The First Worn. • Tread rsv'rentW. thi* i*a holy plsre! A soul this moment hern l*sgtn to V* A (pint bom to firs eternally i Speak low ! eomnieiioex here • hntu race , An infant-man. God 1 * image on Kin face. In tite'n rough Jouruov take* bin trwt ilcgrse. Open* Kin tm, eh t not tlw mil to *oe. Only Omniscience nit tb*t JMKK own truce. Softly in wluapers, them * mother hoc. The dew of youth upon her, ret eo pel* She fold* whHe Kendo, end looks, with apttimed To her Deliverer, eeen a* throng h the veil Of thi* hour'* noektieoo ; null, her full heart For thankful utterance. though word* may fml. The Betrethal. He asked, '■ Will my Nannie wall By my side through our coming life .* Will you lay yotu heeutifnl hand* in rafrte. Through the winter''* chill and the summer * ahtue. And he my hrtvle, my wife ?" Wuh uever a thought of rear, t answered Una, ROTSI sod truei •• Lif. i* lonely and dsrk and drear. Lot. u noti and ft ienda are dear Allan. IU go with yon." Then h placed en HIT linger white My blue iw.rothal mg. And bad. me *pear it uatl aw lif. Was merged ia hie : his faro}., las wif., Vi haler.r fate slight hriug. OU. ring iu thy velvet cwl With thy diaatoud eye gWamiOg dill, Oh. eruel lover with all thy grace' Bad. sad is the mena.vry-haanted (dace In my weary breast, that ye fill God pity the*' faiihtiw* ens l God pity ikT fur Toecig brad. ; Her life wiU be dsrkaeed forever store By the cur-o that ti.ih at Iky heart * deer— Thy perjury thy pods- THE SECOND MATE'S TWISTEK. Que night during the winter we were hating a gale of wind from the north* east with enow. I was seated before the fire in my room, listening to the wind a* it went howling around the corner uf the he use, and thiskuug: Of the hearts ctuUed through with ticking. The eta that wrtrl* bisik Through the hiuahafgale sud snowdrift. For the UgUta id Nevenuak: '* when my three nephews, home from school for the Christiana holidays, came clattering through the hall, and bant ing into my room broke oat with "Ain't you glad you're not at sea to night, niiele * Just hear it blow. It's a bully night for a story ; tell us one, wont you T* " You youngsters think I'm as full of yarns as an old foretopman. What can I tell TOU about? ire spun all my yarua. "* "Oh, no, you haoeat; tell us about anything you think of ; tire, or wrecks, or islands, or anything about ships." I've "knocked off" going to sea (since I left one of my legs down in Mobile hayt and haven't much to do but to think over my voyages and spin yarns about them ; so, as tne lads seat ed themselves on the rug before the fire, I lighted a cigar and spun them this " twister:" " Some years ago I was second mate of a handsome litue clipper ship, called the White Swallow, then loading a gen eral cargo in New York, bound for San Francisco. It was in the days before the Pacific railroad, when most of the freight for California went ' around the Horn,' and there were always magnifi cent ships on the berth for 'Frisco to be found along South street. New York, so it was not an uiutsual thing thit when we sailed we did so in company with two ships of rival lines. The 'White Swallow was a new ship, having made but one voyage to China and home, during which she wasn't noted for any unusual speed. The captain and chief mate had been in her on her first voyage, and they said on the passage out that she WHS badly loaded, and they couldn't carry sail on her as they wish ed ; homeward bound there was no op portunity, as the passage, consuming one hundred and twenty days, was a succession of light winds and calms. For this passage, Capt. Adams and mate looked out for the stowage of the cargo, and wheu we sailed the ship was in fine trim, with the exception of being a little too deep, perhaps. We made the run to San Francisco in one hun dred and one days, beating the other ahipe ten and thirteen days. I was quite young then, not vet twentv, but I had been at sea since t was twelve, and I thought I had seen sail carried about as long as canvas and spare would stand ; but, by the big boot that hangs in Chatham etreet! the dimity was hang to that ship till her lee-rail would be a stranger to us for days on a stretch; and we never thought of coming on deck without our oil skin coats, for she threw spray in perfect showers her en tire length. "When the watch on deck were not making or taking in sail, or bowing yards, every man who oould use a palm and needle was mending sails, tor about every watch we split some of our can vas. Notwithstanding the way we car ried sail, we lost but two spars during the passage—a main-royal yard and a topmast stun'-sail boom. After our arrival at San Franeisco, crowds of people, mostly merchants and other shippers, came down on Vallego street wharf to see the ship that had made the fastest passage of the year ; and before our cargo was entirely dis charged, the ship was chartered to load hides, tnllow, old iron, and rags for Liverpool. ** Now, on the berth for the same port was an Aberdeen clipper " "What kind of a dipper is that ancle ?" " Clippers built at Aberdeen in Scot laud ; they are noted for fast sailing; as ours built at Myßtic in Connecticut,and Newburyport in Massachusetts are. The Scotch ship was about 1,200 tons burden, built of iron, and as handsome as a yacht. She was called the Sea Horse, and had made some fine passages from China to London. She was load ing wheat, and about half h cargo was on board when we commenced taking in our old iron, hides, tallow, and rags. One evening I was seated in the read ing-room of the What Cheer House, and near me sat a sailor-like looking of forty or mere years, enjoying a cigar, when a gentleman came up to him and said: " * Good evening, Capt. Daly ; how goes on the loading ?' " 4 Oh, so-so ; we'll get off in a fort night, I hope.' 14 4 Well, we intend to have the White Swallow full in two weeks.' 44 4 1 hope yon may. I should like to beat that ship to Liverpool, and will, too, if she don't have more than three days' start of me.' "I made up my mind to teD Capt. Adams what I had Accidentally heard, and then, if he wanted a race, here was his chance. Our captain was a quiet, rather reserved man, troubling his offi cers but little with any conversation be sides that which related to the sailing of the ship. He was young, not more than thirty, rather fine-looking, and a sailor man, every inch of him. The morning after overhearing what the captain of the Sea Horse had said, I re marked to our skipper, while at the breakfast-table: 44 4 The Sea Hone will be ready fp sea about the time we are, sir.' 44 4 Yes, I hope so. 4 " ' That's what her captain hopes; he says if we don't get more than three days' start of him he will let our con signees in Liverpool know we are com ing.' 44 4 How did you learn that?" " ' I heard him tell a gentleman so last night in the What Cheer House." 44 4 Confound the fellow's impudsfice!' - 44 Two or three days after a clerk in onr consignees' office told me Air cap tain and the captain of the bty Horse had met, and after chaffing oneSnother in a friendly manner, had finduy each KKKD. IvI'HTZ, Kditor and IrVopviotor. VOL. VI. I *zrs —: —z - • : " deposited Ave hundred dollar* with onr consignee*. the captain of the aliip find iu dock at Liverpool to draw on them at sight for tlie whole uaioiuit —a thousand dollars. " The report of an intended race from San Francisco to Liverjaxil between an American and Scotch clipjie - soon got! spread alxmt the city, and the auiuuut t of money staked on the result must i liare Karl a thouaand added to it by every person who repeated tlie report, j fvir it stHn become fabulous as regards . the dollar*. " Both aliips were finally ready for *ea, and hauled out from tlie wharves . • to be taken in tow by the tug*. A great untsp people assembled to see us off, ami w heu we were fairly on our way ostt, of the harbor, both ships were greeted by cheer* and steam whistles. The togs cast us off when off the Farallones, and nmlcr a clond of canvas, with a fair wind, we started on onr long race. We parted company the first night ont, and rou may be sure there wasn't much rest tar officer* or men oa board either ship —at all events there wasn't on board the White Swallow. Capt. Adaiua earned 1 sail very hard, night and day, and spent | most of*his time on deck ; not that he was afraid the mate or myself would shorten sail before it was necessary ; for ! if we were not so mueli interested in ! beating the Sea Horse as he was, we wanted to do it for the honor of the ahip and flag. " I used to stand on deck and watch j I tlie little ship dive into the seas, and hold my breath as the drenching show er* of spray came flying over the j j weather-rail; then, as soon as the salt water was out of my eyes, cast an anxious look aloft to sec if anything had j started. It was fun to hear the crockery i go tumbling about the steward'a pau trv, and Captain Adams' cheery— j 'There goes another ho|g in my five hundred dollars,' as some grand smash occurred. "We went tearing along with stroug breezes and fair, never heeding such small accidents as a split sail orasprung yard or two, only as they delayed as iu replacing them." I never saw a crow in ! better spirits than eur* ; no amount of work in their watch on deck or below i mod* them growl, and at the first call to make or reduce sail they would come tumbling out of the fo'costle, laughing and making such remarks as, ' The Sea Horse may be a goer, but she can't fly, like the White Swallow.' " One morning, when we were in lati : tnde about twenty degrees south, I hail ' the morning watch. The night hail been fine, with a strong breeze, and we were going free under a main royal and t topmast stnn'-sail; but after 1 had been on deck about half an hour* I noticed ! the wind got puffy, and each succeed ing puff stronger. I hail a hand by the main royal-halyard*, and made up my mind that if i didn't tako that Rail off her, it would take itself off. Along came another puff, and I sung out, • Let go the main royal-halyards,' and started for the weather-brace just as the captain came on deck. "'Good morning, Mr. Blue Jacket; getting pnffy, is it• " ' Yea, sir ; going to have more than 'we want, I reckon. Shall I furl that royal, sir?' *" ' Yes, I think you'd better.' " 'Jump up there, two of yon boys, and furl that main-royal.' " Awsv aloft went the two apprentice boys belonging to my watch, and I noticed that after getting on the yard, one looked to the windward and then seemed to say something to the other, then they grabbed up the Bail, passed j the yanl-arm gaskets, and while one was making fast the bant gasket the other chap stood up on the yard, with one j i arm around the maat, looking to wind ward ; and presently he song ont, ' Bail . ho? " Where away ?" " On the weather quarter, sir." : " Can you make her out?" 1 " Just tketi Captain Adams called ont, "PoiDt to it, my lad." j " The moment the boy reported a sail, tlie captain, thinking it the Sea Horse, j bad gone below to his room for his glass. After the boy had pointed in the direc , tion of the stranger, he swung himself eeu kept away two or three points, and brought up ashore, about midnight, with a south westerly gale blowing, on Flores. All ; hands had been saved excepting Capt. Daly, who was drowned bv the capsizing of a boat in which himself and thirteen other* were leaving the wreck at day light on the morning after the Sea Horse had gone ashore. " The survivors were sent to Faywll, and from there the British Consul sent them to Liverpool by steamer We ou board the White Swallow learned that after Capt. Adams heard of the loss of the Sea Horse and her captain, he got the draft for th money on tlie bet cashed, carried the tlionsand dollar* to the owner* of the lost ship, and had tliem invest the monev for the benefit of the widow of Capt. Daly. *' Tlie people whom we rescued from the wreck left the White Swallow in Liverpool. The captain of the lost Cherub and the young lady took a . steamer for New York, but I never knew what became of the four men. " There,, boys," said I, " that's the end of that twister ; you don't often have two wrecks in one uight. Now vamose this rauche." " All right!" cried the youngsters in chorus; " and good-night, Mr. Blue Jacket." The General of the Jenlts, Father Beckx, the General of the Order of the Jesuits, has, it appear*, been " interviewed " at Rome by a cor respondent of the Vienna /Vcssc. The correspondent describes him a* s Abort, narrow-shouldered man of seventy, with a pale and tranquil countenance, "whose life seemed to concept rate itaeif in hia expressive gray eyes, shaded by long black lashes, and always lient to the gronnd, except when he is addressing you." He was dressed in a long, loose robe, which he held together over his chest with his left hand. " The Gen eral's head is long and narrow, axd its baldness is concealed by a black skull cap ; hia brown hair, interspersed here and there with a thread of silver, is brushed back from his temples behind his ears, and n sharp prominent nose and thin bloodless lips complete this very characteristic but unattractive countenance." Tlie father speak* French and German with equal purity, though his nntivo language is French." " I left Belgium," he said, " where I wa* born, in 1819, and resided for some time in Germany. In 1830 I went to Vienna, and I lived in Austria till 1850." He complained bitterly of the persecution suffered by tlie brethren of his Order, " who are now so hunted about from place to place that, although most of them can speak French, Italian and German, they now often find themselves in countries where they are unable to make themselves understood." "Boon," be said, " thev will have to learn Span ish, perhaps Magyar." A float Paradise. The island of Guadalonpe, lately Enrchased of the Mexican Government y a company of California capitalists, is to lie converted into one vast rancho for the breeding anil rearing of Angora goats. It lies off the eoast of Lower California, ninety miles from the harbor of Ban Quentin, and two hundred miles from Han Diego, the terminal point of the Texas and Pacific Railway, and is twenty-six miles long by ten miles wide. Thi* would give an area of lflf>,4()o square acres. Of this, 4,500 acres is a dense forest. The face of the island is said to resemble, in n remarkable mau ner, tho native country of the Angoras. Good grass anil other vegetation cover its surface. Thcair is so fine that when the dry season seta in the grasses cure ou the ground standing, anfl tlie climate is so mild, genial, and equable that stock can range throughout all the year without artificial shelter or prepared fodder. The rains are Bufficieut to keep the grazing always fresh and abundant, while the living water of the springs is plenty, pure, and wholesome. There is not tbe drawback there on ac count of wild animals which exists on some portions of the mainland. MAKIMO BASKETS.—Basket-making is one of the new industries of Appleton, Mich. A factory erected there last year made tip to Jan. 1 over 100,000 corn baskets. One hundred hands are em ployed, and they can make an average of a basket a minute. They also have a saw-mill, which cuts tip their hard wood into splits, with a capacity of 100,- 000 feet per week. A large chair and bedstead factory, owned by James F. Atkinson, is near the basket factory. Water-power is nsed; sixty men are em ployed, and they expect to make this year, 40,000 chairs and 10,000 bed steads. There is also in Appleton an iron-furnace, paper-milU, a woolen mill, and several nouiang-mills. CENTRE HALL, CENTRE CO.. PA., THURSDAY. JUNE -hi, 1873. Beardless Iloj* with Loaded I'LUd*. A Umu* Vital Sltoultl llasr ll* Xlf.rl— U 111 II I The entire handiueaaof having a load ed pistol iu your pocket, say* the New York Tribune, was illustrated again in Brooklyn, by a young gentleman of twenty, who shot and instantly killed his mother. The young man intended to kill some one else, to wit, a person of about the same age, wlu> was intoxicated and also armed with the always handy revolver. Two of them intoxicated and quarrelsome, both armed with revolvers which they had drawn npou each other with murderous intentions, the mother of oue of them while attempting to sep arate the combatants shot dead by the plated of her own son—picture at once graphic and ghastly of a condition of aociety in which youthful precocity is so rapidly develo|>ed iu the direction of brutality and ocusuol iudalgciice, that the beardless Imv lays aside his top for a revolver and is graduated from the play-ground to the groggery and broth el. It's such a manly thiug to carry a revolver ; it adds so much to one's in tellectual stature, to one's personal dig nity, reputation for courage, and to one's pride of behavior and souse of self-respect. Doubtless this voting man Roderick, twentv rear* ohf, thought when he dressed Inniself ou Bumlsy morning and completed his personal adornments with the loaded revolver that be was much more a man with that than it he went unarmed ; that that iu tangible and incomprehensible thing he called his persoual houor was aafer from the possible disgrace of an insult ; that he was better entitled to be looked up to and respected by his fellow-men while he had iu his i breast-pocket so sure a means of avenging discourtesy or slight. And the other budding mur derer no doubt plained himself on hia maaliuess as he armed himself for hu Sunday's recreation, rinu aud riot Net to have a pistol was, in the considera tion of both these young men, evidence of the callownees and iuexperieuce of youth. By this token thev were men. Bo when they met the (lay's dissipa tion had prepared young Corcoran for any exhibition of brutality, and both hail fixed tliemselveadeliberately for the taking of life, A few moments' violent altercation, an assult by the drunken young fellow Corcoran, both draw their pistols, aud Roderick's mother, endeavoring to separate them, ia killed. By accident, of course; that iR, it was aa accident a* t the person killed, but not aa to the killing. If these two boya had any purpose iu arming themselves with loaded revolver*, aa they did de liberately on Buuday mom ing, it was to take life—somebody's life. Possibly deluded themselves with the idea that it would be in self-defense ; but the in tent W-.S to kill somebody under some circumstances is plain enough. In deed, it may be well token for granted that when any man or boya arms him self with a loaded pistol to go out into crowded streets, where the onlv game ia human, he means murder. This boy meant to kill sotuehady, and he killed his mother. Of course he feels badly abeut it. He would have felt badly, though not perhaps as badly, if he had shot and killed some one else. It was the logic of events that he should fce| badly. It follows the killing just aa naturally as the killing followed the loadiug of the pistol. There's no need of saying, and there's DO sense in whinl uing, that this young mau bear* a good reputation, and that he is overwhelmed with grief because he killed his mother. us stop all this business of personal and private sympathy aud see whether upon the whole aocietr has not some right in the matter. Here is a staring fact, not of accidental killing, but of deliberate preparation to do murder. It is not isolated or sporadic ; it illus trates a fashion—the fashion of carrying deadly weapons, aud of using them up on whatever occasion offers. We hold human life pretty cheap at the hw*t in this country ; hut if it lias come to this that beardless boys "of good reputa tion" travel our streets habitually arm ed and waiting only provocation to take life, it ia qnite time that we do some thing besides waste sympathy on them when they happen to kill tbe wrong person. An Amcriran Exhibitor. For a loag time, says a Vienna corre spondent, the only American exhibitor ready, wa* Woodruff, of Auburn, N. Y.. who had his harvesting machines in position in two days sfter his arrival, rinding A quarrel in Vienna, and ao one willing to take tlie responsibility of assigning space, Mr. Wooamffsaid that he had come there to exhibit his machines and to take as many prizes as possible, and concluded that he would not wait for the slow action of the Com mission. Going into Agricultural Hall, then not half completed, he selected the best place in the room and at once put up an elegant platform, carpeted and furnished it, and had his machines in liefore any one knew what he was alxmt. The consequeuee has leeii that all visi tors to Agricultural Hall have been obliged'to feast their eyes solely upon the machines, and there is always a crowd about the stand. The fine finish of these articles causes astonishment. The gayety, the invirable good-humor, the energy, and the picturesqae Auburn dialect of the American young gentle man has nlrcadv made them known to everybody, and I urn not sure they hnve not " sworn eternal friendship" toeverv exhibitor in the building. One day 1 was passing through the rotunda with them when Mr. Dennis suddenly cried : " There is the first Englishman I have yet seen with his coat off—that ought to Its encouraged." The son of a large and wealthy ateel manufacturer, aided by an aristocratic-looking relative, was trying to get a seven and a-half foot circular-saw in position. The strong arms of our young American were soon placed at his disposal, anil he did not quit work until tne huge saw was swing ing upon its pivot. As the young man was for a long time tho only represen tative of American enterprise, he made friends with everyliodv, and, via /of, if everv friend would take a machine, he would work off a hundred or two a dav with ease. Being first on tlie ground, too, he was entitled to the first mcntiou. New Discoveries at Pompeii. The skeleton of n young woman wa* found, with a curious bracelet on her arm, a broad, massive gold one, formed of great heavy rings soldered together. But the most remarkable oue is a paint ed marble Venus which was found in the garden of the same house, in the edieule. She is aliout a metre high, and, he says, is really beautiful, al though the effect of coloring is startling. Her hair is yellow, the eyelashes and brows black; a yellow chlamys which covers part of the body has blue anil red borders on the inside folds. The left arm leans on a smaller statue, which ia also painted with yellow, green, and blaek draperies; the left hand holds the applo of Paris. The nude parts of the body are painted; it ii in perfect preser vation, excepting two fingers of the right band, which are wanting. The heads of the Chinese companies are sending dispatches from San Fran cisco to Hong Keng, reading: "Stop all passengers ; no more work here ; nil food; no houses; many sufferers." Larellette's Wife. " One day," observes the Count Lavellette, "alien I hail accompanied Bonaparte to the treasury, to expedite the aetiding off of the autiia that were required at Toulon for the fleet, lie or dered Ilia coachman to drive along the new Boulevards, that he might have at lua leiauro a conversation with me. ' 1 cannot make a majofl of yon," he said: • I must, therefore, 'give you a wife ; you shall marry Kindle de Iteauharnais. klie is very handsome, and very well educated. Do you know her ? 'I have seen her twice. But, general, I have no fortune. We are going to Africa; I may be killed—-what will become, in that case, of my poor widow? Beeidea, I have uo great liking for marriage.' • Men must marry to have children— that is tlie chief'aim of life. Killed you may be; well, in that case she will be the widow of one of my aidce-de camp—of a defender af hia country. She will have a pension, and may marry again advantageously. Now she ia the daughter of an emigrant that nobody will have; my wife cannot iutruduce her into aociety. She, poor girl ! de serves a lietter" fate. Come, this buai neaa must be quickly settled. Talk this morning with Madame Bonaparte about it; her mother lias already given her couaenl. The wadding shall take place in eight days. I allow you a fortnight for your honeymoon; yon must then come and joiu u at Toulou on the 29th.' (It was then the 9th. 1 1 could not help laughing all the while he spoke; at laat I said, ' I will do whatever yon pleaae. But will the girl have me? Ido not wish to force Tier inclinations.' 'She is tired of her boarding-school, and she would l*> un happy if she were to go to ber mother's. During your sbseuce she shall live with her grandfather at Foutainbleau. You will not be killed; and you will find her when you come back. Come, come; the thiug ia settled. Tell the coachman to drive home." • In the evening I went tosee Madame Bonaparte. Bhe knew what wa# going forward, and was kind enough to show sous satisfaction, and called me her nephew.' 'To-morrow she said, 4 we shall go to St Germain. _ I will intro duce you to aiv neice. You will be de lighted with her; ahe is a charming fPfl!" " Accordingly, next day, the general, Madame Bonaparte, Eugene and I went in an open carnage to St. Germain; and stopped at Madame Campan'a. The visit was a great event at the boarding school: all the young girls were at the windows, in the parlor*, or in the conrt varvl, for they had obtained a holiday. We soon entered the gardens. Among the forty young ladies, I sought anxi ously her who was to be my wife. Her cousin Hortcnae led her to us, that ahe might aalute the general, and embrace her aunt. Bhe was, in truth, tbe pretti est of them all. Her stature was tali, and moat gracefully elegant; her fea tures were charming; anil tho glow of her beautiful complexion wa* heighten ed by her confusion. Her bsshfulness was so great the general could not help laughing at her, but he went no farther. It was decided that we should break fast on tlie grass in the garden. In the meanwhile I felt extremely uneasy. Would she like me? Would she obey without reluctance ? Tin* very *brtipl marriage, and thi# speedy departure, grieved me. "When we afterward got up, and tlie circle was broken, I begged Eugene to conduct hia cousin into a solitary walk. 1 joined them, and he left us. I then entered on the delicate subject. I made no secret of my birth, nor of my want of fortune ; and added, *1 j*>#se* noth ing in the world but my sword, end the gtiod will of the general; and I must leave yon in a fortnight Open Tour heart to me. I feel myself disposed to loTe yon with all my soul; but this is not sufficient. If "this marriage doe# not please you, repose a full confidence in me ; it will not oe difficult to And a pretext to break it oft I shall depart; vou will not be tormented, for 1 will keep vour secret' "While I wa* speaking, ahe kept her eye# fixed on the ground : her only an swer was a smile, and she gave me the nosegay she held in her hand. I em braced her. We returned alowly to the company, and eight days afterward we went to the municipalitv. The follow ing day, a poor priest wlio had not taken tlie oaths, married us in the small con rent of the Conception, iu the Rue St Honors." A Dry Joke. Tlie New Albany (Ind.) wag* mus tered in front of the opera house in thst city a few evenings ago and enjoyed themselves at the expense of the unwary and credulous gentlemen who attended the exhibition. When the audience catered the build ing the weather was threatening, and there was a general display of nm brellas. In the meantime, however, the clouds were dispersed, and at the conclusion of the exercises the weather was fair. A number of individuals who were doubtless jealous of the gentlemen in the audience who were in the com pany of ladies, ranged themselves in froT, he stated, was detained against her will by her father, Col. Han cock, and his wife. Bines then the room of Judge Gary, who granted the writ, has been besieged by velines, and the flutter of a petticoat in tbe vicinity was the s for a niflh. The trial came up. Tbe court was crowded. The ambitions Lyndon wna a centre of attraction. He, with tender fond-, neas, lingered user the door which en closed hia spouse, aa though in hop# of catching a stray accent of the voice which had made him ao happy and ao * miserable. The longer one looks at him the more amazing seems the infstuatieu that caused a young lady of such pros pects to contract such a mesalliance. Lyndeu is fat, not fair, and forty-five, ! ia bald-headed, with a low forehead, j plentifully wrinkled, overshadowing a rather minute pair of eyes. He was dressed in a neat blaek coat and light pants, while a red neck tie was the "groomiest" article in hie Unlet. He ; was, judging from appearances, the most uuoinoereed man in the room. John Lyle King, having whispered long and earnestly in the ear of the, love-lorn Thomas, arose end said: "Your Honor, the relator would like to discover whether any undue restraint ; has been or is placed upon Mrs. Lymlen to keep her from going to tlie protection ' of her husband. The relator claims ' that he bee got in his Docket numerous tokens of regard from her in the way of letters which indicate that, were she free of choice, she would live with him and conduct herself toward him aa his true and lawful wife. The Court—l suppose there ia no, an cation raised at to the marriage. If ; lera was a marriage, as the Court de cided there was, then it is legal, for if : it were illegal, of oooree it eould not be called a marriage. That fact alone makes tbe law in this case dear. The , ledv, bv bg msrriege with the relator, , is "free from parental restraint, and is legallv nmler her hesbend's charge, if . she is willing the* she should go with • him. If she is not willing, that is an other matter. No parents can be allow-1 ed to ooeroe a child into deserting her husband. Tbe lady ia free to net as she i El cases ao far a* this court can make cr ao. Mr. King—The relator feel* that hia f wife ia coe;crd in the matter. She has repeatedly written to him affectionate . letters, mtting ferth ber willingness to j live with him if she were not restrained. He feels that her heart doesn't cue about hi* feelings. The Court—l cannot enter into the relator's feelings. 1 must deal with the ' facta before me. When the lady is' brought here I'U tell her that she ia free to go where and with whom she i pleases. Then she'll go. [Laughter.] Mr. King—Bat, your Honor, this man, 1 Lyndeu, is entitled to know whether < tlie voting lady is kept from acting aa j she lists ; whether she is restrained of j ; her liberty, either in e moral or physical j ense. That ia the allegation of the' petition, and tbe questions pnt by the ; Court ought to be iu the spirit of tbe I allegation. The Court—lf Mr. King will frame the qucetiou, I shall put it Lmi the veung lady be produced in court This order caused a universal flutter. , Col. Hancock, accompanied by a friend, retired to an anteroom, and eoon through the aisle readily cleared for her ap-' proarh. a young lady, hteode ae Eugene, stately a Juno, and graceful ee the tjueeu of Love, came into tlie apartment She wore a thick white veil, which ef fectually concealed her features, unless when the friendly breeze created by a draft from the open door slightly shift- ' ed the annoying acreen-and allowed the *l>ectators a'chance of seeing the loveli- j eat blue eves that ever flashed in the court of j'ustioe. The features of the beauteous riaion were modelled in the graceful symmetry of American beauty, and none'who looked upon her could blame Thomas Linden for hia persist- j ency ia wishing to coll a creature so lovely hia The young lady was attired in the height ox fashion, ber raiment setting off to advantage ber noble stature and well rounded form. Bhe was aceompanied_by Mr*. Hancock, her mother, e good-Linking matron, slightly 'on the silver line of middle age. Mra Lyndeu and her chaperon t>ok seats on the left hand of the court. The cheeks of Tliomsa Lyndeu flashed a deeper red ; his stupidly good-natur ed brown eye# winked with more than ordinary industry, and the bead drops of loving agony broke out more profuse ly over hia semi-bald pat* as the wife of hie fancy, if not of his boeom, ap peared before him. The dignified court, however, paid no more attention to the charming Ella than if she were an apple girl. He bent his stern looks upon s huge tome which , treated profoundly of habeaeoorpuaiam. j ! " Hum tun —am —am —custody—P*** j enta—— um husband restrained—urn j —" read the Court. "Yea, Mr. King, I'll ask this lady a question or two. 11l ask her this—but first let me ask, ia she : identified ?" . "Well," pursued Judge Gary, "let me ask vou, Mrs. Lymlen, have you Hince the filing of this petition, four days, been, or are you now, restricted in your liberty, ana prevented from go ing where yon wish ?" In a voioe of silvery sweetness, the j yoting lady replied, "No, sir." The oountenanoe of Thomas Lyuden J fell an inch or two. ' Tlie Court—Do yon now understand, Mrs. Lynden, that yon are before the ! i-%urt on a writ of habeas corpus, and ' that this court declares you free from all restraint, and that you are at liberty to go where and with whom yon pleaae? Mrs. Lynden—Perfectly, airv The Court— Yon see, that tiie young lady understands the question. She declares that she ia unconstrained ; that she knows she is free to do as she may choose. What more can be said ? Mr. King—Yonr Honor, I think that this Court has a right to go further into the matter. I believe that Mrs. Lynden has been influenced by lier family. The letters to her husband prove it. The Oourt—l'll not go into that, I say. Mrs. Lynden is a free agent by her own confession. I cannot undertake to alter her mind. If she wants to go with the man she married, nobody can hinder ber. The bride, her father and mother arose simultaneously. Mrs. Lyndeu sobbed out energetically, "I'll go with father," and taking the arm of the gallant oolonel, ahe brushed past whore the bewildered coachman was sitting, Col. Hancock displacing Lynden from involuntarily barring the way, by gently pushing him aside. Another Terrible Dlmlir. Ksplostos * rtn Ommp mm* ****** Lo ot U*. While the inside boM at Horny Clay (Mltery, near Hlnioakin, Northumber liui bronglit out aii The other men got in and brought out * fonr dead. Shortly after two more dead were brought ot Anetbar dead waa addsd. A German ww brought out to rentable, but, being restored and taken home, be drank a glass of water ana ' died instantly. There was no cave in of tba mine, an I first reported, but the explosion drew i down the air batteries and abatis, and I knocked down tbe pillar is the bottom of tbe slope. Foor hoars after the oe ! currenoe air waagoodin the mine, alow sng good ventilation, and that the acci dent resulted from old gw exploding in the disused working. . The scenes about the mxneat Ux- Lour I write areheart-rendincin the trireme. By tbe dim and flickering light of ' mine re' lamps weeping, sorrow-stricken wives are hunting among the dead and i ! MtUUDW OTCr Ml® llirifwc iutuw "* "*"*** I husband*, filling the air with their lamentation*. Children are erytng over ! their fathers' corpses, and a gnat, pity* I ing crowd surge about tbe wagons as ' they come up at toe slope each time to I gain the name of the next unfortunate. ! Women rush nn to the oars they come ' up, srith lamp in band, and fnmtieMly , call the names of their I went down in tlie nunc to-oay full of ; life and vigor. The men brought *p, not Tet dead, lay shivering noon the ground, while thnr.frieods are bending i over and laboring bard to restore them, i Some, better then the rest, ale walking about among toe excited waam blags, relating their story of the accident and their rumUwten of tbe terrible scenes I in the eiTera of horror, thtough i they had inat pawed. At the time I close my dispatch the work of looking for the bodiea atill continue* and the excitement is nn abated. Mo one ap pears to know who or how many were in the mine at the time of the explosion, :Ui d many more have probahly lost their . lives than can be ascertained to-night A Live Plant. A gentleman of Williaxisport, Pi., traveling in Jamaica, W. U J**** itgo, was attracted by a vigonona-lookiiig mailt growing on the road-aide in the drv and arid toil, apperently the only vegetation that could withstand tbe ax : treme heat and dronth. Ihwn inquiry, i he srw told it waa the life-plant, and that, if a leaf should be suspended by a thread from the oeiling, it wonld put I forth rootlete from each of the dentate notches. He broke off a twig and a i leaf, and peeked them amoug aome dried Kiss and brought ike in home srith him. e moisture in the air in tbe treses ; waa ao penetrating that they grew in i hi# trunk, and the twig continued to grow after it ww planted in the ground up to the present time. Last winter it bloomed, the flowers were in a large panicle, purple bella, about an inch and I a half long, and they soon began to fade. At the suggestion of a gardener, the top waa cut off, but, ije plant look ing a little uninteresting, tge top waa stuck into the ground, whan new bnda appeared, and it continues to bloom lis though it waa on the parent stalk. - '' > m ,bi ■ TH* BOX WAX TOO SHAIX.— A prom inent merchant went to bix box in the Boston post-office Monday and found there what he thought must be a dress pattern. A little smprised, he com menced pulling it out, but it seemed to be glued fast into the box. He pulled harder, and waa at last gratified at hearing a little soream. He then became aware that the drew of one of the lady clerks bad becctee caught ir the box, and our merchant was vault endeavoring to drag dress, young ladj and all, through the door. Rich but JSSSteia n m w way to pnt At wooden Padding* Iff Montana, clubs arc amongtftffrUta to thy married jgAt.' '* .f.nß'flyliMsj Lottis, Iwcawiw tho laitethim a drink. It eoat a Buffalo man sl*7 § out ofl tha tail of a sturgeon Mm* • latter was dead. isst A sensitive jwoth to P*stlvm>U lately killed himself bwanw b.e friends laughed at him. Tba llaawhfa Athr gtonr attracted more tingle than married people. They were more interested. * Charles A. flnwd, who murdered JemwCrotty to San Frenctaoit baa been sentenced to be hanged July The German Government .tow tit-eased its diapkiiagpi tefth the last addrew of PMMdmt MaeMation. Ex-Congressman John A. Binghgm, of Ohio, has bM appointed Mmiari r to Japan, vice De TiO|, 'Unintended. A (drrewd Oonmetoicnt Fanltee is pad dling eolorei flax acod under the name of " Bloom of Paradiae. " A Michigan farmer baa written Mr. Bergh to know if folding floor* to hog pent viR be the this summer. An Olio irgfiletor baa presented a resolution forbidding any more babiaa being named John Smith to that State. Jack SoMe, of Arkanwa, is HO year* old, and runs his farm in a highly sue cewfnJ manner. Well, be is old enough to do it. A man to Gfcwgo, Minn., lately bad an orebard ef Mfl flne apple trees all eat down in tha night by aome high minded Weiiare at mdeoaut matter on postal cards are xubprct to a fine of not leas than SIOO, nor wore than 16,000 for each oflbam. A woman at East Jaffrey, N. H , baa had ao exact ffhtor* of a juniper tree printed on her leg by a flash of light *{**# A Swede woman of St Paul reeeatly astonished the natives by carrying an oil barrel through th* streets on her hraif - William Seegar, State Treasurer of Minnesota, has bean impeached and re moved tor eorroptly misapplying tha Haste funds. boicidw are beeoteiag ao common to Paris that some of tha papers bare an nounced their intention of not noticing : "ordinary cases.'* Notoriety is a flash ; esteem is a flwae- The first ia soon kindled and aoaaehed ; the last is a gradual and en during illumination. Prince Edward's Island has consented to join the Dominion of Canada The island ia to have six representatives in the Canadian Parliament. The Bender family formerly livud near New Albany, Ind , where they committed a number of mordera. They went from Indiana to Kansas. A Boston lagar-W- r wlnon posts this notice : *' Only those lianida will here be given to frieods which onr immaea- Lete Legislature ooaaider* healthy." Aa American writing bora Vienna uvi: "Tell intending wiaitarf to re main at home for two months. They may then enjey thtir visit to a oomple tedi exhibition." It ia a remarkable fact that tbe mo ment a woman write# a letter she ia frantic to pnt it into the post-office, al though be may hove been putting ofl writing for six moutßf., Boy (to lady vtottwr)-"Taacher there a a gal over tbem wfnkm' at me! Teacher—"Well, then, don't look at bed" Boy—"Bat if T don't look at her she'll wink at aaoaebody el*r A chap given to atottstiee, estimated that over two thousand toes were fronen during the pact winter, by young lediee keeping their beaux lingering at the gate, instead of asking them into tha parlor. A Memphis jury, hawing convicted a man at murder, near finds that tha sup peaed murdered man ia living. The question ia whether the verdict shall be rescinded, or tha man allowed torn order his victim. A society at Beyville, Ga., resolve* upon th* death of a member, " that we m*T bay all onr grooeries and tobacco oftoa estimable wife, who has aur aym pteby in this dark hour, bat who should at oace restock the store for the spring bade," , Lord Campbell, the Marquis of Lome's brother, vflto baa become a part ner to the §mam banking house of Coats* A Ou, London, is ad to have put into the firm not leas than|S,Bon - Sw of hia flktherb. the Duke of Argyll, money, Wenityourdeemndanto. A hundred years from now there will be no voting ladma who strewed flowers before Wash ington. no vri-n-g men who saw him re view the army ; sad oh ! dreadful thought ! ao cok>ml woman whs waa oneehis anrrent Japan seems to be the missionary field of th* future, Th* Propagation Soeietr of England ia abont to send two clergymen there to open misaiona, and the Baited Presbyterians of Sootland are moving in the same direction, hav ing already secured forty-five thousand dollars aa *s fund. Edmund Muagar, speaking of tha time when he wae a boy aay* it was the custom of school children aa you passed the school boons to make e bow; hat in there later days, aa you pass a abhool house, yon moat keep your eye peeled, ot you wiO gwtsumowball or a brickbat at the aide of jour head. A couple whe were married to Rut land, Vt., the other day; gave the offi cial who performed the weremony fifty oeuta. This was pretty cheap, but as it was afterward found that, under the State lews the offices! hak no authority to marry them, they think he ought to refund or send along a competent sub stitute. * F Tbe French, always fbmona for their murine, beve a sew dish, consisting of gmpe-teaves friqd in egg-batter. A contemporary suggests that this ia pmbahfv the meet dakreus dish that could be procured, uulcaa it would be a theatrical poster on toast. But, aa this could not eomelhto general use, what could be more refreshing than deniljd car-tickets on thehalf-aheli. A clergyman in Davenport, lowa, ex changed pulpita with pastor in a not distant city a few |uudaya ago, and meeting at the railroad creasing they had a brief chat together They carried satchels just alike, and when the car bell rang, oreh caught up one and start ed for the train, to find on reaching their deatinationa the*-, they had ex changed satchels and sermons. Speaking of the late Eliaa Howe and hi" great inventioma gentleman who for merly resided in Saw Haven says he had for a neighbor a master mechanic who had Aoee much teWard perfecting the sewing machine, and who from actual knowledge could give the cost of the different Muds note most in use. The Howe machine, able inclnded, coat $9 ; the Wheeler A Wilson, |7 ; the Singer, about 97 ; the Wilcox £ Oibbs, S5 ; ftotewhtoh it would seem Some dblofefl dfrere breught up from Mobile bay teat week fltofmenta^oMbe wSch, tWrtt-Rilhekts Sgo, went down with many Itote. Vbe': operations of the negre ilivera, aa described by the Register, are interesting. With a long iron-pointed pole they go abeut in a canoe feeling along the lied of the river, and when an obstruction is met the pole is firtnlv imbedded, and down it tl ey Mule to the bottom, provided with a cotton hoek. They generally remain under from twenty-eight to thiny seconds, the water 'being twenty f< et 1 deep, and rarely fail to come up I some scrap of iron, oopper, or rope.