The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, August 14, 1873, Image 2

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    $K£ {JENTRE
nDifltl _ 14 Her*
■— Q
Qqatra Hull, Pu*. Aug. 14,1T3.
TIRITSv-Tho Kxroarxa t. | ; .i
Weeklv at Si per year* n advance. or -.*
*!. '".I
line*) for three insertion. Aav.-rtoeiiionu
for a, and 13 months, at retimed rate*..
Any parson sending u* the
new suDScribeur, with the eah will re
eeive the RXPORTXR one year free.
Democratic Nominations.
Attemi/v— TOHN H. OR VIS.
l£uu!rr~J. K. MITCH EL.
Ommimoner — J. O. AAA- L
Jury Ommr-MICH. OROI E
Auditor—SAWL FRARK. y*>r,
- A. J. OREJSE . 3 yours.
Our Count}- Tlfket-
In another column will be found the
proceedings of the democratic county
convention. Our ticket is now iu the
field, and the campaign opened.
There is no reason why the democrat
ic ssajority in old Centre should not
be increased this year. We have
good men upon our ticket ; men of
standing and character, aud all of
them old and well-known cititeus.
For Assembly
was nominated by acclamation for re
flection. Mr. Orvis is to well known
to our owu people, that it is neediest
for us to introduce him to the voters
of this county. He is oue of the ab
lest democrats in this commonwealth,
and his course last winter, as our rep
resentative, was such as not only to
attract attention all over use state,
but it gave him au enviable reputa
tion outaide of our own commonwealth.
Mr. Orvia left Harrisburg with a
record of which eny ene might feel
proud, end he bes becu an houor to
the people of Centre county who chose
him. He has been faithful to every
interest of the commonweelth end
of hie constituents. There is noth
ing in hie record that can be showu
unsound, and the radicals will fail to
trump op something against hint.
His course must meet, and docs meet,
the approbation of every honest voter
of this county, republican or demo
crat. Let the honest meu attest
their appreciation of a faithful aud
able public servant by giving Mr. Or
via an increased majority.
For Treasurer
JOBS b. mitcbsl, of Ferguson,
was nominated. The choice of the
convention must be acknowledged as
a well deserved one. Our nominee
for this important office is one of the
mast respectable citizens of this coun
ty. His character is spotless, and his
honeety and democracy unimpeacha
ble He deserve* the full democratic
vote, in fact he should have the vote
of every honest republican who desires
to see the funds of the county in safe
hands. Democrats, now since the
nomination is made, lay aside all feel
ing that may have existed previously,
and surrender cheerfully your former
preferences for the choice of our con
For Commissioner
JOHN G. sankey, of Potter,
was re-nominated. He is also a good,
honest man and consistent democrat.
He ie well qualified for the position,
and we know will guard well the in
terests of the county. He has done
noble service in the democratic ranks
for many yean, and the nomination is
well-deserved. Rally to his support,
then, democrats, and elect him by an
overwhelming majority.
For Jury Commissioner and Audi*
tors we bave Michael Grove, of Ben
ner, for the former, and Maj. Samuel
Frank, of Jfeils and [A. J. Greist. of
Union, for the latter. Maj. Frank for
the unexpired term of Hon. John
Smith, who refuses to serve, and Mr.
Greist for the full term.
They are all good and tried demo
crats, and men better qualified for
the respective position could have
been selected. They both sustain
spotless characters, and are among the
moat esteemed citizens in their own
There democrats, of Centre, we
have presented to you the ticket nom
ioated on last Tuesday, by your au
thorised representatives, it now be
hooves you to ratify their work at the
poll*, on the 2nd Tuesday of October
Democrats, organize, and let every
max be a worker; let us determine to
give an democratic ma
jority in old Centre, at the next dec
As examination of the record re
venal the fact that not a single Sena*
tor or Representative from the so
called Southern Stataa has returned to
the Treasury his portion of the back
salary. The carpet-baggers ail hold
oa to the plunder ; so do all the repre
acatativesin both branches of Cou-
Eas from the Republican Btates of
naesota, Nevada, and Nebraska.
Nat long ago, saya the Age, Repre
sentative Wilson, of lowa, when allud
ing to the corruption and robbery
prevalent among Republican office
holders, said, in a pithy, pointed man
ner: "The people are so well used to
these things that they do not mind
thou." It would seem not in lowa,
for, according to a Western journal,
tho fonds of that State have been
M handled, cut and clipped by several
of the State Treasurers chosen by the
Radical party. "Gold haa been ab
> stracted from the Treasury and sold
when at a high premium, and the ad
vance pocketed by Republican ofli
ciaJs, and the boxes which contained
tho ooin filled with sand to kaep up
tha appearance of the presence of the
gold. School lands, swamp lands
and the school fund have been oper
ated with, even to the extent of forg
ing names to certificates of swamp
lands to raise the wherewith to cover
the money abstracted from the Trea
sury." Not one of the Kleptomaniac
treasurers have been punished. On
the contrary, they live iu luxury upon
their gains, and more than one of
then hat represented the Radical
oarty in Suto or County Convention*.
It used to he said that stealing *m
not *o hud, when you were not caught
At it But even when a Radical
cial i* caught with the "swag" iu hi*
pocket it doe* not injure hi* Mantling
in the party. It rather aide him, a*
he i* looked upon by the "King" a* a
"gharp fellow, one of ua." The** are
the thing* which have been made so
common by tho Radical party, that,
in the language of Mr. Wilson "the
public do not roiud them."
1* there an honest repoblb
can in Centre county, who cau
give a g<a>d and substantial reason
why their party i* worthy of further
support from them ? la it not true
that it ia recking with corruptien,
that plunder i* the order of the day,
ami that a ring of coirupt men is
aucking the treasury dry aud running
up the espouses of the government?
If tliia is true, aud tiue it i* a* Gospel,
how can you longer be with aucb a
crew, and claim to favor honesty and
uprightness? You can't aerve God
and mammoii. You cuut't cry hon
esty and then vote the radical tick
-♦ ♦ •
Democrat* of Ccutre, organise!
Your ticket ia in the field. The men
upon it deserves your support. Not
one of our nomiuee* ever flinched in
voting. It i* due from you to ataud
bv theiu now with the same steaittast
ucss. Let ua increase our majority in
thi* county. It cau be done if a
a iborough orgauitaliou is effected,
Mini the people are aroused. Ip, thou,
gMl!ciit democrats, for a brilliant vie
tor v. l*et IVnnavalley determine to
go across the mountain with lilt)
]K mocrats, honest republicans f
Centre county, are you in favor of
endorsing the Credit Mobil ier scan
dal. the Salary Crab, the Evaue steal,
the Doubling of HartrautVa Pay, the
Doubllug of Graul's Pay, and the
numberless swindles that have been
practiced upon the people bv the meu
now in power! If you wish to show
your condemnation of these infamies,
then vote the democratic ticket. A
vote in the opposite directiuu is an
endorsement of these acts, and no
houcsl man will befouud doing that.
Bruce Petriken has carried Hun
tingdon and Mifflin for (kuator. Ju
niata goes for Crawford and this coun
ty for Meek. A pretty prospect for
a tight tug and, ahem —! you know.
It is a noted fact that the most cor
rupt men in the Republican party
are its foremost managers and leaders
in their respective localities. There is
Cameron, of Pennsylvania, who was
once censure*! by a Republican Con
gress and recognised as the leader of
the corrupt ring of Pennsylvania, and
yat he is (be leader of the Republican
Darty in that Stats. There is Harlau,
who puts up the pretence of Christian
statesman, badly mixed up with cor
rupt johs iu lowa, yet is now the rec
ognized mouthpiece of the Republican
Administration. Then we have Bing
ham, of Ohio, who is besmeared from
head to heels with the Credit Mobilier
swindle and back-salary steal, aud
yet honored with an important foreign
mission. Xext comes Butler, the or
ganizer of the backsalary grab and
the doubliug of the pay of the Presi
dent. not only occupying the position
of Administration leader in Massa
chusetts, but the Administration can
didate for Governor of that State.
Tom Murpby, whose deeds have from
time to time been exposed, has the
ear of the Administration, and is at
the head of the ring which dbapes the
policy of the parly in Xew York.
So it is everywhere. Not a man loses
the confidence of the Administration
or his position in the Republican par
ty by corruption. The greater the
rascal the higher the position in that
Would it uot be well to explain to
the Soldiers' Convention, called to
meet in Pittsburgh in September next,
why the sister of exguerilla Mosby
can get employment in a department
at Washington without passing any
examination, while the widows and
orphans of soldiers arc rigidly exam
ined and turned away if their replies
are not satisfactory?
One of the most important rail
road combinations of the period is to
be consummated in a few days, result
ing in a direct line, under a single
manaeeueot, between Halifax, Bos
ton, New York and all tbe principal
American cities of the south and west.
The Pennsylvania Central is the chief
figurehead in the movement, and all
the intervening roads between Boston
and Halifax are to be swallowed up
by that giant corporation.
A large party of railroad officials
interested in the combination left here
this morning on a tour of inspection
of the line, and their journey will uot
end this side of Halifax or Prince
Edward's Island. The party includ
ed the directors of tbe Eastern rail
road, some of the directors of the Penn
sylvania Central railroad, and others.
Along the route they will he joined
by directors of the Maine Central rail
road, and tbe wboie party ffill remain
in Bangor to-night.
To-morrow morning they will start
for Bt. John, N. 8., over the Europe
an and North American railway, the
officers of which will accompany them,
and from thence they will extend
their trip the following day to Hali
fax, via the European and North
Americau tail way and tbe Nova Sco
tia railway. Tbe object of tbe tour
is partly one of observation, and to
this will be added the censuinjpation
of the proposed consolidation of the
Eastern Maine Central and European
aud North American roads by the
signing of tbe contracts between them.
The preseuce of the Pennsylvania
Central people is significant, from the
fact that they are large owners in the
Europeau aud North American road,
and that they aud the Eastern man
agement are both largely ami direct
ly interested in the New York and
New England, formerly the Boston,
Hartford, and Erie railroad.
Through traius between Halifax,
Boston, and New York will be run at
an early day.—N. Y. Herald.
City of Mexico, August 1, via Ha
vaua, August 6.—Lozada, chief of
the Tepic rebellion, was pursued and
captured by Rosales, who formerly
fought uuder him. He was tried by
court martial on the 18th ult. and
shot on the morning of the 19th. He
refused to have his eyes bandaged,
and kuaciiug with his face to the fir-1
ing party died with great courage. I
llrighatn Voting i* rvitorled to have
cxprtwae.l himelt a* follow*, iu one ot
hi* recent "sermon*" in Salt Lake
City: "I wiah my women to under
ttand that what 1 am going to *ay i*
for litem a* well a* other*, und 1 want
tho*e who are here to tell their sister*,
yea, all the women in thr community.
\am going to give von from thit* time
to the aixth nfOctooer next for retire*
tion, that you tuay determine whether
you wiah to stay with your husband*
iir not. ami 1 am going to *et everyone,
at liberty, and *ay to them, "now go
your wav." Ami my wive* have got
to do one of two thing*, either round
up their shoulder* to endure the
atliictions of thi* world, and live their
religion—that i* polygamy —or they
tuu*t leave; for 1 will not have them
ahout me. I will go into heaveu
alone rather than to have scratching
and fighting about me. 1 will et at
liberty. What, firat wife, too? Yea,
liberate you all. 1 want to go ome
where or do aoniething to get ri
the whiner*. Ido not want ilu-raPto
receive part of the truth and *|iurn the
rest out of door*. I*et every man
thu* treat hi* wive*, keeping raiment
ruuugh to cover hi* body, and *ay to
vour wive*, lake all that 1 have and
be act at liberty ; but if you stay with
me. you shall comply with the law ol
Cod in every reaped, and that, too,
without any 'murmuring or whining.
You must fulfil the law of Clot! iu ev
ery respect, aud round up yourahould
era to walk up to the tuark without
auy grunting.
As the unctuous Poiueroy ruled the
politics of Kansas for years until it
would sectu that all the leaders of the
Republican party iu that Stale had
become infected with corruption and
li>st to hniue, so the vinegar visage
llarlau was for a long time the chief
fugelmati in the llepublicau ranks in
lowa, where the party has become
equally demoralized. Nearly every
State Treasurer there since the Re
publican party has bceu iu power ha*
abused his trust, and new instances of
official lualfeasauce are continually
coming to light. lhe last of these
delinquent Treasurers, Major Rankin,
ia*u man who is as remarkable as
Hat lan himself for his preleusious to
piety, and he has turned out about the
biggest rascal of the lot. The conse
quence is that Christian statcsraeu of
the Pomeroy aud Harlan school are
not so popular as they were in lowa.
There is a great tepuguauce ou the
part of the President and his ituraedi
! ale surroundings to order a court mar
tial in the case #1 General Howard,
especially as he has just beeu elected
President of the Young Men's Chris
! tian Association. Any other officer
j of the same grade, or indeed, of any
i grade; who declined to ask for a court
of inquiry under the circumslatiees of
i Howard § case would have long ago
I been court martialed aud put iu cov
'entry. It seems singular that when*
; ever our Christian Statesmen or He
roes come to grief they shouid fiud
shelter under the benevolent wing of
the Y. M. C. A. Why is it? Col
; fax was iu the highest favor wheu he
j had SIOO,OOO of stocks aud bonds--
1 the price of bis venality —lying hid in
I his trunk while jileudtug poverty bo
! fore the public ier a defence.
The case of the much married
Mitchell, or Hippie, is likely to make
a stir when the Senate gets together
\ next session. The fact that he has
; applied to the Legislature of Oregon
to coufirtu a name which he falsely
{assumed, and bearing which he was
j elected to the Senate, is of itself proof
| that a fraud was committed, aud that
he is not entitled to the seat. This
question cannot be discussed without
I reviving the whole scandal, aud die
! closing the persona) )>jstory of this
I individual in such away as will make
it lively for the Christian statesman
| who have been denouncing polygamy
!as one of the twiu barbarisms and
i turning up the whites of their eyes in
hwly horror at Urighatn Young's
i government —[Wash. Cor. X. Y. Sun.
The graugers of Bureau County,
Illinois, meeting in a Republican
stronghold, under the presidency of a
Republican menber of the legislature,
have matched the Ohio platform iu
the matter of one of its resolutions.
Instead of censuring both political
parties as joiut authors of their woes,
they declare that " the political party
'■ wbiph for th past thirteen years ha*
*' had perfect an<f exclusive control of
"our State and national affairs, with
" ample time and power to remedy all
I " evils and corcct all abuse* within
" the scope of governmental action,
"jf it bad so desired or intended, is
" fully And clearly responsible for the
" grievances of which ye [they] coin
" plain." This is precisely what the
Democrats of Ohio said, but corning
from the grangers of a Republican
county it is one of the most hopeful
utterances of the movement. The Re
publican leaders have beeu desirous,
if they poqld pot retain tho grangers
within the party fold, of using the
movement to disintegrate the Demo
cratic party in the rural districts of
the Northwest, trusting to retain pow
er in the scramble. The grangers,
hoifeyer, sec plainly where the re
sponsibility lie#, nod censure the very
persons who deserve censure. It was
a Republican, not a Democratic, Pres
ident who packed the Supreme Beffch ;
a JUpublican President who gave ef
fect fo the shameless salary steal bill;
a Republican Secretary of War who
consummated the Fort Snelling swin
dle ; a Republican Cabinet that coun
selled the outrages upon Carolina and
Louisiana ; a Republican Congress
.that organised robbery aud called it
a tariff.
A Ifouso Iluilt iu a Day.
The newspapers of Lancaster, Penn.,
pi,b|jch an account of tho building of
a brick dwelling hotiso fa that city io
ten and a half hours, the materials
having been prepared and collected
on the site previous to the commence
ment. The house is twenty feet by
thirty op ground floor, two stories
in height, and contafop eight rooms.
There were in all upward oT one hun
dred workmeu employed. The cellar
foundation was already laid, and at
precisely fl o'clock Friday morning
the men went to work. The examiner
thus describes the labor :
"Mr. J. T. Reading, photographer,
was present with his photographic ap
paratus, #pd took views every fifteen
minutes of the building afid the work
men while in motion, which, of course,
produced some ridiculous pictures —
men, white and colored, in almost eve
ry are to bo seen represmted.
At 8 o'clock A. Vi fhe jtructure was
advanced to the height ol one stoiy,
with two floors—ground and second
—laid, partitions iu, and lathed nud
partly plastered, doors hung, stair
ways UP, m>d a view taken with the
Doctor in the midst of bis workmen.
The scene is a busy uud comic one —
the bricklayers erecting scaffolding tor
the secoud story. Teu o'clock A. M.,
view taken of western front on Prince
it reel; eecond slory brickwork two-
,kirU up, with curpoutcrs ready to *
lay the rioor, nttd planter*!* commence u
lathing; western front painted and "
brick jKMieiled on lir*t storv, and nut- "
ton* ruu hort *f brick and then *oine '
delay in Consequence, but it wa* reiu- 1
fdied in a short while.
Eleven o'clock A M., the hricklny- '
era are up to square of ceiling for 1
third floor, with corner* raised to the
height requite I to receive tha rafter*
fir rooting. Tinner* waiting. Tin
proctn of white coaling i now about
completed ill the fiiwl slury. 11:1# J
A. M., Hist rafter tor the rK>f Inid. (
At 11.21 the last brick wu* placed
upon the chimney*, and the brick lay
era are done. R/wf sheathed and tin
ner* begin to lay roofing.
sea Hold# all removed from building. ,
2:30 IV M., sash in windows of first
slory and painter*finished up; wash
board* down and rubbish cleaued
nwav At (his writing the tinner* are
Iraviug the building; toofiug and,!
■qmutiug completed. l'lalerer ftillj,
at work in the second *tory. I he,
building ha* hecu insured, and iu the,
oouiae ofa few bout* will he ready fur i
a tenant."
The Deumcraey of (hio. say* the Ay*,
have dowlmlml for Governoi oue uf the
old and tried public servant*, who u
faithfully served the people iu former
trust*, and at their call quit* hi* retire
ment U> accept a nomination pressed u|>on
him, Tb* office seek* the man and not
the man tha office, which U Democratic,!
and no lets Democratic i* tha recognition
that tha right man owe* hi* torviea to the
people wheu they need it. Mr. Allan i* of,
the old school of Democratic *lale*iuan. j
lie has LonojaWy served ill the House of
Representative* and Senate, and more*
than once hi* name has been mentioned
for the Presidency uf the I nited .Stale*. ;
We believe hi* nomination illustrate*
another Democratic piiucipla laid dowin
by the Democratic Prcaident, 1 honia*
Jefferson, ** the let •***> candidate
for office "I* t| htttlPM, I* ha capable, i
l.a faithful to the Constitution?"
The fidelity to the Constitution is alioth
|cr honor, some call it a reproach, to the ,
Democratic party. While the solemn
guaranty of the <foiuolic institution* ot;
the South wa* in the Constitution. the;
Democratic principle applied to that Jut
a* to any other part of the Constitution
While that instrument declared in the Ist
section of the IV. article, that person* e*
i aping from tet vine u< labor In ene State
into another should be detivered up, it,
wa* not possible for tbe Democratic or
tbo old Whig" party to organise on the
ba*i* of revolutionary opposition and v.o- •
lenee against that part of tha CoastiluUun j
But it ha* been cutout of the Constitution
by tbe wordof etvil war. and now, drop
! ping i( a* a past the Democratic
party continues iu strict adherence to the
rct ol the Constitution—and it i* the
interest of every cltlaen new to respect and
uphold it. The principle* laid down' at
Columbus are tiauply the reiteration of
the old Democratic principle* to which
no American cilixcn could ever fram# an
j exception, except- that they recognised
■ tha part of (he Constitution that guaran
teed a right in some Stale* that had be
eome unpepuiai in other*. But with the
| determination of the vlavery question and
i the issue* growing out of it, the Radical
j .arty cease* to have a reason for it* exist
ence. It is driven to schemes of consolida
tion aiffl spoliation and personal govern
ment, that no true American citixen can
in hi* heart approvs ; while the principle*
of tbe Democratic party bring those on!
which the liberty and happiness and inde
pendence of the freemen of a Republic de
pend lor their security, are to-day as es
sential a* when they wore made ihtcore
•r-slone of the tempi* of Americas libar
ty. I*'ail party nam** were swept away,
tbe party of the honest man of our country
true to popular government would be ex-
Democratic party of to-day; while
those who lust a Ret any form of monarchy
!or de*pol>*m or per*nal government
! would fall into the ranks in oppe*uie to
I the fifhioh called by any other
t came would still be the principles of
Democracy. They are strong everywhere
! and cwn>nly be opposed with lie* and force
I and fraud. In this city, it it the confessed
fart that not only a da?ilUb machinery of
j deliberately concocted fraud enablo* "a
! Ring" lot triumph by a fraudulent ballot bo*
•Tor tI)C wajonty of tlie people, who de
sire to re-establish bonavt. frugal, popular
government for the piany and not for the
few—and that is Democratic government
That wa* the government which made
Dm* land (ho model Republic of tbe
world. Die hope of all nation* a bleb groan
under any form if government that
make* the interest of the lew-king*.
•'Rings,"' aristocracies, . r privileged
claMetof any sort, paramount to tha in
terest* of the many. There is no danger
of any party dying out that truly repre
sent* Democratic principle*-for ia the:
ever recurring straggle against them by
tbe grcody, the selfish and tha prwud, it i*
plain that the progress of tho world i* to
| ward* the triumph of Democracy. Ne-
I body, however, can truly call it "a new
party." Call it by any new-fangled name
you plcfc/u, it ia iho same high old party,
•till. ' '
France has paid the third quarter of the
last milliard of the war indemnity to
The cholera has broken out in Berlin;
and still prevail* in Terra Haute, Ind. ;
Shelby County, Tenn.; and
The Ogdenshurg Journal I Rep ) states
~"A Wayne county stage driver who
charged a blind went nr. double fare, aud
then cheated her in making changa, has
received an carnatt appeal from Niagara
Fall* to come there and jeg> team for vis
it U more probable tbt a u.#n tyho eg*
hi bits IUCII characteristics will bo nomlna*
lad by the Republicans in that locality for
office. He has exhibited soma of tha quali
ties which have been heretofore promi
nent among .some of the men who have
represented Wayne County in the Regis
Inturo, sent ticiio by the iiepublifapf.
' a ♦ a- ■■ ■
Memphis, Tenn., Aug. B.—-Last Man
day a negro named Dan Calhoun, whe
hud boon digging a well near Brighton
Station on the Ifadcuah Railroad, lay
dawn fo sleep near bis work. While
sleeping he was discovered by three tnen,
who, thinking to have some fun, as they
afterwards stated, poured the contents of a
bottlo of turpontina un Calhoun's clothes
and set them *en firo. Calhoun awaking
and finding himself enveloped in Domes,
ran shrieking for help, end before he
could be ceught by citizens was so badly
burned that lie died negl day. The ne
groes in tho .neighborhood of Covington
beard of the horrible affair, and in vain
attempted to have warrants issued lor the
arrest of the perpetrators of the crime,
who, becoming alarmed, fled Tba ne
groes in armed squads scoured the woods
in search of them, and, becoming enraged
thicatened other citizens, but were quieted
by Sheriff Locke, who promised to make
every effort for thoir capture. Relieving
they had lij litis Iv'tyi N|t>riff J****
caine here to-day, and with the assistance
of the police is (teaching for them.
- -
About One Hundred J'awutc* Killed
in Combat with theßioux.
Omaha, Neb., Aug. 8— A despatch from
Elm. Creek, Nab.,state that on Tuesday
morning, while a p irly of Pawnee Indian*
wore hunting tu-ar tho Republican River, '
on It'ackwO'-d Crook, they wore (surprised *1
huJ attacked by a large body of Hioux, r
and a bio 4y fight ensued, resulting in tho c
defeat of the Pawnees, who lost about UU, *
eomprising Some of tho best men of the •
tribe, and most of their hursts*, arms, and I
game. Tho Pawnees were pursued twrn- >
ty-flve or thirty milos, and only esca|srd
when night cam* on I*
A* the lew trad* dollar is expect ad to 1
make it* appearatua very soon a descrip- 1
tiuu of tti* same may be read with soma 1
interest 1 tie new dollar is a very hand
some coin, hav ing on the okversc the fig- I
ore of a lemale seated on a bale of cotton,
holding in her light hand an oliv# branch,
a sheaf of wheat leaning against the cot- *
ton In her left band lha woman holds a
scroll, on which is the word "liberty." At i
the base uf the bale Is tbe inaciiption, "In t
I God we trust," "1873." On this side also i
1 are thirteen stara in an outer circle. On i
the reverse in an eagle with spear* and an i
I olive branch in its talon* ; in large letters t
'j are lha words, "Pnited Slates of America •
I and "Trade dollar." la small letter* are i
tho motto of lha Union, "K /lurtiu* '
iini.roand an explanation of tha value f
of lha coin, "420 grain*, DUUfiiia." The •
trade dollar is intended especially tor cir- t
culatiwuin foreign countries, and is, there- '
fore, made equal in value (with the Mexi- 1
can aud Spanish dollars, the** coin* hav
' ing been heretofore finer and uiirepopu- 1
lar among foreign nation* with whom uui '
merchants are brought in coulacl by com- '
' | mere*. Tb a American trade dollar will '
1 now bo eagerly sought after by foreigti
' era. '
It has of late hocn the belief of a large
I class of men of scienca that tha existence
t j of the human race on the earth dales much
j further hack than was generally supposed, '
while the follower* of Darwin aad Lub
, bock have claimed )lbal lha human race
i has been in a constant slate ot progrvssion
* from barbarism and brutish ancestry. Ac
e count* w*re given of a human skeleton
i unearthed by the quarry men in Xeander
Valley, naar the Du*tel, at Elhenfeldt, in
. i Rheuish Prusaia. The profeasoia pre
■ uuuhced it to be of great antiquity, and
i, were of lb# opinion that tb* N**udr man
I w hut* bone* possessed in general tb* tame
e qualities which charactariae the
i bone* of the mammoth found in
. neighboring districts, end anolusod in tbe
t same diluvial loam, lived together with
tbo mammoth aad other extinct animals of
~ the drift period. Tb* *kull wa* tba sub-!
t jeel of measurement and calculation of]
r brain power. 11* capacity wa* found to!
„ be about equal to that of the average j
. Poly nesian and Uoitenut, and while the j
, the optnten of g*oiog|*t* dlflhred In regard
„ to minor poinu, all admitted the great an
■ tiquity of tha skull and bone* A diacov
c ery ha* just been reported in Kansas,
e which, if verified, i* far mora remarkable
, than above described The Usage Mis
j sloo (Ranaasi Jounal say* that a human;
I skull wa* recently tound near that place j
,f imtiedded in a solid rock, which wa* bro '
), ken open by blasting. Dr. J. C. Weirley,
t, of Usage Mission, compared it with a mod
i ern skull wbich b* had in hi* office, found
. though it was an inch and a quarter larger]
y., in it* greatest diameter, and much belter
„ developed in n>n* other particular*. U
d says of the human specie*, of large sixe.
,1 imbedded in conglomerate rock of tb*,
. tertiary ciats, and feund several feet be- i
. neath tbe surface. Pari* of the frontal.
. parietal'and occipital bone* were carried
u away by cxpiision. Tb* piece of rock
■, holding the remains weigh* some forty or
nl fifty pound*, with many impre**kn* of
marine shells, and through it runs q fair.
~ cf quart*, or within tba cranium cryatal
iixed organic mailer; and, by the aid of *:
I--microscope, present* a beautiful appear
ance." If tbi* be a fact, aad it seem* to
>, j bear the nuprcs* of truth in the description
y neither Lyeli nor Hugh Miller, nor any
- of the r*wt of tbe *ubt*rraa*an explorer*
e report anything so strange. Tha Xcan-,
v der man come* the nearest to it, but tb*
it N'candrrthai bone* were found in loam
o only two or Ihrco feel beneath tb* surface. |
r Thi* skull was discovered in solid rock '
if| |f the jxapsa* discovery be real, it i* prortby
a oft thorough cienuic investigation.
* ' owe
■f In bar vayag* from Teneriffc to St
■ Thomas the'liruiah atpioring ship Chal
* lengrr souadod aad dredged every other,
j Jay. The sounding* showed that a pretty
r level bottom run* off from the African
e ! coast, deepening gradually to a depth of
3.126 fathom* at about one third of thej
* way across to tho West Indie*. If tbe
*j Alp*. Mont Hlanc and all ware submerged
n! attfii* s|ot; there would still be a half
d mil* of water aboy* them. Five hundred
>■ mile* farther west there i* a comparatively ,
d shallow part. * little less than two milos
' In depth. The water then deepen* again
r to three mill**, which continue* clot* over
' to the West Indies, deepest pot(
#i both on tpe east and west side of the At-|
> ianlic ; the dredge brought up a quantity,'
* of dark red clay, which contained just;
" tufficient animal life to prove that lite ax-1
- ist* at all depths. No difficulty wa* axpe
v rienced in obtaining these deep tea dredg
* ings, and it was merely a quettien of pa- ■
. tience, ea"h haul occupying twelve huu;
jn depth* over two mile* Rule ha* bcoa
found, but tkat little wa* totally new. ,
A man wa* hanged the ether day at
j.Sau Francisco for murder with a weapon
of a peculiarly dangerous and fer a long
time a mysterious nature. This it a sand
club, fer,ucd by Mliuig to eei skin with
•and. )Vhen this instrument was first
brought into use the authorities were
greatly puzzled by deaths, apparently
.from violence, yet no mark* could be
found on the eutside of the body- A
burglar was Anally captured with a sand
olub hi hi* tiossesslon made outefau eel
skin stuffed with sand. Being closely
; questioned, he eiplaincd it# use. Wheu
i the victim it struck, for instance, on the
head he drops insensible and soon die;
from Iconge'lien of the brain. Often the
skull suffer* no injury from the stroke,
and if the person struck recovers sensibil
ity he gradually relapses into a condition
ol idiocy. Sometime* a man struck in the
body will be knocked down by the pecu
liar force of the blew and feel no itnmpdi
ale resqu* iruiu it. fu a tew weeks, how
ever, the flesh will begin to mortify under
the lino of the blow and rot down te the
bone. Heller, the celebrated pianist, is
sup posed to have met his death in Mexico
from a stroka vf this diabolical weapon.
e ♦-e— ———
Home years ago a new pre company was
organized at Reading, and the membors
one evening thought they would have a
little innocent fun at the expense of Hop
kins, their president They decided to
rush round with the engine to Hopkins'
house after dark, te throw up their hose,
climb oa bis roof and scare him with the
belief that his dwelling was on firo. But
that very day Hopkins moved out of the
house and a J'resbyteriau ulergytuan
moved in, without the company being
aware of the change. So about eight o'-
clock they dashed out, and went through
all the movements, getting on the root
and splashing water around, and creating
a terrific disturbance generally. A rival
company, noticing what was going on,
also hurried lathe scene, and without un
derstanding the joke, attached their hose
to a plug, smashed in tho front windows,
and began to epipty n two inch stream on
the family of that l'reshyterian clergy
men. They squirted Into all the rooms,
split up the window shutters with au axe,
broke down the front doors, ran out the
fumituro, tore off tho shingles, and bawl
ed through trumpet* until the hired girl
hud convulsions on the kitchens stairs
The first company tried to explain, but
the sew comer* thought as effort wu being
made to get them out of (ho way, and a
fight ensued, and presently firemen were
sliding ufT lit* roof, and pelting down iht
(kimmijri, and bleeding over lb# entry
cirMl, and having boisterous encounters
with spanners and bras* horn* on tba
•lair*. And tkt next morninf that
Prrstiyietiau divine and hi* family moved
out. They tald the place levmad to ha too
animated and sensational for a quiet do
ineetic circle, They wanted a houae
where there wa* caluineat and peace;
where they could have more security for
their privacy and |>iaiie, and for their
Iront dor and shingles, and peace el
mind and w.ndow sashes.
• ♦ • • —mmmm
Friday lal a resident of Division street,
uamtd Uurch, received SS'JU in utuney,
and it heina 100 lata to depoeile it in hank
ha placed >t in a bureau drawer, lie ha* a
daughter aheut fifteen years old, who ha*
a morbid terror of burglars, and the girl
wa* very amiou* for tba safety of tba
money, fearing that *ome una would enlar
the house. So great was her aniiety that
•be could uot go le sleep until after mid
night. When the family are*e Saturday I
mere lag. Uurch west to tha drawer and
found both hot and tuenay gone. He ex
autinrd the door* and window*, hut found
tham secured a* ha had left thani the pre
vious night, and it wa* a mys
tery how the money had left tha housa.
There were no caller* the evening previ
ous, the key of the drawer bad been lafl
lying on the (lend in the bedroom, and
wa* there wheu ha got up aad tba (drawer
wa* locked a* ha locked it.
What might have been a veialieu*
case for tba detective wa* solved after
breakfast without muck troublo. Tbo
daughter. (< a n getting up, feund that a
woolen rag and a piece ar salt pork, which
•he had bounj around her lore throat the
previous eveniug had fallen off and disap
peared a* mysteriously at the cash-hot.
Tha father beard her speaking about it,
and he paed through a grape arbor in
rear of tha houa he saw tha cloth and the
meal on the ground. Bending over to
pick them up, hi* foot *ank down into' toft
ground, and a* he heard a rattling,
which resulted in hi* pulling up the box!
safe and sound. While the girl could not,
of course, remember anything about it, it
i* quite certaia that bar anxiety for the
money led her to rue in hor sleep, secure
the bos, unlock the door and go out and
bury it in tha arbor. A post had beea
pulled up in one corner of the arbor,
!eu*euing tba soil, gud the had selected
this spot. Her finger* were feund to be
toiled with dirt, and there were dirt
I mark* on the pitlow-slfp where the had
: placed her hand Then the woolen which ,
j had dropped from her neck was still furth- \
jer proof of her somnambulism.
Ske wa* a* much surprised aa any one,'
; and but for tba accident, as it may be
termed, which led Birch into the arbor,'
h* might have been bewailing tha loss of
hia money a year heace. Ua claims to be
a light sleeper, aad yet the daughter had
.taken the key fron< the stand near hia
jbaad, unlorked the drawer, unlocked the
j back door, drnwn the bolt of tba woedthed
pattrd uut, returned and lockad every
thing and reptacod the bureau key, aad
ueither the man nor wifa wa* awakened,
and the sleeper encountered nothing to
i break the midnight dream which led her
to leav# her bed lkrfrert Vrtt Prtu.
(From the Missouri Rep ]
In lb* rogue*'gallery in the New Or
leaa* Police Department there it the pic
lure of "MolUe Waterman and her dog." ,
Mo)lie was no thief. She wis never known ;
to steal anything in her life, and yet she!
■as classed among thieves, because hrr>
dug had a habit of dealing. Mollis-'
would go into a store aad examine
goods, jewelry, laces, Ac., and the dog
was always at her side. She had away ofj
telling the dog just what she w/tiled out of
a store, and then *h* went out, and then 1
-the dog hung around When the thop
' man * back was turned the dog never fail
ied to lay hi* teeth un the vary article that
Mollie wanted He punctually brought It
lUs hft mistress at bar room*. Sometime*
the dg took little thing* that ho thought
Mollie might want, without any hint from
lief. Mollie apd her dog had a perfect un
-1 Jerstanding, worked together for several
year*, and were dear friend*, a* event*
proved. Onn day the dog was caught
stealing. Mollie tew to bit rescue. She
exonerated tb* dog god actually accused
ticfsclf of being Che thief The police
took her at her word. Sh said she
was willing to du'all tba suffering, and pay
the penalty, but begged her jailorsto spare
the dog. The jailor* had tR* (ihtßogrqp.h
f Molli* and tb* dog taken
j apd bpng up among lha rogue*. They
then told her tbe dog had to di* without
judge or jury. She preyed tho inexorable
police to take bcr lite, but spare tbe dog's!
They would not listen to her appeal, and,,
killing the dog before her eye*, they Hung
hi* bleeding carcass (plo bet call and'
l looked bar up. Tbe next morning Mollie ;
Walonnan was found dead in the cell,'
with the dog in her arms. There was an
instance of devotion! That picture is- ]
worthy of a belter place than a police-of-j
flea rogues' gallery. Mr. Borgh ought to!
look af tcr it
. A correspondent writing from Barcelo
na on the 11th, tayt: Barcelona ii in a
lt , fever of excitement. Early this
'• the newt arrived that Cabrinety had beea
K killed and hit column entirely routed by
J t at op re proceeded to the |
'' captain general * bureau and wa* assured
that the tivw* was perfectly true. It teem*'
* that after the Carlists under Saballa had!
f taken San (Juirce. Colonai Vega advanced i
' to attack him; and Saballa wishing to!
1 spare the place horror* of an assault, |
retreated lo tbe mountains. Unhappily;
bit movement was of no avail, for Vega's;
' column, notorious among the most ad van:.
1 ced liberals fet its barbarity, entered the;
B plara with hayouets, murdered all
\ they came across, tacked the house*, and !
* violated the women in pretence of bus-'
' bands, fathers and brother*. There is not
* the least doubt >s te the truth of these j
1 atrocities
' The ditgutl escited by Vega * U*rh*ri
" ties is so great that many ogiver* and men!
of ultra republican opinion* say they;
would shoot him like a dog, for it it by;
Vega's connivaace—and, indeed, outtpok-i
en permission— that the troops are allowed !
1 thus to act The fury throughout the
' neighborhood was tremendous i'he
blood of the was boiling; and Ve
ga, fearing the outburst, implored Cabrine
-1 ty te hasten to his assistance, Cabrinety
1 at once set out to comply with his request;
hut already the tometen had sounded, and
from all the villages and hamlpl* around
armed! ppasaptry issued furtL, and com- (
hining with the Carlists under Saballa -
some reports say to the number of 6,000 ,
men—awaited Cabrinety'* approach. A* <
soon as I appeared thp began 1
Like ap Yiil*oob the Carlists pouted
down upon them. The troops, betore <
knowing what had happened, saw Cabri
nety fall wounded, and without making
any stand whatever, fled in all directions,
leaving artillery, baggage, and all behind
them. wpre mown down by the
CarlitU, and other* were put to death by a
the enraged peasantry, and the cavalry <
taken prisoner*. As may he imagined,
the excitement here is intense. Already
the walls have been cererod witl( placards
to the following effect: "Haiti brother „
citizen* of the fedoial republic. Soe i
what the insane government of Madrid
has brought us I lt has left us to the mer
cy of the Carlists. Our valient Cabrinety,
the terror of the Carlists. ii dead—dead t ■'
His bastard colleague* have abandoned J!
him ; our soldiers are left without leaders.
Arise I Let u* drink the blood of tbe 1<
traitors I" L
Hand lor Cntiiloguea
Novello * Glee*. I'art Hong*, etc 0 to t'icU
Novello's Church,tlutir litolSot*
Novello'a Octavo Edition' ofOprrM.
Price, $1; or 92, bound in doth, glitedga*.
Novcllo'a Octavo editou fOraU>rioua.
In paper from fit) cent* to II ; cloth with
gilt edge* $! to|2 each.
of Piano Porto Claaaiee.
Bach'a 48 I'raiudea dc Fugue*. Cloth |6OU
Beethoven'* 38 Konala*. Klegantly
bound. Full gilt 8 fit) j
Beethoven'* 81 Piano Piece*. Kle
gantly tiound. Full gilt 2(1/
Chopin • Valte*. Htlff paper cover..,. 16U
Chopin'* Polonaises " 20t>!
Chopin'* Nocturne* " " 2 00]
Chopin'* Marurka* " " 200
Cheuin • liallad* " " SOD
Chopin'* Prelude* " " 200
Chopin'* Sonata* " 2 60
Mendelssohn's Complete Fiona
Work*. Folio Kdition. Full gilt.
Complete in 4 volume* ....28 00
The Same. Kvo Full gilt. Com
plete ia 4 volume* 1400
The Same, Hvo. Paper, complete in 4
volume* 1000
Mendelsohn'* Song* without word*.
Folio Kdition, full gi1t.................... 660
Octavo Kdition, lull gilt 8 60
Octavo Kdition, Paper nurn... 2 60
Mourt* 18 Hanala*. Klegantly
hound, fhll gilt 300
Sckuhert'a 10 Sonata*, Kleganliy
hound. Full gill 800
Schubert'* Dance*, complete Ele
gantly hound, full gilt 200
Schubert'* Piano Piece*, elegantly
hound, ftrll gilt 200
Schumann'* Forest Scene*, V aa*y
piece*. Paper covet 80
Schumann'* Piano Forte Altsum.
Klegantly hound. Full gilt ... 260
The Same. Paper c0ver*.....,.,......... 160
Or National Nuracrv Rhymes.
Set U Music hy J. W. KI lieu, with 66
beautifUl iliu*lration* engraved by the
Brother* Dalaiel. Board*, 81 60. Splen
didly hound in cloth, gilt edge*, $2 Ml.
J. L. lVtera, ilroadwar, N. V,
ljul72m Agent for Noveiio'* Cheap Muaic
at the
NO. 9. HI fill'N ARC ADE.
Price* Lees than at any Other Shoe
Btorc in Centre County.
Call and See Us !
No, 5, Bush's A'Cftd*. liellefonte.
July 19tf.
Hgu just received a large invoice of
! Spring Good*!
1 j Coui*ling of the beet assortment of
over brought to Potter twp.
Alto, a large aasavtnxenl of
, Produce taken in exchange at highest
! market price*.
11 wyb-ly.
'• Next door to Wilson fc Hick#' Hard
k ware store, Allegheny fit,,
°R. F. Rnufcin do.,
(Successors to Linn A Wilson.)
J j
!jD))ncwm£& u®uc>B
rj for roedieitval purpose*.
Also, Choice
I ami *ll Other article* usually hepl in Int
■ j chtaa Drug Store.
tf.llun* R F RANKIN A 00. '
I .
engaged to manage fur I. L. Rciaoas in, '
in the corner building, opposite llofler'*
store, Bellefoi\tu, ha* established a now 1
Clothing Store where the best bargain* in
the county are offered.
$7.50 to sls for Suits of the tin- j
est Cas*iinore. 1
and a full and complete assortment of ev
ery thing in the tine of Clothing. j
Gem* l*itruinking Goods i
all directly from their own manufactory. 1
Jewelry, Wnlrlww, do.
, They have engaged their old clerk, XI rf '
I A. Sternberg, so well known to the people.
and who will he pleased to tee hi* old
friend*. ap6tf.
Piece good* of every discription, told i
lowto enable everybody to have hi* cloth
ingmade to order. <
Beßefonte, P*.
•J good Cigar* .£oU
! While sugar* per pound -l#ct*
Demarara ugar pur pound „18ct*
Klo c0ffee......... .... gflrt,
A r buckle* brown votive per |Knnd„. ..aOct*
J Bt wMilling *oap* per pound...o, 7 A Beta
ll<t starch per pound- „.
Heel bright Navy tobacco per pound AGrt*
Hel Black Navy tobacco.... jrt.
" double thick and bright and black S6cU
Pine cut chewing tobacco per pound.Bttct*
Bant ugar-curod Ham* per pound I7cti
Mo. I black pepper per p0und.......... 30ct*
Molasses per g11n.....„ flQcl*
Large *lm dairy Halt per ack J6cU
Molaaaea per gallou —gOcli
Coal oil in b gal. lot* Met*, per gallon boat!
Mackerel without head* and ail kind of
mmckeral and Herring at city price*.
Double X X white, drip* Wet* per gal
lon, in 6 gallon lot* 6ct* a gallon lea*.
lUOU other article* too nunarou* to man
tk>^l hoary ihoee
at SI,S& per pair. They hare the largett
and (baape*t *tuck of good* ever offered to
the public. If you want to
opiHWtte the Itu*b Uou*. All kind* of
a hole packag> at lt price*.
No 6 lirockerhoff Row, Bellefonte.Pa
Bctticrain liruga, ( kraicgla,
IVrfiumrj, Fancy Load* Ac.,
Pure Wine* and Liquor* for medical
purpose* alway* kept. may 31. 71 ]
"■J,r. n. wiloox thomas a. hick*.
3 Bellefonte.Pa., IS
p\ iHuccoMora to lawiv a Wilms.,) >.
Be*pectfully inform tbe citixen* ot G
_ Centre and other counties, that they *
< bare one of the largest and ban m- H
m iected *lock of Hardware to be found, ®
j confuting of Iron, Steel, Nail*, ®
gg Horse Shoe*, Axels, Spring Wagon c
< Skein* and Bote*. Complete Mock ot **
> carpenter tool* and builder* hard- G
? ware, lock*, oil*, painu, glati, vir ®
5 ni*he, brufbe*. cucumber pomp* and .
< tubing. Lamp* af all kind*, **!*. t.
a cutlery, 2
1 Pull line Ot saddlery and coach ma
ker* good*, wood work for buggies
!. and wagon*, plougk*. harrows, culti
-Ikj valors and grindatonoa. Looking H
glasses and mirror plata*. Picture ®
/ frame* made to order. Tbvy al*o *
2 hare the celebrated cook stove, **
Sfvenr one warranted to give perfect 2
katu taction All hind* of parlor) j
2 Moves. \\# are determined to aal! g
< at the lowest price* for ca*h, or on Z
a, hort credit—not to exceed three 3
month*. Call and *ec U*. a* we take Z
• plewure ia showing our guudt. 2
£ marlbtf. Bellefonte. Pa, JJ
2 ' p * | I
< I?
= 3
Gift & Flory'a
New Shoe Store !
They have now opened, and will coastaab
ly keep on hand, a JpU-ndid ttock of new
men, women and children, from the baat
manufar-toric* in the country, and now of
fered at the .
Lowest Prices.
BOOTS and SHOES made to order, upon
, kbort notice They incite the people ol
thia vicinity to give them a call, a* they
will strive V merit a there of their pat
ronage. my Kaf
1 IKK) a ax low Horrxx a
Dealer ia
i jjanniiHt
Parlor and Chamber Seta,
Particular Attention to Ordered Work.
In All It* Branches,
Always on Band, and Funeral* Air
Wilt aa kiegant Hmrea. .Xf
Stoves! Fire'.Stov's!
At Audy Centre Hall, are
latest and best ,u> V e* out. he bas just
_, , _ r ®°®' <ed a large lot of
Cook Stovj, the Pioneer Cook,
the Eclipse Cook,
the Reliance Cook.
PARLORS—The Radiant Light, self-fee
der, Gas Burner, National Egg,
Jewell, Ac.
110 sell* stoves a* LOW aa anywhere
in Miffiia or Contre co.
The undersigned hereby informs the
citiaens of Pennavalley that ne has pur
chased the Tinahop heretofore rarrieu on
by the G. 11. Mf g Co., and trill continue
the tame, at the old stand, in all its branch
es, in tho manufacture of
All kinds of repairing done. He has
Fruit Cans, of all Sisea,
All work warranted and charges reason
able. A share of the public patronage so
licited. AND. KKKSMAN,
"isepTOy Centre Hall
JOHN SrsMauta, Proprietor.
Stages arrive and depart daily, for all
points, north, south, east and west.
There will he an adjourned stated
meeting of the Centre county Agricultural
Society held at the Court House in Belle
fonte, Saturday, August 16, 1873. A fall
attendance of members is requested as im
portant business will be transacted.
T7XECUTOBS NOTlCE.—Letters tes-
X!i tamentary on the testate of John
Hartget of Gregg twp, dee d, bare
I been granted to the undersigned, who re
uueet all persons knowing themselves in
debted to said estate to make immediate
payment, and those having demands
against the same to present them duly
authenticated by law for settlement.
7 augOt Kxecutois
J B. BUTTS. Prop'r.
Han tint class accommodation i charg
es rea9*a da mr, fcfc
to Cba tat ami Wmt*.
Dr. aixrni
Cw* Inrlpifm ('iHue'i'iilan. J
Dr.taitvnfTtit nr. .:nw
Care f'tflirrlt.
Dr.o.tuvi** s t.i:: xdhbe
i Car* IZcnrf Dl * i*.
Dr. okßTm TAU r.r.niiww
Cu* hk it Di *ra c<,
Dr* O-ittVIM'S Till I.CXBMBM
BaguLa* th KJvrr.
RctruUte iWNiemarhawl Bewrß
Car* *il NwM Wcaknmw.
Purify lb* Blood. *
Cur* DteraMM eflhc Tlaroo*.
Car* BrenrWfln
; Cure "Bote ( old." w HF FereP
r' Cure I.umjf Dftaraarw.
Cur* ( oudipntioß.
OHIO Halt Itbrorn.
Cur* lUtfney Dbrme*.
Prertwt (holrra A Vrllow Pewr
IWt Malartoma Fereru. '>
Ihemov* Pain la the Brut,
Bemo* Pal a in Ok. RUte m p~-*
Are • Hajp-f-rioc Toakr.
; Dr. <4 AB". fVfl T\ BEMFDIES
t B*r tore the Appriiir.
Cause the Food IO Dftffe*!.
Reatura the Wrait and Dcddtttaud
Give Tene to Vonwr Bjetrai
I*. F. HYDE * CO.,
= 193 Sewnt* dnk, New For*.
5 declVTty
i Furniture Rooms'!
| reepeetiuily inform* the Q ( Cew'.re
county, that he ha* OB had and
: make* to order, all kin'* , ,1
i siy k A,
' TABLES, Ac., dc
S Hon Mann Cuxtn* ALWAYS ON ISM.
I ofreedy-mnde Furniture Utary
I -nd warrantedof good workmnnahtpnad .
J all made under his own immediatetitperv i*
I sioa, and it offered at rate* a* cheap a*el*e
* whore. Thankful for past favor*, he soli*
it* a continuance of the same.
Call and see hi* stock before purrkatir
I elsewhere. nuBTDIr.
Chas. H. Held,
Clock. Wnlehmller d lce .
Miiiheim, Centre co., Peunn.
| Re*p-tfolly inform* hi* friend* end th*
> public ia general, that he he* just openec
at hi* new ettablisluaeM, above Alexnn
der' Store, and keep* constantly on hand
all kind* of Clock*, Watcbee and Jewelry
- of tbe latest style*, a* also the Maranvßf*
> Patent Calender Clock*, provided with i
r complete index of the month, and day oi
I the weath and week on its he*, which 1*
- warranted a* a perfect time-keeper.
M%.docks. Watches and Jewelry re
paired on short notice and warranted.
I rpHK undersigned, determined tometth*
f JL popular demand for Lower Prices, re
. •pectfully cell* the attention of the public
to hi* stock of
now offered at.the old tUsi Designed e
pecial! t for the people and thetinwa, the lar
gest and moil varied and complete assort
ment of
Saddle*, Harnem, Collar*, Bridles,
of every description and quality; Whip*,
and in foct everything complete to a Bm
claa* establishment, he now offers at prieea
which will suit the time*.
JACOB DINGE9. CentreHali
T OHM F POTTER. Amaragy at law"
U Collection* promptly made mad a
attention given to tW* having ' m j7?
properly lor **!. Will draw r '*s w.-,
acknowledged Deed*, Moitc * 1 (i
fee In the diamond, nr Sfl
, court how. ■
.ucmr ,"
wtw p jildpßi, Cwhitr.
- fT -ate MiUiken, Hoover A Co.)
> .d Allow Interest,
Discount Note*,
Buy and Set
, Government Securitim, Gold and
t. *P >O <aitf Gounoa*.
J AS. M MAKITS Attorney e*. L*
Bellwr: .. ... .minify attend* to all be
! ' Be ** to him. JulßCStf
DP. FOETNEY, Attorney at Law
• Bellefonte, Pa. Oflc* over Rev
nold's bank. mayU'OMi'
w&iurfzn &
Bellefonte, Centre Co., Penn'a. ap6Bti
JNO. a. onvta. c. t. ALKXANOKV
t Attorneys-at-law. Office inConrad House
: with Orvi* A Alexander, attends to collee
Hon* and practice in tbe Orphan's Court
I \f ILLER'H HOTEL, Woodward, Pa
s ijUL Htagm arrive and depart dally.
. Thi* favorite hotel i* now in every respect
one of the most pleasant country hotels in
central Pennsylvania. The traveling com
. munity will always find the be*t accommo
, dation. Drover* can stall time* be accom
modated with stable* and pasture for any
number of cattle or horse*.
JulyS 68tf . GEO. MILLER
A new and complete Hardware Store kat
Seen opened by the undersigned inßreek
orhofT* new building—wheretheyare pre
pared to soil all kinds of Building and Houst
Furnishing Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails.
i ...Buggy wheels in setts. ChampicnClothes
Wringer, Mil) Saws, Circular and Hani
Saws, Tennon Saws, WebbSawt, IceCreaar
Freezers, Bath Tubs, Clothes Racks, a ftil.
assortment of Glass and Mirror Plate of al;
sixes, Picture 'Frames, Wheelbarrows,
Lamps, Coal Oil Lamps, Belting, Spokes.
Felloesijaudllubt,Plows,Cultivators, Corn
Plows, Plow Points, Shear Mold ioards
and Cultivator Teeth, Table Cutlery, Shov
els, Spades and Forks, Locks, Hinges
Screws, Sash Springs, Horse-Shoes, Nails
Norway Rods. Oils. Lard, Lubricating,
Coal, Linseed. Tanners. Anvils, Vices. Bel
lows, Screw Plates, Blacksmiths Tools,
Factory Bells, House Bells, Dinner Bells,
Gong Bell*. Tea Bells,Grindstones,Careen
ter Tools, Fruit Jars andCans.Paints,Oils.
Varnishes received and for sale at
funeVMJy. J. A J. HARRIS
B. M. Rittenhoc&S.
Fish, Chests and Previsions,
. , 144 North Delaware Avenue,
137 North Water Street,
° IC " 1 " J-fcHWAM