niD.XITIT* Editor. Centre nail. Pa.. July 17. 1*7:1. TKRM* -The Ua^at Weekly at t'2 i>or year, in 'L" VT hl when riot paid in advance. V-r*< x months "Xrf.r.'nu I.M ' ]|ne) for three insertion. Adv- rli-oniciiU tor S, 0 and IU month*, at redwood Any portion sending u* the name- of >i\ new snbscribeor, with the ca*h will re coivo tho UxroRTKH on year free. The heads of the Schuylkill county radicals evidently are level—at all events they show ability to lean slron ly on both sides at the same time. At a recent mass meeting ihise con* sislaut fellows passed the following resolution, after which, we have no doubt, every mother's son of them went to his little bed, smitiug his breast and thanking God that he was not like other men. a* did the phariaee of old: "We unequivocally eoudoruu "the action of those members of l\ n* "gress who voted themselves addition "al pay for services performed, as well "as those members who voted agaiust "the measure, but who have not re " fitted to accept it." All right, insofar as it leans in that direction, but the same saintly crilfert also in the strongest terms eudorsed Grant and Hartranft, both having accepted the salary iucr:ase, and Grant making the measure a la why his signature and doubling his owu pay. Now here is the principle of good Lord and good Devil exempli fied, and the Centre county radicals, iu their next county convention, can dodge around this crocked corner in the same style as their brethereu iu Schuylkill dodge it. These radicals have the wonderful faculty of defining their poaitiou upon the salaiy grab as clear as mud. By all means let them bs voted a putty medal. A THIRD TERM Grant's office holders and the eon- j gressional salary grabbers are now at j work cooking up the third term for their chief. The information has gone out that the preliminaries wre ar ranged at Long Branch, several days ago, where Grant and all the other horse racers and racers after the funds in the treasury and those who are in wild chase to fatten at the public crib now congregate. The monietl men of the country, of course, are in the rnov mcnt, a third term for Grant means more fodder for their racks, and the working classes to continue to be their hay-makers on bread and water. Iu these "monied men" are meant the National Banks, the railroad corpora tions, and the large, speculating capi talists. These arc for giving Grant a third term, because under him their speculations and money making ope rations will not be interfered with. All Grant office holders in the coun try —not excepting those in Centre county —will cave in to thit move ment. The official patronage will be used to give it life and manipulate conventions, and fixing delegates. The inauguration ball has left a lit tle sore behind. It will be remem bered that the late 4th of March was down somewhere near the ice-cream temperatnre and withal very inclem ent, and the affair didn't pay, leaving in debt. Farties who have claims threaten to sue. The dis trict legislature voted $15,000 to help the committee out, but still there are lots of big and little "Williams" unsa tisfied. Joseph 8. Waream, esq., and J. B. Selbeimer, both of Lewistowu, are candidates for the democratic nomica lion for state senator. Hon. P. Gray Meek, of the licllefonte Watchman) it being urged for the position of Chairman of the Democratic State Com mittee. The Gact is, he is spoken of for nearly every office that is lying around loose.—Lew blown True Democrat. Now we want the Lewistown man and some other democratic editors quit shaming our Gray, or the Repor ter will be after them. If he were not continually having somebody talking abcul him for some place, he'd soon get into forgottenness, and then what would become of the party, eh ? We go for Gray always. Wm. C. Duncan, of Union couuty • formerly of Millheim—was a radi cal candidate for the nomination of state senator ; the primary elections, upon the Crawford county system, came off in Union county the other week and Cook was left behind, his competitor, A. J. Ilerr, coming out cat-bird in the race. Ilerr was the choice of Simon Camerou and Cook Duncan didn't belong to that wing, and Simon was up in Union shortly before the primaries, saw some of the Winnebagoes in different parts of the county, and used the greenback argu ment with others, and thus spoiled the cooking of Cook Duncan's noodle soup. In Itut week's Lewisburg Chroni cle Mi. Duncan appeara in a two col umn letter, telling how the thing was done. He says he can prove some bad things upon his radical hretheren; he says they cheated and circulated *ll kinds of lies and slanders against him, and, upon the whole, the canvass was carried on in a foul and disgrace- Ail manner against him. and to the discredit of the radical party. Indeed we are sorry our whilom neighbor Cook received such shabby treatment at the hands of bis party. But what he is telling is nothing nw or unexpected to us—it is the way the rads do things, and Mr. Duncan ouly admits now what he was silent to here tofore. The country has been dis graced by radicalism, and all the suc cesses of that party are mainly the re sult of cheating, bribery, villification and slander. How infamous was their treatment of Horace Greeley, when he could no longer keep his nostrils open to the nnstiuos of radicalism. A par ty that is owned by Cameron must ne cessarily be devoid of anything that i pure, hottest and upright. The New York Graphic, the daily illustrated paper and one of the moat astounding enterprises in the newspa per line, has shown its spirit of enter prise in a now direction, and one that is calculated to be beneficial to science and settle an important question as tot currents in the upper regions of the atmosphere. For this purpose the Graphic publishing company have agreed to furnish the celebrated aero uaut, John W i-e, with s|t),lHH) with which to construct a monster balloon and start on an aerial voyage to Ku ropo in August. The Graphic is one of the highest toned journals we kuow of, admitting nothing iu its literature or illustration! that is low and vulgar and is one of the most acceptable journals that visits the Reporter of* tiee, and we trust its balloon enterprise will prove as successful as the estab lishment of a pure toned daily illus trated journal has proven. The re ports of Mr. Wise's voyage, with ap propriate illustrations, will he given in the Graphic, from time to time. Prof. Johu Wise, iu A letter to the Graphic, takes the ground that bal loons always float east. He savs : Kirt, we know thnt the earth turn* iq>on iu axis from west to oast, and that it uiovos in iu orbit in the same direction, aud that iu equatorial belt is hot, and that its polar areas are cold, and that the earth's revol ving axis, although always parallel to it- self, ha an inclination of twenty-three de gree* to the plain of its oibit, and we know that the earth is one-half in shadow and one-half in light all the time, and that the line of shadow moves from oast to west. This i* the ground-work of the trade-wind currents. In the reduction of these ele- ments tc a mathematical precision, wo find precisely the conditions and tacts that we find by actual experience iu the wind cur renU as observed by scientific aeronaut*, and by noted uieterologisU, foremost among them, Henry, Espy, Kedfield and Maury. Any person who has watched the upper clouds for a season in our temperate t-ine becomes satisfied of the main fact in the matter before us, i. e., that they sail from west to cast iu their general course; ami any one who will take the trouble te | note the weather predictions, will find that the condition of the weather in the Missis sippi Valley of to-day will be the condition of the weather with us to-morrow, and the weather of the most eastern portion of our country the next day. ••••••• I may re|eat again the experience of 446 aerial voyages, in which my balloon trav eled eastward 414 times, and to uie an ounce of fact is worth mora than a pound of theory, as related to one and the same j sufiject. There are a great many foolish I things written on this matter. Scientific blunders, and weak-minded pretensions of knowledge concerning it, abound more than sound logical reasoning and experi mental facts. 1 trust that the intelligent student will find enough in what I have -tated of the facU to lead him to a fair in vestigation of iU legitimate result*. When tho voyage i* once made the thing will be plain enough, and the subject will be han dled in a commercial way, as were the other "wild and visionary schemes" of Columbus, Stephenson. Fulton aud Field. According to the report of a com mittee raised by the Legislature of I Vermont, to investigate the atlkira ol the Insane Asylum of that State, matters arc decidedly in a bad condi tion. The Committee declare that the Asylum, which is controlled by a private corporation, was greatly over crowded, four hundred aud eighty-five patients being packed in a space in* tended to accommodate .but three hundred at the most. Scventv-five of these unfortunates were found thrust away in subterranean dungeons, dark, damp, foul and pervaded by unen durable stenches. Some were confin ed ia apartments nine feet by four in size, with air and ventilation only through augur holes bored in the doors. At tne same time the most inhuman punishments were inflicted upon the patients. Among them was the punishment of the bath, in which the patient, securely bound, is placed in a bathing tub, and a continuous stream of cold water allowed to fall upon his head. This torture was one of the most excruciating known in the dark ages, resulting usually in either insanity or death. It seems almost incredible that such acts should have been perpetrated in a Stale institu tion in a State of the American Union and upon men and women suffering under the most terrible provideutial infliction. But Buch is the report of a committee chosen by the Legisla ture, after a full invetigat;sp of the whole subject. The same body aleo declares that some men have been locked up in the cells of the asylum and subjected to all the pains and penalties of their situation through bribery. They were not insane. But it was to the interest of they should be considered so, aud hence their incarceration. This report, from its startling official revelations and the source from which it proceeds should receive more than usual atten tion in all parts of the country. Cruelty to the insane is a crime which should be ranked high in the calendar of moral monstrosity, and those practicing it punished in a prop er manner. If an example is made of the officers of the Vermont &ate in sane Asylum after a fair hearing of the case, that fact will have great weight in bringing about a better state of affairs in nil the insane asylums of the country, whether State or pri vate. The Constitutional Convention has done well in allowing parties to dis- Cense with a jury trial iu civil cases, y mutual agreement; yet most par ties who could agree to that could have agreed to waive a jury trial by a case stated, or admissioos in the pleadings —modes that feave Jopg been in use. We shall be curious to see bow many cases there will be, in which parties prefer to submit a real dispute about facts to a Judge with out a jury. A son of Prof. Wise, in company with another aeronaut, is now projec ting a balloon trip from Philadelphia to Europe, also to ascend in August." Alexander 11. Stephen* in tho At lanta Constitution/ "Whatever dMF'J ence may hare existed among Georgia Democrats as to tho proper course In the Presidential election of the last year, I cannot permit myself to believe that any similar differences will hereafter arise op alike occurrence in the future." The press of the may be said to be unanimous in its condemnation of tho salary-steal. The St. Joseph (Mo.) Ga zette expresses the general feeling thus : "This salary-steal was one of those bold villainies which bring their own punish ment. sfo carpenter, or tinker, or cob bler can amend 9 character so rent and, rotten as that of the salary grabbers." I Tlir Now Orleans Unci [ From the Albany Juurtml.) "The 10, wo thought and nil; m> ! Wo fancied soittC of the o|xuiition pattern would Ih> charging thnt New Orleans duel to the Ail m 111 i>t rut ion. And here, for nil the world, comet the Chicago Trihuue, exclaiming, 'The recent duel in New Orleans is hut another bloody remit of the |to litieal usurpation Itegun Inst Novem ber by Kellogg, Purell, ami Haw kins, aud forcibly maintained by the President.' And now why not charge the hot weather or the Walworth tragedy to the Administration f There would be jut u* mueh sense iu To this the World remarks : The \ rtipancy of Grant's parasites cannot divert "public attention from the fuel*. There cau bo no question that this unfortunate duel was the consequence . of Grant's sitting up the Kellogg | government, which nobody pretends received a majority ot the votes of the t jieople of Louisiauna. The lilol suit t agarnsl the Picayune grew out of its I faithful exposure of the shameless i frauds of the Lynch Returning Hoard; i frauds which were made ih —tide only J 1 by Grant's support of the iufaiuous i decision of his tool and creature lbi- i rell. When the trial of the libel suit i eatuo ou before a Male judge who owed his seat on the bench to this i same scandalous usurpation, the da- i jeuce offered the truth in evidence, i Hut this judicial miscreant refused to admit it, although the law of the State jiermits it to le given to the jurv. The Picayune, us was its right ami its duty, exjnjsed the unfairness of the trial and the chicanery of the prosecuting lawyers. Galled to ac count by oue of tiiem, who added gross iusalts to llagrant injury, the editor, not choosing to expose himself to further libel suits iu which he could expect uo justice, resorted to a mode of radices which has long been sane tioued by the practice and the social opinion of the Southwest. Ibe pro priety of duelling is not the question here at all. In a community where! gentlemen recognize their amendabil-1 fty to that code, aud ofteu appeal to it | oil slight provocations, it is not indi- I vidual duellist but the community j that must lie held answerable for whatever wroug there is in the prac tice. Both parlies to the late affair alike accepted this "law of honor." Iu such a state of society, the indi vidual must bo judged by the suffi ciency of his provocation. And iu this iiarticular case no impartial mird can doubt that Mr. Rhett was fully justified in sending the challenge, if any provocation cau ever justify a duel. 110 might have fallen as his i opponent fell; his facing that risk was the indispensable coudilou of his seek ing that method of redress. Fortune happened, in this instance, to be on I | the side of justice; but it was as like- j ily to be the other way. Mr. ! Rhett incurred no more guilt lhau if • the shot of his antagonist had proved r fatal, instead of his own. No amouut ,| of outcrv against the sin or the folly .i of duelling can smother the public II sense of the injustice and iusults for i i which he sought redress. . I The sin of this bloody and regreta -11 ble affair must rest at the door ol -'General Grant, who was the prime •! instigator aud has been the steady, • j unscrupulous abettor of the monstrous f usurpation of which this is one of the many evil fruits. The writer of an arllole iu the j" Cornhil! Magaiine upon the negro race, under the designation of "The ! Sons of 11am," gives some reasons for t thinking that that race is not dcriv -1 e>l from at least not through | Canaan, as the popular theory goes. \ His reasoning on thnt point is the • following: "To justify the position of those 1 who yet believe iu the degrading in* > fiuencc of the curse of Noah upou the 1 Africans —aud their name is legion— ' it is necessary to prove that they are 1 the descendants of Canaan, at whom T ; alone the curse was launched, and - {that slavery has been spcoially asso | i ciated with them. But there is ' abundant evidence, sacred aud pro -1 fane, to show that, of alt the sous of J Ham, Canaan was the only one who ' never entered Africa. His descend ® ants occupied, without exception, ' Asiatic localities. We told in • Gen. x, 19: "The border of the 2 Canaanites was from Bidon, as thou r goeth unto Sodom and Gomorra, and ' Adman, and Zeboim, even unto 5 Lasha." Whereby Palensline is un ' misUkably indicated. And Joseph us 1 also says : 'Canaan, the fourth sou of [ Ham, inhabited the country now call ' ed Judea, and called it from his own name.' From which it is evident that " the Africans are not the descendants s of Canaan, and that there is no foun • datioa, therefore, for the assertion 1 that they are of some myaUrioua spir -1 itual uecessity doomed to be the 'ser ' j vants of servants,' inasmuch as Noah's 1 malediction, which is gravely suppos ■ ed to entail this degrdaatiou, cannot he shown to apply to them. 1 hat it ' was eypr thought to do so, is but an -1 other proof of tuo poypr of self-inter ' est aud stultify the mind 1 and pervert the conscience." Steam towage is about to be intro duced on the canals of New York on cablo principle. Tho motive baais of the system is the same ns that of run ning a train of cars, except that the wheels of the cars run over a station ary rail, while the canal cable, cor responding to the rail, runs over the steamer's wheel. Hut a train of ca nal boats is dragged along on the same principle as a train of cars ; and, as the cable lies at the bottom of the canal and is lifted over'thc steamer's wheel only as it is used, it in nowise interfere? with tho navigation of the canal by other boats. The Buffalo Advertiser estimates (hat six boats can be taken from Buffalo to Troy by ibis system at cost of 8240, while the cost of towing the same number by mules is s73">. This system of steam towinf by cable is in successful opera tion iu several jvproppaq countries, very largely in Belgium, and on the river Seine in France, for towing boats between Havre and Paris. If successful in New York, it will no , doubt be introduced upon all the main eapaj? Cjf fbis country. Horse or mule power is behind tire age. It is too slow, too expensive. If canals are to keep their places as means of transporting the products of a coun try from one location to another, they Q)us£ /J ml pope means to iusure at all times cheap and apped/ transporta tion. Perhaps steam-towing by cable is just the thing required. Among the gigantic projects of the age is one in relation to reclaiming the so-called great Colorado desert. T})p p|ftn proposed is to convert the waterless basiu iulh jflland sea, by turning into it the Colorado river at or uear Fort Yuma, the same tube used for the purposes of irrigation and navigation and a parly of engi neers are already on their way there, i biukul by San Francisco c*it, to make the preliminary survey* The HHII Francisco RulUliu *ny*: "It i* POLICIAL iy, L>UL erroneously, IHJ lievcd that the Colorado desert i* an unproductive, sandy waste. The greater portion of the basin possesses att excellent noil, ii covered with a stunted growth of masstjuit ntnl other tie**, ami incapable of producing anything the climate will permit, providing it i* well watered. The feasibility of introducing uti abuiid dance of water for it* irrigation from the Colorado river wa demonstrated by the survey* made by the original projectoi* of the *chime of reclama tion, and more recently by the sur veys of the Texas aud Pacific Mail way. MIXED* SCPOOI.S A Washington despatch say* : The colored people hero have been agitating the tpicsliou ot mixed school* ; hut it seem* they are all di vided among themselves, and a few nighuago a colored member of the legislative Council made a speech in which lie opposed the whole system ami insisted that the propoaitiou was wrong. It is admitted by the most intelligent colored people that mixed school* would do 110 more harm to their own rnce than to the white*. This i* really taking issue with Sena tor Sumner, who in a recent letter de clared that the school* should he con ducted without distinction of color. Til E CI! IEF JITSTICESHI P. Washington, July Pi.—lt i cou ceded by parties claiming to have the secret* of the While House that the President will tender the vacant chief justiceship to Senator Coukling. Some friend* of the latter say he will nut accept, while other* argue that a* Conkling is ambitious to re-me a reputation as a great lawyer, lie would have a better opportunity in the chief justice's chair than in the Senate to achieve that reputation. Other* be lieve that in the changes iu jsolilical parties likely to occur during the next fuw years it is uot certain Conkling wouid he re-elected to the senate six years hence, aud for this ami other reasons he will probably accept the chief justiceship, which is a life office. Still others, who assert that Coukling has an eye on the Presidency, say should Grant decliue to run for a third term he would be able to name hi* own successor ami would probably name Conkling. • • REINTERMENT OF CONFED ERATE DEAD IN RICH MOND, VA. i Richmond, Va , July 10. —The rc , mains of 230 Confederate oflieer* and , soldier* who were killed at Getty*- i hurg and buried ou the held, and i which were recently disinterred uudr . the auspices of the Ladies' Hollywood Memorial Association, were to day (■ carried to Hollywood cemetery, aud I were there reioterred with appropr • l ate ceremonies. The remains were • placed HI boxes, and were conveyed . ou lour wagons draped ill mourning, r A funeral cortege composed of de tails from the Eir*t Regiment, many . ex-confederale soldier*, citizens, and f the ladies of the Association escorted . the remaiu* to tiie cemetery. .I/any business house* ou Main street closed • a* the proct ssiuu moved up the street. It is rumored that the Peunsylva , uia Central will soon create a gener a I mortgage of $100,000,000 ou its j w hole estate and dependencies, to cov er all existing obligations of the com pany aud such additional sums a* r may he borrowed for the further ex - teusion and improvement of the vari j ou* properties in ownership of or un der perpetual lease to this corpora tion. • • LA MOUNTAIN'S DJCATII The llaloon Collapses at the Height uj 11 Fifteen Hundred Feet—The F ear Jul Deternt —Condition of the Jlodv Mail reports give tome interesting J details of the fatal accideut to the i icrouaut LajMountaiii, at Inuia, Mich., i last Friday. His ballon was what ii 1 ) known as a hot air one, and not gas 1] The canvas had somew hat of a worn appearance, as if the worse for being ' ; filled with heated air too often. Al l the summit, whe r e the canvas was ' j sewn together, a block of ten ot 1 twelve inches in diameter was fasten' ed, and through a hole in this six guy [ 1 ropes were secured, hanging dowu ov er the sides of the balloon, being at ' the bottom some seventeen feet apart, and these wore tied to the basket by ~ the Professor himself. There were no ropes running around the balloon (horizontally to keep the guy rojes 1 from slipping, or to prevent the whole ! thing from sliding out between the ropes with a gust of Vind. At 3:35 p. m. the professor stepped into the baskest, and the balloon took a shoot up almost perpendicularly, with the i professor swinging his iiat to the ' crowd, all apparently enjoying the i sight. In a few moments more, how ever, the mouth of the baloon was observed to wave about two or three times, then to pass between the ropes, careening over on the side ; when the ropes broke out from their fastening at the top. aud the fall commenced. La Mountain was noticed to be ap parently making some effort to get . the basket above him, and if possible to break the fall, but after the first struggle lie fell so rapidly that noth ing could be distinguished but the falling body, bis hat coming after him about one hundred feet or more be hind, the old canvas, nearly collapsed, falling down gradually. The poily struck the grouud half* a dozen feet from the northwest corner of the jail building. It struck with such a ter rible thud that it jarred the grouud for fifty rods around, and made an in dention in the solid ground eight in ches in depth. There was scarcely a bone lu Iho whole body not brokcu to fragmen/s. It was as limp as a rag. There were very few fractures of the skin, except the right foot, the bones of the right leg being driven through the bottom of the foot. The bodv was laid on a couch, a circle was formed, and a procession of all who wished to view the remains passed around. The professor is a brother of the celebrated tcronaut who died two or three years ago. This one's name was Edward La Moun tain. ile was a jewler by trade, and lived ut Brooklyn, Michigan. He had said just before he went up that ho wished to tako the train for home as soon as posibie after coining down as his wife,was very sick. He himself hud |'3e town aaid the strangest sight was to witness the people swaying hack und forward like a field ot wheat moved by the wind. i n, rough tlir ll(H'h jh Aii Kuor IIIOUS Til unci lVojwtwl Tho i'i>nipktion f |h* Hooaae Tunnel! hat aroused llit* energies ul the moun laineors, and lli Dnvr Tribuno an- 1 tiiMint'ck thai n tunnel, l lo be carried through Ilia lt.oky mountain*, from a I IH'inl uoar •Hack Hawk, ami coining out in Middle park. It is known thai thai project ha boon full)' inaugurated, ami thai it* projector la ct the ground, with! ample mean* and labor to prosecute the! work to completion. Tho tunnel will ha I |iibout twelve utiles long It> greatest depth will he fium feet, at James' Peak. It will make Middle I'atk rcatlily no>l --■ ble from the eastern |>orlion of tho Terri tory , will show what it llie mineral and geological character >if this •action, and will tolerably extensively advertise the country as the acheme of an enterprise i twice a* I tar k- ami u hundred tunes*, im-! portai ta> the Mount Cetir tunnel. Col. i lleaton will use the diaruolid-pointed drills, ami thus not he obliged to keep in operation numerous blacksmith shops. They will be driven by machinery. Andj >1 is expected that the tunnel will progress 1 at the rate of live feci |ierdey. Early next] year work will commence from Midd!e| Park. Vlrcady considerable work hat! hern done The rneuntain has been grad-| ed down for the face of the tunnel ; a flume I.iIUU feet long has been built from the < reek by which a fall ot '£> feet it ob tained for the of turning alt over shot-wheel, by means of which the tun nel is to be supplied with air; a strong lr we has been built to prevent the water of the creek from overflowing and embar rassing operations in the tunnel ; a large boarding house, COi'iJ fret, and two stories jhigh, hat been built: a substantial bridge has alto been built over the creek on the road leading to the Lake (iulch country. The objects of the tunnel are to aflbrd a ineaus of working the discovered mines rapidly and cheaply, to discover and open new veins, and to afford a track for a rail way It will strike the lioblail flrvt of known mines, and 4UJ feet below the present tunnel. The effects of the success of this enterprise can hardly be estimated : It tuay cause lo past through our section and under our mountains ail, or nearly ad, the trans-continental travel. The Company of Colorado, have ample cap ital, and will push the project rapidly to completion. Though the enterprise Uof such magnitude as to |da*zle the imagine ,lien and lo stagger and bewilder the judgement, yet if the mining resources ol the country are what we all believe them to be, it is it >1 chimerical, and is sure to Ibe a source of profit to the Company and of incalculable benefit to the Territory. Mm. iat is tuk lltuir System.— j Prof Hyatt delivers*! a lecture en mercury , in Vienna recently, when ke exhibited tbe ■ leg bone of a man whose death had un -1 doubtedly been hastened by mercury. On striking the bone heavily upon the table, out foil thousands of little glittering globules of mercury bright metallic mer cury- which rolled about u|>on the black surface before him, coHeotitig here and there into drojts. This mercury bad bee a I absorbed during|life, and undermined the 'man's system, and proved fatal to hint. I The mortality among those who work in mines ot quicksilver, or in the worka where it is reduced, is known to be fright -1 tul. 11l the celebrated mines of Idrta, tbe men work alternately ono month in tbe mines and one in the smclling-bouse. Uul notwithstanding this, it'appears that ! rtcr containing the annual rc|ert of I, C. Jt S. C K . we republish the tanie. - Annual Report OK THK LBWIMUI'HH CINTRK .V SPRUCE CHKKtn RAILKuAD COMPANY r* a< sivcikoUrrt of ik, c. ax. r. nit. Qxytlimm : Your Director* take pleasure in tubtniUing, for your informa tion, the fallowing Report That since the last annual meeting, by • •rder of your Board of Directors, a third 1 letting was had of the graduation, mason • ry and bridging of 4'J.l<>4 miles uiurojol your railroad line, and placed under con tract—that is, from Miffiinburg to Forks of l'cnns Creek, being sections No. I'd U Vs. making '24.04 miles, and from Ponn'a Kailrrad near Tyrone, being sections No. TO to M>, both inclusive, a distance of 18.1*5 miles. On this western division, contrac tor* have done work up till M*y I, 1873, to the amount of $191,174 It*, on which there hat been paid 104,400, the balance being per centagc retained a* security for the proper completion of the work. There was also paid on this end of the work, to Keystone Bridge Company, On iron ............... S2,UXJU) Wciser fwl Cn.lcr the tecond leltinK. which *> from the Fork* of I'ennt Creok, In Centre county, to l.indeu Hall, ►erlloti* No. :W to .VI, ili.tmue of 1 ".Ml milo*. work hai been done to an amount of till,oM 05, ami |>ay meiita luaile thereon of SK.I,OGO (the dif ference bring per rentage retained m • rurily for (IniihinK of the work by the con tractor*). There im* alio paid Uenjaiuiii Keritolter, for removing hi* dwelling home, Ac , olf tlieline of rad fNKMMi, and s"'t tW to lieorge Wood* for damage done to hii houie, making the whole IUIII paid lop till Muy I, IMS, on Ihi* Divulon, SKI,- K7500, all which wai raited from local aubacriptiuii*. Tin* entire ritlmilo made by Engineer of the grading, maaonry and bridging uf thi Diviaon, it SI'JB,IU*) and ballad, lie*, rail*, and all other work, In cludii g aiding*, to make the road in run ning order, $503,06000 making the whole cod 5 Very little work hat been dune on llii* part of the road tince Dec. 1. 1872, a* it wti deemed untiecetary to pr a* it until the outlet wat turther ad vanced, and the force wa* allowed to be placed on other part* of the road e*|f tal ly the wedern end. The work of thit IHviaior, I* to far advanced that the whole could be made ready for the track a> toon *> eipediency required. There are about 16 mile*, extending (rum Lindvn llali to I'enn'n Furnace not yet defltiitely located. There wat a com mittee appointed to examine the different route* between thete point*, and report to the It.•nr.l, but they hare not yet made the examination, the delay being cauted in a great meature by the inclemency of weath er and bad traveling during the pad win ter and apring; and al*o in consequence ot illiie** of < oaliuialed at 8088,000 00, on ion which ha* been paid (including $6,- .VOKOO for tie*) $155,61! 00 and the entire 'rot including grading, masonry and bridging at $2,945,600 00) an average of , about $255 Ho per mile) U> which being ' add* '1 WOB, 102 38 COl of the 11 in ilea from Junction with P. d K. Kit to Mif tlinburg show* the entire :o*t of the main line from Junction with I*. When the Bcllefonte branch of about 11 mile*, and an exlen.ion to Danville of 15 mile* autboriacd by law, are built, we will have a toad of 113 mile* in length The üb* • cription* of tock a* returned amount to $140,7U 00 and at tatetl In former report, vur board of d irector* by authority vest; ted In them by an act of Aaeembly, issued bearing date May 1, 1872 * ecu rod ■by mortgage, to the amount of $2,000,- 00C 00 payable May 1, 1102 bearing'an in tere*l of 7 per cent; $1,500,000 00, of which they negotiated to the I'enn'a It Ik Co. and $45,000 00 paid over to P. & F. It K. Ooirpany on* ior money advanced for the conitruction of the road from Junction with I'. A K. lilt, to Low iiburg, leaving $455,000 00 of the bond* issued undisposed of. The earning* and expense of the finish ed part of lb i* road a distance of 11 mile* from the Junction with P. A K BR. lu Mithinburg flu the year ending December !11, 1872 were a* follows • ESKXtms, On Freight .. ~.....513,400 IX ' " Passengers 10.895 80 i " Express Matter..... *lO(Si For lurrying Mail ...... 067 56 26,263 87 sirixsi*. ♦ I Cond'g l'afsenger* $.1,202 51 Trans'n of freight 5,089 72 Motive Power 7,45011 Maintenance of Cars, 677 07 Maintenance of Way 3,108 27 21,227 88 $1,015 7b' Which shows the net proceed* of the earning* of the road for that year to be four thousand and thirty-five dollars and seventy-nine cent* (4.015 79) which hat been paid over to the Treasurer. The number of passengers carried over this road during the year ending Dec 31, 1872, was 29,029. , j This road ill open up a most important traffic. Thp yalley* through which it 11 rut s are very fertile and thickly popula ted. Valuable timber will be made nc . 'ccssible to market, also valuable iron ore , abounds which is attracting the attention |-of iron master* in different section* of the country, and furnace* which wero coin- I polled to blow out for want of sufficient charcoal convenient, and in of cspotisive hauling, will be changed, so either anthracite or bitumicus coal lean be used and the furnace* again put in blast as soon a* the road 1* completed aud ready for transportation of freight. The lion. J. Kdgar Thompson, Prosi-j dent, in his annual report to the stoU. holders of the j'cnn'u flit. Co., in speak ing of.'our road has wefl'said : "The ore* of this region are by this branch made equally accessible to both anthracite and bituminous coal of the best quality for smelting ; and in view of these advantages it open* una most attractive locality fori the manufacture of Iron, tho demand for ! which in the homo market must annualU increase with the increasing cost of its pro duetion in Great Britain, from whence tho larger portion of the iron consumed in this and other countries is at present pro duced. The of these ores, I show that many uf theiu aro well adapted to the manufuoture of Bessemer stool." From the exhibit of the busines done on tho small section of your road already in operation it is evident when the lino is ' completed it will be crowded with busi ness, besides developing a section of coun try to the great advantage of the public, will prove a sourcp pf pjoflt tp the stock holders ar.d rise above being but a branch i and becoma a part of the great trunk 1 lines. I U. F. MILLER, President, j Bciiil fi-r Catit!ii|{Ui> of NOVKI.LO'H CIIKAI* M I SIC. Novello't filer*, l'art HORKI, lie 0 to I'irt* Novell./* Church,Miiiie 11 to 12cU Novello'a Oelaro KdilionJ of Operrnn Price, $1; or 12, bounded cloth, gill edge*. Novello'a Octavo etlilon ofOratorioua. In paper from Mcent* to $1 j cloth with Kilt edge* $1 to $2 each, NoVKLLO'N ('HEAP EDITIONS of I'inuo Forte Claiwica. Itach'a 4M Proluda* Si Fugue*. Cloth >IOO ttrctlioven'* iIM S.niuta* Klcgaiilly bound. Full gilt 0 M Beethoven'* It Piano Piece*. E•• ga-itly bound. Full gilt 2<*> Chopin* Valaea MUfT paper cover.... It) Chopin'* I'olonalie* " " 2(10 t'hopin'* Nocturne* " " 2<*l Chopin'* Mar.urka* " " 200 Cliopill'* llallada " " 2 00 Chopin'* Prelude* " " 200 Chopin'* Sonata* " " 200 Meridel**olin' Complete Fiona Work* Folio Edition Full gilt. Complete in 4 vulumet ....20 00 Tlio Same. Hvo. Full giit. Coin* |ile( in 4 volume* • 14 (JU ■ The Maine, Mvn, Paper, ronplwa in 4 volume* lO4KI i M<-ndlkohtr* Hong* without word*. Folio Edit lull, full tilt i■ ■ i|r[n ■ CSu . Octavo Edition, lull gilt , .1 fiti Octavo Edition, Paper envM. M .„. SSO Muxart • IH Sonata*. Klatmily bound, full gilt 300 Srbubart'i 10 h"ini>, Elegantly bound. Full gilt 3 Oil Schubert'* DantMM, complete Ele gantly bound, full gilt 200 4 Schubert • l'iano Plmmn, elegantly l bound, full flit 200 Schumann'* FureU Henna*. 0 <*y piece*. Pipprmtn... M 0 Schumann'* l'iano Forte Alouttt. Elegantly bound. Full gi1t........... 200 The Maine. Paper e0vera................. 100 MOTH Kit GOOSE, Or National Nuraery Rhyme*. Met to Mutic by J. W. Elliott, with 03 beautiful illustration* engraved by the | Brothers DaUiel. Board*, SI M Splen didly bound in cloth, gilt edge*, s'l at) AHR FOB NOVELLOS EDITIONS. J. L. Patera, &W Broadway, N. Y, Ag.-t.l far Novello'* Cheap Mtl*ie. NEW GOODS AND NEW PRICES. M AN KNTIKK NEW BTOCX OF BOOTS AND SHOES at the BOSTON BOOT A SHOE STOKE, NO. 5. RIIII'M ARCADE. ' Price* J.cim than at anv Other Shoe Store in Centre County. ; Call and See Us! No. 5, lkihh'a Arcade, Bellefonte. f Jul|r IWtf - ,NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! A. W GRAFF, CENTRE MILK, CENTRE CO., PA,, HatJut received a large invoice of Spring Goods ! IWtUling of the l- L THE PEOPLE S DRU6 STORE. Next door to Wilson A Ilicka' Hard ware store, Allegheny tiL, BKLLKFoNTK, PA., R. F. Rankin & Co., (Successors to Linn Je Wilton.) DEALERS 1R Pi ii/: DRL'GS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, DYE STI FFS, VARNISHKS BRUSH ES. PERFUMERY, NOTIONS, AND FANCY ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET, 4c. PUJ)2WiI£hU§US>B3 for medicinal purposes, KtfOUf.nEl} BRACES, TRUSSES Jc SUPPORTERS in great variety! A Do, Cboko i CIGARS AND TOBACCO, •ml nil other articles usually hcpt in first class Drug Store. PRESCRIPTIONS CAItKFU Y COMPOUNDED. if.ljune R F. RANKIN $ CO. NewClothingStore A. STERNBERG, ougagod to manage for I. L. Iteisens in, in the corner building, opposite Holler's store, Rellefonte, ha. cstttblDhed a new Clothing Store, where the best bargains in the county are offered. $7.50 to sls for Suits of the fin est Cassimere. HATS, CAPS I and i'.,1l ii..n . ou,pinie assortment ofc*. | ery thing in the line or Clothing. f GcnCst l-'iiriii*hig Goo tin all directly from their own manufactory. Also. Jewelry, Wnlclic*, Ac. They MONF4 their old clerk, Mrf | A. SVernßerg, so well known to the people, and who will be pleased to see nit old friends. ap6t£ | Piece goods of every discription, sold low to enable everybody to have his cloth ingtuade to order. 1 J|KTAII* PRICK LMT JOBBING ANDOOMMIKHION IIOUSK OF HUKNSIOK A TUOMAB, Belleionte, Pt. j i it good ('i(iiri „.(di i White .ugnrs |*r |Hund : 1< ummrii ugar j*r pound (Set* I Hiu (.ufTeu , 2oct< ' | A r buckles brown coffee per pound— ..SOuts j licit wubinf -oni-i per pound...o, 7 A Met* lle t starch per pound „10cts lleit bright Navy tobacco per pound Jttct* | Beet Black Navy tobacco SOct* ! J " double thick and bright and black Birti 1 Fine cut chewing tobacco per pound. MM* llc.t sugar-cured Ham* per pound ITcti! No. I black |>epper per pound.KMi Molatce* per ga1bm......... ...flQcts I Large cine dairy Halt pec ck....lbcU Molasses per gallon „. —.OUcU Coal oil in & gal. lots licts. per gallon bait article. i Mackerel without head* and all kind of mackerel and llerring at city price* Double X X white, drip* NOcte per gal ion, in 6 gallon lot* Set* a gallon lata. lUUU other articles too nutuaroua to men tion, cheap. Mao * ilogiea, heavy tboe* let 51,85 per pair. They have the largast > and cheapest stock of good* aver offered to the public, lfyouwaatto HAVE 'JO TO SO PICK CSMT. GOTO BURNBIDE Sc THOMAS ioppoalta the Bu>h House. All kind* of ; whole package* at lea* price*. a. o. mux moan. a. c m caeca. MtLLHEIM MARBLE WORKB. New Firm—New Eutarprae. DEI SIS (} Eli A MVSSER, iSuoc son to B. O. DumibKi) We w jJ j r *t respectfully inform the public, '.feel t;iy have taken cbarga of thi* oti nd . -a- suful establishment, and propou to ..*jp on the mm under re newed p upkei. They ! a •* n hand, and will make to j order MONUMENTS, COUCHES. TOMBS* 11 HADsToN ES. of any possible deign, and price. W a ux the beat grade* of mat hie— I r ALIAS, CtIAIA, ANKBICAN STATI' ABV, Kwru*i) Ac., and aajr nh |icrftrt assurance, "Our ; work i* our reference." Bhop. Jen*! I Bridge, Millhcim., J. ZEXLER A SON DRUGGISTS No 6 BrockcrhofT Row, BelielbDle,PE DeaifN in limit, Chemimlt, Pcrihacn . Fancy Geods Ar^ do. Pure Wlms and Liquors for medical ! purpose* always kept. may SI. 71. I.r.ff. WILMIX TUOMAB A. UICKA., < JTARDWARE BTORKII jri z\ WILSON & HICKS, i - j Bellefonte, Pa., 2 ■ t -s (Successor* to lawn a Wilsov.,) > Respectfully inform the citizens of ft Centre and other counties, that they ** < have one of the largest and best so- *3 looted stock of Hard ware to be found, w •consisting of Iron, .Steel. Nails, ® j. Horse Shoe* Axels, spring Wagon *-• 1< Skeins and Raxes, Complete stock of K > carpenter tools and builders hard- C ,S ware, locks, oils, paints, glass, var- £ 3 mshes, brushes, cucumber stamps and r < tubing. Lamps af all kinds, scales, £ — 1 cutlery, * H'OGD AXD WILLOW WARE. § ' Full liae of saddlery and coach ma ker* goods, wood work for buggies _ afid wagons, ploughs, harrows, culu jy vator* and grindtor.M. Looking *4 < gla*M- and mirror elates. Picture £ _r frames made to order. Thvy also K lj have the celebrated cook stove, ; SUSQCZHANNA, > jX every v-arntm\,fo give perfect 2. pAfttssfcctlon All kinds of parlor"! stuves. \>e are determined to sell c I < at the lowest price* for cask, or on 21 A, short credit—not to exceed three p j, months. Call and see us, a* we take S g l> marlqH BsMiefunts. Pa. £ 15 t* != l Gift A Flory'a New Shoe Store ! AT CENTRE HALL. They have now opened, and will constant ly keep on hand, a splendid stock of new SHOES, GAITERS, A SLIPPERS, for men, women and children, from the best ! manufactories in th* country, and now of < fercd at the Lowost Prices. . BOOTS and SHOES mad* to order, upon Uhort notice. They invite the people of ! this vicinity to give them a call, as they will strive to merit a share of their pat ; ronage. mylou EW FURNITURE STORK. 1 DOOB nxi.ow Horrxw a iikllefonte, FA, G£OXGE Q'BKYAN, Ikaler in FUE3NI7UHS OE ALL EIMDS, BEDSTEADS, TABLES, CHAIRS, Parlor and Chum bar Seta, £of4& LOUNGES, lib HE A US, WASHSTANDS, WAIDBIBIS, KAXTUSOff, A*. Particular Attention to Ordered Work. REPAIRIXO DOXE PROMPTLV. I'\DKKTtKI.VG, In All Its Branches, MKT A LIC, IJALIIUT, \WD CO MM OH A1 wu>'4on Hand, and Funemls Attended, With an Elegant Hearse. ap6tf. 1 Stoves! Fire! Stov's! At Andy lteosmau's, (kmtra Hall, are Intuit s,nd Lust stoves out, he has just received a large lot of t'ook Stoves, the Pioneer Cook, the Eclipse Cook, the Relianoe Cook. PAKLORS-The Radiant Light, *ol(-fee der, Gas Burner, BfiX. LfL.Hu svVtt stove? as anywhere In Mifflin or Contre co. TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE The undersigned hereby informs the citizens of Ponnsvalley that ne has pur chased the Tinshop heretofore carried on by the C. H. Mf g Co., gnd trill watinue the same, at Uiu u,4sUuo, In allltsbranch es, ip tlo manufacture of NTOYE PIPE A SPOUTING. AH kinds of repairing done. He has alwaysonhand Fruit Cans, of all Site*, BUCKETS, CUPS, DIPPERS, All tffiyk war lay ted and charges reason ulie. 'A share of the public patronage so licited. AND. RKRSMAN, 2sep7oy Centre Hal) TREHA LLHOTELT * * JOHN SrANGLES. Proprietor. Stages arrive and depart daily, for all points, north, south, east and weV NEW DISCOVbKY la f>w;inl Ud JMadUewt fieleaes. s * Dr. OARVIM'M TAII 1.1 •aIIDIKA Care Inrlpirn t < o Dr. CIABVI V TAIS 111 NKDIEffi Cora Caixrrh. Dr. GARVI.TI TAii CwroA-tL ta- Dr.c>Ait yi\*h t*b it:: t;:ois Caw Itrurl Diw e, Dr. U Alt VIV* T i.t tKDIW Cur.' I*l*. 11 -eu Dr.(aitVlVM Till UrXCDUH Useable th. Liver. , Dr. ;AttVlVtt TJksl lii:X£D(Hi 4 Regelate iUStattt:ieL and Bowel* Dr.diKVlVi TIU ttr.fflttDlEft Cur* all t>na! Wcaknce*. lr . VltVIV* TAB UCXEDIBI Purify thi- Blood. Dr.CAKVIVN TAB B ESI EDI IB Cur- Dilate* of b* Throat. Dr. <*ABVISPM TAB BE.BEDIEM Cm BroorhUia. Dr.tiAUViSH TAB BEBEDIBK Cur.' Ito-e fold," - llafFevcf" Dr.t' lUVIVft TAB UEBEDIES Cure Lnuj Dies******. Dr.UAHVI.Vtf TAB ULNBDIO Cut* t anMipulion. Dr. CAMVIVfi TAB BESIEDIEM Cure Natl Hhruia. Dr.UtUVIVh TAB UENEDIE* Cure Itlslury BiMOtc*. Dr. t. tUVIV TAB HENEDIEM Prewut Ctolera & Veil® w Fevet Drt.AUVIVW TAB BESIEDIEM i Prevent Mnlnrlon* Fewer*. • Dr.tiAKVin TAB BEXEI>I Remove Pain In the Brwwt Dr. (JABVINU TAB HKIEDIGI Remove Pain hi the SMe or Bark. Dr.UABVIVN TAB BE.BEDIEM Are • huperior Toair. Dr. tiIBVDfV TAB BKNEDIES Restore the tppetUr. Dr.D ABVI.VN TAB BEXEDIES Cause the Food IO Dig rat. D*'. CiABVI.TS TAB REMEDIES Beeton* the Weak aad Debilitates! Dr. DABVIVN TAB BEXEDIES Give Tom to Voiar Sjrafesm. L F. HYDE JT CO.. PBOPMJMTOM* ltd Mere** .<•— .Vers* For*. ' decltTtr Furniture Rood's) J. O. DIiNING^ , raapecttully inform* th* of Ceo .re , county, that he haaty a#UBl , iJft h-wJ sui make* to order, a' klnii ot BEDSTEAD" BIN KB, WASHSTANDH, COKNEBCUPBOARIB I TABLE* dr.. dec : Hoiik Made Cuaibb Always os baas ! Hi*tock of ready-made Furnilurc i lar.- ; and warranted of rood workmanship and . . all made under hi* own immediaterupen •* > tion, and i* offered at rate* a* cheap a*al*e i where. Thankful for pert favor*, ha *ols | it* a continuance of the eama. Call and aaa hi*stock before purrba*ir : aUawhera. apS4*(U I*. I " Cha. H. Held, ; Clack, Waldimtkrrdc lrc. < . Millhcim, Centre Co., Peana. [ Racnectfblly Informs hi* fkirndi and tl 1 public in general, that ha has jut opane* \ at hi* new etahiiahstent, nhove Aim* dar'* Store, and keeps eanatawtly on hand, i all kinds of Ctaeki, Watche* and Jevrlr. of the litest stria*, a* also the Patent Calendar Clack*, prorided with i , complete index of the month, and day o - tha month and week on it* fitc% which u I warranted a* a perfect time-ke,. K . r DkCloeka, Watches a **o. B. OBVI*. C. T. AIIIAXDIk. ORVIS A ALEXANDER, Attorneys-at-law. Office inConrad Houso Baliefonte,* Pa. J. !P. GEPHART, with Orvi* A Alexander, attend* tncairae* tion* and practice in the Orphan's C'aart. 7Jan'7otf MILLXR'B HOTEL, Woodward, Pa Stage* arrive and depart daily, favorite hotel i* now in every respect one of the most pleasant country hotel* ta emtttffl raanaylvania. The traveling eoa*- munity will always find th* best accommo dation. Drover* can at all time* he accom modated with itable* and pastura for any numberof cattle or hone*. July 3 68tf GEO. MILLER iiARDW AKKSTORK! J. & J. HARRIS, NO. 6, BKOCKKKHOXF ROW A new aud complete Hardware Store he*, been opened by the undersigned in Brock erhoiP* new buiidLng—whrratheyare pre pared tatellallkind* ofßuildi.'g and House FuiLhlng Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nail*. „ Buggy wheels in sett*. ChampicnClothaa Wringer, Mill Sew*. Circular and Hand Saw*, Tennon Saws, WebbSawa, IceCream Freezers, Bath Tuba, Clothe* Racks, a fall assortment of Glass and Mirror Plate of •ixe*. Picture Frames, Whcelharr yw ". Lamps, Coal Oil Lamps, Belting, P DO v t ,' Felloes^andHub*,Plow*,Cultivators Corn Plow*, Shear Mold Boards apd OuDivator Teeth, Table Cutlery Shov el*, Spades and Forks, Locks, ilinges Screws, Sash Springs, Horse-Shoes, Nails Norway Rods. Oil*. Lard, Lubrlcatine Coal, Lin*ced, Tanner*. Anvils, Vkes. Bel lows Screw Plates, Blacksmith* fool*, Factory Bell*, House Ba% Dianer Bell*, Oong Bell*.TeaßelU,G r>tid*tone*.Carpen ter Tools, jam andCans,Paints,Oils, V armshu* received and for sale at junnfi'UMy. j. * j. HARRIS. D. M. RITTEKHOt'SE, WITH MOONS, SCHWARZ A CD. WHOLBXAXJE OXALXBS IK Fish, Chests anil Previsions,, 144 North Delaware Avenue, \37 North Water Street, ~ PwiLAnxLraiA.