The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, July 31, 1873, Image 2

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    nsa.vam WUor
Centre Hall, Pa., July 91. IS, 9.
TKRM3.-Tho RtroaTsn Is published
weekly at $2 par year, in i advawc.-, - -rJ
when not paid in advance. forsu monliu
fl.M per square Urn
lines) for three insertion. Advertisements
for S, and 12 months, at reduced rates.
Any person sending us the * lx
new suoseribesr, with the ca-h will <•
coivo the Rapoaraa one vear tree.
After all the ulk about the ap
nointment of either collator (bnkltiig
or Carpenter or Howe to the vacaut
Chief-J usticeahip neither oi those gen
tleman is eligible for thW position.
There is a constitutional provision in
tbe way, made applicable to tluir
case by the passage of lh* salary .grab
and iucreased pay measures. Ihe
second paragraph of eeciiou U ot sni
de 1 of the Cbnstituiion of the I nited
States reaila as follows :
"No Scaator or Reqreseutative
shall, durmg ihe time for which he
eras elected, be appointed to any civil
office under the authority of the I'ui
ted State#, which shall have been cre
ated or the emoluments whereof shall
have been iucroaacd during such
tirne ; and no person holding an office
uuder the United States shall be a
member of either House daring his
continuance in office."
Among the salaries increased dur
ing the last session of Congress was
that of the Chief Justice of the Su
preme Court. The President is there
fore precluded from appointing either
of thee Senators or auy other Senator
to the vacant Chief-Justiceship. The
salary bill thus turns up iu another
form to bother some of its supporters.
Conk ling, Carpenter, aud Howe can
now step dowu and give way tor othet
Astounding Developments Con
cerning Bismarck Comprehen
sive Infidelity.
A correspondent of the World,
wriliug from Berlin ou June'2t, re
lates what purports to have been a
conversation between himself and the
renowned Prince Bismarck, which
will create a good deal of surprise
throughout Christendom. Iu the
course of the conversation Prince Bis
marck not only avows himself an in
fidel unqualifiedly, but discloses the
' revolting fact that his scheme for
strengthening the German Kmpire
consists in the idea of
God, and placing the Kmpire iu His
The correspondent quotes the fol
lowing as the words of Bismarck :
"It is the fight of the State—empire,
monarchy, or republic—agaiust God ;
and in this fight the State will get
the worst of it unless it succeeds in
destroying the idea of God, and plac
ing itself in his place. Meu say that
they must have somethiog to worship
—well, tfceD, let them worship the
State : let it be all in all ; let it take
the {Aftce of the family as well as of
the Daitv ; let it be the Deitv.'
The Prince, although filled with
the idea that the permanency of the
empire, or its greatness, must depend
upon obliterating the idea of God
from the minds of the people, express
ed himself as quite despondent at the
poor prospect of accomplishing that
undertaking. He did not think that
the cooperatiou of the King, or the
steadfastness of the Crown Prince,
could be counted on to a sufficient
length of time to complete the work.
It would require, he thought, about
two generations to do this effectually.
The words of Priuce Bismarck on
this point, according to the corre
spondent of the World, were:
"In two generations, if we had the
field wholly to ourselves, we could so
obliterate the idea of Goid,and of the
imaginary rights bestowed on man by
him as their creator, that the substi
tution of the Stale in his place would
be effected, and the Stats, as in pagan
Rome, be all iu all."
Bismarck appears to have been
vastly amused at the credulity uf
those Americans who imagined that
be took any interest in protestantism
beyond what JUDAS took in his Mas
ter —an interest looking to ultimate
betrayal and destruction. These
credulous Americans he gently char
acterized as "asses'' and "numbskull."
He said:
"Nothing has amused me more than
the praises which I have received
from the protestant Christians of Eng
land and America. The asses! I
have wished to crush Rome that 1
might crush Christianity. They
praise me for my services in the cause
of what they call'reformed Christianity!
If anything could console me for
the chagrin which I foresee I am to
endure far some time to come it would j
be to witness the amazement of these
good friends of mine when they un-'
derstand tUe truth. But understand
it they never will—they are numb- 1
We should not have directed atten- <
tion to assertions so nearly incredible j
as those which we have quoted from |
this correspondent but for the respect
ability and bigh character of the jour-1
nal in which they appear. We see
no room left for doubt that Count
Bismarck used the language attribu
ted to him.
As this disclosure places Bismarck
indirect antagonism to Christianity,
we apprehend the effect of it will be to
set all Christendom against him.
Countless shafts will be let fly st him
now from the pulpits and the press iu
every Christian land. It would have
been impossible for him to avow seuti
ments calculated to produce a greater
shock amoug the luillioua who have
hitherto looked upon him with admir
There is an old saying that misfortunes
never come singly. The Republicans in
the west are realizing this fact. Their |
party is disrupted by the farmers'
"granges," and now comes the report
from Chicago that the Germans are
refusing to support the party on account
of its bigotry.
Tbe Louisville Courier-Journal has
an admirably direct way of stating
things. It has never asserted that
General toward stole money from
the government. "He niereiy ser
reptitiously borrowed it permautly,
and remmembered to 'forget to keep
any record of the fact." Which is
Bourbon straight in literature.
A daughter of Owen Muliy, ef
Scranton, was bitten bv a rattlesnake on
Wednesday while picking berries. She
died the same night from the poison inocu
lated into her system.
Joseph Burton, of York, n few weeks
ago, tread on a nail; lockjaw envied, and
on Tuesday he died.
In the August session in the Court of
Berks county, six colored jurors have
been drawn, f 11 from Beading.
//<>• Ihe A'o/itv* ft ykt uith
St. Petersburg, June "29.—Accord-i
ing to official accounts received from i
the columns which took Khiva there
was little actual fighting done hv the
natives, who see In to have been fully
persuaded of the truth of the Central
Asian proverb that "The arm of the
white lAtar can reach as far as he
wishes it to." In no case did thev
make a firm stand except when shel-
Ured behind their rune hut strong!
earthworks, from which it was gener
idly possible to drive them in a few
hours. The city of Khiva was en
tend without the slightest difficulty,
asd after the flight of the Khan the
people who remained seemed rather
glau than aorrv that their troubles
were over At first the natives, be- j
lifted that the males [werti to be put
to death, but their miuds were soon
disabused of the notion and they ne-1
ceptcd the inevitable like true Mo
hum moduli* On A/ay 29, the cad-1
iug column of the Turkestan division
reached the oasis of I'tsch Tchutchak,
after traversiug a hundied versU v a
verst is about about two-thirds of a
mile) of the sandy aud waterless des
ert lietween Khalaat and iu Anion.
In the desert they suddenly encoun
tered a force of about 9.500 men, w ho
fired at them with their eras* weap
ons aud iheu bsing rocket! tleti away
howling like s*i many dervishes.
Had it not been for the terrible phys
ical difficulties encountered iu the
latter part of this march, the expedi
tion would have had its full share of
of the ludicrous. As the Russians
trudged along, after leadiug their
lu.rsee* and camels, which were re
duced to the last stage of exhausiiou
the enemy was constantly hovering
ou their flauk, annoying them by pre
tending every half hour to be about
to make an attack, and theu, as there
was the slightest show of au attack
upon them, every mother's son ol
them would lake to his heels aud be
• ■ut of sight in an iustaut. Near the,
l.ardaha Kill the (iraud Duke Nicho
las Constautinovtch ami Prince Ku-
E t u Maximilianovilcu Roma no vial —
oth captains —were iu the first ranks
of the infautry van, and the enemy
tied, the Prince commanded a party
of volunteers and chased them about
fifteen miles to the river. The rear
attempted to make a stand, when the
commander ordered the (iraud Duke I
Nicholas C-oustantinovilch to lead in
the attack, which he did as speedily
as if, as soon as they saw him coming,
the scamps had uot turned tail and ;
tied in their usual absurd way, yell
ing like so mauy wild men. At Ad
am Kriglan at daybreak a party of
ome 590 Kerghese and Turcomans,
nnderthe famous Sadyk, win* had for
days been galloping about General
Rardovki's command, made a more
determined stand than ususal. hav
ing good cause for believing the Rus
sians to be iu distress for want of
water. They came close to the caiup
and opened tire, which was at once re
turned by the rifleuien from the hills.
The enemy retreated a short distance
but continued to fire vigorously, and
were not driven away until a com- 1
pany with a rocket battery turned out
and, alter prolonged firing, dislodged
■ Sadyk. Iu this most terrible eucoun
! ter with the fierce Asiatic chief the
Russians lost no men at all and the
euemr three. Sadyk himself was the
first to run.
When the column left Khalaat
1 there were yet 2,800 camels in the
train, the rest having succumbed to
the hardships ot the war and the want
ot food ana water. When General
Bordovski returned from Adam K rig
lan to Alti Kuduk there were but
1,240 camels left. From Alii Kuduk
Utsch Tchutchak the road was in
mauy places most difficult and great
ly taxed the artillery. During a
halt, and just as the troops had form
ed in a hollow square for the night,
the enemy, who had been hoveriug
j about for hours, approached from
three sides at once ; *he riflemen in
istantly turned out and quickly
emptied the saddles of those who
came uearest. The firing continued
all night, the camp being entirely sur
rounded by the enemy, who retired at
daybreak and allowed the Russians to
continue their march for a short time
in peace. Theu they came up again
and opened fire from all sides at once,
but the troops went ahead with per
fect regularity, returning volley after
volley and keeping the enemy at bay.
uttering their peculiar yell, the na
lives alternately advanced and retreat
ed, and with all their waste of powder
hardly succeeded in killing a man.
Along the whole journey through this
region this was the sort of warfare
carried ou, being occasionally diver
sified by pursuit of the natives into
their boats along the rivers and canals
—when the well-watered districts were
reached —and shooting at them while
struggling in the streams. The Amon
was reached with no loss worth speak
ing of. The mob at Utsch Tchutchak
consisted of Ata Jandar and Goklau
Turkomans, Kirghesc, and Khivcse
of the caste of Nuker. From these
facts it may readily be understood
how and why it came that Khiva fell
defenceless when once it had been
We are indebted to J as. Love for a
copy of the Miami, Ohio, Democrat,
from which we copy the following:
Without occupying much of your
valuable space, ) beg leave to detail
an incident counected with the terri
ble hurricane that passed over the
Miami Valley on the evening of the
"glorious 4th."
On the well-known "old Anderson
Furm," stands or rather stood a line
oak grove. A fortnight since the
majestic trees stood erect and intact,
but now twothirds of them are lying
on the ground hurled down by the
relentless fury of the-last great storm,
Little did the storm demon think
wheu he set out upon his mission of
destruction that he was destined to
rob a tree of a secret which it has
scrupulously kept for eighty two
I have the facts of this storm inci
dent from the own lips of Mr.
Rogers, the present occupant of the
farm referred to, and a mtu of prover
bial veracity.
Upon the morning subsequent to
the storm, (Saturday) Mr. Rogers in
company with a "hired nran" proceed-1
ed to inquire into the extent of the
damage inflicted upon his premises,
and the first objective point was the
ruined grove. The centre tree of the
Klat was a noble oak, the king over
is fellows, and a tree which had
stood the ravages of time seemingly
unscathed for several centuries.
This tree had been snapped and felled
by the storm. Upon examining the
fallen giant for the purpose of ascer
taining its worth as rail timber Mr.
R. made a startling discovery.
This was nothing less than the fact
that the tree in falling had disgorged
a skeleton !
The bones were disconnected, yel-
low as gold with age, and scntlcted
promiscuously ovor several square foot i
ot pasturage. The wktill was almost
intact ; all the teeth mv.' two —molar* .
wort* still in their places, ami there (
was a rear on the left parietal bono 1
which looked like the nicimuto of
some fierce cavalry charge. The
humerus of the right arm was Matter
td, and save the three defecta just
mentioned the skeleton wheu put
togethei was without hlemish.
Die tree in fulling, I should have
mentioned, was rent asunder a task
not difficult of accomplishment wheu
1 refer to the fact thai an examina
tion found that at some remote date
the verv heart of the oak hud la-en
'cleft by lighting. Ftoiu u snot twen
ty feet from the ground upattnl to the
first great fork —a distance of teu feet
a hollow extended, and from this
cavity the skeleton had beeu hurled.
"If we but knew who he was," thought
my iuforiuant, Mr. 11., aud, strange
to say, a few minutes later the twain
discovered that the tree had also
disgorged a thrilling history.
An old-fashioned leathern pocket
or memorandum book lay in a re
markahle state of preset vatiou—
which no doubt hud I teen dropped in
to the reut made by the lightning, and
thua been preserved while its master
decayed. A few bra** buttons of old
and unique pattern were found near
the memorandum, hut it is with the
latter that we have to deal, this old
leather purse —entirely moueykaa—
contained sundry (taper* covered with
rude penciling*, quite difficult to trace,
as they were written on the backs of
army paves and military cousign
menu which dated as far hack as
Mr. Rogerscouveyed the boues to
his house, and set about to read the
memorandum of the captive of the
tree. Hut owing to his tailing eye
sight, he could decipher but little,
and this little a conglomerate mass
of disconnections. Hut still he read
euough to learu that the eyes that
once shone in the uow or bless socket*
often looked upon Washington in the
heat of battle, and amid the snows of
Valley Forge ; and the skeletou arm
when covered with tlesh and muscle
had struck many stalwart blows for
our country.
The man's name as gathered from
the papers was Roger Vauderberg,
a uative of Lancaster, Fa., and a
capuiu in the Revolutionary army.
Ue was an aide to Washington durii g
the retreat across the Jerseys, and
served a time in Arnold's headquar
ters at West Feint. In 171*1 he
inarchd with St. Clair against the
north-western Indians, aud in the fa
mous outbreak of that CSeucral on the
Wabash, Nov, ord, of the year just
written, he was wouuded and captur
ed. But while couveyed to
the Indian towu at Upper Fiqua—a
historical place well-known to your
readers—he effected his escape, but
fouud himself hard pressed by bis
savage foes, lie saw the hollow iu
the oak, and despite the mangled arm,
aud with the aid of a beach that grew
beside the giant then, he gained the
baveu and dropped therein. Then
catue a fearful discovery, lie had
miscalculated the depth ol the hollow
and there was no escape. O, the
story told by the dairy of the oak's
despairing prisoner. How rather
lhaa surrender to the torture of the
stake he chose death by starvation;
bow he wrote bis dairy iu the uncer
tain light and the snows?
Here is oue entry in the dairy :
"Nov. 10th. Five days without
food! when 1 sleep i dreaui of lus
cious fruits and flowing stream.*.
The stars laugh at my misery ! It is
suowingnow. 1 freeze while I starve.
God pitg me!"
The italicised words were supplied
by Mr. Rogers,as the trembling hand
1 oft-times refused to iudite plainly.
Never was such a record of suffer
ing traced by human ban!! before.
The entries cover a period of eleven
days, and in disjointed sentences is
toid the story ol SL Clair's defeat. —
The dairy is to be placed in my hands,
and with your permission I will tran
scribe it lor your coiunius.
Mr. Rogers has written to Lancas
ter to ascertain if any descendants of
the ill-fated captain live, if so they
shall have his boues.
Such, MY. Editor, is oue of the
freaks of the late storm, |>erpelraled
in our own county. How little
dreamed we that so near us has beeu
imprisoned for eighty-two years one
of the soldiers of the Revolution.
Often the starvling beard his red
foes at the foot of hn prison, but he
would not hail them, and jterished at
last with a prayer heard only hy
Him to whom it was directed
If the descendant* of Captain Van
dei berg cannot be discovered, 1 hope
that there will be enough patriotism
found in Miami County to erect a
monument over hi-* remains. The
story of the dairy will chill the hearts
of all who read it, and meet the eye
in sympathy for the noblo soldier of
bis country.
And now, Mr. Kdilor, thanking
you for allowing ine to trespass on
your generosilv,
I remain youis Respectfully,
Baltimore, July 25. —A little after
ten o'clock to-t lay. a lire broke out in
the planing mill of Joseph Thomas A
Co., on the south side of Clay street,
between Liberty and Park streets.
The flames soon extended to the three
adjoining blocks, and an immense
conflagration is now raging. A stiff
southwest breeze is blowing, and im
mense ciudcrs are wafted several j
blocks, even to the Cathedral.
The fire is in the immediate vicini
ty of the Presbyterian Chur:h where
tiie Presbyterian General Assembly
was held. Tho entire southwest cor
ner of this block has been burned.
1 :30 I*. M. —The fire here is still
raging Park street, from Lexington
to Saratoga, is in flames, every house
being on fire. The fire extends on
Clay street, from Park to Libert)
street, and the rear of Liberty frojn
Lexington to the corner of Liberty
street and Saratoga street. St.
Alpbonso School, on the south side of
Saratoga street and ruuniug back to
Clay street, ia gone. Stewart's stables,
on Lexington street, will also be lost.
On Saratoga street, west from Park
street, every house is iu flames; up
Park from Saratoga to Mulberry
street, and at intervals the roofs on
both sides of the street, are burning.
On Mulberry street the fine row of
houses, commencing northeast corner
of Park street, and extendiug east to
Cathedral street, is on fire ; the Amer
ican Academy of Arts, on Mulberry
street, and the University of Mary
laud adjoining, are burning. The
Cathedral, on the corner of Mulberry
and Cathedral streets, caught fire, but
it is thought it will be saved. The
wind is steady from the Southeast,
and has carried the burning embers
around, causing the destruction of tna
uy houses distant from the origin of
the disaster.
About 100 bouses were burned, and
the loss is estimated at f400,000.
Dos Moino*, July '*J ,\II extraordinary
and daring robbery of a railroad train w,
com mi led lt infill. 4 in i |u> vn<c of Adair,
on the Chicago, Hm'l Island and I'acifK
Railroad Al (hi* point thorc W a sharp
curve in the road and li. ro tlio robber* had '
placed heavy timber* across the track to
throw tho Kaal hound | >a*etiger tram otT |
the track Tho engineer, John Kutterly,'|
saw tho ob-lrnction in linn- to reverse the
engine a ltd apply tha air brake, hut the
robber*, otnerving the movement, fired at
hiui from theirautbuth and hot him dead '
The engine tru. k the log* and went off the f
track into the ditch, and w* followed by
one of the baggage car* The other* with
the pa>• enger train remaining on tlie tarck
Several passenger* were bruiaed, but none
were *eriou*ly hurt The robber*, wh.> '
wen utaaked. alter . pening and emptying (
tho afeof the uxrpeaa iueenger of it* con- (
touu, rode otT on horseback. Among the |
pa.sei.g.r* wore thirty Chinese student*an! to Springfield Ma**achuetU.
I lie Statement of Sui crintctulciit
Hovce- A Thrilling Kx|ieririu-e. i
Do. Moinea, loan, July k't Further in- 1
quiry in the matter of the ditching and'*
robbery of the Atlantic Ktprcs*, the Adair
reveal* the following fuet* While tin
ier un* being ransacked, >ay* tile i
Superintendent,Mr Royce, four men villi
navy revolver*, two on each side of the 1
train, kept guard ottuid* to intimidate tha
pa*sctiger*, am| prevent them from inter- i
terfcriug with the operation* ef their con
federate* The passenger* were alarmed, j
not kuowning the momrnt a volley would'
be poured into the window*, or how
King tliey bad to live. Soma adventurous!
bead* were pointed out, when the high
waymen, with horrible prafanit/, ordered !
tbciu to disappear or they would tend a
bullet into them. A passenger asked it
they intended to kill innocent women and'
children, when one of the robber* answer
ed, "If you get back wc won't hurt yu.;
We are not petty robber* Wa take
from tl;oe who are able to lu*e, for the u*e
of the poor. We are (.ranger*. Mr
Reyee say* the reference to Wranger* w
Pickwickian The pi*eengrr took in hi*!
head, and no other* ventured to put their*!
The fatal part of tho business was enact-! the moment the engine struck the'
gap in the thick. A volley wa fired into
the engine. l>eiiuu Foley, the fireman,
who wa* stooping down shoveling cat in
to the furnace, *aw the vuginecr shut olf
the steam with one hand and put on the
brake* with the other. "Jack, what * the'
matter '" shouted Foley, and then he
heard a crash and a fusitade of but*, and ,
Jack fell over on him dead, the wood and
coal on top of both. When Foley, who
wa* bruited atid slun'ird, came to, ho ex
tricated himself and bia faithful comrade.,
who died at the pot of duty. No mark*
of ptslol shots were found upon the body,
and it i* thought death wa* caused by
Rafferty was one of the iuo*t careful,
faithful, and brave men that ever travel
ed over an iron road. The outrage only
occupied about ten minutes.
Mr. Royce tbinka there were not les#
than eight in the gang The matka seem-,
ed to have been cut out of white dannel.
They covered the entire face, excepting
aperture* for the mouth and eye*. reach-|
ed back behind the ear* where they w are
tied, and down the breast, rendering iden
tification absolutely impossible. Tbey were
thick-act, powerful men, and judging
from their dialect and language, Mr.
lto. ee believe* they were genuine border
ruffian*, and not person* residing in the
There were ft uiu ninety loon* hundred
person* en the train. A mnl! ivory
handled revolver wa* the enly weapon in
crowd. Of e**ure it wa* ef no avail.
None of the pa*engrr* were injured.
Western lowa i< alive with scouting par*
ties, and every effort is being made to
capture the villiana.
A Satits'uiiiar v < uitflirt
, Tlie Ferocioua Fight between Hugh
Anderson and Arthur McCloakej
—How Texas and Kamuu Dwprra.
doee Settle their (Quarrel* —Death
and Darkness.
A correspondent ef the World gives an
account ef one of the moat ferocious duel*
. ever fought ll occurred on tho evening
of July 4, in the Indian Territory, Medi
cine Lodge, a point which U a great re
sort for hunters during the colder month*.
The parties engaged in this desperate
fight were Hugh Anderson of Texas and
Arthur McCluskey of Kansas, both des
peradoes well known on the Frontier for
their recklessness of life. Anderson had
killed a brother of McCluskey in a dance
house fracas, and the latter sought him for
the express purpose of taking vengeance
upon him. A Texan guida named Rich
ards acted a* second for McCluskey, a
huge Kentuckian of the name of Harding
fulfilling a similar office for Anderson.
The Agreement.
By the terms agreed upon
ardt and Harding the antagonists were to
fight with revolvers and bowie knives—to
be placed bark to back at an interval of
twenty paces—to wheel and Areata |(i*en
signal, and after the first interchange of
shots to conduct the fight as each one
should (ioem it best to bis advantage. The
spot selected for the encounter wa* ia the
open prairie. The grass had been closely
cropped by the rattle leaving the turt firm,
yet clastic, and just tho thing for rough
and-tumble business. The inen met long
after sunset in the presence of a crowd of
hunters, trappers, railroad surveyors,
gnmblers, and Indians. The combatants
were duly placed, and the crowd awaited 1
with breathless interest the result.
The giving of the signal hud fallen by
lot to Harding. Staling to the principals,
wholly this time began to show sign* of
impatience, that this would be the report
of a pistol, he drew his own wca|>oii and j
discharged it, first asking the question and
receiving the u-ual answer that both were,
The Fight
! McCluskey wa* the first to tire, wheeling
as ho did so though the smoke had scaroe
' ly curled up from bU pistol beforo the re
|orl of Anderson's weapon followed. A
momentary pauso ensued, each of the an
tagnoist* closely scanning the other to nolo
the effect of the shot Aero** Anderson's
, cheek a deep furrow, from which the
blood slowly began to trickle down, told
the work of hi* antagonist, while Mc-
Cluakcy remained standing in hi* original
posture, to all appearance* unharmed,
but this wn* not the fact, Tho*e nearest
. to him fancied they saw a sudden spasm,
as of pain, pas* through hi* frame, and hi*
face certainly blanched to a death-like
pallor, hut just where the hail had taken
effect they could not tell. At the *econd
Are McCluskey again anticipated hi* op
ponent, ami taking a more deliberate aim
succeeded in breaking his left arm. An
demon uttorrod a sharp cry and tank on
one knee, but quickly recovering himself
returned the Are, and this timo with hor
rible effect. The ball passing through ,
McCloskey's mouth carried away with it
several of the clenched teeth and a portion {
of the tongue, Anally lodging in the base
of the skull. McCluskey staggered for- (
ward wildly a lew steps, and made des- (
perate efforts to steady himself. The
blood pourod in torrent* from the wound, .
and stained his hunting shirt and dripped
front the mur.r.le of his pistol; but with
heroic courage he continued to advance, (
spitting out mouthful* of blood and teeth
at every step.
Fearful Wounds.
During the interval thus gained Ander- ;
son, who in his crippled state bad every j
reason to shun • hand*to-ban*eifouiiler i
hnil n<H tow tlli'. tut fired another wall- i
aimed shot which broke llcl'lu*h*y's left i
shoulder. A*lfthl*wa* nut enough, ho <
•cut >llll another toll after him, which, i
•IrikiiiK him in tlio pit of tho stomach, i
caused him tu fell forward heavily on hi*
fk®o. McL"ukey wa uow mortally I
wounduil ami momentarily growing ,
weaker from lo*a of bluod. Tearing epeti i
hlw ahlrt in hi* agony a crimson pol In 1
hU left side indicated the plain whvro An- i
dorsum'* first shot had taken elfact. lit
still, however, retained hi* giasp of hU 1
pi lnl. and by an ctfutt superhuman in it#
iiNilittwa and delikeratiun llrod at hi* an
tagonist hi* third *hot. Tho latter had
boon cluaoly watching fur I kit, and en-,
doavurod to sav# himolf ty suddenly
dropping on tie around, Too late, how
ever. hit dusk ey * finger wa already on
the Uigger and his eya along the tlghu,
and when hi* adver*ary't tody reached
the earth it wa* heavier by a Coll'* pistol ■
tall. A tcreaug of patu followed and the
spectator* >* the figure* of a man clutch
ing wildly with hi* hand* at the gra>* and
writhing am) twitting iu horrible canter
lion*. Tho bullet had tiruck hlut full In
the abdomen and like hi* aiitagnist, An
derson wa* now
A Kal Dying Man.
Atlhi* juncture It *oeuiei a* if lha
crowd would interfere, hut Harding stern
ly bade them keep back and laare the
men to aetila the matter in lhair own way.
A* none cared to diapute with the gigan
tic hunter, the mandate wa* ukryad,
though a universal eipreuion of horror
ian through the *peciaU>r*, a number of
<s 110111 wera the engineer* and attache* ot
our own party. Hull, horrible a* wa* the
n-enr. no one thought of leaving the pot.
An irre*itable faacinatiou to *ee It out
iiound one and all alike to the blood-slain*
od locality. But the finale wa* at hand —!
the curtain wn*nlmu*t ready to drop.
VeC)u*key, tutfimonlng by a tupreme
effort hit remaining tlrenglh, drew hi*
knife and began to crawl feebly in the di
rection of hi* antagonist. The latter, who
had raised himself to a silking posture, taw
the movement and prepared lu meet it.
IMb had dropped their revolver*, leav
ing to the cold steel the completion of the
; work.
Hv thi* liiue it bad grown qutle dark,
i.nd to distinguish the movement* of the
combatant* required the cle*et attetilioa.
Anderson wa* clearly unable to move any
portion of hi* body *ave bit right arm
With thi* he raited hi* knife aloft, and a*
McClu-key crawled up to within reach
dealt him a terrible blow in the neck, cut
ting u>ucla* and tendon* and vein*, and
half severing the head from the body.
The La*( KfTort.
But the effort wa* too much for him. and
leaving the weapon clicking in the wound
ha pitched heavily forward on hi* face.
Kvery one u|>po*ed that thi*blow would
have in*tanlly killed McCluskey, but,
strange to *ay. it did n< L, for to great aa*
ht* vitality that before falling he twice
plunged hi* own knife into the body of
Anderson. The tall i* soon told, hlc-
Clutkey lived a minute locgertban hi* an
tagonUt The deal bodies, firmly lucked
in rack other • embrace, were taken to the
house of Harding nnd laid out tide by aid*
on the gaming table. A crimton trail
marked lb* palb of thuee who carried
them indoor*, and pool* of blood indica
-1 ted the scene of the late 'confilct.
There wa* no gaming that night The
hunter* and Indian* appeared to find et
citement enough la talking over the event*
of the day without having Utiaaort to tbeil
usual pastime. A boot II o'clock lb*
moon roe, and the bodies were taken out
for burial. There were no funeral car*
monies, but Job Harding remarked as th<
muffled fuirn* were lowered into thegreet
"There g* two a* brave turn a* ever II?'
ed." They were buried deep ta keep tbs
waive* and coyote* Irooi digging tbem up
and the earth wa* kaapad up in a litth
, mound to mark wberetbey slept
(Written fortheTo-Day by Prof. J. Wise.
The fin*, time 1 wa* ever *wallowed u]
in a U>rut-cloud, it happened to ba in i
! suddenly generated, bail-storm ninibu
luring an ascension from Carlisle. Pa A
bail storm i* not a very large metoer, bu
it i* very Tiolent in iu gyratory actio)
and when it sucks a balloon into it* vorti
oal air hopper, the aeronaut may look ou
for a little rough usage, and not the lea*
of hi* trouble* will be a nausea similar I
that of sea *ickno**, following the swing
nig to and fro, compounded with gyra
tions, of the air-ship. I will, however
fur the present, describe an experience a
i traveling insid* it a thunder gust fori
distance of nearly a hundred miles a!on|
the Ohio Kieer, In a balloon voyage fron
Portsmouth, Ohio, to |Mt Pleasant, abou
twelve miles below Gallipolis. Straigb
' across the country from Portsmouth P
Gnllipolis is not much oeer bnlf the dis
lance it is by the course of the river, bu
thunder storms have a penchant to trai
their watery drapery along rivtr chan
The ascension was mad* in the after
noon, between four nnd five o'clock, an<
right in th* face of an approaching thua
, drr gust coming from tb* north west
, On atuining a height of tbra*-quarters a
- a mile, 1 discovered a second thunder gut
coming a long from the southwest. Mi
balloon was -ituated on th# apex of thi
two line* of th# approaching storms, am
already gave indications of being gobble*
up in the vortex #f cenlralixing air inci'
dent to storm clouds. 1 mada up my
mind to go into the whale's belly, not an
lirely regardless of consequence* ; but be
ing well provided with gat and ballast,]
wa* consoled with the knowledge that I
could escape from leviathan of the air by
using the mean* of gravitation in lattinj
' out jfas, or of Irritation by disposing oi
. ballatt
The twostornu wera now approaching,
as it were, in grand battl# array, with
thundt ring explosion*. The discharge* ol
lightning came vivid, sharp and freqaent
! and when the two storms clashed, thay be
came terrific. It was a scene of awftil
grandeur. I had a mind to escape by one
|or the other of the means just mentioned,
but like Lot * wife, 1 wa* curiaus enough
tu look hack—not to be turned into a pil
lar of salt, but to be well shaken—hurled
round and round a* it were by the nape of
the neck.
Tho intelligent render may here he re
; minded that a thunder storm it not an ac
' cidentally (.'undented, irregularly matted
body of watery vapor, at viewed from the
earth, but a geometrically formed and in
dividualiaed meteor and a mathematical
precition in its motion and cempanaaling
balance*. It it more or lett governed in
it* onward progrett by the undulation of
earth'i turface—the channel* if rivers,
valleyt and mountain gorge*. Thee* me
teor* often take thort turn* to pat* into a
deep valley. When they happen to
plunge againtt a mountain tide that li*a in
their direct courve, they often be
come tangled in the mountain top,
*a aying to and fro like Ihingt of life, and
thit give* rite to thote destructive moua
lain torrent* known at "cloud bunt*'"
The rain that would bo otherwise spread
over a great ruface i* by tlii* stand Still of
the meteor poured down against the im
mediately underneath surface of the moun
tain tide
It require* no strained imagination to
give interest to storm tcenet at viewed
from above them and in their midtt; and
when it is considered that a balloon it not
in the predicament of a ship at tea as in a
storm, the sotna may be viewed with an
a*urance of safety that it never realised
on the water. Tiie tea ship ha* two ele
ments to contend with. The air whirling
it around in the vortex ola storm, and the
thousand limes Uener water holding it in
it* embrace, bring* upon th* tea ship a
leverage and strain thatcratha* and cracks
it to piece*. The balloon be* but one ali
ment to contend with, end It matter* not
whether the current IsVin# mile en hour or
one hundred mile*; to the air passenger
it U all the Mine, for he knew* not that he
move* at all utile** be can see tome land
ruark te give him an idea of motion. In a
thunder cloud, however, there is a per
ceptible motion, net violent, but disagree
able. The motion la gyratory—a swing
ing to and fro and going round in a circle
at the taiua time-and this motion pre
duces nau>ea like tea tickneae The huge
black precipices of nimbi, or the brilliant
ly illuminated lava looking culrnuli, bave
not the terror giving charncter to the air
pettengn tbat the coral reels and leashere
j rocks have to th# tea passenger. The
reader is aow better prepared to resume
the thread of the narrative with compos
ure, since dashing against an atiiKttpbcr
ic boulder will not shock him.
These two storms merging into ona hav
ing met at aa angla in tha Course of the
river here It trend* off from a southwest
to a southeast direction of stream, it fol-j
tow-<i the course of the Ohio up to the 1
mouth of the Kenan ha river, end there it
made a turn up that watercourse. Halting
in this meteor, I was constantly surround- i
ad by electoral phenomena. While tha
discharges of lightning were almost inces
sant, thundering and crashing out of the
thick vapor with livid, xigxeg bolls dart
ing down toward tbe earth, they never
seemed to esplode neer to the balloon.
Most of tbe time tbe baloon was sailiag
in clear almesphere between the upper and
lower cloud, though right in front of it,
and within a few hundred yards, the upper
and lowsr cleuds were joined in the form
of a water spout, and from this conjoined
j mass the discharges were mainly taking
place, though uccaeionally amors distant
explosion would occur. Tha central explo
sions were so frequent and territc tbat I
dare not let tha balloon reck into the vor
tex, and in order to avoid this, I bad te
i pay out ballast and gas, causing the bel*
| loon to rise and fall, and by that means be
thrown outward in the upper cleud, when
ever the lower cloud had rocked itts near
! the central uprising air shower. This
I kind of maneuvering ha* been learned
from former experience In these meteors.
I One time the baileon got so far to the
; rear of the centre of the vertex between
the upper and iuwer cloud tbat fail into
! tha rays of the sua. This produced one of
the rarest spectacle* of rainbow light in
! the form of a parhelion, or aureola, as it is
technically termed, that my eyes ever
reeled on. It threw upon this black cen
tral cloud metier a beautiful prismatic
ercb of twi-ul*ril light, nut circular w
■ rtitUw, liul in ik< frui of i twisted el
lipse. c*UMd, no doubt, by the difference
•f density of lbs walery particla* actio*
a* a screen 1 ftud upon it what ulnars
iMuuii Alt tkii lima lb*
celestial fireworks continued ia fall blast,
banging Jand booming lika great (uu,
and the hissing of electrical stream of Ira
, were truly appalling It seemed to me
i like the crack of doom ; and while it mad*
,my bair brittle and my heart boat quick
umr. it *rued (lilt to aay, Stand from
under," because the thunderbolt* war* all
hurlad downward. So far a* my ronton
ceuld d tract. 1 felt it tnfer to look at it
from a box a than from below, betid*, tba
country below wu mainly forest and riv
er, at teen from an occatiaaal * limps*
through an open cham of tba lower
One* tba bailooa was totally involved in;
a meat of orange colored flam*. This was;
evidently "sheet lightning" playing be
i(seen tba upper and tba lower cloud. I
was for a moment para ItseU, nut by an
electric shock, but by a shudder of fright,
as it tee in ad (or tba moment tbal my air >
, bubble was in a blaa*. In an instant
mora I fait easier in mind, seeing that lb*
Are bad nut banned the balloon. Thai
thought now occurred. Am I not ventur
ing to far u|wa my philosophy of safety in
a thunder cloud? Besides, my balla.t
was pretty wall exhausted, and I bad bean
riding in a storm far mora than an hour, so
that I must be many miles from tba place,
of departure
Tba beeutitul grotto of Are would ap
• pear and d isappear a* the balloon happen
ed la fall in and out af the sunbeams blax
ing in between lb* upper and iowar
cloud. The balloon retracting the rnys of
light passirg through it caused sba pris
matic arch. Tba rain was discharged
with the rushing noise of water, it was
ovident,tbat the rain was descending to the
earth in torrents, and this, with tha heavy
and constant discharges of thunderbolt,
and the remarkable beauty of the aureola
! illuminating the interior of tha storm
cloud, gave it mora the character of a'
.cme ol enchantment then on* of reality.
I Thar* was a fearful fascination in the
grand phenomenon; and while it madeou*
I heart beat with amotion and a faaling ofl still persisted ' dragging on* along
aa the soldier ia dragged along in tha thick
aniak* af tha battle's cannon. It it im- 1
possible to fully and fniriy portray with
words the condition of mind and it* sur-,
rounding phenomena when sailing in the,
'midst of n good sixed thunder storm. It!
|it n sublimity not realiaabl* on tha sur
face of tb* a*rib, grand and majestic as,
the** meteors present themselves ta an ob
server on terra Arma.
Having now sailed within lb* folds ofj
this electrical meteor for over an hour,
' and for a distance af nearly a hundred
mil** by tha course of the Ohio river, and
viawad it fraro various positions, the lira
itad amount of ballast remaining on hand
admonished a prat anion for descant. Be
fore coming down, n dosan *r mora copies
of the Portsmouth daHy paper ware
thrown overboard and tbey wart soon
drawn into tha vertex of tba storm. One
of tbem fall into my bands tha naxt day,
a* will b* explained in the conclusion of
this narrative. I new commenced to de
scend slowly and cautiously, in order t*
look out for a safe landing place. As this
procees vu going on, the storm was mo?,
ing forward and away frtftn the balloon.
On coming dawn through the lower cloud
I found lha surface of Oallia county here
( abouU covered with forest; but some dis
tance ahead in my Una of direction a log
I cabin peered out from a little "clearing,"
c and I struck for this, and made a lodg
ment before the cabin door in the rain,
j greatly to the surprise of the family in
the house. Seeing the suddenly appear-
I ing apparation was nothing mere than
f flesh and blood, the good housewife cauti
ously, with the door slightly ajar, ventur
ed the question of, "Who are you T" In
dripping garments and with the most gen-
I lie speech at my command, I answered,
"A stranger, madam, in a strange land;
will you please help me a little?" Slill
I holding the doer, in her hand, she said,
"What is that?" pointing at the air-craft
j as it was swaying ever her bead. "A
I balloon, madam, just ceiue out of that
cloud." Tbedoor immediately flew open
and at the same time she eiclaimed,
"Come out, Jpe ; here's a man in a bal
loon that you read about the other day."
The uest morning 1 went out to Small's
Landing, a few miles off, to get on a Pitts
burg and Cincinnati packet to return
to Portsmouth, and thera I found one ef
the paper- referred to above, and which
thay told me bad fhllta down from a
black thunder cloud that passed overhead
tha day before much to their astonishment
until 1 bed explained to them by jrhat
kind of an express it had bean carried to
the distance of ninety tnllaa two hours af
ter it cams from: the press.
There are scenes in our lives that seem
to become as indelibly impressed upon
tho tablet of the brain as is tha image an
the photographer's albuminoid membrane
and these storm scenes era of that charac
ter. The secret majesty of Nature therein
asserts its aupeMor divinity, and makes
man shrink into the Insignificance of a
microscopic monad, with all his boasted
intellectual powers, whan compared to
tha intelligence ottha great Ruler of the
Send for Cslsloguss
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• The Same. Paper covers lAO
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I Set to Mu*ir by J. W. Elliott. with 66
i beautiful illtulmtion* engraved by the
, Brother* Dalsiel. Board*, fl AO Splen
didly bound in cloth, gilt edgw*. 93 60
I J. L. Peters, 5M Broadway, H. Y,
• !Jul?2>n Agent for Novello'* Cheap Mu*ic
Js 1
at the
Prim than at any Other Shoe
Store in Centre County.
Call and Us
No. 5, Bnali'a Arcade, Bellefonte.
Ha* jut received a large invoke of
Spring Goods !
Con*i*ting of the bo*t *Nurtn*t of
over brought n> Putter twp.
,I Also, a large a**ortmer.t of
' ptr- Produce taken in exchange |t highest
market price*. '
j myß-ly.
' 1 ' '
Next door to Wilson & Hicks' Hard
ware store, Allegheny St.,
R F. Rankin & Co.,
(Successor* to Linn A Wilnon.)
for medicinal purposes.
Alto, Choice
and ell other article* utually hepl in first
cla* Drug Store.
tf.ljune R. F.RANKIN AGO.
engaged to manage for I. L. Relsen* in,
in the corner building, opposite Holler'*
*tore, Bellefonte, ha* etabli*hed a new
Clothing Store, where the be*t bargain* in
the county are offered.
$7.50 to sls Tor Suits of the fin
est Cassimere.
and a full and complete assortment of ev
ery thing in the line of Clothing.
Gent's Furnishing Goods
•II directly from their own manufactory.
A Uo.
Jewelry, Wnteheo, Ac.
Tbay have engaged their old clerk, Mif
A. Sternberg, *o well known to the people,
and who will ba pleated to see hi* old
friend*. apfitf.
I Piece good* of every description, told
lowto enable everybody to have bit cloth
ingmede to order.
Belief onte, Pi. la
! I good Cigar* for teU I
jw bit* ittfin |ir poun d I Sot* I
; Demarara lugir par ptund llot*! I
Km coffw „ . 'jbet j ,
Arbucbla* brown rufn par pound..Met* S 1
! Baal washing aoap* par pound...A, 7 A tu-u I
Bo .t at*rob par pound lOct* I
Baat bright Navy tobacco far pound.AUrt* '
Boat Black Xirjr lakacv*....,.. .....fiOct*
1 I
; " double thick ami bright and black Ucti
' Pin* cut chawing tobacco par pound ..Met* 1
1 Rett sugar-cured Ham* par pound 17di
No. 1 black popper par pound.Met*
Molaaaaa par gal lon ™... .OOel*
>. latrg* *i*e dairy Salt par aack... M ...„..Uct*i
1 Motac* per gallon ......^.MetaJ
H Goal oil in 6 gal. lots ft&ct*. per gallon bait
1 article.
Mackarai without hand* and all kind of
,; mackerel and Herring at city pcioaa.
)| l>oubla X X white, drip* MOcta par gal*
J! lon, in ft gallon lota Act* a gallon lea*.
ItiOU other article* too bumerottt to mart -
lion. cheap Man'* Hagias, heavy ahoaa
* at Sl.Sft par pair. Thay have tba largaat
v Hrid luapaat u k of go<Hi> ever offered to
••tba public. If you want to
•ppoaiu the Buah Houaa. All kind* of
j whole package* at laaa price*.
•*!. a. e. MLaaca.
New Firm—New Eaterprae.
(Buccaaaor* to B. O. Buitien)
| W* would ususl respectfully in form the
public, that thay have takan charge ot
lihU old and aucraatful —lnhllshmeat. and
propose to carry on tha >ima under re
newed impirof.
They have on hand, nnd will make to
of any possible daaiga. and price.
We uae the beat grade* of marble—
Awgntcag ST a trass,
: and ay with perfect assurance, "Our
I work U our reference."
! Nhcp. Iwaat f Bridge, Millhaini.
i aprmly.
! No 6 Brockerboff Row, Bolldbote.Pg
IWlcrulu I>rugw. C hrmicwln, .
I'rrfumrr) , Faacj tiaada <
>1 Pure Wine* nnd Liquor* for medical
j Purpoao* alway* kept. may SI. Tt
jOI Ballafonte, Pa., 2 i
(Successor* to Inwtx A WILMS.,) i
H Respectfully inform the citixan* of O '
~ Centre and other countiea, that they •* '
Ij < have one of the largest and beat *a- j I
lecled stock of Hard ware to be found, *
i (Tonaratuig of Iron, Steal, Nail*, ® 1
L. HomeShoca, Axel*. Spring Wagon 5*
Skein* and Boxe*. Complete stock of ,
'> carpenter tool* and builder* hard- C
a ware, lock*, oil*, painta, glass. vac- £
,|S nkkss, brushes, cucumber pumps and ? 1
tubing Lamp* af all kind*, wale#, £ |
= cutlery, K '
Kull line of aaddlary mad coach ma- !
kar* good*, wood work for buggies
i mm and wagon*, ploughs, harrows, caiti
jy valor* and grindstones. Looking S .
|At glasses and mirror plates. Picture * ,
_* frame* made to order. They alto "
_2 have the celebrated cook store, t
% every one warranted to give perfect 2
£ M lis faction All kind* of parlor "j
„ stoves. We are determined to sail g .
I < at the lowest price* for caah, or on tt i
*hort credit—sot to exceed three c
I M ' month*. Call and tea u*, aa we take me
M pleasure in showing our goods. _.
i> marlfttf. Bellefonte. Pa. g
1 5 3.
31 IE :
Gift <fc Flory's
New Shoe Store !
Thay have now opened, and will coo Hem
ic keep on hand, a splendid stock of new
men, women and children, from the heal
manufactories in th* country, and now of
fered at the
Lowest Prices.
; BOOTS and SHOES mad* to order, upon
-hort notion They invite th* people oi
this vicinity to give them n call, a* thay
will strive to merit a share of their pat
ronage. mylutf
1 DOOR BKLOW Horrxa'a
Deeler in
Parlor and Chamber Sets,
Particular Attention to Ordered Work.
In All Iu Brancbee,
Always on Hand, and Funeral* Attended !
With an Elagnnt Hear**. spfttf.
Stoves! Fire! Stov's!
At Andy Reesmnn's, Centra Hall, era
latest and best stove* out, he ha* Just
received a large lot of
Cook Stoves, the Pioneer Cook,
the Eclipse Cook,
the Reliance Cook.
PARLOKS-The Radiant Light, *elf-fee
der, Gas Burner, National Egg,
Jewell, Ac.
km-He sells stoves as LOW a* anywhere
in Mifflin or Centre co.
The undersigned hereby informs the
citieons of Pennevslley that ae hat pur
chased the Tinshop heretofore carried on
by the C. H. Mf g Co., and will continue
the same, at the old stand, in all its branch
es, in tho manufacture of
All kinds of repairing done. He has
always on hand
Fruit Cans, of all Sivas,
All work warranted and charge* reason
able. A share of the public patronage so
licited. AND. REESMAN,
2sep7oy * Centre Hall
JOHN Sfakqlib, Proprietor.
Stages arrive and depart daily, for all
points, north, south, east and West
Dr. OARVPI'ii T Vlt Hl'* FDfiEA
'I <>n * '
Care C nwrrU.
' Dr.ClAin 1 . s TV '•p
, CUM Avtl:a.
Dr.CiAK'. T1 -"• .DIKE
• CUM llrui l l>i ■*• •
Dr. Ci.ur. t\" i
Cur hk-ii lH*r • .
1 Br.tiAUVI.Vi V.'.lt IIE ICBHi
i..- _
Dr.(iAHVl>'S T *.. i I;*:AKDIW
f r.wom:u , U4J-iBwto
Dr. CABVHK TA BS 111—i
Cum pll Frmnlr Wlflilt.
' Dr. GißTUra TAI* ItCWEDIBi
Purify Blood. *
CUM W*raM* of Iter Tlsrwm*.
CUM BrfWtl.
S Cure Boer Cold," ZlayFerwrT
r CUM I.M| DP—rue
Cur.- < omeHpoflon.
Cure Bolt BhriW.
CUM iiidar)
Pi*mtOMim4llow I'cfcf
[ < F*wvent SlalrlB Fwver*.
Honor* Pula In Ike Brrait
RcVuc* tlee Appetite.
Cm m Ike Food to Dtgeai.
Oire Tone to yowlflen.
7U F. HYDE Ac. CO.,
J9S Seveni. At*., Jfm* York.
Furniture Rooms!
i. 0. DKIN INGKIt.
respectfully in forme the ciuxena #1
county, tkat k besoonatantly on tuna od
make# to order, nil kind* l
TABLES. Ac.. 41c
Home Made Cm ame Always on Di
Hisstcck of ready-made Furniture! alar,
tad warranted of food workmanship and .
all made under his own i aimed talc super* -
*ion, and u offered at rate* as cheep aeels*
where. Thankful for past fa row, ke soli.
Ite a continuance of tke saw*.
Call and tee kit stock before purrkasir
elsewhere. apfifffiM It.
Chaff. H. Hold,
Clock. Watchmaker dk Jew*, i
Millbeim, Centre eo., Penna.
Respectfully inform* his frieadt mad tk>
public in general, that he has just opecec
at kis new establishment, above Aleiat
der*s Store, aad keeps constantly oa hand
all kinds of Clocks, Watches aad Jewelry
of tke latest striae, as also tke MarauvHU
Patent Calender Clocks, provided with r
complete index of tke month, aad day at
the month aad week oa its face, which is
warranted as a perfect time-keeper.
raff.Clock*. Watches and Jewelry re
paired oa short notice aad warranted.
THE ondentgand, detwrwriwed Wmet the
popular demand for Lower Prices, re
ffsn'ully call* the attewtioa of tke pabiic
to kis stock of
bow offered at the old stand. Designed **-
pacialiv far tk e people and the tinK-s. tke lar
gast and most varied aad com plate assort
ment of
Saddles, Harness, Collar*, Bridles,
of every description aad quality ; Whips,
aad in fact everything complete to a first
class establishment, be now offers at prices
which will suit tke times.
JOHN F. rtttfEt, Attanay at Law
I ■ Collections promptly mad* and specie
attention riven to those having lands oi
property lor sale. Will draw up and knva
acknowledged Deed*. Mortgages, Ac. Of
fice in the diamond, north side of tk.
court house. Bellefonte. octXTfiVtf
HEjrnT aaoexxauorr, j dsuuxst
President, Cashier.
(Late Xillikea, Hoover A Go.)
Aad Allow Interest.
Discount Notes,
Buy and Se!
Government Securities, Gold ana ,
spioentf Cocoon*.
JAR. MM ANUS Attorney e* lei
Bellw-::, ...Neptly attends to all bu
in ess entrusted to hmi. jula,6Btf
DIB P. FORTNET, Attorney at Las
• Bellefonte, Pa. Office over Bey
nold > hank. uiaylt'OtHf
ir&IUZTM & tSAVtft
Bellefonte, Centre Co.. Penn a. apfitUi
JWO. B. onvis. C. V. ALEXAKi>XV
Aitorncy*-at-law. Office inOonrsd House
Bellefonte,* Pa.
with Orris A Alexander, attends to oellee
lion* end practice in the Orphan's Court
L Stage* arrive and depart unity,
s favorite hotel is now in every respect
one of the most pleasant country hotels in
central Pennsylvania. The traveling com.
munity will always find the best accommo
dation. Drovers can atall times be accom
modated with stablea and pasture for any
1 number of cattle or horses.
A new and complete Hardware Store hat
Buggy wheels in setts. ChampicnClothP*
Wringer, Mill Saws, Circular and Hgnc
Saws, Teanon Saws, WebbSaws, IceCresn
Freezers, Bath Tubs, Clothe* Racks, a fill
assortment of Glass and Mirror Piste of el
sixes, Picture Frames, Wheelbarrows,
Lamps, Coal Oil Lamps, Belting, Spokes,
Felloes, and Hub*, Plows, Cultivator*. Corn
Plows. Plow Points, Shear Mold Boards
and Cultivator Teeth, Table Cutlery. Shov
els, Spades and Forks, Locks, Hinges
Coal, Linseed .Tanners. Anvils, Vice*, Bel
lows, Screw Plates, Blacksmiths Tool*,
Factory Bells, House Bells, Dinner Bells,
Gong Bell*. Teaßells,Grindstoaes,Carpen
ter Tools, Fruit Jars andC'ans.Paints,Oil*
Varnishes received and for sale at
)uneS*flfi,ly. J. A J. HARRIS.
hoova. <.< H n tnz * ce.
Ffiii i nmjffii
LtJts* 6