naturalized he for
1 the next rii'UUig election, ho .halt rvhihi
I the r rit lcate of hi. declaration or iiitei,
' tn-n ; in all rase, when- any ward, hoi
■ j ough. town.hip, or election district I. d
, vidrvt into two or uxor* precincts, the ai
' .Of shall liulu ill all ills a.rMlliclits, th
1 t election prvcifii t in which each elector rc
j side., and .liall make a separate retur
f fo* each to tho county commissioner-, i
• j all eor. in which a return i. required frui
hiut hy the prox i.ion* of tin. act ; and th
I ' county cotntili**iotiers makuig duplnat
copie. of all such return*, shall blaaodt
plicate copies of tho voter, in each pri
. ' cii.ct, sv-jiarately, and .hall furnish th
1 ? same lo the assessor ; and the copies n
- j 'liiircd hy tin. act to he placed on th
• tluo|. of. or on election places on or hi
lore the 1.l of August, in each year, sha
i- he j'Ucrd on the doer of, or on th* clt i
I tioh pis, ein each of said di.trict*.
r S*.c. 3 After tho a>-ssiuelit hax
f been completed, on the tenth dav preoeri
r ing th* second Tuesday in October in tb
r year, the assessor .hail, on the Mundu
f j immediately following, make a return I
' county commissioner* of lb* name* of a
> perscuis ..w-inl by him >iuro ihe retur
i- j required to he mad* hy him by th
r arc one* section of this act, noting oppusit
c each nam* the observation* and explain
L- lion* required lo l>e noted** A tore-rid :an
the county coniiuittionera .hall, titer,
I for*, cause the -ame to he added I
. the return required hy the section of til
I act. and a full and correct copy tbc-tcof I
> be made, containing the names of all )w
--sons so returned a. resident taxable* i
- .aid ward, borough, townships, or pri
I cincts, and furnish til* same, together wit
- the nei esary election blanks, to the it!
i err. of the election in said ward, boroug!
• township# or precinl* on or before six o
• cclock, in the morning of the secon
• Tiu-siUy in tk-tober ; arid no man thall I
> permitted to vote at tlie election on thi
r day whore nnme t* put on .aid list unh-<
f he shall make pnaif of hi* right to vole, i
t hereafter r quired.
i Szc 4 tin the day of e)(<clton any |wi
t son w hose name it not ou said list, an
I claiming the right lo vole at said electio
I shad pr- duce at lea*t one qualified vote
• ol the district at a witne.* to the reidenc
t of the claimant in the district in which h
• claim* to he a voter, for the |ierti>d of *
r lea.t lea day* next proceeding Mid el*c
tion. which wtines* .liall lake and uti
, scrilM- a written, or partly written an
Partly prinli-d affidavit to the fact stated t
him, which affidavit *hall define i-leari;
i where the residence i* of the person >
- claiming the right to vote shall also lak
and subscribe a written or partly writlc-i
. anil partly nrintcal affidavit slating, to th
bet of hi. knowledge and belief, wlier
and when he wa* horn ; that he t* a eiti
zen of tho commonw ?allh of Pcnn.ylva
nia and of the United Stale*; that he ba
' resided in the commonwealth one year ; o
if formerly a citizen therein, and ha. mov
ed therelrotn, that he ha* resided thereii
six in on t It- next precueding *aiu election
that he ha* not removed into the diatric
> fur the pur jaise of voting therein; that hi
! ha. |laid a slate ami county lax within tw,
year*, which was assessed at least ten day
? before said election, and if a naturalize,
? citizen, (hall al.o state when, where am
hy what court lie wa. naturalized, and nl
so produce hi* certificate of naturalizaliot
for examination ; the said affidavit *hul
al.o slate when and whore the tax claimet
to he paid hy th* affidavit was assessed
and when, where, and to whom paid; am
the lax receipt thereof shall he produce,
for examination, unless the affidavit slinl
-late ill hh- affidavit that it hu* been lost
or destroyed, or that he never received
any; but it tliu person so claiming tin
right to veto shall tuko and subscribe ai
affidavit, that lie if a native born cilizci
of the United Slates, (or if horn cUeyrhert
.hall state the fact in hi* affidavit, and
shall produce evidence that he ha. heel
naturalized, or lhatlie is entitled to|cilizcn
.hip hy reason of hi* fathers naturaliza
tion.) and shall further state in hi* affidav
it that ho is at the time of taking the afli
davit between the ages of 21 'ami 22 years,
that he h resided In the .late one year,
and in the elecli'm district ten day# nCxi
preceding uch election, he .hull he en
titled to vote, although lie shall not liavt
paid taxes; 'he .aid Hfildavit of all sucli
person making such claims, ami the affi
davit of the witnes* to their residence,
.hall be preserved by the election board,
and at Ihe close of tlie election thoy shall
be enclosed with the list'of voter*, tally
list ami other p*t>ers required by law to b
filed hy the re urn judge* with the pro
thonotary, and •linfl remain on the file
therewith in the prothonolary'*office, *ub
jeet to examination, a* other election
paper* are; if th** i lection officei* fiml thut
the applicant or applicant* po-se*. all the
legal qualification* of voter*, he or they
.hull t>e permitted to vote and tho name or
names .hall he added to the list of tax able.
i>y the election officers, the word "tax"
being added where the claimant claims to
vole on age; the same word, being ad ded
hy the clerk* in c*cli case respectively on
tliu list of person* voting at such elec
Hzt fi. It shall he lawful for any quali
fied ciligen of the di.trict, notwithstand
ing the naiqe of tlie proposed voter is
contained on the list of resident taxable*,
to challenge t|i vofp of sui Ii person,
whereupon the same proof of tfie right ot
niitfrage HS is now required hy law, shall
he publicly made and acted upon by the
election board, gntl tlio vote admitted for
rejected, according to tlie evidence; overv
per.on claiming to he u naturalized citi
zen .liall he required t" produce hi* natur
alization certificate nt tlie election before
voting, except where he ha* been for ten
tears cnmeeiilively, a voter ill the di.trict
in \i hich Ife oflj-rs io vote ; and on the vote
of such pcison being received, it shall be
the duty of the election officer to wiiteor
stani|i on such certificate the word 'voted,
with the month and year; arid ifauy dec'
tion officer or officer* shall receive a sec*
o.end volenti the MtiHt day hy virtue of the
-0 j •ante c< rtlttrate, excepting where .en- are
i- {entltli d to vole hy virtue of the nnturnli -1
e tion of their father*, they and the person*
• t i, ho aliall offer such second vole, upon .o
I* I offending shit 11 bo guilty of it high miado*
n I men nor, ami on eonvtetioii thereof, he
>*, filled or iiiiprUopinl, or hutli, at the die
in lion of tiie court; hut the fine shall not
i <-xc*i tl one hundred dollar* in each cat"
v nor the imprisonment one year; the like
le 1 punUhlueiit .hall he inllieled on eouvie
ie 1 tion, on the officer* of elect ion who .hall
i* I neglect or fofil.b to 111 ike or 1-inM* toll
e- tiiaile, the indor*emt-nt tequirrd a* afore,
e-t-aid, on .aid naliit aliz ithin eerllJieute.
1 Sl:i tl. If any chchtii ofih-.r .hall re
in I f\|i I or IP-gleet to require -tp-h |iro.f of
•I; •ulftage a* i* pieacrihed hy 11*le law, -r
*t (lie law* to Wrhn h thi* I* a upt*l'tio*iit,
II i front any inau < feting lo vote wlpxe
at' name I* not oil the li-t ol aaaea-ed Vot<**, or
10 *li light to vole i* etialleliged ht nliV
i* qualified Voter pre .'lit, and .hall u link
it' *uch peraoita lo vote wittieut requiring
t, j.Ut'll |ifn*f. every person .1 i*!ti luting hafl
e conviet toll, he guilty of a high mi*-
u, demeanor, ami .hall he sentenced, for
te every .licit offeli.e, t i pay a flilc of fl it ex
of feeding one handle,! dollar*, or to under
lie, go HII •inpri.otimeni not more than one
i' Von, or both at the di.etetioii of the
k* Court.
ii. Mie. 7 Ten day jiri-eeJiiig every -h-*j
ie thot for elector, of preaidcnt and N ice
I ; I'rn.ident of the t 'nlled Mate*, Il .hall he
II- the duty of the un wur to attend at the
or !plnee fixed hy law for holding llirrln-ti'iti
*J, Ilii.trlet, ulid then and thi-ie hear all appli
re j Cation* of pervoti* who have heen omiU"d
n, trout the ltt Jnf a.- 'ed voter., and who
il el lim the right to vote or who. right*
tt- have originated .ince the .atne wa. mule
id "ut, and .hall .how that lliey *n> entitled
t- to the right of.uffiagc intich dicirirt, on
a- , the per.otiul H|>|iliealtolt of the claittmHt
of only, and foithwitli awes* ihcm with the
ve proper tax After l ompleting tin- list, a
rr'copy thereof h*ll he plai ed on the door
ie of or I'll the house where the election i* to
ne jhe held, kt lea.t cigut day. before the
; ' | election ; mid al file election .halt he plir
ii*|.ued in all r<-*|iecta, a> U required bv thi.
lis act ami the B'l* P uhe ll il it a supple
n, ment, at the genrral election in Oiloln-r.
re The a.i -ors .hall al.o make the saiio- re*
e-1 turn to llio county cumnii*.ioiu-r* of all ne
y- j .e.sinenl. made hy virtue of thi* .eetioii ;
r and the county comiuiuioner. .hall furui-h
a* j eopn-s thereof to lie election ofliiel* ill
Is, leach dot int. in like tuaiuier, in nil
er | re.pecl., a* t rcquind at tlo- getierul eleiv
i. tion in • h-toher.
S.i The .ame rule, and regulaliiUi.
ol -hall apply al every Kpffial election, HIUI
a i every .iq>arnte city, borough, or ward
Je elected, in all re.|u-ct a* al the general
id j election ie tli-hibrr
n- SM. The rcpeetivo a-e.or-, in
lyj.po. lur* and judge* of the eleetion. shall
he, each have the power to admini.ter oath*
in jto at.y per.on* claiming the right to he
|a..eeii or the i iglit ef .uffrage, or in ri
grd to any 0110-r matter or thing requir
i*i to he anile or inquired into hv anv of
Uel.aid officer* under tin* act; and willful
•r fahe w earing hy any per.on ill relation
b- to any matter or thing concerning which
he tlu-y .hall he lawfully iiitorogfatrd hy any
a. of .aid officer., .hail he puitt.hcd a* per>
in jury.
or Sue, lo Tito .or. .hall each re
ne ceive the ame roiupaßMtion for the time
he j nen-**arily .|-ent in performing the duties
re! hereby enjoined, a. i. pro v 111 ol hy taw for
in I tin-|>crfortuanco of their other liutiea, to
a*-1 he put.l hy the county commt.ioner* . in
nt' other cn.e. ; and it shall not lie lawful lor
tojiine a*.c*.or to a>.cM a tax jtret-eeiiing the
ty el eCtiiHi ti he held otl the *evond Tuesday
te, ut October in any year, or w iihiii ten day.
lie ; next before anv election for elector* of
ol President and \ ice i're.ident of the I iti
he j ted Slate*; an y violation of thi* nrori.ion
■* .hall he a misdemeanor, ami .uhject the
er officer, so offending to a fine, on coltvic
raj lion, not exceeding one hundred dollar*,
•r, orb' impriinnmeni. nut exeeeding three
r- i moiit!.*, or both, at tho durrclinli of the
• II j court
j Sk . 11. tin the petition of live or loote
>r- j citizen* of the county .fating under oatli
d.'tl,al they verily belter* that !raud will
0 ihe practieed at the election about to he
ii* held in any distri- t, it .hall he the duty of
If the court of common plea, of .aid county,
it I if ill session, or if not. a judge ia vacation,
b-1 to appoint two judicious. oher and itilel
•r-1 ligent citia.n* of the county I" acj a* ov
-11-jerscc- who .hall ho selected frotn differ-
IS- lent political |-artie where the in.jMK-tor*
he! belong to difl'ercnt partici, and where both
e iof .aiil in*ie|i,r belong to the *me
rn j iMilittcol party, both of the ox eraser* shall
ir he taken from the oj>pu*ile poiipcai party:
ut) .aid "V cieer- shall have the right to he
be present with the officer- of the election,
>t<- during the whole time the same i* held,
u- the vote, counted and the return* made
re- out and -igned hy the election officer., to
be keep a list of votes, if thev a* proper | I"
re- ebaflonge any pet-eon <>||Wing to Vote, and
hi u>,iutrrrogate iuitt and hi* wiine** undci
>c oath, in regard to hi* right of suffrage at
>1! said fiction, and to examine hi. papers
c produced ; and the officer* of said election
are required to said overseer* an
ve (elected and api>'nnte<l every conveni
•d- clire and fai-iltlv for the discharge of
tii. I heir duties ; if said election officer* shall
ay! nfuse t<> peimtt .ei overseer* lo hu pro
to lent, and perform their duties a. afiTiwaid,
all, or if they 'hall le away from the
rn ' poll* hy violence and intimidation, all th
he vote* polled at >ueh election district may
ile(hc rejected by any tribunal trying to col
la- i teat under .aid election : l*n>t nlcd, thai
nd no jierMiu signing a |>etition shall l> *p
ro-1 pointed a* overseer.
b>! Stc. 12 If any prothonolary, clerk. >rth
bis deputy of either, or any |u-rson, shall af
tc fix the sea! of uffii-e to any naluralizatioii
i-r- • jiajier, or jK-rniit the same to be given out,
injur cause or permit the .ame to he giVi-n
e- uul in blank, whereby it may be fraudu
itti' Ivntl v used, or furni.h a naturalization
ffi-: certificate to any jx-non who shall not
[h, have been duly examined and sworn in
o'- open court, in the presence of some of the
nd judge thereof, according to act of Con
be gre.s, or shall yid in, connive, or in any
ml way permit the tasuo f any frauuulent
e*. naturalization certificate, he shall beguil
a. ty of a high misdemeanor; or if any one
siiall fraudulently u*e any such certificate
r of naturalization, k row tog that il was
mi fraudulently, or .hall vote, or attempt
on to vote thereon, o* if any one .hall vote or
ier 1 attempt to Vote on any certificate of natur
ce ' ali/.ation not is-tted lo him, he .hall be
lie guilty ot a high misdemeanor: and cither
at >r any of the jter.on*, their aiders or nhct
>c- ;•**, guilty ef cither of the misdemeanor,
b- aforesaid, shall, on conviction, be lined in
nd a sum not excelling one tliousaml dollar*,
U> and irapriaoned in tlie pro|er penitentiary
ly for a perioil not exceeding thn*e year*,
m! Sx<- IS Anv person who en oath or af
ke lirmation. in or before any court of thi*
i-n State, or officer authorized to administer
be oath* hall, t< procure a certificate of
re naturalization, for himclf or any other
li- person, willfully depose; declare or affirm
a- anv matter to to- fact, knowing the *amr
a. to! Ie false, .hall in like manner deny any
ur matter to he fact knowing the same to he
v- deemed guilty of perjury ; and any certifl
in catc of naturalization i*ue I in jiurzuancc
1 ; of any suoh ili.posit ion. declaration or
ct affirmation, .hall be null and void ; and
ie it shall he tlio duty of the court issuing
ro tlie name u|n proof being made before if.
rs that if wa* fraudulently olilained to lake
■d immediafe measure, for recalling the fame
id for cam ellation, and any person who ell nil
I- ; v>le or attempt to vote, on any paper so
in obtained, or w!io*hall in any way nid in.
11 connive at, or have an agency in the issue
al 1 circulation or u*e of any fraudulent natur
-1,! lization certificates, shall he deemed guil
•ijty of misdemeanor; nnJ upon conviction
-i'thercot .hnll undergo jati imprisonment
II in the penitentiarv for not more than two
>t years, and pav a tine not more than one
d "thousand dollar*, for every surh offense,
ie or either or both at the discretion of the
n court.
>n Szc. 1-1. An si tiir, election officer or?
rc per.on appointed a. an overseer, who shall
id I neglect or refuse to perform any duty en
in joined hy lni*aet vntliout reasonable or
i- legal ruii.e -hall he .uhject to a penalty of
. one hundred dollar*, ami it any n(se.or
t- .hall *.*<•■* any person a* a voter who i
1- not qualified, he shall be guilty
s, iiieatior in office, ami or. conviction he
r, punished by fine or impri-onmenl, and al
(t so he subject to an action fur damage.- hy
i- the party aggrieved ; and if any person
•e shall fraudulently alter, add to, deface or j
h destroy, anv li.tof vote# made onl a* di '
I- reeled hy this ait. or tcur down or remove
r, the .ante from the place it tin. heen fixed.;
I, with fraudulent or mischievous intent or l
II for any improper |urpoee the person* so?
y offcniling .liall he guilty of a high mis 'e
n' nteanor, and on conviction .liall he punish
i- ed by a fine not exceeding one hundred!
c dollars, or imprisonment not exccedi- .:!
>. two year*, or both ut the di.ctelioit jf th<
n court.
Str. 10. All e'ectioii. fur city, leirough*.
ward*, townships, HII<I election officer,
-liall hereafter he held on the -.-pond
Tueday of (letoher, subject to all provi
sion. ol the law. regulating the election of
such officer, l ot inconsistent with this act;
the per.on* elected to such office* at that
lime shall take their place* nt the expira
tion of the term* of the person* holding the
same nt the time of such election ; hut no
election for the office of assessor* or assist
ant 'is.cs.or shall he held under this net
until the year one thousand eight hundred
and seventy.
BKC. 10. At all election* hereafter under
the 'aw* of the Commonwealth, the poll*
shall be opened between tho hour* of six
an J.even o'clock, a in , nnd c|o*e at sev
en o'clock, p. m.
| Szc. 17. it shall hotheduty uf tho soer.'tu
ry of the Commonwealth to prepare form*
lor all the blank* made necessary by thi*
act, and furnish copie* of the *amu to the
county coinmisrior.era <>f the several coun
ties <>( flic Commonwealth ; ami
the coin mi-sinner* of each pounQ
thull a* soon as neces ary, after receipt o
ihe .-ame, at the proper expense of
the county, procure HI.J fumi-h to all
election officers of Ihe election district* ofl
their respective counties copies ot such
blanks, us may be rendered necessary lor
the (fischargu of their duties under this
• j act.
Szc IH Th it the citizen* of thi* ritats
(Kiupor .ri! y In the eitis i • of the State ol
- o| the United State* govi . nui- iit, on der
< ieal or other dutv, and who do not voti
where (hu. employed, shall hot he therebj
deprived of the right to vote in their sever
al election di.trit t* if otherwise duly quail
! filed
Amendment i<i (Ifttiztiltiliuti. U. ri.
Hzit, | The right of citizens of the Unl
j ted Mute, io v ote .hull la* lot denied oi
abridged by aiiy'ritale, on uei nttnl of race
actor, or previous condition of servitude
I'ir.t ami Second Km tion of flic, Acl
uf ('oligrivs of March >'il. IM'O,
fj Szc. I. lie it enacted by the Hecate ant
1? House Af Jieprr.elitat lV es of the I'nifet
•-l ile. of Amrric* io I'ougve.s assembled
■ flint all citizen* of the United Stat •, win
i j are, or shall lie otherwise qualified hy lav
i ■' lo Vide At aBV election l,i this people, it
' any Slate, Territorial sub-division, stiat
„• he *-l*4it l*ii and allowed lo vote at all suet
I eiection* without distinction of race, color
■ or previtu> condition of tcrviiude; nj
i C"n*liluiton, law.'cusfiNti, ii.uage or rrgu
- latliin of any Kuie or Territory, or by. oi
• under it* authority, to the contrary not
el whhstznding
•- SEC, 2 And he it ftirtlirr eit acted, tha
if Ity or under the authority of the ('on*lt
■ tutton or law* of any Mate or law* of anj
>- territory, any ail .liall he required to le
-' dune it* a prerequisite or qualification foi
- vi tii'g, h nd |,v .ueh Constitution r law
i person* or officer* are or .hall bo charged
- .with the performance ot duties kit furni.h
I ling to citizen, an opisortutiity t |>erf..rn
o uch prerequisite ami to b ome qualified
!• VAM, without duunciion of race, color
- or prevtou* cottdilion of .crcitude ; and i
J any .uclt perout or officer .liall refuse oi
>! Knowingly fintil fo give full elfii-110 thii
it section, he shall, f>r every such offense
•* forfeit ami py the sum of dve huudrei
dollar* to the ptsw aggrieved thereby t<
rjha iwccvAred hy an action on the rase
0 with full t t*U, ami such allowance fo
1 counsel lees at tho court shall deem just
• ntid shall u!o, f„r every such offense, t>-
i. deemed guilty i f mi'detiicniiwr, and ltal
■* >in conviction thereof, be deemed guilty o
r.! misdemeanor, shall on conviction thereof
•■ihe fined not I us* than flvrhundred dollar*
>- or he imprisoned not le*. than one year, o
. both at the discretion of the court,
b 11. F. SHAFPKK,
n Sejit I I-IK7'I Khenfl
l! _
' I
- A .
ii j ,
v j
at the
NO. .1. ARt &UK.
I'rii-ca Lee* than it any Other Khtx
, Ssoro in (.Vutre County.
> Call and See lis !
No. •",** Area le, llellcfoule.
; J ulv I'.nf.
II 1
Has just ri-. rived a large invoice of
• Spring Goads !
Consisting of the bo.l assortment of
If It ESS G<K)I)S,
ni HOOTS A SiloKS.
H AT.sjt CAW
n ever brought to Potter twp.
Also, a large assortment of
: CAUP E T S !
[. j ,S4r Produce taken in oxchange at higbe*
c: market nrieov
el A. W. GRAFF,
is! mvtt-ly.
>l, ~
r ' _
I Next xloor to \S ilaon A Hicka' Hard
a ware nlure, Allegheny Hi.,
R. F. Rankin & Co.,
r (Successor. t<> Linn -V Wilson.)
for purpose*.
Ai*o, Choice
nnd all other article* it.tiil'y hept in first
cla- Drug Store.
if.Hun* It F RANKIN A 00.
NttvvC'lufhiiig Store
engaged to maiiaga for 1 L. Reizens in,
in the corner building, opposite Hotter'#
-tore, Hcllefoiile, ha* e.lahli-lted a new
Clothing Store where the bet bargain* in
the county arc offered.
$7.50 to sls Tor Suits of tho fln
ost Cassimere.
and a full and complete aszortment of ev
ery thing in the lino of Clothing.
(icnl'M FiiriiUliing Uoutla
nil directly from their own manufactory.
Jowrlry, IValrhra, Ac,
They have ciigugei) their old clerk, Mr
A. Sternberg, m well known to the people,
and who will he pleased to see nis old
friends. apStf.
Piece good* of every di-eription, sold
low-to enable everybody to have his cloth
in gmzdo to order.
Be lief onto, Pa.
j- K ■"•d Cigar* fr... CcU
; While sugars per jMund IM*
! Demnrara iig*r per |M>und „..IBeta
Kiocogee — 26ct<
I Abii.'Lie* brownoeflVe per pound... ..HOeU
• flwl washing *up per pound...6, 7 A Sets
; He t stan-h fer pound lOct*
| liest bright Navy tobacco per pound.AOcU
Best lllack Naiy tobacco
• " double thick and bright and black UcU
Fine cut chewing tobacco per pound-lOcta
IJe*t sugar-cored Ham* per pound..„..l7cti
No. 1 black (erpper per pound .SOcts
MoUoui per ga110n....... GGets
Large sine dairy Hall per *ack...„.. w ..|&cU
1 Multnts per gallon tPrti
1 Coal oil in 6 gal. loUSieU. j r gallon best
'j article.
Mackerel without beads and ail kind of
I mackerel and Herring at city pricee.
, Dibble x x White drips dOets per gal
' lon, in u gallon lots nets a gallon lass.
, j KjOU other article* too numerous to men.
It*** heavy shorn
fat ht,A> jier pair They ha t th. !,,,
. and cheapest slock of go-als ever nffrtmd to
, the public. Ifyouwantto
opiaisite the Ruth House. All kiadt of
whole |nckage< at Ins. prices.
No G BrockeihoflT Rnw, Hcllefonte.Pa
l**rfnunTj , I hiic) Ueads Strl
Pure Wines and Liquor* for medical
purpose* always kcpC may SI. TL
5 llellefonte. Pa., 2
■£ (Hucceeeor* to inwin * WILAOX.,) >
r~ Respectfully inform the ritiaaa* ot ft
: h Centre and other- counties, that they *
, < have one of the largest and beat *e
- lectcd stock of Hardware to he found, ~
consisting of Iron, Hteel, Nails,
g. Horse Hhoc*. Axels, Spring Wagon
+ nkein* and Boxes, Complete stock of K
> i-arpenter bails and builders hard- ft
- ware, locks, oils, paints, glass, var- ®
"2 'ushas, brushes, cucumber pnmp* and "
< tubing. Lsuif, af alt kinds, scales, Z
— 1 cutlery, 2|
Full line of saddlery and coach ma
ker* goods, wood work fur buggies
. and wagons, ploughs, harrows, cuiti
•J valor* and grindstones. Looking H
H glasses and mirror plate*. Picture *
y frame* made to order. Thsy also "
J have the celebrated cook stove,
* every one warranted to give perfect
f" Mitisfaction All kind* of parlor
„ stove*. We are determined to sell 5
< at the lowest price* for cash, or on Z
im kbort credit-not to exceed three g;
months. Call and see u>, as we take
x ; pleasure in .bowing our goods.
, tiiarlotf. Bellefonte. Pa. x
I - >
< ?
I HOOK mklow Horriea's
Dealer in
Parlor and Chamber Seta,
Particular .'ittcntion to Ordered Work,
In All Its Branches,
Always on Hand, and Funerals Attended
Will an Elegant Hearse. apfitt
Stoves! Fire! Stov's!
• I
At Andy Keesmau's, Centre Hell, are
latest and best stove* out, he has just
received a large lot of
Cook Stovea, the Pioneer Cook,
the Eclipse Cook,
the Reliance Cook.
PARLORS-The Radiant Light, self-fee
-1 der, Ga* Burner, National Egg,
Jewell, Ac.
i.V.lli' sell* stove* a* Lo\V as anywhere
in Mifflin or Centre co.
The undersigned hereby informs the
j cilixens of i'eiinsvaliey that ne ha* par
- based the Tinshop heretofore earned oa
Iby the C. 11. Mfg Co., and wilt continue
1 the same, at the idd stand, in all its branch
i-s, in the manufacture of
All kinds of repairing done. He has
Fruit Cans, of all Sixes,
All work wsrranted and charges reason->
able. A share of the public patronage so-;
licited. AND. RKKSMAN,
2*ep7oy Centre Hall
A new and 'complete Hardware Store
has been opened by the undersigaed in
lirockerbofT* new building—where they
are prepared to sell all kinds f Building
and House Furnishing Hardware, Iron,
Steel. Nails.
Ituvvv wheel* in setts. Champion
1 Clothe* tVringer, Mill Saws, Circular and
Hand Saw*. Tennon Saws, Webb Saws, 1
Ice Cream Kreexer*. Bath Tub*, Clothes
Hacks, H full assortment of Glass and
Mirrt-r Plate of all sixes. Picture Frame*, '
. Wheelbarrow*. Lamp*. Coal Oil Lamps,
lleltitig, Sitokes, helloes, and Hubs. J
! Plows, Cultivators, Corn Plows, Plow '
| Points. Shear Mold Boards and Cultiva
| lor Teeth, table Cutlery, 'Shovels, Spade*
and Forks, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Sash
; Springs, Horse-Shoe*, Nails, Norway
1 Hods, Oils, Lard, Lubricating, Coal,
Linseed, Tanners, Anvils, V ices, Bel lows.
Screw Plate*. Blacksmith# Tools, Factory
Bells, Tea Be'ls, Grindstones, Carpenter ]
Tools, Fruit Jars and Cans, Paint, Dils,
Varnishes received and for sale at
juneo 08-tf. JA J. HARRIS. ,
. The Public Examination of Teach
er# for the various districts, will be held as
fallows :
Milesburg & Bogr*— Millerburff, Mon
day 29.
Howard A Gurtin—Howard, Tuesday BQ.
Liberty—Eajrlevllle—Wednesday Octo
ber 1.
Taylor & Worth—Port Matilda, Thurs
day Oct 2d. -
Huston—Julian Furnace, Friday Oct S.
llnionville Oc Union—Union ville, Sat
urdaj*, Oct. 4.
Spring—Valentine's school bouse Mon
djv Oct (}.
Teachers should attend the examination
in th<-district where tt]ey expect to teach
and come provided with patter, pen and
ink, Al! interested are cordially invited
to attend. Examinations to beam at 9 o'-
clock, A. M.
aug 28. 1 Co. Sjipt I
* On* iMiptmt CMMHfdMk
Cars C atarrh.
CM* AAliafc
* OA* Heart DHf.
Cars Mkla DHewsea.
Regulate the Llffr.
Regulate the Mtmneli and Bdnrffit
Can afl Fmmlm Wealtw-WNNi.
Purify A* BtowL >
Cm* Dra** of tlx* Hr—l,
Can BrawWth.
a { Cure >Br CoM,V"lljrrwe'
,[ Cm* I.Nt Wtraw*.
C*l ( Ml.fllKtUML
Carr nM Itfcenm.
Cin lildlwy Diaeanc*.
1 IW*t flwtmt A Tel tow Fever
h*TMt NalariMi Frverw.
Bran* Pnla in ikf Brnut.
lUwww Pair* in the Wdf m Bwt.
An a Hujx-rior Twilf.
K Bntun the Aptxtllr.
Chw th> I'mI t OtgrM.
Bmmc •;V '.Froliuml lit Lit ate*
: Dr.OABViv.4 T ; t i:r: troiis
J Give IWr le % .*r bywtcrn.
I Lr.KV.3I
g . it cnt.fKj nv.UA
" J5 Vl'< • ■ " . trie,
t Iftdac.TTfr
1 Shortlidge & Co..
j Bellefonte Lime Quarries,
2 The only Manufacturer* of Lime, burnt
* exclusively with wood, in Cent**!
* Penary 1* ania. '
- Anthracite Cool,
* White Lime.
Z Do Pool'f Powder,
* Sporting and Blast irg Powder on
~ baud,
- Fom tor Blasting,
- Fire Brick,
J Ground Fire Ciar, ,
■s. Fertiliaerr,
f Implement*.
Off* acd yard near South end of the $
Bald Kagle Valley Railroad Depot, Belle,
feate. Pa. jaaWLT*
YB DUMPS HoTKL. Corner of Third
and Cbetaoi Street, MiSinburg, Pa.
John Showm, Proprietor,
lu Central Location make* it particularly
detirahle to persons visiting Towa on
business or ataasurw.
, I U. A. Taylor"• Lirery Attached.
Kj unpH ly
C. F. Herlacber N. Croumtlier.
r t s a a i ra h
v or
With to infotu the eitiaeus of Potter
thai they hare opened an entire new
Mock of good* in their old quarter*, and
D will keep cMMutly on hand n full and
{ good assortment of
consisting of
. Poplin*,
* Lustre*,
and all other kinds of
Bill line of
Hate A Cap*, Boot* it* Shoe*
MtC. pjc Pic..
> All of which we offer at greatly reduced
, Highest price* paid for country produce.
By strict attention to business we hope to
, merit and receire the patronage or the
P public
at his establishment at Centre Hall, keeps
on hand, and tor sale, at the most reansna
ble rate*.
4t Spring Wagons,
and vehicle* of every description made to
order, and warranted to be made of the
best seasoned material, and by the most
skilled and competent workmen. Person,
wanting anything in his line are requested
{> call and examine his work, they will
M it not to be excelled for durability and
wear. maymf.
Will attend to administering Oaths, Ac
knowleigenqent of Deeds. 4e, writing
tide* of Afrqemeftt, Deeds, Ac, may 115
Gift & Flqry's
New Shoe Store !
They h*Yo now opened, and will petulant
ly keep on hand, a splendid stock of new
men, women and children, torn the be*t
rnaßiittrMrlff* in the coqntrr, and now °f*
Lowest Prices,
BOOTS and SHOES made to order, upon
•hort notice They invite tbw people of
this vicinity to give them a call, a* they
will strive to merit a shareof their n
rpnage. mylfltf