The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, August 07, 1873, Image 1
Sly Father. Who hailed m first wtlh r*r>(nrou JOT, And did not fret and fool annoy Whon the aurse ssid: Why! thf t a boy I My Father. Who gave that nurse a lialf-a-orown. To let him hold me -ae Weard clown, Of conree he hold me upside down t My Father. Who ne'er to ent my hair did try ~ Jabbing the scissors in my eye. Ami cutting every hair away ? My father. Who aet me in the barber'a chair Instead, and had htm cut my hair I,ike me big brother e, good and square ' My Father. Who, when I had a Utile tight. Because Tom tore tnv puper kite And bit tun, said I did just right f My Father. lmproi ballon*. Fill, for we drink to Labor: And LaKw, yon know, is Prayer: I'll lie as grand as my neighbor Abroad, and at home as hare' Debt, and bother, eud hurry ' Others arc hardened so; Her'a to the goddess Worry, And here's to the goddess Show! Reckless of what WHIM after, Silent of whence e come: and least and laughter Make the questioner* dumb. Debt, an l bother, and hurry. Nobody uresis to know ; Here's to the god lose Worry, And here's to the goddess Show! Fame is what you have taken. Character's w hat you give: Wheu to this irutk you waken. Then you begin to live! Debt, and bother, and harry ! Others have risen so: Hero'* to the goddees Worry, Ami here's to the goddesa Show ' lienor'* 4 Utitq; foe dcrtatoa, Kuowledgv liuug reviled ; Love a 4 vanishing viawu. Faith i* the toy of 4 child ! Debt, and bother, and liurry! Honewtyb old and stow : Here'* to the goddess Worry, And here'* to the goddess Show ' WHO WILL CO9MUX Hll! A yrar or more Ago I was invited by a friend to spend a day with him at his elegant country seat,* Mountain Home, situated a few miles from Peekskill, upon that inat romantic and beautiful •riv. r, the Hudsou. There was quite a number invited, and, anticipating a delightful week of pleasure. away from the dust and heat of the city, I sprang on board the ours, inwardly congratulating myself upon my good fortune. Upon reaching Moun tain Homo, I found that the other guests, a dozen in number, had already arrived, and I was glad to find that with many of them I was acquainted. Of but only one will I speak particularly; and he was a man who would attract atten tion umU-r any circumstancea. With a commanding figure, above the medium height, and a haughty, though easy and graft ful step, he advanced to ward me, when we were presented to each other, aud extended a hand, amall and delicate in shape, bat possessed of great muscular power, as I experienced when it clasped around my own with a pressure that gave me pain. I glanced into his face and started, for we had met before, and I saw the recognition was mutual, as the rich blood flushed cheek and forehead, and then retreating, left them pale. His eyes, dark, penetrating, and hsaded by long, drooping lashes, looked unflinchingly into mine, as he bowed and said, in Spanish : " We have met before, Senor; tonight I will explain ; till then have patience," And tlien in English, which had just accent enough about it to make it inter esting, he continued, "I am happy to meet you, sir." I bowed, and, with another look at the dark, handsome face, I turned, and, offering my arm to a lady, we followed onr host in to dinner. " Who is that handsome gentleman ?" \ asked my lady companion, indicating the person to whom I had last been . presented. 44 1 was intnxlnced to him, and the name is Senor EJmond Madrida," I re-' turned. 44 He is a snperb-looking man—just the oDe I should select as the hero fori a novel, were I to write one," and so I thought, as I gazed upon Edmond j Madrida, who was pleasantly convening with a ladv upon his left. It was a lovely moonlight night that; . followed the day of my arrival at' Mountain Home, and our whole party sat up until after twelve o'clock, re- j luctant to retire and leave such beauties as surrounded them to the quietude thaf would rest upon mountain, river and valley when merry voices, ringing laughter aud music were hushed in aleep. I was standing upon the veranda, gazing upon the moonlit river that roll ed by far before me, when Edmond Madrid a came from the house, smoking a fragrant cigar, and joining me, said, while he offered his cigar-case: *' Let as stroll down toward the blnff, and enjoy a ramble and quiet smoke." " I am willing, Senor," I answered. And together we walked along the wind ing moonlit path which led to a small summer-house, built upon jutting rocks which overhung the Hudson. For' some moments we stood in silence, gazing upon the grandeur of the scene around us ; but at length my companion spoke. " Colonel, do you remember our last meeting ?" " I do; it was in Mexico, and you then commanded a band of brigands." " Yonr memory serves you well Senor. I saw you recognized me, as I did yon, and I now wish to offer an ex planation to you of my presence here. Suppose we converse in Spanish ?" " As you please, Senor Melincho." " Hush ! breathe not the name of Melincho here. I am now Edmund Madrida," interrnpted the Mexican; and then, after a moment's siience, he took the cigar from his lip, and threw it far over the river, and watched its downward flight until the tiny spark was lost to sight in the gloom cyuit across the river by the mountain. " Colonel, it was just after the civil war in America that we met You bad become separated from your men, was fired upon by some of ray men, your horse killed, and yourself injured by his falling upon you. You remember when you told me you had been a Con federate officer, and was then going to give your sword to Juarez against Maximilian, I instantly had you , re leased, gave you another horse, r and while you remained in my camp a week, I believe, treated you well." "I remember perfectly vour kind ness, and ever shall thank—'' " I wish no thanks, Colonel; it was duty. Kindness is merely a refined selfishness. It is seldom, jf ever, dis interested. But to continue. I knew of you afterwards joining Juarez, and of his unkind treatment of those who offered to serve him. Bat of me you knew nothing, only that I was the Brigand Chief Melincho, who was out lawed by either party, and whose blows only fell upon the enemy of bis country, Maximilian, although he had much t* revenge from those he served. "I am a Mexican, and proud of it, though my poor struggling country has 1 done little of late to win the fear and respect of nations ; but I am proud of the blood that flows in my veins; and thirty rears ago, when but an infant., my father died, and left me an unsul lied name, the memory of his brilliant reputation an a soldier, and the grandest and wealthiest old place in Mexico. "My father's nearest friend, or rather oflleer, Colonel De Leon, was appointed my guardiau ( and in his hands rested the entire oohtrol of my property. "When ten years of age I was"sent to Europe, and remained there, receiving my education in the best universities, until I wgs twenty-one, and then I re turned to Mexico to find Colonel De FHKD. Iv riITZ, Kditorund I Voprietor. I VOL. VI. Loon, my guardian, had gambled avra; • all of mv wealth, except the home o my childti- od, and of my grandfather before me. In this he was living, u< to my reproaches upon his ootidue turned me from it almost a beggar, "1 went to law to recover mv proper ty, but uot a perns could I get, no could ! punish him for his perfidy, a my father, iu perfect confidence, hai given him complete power over all. "In a frenxy of disappointment, I do terniined to seek revenge and drive hiu i from my home, and, with a picket number of men. I went to the haciondi ! one night aud demanded admission, intended to take him from the house make him sigu certain papers, and tbei force him to lea\e Mexico under paiuo death if he ever returned to the country Contrarv to my expectation*, he resists me, fired upon my men, and, as I game, lan entrance into the house, attaeke, me with a drawn sword. "I ordered him off, but he still *d vaueed, and, in self-defence, I fire, upon him, and he fell dead at my feet "Tlie deed was done, and I had n< course left me but to fly, for he wa: loved by the neighborhood, stood higl in authority with the Government, an, 1 knew death would be the penalty o my crime. "I took from the house some valua ble* which had belonged to my ances tors, and which, strange to say, he hai not gambled off, for they were jewels o great price, and, telling my companions to help themselves, I seized a caudh and set fire to tlie mansion where tiiosi of my name had lived for many loiq years. "By its bright light I fled from th< spot toward the mountains, resisting with arms, the forces sent to eapturi me—for the servants had alarmed tin neighbors, and they had turned ont it large numbers to revenge the death ol Colonel De Leon. "It was a bloody path we left behin,' ns that night, and its cruel deeds throng upon me. in memory ; but it was brough! on by his resistance, for, bv the Virgin I intended him no personal harm. "But to the end: I was outlawed hi I tlie government and my met*, so I be came a bandit. My band strengthened dav by day, and each year the name ol Meliucfao became more and more dread ed. I waged war upon the enemies ol Mexico, attacked government tiains t pay my men, but spared private citizen* and their property, and never allow,*] , one of my band to shed innocent Wood. " When Maximilian came to Mexico 1 fought against him aud his followers, and ceased my war against my own government, for 1 knew that all of oui country's soldiers were needed to resisl the Franco-Germanic usurpation ol Mexico. " It was the year after I met you, Colonel, and shortly after the execution lof Maximilian—who, had he caught Juarez, would have dealt him a like > fate, and Americans would not have felt the same sympathy for the Mexican, fighting for hfs country, that they did ; for a foreign prince, battling for power to rule the people of another tongue— yea, it was shortly after Maximilian's death that I came across a party of my men who had surrounded a carriage : containing tin old gentleman and his daughter. They were Americans, trav ! eling through the country, the old geu | tlem&n having visited Mexico to look after some mining property he had there. "My men. contrary to ray orders, had fired upon the carriage, and the : coachman and footman were both killed, ' while one ball had seriously, but not 1 fatally, wounded the gentleman. For ' tunately, the young lady remained un hurt, aud though her face was pale with fright and her eyes wore an anxious look about her father, I never gazed upon so beantifnl a woman. " Her reproachful glance met mine as I advanced toward her, and at once ' assured her that everything should be ; don* for her father's comfort, and my ; men should be puuished severely for | disobeyipg my orders. "I then gave orders to have another . horse bitched to the carriage in the place of one that was wounded, and to my utter surprise, uot a man moved. I repeated the order, and then one of them, a tall black-bearded fellow, whom L bad once before caught is mischief, stepped forward and said : " This is too rich a prize to let go, chief, and I, for one, am not going to i lone it." " I repeated my order, and for tlie last time, for, seeing he would not obey me, I raised my pistol and shot him through the heart." " Another of the band sprung toward me with a drawn knife, but I sent him to join his comrade, and this cowed the others, who instantly obeyed my orders. "I bod Mr. RodmAn and his daugh ter conveyed to a hacienda near, and there made as comfortable as possible, and myself watched over the wounded man during the weeks of recovery." " It was two months before Mr. Bod man was able to resnme his jonmey and leave for the United States, and in those two months I had learned to mad ly worship Ellen Rodman, and I wrung irom her a confession that were I not a bandit she would liecoine my wife, for she admitted her love for me, she urg ing me to relinquish my wild life and to leave Mexico, when I could flee from my bitter past, but telling me at the same time that while her father lived she would never leave him." "Thus we parted, Mr. Hodman thank ing me warmly for what I had done for him, but with a certain manner that showed me that, in his eyes, f was but a robber chief, though his daughter might believe me not altogether cruel and crime-stained. "Ellen Rodman, whom I so wildly loved, returned to her home in New York, whilo I remained in the fastnesses ol the Mexican mountains. " But not for long. I was a changed man, and determined to leave my native land and lead an honest life. I gather ed togctlmr only He wealth I lnul cap tured from mv uttackt against Maximil ian, relinquishing to my band all that I had won otherwise, and, with the jewels which I have before mentioned, I left the country. " Shortly afterward it was reported that the famous Melincho was killed, and ■ body, terribly disfignrcd, was taken and buried as his; but this I managed by placing my clothing upon the body ola Mexican officer, killed in a duel, and disfiguring the face so as to be unrecognizable. 1 1 sailed for Europe, and with the jewels and other property in my pos session, found myself a rich man. "In London I met our host, and Sromised him, if I ever came to America, > visit him. 80, arriving last week, I met him in New York, and came up home with him. "The name that I bear is my own, being Edmond Madrida Melincho, but the latter I have discarded forever. Once since my arrival have I seen Ellen Rodman, but without her seeing me, and I learn that her father is dead, having died two years ago, and left her poor, and that she -is now living with a maiden aunt, her father's sister. " Now, Colonel,you know my history, and I will candidly say that it Is my in tention to make known my presence to Ellen, tell all of my life, and ask her to be my wife, and wno that knew my story would condemn me. You will not betray me, will yon, Colonel t" The Mexican finished his story of THE CENTRE REPORTER. hitter wrong Hour him, and of hi* blood stained hfo that followed, and, will anna folded upon hia heart, and liti eyre looking deep into mine, nwaittH ; tnv answer. "I offered my hand, and to hia que* turn answered: I " Scaur Madrida, no act of mine ahal ever cause you to regret the confident* placed IU me ; and as 1 know Miaa Hod man, 1 may be of aerviee to you." " Thank yon, Colouel; many time thank you. To-morrow we will talk to gather about it. Now t ia duvlighi nearly, for, see, the nky ta getting fmghi beyond the mountain," and placing hit arm iti miue, we returned to the house, and then retired to our rooms. It was arranged that I should call UJHU: M ;ss and tell her the history ! of Kdmoud Madrida'a life aa he had tohl it to me, and if 1 found aha was stil true to her lore for him, that I was tc bring him to the house and introduM him, as a (Rend of mine, to her auul and herself, and leate the rest to fate. Upon mjr return to Now Turk I called upon Ellen Rodman. and at the tlrsl mention of tho Mexican'a name I saw that sltO had uot ceased to love him, aud win-a my atorv waa ended she beg geil mo to bring lum at once to her. Miss Mary Rodman, Ellon's a tint, was delighted with my foreign friend, and M fat :i— three months after—Ed' inond talked for the hand of her niece, the old lady granted it willingly, and 1 verily taiievo that the only regret ol the >ieur old soul was that site was not forty ye tea younger, to marry him her self. Thus were two lovera made happy, and in one of the pleasant |K>rtious ol our almost boundless republic they live together ui peace and Contentment in M lovely home, far from the atrife of busy cities. Moths In Furniture. There are two Bpeoiea of motha which infest furniture. One W> a large fly, o( silvery white color ; the worm of the same is shaped like a chestnut worm, and is familiarly kuowu. It rarely in fests furniture. The other ia a small fly, of a dark drab color ; the worm u about one-fourth of an inch long, and t;i)>eruig from the head to the tail. It was first observed by upholsterers abonl thirteen years ago. This fly penetrate* a sofa or chair, generally between the bark sofas, or undar the scats, where the vacancy among the spring" affords a safe retreat. It inay make a lodgmeut in one week after thefmniture is placed iu a house. If such should be the case, • in two months the worm will appear; and theeontiuual process of procreation in a few mouths increases the aumbei ! to thousands. This moth has no season. It destroy* in winter and stimmeralike, as it is kept in uctive life by the constant heat ol the house. We find at the same time in tho siunc piece of furniture the fly, the worm, and egg*—thua ahowisg tlist they are breeding and destroying all the , lißie. 2(does not eat good pure, curled hair, l>nf fastens its roeoou to it, the elasticity of which prevents its being disturbed. The inside of furniture is used by it only for purposes of propa gation. The worm when ready for food, crawls out aud destroys the covering, if of woolen or plush materia!, and falling to the carpet destroys it. They rarely out through plush from the inside, as it is of cotton back, but there are lustauces where they have cut up muslin on the outside backs of sofas. There is no pro* tection against it but continual care. New furniture should be removed from the walls at least twice a week at I this season of tha year, and shonld tie well whisked all round, and particularly under the seats, to prevent the fly from lodging. This is an effectual preven tive, and the only one known. Cayenne pepper, Scotch snuff, turpentine, aud all other remedies for protection from the large moth are of little or no avail against the furniture moth. Saturation with alcohol will not destroy them when in a piece of furniture. If the furniture is infested, they may be removed by taking off the muslin from nnder the seats, and off the outside ends and books, where they congregate most, aud exposing it to the air aa much possible. Boat well with a whisk or the open hand, and kill all the flies aud worms which show themselves. This done often will disturb them, aud may make them leave the fnrnitnre, as its desire is to be left qniet. When tho furniture is free from moths, and is to bo luft during the summer months With out attention, it may be protected by camphor in small bags, or highly con centrated patcliouJy. The safest way is to have furniture well whisked twice a week. If tho moth attacks the carpet, which they wiH first do nndor the sofas and chairs, spread a wet sheet on the carpet and pass a hot fiat-iron over it quickly— the steam will effectually destroy Isith worm and egg. If fnrnitnre is delivered in a dwelling free from moths, the up holsterer's responsibility ends there, and nil rests with the housekeeper, an no tradesman can tell whether the moth will attack it or not. There are eases where the furniture lias been in use ten or twelve years before being attacked. It would lie as fair to hold the tailor re sponsible for tlie safety of clothing as to hold the npliolterer responsible for the safety of furniture.— Cabinet Maker. The New Fifty Cent Note. The plates for the new fifty cent note have been prepared at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing of the Treasury Department, and the work of printing the new note will bo commenced next week, though it will be probably a num ber of days before tho note will be issued to the public. The new note will be about a quarter of an inch shorter than that now iu circulation andaqnar ter of an inch wider, its dimensions taing three and three-quarter inches 1 rag by two inches wide. On tlie face of the note, left hand side, is a vignette head of Hamuel Dexter, who was Secre tary of the Treasury in 1801, and a for mer Governor of the State of Massa chusetts. On the right of the note is a •orlion of geometnoiil lathe work, with tne words " Fifty cents," in white let ters, engraved across the face. The story or lettering on the note is the same as on the present issne, with the exception of the words "receivable for all United States stamps," at the bottom of the old note, which are omitted on the new one. The seal is printed in the centre of the face, and is enclosed in eycloidal work, a new feature upon frac tional currency. The bark of the note, which will be printed in New York, will be in green. It is made np of geomet rical lathe work and scrolls. On the right hand corner the word " cents" found on the old note is omitted, and tlie numeral "50 " takes its place. The date of the passage of the act authoriz ing the issue is omitted from the face of the new note snd put upon th* bnek thereof. On the left hand side of the hack there is an open space to show the fibre iu the paper, and it will not be shown on the face as much as in the old note. The new note, of course, will taks the place of the one now in circula tion, as the present issue has been coun terfeited, although not to any great ex tent. No other new fractional currency will be issued at present. Absense makes the heart grow fonder —of some one else. CENTRE HALL, CENTRE CO., PA.. THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 187-1. A Garden of Vour Own. H lmt III* llanUui) Han ThtuSi Abuul lit. Mailer. The chief charm of having a garden of your own is the fresh state of the vegetables which daily garnish your ta ble. Any one who has always depended on a store for his supply dons not have the faintest conception of the su|M'riui flavor, tune aud elasticity of Vegetable* gathered fresh every morning fruui your own garden. Aside from this ben efit, gardening isthemost health-giving ' occupation known toman, unless we ex sept that of a physician, which wedont. | There is a man who lives on the other side of our street who has a garden, ami has fresh vegetables every day, our , folks say. We don't know anvtliing about that, but we do kuow that Le has a garden, because we see him out in it every morning, iu shirtsleeves and slip per*, picking cucumber and sotntsli bug*. We kuow wheu he gets hold of oue by the way he shuts his mouth snd : fingers. Sometimes he doesn't catch the oue he ia after, and sometimes he makes a half dozen posses ut oue bug. Every time he makes oue of those passes he says something. The first remark is not very plainly neard, but the next is quite so, and tlie observation that fol lows after Uie sixth unfortunate pass, appears to go completely through our head. He jumps around this wav for about an hour, and having got his blood up to fever heat, goes iu and drinks a cop of tabling coff e, and Uien goes to business. At noon he goes out there to kill a couple more bugs, but doesn't do it. He finds two hens from the next house, ,iu the cucumber patch. They have scratched down to the 000 l earth, aud thrown the parched soil of two cucum ber hills over their hacks, and with one eye closed in a speculative way, are (Linking of the intense best aud the short grass crop. When they see him. and the preparations of welcome he has hastily got together, thev g>-t up and leave. The first thing he throws at them knocks a limb from a choice |Mar tree, and the next thing, which is gen erally a pail, goes through a glass cover to some choice flower seeds, and KMMW its bail. He then goes into the house aud get* some more boiling coffee, and says tlie man next door is something we uever put iu print, and goes to business again. At uiglit be comes home and kills bngs until supper time, and then goes iu with his finger* smelling as if he had shaken hands with twelve hun dred bed-bugs. He keeps his boy home from school to watch the gordcu, and guard* against the encroachment of straving cattle. 1 The boy geta several other Luvs to come over and help him. They take a half dozen sheets out of the wash, snd put up a circus in the back part of the yard, , and some vicious boy who hasn't pins enough to get iu, leares tlie front gate open, and when tha circua is in the midst of its glory, the cry of " a cow in I the garden !' break* "up* tlie perform ance, and semis both artists And audi ence in pursuit of the l>east. When our neighbor cornea home that niglit to gather vegetables fresh from the gar ( ,len. and smash bugs with his fiugeraud . thumb, and goes out and looks at the destruction, it it altogether likely the first thing he think* of is the danger in eating store vegetable* which have lieen picked some days before, and allowed to swelter aud wither in noxioua bar rels, aud how much tatter it is to have everything fresh from the garden. But we are not certain. Neither is the pro priator of the circa*. A Belgium Story. We quote from tbe Belgium new*, paper* the following account of a dread ful tragedy that occurred iu a little vil lage near Brussels. A farmer and his wife had plotted to murder their niece during her sleep, to rob her of I.&W franc* that she was taking to her sick mother. In order to foil the future searches of tho police, they, previously to perpetrating the crime, were engaged in digging a largo hole in their garden, so as to bury the body in it, when the young girl, w'ho, not being asleep, had 'heard her terrible sentence, rushed out by tha window and ran to the police station, distant one mile only. But as soon as she was out, tlie daughter of the farmer, who was not expected home that night, came Iwek, and not wishing to awaken anybody in tbe hon*e, went iioiselciudy into the tad where her cousin had been lying s few minutes ago. She soon fell asleep, and thus her mother, not being aware of the Providential substitution, owing to the darkneas of the niglit, broke her own daughter's neck with on axe. Thi* being done, the two were going to the garden, carrying tho corpse, en veloped in a le<l*pre*d, when two gon darmes, accompanied by tbe fngitive girl, rushed into tho house with lanterns in their liands. At the sight of their niece, whom they thought they had murdered, the two wretches took off the covering and found their unfortuuate child killed by their own hands. Tho man, taking a huge butcher's knife, plunged it into his breast snd fell dead on the ground. A* to the woman, who was prevented from com mitting snieide, she became insane, and is now shnt np in a lnnatic asylum, where she in expected soon to die from mental exhaustion. A more horrible account has rarely been registered iu the annals of crime. Official Postage-Stamps. Tho new postage-stamps ol the Post office Department are pretty things, ns postage-stumps go, ami pretty mainly becauoo they ar plain. A fargo nu meral in the centre, inst-ad of a por trait head, denotes the denomination, and the words "offleinl" above ami " stamp " talow thow its exclusive pur pose. The words " Post-offiro Dept." above this oval centre, and the denomi nation repeated tath in letters and fig ures, with the initials U. 8. below, com plete the stamp. It is a pleasant black and white in color, made neutral by finely engraved lines. This new stamp is exclusively for the Post-ofllco Department, and is only s specimen of a great variety of them, de signed of all denominations for nil the departments. A great variety of stanqm of many denominations have been de signed for all the departments, bnt dif fering for each. Balling Boats. A word to Innd-lubbers who nail hosts. Rarely on accident happens when n boot is well managed. Of late n class of boats havo been built which reqnire great cure in handling them—small sloops with one sail of inimeuoe propor tions. Amateur boat sailors who sail small boats should observe a few simple rules. Neyer make your sheets fast, as you can hold them easily by taking a half turn round the elects. When the wind is "puffy," be very watchful, and "luff" in season, and never "jibe" when it is blowing fresh. If you want to come about, bring your bont's head to the wind. Don't carry sail too long, reef in season. Never carry itoxicating liquors in your boats. With a fresh northwest wind blowing, a mnn who undertakes to sail a modern-built sail boat needs all his faculties clear and unimpaired. Our Visitor. He came in with an interrogation point iu one eye, and a stick in one hand. One eye was covered with a haiidker j chief ai d one arui in a sling. His bear ing was that of a IUUU with a settled purpose in view. " 1 want to see," said he, " the man Hint puts thiuga iuto this pMjier." We intimated that several of unearned a frugal livelihood in that way. " Well, I want to see the man which cribs things out of the other papers. The follow who writes mostly with f shears, you understand." We explained to him that there were seasons w lieu the most gifted among us, ' driven to frenzy by the scarcity of ideas ami events, and by the clamorous de mands of an insatiable public, iu uio -1 meiita of emotional insanity, plunged the glittering shears iuto our exchungea. lie went off calmly, but in a voice tremulous with supp eased feeling sud indistinct through the recent loss of half a dozen or so of his front teeth : "Just so. I presume so. I don't know much about this business, buf 1 want to see a man, trie man that printed tiyit little piece about pouring cold water down a drunken man's spine of , hia back, aud rnakiug him instantly sober. If you please, I want to see that man. I would like to talk with hini." i Then lie leaned his stick against our desk and spit on his serviceable hand, and resumed his hold on the stick as though he was weighing it After studyiug the stick a minute, he added , iu a somewhat louder tone : " Mister, I esm here to see that 'ere man. I want to see him bad." " Just so. I presume so. They told me tafore 1 come that the man 1 wanted to see wouldn't he anywhere. I'll wait , fur him. 1 Uve up north, and I've walked seven miles to converse with that man. I guess I'll sit down and wait." He sat down by tbe door and reflec tively pounded the floor with hi* stick, hut his feeliug* would not allew him to keep still. " I supjMise none of you didn't ever jiour much eohi water down any drunk en man's back to make him instantly sober, perhaps." None of its iu the office htul ever tried the experiment. "Just ao. I thought just aa like as not you hal uot. Well, mister, I have. I tried it yesterday, and I have come •eveu miles an foot to see the man that printed that piece. It v asn't much of a piece, I don't thiuk ; but 1 want to see the man that printed it, ju*t few minute*. You see, John Smith, he lives next door to my house, when I'm *t home, aud he gets how eame-you-so everv little period. Now, when he's ao hcr he's all right, if Ton keep out of his war ; lmt when he's irnnk he goes home ' and breaks dishea and tip* over the stove and throws hardware around, ami makes it inconvenient for hia wife, and sometimes ho gite bin man aud goes out calliug on his neighbors, and it ain't 1 pleasant. Not that I want to say anything a!>out ! Hraitb : but me and my wife don't think I ho onght to do no. He came home < drnnk lately, end tmkc all the kitchen . wiudows out of his house, and followed his wife round with a carving knife, talking about her liver, and after a while he lay down bv my fence and went to *lecp. I had lieeti resiling that little ' piece ; it wasn't much of a piece, and I ' thought if I could pour some water down hi* spine, on his hack, and make him sober, it would lie more comforte blo for hia wife, and a square thing to ,do all around. Bo I poured a bucket of spring water down John Smith's spine of his back." " Well," said we, as onr visitor paused, "did it make him sober?"— Our visitor took a firmer hold of hia stick and replied with increased emo • tion : "Just an. I suppose it did make him as sober as a judge in less time than you could sav .Tack Robinson , but, mis ter, it mode Lira mad. It made him the maddest man I ever saw, and Mister John Smith is a bigger man than me and stouter. lie is a good deal stouter, i Bin—bless him, I never knew he was half so stout till yesterday, and he's handy with his fists, too. I should stip ' ]<oo he's the handiest man with hii list* I ever saw." "Then he went for yon, did he?" we t asked, innocently. "Just so. Exactly. I suppose he went for me about (he liest he knew, 1 but I don't hold no grudge against Jno. Smith. I suppose he ain't a good man ' to bold a grmlge against, only I want to see the man what printed that piece. I want to see him bad. I feel aa tho' it would soothe mo to see that man. I went to show him how a drunken man acts when you pour water down the spioe of liis back. That's what I come 1 for." Onr visitor, who hud poured water down the spine of a drnnden man's back, rema.ned until about fl o'clock iu the evening, aud then wentnp street to find the man. The man he is looking for started for Ala -kn last evening for a slimmer vacation, and will uot he back before September, 1878. I'tica Herald. Brought Bark to Life. A curious story of the bringing to life of a man who had committed suicide by hnnging t Valde-Grmse, Canton Fri burg, is told by the Confrdere. On the first diagnosis the doctors affirmed that asphyxia was complete; Hie body | gave not tho slightest sign of life, it j being blue and rigid. One of tlie i physicians present,, however, would not leave tho corpse without making a final ! experiment on it. He uncovered the ! breast, and attempted for sumo time to ; induce respiration by artificial moans, but without result lie then applnsl the hole of an electric battery to the possngo of the pneumo-gaatrio nerves, \ ami caused a atToiig current to pass at intervals of four seconds. Almost im mediately feeble signs of respiration reiqipeured. Five minutes afterward the radical pulse and the cardiac pulse ugainliecome perceptible, Thccpiglnttin was tumefied, and it was necessary to pull the tongue out of the mouth by ineana of n pair of pinchers in order to render the respiration freer. A few ounces of blood were then drawn from the medioeephalic vein. Tho dilated pupils contracted gradually, and the aignti of life became more and more manifest. The patient was then able to swallow a small quantity of alcohol. Finally a slight muscular contraction was perceptible without the intervention ot electricity ; tho scusibility of tlie cornea reappeared; then tho feet be came warm again, and noon after tho regular pulsation of the carotid arteries were easily perceptible. LTVINO IN BAN DOMINOO.— It ia said that tlie cost of living in Ban Domingo for a family of five persons doea not ex ceed $1 a day, and that on that amount they can live excellently. A comfort able house can be rented atslo a month, and a cook can be hired for $5 a month. The new American settlement of Ra mans Bay is said to offer even greater advantages. But the disadvantages are not mentioned. The report from the Maine hay crop is to the effect that the quantity will be a good average, and that the quality has never been surpassed in the knowitdge of hay-makers in the Stat®. A Village on Fire. A PttrfHl A Michigan paper publishes a private letter from Kiate Heuator MeOuwau to his wife, giving an aeoouut of tha great firs at Michigawuu. After describing the spread of the flames iu the forests surroiiiidiug the village, he aays : " We saw it was useless for us to try to do anything except, if possible, save our lives. We ran to the lake aud got out im a point. But the directum of the shore was east and west, aud the fire was sweeping down upou us. 1 went to the edge of the water, aud looked up ami down. The liue of safety seemed to be in the water, and iu I went. I picked up a board six or eight feet loug aud waded out to get a better view of the situation. Just east of tna I saw some men trying to get a hewn stick in to the lake. I went to them, but they liiid given it up aud were looking for boards. I urged them to put in the timl>er, aud, at my solicitation, they tried again and we succeeded iu launch ing it. One of the men had a plank, and I hail my board. We laid the board aud plank across the timber, which was probably tweutv five feet long, and with this raft six ol us put to sea iu tlie teeth of a furious wiud that sought to drive us iuto tlie fire. After struggling awhile, I told the men to keep the tim ber from turniug, aud I clambered nu astride of it, uesr the " bow" end, aud, with my board for a paddle. I struck out It was terrible work. The winds snd the wsves were against u. The lake was white with foam. We had made about four roda from ahore wheu one of the tallest men, letting himself down, said his feet were on a rock. Our strength was almost exhausted, so we told him to hold us. I slipped down fr >m my wooden nurse, aud on examin ation we found the rock large enough to allow two of us to stand on it We took a long breath, and went iuto com mittee of tlie whole on the situation. If we should undertake to row our craft further from the fire, we would soon lie overcome, aud then be blown directly iuto it Toe unanimous verdict was. that we would take our chsueea there. The fire was eruuud us, eliove us, every where. The water w* full of strug gling people. We held to the stick. Two of us would stand ou the rock at a tune aud anchor the rest, who floated like sea weeds from along the sides of the timber. Wheu the hot sir swept down upon us, we put our faces close to the water sud aliut our months. For an hour suds half we were there in tlie water, and I lx-oame terribly ehilled. By and by the worst of the fire was over, aud a couple of Hwedt 1 * came to ward us with s boat. I was the worst used up of any of the party, thoroughly ehilled aud exhausted. Mv onmpautoitN called to them to come am) take me off They helped me iuto the boat, and the Swedes took me to the little steamer which was anchored further out in the lake. I gave them $2 to go beck eud briug off another of the boys who was also badly chilled. Aa soon aa I got aboard the boat I commenced wringing my clothes as well as I could and exer cising all I was able. The hot air and •moke had made my lungs so sore I could uot breathe deep, and every breath was painful. However the air was still warm from the fire, end I grad ually grew warmer. We sent every boat we could after the people iu the water, and on the points, until st lsst our little steamer wss loaded. The fire had swept by where onr reft wss, snd tbe balance of our little party bed let loose from the rock end floated ashore. We were all ssTed. The mill was still staudiug, but not out of dsnger. After they hsd sounded the whistle, the peo ple commenced gathering there. I can not describe the scene here. I don't wsu'l to try. The women and children snd meu rushing about and crying and begging to know something of the ab sent one*. Yon may imagine it, don't ask roe to tell it. The whole village wss burned. Ont of 126 houses, onlv three were left standing, snd one of those wss burning liefore we left It was impossible to tell how many lives were lost Eleven Thousand for a Dog. There is an flll.OOOdog in Springfield, Mass., according to the Jirpubliran. This is s bare statement of fact. The wav of it is lliia : The now uncomfort able famous Mr. Btokes, of the New York Tombs, owned a setter reputed the best hunting dog in the city. Mr. Hsrker, the owner of the noted stables, wanted the setter and tried to purchase him. But Btokes had just refused SW) for him, ami didn't want to sell the dog. Finallv, however, he told Harker that a |>erhsps his hunting days were over, although he would not sell ho would make him (Harker) a present of the dog. Barker would not, however, ac cept the friendly offer without a recip rocal one, and as he bad offered f 1,000, engaged to give him the profit within a specified time, on 1,000 shares of a cer tain railroad stock. A rapid turn in the market brought the aforesaid stock to an advance of sll a ahore, and that he offered promptly to make over to Btokes for the setter. The speculative young man, however, said, " Let it wait ior a while ; perhaps I shall make more yet." Instead of more he made less; the stock fell as swiftly an it had risen, and dropped flat on the market. So for a little while the aet tor thnt Mr. Harker prises ao highly, snd that can be seen by the curious in Hampden Park, was worth SII,OOO. What a halo of glory encompasses that remarkable dog ! In the Depth*. Tlie results of the deep-sea dredging by the scientific expedition lately sent from England show that in " the deep, unfuthomed caves of ocean" there sre found sea-monsters far bigger, as well as far uglier and farmore beautiful than were ever transferred to an aquarium. The caprella, or "phantom shrimp," for instance, which may be found on sea-weed, sitting upright like a moukey, holding on by his liind-clnws, and, with ghastly grimaces, mesmerizing all pass ers-by with his fore-claws, sits upon sponges n mile or two deep in the dark ness—there, however, not a quarter of an inch, but three inches long. The nymplions, sea-spiders, who crawl out from uuder stones, and who, having no body to apeak of, carry their stomach, for economy of space, packed in long branches up the inside of each leg, are found iu the depths of the Arctic sen, not, as in shallow water, half an inch, but two feet in diameter." AN UNWHOLESOME DIET. George Adamson, aged seven or eight years, of Maysville, Cal., was sitting under a shady tree, at his father's residence, esting bread and butter. A caterpillar fell upon the bread, unobserved by tlie lad, and he put the morsel to his month to take a bite, when the worm bit him on the tongue. Immediately the tongue swrlled until it nearly choked the boy. The doctor applied powerful remedies, only in time to prevents fatal result, as he says ten minntes' delay would have caused death. " Yon sell watered milk, I see," re marked a well-known dry-goods mer chant to a restaurateur. " Well, what •f that; don't yon sejl watered silk ?" was the prompt retort. Terms: 52.00 a Year, in .Advance. Fish Culture by Farmers. Why should not farmer* and other* raise flsli for the market and for their domestic uses, a* well aa cattle, fowl*, or any other living stoek t For *o staple and healthy an article of food, it seems aa atxurd to be dependent upon chance capture iu a wild state as it would be to rely for our poultry upon the fortune of the hunter or for our vegetable supply upon the finding of suitable esculents in localities iu which * knowledge of tatauy may tell u* they ought ho grow. The efforts of the flah commissioner* in this and other parts of the couutry, in stocking tho waters with the soawu of valuable specie* of flah, will un doubtedly largely increase the numlier* of the fluny denizens of our river* end stream*; but the labor of *rruriug en abundant aud really obtainable supply is thus ouly tagun, eud it serins to us that it may be continued by every dweller in the rural districts having the simple fa -illlies requisite for the con struction end maintenance of suitable fish receptacles. Artificial incubation snd the stocking of private ponds are of course no novel idea. History tells us of the vast sums eipended for such purposes during the decline of the Roman empire ; and pis ciculture, especially in the monasteries, seems to have flourished through the middle agea. The success which has attended all modern efforts in a similar directum, even in the propagation of the tmut and other delicate species, leaves iittle doubt but that, at a very moderate outlay of time and money, every farmer oouhl provide himself with a well stocked pond, which he would find a constant source of valuable remuneration. Dr. J. 11. Hlsek, the New Jersey Com missioner of Fisheries, writes to tbe Tribune a letter containing tuany use ful huits relating to Una subject. Re ferring to tbe preparation of the ponds, he aays that two points must not be overlooked: proper proportions of tbe hanks and freedom from surface water. For the former, with ordinary loam, the following proportions will be fonnd correct: Let the base of the tank equal three times it* height, and let tlie wtdUi of Uie top equal the height. Thns, if the tank be 10 feet high the liaae should lie 30 feet and the width at the top 10 feet. The aluicea and overflow should be made of stone laid iu cement Wood, it is stated, will rot very rapidly and will prove of no value. The services of a competent engineer may be em ployed to advantage, and the money ex pended for such supervision will save mnclt trouble aud vexation. Surface water ia a fertile aonree of trouble, aa it carries with it brush and leave*, which < clog the screens, allowing the cantent* to overflow aud permitting the escape of Uie fishes. Iu moat cases, a senea of ditches, entirely surrounding the ponds, will carry off the surface water, a gate being placed at the head of the ponds with an opening only allowing as much water to enter as can be readily conducted away. At the sluice gates screens of wire gauze must be placed to prevent the egress of the fish. These should be made of galvanized wire if of large mesh, and of copper if fine. A screen of coarser meah. placed s few inches up stream from the fish screen, will arrest much of the floating trash and prevent clogging. This second screen, called the l-f screen, should be placed at an angle of about 60 deg. that a greater surface may be exposed to the water. A* regards stocking the tanks, it can hardly be expected that every farmer can enter into the careful operations of trout culture, but there are plenty of other varieUes of fish suitable for food which mv be easily and profitably reared. The ordinary eat flsh {pimelo du*) will thrive and breed in almost stagnant water, and is hardy and endur ing.. The female takes care of her voting, which, for some weeks after they are hatched, follow her about aa chickens do a hen. For large ponds, through which s gentle current can be made to flow, the beat fish for tbe south is the southern bass (gn/Met talmoide•.) It has a variety of names and ia known also as the yellow and black bass, trout, chub, and growler. The adult fish is of s greenish brown color with a bluish black spot upon the gill, the young having in place of the spot from two to four longitudinal hers; the back fin is spinous end high, end tlie tail ia similar to that of the trout Besides the above two varieties mentioned as examples, there arc scores equally valuable aa food, some indigenous to northern, others to southern waters, which will probably suggest themselves to our reader* inter ested in the subject If the pond be well supplied with aonatic insects and plant*, tbe fisbe* will need no food ; but generally over stocking is the case and hence a certain quantity is required. Any kind of ani mal food, cooked or uncooked, is suit able ; the cntralia of fowls, lights of lieef, oxen and liogs, if thrown in in small pieces, will In* eaten with avidity. Australian *heep and Wool. Some time since choice specimens of sheep and wool were sent to this conn try from Australia, with tlie idea that the breed would ta a valuable accession here. The wool was examined by the most skillful dealers in tho country, and the sheep were placed on the farm of Henry 8. Randall, Cortland Co. The final report is that the fleeces weigh nlmat a pound less than those of our American Merino*, and that although the wool is finer, an American farmer cannot afford to raise and keep such sheep. They are well adapted, how ever, to Australia, with its perennial feed and almost free range, while the fine quality of tbe wool meets a demand in English and European markets. What might ta done with Australian sheep, if they were acclimated and crossed with "other sheep, cannot ta stated, but it seems tolerably cloar that as the American Merino has been brought up in this manner, it is hardly worth while to go through this process aitnplv to secure a result already ob tained. EXCITEMENT IN UTAH.-— A great ex citement was caused in Utah by the an nouncement in the Journal that Ant. Eliza Webb Young, the seventeenth wife of Brigham Young, had forever left him, carrying off her furniture and !>eraonal effect*. Brigham will endeavor to replevin the gooda. Mrs. Young is at the Walker House, and three leading lawyers are abont to institute a suit for divorce and alimony in a large snm. Great revelations are expected concern ing the inner domestic life of tbe Prophet. Mri. Young is enjoying the sympathy of the Gentile ladiea, and polygamons Mormons are a good deal disturbed. RARE. —A young roan from Billtown dined at a hotel in Oswego, the other day, and as the waiters were taking orders, he heard his next neighbor or der, '* roast beef rare." When his turn came he also said " roast beef rare." In due time it came very rare. Looking at it a moment he said, " Here, waiter, I want mine cooked." The waiter re sponded, " I thought you said roast beef rare ? " " You don't call that rare, do you? " interrogated Billtown. " Yes, that's roast beef rare, ahnah," " Well, if you call that rare, just take it back and rare it over," says the Billtown aris tocrat. NO. 32. The Deekers- A llrtao Ami—Tfcslr OmhAh Umvm V.. The 1 Junkers ir A very eurioua re ligious sect, originating in the old aorld, anil flourishing in various parts of oar country, especially it* Lancaster Coanty, Fa. They si* well-to-do far mer*, and, as s friend lemarfced to me, are likely to be found wbepevar there is fertile limes tons soil. Their ministers are uneducated and unpaid farmers; their religion is a compound of honesty, hrd work, and legal rites; their churches are barns, and their chief meetings concentrate themselves in half yearly aenriona before and after harvest. Leaving Litis after tea, we were quickly carried' behind our landlord's •soft and powerful horses through a real garden land to the place of Danker meeting—the large white bam <>f a rich farmer of their persuasion. The lanae leading to the barn were filled with car riages, and the gronnda were crowded wit spectators, who were grouped under the apple trees or around the wide opened doors of the barn. The aurvi cm were well under way, and the inter esting ceremony of fuet washing over when we arrived. With some difficulty we worked our way over implements and hay pile* into one corner of the barn, from which we could overlook the whole scene. The building had been cleared for Uw brethren and sisters, who aat along nar row tables ranged serosa the body of the barn. A partition wall separated the sexes, and over it we eonld see the serious faora of the sisters, with their white caps and white capes, while a row of sedate brethren sat so near to as that we oould have laid our liauda on their hair, religioualy parted in the middla. As we came in ther were silently per taking of their lore feast. On the nar now tables stood tin bowls of lambs' broth, with the boiled joint aside of them, breed and batter, and water served oat of watering cans. About 250 were partaking of the meal by the light of tallow caudles, and never a word was spoken, except in address, or hymn, or prayer. After the love feast was over, a speak er significantly reminded as strangers that as we did' not keep the Lord's feast in this divinely appointed way we had little to expect on the Day of Judg ment. Then eame a prayer, the 19th chapter of John, reooonting our Lord's crucifixion, and the addreea of an old white-bearded man, who, with rode but deep pathos, told of Christ's love in His redeeming death. The leader bade them greet each other with a " holy kiss " era they tasted their Lord's sacramental sapper, and silently and slowly the salutation passed down one side the long tables and np the other. Then the elements were conse crated, and passed from hand to hand. The scene was striking. The barn was dimly lighted by the candles, the faces of all vera sober, and some were thoughtful Many of the men were gray and toil worn, and some of the wo men, if not beantifnl, had a sweet charm in their faces. Sometimes a Oer rnan or an English hymn ponied upward among the rafters of the barn, and then there was a deep silence again, broken only by alight rustlings in the hay and low whispers among the strangeta, watching to see what new ceremony would next be started from the cross table at which the Danker preacher aat. Hera waa a strange mixture of the true and false; a ritual rude and yet refined, and as closely absolved by these far mers aa are the forma of St Albans by its fashionable devotees. Desertions from the T. S. Navy, " Itsec," said a veteran shellback to a reporter, to whom be u explaining why ao many desertions took place from the* nary, " when Jack baa come off a long voyage he haa generally a few dol lar* coming to him. Ilia first thought is to get bis pay and leave of absence to go on a spree. Yell find, though, that as a rule days and weeks pass after a ship has oorae in from a era is# before the bands are paid off This is part of the dodge I'm going to explain to yon. The men get impatient, ami fret alter the shore. But it's no use. The officers tell them. ' You can get leave if yon want itbut what'a the use of leave to Jack without money? It ain't no more use than that," said tbe veteran, putting the last of a paper of tobacco into his mouth and chucking away the tinfoiL " When they get thoroughly wearied I oat," tbe veteran continued, the par master begins to sound them. Be ! generallv knows his men pretty well, and understands how to approach the subject He takes then one by one. and condoles with them, and at last Units that he would pay them their money f< r a small commission out of j his o'wn pocket, but that there would be the devil to pay if they came back to tbe ship and it visa found out Jack, who is anxious to be off. and to get his money at any price, don't stop to think, ; but let* the *psvmaster understand that if he once gets his money and is clear of the ship there are a good many chances against his coming hack. Then the paymaster comes out boldly and says: • There's SOOO dne yon. If you'll take : SBOO and call it square 111 give it to I von, and I'll run the chsnce of getting it beck." Ninety-nine times out of s ; hundred Jsck takes the money and goes. Then to mske the thing* seem all square, the paymaster debits Jack with SBOO or S4OO worth of clothing, , and so forth, which he never had, and pockets the balsnoe of Jack's pay. The captain and the paymaster always work together in this matter, and when Jack's ; time expires and he don't return, his name on the roll ia marked a D and there's an end of it Why, there are i thousands of deserters walking about New York and Brooklyn to-day who could be arrested in no time if the au thorities pleased. If they were arrested thongh, they would have a yarn to spin that wouldn't be creditable to some of the brightieat and highest-toned officers of the navy." Indian Idol Worship. In May, there occurred near Luck now, in India, a festival in honor of a god worshiped in the form of a monkey. An Indian paper saya that "for several days 1)6 to re the festival scores and hundred of men and boya could be seen on all tbe roads leading to the place, literally measuring their way to the temple by prostrating them selves flat on their faces, and making a mark in the dust as far in front of the head as the right hand oould reach. The devotee then rolls over, and rising up walks up to the mark he has made, and again prostrates himself as before. This exercise, continued as it is in the hot sun and on the burning roads, is exceedingly exhausting to the poor wretches who engage in it, and it is a pitiable sight to see a mother walking beside her son, fanning him constantly, keeping water at hand to refresh him, and cheering him on when ready to faint with exhaustion." The paper charges that many Hindoos educated in the English schools attend these fes tivals, ostensibly to see the crowd, but really to offer homage to "a fabulous monkey." A swain at Salinas, Cai., had to leave his bride waiting while he rode 120 miles to get a marriage license. ■ ™ Item* ef Interest. How to knap up in the world—Never get down. The Idshoa, If. H., fold mines yield |3O to the ton of pre, * If I were in the gitrr snd ynn were out ef it, what would t1 ( io sun f A genius !s iMiptftlftj inppbaed to be on* who can do anything except make a living. Twenty rattle are reported to have died of hydrophobia in Vancebon., Maine. Memphis has a population* of sixty thousand inhabitants and 1,000 liquor saloons. Why da I'bhda, ifttb# Jjlffa n*to agree P Because tficy aptll out if they didn't. Vermont is e fortunate State. Ifa outstanding debt now amounts to only f 9897,600. A party of Englishmen have arranged for the purchase of 90,000 acres of land in Kansas. The Pall River Go-operative Associa tion has deolared a quarterly dividend of 12 per cent The lowa Statu Fair will be held at Oder Rapid*, from the of|. to the 12th of September. The Colorado desert only needs irri gation to become one of the meet pro - ductire spots on the continent. A little boy at Maysville was with dif ficulty saved from death from the Into of a caterpillar on bis tongue. Fifteen persons were badly injured by ea accident on the Nashville Di vision of the St. Louis and Southern Railway. It is promised that Don Carlos will noon re-enter Spain and take command of hie forces. There is an omnibus in Cincinnati that baa killed thirteen persons in it* eventful career. Monroe, Wis., boasts of hewing fur nished lour Fourth of duly orators to bore other towns. A Boston paper complain* that liquor is still sold in more than two thousand places in that city. Love matches are often formed by people who pay for a mouth of honey with a life of vinegar. An old men at La Crosse, who had been blind seven year*, lately had his sight restored by a fit. The same mule that killed a man at Lexington. Ind., was permitted to haul the widow to the funeral A religious sect at Laoouia, S. H., has revived the practice of publicly washing each other a feel Raspberries are said to give a rich red color to those thai eat them. It manifests itself in the nose. A brother of one of the present Span ish Cabinet Ministers is the Icedur of the insurgent* is Carthagena. In Braid ther have a disagreeable specie* of sate which attack hut <ea and men and sometimes overcome them. One of the new Congressmen from Wisconsin brings experience. He bae been superintendent of a lunatic asylum for five year*. A young Cslifornian vno became in toxicaled for the first time recently, felt so keenly hie disgrace thai be took •trychine and died. DOT Carlos ha* appeared in Spain, iaaned • proclamation, called on the God of Armies, and promised to fight for suffering Spain. There is represented to be great ac tivity in organising Farmers' Grange* in California. There are nearly 100,000 farmers in the State. We read that there an In Chicago's new hotel, the Grand Pacific, fifty-nine flights of stairs, thirty-eight nulcs of wire, and 1,070 doors. The projected tonne! through the Rocky Mountains is to be nearly fifteen miles in length : larger than the Mont Cenia and Hooaac combined. A Buffalo girl attempted suicida on eooounk of tee degraded character of her father and mother. Parent* an a gnat trouble to young people now*- days. Young men with a disposition to "burgle,'' will be interested in know ing that a full set of burglar's took, in cluding revolvers and slungahots, costs about SI,OOO. A bare-footed Ohio girl, who walked ten miles to hire out to hoe corn, waa admired by a widower worth fifiO.OOO, and the two an one now. Isn't then a lesson in this 7 There an now seven pereops in Mary land who have been eonvioted of mur der in the first degree, of whom six have been sentenced to death on the gallows, and one is awaiting sentence. Xorweigisn girls who have been do ing kitchen work in lowa at $3 50 a week, an hiriog out to woak in the harvest fields at s2or3 per day. About ten rente a day waa their figure " at home." A traveler in the West, seeing a sign over the door with this one word " Agorseqnrd ere, ** tsked the woman what she sold, when she said she did not sell anything, but that *' agues waa cared hen." The most thoroughly ventilated man in Oswego, says a Kansas paper, is a hone thief wbom the beys followed around for a while. He has nineteen buckshot holes in hi* left breast and twenty-one in his left arm. An Atlanta doctor advises persona afraid of cholera to stand on their heads for one minute three time* a day. He argues that this arrest* abdominal de pression, and would be a healthful gymnastic exercise at any time. The New Albany (Ind.) Lodger says that within the past six years nineteen men Ivave been lynched in that vicinity, all within the limit of five counties. Fire of them were banged, at different times, upon the same beech tree. One of the editors of the Cincinnati Enquirer recently saved the oook of a canal boat from drowning, and has re ceived a letter from the girl's father, saying, " Yon bare saved the yy-1, and she's your'n." No cards; no editor. An English newspaper mentions that a husband and wife recently set sail from Derby for Glasgow, Scotland, on the way to'Edinbnrgh, the wife having on her knee her thirty-third baby. Twenty-four of thr thirty-three are still living. A woman wna thrown from a wagon into a ereek near Bingbamton, and hee husband being too drunk to help her, she was drowned. People came to the spot and the body waa plaiuly seen ia the water, bnt no one would pull it out until a coroner came. A gentleman, lately a resident ia Tennessee, relates the following: Ho repaired to a neighboring farrier to get his horse shod, and was addressed aa follows: "8 r, it's not the art! work as urte the 'oof of the 'orse, but it's tha 'ainmer, 'atnmer, 'ainmer of the 'ard 'igh road." It is unnecessary to add, that farrier was born in England. A horse thief named Howard, lately hanged by a vigilance committee iu Missouri, was ascertained to have been a member of that committee. The regulations of the committee demand in such cases that the offender.shall be dragged to the place of execution by the tail of a horse, an act of cruelty that waa literally carried out in the case of Howard. • The New Brunswick Time* says that on Monday and Tuesday last there were picked on "the Gold Spring Berry Farm 421 basliels of raspberries, This is th* largest day's work ever performed ct this large farm, and the Timet donbta that it was ever exoelled in the United States. It took 26,944 pint baskets to transport these berries to Newark, New York, and other places. A father of fifty children ia vouched for by one of the most trustworthy and respected citisens of "Waco, Texas, in a letter to the Advance of that place, which aays that by his first wife be had thirteen children ; by his second, eigh teen ; by hia third, teii; by his fourth, six ; by his fifth and surviving wife, three ; and that thirty-five of kk nu merous progeny are still akfce.