YfciE CENTRE REPORTER THURSDAY A I'll 21,1878. LOCAL ITEMS. LOCAL MRWI.—Oar friend*, every where, will oblige u* by sending us local S. new* ofintret. CIRCULATION -The circulation of the Rkfortkr, on thi* *ide the county, J* argerthan that of all other |apers in the county. Bu*ine* men will therefore flint thi* one of tho best advertising medium*. We invite all interested to come and in spect our list for themselves REMITTANCES. -All monie* for sab le riot ion will be credited on the üb*cr her * address, tach week; by referring to which our patron* can at all times see how heir accounts stand, and a receipt is by thi* system carried upon each copy of the paper. hit P. M , he will find we were prompt t "reciprocate.'' Mitfiinburg ha# a female barber, says r.n exchange. Female Ksrirrs are noth ing rare in that locality. The Reporter seem* t come handy in some place* from which to copy report* Ac., without credit. —Mr. Wm-Smetaler, of near this vil lage, killed a rattlesnake, a few day* ago, which had 15 rattles. This kind of vermin teems to be unusually plenty this year. They will grow larger and more nume |k>us, it would seem, as the nftlec al party Hnlinues in pewer. Therefore vale the ticket if you are oppoacd to KtUltsotke* and tLo othor evils. A frill day's rain on Monday last. Fine weather for duck* last week and thi#. The lightning #iruck and went down tho rod at the house of Mr. Koch, near this place, a few days ago. The only way to prevent #uch accidents is by removing tl e rod when a storm approach** —The valuable farm of Samuel Spang In.dtc'd, in Potter twp., is advertised in the Reporter at private sale. Messrs. J. Gramly and Jer. Haines, Executors, offer the valuable farm of Geo. Graroley, dee'd, in Sugar Valley at private sale. See advertisement in Reporter. Kev. Williams' sale a* Boalsburg. August 23rd, 3 acre* land, 1 horse, 1 cow, buggy, wagon# and house and kitchen furniture. Geo. Bower, Adm'r. will offer the farm of Mich. Kreamer, dee d, in Haines twp., at public sale on 22 Aug. See adver tisement in Reporter. Ansffray. arming out of a dispute about some land, occurred at Julian Fur nace, on Friday, 15th inst., between two men. Hard Richards and Jebn Williams, which will no doubt, prove fatal to the lat ter, Richard* struck Williams in the head with an axe, causing a wound from which the brain ooaes, and it i* thought he will die from the effects Richards irn mediately delivered himself up and was lodged in jail at Bellefonte. A week or two ago we *ent out ac count*, upen yellow slip*, to such as we should be pleased to have pay up amount* due on Reporter. We tru-t such notices will receive early attention, as on our side we do a strictly cash businass—we pay cash for labor, and must pay cash in ad vance for ink. type, and every sheet of pa per we tend to our subscribers. This i* the proper way to do business and we know of no other business man or firm in the county that can say as much, and we should be pleased to have our patrons see the necessity of paying attention to the alips sent them. During the thunder storm on Tues afternoon, 12th, the hern of Jaceb Gray, in Ualfmoon twp., was struck by lightnirg and destroyed with all its con tents, consisting of this year's entire crop of hey end grain, and some implements, eeTiug only a few horse gears and about 6) bushels •( wheat. The horses and other live stock were also rescued. The loss may be estimated at about (250). Mr. Gray had an insurance of S7OO upon the building The contents of the barn be longed to Mr. George Pottsgrove, tenant and son-in-law of Mr. Gray, who had no insurance, and who will consequently suf fer keenly from this mistartune. A new top-buggy belonging to a party of Centre Hall, was in the barn at the time and also burned. The barn had been roded at one time *but these protectors wire allowed to go down by neglect. Mr. Pottsgrove and his hands, when the storm came on, were engaged in the ham at cleaning up, and feeling alarmed, he proposed they would quit it and go to the house, and barely reached the porch when the barn was struck. A let of carpenter tools, belonging to Mr. Daniel Kimport, of Ferguson twp., were stolen from his shop one night last week. William, ff son of John Foster, of near Oak Hall, was thrown from a buggy, one day last week, and received some se rious irjuries about the bead. A boy named Witner, aged some lo years, son of Wm. Witner, of near Fil more, was killed by lightning during the tfaunder storm, on Tuesday afternoon, of last week. Tbe boy was engaged at clean ing the stables when the sad accident hap pened. David Confair, says the Lock Haven Republican, from Marsh Creek, Centre county, was arrested by Westbrook at McKinney's market on Monday evening, for exposure of person and drunkenness. He resisted. tbe officer, kicking and stri king, hut by the assistance of Mr. McGhee and an officer's billy he was brought un der control. Tuesday morning be was arraigned before Alderman Ratcbeler and paid fine and costs amounting to $7. The Jfilrey correspondent of the Lewis town True Democrat writes to that paper as follows: rteveral capitalisU have been to Milroy within the last few weeks looking up ore lands and furnace* sites. It is said tbey discovered an inexhaustible body of good iron ore just abort the toll-gate on the Bellefonte and Lewistown pike. Some of the parties who .visited the place appear lo think that that entire mountain is one gifitjheap of iron. It it possible there wiil be several furnace* erected near Mil roy, inside of the next two year*, a* every- thing i favorable. We hope the day i not far distant when the hum and din of • furnaces and rolling mills shall wake up these lcftv I ills arourdthia beautiful and quiet town. S. Aley'* shoe store, at Jacksonville, was i ebbed of S3O worth of goods, a short time azo. "Gen."' How-cum-you-so-Yocum, requests the Tuten Republican to say he is net a candidate for Senator. The Bellefonte radical papers have notices stating that the following patriot* will accept officas, via: John J. Irwin, jr., will take senatorship ; A. R. Barlow, Levi Miller, Dr. Stewart, R. M'Fnrlane and R. B. Barger will agree to be elected to the legislature ; Wm. Stover, of Haines, J. A. Daily, of Curtin, A. D. Swartr., of Benner, Capt. Dunlap of Ferguson, D. P. Sbope, and James A. Lingle, for Co. Commissioner, and for Treasurer are J E. Mitchell of Benner, W. W. Rodgers ol Walker, Gao. A. Bayard of Bellefonte, and for Jury Commissioner, John S. Fos ter of Harris. The "grasshopper twist" is the name of the latest fashionable contortion among our ladies. The Credit Mobilier party of this county will hold iU convention for making county nominations, on Tuesday, August 26. Wm. Ross, Esq., near Linden Hall this county, within about one mile of L. C. A S- C. BL., has discovered a large vein of iron oie He has sunk a shafts* feet into the bed of ore and is not through yet. It is reported to us as the best pipe ore ever discovered in this country - Rep. ! -On I**l Sabbath fbrenoon tho laying i of th<> crMr>*bMii> for the new Evangeli cal churoh in thi- town took place. The day was very fine, and n largo concourse of poople was pro-sent to witnm tho ocro- MOnict, Tho sermon tor tho occasion was preached by Rev. Sloat of tho Niltany ctr- Ctiit. The divine service* wore hold in tho Kefornfed church, which was crowded to it utmost. Tho minister* participating wore Rev's Young, LongsJorf and Sloat. Aftor the eervicca in the church woro con cluded, the congregation proceeded t<> the ground where the new church i to 1 0 elected, and where the customary ceremo nies attending the laying of a c©ruer*t©n were performed. In the Hone were placed in order as follows A copy of the Holy Bible ; one copy of the Kv Hymn Book one copy of the Discipline Ot the F\ angel ical Church; one copy of Dor Kinder fround ; one copy of the 8. 8. Messenger, a Synopsis of the place; one copy ot the Kv. Messenger; ©nocopy of ike t'hr, Uot schafter; one copy of the Kef d Church Messenger, on account ol tho brotherly kind net* shown by that denomination here in allow ing them to urn their church ami a copy of the Centre Reporter- Several hundred dollars wore collected upon the occasion. The cost of the new church will be about $8500; of which about one half had been previously subscribed. On Thursday evening, 21t-, the hx ceUior society connected with the Normal school. will give a free literary entertain meat, to which all are invited. One of the most valuable and desira ble mil! properties on this side the coun ty—Centre Mills in Brushvalley, is ad vertised for sale in another column of the Reporter. It is upon a never failing stream of water, and in one of the best wheat grow • ing sections. Mr. Throne, the present owner, w ishea to dispose of this property because the state of hi* health requires him to quit the milling business. By reading tho advertisement anyone will see that a rare chance is offered to such as desire to to go into tho milling, store or lumber bu siness. The firm of J a nw- Thompson A Sons at Miiroy ha- been compelled to suspend on account of financial difficulties princi pally arising from a heavy depreciation in tho value of woolen good# of the kind manufactuied by them. —LewUtown Ga aette. We -ee nothing in the late fih law that prohibit* catching uckera —it is un lawful to catch trout, black bar*, and a few other kind of fih, with any other di vice but hook and line, while sucher* and the kinds of fish not specially mentioned in the act, are not thus protected Never forget Ruhl'* grocery, when you go to Bellefonte. It is opposite llof fers, and the place where you find the largest anil most complete stock, always fresh, andcl eaper than'elsewhere. Ruhl * grocety is headquarters always. D. F. Lute, and Wm. Nefi'. inven tive geniuses of this place, are both al work, each for himself, upon improve ments in reaper and mowers. May they both reap abundantly and have good "side deliveries '" Mr. P F. Lu-a, on Tuesday, brought two green pippin apples, of last year s crop, to this office, which are as hard and sound looking, as though just plucked from the tree; and we have reason to be lieve they would hold out another six months. These apples grew in the orch ard of Mr. Felix Burkholder. A correspondent at Potter* Mills, sends us an account of tho great storm which recently visited pirts of this %-oun- On Tuesday. August 12th, near about 12 •'dock, noon, distant thunder was heard in the west, which was the signal of.an ap proaching storm The cloud approached on its eastward march, following the line of the Seven Mountains, until it reached the gap at Potter s Mills, at which place it rushed through with the sound of the roaring of some great cataract. But a few seconds later we were visited by one of the most terrific and destructive hail storms, that ever parsed over this sec tion of country, demolishing every thing that came into its line as it passed through George s Valley, leaving ths corn fields almost without a blade or tn-rel, and cut ting the ears to the ground. Clover fields that were growing for seed, after the storm looked as if cut with a mower, oats laying in the swath was threshed from the straw . Garden \egeubles were entirely destroyed nething remaining of cabbage but the bare stump*; tomato tops with its fruit were cut to the giound and destroyed; cu cumbers were split in two, in short every thing in the vegetable "line was de-troyed, together with bi caking of window lights, uprooting of trees and scattering of fences as the storm moved on iU eastward march. Its damage can hardly be estimated. The ground, after the storm, was white with hail, some of which were as large a* hulled walnuts. In hallows where the water badSwasliedthem together, there were piics of them in the evening atsix o'clock a foot deep. "• In Peim and other part* of Gregg, the effects ef this storm were similar to the above account. The local option fines at the last Blair county court amounted t Si* were fined SIOO each, and another S3O, and about 30 others are under bail to appear at next court - —The semi-annual Beportof the L. C, A S. C. RK., up to the 3|t of June shows i remarkable increa>e of receipts ov er any previous report for a similar period. Trade and travel on this line is inctea.ing with unlocked for rapidity.— ChronieU. The Democracy of Union County nom inated the following ticket on Monday : Senate, A. 11. Dill; Assembly, Martin Ru dy; Sheriff; Cbas. D. Cox; Treasurer, Aron Wetxel; Commissioner, J. Schrock ; Jury Commissioner, Thomas, \ Barber. DEATHS. At Stormstown, on 3th, Pierce M Kin ney, aged 21 years. On 18th, in Penn twp , of pnly, Susnn Moyer, aged f>4 years, 8 months, and 13 days. On 10th inst, in Gregg twp., after a lin gering illness, Mr. Elisabeth. consort of Peter Heckmnn, deed, aged 01 year-, 6 months and 26 days. VALUABLE MILL PROPEBTY TOR SALS, at Centre Mills, within u miles of the L. C. &S. C. ItR., and It mile* from Mill heim. This is a well known merchant and custom flouring mill, having It run of Burrs On a Never Failing Stream of Water, is in good running order, lias a largo cus tom trade, and is located in eno of the finest wheat growing sections of the )tro Reporter. SI'NUW SCHOOL CELEBRATION The Union Sunday School in Gecrge's Valley, met in the church, on lat Satur day, at 9a. in. The exercise* commenced with singing an appropriate piece of music by the school. The audience we* then entertained with three appropriate ad dreions of Clod's providence, of win. h all w ere cordially in vited to partake The ladio-, truly, de serve a good share of prane for their cul inary sk ill manifested in the preparation ot those eatables in so good and excellent manner After eating, the children and other* unbraced the opportunity I" en gage in physical exercise. Three swings were put up tor this purpose Others en joyed themselves in a so. ial way. hy devoting their time in speaking on differ ent topics of ihe day. I'tie occasion was a pleasant one. ami the l ine well speut. At about & o'v lock the audience dispersed, ami to their hi uie. The iium ber in attendance was respectable t' II K When jo.i make a mustard plaster, ue no water whatever, but mix the while of an egg. and result will be n plaster that will'Mraw pir.'ectly, but will not pro duce a blister even on the skin of an infant, n • matter how long it i- allowed to remain upon the part.— Ex. Tiie local optionUts in Clearfield county are preparing to take active meus urea to enforce the provisions of the law © -*- • Dr. Hurlbut, of Lewistown, wa* at tacked last week by four highwaymen in the river bridge at that place, who de manded his money. He knocked one down when they all first. Friday la-l Jacob Ort, ol Lewistowr, say* the De:i oorat, adjoining town, sued R M Cooper, both residing on Ruling * ridge, tor damages, th<* latter'*evil aving got into a held ot corn belonging to the former. After hearing the witnesses on both sides. Esq Klberitv decided that Ort's fence* had not been kept in proper n pair, and, therefore, rendered a vcrdi* t for the defendant. The first items i t the head of the column in the II arrisburg Journal, day after the meeting of the Radical Convention were There w as a great deal of drunkenness in the streets, last night Horse thieve* are operating throughout the county. Several of the shoulder hitters have left the citv. * # Blkxmnu at tux Noa*.—A corres pondent t. the Scientific American say •, "Tho be-t remedy for bleeding at the nose a# given by l)r Gleason, in one of hk lectures, is a vigorous motion of the jaws, as if in the act ol mastication In the -ase ot a child, a sail of paper should bo placed in it# mouth and tho child instructed to chew it hard. Of course an adult does not need the paper. It is the motion of the jaws that stopi the flow of blood. Tho remedy is so very simple that many will feel inclined to Uugh at it, but it has nev er been known to fail in a single instance, even in very severe cases.-—Air. INDIAN FIGHTS. The following information of Indian fight* has been received at the headquar ters of the army. Fort Concha, Texas, July 30. 1873.—The Indians aro at their old work again this morning. Two of my hands in company with several others, on the.r way from New Mexico, were stopped on the Peco* river, about thirty miles above Ilorsehead crossing, by about thirty Indians from Fort Stanton reservation, and showed passes for forty days to hunt on slaked plains. You know what that means Four day* afterward the Indians ran off fuurteeen mules from Peco* station, kill ing the herder, a Mexican, and four night, ago one hundred and forty-three horse* were stolen from the herd of Brady. At my stock pen the property'of J. M. Canby, Dick Robertson. John L. ChUm, and I'. Fibash, nine thou-and head of cattle, had to be turned looe. The Indian- arc- aNo reported very bad ca-t of here. (Signcdl JAM its TRAIXIK. Additional particular? have been receiv ed at the war department froiu Lieut. J. Whealan, commanding at Camp Palmer, Wyoming territory, in regard to the Indi an raid.on the Mttlera on the Po|K*gie on the 28d of July, and the murder of Mrs Hall and Mr* Richard*. The*e two ladies lived near the *ite of Camp Brown and were outraged by the Indian* first and then killed. After rob bing the house of all a*:ii!able*. the Indi ans drove off the stock. They took the op portunity to make the attack when mo*t of the men w ere absent in the mountain*, and did not attempt to interfere with the few men in the valley behind. Mr*. Rich ard* was killed outright, but Mrs. Hall lived many hour* though insensible. Lieut. Whealan took the trail and vigor ously pursued the Indian*, marching tfix ty-miles the fir-t twenty-four hours. Af ter another march of thirty-five miles'* terrific hailstorm took place, which entire ly obliterated the trail. The Indian*, finding they were pursued, scattered in all directions, and the | ursuit litd to he abandoned. The Indian* vere Sioux, from the vi cinity of Fort Fettcrman. RAILROAD HORROR A Terrible Accident in Illiuoig.— Eleven Persons Killed. Chicago, August 17.—A terrible "acci- . dent occurred at half past ten o'clock last ( night near Lemont, on the Chicago and j Alton railroad, an incoming freight train , colliding with the south bound express passenger train, almost entirely wrecking the latter, killing six persons outright and fearfully injuring some thirty-seven oth er*, some of whom it i said will die. Chicago, Augu-t 17 —The total number of killed and those who died of their in juries by the collision on the Chicago and Alton ruilraid near Lemont last night is, up to three o'clock p. m. t day, eleven and of wound* thirty-five. Accident on tlie Chicago and Alton Kail road. Chicago, August lfi. —A collision, re sulting in the total demolition of fifteen or twenty freight car* and two passenger cars, occurred lu*t tiightwti the Chicago and Alton railroad, six mile* south of Uloornington, between a freight and ex- Ojrsion train. Three men were badly hurt, and two are supposed to have been killed and are Hill in the wreck. Crimin al carelessness, it is said, was the cnu-e of the accident. * * MURDER BY ROBBERS IN ARI ZONA-LYNCH LAW INVOKED. AND FOUR MEN lIUNO San Francisco, August lfi.—At Tucson, Arizona, on August 'J, Pedro Negras and wife, pawnbrokers, were murdered. Six men have been arrested on suspicion, and on# of the number, L. Coidova, ha* confess ed implicating two others. They were compelled to tell whero the plunder was concealed, and four of the murderers, John Willis. Corvado, Lopez, and Laynarinu. were hanged by the mob on a scaffold erect ed near the jail. Ex-President Johnson, it is reported, i prearing to run for Governor of Tennessee us a stepping stone to a seat iu tlio United States Senate. Wilkesbarre, Aug. 12. | Mi's. E. Yosi died in this city to-day, uged 105 years She was born in Germany. tMfOHTANT LAWS lUPOHTAHT I*l Carri K OWNKaa. Tit* Norristown Herald hat the following ar ticle on one of the source* of railroad ac cident* which may contain something ol new* to our render*. It ay "Almost daily wo read of somebody'* cow being killed by the locomotive. The dumb brute goes to the railroad for the grm* it afford* with all the wisdom of the moth that persist* In dying in the" flame, and attempt to cro*a the track Jut at the moment of greatest danger. If the 'cow catcher' doc* not throw the animal off, ten ichance* to one the train with It* living j freight it w recked, the wounded forced to j**t k hcllcr where they can, and the rail , loud company i* proceeded against lor da tn age*. "The following extrait* from the de cision ol Chief Justice Gibson in the case of a railroad company against one Skinner have an important bearing upon tbi* mat ter. The Chief Justice say* "'lf any owner of cattle toiler* them to go at large, and they are killed or injured on a railway, he ha* no resource to the company or its srrvants , on the coulrary, lie may be liable lor the damage* dene by j theiu to the railroad company or the pa* J >enger. "'A railroad com t any i* a'purchaser, in consideration of public accomodation and convenience, of the exclusive posses sion of the ground, paid for to the proprie tor* of it, and of a license lo ue the great est attainable rate of speed with which neither the person nor properly of any oth er may interfere. No,needles* damage, h.Jwo ver, must be done. "In accordance with tbi* dcci*ioii we observe that the North Pennsylvania rail road company ha* issued the following no tice to owners of cattle living along the line of that road "'Notice it hereby given that in all cu-><■!> of injury dona to the property of the North Pennsylvania railroad company, in consequencslofcattle running, standing, or lying upon the track of saul railroad, the owners ill such cattle will be liable to suit f*r damage*, for anv injury to the proper ty of said company, or to the persons uu the trains F. A. Corn.*. PresV "This i> a a is# precaution ou the |>art of the railroad company and will have the effect of reminding persons of the lan against cattle tunning at large and also ot preventing accident* 0:1 the road." Cat'KLTV TO ANIMAL*.— A* there are doubtless many of our readers unfamiliar with the existing law for the punishment of cruelty to animals in this State, and as persons should have knowledge of the law, wegiveth# following extracts from Section 1 and 5 of the act: "Any jHtrson who shall, within this Commonwealth, wantonly or cruelly ill-| treat, overload, heat, or otherwise abuse any animal, whether belonging to him*, Jno Hotter, 8 S Lyon, Adolph Locb., Milesburg josonh Kodgors, T M Hull. PhlUpsbnrg--Albert Own Unionville—Benj .1 Rich, Geo. Alexan dor. Benncr twp—Geo Dale Hurnside—Sebastian Fisher, Rudolph M ullholland. Boggg—W Dl Harper, Ham'l Pletcber, M li Muchcy, John Hays. Ferguson— Aaron Smith, C D Miller, Levi Hustonborder. Conrad Frye, Amor Hover, .J M Cute", David Miller. (iregg—Henry Krumrine, Geo Krape, O 1' Beurick. Apriiharn Lo*p. Howard— MICIIUNI Fletcher, J. W. Hull. Haines— Daniel Smith. Huston —Jno W Stewart, Goo W Mile*. Half Moon—Jno A Hunter. Liberty—Joseph Fletcher. Mnrion—Geo S Hoy. Milea--IIG Miller. Sum'l Hrumgard. Penn—Daniel l eidler, IIG Smith, Jai Kursletter. Potter D M Henny. ltush —Wm Washburn- Taylor—Danjel Henderson. Walker—Win Harris, Levi Whippo, Gershon Biddle, Charles Harshberger A MAN PERISH INtl FROM THIRST SUCKS IIIH OWN BLOOD | From the Sun I Hcgo W>rlil, Auk I.] From our friend CitpUiiii Bailey wr get ihe following horrifying purlieu turn of tli> lunjjor of Httt'in|itiiig lo erPM the Colorado desert without •uflioivlil supply of water : A few day* 1 before the Jtmn *urvoying parly reached C'oyole Weill, the driver of tlie Yiiwit ulngo brought worer's Ferry, August 11. — Four members of a family named H inkle, re siding at the foot of the mountain, here, diyd last night from the bite of a rat tlesnake. It is supposed the snake j cult-red their dwelling—a frame struc j lure —yesterday and attacked the family wheu asleep in the night. Mrs. llinkle aud three children were bitten, aud died before relief could be obtained. Rattlesnakes are more nu merous this season than nt any previ ous time within forty years. TTjURM FOR BALU. Ths well known farm of Samuel Spang ler. dse'd, situated in Potter twp., I entr. county. Pa.. offered at Private Sale, containing about AM ACRES OK TIIK BEST LIME STONE LAND. Abmit 170 acre* buing in a high state of cultivation. The {balance being well e! with a FINE GROWTH OF U MBER, consisting in |>art of White Oak, Chestnut' and Obotnul Oak. The Building* are good, large and commodious. Water A Fruit second to none in the Slate. A never failing well and also running water near the door. Any person desiring a good farm and 4 pleasant home, a* also a profitable invert-! menl. can addre** MAKUARET SPANULKK, on the premises, or K. L SPAM; I. KB Jotist, 111. Taugdm Executors. A HI (MIC VAI.I.KY FARM AT PRIVATE SALE The valuable Farm of George Gramly, ib-o'd, about f mile south of Log*nsvilia, ' Clinton county, is offered at private sale. . It contains 83 ACRES OF LAND. lof which 12 acres consist of Timberland, [the balance being under good cultivation, j Thereon are erected a TWIfiSTORI FRAME HOUSE. BANK BARN, Smokehouse, Springhouse, Woodshed, &t\ I There li running Water at tlie house and ' at the burn. Also, a thriving YOl"NO ORCHARD on the premise*. J For further particular* apply to the un- I dcrsigned, JONATII. GRAMLY, Sugar Valley, or JEREMIAH HAINES, Kebersburg, dliuly'im Executors. ;/ \RPHANS' COURT SALE. By virtue of nn order "f the Orphans' Court of Centre county, there will he ex posed to public snle, on the premises, On Friday, August 22, 1873, At 1 o'clock p. in., that valuable Farm, known a* the properly of Mieheal Kiearn er, situate in Haines township, about 1 and • a half inilo* South of Aaronshurg. con ■ mining imi ACRES AND 4 PERCHES, Neat measure, tho improvements thereof consist of Two Dwelling Houses, Large Barn, Saw Mill. Cider Press, and all the necea* sary outbuildings. Also an Orchard 6f choice Fruit anil a good Sprit gof never failing Water, at tite door. About lff> acres are cleared and In a good state of cultivation, the balance i* well timbered with White Pine, Sugar, White Oak, Ac TERMS —One Third of the Purchase money to he paid on confirmation of Sato; One Third in One Year; and the remain ing third at the f John Kartge* of <)regg twp, deed, have been granted to the undersigned, who re quest all persona knowing theinsolve* in debted to said estate to make immediate payment, ami tboi* having dtMHUMb against the same to present them duly authenticated by law lor settlement JNO. lUSHKL. I pAN'L BAKTCIES, 7 augflt Exccutois BKLLKFONTKM A RK KTH. White (Yheat $1,(14, Red )dO.„.Kre 17.*. Com 40 ....Oalt 84 Barley HO. 70 do fenced 6,tm Potatoes 44. (yard per pound 7 I'ork per pound W! Butter 14. Eggs 14 flutter perton fit Tnth.w H Baeoli H Ham I'd LK WISTOWN MARKETS White wheat 1 ,'•*"... lUd wheal 1,00.11 ye ;u.> Corn 42 Oil4& Barle.v GO ('lover* end 4,00 Timothy teed, H-Vt........ Salt If 60 per tack llneon ltle llaii I • Buttei 14 Egg* II flutter ti 40 IIA UTLETON Steam Tannery. HARTER BRO S. Ilarilelon, Union county, I'a. TbU Tannery !.* MOW ae-|uired ihe reputation of manufacturing win* <>t (he be-t iealher In the Slate. Calf Skin* and I (onto math* and City Sole leather, alwayti.u hand Highest market price paid for Hide* und Bark. l'lntcrur*' Hair, dec., at way* on hand. Hide* left with Win Hurler, in Haines tu p., will he paid lor at highest Cash pri ces. lulylotf || Ki.lM KK > MM It KS The following account* have l.oen ex amined and passed hy me, and remain tiled on record in this office for the In spection of heirs, legatees, creditor*, and all other* in any way interested, and will be presented to the orphan* court of Cen tre county, on Wednesday the 271h day ol August next, for t-oiiflrmatii n and allow, a lice : 1 The account of Joeob Suavely, ad ministrator of Jacob K rater, late of Peon | twp.. Centre county, dec d, 2 The acc'l of Levi Snook, guardian of Elisabeth Weaver, iuin. dee'd. It The account of Joseph Jote*, ad* j minhlrator of Mose* V. Mayer, late ot j Phihpshurg, tlec'd 1- The Second .Supplementary account ..f Adam Voaada, surviving executor of: Henry Yonada, of Haines township,. de.- J. 1 lit The account of (.'harle* Beck, guar- J dian of John H ami Char le* S. Beik, children and heirs |'f Simon Beck, dee'd. H The account of J. W. Mattern. exe cutor of Amos Funk, lateof Phllipaburg, doe'd. 14 The account m John KersteUer, ( guardian of Win. F. Cngart, late of Penn township, dee'd. - 10 The account of Elisabeth Cngart administrator of Joseph Zerby, late of | Gr.-gg twp., dee'd. 17 The account of Frederick Zet'.le ad- j uiiiiislralor of Frederick Zettle, Sr., late j of Gregg twp., dwd. IK Tlie administration account of Rob t Goheen, on eUtoof Nathan Corbin, late , of Harris twp., dee d. I l'j The account of John U. TBjlor and Benjamin Stover, administrators of Geo. Stover lateof tiregg twp . dee'd, i . 'J' Supplementary administration ac- , 'countof Win. Holt, administrator of Jno. llolt, late ol Snow Shoe twp , dec d. *2l The account of Kbenexar Records, guardian of Mary Brown, minor child of Andrew Browu. of Worth twp.. dee'd. . 22 The account ot Jmc Glenn, ad ministrator of Susan M itched, late of Usr ri* twp.. dee'd 23 The account ol James Martin, trustee to tell the real estate of Junes . Martin late of \\ alkrr township, dec d -21 Tne final account of J. 1. Gepbart, trustee to tell the r-al e>Ute| of George (sarbrick, late of Benner townthip. dee d f 24 The guardianship account of John 11. Holt, guardian of K. ltecd, minor 1 child "f K lteed, dee'd. *>s The account of S T Gray, and John C Gray, executor* of John Gray, Jr., a* filed bv S. T. Gray, acting Executor 27 The administration account of Geo. Ligington adminislratorof B. K Shope. dee d, a* filed by A. O. Furet, Esj , c*e- j cutor in the lat wilt and totamcnt of Geo. Livingston. TJt The account of John llarshbarger I and C. F. Roiiiich, administrator* ol Win. Martin, lateof Walker, township, dee'd. X) The account ot Albert liwcn. ad ministrator of Jacob Haberocker, late of Philipsburg, dee'd. 3U The account of John P Harris exe cutor in ihe last will and testament of Patrick Kline, dec d, of Bellefonte. 31 The account of John Bing. lultr.in istrator of llcnry Gate*, .dee'd of Union J. H MORRISON. Register. Bellefonte. fTXIHKKTAK Kits Si PPLIES A kj fine asc>rtinent of Coffin trimming*, lutt received at Millheim and Milroy Hard ware store*. Barr handles. Lace Ac., latest styles. apric -1m W. J. M MA N It; AL £ (Of KT PUOCLA M ATION. WlwTMt Uss lis* (lurtst A H|sf. fmslsal of Uv rowi of I'OMMI Hsu. la IBs SUa JiklH-1,1 1% trtrl. r.uwU)u of IBs roßnUos ol l onlrs. CUnUo,. and I l-..1.t 800 chs Moßorsblo W W IOJTO sad Uso H,o>ar*l>l llsurj law. Asoor*f Jod*™, IB Coolr. OOBBI*. Ussfß* lß*ad rtdl wsssp, l—,rtQ* dstslhs 41 hi.) -I J soman .A P . I"CX. I- m* dlrarlod lu, h.4d IB* B court of One sod Tmsis-r *d liunaiml Jail to linn and Ifwrtsi Saloos ->f IBs Psass la Hallafaata., (t Iks osnli of I'ssllt. and lo ronuasius on Iha ft* Monday of An* nail, l-ins lbs Mil) day of Aucf PCX. i and to eontiam* l*o sska I X..UOS Is hsralij glson lo lha <"newat. .1 aatlraa of Iba ! I'aa. r Aldanmau and I onslantaa of Uss aasd rawly of [ < 'antra, iba) t-Uaj ba tbsn and Utora In Ihsir ,r-.|t 1 parMW, *1 1* oVWk la tba forantam of aatd day, any ! tbair imorda. lBola< *BS. rt.mlnauon. and I hair ou* ramstnhram-aa. Vo do I boas Ihlny. uhlch lo lb
  • ll II NEW (ilKitlft, embracing READY MADE CLOTHING, Bit toot UOO tiff. OItOCERIEM, PHOVIatOMH, MOUTH A aituMH, IIATH A CAM, ASH FANCY AUTICLNB audi* now prepared to accomodate all ilia old customer*, and to welcome all new outw who may favor him with their patronage, lie feel* taf# in *ay ing that he cau please the moat fastidi ous Call and see. ISA AC G CGGKNH El M Kit. P. B.—-Mr, Husamau atill eoutiuue* to deal iu LEATI! Kit AND SHOE-FIN DINGS, CLOYKit and TIMOTHY SEEDS, in the old room, where he may alway be found. l'iap.tf. C. F. Uerlacher N. C'ronmiller. NEW GOODS! ? rl £ 3 rJ fi fi J YA L OK GOODS!!! HKXLACHBK A CHONMILLEIt \V r ih to infoim the citixeu* of Potter Wf that they have opened an entire new stock of good* in their old quarters, and will keep constantly on hand a full and good assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, consisting of ALPACAS, ' Poplins, 1 PLAIDS, Lustre*. and all other kinds ol DRESS GOODS. full line of NOTIONS and FANCY Goods Hata A Cape, Root* &• Shoe* CROCKERY. OUEKNSWARI, BTO N K W A K K CRDAKWARE, SUGARS. TEAS, COFFEES. FISH, SALT. etc., etc , etc.. All of which we offer at greatly reduced prices. Highest price# paid for country produce. By strict attention to buinc* we hope to merit and receive the patronage of the public PROPRIETORS OF THE Bellefonte Lime Quarries. The only Manufacturer* of Lime, burnt exclusively with wood, in Central Pennsylvania. UEALKKH IN Anthracite Coal, White Litue, Du Pool's Powder, Sporting and Wauling Powder on hand, Fuse lor Wauling, Fire Brick, Ground Fire Clay, Fertilizer*, Implement*. janao 74 Office acd yard near South end of the Bald Eagle Valley Railroad Depot, Belle fante. Pa. jan 10.74 ■\rol*N"nsihle parlies for paper, "or A per cent deducted from price* for raan. Price* are the same at both Store*, npr 3 4m W J. M MAXIUAL TJR.B.G. GUTKLIUS, Dentist, Mlllheim. OfTers hi* professional services to the public. He is prepared to perform all operation* in the dental profession. is now fully prepared to extract teeth abaolutrty without pain, myh-73-tf. EDWAK I) J EVANS * CO., NURSERYMEN A SEEDSMEN, York. PB. ya(r Caulogtu- Mailed to ApplicanU'Bß Refer (by pertnim*iom) to Hon. J. S, Black. Washington. D. C., Weiser. Son & Carl, Bankers, York, Pa. June 5-fim Excelsior Cement- The undersigned now manufacture Ce ment WARRANTED OF A SUPERIOR QUALITY, at their kiln*, near Pine Creek Mills, in Haines twp. Thi* cement ha* alreadv been used in large quantities upon the I. C. A 8. C. B R., and ha* been found highly satisiactory upon all job* where it has been used, and a* equal to any now manufactured. The undersign ed noW take pleasure in recommending, and warranting it to all, for use in CiS TKRNB, WATER PIPES, or whatever purpose a good quality of Cement i* desi rable. Thu Cement ha* already been tested far and wide, and rendered the ut most satisfaction. Person*, therefore con structing Cisterns, laying Water Pipe*, Ac., wilt find it to advantage to bear this in mind, and alto, that they warrant the article a* represented. For further par ticular*. address MEYER A HOFFER, 20 dec If Aaron*burg. Pa. W. A!~CURRY; BOOT & SHOE MAKER CENTRE HALL, PA. Would most respectfully inform tbecit aent of this vicinity, that he has started a new Boot and Bboe Shop, and would be thankful for a share of tne public patroa age. Boot* and Shoe* made to oruer and according to style, and warranto hi* work ito equal any tnade elsewhere. All kind* f repairing done, and charge* reasonable- Give him a call. feb 18 iy. ECU TORS' NOTICE- Letter let- Is tamcntary on the e*ta*e of Nicholas Dccktrt, late of Potter township, dee d, hare thi* day been granted to the under signed, all |>crtoni knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment and these having claim* will present them duly authenti cated for settlement. THOMASB. McKLROY, july 18. fit. • Executor.! A "DM 1M STR ATi tRS.XoTICK. —Let- XV ter* of administration on the estate of David Jordan, late of Potter twp., dee d, have been granted to the under signed. who requests all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having de mand* against the same to preaenl them duly authenticated bv law for settlement AARON LfCKKXBACH. julylOCt. Adtn'r. I EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.-Letter te*- "j tamentary on the estate of John Reynold*, of Mile* twp., dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned, who requests all person* knowing themselves indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having demand* against the same to present them duly authenticated bv law for settlement to Mr. Jonx Wour, ol Miles twp., to whom I have riven a power of Attorney, to transact all business for said estate. CHRISTIANA REYNOLDS, junc'd-"'-dt Executrix. C. L'ECK'S New Coach Manufactory. CENTRE HALL, PA. 'Die undersigned ha* opened a new es tablishment, at his new *hop*, for the manufacture of Carriages, Buggies, . Kidneys I adder. Unit I im of Orina Dtesasre of the frosts (iiaad. mm,, la theewMw.OfSveL Brick Dut Deposit, ,0 * S Mimdad With the following tpmytomA Lam \ •* Yvwm, Um of Mwwry.laamitTof ttrsatk ! L f FMBlCoaatensacc. i.**s--.,1 ~f hyslrer dr.. | Oaed hy person* to the detitoc or ctuutpm of fit*; aftov MMWI or labor pain*, bed-wet. ! Uag to chUdrsn, sir fa mmr at action* jMvaitor to Udies, the Ex tract IbueSo I* aneeyaletf by any other rcaMriv— Riiiilit" fakSm** auie of the Pterin, lm sbst tartdSys ysii' r/ 0 " 800 - Mldatrss rnfcenkd < sa4*'dc:!cais toasuue Clom of irtrt.ii um lad iU igH, KIABNIV** BXTBACT BVCBV, (Vrtt fiwiiif AtUAm* from /MTVAmm, lit&Ms of /hftiMliiiii, JRk . I t ill ibeir flft TTITU MFFMR, m RO daufi la 4frf. BO IK* tamttav., aad noexposare li atoms a fre •eant daatrv, and_gl.es etrsogth to ttjiaeta SuMin^TKXTMACT BtCHf, SIOO per hottt* or six hocdm for fla deti.erad Id say sMrsss, socare from otworrsttua Raid hp drngt*nnnjrisas Prspaisd by ooTmMwti.x.r. ooTmMwti.x.r. ail MM* liar iafenauioa should ho *AVON MMMI AM® IM POSTS SsT I* Cttwg* tm Adrie* *ai OeaMiUtM*. JJr. J B buxi. GfaCasM of JMtoal (■oUtm, MtfieGphln. aetuor of arrant wMehto ■arks, caa ha coaeeked ea ail dtinsa* at the Banal or Cnnsry (mui. (which hs ha* atsda aa sapei .s. study .< .iui it, male or fonak. no tMfltor froa whit miit tiiflmtTtfic. or wt IMMV kmc A yucttoi of m ymm mm UM ktJjti TO IFFX OINCEMMMI wtiii mamm. OMI (fmt- MMI jiini^r id emu. SEWING MACHINES. The *alo* of Sewing machine* in 1872. n reported under oath, in 1K73. to own ert of the Sewing Machine P.tcaU show that the SINGER MANUFACTURING CO. i.ai Year Sold 2 19,758 MACHINES OR. 38,4% more than in 1871, Nicely per cent, of them being for FAMILY USE THI* IS OVER 4 5,0 0 () More Sewing Machines than were •old by any other company daring the mme period, end over ONE QUARTER of all the Machines cold in 1872. JVimeipaJ Ofice of The Singer Manti Tart urine Co. 34 UNION SQUARE. Philadelphia, office, 1100 Chestnut St. juoe2C-^m i gROCKKKIiOFF IIOUBK, Allegnenev Street, Beilefucte, Pk. D. JOHNSON A SONS, Proprietors. a FIRSTCX A* HOTEL. COWRFORT ABT* ROOIM PROMPT ATTENDANCE. ALL THR MODERN CONVENIEN CES-AND REASONABLE Charge#. The proprietor* offer to the traveling ' public, and to their country fiienda, Bret class accommodation* and careful atlen > tion to the want* of gue*t* at all time*, at fair istv. Careful hostler* and good stable ling for horse*. An excellent table well terved. A Bar *upplied with fine liquor*. Servant* well trained and everything re ?ui*ite in a first clan* Hotel. Our locatioa in the bu*ine** part of the town, near the 1 Post Office, the Court IIOUM, the Chur \ che*. the Bank*, and the p incipal placet of businm-s, render* it the most eligible ' place for tbo* who visit Bellefoete onbu*f- I or pleasure. An Omnibua will carry passengers i sad baggage to snd from U trains • free of charge. GIVEN AWAY. A Fine German Chromo. We send an elegant Chromo, mount ed and teady for framing, free to ever? Agent for U!iMKGEOU!i OR LIFE BELOW THE SURFACE* ny THOS. w A .VO.T. MS Pago* Octavo. 190 Fine Engraving*. • Relate* Incident* and Accidents beyond • the Light of Day; Startling Adventure# in all part* of tno World ; Mine* and Moic Working them; Under-current* of Society: Gambling and its Horrors ; Cav ern* and their Mytterio*; The Dark Way* • of Wickedness ; Prisons and their Secret*; f Down in the Depths of the Sea; Strange Stories of the Detection of crime. The book treats of experience with brigands; night* in opium aen*and gamb ling hell*; life in prison; Stories of exilee; adventures among Indian*; journeys through Sower* and Catacombs; accident# in mines ; pirates and piracy; torture* of >• the inquisition; wonderful burglaries ; un derworld of the great cities, etc,, etc. AGENTS WAfcT^D for thi* work. Exclusive territory fgivea. Agents can make SIOO a week in' selling this book. Send for circulars and terms to agent*. J. B. BURR & HYDE, n Hartford, Conn., or Chicago, UL r If 70x1 aro Suffering from any CHRONIC DISEASE, 1 Broken Down Constitution * ■ e Or require a Remedy to .Parity and Enrich the BUM*. You will And Dr. Crook 'a Compound anup W Pskc Root to masses* greotrr tnttr-U, cure you more sp- --<.tify, and do you more good than any and all other rcmmHea combined. That Fate, Yellow, nicUly -looklng Shlu la ehanaed to one of freshness and health. Ttioee BlirsM* of the Skin, rim plea, Fua •■lea, Biotckee and ErupUoaa are re moved. Scrofula. Kcrofulou* Pis fee of the Eyes, While Swelling*. tlesH* - Old More* or any kind of Humor rapidly >t dwindle and disappear under Its Inflnenm, arhml Is fir It U uature'* own restorer I A ~] soluble oxyd of Iron combined, with tho it medicinal properties of Poke Root Uiviwtaa 1 ot all disagreeable uualltle*. It will cure any i- aienain whose real or direct cause la 800 a Blood, nkeumalistw, Paine fa* 1 !■>* u or Baa**, Constitution* broken dsn L! by Mercurial or other poisons, are all cured