THE CENTRE REPORTER THURSDAY AUG. 14.187. _ • LOCXLITEMS. LOCAL VXWt. —Our friends. every where, will oblige u* by sendint u* local nevrof interest, .... , CIRCULATION -The circulation of the Kkportkr, on tlti* tide the county, is argerthan that of all other raptn in the county, Buftlimi ron will And thi* one of the beet advertising mediums. We invite all interested to come and in spect our li*t for themselves. IXEITTAICKB All monie* for sub •criptkwi will be credited on the tuhacri ber's address, each week: by referring to which our patron* can at ail umee m mw heir account* stand, and a receipt t* oy thi* system carried upon each copy or the PP*- —The valuable farm of Samuel Spang, ler, dec d, In Potter twp, i* adverii*ed in the Reporter at private *ale. limn. J. Gramly and Jer. llainca, Ksecutora, offer the valuable farm of Geo. Gramley, deed, in Sugar Valley at private •ale. See advertiaement in Reporter. T. B. M'Klroy make* **le of petson al property ef N. Deckert, dee'd, on 20. of August. See advertisement. Rev. William*' *ale av BonUburg, August 33rd, S acre* land, I horse, 1 cow, buggy, wagon* and houe and kitchen furniture. Geo. Bower, Adna'r, will offer the farm of Mich Kreanier, dec d, in llainc* twp., at public sal* on 22 Aug. Seeadver* tisement in Reporter. ——We notice quite a freshness and im preved appearance about the Ferk*. Mr. Benj. Kerstetter's fine new hou*e in place of the old home-*tead which had to be torn down on account of the railroad runniag through tho old site, Mr. Daniel Kerstit ter'* new house nearly completed, and old father Evart's new house and large new barn, all these indicate the dawning or the new day for the Fork*. The railroad i* the cause of all this, and it is a pleasurea ble satisfaction for u* to know that the un ceasing effort* af the Reporter in behalf of this great improvement, are already being rewarded with evidence* of new life and prosperity all through thi* valley. The Reporter ha* ever devoted ittelf to the in terest* of our beautiftil valley and thi* pa per was the main and only reliable papr to educate our people up to the substan tial railroad work,-w* hava given our meney as freely a* eur column* to make it a succees; as oar valley continues to pros per through the consummation of this great work, we tiust that it* inhabitant* will thick of tko Reporter, and that it* prosperity will keep pace with that gene ral prosperity of this side the county, now dawning upon it, and which we asxts ted to bring about by long and hard labor. Miliheim now ha* tea store*, big and little, and look* business like all over. —-Asronsburg is to have a new store, in about two months, by M. M. Mu**er, moving his store up from the lewer end of the valley to Yearick's old stand. The Lecture which wa to have been delivered in the Academy llall on Tuesday evening, was postponed on ac count of the torm, until Saturday eve., August 16th. Let all at tend. Our young trieod, Samuel Spangler, of the Loop, can wag about til) squirrel tails, trophies of his shooting, thus far, this season. Very good shot, Samuel, if only saw 75, and a crack marksman if he only drew the head upon till _ Deininger A Musser, of the Miliheim marble Wi> "k*. sent some fine specimens of their workman-b'P t thi. place, last week which is equal D *"7 tbiog done m city in the line of tenJb-stones. Persons desiring to satisfy thenawlY*s of their skill can do so by visiting the grave-yard here and examining the beautiful and highly £ni*Led tomb-stones put up by the above , firm a few day* ago. The democracy of Clinton ev. have j< made the foi lowing nominations: . Prothonotary—Willirm H Brown. Register—Sem'l B Snook. i Treasurer —John G Welsh : | Commissioner— W m A Packer. Coroner—A Prieeon. Jury Commissioner— H S Karon < H Chatham, Jr. The fellow who hired a herse and ' 1 buggy at M'Cully's livery Belletonte, and did not return it, as we noticed in last, week's Reporter, was tracked as far a* < Brook ciite, where the property was old go a drover, but recovered by the owner. The thief, however, is at large. Since the above was in type, we *ee in ( the Pittsburg Post, that the thief was ar rH;*d in that city, and the following in* terevtin * ***•• VM bed with him: Detective' "Wilmot left the city on Satur day morning, having in custody Otto Heil charged with stea'l* * nd buggy from Bellefonte, Can'** county, and dis posing of the same at Brookville. The prisoner at the start was communica tive to the officer and used eve-T 10 win bis confidence. About 3 o'clock Heil become thirsty, but being handcuffed y** too modest to march through the car after a drink and requeeted the officer to bring him one, to which the officer readily con sented. As soon as his back was turnsd Heil broke for the other end of the car, and in much leas time than it lake* to toll it, was spina ing like a top along of the tram. As soon as ha could overcome the rotary motion, ho lost no time in getting away from that track, and was soon en sconced in the underbrush lining the road. In the meantime, the detective pulled the bell rope, and the train soon came to a bait, whea he alighted, and, with tba help of some employees of the Company at work en the road, recaptured his man. The prisoner had loosened the shackles before he made the jump, and, on reach ing terrafirma, had nothing to do but ;ast them aside. The train left without the detective, and ha and his man came back to the city on the next train, their luggage going on*to Brookville. Heil was placed in the lock up, where be remained until yesterday morning, when he was taken to Brookville by Jefferson county officers en the tro o'clock train. He was securely ironed, and the officer* felt *ati*fied that he would not get off the train, a* he did on Saturday morning. Laws of life. Saturday evening, in school house, by C. D. Neat, of Klmirs, H. Y. ChurchviUe U still improving. In addition to a brick school house, one of the finest in tho township, there are other | improvements worthy of notice. Thomat Frederick, an enterprising young man, and one of Potter township's most efficient and successful teachers, has erected a splendid house, and Aultx A Llchty havo enlarged their barn. Heavy rains Tutsday afternoon and night and on Wednesday, A terrific hail storm passed over a portion of Penn and Gregg townships, on Tuesday afternoon last, uprooting trees, Mc. The corn in a4O acre lot of Noali gtovor, near the toll-gate, was badly rid dled end the windows of his house broken. yfct is "Gea." Yocum? What battle was be in ? Did he ever kill a dead nigger or "any other wan ?" "Gen. Yo cum," that's good. Look out for any kind of "vegetahlea" in the dog days. Ahem I who's "flan." Yocum-howcum you-eo? "Gen. Yocum," has a caveat *e#n filed oa that, it the Rawest invention out? U KIMKIIPV are* inclined to selflhneas { for SD. b " ' u Tt £5 upth,lrllebureknJr. of all charge, if he will come more. We believe he has accept t* l " offer and goes back this week. Reb.vl burg, we think, is putting it on rather thick, even for this age of reform. How ever, if Neat improves your habits of life, we are contest. DEMOCRATIC CO 17NTY CONVKN TION j The Democratic County Convention met | at Bellefonte on Tuesday afternoon, 12th, task, for the pur|>o*e of placing in nomi nation candidate* for the various county offices. The Chairman of the Co. Committee, Maj. Harry Forster, called the convention to order. The following officer* were thereupon chosen : President T M lIALL, Kq , #f Mils* burg. Secretaries—C. M. Bower of Bellefonte, P. S. Wolf of Potter, and Alf. Walter of Penn. The delegate* pro* on ted their creden tial* and were admitted as follows: Ilollefonto— South Ward, John Hoffer, Ed Brown. North Ward, J P Gephart, John Moran. West Wsrd, C M Bower. Benner—Michael Grove, John Riahel, Wm Close. „ Gregg—George Geodhaart, George Kor ruan, John Risliol. F D llo*teraan, Henry Krumreine, J B Heckman. Haines- George Bower, J M Yau Or mer, Dan'l Hostertuan K J De*hler. Miles—Sam'l Frank. John liubler, Geo Shafer, Adam Stover, Henry Wolf. Penn—Frank Bowersox, Hugh Lauri luore, llenry Gephart, Reuben llartiuaa, Alfred Waller*. . , Potter— Latayt. Nff, Daniel Fleiuisr, W. Wolf, J K Kunkle, John Ki.hel, Ro bert Lee, S S Walt. Mile*burg—T M Hall. I'aionville—J C Smith. Howard—Jno 11 Gardner. Philipburg—L W Munton, 0 A Faui * ner. Bogg> Ja* L Neff, >V Mark, A C Witherite. Burnside—ll Vedeffer. Curtin—Ja* M'Claakey Fergutan—Dr J 11 Smith, J W Kruui rine, 11 M Meek. RG Brett, Fred Bottorf. Halftnoon- John Miller. llarrw-R K Breoa. Win Grove. Sam l Wilson. Howard—Jno B Leathers. Huston—J 1 Mile*. Liberty—Ja* I Delong. Marion—Jno W Ziegler, Jshn Hy, jr. Patten—L I M Buh Rush—G W M Gaffv, Wm Collin*, K M Sturdevank Snow shoe—A C H ntoa, J H Holt. Spring—Ja* | M Fury, Nelan Luca*, Satu'l Tibhen*. Taylor—Jno Copenhavsr. Union—A J t>i*e. Walker—Sol Peck, J B Beck, Micheal Shaffer. Jno Dietrich. Worth—Owen M Can. | The nominatien of Senator being first in order, P.O. Meek* name wa* presented ,and there being no other name offered, hi* nomination w as agreed to. A motion of Mr. Van Ormer to allew the nominee for Senator to select hi* earn con feree*. was agreed to. Hon. John H. Orvi* wa* then re-nomi nated for Assembly by acclamation. The next business in order being tbe no mination of a candidate for Treasurer, the balloting resulted a* follows : Ballot*, Ist, 2nd. 3rd, 4th, sth. Mitchel. IS 22 36 37 Dobbin*. 17 Barnhsrt, IS 16 Yearick, 21 23 24 24 22 Smith, 14 14 15 14 14 Mr. Milcbel having received a majority on sth ballot, he wa* declared nominated nnd the nomination was then made unani mous. Alter the first ballot a letter wa* read from Dr. Dobbins, withdrawing his name, cenceeding the nominee to Penuiralley, and premising the ticket hi* warmest •up port. A letter of similar import from Mr. Barnhart wa* read after the second ballot. For County Commissioner the balloting resulted) Ist, 2d, 3d, 4th, sth, 6th, 7th Senkey, 24 .KS ifc 24 31 30 40 Winters, 17 18 20 26 '£ Korrnan. 21 21 21 22 50 34 35 Kreamer, 4 4 4 3 withdrawn. Meyer, 8 8 8 withdrawn. Mr. Sankey having received a majority on 7th ballot bis nomination wa* made unanimous. For Jury Commissioner tho vote stood Jeremiah Haines, 12 7 Judge Hoeterman, 18 14 Michael Grove. 33 42 J. H. Tolhert, 10 7 Mr. Grove being duly nominated on se cond ballot, hi* nomination wa* then made unanimous. Mj. Sgmuel Frank wa* nominated for Auditor by acclamation for the unexpired term of John 3>sith. A. J. Greisl wa* no minated by acclamation for the full term of the *ame often. John Moran wa* unanimously cho*en ax Chairman of the County Committee. Adjourned. We are informed Mr. Meek will select Joseph Gilliland, C. D. Keller and C. T. Alexander as hi* conferees. sentencing the Tyrone druggist* yester day, his Honor Judge Dean, took occasion tossy tubstancially thi*.- Druggists to sail liquor for medicinal purposes, subject, however, to tho risk of indictment. A physician's prescription is not of itself a safeguard for the druggist- It the Utter, even on the prescription of a regular pbysiolan, sells liquor to person* of known intompsrate habits, or to thoss who ue it a* a beverage, ho Is liable to indictment, and if found guilty,! will be puniebed to the extent of the law. In short, in the opinion of the court, a drug gist who sells liquor for any purpose T )m'*vtr. or upon the prescription of tbe most physician in the county, doe* so nt hi* ri.k.-Afroono TV i A ane. The following is the result of the of the Democratic Co. Contention. of Clinton county : For Representative Col. A. C. Noyes, was nominated by acclamation. For ProthoaoUry W. H- Brown, was nominated, receiving 59 votes, to U) for G. W. Batcbeler and 5 for W. H. Smitli. For Register and Recordsr S. B, Snook was nominated, receiving 51 vote*, to for Je*. W. Clark. For Treasurer John Q. Welsh was nom inated on second ballot, receiving 4G votes to 28 for Geo. J. F. JU®m. On tbo first .ballot J. E. Craniger received 9 votes. Fer Commissioner W. A. Packer was nominated. receiving 45 veto*, to 1. for J. Whithy, 7 for T. Kleckner and 6 for J. Hubbard. Lover* of tbe "wood" come out and hear the Lecture, in fbe school house on Saturday eve. List f Grand Jurorc for August Terra, 1873. Bellefonte Boro —R 8 Downing. H B Pontius, James Furev. Milesburg—David Furey. Philipsburg—Jno W Mattern, H B Pot tcr. Benner twp—Richard Conley, D Loder. Ferguson —G M Weaver. Gregg—Win Homan. Haines —Micheal Feidler. Howard —IraC Leathers. Liberty —Jno Mestlerode. Marion—Devid Tibbens, Sam"l Alley. Miles—lsreal Roe how. Patton—W F Thompson, (iWS Gray. Penn—Christ Alexander, J H Aumaii. Potter-Wm R Hennich, Lovi Walter*. Spring—C H Gentxel. tin ion—James Steer- Lietof Traverse Jurore for August Term, 1873. Bellefonte bor'—James L Sommerville, Auguitu* (3oi, Jnu JJoffor, " kyon, A Milesburg U Jesenli Itodgers, V M Hell. Fhilipsburg—Aloert Owens. Unionville —Benj J Rich, Geo. Alexan der. Benner twp—Geo Dale Burnside— Sebastian Fisher, Rudolph M Bog-W PI Harper, Sam'l Fletcher. M HMackey, John Hays. Ferguson— Aaron Smith, D P Miller, Levi Hurtonborder, Conrad Frye, Amos Royer, J M Gates, David Miller. f*regg—Henry Kruinnnt, Geo Kripe, O P Rmrick. Abraham Lose. .... Howard—M icheal Flatter. J- W. Hall. Haines —Daniel Smith. Hu.ton—J no W Stewart, Geo W Miles. Htlf Moon—Jno A Hunter. Liberty—Joseph J'letcber- Merion-GeoS Hoy. Miles—Ho Miller. Sam'l Bruwgard. Penn— Daniel Feidler, H G Smith, Jac Kawtetter. Potter D M Henny. . Rush—Wm Washburn- Tavlor—Daniel Henderson. Wlker Wm Harris, Levi Whippo, Gerthou Biddls, Charles Harehberfer I -S, J. Bush linn bought the home ami j smith shop of Mr Geisswhite, nt Shinglo j town, where ho Intend* moving In thi •pring. ♦ • Nearly nil the cotton mill* nt Rochdale, Kngland, have been closed in consequence o! the strike of the operative - • Wive* nnd mother* of Centre 11*11, come out to the I,ectnre on Saturday eve., It will pay you nil. Young Indies bo sure you bring your In nut to the Lecture n Saturday evening, t U will be of it.tere*t to you end them nhw. i* a ♦ o "•" —— The dUtnnce from the IV A K. roed nl l.ewlsburg to Mifflinburg U II mile*; thence to llenver Dem tunnel 24 mllee; from thence to Linden Hull IS mile*; thence to l'enn'n Furnace 16 mile*, nnd thence to Tyrone IS mile*—total 87 mile*. The Helleteute branch will be II mile*, and the attention to Danville !*> mile* long. Our reader* may fin i thi* table of distan cat worth preserving. The length of Paddy'* Mountain Tunnel will be 830 feet, length of Beaver Dam tun* ne) 980 feet ... - A campnieeting will be lield under the autpicc* of the M. K. Church, on land belonging to llenry Meek and Mr Krep*, near l'ine Grove Mill*, commencing Aug, 13th. Friend* trom n distance cordially invited. In behalf of Committee. \V If. Nom-aoa*. —■a ♦ a Cohmchmom* Layiku.— The Lord willing, the comer atone of the church in contemplation at Centre Hall, K\angelical Association, will he laid on Aug. 17. Ser vice* to be held in the Heformcd church at 10 a. m., and 71 p.m. Atl are invited to come. The minuter* of our titter denom ination* are herewith cordially invited to attend. Rxv. K. Yofso. MARRIAGES. Ou the SI at u It.. by Rev. J. W. Leokie, Mr Win Hutchinson to Mis* Kate Taylor, both ef Potter twp. On 37th ull, at the Kriaruud Par*v>nage at Robervburg, by Rev W W Landii, ur John K Minnich to Mi** Maggie A Weav er, both of Brushvalley. On 31, ult., at the residence of the bride* father, by thesanie, Mr. Jerome A. Mov sr to Mi;'* Clara K Wolf, both of Briuli valley. On sth inst., at the residsucc of the bri de's tathsr. by the mine, Mr. Jacob S. li Miller, of Columbia City, Indiana, to Mi Naney Jane, wnlv daughter of Rev. Kue bius llerbey, oniear Kcbersburg. DEATHS. At Potter's Bank, July 30, ef consump tion, Mis* Anna Benner, aged 20 yrs, 11 montk*, and 13 dya*. llcr remain* were taken to Lock Haven, fur interrment. At the residence of hi* nephew. Van Bu ren Hurst, in Stono VaMiy, Aug. 2nd, Mr Jacob Awl of Ferguson twp, aged— year* At Pine Grove Mills, August. 3d, Alex.' Sample, aged—year*. On 10th inst., of Cholera Infantum, at the residence of Judge Love, Henry Eyre, infant son of Rev. D. W. and Annie Leitsell, (dee'd) aged ix month*. Six menth* ago, when Brumal wind* • wept o'er our vallev, wo consigned the body of its mother t* tbe tomb. To-day, a* tbo summar * breexe sight gently x* it wsft* tha bough* and fan* eur brows, wc la} the babe by tbe tide of it* motfter We sing a requiem, utter our ori*ont, thtd a tear and the last tribute of respect is |>nid. But a different scene appear* in Hesren. 'Tis not a hymn for the dead, a prayer or weeping, but the eommunien of two spirit*, redeemed and sanctified, with one another and with their God.— They are beyond tbe power of sin and the pang* of death, arrayed in *potle* gar ments, and, with palm* in thoir hand* and crown* en their head*, they can shout, vic tory through Him who wa* slain for u*. In the language ef the poet we can say; By Thy hand tho boon wa* given, Tbou ha*t taken but Thine own; Lord of earth and God of heaven. Evermera —Thy wili be done. a.a.k. 1 (Selinsgruve Time* copy.) POCKET BOOK LOST.-On or about the 27th of June last, near Shook'* store at Farmers' Mills, a pockot'hook (cn-| taining three promiforv note*, one far $78,05, one for SSO, and sls, all payable to the undersigned, and also containing a •mall amount of change. Alt person*! are cautioned against accepting or ne gotiating any of said note*. The finder will be suitably rewarded by retnrning the same to A BR. ALTER. Jr., 3t._ Gregg twp. J jp.\RM FOR SALE. The well known ferm of Samuel Huang ler, dee d, situated in Potter twp.. Centre county. Pa., i* offered at Privato Sale, containing about 200 ACRES OF THE BEST LIME STONE LAND. About 170 acre* being in a high state of! cultivation. The tbalancc being well set with a FINE GROWTH OF LUMBER, consisting in part of While Oak, Chestnut and Cheetnut Oak. The pudding* are gooJ, large and commodious. Water A Fruit secouil to uotie iu (lie State. A never failing well and also running water near the door. Any person desiring a good farm and pleasant home, as also a profitable invest ment, can address MARGARET SPANGLER, on tbe premises, or K. L. SPANGLER. Juliet, 111. 7aug3m Executors. PUBLIC SALE! Will be sold, at the lato residence of Nicholas Deokart, dee'd, in Pottor town-; ship, about 3 miles south east of Potters 1 Mills. ON WEDNESDAY, the'AHh OF AUGUST, the following personal proper ty 1 MARK. 2 MILK COWS,6HEAD ()F YOUNG CATTLE, 3 Calves, 2 Hog*, one 2-hor*e Wagon, one l-hore Wagon, Springwagon, Timberwheels, 1 two-hor*e Sled, 1 one-horse Sled, Ttmberxled, Stonc cart. Threshing Machine. Clover Machine Fanning Mill, and Tackle, Plow*, Harrows, Cultivators, Uorscgears, single Harness, Forks, Rakes, one set or Blacksmith Tools. Carpenter Tools, 1000 Poplar and Pine Boards, Ac. Sale to com mence at 1 o'clock, when terms will be made known by THUS. B. M'KLROY. 31 ju! * Ex®c u l° r * A NIU4R VALLEY FA KM o AT PRIVATE SALE. ° The valuable Farm oi George Gramly, . dec'd, about mile south of Logansville, Clinton county, is ottered at private iile. d It contain* h •3 ACRES OF LAND. J 1 of which 12 acre* consist of Timborland, the balance being under good cultivation, ii Thereon are erected a TWO-STORY L FRAME HOUSE. RAN h t OA KN, Stnokehouie, Sprlnghouse, Woodshed, Ac. i There i* running Water at the houteand at the barn. Alio, a thriving YOUNG ORCHARD on tha promises. , For lurther particular* apply to the un denitrned, „ c JON ATM. GRAM LY, t Sugar Valley, or I, JEREMIAH HAINES, ltcbersburg, 31iuly?ffi Executor*. QEPHANB* COURT SALE. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' I Court of Centre county, there will be ox- , posed to public sple, on the premises, ( On Friday, August 22, 1873, ( At 1 o'clock p. m., that valuable Farm, , knowp as the properly of Micheal Kieam- ] er, situate in Unifies township, about 1 and a half miles South of Aafonsburg, con- 1 taining 139 ACRES AND 4 PERCHES, Neat measure, the improvement* thereon consist of Two Dwelliug Houses, Large Barn, Saw Mill. Cider Pre**, and all the neces sary outbuilding*. Also an Orchard of choice Fruit and a good Hprif g of never failing Water, at the door. About 96 acres are cleared and in a good stato of cultivation, the balance is well timbered with White Pipe, £ugar, White Oak, Ac TERMS.—One Third of the Purchase money to be paid on confirmation of Sale; One Third in One Year; and the remain ing third at the death of the Widow of said deceased The two last payments with interest, to be secured by bund ana mortgage on the premise*. GEORGE BOWER, ' j U ly24 Administrator. Twtuly-thrffo thousand ix hundret immigrant* Arrived nt (lie port of Ni v York lnt week. The Jesuit*, recently expelled fron (irrnimiy have found harbor* in Eg land and (he North of Waif*. Columbia, IV, July SI, —The Litii •Spring* Hotel at Litix, LitncttMei County, Pa, a lingo building, wai entirely destroyed by tiro to-day. • ♦ • Postal 4' ah ins,- \Vu learn uiuic tMnjc nearly every day about Ilia postal rarj*. The latest valuable piece of in formation it thev eannot he tent at the or dinary rate when written over the aide in tended fur the address You may write your letter and crowd at mueh n> possible in a microscopic hand upon the blank side but let no word transgress the opposite fare, else the hill letter postage must be forthcoming to save your letter from con fiscation. A rase of this kind aa brought to the Postmaster General, who decided "that any additional matter other than the address on the face of a postal card renders it uttmallable except at lettci rate •f postage TUK CONTEST IN SPAIN Madrid, Aug. S. \'alcfit ta !ta uncondl* jlionally surrendered, an J General t'smpi now occupies (Ue city. Tin- submission of Cartagena it expected to follow immediately. THE ILLINOIS FAUMKUS I Chicago, Augu.-l V,—The farmers con - vcnlion held in I'axton, Ford county, HI., i yesterday, nominated s full county ticket The platform of the M 'Lean county farm - en convention was adopted. ■> A Remarkable Speech. At a gathering of tanners'* club* at ; Winchester, Scott county, yeterday, S. M Smith, secretary of thx stale farmers' association, msde rather a remarkable .' speech, in the course of which ha denoun ced the corruption and fraud of the pros- II ent political parties, and prophesied that 'jthe day would couie, U there was no other j way left, when, If farmers were swindled {add hoodwinked a they had been, thai he J {and hi* boy> and thousands of other farm | ers and their boys would have to ride soma of these rillian* out of the state cupi-1 tal on rails, and that many a tree in broad America would bear human truit. lie {thought the remedy could bo found, hut if the remedy could not be found, anarchy | and. bloodshed might follow. I BUKNING OF TUK STEAMEK W A W ASSET. Fifty Live* Reported Lost. Fredericksburg, Virginia, Aug. K- The steamer Wawasset, running ou the Polo in- j 'ac river between Washington and Cur rim oab, took lire about twelve o'clock to day at landing and was destroy ed. She had about ouo hundred and fifty passengers on board and between forty and fifty lives were lost. 1 Six bodies were found up to two o'clock 1 Three white ladies, one child and two col ored children. • The Wawasset left here at six this morning on her regular weekly trip 11 to Cone llivor with 117 registered pa**en-'< gers and quite a larg - cargo of freight for! river landings. Just before reaching j Chatterton's Landing, on tbo Virginia ( side of the Potamac, about five miles be-jj low Acquis Creek, and after the whistle | of the boat bad been blown as a signal of j her approach to that landing, tbe steamer ( at the time being about a third of a u> ile { from the shore, fire was discovered in the , hold, and the huso was attacbod itnmodi- ( ately, but before the men could reach it . the conflagration became general, as the fire had been burning for some time. The fire had been smouldering, ills supposed.l lor'some hours, and upon opening the; hatches it burst forth with great fary. j driving the men from the hold and com pletely baffling all attempts to subdue ft In an instant the wildest confusion pre vailed on the vessel, the passenger* be coming panic stricken and frantic witbi 1 fear, very few having presence of mind;' sufficient to take care of themselves. Tbe| l steamer was. without a second's delay,}' headed for the shore on the Virginia tide,; 1 and in a few minute* run aground about ' AD yards from tbe Virginia side. Excitement on Board. At this time the flames had spread with ( fearfal rapidity, and In the excitement i many jumped avcrboard. Several of j of them jumped into the water before tbe steamer struck bottom. She was provid- Ed with hut two smalt boat*, and, in tho frenxy of the moment, one of these boats was thrown overhead and lost by the pas sengers, who, uncontrolled, wero endeav oring to launch her. Captain Wood, of the ill-fated steamer, and hi* as*i*lanlt. aie taid to have ued ovcry cffjrt to con trol the passepgirs, but without avail, and but for thi* disobedience of order* tunny wli* were lost would have been saved. The vessel wn well provided with life pr eserver* ; but, in the panic, it seems that none of the passenger* secured them, and this fact also addod to the lamentable loss of life INSURRKCTION IN JAI'AN Now York, August 7.—A Japan lAter says that on the 31st insL 10,( 10 men, most ly farmers, artned with barnbeo spears, as sisted by the former Dnimio retainer*, arm ed with *word, attacked the governmcnt castle at Fukunka, set fire to the building*, j aad destroyed all the official book* and pa-, pera. They also killed six officer*, four of whom are aid to have died by their own hands, as they saw the rebels overpowerj ing then*. Three of the officers only es caped and fled to Loga, CO mile* above Nog jaaaki. The telegraph line from Nogasaki te Yokohama, and which passe* through Tsiknisu was utterly destroyed, and the overland mail road was blockaded so that Information is obtained slowly. A re-; port ha* reached Nogasaki that tho houso* of ail the people in liakate and the coun try round about who would not join the Insurgent* had been burned, and that the dwellings of the rich men and the banks have been robbed- The Insurgents aro said to number ISO,' ). The cause ot the revolt is that the govarnment has required the taxesof the farmers to be paid in money instead of produce, together with the pro bable failure of the rice crops. AN IMPORTANT DECISION TO MAS TER AND APPRENTICE. A care wtt heard in Philadelphia in which Mr. hid ward 0. Amer akcd the court to rcvoko certain article* of indent ure. He raid that in March, 1871, a boy war indentured to hiin fromOirard College !to learn the art of morocco finishing. Inthecoune of time the boy fell into bad habits vf insolence and di*obedience to those over him, using very vile language to the demoralUatinnof the other appren tice*, and he would abent himself when ever he cho*, without flrt notifying hi* •uperior*. Once or twice he wu lightly chastised, and wa* ent te prion for a few day*, but all without effect for instead of improving, ho appeared to gorw wnr and worse; and finally, having lout all hope of ever fleeting any good with the bey, Mr. Amer naked the court to revoke the indenture. The only excuse offered by the boy wat that after he had been in the establish ment a year and a half ho wn still requi red to sweep out the office, 110 mother wa* very anxious to have him sont back to Mr. Amer. Judge- Finlelter said jt w ridiculous j for an apprentice to suppose that he WHS to do only uch work as pleased hi* fancy, j He wa* hound to general obedience t< nil hi* master's commands, and if It it rights tinder the indenture were disregarded the court would protect him. The chief fault with lbi* buy appeared to be that he had not learned the great god primary lesson of obedienoo, and tbe principal mistako in the master was ths w lie did not sutHcieiitly exerclio hi lawiu authority and more thoroughly ebostla the unruly apprentice la older to cowpv his obedience. He did not like to disehar K* go the boy front his apprenticeship, atu thus throw him out in.o the community 11 without a trade and without the rharaclei rt necessary to ettalde him to obtain honesl employniviit ; ner did he think it advlsa | tile to require the muster to take him back into his shop at oaco where his pernicious * evample weuhl have a bad and liariuful *' influence ii the other boys '•[ Hut for the good of the youth himself, "• lie would do that which the law empower >'led him to do, namely, he would send him °' to the county prison for three months for le ; his Insubordination ls hi* master, and ibis e order was made out c Here is a deiision meriting the attention *> of all }*erous interested in tbe trades, and I* it* effect upon the relations of master and it apprentice may be very healthful A.'r j I _ • ♦ • j AN 1M POUT ANT LAW ** The fallowing act far the better colics ' tion Ot debU in the state of was passed by the recent legislature: ' That in all cases w here any judgment has been heretofore obtained iu any ( court in this commonwealth agaiup any person or persons, if an execution be upon , the said judgment, which is returned by the sheriff bona, or that the debtor has no property out of which the raid judgment and execution can bo satisfied, „ any Judge of the said court may therupsn issue asubpsena commanding tbe said debt or to appear before a judge or any ci w: niirtiont-rduly appointed by the said court,! to undergo an examination under ualh a* to his properly and effects, with power to cempel obedience to the subpoena by at tachment and the production of books and papers necessary to the said examination. In case the said examination docs Hot dis close any property or effects the expenses thereof shall he paid the {party instituting the same, otherwise they shall be part of the regular cost of suit. TBRRIBLK EARTIKIUAKK IS ITALY.j Washington, Aug. 7.-An official; letter dated Belluue, Italy, say* ou the evening of July 24, a terrible earthquake occurred here carrying; death to mttny and consternation to i all. The dead are counted by leu.- . j Material injury was doue. Every, fourth or filth building is made uoio-L habitable. The principal uumiu- : rucnts are overthrown or seriously in jured. Everywhere the cry of an ] guish is raised and for prompt and t effectual relief. — THE INDIANS. 1 * A ItKLPLISOi FAMILY Ml UDKKKIi. St. Isouis, Aug.ll,—About three jj weeks ago a baud of ludian* appeared , near 011 Camp, Coloratlo, and shot and stabbed a Mr*. Williams. They I [ also shot a little girl, the daughter of Mrs. Williams, marked her bead a- i i gainst the door post and threw her * body into the fire They then entered , the house and shot a girl eight years I old and carried her away with them. Mrs. Williams, .notwithstanding her j two wouuds, crawled iuty the housed and pulled Iter little child out of thej tire, rolled her in a wet blanket, and laid her on n bed. Mrs. \\ illiams' husband soou after returned, to whom 0 she related the circumstances, then died, but the iufant, whose head was M nearly mashed to a jelly, was still. l alive when last heard from and would . probably recover. ,t A scouting parly returned to Con cha last Saturday week, after forty " days' absence, bringing iu a number of stolen ponies captured from Indians t off their reservations. Also the fresh scalp of a white girl thirteen years old. j who with a woman was killed and S scalped oil a staked plaiu about two f weeks before. M. Badger says it is | uow known that General McKenxie, during tbe great expedition against the Comanche* last fail, killed up warJs of one hundred of them, it was reported at one time that he had r killed but tweoty-five. t • — 3 Loxdox, August 2. —A dreadful, accident occurred this morning on the j Northwestern railway, near Wigeo, to the Scotch tourist express train 1 from Londou. ANNUAL STATEMENT OK BEN-; NEK TOWNSHIP. Bam'l YearlckSup. for 18TA In account with Benner twp. 1873 DR. Juno 10. Tebal. due at last totti" ucot sl4-1 01 Apr. 14, cash from Audit"r KrjOO '• " cash lrom K. Con ley 1500 " 14. atrount from Con* Iry'i Du p1icate........ 5100 " 14. am't of Dup .... 740 29 1873 CR Apr. 14, By receipt* from " " sundry prOIU. .$30630 " " Work ot road*... 010 76 " " Exoneration* 548 " " Service* lendored 48(4) June 2 Per cent. on Dup.. 3(5 5*4 " Cash to Audito *_ 4 5)6 Kirhard Conley Supervisor for 1871, in| account with Bonner twp. 1872 DR' June 10, To bal. due at last settlement $329 88 1873. IK I Apr. 14, By receipt*- sll2 20 t. •• Jjy cllg j, Audi* tor* 133 86 June 14, Bal. due twp 84 38 Thoma* Marhall .V'upervitor for 1872, in account witk Benner twp. ! 1872. DR. i To am't of duplicate S6W 12 | ti ii or j eron Audi* I tor* 160 00 (To am't from K Conley...- (4) 45 • S9OO 57 i 1873 CR. j June 2, By work on roadss4o9 37 " " "new road* ' opened 26:1 03 " " •'ervice ret d' 'd 35' i •• an pxoncratio it...- 427 . •• M „ or C( . n t, on dup 88 79 " " " bal. duo twp 15511 John Lutx Poor Overseer, 1872, in ac count with Benner twp. 1872 . DR I June 10, To bal. due atlast i M'tllcment $45 47 ,; $4.5 47 1873 CR. ! Apr. 14, By inedicino for i pauper* 4 27 " 14 by attorney * ad vice, (A. II oy) 10 00 " 14, by *ervice rcnd'r'd 14 09 i " 2by cah to Auditor* 17 20 O. P. Ha*#inirer Poor Overeer, 1872, in account with Benner twp. > 1872 DR. • Juno 10. To bal. duo last , settlement $421 03 1878 CR- Apr. 14, By service* rend'ds2ooo June 2, " receipt* - 16682 ii ii ii cah to Aud't't 14 00 *' " " bal due twp.... 22021 Auditor* in account with Benner twp. 1872 DR. To bal. at last eltlemon ...$16293 •• c*h footn R. Conley... 122 00 June 2, 1873, To cash from John Lula 17 130 " 20. P. Hassingnrcash 11 U> " "J. W. Wilson cash- 342 " " cash from Samuel Yea rick 4 96 " II Cash from R. Conley 31 35 1872. CR. I Aug. 24, by cash to Thou. i Marshall SIBO 00 i Apr. 14. 1873, by path to Hain'i Yenrick 10200 May f, by P. Gray Meek publishing statement ... 15 00 June 5, by Auditing 14 00 ! " " "bal due tup 66 87 H. L HARVEY, UEO ZEIGLKR. J M KEI'HEART, | 'CHRIST. DALE, Auditor*. 1 Clerk. .at BILLRPONTRMARK ETB. Il Whitn (Vheat f 1.06. Red UK).. Rye 1,„ 7 Bacon 100...„, Hair U Huttei 16... Kgg. II 15 fin.lor U6U ill - If. ftr Foil ALL WHO AKK r. nazes VS illlng to Work. Any m ™ por.ou, old or young, of either n't, ran make from $lO to $ ' per ,r week, at home day or evening. Wanted 1* by ail. Suitable to either City or Coun- j try, aud any ra*n of the year. TliL i a ([ rare op|tnrlonily for thuae who are out of] work, aud out of money, to make an indo-j d pendent living. No capital being reijuired. d Our pamphlet HoWTO M AKK A LIV-j ING, giving full instruction*, nt on re-. I oelpl of 10 oeuta Addreu, A. IH'HTtIN; .V CO , M.trri.atiln, Woatcheiter Co, N.V A iiKM MANi l I 1 ,Ini.p. ►, II , ! xVour new and novel Kinhroidering Ma * I Sal**. awl lot lllwlolMl i ik uUi 1.1 il.- M. X , ' Maaula. lurtaa < "Wpaar . aa> hi.wOa*i N>. Vutk THK PAHDJK OOMPANIOIT J f iCa "• ' 11 a...l 1111 iae< ' faat Oa Addpw, LI HI 111 4 , . lll,iaii.r.lll*>u N.atwl . |ii 1 N TON Fl.l RTATD N Ml.NAl> ' Heal un ,>IM ul* eta I'aaja* J*OfUua ad l*Ui ll Oiloa ltia. X* V—> alrwl, *" V">l _ , Til K HKCKWH II s'J| PoKTAHLK , Family Sewing Machine, on 30day1 rial; mam .t.alaa.. all u,... gu.i.nlaoJ >* i ;T!,luh.P.l anl e.oipl.l- ...b fall aijaO-. Litailk aU Macblav l .*S Bmelao. I V ' Til KN KW Kl/Asfnrf St SS An irn ' iwrual laraaUua. ll ratala. IS Kupcur. al all Uae in I anJet U. hnrdnnt aiarou. o •*<•> el OMla ll I* * nub eo*lct aad ll l>.yl ua UWI aad dajr agacu . a permaaaal ear* la a '• ••*• *44 . .heap and a—; ' 1,,1Gt1b. mmM. elrcmUra lra..lwi-. e.4..l .lb, UIUM aOIoTS maa Tjya* ■., l*o * Hruad war v v IVJ Nobud) uaaa Mnial apnea Trow. ( Urn palatal . tb*> allp "4 u~frnuanO> I daair. a. e 1 | ¥> KGISTKKS NoTICKS. Tlie following aceounU have hoen ex . mul n i-d and paaaed by in a, and remain filed on record in thi* office for the in -1 apeclion of heira, legatee*, ereditora. and I all olhc* : o any way intereated, and will f be presented to the orphan#' court of Cen tre county, on Wednesday the 27th day ol i Augualnenl, for confirmation and allow ance 1 I 1 The account of Jacob Snavolr. ad miniatratorof Jacob Krnter. lateofPennl (two., C-entre county, dee'd. I •/ The acc't of Levi Snook, guardian of Eliaahelh Weaver, minor child of Henry Weaver, late el Mileilwp. dee d. ;i The accouut of Lec i Snook, guardian j .•f Aaron Weaver, minor c hild of Henry j i Weaver, late of Milea twp. dec d. 1 t The account of Saui I Harter, guar dian of Cha.le. 11 Leilxeil one of lha i children and heir ot Philip Leiltell lato of ; Miloatwp., dee'd. j 5 The account of Will. Keller, guard). au of l'recilla J Sweany. minor child of ,(jeorgo Sweanv, aa filed by hia admintt lira tort John (I. Keller and Havid Kel- I lor I 0 The account *( Auio* Clemaon guar jdian of Amellia Ray, minor child of David Ray late of HaT Moon town.hip, doe'd. " The account of Samuel Grammy, one j ;of the Kieeutora in the lal will and UsaU-, I ment of Harmon Smull lau of Mite* twp. j dee'd. I : V The accoun. of L. D. KurU. admin-; itrator of Cbarlea KurU. late of Haine (twp., deed. 10 The account of (corge Mutaer ad min iatrator of Jantea Muaaer, of Fergu aon two. dee'd. 11 The account of Jotapli, ad !miiiiatrator of Moact V. Mayer, laic ot | Philtpaburg, dee'd 12 The Second Supplementary account' 1 f Adam Voaada, iurviving ciccutor of Henry Vonada, of Hainct townthip. Dei d. I 13 The account of Charle* Heck, guar- ,; 'dian of John 11 and Charlea S. Beck, ( ht)drcn aud heir* |f Simon iWk, dee'd. 14 The account of J. W. Mattern. j cutor of Amua Funk, laic of Philiptburg, ' dee'd. 15 The account o| John KemteUer. guardian of \N m. F. I'ngart, lato of I'enn) .lownahiu, dee'd. t 10 The account of Kliaalnrtb I ngart adiuinialrator of Jotepb Zerby, late of jtirrgg twp., dee'd. 17 Tlie account of Frederick Zettle ad ministrator of Frederick Zcttle, Sr., late of OroM two., deed. ( ln Tno aamimatralion account of Rob t tioheen, on ewtate of Nathan Corbin, Iwtc, of Harri* twp , dec d. PJ The account of John U. Taylor and Benjainin Stover, adminiatrator* of Geo Stover lato of Uregg twp . dee'd. 30 Supplementary adminirtrwlion ac count of W m. Holt, administrator of Jno. Holt, late of Snow Shoe twp . dee'd. 21 The account of Kbeneaer Record., guardian of Mary Brown, minor child ol Andrew Brown, of Worth twp., dee'd. 22 The account ol Jane. Glenn, ad-i minialrwtor of Suaan Mitchell, late ofUar ri* twp . dee'd. 23 The account of Jamet Martin, truatec to tell the real eaUle of Jamea Martin late of \\ alker tow nabip, dec d -24 The final account of J. r. Gcpharl, irualccto aell the real i-aUUJ of Georga Garbrick, laic of Bonner townabip, dee'd V 5 The guardianahip aocotiol of John 11. Holt, guardian of K. Reed, minor child of K need, dee'd. SB The aeeount of S T Grar. and John j (' Gray, executor, of John Gray, Jr., a* filed bv 8. T. Gray, acting Kxecutor. 27 The adiuiniatraUon account of Geo.; ; i.igingion adminwtratorof B. K Shopc. deed, a* filed by A. O. Furwt, Kmj . e*e < utor in the laat will and lecument of Geo. i Liviugaton. 2W The account of John liartbbarger ami C. F. Romich, admin iatrator. ol Win. | Marlin. late of Walker, townabip, dee d. B The account ol Albert Uwct, ad mini.trator of Jacob Habcrocker, late of Philipaburg, dee'd. UU The account of John P Harri. exe cutor in the la*t will and tctamcnt of Patrick Kline, dee'd, of Bcllefonle. 41 The account of John Bmg, admin- Uiralor of Henry (iate*, idee'd of Union twp. J. H. MGKHISON. Hwgiater. Bellcfonte JI'ST BRADY and FOR SALE AT THK Clotliiug .Store, Milroy. A choice a**ortincnt of READY-MADE CLOTHING, Fine Black. Blue and other Cloth Drew ! Suit*, Cawwimcro Dreiw and bu.incM *uiU. Linen Pgntu, and Vestn, White, Duck Vextw, Alpaca (<>at, Pant*, and Overall*.for working men. Men'* and Boy. Hat*, latest *tyle of Hoots, Shoes, Gaiters and Slippers." TRUNKS, VALISKS. and a fall stool of Men*' Furnishing Good*. Price* Low Coma and examine for yourelve, am buy at the Milroy Clothing Store, junl'.nf /KB KKISR & BRO. FARMERS AND TEAMSTERS, LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS! Curli*' Zink Collar Pada, pronounced by all who have ued it, to be the best Col lar Pad ever invented. They aro warrantod to euro the worst ca*e ot sore neck on horse*. For *alo by W. J. M'MANIGAL, 19juii3ra at Millheim & Milroy. UN DKKTAK KRS SU PPLI ES.-A tine assortment of Coffin trimming*, just received at Millhoim and Milroy Hardware store*. llarr handle*. Lace dec., latent style*. aprlO.Um W J. M'MANIGAL Whsr— lh Una. CtiHa A. Mu. I'mldMt of lbs court of t'ommon I'lcss. In lh**4n Judicial Ills trtct. consisting of Uis counties of Oatr*. t lluum. awl I'lsarttsld. sua (lis Hooorslils W W. !>>*• unit the llonorsbls Ifsnrr Dopn. Associate Jwluos. In l.'satrs county, hsrloi Issued ttoslr nrsospt, bssrtus dsls (Us 4th day of January. A D,. left. to mc dliwtodfor bold ln s court of Oyor sod Terminer and t.sncrsl Jail IW> Ilrcnr sod Uu*rtar (tensions of Mlo I'sscs In Itollnfuul*. for ths ooonty of t)snt, snd to nnsnmsu** na the *th Sutiiinay of A*a null. twins tbc *Mh day of Anal IMa snd to continue two weeks Notice Is hereby I roil to Us < Won or, .lust Ices of ths Posse, Aldsrmeu sud Constables oftbo ssld county of Centre, thst they bo then snd Ihoro In thotr |>ru|>or loosens. St Id o'clock In tbo foronoon of ssld dsy. with their reoorda, lugulsllluns, ossinlusllons. snd their own remembrances. to do ilw Ihliurs which to tbslr olftce appertains te bs duns, snd thus* who sro bound lots cosnlssncss to prusecuts aaaiii-t tbe prisoners that srs or slsll tie In the )sll of foul re county, be then snd j ihors to prosecute asalntt them ss shall he Just. | Uirsn under my band, si Bellatont*. ths 4lh day of '.tan in the year of our Lord, lata, snd In ths ninety fourth fear of the Unh^Buyr. I. (iii^nilirimrr. ARRANGE MKNTI ISAAC GUIMIENHKIMKB, HAVING purchased the entire stock of the late firm ofHu-miin A Ghlggouheimar, ex -EJt the leather and Shoe findings, has FILIAL UP his shelves with a lot of HI'I.KXDID NEW UOODH, embracing READY MADE CLOTHING, DITTOS* HOODS, OKOt'KKI KM, fliOVlfelofcH, UOOTN A SHOES, I HATS A CATS, | t AND TA Y ARTICLES r ' and is now prepared to ACCOMODATE all bis old custo ers, and to welaoiuc all new ones who inay favor him with J their patronage, lie feels safe in SAY f iiig that he can please the most faslidi . ous Call and see. ISAAC GI'GGENHELMBK. p. s.—Mr. Sussman still continues to deal in LKATUKK AND SHOE-PINDIXOB, CLOVER and TIMOTHY HEEDS, in the old room, where he may alway be found. I' C. F. Herlocher N, Croumiller. NEW GOODS! ?;i£ 3 W A fl) 1A L or GOODS!!! HKKLACHKIt A GKoX MILLER \WT i,h to infotm the cilixeu* of Poller IT that they have opened an mitre new slock of goods in their old quarters, sod wilt keep constantly on hand a full and good assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, consisting of ALPACAS, Poplins, PLAIDS,i Lustres. snd sll other kinds al DRESS GOODS. full line of NOTIONS and FANCY Goods Hat* A Cape, Boots A Shoes CROCKERY. oCEEN>WAItE. BTOX K\V ARE. CKDA KWAKK, SUGARS. "LEAS, COFFEES. FISH, HALT, etc., etc , etc.. AII of which we offer at greatly reduced prices. Uighest prices paid for ropntry produce. By strict attention to business we hope to merit and receive the patronage or the public Shortlidge & Co.. I'HOPRIETOKS OF THE Bellefonte Lime Quarries. The only Manufacturers of Lime, burnt exclusively with wood, in Central "Pennsylvania. DKAI.ERH IX Anthracite Coal, White Lime, Du Font's Powder, Sporting and Bloating Powder on hand, Kusa for Blasting, Fire Brick, Ground Fire Clay, Fertiliters, Implements. (anIOTS t ifflce acd va.-d near South end of the Bald Eagle Valley Railroad Depot, Belle fsnte. Pa JsniaTJ YOUNG'S HOTEL Corner of Third and Chestnut Street, Mifllinburg, Pa. John Showers, Proprietor. Its Central Location make* it particularly desirable to persons visiting Town on business or pleasure. H. A. Taylor's Livery Attached. unflll ly 4 HAMUS. J I MLT'OKKT J ARR AVER. JOHX NORMA. TNTRR II< R KH. Pennsvalley Banking (Jo. CENTRE HALL, PA. RECEIVE DEPOSITS, And Allow Interest, Discount Note Buy and Sell Government Securities, Gold and Coupons. PETER Horraa. WM. B. MIXOLE, Pras't. Cashier. CENTRE HALL COACH SHOP, LEVI MURRAY, at hi* establishment at Centre Hall, keep* on hand, and lor a!e, at the moot rcaona* ble rate*. Carriages, Buggies, & Spring Wagons, PLAIN AND FANCY, and vehicle* of every description made to order, and warranted to bo made of the best *ea*oned material, and by the mo*l •killed and competent workmen. Person, wanting anything in hi* line arc requested to call and examine hi* work, they will Una it not to be excelled for durability and wear. may22tf. 1.F.V1 MURRAY. NOTARY PUBLIC. SCRIBNKK ANl> CONVEYANCER, CENTRE lIALL, P A. Will attend to administering Oath*, Ac knowlc igement of Deed*. &c, writing Ar ticle* of Agreement, Deed*, Ac, may 15 WOOD CARPETS The Beat *ubtltute for Oil Cloth*, Mal ting* ami Carpel*. Abo, Houghton'* i-atknt adjust a m.k | NURSERY GATE ! and Window Bur, to prevent accident* to children. Will ttt anv door, window or ! stairway. Prioo from $1 25 to $2 25. Also, Houghton'a patkst adjuktahi.k i ' MOSQUITO & FLY SCREEN, I will fitnny ,1 WINDOW OK DOOR, n Price for window*, with netting and tix • ture* complete, from 50 cent* to $1 50. For • door*, with netting and rixture* complete, 4 $2 50 to J4 00. 4 J. W. Boughton, >• 1200 Chestnut Street, Pbil'a. '• Juql9-2UI NE PLUS ULTRA. No Better Place! Thv subscriber ta jmt receiving from ths DA* tern ritioi A Full Nu>ck ol S I' M M K 11 (1 OODB which lie ha* determined to tell very cheep, consisting of l)l(Y GOODS and Print*, Muslin*. Opera Canton*, and Woli Flannel*, ladle*' lire** Good*, *ueh u Detain*, Alpaca*, Poplin*, Empress Cloth. Sateens, TaineUe, together with a full •loch of everything usually kept la the Dry Good* line. NOTIONS: A full slock, consisting part of Ladio* and Cbildrru'* Merino Hose, Collar*, Kid glove*, kiwt quality silk and Lisle thread Glove*, Hood*, Nubia*, Breakfast shawls. lIATS & CAPS, ! i A full assortment of Men's Hoy'* and Children's at the latest style and beat- CLOTHING, Heady made, a choice selection of Mac's and Boy's of the newest style* and moat serviceable material*. BOOTS & SHOES, WM. WOLF. I 15,000 BOLTS OF WALL PAPER! Now ua exhibition at Millbeim and Mil ruy Hardware Store*. About 86 different PRICKS BANGING FROM 10 CENTS TO f 1.00 PER BOLT. Beautiful Gilt Paper at oae dollar Panel Paper and Parlor Decoration*. A reasonable credit will be given to re *|tonble parties for paper, Tor o per cent deducted from price* for cash. Price* are the same at both Store*. •Pr <". W. J. M MANIGAL. jQR.S.G. GUTELIUB, Demist, Mill helm. J 1 ' 1 professional service* to the public. He t* prepared to perform all operation* in the denial profession jmr- lie is now fully prepared to extract teeth mkmUutrty pmim. myß-7-tf. EDWARD J. EVANS ti CO, X VRSER I'M EX it SEEDSMEX, York. Pa. l it* Catalogue* Mailed to Applicants"^ Rffer {by armtnua) la Hon. J. 8, Black, Washington, D. 0.. \\ i iwr, Hon A Carl, Hankers, York, Pa. Excelsior Cement -1 he undersigned now manufacture Co* m f. n l ,\££ RA NTKD O** A NI'PKRIOB Ol ALITY, at their kiln*, near Pine Creek Milk, In H.fne* iwp. VhU cement has already been used in large quantities upon the L. C. Jt 8. C. R R.. an a ha* been found highly satisfactory upon all job* where it baa Wen used, and as equal to any now manufactured. The undersign ed now take pleasure in recommending, andwarranUngit to all, Car use in CIB - KRNs, WATER PIPES, or whatever purpose a good quality of Cement U deal rmbic. Thu Ct*i*ifiil ht already been tested far and wide, and rendered the ut most satisfaction. Persons, therefore con structing Cistern*, laying Water Pipe*, etc., will find it to advantage to bear this in mind, and aUo, that they warrant the article a* represented. For further par liruiar*, address MEYER A HOFFKR, ® dec If Aarufuburg, Pa. W7 A. CUiIRfT BOOT & SHOE MAKER CKVTBE MALI*, IA. Would most respectfully inform the cli nens of this vicinity, that he ha* started a new Boot and Shoe Shop, and would be thankful for n share of tne public patron age. Boot* arid Shoe* made to order and according to style, end warrant* hi* work •to equal any made elsewhere. All kind* of repairing done, nod charge* reasonable Give him a call. feb 13 ly. J? XICUTORS' NOTICE —Leuer tee j tamentary on the estate of Nicholas ockart, late of Potter township, dee'd, have thi* day been granted to the under signed, all person* knowing themselvee indebted to raid estate will please make it:.mediajc payment and those having claim* will present tbctu duly authenti cated for settlement. THOMAS B. McKLROY. iuly 18.6 C Executor. A DM I NISTRATORS^NOTICM. —Let- ter* of administration on the estate! ot David Jordan, late of Potter twp., dec d. have been granted to the under signed, who request* all person* knowing themselves indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having de mands against the same to present them duly authenticated by law for settlement- AARON LU C K EN BACH, julylO.CC Admr. ■p X ECUTOR S"NOTICE -Letter tes 1J tamentary on tbe estate of John Reynold*, of Miles twp., dee'd, have been granted to tbe undersigned, who request* all person* knowing themselves indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, en-1 those having demand* against the same to present them duly authenticated by law for settlement to Mr. Jo.s Wour, of Mile* twp., to whom I have given a power of Attorney, to transact nil business for said o*late. CHRISTIANA REYNOLDS, JunegHß Executrix C. PECK'S New Coaoh Manufactory. CENTRE HALL. PA. The undersigned ha- opened n new es tablishment, at hi* new shop*, for the manufactuie of Carriages, Buggies, &. Spring Wagons, SLKIUUH AMP SLEDS, PLAIK AMD FAKCT of every description . All vehicle* manufactured by him are warranted to render satisfaction, and as equal to any work done elsewhere. He use* none but the best material, and employs the most skillful workmen. Hence tney flatter themselves that their work can not be excelled fur durability nnd finish. Order* from a distance promptly attend ed to. Come and examine my work before contracting elsewhere. PRICES REASONABLE, XII kind*of Keparing done. llOUSkTand LOT FOR SALE.—A lot of ground, nt Potter's Mills, thereon erec ted a two-tory dwelling House, with good Wagonuiaker Slioii. a good Stable, and all necessary outbuilding*, is offered at pri vate sale, on rea-onable term*. There is a well of never failing water, with pump, ! near the door. For further particulars apply to Mrs. KATE SHAFER, l,pram . Fottwt KUlf. I tlr " 1 I HA.I7K. FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU? U IV ..uljr Known HATNCMLGR FOR Bright'* DM % mm a* mttom pscaßsv to TODTON, th* to iiliSSll KK4INKT*! HTBACT SCORE, aSsSgiS6lig^Ss ■KJTAMMBLPR * KETRTACT IN' ! CHE K ES^^MA.*TW rrsis^ *voto QUACKS AND IMPOITMITIR ■sOhargslwAiriMaadOaMMaßm. JLL A£EL2rSSL"JtZ£ SSSL a M—M to—A, I E£Z£ZJ*a ££££nft&Z£JSZ sfsb , £sH^ o wg: IMC CM, iu <—<*** TOHI, |gjj ."WHSA* SEWING MACHINES. The ikln of Sowing machine* in 1872, a reported under oath, in 187%, to own ert of the Sawing Machine Potent* thow that the SINGER MANUFACTURING 00. 1 -ast Year Sold 219,758 MACHINES OB 38,498 more than ia 1871, Ninety per cent, of them being for FAMILY USE TAI* ts Or AT 4 5 ,0 0 0 More Sewing Machines than were •old by any other company during the same period, sod over ONE QUARTER of all the Machines sold in 1872. Principal Ofice of The Singer Mann fart tiring Co. 34 UNION SQUARE. Philadelphia, office, 1106 Chestnut St. jane 26-Giu JgKOCKKKUOFF UPTJST Allegncacv Street, Bcilcfonte, PA D. JOHNSON & SONS, Proprietors. A RISSTCLXML HOTEL. COMrOBTABLE BOOMS PROMPT ATTENDANCE. ALL THE MODERN CONVENIEN CES—AND REASONABLE Charges. The proprietors offer to the TRAVELING public, sad to their country friends, first class accominodatioas and earaftU atten tion to the want* of guests at all tines, at fair rate*. Carefu! hostlers and good stable ling FOR horses. An excellent table well served. A Bar supplied with fine liquors. Servants well trained and everything re quisite in a first class Hotel. Our location L in the business part of the town, near the Post Oflcc, the Court House, the Chur ches, the Banks, and the p incipal placet of business, renders it the most eligible place for those who visit Bellefoete on buti or pleasure. An Omnibus will cany passengem and baggage to and from all trains free of charge. GIVEN AWAY. A Fine German Chromo. We send an elegant Chromo, mount* cd and ready for framing, free to every Agent for . mmmumm OR LIFE BELOW THE SURFACE* fil 77/OA*. W KNOX. 942 Pages Octavo. 130 Fine Engravings. Relates Incident* and Accidents beyond the Light of Day; .Startling Adventures in all pans of tho World ; Mines and Mode Working them; Under-current* of Society; Gambling and it* Horrors : Cav erns and their Mysteries; The Dark Ways of Wickedness ; Prisons and their Secrets; Down in tho Depths of the Sea; Strange Stories of the Detection of crime. The book treat* of experience with brigands; nights in opium aens and gamb ling hell* ; lire in prison ; Stories of exiles ; adventures among Indians ; journeys through Sowers and Catacombs ; accidents in mines ; pirates and piracy; tortures of , the inquisition ; wonderful burglaries ; un derworld of the great cities, etc., etc. AGENTS WANTEDRSS for this work. Exclusive territory Jgiven. Agents can make SIOO a week in' sailing this book. Send for circulars and terms to agents. J. B. BURR A HYDE, Hartford, Conn., or Chicago, lIL Dr. Crooks Wine of Tic 1H RJ / "*"? B ftnUe'value with tha rich medicinal ■I qualities of Tar. wbiols IY and RAY idly ■ JwP* Mmlrv*** r esrkoimlew ■ itcleanaeo BALA BB Stomach, relax— THE Liver, and CSBMS L|IHAAITII* FEED te> digest, ®L m<, va,.'r/rr'" MS!pffMSnHH* &d *r*dwes tbe IlilViiiM |l|H eyeteas. For JPnlna la Satfnrailfflß tf'- Breast, Side or it