THE CENTRE REPORTER THURSDAY MAY 15, LOCAL ITEMS. LOCAL KEWfi—Our (Viand*, every where. will oblige us by sending us local news of interest. . . . CIRCULATIOH. —The circulation of the REPORTER, on thi* side the county, is larger than that of all other mpar. in the county. Business man will therefore find this one of the ba*t adverting mediums. We invite all interested to come and in spect our li*t for themselves. REMITTANCES -All monte* fi>r sub scription will be credited on the subscri ber addre**, f ihese Burnside, Hale and M'AUiater have gone to render nc account at the bar before the Eternal Judge: Gov. Curtin has quit practicing; Judge Linn has removed, while the ncs tor of the old bar, Hon. James M M anus, •till continues to practice at the same place, though his yeats now number ma ny, yet his intellect is still fresh and vigo rous. —The house and lot occupied by S Wor king, in this place, was sold last week to Mr. John Miller, at Spring Mills, who ia 2end* becoming a citizen of our town. —lf you wish good music, buy a Render organ. Mr. John Lee, of this place, informs us that he measured all the snows that fell the past winter, excepting those under 4 inch in depth, and finds the total to be 8 feet and 7 inches. The number of snows thus measured was 33* making an average of a little over 3 inches. —Mr. Kobison kas sold the Reel a fur nace property, near Hublertburg. to a party from Tyrone.Jfor $25,000." Rev. Edwin W Rice, of Philadelphia, author of the Intermediate Lesson Paper*, has promised to attend the County S. S. Convention to be held in Boalsburg, which opens on Tuesday evening and continues in session until Thursday evening. May 27 to 3. . —A lot of 30 inch shingles, 1000, sitting in the woods a short distance south of A#- rori*burg. were borrowed without the per mission of the owner, Mr. Wm. Hartcr. Who is the thief? Hickernel. the shad man. went for the Tuten* the other week. Old Nick the bad man, will go for them next. —A new Sabbath school was organized at Manor, (Whiskey Hollow), under the most favorable auspice#—Leonard Rhone is Sup't, Mr. Dubs assist, Ephraiin Keller librarian, George Boal treasurer. —Aaronsburg, with a population of near 500, has SS widows, and Ilartleton with a population of about *O, has S3 old maid*. Those mourn good husband* that uow are not ; These fret o'er men they neTer got. —Early Swarm of Bees.—On Saturday, 10 insL, John T. Ross was very agreeably surprised to find a swarm of bee# on his shrubery in his yard. "A swarm of bees in May, Is worth a load of bay. ' —We h-arn that Mr. Abs. Barter had an insurance of $llOO en hi* property re cently destroyed by fire. Daniel Irwin's store, at Jnlian Furnace was robbed on the night of the 30 of April; the thieve*, supposed to be two or three in number, entered tLe store in a very ingeni ous manner. The passage was made thiough the cellar. An augur hole was bored through tbe cellar door, just over the bolt that fastened it from within, and tbe bolt was easily drawn back and the door opened. They then preceded to the store room, sod from appearance*, very de liberately selected what they wanted. They took all his stock of ready-made cloth ng, valued at about S3OO, two large webs ( cassimere and one web of "jean'' goods, about $25 worth of hats, and a few pair of shoe*. The whole amount taken is valued by Mr. Irwin at S6OO. Nothing was disturbed but what was carried oil and nothing of the robbery was noticed until Mr Irwin entered the store about six o'clock the next morning. No clue was left by the robbers. —A friend furnishes the following items for the Reporter: Our brick-makers meet with much loss of time on account of the recent wet wea ther. The Millcrsville State Normal report* over 709 students this session. We expect some less in our Centre county Normal af ter harvest. Our town is almost deficient of pave ments, but we are preud of our beautiful yards which are filled with the most beau tiful flower beds. —The following is a list of prosecutions at the recent April sessions: Commonwealth vs Jacob Haldeman, malicious mischief; acquitted on account of insanity and sent to insane asylum at Danville. William Foust, assault with intent to commit a rape; bill ignoramus. H. S. Thompson, selling liquer without license; acquitted. Philip Gatas, selling liquor without li cense ; bill ignoramus. R. P. Craig, selling liquor without li cense ; bill ignoramus. George Fravel, assault and battery ; bill ignoramus. Zack Fetterman, assault and battery; bill ignoramus. John Delige, assault and battery ; plead guilty. James Holt, disturbing a religious mee ting; acquitted. Wm Brown, larceny ; plead guilty. John M. Shriver, larceny; convicted. Thomas M'Cafferty, malicious mischief; plead guilty. Joseph Hawkins, selling liquor to mi nors ; plead guilty. Geo. Dony, larceny; settled with leave of court. . Wm Atherton, assault and battery ; set tled with leave of court. Harriet Mills, assault and battery; set tled with leave of court. O. Cnbello and W. H. Ammermnn. lar ceny ; settled with leave of court. Frank Kane, assaulting a police officer; plead guilty. JobO Fatigsn, liquor; plead guilty. i John Fredrick*, surety of the peace ; ac [ quitted. James W. Rodger#, selling liquor with out license; truo bill. Malinda Roger*, rolling liquor without license; true bill. George Mill*, assault and kitttry; set tled with leave of court. Jamc* W. Roger*, keeping a gambling house , true bill. This batch of eommonwealth cae*. a* usual, we suppose ha* entailed a big bill of eo*U upon the county, and wo are pleased to note, that, to far a* we know, not one of them come* from this tide. POWERS AND DUTIES OF CONSTA BLES. Judge Ko*, of Montgomery county, re cently defined the |>ewerand dutie* of con stable*. A* the law in relation to these officer* i* the same throughout the "tale, it* publication may be of general interest Thcoffice of a constable i* one possessing at common law large pewer* and retted with the performnace, of dutie* which are (rarely important to good order, and good morals, peace and decerum of the commu nity. Hi* first and general duty i* to keep the peace, and fot this purpose he may take into custody, and may commit to jail, and even break open the door* of house* -in fact no act of authority, which is net of It self illegal, may not bo lawftilly douo by a constable to prevent a breach of the peace. 1 Chittv.s C. LDtuN. I Blae Com Mil If there is a reasonable ground for suspicion ho may arrest without a wai rent, and hold tho elfender for examination hut hi* action in thi* regard L at hi* own peril—for ho may not make an arrest un less the facts and circumstance* would ju* lify a prudent man in assuming that the ground* of suspicion were reasonable thai i*. exhibited probable cause to believe that a felony had been committed. 3 W. As. m He ha* the fttrther power to arrest, with out warrant, fora breach of the peace com mitted in hi* presence, after he ha* made such an arrest he may conduct the person to jail, and the jailor must recieve him to be detained in custody until! an examina tion may be had without unnecessary de lay. S.A R. 47. Hit most responsible, and too often hi* most neglected duty, is to return to the Court at each aud every session such of fenses into which the Court has power to inquire, try and puniah. This fttnetion makes hiui the inspector of his bailiwick— the informant of the Court, and the mean* of repressing crime. Thi* last duty i* te l>e performed under the sanction of an oath —and may be made the basis of a bench warrant and arrest. If it be performed with fidelity an ex amination of tho constables' returns would at once inform the court of the moral con dition of the county, and few offense-* would go unpunished. Those are common law power* and dutie* which are attached to the office, and a fail ure to perform them or any ef them is mis demeanor in office, which could aqd would be punished by thi* court upon convictioa had. But the Legislature has enlarged and particularly specified some of these affinal powers and duties. One of the statutes required that consta bles should search public houses and place* >u*pectcd of entertaining tiplers on Sun day. and compel them to diaperse quietly. By various statute* enacted at various times, the constable is required to make a return under oath as to whether offenses against the game or fishing laws have been committed in hi* bailiwick; whether any bastard children have been born therein together with their sex and name* ot thair mothers ; whether there are tippling houses —that i, unlicensed houses for the illegal ale of liquors-or licensed bouse* that vio late the condition* of their licenre—and whether there are any common, ill-gov erned disorderly houses, houses of prosti tution or gambling bouse*. The constable must further return, whether tbe index boards are placed and maintained at tbe junction roads —whether there were breach es of the peace at the election, and the names of the offenders-whether within his knowledge there was wagering upon the election, and the names of tbe better, and whether there were frauds upon the elec tion. All these returns must be made under oath and if such offense* exist and be not returned, the constable knowing of their existence, is guilty of a misdemeanor in office. On Saturday evening last, says the- Sel insgrove Time*, a teriou* affray occurred in thi* place, the fact* of which are about a* follows : Keuier Fisher had gone from home on pretence of being absent several weeks, but, unexpectedly to his wife, he re turned late on Saturday evening, when he took her and S.P. Wenrich by surprise. He shot at Wenrich, the ball grazing his face, after which they clinched. Wen rich,used a knife and made several extend ed cut* acre#* Fisher # back, cutting his clothes and also cutting him in the side and under tbe chin, and finally made bis escape without hat or boots. He went to • neighbor's and borrowed a hat and boots and then went to a Justice and asked te be bound over, bis brother becoming hi* se curity. On Tuesday, however, be was taken to Middlebutg and lodged in jail. N O T I C E '-H. D. VAN PELT A CO. are building a few FIRST CLASS REAPERS and MOWERS, for this sea son's trade, which they warrant in every respect equal and in some respect# superior to aav Machine offered in this market, and which they propose to SELL for a little LESS MONEY than anv othet Machines are sold at. Person* wishing GOOD MA CHINKS, with the advantage* ef any re pairs handy at borne, will do well to ex amine our Machine* before purchasing foreign ones. We will put them all out ontrtal. 15may2m Governor Hartranft has signed tbe bill for tbe propagation and preservation of fish in tbe rivers and stream* of thi* State. Three Commissioners will now be ap pointed by the Governor, whose duty it will be to establish a hatching-house, see that flh ladder* are placed in darn* that block the passage of fi*h up rivers to their •pawning grounds, introduce preper kind* of fish in proper localities, and in general superintend the whole matter of increasing the quantity of fish in the rivers of Pe nn •ylvania. These are important duties, and great carc should be taken in selecting the Commissioner* to perform them. No man should be thought of cr mentioned who has not made this matter a special study. MEETING OF THE STOCKHOL DERS OF THE CENTRE HALL WA TER CO.-The Stockholder* of the above Corporation are requested to meet at the lower school room, on Thur*day evening, June 13th, at 6 o'clock, for the purpose of adopting such new By-law* and making ouch alteration* in present one* a* may be deemed necessary. A full attendance i* requested. F. K U RTZ, Pre.' t. WM. WOLF, Sec'y. inal6,4t SUDOKS DKATH.—Dr. J. C. Norri*, a well known phy.ician, recently of Salona, Jied very suddenly at the Clearfield House in this city, at about six o'clock last Mon day evening. of apoplexy. He wa* appa rently in usual health half an hour before hi* death, and urged a friend to accept a cigar. He went into the upper hall, where in a few minutes he was heard to fall; and though several physician* were promptly on band, no relief could be afforded, death ensuing in about twenty minutes. The Doctor had a beautiful wife and child, to whom he was strongly attached, but his unfortunate habits had estranged them frton him, and the separation seemed to make him reckless and indifferent to life. He was a well educatod and skillful pby sician, and once enjoyed a lucrative prac tice. He was moreover, generous, warm hearted, and true in hie attachments, and these dualities added to a uniform courtesy won bim many frieads, who sincerely la ment his untimely death. His age WM a bout thirty-ix year* —LOCK Haven Js jrab. Death of Mr. *cAlllstor in the COM ftiitutionnl Convention. Philadelphia, May (I.—The miuutea of v*lfrday were read and approved Ex Governor Curtin than roue and offered tho following reaolutiona: Reaolved, That with the uioat un feigned aorrow wo learn the death of the Hon. Hugh Nelaott MoAlliater. a member of thta eouvcution, who enjoy ml the higheat measure of reapoot for his learning and ability and aateem for hia virtue#. Reaolved, That hia death deprive* thin convention of one of it* moat en lightened and industrious member# ;j the commonwealth #>f one of our most public spirited ami uaetul citizens ; the the community in which he lived of n mau whoae indomitable energy, intlex-j ible integrijy nud apollcsa moral char* acler attracted to him the confidence and affection of all who knew him, and hia family of a kind and devoted hua baud ami father. Hcaolvcd, That we do moat heartily offer to the member* of hia bereaved family the homage of out ayu>|iath) and condolence in tbia the time of deep dial rear Reaolved, That iu respect for tht memory of our dejuirtcd colleague tht preaideut is reMINISTK ATORS NOTICE.- Let ter* of adminitration on the estate of John Love, late of l'otter twp.dec'd, have been granted to the undersigned, who requett all person* knowing them selves indebted to laid estate to make im mediate payment, and those having de mand* against the same to prcacnl Sheni dulv authenticated by law for settlement. T KLIZ. rr. LOVE. OLIVER K. LOVE, may 15 (t Adrnr'*. NOTICE TO SCHOOL DIRECTOKSANP AU DITOR* OK POTTER TWK.— School Direc tor* and Auditor* of Potter township are hereby notified to meet at the Old Fort, on the first Monday of June, being the sec ond day of the month, at nine o'clock A. M., to settle and audit the accounts of the Treasurer of School Board. The uewly elected Director* will meet on tho same day, and at the same place to organize new board. PETER HOFFER. W. W. ROVER. Prreident. See'y. QKPHANS COURT SALE ! I By virtuo of an order of tho Orphans Court of Centre county, there will be ex posed to public sale, on the promises, on TUESDAY, JUNK 10th, next, at'Jo'cl'k VALUABLE FARM 0F220 ACRES! known aa the property ofllenry Rothroek, Sr., deceased, situated about three milci oast of Bellefonte. Every foot of this property ia tillable and under fence. 170 ACRES are Cleared, and in good stat< of cultivation. The balance coni*U ol Fifty Acre* of ORIGINAL PINK AND OAK TIMREh Upon tho property are beds of iron ore , cement and limestone. It will be sold ir two or three parts if desired, and privati bids will be received until the day of sale Term* of Sale : One-third to remain it • the premises as dowry according to th< . will of the deceased ; one-third to be pal( i on confirmation of sale, and tho remaindei in one year thereafter with interest, to hi secured by bond and mortgage on thi premises. NANCT A. ROTiiROCK, Hff JOHN BUFFER -1 The War In Louisiana. — Latest Fron Si. Martinsville. ■ —The* KolMei Hemmed ID.— Three Metropolitan K IIICM) Bloody Work In Prospec j| live. Hrasaear l ily. La . Mny 7.—-Kighi metropolitan# arrived this luorning C making forty-five while* altogether The citixen# refused ihem all aheller and they are stopping in u amnll negro . cabin fiilcd with negroes. They have .orders to go to St. Martinsville, but jean get no transportation. The Kerry tint liere haa been removed and the fish boat* stopped near Fianklin and guarded by citizeu#. The citixen# here nreahll deterniin ill. All la quiet. One mcntroiMilitun lia# juat arrived here from St. Martinavlle. He came 'throughawampa,and haaaentdispatch- Mto New Orleans. He aaya lladger ia hemmed in, and heard heavy cannon ading thia morning at two a. ui. No* Or lea tie. May 7 One A M. i Kirciug was heard thia morning. A courier from the citixen#' camp re ports three uietro|Kilitana killed and .four wounded iu the akirmieh. The citizeus pickets advanced within two squares ot the court house, where Col. lladger haa concentrated hia forces. Citixeus aie collecting from every | portion of Attakapea. Moat oflhert jcruita are of the better class, well mounted, and generally armed with breech-loading ahot gun*. So far the youug men principally have gone to the field. The married men in the towns are watching the negro organi-, zations, and are prepatitig to frustrate . them. J The captaiua of ateaiuboata have t been warned not to transport any me , tropolitans, and consequently did not g bring thoM at Bayou city, knowing j that their boats would he blown up. , The entire Bayou Teche ia under aur- L . veil lance by well organizer! bodies ol . citizeus. , The Kellogg troops can only reach ' St. Martinaville by fighting their way up the boyou. I The grand jury haa passed reaolu , lions to have Kellogg and hi* officers , ap|a.*ar before tbent on a charge of usurpiug the government of L lusisaua. . Judge Dtirrell ordered the re|orl to j be filed ami auepotiaa to be issued for the parties to ap|K-ar before the grand jury. DEATHS. ' On 14th us-? .at Centre Hall. it Phth -o i I'alnsnnvlu Maggie. .laughter *, the heart* of the bereaved parent* ami fri. ml- with whom he had to |>art For intelligence I considering her age. she had fiu But again when we think that Christ ha r said, suffer little children to coma unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the ■ kingdom of heaven, then we can rej- i. e Willi hope that she lias gone asleep in Christ. Shu has goi.c tu her homy in glory, where she is enjoying the Wingdai., prepared for her, asleep in Jesus blessed sleep from which none ever waked t I weep. Vil I' On 25 of April, at Potters Mills, of -i rial disease, James David, son of David M Henney. aged 13 years, V months and tK days. On IH April at Pott, rs Mills, Ka- hat-!, wife of Henry Crawford. On tth . 1., ar Churchville, David Yorden, *ge< rt. | John C. Rote, of Aaronsburg, and Miss Mattie A. Bnaiich, of Spring twp. w /ispi ing Opening; ofc Ilouiicis, Iritntilings.. Milline ry s wf i MISS LUCY DEININGER S In Centre Hall, who just relurued from , Philadelphia, with the LATEST FASH IONS, and a complete stock of New •i Bonnets. New Hat*. elegant Trimming#. •I Ac., which will be sold or made up, at reasonable prices Also, old ladies lire-- Gap? The new styles are very j-retly. Ladies i call and see tiicm early. First come, first- Ml< 1 ma*'. 1 / fit It OF JUNK r * will certainly conn- off tin- Miners' Hospital Grand Gift Concert. A NO I SIOO,OOO DISTRIBUTION. r No Postponement Uuder auy Circum stances but will Positively Take Place. - DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS, 1 AND AS THOUSANDS OF TICKETS are being sold daily. YOU MAY BKTODj LATE unless you purchase at once. I YOUR MONEY GIVEN #' to this cause assists in establishing a noble | charity, while you participate in a distribution of PRESENTS in which YOU iiuv he LUCKY individual. ' One Ticket $1 Ol) Five Tickets 4 30 Ten Ticket* 9 00 Address, GEO. R. SHAFFER. Shenandoah, Schuylkill Co , Pa. K °R ALI_ U A '- K Willing to Work. Any person, old or young, of either sex, can make from $lO to SSO per ' week, at home day or evening Wanted j 1 by all. Suitable to either City <>r Conn-i j try, and any season of the year. This is n * | rare opportunity for those who are out of j * work, and out of money, t" make an inde pendent living. N<> enpita) being required. Our pamphlet "Ho W I'D MAKE A LIV ING," giving full instructions, sent on re. ccipt of iO cents. Address, A. BURTON J CO., Morrisania, Westchester Co, N Y. AtiKNTS WANTED every where to sell our new and novel Embroidering Ma * chin**. *nd for Ulotrt4 by Mall whan r*ouaatad. circular* fraa, whan ordaratl by Uttar ant toTha Klaatlc Truaa*N<. M Broad wajr. ff Y. f'lty Nobaly uaaa Matal Hprlnf Tnxaaaa " |*H't painful . thay all|i off I'M. frn.|ti(Mif|) l tital) cow MEKCANTI L K A I'PR AIS KMK N T Lint of dealer# of foreign and do mestic merchandise. etc., in < Vntro coun ty for the year ending 1873, subject to pay ment of license. Bogggs twp. (Jain, I, Jah J Lucas 14 $ 7 76 .las W Rodger* 14 7 76 McCoy A; Linn 13 10 76 Bonner twp. Lewis Hash II 16 76 J B Kephart 14 7 76 A Uiescr, Distillery 11 16 75 Burntitle twp. OR Bonk 18 10 75 Curtiu twp. Weber & Singer 14 7 76 i Jacob McCloekey 11 7 75 Ferguson Twp. 1 M C Rider 14 7 76 Shrol), Steward A C< 10 'JO 76 Thos Bollinger 13 10 75 ; W L Rider 14 7 76 A Sample & Son IV 13 26 Jas Dun lap & Co 18 10 76 'J R Smith u 7 76 it Grogg Iwp. it I'liilip Shook 14 7 K .1 II Fi.her IV 13 It II Dum-an 18 10 Howard Bora* . Lures A Ur*. 14 7 II II drove ... 14 7 , Reiser Weher 12 13 i Je* Mclleffey 14 7' Robert Cook l-l I" Jenkins a Weber 14 71 i John Wagner 14 7" , John I hchl 14 7 I Win Nnff 14 7" I. C Falm. r 14 7 I Mrs Allison It 7; S F Kline 1 4 7 * Howard twp. lU' Leather II 7! 11 aim s Twp. David M ilium* ..... ... 14 i I'hi' Harper II 7 " Philip Gor.. 14 77 ! It F Philip# IV 18 'J 1 M M M user 11 10 7 N Splglemryer 4k Sons. .. II 13 7 Huston twp. Joseph F Miller H 10 7 I Hoover A Davis.. IV 13 V I It W Richard. It 77 John I Thompson 13 10 7 ! Levi Wumer 14 j Daniel lrvin 1 > 10 7 Harris twp j.l J Price 14 | John Piom u 14 J C ShoiH'berger 14 11ifo Jack A Son 14 s H Stover 13 1 Daniel 11... 13 I K ramer .Y Kt kdiroth... IV 1 FTavlor H 1 C H Kephar.l 13 1 Mrs A K Jack 14 J no A Kennedy 14 Cyrus IVtudll 14 J A I. Ilouser II Half Moon twp. J 11 drey IV 13 Vi IL-nry Adams 14 77. 1 James Lovo.. 13 107t Lihvrtv Iwp. J A Ouiglcv !.... 13 10 7^ J J A D B Kuns 13 10 7? Liggct A Oolong U 7 71 Milwiburg Borough. J S Pn>udf>t l4 7 7f A T Brigg. 14 Mrs. Ct, Uvman... 14 7 11 J B Halm IV 13 23 John llihhler 13 10 "4 Mary N Case 14 Mr- Itschcal Lyke 14 7 7-' A R Peter- 13 10 7S Marriou twp. Yerick a Son IV 13 'J£ Wilson A Zeigler 18 10 7S MiU-a twp.ßro 14 7 7J Miller, IK ker a Vonada-. IV 13'..' T N Wolf 14 7 7.1 TN Wolf II 7 7; S Frank & Son IV 13 A' Jno M Sholl 14 Tho* iCeigter 14 7 7<" I'atton twp. Joseph Trc551er............... 14 7 7," Mis Kate Murray. - 14 Matterna Bro - 14 1 Villi twp. Geo \V Stover 11 15 7' \ Is sudor Erie's 1 1 19 Ji Jacob KiM-nhuth 14 7 7-1 John D Foots 14 7 7-1 W J McMaiiigul 11 1075 .1 W Snook 13 10 7c illawlev A Co - 14 David Krdle - 14 770 Putter twp. John Ncff 14 778 Win Wolf IV 13 VI IL-rlarherA Cronmiller 12 13 2ft Philips A Glasgow 14 7 73 \V A rmaga>( - 18 10 7# A W tiraff 13 10 73 J O Dcinninger —— 14 7 7ft J A Ree-man......... ... - 14 7 7ft Strobm A Swarls - 14 775 M J Thompson A Bro IV 13 Vo Philipaburg Borough. KB. llingcr 14 7 7ft D Avrcs 14 776 It J Bel! 14 7 75 11- Adams . ..14 7 75 J R M. Kinney A IV 13 10 7' John Hawwortb ........ .14 7 76 John Nuttall .. 13 10 75 J effete yr H\>- 14 7 7ft Mr David 1/ogan 14 ;Tho# Nwitzer ... - 14 7 7ft W V McCutdfo-n l3* 1078 J N Ca-anoi * C .... 13 1075 M^l' >ndo U Mm K lnin It 15.5 D It Jam lion 14 II M Herringten 14 TbosSwitzer It 77, C ti Hettinger 14 G Z.-iglor A lft' 10 *• <5 W U McCaustand 14 7 75 J A Lahr 13 10 7# Mrs R Pierce 14 J C Dale 13 10 75 ft H< der 14 775 W H Jones lB 10 75 Peter Weher 14 Richard Haye5......—.... 14 7 .o Mrs L Manly - 14 . Keler, Dubce A Co—... '■ V > ... N'. T Grov II James M,,rrion '8 Mi- Jot F legal ACo ... 11 G S Fl-gal 12 13 2.*. IJasAGanoe It MrsCDucros- 14 W m D \ N angle 14 7 75 M G Rook 13 10 75 H Harris 14 Robert Tavlor 14 D C Van Elton 14 7 75 Mattorn & Miller 10 7,'s K A Button '8 h 5 .1 J M'ighaman 14 775 J'cter Smith 18 'Miss Ida Jens 18 ' Rush twp. KM Slmrdevan. 13 10 75 II'J Jack suit 10 20 75 John Miller A Son - 13 10 75 M Murphy 14 Bnow Shse twp. N Bower - 13 10 78 II Williams 14 J H Cri—man 13 A K Shiver 14 May. ACo - 9' 25 7o Ja tiate# 14 7 75 Uniutiville Boro. tiriest A KuniV.ager 11 15 7 iNathan Hearsley 14 JAG Alexander 18 10 7 -- A Martin 18 77 Walker twp. i Soli A Yerick 13 10 75 Henry Brown 13 "JI'J Solomon Confer 18 Houston A Rodger# 12 13 26 Solomon Peck 18 < " Spring twp. II J. Barnes 18 77. j T S Hoverly 18 10 75 Worth twp. I V Grey '8 7 7.' II M Hoover 13 10 7a !Ja# Purdue 18 77 Bellcfonte Borough. (la**. t.irrnsr Joseph A Brother 1" s'J' 7< Edward Brown H 7 II II Kline . 30 7* II Hotter .. 14 .1 W Cook 11 1571 Lvon A Co 10 'JO ■ • \7ilion & Hicki 10 'JO 7< R F Rankin 13 10 Ti J A Sand* 14 7 7- mi Utihi..... is io j: .1 L Reisenstine 14 M L Mcßride 14 (Ico ll' Bryon. 14 7 71 Levi Miller 14 7 7.' John lloffer ...... 10 20 71 DM Wngner 9 25 71 Leob. May A Loob 11l 20 71 .1 C William* 12 13 21 <" F Montgomery 14 John Montgomery 14 7 71 J Zeller* & Son 13 10 71 J A J Harris 10 10 71 William MoClollan 14 771 II Y Stitacr 14 771 FP Blair 14 7 71 Harper Bro 10 20 7i K Giayham 14 7 71 Brockerhoff Brm 12 13 2 M Zimmerman 14 77< II I) Yerger 14 77 K Fortncy 14 77 William Brown 14 77 II llermont 12 13 7 It F Batchlcr 13 107 John S I ongborgor 14 77 II L Hartley 14 77 I' Gugenheimer 10 20 7 A OMMBM 13 10 7 Hurnside & Thomas II 157 Isaac Miller 14 77 J Welch A Co 13 10 7 J J Hughe* 14 77 John I'owor* 14 77 F 1' Green 13 10 7 Wetler& Twitmeyer... 14 77 Sechler A Co 12 13 2 N Beck 14 77 Miss Priest 14 77 Mi N K Dare.. 14 77 J 1* Zimmerman 13 107 J E Palmer 14 77 Freyberger A Grim..... 13 10 7 A Sellroyer Son 14 77 Wolf & Son 14 77 Mr* Sourbeck 14 77 John Breckbill 14 77 W II Wilkinson 7 40 7 An appeal will he held at Bellefoiite, o June 2. at tho Commissioners office, who those who see proper can at attend. HENRY G. CONSEK, Mercantile Appraiser. Great rush at Wolf# itore, attracted b •q, hi* large and splondid stock ol new goodi 'a ♦ * Tho weather was a little cool the las four days—on Wednesday morning Iros in some localities, j.'i ' Moj Reynolds, ot Hahorsburg, and Chr j,. Moycr of I'onn, are dangerously ill. -, e > IIKLLKKONTEM AKKKTH, I* White r/heal 91.9 ft, Red I'JO ... lty "17ft Coin 110 ....Dais 35 Barley HO. 7, 70 Clorersoed 5,l Potatoes 4ft. •, Lard jier pound 7 Pork per pound Ot ■ • Butter VO Kggt'Jll Plaster per ton q, *l4 Tallow H liacoli H Ham IV LKWIMTDWN MARKETS , White wheat l.Hft ... Rid wheat 1 ,M).. .Rye 70 Corn 40 tat.3ft Barley l t'loverseed ft,oo Timothy seed, 3AO & Salt V 60 per sack > Bacon |(k- llam 13 Buttei VA... Egg. 0 V t Pla.ter 9 fiO ■ S 15,000 BOLTS 1 OK WALL PAPER! ft Now on exhibition at Millheim aad Mil ft roy Hardware Stores. About Mft different patterns. '• PRICES RANGING FRDM 10 CENTS TO 91.00 PER BOLT. 5 ft Hcuuitful Gilt Paper at one dollar ft Panel Paper and Parlor ft Decoration*. J ft A reasonable credit wiliite given lo re ft tponsiblu parties for paper, *or ft iter cent ! ft deducted from price, for casli. Prices are i ft lite saute at both Stores. ' apr 8 4 ill. W.J. MMANIGAL t i Great Reduction In Prices Of Note Paper. . We are now prepared lo furni.h Note/ paper at prices far below any that have! 1 ever before been offered at retail in this) ' county 1 Rest quality Commercial note paper at Ift cts per quire ' Second best do at IV cts per quire Third best do at 10cts per quire i ! Purchasers will find tin. to i> of thei >Bine quality heretofore sold in this place' for 'Aft, 'Ji and lft < t. per quire, but having bought our paper at extremely low figures, j we desire to give our customers the fhll benefit of the reduction. Look At This!! ' Initial Paper With Chronic! ' French Initial paper 16 cts per box Plain white " VU " tint 25 " ' iTw o tints " 40 " . With a handsome cbroiito given away' ' with each 4U cent box. JAMES WELCH A CD . c'JO mar If Oppotit* Bush House. NE PLUS ULTRA. No Better Place! Tin- mb-crtber i just ro--i iiig from the .-astern cities a Full Stock o' FALL and WINTER ..ODDS which he ha* determined lu tell very cheap, consisting of DRY GOODS and Print*, Mulin#, Opi-ra Canton*, and Woll Flannels Ladie* Dr<- Gund 30et Best washing soaps per pound...ft, 7 A Nets Be t starch per pound ..lOcts Best bright Navy tobacco per pound..ft4cts Garrets scotch snuff per box ...lOcts Twist tobacco A Cavendish per pound GOet Best sugar-cured Bams per pound 15eti No. 1 black pepper per pound 30et* Molasses per gallon COcts Mackeral without heads and all kind of mackeral and Herring iH city prices. Doublo X X white, drips HOcts per gal -1 lon, in 5 gallon lots 6c ts a gallon loss. 1(100 other articles too numerous to inen , lion, cheap. Men's stogies, heavy shoes 1 at $1,35 per pair. They have tho largest , ami cheapest stoek of good* ever offered to , the public. If you w ant to i I SAVE 20 TO 50 PElt CENT. ! GOTO BURNSIDK & THOMAS t All kinds of merchandise in whole pack '|es at less price*. JulyJUtf ;i RYNDER'S MUSI€ STORE, IsDCk HAVEN, PA. ' h% || Tho proprietor of Rynder'a Mode Htore droirea to call the atteotioo of the people of Oeatre county, to the fkc that they Can Save Money by purchasing their musical instrument* ot Rynder s Music Store. We ar* selling Double Reed, Six Slop, Five Odavo Organs, at $l4O, superior iu toue and finish, to those t bat arc hawked aud peddled throughout the oouutry at |175 to $200.) The** we warrant for five years. We give any reasonable credit desired to responsible partita. We beg leave to call your attention to the following instruments, sold iu P*ousvalley this year, which you would do well to examine before purchasing elsewhere : CENTRE. HALL. ri. 8. WOLF, Rynder Organ 1225.00 . WM.GALBRAITH, Rynder Organ... 140.00 LEMONT. DR. J. Y. DALE, American Organ.. eeseseli—fWWtilliet $375.00 PETER BCHRECK, Rynder Organ —— 140.00 AARONHBURG. WM. ETTINGEU, Rynder Organ 9240 AX) BOALBBURO. MIKS E. E. HUNTER, Melodion SIBO.OO In a few weeks we wilt call attention to our PIANO DEPARTMENT. In short by writing a letter to us aud getting our prices—we deliver all instruments— You Can Save From S4O to S6O on an Organ. Address, U YXDERTS MUSIC STORE, Lock Haven, Pa 1. (iuggenheimer. ARRANGEMENT! • ISAAC GuooKSHKIM**, ha vi u g purchased the entire stock of the iate firm of Sussman & Guggsnheimar, ex cept the Leather and Shoe findings, has filial up his shelves with a lot of j SPLENDID NEW UOODH, embracing READY MADE CLOTHING, DKTSM OOOIW, (IBOCEKI i, rsovuioxa, BOUTS A SHOEV, HATS & caw, i AND FANCY ARTICLE* aud is now prepared to accomodate all hi# old customer#, aud to welcome all new one* who mav favor him with their patronage. He feel# afe in say ing that he can pleas* the most fastidi ous Call and see. * IS A AC G UGG EN H E! M ER. p g,—Mr. Stutsman itill continue# to deal iu LEATHER AND SHOE-FIN DINGS, CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEEDS, in the old room, where he may alway be found. 12ap.lf. C. F. Herlachcr N. Cronmiller NEW GOODS! ffi 2 8 H A a a 1 V A L or FALL GOODS!!! HERLACIIER A CRONMILLER TlTith to infoim the citizeus of PoUer ( Y f that they have opened an entire new stock of goods" in their old quarters, and will keep constantly on hand a full and ' good assortment of LADIES* DRESS GOODS, |a consisting of ALPACAS, Poplins. PLAIDS. Lustre*. and all other kind* ol DRESS GOODS. full line of NOTIONS and FANCY Goods Hat# A Cat*, Boot# sell every persona •nacbine. on easy terms ; give it a trial be fore purchasing any other— it has no equal. Parties wishing the machine, will please address the undersigned. Satisfaction guaranteed. All orders promptly attend ed 10. r A. L. BABTGEB. Agent for Centre County MSOISOVBURO, PA. I BROCK KKIIOKP HOUK, lAllegtienev Street, Bellefonta, P*. D. JOHNSON A SONS, Proprietors. X RTASTCLAAS BOTH, COMVOBTABLK BOOMS PROMPT ATTENDANCE. ■ ALL THE MODERN CONVENIEN CES—AND REASONABLE Charges. The proprietor* offer to the traveling public, and to their country fiienda, first da** accommodation* aad careful atten tion to the want* of guests at all times, at fair rates. Careful hustlers and good stable ling for horses. An excellent table well .served. A Ber supplied with fine liquors. IServant* well trained aad everything re quisite in • first class Hotel. Our location 1 in the business part of the town, neer the 1 Post Office, the C ourt House, the Chur ches, the Banks, and the p incipal places I of business, renders it the most eligible 1 place for those who visit Bellefoete on busi or pleasure. An Omtiibu# will carry pafweagen aiid baggage to and from all trains free of charge. Excelsior Cement- The undersigned now manufacture Ce intent WARRANTED OF A SI'PERIOR '(JI'ALITY, at their kilna, near Fine iCree'a Mills, in llaine* twp. Thia cement I ha* already been used in large quantities 'upon the L. C. 4 S. C. R R , and ha* been found high IT satisfactory upon ail job* ■ where it hat been uted, and a* equal to any now manufactured The undersign ed now take pleasure in recommending, iami warranting it to all, for u*e in CIS TERNS, WATER PIPES, or whatever purpose a good quality of Cement la desi rable. This Cement haa already beea teted far and wide, and rendered the ut most satisfaction. Persona, therefore con strutting Cisterns, laying Water Pipe*, dec., will And it to advantage to bear this ! in mind, and also, that they warrant the article a* represented. For further par ticulars. address MEYER & HOFFER. 'JO dee tf Aaronaburg, Pa W. A. CURRY, BOOT & SHOE MAKER CKXTRE II ALL. FA. Would most respectfully inform the cit rons of thia vicinity, that he has started a now 800 l and Shoe Shop, and would be thankful tor a share of the public patron age. Boots and Shoes made to order and according to style, and warrant* hi* work ito equal any made elsewhere. All kinds <>f repairing done, and charge* reasonable, (iive him a call. fob 18 ly. UN DERTA KERS' SC PPLIKS.—A fine assortment of Coffin trimmings, iut received at Millheim and Milroy Hardware stores. Rarr handle*. Isace Ac., latest stylos. *prlO.3m W.J M MAXIGAL. ' R. S.G. GUTKLIUB, Dentist, Millheim. Offers hit professional service* to the public. Ho i* prepared to perform all operations in the dental profession. efr-He is now fully prepared to extract teeth abaolntrly %ritJwut pain. myß-78-tf. BASE-BALLS and Croquet aetta. A great variety alway* on hand at WELCH A CO. BAKMCAA READ THIS.— The superior Reaper A Mower, i* a candidate for favor to which the aUcntion of Centre county farmer* it called. The Superior is manu factured in Wheeling, W. Va., and has ■net a large sale, and obtained many high recommendations in Ohio, and other states. This machine dispenses with cog-gearing and all unnecessary trap* with which many other machines are afflicted ; it is simple in construction, strong and durable, easily managed, and light draught. The Superior is fully warranted to do its work right, or no fale. Mr. John 11. Odenkirk, of the Old Fort, is agent for Centre county for the Supe rior, and persons wishing a Mower A Reap er, had better call on him before purchas -1 ing another. SOjan. Peru. ApribtM.—A great calamity has) fallen on tfie town of Piseobamba. caused by a land slide from the neighboring mountain. Forty four house* were de stroyed, and thirty-six persons perished. A great mass which destroyed the town alto dammed up the river and the destruc tive effects of the inundation were expet; ted te be added vt*tr % ttr • f*r. GuTnlZii) JSC rKAOK ,mV matik. flrs FLUID EXTRACT II BUCHU, wWt I! IM twf* pen. I Hill IS * gwN-'i. fitirtrssssrsseiS tws. of Cite IHmmm of Ms fIMKII Ote MOM LS UM AMdot. (JessoLSMk DM D*MS. te IliifiM or Milky iid tm En sassaaMSw:s£sß to Udto.tofa ftHSriE&sswrsK *&&&£&&& mmi. It is ;iw I *a- tedtfß fittii smbr! J*ls W " XSk# SUMS I jTT^Jr [ MonMkNMMillM KiißHiPi sxmnr bccmt, fVfv Oimm AriAa* fM /ii #■ i Sono. mSST* m..o m.. am, msa yfte* t'esesM * ft* srsi .jt w wteUL UiBRIT* KXTBiCT BI CHr, 1 jLfttwS to "AVOW 9UAOK* ADO IliirbsTßßS. . ■(teeseri*rt**iO*Ehßte. 25%5 i 9sM^'3^.'Sl6 illpssp g M tei wtt,nw Csws Dr. Crook'■ Wine of Tar lO YEARS & —or a— •jP Public Tmt Ea provW jg. DR. CROOK'S Jg. WINE TAR ■kSSs (beposblie. . Tt 1 rtch !■ tbc odlrt—l gtel ltlf of Tor. wi tM|"lft for ■•■ ■ of the Throat awl p*ft formirc UM Ml i-maskable on* ®-** c tft£s^ c ES£ Aathm* curM j H aaj CM it kao bw nronounoeda epad&c for these complaints. Diseases f the Urinary Orews, I aundlceor any Liver Com plain t, . It km no equal. u "•*!££££%*, Debilitated, Caneee the Food to Digest, Removes Dyspepsiaand Indigestion, Prerents lalartoas Fever*, Gives tone to your System. THY DR.CROOKS WINEOFTAH RVT'TTTH Q IT S E Bkllefonte, PA. U BUTTS, Prop'r. Haa first class accommodation; charg an reajioM 4**>r % (£ PURIFY YOUR BLOOD. 1 For Hc(sMa,BcrAs T loua Diseases of tho ir* Eyes, or ScislUa la &% any fonsu %fZ Any disease or eruption si OJ? the Sua, disease of the Liverf *A A Rheumatism, Pimples, Oil ( Scree, Ulcere, Broken-down tIA Constitutions. Syphilis, or oaf *% disease depending t w |SaC~L pemvod condition of tin Moot "'DR. CROOK'S gSk** BTUUF OF Hi POKE ROOT. It has the medicinal property VW/ of Poke combined with a ptp I * aration of Iron which gonsl ML once into the biood, perform ing the most rapid and war V derftol curea. 1 roar Druggist lor Dr. Crookb OjW gonad Bynip of i'okq Boot-take it and bo