The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, April 17, 1873, Image 1
Queer Epitaphs. A correspondent in Washington sends the following oopiea from tombstones in an old cemetery in that city: "Mary K. Grin Sri my name. And Heaven in my station, Washington City wan my dwelting-plara. And OUrtM waa my eel ration When 1 am dnad and in my grave And ali my bono* are rotten. When this yon see. remember me. That I may never be forgotten." "Htop paaeenger ee you peee by - A* yon are now. no once was I; Aa 1 am now, so yon muet be Prepare for death and follow me." The City by the Sea, Homswbere an ancient city stands, A beautiful city by the sea. Ami UHxw-grewn galiles seem to frown From (he pointed roofs of the houses luvwu That hue the streets of this quaint old town. Of thai city by the sea Never a sound of clamorous strife Disturbs this city by the ses; But ca'm and sweet is the trauquil day The while sails ride on the the moonlit bay Or slip their mooring* and float away • Front this city by the res. Sometimes at eve. when the tide goes out, A troop of children, glad and free. Gambol and shout -a merry baud ; Or over the shining, sea-wot sand. Go two young lovers hand ia hand. From this city by tha sea. Often and often 1 ait and think Of this beautiful oily by the eea. TtU 1 see the Rush of the crimson sky. And the youthful ho era, food and shy. Ami the saow-wlute satis s the slap* go by Fast thu city by the sea. Is it a picture—or a dream- Whose haunting memories wtuo to me ? Or did 1 somewhere, long ago. Face the alumng sands a hen the tide n as low- Hear the murmurous sea-waves ebb and flow - Did I see the crimson sunsets glow. And watch the white sails come and go Fast this city by the sea ? THE FLEA AND THE PROFESSOR. There was once an aeronaut with whom things went badly ; the balloou burst, tumbled the man out, and broke into bits. His boy he had two minute* before scut down with a parachute,— that was the bqv'a luck ; he was uuhurt and went about with kuowledge enough to make hint au aeronaut too, but he had no balloon and no means of acquir- ing one. But lrve he must, and so ho applied himself to tbo art of legerdemain and to talking in hia stomach ; in fact he became a ventriloquist, as thev say. He was "young, good-looking, and when he got a moustache and had his beat clothes on, he could lot taken for a nobleman's son. The ladies seemed to think well of him; one young lady even was so taken with hia charms and his great dexterity that she went off with htm to foreign ports. There he called himself Professor—he could scarcely do leas. His constant thought was bow to get himself s balloon and go np into the air with his little wile, but as yet they had no means. " They'll come yet," said he. "If only they wo aid,' said she. " We are young,folks." said he, "and now lam Professor." She helped him faithfully, sat at the door and sold tick ets to the exhibition, and it was a chilly sort of pleasure in winter time. She also helped him in the line of his art. He put his wife in a table-drawer, a large table-drawer; then she crawl. 1 into the back part of the drawer, and so was not in the front part,—quite an optical illusion to the audience. But one evening when he dnv the drawer ont, she was also out of sight to him: she was not in the front drawer, not in the back one either, not in the honse itself—nowhere to be seen or heard— that was her feat of legerdemain, her entertainment. She never came back again : she was tired of it ill, and he grew tired of it, lost his good-humor, could not laugh or make jokes ;—and so the people stopped coming, his earn ings became scanty, his clothes gave ont; and finally he only owned a great flea, which his wife had left him, and so he thonght highly of it And he dressed the flea and taught it to per form, to present arms and to fire a can non off—but it was a little cannon. The Professor was proud of the flea, and the flea was proud of himself; he bad learned something, and had human blood, and had been besides to the largest cities, had been seen bv princes and princesses, had received their high praise, and it was printed in the news papers and on placards. Plainly it was a very famous flea and could support a Professor and his entire family. The flea was proud and famous, and yet when he and the Professor traveled they took fourth-class carriages on the railway ; they went jnst as quickly as the fir&Ucla&a. They were betrothed to each other; it was a private engagement that would never come out; they never wfnid marry, the ilea would remain a bachelor and the Professor a widower. Thst made it balance. "Where one has the best luck," said the Professor, "there one onght to go twice." He was a good judge of char acter, and that ia also a science of itself. At last he had traveled over all countries except the wild ones, and he wanted to go there. They eat Cnristian men there, to be sure, the Professor knew, but then he was not properlv Christian and the flea was not properfy a man, so he thought he migLt venture to travel there and have good success. They traveled by steamship and by sailing vessel; the flea performed his tricks, and so they got a free passage on the way and arrived at the wild country. Here reigned a little Princess. She was only eight years old, but she wan reigning.* She had taken away the power from her father and mother, for she had a will, and then she was extra ordinary beautiful—and rude. Just as soon as the flea kad presented arms aud fired off the cannon, she was so enraptured with him that she said, "Him or nobody!" She became quite wild with love and was already wild in other ways. "Sweet, little, sensible child !" said her own father. "If one could only first make a man of him !" "Leave that to me, old man." said she, and that WUR not well said by a little Princess when talking with her fa ther, but she was wild. She set the flea on her white hand. "Now you are a man, reigning with me, but yon shall do what I waut you to, or else I'll kill you and eat the Pro fessor." The Professor had a great hall to live in. The walls were made of sugar-cane, and he could lick them, but he was not a sweet tooth. He had a hammock to sleep in. It was as if he were lying in a balloon, such as he had always wished for himself—that was his constant thought. The flea lived with the Princess, sat upon her delicate hand and upon her white neck. She had taken a hair from her head and made the Professor tie it to the flea's leg, and so she kept him tied to the great red coral drop which she wore in her ear-tip. "What a delight ful time the Princess had, and the flea too, she thought, but the Professor was not very comfortable. He was a travel er ; he liked to drive from town to town, and read about his perseverance and cleverness in teaching a flea to do what men do. But be got out of and into his hammock, lounged about and had good fee<iing, fresh lurds'eggs, elephants'eyes and roast giraffe. People that eat men do not live entirely on cooked men—no, that is a great delicacy. "Shoulder of children with sharp sauce," said the Princess's mother, "is the most delicate." The Professor was tired of it all and would rather go away from the wild land, but he must have his flea with him, for that was his prodigy, and his breadjand • butter. How was he to get hold of him ? That was no easy matter. KUIvLX IvVRTZ, Kilitorimtl Proprietor. VOL. VI. * Ho at mined all hia wit* and then ho aatd : "Now 1 have it." "Prince**'* Father! grant mo a favor. Mav I summon your subject* to present theiuselvea before your Hoy nl Highness? That icwhatiacalled a tVremouT in the high aud mighty countries of the world." " Can I, kk), learn to do that ?" asked the Princess's father. " That is not unite proper," replied the Professor; "but I shall teach your wild Father-ship to fire a canuou off. It goes off with a bang. One sits high up aloft, and then off it goes or down he cornea." " Let me crack it off!" said the Prin cess's father. But in all the laud there was no cannon except the one the fiea had brought, aud that waa ao very small. " I will cast a bigger one!" said the Professor. " Only give me lite utcaus. I I must have flue silk stuff, needle ami thread, rope and cord, together with 1 cordial drops for the balloon, they blow oue up so easily and give one the heaves ; they are what makes the report tu the cannon's inside." "By all means," said the Princess's father, and gave him what he called for." All the court and the entire popu lation came together to see the great cannon cast. The Professor did not summon them before he had the bal- j loon entirely ready to bo filled aud go up. The flea sat <>u the Prtuoess's hand and looked on. The balloou waa filled, it bulged ont and could scarcely be held dowu, so violent did it become. " I must have it up in the air before ■ it can be cooled off," said the Professor, and took his scat iu the car which hung below. " But 1 cannot manage and steer it alone. I must have a skillful companion along to help me. There ia no oue here that can do that except the flea." " I am not very willing to let him," j said the Princess, but still she reached ' out and handed the flea to the Profes sor, who placed him ou his hand. "Let go the cords and ropes," he shouted. " Now tha balloou's going." They thought he said " the cannon," j and so the balloon went higher and higher, up above the clouds, far away from the wild land. The little Princess, all the family and the people sat and waited—they art waiting still; and if you do not believe it, just take a jouruev to the wild land ;j every child there talks about the Pro fessor and the flea, and believes that tliey are coming back when the cannon is cooled off; but they will not come, they are at home with us, they are in ! their native country, they travel on the railway, first-class, not fourth ; they have good success, a great balloon. Nobody asks how they got their balloon or where it came from; they are rich . folks now, quite respectable folks, in deed —the flea and the Professor!— Scribnrr's Monthly. Origin of a Plague Epidemic. The plague that for the last two years has been raging in Persian Kurdistan had its origin, according to the report . of a commission sent to ascertain the nature and source of the disease, in the opening of some old caves, which forty years ago served as burial place# for the victims of a former epidemic. The first appearance of the pestilence was at n village situated some 5,000 feat above the level of the Black sea, and contain- , ing in all about 150 families ; 130 per sons were attacked, of whom 100 died. " The village," says the London Times. " like all other kurdish villages, was abundantly filthy within, but it was well supplied with pure water from the hills, and the houses stood apart from each other, freelv exposed to the sun and wind. The Listory of the mode of seizure of the two persons who had been earliest attacked with plague— one of whom lived to tell his own story —wsa obtained by the commission. There could be no suspicion of conta gion brought from elsewhere, as plague was not known to exist either in Asia Minor or in Persia in the summer or autumn of 1870. One of the persons earliest attacked was seized a few hours after he had been engaged in the work of excavating a cavern for harboring sheep among the hills near the village. While thus engaged he had disinterred . a quantity of human bones. The other person had also been attacked soon af ter removing some human bones which he had found in a neighloring cavern j in which flocks were sheltered. Now. the commission ascertained that the places in which the bones had been found were the spots where the dead who had disd from an attack of plague which had depopulated some of the villages of the district forty years before bad been buried. During 1829—"32 it is well known that plague was widely dissemi- , nated in northwestern Persia, Asia, Minor, and Arabia The recent ont- j break in Persian Kurdistan, in short, I followed almost immediately upon the ; opening of the two old plague-pits, and i the commission believes that to this , opening the outbreak owed its origin." Humanity in War. We have an instance of humanity in the war of 1796 between France and Austria. It is related of the Archduke Charles that when hastening from Bo hemia to take command of the Austrian army, he met, near the scene of a late action, a large number of wounded sol diers, both French and Austrian, who, in the haste of retreat and pursuit, had been abandoned where they had fallen. The only horses at hand which could possibly be used in removing these help less sufferers were attached to the artillery. "Let the cannon be left behind," said the humane prince, "and let these poor fellows be saved." And when one of his generals remonstrated, he added, —"No, no, —let it be as I have ordered. The life of one brave man ia better worth preserving than fifty pieces of ord nance." When the French General Moreau, into whose hands the cannon thus aban doned had fallen, learned the motive which had prompted the Archduke pi make the sacrifice, he ordered the whole to be restored, observing that he should be unworthy of being the opponent of his imperial highness if lie took advan tage of so noble an act of humanity. Substitute for Xilk. It may not be generally known to our readers that Prof. Justus V. Liebig has not only devised a plan for making an extract of meat for invalids, and a soup to replace the mothers milk in rearing infants, bnt that he also turned his at tention to dumb annimals, and invented a sort of food for young calves. The results of some experiments made with this food, upon a farm near Eyrichsho fare, described in a letter to Baron Liebig, from which we learn that, not only do calves grow and do well on this food, but that pigs also do well on it, and that diarrhcea is entirely prevented by its use. The proportions given by Baron Liebeg, are as follows: 280 grams, second grade, wheat flour is mixed with with four liters of water and two of milk, and boiled; two liters more of milk are added, thirty-six grams of potash solu tion (two parts bicarbonate of potash in eleven parts water), and 280 grams of ground malt. It is put in a warm place and stirred for half an hour, then boiled up and strained through gauze. THE CENTRE REPORTER. Shall Farmer* Combine i ,r 01..1 rose . w|r n<*J bsfors Ik. Moll, WW., t'.im.i, Otttb, t>| I', li. Fax.) la it practicable for farmer* ao to coin bine ao aa to promote their special intcr esta ? No. Ia there any invasion for such a combination for such a purpose if it were practicable? No. In view of the beat interest of society, a* a whole, of which P.e farmer ia but a part, i* atteh a combination for aueh a purpose desirable, eveu if the object sought coald be accomplished? No. Geutleiuen, I have trained too long iti the farmers' ranks, my interests, pro clivities and iualinct* are too completely wedded to our uohle calling, to willing ly sav one word, or eutertaiu one tlieught, knowingly, to the prejudice of its highest interest. 1 expect to live, while I live, and dying, die a hard-fist ed yeoman ; and yet, incongruous aud suicidal as it mav seem to aoine who may listen to tue tins evemug, 1 am im pelled to say No ! modestly, yet firmly, to this whole subject. It is not practicable to combine to promote our own especial interest; first, because each a combination for asch a purpose is wrong in principle. I ueed not atop long to prove this. It u sufficient to l>e reminded that we, a* an industrial class, have oiteu felt and now feel the crushing weight of monopoly. Look at the carrying trade. The full price or two bushel of corn renuired to get one bushels to the seaboard With one voice we say "it is wrong." If it wrong when applied to an interest in significant, comparatively, as that of carrying bread to market, what shall we say of a monopoly that luya bold of bread itself? I refer to this a* a repre sentative instance. We instinctively stamp "wroug" on everything of the kind. But may we not combine in self deteuee? Two wrongs will not make one right ; besides, the remedy would be more fatal than the disease in a great majority of cases. For I HI it remem bered titne ia necessary to the motion of great bodies, and a monopolar, so huge as a combination of all the farm ing interest* of the nation, would re quire ao much time before results could be reached that the rank and file would be bankrupt, while tlieahrewd managers feather their nests, just as tliey do in railroad and other monopolies. Then it is wroug in priueiple. And, second, if it could b accom plished it would be worse in practice. If such a combination for such a pur pose is feasible, where is the guaranty that it will not be abused. Such a movement anticipates a power fearfnl to contemplate. This power is supposed to be in the hands of soulless monopoly. They are supposed to have power to se cure their own interest They or-, themselves to be the judges as to when that interest is reached. Considering 1 the supreme selfishness of poor human nature, would such a delegatiou of un limited power be safe ? To come nearer home —What would be the prioe of wool Tear by year, if a few of us could have our say ?" What wonld lie the price of fuel in this city to-day under the same circumstances? Nine or ten dollars a con! seems quite steep enough, no doubt, to those who have to buy, but what would be the price if wood traf fickers could combine ? Is such a com bination, then, safe to the Common wealth ? Not ouly would such a combination be wrong in principle and unsafe in practice, but there i no occasion for •uch a combination for aach a purpose. First, the evils necessarily attached to our calling are mostly imaginary, not real ; and the real evils no more nu meruiu or irksome or insurmountable by personal effort than thow that our brethren of all callings and professions have to face at every turn. The fault ia not in our stars. Dut ill ourselves, that sears under I;tigs. Go where you mav, in the country, and every now and then yon will come across a desirable home. The farm ia well kept; the house and surroundings have a cheerful countenance ; the out buildings are ample, convenient and comfortable; the stock of all kinda " fat and eleek." You enter the house. The proprietor ia hale, intelligent, cheerful and happy : the wife ditto, the boys ditto, the girls ditto. There is interest, yea, seal, in all that relates to the prosperity of their home. Nothing is done bv way of drudgery, but every thing with a will ; the kitchen is large, the parlor small, and each appropriate ly furnished. tTseful books, magazines and papers are not wanting ; and you notice, too, the appliances for the em bellishment of lifo arc at hand. An easy independence, a generous hospitality and Christian fldelity, though unobtru sive, are yet well defined. And you say as vou pasa on, " I wish I were a farmer.'' Yon say this is a picture. Well, here is another—in naturaladvantagesof soil aud climate and location, as desirable as the other ; but what a difference ! The land is reduced by unskillful hands to the verge of starvation. Dilapidation is everywhere; half famished stock roam at largo over bare fields, or seek shelter from the December wind undera broken wire fence—hollow horn, mur rain, glanders and epizoot what n sight 1 You turn in at the front gate that creaks dolefully on one hinge, and find your difficult way through thorns and thistles and roullen and pig-weed to the door; you knock for admission ; a vinegary voice bids you coine in. You enter a desolate place, and are now prepared to meet the peevish dame and half a score or more of children of all ages, with unwashed faces and un kempt hair, from oldest to youngest. Catarrh, whooping cough, itch and filth ! Yon inquire for Mr. Slouch. He lias gone to town to-day. He went yes terday, and day before, and five days in every aeven ever since lie was s farmer, and lie has been seated on the same dry goods box whittling the same shingle. Home'call it "loafing." You turn away, and say von are glad you are not a farm er. Well, our friend of the shingle says: "Farming don't pay." But farm er No. 1 was satisfied, and so was his family; but No. 2 is dissatisfied; savahe has minaed his calling ; should have turned his attention to law, medicine or divinity, drygooda, grocery, ora saloon; in short anything but this tedious mon otonous farming. And his amiable spouse is sure she would have been vastly more amiable had ahe married a prosperous merchant or popular at torney. It may be so. He may have found his depth in some of the so-call ed learned professions. Hut the grand probability is, he would not have suc ceeded any better at any calling. Suc cess in any laudable calling depends not so much on what a man goes at as bow he goes at it, and how he sticks to it. DRATXAOF. A farmer of the old English school has declared in public that he thinks draining now-a-daya is like the old system of breeding, which was thought the cure for all diseases. Ho considers the drains run off much of the strength of the soil, while in that state of solution most conducive to vegetation. Re believes that if drains were made upon the level across-field, and not with a declivity, they would dry the surface soil and retain the moisture and juices after droughts ; but they would require to be deep. To love is the only thing that can fill up eternity. CENTRE 11ALL, CENTRE CO., PA„ THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1873. Providential Escape. in while the British ship HattU utiiii *u lying at l'urt Albany, on the eastern ah.ire of Auatraha, a remarkable , lustauoo occurred o( what seemed a providential caeajie. Home of tile ship's >'olu|>auv were Oil allure, shooting, win n the* saw, coming toward them, an individual whom they took to be a </<•, or native woman, presenting the uaual uninviting appearance of the aboriginal females. They paid but little attention to her, and were panning on, when, to their surprise, she called out in Eng lish : "I am a white woman, why do you leave me ?" She was taken off to the ship in the first boat, a donlorahle object. Her appearance ia thue de scribed : '•With the exeeptiou of a narrow fringe of leaves ia front, ahe wore no clothing, and her akin waa tanned and blistered with tha ana, and showed the marks of several large burns which had been received from sleeping too near the fire on cold nights ; besides, she was suffering from epthal mia, which had previously deprived her of the sight of one eve/' As soon aa the poor creature could tell her story, she related that, having left Hydney sotue four years before, with her hus band, in a small cutter, of which he waa owner, the vessel had beeu Wrecked ou a reef near the coast, and the three persona ou board, beside herself, drowned. She was afterward rcecued by a party of natives on a turtling ex cursion, who, wheu the gals subsided, swam ou board, and supported her un shore hetweeu two of tiieir number. One of these blacks, Boroto by name, took possession of tha woman* aa his share of the plunder ; ahe was compell ed to lire Willi him, bnt waa well treated by ail the meii, although many of the women, jealous of the attention shown her, for a long time eviuced anything but kiudneas. A curious circumstance secured for her the protection of oue of the principal men of the tribe, a party from which had been the fortuuute means of rescuing her, and which she afterward found to be the Kowrarega, cliiefiv inhabiting Muralug, or the west ern Ihrincw of Walee Island. This person, named Piaquai, acting upon the belief (universal throughout Australia an I the islands of Torres Strait, ao far as hitherto known) that white people are the ghost* of the aborigines, fancied that, in the stranger, he recognized a long-lost daughter of the name of (Horn, and at once admitted her to the relation ship which he thought had formerly Subsisted between them. She waa im mediately acknowledged by the whole tribe aa oue of themselves, thus insur ing an extensive connection in relatives of all denominations. The natives, however, watched her very closely, to prevent her escape, bnt she was often tantalized by the sight of ▼eaela passing along the straits, and heard of the former visit of the HaUte makf. This second tune ahe bad suc ceeded in persuading tha black- te let her go "to see the white people, and shake bands with them,' and bad promised to bring them back axes, xnives and tobacco. On these terms they gave her leave of absence ; but repenting soon after, a party started in pursuit of ber, and had almost come up with her wheu she waa rescued by the boat. Here we quote again from the narrative: "Upon being asked by Captain Stanley whether she really pre ferred remaining with us to accompany ing the native* back to their island, as she would be allowed lier free choice in the matter, she was so much agiUtcd as to find difficulty in expressing ber tbankfulneas, making use of scraps of English alternately with the Kowrarega language, and tlu-n, suddenly awakeu to the recollection that she was not | understood, the poor creature blushed all over, and, with downcast eyes, beat her forehead with her hand, aa if to assist in collecting her scattered thoughts. At length, afters pause, aha found word# to aay, 'Sir, I am a Chris tian, aud would rather go bark to my own friends.'" Barbara Thompson—ancli waa the woman's name—was eventually handed over to her parents, in Sydney, in ex cellent condition. The KaLten Inclined Railway At the head of the Lycoming Creole valley, near lUlston, inPennsvlvania, ia the inclined railway to the >frlntyre coal minea, which serve* to carry the coal from the pita to the railroad at the foot of the mountain. The lower terminus is situated butashort dintance from the track, and a few steps carry tlie visitor to the bottom of the slope. As we enter the shed built across the rails, an empty car starts out and goes whizzing np the bill." Directly another car starts into view st the top of the in cline. meets the up-going car midway, thunders down with incressing momen tum, and ahoota past us into the valley. " What is that cavity for ?" we ask, referring to a depression under the track inside the shed. The starter iui forms us that it is where the bumper goes in to let the car pass on, and just then, an empty car being hauled up from the aiding, he pulls a signal wire communicating with the other end of the road. The stout wire cable in the middle of the track begins to move, and a heavy wedge-ahaped nm of timber comes np from the cavity, broad end first, Htrikes the car with a shock that sends it some feet np the slope, and stops it on its return. It saves the tmnblo of hooking and unhooking the cable, we are told, and is much safer. When it arrives st the bottom of the slope, a spring changes the gage of the wheels ; it then runs along a narrow track into the hole, and the car passes over. At the invitation of tin* starter, we enter the empty ear. The signal ia given, and before otir equilibrium ia re covered from the jerk that nearly upsets HA, we are rushing up the alope. The cable eliding over the roller* produce# a whirring wound that makes our tierce motion seem all the fieroer, while the steepness of the descent and the absence of visible motive jiowcr combine to heighten the effect of the ride. The mountain seems to grow beneath and above na, as the valley expands and deepens below. We stop on the verge to look down a thousand feet beneath ; and then, jumping into a loaded oar which cornea swiftly by, we begin the deacent. The speed is great, but there ia no fear-insptriug rush, no blur of objects hurtling past. We look out into the valley ; it rises slowly as we descend, and that is all. Not until we shoot through the shed and out upon tlio level, do we realise that our motion has been particularly rapid or peculiar. The 11 Medicated Towel." The Patent Office has recently issued papers to a California lady, the inven tion consisting in rather a novel method of applying medicine externally, for the benefit of a certain class of patients, bv means of a specially adapted towel. This towel is used in drying the person after bathing, and, it is claimed, is medicated with such substances, and by such a process, thst it will arrest cutaneous diseases, paralysis, and loeal affections, while it imparts at the same time a healthful action and glow U> the •kin and frees it from bad humors. A towel prepared in the manner specified in this patent will, it is said, retain its medical virtues effectively during two months' use, when the process of medi cation has to be repeated. Wolf lluutiug k Uu*la. A correspondent gives a lively account of wolf huuting, which ia oue of the favorite spuria IU those parts of Kusnta where the auiniala have uot disappeared ' lie fore advancing civiluatiou. At sotue abnormal hour between uiglit and morn ing, yon are amused by a vigorous : shake* and a hoarse admonition to " tumble up and look sharp about it, for there's no time to lose." You make I a hasty Unlet, sud, ssllying forth, see , in (runt of your hut, in tin- dim light of j the coining dawn, a huge, dark, shape leas lnaaa, which, as your eyes get used ! to the darkness, assumes the form of s broad, heavy, three-horse sledge, with very high stiles, uot unlike an enormous washing tub, around which Hit three or four speetral figures with lanterns —the fitful glare making their grim, bearded faces look grimmer and lone human than ever, (iuns, ammuuttiou, haversacks, etc., are stowed away in the bottom of the conveyance ; and last, but not U-ast, s roniig pur, protesting against his ' abduction with a loudness and fluency i thai would do honor to a Hyde Park meeting. All being now ready, the banters ■ sqtioexe themselves into their pieces, the driver shakes his reins with a wild whoop, and sway we go in the darkness. Milt- after mile of the froxen waste goes by like a dream, till at length the apec ' tral shadows of the forests le-gin to gather round us, and the sqneal of our unlucky pig (whose ears one uf our ry i vigorously pinching' begin to answered by another sound which uo oue who has yat heard it null easily forget; not the long, melancholy howl wherewith a supperlesa wolf may be heard bemoaning lamsalf on tha out skirt of our village any night in the week, hut the quick, snarling cry of I one who sees bis food coming and wishes ;to hasten it. And behold, there they come at last, the gaunt, wiry, slouching ' fellows, and their busy tails, and fiat, narrow heads, and yellow, thievish, murderous eyes. Crack ! tha foremost ' of the pack "roll# over on to ha aide, kicking convulsively ; but tha root gallop on unheeding. Crack ' crack ! and two more fall dead, blotting the snow with a smear of dark crimson. Some of the boldest pursuers swarm up to the sledge, and attempt to leap over its projecting sides, while we pound their heads with llie butt ends I of our pieces and chop their paws with hatchets, and slash them across the eyes with hunting knives, the two hind most of our party meanwhile blaring away over our shoulders as fast aa they can load. And ao fur a time the run ning fight goes fiercely on, making altogether a very striking tableau. But " the pace is too stiff to last," as our leader remarks with a knowing' grin. A run at full speed through the deep snow tries even a full-grown wolf too severely to be continued beyond a certain time, and in the face of a stout resistance tiie beast a inherent cowardice is sure to come to the surface sooner or ' later. Already three or four gaunt, shaggy ! veterans who have probably had a good supper over night, begin to hang back i as if doubting the wisdom of risking their lives for a hypothetical breakfast. ! The apeed of the rest slackened bv degrees, and at length the whole park drove off aa if by tacit agreement, leav ing ua to pursue our way unmolested. Aa we emerge again upon the open plain, across which the beams of the rising sun are jnst beginning to fall , we see the last of onr gnm follower* sinking like a belated specter into the gloomy shadows of the forest which we have . quitted. The Price of Hnrceaa. It is no longer possible to know every thing. A universal scholar will be no more seen among men. The range of i human knowledge has increased ao vastly, has swept out and away ao far ; and so fast, that no brain, be its quanti tv or quality what it may, can, in the years commonly given to man, even survey the field. A man, therefore, 1 roust make up hia mind, if he propose to learn anything, to be content with ) profound ignorance of a grent many ; other thing*. It ia a Irftter thing, per haps, but it ia a fact, that a man who would know anything in this century , ranat purchase bis knowledge with vol untary and chosen ignorance of a hun dred other thing*. One must choose , hia speciality, and devotion and dili gence in that ia the price he paya for auorcsa. It ia with doing as it ia with knowing. There is only a certain 1 amount of work in any case. He can not do every thing. >'evertlielesa, every thing ueeds doing. All about him ia undone work clamoring for hands, j There are two courses before one. To undertake everything, to fret and grieve because one finds this and that undone, ami to make spasmodic efforts Ui do it 1 —this ia the way of failure, lb-solute- I ly to make up one's mind to let, as far , lis he ia ooucerned, the most that ahould ' lie done stay undone still, to steel one's 1 heart against demands and necessities, j 1 to resist all inducements to put forth a j single offort, to close one's eyes to it ail, ! and to stick heart, hand, life, and love i to the thing a man undertakes and calls liia own—that ia the way of success. Life ia very short, sad the single brain and hand, at boat, very weak, and there are thousands of things to know and to 1 1 do. One must choose, and lie content with hia choice. And no it cornea to , - pas* that now, at last, the measure of a , man's learning will be the amount of , hia voluntary ignorance, the measuro of j liia practical effcctivenesa the amount what he is content to leave unattemp ted. The Manufacture of Kid dlore*. flloves are made of goata' skins, and their value depends upon the quality of those skins, and they, in turn, upon the place where, and tho food upon whicn the goats arc reared. The moun tain goat has the fairest and best skin, while the fist-land goat is somewhat inferior in quality. The hair is remov ed by tanning, whioli process occupies about four weeks; the skin is then handed to tho "aorapcr," who smoothes and equalizes the body of thji frbrie. It ia then dyed, which causes a shrink age of the pores, after which comes the process of softening. The cutters and sisers prepare it for the girls to sew, and they are fnmislied on an average of two pairs for each workwoman per day. T! iiey are then carefully |>ackcd for shipment. Thus, before the gloves can be put on shipboard, there are nine processes needed. Tun Ca*ss-PLAr<R.—Ten or fifteen years ago Paul Morpby had won the honor of being the best cheas-player in the world—a perfect master of the game. Not only in our own country did his skill challenge universal admiration, bnt in England and France unbounded praise was accorded to him. Modest in demeanor, ho received all honors bestowed upon him with unassuming courtesy. One of his most wonderful feats was that of playing eight games at the same table wnile blindfolded. This was performed at the Cafe do la Re gwnce, in Paris, whither noted men were drawn from all parts of the Con tinent to witness his marvelous per formances. But Paul Morphy returned from his triumphal tour wearied and disgusted with chess, and he lias since steadfastly refused to make a publio exhibition of his wonderful powers. In the Arctic Melds. A correspondent writes front Mani stee, Michigan, Under lute date: "Your correwpoiideut occupied the same seat ut the stage from iVntwater to Mani stee, yetrrJay, with Capt, Usviil Coch rane, of the propeller Msiwuget, con cerning which there lias of Lie been so many stones going the rounds of the papers The vessel is now off Little l'oiut Hsuble some ten or twelve miles in a solid field of ice, extending in all liirwctiuna as far aa the uye can reach. In fact Lake Michigan appears to ha almost entirely covered with iee. The boat left Grand Haven on the 20lh of January, I think, with weather fair. Th* captain aayo he had gone but a short distance before the ioe In-rame too solid to break through, and the boat was put about to return to Grand Ha ven, bnt a field of ice bad pnahsd in along the shore, and tha boat waa soon aii tu iu ou ail sides. Tbev had on board coffee, sugar, tea, rice and dried apples, and fuel euagh to do their cooking and keep them warm. Completely shut in, they drifted with the fields of ice for several days, in sight of land, going aahora occasionally for what tliey need ed. Once the ice broke off from the shore, snd hoping if he oould get into the open water once more he could reach Muskegon or Orwnd Haven, the captain and all the crew set to jrork cutting a channel into her stern. Forty-eight hours he worked incessantly, and final ly released the Itoat and started south in good spirit*, hut all the harbor* were clewed, aud the wind changing closed the ice in upon (Item again. At thia time there waa aonsidemble danger of being crushed ; fortunately, the boat waa Lighted and rose with the pressure. But ene hole was knocked in her, which *aa not large, and a now plank waa af terward put tu. "On the ifth of February these on shore lost sight of the vceael, and for fourteen days nothing was heard from her. Everybody thought she had been crushed by the ier and gona down with all on hoard. The first news to the con trary waa brought by the captain him self, who came aeborc over the ice, six miles below Whitehall, reporting that they were a!) right and about twelve miles off land. He had on a pair of kid boots and his faet were swollen badly. He immediately went to Milwaukee to report the condition of the vessel and forts of the case. Ttierc arc fifteen ou board, including one passenger, an old man, who seems to enjoy himself, and had no notion of leaving the boat. The eaplain says the crew deserve the greatest praise for their behavior. Not one has attempted to leave without per mission, and aa for abandoning the boat, they have never thought of it He considers that she ia quite safe, and is going bark to her to-morrow. As eooa aa the ice breaks up he will, with ordinary good fortune, bring her safely into port. ' Since tha alnive report the steamer arrived at Milwaukee, having been blocked in the ice sixty-seven day*. lowa I nthrlM. The I)es M<IIDCI (Iowa) Stair Krjtor trr publishes a long article entitled aa •Ixirr, one paragraph of which, typical of the wh<>l> a reads aa follow*: " While w- produce Uiat which brings Imt little, we at* all the while consu ming that which coata much—and not only that which coata much, but ia im ported. Sot only are the pioneer prices of corn and of all our staple product* gone with the days of their time, but we arc also a more eapenaive people than we used to be. We eat daintier and costlier things, wear fiuer and more expensive clothing, ami pot on. gener ally, a forty per cent. atrle. When we coma to rnir sense*, and iook at it, there ia not a grocery store in lowa, nor a dry good* nor a clothing store, m the goods of which may not be seen abnndant proof of the causes for the times we are now upon. We may run the gamut of few of these many causes. Take one shelf of a grocer* store. Corn in cans— where raised? Not in lowa, where corn and land are so cheap, but in New York, where land and corn are high; corn starch, for laundry aiul the table, also from the East; *tinwlerriea in the can, not raised in lowa, where atrawberriea sr* raised almost as easily as weeds, but in the East—and along with strawber ries, Tuspberrica, and all the small fruits; beans, too, imported into a State where they grow by the acre, and by the hun dred bushels to the acre; picklea from New York and New Engtnnd, and even from old England itself, in none of which places can cucumbers be raised as easily or as cheaply aa ia lowa—and so on runs the list of imported common things till the lowa ere grows tired of the parade of importations." Milk, Tea and Coffee. Prof. Loom is thus speaks of milk, tea and coffee : " Milk onntains in solution not only a due proportion of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen *no nitrogen, but all the other elements neeoesary for the construction of bone, nerve, Ac., and hence is always a proper food in all circumstances of health. " Tea derives its beneficial qualities not from its direct supply of nutrition, but from its affording a peculiar sub stance called theme, the effect ef which in the system is to diminish the waste, thus making leas food necessary. Tea thus has a positive economic value, not as a supplying but s saving nutriment. ** Coffee, though of a taste so little allied to tea, derives its value in pre cisely the same manner and from nearly the same snhstances. Its value and effect in the systntn are therefore the same as the aliove stated. It is hence evident that milk, tea and coffee are valuable articles of food under all con ditions of temperature." Yet it must be generally conceded that a free coffee-drinkor will almost invaribly complain of biliousness and have a cadavorons ajipearanoe. For work people, coffee will seldom produce this effect; but for all persons of seden tary habits who take little exercise, coffee is not to be recommended. Tes as a substitute is greatly to be pre ferred, ss it ia equally refreshing and strengthening and produces no bad effects. How to Be Somebody. Don't stand sighing, wishing and waiting, but go to work with au energy and perseverance that will set every object in tho way of your success flying like leaves before a whirlwind. A milk and water way of doing hnainesa leaves a man in the lurch every time. He may have ambition enough to wish hira- Mu ou tlio topmost round of the ladder of success, but if ho lias not the go aheaditiveness to pull himself up there, ho will inevitably remain at the bottom, or at best, on the very low rounds. Never say I can't, never admit there is such a word; it has dragged its tens of thousands to poverty and degradation, and it is high time it waa stricken from our language; but carry a whole lexicon of I cans and I wills with you, and thus armed, every obstacle in the way of your success will vanish. Never envy your neighbor his success, but try and become like him, and as much better as you can. If at first you don't succeed, "don't wilt down with despondency and I can't, but gird on the armor of I can, and my word for it you will. Term®: 82.00 a Year, in Advance The tires test of Hanging*. The greatest hanging that ever oc curred iu the United Htstoa took place in 1H63 in the town of Mankato, Blue Earth county, Minueaota, which ia sit uated near the southern border of the Htate. In the previous year a great In dtau war hgd raged on the frontier, during which over svi hundred whites, mostly women and children, were mas sacred, aud ou the defeat of the Indi ans and end of the war three hundred and three of the savages were tried by court martial for uinrder and condemned to death. President Lincoln interfered, however, to preve nt such a wholesale infliction of the death penalty, and re spited all but tbirly-eight, who were hanged together in "the presence of a vast crowd which had assembled from alt directions to witness the execution. A correspondent of the Cincinnati (omnurvial has recently conversed with witnesses of the tern hie scene, who gave him a full account of the affair. When the death warrant waa reed to the thirty-eight condemned Indians they received their sentence very ' coolly. Not fully comprehending the import of the instrument at the close of toe first paragraph they gave a hearty grunt of spprovai; but aa the reading proceeded aud they discovered the drift of the document they refrained from further manifestations of approbation, though they smoked their pipes composedly to the end. Nearly all of tliem maintained a stoical demeanor up to the time of their execu tion except when the caps were placed on their heads. These caps were msde long and looked like meal sacks, but being rolled up only covered the fore head, allowing their painted fares to be seen. When they had been adjusted on a few of the Indiana, so that each could aee the undignified and grotesque effect on the other*, they appeared to be exceedingly humiliated ami disheart ened. But they are described aa hav ing gone cheerfully to the gallows, some eveu jostling snd crowding the other* in their eagerness to be first. A* they ascended the scaffold the death song waa started, and when they had all got np the noiae of their deep, swelling voices waa feaffnllv impreamve. When the scaffold fell and left the thirty-eight bodies dangling in the air, several of the condemned were aeeu en deavoring to clasp each other's hands. One young fellow managed to get a cigar under bis white cap, and smoked it to the last. The Indians respited by President Lincoln were taken to an island in the Mississippi near Daven port, where they were closely confined for a Tear, after which they were trans ferred to a barren reservation in an ex tremely oold region, where they were turned'loose to freeze or starve. The horrible execution *t Mankato, the wax preceding it, and the conse quent butchery of the whites, all re sulted from a long continued and in iquitous ayatcm of swindling the Indiana carried on by the traders and the agents of the (torerument. The leading chiefs in the disturbance ef 1X62 did not wish to go to war, but they had been robbed beyond endurance. At one time over four hundred thousand dollars due the Sioox waa paid not to them bat to a gang of trailers on the plea of old in debtment They were also induced to sign papers which they could not read, and theae papers were used to get money and goods tielonging to them. On one occasion a famous chief named lied Iron waa locked up iu a guard house by the Indian agenta for refusing to sign one of these papers, and this act neurit precipitated an outbreak. At laat, baring been swindled out of their lands and die money which should hate been paid them, anil alter losing fifteen hundred at their old men, women and children by alarration and exposure, they resolved to go to war after the In dian fashion, sparing neither women nor children. The tlorr in s shocking one; but it is still more shocking to know that this and many others very much like it could neTcr hare been told but for the infa mous dishonesty which has character ised and still pervades the adminis tration of Indian affairs. <1 raining or Imitating Wood. According to a patent recently issued to Mr. John Johnston of New York, graining, or imitating wood, may be accomplished in the following manner : A glass plate, preferably a thick even plate, has wrought npon it with a pencil or brush, with asphaltum, wax, grease or fatty snlwtanoes. such figures and ronAgurations as shall form the design seen on the surface of planed wood. The glass is then etched by the use of hydrofluoric arid. When the etching is sufficiently deep the plate is cleaned with spirits of turpentine, and the whole surface is spread over evenly, with oil graining color. The plate is then scraped with a scraper of soft wood, which, drawn over the surface of the plate, leaves the color only, on the etched spots. A printer's roller of the proper circumference and width is then passed over the whole surface of the prepared plate, by which the design is transferred to the roller. Then this roller is rolled over the surf see of the wood to be grain ed. It is claimed that this method is equallv applicable to metal, paper, or any substance or composition, and that any desired number of impressions can be* taken quicker, cheaper, ami more readily even bv inexperienced hands, and that, therefore, the skill of the ex perienced grainer can be expended 01 a series of pistes, without requiring his time or services in copying, thus mak ing the process cheap, rapid and perfect. In adapting the process to printing on paper, the plates are etched out iu the K* ces not desired to be transferred, e plate is then mounted on the wood and is printed from it in the ordinary manner. A Delightful Romaacc. Tli characters for a delightful ro mance are lying hidduu in American so ciety on the verge of Lake Ontario. The lakea attract chivalrous and ven tuaeaom® natures of foreign birth as they need to draw the gallant explore™ of early times. Not a person in the township but knows that the lineal de scendant of the Earl of Mar lives in one of the western oouuties of New York; and we are told that an Outario farmer inherits this proud title. It descends to him on the maternal side from Philadel phia Monteith, Oounteas of Mar and Kellie. None the less was the Yankee Earl the son of an old Chomploin steam boat captain, renowned on the lake for his good nature and good living. It is not known what freak brought him to this country, but he died here, leaving two children, the present heir to the ti tle, which he refuses to accept, and a daughter Philadelphia, named after her great-grandmother the old Countess. The daughter married a gentleman by the name of Bayard, of New Orleans, who is wealthy. Young Monteitli mar ried a farmer's daughter and lives on his acres, near the lake, a thorough American republican democrat. His only care is to hide his title, and he sturdily refuses to be called anything but Squire Mouteith, though he con stantly receives letters from the nobili ty abroad in full blason of his rank. He also refuses all emoluments belonging to his earldom, such as tithes of fishery and woodland And grange, except those resulting from the crown. NO. 16. The Ktevrat Battery. An exchange, in referring to tk Bte wnt letteft, aa/a: ltv tiio will ui the late BSdwi B Wteren*, of Hobokrn, hi* last experiment in ua val architecture, then lying Ih • yr<i at Hoboken in bnt • skeleton condition, after having boon built partly up and then taken down lillf I oW® UM**> to •nit the idea* of the projector, ww be queathed to tb# tttete of New Jew#* u a gift, as soon as (should be compUdsd by his executor* at an expense, to his. Met ens', estate qf *** more tAa " tme million of dollars. The axeentoiv of Mr. Rtevena at onee aet about ouKiaie ting the vessel, and employed CK-n. Mo t VUaii and Cept. Isaac Nawton ae their engineer*. These gvoUemrn eaiimteed that the vessel could be completed, and even partly equiped with her guna for the million, and yet leave a leeway of some f112,000. Accordingly, work eai energttimliy pulid, and the veaael, then named tha Btevene' Batter*, wss to be done in three year*. Tha Imgia* ! lature of !few Jersey accepted the gift by an appropriate aet, and authorized tha Governor to appoint three eeatarie sionere on the part of the Rtate to keep an aye on the war vessel of Mew Jeraey, In a'following yaat the Legislature ffls cussed what should bo done with the money coming from the proposed *h of the battery, and while certain per aona favored ita being placed fat the cbool fund, Gov. Randolph would have liked to have had tha aum credited to the general fund of Urn Btete, ao that i on hia retiring from the gubernatorial chair the Htate might be aaid to be large ly ahead in ita flnanmnl possession*. the amount b> be received being variously intimated at from *2,000,00? to #4,000.- uoa Congraa alee waa petitioned, and did validate the prospective pausing over of the vcaeel to New Jeraey'• pee aeaakm, but said that ahe mart dispose of it by aala, and therefore not keep the monster in defiance of the Cooatitnticu. Everything waa working very smoothly, and New Jeraey almost left the money rattling in her Bute Treasury. So oer tain waa ahe that a contract waa made between the Htate Comminrioneri and a large New York firm, whereby the latter were to have the veaael at the price of #1,500,000, provided that firm could dia poae of it as they expected, to the Gov ernment of Turkey. Tfaia oontract waa ratified bv the Governor of New Jaraey and her Ohief-Juteiee, but it waa bnt a conditional contract, and though re newed tor a second term, the New-York boose did not make their sale to Turkey nor their bandaome oommiaakm. But after tha work on the Battery had I >en pushed energetically for aoma time, it was discovered that the eatiiiiatga pens far under what the real amount needed would be. to finrab the veaacL Other estimates were made, and it waa learned that #Boo,ooohad been expanded already, and that fully #BOO,OOO more would be needed. This would bring the oaat soma #400,000 beyond the #1,000,000 to be spent, and here troubles at once broke out By tha will, not only must the amount to be expended not exeaad #l,- 000,000, but also the weasel could not be passed over to tha Htate until she waa fully completed. The widow of Mr. Stevens and her children then threw the whole matter into tha Court of Chan cery, where it has remained ever since, and now is awaiting a decision. Tha bill in Chancery daMns that as they can not use more titan the millioa, nor give up the vessel till the is completed, the will of Mr. Steveon in regard to this vessel mast be deemed inoperative and void, and they aak the Court to decide upon the future dnmoeitionof the partly finished veaaeL Tha Htate authorities probably feel disposed to themselves Furnish the needed #400,000, finish the vessel, sell it. and then repay the State her advance, and hand her over Ike bal ance. Bnt this was not the will of Mr. Stevens, nor is it to the interest* of the Stevens estate. And ao the Chancellor is called upon to decide as to what dis position can or may be made of the Tea sel either now or when, if ever, com pleted, and till he does this. New Jer sey has only her navy In esse and not in posse. Ca HI rating a Pare Expression. Every word that falls from the lips of mothers and sisters especially should he pore, and concise, and simple ; not pearls, such aa fall from the hps of the princess, but sweet, good word#, that little children can gather without fear* of soil, or after shame or blame, or any regrets to pain through all their life. Children should be taught the fre quent use of good, strong, expressive words- words that mean exactly *h*t they should express in their proper places. If a child, or young person, has a loose flung-together way of stringing wortls when endeavoring to say some thing, he should be made to "try again" and see if be cannot do better. It is painful to listen to many girls' talk. They begin with a "My aood nc.-. P and interlard it with "oh'sf and " takes *Utc P and " so sweet P and " ao queenly," and so maay silly phrases that one is tempted to boh eve thev have had no training at all, or else their mothers were very foolish women. There is nothing more disgusting than the twaddle of ill-bred girls ; one is provoked often into taking up a paper and muling, and letting them ripple and gurgle on, like brooks that Hoar the* Snow not whither. klj heart warms with lore for sensible girls aud pure boys ; and, after all, if our girls and boys are not this, I fear it is onr own fault—that this groat trust rent* in the heart and hands of the women of our land. If we have a noble, useful purpose in life, we will infaae the right spirit into those around ua.— ArfAur's Home Magarinc. Tans ok the P*airix.—flon. Igna tius Donnally urges the planting of trees along the roads on the prairies, aa the beet protection against such loss of lif* as occurred in Minnesota. Bays he : "I remember late fall driving with horse and buggy, in the face of * fierce wind, from Hasting* to Farming ton, over the prairie. At one place the road is planted on both sides with cottonwoods and willows ; and when we entered between these rows of trees, it waa like driving into a barn; the roar of the wind ceased at onee, and the whole condition of the atmosphere seemed changed. If the poor man and women who perished in the late storm had traveled upon roads so protected, they would be alive to-day to add to the prosperity 6f the community by their industry. THE Bjuntunr ACT. —An act approved March 3, declares "That it was the in tent and meaning of an act approved June 8, 1872, amending the bankrupt law, that the exemptions allowed the bankrupt by the said amendatory act should, and it is hereby enacted that they shall, be the amount allowed by the constitution and laws of each State of the United States, respectively, w existing in the year 1871, and that such exemptions be valid against debts con tracted before the adoption and passage of such State constitution aud laws, as well as those contracted after the same, and against liens by judgment or decree of any State court, any decision of any such court rendered since the adoption and passage of such constitution and laws to the contrary notwithstanding. Flowery speeoh—" Good as wheat" H * "■ I't" '* Ml with ft kwa of #27tlj9oil r . General Bpinirer in* ##twd upon y thirtWh |E* • Treasurer of the United P*- _ * Frar .n.r HRgnHral~<4 lut- t*ra rat in JW U lra promise." H,, ri . twcnt* American prisoner* are eonfttwd in Paris prisoner* waiting trial on wknu charge*. - A" BriNaa** >•*#• •** *•* death bwdaiinaaa MfP may invali date a Ufa ineuranoe pokey. f Tha Province of Sew B™"** Two deaf mute# were arrested in Atlanta, Cite, one day teat w*h for making a disturbance while 4 rnnk * i Tha latest complaint against the Chiwae in California is that they are making up ravens into barbarous pot '■'jiwgtiw aa -si}**"-• ' A eorrewpoadent out Wast is surprised to find almost every other man's note having (be look of the Mashing enan bwfy* The Mew Orleans Times says that the daily interest on what that tv owes ia #4, don. nice old town to bold real catele in. The Virginia State Library baa ac quired a Bwolntionary relic tha pT roll of the British foroe* A baa# of aonntsrfstairs of Spanish and Myric*" coins have been arrested in Panama. Their work has been in Greata agitate* prevails among tha Polish peasants in Bnaaia through an unfounded report that serfage wUI again he introduced. "t It is the general belief that a decent, respectable man is safer on the out skirts of the Modoc camp than on a New York street rer w A jovetata Frenchman lately attempt ed to kill hte father in oxsler that ha might be the only ion of a widow and mj pwpwpt fi'ififliftff(iticmi An totsteNt to the Porto Rico 233 J National A. fßpair ' Tin Ita hi ifill in price of the Liberia ruZ^vt&xsts: ss ed tofbe per annum in advance.' A Kentucky paper, fn reporting a wedding, says that tb* bride waa not pariccukriy bandaome, but her father threw In seven moles, and the husband was aatatfM. to Swift add the reason that a certain university waa a learned place waa, that mote persons took some learning there, and tew brought any away with them, i a* it n—matated i The man who laid aside hia flannel because the almanac said spring has c me, was-seen at one of the drug aterea hunting up •patent medicine to core the rheumatism. A dramatic critic overheard a gentle- . man observe tn another in a stall at the theatre >~'Tjgrik ah that painted old woman; tod and pawhed aa. ah *a, they sav she stIS turns toa"s bead*." "Yea; the other way," waa the reply. Tha apesety editor who waa kicked out at aJMpre in Washington the other day, took sweet revenge in statin? that the wife of the kicker appeared at a ball at tired in a lovely peiagre skirt made of government drawers for infantry. The Legislature of Kentucky has en acted that married women may receive director from their employers the wages or compensation lor labor per formed bv them, and that the money ao reread shall tie free from the debts and wtttmol of their httibiuaJi. A bill has passed the Tennessee Leg islature amending the tippling law* of tha State, leaving the greatton to the Tote of the people to the diJfcrent dis tricts wards, Ac., on the Ist of June, whether they wifl allow tippßng-bouae* in their respective loealiUes. A woman in Providence was called to the witness-stand in court with a baby in her anna. Not wishing to tes tify ia the ease, aha seerefly pinched the baby until ahe was Buffered tempor al-? absence from the room to soothe ita willing*, when she trudged eff beyond recall. o taut. Hie Newburg, Ohio, smokers are starehmg tor tha <Wp who was ao hard up that he had to sell hia fifty dollar meerschaum tor five dollars to get money to taka ham home. He sold a hundred or ao quKtly around town and then left hurriedly. The scene, when the purchasers exhibited their prises next morning, wee queer. A neb old fellow who owns more houses to*" any man in Toledo, waa wsuU-I upon by a coniuutton for a sub scription to rebuild the fence about tine cemetery. Hia reply was characteristic w well to buraoiMoa. "Gentlemen, I have alwavs made it a rule in my busi ness never to make any repain until the tenants bsgan tooamptaia." An old bachelor said "them's a darned sight more jewelry worn nowadays thlii when I waa young. Bnt there's one piece that I always admired that I don't often see now. "What ia that?" asked a young lady. "A thimble," waa the replv. He waa regarded with con tempt and aoorned by ewwfy lady in the room for the rest of tha evening. fta simianiff anus ar in- 1 -' in the U, & Treasury by the presentation on Tnesdgv of a protest against the United State* for non-payment (m gold) of a §IOO legal tender, which iW owner had presented at the Bub-Treanttry in New York and asked for the specie thereon. Being refused, it waa sent to Washing ton in dtaa ton a, through a notary. In their Chestnut Circular, Messrs. Htonre, Harrison A Oa, give the follow ing figures showing "the number of treca to an acre at equal distances": Five feet each way, 1,742 ; six feet each wav. 1.200 : eight each way, 680; ten feet eanh way, 480; twelve feet each wav, 326; fifteen feet each way, 900; eighteen feet each way, 1M; twenty feet each way, seventy. Be careful how you go to eleep at an auction. A gentleman settled himself in a comfortable chair, and, his senses soothed by the auctioneer's lullaby, soon dropped asleep. When hit nap waa over be left the place. The next dav he waa astounded at the receipt of a bill for several hundred dollars' worth of carpets and other things. The auc tioneer had received hia semniculous nods for hida. n * * Aa an evideaoa ef the xeveaae tide of trade-in some localities, the statement of a Buffalo produce merchant ia in teresting. He states that a few years ago he shipped yearly to Milwaukee from 1,000 to 1. W0 cheese*, and to Chi cago 2.60A Now, instead of shipping to either plane, he ia shipping largely from Milwaukee to Buffalo. The cheese industry is rapidly becoming cue of the moat important in Wisconsin. A singular incident ooourred in a Bangor school the other day- A little girl purchased a bottle of ether for her mother, and took it with her to the seminary. During the session she passed it around to her young com panions, and, in consequence of fre quent white, five pupils succumbed to unyaathaaia, and were carried heme more - or less insensible, while the air was so full of the volatile fluid that an unusual drowsiness waa feft by all preqent. Adam Harper, of Geoteown, Ky., who brought a suit for $5QQ.<X>° .dam ages for Blander against 85m# ox his ral stives, tea accusing him oS being im plicated ia the murder of ©W Jaoob and Betsey Harper, has lost his case ; and notcate that, but the developments of the trial threaten to suhjeot him to two indictments, one for being .engaged in that murder, and one for being en gaged with others in attempting to com pel* number of negroes, by hanging, to confess that they were the parties who committed the crime.