Farm, Harden and Household. Itrwtna la Warming, Though a man adds something each year to Bis bank account it doea not tollonr. as a matter of course, that he is a gilm farmer. The annual surplus may represent a woru-out wife, sons prematurely old from excessive labor, and land so impoverished that a long , period of generous and costly tillage will be required to restore its wasted worth. There is a large class of farmers who despise alike book learning and book farming. Thev pride themselves in do ing just as their fathers and grandfath ers. generations back, have done. Theii cattle resemble Pharaoh's lean kinc, and their piga are fit companions for ! thoif pattl* Thia class is almost always poor and in debt; ill luck is with thorn a perpetual and life-long complaint, Tlicy are to bo pitied and if possible aroused to a better mode of life. Another class of farmers, and among them are some of our noblest citiaena, satisfied that their fathers have not pur i imeil the beat modes of culture, are i making praiseworthy efforts to improve- i men to. They are the men who origin*** and support our Fanners" Clubs ; who i get up and attend Farmers' Oouven- : ] tions, who read and pay for Agricul tural papers, and who are supporters of 1 1 County and State Fairs. They would , be right if they only knew exactly which way is the right one, but the knowledge thev derive from their journals is ao im perfect, the peculiarities of their soil, i climate, and circumstances, are such that they must depend on their own knowledge and judgment in directing i the management of their affairs. The great want of these men ia a thorough knowledge of their soil, its capabilities, its adaptation to different crops, the ' kind, quantities, qualities of manure, , best suited to the various crops, and the best modes of cultivating them ; the i kinds of stock beat adapted to different j localities, the beat methods of draining off surplus water in a very wet season, i and of protecting crops from injury by 1 drouth in a very dry one. Whcu this knowledge is attained the farmer will not plant a field with wheat that shiinld j 1 liato corn planted in it, or seed down j to grass, when plowed crops, well > ] manured for two or three rears, would ! be Utter. He will not buy Short-Horus when Ayrshire* or Jerseys are what he really needs. Ho will know just how < to improve his breeds of sheen and 1 hogs ; just what fruits will flourish best < on his soil and in his locality, and iu I' general be relieved from all guess work in his decisions as to his most judicious course. Though we are manifestly im proving iu the science of cultivation, ! not a year posses that we may uot count up mistakes,, and sometimes they are serious ones. Lost season was, ou the whole, the most profitable one that I ever had, yet my guessing wrong in one matter cost me same hundreds of dal- ' lars, and in another point where I came verv near guessing wrong, but did final ly decide right, the mistake, if I had mode it, would have cost me over a thousand dollars.— L. F. L.,JCtnyt Cb., a: r. Swtae Breeding. Prof. 0. W. Jones, in the Farmers' , Home Journal says: "For the health of f swine, I have counted the following con dition essential: Abundant, nutritions, and varied food at regular intervals. % Comfortable shelter from rains, hot suns and cold winds. Pure water and pure air. Access to fresh earth. Exercise and sunshine. Which of these conditions is most im portant, I do not know, bat I am sure that failure in any one of them will work mischief. I have myself carefully at tended to them all, and so far have no sickness, no sows to die in farrowing, no sown to eat their young, no broken down foot joints, no barrenness; but as I look about among my neighbors, I see frequent failures. One gentleman has recently lost forty-five ont of forty-eight' Eiga, mostly at three to five weeks old. 'pon examination, I found they were confined in small floored pens, with no 0001*08 to the ground; other pigs near by which ran ont. but received the same treatment otherwise, were doing well. I believe fresh earth would have helped \ them. Another gentleman has his pigs stinted; they are in a small lot, with in sufficient shelter and are fed mainly on corn-meal. A large range, better shelt er and greater variety of food would save them." XVbat the Farmer Slut Know. The farmer, like the business man, must know what he is doing ; he most have some prettv decided ideas of what he is to accomplish—in fact, he must calculate it before hand. He most know his soil—that of each sort; not only the top, but the sub soil. He mast also know what grain and grass are adapted to each. He most know when is the best time to work them, whether they need sum mer fallowing. He must know the condition in which the ground must be when plowed, so * that it be not too wet nor too dry. He must know that some grain re quires earlier sowing than others, and what these grains are. He must know that it will pay to havs machinery to help him as'well as muscle. He must know about stock and man ures, and the cultivation of trees and small fraits, and many other things. In a word, he must know what experi enced, observing farmers know, to be sure of suocess. Then he will not guess —will not run such risks. Cr for Colic In Horace and Holes. To cure eolic in the ordinary medical way, ths Stock Journal says, you can Srepare a good " colic drench " thus : ake tincture of opium, one ounce; sulphuric ether, half an ounce; mix with a pint of tepid water. If neces sary, repeat in half an hour. A much better way to relieve the horse is the application of a fomenting bandage to the abdomen. In winter wet a woolen blanket with hot water, wring it slightly, and apply to the abdomen, bring the ends up over tbs back and fasten. If the weather be very cold, put a dry blanket over this to keep it from cool ing too fast. In the rammer apply a blanket wet in cool water. This foment ing blanket will relieve the horse in a few minutes, by determining internal heat to the surface. We have found in summer almost instant relief to the horse from lying down in the water. Harness Polish. The Carriage Journal gives the fol lowing mixture for harness polish, viz.; 5 pounds of stearine, 7j pounds of oil of turpentine, and one ounce of bone black. The stearine is beaten, cut into tlrin sheets, the oil of turpentine is then poured over it and incorporated with it; the mass is then melted in a water bath (a vessel surrounded with hot water) and while liquid the bone black is stir red into it. It is then allowed to cool, being well stirred until cold. In using it a small portion is pat on a thick wool en cloth, and rubbed on the leather; after standing an hour or two a fine polish is obtained by rubbing with an old silk handkerchief. By this polish an old harness may be made to look al most equal to new. Bod For The Bugs. The method of preparing the lime and carbolic acid powder for the cab bage wotm is as follows: "Take lime and water in the proportion of 28 pounds of lime to 9 pounds (or pints) of water (any less quantities in the same propor tion) whan the lime is fresh. Mix one onnoe of solution of carbolio acid as sold in the drag stores (20 parts of wa ter to 1 of crystallized acid) to every quart of water. Poor the water ana acid npon the lime ia a pail, by which it will fall to pieces and become re duced to a fine powder. This powder is known as carbolate of lime, and is a very good remedy against almost every insect pest, especially the cabbage worm, squash bugs of all sorts, and the striped cucumber bog. The dying words of a Delaware wo man were : " Henry, if you ever marry again, remember that it only takes a cupful of sugar to sweeten a quart of gooseberries." KITTY BIiAKK. One bitterly odd night in the Feb ruary of 1872, 1 quitted my comfortable study for the purpose of eneoonsing myself behind a white tie, ami of en eating my person in tit,we stereotyped sable garments which cry, " Open, scskme," st the portals of seiety. My friends, the Wilkin*, were indulg ing in a tit of insanity, and the attack, which in the commencement promised to l>e of a somewhat mild form, gradual ly assumed graver symptoms, until it culminates! iu a tremendous ball. Vain ly I pleaded a noecasity for reading up a case with which the eminent firm of Tester ltulsomo had entrusted me. Vaiuly I declared to Wilkin, upon the honor of a man and a brother, that 1 was "out of that sort of thing;" and that I wax only rnxal for the mahogany ; he didn't, or rather wouldn't see it, and witli a sense of bitter injury at niv heart, and an unmistakable sense of frost at the tip of my nose and my ex tremities gene rally, 1 pulled myself together, dressed hurriedly, and arrived at Barley street iu a humor the verv reverse of amiable, and with the full determination of merely showing myself to Mrs. Wilkin, imbibing a glass of sherry, and getting back to resume the perusal of a uovel. The crush had uot as yet Ixvui well tprned my ascent to the drawiug rooms was no Verv ditlicult task. I'pon the lobby Mrs. YVilkiu was standing, behind a huge bouquet which com manded the staircase like a great floral gun; and Wilkin was prowling in the immediate vicinity, with the air of a man who hail succeeded iu losing half a sovereign, and wa engaged in look tug for it an though he Wanted it very badlv indeed. " Xh, Mr. Brookley I I'm so glad that .vow have conic. Freddy told me you were doubtful—*ll clever men are, but vow know I always believe iu you, and I look tovowr aid to make this lit tle affair go off well." J groaned fit spirit. Thia meant stopping uutil the candles were snuffed ont—until the tallow-faced greengrocer* were paid off—until the milkman or rived at the area railings, and until I should be jibed by disappointed cab bies as "the cove as was a-playm' the pianner." "Bv the way, Brookley, there's a little Irish girl'stopping here, a Miss Blake. Come, and I'll introduce yon as a friend o' mine," observed Wilkin, dragging me towards a mass of tulle illusion surmounted by a bunch of white flowers. Now, any Irish girls whom I had hitherto been fortunate enough to meet had, somehow or other, been always too much for me. If I wax blase, they were saucy. If I was degagr, they were sentimental. If I was learned, they were blissfully and gushingly ig norant. I had been invariably foiled, and my piost skilful fencing went for nothing. I had not been able to score a palpable hit under any circumstances whateoever. I held bock much after the fashion of a dog being led to corporal punish ment through the medium of a collar and string— bowed a grim, ungainly bow, and proceeded to fiddle with the buttons of a pair of soiled, bulgy glove*, and to glare in every direction save that supposed to be occupied by Mrs. Wil kin's Hibernian guest. At this juncture an attenuated, wax en-looking. half-fed artist, hung in chains, and clod in g-.umenta shining with grease aud threadbare from age, proceeded to pound away upon the piono, aided and abetted bv a pndgey man, who appeared to be blowing his whole person into a battered cornopean; and another conspirator, who discharged his duties to society and to Wilkin by dolefully scraping upon a violincello. " This ia our quadrille," exclaimed a very sweet voice at my elbow, with just a touch of the brogue pervading it like a perfume, and a soft little hand pu.eed itself confidingly upon my arm. I had not asked her to dance—she had evi dently token it for granted. Would I say that I hail never danoed ? that I hod sprained my foot ? or invent some patent and plausible excuse? No fit would not be fair to mine hostess, ao I sullenly resigned myself to ev fate. "This is my first visit to London," chirped Mia* Blake. " Oh, indeed !" " I five in the wilds of Connemara." " I wish you were there just now," was my inner thought "It's the wildest place on the face of the earth, and the lowliest—but won't you secure a rie-a-ri* ?' I compounded with a pink-fac d youth who was in talous of a tali, lean, vulture-like woman, to faoe me in the forthcoming melancholy ceremonv, and to assist in carrying out its sad solemni ties in all their funeral details. "Have vou ever visited Ireland, Mr. Brookley?" asked Miss Blake, at the oonrulsion of the first figure. " I should think not. Ireland is a wretched mistake." The moment the words escaped from my lips, I could have parted with a good deal of ready money to have been enabled to draw them back again. They were childish, rude, ungentleman like, and I turned to ber to apologize. The hot flush was upon her cheek, the little hands were clinched until the f loves threatened to "burst up," and er flashing eyes met mine as she hotly retorted—"You must be an English boor to say so." The pas seul commenced, and, to use a stags phrase, Miss Blake " went on. What a charming figure ! What an elegant turn of the head ! What grace in every movement! I had committed a blunder, and IJeU it. She went through the entire figure alone. She would not deign to take— to touch my outstretched hand. I had no words at will to cudgel into a proper form of apology, and I was bewildered by her beauty. Lovely blue eyes, with sweeping bine black lashes; a dainty little r.ose, with a rosebud mouth, and teeth like muffled diamonds ; raliant brown hair in mas sive plaits—and her expreaaion ! A.v de mi Albania ! We did not speak daring the quad rille. The pink-faced youth—confound hie impudence— struck up an acquaint anceship with her, and treated the vul ture-looking woman badly. I felt inclined to hurl him at his partner, im pale him upon ber none, and rush fran tically from the house. The charming disdain with which I was treated by Miss Blake, rendered mo more miser able, and it was only when the laws of society compelled her, at the conclusion of the dance, to toko my arm, in order to be conducted to the place whence she came, that I ventured to exclaim—" I implore of you to forgive me—l did not know what I was saying— l am worse than a boor. Hear me for one moment;" and in a few eager words I honestly re vealed to her the irritated and inflamed condition of ray mind, upon finding myself stranded in a scene ao utterly at variance with mv mood, and compelled, as it were, to drink the bittor cup to the uttermost dregs. My pleadings were full of the redeem ing influence of earnestness, and I suc ceeded in achieving her forgiveness. She danced with me again and again. I saw the candles snuffed out, beheld the tallow-faced greengrocer paid off, met the morning milk without flinching,and returned the playful banter of the cab bies in a mood so utterly different from that which I had pictured to myself a few short hours previously, that— Pshaw ! who can control the inner mechanism of the heart ? I • • * • • One gtorions morning in August last found me seated beside the driver of one of Bianconi's long ears which travel between Westport and Clifden, and, as a consequence, through the heart of the wildest and most picturesque scenery in Connemara. I had, amongst other vows, registered one that, as soon as circumstances would permit, I would undertake a pilgrimage to Boljolderan to the shrine of Miss Katherine, alias Kitty Blake. It is unnecessary for me to state that I had many reasons to urge me to take this excursion, and that I had one in particular; in fact, my heart had, somehow or other, slipped from be neath my waistcoat—had traveled, in company with Miss Blake, to her moun tain h.mie; ami it wan with a view of recovering it, ami of taking the young lady in question in 'the bargain, if my lurk was p, tliat 1 waa now perched high in air, behind a pair of " roaring gimlets," and jogging along the road way skirting that desolate hut romantic inlet ef the Atlantic ki own as Killerm. In a happv moment I negotiated with the driver. I'lul Demjmey, for posses sion of the box-eeat, and aliuoet ere we had quitted the town of Weetixirt. 1 had come on close, if not eonthlential, terms with that worthysou of the whip. PJjil in a crooked, hard-featured aen tentious little man, whose wt>nl is law, whose decision is an ultimatum. He knows every man. woman and child along the road- their belongings, their respective histories, their hopes, and fears, lie carries small parcels for the "quality," and a letter, it good eause is shown why it could not travel ly the legitimate course of her majesty's mail, lie htm all the lHibliu news, and is re garded in the light of " a knowledge able man." Instinctively I led up to the subject nearest to uiy heart. Me know the Btskes av Boliolderun ? Begorra, I do thin, breed, seed ami gm oration. They're dacent people nv the rale on Id stuck. Miss Kitty th raveled wild uie a few weeks ago; she keiu from Dublin, but she was over the water bcyont. tu Loudon. Sorra s much good that wud do her, or any wan else." 1 expressed a hope that she was look ing well after her trip. " Och ! rosy an' well, shore enough; and whv wudn't she ? What wud thrtibla her, and her mother wud burn the hom>e av she ris her little finger. They'll uot lo thrublcd wud her long ; she's too dawiiy a orature for the boys to lave alone. 1 tuk a Misther Crane from Dublin over to the Hall last weak, an', bo me song, he was mighty teudher on her." This was alarming. I endeavored to probe iuto the antecedents of this abominable jwrsou, but 1 could only ascertain, after a deal of circumlocu tion, that he was the possessor of "an iligant porUuantle," and that he was "a nice man, an' a uieo-mannered man." : •' Are ye expected at BoljolJeruu, I air r he asked, shortly. " Well—vea —oh, yes, certainly," I replied, somewhat coufusedly. " Yer an English gmtlemau, by yer way av talkiu", sir?" " Yes, I'm English." " Maybe yer from London, air ?" " I am." " And seen Miss Kitty over there. Whew !" Here he gave a prolonged whistle, which might have been iuteud ed for the horses, but I felt that it bore direct reference to myself. " Troth, thiu, you are expected, sir, and there'll be bright eves and ml cheeks at the cross-roads whin we rache there, or I'm boccagh—Miss Kitty will be there, sir, in her own pouy-car nage." I ilid not know whether to be amused or annoyed. i " You seem to be well aware of Miss i Blake's mevciucnts, Mr. Dempsey." " Arrali, didn't she tell me herself,, the cruytnrc ! Didn't she say to me, says she, • Dimpaey, take care av a very handsome voting gmtlemau that's com in' to see me from London,' says she. * Is it the gintleman that I posted all the letters to in West port, miss ?' 'Go owo'that, Dimpsey,' says she. Blnr au'-agers! whv didn't ye tell me ye wor Misther iirookley, and I'd have rouaetl the griddle for ye, air, an' no : mistake." I could have token Phil Dempsey to mv arms aud cherished him. "Begorra! there's the cross-roads, and there's Miss Kitty in her basket shandhradau like a pitayteel creel. Didn't 1 tell ye, sir, how it wud be ?" It is scarcely necessary to observe that I experienced that sinking sensa tion of the heart which the immediate prospect of a meeting with the adored one now fails to create; that I pretended to be looking the other .way, and not to have perceived her; that I bounded from my pearcli with the agility of an aeroliat, and that I "tipped" Phil Demp sey to he utmost limit of his satisfac tion. "J tak good care nr him. mis*," ob served that worthy in a tone knowu an a pig's whisper, "but he was as wild as a young eoult in me hands; but he's a nice man, an' a nice-mannered man, an' I wish yez joy." "Stupid ereatnre ! I never can under stand him," said Kitty ltlake, with a saucy toss of her head; "I'm afraid he haa been taking the mount tin dew as he came along." At this crisis we wero joined by Mr. Blake jwrr, a splendid specimen of pa- Itrfamilicu, who welcomed me to Con neuiara con a more • my portmanteau was placed in the basket-carnage, and Kitty rattled away with it, leaving me to walk across the mountain to the Hall. And such a mountain, bear and bleak and precipitous; and for any step I made in advance I made two In "the opposite direction; but I pushed bravely on, and sacrificed a brand-new pair of patent leather buttoned boots during the ex cruciatiug process. Bnt what cared I for boots, or mountain, or physical an guish? Was there not love-light in the eye of Kitty Blako?—was I not ap proaching the Mecca of my hopes ? I remained a month at Boljoldrnn Hall, I held the stereotyped interview with Blake jtcre in his study, which terminated most satisfactorily— And— Well, yes— I am to return to Coanemara before Valentine's Day, and claim the hand of the sweet little Irish girl who called me an English boor. Young Mechanics. There is no class of the community upon whom the futnro welfare of the country more essentially depends than upon the rising generation of young mechanics. If they are intelligent, sober, industrious and consequently in dependent, able and accustomed to judge for themselves, and governed in their conduct by an enlightened view of their own best interests; if thoy are men of this sort, the mechanics, and es pecially the young mechanics, will form, in conjunction with the young farmers of the country, a bulwark against mono polies and corrupt politicians, and save the republic. If, on the other hand, they are ignorant, idle, dissolute, and consequently poor, and dependent upon those who are willing to trust them—if our mechanics should unhappily lie come such a class—they would soon lie converted iuto the mere tools of a few rich and artful men, who, having first stripped them of every sense of self-re spect, and every feeling proper to virtu ous citizens, would use them as passivo instrument* for promoting their own ambitious objects, and for the enact ment of laws which are beneficial to no body but the artful few and base demagogues with whom they originate. It is as true of the mechanical arts as of anyother profession that "knowledge is power." A Cool Ketreat. The Poughkeopsie Trlrr/raph ssys that there is ft pass in the Catskill Mountains, between Sliandakin Centre and W'estkill, Ulster County, whero snow and ice can be found at all soa nonn'of the year. A road runs some fire miles up a deep hollow, bounded on the two sides by high mountains, with a clear ice-cold stream of water running down its centre. Stretching across the head of this hollow is another mountain somewhat higher than the others, that makes one think that the passage-way had suddenly terminated in a sort of cut dr *ac, but upon arriv ing at its base the road turns directly to the right and enters a narrow pass, hardly fifty feet in width. On each side the mountains tower np a thousand feet from the roadway, not perpendicu lar, but so steep that when the trees have shed their foliage the top can be seen by a person standing at the foot. There is snow and ice during the hot tost days of summer a few feet from the roadway. There are large masses of solid ice in some caves not further than five feet from the road. Strange as it may seem, the growth of vegetation is very rank, the Lichens especially cover ing the rocks profusely, though ani mals are very scarce, it being too cold for their cemfort. Giant fonder. Chemistry itself i at a loaa to esti mate the power of nitroglycerine, any* the Virginia City (Cal.) (.-Imunele, and yet this new agent of death 1* twenty per cent stronger. That our render* may be enabled to form a faint concep tion of the danger of such a prepara tion, we will give a brief description of the prooeaa by which nitro glyoeriue, giant and Hercules powder are sup posed to be manufactured, and of the extreme caution neocaaary in their manu facture. In the manufacture of nitro-glycerine, two tubes, each about a quarter of nil inch in diameter and six inches in length, lead into a single tube of double their capacity, but of tbe same length. Nitric acid is introduced into one and sulphuric acnl into the other of these sitiull tubes. The large tube contain* glycerine. The two actus are then forced gradually into the glycerine, and the chemical combination thus form* itu explosive of incalculable jaiwer. So iMiwerful and dangerous is this article, that uot nil ounce of it is allowed in the pianufactory while this little tut>c, six inches long and half an inch iu diame ter, ia being tilled, and this tube is kept constantly swathed in i-jo during the process. To make giant powder, this nitro glycerins ia allowed to drip upon a clay (similar to meerschaum) imported from tieriuany. The clay i the only perfect abaorlient of intro-glycerme known. As Hereulca powder is darker, it is believed tliut tluit explosive is manufactured by the aauie process, charcoal, an imperfect abaorbeiit, being used no-toad of said quality of clay. If, in tlie manufacture of uitro-glyoeriue, a strong tube is kept swathed in ice, and a quantity of the liquid ouly six inches iu length and half ail inch m diameter ia allowed in tlie building at the same time, no wonder that General Von Bckkeleu, with his preparation twenty |>er cent more powerful, re marked that he would have it handled thermometer in hand. lion to Prevent Sunstroke, The following specific against inn stroke may save from illness utul death many whose occupation oblige* them to bo in tbo tiold or out upon the streets: "About a year since 1 saw in a news paper an account of a mm of mm stroke, written bv the party himself. After suffering a long time from the at tack, and having, to a considerable de gree, recovered, he ei|>oneueed suffer ing even from the rays of the moon. ! This led him to the reflection that it j was not altogether the heat of the suu that produced prostration. After much research he discovered that the injury came from the chemical ray, and not from the heat ray. lie was guided to this by observing the fact that a photo graph could not be taken through a hollow glass. Accordingly, he lined his hat with two linings—one of orange yellow to arrest the chemical ray, and I>ne of green to arrest the heat ray. Thus prepared, he went where the rays of the suu were most intense with j>er fect impunity. It is well known that the negro is seldom or never suiistrnck. The color of his skin over the skull be ing of the orange yellow may n-~Mt in accounting for the fact. I practiced upon this suggestion all last summer, liued my hat with green and orange yel low paper, and hiul confidence enough in the truth of the theory, to neglect my umbrella, which I had never done before I mentioned it to many, who tried it also, and in many cases that camo nndcr my observation, they uniformly assorted that the oppressive limit of the sun upon the head was much relieved." Ignorance of a Common Matter. Says the Philadelphia ledger: There is probably no business so generally participated in as insurance, in which so little is practically known. Many think if they insure a specified t -operty for $.">,000, and the property is partially or wholly destroyed, that they recover the full insurance, regardless of the fact that the property destroyed may not be of half the value. This is a com mon error, though of course confined to the less informed in such matters. Oth ers, carrying a stock varying in value from $25,000 to gfiO.OOO, and an insur ance for the smaller sum, sup]a>se that, iu case of damage by fire, involving a loss of the greater amount, they can recover the entire face of their policies, wheu, in truth, the insurance companies are liable only pro rata for the loss sus tained. If the insurance policies in solvent companies are drawn iu plaiu terms for Sii.UX), thej will cover anr loss on stock valued at $30,000 to which thev apply up to their full specification. Hut if they coutaiu what is known as "the average clause," which reads, " It is understood and agreed that claims under this policy shall ouly be for such proportion of tbo entire loss as the amount of this insurance bears to the whole value of the property insured," then in case of loss on any part of $30,- 000 stock, with $25,000 insurance, the | companies will pay five-sixths of the loss and the insured will bear the other sixtii himself. These are pieces of in formation well worth holding in remem brance, especially by the less informed ; on the subject. What to Drink. As our climate at this season engen | ders considerable thirst, the people iu general need some refreshing drink. ! At the present day no thirst a)layer is as popular as soda water when flavored with the many delicious syrups now in ; general use.' This popular beverage, j eanuot prove injurious when the gas is i generated in the improved apparatus i for evolving it, and the soda water held jin tin-lined fountains. Copper fouu \ tains were first used, but the soda ac ting upon the copper made a liquid that was far from healthful. The quantity sold during the heated term in New York is about five thousand gallons daily. As a glass of soda, with the syrup, costs the dealer only two and i one- half cents, and sella for ten cents, where any considerable quantity is dis i posed of, the profits of the business can lc readily seen. One populnr soda fountain on a crowded thoroughfare iu the same city the nts proprietors the large sum of two hundred and fifty dollars a day; from another fountain soda to the value of two hundred dollurs per diem is frequently drawn. Many | druggists receive, some days, one hun ; dred and fifty dollars for such sales, when their location is favorablo for the I business. Honest I ago. A Canadian paper repeats the follow ing anecdote with great unction : Five years ago a gentleman in the United States (as gentlemen frequently do in that and other countries) got up a rail road speculation, for which it was thought necessary that there should be a Government subvention. Tho affair was duly submitted to Congress, and on engineer of high character, who was withal a wit, was appointed on the part of the Government to report on tho scheme. This scientific man visited the country, returned, and was one day sitting in his hotel, with a friend Iviug on the sofa, when one of the railway promoters entered and addressed tho engineer in a low whisper. " Bpeak out," said the engineer. Accordingly, after ascertaining that the other party present was a friend, he said in a loud voice : " Mr. Smith, if you will fix that report to suit us. wo will give yon $30,- (XX) of tho stock." , "Mr. Jones." was the reply, " when yon want to brile an honest man—an honest man, mind yon —come right down with your spoudulics; and your stock I" CROWDED. —Few are aware of the vast numlier of people that can be placed in a small space. When wo speak of millions of men we aro opt to picture to onrselves an almost boundless mass of humanity, yet a million of people standing together, each person occupy ing four square feet, could be placed on a patch. A square mile would accommo date 6,965,000. The whole population of the United States would hardly cover two and a half miles spuure, and the papulation of tho entire world could l>o easily accommodated on a tract of twelve miles long and twelve wide —less in ex tent than some townships. Nhnuirhrtiiic Bailor*. An Oltl asltnr tell* law Uo luloitralsit ••aaillMrkt" lUi kiS u| ami rul lu An old sailor who know* how to npin hi* yarn tell* a story of shanghaiing time* in New Orleans at a time whan sailor* were scarce, and even #IOO was paid in advance, tie says: Tho SIOO advance was very temptiu*. It was a big pile of money for a aailor man them times, and to me, that had always lieoti used to 815 a month, ami only one month's advance, it seemed like a small fortune. 1 tell you, air, chaps in. New Orleans had to look out for themselves them times, or tho first thing they ktiowed they waa down to the lteliso, shipping sfore tho uinst, anil ngoiu to l,iver|Miol or some other European port, and they maybe had never gone to sea in their lives afore. Ton see, air, the way they'd do was this: If they caught a chap tuat was a little lualiy they'd give him one or two horn* aa was doctored, ami he'd never know uothin' more till he woke up the next morion' at the JU<- lise. Ships used always to leave the le vee at ulsiut ten o'clock at night. The low would be made up iu the afternoon, and the ship, one ou each side of the steamboat, would be took down to the lower part of the city, and there they would wait till the crews wus brought down at ten o'clock, and pretty lushy all hands used to be, 1 can t< l) you. If the mate got any of 'em sober enough to haul iu the line* arter she was let go he was lucky. The captain or mate used to get a lautern out on deck and call the roll of name* on the articles, and as each chap answered he would ask Inai if he had sigmal the articles and gotliu advance, and if the chap said yea it was , all right; and pretty much always tlicy did say yea after they got so far, for if they didn't they knew there was always ; Minn* of the runners right behind 'eui j that would up hat and knock 'cm down, 1 and then tell the captain that the man had had lus advance, but was now tryin' to back out, and the captain eouldn* tell. ; He knew he'd paid SIOO for the mail, whether the man had gut it or uot, ami ' it generally ended in the man goin' ' iu the ship, advance or no advance. Well, there waa generally live or six that was too drunk to muster, and they would bo toCk right to the forecastle and put into bunks. Well the mate would go for'ard and have a look at these to see if they breathed ; If they did all right, but there had been cases of ruuuera ahipplu' dead men, if so bo | as how the mate wer'nt sharp, and so it waa neocaaary for to feel of 'em, and j see if they breathed. Then the lines j were cast" off, and the steamer took the ships down the river, all bauds Iw-iu* j turned in, and the next moruin' at day light the mate would muster all hands for to get the jibboon out, and then he'd . tlnd ont who lie ha>L If half of "em j was sailor men he waa luckr. I iniml one time the captAin of a English bark beiu' a little in the wind, as one might aav, some of these runners came athwart him and got him for to take s drink with tin-in, and then another, and that fixed him. They took him to some crib j and took off his nice suit of clothes, and put a blue flannel shirt and a pair of dungaree trousers on to him, and carted him down aboard of a American slop ■ bound to Havre, and they got sllO for I him, besides his clothes and watch and whatever money might be in hispocket; he didn't know how much. \\ ell, he went ait and stated his case to the cap tain, but half dared as be still waa he couldn't spin a very straight yarn, and so the captain thought it waa only a chau a ohawtuiu' to jump the advance, lie knowed he'd paid for him, and so he kicked him for'ard agin, and the poor fellow would have gone to sea sartm', if the eaptain of the tow-boat hadn't happened to have know'd bin, and even he didn't 'cognise him at first ; but be did arter awhile, and then Le wi nt to the captain of the ship and paid him back the advance, and took the fel low back in the steamboat. Well, he couldn't do auythiu' a Unit it arter be got to town, 'cause of course be couldn't identify thcehapa what done it, and he didu't care to publish himself aa harm' been on a spree by makin' any fuss about it, so be just stood the loaa and said uothin*. There waa plenty more cases like this, but this wasn't so bad as it was for workin'-men—tinkers and punters, and tailors and what not—to be took away from their fa tallica and sent off to sea, not even knowin' the trade they was sent on ; and the way them poor fellows was mauled and beat was u caution, 1 can tell you. Call for What You W ant. A few evenings since, a would-be voting blood entertained two young • ladies at a Now York saloon, and dnr | ing tho interview suggested that "we all take something," and, looking over the bill of fare, hi* eye fondly rested on "Champagne eider, 50 cents," the loudest-named beverage on the bill. "One bottle of Champagne," ordered the gent, purposly omitting the word cider, for effect with the young ladies, but with a conscience rcfting easy at fifty eonty. The affable waiter brought the" article ordered, which was swallow •d with a keen relish, and it was not till the young gent confrouted the oash i ier, where four dollars for Heidsiok were demanded, that he realized that it was best to call for what ho wanted, without any French airs. There was a sudden shortening of stature as the yoting man alid down into his boots, iind pulled out tho legal-tender. Indian LOTS. Even the Apache Indian* have a touch of delicate romance in them. I Every young girl is at libeKy to refuse a suitor. Not parent* or brothers may i interfere in her choice. After a brief courtship the lover makes a formal pro- Siaal by offering so many horses. ursos are a standard of value among j Indian*. As the squaw does all the work, horses are accepted as an equiva lent for her labor. When a voting war rior becomes enamored, he fastens the horse near tho wigwam of the sqnaw whose hand ho seek*, where he is left for four days. If she fails to feed and water the horse during that time, the master is rejected ; but if she accepts his offer she grooms and kindly care* for tho horse, and then ties him to the wig wam of her lover, as much as to say, " I am willing to be your slave and do your work." >'cw I'ss for Snbstltutcs. The enforcement of the liqnor law has developed a new, and it ia presumed paying, branch of industry at Boston, it is serving as substitutes in working ont sentences to jail administered to liquor sellers. At least one liquor sel ler, against whom a sentence of twenty days to Houtli Boston jail is duly record ed on tho court register, has not been absent from his usual haunts for a day, while a man called by his name is actu ally serving out the sentence ; and it is pretty certain that such cases have been numerous, and, of course, have been made possible by the connivance of prosecuting officers. In China it is possible evan for a man sentenced to death to hire a substitute to endure the infliction of the punishment; but never before was it posssble for offenders against the law in Massachusetts to ex piate their crimes thus vicariously. AFTER Tn* EDITOR. —In St. Peters burg recently tlic editor of a daily news paper being much impressed with the prevalence of drunkenness, determined to instruct the public mind on the sub ject, and witli this view took an excur sion into the country to collect facts on the subject. There ho found two typi cal villages—one, where there was no tavern, all order and thrift; tho other, where the tavern was a conspicuous ob- all poverty, misery, disease, and dirt." On this he wrote a powerful arti cle, making an appeal to right-minded persons to do what they could to miti gate this evil, but ho unfortunately brought it to a close by asking, "Where are the clergy, and why do they not preach against drunkenness?" The polico authorities, being unuble to an swer this home question, gave it up, and settled the difficulty summarily by suppressing the edition in which the article was to appear. New York Hide Market. There tiM been a larger huaineaa in hidoa during the past *wk than fur lev erai moll Ilia jiast, and prices liavo de cidedly advanced. Thorn ia no doubt now that Buenos Ayrea hide# will rule higher, and importer* claim that they are lowing inoner on aalca made at prow ent tigurea. Meanwhile the stock* coming forward are very light, but, audi aa they art*, wo understand they will lx> a hotter claas of hidea tlmu wo have been accustomed to receive. The receipts for the post week have lieen (WJ from Truxillo, ja-r Alice; 240 from Minatitlaii, per Ella; 18,176 from Domestic Forte—Total, 19,008 hides, and lot) Dales from Calcutta per Achillea. The sale* for the same period were, 8,5,15 Dry Buenos Ayres, '2l } to 23 lbs. at 2tlc. gold, eut selection ; S,(MM) Dry Hauta Fe, —to 23 lbs. at 28} c. gold, 4 months, as they run ; 4,275 Dry Monte video, 20} to 21} lbs. ou private terms; 2,113 Dry Montevideo Seconds, to 21 ttm. at 2'i jo. gold, CO and 00 days ; 1,855 Dry Kutre Itioa, to 23 lbs. at 25c. gold, 4 mouths, less 2 per rent. ; 2tW Dry Ccrrieiites, to 24 lbs. at 24e. gold, 4 months ; 8,(570 Dry Eio (Mud* to arrive, to 21 lbs. on private terms; 1,830 Dry Dio (iraude Kip*, part to ar rive, - to 12 lbs. on private terms; 1,200 Dry Central American, to 20 lbs. ou private tortus ; 1,710 Dry Mats moms, - to 23 lbs. on privaie terms ; 590 Dry ltoguta, to 21 IT'S, on private terms ; 2,230 Dry Mexican, 20 to 24 lbs. ou private terms ; 8,435 Dry Texas, to 22 IT'S, part ut 21c. cy., 4 mouths ; 4,585 Dry Mexican and Texas Kips, to 10 lbs. uu private terms ; 1,090 Dry Western, to 17 lbs. on private terms ; 1,5)30 D. H. Matamoroa, to 30 lbs. ou private terms ; 81,300 W. 8. Texas part to arrive, 40 to 65 !t<*. on private terms; 3,500 W. B. Texas Kips, psrt to arrive, to 22 lbs. on private terms ; 415 W. H. Western, to 65 lbs. on jirivate terms ; 5,200 City Slaughter, 65 to lbs. at lljc. cy. Total, 84,145 Hides and 25 Dalea Calcutta Buffalo, private terms. The stock on hand is as follow* : 73,- 900 dry Buenos Ayres, Ac., 77,600 dry Montevideo, 14,600 dry Rio Grande, 800 dry Central America, 4,700 dry Bogota, 3,000 dry and salted Mexican, 9,000 dry and salted 'Texas and Southern. Total, 183,600 hides, and 335 balos Calcutta cow, 512 balas Calcutta buffalo. Same times last year 272,800 hides, and 1,608 bales East India. Skin*.—Deer are scarce and firm at our quoted prices. Goat are in mode rate demand, with aales of 193 bales Curacao at or abont 50 cents currency. Sumac.—Sicily remains very dulf; the husiuesa is confined to smali soles from •tore of the better brands at slls u w(U Bnd O • that favorite Boa* ItaW; rxrißT DA r/.v PAIS, KILLER. It li been tested la Titirtj of rlimate, u.4 t * elm-al .very nation known U, An.nram II I* in, tlwnil nni|natari and mnUw. tll,M,n4if th* WUonnnrv u4 traveler on*** and land. an* no on* thuoU Ire wf ew owr Idle* end ritvr# trlUnll tl. I*> Inm aaa rirtnm tf TOW ar, > from JITIKML f*l*. fn,.fv Id I*l rfp /Irv). in tllt'l H'jlf, will *l - tuaiai.Hr rm, j- TKrrt it admj egaaaf (• >(. In a law minute. II curt* Chirr. Cram apt. /• rrn, I'M, H'md in Ike SWi. hew SowiiM. t'peprpm*. Out kuivw Carat rHOLtII. when ail other Rrm.Jlri Fall. Il fn*> Inatanl Relief from ArA.n* Trrtk. tn section* of Ik* country where pgvga AB Aura prevail*. Urn 1* no nratdj held la (iuUr DIMS Sua rv*a awn Aora-Tk lkra taMeapoeri lali of ik farm A".Se- it. about kalf a pint cf hoi water, well •■nairnad wllk daluwi a* Ik* attach I* r.-mlns on. b.tbtrig freely the chrl. back and brvrli wllk the I'aimJiJUr al tka (iwr Uar. Re peal th* d. •# in tn.wlT elnutea if tk* lit*) do** not .top S f each nuia p*r#***ranr#ln Ik# ahov* treatment bar ivrnl many sever# and obillnaU . tin of Ik It disss**. oiitT " raouu" tnts'T r a /.% -A;l iak . II It an Itilrrnil and Internal Remedy. V*r Sum an C tnil.l l"i any other torm < f bowel dues** In rbtldrvu or edalt*. It la an alttoat certain rara. and haa with, til doubt. been in r turceeaful tn r-U'lnir lb* vari. ua klnda of CHOLItRA tkan any other known rrtnadr i Ika b*i *Mllfwl ykvairtan In India. Aftlsa aad China, whet# tht* dreadful dia aaa* HB 'ii or !*•• prevalent, tk# fria Her la considered by lk natters a* wall ta by Bare wean r*aid*nra In Ihoid rllmatee. A IIYI RKHRIIY and Whlld It ta a tno.t . (Relent reined* f"f pain. II la a petfrclly safe madtrtn* tn th# raoat anaklllful hand. 11 haa become a household ftmrdy from lb* fact thai II gtece immediate and p*rtnaii*nl re ttof II la a purely vegetable pro para-lon, mad* from Ik* l>** and puroal material*. *eto to k*'p and ua* lu every family • r*comm*iidad b| phyabnana and perton* of all elate**, and Iroday, after a public trial if thirty veare-th# awafr lib ■ f ma>. il aland# unrivalled aad unrxo*ll*d, spr.admg ill uaeflilnva* ovr lh wtd* world. Dlreollona aeormpacy eark Bottle. Price Met*., M ct*., and fl per BotUs. rXBBT DAVIS A BOX, Proprietor*, Provident!*, B. L 1. X HARRIS a CO.. Clnctnnatt, Proprietor* tor tk* We*tern and Sontk Weilern State*. For Sal* by all M*dlctn* Dealer*. roa aai.* wiioi.a*ana T JOHX 1. HRSRT. Xew Turk. OKO. C OOODWIX, nolon. ..... _ JOHXSOX. IIObOWAY A CO.. Phi 1 *delpbla. Pa. thirtt" VICAKI' KXPKRIKSCK OF AM Ol.t) StUSK. Slra. WlB*low' Soothlwx Xyrwp I* the preacrtpllnn of on# of the b#*t Prmdle rbyri • lane and Xut*r* In Iba Cniled Stale*, and ha* been naed tor thirty year* with never faUinpaafety and enoee** by million* of mother* and rhlldrrn. from Ik* feeble Infant of r.n# week old to th* adult It corrects aridity of the •totnaeh, retteeee wind eolie, reaulate* the bowel*, and glee* real, health and cwmtort to mother and child. We believe II to be the Real and Snreat Remedy In tk* world I" *U , on . f PTSKKtritf enii Dl ARRH'TA IN < IIIL DRRS. whether tl erteea fiom Teelhintf or from any other rauae. Full dlrecttoua tor using will ac company each hot il* None tienulna nnlr*a ike facsimile of CCRIIS A I KRKIkSI* on the ouUlde wrapper. Nnlel hf all Mcltclnr Ibeoler*. CHILDREN OFTEN WOK PA I*K AMD SICK ram no oth*r rant* than bavins wtnai tn tha atomaoh. nsowws vsnwirroK COMFITS trill dealroy worm* wit boat tnjnrjr to tha child, being perfectly WHITS, and fra* from all coloring or othar itijurlosa Insredtanta ninallr uaad In worm praparatlona. CI'RTIS A HBOWS, PrapHatar*. No. Vl Fnlto* Street. Saw Turk. Add 4* /Iruartd. and ftmiifi, and driller* in Medicine*. of TWXHTT Fiva Cxnt* a Box. TIIK HOINEHOLD PANACEA, AXD FAMILY LINIMENT I* tha l>e*t remedy in tha world fire tha following aamplalßta, vt*.: Cramp* In tha Limb* an* Stom aah. Fain In tha Stomach. Bowel* #r Sid*. Rheu matlira In all It* f.rma. Billons Colle, Neuralgia Cholera, Dysentery, Cold*, Firth Wounda. Barna, Sara Throat, Spinal Complaint*, Spratna and Bruiaea, Chill* and Fever. For Internal and Ex ternal nae. Ita operation 1* not only ta relieve the patient, bnt entirely remove* tha eauae of the complaint. It penetrate* and pervada* the whoi* ayatvm.ra •t-'rlng healthy action to all lta parta, and Slack ening the blood. Tho llotiaehnl.l Panacea la partly Vtg. •table and All llealing. I'raparod by * CCKTIR A BROWN, No. illS Fulton Street, New Tork. For aale by all Drugalati. Kr: IT IH *ll nocaa, that it may b* promptly admmUtered In all tuddru attack* of Cholera Mor bus, Crampa, D-arrhira, Colic, or any aimilar affec tion tor whirb Dr. Jayne'e Carminative Balaam t* an effcctnal remedy. At thia aeaaon of the year • very family will find it a uaeful and neaeaaary euratlve. SXALbSHßakoxi'l Fnxaeur* every form rf Chilli sud Fever ai certainly aa bread ralievaa b*ng*r, and are Juit si barmleii. Sold by sU Druggist*. Wanted. Tint NATIOWAI. Lira ISSRAAXN Cow- PAMT Of the United Htatea of Amerioa, wants an agent in every town in toe ounntry, and will pay liberally for Irani neaa *ecured. Th prineipal features of tho Company aro its great iiuancial strength, its low premiums, and ita lib eral jHiluuca. It* pl..nw>e easily un derstood, and th<>a devoting only a portion of their time to insurance are enabled often times to accomplish grati fying result*. Wo do not Know df a com pany la tter deaerving of j atr nago lv those wanting insurance, u iron* with which an agent could more advan age oualy connect himself. K A Rollins is I'resideut, and Jay Cooke n Chair man of the Finance Commit to. Ad dress branch office of Company, at Philadelphia.—Com. Nearly all the cotton mills of Rochdale are closed in consequence of a strike among the operatives. Many of our renders who are looking alniul for aomething to do, can flnu pleasant and profitable employment iu the business of life insurance. It re quires uo capital, save a horse and bug gy to travel through the country, and u*> active men the recompense ia certain. We recommend the selection of some strong old company like the New York Life, with large assets and liberal plana, one that ia popular wherever known, and one too that everybody knows. A man who takes applications for life in surance ie doing good. It is in every sense s good business. A letter drop ped to the home office of this company, at 346 and 348 Broadway, New York, will meet with a ready response. Try it. Cbn, Perspiration has no effect on the Elm wood and Warwick collars. They retain their shape under all ordinary circumstances, and are the beet to wear in warm weather. —Coin, The Invalid—A Pen Picture. Kes tier pallid eornlctianoe, but a abort lime •go ibe picture of ruddy bealtb, lbs suvy at lbs school Slid the pride of lbs household hbe ■u always welcomed ler her txrhuolmaias, fur Uer lithe form aud pleasing disposition carried cheerfulness uuo their ranks. Dtligsul. punc tual aud exemplary, obedient and graceful at home, she won lbs hearts of all. But, alas, we are sorrowed. Those rosy cheeks sad ruddy ape are blanched by consumptii**. The vaioe iocs so enchanting in laugh aud eatig ie feeble, husky and supplanted by a hollow cough. Let us approach her cuuch geaily and take bar hand. l>o not shj' Uler because of the feeble •ud passionless grasp. The band once eo beany and plumi> is emaciated aud shows bony out lines, while the cords and tortuous veins are plainlr mapped upon lbs surface The pulse that hounded with repletion, carrying vigor to the whole rywtem. and imparling bfe. beauty, mvactly. health and strength. Is delicate to the touch The feeble heart can net propel the ihin, scant v blood with force. Must we lose her w litis yet in her teens t <'ompaiuooe and friends gather around with words of cheer and consolation, aud depart with touts ten cd ya aud stleut stena. Must we lose her t ho ! i here is relief We can stay this destroyer at our and nut matter the loaa of so bright a cam. Home thing more la required now than dietary and hygienic observance, for natwre calls for aid and she shall have it- Take this pleasant medicine. It Is invigorating. How u allays the im table coogh, improves the appe tite and digestion and send, a healthy Uugle through Uw- frame. The blood la nunched nervous force increased, and the heart bound* with a new impulse. Hoe her fees brighten by degrees; the color ia letaming, her vtace ie getting clearer, and pleasant words ore spoken llie strength f slier, yet. but M gaining Let us take her out in the w arm sunshine, in a chart urns ahe will be able to go without our aid. a cheerful girl. Thb* delightful medicine must be Uod-bles-sed. It M restoring health to our loved one- Khe is emerging from her au-k --neee sweelci and nobler than before, and Ir I'ierve's Golden Medical Discovery must have tlie crtslu. It has raised her. Hold by ah hrsl cias* Drugsuu everywhere. 6J7 U'liasEXiat —Tanr s bottW of Dr Hansom's Hi VP Hvrup sod Tohi.'ar liaosy Hyrup. in your ixvkeL, aud mcasten y.ntr thrust with it every half-hour, or hour, sad U will rsstmw lbs vuerw ra iwsaly-four hour*. It uof loralcalabls • alas to singwrs sod pubbc speakarw. rsmovws ra few momma the boskiusss of ths TOO*. motoring iu nstura! staoothaess CoUc sod Cfwmp a re instantly rarod by oas of Dr. Miller's MagastK llalm. Do not fail to kssp s bottle in the bouse. 25 cents ie the pries.—Oma. Psarvua Srsrr curse Dywpetsa*. K great man* people have ak<*l at of Ist*. " I low jrau keep your boras looking so aleak ghwrfv t" We I*ll litem it'a lb* earnest tiling in die work!; gtv* SKmntrr* two or Uire* Umaa a week A go title-man in the raroeni pan of lb* State, who uaral UtUiit.r. in thew vanona (una*. Faaao-rnaa ritoiuTn F.utiiof t'AirvkVA made by Casvxu, lUIAU> A o„ New York. arid aold by BLACKS prtklnoed by that eterlitig prrqieritiw. CwaTAtwno'a Eicxt. Una Hata Ihnt, cannot ta eioeUnd by Nature; tta Utile challenge coraparoon with Naturae moat favored production*. and defy datecuon —Com. FLAOO'S IJCHTAVT BELIEF has stood twenty ware" teat. In warranted to give imme ibate rein/ to alt lUientnatae. Neuralgic. Head tar, and Bark ache* or tsmwT refunded.—Com Medicinal Pnlteai an Ike Wane. THE patriarch* took no meteor?, BO btamatk. AS lodine. no Deoatdt of ptfaaalaia. no atrychaela. ae gtlnloe. Item old gtaiteara! tbe-? did not eraa know of the etu-.eace of the** " epecttca." tad red the? lived onlil It aeeraed a if Deetb bad forgotten them. Their medirteea wero here* and room. The? heve kttlhl* tact oo record,and tbe world •re nit te I* now taking note of it and retaining te tbe in* principle* ef medication. Mopvtrrea'a Sroanca lurrtbt. tbe parent and modeOcaoout vegetable rae loiatiee of tbr X It attar—State .30 a .81 Ohio, Fine .. .33 • .34 •• Tallow 39 • .31 Waatarn ordinary .14 a .1* Penney)vanl* ftna 33 a .34 tg ChW*-8tle Factory ll*a 3SI " Skimmed 04 a .06 Ohio - 10 a .11 Egg*—Stata 10 • .13 •crv*Lo. Beef Oattla 4.00 a S.BO Sheep 4.00 a 4.00 Hoc*—Lira 4.76 a 4.14 Fiona 7.40 a 9IS Wheat—No. 3 Spring 1.33 a 1.57 Oorn .43 a .44 (lata 3S a .37 ny I* • I® Barley 73 a.< 5 Lard 09*# .10 iiaUT. Wheat - 1.05 • 196 llye—State 70 a .74 Oorn—Mixed .40 a .63 Barley—Stata SS a 1.10 Oata—Stata .45 a .45 rm.ADKi.raia. Flour. 7.25 a 4.84 Wheat—Waatarn Had 1.45 a 1.50 Oorn—Yellow . 58 a .59 Mixed 37 a .59 Patrolanin—Onide 11 Refined ,16y Clover Seed 900 9.50 Timothy 3.75 a 4.50 BALTIMOXX. Cotton—Low Middling 18 a .18 Flour—Extra 0.35 a 7.40 Wheat - 1.47 a 135 Oorn oo a .73 - 11 m l>r. J. Walker'* ('AllfortiU Vln ar UittTH are a purely Vegetable •paratlon, m;wi chi<f tbe system. Never before in the liiitur; of lbs world bsa a medicine been i 'impounded possessing tbe remarkable •taelities of Vtsiuiea lltrrsas in healing tbe nek of erwy diete men is bdfer to. They u e gentle I'urgeiive as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or InHsmmslion of tbe Lifer ana Visceral Orgsas, la liilions i**><. The prnperflea of Da. Walem's riPAUAtßmiu prs AperiMit, I>iastiarptie, °Aiu> capnlati aad Oratara. Prmaja ]:.tttiuir Kabbah H*an fa AHB I J pa. a rat Htratt I T IrifM krdrtMM INGROWING TOE NAILS CURED WltAaal pain or ifirri,rrtaaa*. Am* f.r Circtlar Adrra*. K. A ATKOMAK. KafAAt, O j TKIkITT II *1.1., Tiralsa, Haw Jaraay. A Uldi ' HrW>l aad aa AttTAr li rr Koßaa tor alitor* THE AIAIW TIT. raiaciPAUL DO AT WAAT tkal tprlap Trvaa, *bd la bill a* laai Mai tor ri'rtja* fur BOWK A IUI TIC MLT TKCAA AVD EBMaLK ICTfOmi. btc A ara aaay Ma waar aa apartar, aad baa. rtrrr yatiaau la Iwa lln A *Hto Addraaa tot lid, BKbKT BOWK Caaaatl klabi. lawa. cAnvAssrio BOOKS lorrmz con Prof. FOWLER S GREAT WORK Ok Manhood. Woaaohood and (Ml Matoal lAtdPTbUtiAßd; Xon, lU LdWh, Fawae, dtp. Ad*aia art taitlap from SO u, SO wyiM of lAn a. Ib a day. aad w* aaad a eanaaatlap A a fraa Ms any t a*. < * ldrr**.it|# aapoiiaaaa. ad*.. KATiOS AL rVSLIiBtSO CO . rVladdipAlt Pa. BRIGGS HOUSE, CSZCAGO. Tbid writ banwn Halal, raballt apaa tbaotd alta, eoraar id Kuadatpb dtiaat aad Fifth limm, aa* opaard tor tba tacaptlaa of April I, MSI. *la daaily faruith. a, baviac paraaapar < Irralar, bath rtwai Ac . With not and Id wtr ia aacb roata. waraad by rtaaa aad amply prod*d aaataat drr, by Ara plaa* aaa A ar oo aaary Boot. Tbapiwptt# Inn laatta tba paimnada of tAa pa bit r tovliap * ftdrnt that a r*i-utail • f mora IAAA t* run iuiiiu will a* Only aaatataad. Old tars*. S3 par day. BK'KroKUS A HCSTOOI, Froprv. A P WKLLi. tonaarly tp Brtdss Boaaa.i W. D. flflOl. lata of karnra Boaa*. ) _ busi x i:ss. sf art anbtu u* 10 aiak* a aancaaafal atari la baal ■au.arrt.frrd iir.n. bt arirttta* thtmariTca at Ibr aPEKCUUAB BVaIKAM COL LK.I, kttlwaafc—, Wit " Shoe and Leather Chronicle II a Vtar, la abiam. A Wrwbly Vmiaiar far Boor aad toot Baa. Taaaßaa Fiauiui W. A. Vaa DcmMhm. ' j a Ba. e Fbtry St, Kaw-YoAA. TMEA-NECTAR OIACIA TJBA with tb# Oraaa Taa PUwor Th* IbMyMmr Ml Tra Iraportad. For aal* carry a bar*. Aad far aal* wht.iraaJ* only by tb* Or*at P JBH |m Atlantic aad Pactdr Tea Co. Jfo. S anHflV I* ynl'.jE l. to Id CbarrA Wiaiiiiii ' " ii " At, Kcw Tor A P. O. A .*.SJA Aaad tor Tbaa-Kccfr Circular ~ CONSUMPTION And. Its Cure* WILMOPTS Carbolated Cod Liver Oil UiKMUtr comblsattda of tare **4Utaowa aidt nor* It* tkeorr la er*t to arrret Mt* dacwr. tkae build aria* ayatcm !•; rodaoi WkMojtHMW met. Thr reatiy atArtUnt care* parfor—d by Witt *tq^ito^eryd">> cdMaafe wr— Uofell b Urn —t pjaafclaauaufdMla ta# ksaara iajt Jte- tsasarsjs (l f diwreatu l . CM Umr OU m XasmrC* bmt mmmmt ta reMSag JSMS KBrffUSKa.'fg't afeUl b, Ik* MI IMramntad*. ITenared by J. XX. WXIASAMOW, TO John Terte '■MpP" (HI 19 fill! BUI. rp.iSaas ** wr ' u * 4 " Oaaa C t. fsn pr day i A*ott wanted I AU eta*B*B 53 10 dU , f warlrinzpne,.l*cd*Hk*a* r-w or aid. maka mora money at wi rk for at la tkair •pa. * aiiwnia or all iba Meat lhan at Pailtmlara fra*. Addraaa O. BTIS6OK A CO.. fwlltnl. > ®*74 AA EACH WRIR-ABIKTBWAKTKD *' diUU Btialnaaa I**l ttma I*. Partlcnlara fre* J. WORTH. 81 luetl-llft fe-a WW Iron in the BlocmA ®TH* potrriAX BTBCP Vimflma and Earicte* tba BM.TMa op tba Sytr..Hcl*t op th* ttntdrn-ilnnn. 4 am yMniM.w t ompLtUKl*, t m|r. rMilMj-. Ha nana ITYAPRPMA kc Tboniaad* tera teoa rhaand by iba oaa nf tid* twamdr from weak. atcAlr, aaWrtarnwataiwA (a Kmc. health T, and haiwnr men and wmare: ant larahda can not rmaWJr bealtat* loptra It a trial Chmtum—Ha aar* yoa pet tk* rtybt vtkk B** that -rarurUa frrap" t* Mown la tba rtea. PiaphleU free. f*Mt* SAW C, XEW YORK. ItWJiMlk! THE GREAT ALTERATIVJs OASASLI AND BLOOD PURIFIER, It i not k qnick poftrmn. Tho irpn tlirnls are published on csch bottle of mtdicine. It is Qfod snd rrconunended by Physicisns wherever it ham been introduced. It will positively cure SCROFULA in its x ariotis stagr*, JtJIEV HA TISJf, WHITE SWF.L- J.JXG, GO IT, GOITBE, BEOXCIUTIS, EFEVOVS DEBILITY, INCIPIENT I CONS I'IJPTTON, and *ll dis eases arising from sn impure condition of the blood, bend for OUTROSADALIS ALMANAC, in which you will find certificates from reliable and trustworthy Physicians, Ministers of the Gospel and others. Dr. B. Wilton Carr. rt kitten aa>* be liaa IIHII It In raar* of Scrofula and other d:x**ca with much aattafaa tics. Dr. T. C. Push, ot Palthnmo, raeom. laeiirt* it to all peraon* anSerta* with diteaaed Blood, eaylng ft la anperior to APT T rcr*ration b* haa rr*r Bwd. Rev. Eabnev Ball, of the Baltimore M. K loulrrAjo* South, aaya be baa ten to much benefitted by tta me, that he cheerfully rerommckda It I* all hit frtrnda and acunalntanrea. Craven *Cfe, PmpdatfeOordo®. rflle. Va., tay it never haafallad to flra aattafartJon. . Sam'l 0. Trnu****e, taja It cured him af Bheu matiam a hen all elae failed. THE BOftATiAT.TfI IB 00KKBCTI0K WITB-etTR will cure Chill* and PeweT, tlrer Complaint, Dye pepata, ate. We raarantee BOBABAUl _apertor t* all other Blood Purifier*. Bend for Decrlptlre Circular or Almanac. Addrete CLEMENTS * CO., 8 8. Commerce St., Mi. Bern ember to sak your Drusgilt for BoaaiUMi. RAM?in READI RKLIF F Cures the Worst Pains rnoa . OIK TO TWKKTY Mil WIS. NOT ONE HOUR arra iun tbb uraianm Need any one Suffer wfth Pain. BadwayaßdAdyßdUdf la saw*tetWjW*. n m ru naar am n THE ONLY PAIN REMEDY that lumur (Up* tk* am) nuMW a*'"*' allay* l(liiiwn •<''• tw|WlW. ,V.'h *r uf lb. Ui>K auoaAtb. Aoarala, **A* |l or grgut, by • appkrallua, i* rmo on TO mam atxrri*, noa> attar kaw WalMmwmJaUM ka.P?V* kHKIMATIO. Bad-TtdddA, !<•'">• Crtpplad. jg A.uralptc. or proatfalad trttk diAtat* mat RADWAY'B READY RELIEF WILL AJTOBD IMSTAJfT XASM ImSUMtIM af Uto I^gJ w|tM(| rT **- InfUiaAllos a< ttd Bow*}*, " . , . |JWM£fNIKiO9!I ©f fas loWMpw Sacs Ttoort. Pitt—ll gSL. .k. w f||ttnt ,_a__ —j.-w- Trrrfhtrti* ' ' Mwlgto, Bhaiinrtiw, Cold Ckilk, Afd Chilb. Tk* applicant aatltm BSAOT RELIEF to Ik# Aart H MTU !.' tk* auw dlSUAity tUltt *(BIP lard aaaa an* aaad" I Tmlr Atop* I* lull * tlnUrt of watar wIH t tow atuui cor* Craatp*. )mi* Soar Auwaoah, ?3?s:aEMSHSLa¥::'.'- SKWBS , S£T.e'K3SS tattAdatUtoalaat. -> , FEVER AND AGUE wn a*® *ara *, of tk# • ARAAPAMUJA* 1891- fy&EsySfim la Ik* Clan*. am otkcr parts ifMM*, to* snjKcss agßT..tfeSß3cs sn2s*jss ■.'wssja^SSE ■Mt. Cap rait U tkA Wwt.aa* AU waakaaia* sad Era ,^?3i,, £ra!~ erratic* raaaaf Ikia Mudar* CAcanairy. Atoi A fMA dart ua ailiyarr u any pcrsea AAIAA AW a 1 Ar *f tkAAA tot At* of ditta** l(A J-aAAbI pod* 4 ioV%tlrrt. dally barawtaa pa—aad W tkA • HUI AAA toruapdlUOA tkAT eOAUAAAIiy aj prcaMa, att.aada IA A/rAAUA* ikMA AW.I.MI* * repair* tk* UA< with •** AWaldl A*** • kraiuijr ma-drt antt*mw*w*u ta And duad aacva—a cara IA coMata; tor why em** Ikis raaart nAAtarw its u*b f aartMMMto And Mi*ra' IA dUßjnUblnd Ik* NlAdtoMWadr Mj repair* will kd rapt* And swarf &t *** a .JJM ArawLOd kMr AAd WttW, tk OtSrAMAUM l-prirrlA. toi flaAial WMoUI iMMNMfIftML jßlZly diSTikA *..*rlU4A. I All tn'wu rwnAdSAl Iddwiam AMA r'd Ma • • An* of an dd a* (Arradank* Ala aUA.w lkr* ■a a atorfctd. dark, fctboas ApprarMO*, td MM buAA-duit drptwtta. ad wk# itonitt pkdAd. r • i r * aanaatlon *ktn jMAAiaf wa*r, aad pais IA tAa ktßAll of lAa fcatk AAA aiuAplA* Lt)iAA. a Tnmor of 13 Yean* Growth Cured by Bad way's Resolvent 1 r PRICE SI.OO PER BOnU-v i drTRADWAY'S r c Met PmatiTs ail RmiMii PBS*, perfectly Uetrteee, etepaaUy mil ml wltfc awea* vt Ike Stomach, te#r. Powela, E"4k*Vfe U44*r, > f if*. ajk4 *l3 I^VtNMß||M*lftWmMllflMMl Tic*™. wamartaSteSKJapSttiea ly tfpuM, w before Ik* Stcbt. Poear a*4 J' I Pal* I J ih*H*ad. lb* a. da. rk<*<. LK ., At** " Ma*l*-Lo*4*re" iMI m aartata af *W*. alar *wd prww. ** * and C. I "ill felt.* Via llla*tat*j Wmkon Rreeck-Laad era." knead tee#ra*o.ewie ky mail. -t>4 8r frin ]|t( aa* dm lata I* VILUiI Ui> A 80318 U Paaaall Mail 8* ear*. koatcra. A—at*. WYOMING SEMINABY Atk Commercial College, On* a tk* larg*t Boar4in trkwia tar ketk ***** la Ika r mi*4 ttata* Biz am raaa COTIUID, A M.. *r L. L. gPZAOra. Kifataa. Pa. AmMifeAßOMfefefe.lalMikaMlk Ikli .ta. W I *>Wr • roa taa . aaaa I a* Maaa* ■**■* /hnnn PICK MONTH, ixsvai Aril V l/111l (mala or f *ili wtiit'l -rerywhar in Allll B44r*a*. frith it amp. Kit W JOUKSO W UU A Ck.. But wr. it taut*. Ma. rrißA.-TZA ASRNTB wanted In town and eouo -1 try to eell TK A, or act up club ord*r*. Ikr lit* l*r**t T*a Company In Am*ilot; imjorirrt' ptic* and Inducement* W acenta Send for elreuUr. Adtretl, ROBERT WELLS, 43 Vaaey a treat. KlvTwk. STRAUB MILL COMPANY mtemi CI X CIS N ATI, O, vC"iP"W Manufacturer* of PP4* /fjESi V l>le SIII1,H t>*aU< or. or Feod.aUffapindle un- . /JaQrttl der-niuuera, ciwk bead /IM! HI I upper-runner* fkr Far*** ISI or Merchant Work. irf€^i |jj| ,eld fCr l J * ,u i jllJUst Rud Uauytan fthltehin ACfe, Mm BBOwttekda kCSIk