The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, April 03, 1873, Image 1
Under the Moon. Under the moon two lorer* walked - The silver moan, the round full moon - Under it* beam* they softly talked Of south and love Mid JntiO. And tl>er plighted their vow* in the silvery litfiL for their heart*, like the mow, were full that night. fader the moon they walked again— The netting moon, the waxing moon And eoaroely a word waa aaid by Uie twain : Ob. moon, you eel too noon And love in one of the hearth. like the rim Of the waning moon, grew faint and dim. Under the ekiea a maiden stood The cold utght-ekiea. the moonloee akiee - Bhe heart the owl in the lonely wivvt. And elie heard her own deep sigh*. 'Heart and ekiea devoid of lirht, Ood," alio cried. " w hat a dreary night !** Under the ekiee lea narrow mo*, n d Tlie watchful akice. the starry ekiee And the ray* of Uia moor _ ao full and round. Shine down whore maiden he*. And they Uuieo. the fl.-kie |uvr *IM Malk* with sc j^„. r aud wooes anew. For the sake of Peace. Rob sod 1 were playmate* once. Together used to laugh Mid err; A youth an.l maiden are wc now— Oh dear, tlie vrar* so swiftly fly * Ueed to play st kircwv. toe. k'heu ww were children gay Mid free 1 And now, the rogus, he qtut* in*).*!* That he should still air lover to. I really CMI'I make np my mind Te quarrel with the foolish hoy, >\jr mayhe. if he weut away. My l;fe would taso onediatf iu joy And if the question 1 should try To *?SHP with hsm, why. you see. Iu argument, e when a child. Hub always got the bast of inc. So now what would won really do? Hob haw a word of *ll I aay; Ami after all. my heart incline* To let lam bar* toe own dear way. Oh. how pens**,! sic:. iw! What can a timid mask* do ? I think, just fm ake of pesos, 1 d Ivtl-'r j laid ihs point d.ui t you ? A YOUNG HERO. " Ay, ay, sir; they 're smart seamen enough, no doubt, them Dalmatians, and reason good, too, seein' they man half the Austrian nary ; bnt they ain't got the seaaoein' of an Englishman, put 1 hew yer will." 1 was standing ou the upper dock of the Austrian Lloyd steamer, looking last upon pyramidal Jaffa, as it rises up in terrace after terrace of stern grav mason ry against thelustrvm* evening sky, with tlie faain-tipped breaker* at its feet. Beside uie. with hia elbow on the hand rail, and hia short pipe between his teeth, louugoa the stalwart chief-en gineer, a# thorough an Englishman as if he had not spent two-thirds of his life abroad, and delighted to get hold of a listener who (as he phrases it) " has been about a bit. " " No; they ain't got an Englodiman's seasonal'," he continues, pursuing his criticism of the Dalmatian seamen; "and what's more, they aint got an English man's phtek neither, not when it cornea to a root scrapo." "Can no ore hut an Englishman have any pluck, then ?" ask I, laughing. " Well, I won't just go for to say that; o' course a man as is a man 'all have plnck iu him all the world over. Fve seen a Freociier buckle a shark to save his messmate; aud I've seed a Hooshan atatul to his gun arter every man in the battery, ban-in* himself, hod been Mow ed all to smash. But. if yer come to that, the pluckiest feller as ever F seed warn't a man at all!" " What WAS he, then ?—a woman ?" *' No, nor that neither; though, mark ye, I don't go for to say as how women ain't got pluck enough too—some of 'em, at least. .Vy old 'ooman, now, saved me once from a lubber of a P>r tigee as was just a-goin* to stick a knife into me, when she cracked his nut with a limdspike. (Ton can hear her spin the yarn yourself, if you likes to pay ns a visit when we get to Constantinople.) Bat this nn as I'm a-talkin' on WAS a little lad not ranch bigger*n Tom Thumb, only with a sperrit of his own aa ud' ha' . blowodnpa man-o'-war a'most. Would yer like to hear about it f" I eagerly assent; and the narrator, knocking the ashes out of his pipe, folds his brawny arms upon the top of the rail, and commences as follows: 'Bout three years ago, afore I got this berth as Tin in now, I was second engineer aboard a Liverpool steamer bound for New York. There'd been a 1 lot of extra cargo sent down jost at the last minute, and we'd had no end of a job stowin' it away, and that ran as late o' startiu'; so that altogether, as you may think, the cap'n warn't altogether in the sweetest temper in the world, nor the mate neither; as for the chief-en gineer. he was an easy-guin' sort *o chap, as notion' on earth could pat out. But on the mornin' of the third day ont from Liverpool, he com down to me in a precious htirry, lookin' as if tomethin had wit him out pretty considerably. " "Tom,' says be, 'what d'ye think? Blest if we ain't found a stowaway.* (That's the name, yon know, sir, as we ; give to chaps as hide themselves aboard outward-bound vessels, and gets carried ont unbeknown to everybody.) "'The dickens yon have!' savs L 'Who is he, and where did yer find nim ?' " ' Well, we found him stowed away < among the casks lor'ard ; and ten to one we'd never ha' twigged him at all, if the •kipper's dog hadn't sniffed him ont "And began barkin'. Siteh a little mite as he is, too • I could a'most put him in my baccy-pounch, poor little lieggar !' but he looks to be a good plucked nn for all that.' " I didn't wait to hear no more, but up on deck like a sky-rocket; and there I did see a sight, and no mistake. Every man-Jack of the crew, and what few passengers we had aboard, was all in a ring on the fo'o'stle, and in the middle stood the furst-mate, lookin' as black as thunder. Bight in front of him, lookin' a reg'lar mite among all them big fellows, was a little bit of a lad not ten years old—ragged aa a scare crow, but with bright curly hair, and a bonnie little face o' his own, if he ' hadn't been so woful thin ami pale. But, bless your soul! to see the way that little chap held his head up, and looked about him, you'd ha' thought the whole ship belonged to him. The mate was a great, hnlkin' black-t>eardd feller, with a look that 'ad ha' frighten a horse, and a Toice fit to make one jump through a key-hole: bat the young j nn warn't a bit af eared—he stood straight and looked him full in the face with em bright clear eyes o' hisn, for all the world as if he was Prince Half red himself. Folks did say arterwsrds (lowering his voice to a whisper,) as how he oomed o' belter blood nor what he ought; and, for my part, I'm rayther o' that way o' thinkiu myself; for I never yet seen a common street Harab (as they calls 'em now; carry it off like him. You might ha' heerd a pin drop as the mate spoke. " 4 Well young whelp,' says he in his grimmest voice, 'what's brought you "'lt was my step-father as done it,' Bays the boy in a weak little voioe, but as steady as could be. ' Father's dead, j and mother's married again, and my new father says as how he won't have no brats about eatin' up his wages;' and he stowed me away when nobody warn't lookin', and guv me some grub to keep me goin' for a day or two till I Jot to sea. He says I'm to go to Aunt ane at Halifax; and here's her ad dress.' " And with that, he slips his hand into the breast of his shirt, and ont with a scrap o' paper, awful dirty and crumpled up, but with the address on it right enough. _ " IFeall believed every word on't, even without the paper; for his look, and his voioe, and the* way he spoke, was enough to show that there warn't a ■ ha' porth o' lyin' in his whole ak'in. But the mate didn'tseem to swaller the yarn at all; he only shrugged his shoulders with a kind o' grin, as much as to say: lam too old a bird to be caught with that kind of chaff"; and then he says to him : ' Look here, my lad, that's all i very fine, but it won't do here—some of j these men o' mine are in the secret, and I mean to have it out of 'em. Nov, you just pint out the man as stowed you away and fed you, this very minute ; if you don't, it'll be the worse for you!' j FIUvD. lcrirrz. KditorniulT'ropriotor. VOL. VI. " The boy looked up iu ltia bright, fearless w ay, (it did my heart good to look at htm, the brave little chap!) and . mute qmiely ; Vl've told you the truth ; 1 ain't gut no more to aay.' " The mate aays nothin', but l<xk* at him for a uriuute a if he'd aee clean through him ; ami then lie faced round to the men, look in' Mocker than ever. ' Reeve a ro|e to the yard!" he tonga out loud enough to rs'*o the dead; ' smart, : HOW!' " The men all looked at each other, as much as to SAT: ' What on earth's a- J i coming now ?' Hul aluiard shin, o' course, when you're told to do a thing, you're got to do it ; so the ro(e wrus rove in a jiffy. " 'Now, my lad,' said tlie mate, iu a Lard, tufutirt kind o' voice, that made evetv wort! seem like flttin' a stone into a wall. * yon see that 'ere rope ? Well, f I'll gne yon ten minutes to toilless' (he took out los watch aud held it in hi* haud;) 'ami if TOU don't tell the truth afore the time's up, I'll hang you lik a dog!" "The crew all stared at one auoilier as if they couldn't lielieve their ear* (I didn't believe mine, I can tell ye, i and then a low growl went up among 'em, like a wild beast a-wakin* out of a nap. " 'Silence there !' shouted the mate, in a voice like the roar of a uor'-eaater. 'Stand bv to run for'ard!' and with his j own hands he put tlie nooa* rouud the boy's neck. The little feller never : tliuched a bit; but there wore some antoug the sailors tbig strong chaps as • (Mold ha' felled a ox) as shook like leaves iu the wind. As for me, I lie thought myself o' 1/1,7 little curly-haired lad at home, and how it 'ud be if any one was to go for to hang Aim,- and at the very thought on't I tingled all over, and my lingers clinched themselves as if they werea-gripiu' somebody's throat. I clutched hold o' a handspike, and held it behind my back, all ready. " 'Tom,' whispenx! the thief engineer to me, *d' ye think he really means to do it ?' "'I don't know,' says I through my teeth ; 'but if he does, Ac shall go first, f if 1 swings for it !' " 'I have been iu many an uglv scrape in my time; but I never felt 'arf as bail as I did then. Every minute seemed as long as a dozen ; an I the tick o' tlie mate's watch reg'lar pricked my ears like a pin. The men were verv quiet, but there was a precious ugly look on sonic o" their faces; and I noticed that three or four on 'em kep' edgin' for'ard to where the mate was standin', in a way that meant mischief. As for me. I'd made up my mind that if he did go for to hang tlie poor little chap, I'd kill him on the spot, and take my chance. "'Eight minutes,' says the mate, his great deep voice breakin' in upon the silence like the toil o' a funeral bell. 'lf yon've got anything to confess, my lad," you'd best out with it, for your time's nearly up.' " • I've told yon tlie truth,' answers , the boT, very pale, but as firm as ever. : ' Mav I say my prayers, please ?' " The mate nodded ; aud down goes the poor little chap on his knees Iwith that infernal rope about his neck all the time), and puta up his poor little hands to pray. I couldn't make out what he said (fact, my head was iu siteh a whirl that I'd hardly ha' knowed my own name), bnt I'll be bound God heard it, every word. Then he nps on his feet again, and puts his hands behind him, , and says to the mate, quite quietly, 'l'm ready !' " And then, sir, the mate's hard grim face broke up all to once, like I've seed . the ice in the Baltic. He snatched tip the hoy in his arms, and kissed him, and bust out a-cryin like a child ; and I think there warn't one of us as didn't jdo the same. I know I did, for one. "' God bless you, my boy !' says he, 1 smoothin' the child's hair with his great hard hand. * You're a true English-) man, every inch of you ; you wouldn't tell a lie to save your life ! Well, if so be as yer father's cast ye off, I'll lie yer father from this day forth ; and if I ever forget you, then may God forget me !* " And he kep' his wonl, too. When we got to Halifax, he found out the lit tle un's aunt, and giv' her a lump o' money to make him comfortable; and now he goes to see the youngster every voyage, as reg'lar as can be ; and to see ' the pair on 'em together—the little chap 1 so fond o* him, and not bearin' him a bit o' grudge ; it's 'liout as pretty a ! sight as ever I seed. And now, sir, axm' ver periling, it's time for me to be goin'below, ao I'll just wish yer good nigh!." Broadcloth an Enemy of Health. Professor Hamilton, in an able ad dress on hygiene to the graduates of the Buffalo medical college, denounces broadcloth as an enemv to exercise, and therefore to health. Re says ; "American gentlemen have adopted, I AS a national costtune, broadcloth—a thin, tight-fitting black suit of broad cloth. To foreigners we seem always to be in mourning ; we travel in blacV The priest, tho lawyer, the d<ctor, the literarv man, the mechanic and even the day-laborer, choose always the same black broadcloth—a style that never > ought to have been adopted out of the drawing-room or the pulpit, l>eenusc it is a feeble and expensive fabric, because it is at the North no protection against the cold, nor is it any more suitable at the South. It is too thin to be warm in winter, aud too black to be cool in summerbut especially do we object U> it because the wearer is always soil i ing it by exposure. Young gentlemen will not play ball, pitch qnoita, or wrestle or tumble, or any other similar thing, least their broadcloth should be offended. They will not go ont into the storm because the broadcloth will lose its lustre if rain falU npon it; they will not run, because they have no con fidence in the strength of their broad cloth ; thev do not dare mount a home or leap a fence, because broadcloth, aa everybody knows, is so faithless. Ho these men and these older men, these merchants, mechanics and all, learn to wnlk, talk and think soberly and carefully ; they seldom venture eveu to laugh to the full extent of their sides." _ One Drop of Evil. " I don't see why you won't let me play with Will Hunt," pouted Walter Kirk. " I know he does not always mind his mother, and smokes cigars, and ouce in awhile swears, just a little. Bnt I have been brought tip better than that. He won't hurt me. I should think you would trust me. I might do I him some good." "Walter," said hia mother, "take f this glass of pure, dear water, and put : just one drop of ink into it." " Oh, mother, who would have thought I one drop would blacken a whole glass 1 ao?" "Yes, it has changed the color of the whole glass, has it not ? It is a shame to do that. Just put a of clear water into it, and reatore its purity." "Why, mother, you are laughing at me ! One drop, nor a dozen, nor fifty, won't do that. ' " No my son ; and therefore, I can not allow one drop of Will Hunt's evil nature to mingle with yeur careful train ing, many drops of which will make no impression on him." In St. Louis two ©oops of chickens will pay a commission merchant more commission than a car-load of corn. THE CENTRE REPORTER, lleitn Ward tteecker uu Hospltalß). Moat of US, having arrived at year* of • hotlin-keeping or discretion, hate visit ing atul dread visitors. Yet we are not therefore misanthropists. Mather, we love our kind, and our favorite rend iug is doubtless biography, table-talk, and tlie personal columns in the news [ apor*. But visiters and visiting com monly imply a temporary sequestration of old garments, and, of the ample wardrolie of these investitures winch fjry msu botlij none fit so eogifoftahly ' and "are so sorrowrfully banished as old habits. If, therefore, Wednesday's corned lieef and esblwge must lie sup pressed, and not fit for company; if Thursday's beef steak and outoua, ami Friday's humble Unit-ball must be translated into uufaimliar birds and 1 heat*. which Bridget lily eok ami queerly serves ; if the dear house-moth er must move on restless leg* from dawu till dark lost some imperceptible pin should drop (ym til# household machinery ; if all things must lie a little tiuer than their wont aud their capacity, it is not strange that the ordinary householder shrinks from the porturba tions, which, as host, he undergoes in his own lieuse, or, a a guest, intro duces to another. Pity 'tis, however, that we are not more social, because, ia 4he long run, men aud women are s more ink-resting ami amors valuable study than books, and no subtle disdpvery of science nor progress of invention baa yet found in the world anvthing l>etter than human affection, ifach of us is the poorer by every lofty friendship that he neglects to take from opportunity. Women, es pecially, whose cares are pettier and far more absorbing than men's, ueed the illumination of fresh ideas, witty talk, and friendly propinquity. Yet it is chiefly they who hinder this pleasure, and in wliose hands it rests to make visiting the most brilliant and enticing of occupations. First, however, the whole theory of hospitality need* revis ion. It was verv well for the Hebrew I gentlemen to kill the fatted calf in honor of their guest. It involved little trouble and no expense, and if one had an ap petite for warm veal nothing could be more agreeable to all concerned—ex cept the calf. But we follow tlie pre cedent by spending half our substance at tlie butcher's stall for the festive joint and half the remaining moietv in cook ing and serving it, trembling meanwhile lest the stranger that is within our gates tie not satisfied with our bonutv. Than this painful feasting better to leave the fatted calf afield and to diue ou a crack er and careless cheerfulness. The whole trouble is that {he hostess arranges her household not as it shall best forward the business of life, but as it shall make tlie most effective spec tacle. She orders affairs not as she prefers, bfit as she fancies that her guest expects. It is a specious mis application of the gsldeu rnle. After Apicins and Calba, it is really quite im { possible to be distinguished as private caterers. After Crass us and LucuUus, no table-service can be remarkable. After Paulina, makirg her im-ruing calls in $"200,000 worth of jewels, the richest toilet seems to fall a little short of its high possibilities. And after Heliogabalns, there is certainly very feeble incentive to the pursuit of dis tinction in furniture Wo might wi*e lv, therefore, abandon the striving after these goods, strvugttMUied in that re ' nnuciatiou by the recollection that the onlv people who were pre-eminent in their possession sacrificed everything else to get them. After all, freedom and self-culture are the costliest objects ever offered to the acquisition of man, and if he takes them he must be con tent to forego much else. We confess that we have more than once fancied that wo saw the soul of good in that thing evil— the modem servant. We have never found fault with her iustabilitv. Master and mis tress spend their Java ami nights iu the effort to "better thorn selves,' to get more money for the same work, or more distinguished societv for the same servi tude. Bridget and Dinah are of the same blood, as we rememlier ou Hun .lays and forget through the week, and, afar off, they follow us. But this very fugacity and thriftlessness and want of ductility are possible the limit that 1 heaven seta to our dmbonest lumtekeep ' ing. We would like to have it #wpposed that we were born to the purple and should not be in the least discomposed on being bidden to dine at Chntsworth, having tlie elegance, though not the TAstness, of Chatswortli under our own roof. And in comes blundering candid Bridget, with a wrecked ambition in the shape of an omcUrt tnujfie, and unwit tingly reveals to the visitor that we never bad one before. It is our deep hope, as it is our conviction, that these 1 rough-shod ministers of truth and i simplicity will never cease to pingne ns with tho pictorial xhibitiou of our i small sins against those divinities until j every household in the land is willing to lead s life no more showy than it can easily afford, and to attempt no difficult i and unfamiliar pretenses to impress visitors. 80 shall we gain profit by losing of our prayers. The air is full of rumors of public and private corruption and disgraceful getting and keeping of gold. We must | purify our legislation, it is said. We must winnow our civil service. Wc ' must insist on virtue in high places. But reform must begin far back—at the firesides. By example boys and girls must learn that nmflPv is not the supreme good of life. They must grow tip in homes so simply and finely order ed, that not furniture and not viands, but the quality of master and mistress, draws many noble guests thereto, con tact with whom is the children's best education. " Tlie ornament of a home is the friends who frequent it." And as wo learn simplicity, we shall have love and leisure for tlie highest friend ships. It is this home life, and only this, cheap, possible to all, the source j of robust manhood wd sincere culture, that will keen the republic sweet, With out it, though we pue up our millions, and double our territory, and open our ; gates to all nations, we shall bring up, at last, whither we seenvto be tending, in a general almshouse for souls.— | Christian t'uion. T HK BAD BOT.—Wood tells a story of i Hoskrns, the Winchester college boy, j who, having neglected to write his verse exercise, glanced for a minute or two over the shoulder of a more diligent ! school-fellow, and, upon the master calling him up, said lie had hist his paper, but if no might he allowed he would repeat without book tho twenty j verses he had written, which he was permitted to do. The other boy was called next, anil showed the verses which Hoskyns had just repeated, and, being taken for the thief, was aorely whipped. RELIGIOUS. —The Baptist Year Book for 1873 gives the statistics of the Bap tist Church as follows : In the United States there are 853 associations, 19,- 720 chniwhes, 11,892 ordained ministers and 1,585,232 members. The Sunday school statistics show 9,412 schools, 623,742 scholars. The aggregate oon trilmtions reported are #4,926,527.04. There are 46 periodicals, of which 2 are German, 1 Welsh and 1 French. There are 9 theological seminaries, 34 col legesand universities, ands7 academies, with over five hundred instructors and 9,000 students. CENTRE HALL. CENTRE CO., PA., THURSDAY, APItIL 1873. lirlUcr M Ist Own Oetccthe. OUI Jncub Brilsr kept tho village *hr*> iu Huok*port. Wo *y the vilhigo store, bocsiise it was the largest, ami, iu fact, tlie only store of any conse quence in Uie place. Like all eouulry *tore-kec|icr, Jwob kept for sale dry and moist goods of every description, and lsth village slid suburban g-issipe made his place their centre ami tilting ground. To this tlie trader lid uot ob ject, hecanaa he was himself of s aoiual turu, ami because these liaugers-ou were all cusUnucrs. Oooasiouslly Jaoob uii*.sed cerluiu article* from his shelves and counters which lie knew had not Ix-en *old, and he could onlv imngitie that thev had been stolen. This thing continued for more thsn n year, and lintaer, with all Ins careful Matching, was unable to drUot the thief. There were several whom he deemed capable of the deed, but he could uot fix the crime upon either of them. At length, one Monday morning, Ja cob Pritzer entered his store ; and upon removing the heavy wooden shutter* from the front windows lie discovered that the large glass-top show-case, near the main entrance, had been robbed of nearly all its content*. At least three hundred dollars' worth of fancy goods had been stolen—a large siuouitl for the country store keeper to lose Jacob had looked up hi* store ou .Saturday night, and hail uot visited it since until now, nor had the keys been out of his keeping. For a brief space he was thunder-struck —then, fur another bncf |>aco, lie collected hit llu>Ught*, and reflected. His course of actiou was re solved upon. Ill* first decided uiove meut was to lock the d<>>r by which he had entered, ami draw the curtain* over the windows. Next he replenished the show-case from a fresh sbn-k which he chanced to have 011 haud, making it look so nearly a* it looked ou Saturday evening that uot even his clerk was likely to detect any change. Thus the matter, so far A* he and his store were euueerned, was locked in his own breast, and so he meant to keep it. Having as certained that the thief hod gniaed en trance by a rear cellar window, and having so covered the truck* of the gmlty one that his clerk would not ob serve them, he opened his store, and prepared for luainew*. Half an hour later the clerk came, and detected noth ing out of the way. (This clerk, we mav remark, was Jacob's own ton). The day paused—customers came and went as usual— the goaaiini chatted over their beer and cheese, while old Jacob was attentive and affable, never betray ing by wonl or sign that anything had hap]>ened amiss. Iu the evening I'eter Hswka come 111. This I'eler liswks waa s farmer, owuiug quite a place near the outskirts of tho village, who had of late been load iug a life rather aimless and thriftless. It had lcen Peter's custom to spend a good part of the day in the store, but on thia. Monday he had not put in an appearance until after tea ; and even when be did come he foiled to talk with his usual volubility, but re mained for the most port silout. watch ing what others had to ay. At length the hour grew late, andouo by one the gossips dn>pj>ed away until IVter was left alone with Jacob and his son. The solitary cur tomcr arose fnun his chair, and after a little nervoua hes itation he approached the storekeeper with,— " All, Jacob, that was quite a loss von met wit. Have ye any idee who did it ?" " Who did what ?" asked Jacob, drop ping the piece of cloth which he was folding, ami looking up. " Who roblxsl yer show-case lost night ?" " Yea," answered Jacob, with stern promptness —" 1 know exactly who did it?" "Eh, who?" " }"o did it I" " Me !" gosjM>l Peter, ouiveringly. "Aye— 7m did if. I rsojc you did it; and thus far the secret is entirely between von and me. Y'oti are the only other living man t>eaides myself who knows that 1 have been robbed at all !*' And thou Jacob went on to explain to his customer how ho bad managed to detect tlie theif. Peter liawks was fnrcod to own np ; and iu consi<!eration of liis returning the good* l**t stolen, and |>aying for those stolen on previous oecasjons, aud also premising to *ti a! no more, he wwa let off. But he did not remain muob longer in Bnekspori. Having settled with Jacob, he made all haste to sell his fartu and re move to parts where the story of his shortcomings was not known. Webster's Great Argument. 111 the spring of Mr. Webster was much concerned in the discussion then going on in the House of llepre sentuthos, at Washington, on the tariff. One morning he r<sc very early—earlier even than waa hia custom—to prepare himself to sjicak upon it. From long 1/efure daylight till the hour when the House met, he was busy with his brief. When he was far advanced in speak ing, a m>te was brought t< him from the Stipreme Court, informing hiin that the great case of " Gibbons vs. < )gden " would be called for argument the next morning. He was astonished at the in telligence, for ho had supposed that after tho tariff question should have been disposed of, he still would have ten days to prepare himself for Uie for midable conflict, in which tho constitu tionality of the laws of New York, grnnting a steamboat monopoly of its tide waters, was to be decided. He brought hi# speech cn tho tariff to n conclusion as speedily AS lis could, and hurried home to make jucli prepara tion for the great argument an the shortest notice would permit. Ha had then taken no food ninoe bis morning's breakfast; bnt instead of dining he took a moderate dose of medicine and went to bed and to sleep. At 10 r. M. lie awoke and called for a bowl of ten, and without any other refreshment went immediately to work. To use his own phrase, " tho tapes had not leen off the papers for more than a year." He worked all night ; and he haa told ins more than once he thought he never on any oeeasion had so completely the free use of all hia faculties, He hardly felt he had Itodily organs, so entirely had hia fastings and mcdioiue done their work. At 9 A. M., after eleven hours of continual effort, his brief was completed. He sent for the barber and shaved: took a very slight breakfast of tea anil crackers ; he looked over the papers to sea if they were all in order, and tied them up; he rend the morning journals to amuse and change his thought*, and then ho went into the court, ami made that grand argument, which, as Judge Wayne said, nnont twenty years after ward, "released every creek and river, every lake and harbor in our country from interference of monopolies.*' i Whatever he may have thought of his powers of tho preceding night, the court and the bar acknowledged thoir full force that day. And yet, at tho end of five hours, when he ceased speaking, he could hardly be said to have taken what would have amounted to half tire tofreshment of a common meal for alioye two and thirty hours, and, out of the thirtjMux hours imme diately prooedinghe had for thirty-ono been in a state of very high intellectual excitement and activity.— fJeorgr Tick nor. 1 Afflictions clarify the aoul. Oue lluudrt'd Years Old. One hundred years eoua*tlulo but au episode uf the o>>aulries of the elder hemisphere - a page of theirohruaiclfa. That period iu the younger hemisphere Cover* the whole of lliecouutry's career. When we have said that the Henutiiie is not yet one hundred years old, we have said tlie most wonderful thing about the Ketmbiie. Hueh a marvel ous example of rapid growth all history full* to parallel. The progress from a community of cukmies, numbering only three millions of to s Union of State* with a jK/pulatnui of nearly forty millions, has been accomplished in lees than ten decades. There are men now living who were born before the Repub lic ; Within whose life term the wilder iiesa has changed, like a apeotacular transformation scene, into a series of great cities, thriving towns and culti vated section*, abounding 111 all the proofs and fruits of a vital civilization, rivaling in wealth and achievement the most venerable at Euroj>cau countries, and surpassing them in substantial pro*j>erity. And so the infant of na tion* stands in their front rank. Hurely such swift development is the phenom enon of the agw*. When the Republic celebrates its centennial, as it will in a little more than three years, there will be rnough to comine 1110 rate. From a national point of view we shall look bark upon a narrow interval of tiiu •; but measured by what has lecu done the interval is overflowing with fact and suggestion. The Republic iu its youug manhood has had the full advantage of the mod em atimnlns to successful effort. The tedious processes of the last century have given place U> new methods that imply creative genius iu the material arts. The sons of the Republic cross the eontiueut, front 'eeau to ocean, in the time wmiumcl by tlie Father* of the Republic in passing between the Atlantic cities. Tlie swiftness of travel is a tvpe of the improvements of the later time. Within the short life of the Republic steam communication, instan taneous telegraphic correaja/udence, and all contemporary material agencies have liecume accomplished facts. Nor hs* the progress been only material. Education ha* been wade nearly uni versal, and the masse* of the people have grown intellectually and morally stronger. There is certainly enough L> celebrate on tlie coming One Huudredth Fourth of July. The qucstiou is, how shall we celebrate? Thus far tlie celebration ha* ouly taken shape in the proposed National Exposition st l'hllsdelphis. If this enterprise shall not fall into the hands of mere speentators, if it shall be a general, genuine, and popular under taking, it ought to be a grand success, it will show our own citizens ami all the world, in a tangible and impressive form, what the Republic is, what it ha* done, aud what it oau do. It ia a jod thing, so far as it goes. But there is a pervading and instinct ive feeling that it doe* not go far enough. The people will hardly be sat isfied that the rotehrwuon shall begin aud end in I'hdndelpliia. The Centen nial Fourth of July ought to be a pres ent and vital force throughout the length and breadth uf tlie land. F.very State, every city, every town, every vil lage, every remote settlement should prepare such a universal commemora tion as the world hitherto has uever known, and thus emphaaize the aifnufl rant announcement that the Republic is one hundred years old. The Future Price of Wool. Tho New York AbosomM says : "There is one thing certain thai in the midst of all this fiuctuation snd uncer tainty wool is very scarce, and prices are not only very* firm, bnt buoyant. Indeed, strnnge as it may appear, pri ces are nearly a* high now aw a year ago, when we take into account the high rate of interest and gold, with nothing to warrant such a filature but the sh4>rt supply available and the largo demand for consumption." YVaIU-r Brown A Sons, in their circu lar, sav: "It is, however, quite no tieeahfe that a firm feeling pervades the whole trade, with the general opinion that early in the new rear higher fig urea will be obtained, resulting proba bly from the fart that stocks of domes tic wools in eastern market* arc very light, aud such wools as still remain in the west are mostly held by farmers and second hands at extreme rates, with no indications <>f yielding before the near approach of the new dip; also that fvw, if any, orders have gone abroad for foreign wools, owing to the unrcmuncrative character of last sea son's operations." Henry P. Hughes $ Son, of London, in their circular of l>eoembir sth. 1H72, say: "If the present activity in the woolen district should continue to the commencement of the find saloa for the coming year wo may reasonably expect that stocks of colonial wool in tlie hands of both ilcalor* and manufacturer* will W considerably smaller than lias been witnessed for ninny years past. Wc an ticipate good prices throughout tho coming rear." Physician* In Sweden. One morning, says a letter writer, I went to call on a Swixliah acquaintance and found her doctor with her. He waa merely paying a complimentary visit, as his services were uot required. I learned that an arrangement is made with tha medical man ; a small sum of £5 or £fl a vcar contents him, nud for that ho attends tho whole family, liow r ver often they may happen to ne ill. The difficulty seems to bo to get hold <f him quickly en-High in an urgent caso ; fer if he ban gone on his rounds lie finishes every visit l>cfore he goes to tho now patient. A laily with whose relatives I wan slightly acquainted had a husband who had always very delicate health, and upon one occasion, when they were staying with her, he was seized with a" sharn attack connected with a heart complaint. They urged her to send at onoe for tho doctor, hut sho only usad some simple rr medio#, lecaiise she said he had juat dismissed her usual medical attendant and had made no fresh arrangement with any body else, so that sho could aot ask any one to pome to her assistance. A poor lady while I was there lost a child fr<an wrati-r on fclw hmin, and she sat by it for hours iu the moat terrible anxiety, waiting tho doctor's time for coming. To accustomed to command prompt advice in illness, HtocklwiJm, or, indeed, Sweden, would not seeia to bo a desirable plaeo to lo attacked in. To PRKVKNT LOCX-PKEINO. —One of the mont ingenious contrivances for pre venting loek-pieking is that invented in 1889, which causes the lock to o]>en at the timn to which the clock-work is set As, however, when once closed, these locks will not open, no matter how press ing the emergency, till the hour set, arid as s mistake in sotting them is easy made, and results In opening at unex pected and dangerous times, this deviee enn not be extensively applied. The only plan which acorns to afford security ngainst funking is to make the keyhole so small that so improper instrument can be introduced; and since the inven tion of nitro glycerine and dynamite, the safety of even this may 1> ques tioned, since they can blow the lock to pieces. Locks ami bars cannot preserve earthly riches, and in this fact lies a great lesson for the general reader. A Neat dwindle. Tho f dlowiug, from the Philadelphia Prrst, is interesting to all dealeiw iu jewelry " Tho other day, st about twelve'M., a carnage, elegant enough iu all ita appointments to be a private •' turnout,'" urove up to tlie dooY of one uf the large*! establishments on Chest uul street,not far from Tw-lfili,ainl from it descwUilrd s geuUeuuui, st least to all appcor.uuv, attired in the most fash ionable mauut-r. Sauntering iuaido with ail eaay grace, he rroueeteil U> sec some jewels, statiug that lie desired to make a large purchase, lie earned in his hand a handsome ease, or bag, which he deposited on the glass before the clerk who stepped forward to wait upon hm. lie was wry particular 111 hi* choice, but at last selected shout $2,000 worth of jewelry of various kiud# and style*. A* the clerk wa* about t* put tho numerous little boxes into one large receptacle the stranger said, 'Wait a moment; we can do better, and opeo uig hia case, which still remained ou the counter, he took from it and hand ed to the elerk a neat box with a k#y, sufficiently large to hold all his pur chases, Into this the clerk put the jewelry and handed it back to the cus tomer, who locked it, leaving the kay in the lock, and replaced it in tha bag, dosing the Utter. Then putting hia gloved hand into hi* breast pockety he cscbunted, in great surprise, " Well, bow forgetful I am 1 I have left my book and money at the boteL I must go back and get it Very careless of me, very. You will, of eourse, want to keep this. It wouldn't do to trust -an entire stranger with such valuables," and, ojteniug the bag, he again took out the little box and handed it to the elerk. " It's very annoying, but I will drive right to tha Continental, aud be bark iu a 14-w moments." With a few common place returnk the elegant gentleman return-*! to his carnage, and waa seen to drive sway in the direction of tlie Continental, taking with him the nice aud innocent little boy he had brought. They waited at tha store for bitn s long time to come back. In fact he haan'l co tar back yet. At last s light dawned upon the terrified clerk, and he reached for the beautiful little twx with the beautiful little key. " Oh, iu all right, of course," he Koped in spite of his suspicions. " Something has detained the gentleman, but I may m well make sure." He is sure now. The t/eautiful little box with the beautiful little key contained old worthies# iron padlock A No news of the thief. Every reader will see at once how the swindle was accomplished. The man hod two be**- tiful little boxes with two lwantiful little keys in that innocent little b*g. and of course gave the right one ( that is for buu ) to the clerk when he kit. C'rnrlty of India**. Referring to his perwonal experience of nuda. General L. U. Brewu. a reve nue officer in Texas, aaya: ** In July iaat a baud of Indiana came upon my ranch near the Ncucea. Two of my herdsmen t Mexican* t were in bathing when they discovered the approach of the Indiana One ran hardly ten feet Mora he was captured ; the other nut naked and barefoot over tha prickly pears and tin TH*, and gave tha alarm to the ranch The people at tlie ranch es caped, but the poor nuked Mexican waa caught by the savagca aud killed. Hia •ompanii'n lay trembling, hidden in tlie brush, w here lie could see and hear all that was going on, but did not dare to more." The eve-witness of the horri ble bitsineoa aaya thev flr*t tied tlie hands of the poor man behind his liack, then listened awhile to lua pleadings for life. Finally they apparently vield ed to his uileoiis requests and told him to run. A* be did ao a Kiekapoo aqnsw sent an arrow through his body. He lived but a short time. Within an hour, iii tlie same ueghl>orluxxl, five other Mexican shepherds were slain by those Indians, This raid afforded them veiy little l*x>tv. On the 2d of Xovemlwr last another raid waa made, in which they carried off Domingo, OIK- of the General'a Mexican shepherds, and Juauite Trevino, the wife of another shepherd, also a Mexi -n This time they had the ranch sur rounded Iwfore their presence was dis covered. The head shepherd. Sever iano, waa outside of the line, and, rMuig tip, discovered them. He shouted the alarm and fled, closely pursued. The husband nf .1 Manila saved himself by hiding. By this nud the robber* cap tured considerable property at the Gen eral's ranch, tin a previous expedition tb#y captured 90 horses at a neighbor ing ranch. Tho prisoners have never Wen heartl from. The General's ranch superintendent mustered his men, pur sued this party, and came in sight of them but could uot engage them. English Life. Tlie life of the English aristocracy ia different from what our people suppose. Iu the latter part of April they go into London for the "season," which lasts until August or September. This time of four or five months is spent in giving and attending dinners, parties, balls, and receptions, at which appear all the granil people of tlie realm, and distin guished literary and scientifio men are always pre* ut* This ia what might be called a useless, if not a wicked life. But with September there ia a change. A few mar then go to the Continent, but the great majority return to tlie country to remain for seven or eight months. Here really are their homes, rural, charming, and surrounded by every comfort. The pleasant autumn weather is enjoyed in forest and field, in orchard and in flower garden—there are beautiful drives to village, shire town, and conntrv-seata, and there are honored guests In every house. The care of the estate, the "welfare of the tenant* and de|*ndent friends, and the ganenU interests of tlie section and the county oocnpy much of the time, while strength and' health are acquired and maintained in frequent huntiug axonr aiou*. Thus it is to l>e seen that tho life and the dearest ties of the best families in England are connected with rural aflhirs and a proprietorship of tlie soil. The American idea is tliat the highest and beat life ia to l>e found in the city, r at, least iu a suburb, and that life iu the genuine country sur rounded liy country sights ami sound* is dull and to be despised. Perhaps we shall learn better some day, anil come to the ronelnslou that true gen tility and broad culture and tha hearti est enjoyment are to lie found remote from crowded thorough fares. Wo can understand from the English life how ao munv families have perpetuated them selves bir hundreds of years, thongh it is certainly true that much was due to the law of primogeniture by whiali real estate descended to tho oldest win. IMMIGRATION. —The Bureau of Sta tistics reports that the number of immi grants wno arrived in the United States during the quarter ending on tho 30th of September last, was 1*20,783 —of whom only 12,067 were skilled work man. Of the total number, 20,274 were under 15 years of agels and under 40 Kirs, 72,491; 10 and upward, 19,015. oo figures show that the great ma jority of the immigrants are children or young men and women—future citizens, "who are not too old to learn, nor inca pable of doing Hie work that is waiting for them. Term#: S'J.OO a Year, in .Advance hit Terrible Bflft* Ktaatla* au a Uk< Sparlor lit I.Uud WllkMl VIM*. A short time ago four Hhebandowan Slid explorers, named Thomas Wateon, <4.rge Fiaber, Edward Binder and Harry Zecb, started from a point ou the Canadian ahure, M-luw Thunder Hay, (o cross the lake to Isle Royal, The ice was snpj/osed to h three or four feet in thickueas, snd Uiey felt perfectly safe in undertaking the journey. Unfor tunately they made little or no proviaion for the trip," each supposing that the other had a t/kmtiful supply of bread aud pork in his pack. They leisurely walked a lons on their course until near night-fell, whea it wna proposed they shonld sup. On opening their sacks and spreading their blankets on the ioe, it was discovered that bot three of them had aay food whatever, and there three had but about four pounds of bread and a pound and a half uf boiled beef between them. However, they divided ap their stock and made a tolerable meal, expecting to reach their destination next morning. What wits left of their repast, consist ing of a slier- ef meat half en iueh thick aud about the sire of a man's hand aud, two amall loaves, was gathered np, and the four walked 00 their journey, the night being clear and the weather calm. Toward morning, however, one of them, George Fisher, gave out, and they eon eltided to take a rest. Ho they lay down, and after converting awhile fell aaleep. When they awoke the sun was shining brightlv, but there waa considerable wind blowing and the air waa piercingly cold. Pisher continuing t evince signs of illness the party resolved to retrace their steps, bnt on waiktng northward for some twenty mile*, U> their utter aMt<mtshment and dismay they discov ered that the ice cake on which they were waa surrounded by open water on all aides ; in fact, that "they were on an island of ice amne ten miles in ciretun ferenee, as nearly as they could judge. Fears for their safety how took pos session of them, and in their agony they cried aloud for relief. Bot no one heard their voice. Night was fast approaching and with it came a swifter and colder wind than that which had been blowing all day. Penned in as it were, and beyond the poaaibility of human aid, their mental sufferings were terrible, far they beheld death staring them in the face; but," added to there, came the pinching an guish ef hunger. Fisher, who had once been "cast away " on the ocean, and who appeared to be suffering from a raging fever, waa the only one at this stage of their exist ence who appeared to realize the neces sity of husbanding to the last what litUe they had in the way of eatables. He suggested that, aa there were fonrof them in a bad scrape, it would be right and proper that the bread and meat on one hand should be divided into four equal parts, and that each man should subdivide hi* allowance into six por tions which, if they used but ooe per tiou a day, would sustain life for uaaily a week. Hi* argument told on hia companion* in distress and they acquiesced. The bread and meat wa* therefore cut up into four parts and then each separated hia share into six moitie*. By mutual consent they resolved not to est any thing until next morning ; aud sorrow fullv they spread their blankets on tha cold ice and laid down. Worn oat with cold, hunger and fatigue, they soon fell into* sound slumber, from which they were aroused about day-light by the thuudrr-like sound caused by the crack ing of the ice. About It o'clock A m., this being the third day they were out, they ate tbesr " breakfast " "in silence, tha meal con sisting of about a mouthful of bread and a piece of beef about the sixc of a ten rent piece aud a* thin as a wafer. Their feelings, as they gazed at each other, can better be imagined than de scribed. They observed, on a close in spection, that "the maaa of ice on which they were was being moved northwest wardly, and their hope* revived. It was likewise getting colder, and they Itegan to feel assured the open apace between them and the main body of the ice would eoou freeze over. But these hopes were of short dura tion, for, during the approach of night, the wind veered around and biew their island westward. They were strong hearted men, though, and Fisher, who had become re*ted and whose fever had left him. cheered them on and roused them up. Indeed, hia courage was as tonishing under tha circumstance* and stood in bold contrast with the others who, without him, would have laid down and died from sheer liopeleaanea*. That day and the two following were spent in vain lamentations at the hard ness of their fate and wishes to be 00 shore, but no ahorc was within sight and the sun went down and darkness name upon them. On tiie morning of the sixth dar, Fisher, who may be said to be the only one among them who had ever before Itecn in real danger, suddenly threw his cap into the air. and astonished them bv yelling out " Land ho!" aa he point ed to the north wan 1. They all looked with strained eyes, and. sure enough, there it was aln/ut eight or ten miles off. They immediately started for it on the double-quick, and in about three or four hours stepped aahore at a point about six miles below a small stream emptying into the lake some ten miles oast of Pigeon river. Onae safe on land, the saved men liecame cheerful, and made their war down the lake to a but occupied by a half-breed trapper named Walla, who kindly furnish*! them with coffee and food. Tim JI'RT OtTtmox rx ENOLAXH. — The Attorney-Oenctal of England has brought forward in the House of Com mons the jury bill of feat session, but be proposes several important amend ments. It it proposed to reduce the number composing s jury to seven, in all except murder trials ; and no longer to require a unanimous verdict. An other part of the plan is to draw jurors from the class from which common ju ries are taken, and also from the special juries class, and to have & specified number of each in every iniy, at differ ent rates of pay. It is safe to say that this plan will network well; and indeed the whole subject is looked on with so much disfavor, although the second reading has already committed the House of Commons to the principle of tho bill, the prospect of its getting any further is very slight. LAXOCAOB AMONG ANIMALS.—M. Hou isesn maintains that not only does each group ef animals possess a language which is understood by other members of tho name group, but that they can learn to understand the language of other groups. His dog, for mstanoe, perfectly understood his poultry. Cocks and hens have one danger signal for the approach of s bird of prey, another frar that of a terrestrial animal, or for a man. When the latter was sounded, the dogs would rush out and bark, while to the former they paid no atten tion wlmtever. He therefore oonclndes that fowls have the power of expressing ■lightly different bnt closely allied ideas, and dogs can learn to understand these differences. NO. 14. A Kothsfhfld Nsfrtsg*. "" I internum yon some time nffo, write* , • London correspondent. that a tMft riage had been arranged OelteteM Mite Rothschild, the daughter of HlrjftJttwwy 4* Ifcitheehild, and the lion. Elite | Yorko, lb* younger #on of Win KmJ of Uifdmelu, and Etuwry fcu tii# Duke of Edinburgh. Tbe M;, wbo is twenty - , tun* year* old, although willing to marry * Christian, *n not willing to < hange her faith for a husband, rad H w*i arranged that thrra a boa 14 b* And a civil marriage and (baa another ut |b parub ebarcb of WnapoU, of, which a relative of the bridegroom m the rector. Bat some of the extreme ritualist* of. the RaUldiahxncttt took it Into their head# to spoil tlua arrangement, and 1 ther entered a caveat in the regwtff of Ely against tbe perforaanea of tb ceremony. This atop compelled the luahob to interdict nil the surrogatee from uwiM a Uomum for the wedding. Ho the civil marriagv waa all, a# waa supposed, which could be performed, and thla event took pine* at Aw offire*!. the registrar for tit* distriel In which the parties Itva, namely, Mount street, (Hoseerer aqnare. The bn4*st>"m waa accompanied by hi* younger Ivptliir. lbs Hon. Alexander York©, and by Lord Bovatou. With th* bride vm her father and mother, Hir A. and Rothschild, Lady Berringtmi, L*dv Ad nan*. Mrn MonU-fiere, and UrT O. Ooldamhl. All the abovs named signed tb* register. The wedded pair started for VVimjie, in OuabridgMhire, the seat of tbe Hurdwicke family, wfc#ii the ceremony. according to the aecwioe of the F.ngli*b Churob, waa to have been performed- Somairiageaeremony according to th# Jewish rite took plaeo at the bow* of the bride. At the laet moment a surprise awaited the happy couple, for a tekgraci wee received atating that the eavent had lieen withdrawn and that Hie arreted marriage could take place. On arrivum at Wimptle, therefore. th* bride and bridegroom and party proceeded from" 1 tbe ball to tbe cbureb along a carpeted arcade, overhang with evergreen* and llower*. Tbe church waa nimplj but tastefully decorated, and the eerviee waa condncted by the Horn, and Rev. drouth am York*, of the bride groom, aeaieted bv th* Rev. Edward LiddetL rector at Wtapolr. There were no bridesmaids, bat the bride groom, the Hon Eliot CorwiatiUn York©, waa attended by Lord Charts* Bva ford, and the company preaent ir nded the Earl and Countees of Hardwicke, Rothschild and Mm Oonatanee ICadnchiid. Baron Rothaehihi. Imdy Elisabeth .Adair. Horn Captain York*, R. S., and Mr*. York*, etc. Cattteg and Slaaklag. Tbe following oaec of brutal end cowardly aaaanlt ia given in a New 1 ore .paper. Three men entered a aaloon and Sdlcd for drink*. They were -erred. ' A aecond round waa deaifcaded and re -1 ceivrd, and wnen drank the leader an nounced to Cba aalo.m.k-. per. Sv-hmftt, that they did not propose to ptyfortfc. Hchmitt then iilifiH from Wluud the bar and aeixed one of them by the collar, whereupon be felled to the floor by the nngteudar, ' who dealt him a aulieroimllow (rem ' behind with a beer bottle, taying open bis aeelp and rendering hire ineemeiMe I lor a few eeoonda. While <m th. <W i the radian* began lucking hun about the bred and body, and would doubtleaa haTe made abort work of him had not hi* faithful wife hurried to hie aesietef 1 ance. But her coming **• for beraelf; for no vooner did abete tompt to puah the aooundroto awawfrere tbe pmetratc form of her hue band than one of them whipped out * large. mur " derowa looking ahreto knife and planned it into her back, just below the toft ahoulder-blade. Again and again did the fiend ply the deadly Meb bing tbe poor women in the toft breaet, and in the right ana near lb* elbow. She felL apparently hfeleea, to the door, and then the three butcher* agmn turned their undivided attention to her t husbeud, who bad by this time regained .xmaciouancaaand **d toluafeet One of them Uid hold of hi lefr ear with hit teeth, nor relimpiiahed km toddi till a portion of Hud member *££ I ered from it* owner'* head. Auotnw bit him on the hand and nearly tore to finger off. while the third contented 1 himself with pounding him en the hred , with beer glaeae# and bottJea. A neigh bor coming in waa aaeaaltod and eart ooaly cut and pouodod. and the rufflans in escaping aerionaly atabbed an inoi | fensive men on the sidewalk, and then J disappeared. A Brave Holiler. # I Among tbe many unrecorded acts of trof factiHMn (ittrifif? ***** ***• , find tbe followiag whir* ereae flPf-Vihr nee* ha* chronicled in th* Edgefield, S. C.. Adt'eriitmr: . 1 hinug a campaign in Tenneaaee, while a portion of the army wa# under a fearful fire of shell* from the enemy, at Campbell s station, a private, within a few feet of Hie colonel of hi* wwimeni, had both of hia leg* torn off The regi ment waa not fighting but waiting or der*. The wounded man waa lifted a couple of yards in the rear to die. An other private now marched down the line under a hail of missile*, and said to the commanding officer, "Colonel, mar I have a few moaaeaU of prayer with that dving man?" ■ The colo nel said, "Are you a clergyman ?" The ' private answered, "I am. " ''Then, sai l the colonel, "do *a you desire. And the man of God knelt ami prayed with and for the dying man five or tea minute*, without moving or awaying his body, seemingly totally unconscious of a storm of shot and shell, which, the colonel telle us, be never eaw surpassed in fury. In a few days the praying pi rate was announced in field orders aa chaplain ef the regiment—"promoted for gallantrv and piety on the field." The regiment was the Hampton Legion. The private soldier waa the Rev. Vf. M. ■ Thomas, now pastor of the Methodist cbnrche* of oar circuit, 9 * 0 . i- t( I'Uh Orementos. Brigham Young is now commencing to reaur.e something tangible from b matrimonial investment#. Th# anwi- ' veraaries of these marriages are com mencing to occur with astonishing fre quency. First there is a silver wedding, then n wooden wedding, and a tin wed ding, and then another silver wedding, and, adjoining, a glass wedding, ami then a tin weddiag again, and next night atill another silver wedding, and then a linen wedding, followed by a wooden wedding, which is snooebded by a glass wedding, and so on through the chapter. The effect on the Mor mons—the rank and file of the faithful —can well be imagined, but the brash in a ten-acre lot of marrowfat peas couldn't paint it. The treasury is de pleted. The temple itself ia warmed with three mortgage*, and even the Revelation bids fair to ascend the remit. It is no uncommon thing to vee S healthy Mormon skimming toward headquarters with a silver pitcher under one anant a coal-scuttle under tbe other, with a pleasingaseihtolent of glass and a, ware concealed t*3gto*t Mnf fW* (tovrtmment has cbntiiwtodtto wlllffirdk' ! its troops.■— fkttitufty -Vrih*. in* Um • ■ "H ' l ■- , gw " ' titw I Amadous has formally proclaimediia | resumption of Italian citizenship, lidw % f 1 - Chicago it still trhetber less beer would imprest# its on A new wrap is to b# lawwabd this spring. It i of. (MtohtolvA'ape. and called tbe Ohwddah. - Tl# iwtollectbf Uw En^swriftCtariidto feusM to I J turn wing r —t*h* draws dallg aMrsr to frfou? It k not adti.bto to go not of doors without anything on yon? MML'to iato society withool anything hi It- Men Wk aboui the idle whh bt the wind is always hu*y, snd lk# oheer ful farmer, whwtloa at its wor*. The season ftrfkeephtg ifiartre begins ' with -tbe firsed Sha psat. anil Arete P to about the firsl, week iTehraery, One firm In Icdianepotto to said to fihip one tboiuauid barrels of egg* Kaat erery week. . , The frost has penetrated the gnmnd deeper this winti r than it has for thirty *?■ If. *4: - mit A Wiaeooein woman lately pa* in Ui# "tovc when she went out yiwting, and when She fttmu home eh# kindled a fire and burnt it ap. Tka Maaaerhnrilti Lrmsletwre has given thp petitioner* for expunging the relation* cewmring ••# Hnmner lesve to wilhdvaw them. Why to a man who wakes additions to a fstoe ratuor kka on# who has con fidrereJ&i all that iatold hfm ' Because ' be re-nee en all that he '> It to aaid that' wore dmmpagn* drank to the Cnitod Bt*to* than in France, because much tmm Is made In tbe former 9mm to the latter coon-. 'Ofiß Ml - MHteit to.: Ml*wit MillL Tr has aunonsced her intention of suing Sptoin Oareu. for 150,(100 franca teethe wrinjful ex ecu tiouei her hoahtod during the Com- „ Wi ai' ■ . •; L , A Montreal man, in a fit of dranken tog# at hfa Wife, weto to the aemetery and mutilated > really monument aha had pUoad over the remain* of her firet J "'trga:rl bands of brigaads have appeared to the Fortofues* Indian col- arid are murdering the ii'i#l(itants and pinndMiig their IF. if fW J| O be W®lY trenguit. to apeak little todird wtohted tofitot are abao totolv nacnaaij If grandeur of mind SSoTPR" """" ftoffiebodv *oU • dealer to human ■ hair to Cleveland, 0,, soma hair that had bees cut fnu* toe head of a small pox patient, aiif! the dealer took the dfeeaae red died. We are on a perilous margin when we begto to look peerively at our future aefree, and eee our own figure* led with Hull euoaent Into insipid misdoing and i abahhy aehiawiwteot, A retired aetnaa* has been teaching elocution to Hie children In Canon CHtoi Srti-I toe old people declare that all toe youag folk* ae beeyoilliluJ ekeeye" and "the nobl* juk. rt , Ttoey have a judge in Kanaa* who fibed a lawvwr tor aatrtog ie trenail The Josh BiHmg* asrwc— 4 * Th kaat find imteuaimret laid down cm tin amp; it * r t tr umpaM aad go It bhud." t A Nevada paper sags thai the alkali which abound* in the Fl*r is ruinous tobretoand Iron machinery ia Gold HIA. ft is neeeaaary to replace atop ereka,.Titonhtt tewto tow tones a jear.' •* A Mr. Saredera, of Cambridgr. charged one Ibriid Nwholl*. ef Lowell, tolholiltteHfegtoteift>a( toping an of iMM- Mm tarn naif said hiihafn 1 to p*y tinOO) ibrfaishaatyiudg nmt,ref" w -I is ... The Carlist force* am mfitmated at from KMMO to 13,000. Their tactics are of Toonev. bat toe pi ■■■if are already weary oi the war. ) . beemae T*jEeiS&j* last veer in thdt phreial Seatch town, i rein fell on ue fewer than |KI day* out L of 361, the total depth being 36.15 inch c*. the largret rainfall on terord even in i that ndny <M*triet. wh> ■ ; fipater-Oasun hatoag -heard the fa ' mow* Fuller rejat eume yerere 'l3a scolding wife, was so delighted with them redo aak a repp. There ie i ire toLf reid Fuller, "as you have got the original. A Maesachnaetta pnblisbce a ato-v that a wemng hmtem man in Do ( *>-. H., courts to pay $30,000 to an old achool k mafhfcrsß Scridrebd iajmw done him in * boyish itestling atragglr fourteen y**r*ago „ e: According to the Atn< ncan Mannfac tnrv?. it is claimefiihil cche can be shipped from Pittsburgh b> Sheffield, England, at a profit oL one dollar per ton Even Hie shgg.a<m shows a re ; r There af# experts oh all manner of : .subjects in three dsys of Btigation. A ' woman tertified at Norwich, tbe other day, in a turkey mm red declared that ■barknaw thnne turkeys " bpfbeirwalk. their coma tea atooea, *ad topir manner of roosting. " She waa a shrewd observer of the ways of poultry. ; A eilir. si of Dayton, a, who is visit ing Eastern cities, writes home to the /oifrndt, from Philadelphia "There is just about as mueb difference be tween New Yrek and this piece, as there is UeSweew Daytom and * Jkme farm bouse. In fact, I think toe term-bouse would kava toe bent of if There have been IST arrests for mur der ia San I ranciaoo during the past twenty-two years, sixty-Seven of them in the "past four years. There have been, iifthe name time, onjy eleven ex ecufitms—eix dnring tbi peat four years. Fully a score of, murdere have been committed for which no arrests have been made. s Some one wrote an anonymous letter to Judge Poland, lute week, charging him with i'going easy" on certain Con ores&men. because they were Masons. Considering that he is aUmt the only old-ftehiouod, hard shelt; anti-Mwon left over ia Conggesa, the Judge thinks this decidedly funny. ' Dr. T. seat by mail a bottle of homeo pathic pellets *to a patient/ with the usual direction to the postmaster, "If uot taken return in ten days," printed on the corner of tjie envelope. He was not* liulc surprised to receive on the eleventh day, the half - empty bottle, > with npte (root the patient, saying that he hail returned them as requested, although they had: done hfm a great deal of good, and ha should have been glad to We taken them a little longer. Mr, Rotes G. Christian, of North Fenton, report* that a wyoden pail con taining about four inches of water wa* left 'standing, dnring one of tbe recent cold nights, in his kitchen, snd it was foufcd in the morning that tog water bad frteen in * very peculiar manner, an iteetohaving toe eentre and riaen taperingly to an even height with toe to* °f the P*il, being about half an lifehin diameter at the top, and about three mches in diameter at the bottom. h; Alois Peters, of Fhiladrlbhia, com mitted suicide by cnttAif his throat. Hi* wife teas at church atethe time. WlMfli she returned she found the door looked, and upon ad entrance being ef fected a loeWcif an a<loptod bey, wNb, by legal otians, was taken twna baarand given in charge of his mother.