The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, August 21, 1873, Image 1

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    To * R<IM.
llosc of th* morning, in thy glowing hssntr
Bright tK thr star*. and delicti* and lortly,
lift np thy hod shore thr ssrthW d selling,
Daughter of heaven '
Wake! for the waterv cloud* are all dispers
ing :
Zoyphr invito* the* froete and snow* of
win tor
AU are depaited. and Faronia breeze*
Welcome thee smiling.
Ri* in their beauty J—Wilt thon fonu a gar
Ronnd the fair brow of some beloved matden ?
Pure though elte he, unhallowed temple uever.
Flow Vet! ahall wear thee.
Thon ahonldet lie wreathed in coronal im
Tl on ehouldst 1* flung upon a elm tie eter
Thou ehouldet be twined among the golden
Of the pure Virgin.
In Absence.
Though sptose lure me. and the roee-tree
It* heart of fragrance to beguile the aenee
Though warm air* woo me, and the beaiity
laienss -
Though nuueete ravuth with tlieir Hue and gold
And amber moon* enchant the tropic aoue.
Love grow* aweary, and my heart a-cold.
Atone 1
Then come, my darling come again to toe.
Nor linger louger ou the far-off shore;
Between us there ahall roll the cruel eea
No more.
I long to clasp von in a f.u>d ecilurwr*.
And tell yon, tell you with my every breath.
I ne'er again will una* your loving face
Till death.
The beautiful river Rhine, in some of
its winding*, is not unlike that portion
of our Hudson which flow* through the
Highland*. But it differ* vastly from
the latter, in that the grand old hill*
and immense rocks lying on either aide
are covered with ruins of what were
once massive towers, castles, and strong
hold*. These frowning battlements,
perched upon jagged rocks and steep
mountain passes, were the homes of
warlike knights and barons of olden
time, whose lives seemed spent in war
ring against each other. To all these
ancient ruins throughout Germany,
as well as on the Rhine, are attached
some story or romance woven from his
tory and tradition. A charming Ger
man author has gathered into a little
Tolume many of these legend*. One of
the most delightful of the legends is
connected with Richard I, King of
England, called Richard "Casur-de-
JLion " because of his idomitable cour
age and bravery.
Richard was born in Oxford, and in
118SJ succeeded hi* father, Henry 11.
It is'said that his'haughty spirit and
unbending will hastened the death of
the old king. Partly from remorse for
past misconduct, partly ffbm martial
taste, which early in life distinguished
him, soon after his accession to the
throne he leagued with Philip of France
for a second crusade in Palestine against
the famous Saladin, Emperor of Egypt
and Syria. Saladin had wrested Jeru
salem from the hands of the Christian
Knight, Reginald de Chatillon, and
slain many of his followers. News 01
this disaster reaching England, Richard
determined to regain possession of the
holy city. The key to Syria was the
fortress of St. Jean-D'Acre, which en
dured a siege of two years before yield
ing to the combined forces of England
and France. However, before the lion
hearted monarch had time to regain
possession of Jerusalem, new* reached
him of war at home. He concluded a
truce with Saladin, and quickly em
barked to quell the revolt in his own
kingdom. On the coast of Italy he
was shipwrecked. Nothing daunted by
this new misfortune, he disguised him
self as a pilgrim, hoping to pass through
Germany unseen. By some means,
however, he became known to Leopold,
Duke of Austria, who, to gratify a per
sonal prejudice, caused him to be ar
rested and secretly imprisoned. The
fame of this great monarch had been
spread far and near by pilgrims to the
Holy Land ; by the songs of trobadours,
and the plaudits of those who had
fought under him. His own knights
worshiped him, and a number of them
banded together, determined, if he
were still living, to find his hiding
place and deliver him.
On a lovely snmmer morning a troop
of horsemen were passing through the
countrv in which lav a portion of the
Hartz fountains. Three noble-looking
men rode forward, evidently the leaders
of the troop which followed. The mid
dle bcrseman was dressed as a minstrel,
and on his face was an expression of
deep pain and anxiety. Suddenly he
stopped his horse, to catch the notes of
a shepherd, singing in the far-off field.
No sootier was the song finished, than
he dashed towards the astonished
singer. t
"My boy, sing that again! See, I
have for you!"
" Tis a song I love !" said the boy,
as he took the gold and re-commenced
his music.
" Now, tell me, lad," said the min
strel, "who taught you that song."
" I dare not tell!" replied the boy.
as he glanced with suspicion at the
"Aye! But you must tell me! No
harm shall come to yon ! See here ia
more gold for you."
" I have heard it sung in the castle of
Triefels, near which I often feed my
" Oh, God !" exclaimed the minstrel,
bursting into tears as he knelt on the
ground, " How wondrous are thy
His companions approached him
with amazement, to hear him exclaim:
"We have found him! On to Trie
fels 1"
After the excitement of their sup
posed discovery had abated, they de
cided, firet, to get a view of the fortress,
and then matare their plans for getting
within it. The shepherd boy, who was
to guide them thither, tola them no
strangers were allowed to cross the
drawbridge, and the keeper was imperi
ous and unsociable. Soon the towers
of Triefels glittered in the sun, and
after a graceful survey of its surround
ings, they moved away for further de
"My friend*," Raid the knight, "in
ray minstrel's dress I mast try alone to
gain admission to the castle. Mean
time, this boy will find you lodgings in
the hamlet below. If our noble king
is imprisoned here we must release
Thus saying, and with one servant to
bear his Bhield and harp, he rode to the
bridge and demanded food and shelter
for himself and servant. After much
parley, he waa received ; but very un
graciously. However, within these
dreary walls he found a beautiful
woman, the keeper's niece, whose smile
waa like the warm sunlight on a winter's
After dinner the minstrel sang to the
drowsy ancle and the charming niece.
As the former, after a while, seemed to
sleep soundly, the knight began :
"You seem to love music, fair lady 1
But surely you do not often hear it in
this lonely castle."
"No ! only myself and one poor
prisoner sing."
" A prisoner!"
"Yes,and he must be of gentle birth!
But I dare not say more, less my uncle
wake. He will "be angrv if I talk of
"Tell me one thing, dear maiden,
can I hear the soßg of this one, who
sings for freedom ?"
" Yes, if you listen to-night ; IUB
melancholy brings the bars to my eyes
often enough !"
Just now, the old keeper awoke, and,
giving orders to lead the stranger to his
apartment, he himself went out. When
our knight entered his chamber, he
went to tne window, and vainly strove,
through the deepening twilight, to find
the tower in which he supposed his
dear king to be. Soon, a melancholy
voice was heard singing these words :
"The golden stars wander over hill
and valley, messengers of my longings
l 1 RlilX lv I I WX. % l'Mitor 1.1 ml 1 *ropriotor.
vol.. VI,
and niy griefs. In Haiti gloomy prison,
1 pass my life, ami can only couflde my
woes to Heaven."
"" Oh ! my ktug !" aobUvl the knight,
as a pale face appeared at a tower win
dow. How can I tell you how near
your frieuds are ?"
" The harp !" hooried suddenly, and,
snatching it up, with trembling ringers,
he played a romance which he had once
composed for the king.
No aoouer had he fiuished a few l>ars
than the voice in the tower caught up
the air and finished it. " Blondel ?
exclaimed the king. For answer, the
minstrel again seized the harp and
sang ;
" Oh. Richard' oh, my king!
His world atiaudoke thee.
And no vine now u> seeking
Thy deliverance but me
I'll save thy previous persou.
1 will tweak thy cruel chain.
1 pledge myself tn song
Thy freedom to regain "
Blondel speut the night in laying
plans for the deliverance of Richard,
lie resolved to gain admittance into the
castle for his followers through his
friendship for the lovely girl, who hail
already made an impression ou his
Within a day or two the newly elect
ed emperor was to be crowned at Frank
fort. On the evening of the coronation,
he directed the landlord of the little
inn, near Trilfels, to give to the garrison
of the castle a banquet that with prop
er ceremony they might drink to the
health of the new monarch. Mean
while one by -me, his own trusty
knights stole, through the twilight, to
the woods behind the castle.
At s late hour of the evening the
little sidegste of the fortress opened,
a* the young maiden cautiously stole
out to meet Blondel.
Then for the first time, he unfolded
to her the real object of his meeting
with her, entreating her to fly bock to
England with the king (whom he was
about to liberate) and himself,
assuring her that every tokeu of love
and gratitude should bo shown her if
she would yield to his wish. •
With a cry of astonishment and pain,
she exclaimed, "Oh, traitor! oh, woe!
my poor uncle !" As she turned to t!y
within the castle walls, the follower* of
Blondel—who, in the darkness, had
approached unperceived— flocked about
her, and made their way to the castel
lan's room, where the tower keys were
kept. The few defenders of the fortress
who were not at the village feast were
soon overpowered. The old keeper
was powerless to do aught; but he
cried out, as the liberated Richard stood
before him; "Against this deed, con
trary to the law of nation?, I protest,
and swear that you shall not leave Ger
many in safety !" The poor maiden
threw herself upon her knees, and ac
cused herself as the cause of this terri
ble disaster.
Meanwhile, the report of the attack
upon the castle had reached the inn,
and the warriors came back in hot haste
to find themselves barred outside the
walls, with a threat that if they did not
disperse the castellan should lose his
head and the castle be destroyed.
Blondel and the king urged the maid
en to retnrn with them to England, but
she could not forgive the mnu who hod
used her heart fcr nn act of treason.
Blondel left her, but not till she hail
accepted a ring and chain of gold in
token of his remembrance of her love
and service towards him. We do not
propose to follow the fortunes of Cteur
de-Lion after his escape from Triefels ;
but to tell our readers what tradition
says of the minstrel Blondel snd the
unhappy maiden. Many, many years
after the events which we have described
and on another summer day, a gray
haired cavalier rode over the same
mountain pass, where the king had been
sought and found.
" Here," murmured he, "here have I
felt in days gone by the highest bliss
and the deepest woe of my life! " Slow
ly he rode till he had reached the little
As he looked into the face of the land
lord he discovered the features of the
young shepherd boy. With an almoe*
tender interest the two (one of whom
was Blonde!) talked of the past.
In tears the now old minstrel learnt
the sail fate of the castellan and his
niece. He was killed by some hidden
hand after the (light of Richard was dis
covered. The broken-hearted maiden
entered a convent near Baden, where
henceforth her life and history were lost
to the world.
None can visit this ancient ruin of
Triefels without a melancholy interest
as they recall the dreary prison-life of
the great King Richard, the touching
romance of the minstrel knight Blondel,
and tiie lovely, loving maiden over
whose story centuries have now rolled.
Working on a itancho.
A yonng man who went West thus
reveals some of his ansa tis factory ex
periences, in a note to the editor of the
Denver (Col.) New*: "Being out of
work—but not loafing—l thought I
would try the lancho business, so I
walked four or five miles out on the
Platte, and I found a raneho where there
are employed from twenty to twenty
five hands at 31 per day. Now, Mr.
Editor, I shall tell yon facts—nothing
more—so here it goes. You are obliged
to get up at 4 o clock ; get breakfast.
However, daring bug time—potato
bugs—you get up at 3 o'clock and
shake Paris green until breakfast—s
o'clock. Yon work antil 11 o'clock and
get dinner—half hour nooning. Then
work until fi oCT)ok—sapper—and, as
soon as yon swallow your supper, work
until 9 or lOo'clock tieingup vegetables
for market. All this for $1 a day. Sun
days one-fonrth of a day is
—25 cents—to work from 3 o'clock in
the afternoon to 9 o'clock at night.
Now, ia this not enough to sicken a
poor man's heart ? The food is enough,
but poor—no milk or butter allowed on
the table, and you sleep like hogs, in
an old barn ana stable, full of graybarks
and bedbugs. I like to work, but was
obliged to give up. I hope some good
and kind-hearted ranchman will give
me work and a home where 1 will not
have to work sixteen out of the twenty
four hours for 31 per day."
The Locomotive.
from a paper on the locomotive en
gine, by Joseph Harrison, Jr., r<-od
before the members of the Franklin
institute in Pennsylvania, is taken the
following paragraph:
"The engineer, noting the curious
things in bronze and in copper exhumed
at Pompeii and gatliered together in
the Mnseo Borhoniea at Naples, will
linger near a small vessel for heating
water, little more than a foot high, in
which are combined nearly all the prin
ciples involved in ttie modern vertical
steam boiler —fire box, smoke flue
through the top and fire door at the
side, all complete ; and Btrange to say,
this little thing has a water grab; made
of small tubes crossing the fire box at
the bottom, an idea that has been pat
ented twenty times over, in one shape
or another, within the period of the his
tory of the steam engine."
Since the cutting down of the ex
change lists, there has been much use
less handling of useless newspapers
avoided, and the exchange fiend has to
some extent discontinued his visits.
A Village Farmer.
I t'll* llarr as l was I'ulil to t.
Tn one of the small villages lees than
twenty miles from New York lives alar
-1 tuer, it he may bo so ealled, wlm has
only eight acres of tillable laud, and a
few acres of awamp lanil devoted purt to
forest and part to pasturage. When
voung lie learned the mason's trade.
The land came in part from his father
and the rest he bought after a time,
and when there was no such thiug as
village near, or thought of. After learn
iug his trade he married a nice girl, and
they lived in a small house ; but as no
work was to be had near, he sought it
ui neighboring towns, and if the dis
tance w-<- not great, not over five miles,
he Uiarded at home, ami walked to and
from his work nights ami mornings.
Wages at that time were only 51.25 per
j day, but he saved money every year,
and after a time he was able to buy a
few more acres, which he would culti
vate when he ouuld get no mason work.
In seven or eight years he got so fore
handed as to be able to buy brick
enough at $5 per M, delivered, to build
a nice two-sjory house. The way he did
the work may &e of some interest to thr
present eight-hour laeu. It was for
tunate that just at tiiia titne he had a
good job of brick and t tone work only
two miles distant, so that lie could eaai-
Iv eat his hr -akfa*t ut home and get ou
the walls just after snnrise. That was
the time when even the ten-hour rule
had not been adopted, so they all
worked till sundown. After eatiug his
supper and working in his garden or
corn-field As long as he could see, he
went to bud, and was ready next morn
ing with the lark. Then he hired a man
for 50 cents a day to dig his cellar,
which was 7 feet deep, 40 feet long, and
28 feet wide. Hv this time he had an
apprentice, and taking a few days' time
from the job they laid up the wall.
After that, when the uioou shone, ami
while the apprentice and everybody
were asleep he would lay brick aloue,
making his owu mortar and tending
himself. The wall was thick, ami had
air spaces, ami the house is standing to
day, and will stand many a day. Of
j course it was not finished that year ; it
was little more than inclosed by the
next fall, and it required another vear
before it was completed from top toVt
tom—with a smoke house in the chim
ney in the cellar, also a Are-place, a
! cistern under the kitchen, while the sit
j ting-room, parlor, ami parlor bedrooms
i had plaster cornices and gay conter
| pieces overhead, all done in the I wet
■ style of workmanship. Then his wife
had flowers and shrubbery in the great
est variety; grapes were abundant, and
j there were all kinds of cherries, plums,
pears, and apples.
That was the way he got a home. No w
he ik>es not work much at his trade, ex
cept in winter, when there is nice inside
duisbiug to do, then he gets $5 a day ;
i but he is engaged mostly in farming."
On the place are kept four cows, a span
j of horses, two hogs, and a large stock
of poultry. The yield of hay is over
! two tons to the acre, corn usually yields
, 01) bushels an acre, the orchard yields
friiin 50ft to 1,000 bnshelsof apples, and
potatoes and vegetables of all kinds.
Isist year h sold sweet com to neigh
bors, who came after it at 26 cents a
| dozen, for which he got over 8150.
Milk from the four cows is sold at the
| house at seven cents a quart to the
amount of several hundred dollars. The
j horses are fat, the cows are fat, the
hogs are fat, ami the hens fat enough to
produce on an average a dozen eggs a
' day the year round. It is trno that our
friend is rough-looking, and sometimes
dirtv, for he has not yet learned the
! ten-hour system ; but if you go to his i
house as a visitor, yon will find him
cheerful as the day—you will see a large
orange tree in the bay window of the
sitting-room, most tln year bearing
golden fruit, and at the close of a sum
mer's day he will bo delighbtl to sit
with yon on the piazza shaded with
vines and cluster rows, and talk of the
good days gone, and not less of the
good duystocome, with a nice village all
I aronnd, and a railroad with ever so
j many trains a day, and churches and j
I schools, and all these things. Ton
1 might think he would be decrepit, and 1
• that his wife would have died long ago j
| with hard work, but not a bit of it; and
| they ride out in their shining blaok < ar
' riage as grand as anybody.—[N. C. M.
A Woman Slays a Panther.
The country papers just now abound
in account* of encounter* with wild
l>easta. Tho Pittsburgh Commercial
supplies one, in correspondence from
Lock Haven, Pcnu.. aa follows : "On
Thursday last a party of young women
went out from Queen's Run to the
mountain iust back of the settlement,
gathering huckleberries. One of them,
Jernsha Bryan, advanced a little fur
ther into the woods than the others,
when she was attacked by a huge pan
ther. Her companions, hearing the
brute scream, sought safety in flight,
but Miss Bryan, finding escape impos
sible, determined to stand her ground,
and seizing a huge pine knot, gave her
enemy battle. The contest was a close
one for a few minutes, but human cour
age, judgment, and coolness soon tri
umphed over brute strength, and the
heroic woman soon had the satisfaction
of laying the blood-thirsty monster
dead at her feet. Her garments were
toni into shreds, and licr face and arms
badly scratched, but she walked home
with a firm step and the light irf triumph
in her eye. The dead panther was soon
afterward found by tho people of
Queen's Run, and proved on measure
ment to be six feet ten inches long."
The correspondent adds that Jenisha is
the lion of the place ; and well she may
bo—if tho story is true.
Second Lieut. M. Frank Gallagher, of
the Second Infantry, who was recently
tiied before a general court-martial a
Columbia, S. C., for killing John Mc-
Aneely, a discharged soldier, in Spar
tanburg, 8. C., on the 2d of May Jaat,
has been dismissed the service, and the
sentence lias been approved by the
President. The civil authorities will
take cognizance of the murder, the
army trial being on tlm charge ol con
duct unbecoming an officer and * gen
TEST TOR PI-RE WATER. —An exchange
recommends the following test for ascer
taining the purity or impurity of drink
ing water, viz.: "If half a pint of the
water lie placed in a perfectly clean,
colorless, glass-stoppered bottle, a few
grains of the best white sugar added,
aud the bottle freely exposed to the
light in the window of a warm room, the
solution should remain clear even after
ten days' exposure, if the water is pure.
If the water become turbid, it is open
to grave suspicion of contamination
with sewage matter."
Lnc* vs. DISAPPOINTMENT. —Undoubt-
edly the man who drew the SIOO,OOO
prize in the Louisville lottery thinks he
is a lucky man. In order that he might
get his SIOO,OOO, 175,000 people gave a
dollar for which they received nothing.
It is only less honest andstrnightf yward
than to have a subscription taken up
for him among straugers. What is
more, 175,000 people were disappointed
to make up his exultation.
Why are handcuffs like guide-books ?
Because they are made for two wrists.
( h*lug the Antehutc.
Prom the many kiiolls which lay ii
our path, writes a Yellowstone expedi
tipuist, commanding extensive views ol
ffle country, we could frequently watel
a chase for antelopes from the star!
I to the close, and where the view was in
tcrrupted the temptation to follow ul
! full speed with our horses was seldou
resisted when the issue was close, lu
| dians w ere entirely forgotteu in the ragt
for uiitelui>c. 1 can nut resist the im
pression that for purpose of sport atom
it is wanton cruelty to hunt down thii
beautiful creature of the plain. Hut
wheu one has lived on ham or bacon foi
t several days, with only an occasional
. relief of though leef, the impression
changes. Antelope beouttiea a neoea
j sity. The sport is only a ooueouiitaut.
It is a hard thing to remember wheu
you are hunting antelope or other game
that you are going to a funeral. If one
succeeded in reiucinleriiig this, an uu
i due regard for conventional ceremony
might defeat his purpose. The sport
cally lies in catching the fleet animal It
is only when YOU have reached him that
you think of toe knife. There is plenty
iof room for pity at the death. And I
: do not think that among army officer*
i this element is regarded us a weakness.
It is assumed w hen the old buc-kt are
caught that they liave lived long cuoiigh,
and the time haa conic for them to serve
their day and generation. Hut let the
i dogs run down some young fawn but a
mouth or two ohl, and how the father
element comes to the surface. The
other day the dogs caught a fawn
scarcely over a month old. Just as they
were about to pounce on it, an officer,
an old hunter, not given to sentimental
ity, who lias shun his buffalo and ante
iojx> by the score, rode up and saved
the babe from the dogs. "It bleat so
piteoualy," he saul, "it made me think
of my own babes, and 1 let it go." No
one in the regiment would dispute the
bravery of this officer; but cowards
would l>e the first to laugh at his pity.
I only tell this and the following inci
dent to show you that the men that com
mand and compose the expedition are
not all savages, even if tley dou't be
lieve iu the President's peace poller as
a practical mean ore. I was ruling
yesterday with lien. Stanley, at the
head of the column just in advance
of the party of scouts. As we walked
our horses four abreast, we started
mother grouse from the net. She dew
over our heads aud settled a short dis
tance off, witluu cosy range. Oue of
the party dismounted and found the
neat iu the trail. It was full of eggs
just readv to hatch. "Poor things ; let
them be," saul the commander, and the
eggs were replaced, the rifles lowered,
aud the eolurnu of horsemen parted to
save the neat aiul the frightened
mother. It may seem an unnecessary
and trifling thing to turn an army from
its path to spare a nest of eggs to a
hovering bird, hut auvthuig that gives
the better part of human nature a
chance to come to the surface is worth
the trouble it costs.
In accordance with the order of Gen.
Stanlcv issued before the starting of
the Expedition, a certain number of
men along the line were allowed to
shoot nt autHope and other game. The
t buicrul was desirous of giving the incu
every opportunity for hunting. Hut it
was soon found that the liberty was
grimily abused. The men in tlieir ex
citement after game ware not at all par
ticular which way thev fired so long a*
they aimed at an antelope. Frequently
an antelope would pass between the
hunter and the column." A ball whu
zing over onr heads showed ns that the
hunter appreciated his situation but did
not appreciate ours. During the day
balls came imuriug in tliick aud fast
from both (lanks. 1 doubt if we shall
receive many heavier volleys from the
iudiaus than we received the second
and third day of our march from the
hunters. It is a wonder that no one
was killed. An erratic ball came within
a brief distance of mv horse and struck
still nearer to Dr. Kimball's orderly,
(ten. Stanley was finally compelled to
modify lus previous order, and prohibit
any firing whatever except by lus own
special permission. Tins modification
will effbet a great saving in ammumtiou
and will make no difference in the
amount of antelope* shot.
Increase of Suicide.
A practical proof of the infidelity of
the times exists in the fact that, accord
ing to statistical authorities, suicide is
in the most countries on the increase.
The percentageof death from this cause
lias risen in England, and France has
lately been suffering from a periodical
fit of unusual severity. A few weeks
ago five suicides occurred iu I'aris on
the same day. A woman aged sixty
two tlirew herself out of a window, a
Prussian hung himself from misery and
despair, greatly, probably, to the satis
faction of his Gallic ncigfilxirs who may
probably have helped to produce these
emotions. A voting man of nineteen
shot himself from the truly Parisian
cnuso of disappointment iu love, and
two young men of twenty-seven and
twenty-four, for the same cause, stifled
themselves with charcoal. The variety
of modes is curious. At every age mnn
chooses particular methods of commit
ting suicide. In youth he has recourse
to hanging, which he soou abandons
tor fire-arms. Iti proportion as his
vigor declines, he leturns to his first
mode, and it is most commonly by hang
ing that the old man perishes who pnts
au end to his existence.
A Hatchers* Match.
Tho most extraordinary match of the
season was witnessed in Hohoken, N.
J., between Timothy O'Keefo ami Pat
rick Fitzgerald. The contestants were
butchers, and their relative merits for
skill and expedition were to he decided
by the result of a sheep killing match.
At 3:14 P. M. the words one, two, three,
were given, Fitzgerald and O'Koefe
each seised a sheep, whose throat had
already been cnt by he attendants, and
l>egan their manipuiut' >ns. First there
was noma work on tho floor, which the
butchers call legging, because the cut
ting of the skin on the legs is the prin
cipal feature. The floor work comple
ted, tho sheep's hind legs are tied
together, and it is hung on a convenient
Fitzgerald hung up his fiftieth sheep
in tw<> hours and twenty-seven minutes,
making an avcrnge of two minutes and.
forty seeonds for each sheep. His op
ponent was eleven minutes behind, hav
ing cut himself badly twice.
The time has come, says an exchange,
when the press of the "country should
have done with dood-hcadiHW. The
Western editors should have paid for
their tickets, and if the jubilee was bad
—and most jubilees arc—they should
have said so ; if it was good, their pa
pers should have informed tho public of
the fact. But they should not have
praised it, if poor, because they entered
without paying ; neither should they
have condemned it, if good, because
they had to pay for their tickets like
Jones, the dry goods merchant, and
Fierifacias, the attorney. Let newspa
per men pay for whut they eat, drink,
wear, ana see, foot their hotel bills and
railway expenses, and let their views
be uninfluenced by courtesies or fa
A Mexican Mory,
Horrible ('nulll In • Child.
The S.ui Diego World tells a storj
' of horrible barbarity that we have nevei
seen equalled. It savs:
The Pacific Mail Southern ooaa
I strainer California put into Sail Diegi
to ooal. Little dreamed those who Wen'
down to the wharf of the Pacific Mai
j. Company of the terrible story whirl
wua told of a mere child of elevci
years, who was on Ixiard, named Loll
! Arron.
On a stretcher in the steerage lay i
girl who certainly was not twelve yean
iof age. As the experience is witl
Southern fcnialea, she was far advanced
to womanhood, and the lines of hei
; form indicated a sensuous and beautifu
physical development It ia well t*
dwell upon such engaging churaeteris
tics as the poor crcsture retained, foi
the ruin which had been wrought upon
her ia almost too fearful to detail, ami
the story of the atnxuty is such as could
hardly le paralleled elsewhere on earth
iin this nineteenth century. Lola uiusl
have been a beautiful girl, for her form
retained grace and symmetry that na
ture must certainly have carried to com
pletion iu her face.
This child-woman was a charred ruin.
- A fire-brand had been held to her nose,
burning it almost completely off. The
J blistered fieah was still angry and in
, darned, giving an indescribably loath
some and pitiable aa|ect to the pool
creature, ller cheeks were one mass ol
charred flesh, pulpy and erubescent
with the recent passage of a firebrand.
Her eyebrows aud lashes were burned
off, and her eyeballs were seared by the
blasting flame. Liberal as is the en
dowment of the Mexican woman with
wavy masses of black hair, not a hair
was left upon Lola's head. One is
obliged to recur to some of the tarnble
pictures of Dante or Sjx-user to get an
, idea of the fearful and yet aptx-aliug de
formity of this poor girl. Ihe auto dr
ft was a tnfrciles* thing in the old days,
but that was carried to a decent end and
i left merely a uioea of calcined ruhbiah.
Here the destruction was as complete,
, but the victim was allowed to live to
, ix- an object of horror during a life
time, instead of a tiling of beautv and
a joy forever, as nature intended her to
' lie.
The st>ry of Lola and her mother is
| incredible. They were taken on by the
j California at .Maratlull on the 4th of
July. They had l>en living at the vil
lage of Copala, about fifty miles from
Maratbui. A word as to the mother may
not be amiss. She has noble features,
a clear skin, and splendid masses of
blue-black hair.
They lived on the outskirts of Copala.
On the 13th of June, Antonio Mnrillo,
one of the lieutenants or under cliiefa
of the ruffian Loxada. with a small force,
came into the neighlxtrhootl of Copala.
The Arroa house was detached. The
husband, wife and Lola were its sole
inmates. They seized upon the mother,
doubtless attracted bv her personal
charms, aud the child leda. The hus
band offering resistance, ho was ahot
down and the house fired.
Hurrying swiftly from the scene of
blood, toother and daughter were swept
, with the. brigands, who %ere on horse
back, toward the mountains. The trage
dv was enacted about fouro*cl<xk in tlie
afternoon. The brigands had !xen
riding all day, and tftcr going, as nesr
as the mother eonld guess, twenty miles
from Copala, they eaiajx'd for the night
They were too tired to think of aught
. but sleep that night , and after dispatch
ing a hastily prepared meal and quaffing
liberally of mescal tbey lay down to
sleep, binding the mother to oue of the
brutes and the child to another. The
| mother watched her chanee, and when
the ruffians were iu the deep sleep of
fatigue aha succeeded in slipping the
witliea which bound her and making her
esoa|x\ arriving the next day at Copala
with bleeding feat.
She did not release Lola, l>eeause she
was afraid of arousiug the ruffians, and
did not think the child could make the
journey. She thought, bcaidca, that
tender years would protect her
from abuse.
The brigands, on awaking next morn
ing and finding the mother gone, vented
their fury in blows upon poor Lola.
Tlioy pursued their journey ta the
mountains, aud from thence sent in a
demand for a ransom for lad*. They
made it so large that it was beyond the
mother's ability to pay it. A govern -
mcnt force wns sent in pursuit one week
from the day of capture, on the '2oth of
June. The ruffians not receiving the
ransom deniAudeil, took a firebrand and
seared the child as we have described.
Tho object undoubtedly was to put her
to a lingering death by the moat fiendish
tortures, protracted from day to day.
The government forces caine upon Mn
rillo arid his band in the night time,
routed thetn and rescued the maimed
and ruined Lola
Mother and child left a country of
such atrocities and horror, and ore now
on their way to San Francisco ou the
California. One may well exclaim,
"Oan such things be ?"
The Fating House Man,
When tho train draws up at Stamford,
five minutes for refreshments, says the
Dan bury XCWH. it is easy to distinguish
the exjx'rienced traveler from the rest
He has already got out on the platform,
and is either on the tiottom step, or
close enough to it Just as soon as the
speed of the train becomes loss than he
can make, he springs off, and dashes
madly for the saloon door, through it,
and up to the counter, giving his order
for coffee while moving, and snatching
up the right article the first time. He
knows jnst how much time is required
to make five minutes, and when it is ex
pired he ia out on the platform picking
his teeth, aud talking alxiut real estate.
Alas! for the inexperienced traveler,
such is not his record. Ho is inside
the car when it stops, with twenty per
sons ahead of him. Ho jumps down on
the platform in time to see tho mass
surging into the door, and then it sud
denly strikes him that he may IK? too
late," and under this inspiration he
throws himself into the struggling gang.
Ue doesn't roach tho table. He Aiul
tho other inexperienced travelers form
tho outside line, and shout their orders
through the openings, und receive what
js handed tbhm with thankfulness and
uihot dexterity they can muster. Such
a man will perspire and choke, and }>nw,
aud jaw during the entire five minutes,
and in that time may get down two
thirds of a sandwich, one-third of a
piece of custard pie, aud more or less
of coffco, and tlion get out of the door
just in time to catch hold of the car
rail, and IHJ polled on by tho hrakeman.
And when he has reached his seat and
is scraping the rest of that pie from his
boot, aud drawing cold air into his
throat to allay the pain of the scold, he
will thiuk up tilings about tho keeper of
that restaurant that would make tho
hair on a saw-horse stand straight on
saw-mills cut, as a regular business, ten
thousaud feet of boards per hour. At
Winnebago, Wisconsin, there are forty
two mills within a circuit of two miles
wliiah are all cutting lumber at this rate
j ..Hugs are dying of heat in Illinois.
The Lobiter Huvlue**.
How l.b*lrr arc anil Wkal U
Itottt mill Ikttu.
The lobster business ia steadily grow
ing l|i importance, mid haa aided large
ly u promoting the material interests of
( heater. It ia itow alxiut twelve years,
ays a correa|ioiidflit, since the I'orUmtd
Packing Company commenced opera
tiona here and gave an iupulae to the
work of catching, or rather of trapping,
Una delicious cruataoea. It haa now
several factories located at various
point*, within a coast range of 200
miles, same of which are employed in
the packing of mackerel. It ia astouiah
ing the extent to which this business
haa attained. The United Htatea, Cana
da, mid Europe offer ready markets fur
the sale of lobsters preserved in this
form, and aa a result thousands of peo
ple are employed all aloug this coast
in the capture and curing of the flak.
They are, as haa been stated, trapped,
the contrivance devised for this pur
fxiae being a semi-cylindrical structure
made of rough latlia nailed together,
j having s network ouvenng st each end.
lu the centre of thia network are two
holes, sufficiently Urge to admit the
lobster, and ouce caged it is impossible
for him to escape, as th net is bent in
ward. In the centre of the trap is an
upnght stake on which the but ia im
paled, the whole concern being, as msy
be supposed, a sort of " walk into my
parlor " arrangement. The bait con
•data mostly of a sea perch and aculpin,
I the Utter being better known perhaps
as the sea toad, * most unprepossessing
customer, with head nearly as large aa
l the whole bodv, and a month large
enough for a fish fifty times its sire.
He is in fact a monster on a small scale,
and in hia color aa well as in the pecu
liar hha|H' of kie head, as likewise in his
mottled skin, Ix-ars a pretty close re
semblance to a toad, lie and the fish
ing frog must be near relations, for
they are "as like aa two peaa," with
the esceptiou that the latter has one or
two tentacle*, or feelers, growing out
of his head, almost immediately over
; the mouth, and on the end of theae ia a
small, soft, flesh-like aujiendage, with
which, as with a but, he lures, while
!he lies concealed beneath picfwa of
tuft* or seaweed, his unsuspecting
prey into '-is capacious maw. This
sculpui or sea t.-ad, if be does not fish
for himself, is used to fish for others,
and this he does with great success.
If the old adage, "Handsome is as
handsome does," has any. force in it,
he is s perfect beauty.* The lobster
traps tlius hutted arc sunk to the bot
tom, by means of stones, and taken up
between tides, when their unwilling in
mates arc transferred to the rowboats,
preparatory to being placed in the flab
cars, where they are kept alive till sent
to the factory in the large auling craft
•vessels of from ten to twelve ton*.
In these lliey are piled up, sometimes
in huge heaps that would draw torrents
of tears from the eyes of the tender
hearted Krrgh, and when the vessel ar
rives at the factory they are mercilessly
pitched upon the pier in another indis
criminate heap.
Here they twist and wriggle and flap
their propellers and interlock with their
huge nippers, the whole heap present
ing a most animated and lively mass of
crtistacea. From the pier Uiey are at
once taken to the huge kettles, where,
having been sufficientlv boiled, they
arc parked in hermetically sealed cans,
and, after still further boiling in these,
the cuis are labelled, boxed and sent off
to their several destinations. The sea
son hegma ah nut the 10tli of May and
i closes about the middle of October, du
ring which the Portland Packing Com
panv, in one factory alone, boil and can
nearly seven hundred thousand lobsters.
In the capture of this number a fleet of
ISO boats, each manned by two handa,
is required, uid these range along a
shore of thirty or thirty-five miles.
In pursuit of the fiali these men some
times frequent the moat rugged and
wildest part of the coast, where the
restless waves, even in the calmest days
surge and boil among the huge rocks,
dashing the foam to the height of fif
teen or twenty feet. Woe to the hap
less vessel that misses its trackless way
across the ocean and in treacherous fog
or the darkness of the night runs upon
this iron-bonnd coast. The fate of the
Atlantic and of many a noble ship has
told tales of disaster that have sent a
thrill of horror through the civilised
world. The crash and roar of these
breakers can be beard at a distance of
two or three miles, giving, one would
thuik, sufficient warning of the danger.
Here, amid these rocks, are the favorite
haunts of the seal, and the sea-gull, the
former affording fine sport for the skill
ful marksman. On this lovely summer
evening, the whole sea and sky suffused
with the gulden and purple glories of
the declining sun and the bleak rocks
rising grim and black above the glitter
ing foam of the brokon waves, we hsve
a scene of grandeur and beauty rarely
surpassed. Here we hsve s splendid
view of the coast for a distance of
twenty miles, with its besutiful little
bays and coves, the shores of which
are iu many places thicklv wooded
dowu to the water's edge, i'rom this
we can see not a few of the islands of
Maliont Hay, and which are so numer
ous as to furnish one for every day in
the Tear. Where did they flint names
for them all ? And why aid they not,
to save trouble, twin in the work of
designation with January 1 and end
with December 31 ? How economical!
Hut it is not too late, and the people of
Chester are hereby given full right and
title to the hint, to be by them used,
employed, (fro., for the benefit of them
selves and their descendants for ever
in Weep, Cold Water.
We believe it is a well -established
fact, says the Gold Hill A>irs, that
the lxxlles of persons drowned in Lake
T&hoe have never been recovered, the
clear, cold waters of tho lake absolutely
refusing to give up their dead. This
circumstance, whicn at first thought*
appears strange, is accounted for upon
the hypothesis that the waters at the
bottom of the lake are so icy cold as
actually to arrest decomposition and
consequent expansion of a dead body,
one of tho conditions under which
it would lie exccted to return to the
surface. Whether the victims who
rejxise at the bottom of the pel
lucid waters of this far-famed lake un
dergo jH-tri faction, or are transformed
into mermen and mermaids, is a secret
which will never be known until they
come to the surface at the summons of
Gabriel's trumpet. When the Sea Bird
was lost in Lake Michigan iu three hun
dred feet of water two bodien out of one
huudred lost only were rescued. When
the Lady Elgin was lost in eighty-six
feet of water only a few miles from the
first disaster, every body out of four
hundred and over was finally rescued.
MAMMOTH LOBSTERS.— A lobster, sup
poscd to be 1(M) years old, was recently
caught on the coast of Maine. It was
48 inches in length, and weighed 28
pounds. A London paper not long
since re{>ortod one us having been taken
38 inches long, weight 15j pounds. In
1855 one was taken on the Irish coast
weighing 28 pounds; and in 1836 an
Irish lobster was taken which weighed
36 pounds. All these lobsters were said
to be as good as they were great.
Term*: a Yoar, in Ad
Vnntlon* la the I'sper*.
We have just taken up at random one
of the New York daily papers. Of course
; it cou tains the usual standard captions
such ss "Horrible Murder," "Awful
Casualty," " Unknown Huictde," etc.
lad us run the eye along, and ace what
this small single sheet offers t the pub
lie to-day; " A Man Boiled Abye;"
"Cholera and Rinderpest;" "Outrage
on an English Actor;" "Hend yonr
Children out of Una Furnace;" " South
Orster Bav Tragedy;" "Found in s
Well;" "No Clew to the Mysterious
Murder;" " Unwholesome Meat;" "The
Outrage of the Day;" " A Monstrous
Attempt;" "Pest Ship in the Lower
Ray;" " Burglars' latest Dodge;" " In
tarnations] Cock Fight;" " Arrested for
Murder;" " Killing of Morrison;"
Sheriff Street Tragedy;" " Muiclde of
an Unknown Woman." But we pause,
though not tiecause we have come to the
end of the list These headings are
actual IT taken from a city daily which
lies before ns. Nor is the rem ling mat
ter presented specially unlike what
many other papers contain. It is the
fashion to gather np as many sensation
al items as possible. It would seem
that a newspaper of the period to meet
the popular taste, must contain a large
variety of horrible dishes, served np
with all manner of condiments. We
turn away from the dreadful record im
pressed with The conviction that the
world ia constantly growing worse—that
crime is rapidly increasing. Good old
people shake their heads, and say it was
uot so in their day. But before we de- 1
spairiugly yield to the belief that the
moral tone of the community has hope
lessly degenerated, let us consider the
great increase in population within the
Fast half oeuturv —that much more ia j
done nowadays than in the days of oar ;
fathers, not of evil only, but also of |
good, and that the natural tendency of
the rapid increase of journalism is to
bring before the public whatever hap
pens. Remembering these tilings, we
may feel that the whole world is not
quite hopelessly bad. Yet it is most
uufortunste that so marh publicity is
given by the press to details of shame
less and atrocious crimes. Our news
paper* are thus rendered both unpleas
ant and unsuitable for family reading.
The finer sensibilities of ths community
are blunted, the constant reader be
comes disgusted or demoralized. Can 1
not a higher standard be raised, and
public sentiment be gradually educated
to give hearty approval and support to !
s purer journalistic literature ?
Hijrta Life in Yellow CoTtn.
It l( re mark able that the principal
characters in cheap literature invariably
ticking to the very highest ranks of so
ciety. Sometimes the hero is a poor
man; but, in that case, he always turns
out to be a nobleman eventually. Even
Mr. Disraeli's novels pale their ineffec
tual fires before the glow of more than
ducal magnificence which pervades the
pages of these serials. Social rank is
recognised as being s very serious mat
ter, too—s thing not to be trifled with.
It is all very well for an ex-Premier of
England to apeak of baronets by their
surnames only, and of lords with sim
ilar familiarity; bnt no *uch flippancy
can be permitted here. The name and
title ahould be given in full. It ia a
large sounding name, with pleatv of
syllables in it—auch as " Sir de Mont
morency l'lantagenet " —so much the
better, "and the whole abould be repeat
cd everv time the person in question ia
referred to—thus: "Lord Reginald
Fitzalan gazed fixedly -in Lady Mabel
de Vavaaeour for some minutes before
either spoke." 'Everything that can
keep up the aense of au aristocratic at
mosphere is carefully dwelt upon.
Chocolate is handed " in a cup worth a
matter of forty guineas or so." The
faithless lover leans his heated brow
upon "the elegant marble mantel
piece," and the damsel whom he has be
trayed buries her sobbing fsce in " the
soft cushions of crimson velvet."
Everybody is in a chronic state of eve
ning drees. According to some of the
engravings, the ladies wear it in the
day-time, and even make rowing excur
sions in low bodices. But the engrav
ings are not always to be depended on;
in fact, there is a*slight suspicion of the
occasional use of old blocks, which have
already done duty in another capacity;
for a "ship's cabin sometimes presents
astonishing dimensions, and appears to
have its roof supported by large marble
pillars. Perhaps, however, this merely
arises from s vague desire to impress
the importance of the hero's social po
sition upon the mind of the reader.
Tbf Staff of lloroo*.
Some incident* of the late fire at
Michigammi and Hour Mine*, Michi
gan, are thru relate*! by a paper pub
lished in thcvicinitv: "It was in the
neighborhood of the powder and
nitroglycerine magazines that the great
danger lay. Had they exploded, the
loss of life would haire l>een fearful,
and in the effort* to avert thia new dan
ger, great courage was displayed. Dr.
Cobb, the old-time fireman and Fire
Commissioner of Detroit, now Superin
tendent of the Spur, after finding ad
efforts to save tno stable and other
buildings near vain, turned hia atten
tion to the powder magazine, and with
buckets of water extinguished, several
times, fire that had already eaten its
way through the first layer of board,
covering some one hundred kegs of
powder. Under the Michigammi mag
azine (containing about one and a-quar
ter tons of nitroglycerine, and eighty
kegs of powder, eight of which were
open) located iust below the miracu
lously saved mill, and set over the lake,
the high water of last spring had depos
ited a quantity of drift-wood, dry as
powder then, which repeatedly caught
fire, and was as often put out by Cap
tain Curly, assisted by a single Swede,
who nobly stood by him, and crawling
under the building, the two threw out
the burning wood with their hands.
Homc-Madc Horse-rowers.
The cheapest and best way to make a
horse-power for dairy and other light
use, is to put a light drum on a center
post, high enough to have the belt clear
the horse's bead. Attach a sweep ten
or twelve feet long to the oenter post,
so that the track in which the horse
walks will be from twenty to twenty
fonr feet in diameter, if possible. Let
tlie track be soft ground. The whole
arrangement may be made of white pine,
except tho sweep, which should be nani
wood. Let the drum be about ten feet
in diameter, and aix inches face. Use a
two-inch rubber belt. Make a small
pulley from four inches to a foot in di
ameter, according as you want fast or
slow motion. If you want the motion
still faster, gear up with a second belt
and set of pulleys. The direction of
motion may be changed by a quarter
twist in the same belt, or by passing the
first belt over idler pulleys.
This arrangement will be almost
noiseless, while the clatter and jar of a
circular platform would be enough to
drive a nervous or sensitive person al
most crazy. Besides, it is much easier
and safer to teach a horse to follow a
circular path than to keep hiß balance
on a revolving platform.—Cbr. Country
Omtleman. .
Milwaukee manufactures $2,500,060
worth of beer annually.
A telegram ' rwm l ow * announcing
the pnMBM of i large army of grass
hoppers on the wing will not * pleasant
new* to the farmer*. The American
home of the** herbivorous tribe* aaetna
u> lie in New Mexico, Alisons, Colorado,
and Utah, on whose arid, dusty roil they
multiply in immenae number*. From
these districts, it would appear, the
present multitudes Loraiing over lowa
hare been waited in the winda of sum
mer. The July report of the Agricnl
tural Bureau state* that the Colorado
IteeUe haa advanoed eastward to New
York, and haa appeared in devastating
i force through the West. The inraaione
of theae myriad derottrera of the
preeioua fruits of the earth, like the
uoiay march of the locust hand*, hare
been at time* attended with the moat
serious consequences to the land, such
aa famine and pestilence. Though ap
parently feeble foea to tbe autumnal
harvest, they are not to be despised,
aud tbe entire agricultural community
ahonld be on their guard and be pre
pared for their arriral, especially aa ex-
Grience ahowa that their advance may
checked and their ranks thinned .
Grasshopper* do not belong to the
same family aa the locusts, but they are
eery nearly consanguineous, and when
they begin their devastations early in
the season are exceedingly deadly to
vegetation. They hare not the power
to leap ae high nor to sustain so long a
flight aa the locust, and hence it is,
perhaps, that they frequent and prey
upon tbe grass and herbaceous leaves
rather thaa on tbe learea of the higher
trees They hare no particular habita
tion, but are found in almost all coun
tries ; though in many districts they
hare a green color and elude observa
tion, not being distinguished irom the
foliage and grasses. In the tropica ao
bright and highly ooloied are their
delicate wings that the? become con
spicuous. In the West Indies a species
of grasshopper lias been justly charged
with the destruction of tbe sugar cane
crops, and it ta not impossible that in
this country theae leaping preyer* on
vegetation may become equally dan
gerous. The European species are im
mensely prolific, laying, it is said, more
than two hundred eggs. Fortunately,
it generally bspprfna that theee swarm
ing armies of the insect world do not
acquire their voracity and numbers till
near midsummer or afterwards, when
the vegetation has become too hardy or
far advanoed to be fatally injured.
Their numbers, it is contended by skil
ful and experienced agriculturists, may
be vaatlf diminished by a little labor.
When the treea and shrubs an exam
ined in spring or winter, the eggs are
often found in large quantities, and
theae can be easily removed and de
stroyed. It is also asserted that by
sweeping over the foliage and grass
with a light net early in the morning,
while the lnsecta are yet inactive and
not aa sprightly aa during the beat of
the day, thousands of them can be
caught, and, when scalded, afford fine
and palatable food to tbe poultry and I
"ft e clouds of grasshoppers reported
as hovering over the oountry around i
Sioux City, lowa, probably made their ,
way thither from the dry plains and the
hotter regions of the Southwest. In
1854, and they had
penetrated in summer from the Went :
around tbe northern part of this State,
and ravaged the pastures. Although .
some of theae insects have been seen
on Long Island this season, it is not
likely that the army, now in lowa, can
move m maste across the barrier of the
Alrghany Mountains into the Middle
i Hammer Slide Dews Hill.
Any one desirous of sliding down
hill in the summer time, says a Minne
apolis paper, may gratify that desire
at the falls by a scoot down the apron.
How nicely it can be done was illustrat
ed bv a coupls of tourists, without any
"guide," and also by their driver.
Theae gentlemen were much interested
in all they saw about the falls, and es
pecially in the torrent of water shooting
over St. Anthony's best apron. To ob
tain a better view they ventured out up
on the dam extending from tbe plat
form. About an inch of water runs
over this dam, shoots down the
apron with great velocity for the dis
tance of 150 feet, until it strikes the
timber-bed running out level for twenty
or thirty feet, and then dashes into a
regular whirlpool that froths and foams
among the rocks. Unfortunately fur
the tourists the coffer-dam was thickly
rosted with a green, slimy substance,
mating one of the most slippery foun
dations imaginable; and in less time
than it takes to tell it, their " feet were
gone," and a couple of dark streaks
were visible ss they went down the
tdimy apron like * special telegram.
Spectators feared they would be dashed
upon the rocks and instantly killed,
but, luckily, they managed to stop
themselves on the timber-bed before
spoken of, and were promptly rescued.
They were sorry-looking subjects, how
ever, covered sa they were by the de
posit wiped up from the dam and
apron, and were " wearing of the green"
in ths fullest sense of the word. Their
driver subsequently attempted to re
cover an retry hat from the dam, and
lacking apron-strings, be, too, indulged
in an unexpected trip down the inclined
plane, was fished up, sponged, and the
parties started for St Paul, feeling that
it was not good for them to be here.
i Curious Story.
Ssya tbe Sandy Hill Herald : Lent
F. Harris died at Patten's Mills, in this
town, on the 11th inst, st the advanced
age of seventy-six years. He was born
and lived here all his life, and for the
last fifteen years had been au invalid,
and during all that time was nursed by
his wife. Mr. Harris was the second
husband to this lady. Her first was
ltev. William Rider, who was well known
to many of our older citixens, and he,
too, for fifteen years preoeding his de
mise, was an invalid, and in like man
ner was cured for night and day by his
wife—the present Mrs. Harris; so that
for thirty years of her life she has
nursed the sick night and day, winter
and summer. Rider, in his early days,
was a "hard case," but a Tory trifling
incident changed the whole course of his
life. One day witnessing a baptism in
the Half-way Brook, when he was a
young man, he scoffed at the ceremony,
and said it was ."all a humbug." A
friend corrected him, and told him it
was practiced as long as Christianity ex
isted, and had the best scriptural au
thority besides. He was incredulous,
but cutting off a willow twig with his
pocket-knife, remarked—
"l'll plant this Bapling in the sand,
on the island yonder, and if it grows,
then will I believe in baptism; if itdon't,
thenit'B alia humbug.'
The branch was anxiously watched by
the scoffer, day by day, and to his sa
tonishment it did grow, and finally be
came a vigorous tree. Rider was as
good as his word. He was converted,
and to show his sincerity was baptized
in the same stream, and at the identical
spot where the above incident occurred.
A few years later he entered the minis
try, and was an effective worker in the
good oause.
The way to force! all common
Geometry promise* to be a popular
study in the colleges next year.
" Home ---sweet, sweet home," as ths
bee said when he entered his hive.
Why is a nice young lady like* hinge?
because ah* is something to adire.
In tbe preas and mil shortly appear—
Several fine double Olo'ator dtorees.
The Tippecanoe Isattte ground haa
been fenced et en expense of iB.OOO.
A bed marriage 1* like aa electric
machine; it makes yon dance, end you
can't let go.
The Mayor of Hoc* Island, 111., is
the richest man in the city end won t
pey his taxes.
Hartford proposes to erect a 150,000
monument to the memory of its nrst
Tbe Carlist* nre charged with having
butchered forty surrendered republican
A Lockport girl,who** fetber is worth
70,000, fit cooking on a canal boat to
be romantic.
The petition of Frank Walworth for a
pardon ha* already been handed to the
A well-bred Califoniian ahotn fellow
boarder dead, at Vallejo, for drinking
out of the water pitcher.
Western farmers era driving the en
tomologist* frsntic tor reporting innu
merable new kind* of bug*.
A Wisconsin horse undertook to run
■way with a rasping asaohioa, and loet
both hind lags in the attempt.
New Hampshire farmer* ale aaid to
iM^-CCsSi""" "
A Troy maa is spending SB,OOO la n
lawsuit about five and one-eighth inches
Of land.
A circus rhinoceros, while being re
moved from e fiet oer et Charlotte,
Mich., fell upon e men end killed him.
A Bt. Louis man went all the way to
Boston to get swindled out of SI,OOO.
He might have gotten off much cheaper
at botu-
A Reran ton household is enjoying sa
en of peace. The lady of She house
pot her tongue toe fiat-iron to see if it
was hot.
Twenty-eight Chinese student* from
eleven to fourteen year* old, have been .
scattered about Connecticut and Mas
We paint our Uvea in fresco, Tba
•oft mid furile plaster of the moment
harden* under -very stroke of the brush
into eternal rock.
Tha paper-mills •* Poland. Me., no
complish the oonjnring trick of pro
ducing ovary month 180 tons of paper
from VX- too* of rags.
We never knew a man to be elected
to *a office of tens* who carried horse
chestnuts in his pocket a* a preventive
of rheumatism.
A. T. Stewart is said to be worth
$100,000,000, and thinks he would be
rich if he bad gone early into the real
estate bonnes*. .
Tbe sunshine which warms and
cheer* our hearts, exposes the week
spots on our Bundny suits. That's th*
only objection ws have to sunshine.
A Chicago editor heard once the
words "Sister thou wee mild end love
ly," sung et the funeral id an old lady
who was known to have been a perfect
A prominent lawyer of Albany, in fill
ing out e cheek for S6O to pey e gas bill
for the last quarter, wrote an e oheek es
follows: " Half for gas and half for
A writer in a long ago copy of tha
Brooklyn Monthly, says : *' The judi
cious mixture of printers' ink with the
sitenal system tends to longevity and
Notwithstanding the popularity of the
! postal osrds not aa inriisase has yet
come to light where they have been used
iin srrsnguig the preliminaries of an
Mr. Bailey, of the Danbory Aries,
• says Hie females he aaw on the Plains
looked like sa Eastern woman who had
j * large family, small wages, tone debt,
sad a cold cm her lungs. *
When two men who s digging a
well commence to argue the action of
those dissatisfied members of tbe Lon
don Anthropological Imtitote who
seceded and founded a new Anthropo
logical Society, yon may know they are
aot attending to business.
Tbev have a very fine mocking bird
at the' Nashville Post Olßce now, who:
doe* tbe whittling for tbe whole eetab
lishment, thus relieving the derks from
that duty sad enabling them to devote
all their time and energies to assorting
sad distributing the mails.
Colonel T. W. Higginson {formerly n
clergyman) says, in the H'onw'i Jour
nal: " When a lawyer says a foolish
thing in an argument he is pretty sure
to find It out; but s clergyman may go
on repeating his fookah tkmgs for fifty
years without finding it oat tor want of
an opponent.**
Lexington, Ky., has inosreerated
James Turner, who is charged with
thirteen murders. He ran at large dur
ing the war, slaying whom be* might,
and haa been in the same line of busi
ness sines. He ie worth quite* fortune,
but has kept on murdering from a
naturally cruel disposition.
A convention of all the Shaw family
scattered through the New England
states is shortly to be held, tor tbe pur
pose of determining whether they are
descended from the Shahs of Persia,
and. if so. whether they cannot take up
I a claim to nr. rectorship in th* pearl
fisheries of the Persian Guff.
A coroner's jury impanelled to as
certain the cause of the death of a
notorious drunkard, brought in aver
! diet of "Death by hanging—round a
rum shop." In California n coroner's
jury, under similar circumstances,
rendered • more courteous verdict :
"Accidental death while unpacking a
glass." . > * t.
Aa observing woman says she was
never ao much inclined to laugh at
church ae Sunday, when, walking down
the broad aisle after eervfte, she saw
that every woman ahead of her was
using her left hand in arranging that
portion of her dress adorning her back,
and before she was aware of it found
herself similarly employed,
A stone merchant of New London
took it into his head to perform a dan
gerous feat last week. Having cut the
stone intended for the top piece of the
new spire of the Second Congregational
Church, he straddled it and was pulled
up on it to the top of the spire, where
he aided to adjust it in its place. The
spire is the tallest in the tovfc,
When you see a man who is hasten
ing across the street to avoid * team,
step on a piece of mud, and lose his
balance, and come to the earth, and
tear the skin from both his wrists, and
smash his head against a poet, you
want to shout as quickly as possible:
" The more haste the leas speed." Then
you want to piek up your feet, and get
out of that neighborhood.
A West Chester, Pa., merchant set a
steel trap in the cellar to eStch rats,
and the next morning it was missing.
A few days thereafter a boy saw a strange
cat enter the roller carrying a piero of
meat in her mouth. She want behind a
lot of empty barrels, and presently re
turned without the meat. The barrels
were removed, and there Was a eat eat
ing the meat, with one lsg fa£tin the
missing trap.
A man named Clark, who was put in
the Massachusetts State Prison for life,
in 1861, on a charge of arson, was par
doned out, ten years after, on a show
ing that he was in all probability falsely
imprisoned, the ooifdition of fiio released
being that be should be recommitted if
convicted of any other crime, and serve H
out his life sentence. Last May he was
arrested for assault and battery, and,
acrording to tbe terms of liis freedom,
was sentback. The case is such a novel
if not unjust one, that jui application has
already been filed for Mi pardon, on
which a partial hearing haa been given,
but no decision rendered.