l td v: CENTRE REPORTER TH U BSD A Y JUNK >, 133. LOCAL LOCAL ICE WS—Our friends every where, will oblige us by tending u knnl CIBCOLATIOH.-The circulation of the RkPOUT**, on this side the county, i* artcrthan that of nil other in the countv. Business men mill tiiereforo tlnd Sri* one of the best advertising 'nvsiium*. We invite nil interested to come and in sneet our list for themselves. USMITTAHCES -All monies for sub • 'riotion will be credited on thesubsen wTaddms, itch week : by referring to which our patrons can at all times *ehow thriraUmiL stand, and a receipt la by this system carried upon each copy o( the P*P*r. _____ \| WTlNii I'V fill" necessary to give any further description ot ibis interesting work—the name ' ' ficient for all. I claim the right to supply all desiring to purchase iu <-Vntre eounly having the exclusive agency, and thr bos k can be obtained of me at all * also call on af many as pn*'ble attheir homes. All desiring to buy thisi book the undersigned their order. 1c . and no trouble to give information Ad drws 6 H. KtsnnL, Agent for t entre county. Centre Hill, Fa- Rynder. Sm advortkemeqt. Last year Mr A. L. Bartgw sold 69 AmricM Sewing Machine*. The Juniata Republican, oftheSJd. * says: Sine# the break in the tVlumbu dam shad have once more taken to soil ing their old haunts in the Juniata. On Friday last at the three fisheries between Newport and the Milleratown dam . were captured, and on Saturday up to J tu. JOO had been taken. tjuite a DUIU- WtMt eery largo tish were captured. Oaaamitn.— The Bellefoate lle publican of hut week says .• "The Bel'.e fonta Car Works' was otbeered on Satur day last. Col. 1> li. Bu>h was wisely chosen President George C. W ilk ins, S. Austin Brew, Edward Bianchard and John Strike are tho* director- K M Blanchard U Secretary and Treasurer The amount of capital stock is SIOO,OOO G. C. Wilkins with a corps of engineers surveyed a line for the branch road to the site of the car shopa on Saturday. MOWING MATCH.— The undersign ed, agent for the SrrEWioa Movss, here by challenges the owner or agent of any other machine, to a trial of mowers, at the Old Fort, on Tuesday, June 24th, at 12 o'clock, and should said day not prove favorable, the mowing match will lake place en day following, June 2oth. Some of the head men of the Superior Maitufsc turingComp. will be present, and an invi tation is given to all other mowers to compete with the celebrated St PKWIOR, for lightness ot draught, as a noiseless ma chine and excellent work. Tho Scrim oa challenges any other mower, without exception, on June24th. J NO. U. ODENKIRK. M'Manigais hardware store, at Millbeitn. is nod far cheap goods and the most obliging clerks. Everybody says so, and we say so too. The wheat fields, as a general thing. throughout Penn Jt Brushvalley, have a promising appearance. In Buffalo valley. Union county, the graia fields never busk ed more promising. Re*. Seifert, pastor of the Haber*- burg Luth. charge has resigned, and ac cepted a call from a charge in Somerset ecu nty. Rev. Williams, pastor of the Boa'sburg Luth. charge, has also resigned. A Westchester, Pa., lady wrote her will on a slate, and it has been admitted to probate. The Bellefonte Republican says that Mr. F. Bitter, of Beech Creek, Clinton county, and Miss Carolina Lucus, of Ea gleville. Centre county, were married May Bth, at two o'clock, Mr Bitner died on 15, being just one week iron; his wedd .ng. Rev. Peter S. Fisher, formerly of Pennsvalley, and whose death we noticed last week was 69 years of age, and had been a minister for forty-eight years. In his ministerial time Rev. Fisher preached 10,000 sermons, confirmed 4,<*10 persons and baptized 3.000. We hear much coinplsint, from all portions of our county, of the corn planted this spting, not coming up—we judge that this is the case with about one-half plant ed- Many fanners are planting the sec end time, and seme the third. The opin ion ol farmers is that the seed was injured by being frozen last fall, before the cob i and grain were dry. From adjoining counties we hear the same complaint. The weather, this week, hss thus! far been verv warm and dry MILLHEIM ITEMS Our farmers are busy replanting corn. Millheim bas got mesmerized mice, ditto the rats. Since the establishment of the new music stare in this place, everything is be coming mnrtiMf; even the sturdy old Thomas cats have imbibed the spirit and I nightly moonlight serenades are indulged in, much to the sstisfletion of our belles. Capt. Jack, chief ef the bloody Modoc*, is at present in this place, and may be found at MusseFs hotel. He is accom panied by no one and bis only means of defense is a hoop upon which it stretched a piece of raw hide, but with this he suc cessfully wards off the bullets that are daily sent at him. He is opposed to lo cal option, and dee* not believe in soda water." Old rye, hard cider, and soda water are having a tight race in this place, with the chances in favor ol the old beverage, rye. Our town boasts of three Sabbath schools, and all are well attended. A public road is to be built from Mill heim to the Forks a distance of about two miles. It is to be graded on railroad plan, and from this it is safe to infer that as soon as the main line of the railroad is complet ed it will be converted into a branch of the above line. Some of the people of this place seem to forget whilst visiting the grave-yard, that the flowers and shrubbery growing on the graves, were placed there by kind loving heart* as an emblem of affection, and not to be earned away by the thought less, merely to gratify their [own pleasure. Shame on the hand that would desecrate the graves of the departed. Millheim baa more pretty girls than any other town of its size in the county. How u >e* that ®lly with ye Aaronsburg "wid ders." Peter's Musical Monthly for June, con tains the following New Music. J have no Home, 4Cct. Meet me, Bessie, in the Dell, 30cts. The Sweetest Bird is Missing, 30cts. My Soul is Dark, aOcts. Glory be to God on high, iJOcts. Springins-feld Galop, 35cts. Salie's Silver-Moonbeam Schott.ische, 30cts. May pole March. 85cts. Autumn Leave* GOcts. Think of it! all the above pieces for HO cents, or the same pieces in sheet-form for $3.65. Send %l for the last six months' numbers of "Peters' Musical," and you will never regret it. Address, J. L. Peters, 699 Broadway, New York. —Col. IV C. Rush last week cflVct ; rd the fhlo of several acres of land l the head of the planing mill dam, to Messrs. Hat helor and Fisher of Lock i Haven andShivelvor Luierne county [tin law Friday tho contract for the stone work for the erection ot a paper j mill upon said land, was let, and the j buildings will be pushed foward at onca and as rapidly as possible. It is j expected to have them completed early I in the tall so us to he ready tor occu j pancy and the manufacture of paper. Tlie following is the apportionment of delegates made by the Lie democratic countv convention IHftrirt, Uote. rji/.. North Ward '•* West Want. B South Ward Mdesburg ; si Union v ille Hownril 81 Fhilipsburg I I'd Benner .....170 Boggs 1"> ' Burntide ourtins.s.l Ferguson -'V tlregg *1 '• Hal (union b Haines I'do Harris !" • Howard f" Huston o- 1 Liberty "' Marion * r | Miles ' ' Fatten f Fenu Fetter ~ i>: ' . Uuh 1 | Snowsh.>e 10-' Soring I'to Taylor Union Walker I" 5 Worth 1 Total 3TI- " a ♦ ♦ ♦ SPAIN. A Severe Engagement. Madrid, June 2. A severe engagement took plaon on Saturday last, in the prov ince of Barcelona between a force ot Be publicans and band* commanded by Fri tany and lKui Alphonso. After a stub born tight the Insurgents fled. They were pursued as far as Manistrol. The Deealdens and all the Federal lle publtcan taction* in Barcelona have united in opposition to the Monarchists. A dispatch has been received from tlen. Neuvillas. stating that with twelve thou sand men he holds all the mountain pas se* in Biscay, and i driving all the Uarlists toward the coast. nJB CANNIBALISM. A letter from the Fijee islands states that the mountain savages killed a tauitly of whites named Burns and some Polyne sian laborers, altogether sixteen whites, whose bodies were found horribly mutila ted. Some of the bodies wore carried off for a cannibal feast • • FRANCE Singular l uiou Propuoed. Paris, May 111, —Tho Orleanists In the Assembly are seeking an alliance with the left centre, having refused to form a coali tion with the Legitimists and Bonapartista* The left centre, however, decline lo en tertain their proposition. The War Indemnity. It is reported that the Bank of France j will advance the funds necessary lo com plete the payment of the war indemnity, and the evacuation of French terriio- j rv by CLrman troops will immediately follow. ARREST AND SUICIDE OFONB OF THE BENDER MURDERERS. Parsons, Kaii-.is. May I. —County At torney Ward returned yesterday front Texas with the boJv of Nicholas Mvrrin or Marion, supposed to have been an ac complice of the Header family the Kansas assassins, at Den Don. ll# tuade tome im portant confessions and promised to tell all he knew about th i Benders when he reach ed this city but v.hen near Atoka Station, Indian territory he shot himself in the head with a revolver inflicting a wound from which be died. It seeius to be cer tain that the Benders are now in Texas, making their way to tho Itto Grande river, to cross into Mexico. The process of condemning Congress men for the salary grab buissness.and at the same time expressing unchaken confidence in President Grant, who made the grab possible, docs not please The Cincinnati Commercial. That journal says : "If the Republican par ty docs uot proceed to purify itself pret ty rapidlv, it will be purified by exter nal forces and. with violence that will disturb its constitution. Hut the pro cess of purification is not the un qualified indorsement of Garnt, and the impersonal and qualified disapproba tion of the Credit Mobillier Congress men. The people require more dis tinct terms and decisive measures than those of the Columbus Convention." DEATHS. On 2nd. in Penn twp.. Christopher Moy er, aged 00 year*. 7 months, and 25 days. On 3rd. near Centre Hill, of typhoid fever, Thomas, son of Judge Hosterman, aged about 19 years. On the night of the 3rd, in Potter twp., Mrs- Polly From, wife of Wm. From, aged about *l3 years. in Tylcrsvlle. May 23, 1873, Charles Ir vin Bierly, aged 2 Tears' 7 months and 22 day*, infant son ot John Henrv and Sarah M. Bierly In Miii Hall. OB Saturday, May 24. Mrs. Sarah Bartholomew, wife of Wendell Bar tholomew, aged 73 yeaaf, 1 month and 21 day*. At Hamburg, May 8, 1873, after nshoit illness, Mary A, wife ol" Willamson Potter and daughter of John O. - Beck, aged 33 years 1 month and 17 days. At Salome Pa. on April 27 1873, of con sumption, Mr. Abrain Ilollopeter, aged 67years 9 months and 7 days. On 26 th uh, at <" dor Springs, Clinton county, William Strunk, formerly of Centre county, aged 83 years 9 month*, and 9 days. Fakuce* Read This.— Tho superior Reaper & Mower, is a gpudidate for favor to which the attention of Centre county farmers is called. The Superior is manu factured in Wheeling, W. Va., and has met a large sale, and obtained many high recommendations in Ohio, and other states. This machine dispenses with cog-gearing and all unnecessary trap* with which many other machines are afflicted ; it is simple in construction, strong and durable, easily managed, and light draught. The Superior is fully warranted t do its work right, or no sale. Mr. John 11. Odenkirk, of the Old Fort, is agent for Centre county for. the Supe rior, and person* wishing a Mower & Reap ehad better call on him before purchas g a pother. 30 jan. —LIME! —Mr. George Koch ha* taken charge of the Lime kiln, near Centre Hall and will constantly keep on hand a good quality of Lime Mr. Koch can be found at the kiln at uny time during tho .day, to wait upon customers. my 15 NOTIC K!— 11. I). VAN PELT & CO. are building a few FIRST CLASS REAPERS and MOWERS, for this seu- ttm's trade, which they warrant in every respect equal and in some respects superior to any Muchine offered in this market, and which they propose to SELL for a little LESS MONEY than any other Machines are sold at. Persons wishing GOOI) MA CHINES. with tlw advantages of uny rc puirshundy at home, will do well to ex amine our Machines before purchasing foreign ones. VVc will put them all out on trial. lom-ym IIOUSE~and~LOT - FOJt SALE.—A lot of ground, at Potter's Mills, thereon erec ted a two-story dwelling House, with good Wagonmaker Shop, a good Stable, and all necessary outbuildings, is offered at |>ri vate sale, on reasonable terms. There is a well of never failing water, with pump, near the door. For further particulars apply to Mrs: KATE SHAFEB, 17apr3m Potters Mills. Student* of Poiui*yltAoiu politics will rcongnixo tho trutli of thi* loter once to the Ring of which Mr. Simon Cameron is tho shining center. It Ur in The Pittsburgh Tt>!eg!}h : "Rliiul, unwavering devotion to this lVnuayl-j vania Tammany lot* heeoma the pneo of public honors, so far u* tho Ring can control, uinl the completeness of their organixatiou ami resources enables them to \ euetrate almost every in some disguise or other. Nothing is , too high or too diminutive to oacapej them. They aio equally at home, whether it is a paster or folder, I nited States Seuat< r, a State Treasurer, or Supremo ilutlge. Thev have a sort of prescriptive right to the Legislature City government* atl-od the most sue- i culent jobs that bring grist to their > mill. State otlieera are a convenience i that cannot IwuverlookiHl, I hey aim i to iuduence every IVJeial appoint ' meut and dictate who shall fill offices t under the State." MORK BEN I*> Kits ARRESTER , ftilifi. Iwa, M* tL A yawgwanL to bo young Bonder, a son the r Kansa* murderer *> arrested in Liberty, lowa, and a woman thought to t be Mm Bonder, was arr,-sled at Oxf. id, ( lowa. Thoro oeu* .o be little doubt a* t"i r (hir iJeiility Both ot the parties are held q for further development* J •♦• . u The Reccher Scandal Au luvcstiga- ~ lion to be Made. 's The Brooklyn Kagle say Mr. Beooher tl and hi* friends have determined to take a definite action in the whole matter of the a Itoweu, Ueeclicr-TilU'ii scandal, and that I a meeting of the deacons of i'lymonlh a". Church on Friday evening, it was resolved e to ptoeeod at Once with an investigation, p • b Tux Naw Gamk tsu Fisu Law. Many e changes were made in llio Game and 1 i.*h e taws during the last o>.oti of tho Legis-jp lature. That our readers uiay bo ibor-isl oughly posted on the*# |K>inls, and thus o avoid making thenisolvaa liable to a prose-|e cution through ignorance of ilia law, we * publish the following summary of the late U act defining the time and manner in e which fish and game of variou* kind* may b be taken within the jurisdiction of the a Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania. oaMK. 't No per.cn shall pursue or kill any deer, . save only from the first day of September d. to the first day of January, in any year. The pursuit of deer with dogs i forbidden p at all times. Trapping of deer, except for family use, is also forbidden, ihe penal ty for the violation of the above law is a fine of S3O. Any constable or town offi cial may killwiny dog that habitually pur- sues deir, and the owner thereof is liable w to a penalty of $lO for each deer or fawn > killed by *ueh dog. Prtiruf.i/, That so j. much of"this section as prohibits tlio run-, niug of deer with dogs snail not apply to tho couutivi i Centre, Clintcii, u)' • 1 Schuykili and Wyoming. Gray, Black and Fox Squirrel* may be killed only from the ilrt Jay of July until A the first day of January, in each year.. The penalty for violation of thi act i* a fine of $o km nil ifdndi killed out on season. ] Babbits may be kiiied fr> m the fir.t .Ur t of October until the first day of February, j in any year. Thepena.ty for kitting out of season is $". for ea. h rabbit so killed. ■ Hunting rabbit, with a ferret is forbidden under a penalty of $lO for each rabbit *> H j killed. Wild Turkey - may be kilted from thel j first day of October until the fir.t day of January of each y.-nr. tl.e pena ty tor |j killing out of season is $lO for each lur key so killed. Snipe may be killed from tho p tir.t .lay of I. September until the twentieth Jav of April: of each year. The penalty for killing out of season is $lO f"' each Snipe so kil:- „ ed. Woodcock may be killed from the fir.t j day of August until the first day of Janua- " iry of any year. Penally of sb) for cacti : Woodcock killol out of season. Field Plover may be killed from the ! fl rs t Jay of August until the firt day Jan i uary. Penalty of $lO for each Plover kills eJ out ot season. 1 No person shall kill, ot oxpou for -a.e, or have in hi* er her possession fcsfter the b ; same has been killed, any or Vir- A ! ginia Partridge, except only from the first s | day of November until the first day of p I January of any year. The penalty for p j killing out of season i* $lO tar each 1 ar tridge so killed. > No person shall kill or trap or have in their possession after the same is killed, IJ any Robin, Nighthawk, Sparrow. Lark. Sw allow, Cat-bird, Blue-bird, or any oth er insectiverous bird, at any t:'ue, ut. ~ penalty of $5 for each bird *o killed. j No person shall rob or destroy the nc*t or eggs of any wild bird, excepting such ' birds as are destructive of game and in sectiverous bird*, under a penalty of $lO I for each offence. j f Ne person shall, at any time or place, take any Wild Turkey. Partridge or, Quail, or Woodcock by mean* of nny blind, trap, net or any device whatever, under a penalty of $lO for every bird so * taken. PrmuM that nothing in this sec-, tion shall prevent the trapping of game,;' for propagation or preservation over win-, ter, from the "JKli of December to the Ist day of February next following. ' Shooting on Sunday i- forbidden under n penalty of $lO. ' VIS 11. 1 . No corporation siiull throw any culm or, coal lirt into any of the waters of thi* Stale under penalty of SSO for each of fence, in addition t liability for all dam ages inflicted. Vo person shall at any time catch any speckled trout with any device, save only; with hook and line, or place any set-line* I in water* inhabited by them, under a pen alty for $25 for each offence. It shall not be lawful for any person to place utiy set-net across any of the canals. , creeks or rivulets, of thi* State, under a penalty of $25 for each offence. In any vvutor* of this Slate inhabited by J trout or ba*s, it shall not be lawful to catch fish with nny net the niches of i which shall not be over three inchos, un der a penalty of $25. Salmon or speckled trout may be caught from the first day of April until the fif teenth day of August of each year. Pen alty for taking out of season, $lO. Any person tresspassing on any preserve or fish pond is liable to a penalty of $100! to the owner, in addition to damages. Bass and pike may be caught from the first day of June until the first day of March, with a hook and line. The penalty for taking out ot season, or in any i other manner than by hook or line, s2> for each offence. No person shall catch any trout, bass or other fish in any of the waters of this state by shutting or drawing small net* or reins therein, when the water shall be partly or wholly drawn off, under a penalty of $25 for each offence. In all cases where the shooting of game or catching of fili is prohibited in tiny county or counties, for a fixed term of years, by special act, nothing in the above act shall bo constructed to alter or invali date such special act*. fi shall be the duty of tho Mayors and Burgesses of tho cities and town* of thi* Commonwealth, to require their police and constabulary force, and it is hereby made their duty, and also the duty of the clerks of markets of said towns and cities, to search out and arrest all person* viola ting any of the provision* of this act. Any person having a knowledge of any of these provisions may tnuko information of the same, and one-half of the penalty shall g< I to the informer. Sheriff' Rineamith, of Perry county, has been prosecuted for not enforcing the law relative to the removal of fisli baskets in the Juniata. Virginia Cdjr. Nov. May a> A shoot ' iii(j atlYny growing oul of a game of card* occurred in a saloon In Elda \ alley, Lan der County, on the I'Jlh lust.. in tho court* of which a desperado named George Child* '.hot nml killed two Innocent bystanders named John Duffee ami Hugh Scott, mid wan hi in. i*l i 1. died Instantly by an unknown j 1 bystander. Disturbances took place in YucaUu at die .into election th ore. Many persons we * killed M. re [victories ovrr the ren.- jnanttof Lozada reblo force in Jalisco j have been rained. \ ell>w fever 1* raging i Yuealnn • _ • For the Reporter, Summer Srliool Wo con.Uittly hear people complain, j that our lumnier school* are of little ar no. value at al* The general talk, i*. that, the teacher I* unqualified, ar hi* moral*, are corrupt or that hi* mode of govern-j iiu lit it incomplete Whan the ipring of, i the year approach**. *uch a peron a* tha ] one described, present* him or to the public, lie make, application for a tchool viiit* the parant* at their home* All i* well - In* desire is accomplished The dr*t morning of the tchool arrive* the chi droll all flock in hut verily in a horlj time we hear the same old saying, "the children do not learn anything, but to gat rid of them at hotue, 1 will Kind them , Tii i* often the language of the parent ( \ ... the question arise,, why are our sum- ( mer .chool* of so little value 1 When wej have a poor winter school, the CoOnty Supt. and the School Director* must tak* the brick-batting. But not to her# , they a* a general rule are net concerned in this matter at all It i alt under the control of: the patrons, and they must tear the blame those who willingly employ the teach ers, and ne one else but them. Kveiy parent ahould fully consider thi* matter beforo agreeing to let any person lake : charge of hi* chi d, for a* a child be train ed to will it go. And 1 do think that parent* too often forg.i that children should have the very best teacher* to rule over them. I'atron* take 100 little inter est in these summer school affair* : they are too indifferent in making ihtirtelec-! lion, and even when we get a good teach-j ar his employment is insufficient. We believe that we ha to ome good one* now, and let u* approve of them, stand by them in time of need, and if lhee things will be fufl.v atleuded to, our summer school* will kkui be approved by every one who now iepise* them. Yal. o ♦ o For the Reporter. DKATH Frank T. Wolfe. Frank T. Wolle, of Mtlee twp , Centre rounty, a member of Co A, ll&th I*. \., ah,* w'nt killed in the battle of t'e Kiver, Va , May 10, I*4. the following lines ere oiuper of Co. A, 14Hth I' V., who w* killed hy a shell at the battle of Deep Bottom. August 14, 1884. The following line* arc -omposed on hi- death by J. D. Johnson, "bgtial Corps, I* S A . formerly of Co. A, I4hth IV V. Peaceful be your silent slumbers, Uod of mercy waU*he nigh. Ho sends hi* angel- hade in number* To guard the spot where you now lie. How calmly shone thy youthful brow. When battles raged mid hot and shell. You onward pressed not thinking how Your death *hoii!d come,-—no one could tell. Ala* ! that blow, that fata! blow, fv>on .truck upon a victim dear. On Bottam Deep, there - a nlace to show Where one so loved closed hi* career Dear comrade how we miss your face When we behold our company's line. But. thinking of that dreary place Where your sunbeams havo ceased te thine. At "Chanceliorsville," your deeds began. At "Gettysburg,'' you fenrle** stood. At "itrisfoe," saw a victory won, And "Kelly'* Ford'' by storm was took. The " Wilde-ne**.'' with blood was slain ed i Which from your veins did warmly flow. But all! that place where your remain* Are buried on Deep Bottom low. Farewell dear friend. n>> more shall wo Stand up before that foeso bold. No more shall we your smiling see, For you are sleeping now so cold. I> KTAII. PRICE LIST JOBBING AND COMMISSION' HOUSE • OF BUKNSIDE A THOMAS, Beilelonte, Pa. 2 good Cigars for . fcts White sugars per pound ISct* Demarnra sugar per pound I3ct* Bio coffee 2oct* Arbuckles brown coffee per pound 30ct# Best washing soaps per pound...!}, 7 A Hcl* Beit starch per pound ~loct* i Best bright Navy tobacco per pound..fiOct* Best liiuck Navy tobacco (Oct* " double thick and bright and black 35cU Fine cut chewing tobacco per pound..BUct* Best sugar-cured Hums per pound ITcti No. I black pepper per pound 30ct* Molasses per gallon OOcU Large size dairy Salt per sack 16cts Molasses per gallon 00ct* Coal oil in it gal. loUflocta. per gallon best article. Mackernl without head* and all kind of . mackcral and Herring at city prices. Double X X white, drips 80ct* per gal lon, ill it gallon lots net* a gallon less. * 1000 other articles too numerous to men tion, cheap. Men's slogius, heavy shoes i at per pulr. They havo the large-t . and cheapest stuck of good* ever offered to the public. If you want to SAVE 20 TO 60 PER CENT. , GOTO BURNSIDE A THOMAS ! opposite the Bush House. All kinds of a whole package* at lets prices. " OWAHI) J. EVANN & CO., ' NURSE It YMEN A SEEDSMEN, York, I'll, .J Catalogues Mailed to t, Refer (by permission) to c [ Hon. J. S, Black, Washington, D. C\, 1 I Weiier, Son & Carl, Bankers, York, Pa. juna 6-6 m. FIGHT IN A CHURCH. A Mixture of loe (ream, Jcllltw, mill Africans. New York, May 30.—The congre-j gntioii of the Methodist Kpisoopal church at Heau street and Schenecta dy avenue, ltrookyn, held their May festival in the church last evetiiug. About miduight, while the tiou were singing | saints, one of the sister* fell aggrieved at some remark (•fonc of the oreallicru. A male friend of the woman sought out the aggressor, and from words they came to blows, mid iu a short lime a general tight eu ued. Chair* and tables were over luiud, and aoou the tfoor was covered with a rolling and struuggliug mass of men and women, iutermiugled with ca|>*ized ice cream, cakes auu jollies of all kinds. The police were called, but before they suet • d d iu separating the combatants, two of the force were knocked down. Nearly all the breath- 1 reu ami sisters were then marched to the staliou house. j The llou. F. 11. Goweu, del*gat at 'large to the Couatilulioual I'oaveu liou, retires from it on account of en f;rosiug occupatiout and delicate icaltb, which would iuterfero with hit jcoutiuuedalteudaucc. The withdraw al of a wan of hie signal ability would IMS a great loss to any deliberate body. The vacancy is to be filled by the Democratic delegates at large. • ♦ ♦ Geu. Graut now gets $60,000 per year, and half his lime he is pleasure sacking arouud the country. This re minds us of a Dutchman who was j shown a picture of the Washington monument, and asked to subscribe towards its completion. "No" said the Dutchman, "I gift no one cent, I sees no use for to build a house tnit such big schimbly." We don't see see any use having a President like Grant with such a big salary. Which are the worst, the congres sional salary grabbers or the Penn sylvania legislature, SSOO extra pay salary grabbers, of 1871 ? Say ? ('apt Jack has surrendered aud this ends the Modoc war. OHPIIAXBCOUJIT MALE •! By virtue of an order of the Orphans Court ef Centre county, there wit! bo ex- j po~d to public rale, on the premises, on. Tt KSDAV, JUNE !Oih. nest, atTta'cl'kj VALUABLE FARM OP2 ACRK.S! j known as tbr> property of Henry Rothrock, j Sr.. dot-eased, situated about three Utiles cast uf Reilefonle. Every foot of this: property is tillable and under fence. 170 ACRES are Cleared, and in god slate of cultivation. The balance consist* ofj Fifty Acres of OHM ISM. USB ASH OAK TI it UK It Upon the property are bed* of iron ore. ceuient and limestone. It wilt be sold in two or three parts if desired, and private j bids will be received until the day of sale. ] Terms of Salr One-third to remain in j the premises as doary according to the will of the deceased . one-third to be paid j on confirmation of sale, and the remainder in ono year thereafter with interest, to be securest by bend and mortgage on the premise*. NANCY A. ROTH ROCK, mats JOHN HoFFEJt CENTRE HALL COACH SHOP, LEVI MURRAY. at It is establishment at Centre Hall, keeps on hand, and for sale, at the most reason able rates Carriages, Buggies, & Spring Wagons, PUIK IXO FANCY, and vehicle* of every description made to 'order, and warranted to be made of the bet seasonod material, and by the most skilled and competent workmen. Persons wanting anything in his line are requested to call and examine his work, they will find it not to be excelled (or durability and wear. maywtf. I.I'VI niRKiV. NOTARY PUBLIC. SCRJBNKK AND CONVEYANCER, CENTKX II A L L. P A. Will attend t> administering Oaths, Ac- , knowlc igemont of Deeds, AC. writing Ar- | tides of Agreement. Dwdi, Ac, mjrlS TTICA ! STEAM ENGINE! "I ■' , ' (FOUMBALT WOOD A MAJHT.) STATIONARY PORTABLE Steam Engines. The Best A Most Complete Assortment , In the Market I TUm Koffine* hr Iwr mainUinwd Jv- eerf liiiftiwl wlamlant of exoolWtvo Wo make the manufartura of Knin. NW sn.l Knw Mills •IM mlty. Wo horo the Lnw-t and mast mu,|4-i# .irk of the kind In the country, wUU ma l.tiwry I epnrtally o'Upbsl to tbo work. We keep oaioUnlljr In piowwo laiv nnmbse* uf ■ Kmrtnen, which ** fuinln t tli* very lowest prices > ' and on the oh irn -t no'toe. We build Km-tne. i •prdilllv o-laptol I" Mi. How MUK UtUt Mill*. I OotMi Oin, Thresher. and U rlww o 'vlv aro ww IrniMln# the '-an. Clreo -1 tar Haw Mill, the beat and most cumpleto saw mill l 1 wi'aoke the manufacture of Row Mill outfits a st-cutl featum of our business, au.l eou furnioli i complete on the whorl rot not lew Our aim in nil nwwo lo to furnish tho bsrt mo chmery in the market, an t work absolutely no r fiualed for beau ty of ilewlu rv. rOM*ny ouJ aUonfth. 1 Rend for Circular nud rrico List. UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO. I'TICA, N. V. . Dentist, Mlllheim. Offers his professional services to the public. He is prepared to perform all - operations in the denial profession. ' /nfrlle is now fully prepared to* extract teeth absolutely without pain. myß-"8-tf. A DMINISTRATORS NOTICE.—Let- J\ ters of administration on the estate of .Tnhn Love, late of Potter twp.,dec'd, have been granted to tho undersigned, who request all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate to make im mediate payment, und those having de mands against the same to present them duly authenticated by law for settlement. ELIZ. H, LOVE, OLIVER K. LOtE. 1 may 16 fit Admr's, The following is the decision of ( Chief Justice Thompson, ofthla Bute, ' in a recent case respecting gambling : "Anything which induces men to risk • their monev and property without I any hope of return but to get for notb* ■ ing any given amount from another, r ia gambling, and demoralizing to the . community, no matter by what name it may be called. It i* the aame i whether the proruia# be to pay on the oolor of a card or the MM of a ! horae, and the aame numerala indicate , how much ia iuat or won in either caae aud the loaing party haa received juat; aa much money in one caae aa the other parted' with, vianotbv ing at all. The lucky winner ia ofl courac tiie gainer, and be will con-, tiuue ao 'until fickle fortune, in due ' time, makes him feel the woea he haa 1 iufiicted on olhera. * All gambling iai immoral. I apprehend that the lueses < incident to the practice dieciueed with in the pat five yeara have contribu- ' ted more to the failurea and ember dements by public officers, clerks, agenta aud olhera, acting io fiduciary t relation, public and private, than any ' other known, or perhaps all other! known, or perhapa all other causes ; aud the worst of it is a vast amount J of misery and suffering by persons 1 entirely guiltless of any participation iu the cause of it" -- ■ Postmasters will not, under any cir cumstances, be permited to reduce or exchange postal cards that may he mis directed, spoiled in printing or other wise renderd unfit for use in the haedt of private holders. REPUBLIC OF SPAIN. Barcelona, May 22.—Later dis patches received here from Sanahuja state that 10 of the volunteers who surrendered to theCarlist* were butch ered in the streets, and the fate of 44 other prisoners is unknown, and it is believed that they too have been mur ed. The atrocities of the insurgents* caused immense excitement here. The militia assembled at their armor ies and demanded that the Carlisle be held as prisoners io this city to be giv en up to them for execution, in retalia tion for the cruelties committed by the insurgents at Kanahnja. The au thorities refused to surrender the prisoners, and transferred them to a * fortress in the harbor to save them from the wrath of the militia. It U probable that a number of well-known Carlut sympathisers in Barcelona will be arraatod and held a* ho* la get for the safe return of the volunteer* now in the hand* of the insurrectionist*. A levy en masse upon the popula tion for force* to operate against the insurgents is expected to Co raadjr shortly. (Jen. Valarde has issued a procla mation calling all males between 14 and 16 year* of age in the Republi can columns, and threatening the in fliction of heavy penalties upon all municipalities which shall thwart its operation. BKLLBPONTEM ARK KTB. Vhiis iYhealfl.Vfi, Red 160 -.Rye..-.. 7i Cut nOO as. -....8ar1ey 60. 70 Clo Jersced 6.00 _....P"U1 46. Lard per pound 7 Pork per pound 00 Butter '4l Kw.au, —Plaster perton sl4 Tallow 8 Bacon 8 Barn IS LKWIBTOWN MARKETS White wheat 1,86 ... Rd wheal 1.(*....8ye 70 ....Corn 40 OaU 36......8ar1ey 00 Clover.eed6.6o Timothyseed, 350 Sail 2 60per tack. ... •—~ Bacon 10c Han. 18 BulUi 25... Egg* 26 Plaster • $0 15,000 BOLTS OK WALL PAPER! .Sow on exhibition at Milthalm and Mil roy Hardware Store.. About 86 different patterns. PRICES RANGING FROM 10 CENTS TOsl 00 PER BOLT. Beautiful Gill Paper at one dollar Panel Paper and Parlor Decoration*. A reasonable credit will be given to re sponsible parlies for paper *or 5 per cent deducted from prices for oath. Pnce. are the same at both Store*, apr 3 4m W.J. M MANIOAL. Great Reduction In Prices 0 Note Paper. . We are now prepared to furnish Not l>*l>r at price* Tar below any that havi ever before been offered at retail in thi county Bent quality Commercial note paper at 15 ru per quin Second beat do at 12 cU per quin Third beat do at 10 els per quire Purchasers will find thi* to be of thi tame quality heretofore old in thi* placi for 'A A and 15 cU per quire, but havini bought our paper at ealreroely low figures we desire to give our customer* the fill benefit of the reduction. Look At This!! Initial Paper With Chromo 1 French Initial paper 15 cU per bo* Plain white " 20 " ROM tint " * " Two tint* " With a handtotne chromo given away with each M cent bo*. JAMES WELCH A OO . 20 mar If Oppotite Buh lloute. _ ~ NE PLUS ULTRA. ! No Better Place! I The tub*criber ia ju*t receiving from the ea*tern citie* a Full Stock of SUMMER GOODS j which he ha* determined to ell very cheap, consisting of DRY GOODS and Print*, Muslins, Opera Canton*, and Woll Flannel*. Ladie/Drc* Good*, such a* Dolains, Alpaca*, Poplin*, Empress Lloth. Sateen*, TameUe. together with a full •tock of everything u*ually kept In the Dry Good* line. NOTIONS: A full stock, consisting part of Ladie* and Children'* Merino flo*e, Collar*, Kid gloves, best quality tilk and Lisle thread Gloves, Hoods, Nubias. Breakfast shawl*, Ac. HATS & CAPS, A full assortment of Men's Boy'* and Children's of the latest style and beat. ' CLOTHING, If Ready made, a choice selection ef Men's | t and Boy's of the newest styles and most serviceable materials. \ BOOTS & SHOES, WM. WOLF. RYNDER'S MUSIC STORE, I,(H'K HAVEN, PA. The proprietor or Rynder'a Music Htore desires to call the attention of the people of Centre county, to the fae ' that they Can Save Money jy purchasing their musical instrument# ot Ryodef a Music Store, \\ e are aelling Double Heed, Six Stop, Five Octavo at $l4O, superior in tone and fiuiab, to thoee that are hawked and peddled throughout the country at 1175 to 1200,) The • *c warrant for five year*. We give aoy reaaonable credit desired to responsible parties. We beg leave to call your attention to the following instruments, sold in Penuavalley this year, which you would lo well to examine before purchasing elsewhere : , CENTRE HALL. 8. 8 WOLF, Kynder Organ 1225.00 WM. GALBRAITH, Ityuder Organ... 140.00 LEMONT. DR. J. Y.DALE, American Organ .. #375 00 PETER BOHRECK, Rynder Organ 140.00 AAROVBBURG. WM. ETTINQER, Rynder Organ ......... #240.00 BOALBBURG. MIBB E. E. H U NTEB, Melodion #IBO.OO In a few weeks we will call attention to our PIANO DEPARTMENT. In short by writing a letter to us and getting our prices—we deliver all ioetruments— You Can Save Front 840 to S6O on an Organ. HYXIJEirS MUSIC STORE, Lock Haven, Pa I. Guggenheimer. ARRANGEMENT! I ISAAC GUOOESHKIMKB. ha V in g purchased the entire stock of the late firm of Suasmsn A Guggwnbeimar,• cpt the Leather and Shoe findings> has filled up his shelves with a lot or arucKOiu RE* ooows, embracing READY MADE CLOTHING. ÜBEMi UOOINt, OBOCLBIKS, % provisions, BOOT* A aUOW, UAT* A CAl*B, j AND FARCY ARTICLES and is now prepared to accomodate all his old customers, and to welcome all; new ones who may favor him with their patronage. lie feels safe in sav ing that he can please the most fastidi ous Call and ace. ISAAC GUGGENHEIMER | p. g.—Mr. Suasman still continues to desl in LEATHER AHD SHOE-FINDINGS, j CLOVER end TIMOTHY SEEDS, in the old room, where he msv alway be found. 12ap.tf. C. F. llerlscber N. Cronmiller NEW GOODS! fa t s w a a a i v a i OF U001>$!!! UERLACUER A CRONMILLER WUhtoinfoim the citixeu* of Potter; that they have opened an enure now I •lock of good* in their ©Jd an li will keep constantly on hand a full and, good u*ortmenlof LADIES' DRESS GOODS, | consisting of ALPACAS. Poplins, H PLAIDS.! Lustre*, and all other kinds ol DRESS GOODS. full line or NOTIONS and FANCY Goods Hats A Cain, BooU A Shoes CROCK ERY. MJI?A K HWTRK STONEWARE. ChDAKMARE, SUGARS. COFFEES. SALT. TEAS. FISII, HixhWt price* paid for country produce. Bv Uriel attention to bu*ine* we hope to merit and receive the patronage of the public Shortlidge & Co.. PROPRIETORS OF THE Beltefonte Lime Quarries. The only Manufacturer, of Limo bufni exclusively with wood, in Central Peniwylvania. I>KALKRM IN . Anthracite Coal, * White Lime, I)u Pont'e Powder, Spotting and Blasting Powder on hand, Fuse for Blasting, Fire Brick, Ground Fire Clay, Fertilizers, Implements. '*Offlco acd yard near Southend Dm 3X_ 1 .i.iat u* /> Thence, Improved American Button Hole Ovcrat-aming and Complete j Sewing J/achiue—The great eat machine of the Age ! Simplcity, Durability A Cheap ness Combined. {guaranteed. All order* promptly attend led to. A. L BARTGES, Agent for Centre County MAUUMxauao, PA. jgROCKEBUOFP HOUSE, Allegneney Street, Bellefonte, Pa. D. JOHNSON A SONS,Proprietor*. i * rtaaTCLAaa hotel, ecus roar a m.x aoow* PROMPT ATTENDANCE. ALL THE MODERN CONVENIEN CES—AND REASONABLE Charge*. The proprietor* offer to the traveling public, and to their country ftienda, first Via*, accommodation* and oarrfu! alien liuti to the want* Of guest* at all times, at' jfairsata*. Careful hostler* and good stable ling for bor.cn. An excellent table well ► SL*DS, ; PLAIN AND FAXCT J of every description . All vehicles manufactured by him are warranted to render satisfaction, and as equal to any work done elsewhere. He uses nono but tho best material, and employs the most skillful workmen. Hence they tlntter themselves that their work can not be excelled for durability " and finish. Orders from a distance promptly altend ■ ed to. I Come and examine my work before contracting elsewhere. PRICES REASONABLE, All kinds of Reparing done. 11 TTNDERTAKERS' SUPPLIES.—A U fine assortment of Coffin trimmings, 5. just received at Millheim and Milroy Hardware stores. Barr handles, Lace Ac , r * SriQ.3m eS W. J. M'MANIGAL. US "S kH.T.HmboldV I'BADR CV MA.HK. VS n KEARNEY'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, SSca a U bma immum of taXek Back, r.aattaf the tad/, Bwmfue m h* Ftea, PauS Ooaatenaace, Laamada of "<- P*ww. c I'm! ti ptaaaaa ta tb decSae or tbaspr tit Bfcfmw cofTSt r Übm rstof.SSW C B'LwwaSefi* peraitar to Wira. tießx -5535 ns: -sfhite ?££ vl I " bfUwmJStm pfiaES and £mV&S2J3 *** doaa of hott aexaa aad aB agML KtUMITN KVTBACT BWCMC, b2ev &&SS& raCSr4 ~ esyara U caaar. a fra a'f&m&sfSaMagJg eaaaa, and espattng B potaoooW Mht BJBABNBVS RAW ACT Brcsv, sasftUstss£S'.v rs 6ratT ' * kkTa" rT& tsl, v v. to wboas aU t*wr far lahmMiaa ettoaM be ■Mi I—ill ' a VOID QUACKS AMD MSAOSTtAS. la Charge teAdvto tad Osaaaltstira. Dr. J. B. DwU, Oradame rOAAOM tf* FUfUFY YOtm BLOOD. t For Scrofula, Scrofh •k* loua Disease) of the Eyes, or Scrofula lis < any form. Constitutions.-Syphilis, or any disease depending on a dm prared condition of tba blood DR. CROOK'S SYB.UP OP m POKE ROOT. My j It has the medicinal property V \.W of Poke combined witn a prep* s aration of Iron wbtch goes at - fi/f once into the blood, perform t /JIB jug the most rapid and won* V derful cures. y Aak rour Druggist tor Dr. Crook's Com r Syrup of ?oke Root-Uka tt and U