The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, June 19, 1873, Image 1

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    1 Wedding Win.
All that I hare this <Uy is thine.
A heart whose fsith has never falter <l.
A love thai knew no ether shrine
And through all changes Uvea unalter'd.
Had I s thousand hearts to give,
Thine all their love and fniih should be.
Had I a thousand years to live
I'd gladly (icu i them all with thee.
There's not a joy in all the world
lake that of love beyond deceiving,
Though bolt on bolt be at tt hurled
The heart will triumph - when believing.
This dey my joy hath eov'rwgn away
A joy which but with thee I know,
The rapture of a first fond love
Which, wedded, makes s heaven l<ek>* !
Ills First, Best Friend.
The following touching versee from the Dub-
In wonderfully pathetic In their
simple fidelity to one of the noblest relations
and emotions in human nature - -rspeseenl an
Irish mother's mewssge to her emigrant sou m
America, by another emigrant just atvui to
sail, and will And ap|>ceoialxve eelio in all kiwi
llenioniber. Denis, all 1 bade you say t
Tell him we're well and happy, thank the
But of our troubles since he went away
You'll ixuud. avick, and never say a wool.
Of cares and troubles, sure, weVe alt our
The finest summer irnt alwayw ftlr
Tell him the spotted heifer calved iu Bay ;
Khe poor thing; but that you ucoJu't
Nor how the constant rain destroyed the ha.v ;
But tell bum God to us wAs ever kuid.
And when the fever spread the country o'er
His mercy kept the "ackneos" front our
Be aura you tell him how the neighbors came
And cut the coru and stored it in the barn;
Twonki be as well to mention them by name
rat Murphy. Mel MeOaha, and Shawns Cam.
I And big Tim Daly from behind the hill;
And say. agra'—ok, say, I una* him still
\ They came with ready hands our toil to share;
' Twras then I missed him meat—my own right
j hand :
I felt, although kind hearts were maud me
kindest heart beat in a foreign land.
throng hand! brave heart!—one severed
far from me
By many a weary league of shore and sea.
And tell him she was with u—hell knew who;
Mavoonteen. hasn't she the winsome eyes?
The darkest, dee pi est. tnghbeet. boaaieet blue
1 ever saw. except in summer skies;
And such black hair!-it is the blackest
That aver rippled over neck eo fair.
Tali him old Dumber fretted many a day.
And moped, poor dog! Twa* well he dtdn'
Crouched by the roadside, how he watched the
And sniffed the travelers aa they passed him
llad. rain, or sunshine, sure 'twas all the
He ketened for the fee* that never came.
Toil hint the house is lonesome-like and cold, j
The fire itself seems robbed of half its light ;
But may be lis my eyes arc growing old.
And things look dim before my failing sight
For all that, tell him 'twas myself that spun j
The shirts you bring, and snitched them j
everv one.
Give him my blessing; morning, noon, and
Tell him my prayer* are offered for his good.
That he may keep hje Maker still in sight. j
And firmly stand as his brave father stood— '
True to his name, his country auti his God. j
Faithful to home, and steadfast still abroad
Ths Fall Story an* Terrible loffrHa(t of
lbs Polaris Crew tvbo s tn bia months
on an Ire Floe.
The story told by the rescued crew of
the Polaris, of their six months' exist
ence on sn ice floe is thrilling in the ex
treme. Buddington, who was in com
mand of the vessel after Captain Hall's
death, abandoned the expedition alto
gether, and started for homo on Angust
12. On the 15th of October the ship
had drifted from latitude 8Q deg. 2 min.
to 77 deg. 35 min., where she encoun
tered a .heavy gale from southeast and
was jammed by a heavy pressure of ice
and bergs. The ice iifted her oat of
the water, so that she only <l*ew six
feet, snd lay on her beam ends everv
low tide. At the six feet water mark
she broke her stern and started wood
ends. On the night of the 15th, fearing
she would be crashed, and the vessel
being reported leaking very badly, an
order was given to shift provisions from
ship to ice. They continued landing
for two or three hours, when the pres
sure ceased. Tyson then went on board
and asked the sailing master if the ves
sel was making any more water than
nsnal; he reported' that she was not
Tyson went to the pumps and ascer
tained that she was not making any
more water than she had been all sum
mer. He then went on the ica again.
The rescued party were on the ice along
side the vessel "where the provisions
were deposited ; the remainder of the 1
ship's company were on board. The ice
commenced to crack, and, in a few min
utes more, broke np into pieces. Tha
vessel broke from ner fastenings, and
was soon lost to sight in the storm and
On the broken ice were most of
provisions that had been taken from the
ship, of which they succeeded in secur
ing fourteen cans of pemioan, eleven
and a half bags of bread, ten doaen one
and two-pound cans of meat and soup,
fourteen hams, one small bag of choco
late, weighing twenty pounds, some
mask-ox skins, s few blankets, s num
ber of rifles and abundant ammunition.
What must have been the feelings ef
the nineteen persons on the ice, Are of
wnom were feeble women and helpless
children, as they saw the vessel, which
to them was the only means of salvation,
drift slowly away ? Around them was
the breaking and floating ice, which
every moment threatened to engulf all
in the cold clntches of Death. Right
in their sight the vessel moved sway.
They oould not reach her. She eonld
not or did not'attempt to put back fas
them. Thoughts of home and /trends,
who in all probability might never be
seen again, crowded upon the imagina
tion, and it required all the efforts of
tiie strong, brave men to quiet the
weeping women and children.
Heron says:—"l made a rush for the
the vessel and sung oat for a line, but
they would not give me one. Chester
and Boddington were standing on the
gangway and could have thrown me one.
I was with four others on the piece of
ice that had provisions on it. It tracked
off and wodt adrift. We got back to
the main floe in a scow boat, which
sunk under one of the men, but we all
got safely back."
Tyson says :—" I could have got
aboard the vessel that night and been
there now, but would not leave the
women and children. My duty was on
the ice. 1 thought he would get back
to us the next day, which he oould have
done. The breaking away was caused
by the floe, to which the ship was fasten
ed, drifting in between the land and
some icebergs that were jammed. The
{'am broils up the floe and the vessel
iroke away. It was about nine or ten
•'clock in the night; temperature about
zero—that evening it had been nineteen
degrees above. We did not save more
than one-tenth of the provisions that
were on the ice."
Instead of coming to the rescue, as
they expected, the Polaris steamed
along down the shore. They then set
np a black rubber cloth, lashed to an
oar on a pinnacle, which is the best
mark in contrast with the ice and is
easily distinguishable. The ship viab
at tins time about eight or- nine miles
from the floe and must have seen the
signal. She was soon lost to eight in
the bead of the load sad behind what
KItKJD. ICITRTZ, Kditor andlVopriotor.
tliey took Jo be Northumberland Island.
The *iud hauling to the northeast,
the fioe commenced drifting south
ward*. opening a little* Ray to the north
, e*l of Nortiiuiut>rland Island.
There was the ve**el in harbor, her
sails furled, and no smoke issuing from
I liar stack. They thou attempted to
bring the loata aoroM the floe ta an
' easterly direction, hoping to find water
am! reach the shorn, to boord the vessel
from there ; succeeded in dragging one
boat across, took the water and at
tempted to reach the shore some dis
tance below the \essel, but were dm en
) lawk hy the pale, drift, and snow, and
compelled to hanl up the boat on the
! ice again. The vessel was alout four
or five miles from the fioe at this time.
The mainland was to the east, about
i three or four miles.
Tyson savs :—"All that prevented us
from reaching the vessel was ' slob' or
"posh' too thick for us to pull the host
through. If I had known what was to
follow I would have gone through it or
i Now commenced the drift from the
15th of Gotober, 1872, to tlie 30th of
April, 1873, over six months, or 197
days. Night closed upon the scene last
; described. The abaudoned party had
I fortunately two boats, the only remain
-1 ing boat* belonging to tlie Polaris.
The gale during the night carried the
floe aud its unfortunate occupiers to the
southwest, and in the morning they
were about thirty miles away from where
the ship was lying comfortably at anchor.
A heavy Be* waa running, which broke
up the fioe and separated the party from
six bags cf bread, one of their boats,
ud other articles of food, ctothing,
compasses, etc. When the gale abated
they endeavored to shoot as miuiv seals
as posuble for food and light as well aa
fnel, but did not succeed in getting
more than three, owing to rough weather
having set in. When the weather cleared
up the party found themselves, aa tliey
supposed, on either the east or tho wes't
coast of Greenland, about forty miles
from tlie ship. They now hoped to
reach the shore, bnt the ice being weak,
they could not transport boats and pro
visions to shore until it grew stronger.
Fortunately thev here discovered the
other boat, provisions, etc., from which
they had been separated, and saved all.
The ice at length grew stronger, and
they made another attempt to reach the
shore, carrying everything in the boats,
and dragging them on their keels. The
So batng exceedingly roagb, they stove
>th boats, which did not, however,
render them useless.
On the Ist of November they succeed
ed in getting about halfway to the
shore, when night and stormy weather
came on, and prevented farther pro
gress. In the morning it wa* found
that the ice was broken and the floe
drifting south very swiftly. No more
land waa seen for some days, and bad
weather continued throughout Novem
ber. Then, giving up all hope of pres
ent rescue, thev built snow nouaea on
Uie iee, reconciled to make them their
home for a season.
These huts were houses of snow, con
structed of a circular form at the base,
gradually converging towards the top ;
the sides, surmounted by a block of
snow, which form<sl tlie roof, leaving a
small hole for ventilation.
The entrance was a small vacuum at
the base, barely large enough for a man
to oniw) through. Anv larger space
would destroy the usefulness of the
house by allowing access to the cold
and wind. These houses, while the
weather continues hard and drv, are
warm and tolerably comfortable, but on
the first appearance of wet or thaw have
generally to be abandoned. The dis
position of the Esquimaux to consump
tion is attributable, among other causes,
to thia method of life, constantly ex
posing themselves to the damp cold of
their melting huta.
Their food from thia" time wa* a pru
dent allowance of snch provisions as
they had, with a large proportion of
seal fiesh fat, and subsequently, when
the seals were scarce, even seal skins.
Three of the huta were for dwelling
houses and one for a storehouse. In
one lived Captain Tyson, Joe, and
Hannah his wife, and one child ; in the
second, Hans Christian, wife and four
children ; in the third, Mr. Myers and
eight men. These huts were built aide
by aide on the floe, and were contin
uously occupied from November to
April," when tliey were obliged to aban
bon them. They had no materials for
fire, except old rags and blabber—both
scarce—which had to be used very
sparingly, and only when it was neces
sary to warm their scanty allowance of
food, so that for nearly the whole six
montlui they were without fire, a pe
culiarly distressing position under the
circumstances, especially aa these hut*,
unless heated artificially, are extremely
Tlie darkness of the Arctic night,
which lasts a long time, and commences
about Deoember 1, prevented the
catching of seals or other animals ex
cept by accident. Then the sun disap
peared, and did not reappear nntil the
end of January or beginning of Febru
ary. During this period day was not
distinguishable from night, except Lj
means of a streak of light on the south
ern horizon, which, however, afforded
; no light to oar unfortunate wanderers.
I It waa a darkness unlike the darkness
'of southern latitudes. There was no
balmy breath of night; all was cold and
cheerless and desolate. Day succeeded
, day, and still the darkness continued.
Gradually the eye became accustomed
to it, and objects which at first were
dim and indistinct ooidd be plainly dis
cerned at a distance. The Esquimaux
of the party were, of course, used to the
long?, dark winter and thought lightlv
of it, but it was not so with the Ameri
cana and the other members of the ex
pedition. Some of them hail had ex
perience in the northern latitudes, bnt
never such a trying one ns this, and
their hearts might have well failed them
when they thought of the dreary pros
pect which spread out before them.
Those who read this narrative in their
comfortable homes can form bnt a faint
impression of thesnfferings which these
people endnred. The greatest priva
tion which the darkness occasioned was
that it put a atop for the time to the
seal hunting, which to the crew was tbe
chief means of sustenance. The dark
joclor of the animal prevented it from
being seen at any distance, and the pur
suit of it in the midst of darkness was
attended with so many perils that few
had the, temerity to engage in it. Even
the Esquimaux, Who were familiar with
the habits of the soal and knew its
every movement, refrained almost en
tirely from hunting it during the
Stygian darkness. It mnst not be un
derstood from this that the Arctic win
ter's night does not vury in dnrution, as
it lasts months longer in some latitudes
than in others; but it must be remem
bered that drifting south, they were
gradually diminishing the period of
that darkness which reigned at North
umberland Island and approaching the
attending light of " otner days. ' In
the latter part of February they lived
principally on birds—dove-keys —which
were picked up between the ice cracks.
The provisions lasted until nearly
March, when the party had to fall back
upon the rifle and seals and birds. The
sun appeared on the horizon on the
19th of January for the first time after
its disappearance in November, rising
at half-past eleven JL. X. and setting at
half-past twelve ?. x. After the sun set
there was twilight for sis or seven hours.
The daya after that rapidly grew longer
until the party was picket! up.
On the last of February they had re
maining of their provisions brought
from the vessel only two cans of oeiui
ean and 120 pound*of bread -the latter
wet and mouldy. One of the boats was
cut tip to make fuel to melt tlie ice into
water to drink, During the time they
were without blubber their provisions
were eaten cold.
The natives were very faithful iu thoir
exertions to kill *eid* -during the
j months of darkness; but, as said bo
j font, tliey rarely succeeded, the diftl
; eultio* and dangers attending the tin*
I dertaking being very great. Starvation
| now stared the party in the face, and
the return of tlie sun, though it gave
soute promise of succor, found every
oue, even the moat hopeful, cheerles*
I and despondent. But work and action
j were necessary to sustain life, and Cap-
I tain Tyson set an example of energy
j and industry which was imitated by all.
A lot of Esquimaux dogs drifted on
Uie floe, most of whieh Hans and his
! family regaled themselves ujhui. The
white's were at that time a little deli
, oate, but would subsequently, they say,
! have eaten a roast dog.
Captain Tyson says he wanted the
j men to save the dogs, kill and store
I them up for some hungry day ; but
> they would not, not thinking at the
time that they would eat seals' entrails,
I Ac., afterwards.
After the provisions gave out the men
ate uotoulv the flesh and fat of the seals
j they wore fortunate enough to get, but
! also the bones, skins, entrails, and all
1 intestines and appurtenances. Captain
| Tyson showed two of his front teeth,
broken by chewing up f rose n seal bones,
while at times it was considered a great
j luxury to get a lump of blubber to hold 1
iu the mouth to suck, to keep out the .
| cold. The people confined themselves j
for days together to tlieir huts during
the cold drifts, spending the time sleep
ing, wrapped up in skins.
In March they got among the seals
| and procured plenty of meat, upon 1
which they were entirely supported
after that." One night a' very large ;
polar bear approached their oik-.hup
! meut and commenced eating tlieir seal
| skins lving about. The natives were j
j directed to imitate the seals, lying
j prostrate on the ice, in order to entice
j the monster within a convenient ahoot
: ing distance ; hut they were all afraid,
; whites and all, and Aed. Tyson tired
| one shot, whieh wounded the War, who
1 thereupon faced and attacked him.
1 Tyson had to retrest to get more am j
! munition, and, returning, dispatched j
him. This was a welcome addition to
their scanty storehouse, so they took
the precaution to save up bears' flesh,
seals' skins, entrails, Ac., and in this
way collected enough food to last them
till the middle of May, should they not
by that time reach some laud or veaaeL
But a greater misfortune, perhaps,
than any overtook the heroic little band j
of settlers on the ocean. About the end
of March a heavy gale drove them out
to 6ca, broke up the floe on whieh they '
had lived so many mouths, and on
which stood tlieir homes of snow and
newly stored stock of food. Their floe, j
which had been nearly five miles in eir- I
eu inference, was by this uh to ward
calamity reduced to a pan of ice no
more than twenty yards in diameter.
The consequence was that they con
cluded, by the advice of Captain Tvson, ■
and after much altercation and differ- '
ence of opinion, to abandon their late ;
home and endeavor to regain the main
pack. This was done on the Ist of
April, and, with the floe and lints, they
also abandoned all their stock of meat, ,
a large quantity of ammunition, cloth
ing, skins, and other articles. A small
portion of the meat was put into the (
Wat, in which they now again took to '
the water ; but owing to the boat beiug
too heavily laden, it became necessary
to throw that overboard. On the 3d
and 4th of April the outer edge of the
main body of ice was regained, and
some progress made inwards. The i
elements still adverse, a tremendous
gale and heavy sea breaking the iee into
yet smaller pieces, continuously hin
dered and threatened them with de
struction, so that they were obliged to
confine themselves to small pans,
changing their positions from time to
time as dangers necessitated. It was
impossible to launch the boat, no aeals
could be taken, and actual starvation
was inevitable.
It was at this crisis that, on the 21st
of April, fortune sent the Polar liear,
whieh they happily obtained possession
of as above described. The boat was
afterwards got into the water, and they
worked their way west and southwest
every day in the hope of reaching some
part of the Labrador coast. The only ,
then remaining shelter was a canvas
tent, erected after the annihilation of
the winter camp. On the 22d of April ;
the lioat happened to become separated
from this tent some seven or eight feet. .
The weather, which had been fine for j
some days previously, with hardly any
wind, auddenly shifted, and a terrific •
storm, accompanied with sleet and snow,
sprang up. More suddenly still, and
without any warning sounds whatever,
the iee between the boat aud tent burst
asunder, with a loud and deafening ex
plosion. A cry was at once raised to
" stand by the boat," Frod Mver, in
the darkness (for it was night) managed
to reach it, though, in attempting to do
so, li • narrowly escaped being swept
into the chasm caused by the separation
of the ice floe, and in which the mad
dened sea was seething and the shat
tered and scattered fragments of the
ice were tossing wildly against eaeh
other. Having reached the lx>nt in
safety liis first act was to look round for
bis companions. Noire were to be seen
and nothing heard, save fhe£ roaring of I
the tempest and the grinding and tlie
crunching of th dumpers as they were
driven with terrific violence by the sea.
To remain where he waa would he, he
knew, to court immediate destruction.
The pan upon which ho tottered was
becoming smaller and smaller every
moment, and, great as was the hazard,
he determined, if possible, to launch
the boat again, and, though desperate
the attempt, to cross the chasm that di
vided him from bia companions. But
this was no easy tusk. The sea was
breaking wildly over the pan. The boat
was heavily lailen, and it seemed as if
his remaining strength, though doubled
by that desperate situation, was un
equal to tlie required task. Several
times did lis make the attempt, aud
twice was he washed from the pan into
tlie sea by the violence of the waves
that dashed over and overwhelmed it.
The cold was intense, terribly
ed by the chilling and freezing water
with which he was covered and satur
ated. In thia awful aituation but little
hope remained of his ever again behold
ing his comrades or oven preserving his
own life.
In a moment, as if hy magic, the
storm lulled and the surge subsided,
and, straining liis eyes through the
blackness of that Plutonian night in the
direction in which he supposed the rest
of the party were, he discovered the
two Esquimaux, Joe and Hans, each
standing on a small piece of ice and
paddling towards him. These intrepid
and hardy sons of the "regions of thick
ribbed ice " were not deterred by dau
gers which would have blanched the
cheeks and made the hearts of men bold
enough to seek the banble reputation
even at the cannon's month stand petri-
tied with awe. But for tlieui the iee
seemed to lisve no terrors as for oouuiioii
nun. In a second the horrors of tin;
preceding moment were forgotten. Hope
(IBM mure bloomed in all its fullness,
regardless of the innumerable penis
beyond, and, strength thna revived * ith
eager h<>)ie, the l>oat waa launched and
they joy fully ve joined tlieir companion*.
Ou the 29th of April two steamers
hove in sight of the storui tossed mari
ners, which uow renewed all their long
chcriabed and constantly blighted ex
pectations of rescue. They made sig
nals, but were probably not observed.
Thia fresh and heartreuolig disappoint
ment was atoned for on tlie morrow,
when the sealing steamship Tigress, of
8L John's, Newfoundland, accidentally,
iu a dense fog, steamed against the very
doc of ice winch waa their liubiUitiou.
Three cheers from the rescued company
reut the air, and were as vehemently
and joyously sent buck by the 130 men
who composed the Tigress' crew.
Criminal* in Pru**la.
The essence of the Prussian system
for effecting tlie reformation of crimi
nals is contained in the single word
" work." There are religious books in
the prison library ; but they are not
forced upon the prisoner*—rather the
reverse. They arc encouraged to road
biographies, historic*, books of travel
and adventure ; aud even works of fic
tiou and illustrated magazines arc uot
forbidden them. While they are al
lowed to expend a portion of the share
of their earnings which is allotted to
them in grammar*, dictionaries, and
works on other subject*, they are on no
account permitted to buy religion*
books ; this, aa I understood, i# toguurd
against the tricks of hypocrisy. Every
one committed to the Htrafgvfaugm**,
no matter how short or how long his
sentence may be, it act to work at *um
kind of trade.
In Prnasia masters are found who
contract fur the labor of a certain num
ber of prisoners ignorant of any trado,
whose service* they roceive gratuitously
during the first month. At the rxpira
tiou of that period they have to pay mx
ailliergroachen or ten cents per Jay for
each man they employ ; but tins is
merely th* starting-point, the rate of
wages' being subject to increase from
time to time as the pri*om*r become*
more proficient. The contractor is also
bouuu to provide the convict with work
when he quits the prison. A prisoner
failing to earn the regulation six grot
cheu per day paid for him by tlie con
tractor is duly punished ; while of his
earnings in excess of this nmonnt one
third i allotted to him byway of en
couragement. A certain portion of
these earnings he lis* tlie jinviSege of
spending on the tiunday, under due re
strictions, in anch delicacies as butter,
bacon, beer, snuff, sausage*, and fruit;
but tobacco is strictly prohibited.
Should the convict prefer mental to ma
teria) food, he can lay out his money on
books, as liefore mentioned. The "bal
ance of hia share of earnings is given np
to him when he leaves the prison, to
gether with a new suit of cloths* and a
new pair of boots, fur the making of
which within the prison he ha* to pay a
trifle, the materials being supplied
Losing an Umbrella.
A man, says the Danbury AVi, may
lose friends, home, position, fortune.
They arc different from an umbrella.
He inajj lose them ; he is sure to lose
that. But he keep* on buying or bor
rowing theai. If he traya one *ome one
borrows it, and returns it to tbe wrong
man without knowing it. If he l>orrow
oue so uie one stools it, outright, and ho
has to borrow anoUirr from another
source to make it good. We don't un
derstand it. Nine of ovorv ton men
who to-day possess nmlirella* are not
tho owners of them. Heaven only
know* where the owner* are. Perhaps
thev are deed—periiap* in exile, and
perhaps, which is more likelv, tliey are
tinder other umbrellas. People will
borrow an umbrella when thej wouldn't
lioitow anything else. They will 1 air
row it aa long aa there is a bit of cloth
or rib to it They will lierrow the stick
if the alide is in it. While it bear* the
remotest semblance to an umbrella they
will Ikutow it, and—keep it. We never
yet saw an umbrella so reduced but that
some one would take it in. The only
time an umbrella is really invaluable is
when you want it, and that is the exact
time it fail* to nppear. When the sun
is shining brightlv and the dust is five
inches thick on a level, an umbrella be
come* one of the most repulsive obj>ct*
in Christendom. On such occasions it
meets yon on every tarn. You skat a
door and down it come* and anreadaout
and trip* yon up. You haul down yonr
linen coat from the closet and find
something is holding to it. It is that
umbrella. \*ou move tlie flour barn Ito
look for a rat, and out comes that mis
erable umbrella and scrapes your shfn.
It raps yon on the head in the stair-way
and trips you up in the hall, and fan*
down on your head from the garret, ami
when it ain't doing anything else it
stands up in a corner and wrings it*
hands and swears at aocisty.
. Spring Tonics,
People oftcu complain of a weak and
weary feeling during tlie spring months.
"Tonics" and "bitters" are resorted fc>
as a remedy ; whereas, in a majority of
cases, a little hygienic treatmout, with
out medicine, would bring the system
into its normal condition. An abundance
of fresh air and exercise is of the ut
most importance. And then in spring
we usually eat tho wrong kind of food,
and too much of it Tho hearty nrests
and rich, heating articles of diet which
help to fortify tbe system ngainst tin
winter's doM,"should le laid aside, or at
least sensibly lessetied fn quantity, as
tlie warm weather appronehos. Tho Ji
minished appetite is not a cause of
nlarm ; light, spare diet of early vege
tables, fruits, and articlea commonly
considered "cooling" is tho boat. But
if too much animal boat is generated by
tho food, tho weary spring fooling in
creases, and illneaa is scarcely escajied.
—The Acadia Powder Works, at Wa
verly, N. 8., about eleven milea from
Halifax, exploded. The efFeet of the
explosion was terrific. The trees sur
rounding the building were uprooted,
and Uio ground and stones overturned
within a radius of 300 foet. Tho ma
chinery was scatt<rod in atoms, and the
debris of. the ruined building wa* hurled
a great distance. Several buildings and
the manager's residence in the vicinity
of tho works were moro or less damaged.
The explosion was caused by the dryitig
hotise, where four tons of powder wera
stored, catching Are from the furnace,
where ashes were left smouldering when
the workmen left the mill. Fortunately
there was no loss of life.
AN ELXOTHIO MIST AX*,— A gentleman
found it necessary, duriug his recent
canvass, to ask a need railway official,
by telegraph, that a train might take
him np to a small station. The answer
promptly came back, " No one will stop
for yon." Bnt the conrteons official
had really done all in his power by
promising that train No. 1 would com
ply with the request made.
Man alone is born crying, lives com
plaining, and dies disappointed.
The New Frraltlrnt of France.
Msreliat WsrMsloiu. * ha Sut e*U foil-
a* at Ihtlu.
Marie Edm* Patrice Manriee deMac-
M a lion, Duke of Magenta, bettor known
as Marshal MacMahon, the distinguish
ed Marshal of Frane, who has been
elect**! to succeed JJ. Thiers aa Presi
dent of the French Republic, is tlie
descendant of an ancient Catholic fami
ly of Ireland whose ancestors folloWtd
tlie fortunes of James IT., the last of
the Htuarta, and after tlie fall of that
hoase emigrated to France, lie was
lawn at Sully, in the province of' Baoiie
aud Lolls, ou the lAli of July, IHIH.
I Ilia fat liar was a peer of France, aud a
I personal friend of Charles X., and as
stick hia sou, yoU{i£ Mar Main Hi, was
admitted ill the year 1825 to royal
1 military school of Ht. Cyr. Graduating
! thence," he entered the army and most
immediately after proceeded to active
service in Alguira, where h*f listingumh
led himself. In lkemubsr, lHltti, he
> was eumiuimnoned captain. He again
j served iu the Algerian campaign of
1837, and gained renewed reputation,
especially in the assault on Coustautiue.
From this time forth MacMahuu'a pro
motion was rapid. In 1845 he became
1 colonel, and in 1848 be attained the
< grade of hrigadier-genend. Appointed
general af division in 1852, he com
manded the Constantine division in
Africa until the year 1855 whan he was
recalled to France by the Emperor
j N'ttjioleon aud was placed in oominand
of a division of lufautry in BusqueFa
(ViTjis in the Crimea. Hs gained addi
tional laurels in this cainjiaign, as it
wns hia division whieh carried the
formklalde Malakoff as the siege of
Selamttipol upon the Hth of September,
j 1855; and held it against the prolonged
and desperate effort* of the Hussion* to
( retake it. MaaMaiiup was amply re
' warded for tins service by his imperial
master. Already uuul<- officer of the
' Legion of Honor, in 1837, eommandar
' in 1849, Grand Officer in 1853, he was
further honored, a few days after hia
; capture of tin- Malakoff with the rank
!of Grand Gross of the Region, and
, iattar, on June 24, lhfcti, with the
i dignity uf 8-iMiLir of France.
General MacMahon commanded the
French expedition of 1857 against the
warlike Algerian tribe of Kabyles.
1 These he vanquished, and not long f
--| terwards vras placivl in <Nimmand of the
eutire land force* of Algeria. At the
outbreak of the Auaßro-Franco-Hardi
■ man war in 1850 MacMahon entered
tlie field in command uf tlie arcond
corps of tlie French army of the Alj*.
It was iu Uus war that his military
glory culminsted. He was the virtual
victor of the bloody field of Msgcnts,
fought on June 4, sinl received ths sig
nal honor of being declared upon tlie
battlefield, bv the Emjieror Napoleon,
Duke of hlagenta and Marshal of
Franco. In lNil Mondial MacMslion
represented France in Berlin at the
coronation of William 111., mw F.m
peror William, as King of Frnssis. Re
turning to Franc* he was placed in
command of the Third Army Corps
vice M-rub*! (Mnrobert, and by im
perial deem* of Boj>temler 1, 18G4, he
was appointed < hiverntir-General of Al
geria. Upon the 19th of beptnmber,
MacMahau, iu a prochunaUou which he
issued Upon assuming command of the
colony, announced tlie plan of govern
ment whieh the Emperor vent liim to
Algeria to pit into pi notice. The pro
gramme provided for a monarchy among
the A rati*, bnt the event proved it a
failure. Tlie French ana Knrupeau
colonization which had been anticipa
ted atul hoped fur never reached such
proportions a* to jnaUfy tho expecta
tions of the Emperor. Colonization,
ou tlie contrary, was deterred by inimi
cal agricultural law* which were estab
lished, and many of the colonists who
went to Algeria, iustead of abiding
there, omased tho Atlantic to America,
and espscially to Hrasil. which offered
litem at that pwiial exceptional induce
ments in the wav of agricultural ad van-
T.U..U- overoment of the atrictest
kind prevailed in the French towns in
Algeria under MacMahon'* administra
tion, and tlie severity of law aud regu
lations whieh lis*! sensibly diminished
in I'ana waa transform! to the Mondial'a
dominions. The natives snfli-rvd the
horror* of famine, and cawnbaiism was
resorted to to furnish ansteuancc to tho
starving. It became necessary, so nu
merous were the deaths from hunger, to
establish orphan asylums in Algeria to
shelter the children of the dcal The
cry of the wretched natives reached
France and snbeription* were opened
in their behalf, and in March, 18(18, ex
traordinary appropriations were voted
for the relief of the Tictiras of the fam
ine. Public opinion in France arose in
protest against the horrors that dark
ened this period of French Colonial
Government, and aerions eharges were
brought against MacMahon. Tbn only
result <>f the agitation waa that the idea
vf the Arab monarchy was abandoned
| without entailings more liberal govern
ment in Algeria.
The record of MacMahon a oareor
1 Turing tlie recent war between France
and Germany, and sulmerniently as
cemmander of the Army of Voroailles
against the rising of tlie Gomnmne in
Paris, is familiar to sIL At the great
battle and slaughter at Sedan that (lay
he waa wouudcd.and became a prisoner
in tho hands of the Germans, when the
xror surrendered his army. He waa I
sufficiently recovered from his wound to
sasurae command of the omiy wliioli M.
Titian oignniwd against the Conunuue
when Boris was token. Politically,
Marshal MacMahon has proforaed no
bia* or partisanship in the enrrentcom
plications of France. When questioned
upon tho subject of his political afflio
tions ho has refnsod to givw any satia
fantorv nnuwor. "I am n soldier," he
wtmld reply, " and 1 Will do my duty aa
<'*>uimaude'r-in-chicf of tlie army."
The Domestic Growler.
Look at him 1 ho is a curiosity. He
wu pleasant enough an hour ago, a* he
nat in his office talking to Jrnks. With
his chair tilted hack, the toe* of hi*
hoots resting against the mantchnieee,
hia mouth extended in a loud guffaw in
reply to np* of Jeuk's yarns, you would
liftvu naitl lio wM one of the jolliott lei
lows in the world.
But he doe* not look so now. He has
lowered hi* hat oWor hia eyes, and got
his fiuaily face on. Hs consider* it bsd
domestio'iwliey to ooine homo looking
smiUiug and ohoerful; it would not only
lower hut dignity as master of the
house, hut it would eneoiirago his wife
and children to the asking of all sorts
of favors, and the running into good
nr*n knows what extravagance*. The
only war, as he believes, to keen UD a
proper system of honashold antlierity,
and rednee household expenditure to
ite certain limit#, is to always find fault,
and never relax for a moment the sytcma
of domustio anubbing.
Of oonrse, tlie aiming homo of the
Growler is not looked for with joy. All
pleasant influences take wing. The
very atmosphere becomes charged with
depressing or explosive material. The
cook spiMs the gravy, and blackens the
boast for tho pigeons; the wife is afraid
the soup will not be all right, or the
pudding done to the precise turn; the
children huddle iu a corner, and talk in
whispers, and no one feels that they
can breathe a free breath until " pa " is
gone. Who weuld be a growler?—
Kuitla's Cavalry.
TU* llarmus •( tit* t'**r~H*rtl*
Hid lag.
Writing of a review held in Bt. IVL-r*-
burg in honor of the visit of tlie Em
jieror of Germany to the Czar, tlie
eorreapoudetit of the Londou Mii/y
AVu aaya :
The great attraction of the day waa
Ui cavalry, and that far surp**s-d any
thing which I have ever seen. The two
elements of excellence were, of cmfw,
the horses themselves, aud the horse
manship of the riders. Can anyUoly
explain tlie peculiar charm about liua
■tou horses t Without presuming to
answer my own question, 1 think I may
poiul out'thai oue secret with trainers
IK ro seem* to be to educate the horse ;
to make Uim trustworthy, faithful, arn
hitioua ; and to dispense with all those
contrivances which, in more civilized
countries 'eruali the spirit out of the poor
liesHta. In what other country can one
•ee horses like those which dash along
the Nrveaka so free, and fraoh, and
graceful j In what other country do
tliey hava such a glossy akin, such swan
like necks, such delicate limlw T And
iu what other couutiy da tliey offer
such material for cavalry f One must
reflect, to, that Russians of a certain
ciaaa are born, like Arabs, in the sad
dle The home is a uemlwr of the
family, a brother, a companion in every
adventure. The Russian Government
had, therefore, good material ; but it
has employed it well, and the proof is
tlie superb lioraemeu who to-day gallop
ed along by Kaiser Wilhelm and hu
German officers. The Russian cavalry
has the ordinary divisions found in all
Continent!*! armies—namely, hussars,
dragoons, cuirassiers, aa
well aa some specie* peculiar to itself.
I pas* over the former, and only call
attention to tlie horses. These sleek
and muscular beast* had evidently been
selected as carofnllv aa tlie men them
selves. For each Wttalion they were
all of one color, now a glossy black, now
a rich light gray, and the uniformity
stvael to extend even to their size,
shape, and motion. Th* effect waa
Mugularly striking. The Tcheck and
Cossack cavalry have been ao often de
scribed that there is nothing new to lie
said about their appearance. The de
tachment which took part in the cere
monies of to-day wore bright red jackets
and a sort of fur hata of the aamesolor,
sud rode chestnut monies. On their
hack* carbines were strapped, and in
their hands they carried long rod lances.
They led the' cavalry division. The
first*circuit of the cavalry waa merely
for in*jicctiou ; tlie second was for evo
lution a. How impatiently the Cossack*
went through the first, and how eagerly
they entered on the second! Tlie pomes
run, trembled with enthusiasm. Aa
the cavalcade approached the Emper
or*, the rider* settled firmly in their
saddle*, loosened the rwinr a little, and
—the word i given! Like a flash of
lightniug.and mtnultaneonaly.the horse*
shoot off and before the spectator* have
caught their breath, are half-way around
the square. What an astoniabmg pace!
If a bono should stumble, the rider
would never mount again. The Cossack*
; croueli low in the saddle, and about
like fiends; while their long glittering
lances, stretching out horizontally far
beyond the horses, are terrifying even
to" friends and non-eombatanU. The
Germans do not spare their plandit*.
They love the uhlan* who trampled
down the Tufoos, and the Bismarck
Cuirassiers who rode into the jaws of
death at Mars le Tour, but nothing like
ihrsc unearthly horsemen from the
plains of Russia.
We cannot do negative injustice,
however, to the rest of the cavalry.
After the second turn around the field
the whole I*>dy formed at the rear, op
posite the Ere)>eror* and the amphithe
atre. The front stretched the whole
length uf the field ; somewhat lunger—
to use a comparison which many Eng
lish readers will appreciate—than from
the Heine to Uie barrack# at the foot of
the Champs de Mars, and several regi
ments deep. There were probably 15,-
000 in all—Uie cuiraaaiera with their
white coat* and heavy black horse#, Uie
hussars with their spikes, the monnled
grenadier* and Uie dragoons, and at the
wings the reckless Coaaacks again. The
Grand Duke Nichols* waved his sword,
and Uie entire force moved toward the
Emperor* and the spectator*. At first
it wa* a light trot, then an easy gallop,
then faster and faster, till one could
only see thousands of glittering uni
forms and superb horses dashing madly
toward DM crowd. Nearer and nearer
they come, and ever at the same terrific
pace. It will be death for the imperial
party who are on the ground below!
Huddeuly the Grand Duke's sword fliea
up again in tlie air ; the officer* pass the
word along ; still the 15,000 horsemen
shake the earth. The Grand Duke's
sword falls, and Uie mighty mass comes
to a atop a* if transfixed by an electric
shock. PerXeet silence reign*. The
long line of cavalry is aa- calm and
steady ns the marble palace itself, aud
far back through the centres all is tran
qoiL That waa a glorious sight, and
worth a journey to SL Petersburg to
so*. 1 shall never look on anch a spec
tacle again.
The Coal Fields.
An interesting paper by M. Strauss,
the ltelgiiuj Consul in Japan, gives a
glowing account of the mineral wealth
of that eonntrv and ef China. It appears
certain, though native estimates must
bo relied upon in the matter, that a coal
basin o 4 more r leas depth reaches
from the north to the south of China,
aud comprises the eighteen provinces of
the empire. Tins, with the coal-bed in
the Island of Formosa, would give 127,-
000 aquare miles as the extent of the
Chinese coal -fleM. The following com
parative statement will give an uloa of
the wealth of ooal represented by those
figures :—ln Uie United Htalcs the ooal
area oompnses 113,000 aquar a miles;
in liaglaud, 12,000; France, 2,000;
Belgium. 1,200; Germany 0,000 ; Hpain,
5,000 ; Japan, 0,000; in the British Pos
seasiona in North America tho coal area
comprises 18,000 square miles.
tluwe stridently need be little fear of
a scarcity of coal for some years.
A HCOH JtiLb.—ln aooonnt lately
settled in the lYobate Court at St John,
N. 8., the following were the items for
funeral charges I
For a grave. #3,000
" liermitto lmry,. tot)
" lioarls •.....' .. 30
•• 14 lb. oriaeuti...., I.HOO
" 120 briuka
" funeral sartire fn Masonic 10dge.... 3,000
" sundry mall expanses .' 140
u. aio.aoo
As the amount of the bill was paid in
Hayti, is the currency ef that nation,
it was mluoed to Federal currency, and
amounted to SO3.
OnAvaraftD WIT.— An Irishman who
had been employed at the cemetery some
time sinoe, went to Washington to drnw
his pay. After receiving the amonnt
the paymaster, discovering a sabre cnt
on his face, remarked : " You were
in the army during the war?" " Yes,"
said he. 1 ' What command were yon
in ?" "In General Fit* Hugh Lee's
command, sir." "Did you nave the
audacity to apply to a Federal cemetery
for work when you were in the rebel
ainiy ?" " Yes," replied tho Irishman ;
" I helped kill thorn, so I thought I had
a right to help bury them."
Term*: 5*2.00 a Year, in Advanoe.
Riot In Nhantokln, I'd.
Hobllsi a Msw X stfcsr's ( Mm la U*4
Werth •0,000,000.
A letter was received by Mr. Htewart
Newell from Mr. O. H. Wheeler, uow
in Hhamokin, Pa., raying that three
house* had been burned in that plaos
by a mob, and thai an army of men
were holding the roads to that place.
Serious trouble is apprehended. Mr.
Newell'* story of the origin of the out
break is aa follows : Robert Morris, of
Revolutionary memory,purchased twen
ty five trout* of land, containing 10,200
acres, of what has proved the richest
anthracite coal region in the country.
The land is now valued at over fJt),-
000,000. Robert Morris sold this land
to John Nicholson of Philadelphia.
Nicholson died iniMtata, and hia hairs
apjioiuted William P. Farrand, their
attorney in fact, to sell and oonvev
these lands. Farrand sold to Henry K.
Strong, the State Librarian aud a mem
ber of the Pennsylvania Legislature.
Strong sold to a female friend of Mr.
Mr. Newell now holds the title* aa
trustee for the heir* of that relative.
He conveyed a half interest in the land
to Mr. O.' H. Wheeler, a brother-in-law
of C. Brain bridge Smith of thia city, in
consideration of Mr. Wheeler'a obtain
ing possession of the land which is
held by the Reading Railroad Company
and purchasers from them. This rail
road claims to have bought all the land
in question under another title held by
George Grant of Pothmlle, and obtain
ed under a judgment which Mr. Newell
claims was obtained by fraud, and
which has been ao decided by the
Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Mr.
Wheeler wsut on about six weeks ago
to take possession, and began to pat np
house# on-the vacant land, five of the
tracts being vacant, whila tlie other
tweuty have on them probably forty
This proceeding waa of course op
posed by Uia persons then in possession,
and Mr." Wheeler sold portions of bis
interest to Mr. Jortlon. the ex-Beer* lory
of Huts of Pennsylvania under Gov.
Geary, to Judge Msynard, and to
others, in order to obtain means to
prosecute his claim. May 14 lie wrote
to Mr. Newell that two houses had been
erected, but were willfully destroyed
by fir* while the tenants were moving
in. Other houses had been erected and
the tenant* were w possession. The
surveys and leases were made, and suit*
for ths recovery of the other twenty
tract* were already begun. May 17 be
wrote the note referred to at Uie be
ginning of this article, which runs aa
follows :
Dkar bia ; Hw third house is burned
down tnr force and violence, and it is
impossible to erect any more dwelling*.
An army of men are now stationed along
the roaa.
Every day false warrants were obtain
ed to "arreit everybody, and a Urge
force waiting to destroy tbe dwelling*.
My friends here have rendered me aid,
but not sufficient to prevent it. You
could not do any good if yon were here
unless you can oommand a large sum of
money. Jordan oonhl not get here. In
haste, O. H. Whzzler. -.V. Y. stot.
The Presidential Hoasefcsld.
From tlie official room*, which are
often seen by gentlemen who hare busi
ness with the President, we pass into
what are known a* the private apart
ment*. First, we entered the library,
which is fitted np with mahogany book
rase*, tolerably well filled, aud oak
furni!ure. This was the reception room
of Mrs. John Adams, for in her day
none of the down stairs parlors were
(ether finished or furnished, and she
used to have her Monday's washing
hung out to dry on lines stretched in
the east room. * Next to the library is
tho President's room, plainly furnished,
and opening into Mrs. Grant*# sitting
room, on the other aide of which is Mm*
Nellie's room. The sitting-room has
blue curtains and tho furniture ia cover
ed with blue, while pictures and book*
give it a homelike appearance. Oppo
site Miss Nellie's room is that of Mas
ter Jesse, the especial favorite of his
parents, who has just gone to California
with hia play-fellow and sehool-mnte, a
son of ex-Senator Cole. The state bed
room ia tlie most elegantly famished
room on the second story, and beyond
it ia the chamber of Mra. Grant a fa
ther, Mr. Dent, uow in hia 88th year.
The familv life at the White House ia
very aimpU. All rise about 7, and a
substantial breakfast is served at 8, the
President bringing hia favorite news
papers to tlie table and reading them as
he enjoys hia coffee and toast After
breakfast the President takes a abort
walk, retaining to his office at 10, and
remaining there until 4, when he takes
another walk, or perhaps a abort drive.
Meanwhile, Mr*. Gnwt and Miss Nellie
have attended to their household duties,
received the col la of friends, and per
haps made a few. At s—sharp—dinner
is served, a plain repast, of which a dish
of hominy is always a pari. After din
ner there is an informal reception in the
bine parlor, with an occasional confer
ence on political snbjects in the Presi
dent's office up stairs. Bach is the daily
lifr of our Chief Magistrate and hi*s
family, says a newspaper letter from
Bounty of Chinese Bridges.
Some of the bridges in China are cf
extraordinary beautv and magnificence.
There is one now Fekin built entirely
of white marble, elaborately ornament
ed. Others are found over the canals
of still greater magnificence and with a
grand triumphal arch at each end ; and
some, instead of being built with arches,
are fiat from rare aide of the canal to the
other, marble flagsof great length being
laid on piers ao narrow and airy that the
bridge looks as if it were suspended in
the air. From tlie amazing facilities
afforded by the numerous canals for
transportation of goods by water, these
bridges do not require to be bnik of
great strength, for only foot-passengers
use tho bridges, which is the reason
they are of snch an elegant and fanciful
construction. These bridges are bnilt
with a number of arches, the central
arch being about forty feet wide, and
high enough for vessels to pass -without
striking their inset*. The great eleva
tion of these bridges render* steps nee-.
eaeary. They resemble, in thia respect,
the old bridges of Venioe, on which you
ascend by steps on one side, and de
scend on tlie other In the same way.
Cham bridges were not made in this
country for more than eighteen centu
ries after they were known end used in
Are Advertisements Ever Read I
In the course of a spicy article, an
swering this question, a Mobile paper
says ; "If any man affects to believe
that advertisements are not read, let
him advertise that he wants to buy a
dog, for instance. If he is not fur
nished with every variety of animated
sausage that morning before broakfaat
—and, besides, with one or two sound
grounds for suite against him for
assault, we will break our golden rule
and—deadhead his advertisement. And
it is fair to infer that anv man who
wants to sell a dog, also wishes to buy
something with the prooeeds of his
camne venture. And so up to the man
who wishes to sell his cargo of coffee,
that he may buy a cargo of Western
NO. 25.
Humor* of LtfliliUm.
IM Ihm of oil i Ik. IW tirti Wl
tit Hflr •
A reporter describing the scene in tlis
HUle ospttol >m the U night of the
MtMioti says: The member* began al
umt immediately after the meeting to
turn tho Assembly Chamber into
l*dlam. They began by slyly blowing
the tin horns which they tied surrepti
tiously brought into tbe chamber, and
from that they began to throw paper
Italia at each other from one aid* of the
houae to the other. The Hpeatusr labor
ed in rain to reatore order, and threat
. ud to call out the name of any mem
ber who waa defected in violating the
rule* of order. Thia acted aa a check
only for a few minefea or ao, and then
the untamed reformer* got wnrae then
ever. The tin whsatle* were blowing in
all parte of tbe bouse, large wad* of
paper aaturated with water were thrown
at members' bead*, and oeeaaiooaliy
one of the heavy document-file*, weigh
ing twenty pound*, would be seen fly
ing acroaa the chamber, bringing up
against tbe shoulders of aom* unsus
pecting person, fairly knocking him off
hi* pin*. A ailk hai placed in a eon
ojitruoua plaee on a desk would not hurt
two minute*. At laat the Speaker rap
pad more furioualj than ever, end di
rected the Mergeaaa-at-Arma to " arrest
any person found blowing a tin bora."
This only made the member* laugh,
and although they eyed the officers of
the House a little more cloaely they
were aouu joining in at a woraa rate
than ever. Finally the Speaker, is rap
ping on the desk so hard, broke his
Cvel, the head of K flying off upon the
During all this time the Clerk
war reading out the bills and peering j
them all by himself, not a single mem
ber voting* on them, the Clerk simply
marking every member aa voting in toe
affirmative. 'And her* justice should
be done the Speaker for the watch be
kept solely and alone over the bills that
■were being rushed through, for when
ever a bill of doubtful character waa
taken up be would command tbe House
to be silent at least long enough for
them to hear the Clerk read the title of
the bill. If the Hpeaker got really
angry, as he often dnl, be would rise,
and a few rape more violent than usual
would bring the Houae to order, caution
iug them that ao business would be
transacted until perfect order was re
stored. All would than be silent for a
moment, but aa soon as the Clerk had
spoken the first word again a sound like
the dving groan of a gwne-oodk would
come from the rear of toe chamber.
Sometimes the stillness would be
broken by a high, sharp note, imedi
steW followed by another just two oo
laves lower. At such times the Speaker
himaelf, although boiling over with
rage, was often obliged to laugh and
•it down from sheer exhaustion. While
these scenes were enacting in the As
sembly Chamber the Senator* up stairs
were beginning to fee! boyish also. In
the midst of the evening session Mr.
WooAin vacated his chair aa presiding
officer, and a well-known lobbyist, who
was standing near, volunteered to pre
side, and act ttall v took tbe chair of the
President of tbeSeuate, and waa allow
ed to remain in it about two minutea,
when one of the Senators came to his
seneea and demanded that the lobbyist
be compelled to vacate.
The scene from this time oo grew
from had to worse, and then, at half
pasa throe *. the Assembly took a
recess for the purpose of holdiag the
enstomarymoefcsesmon. There was littk
hilarity left, it having been all exi aded
in the regular session. The (Speaker
vacated his seat and Mr. Pieroon waa
carried up from the floor to supersede
him. The scene that followed this was
•imply brutal. There was not the least
display of anv wit, but the mosk ses
sion was much more orderly than the
regular evening session. The heavy
document files were thrown about with
more force, and thrt waa all. Many an
individual will carry home a scar on his
head as the result of being in this me
Anxiety About Children.
Parents, whose prudent caw for their
children are would not diminish, mav
intermit much of the eolicitade with
which they aw apt necessarily to worry
themselves. Thin gratuitous anxiety
often, monoret, defeats ita own object
It waders the child, by constantly re
minding it of the riaka to safety, un
naturally timid, and per rents that ealm
neas of 'mind and development of ani
mal courage essential for the prudent
avoidance of and bold resistance to dan
ger. The overwatched children are no
toriously those who are the moat con
stantly exposing their health and Uvea
to harerd. They aw eo accustomed to
more at the will of another; that their
own volition loses ita power to a great
ni tin.
extent, and becomes hrtStating and un
certain. Their muscles, accordingly,
act mill little precision. Mid render the
step faltering and the hold insecure.
The child who in left free to run, climb
and jump, though be may apparently
expose himself to a thonaand risks, gen
erally escapee danger by his habitual
readiness of expedient and praehoal
precision of movement. The freer child
ren hare, moreover, the advantage of
protecting themselves by various means
of security denied to those kept under
too eloae a supervision. Swimming,
riding, running, leaping, using firearms
—not to speak of wrest ling and fighting
—all of which may in their turn become
important Wans of safety, are the ordi
nary acquisitions of the emancipated
boy, but seldom of him who is subjected
to an unceasing parental control. It is
obvious, too, thai the greater freedom
of the one is more favorable to health
than the constraint of the other. It is
equally advantageous to the moral aa to
the pbyaioal health and development
that the paaont should not allow his
anxiety about his children to become
too apparent, or to interfere too much
with their freedom of conduct. The
self-reliance and Independence of char
acter "which are essential elements of
all human excellence are to be acquired
only by learning early to act from volun
tary motive. If the parent fixes him
self as a finger-post at every turn, the
child will hardly ever find the road of
his own secord, and must necessarily
lose his way when deprived of his habit
ual guide. *
I tad Shot*.
A California correspondent from the
lava beda says it is no disparagement to
the soldier to aay, •' Aa a rule, they are
not good shots, for Mich is the fact.
This, I take it, is owing to two oauses ;
First, they are not drilled enough at
huge*-shoo ting ; Second, the guns all
shoot too high and wide, especially
after being fired a number of rounds. I
think I am a pretty good shot with a
rifle or a six-anooter; but I know a
Modoc would be tolerably safe before
me with an army gun—either carbine or
Springfield nwakflt. I have tried them,
and, while you oau shoot fast and at a
long distanoe, they will not do for tar
get work ; and that is just what shoot
ing at Modooa it—and a very small tar
pet they are, too, generally speaking.
The safety of our men during the late
fight was owing, in a great measure, to
the fact that the guns used by the Mo
iloca were those captured in the fight of
the 17th of January, and almost invari
ably they shot over their mark. ~~
SiUßand snlnwtt name of "ten**
Great men and great institution* may
be beyond the mori of •, but great ao-
Hon* ar* for w* ail, ?
Fourteen persons were toured by
the overthrow of aa accommodation
train near Janesville. Wis.
Little woman (hufWig h'*ew dollb
" Isn't rite a dm**** * fdgiv* her to
you, only—*he'* / own 1
to Boston drafted in mourning*
Cincinnati ha* deteraimvl upon •-
other musical fcttval, to take plana in
1875, and to have Theodore Thomas aa
A fanner in thu San Joaquin Tallsjr.
Cat., has put in thirty-eight thouawnl
acre* of itoaat, and this, 100, upon las
own land.
Detail! of the murder of Dr. P. R
Baker, of Warren. Me.,fasten suspicion
upon Mi.. Mink, in whose house the
body was found.
" Mamma, oant we have anything wo
want f " Van, my dears ; but be care
ful and not want anything you can t
An impoverished top wears a ton
cent silver niece on his skirt bosom,
and calls ithia dime and ptn, which it
certainly is.
The Urges! stationary engine in the
world ia stated by a correspondent to be
at Hcranton, Peon., in one of the iron
work* there.
It is arid in Madrid that the Govern
ment of Spain will panose to have the
President of the Republic elected by a
•ivf the demand ia at the rate of over a
million a day.
The secret of making Buaria ehee*-
iroo has been heretofore sought after m
vain, but a Pittsburgh firm now claim
they have aeoampbahed it
The United States Consul at Belfast,
Ireland, write that during April 3,300
of the flows* of the youth of the agricul
tural district# left that pott for the Uni
ted State*.
The ohao who oould do all tbe bon
nes* he wanted to without advertising,
has bean compelled to advwrtiae at last.
The new advertisement it beaded
"Sheriff's sale."
A Little Bock editor i* pathetic about
the lorn of exchanges, sad my* that
anybody may steal his wardrobe, eat hi#
luncheon, or take hi* empty pocket
book, if only his exchanges can be
A Sparta (Wis.) boy ?<*?* bm
leisure noun by boring a hole through
the dam just to mm toe water apart.
His sstisfaction was great when the
valuable mill up above want through
fifteen hour* later.
A Vermont man who caught the small
pox four yean ago and ooaamunMwted
it to some neighbor*, has just been
sued by them for damage* on the
ground tost to hie carelessness was due
their infection.
The Fortmaeter-Geoeml has inter
dicted toe circulation through the mails
of newvpapses having any writing on
the wrapper* except the full address,
ft ia not lawful to add initials, nor even
to write ane newspaper on the wrap
A Troy minister and ana in Cortland,
for a year or two, excited comment by
their ireqfl exchangee. The mystery
has been recently removed by the mar
riage of the Troy clergyman to a lady
inCortland, and that c# the Cortland
to a Ituiv m Trey.
AKaobvilk young lady explains that
she writes to toe man she likes best only
once a dav. and aay* ahe decent think
that anv too often, now tost the day*
aretoo'long. She is willing to admit,
however, that it would be toe freqnant
for the short day* of whiter.
A lady traveling fat Easope writes: "A
German nrofeaeoni wife will appear at
her eaae in her wedding drear, fifteen or
twentv year* old, and entertain you in
Tour own language while you sit per
fectly ignorant of the language of the
country where you are visiting."
These portal card* put a man at the
merry of his waggish friends •• *? J11 U
his malignant enanuaa. A Philadelphia
merchant, of utrM honesty and exact
business habits, was informed the other
day, per card, that if ha did not settle
that ."ril bill for washing. Miss Mul
lony would bring suit therefor before
an pldertna*. ,
A Pittsburgh merchant declare* tort
ha knows id thirteen first society ladies
who steal his goods whenever they can
get a chance. In this connection it
msv be mentioned tort it ia a well-ascer
tained fei fe.i wealthy Washington
women frequently pilfer We. and other
rostlv article* from the dry goods stores
when thev have toe money to pay for
them. The Chramel* says that toe
shopkeepers have hitherto spared the
suspected " ladies" out of compassion,
but will hereafter nab them without
Expanding toe Chert.
Take a strong rope, and fasten It to a
beam overhead ; to the lower end of the
rope attach a stick throe feet long, con
venient to grasp with the hands. The
rope should be fastened to toe centre of
the stiok. which should hang six or
eight inches above toe head. Let a per
son grasp this stick with the hands two
or throe fort apart, and awing very mod
erately at first -perhaps only bear the
weight, if very weak—and gradually in
crease, aa toe muscles gain strength
from the exercia#* until it may be used
from throe to five times daily. The con
nection of the arms with the body, with
tha exception of the clavicle with the
breastbone, being a muscular attach
ment to the ribe, the effect of this exer
cise ia to alAvifcldbe ribs and enlarge
the chest; and aa Nature allows no
vacuum, the lung* expand to fill the
cavity, increasing the volume of air, the
ostein! purifier of blood, and prevent
ing the congestion or the deposit of tu
berculous matter. We have proscribed
the above for all case# of hemorrhage of
the lungs and threatened consumption
for thirtv-five years, aadjiave been able
to increase toe measure of the chest
from two to four inches within a few
months, and with good results. But
especially as a preventive we would rec
ommend thia exercise. Let those who
love to live cultivate a well-formed, ca
pacious cheek The student, the mer
chant, the sedentary, the young of both
sexes—ay, aU-toouid-hate a swing on
which to stretch themselves daily. We
are certain tost if this were to be prac
tibed 5y thu rising generation in a dress
alioW!:*; a free and full development of
the body, many would bit saved from
oonmunption. Indepsndaafthr of its
beneficial result*, the euftiti* an ex
ceedingly pleasant one, and'Ss the ap
paratus costs very little, there need be
no difficulty about any one enjoying it
who wishes to.— l>kt Lewi*.
The Jockey.
■ The important part played by jockeys
in racing has given rise to a special code
of regulations. Jockeys are expressly
forbidden to fool their opponent*— thrt
is, place themselves immediately ia
front Of them—unless there is at least a
length between them, in order not to
impede them at all. They are likewise
forbidden to take any unfair advantage.
The penalty in such a case consists in
fine or suspension—that is. prohibition
from riding for a longer or shorter term.
This latter punishment is the most ef
fective, sines it touches the jockey him
self, preventing him from gaining hi*
livelihood all the while the prohibition
is in force. The fine i* nearly always a
sham, since it is generally paid by the
owner of the horse. In certain oases of
exceptional gravity, such as frond, pull
ing a horse intentionally. Ac., the sus
pension may be unlimited, in which
case his career it over. It ia principally
at the atari that these penalties have
moat frequently to be inflicted, since all
tK< jockeys have some difficulty in *re
sistiug the temptation of getting an ad
vantageous start