Enough. From a cleft in k rook k barsbsll grew, And gathered of sunshine and rain and dw IU measure of Ufa, in ita cup of blue- In a cabin, out in a western wild, A maiden bant over her work and amiled. For ' 1 the old. old story " her heart beguiled. The world la wide! but a hit of it* earth In the cleft of a rock gave lieauty birth And nourishment, fitting its own sweet worth. The world ia wide! but the maiden well knew, Mo heart in it all was more fond ami true Thau the one that her troth was plighted to. The Surprise. When the bright September moon O'er the hill-top rises. 1 shell give some one I know The sweetest of surprise*. He asked me. just the other night, To be his tittle wife; 1 told him that already I Loved someone more than life. Then ah ! how very grieved he seemed, And took my hand iu parting With such a look, I'm sure my eyee Betrayed the tear-drops starting But when he asked for one more walk Beneath the moon s soft ray, 1 promised 1 would tell him then Who stole my heart away. % And so when the S*pteiuteen cut away, and there was nothing to help me over this dreadful gap. Without wings, it were impossible to pass. All hope left me. I knew that to re trace my steps was impossible to me. Even if I reached the end from whicli j I had started, I should bo no better off than here, and the hopelessness of tho ' position weakened my every nerve. I Once more I heard the wind rising and i hurtling along towards me. I would cling to life as long as I could. I knelt ! down on the wet, slippery balk, clasped it with my arms, sat astride it. The gust came up fierce and strong, passed I over me once more—once more spared ! me. But I felt I cenld not survive another snch attack ; I should l>e blown away' like a leaf. And yet there was no hope of escape—none. It was only a ques tion of moments how l*ng, with stiffen ing limbs, I could cling to this rough beam ; then a plunge into darkness. Still, I had time to think. What were my thoughts ! A helpless sense of cruelty, of the horrible unfeelingness and malignity of this hurtling wind, of those raging waters. A sad mortifica tion, too, and sense of injustice, tliat I shpuld lose my life for nothing; a pleasant ramble turned to such an evil end. Of the past I thought nothing ; it was nothing to me now—a tale that was told, that was all. Of the future, noth ing either, except a dim and awful won der. But plainly, vividly before my eyes I saw the figure of my wife, sitting at work by the fire, waiting and watch ing for me—for me, who never should come. That was the bitterness of it. And yet withal I was not unconscious of a certain vague sense of the ludicrous— a scorn of myself, that I should be thus stuck up astride a beam, like some lad at play, a sport for the buffetings of the elements. With this, too, an un speakable rage; a kind of crushed de fiance, a revolt against the doom which was imminent in a revolt which felt its self hopeless and useless from its be ginning. Whilst all this storm of conflicting thoughts was whirling through my brain, the turmoil outside was diminish ing. The wind had bushed for a while, and across my face there came for a moment a sort of ruddy glow, the last THE CENTRE REPORTER tteams of the suu settling mindly into the sea. The vajtora divided for a m*>- lueut, the huge *tark mass of a moun tain frowned down upon me—for a mo meut only— then the clouds encom passed me once more—the glow died away —the awful gloomy gray of night begiui to gather iu upon me like a net. Should 1 drop into the sea, and end it all? To die in the dark would be more horrible than anything else. Even *>u the quietest, unt resigned death-bed, the loss of light is the most disquieting trouble to the departing soul. Eight ! more light! ia the last cry of the spirit iu extremity. Ami now it seemed as though nature had deleriuiued to s|*are me uo pang of all the gathering horrors of my doom. Darkness ami despair were settling down upon my soul. Then came the storm once more with a rush of gathered rain, a howl, a shout, a roar of triumph, as the shrill wind trumpeted past, precursor of a more furious blast. I eould bear uo more. A sapless, nerveless form I was, Bwept from the beam like a withered leaf from a branch, and 1 fell—catching at sonic cross-beams as I fell, but losing my hold iu a moment, and dropping helplessly down. Once more consciousness returned. A vague silvery light was diffused about me, above ffcr® star* shining, huge bulks of timber glimmered overhead. I was stretched upon a bed of wet sand, Ivtng ou my back, looking up into the sky. 1 was not dead, then. No ! Was I maimed, crushed? I drew up one limb after another, fearing lest a sudden slumt of agony should betray some grievous hurt. But uo ! 1 was sound in limb ; and as I raised myself and looked about, I felt that, except for diz xiueasand a wonderful ringing that was ceaselessly going on iu my head, I was unhurt. And I was saved 1 That was a* might happen. When I rose and stood npon my feet, I looked around me, and saw that I had falleu upon a little island, a narrow spit of sand that had formed in the eddy caused by the pile of the bridge. On each side'of it ran a strong and rapid current. All this I saw by the light of the moon, sometimes bright, sometimes obscured, as she parted her way among the fast driving clouds. Distantly across the water shone the lights of the little town. It had its gas lamps, which sparkled brilliantly in the uight; and from out of the black rocks which showed against the skv-line, here and there the light of a candle in a cot tage window gleamed like a fairy hun|>3 On the other side of the estuary there were no lights ; but the straining eve might discern the gloom of high hills, that seemed, indeed, only like darksome chasms in the sky ; but as 1 watched, 1 saw a tiny star that was gliding among the rocks. Now seen, now lost, I fol lowed it with longing eyes; and listen ing intently, I heard the clatter of horses' hoofs and the murmur of wheels rising and falling, AS the road wound iu and out among the rooks further or nearer. It was Some carriage rolling rapidly towards home—towards my home, and here was I, a castaway ! I shouted, but my verioe seemed lost , in the great space. The wind carried j it up the river, blew it away iuto stifled j fragments. It was useless to cry. No j one would hear me. How long should , I have to lire ? Was there any chance | that I might yet escape ? I could not ] swim ; the channel on either aide was, i therefore, an unpaasahle barrier. Even had I been an exoelleut swimmer, I [ doubt if in my enfeebled state I could have won the further bank of the chan nel, where the current was running the least swiftly. How long would my island remain uncovered by the sea ? Six or eight feet above my head, tangled masses of sea-weed hanging in the interstices of the woodwork showed the highest reach of the tide. The ebb had commenced an hour before I started from Abermaw. Allowing an hour for my subsequent adventures, the ebb would still have three hours to run ; then another three hours' flood would j elapse before the tide would owe more reach me. I remembered that I had a flask of metal in my pocket which stil! contained a dram of brandy, and that I had a few fragments of biscuit in my pocket, remaining of some that my wife had packed up for my use a couple of days before. I drank the brandy and munched the biscuits, nnd felt again hopeful. Six hours 1 Why, in that time help might come. Death wan uo longer imminent But I was entirely wrong. The strong southwesterly gales had piled up the waters about the mouth of tlis estuary, so that the ebb was checked, and the flood increased, and the tide ran out only some three hours. I must have been longer lying on the SAnd, too, than I had calculated, for, as I watched the waters hurrying down on each side of me, I noticed that the current seemed to slacken all of a sudden ; then it stopped, so that a fragment of bleached wood that was floating downward came to a rest, then moved slowly once more npwards. The tide had turned. In a very short time the .expanse of waters before me, that had jut now seemed a broad river outlet, scored and marked with sand-banks, assumed the appearance of an agitated sea. Short waves hurried along, their white crests gleaming in the moonlight; they came in serried lines, tier over tier ; the hoarse roar of the advancing tide re .ver berated in the air, mingling in my brain with the strange rattle as of bells that never ceased to jangle therein. How remorseless they seemed, those waves hurrying up, like hounds who view their prey ! And yet it was a solemn scene; and what there was of dignity and grandeur in the sight half reconciled rae to the thought that my life would bo swallowed up ere long in theso advancing battalions of serried waves ; for now the bitterness of death was past; its terrors had vanished ; I felt a profound sadness—that was all. How far amid I climb up theso slimy, slippery posts and buttresses, that seemed to mock mo with their lying proffers of safety? A couple of cross lieams or ties which bound together the lower owls of tho piers, afforded at their intersection a sort of angular resting place, where I could-for a time perhaps, find a refuge from the waves. This was far below high-water mark, so that to reach it would only givo me a short re spite from my final agony; but, for all that, I determined to attempt it. As soon as the water av#red tho little island on which I stood, I would try to climb this slippery beam, that rose from the sand, in which it was partly buried, at an an gle of about forty-five degrees. With the tide rose tho wind; with the wind came rain and fog. The moon, blurred and indistinct, shone faintly for awhile, and then vanished altogether, although her diffused light still made everything darkly visible. Soon tho waves were dashing at my feet, the sand a pulp beneath them. Now was the time to make my lastr effort for a little more life. But I found that I had over rated my own powers. I crawled a few feet up the slippery timber ; then I fell back. Again I tried, and again; but it was of no use. Strength does not come of eager desire to lie strong. All that I could do was to clasp my arms round the beam, and stand upright, awaiting the coming of the waters. The water rose, not gradually, but in pulses. Smaller waves came and went, and left no change of level; but every now and then some heavier, fiercer bil CENTRE HALL, CENTRE CO., l'A„ THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1873. low would come in with a devouring sweep, covering me with ita foam and spray, receding again, but at each re cession leaving a greater depth of sway itig.llife-like water. These attacks, like buffets from the band of some skilled boxer, left me weaker and weaker at every blow. And it is s# treacherous, to**, the water. It would draw away for a time, leaving mo free almont to my knees; and tlieu, as if driven by some sudden impulse, it would gather itself up, and return iu a great Hoethitig swathe of water that would swallow me up from head to foot. The end was fast£coming now. I had eeasetl to feel anything. Only a dogged determination to stick to life to the lust, kept me clinging to my beam. But, what was that sound? A long aud piercing scream, a roar, and a rum ble, and a rattle—it wua an engine? Au engine ooniitig aloug the complet ed part of tho bridge, shrieking and screaming, tuid dashing out great wafts of white steam into the stormy air. The sound gave me fresh life and vigor. Human creatures were within reach, at all events. If I could make them hear me. I might yet be saved. The engine came slowly along, and I heard the voices of men shouting to one another. Why, then, should they not hear me? I tried, too, to about, but my voice stuck iu my throat. 1 cotil*ln ! , make a sound louder than a whisper, nor not with all the good-will I had to shout like an archangel. Tim engine cawe so near at last that I ooulil see the glow of her Urea through the interstices tf the thV>riug of the bridge. And uow then* were men stand ing with lantern* at the very extremity of the bridge ; and still 1 could not make them hear. For an instant the glad thought had struck me that 1 had been missed, and that these men had oome to look for m*; but the next moment I saw the folly of the idea. l>ays might elapse lefore mr fate was known. I was uot even yet beyond the time I had fixed for reaching home. No ; the men were railway workmen, perhaps going to a shift on the bridge; and 1 could'ut make them hear. Suddenly I heard a sharp quick bark, and then a growl aa of anger or inquiry, and I was conscious that there was a dog with the men above. The dog's faculties were keener than the men's ; perhaps it was possible that I might make flint hear; so 1 barked, a shrill snapping bark, with which I bad often deceived my own terrier. Jack. The dog acknowledged the challenge, and replied furiously. Then I heard the voice of a man shouting to the dog to be quiet; but the dog barked still more furionslv, standing at the very verge of the platform, as though it would throw itself over. Then some men came to the edge of the platform too, and peer ed over, and tnen in my extremity I gave a cry—• wild/ despairing cry. Then a hnge hoarse wave dashed over me. If it had not been for the conscious ness that help was near, I could not have held on against that furious rush of waters ; but 1 did bold on, ut least I think so ; afad when the wave receded, a bright daxxling light shone into my eyes, a light from the bridge, where some one was holding what seemed to be a portable sun, but that was actually a piece of burniug magnesium wire. Then everything appeared in the black est darkness. •' Did you seeanvthing?" eriedavoiee. " I'm not sure; 1 thought 1 saw some thing move." A couple of lamps from the engine were now brought, and placed at the edge of the platform; they lit up the beams and rafters of the bridge, hut the light seemed to !e lost in the dark waters. Ah ! they would never discover me! Onoc more I had strength to cry. "Ah! it's a man down there," I hoard somebody shout. A long plank'wa* run over the gap in the bridge, then another; along the two, a portable windlass was quickly taken; a bucket descended, in it a man with a lantern. " Hollo, mate I" he cried as he caught sight of my white face in the focus of his lamp, " what are you doing down here ?" In another moment I was standing in safety on the further side of the bridge. I owed my rescue to the unexpected vist of the chief-engineer of th# line, who had come down to see with his own eyes the manner in which the bridge behaved in a heavy gale, and had driven with the engine to the farthest access ible point of the platform. What a comforting glass of hot brandy-and-water that was of which I partook by the warmth of the engine furnace, and how exhilarating the run homewards on the swift shrieking en gine ! I was at Dolbadaro in time for dinner after all. As I#at down to the cheerful meal with friends who were discussing the light ordinary topics of the day, I looked about me, wondering if I were really here in actual corporeal presence, or if my life had ended in that last rush of water, and I were only dreaming, " for in that sleep of death what dreams may come !" Pish and Tea as Food. The London Times sharply contro verts the assertion made by Dr. Edward Smith to the British Association, that fish is rattier a relish than food, and contains little more nutriment than wa ter. As opposed to this statement, the investigations of M. I'ayen aro cited, who proves that the flesh of flsli on the average does not contain more water than freali beef, and haa as much solid substance as the latter. For instance, the fleah of salmon contains 75.70 per cent, of water and 21.2 th) per oent. solid substances, while beef (muscle) eon tains 75.88 per cent, water niul 24.12 per cent, solid substances. The flesh of herring coutnins still less water than that of salmon, and even flat fish are as rich in nitrogenonH substances as the best wlieaten flour, weight for weight. Another statement made by Dr. Smith, that the amount of nutriment in an ounce of tea is infinitesimal, is met with the assertion that, while tea in no " nutriment," in the ordinary sense,the individual who taken ten nfter his meals feels, without being able to define it, thnt tea has a favorable effect upon cer tain highly important functions in his body, that digestion is accelerated and facilitated, nnd his brain-work benefited thereby. Though not nutriment, tea is alleged to possess a really higher value, in medical properties of a peculiar kind. The Atlantic Balloon. The lialloon in which Professor Wise and others hope to cross tho Atlantic aud which is expected to get out some time during the month of September, is no baby affair. It weighs 6,000 pounds; netting, 700 pounds; car, 250 pounds; boat, 700 pounds; instruments and drag-rope, 1,000 pounds ; total, 8,850 pounds. Four hundred thousand cubic lect of gas, having a carnring capacity of thirty-five pounds per thousand, give a total carrying force of 14,000 pounds. Deduct 8,600 from this, and you havo a balance of more than 5,000 for passen gers and ballast. All our provisions will lie HO much ballast, says the nrof fessor, in answer to a correspondent. All the water on board the balloon will be ballast. Directly we come in sight of land, we cau' dispose of the boat as ballast. It will be of no further use^ Itouianre lu Ashtabula. A beautiful, brown-haired daughter of Hwedeu was tho herotueof a romance having ita termination 111 Ashtabula re cently, which throws tjie ••novel writers" oompletely into the ahade. Twenty years ago, when a little fifteen year old damsel, she was woed and fairly won by Christian Hanquest, a bright tail twenty years of age, iu far-off Sweden. The lareuta of the gtrl were of higher rank than tho relatives of |sor Christian, and as soon as they learned of the prefer ence manifested by the young people for each other, tlioy ruthlessly " tore their young hearts asunder," aud'prob ably "packed the girl off to boardiug school, ' if there was such a cruel insti tution iu Hwedeu. Christian bore his hard fate at home as long as he WHS able, wlteu, finding all efforts to see his betrother fruitless, he veutured upou the ocean as a common sailor. After a lapse of several years, Hanquest return ed to find his frteuds and relatives scat tered or dead and himself a total stran ger. He was unable to find even the slightest trace of his sweetheart, Han quest had amassed quite a little fortune iu his wanderings, but the unsuccessful efforts to find his beloved, for whom he had labored so long, caused him to care but little as to the manner in which it was spent, and finally threw him ouce more upon his own resources, withont money or friends, in the early part of year 187*2. He was in an English sea port when he became rid of his last '• red," and shipped upon an American vessel and worked his passage to New York. While there, hearing stories of the fabulous wages which were paid sailors upou the iulaud lakes, he went to Canada and engaged himself en a schooner. Here, however, he found that his goldeudreams were naught, and reaching Cleveland July 1, he started on foot for Buffalo, where several of his friends from the old country were living. Hanquest spent the night of the 3d in stant at Ashtabula ; and in conversation with some of his countrymen who were employed ou the railroad, he inciden tally related fragments of liia past his tory. among them an account of his early love. While he was speaking, a Swedish lady, aged about thirty-five year*, who resides in Jamestown, N. Y., mid was spending a fear day* in Ashta bula, exclaimed, ill the language of her fatherland, " Christian, do yon nut know me ?" and fell weeping on his shoulder. The wanderer had found lus mate ; bat we draw a curtain over the scene, aa too hallowed for the prying eyes of a reporter to penetrate. The re mitted couple start*-*! on the morning of the 4tb for Jamestown, where they will soon be joined in UlO holy bonds of wedlock. The fair one's parents are Kiud to be highly rtwpoctuble people, and they will probably nut now main tain any opposition to what is evident ly the mruiM destiny of their daugh ter, who for so long a period has remsin ed single. Hanqnest will doubtless settle down into • sober and industrious citizen. Indian Forays in Trias on the Increase. The Washington Hrpubliran has a letter dated Fort Hloch, Teaaa, saying that the Indian foray seem to increase to an alarm Hi ft estwt. Scam-ly a day elsttso* that too bleeding and scalped body of Mime noor isolated frontiers man* is not found scorching under the •dimmer sun. Block and horse* hare been taken away from the midst of po pulous and seemingly aeon re settle ment*. and driven to ilie wigwams of the savage or the haciendas of tho Mexi can allies, Tho troops which were re cently stationed here—over 1,000 strong —are now scattered in detachments throughout the country, so that the gar rison here maybe considered as without cavalry. Several infantry companies yet remain for garrison dnty. The cavalry are kept constantly in motion. They have scoured everv portion of the countrv from tho llio Grande to tho ftio Ifouda, and have closely gtlardcd every creek and crossing. Yet, notwithstanding this vigilance on tho part of tho troops, the savages and their allies continue to increase their incursions, and carry on a more extended devastation of our territory than they have dared to attempt for many yean previous. The same letter says'that the peoideof tho Mexican bor der Htales not only j>ermit the savages to cross and reoro'ss the boundary line without hiudranoe, but aid them inevery manner possible. The National Qor vernnient is uot altogether so culpable iu these matters as are the State admin istrations. Every effort of the former to bring ahont an amicable settloment of tho frontier difficulties is sure to tic thwarted. American Working People. The Scientific American foots up the whole number of working people in the United States at 12,505,023. The num ber of inhabitants in the country ia 38,- 558,371, so that the active workers con stitute very nearly one-third of the population, the ratio having consider ably increased since the census of 1860, at which time it barely exceeded one quarter. 10,609,436 are males, and 1,830,487 females. Between the ages of ten and fifteen years the males out nmntar the females in a ratio of nearly three to one ; between sixteen and fifty nine years the ratio increases to nearly six to one; while at the ages above sixty years there are more than twelve times'a* many men at work as there are women. Theae figures apply to the men and women in actual outside em ployment. It will be noticed ns the women grow older, tlieir numbers in proportion to the men decrease. This ia accounted for by their marrying, abandoning their employments, ami settling down to the household. A Grand Exhibition of National In* dnstry. The American Institute of the City of New York will hold its 42d Exhibition this fall, opening on the 10th day of Heptemtar next, and continuing until late in November. The Exhibition promises to bo more intonating tlmn any which over pre ceded it, inasmuch as special effort ia being made to have the leading indus trial operations carried on upon the promises. The American Institute ia the oldest of all societies now in existence of its kind, and is not in any sense a private corporation, its earnings being devoted by its charter to the encouragement of home industries. For circulars, giving classification of articlos, rules for exhibitors and full particulars, address. General Superin tendent, American Institute, New York City. lienors to a Shall. A newspaper in London is very sav age atiout the honors paid to tho Shah, and declares that only a monkey in the Zoological Gardens has exhibited a vestige of manliness and independence. When the Shah attempted to poke this animal with a stick, tho indignant crea ture seized it, and grinned defiantly at the majesty of Persia. " Aud this," Eihilosophizes our newspaper, " shows IOW superior monkeys are to Mayors. Had the Shah kicked one of the latter, all the Mayors in the kingdom would have envied him the distinction, and regretted that their person had not been honored by a similar infliction." shark Fishing. The Orrapallon f Ihr lr.laud.ra luring shark'* M*al. The Icelanders take no active part in the whale fishery, but devote them selves as a rule to that of shark antlood. They fish principally from light, open Ismts. with projecting prows, and car rying only tine small lug-saul. How lioats are preferred, on account of the number of hands required. The Ice landic fishermen are described as pos sessing a power of endurance,an ability to keep the sea iu alf weathers, ana a courage above all praise ; tlier soorn to take provisions of any kinu to sea, though they never neglect to carry their snuff horns. It is grsslly to hi deplore*! that these hardy mariners are so careless, both as to their per* anal comfort and aa to the seaworthiness of their craft, since to thasa faults may doubtless be traced the fact that forty per cent, of the deaths of the man are caused by drowning. The sliark.whicb is indigenous to tha Icelandic and Nor wegian coasts, though seldom taken in tha Cattegat, is the lymaa* miero~ cejHihu. To the natives it is known as the " nakaral" or "havkalen." It averages from ten to twenty feet in length, and lives on sesls and fish, dar ing, in ita moat voracious moods, to attack the whale itself, but aeldsm molesting man unb-as disturbed by him. It is taken with comparative ease, aa, owing to its dimness of sight,caused probably by the hrmcepoda tlongafo, a small parasite which adheres to, and sometime* entirely covers iu eye, it seizes the bait—young seal blubber or smoked horse flush soaked in blood, to which it is evideutly attracted by the sense of smell—without attempting to escape the weapons of iU captor*. She shark is caught near land daring the montli of April; but, during the summer months, it is found in as much as 2iM) fathoms of water, from 80 to IC# mile* from land, and generally off the Western side of the island. Of lato years the craft used on the North aide of the island are decked vessel* of 35 to 40 toua, provided with bars, and bo lightly constructed that in calm weather they can easilv get clear of the ice, and move from place to place. When a vessel is in search of sharks, it ia anchored at a plane where they are presumed to be—in preference, near the rising edge of a batik. The anchor used is generally a four-pronged iron grapple, weighing about 180 ponnds, with 15 to 2n fatboma 9-1(1 chain cable, and a 350 fathom long hawser. When anchored, the fishing commences. If nothing ia caught,the position is shifted Until the shark is found ; and, if the tike is good, the vessel remains at the spot, and rideaout the storm, if neces sary. Tho lines used are of the thick ness of doep-*ca lug-line*, fastened to three fathoms of chain, in the middle of which a leaden weight of 10 to 13 pounds is fixed. Under this a strong six-inch hook ia fastened ; the entire hook is covered with b the imagination and olfacU-rr nerves of our reader* to conjecture. The gall of the shark ia used instead of soup. The akin ia also turned to good account; after being stretched on tha ground and dried, it ia used as shoe leather, though it ia not susceptible of being polished. A shark of moderate *i* yields two-thirds of a barrel of oil (reckoning a barrel at about 14mo nnder hi* influence claim that he ia renowned, he enticed her ear with " good oouaael," and per suaded her that when she married again •he should marry, not for love, but for the aake of having some one at hand who could give her sound advice. We confess that this is away of looking at the object which would never have oc curred to ua. A wetnan sometime* marries a man on account of his beauty, but on account of liia capacity to lec ture bar, never ! Having proceeded thus far, Brigham next endeavored to prove to hit victim that he was that wise man upon whom it was prudent for her to fix her affec tions. lie then introduced other in ducemeuta, in the sliapa of the offer of a house and one thousand d 22 vcara, were drowned to West Lake while bathing. One of the yoeiig men; who could not swim, got into deep, water, and his brother, in attempting to sere h:m, waa clutched in his ermr and drawn down. A third brothee, in attempting to aave them, narrowly escaped the eame fate. A green voung man, who was working for a farmer aa "hired raw," felt him self slighted when the girls of the neighborhdhd had a party to which they did not invite him. After sulking about for several days, he finally hit upon a mod* of teveoge, and aaui to hia em pk ver's daughter, " You can tell the gals that Fin a-gotu* to have a party of my earn, and 1 won't invite nobody." Seven hundred Chicago newsboys and bootblacks were picnicked recently-. And the manager did tbe thing sensi bly, too, for iatoetd of boring them about their dirty feees at their morals, a couple of lively young ladies who were interested to Mm charity sang " Down in a Goal Mine," " When the Band begins to Play," mad kindred dit ties, to which the boys joined vocife rously, and they never enjoyed anything so much to their liven. Wasn't this a plea sent thing for poor Porter Pierce of South pert, Me.? He ia away in hia schooner fishing, leaving two men to get to bis My, and they have got. it in with s-Weegssmce, though there is no hay in the barn now, because they would smoke their pipes there. It never rains wib .mt ik smdipt, The in surance n the property, valued at $2,- 000, ran out a few daya since. Prob ably Pierce, upon Ma fUtrn, will ex press himself strongly upon the smok ing question. Of all the odd deaths in the world this reported from India is Certainly th oddest. A native, white patching fish | in a tank, put the head pi one in his mouth and bit H, as the fifth was rather trcubleeouMufu the matter of wriggling. Suddenly one of the ahazn joints in the hack fin stack in his hand p. he opened bis mouth to rail for help,rand the fish giving a quick plunge jumped down his throat, and there firmly stuck. It waa only taken out, and %lahall pieoea, after he had been eewtodNto the hoe pitaL Ha waa ao xhSted that he died as soon aa it waa removed. An Engine Co. of k NT I * York town, a few days ago, fdreea parade. They all wore 25-ceatgUted caps aa oniform. Alter arranging their separa tes to ftont of the twenty* aix liquor saloons of the place, thcar went to the river to have a squirt. They squirted their hose full of boles', ji?threw it in to tbe creek. Their next jWploit waa to draw their engine into the liver to wash it. Having finished this Tun, they had all they conld do to get AM themselves, leaving the apparatus there. Each brave fireman found his. w*y home be fore daybreak the next npnung. The editor of the Leaf, • newspaper to Clark*viiK Tpnneeaee, in response to a toaat of tip press said: " Gentlemen the—the press. The preea —l* said, thO' pica** (cheers]. The mill, as I remarked—laughter] —the mill—and by the milll mean the flour ing mill—is the great dvffiter and dis tributor of the staff of lifus-t The press and the mill—the mill and the press gentlemen—[great applanse}—the mill and the press stand, m to pe*k—stand to intimate juxtapoakion,, r p4which the mill sustains most intimate relations to the press, while both ajflftductiTe of indiscriminate [Great ap plause]. I ; A fish Story. The Rutland (Vt) JhTttld is respon sible for these assrafiSOtor "An old resident of Qastleton, who |ges to the vicinity of Bomoseen Lake, yae recent ly fiabicg in the lake, being anchored bnt a few rods from chore, wien he had a most extraordinary * bit# trad take' at the end of hia line and hook. With an unlimited amount of exertion he pulled np—a foar-gallon jug, wit* something inside tugging at the line. Upon break ing the jug a three-pound pickerel waa found. Tne probabilities are, that the fish, in hia early ' fiahhood,' being of a philosophical torn of mincL or being out on a * little time,' in search of some thing to make his heart happy, had en tered his jug,, and being, ample to get out, had remained there ever since, till he had attained his present weight and aa t. " age.