TfctK CENTRE REPORTER THURSDAY MAR.*, I's LOCAL ITEMS. LOCAL KXWB.—Our Wends, every where, will oblige us by sending us local news of internal. .... e ,v ; I EXri.ATlO*,—The circulation of the RxroftTSA, on this side tha county. t larger than that of all other papers in the county. Business men wtU therefore 6nd this .me of the beat advertising mediums. We invite all interacted to come and in spect our list for themselves. REWTTALNM— AII monies A>r sub scription will be credited on thesubscri bor's addreea, sack week : by referring to which our patrons can at all times see; h.. w iheir accounts stand, and a receipt is by this system carried upon each copy ot the Prr. Public Snlee. Sale of Geo. Zeigler, Banner twp., fbrm stock, March 11th. Sale of L. J. Noll, Gregg twp.. March, 11th. -Daniel Hoy s sale, Gregg twp . March 18th. —Wm. Armagast's sale, near Church villa, March 14th. —Sale of Peter Klinefelter, dee d, near Madisonburg, 14th March -John P. Runkle s sale Centre Hill. March 19th,. —Sale of Philip Kemp, east of Old Fort March 25th. Jacob Froros sale, near Centre HaU v March 26th. —Dan'l Hosterman's sale, Haines twp., March, 12th. —Sale of Philip Yanada, dec d near Madisonburg, March9olb. XT OTICE —Notice is hereby given that I have appointed J. Z*LLB A >o*. Druggi-U, Bellefonte. Pa . my sole agents for the manufacture and sale ef Dr. A (r'reeiMS Liver f\Ut —kaown as /V. L (f-eme't Liter ISils, Not. 1 and 2. i Brown A Red.) Any boxes sold without my sig noture and trade mark "Dr. A. Greene t I.trrr PHI*, 1 are fraudulent. Jan. 22, 1878. K. M. D. In accordance with above notice, and to protect the public, each ana every box will hear on side sad bottom the name of J. ZSLLES A Sen. Sent by mail postage prepaid, on receipt of retail price 36 ru. for Nixl, eta. Ibr No. 1 Bee that the name is gelled properly, Da. K. G-a t t-x-i t Livna PILL*. No 1 or 2. Merchant* supplied *t usual whole**!* rate*. Address all orders to, J. ZKLLXR A SON. Druggists, No. 6 Broekerheff Row, lellefente. Pa. feb-.*7-4t. S#~Subtcriber* changing their pest-of fice address the coming spring, should not fail to give us due notice, se that the Re porter can be mtiled eeeerdingly. Im. —E. B. i/rwterman, teacher of the Earlvntown ncbool, tbia twp.. reports for the mouth ending Feb. 27, aa fol lows: Per cent. 87; number of Eupila in attendance, 37 ; ten of whom nve Dot rutmed a Jay during the montb, and five have not rained a day since school opened. —The PioegroYe ncbool, in Potter twp., F. F. Jameson, teacher, will bare an exhibition, this Thursday evening, 6th. —The Tuten Republican is two pegs ahead, it runs Vol. V, No. 6 Brown's Republican, same week, runs, Vol. V, No. 4. John B. Linn, of Bellefonte, is de puty secretaty of the Commonwealth under Hartranfi'aadminiatratioD. —Brown's Republican sticks fun at the Tuten Republican. "Two-ten" brothers is good. —The railroad from Lewiatown to Reedsviile, is blened with "stations" —the trains stop opposite every house along the line and in between. Some of the stations look so much like a W box on atilu, that if any kind of a box is accidentally left lie near enough to the track for the engine to see it the eld critter will come to a bait sure, thinking its a new "depot." —The Nunery, for March, has come, and nothing goea ahead of it to make the little folks glad. Please correct errors: Such are the closing words of individuals who aspire to write for the preee, savs an exchange. At the very last hour, when the paper ia nearly filled and ready to go to press, the pointless ex udations of some disturbed braio, cov ering a sheet of foolscap with uoar ranged hieroglyphics, are thrust upon the editor with the emphatic injunc tion : "Don't fail to publirh this week, and correct all errors, as it was care lessly written." JNow we will say onre for all, that we are grateful for well prepared and well written com munications. But those of a different character are simply used for wsste. No person should do anything care lessly—least of all should be assume carelessly to instruct the public through the praaa. He may write brief items of news; crop prospects, and suggestions which involve the public interest—these we are alwavs 'glad to receiva from farmers and oth ers, and mould into shape, and send forth to the public. But when an in dividual takaa up the pen of an essay ist, be should guide it with care and judgement. JUDGE MA TH.—WS are sorry to leitra of ths continued indisposition of this gentleman. The Cliutou Demo crat of last week aaya: "Court ad journed over lastTnorsday until Mon day, on account of the indisposistion ot Judge Mayer, who bad not been able to resume his duties at the time of go ing to press, though be is much hotter, sufficiently recovered to go out if tbe weather had been favorable. His Honor Judge Gamble came on Mon day and in the afternoon opened Court, and he has since been presiding." Both houaea of Congress were in session all day on Sunday, 2nd. Presi dent Grant was inaugurated on Tues day. EXTERMINATING THE APACHES. San Franciaco, Feb. 27.—Advices from Arizona to Feb. 18, state that Lieut. Michler of the sth Cavalry fought the Apaches Jan. 22, at Tonte Creek, killing 17 warriors ; one soldier, George Hooker, was killed. On tbe 19th of January Capt. Price had a light near Verde, killing five Apaches. Gen. Crook arrived at head quarters Feb. 16, having been absent three months. Washington, Feb. 28.—A resolution im peaching Judge Delahy of Kansas was re ported to the House by Mr. Butler to day, and passed without opposition after the reading of a few extracts from the testi mony taken by the Judiciary Committee, showing Delahay's habitual drunkenness and unseemly conduct on the bench. The Carlist War in Spain. Paris, Feb. 28 —Le Temps baa a dis patch from Bayonne stating that Don Car lot, after staying a few days in Spain, re crossed tbe frontier en tbe 24th ult,, and is now at some point naar Bayenne. Fam ilies continue to fly from "pain in large numbers. A vessel crowded with refugees arrrived at Port Vendres. Snow fell to a great depth on Thursday in the North of France. The railways were blocked and the mailt to and from England delayed. Tbe Louisiana bill" was defeated in the Senate, and fears of aeriooa trouble are en tertained. Senator Peneroy is likely to be .Messrs. Carey A Shnure, proprie tors of the A/aine sawmill of this place were the owners of shout 20.000 sores of limhrrlatxl lying along Peon's Creek at or near the line of Union and Centre counties. They lately disposed of 2,000 acres to Afolx Bro., and the balance of the tract they have sold conditionally to a party often or twelve Lcwisburgers, for the sum of $60,000. The land has iron ore upon it, and the L. C. A 8. C. Railroad |iA. ... lOB Worth 28 64 Total 1668 8001 1688 Majority.. .1434 HARRIS TWP. The following officers wore elected in Harris twp., on 21st ult: Supervisors, Peter Koon, Geo. Kline. Justice of Peace, Joseph Peters. School Directors, llobt. M'rariaue' Overseers, John Bricker, Km tin. Wolf. Auditor, W. M'Farlane. TownclerL, J. G. Irvin. Assessor, .Adam Hess. Constable, Arm strong Jacobs. Inspectors, W. W. Leach, Thomas Riley. Penn twp. elected the following local officers on 21>t ult: Judge, Sebastan Mus- r; Inspectors, Jesse Kreauier, Mich. Kerstetter; Auditor John Kerstetter ; Towneierk, Henry Bol linger; Constable, John 11. Auman ; Ov erseers of Poor, David Krtie, Elias Lose; School Director*, Jacob Alter*, H. U Weiser ; Supervisors, Elias Kreamer, 1) A. Musser. —The following is a list of local officers of Haines twp., elected on 21st ult: Supervisors, Jacob Bower, sr., Daniel Vonada ; School Director?, Jerry Winkel blech, Jesse Wert; Overseers of Poor, -M D. Weaver, Mich. Fiedler; Judge. A. F Winkelblech; Inspectors, B F. Burd.Corn. Bower ; Auditor, Josh. Van Ormer; As sessor, Sol. Ettinger; Townclerk, J. W. Ku>se'.; Constable, John Ketner. —Fierce storm and low thermometer reigned this week. The road* are difficult to travel in seme localities on account of the great snow-drifts. —lf a mad dog bites a man in his artifi cial leg, will the man take hydrophobia ? If the Loop debating society is still kept up, let them debate this and send us the decision. ' —Four families are about to leave this section for Virginia, natnly, George and Wm. Ziegler of Brushralley and Me sr* George Jameson and And. Smith, of Gregg. May prcsperity attend them in the old "mother of Presidents." —Not Laving any locals this week, we'l bait our hoek to catch gudgeons. Here's an eddy, and we'll throw in, the batt "don't cost nothing:" Jim Fish. Mackerelvilc's principal mer chant sanctomed us the other day. Thank you, call again. Pat Candy, the most enterprising citizen of Minstickville and its leading democrat, looked at us through the win dow as he passed our office the other day. Glad to see him. Higher honors await him. Green Horn, the foremost citizen and principal merchant of Seftville. called on us just as we go to press, we are to much overcome to express our felling*. Call of ten. For the Reporter. TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. Selinsgrove, Feb. 28th, lffT3. At a meeting ofthe members ofThe The ological class of the Missionary Institute, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted : j Vlhereaf, It has pleased our heavenly Father, in His all wist- providence, to sud denly and unexpectedly "remove from our midst, by death, Mrs. Annie Leitxell, and whereas her husband, Mr. D W. Leitxell, is a senior member of our class, therefore. Resolred, That wo the members of the theological class of the Miss. Institute hereby express our sincere sympathy and heartfelt condolence with this our brother and classmate in his sad bereavement and irreparable loss, as also with the parent* and friends who now mourn the loss of one whom they loved, and who was so unex pectedly and suddenly taken from them. Retolted, That in ber death, her hus band has been deprived of a kind, amiable, and loving wife; hei children of a pious and affectionate mother; her parents, brothers and sisters of a much beloved daughter and sister; her friend- and neigh bors of a worthy and exemplary associate, and the church of a sincere, concistent member. JUtohud, That while our hearts are sad dened by tbis event, and a gloom is cast over our school and neighborhood, we are not unmindful that God doelh all things well and that it becoms us, therefore, humbly to submit to His will, feeling as sured that she is hHppy in the possession of a mansion in our Father's house above. Rexoleed, That we in accordance with the principles of our religion, assist in de fraying the funeral expenses incured by this sad death. Remitted, That we commend these who mourn her loss, and especially her three little surviving children, to the care and keeping of our heavenly Parent, who has promised to be a Father to the fatherless and never to leave nor forsake those who put their trust in liitn. Resolved, That a copy of this preamble and resolution be published in the Amer ican Lutheran; Lutheran Observer, and the local papers of Centre county. H. F. LOKO, I). A. DAY, D. 8. LBSTZ. Com. And now, since the Credit Mobilier scandal has ended and somo of the fellows have been nicely whitewashed, the next thing on the carpet is the impeachment of two radical U. S. Judgos, Judge Dela bay of Kansas, and Judge Sherman, of Ohio, a brother of Senator John Sherman. The radical party should not bo called the "great unwashed" but the great white washed U. S. vs. Thomas Barret indicted for openinsr a letter addressed to another per •ou. The jury found a verdict of guilty, and defendant was sentenced to py fine of five hundred dollars, and undergo ah imprisonment in the Western Penitentia ry of twelve nfcrcfto. DEATHS. On Feb. 16, in Hoalsburg. Mr. Wilson, wife of Samuel Wilson, ago 77 years. On Feb.. 8. in Shingle!on, Nicholas Straw, age 80 year*, ll months nmt IT days. On Feb. I, In Harris town.hip, Henry llartswhich, aged *Byears. At Pins Grove Mills, Mi> t.idi# l.yi|a, j aged 64 years. tin Ut inst., near Anmnsburg, Freddy, son ofCha Hower, aged I years, i and 10 months MAK HI At IKS On 'JO ult . Calvan F Yenriok >I Jaok-, •oltvilie and Margaret Shatter, of Madison burg On the 4th inst,, at the residence f Mr James Furey, in Bollefbnte, by llev. J. Keller Miller, Mr Hiram* l Hotter audi Mi.sSaleua Cllne, both of Hellefonte. At the Bingham House, in Philedelpia, on the 26th September, lb.'J, by Hev Or. Alexander Heed, Hon. James M Brown to Mrs. Klisabeth M Alexander, lortnerly of Centre Hall, both of Armagh township, it i It! in county. On :UHh of Jan. at the Reformed Parson age, Rabersburg by Hex Win. M Je. Mr. Jacob it llase': to Mi s Fernanda Yoarick, both of near Madisonburg. A EDITOR'S M KITING There will be a meeting of liie Aud itors of Potter township held at the Old Fort on Monday, March 24ih at 8 o'clock, a m., for the purpose of Auditing the ac counts of the Overseer, of Poor an.l Itoad Supervisors. All persons interested are 1 requested to attend J D Ml'KB AY", W \V LOVK. JAMES M CLINTIC. W A KSKR, Auditvrt. Tlies (Jerk. marti.4t 1)1' ItI.IC SALE.— Will be sold, at the residence of the undersigned near Centre Hail, Ou Wednesday, March 20, at 12 a. ut. 2 Horse*. 6 Cows. 10 Head young Cattle. 8 Hogs, 1 large Road Wagon with Bod and Cover. 2 plantation Wagon* with ladders, and the one broad wheel, I broad wheel 2 Horse Wagon, 1 Bob .led, Hay rako. Threshing Machine and Power, Graindrill, Cornplanter, Cornscraper, Flow*. Har rows, Cultivators, Patent Hiyhook, all kiuds of Horse gears, Chains, Spreads, Forks, Kake*, Windmill, and many other articles too numerous to mention JACOB FROM A GREAT DISCOVERY Prol. Wm P. Clark has recently discov ered thu greatest remedy ever known for the prevention and permanent cure of self-abuse. Never (ail*. His unbounded success in the treatment of all sexual di seases it so universally known as to need no comment Describe symptoms, and ad vice and medicine w ill be sent to any ad dress in sealed package, on receipt of #2, i no publicity, no consultation Ire*. Ad-, dress. Prof. WM. V CLARK, So 185 South 6th St , Philadelphia. mar6,3t D. M. RJTTKNHOUSK, WITH KOO>*. Ndlß Alt/, A t o. WHOLK4ALK DK.XLKK.S IN Fish, Cheese and Provisions, 144 North Delaware Avenue, IJ7 North Water Street, PIULADKLrtIiA. P. A Kooßs. U. ScsviU J Iksvoi mar 6 ly. PUBLIC SALS.—WiII b< -old at resi dence f the undersigned, near Centre Ilill, on Wednesday, March l'Ah, at 10 o'clock 2 horse-. 2 breeding roar**, 1 2 yearling and 1 one-yearling colt, 4 milch. Cows, 4 head of young cattle, a lot at sheep Hog*. 1 graindrill. Hsyrake. 1 4-horse wa-i gon. 1 two horse wagon, buggy, 2-hor-e sled, plow, harrow*, cultivator*, con plan ter, horsegeara, household furniture, uch a* bed*, bedstead*, tables, chairs, meat vessels, and many other articles too nu merous to mention. feb 27. JOHN P. RUNKF.L. DISSOLUTION.—^ The partnership hereto fore between the undersigned in the trade carried on in Shelving, Reaper-grinding. Lightningrods, and Livestock, ha* been mutually dissolved. All accounts to be settled with I>. K Gei*. to whom all who know themselve* indebted, will please ap ply toon. D. K GKISS, frfeb at. D.C.KELLER. Centre Hull. "PCBLIC SALE w beaoMatpab* JT lie Sale, at the residence of the sub scriber. about 3 miles et o! Old Fort, on 25 of March at 10o'clock. Horse*, Co<**, Voung cattle end Calves, South I' wn Sheep, Shoals, Buckeye Reaper and Mow er, Tnre*hing Machine with Shaker and Strap, Cornsheller, Corn planter. Corn scraper, Cornplow, new Plantation Wag on with bed, I 8-bor*e Plow. Spring wag on, Buggy, Plows, Harrows, Cultivator*, Hayrake.llayfork with Rope and Pulleys,! forks, rakes double tree-, single trees, fifth chains, log chains, wheelbarrow. Rolling screen. 1 ten plate stove. Uorse gears. Sin gle Harness, double Harness, and Tugr; Harness. feb2o PHILIP KEMP. ThUBLIC SALE A. Will bo sold, at Public Sale, at the late residence of Peter Klinefelter, dee d. Near Madisonburg, on Friday, March, 14th, at 10 o'clock. 5 Horses, 5 Cows, 10 Head of Voung Cattle, 1 Excelsior Reaper and Mower, al most new, 1 Buggy. 1 Spring wagon, 1 Sleigh. 1 Bob Slei, 1 Log Sled. 2 Planta tion Wagons, Cornplanter, Grain Drill. 1 Fanning Mill, Shaker A Strap, HayropeA Putties. Hay rake. Plow*, Cultivators, Wood and Hayladdeos, 2 setts Harness, let of Horsegcnr*, Ac. Also : Household Furniture, 1 Cookstove. Cupboard, Chests, Chairs, Beds and Bed-lead*. Iron Kettle and many other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS of sale will he made known on day of sale, by SAM' I, GUAM LEY, 11. G. Cosakß, Executor. Auctioneer. SETTLEMENT —N. 11.-Tho 15th of March, day after sale, ha* been fixed upon for making settlement of accounts with above estate, when all persons inlere-ted are requested to attend. SAM L GUAM LEY, 30jn Executor OUBUC SALE X Will be sold at public sale, at the residence of the subscriber one mile west' of Pleasant Gap. In Benner Twp , On Tuesday March, 11th, 1873.- 3 head of Work Ilor-es, 1 yearling Colt, 5 Milch' Cows, 6 head young Cattle, one being an Aldernev Bull, IS Sheep, 1 two horse wagon, 2 horse sled, 1 tiny rnke. Plows, Harrows, 2 setts Tug harness, Bri dles, Collar*. Sett of May ladders, double trees, Spreads, &c. Sale to commence at 10o'cltck on said dav when terms will be made known by GEORGE ZIKGLRK. PUB LICSALE. —Will bo sold at pub lic sale, at the residence of the subscri ber, in Potter twp , near Churchville, On Friday, March 14th, at 10 o'clock. Two horses, 5 cows, 10 head young cat tle, 1 Excelsior reaper. 1 Haines horse power, machine and shaker. 1 self-dis charging rake, 1 four-horse wagon, I two horse sled, 1 log sled, 1 fanning mill, 1 Centre Hall cornplanter. 1 corn scraper, 2 double shovel plows, harrows, cultiva tors, 1 large roller, 2 pair hay ladders, horse gears, log chains, hay fork, rope ana pulleys, bay by the ton, 1 II ithuwuy cook stove, 1 parlor coal stove, and many oth er articles too numerous to mention. feblS WM AKMAG A ST. NEW HARDARWE STORE MILLHEIM Pa. W. J. MCMANIOAL of Milroy has Start ed a branch Store in Millheim where he intends keeping a full line of Hardware and Cutlery, I RON, HAILS, OILS, PAINTS, VAKNIHIIES, GLASS AND PUTTY, also a full line of Wallpapers and Borders The Store will be in the charge of his clev er and obliging clerk James Montgomery. Outre County, Farmers, Mechanics and others call and examine goods, and compare prices—Jim is a clever fellow and will ao all in his power to accommo date you. ALSO: Do not forget THE STAND AT MILROY,| where you will always find a full Stock to select from and prices to Suit tho times. Being very thankful for the pntrouagc and many favorishown me by iny Centre county friends", I; still solicit their patron age and I will guarantee-to give satisfac tion in every way-Goods will sold very cioaeJdr.casb/ V J. M MANIGAL. Spicy Debate. From the proceeding* of Coagreee February 23, we extract the follow. ing, the subject beiug the increase ol j salaries: Mr. Stevenson I believe that If all ths ! present member* of the House were turned j out, daughter 1 we could not oa the aver jago do a* well at our businea* as we are | doing here, 110 declared that the salaries [ paid by the Government were suSleient to secure the service* of good and pre per men. 110 was satisfied with hi* present | salary. Mr. Dickey Speak foryeurself. .Mr. Stevenson (vehemently)—-I will .peak for myself and you, too. 1 believe Uis enough for you. (Laughter.) I be lieve it is . All You Are Worth. (Laughter.) 1 would uol hire you far the balance of your life at that rate. (Loud l.aiighler.) Mr Dickey You never made $4,000 In i our life outside of yeur salary as a mem ber of Congress. Mr. Stephenson—l have mad* SIOO,OOO in a tingle case, and 1 doubt if the gentle men ever did the tike. Mr. Dickey—Then you fooled yeur cli ent. i. Laughter.) Sense aud Nodmom. Mr. Stephenson—l do not know why the gentleman from Pennsylvania sndeaiors to inject nonsense into everything in this House. (Laughter.) Mr. Dickey—l should like to inject seme sense into the gentlemen from Ohio. (Laughter.) Mr. Stevenson—The gentleman might j engraft some sense in me, if he had any himself. It I could buy the gentleman at : what tic is really worth, and sell him again it what he thinks he is worth, I never would need any salary from Coagreas. ', Laughter) Mr. Hoar made the point af order that | this debate was unworthy of the character of the House, and ought not to he permit ted to proceed. The Chairman sustained the poial of or der. NEW ORLEANS. A Great Fire--Si* Square* Burned— Two Hundred Families Homeless. New Orleans. February *7.—A tre in the Third hington avenue. About two hundred houses and their contenu were consumed. The buildings were mostly frame dwell ings. The De Soto school houee wax also destroyed. Scarcity of water prevented the firemen from Joins effective xervice. A high wind alto prevailed. Lexx estima ted at $260,000. Insurance unknown. About two hundred families are leftbome lex LOCAL Orrtox.— The Breokville (Jeffer son county) Republican of the 12th xeyt: Soino excitement wax occasioned on Monday by the pieconccrted action of the hotel proprietors of our place in raising the price of accomodation to about double their usual rate*. To offset this action of the hotel men the temperance and aati liccnse men met and made arrangements toacoomin*date those attending court in private lamilies at one dollar per day, and so advertised by printed posters. To carry out their detcrmiualien a list of thoee will ing to throw oprn their houses was made, and as the peopta came in they were as signed places by a Committee of Arrange ments. As we write this subject is near ly the entire topic of conversation, and not the best feeling that could be wished for is entertained. JUDGE SHERMAN'S CASE. Iliii Impeachment Kecomtneudad by the Judiciary Committee. Washington, Jan. 20.—The House Way* and Meant Committee to day decided to recommend to the Judiciary Committee the impeachment of the United State* Judge Chariot T. Sherman of the North ern Dittrict of Ohio for hi* course in the matter of demanding SIO,OOO for alleged •ervice in procuring legitlalioa favorable to the bankt and ttock-dealer*. The tetlimony of Mettrt Colgate, Leek wood, and other*, member* of the New York Stock Exchange, will be certiled to the Judicary Committee, but there it net sufficient time to try a cat# ot impeach ment and it it probable that fudge Sher man, together with United Stale* Judge Mark Dclahay of Kansas, will retifh be fore the next tettion of Congrea*. FARMER* READ Tuia. The superior Reaper .V Mower, is a candidate for favor, to which tho attention of Centre county farmer* i called. The Superior is manu factured in Wheeling, W. Va., and ha* met a large tale, and obtained many high recommendation* in Ohio, and otharetate*. Thit machine ditpentee with cog-geariag and all unnecoatary trap* with which many other machine* are aflicted , it ia timple in conttruclien, ttrong and durable, ! eatily managed, and light draught. The Superior it fully warranted to do lie work right, or no tale. Mr. John II Odenkirk, of the Old Fort, it agent for Centra county for the Supe rior, and persons withing a Mower A Reap er, hud better call on him before purchas ing another. 80 jaa. N r OTI'E.—To owner* of unseated land* and their agent* in Centre county. There will be an appeal held at the oSce of the Conimi**ioner* of tsid County in BeIUC fonte, on the 12th day of March for all the township* in IVnntvalley : on the IS for all the tnwnthip* in Bald Eagle valley ; on the 14th for all the townhip* of Snow Shoe, Burntide. Ruth ; and alte Nittany valley, fur tie ailjuttment of all rate* ana line* on .ueh land* in *nid County. A* after that •lain there will be no appeal*. All who ! lee! interested in the above will please take notice. Attest, llr Osbxior CoMMiuiorm ! WM. FU RY. Clerk. fob 20 1 EXPENDITURES OF CENTRE ; COUNTY, A. D. 1872. , Auditor's and clerk* pay -...$ 102 00 , Commissioner John Bing balance $69 10 do J G San key 208 00 do 8 F Foster 892 47 do ACUinton.. 60 00 do Jos McCleskey 670 00 Wm Furey, Corns elk - 850 68 | J S Parsons, t:ptave ... 64 00 Kartrnm Galhraith, janit0r........... 294 76 Sheriff D W Wood ring 2 016 26 Common wealth cost* 1 966 901 Premium of Scalps 48190 K<>ad views, bridges and damages 1 426 6*l Grand and traverse jurors pay 2 924 90 Constable pay 78616 Assessors pay 1 801 00 Registration 614 60 Election expen*e 2 181 86 Inquisition on dead bodies 424 94 Slate Lunatic Asylum 896 86 OrvD and Alexander 80000 Jury Commissioner* 92 76 County tax refunded 167 70 P 0 Meek, printing, bal. 70 A '7l 672 80 R B Bargor A Co " 618 00 Fred Kurtr. " 202 00 P D Stover " 476 44 Insurance of public buildings 249 94 Stationery A books, John Moran. 106 26 " WFMurph*/. 40 00 D K Kortney, auditing account.... 8600 R M Magee, County Institute 129 66 Eiias Grove, carpenter work 98 80 Brown A White, pluming in Jail- 78 60 Ed Brown *' " 10 66 Geo O' Bryan, furniture . 6176 Noll&Derr Plastering 62 78 Kobl Mcknight, gas 264 2$ Jno M'Dermont, ft. al 78 80 J D Shugcrt, agl society 200 00 Premium on duplicates 66 00 Kay A Brother, Purdon's digest... 6 00 A B Henderson, -court reporter... 9000 JasH Rankin " ... 1000 J F Kipley, map of Penna 4 60 CHa* M'Csfforty, jsil roof-.. ■ 41 96 Western Penitentiary 241 61 Bart (Inlhraith, ezpenseon clock. 60 00 W J Kealsb, indexing A auditing 129 07 ISS'iWa-sw US J P Gonhart, deeds B <)u J A J Harris, rl at. hardware 40 K , Wm r Mitchell map Curtin twp. MOO Jno M'Clesky, expense* In lNl'g. IJJJ 'jJnoß Mallory smithing . 3AM rf Win K Shope, repair* in jail - 64 IBj Nor* M Calmer, washing *) 83 Jw 11 Dobbins, attending prison'* 13 U) W H Wilkison, boarding Jurois. 68 AO D Johnson A Hon* " " 7W l**t J Lonbergsr, stove* and repairing 2#7>> David Treastar Potter tp fire* ... 11625 M Kunkle, cleaning guitar* 10 50 Adams Express 805 S**l*rn Penitentiary 244 "t Jot Defiling, surveying 1000 David M'Ctoekey, Curtin twp Ore 84 Ma- 826,13 $•46,17 IMS A Snyder. Bellefonte 76.61 A Jones Phllippburg .. 95.48 Win Askey Burnstde.. 66,16 Jno Pownell Bgfr*. 167.00 J Hoeterman Haines 447,38 Wm Creae Hall moon 68.'>4 1884 D F Fortney (a! Belle tonte 1412.62 J M Bush Palton 95, W D H Yeager Snow Sboe 1C6.44 D Hosterman Haines ... 223,03 John Bechdol Liberty 104,78 2,407.76 1870 Daniel Dorr (a) Boile fonle 486,63 John Holler Boggt. 291,80 Sam'l Brickley How ard - .... 93.67 Jamtt P Smith Penn— 3Gt,M 11 Carton (b) Belle (onte 894.49 E Hunter Philiptburg 1u,64 A J Hatainger Banner 392,32 J 8 M Corwuck tc) Fer ton 030.40 John Minicb Greg*..... 4W.98 John Ward (el Half Moon 296.40 Sau l Brickley How ard 240.79 J H McCnnley (a Ma rion - 007,2$ Joteph Crotaer Potter 86,16 J ame* Gale* Snow Shoe - m.u Joteph Shaffer Walker ®W 01 $4,075,40 1872 Chat Brown (a) Belle font* - 1,792.00 K H Carr (a) Milesburg 270,81 Wm Kiddie* Philipt burg - 018,81 Conrand Deihl Howard 156,68 Joseph Steer (a) Union vine - 129 Tbo* Marchail (a- Hen ner 1248.0$ J C Walker (a) Boggt... 791.89 Wm While burntide... 231.58 Jno M'Cloakey (n) Cur tin 214.38 Rob'tG Brett (a) Per ruton 2146,47 8 Heit* (n) Gregg 20U1.48 Geo. Miller (a' llaine*..! 611.99 H J Gate* ini Half moon 632,97 i Sam'l Gilland jauSQ 73 MBee and yard near South ead ef the BELLEFONTIM ARKETB. Corrected by C. D. Keller. White (Vheatll.bft. Red 1W.... Rve—. 74 Cot a4O ....Oau 40. ...... Barley 40. 70 Clo/erseed 4.00 ......Potatoes 46. Lard per pound 7 Pork per poundOO Butter 8U Kgg* 80 Plaster per ton sl4 Tallow 4 BacoaS HIM 11 LKWISTOWN MARKETS White wheat 1,46 Rsd wheal 1,80. .. Ryr 70 Corn 40 OaU 86...... Barley 40— <' Timothy teed, 460........ Kelt 3 60 per sack —■ Baron 10c Ham 16 Buttei 84... Xgg* 86 Piaster 4 60 Administrators notice. - Letter* of Admiiiitlralicn oa the ee tale of Joha C M'Minn, late el PeUer township, Centre county. Pa., dac d, have boon granted to the undersigned, residing in said township, to whom all person* in debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, end those having claims or demands, will present the same duly authenticated for settlement JANES M'MINN AARON LUCKKNBACH. reboot Admrs Miners* Hospital GRAND GIFT CONCERT I TO R8 MEL-D AT ! SHOEMAKER'S OPERA HOUSE, 1 Shenandoah, Schuylkill Ck., iVx, WEDNESDAY, MAR. 26, '73. $1603)00 lu.Vnlunble GIFTS to be Given Awty , ONE tUXD CartTAL at FT OV $15,000 in AMERICAN GOLD. Two Grand Capitol UilU of $6,000 anch in Greenbacks. Whole number uf pree enu H.OOU Tax Ascaxa — G. A. Herring, Treasurer Seh. County, Pa. By psrmission we publiah the lellowing gentlemen as reference*: George G. Jacoby, Esq , Chief Burgee* of .Shenandoah : J B McCamant, Cashier, ■Shenandoah Valley Bank ; Wm. Grant, of Lee, Grant A Co., Shenandoah f J. Wes ley, superintendent Thompson Coal Co.. Shenandoah; Owe. U Parrish, General SupcrinUndent Wilkasharra Goal A Iron Co. ; Tbo*. Cassidy, superintendent of Bu gar-Notch Colieriai; James Gf ®ih, min ing superintendent of Empire Mines, Milksibim: Col. J. J. Conner, Potta ville; Hon Wm. M Kendall, Schuylkill Haven; Dr Thomas Wren, Esq., rotts ville; Capl J K. Helms. Schuylkill Ha ven; Daniel Barlew. Esq.. Mehanoy City ; JAM Passmote. Esq., Pottevilla; John Ssney, Pre* of M A L Bit of Schuylkill county and Dr. A P Carr of St Clair, Pa. AGENTS WANTED U sell ticket*. U whom a liberal coo*mission will he paid. Single Tickets, $1,00; five Ucketa, $4,60; 'ten tickets, $4.00. Send fer programmes All communica tions must he addressed to G R. SHAFFER. Bussasss Jfeaagrr; Box 601, Shenandoah, Schuylkill Co., re. C.PECR'S New Coach, Ma n 11 factory * CENTRE HALL, FA. The undersigned has opened a new es tablishment, at bis new ebope, for the manufacture of Carriages, Buggies, A. Spring Wagons, SLUAAE A*O SLES*. PLAIX AJD FAKCT of every deecripUon . All "vehicles manufactured by him are warranted to render satisfaction, and as equal to any work done elsewhere. lie uses none but the beet material, sad employs the most skillful workmen. Hence they flatter themselves that lhair work can not be excelled for durability and finish. Orders from a distance promptly attend ed to. Come and examine my work before contracting elsewhere. PRICES REASONABLE, All kiodaof Keparmg dona. THE ONLY PLACE TO BUY good Boots df Shoes. BURNSIDX A THOMAS Have joat received 60 caaee of Boota and Shoes. BURNSIDX * THOMAS : Sell the cheapest and beat Boots and Shoes. BURNSIDX A THOMAS Are the only one* in Centre 00. that have Lester Bro'a A Co., Boots A Shoea Lester Bro's A Co., Boots and Shoes are warranted. BURNSIDX A THOMAS Sell them at Cash prices. BURNBIDXA THOMAS Boots and Shoes never leak or crack. BURNSIDX A THOMAS Boots and Shoes alwayi give satisfac tion Thousands in this county and out of it have tried these Boots A Shoes. They have been tested and tried for 15 years and always hava given Extra satisfaction. If you want to save doctor bills buy your Boots and Shoes from Burnside A Thomas, You can buy the best articles of To bacco and cigars at half priea at Burnsidee A Thomas. The reason you can get such bargains at Burnside A Thomas, tbey tell for CASH. N E PLUS ULTRA. No Better Place! The subscriber ia just receiving from th* eastern citiea a Full Stock of FALL and WINTXR uOODS which ba has determined to sell very cheap, consisting of DRY GOODS and Prints, Muslins, Opera Cantons, and Woll Flannels. Ladies Dress Goods, such a* Detains, Alpacas, Poplins, Kmpreat Cloth. Sateens, Tameise, together with a Rill stock of everything usually kept in the Dry Goods Una. NOTIONS: A full stock, consisting part of Ladies and Children's Merino Hose, Collars, Kid gloves, best quality silk and Lisle thread Gloves, Hoods, Nubias, Break fait shawls, Ac. HATS & CAPS, A full assortment of Men's Boy's and Children's of the latest style and best CLOTHING, Beady made, a choice selection of Men's and Boy's of the newest styles and mod 'serviceable material*. BOOTS & SHOES, WM. WOLF. . RYNDER'S MUSIC STORE, I 11 1 LOCK HAVEN, PA. Tb proprietor of Rymlcr* Music Hiore desire* locnll the attention of the people of Centre county, to the fact that they Can Save Money by purchasing their musical instruments ot Kyuder'a Music Btort. We are selling Double Reed, Six Stop, Five Octavo Organs, at .$l4O, (.superior in tons and finuh, to those that are hawked aud peddled throughout the country at 1175 to $200.) Tbete we warrant fur fire year*. We giee any reasonable credit desired to responsible parties. We beg leave to call your attention to the following instruments, sold in Pennsyaliey this year, which yon would de well to examine before purchasing elsewhere : CENTRE HALL. B. & WOLF, Kyudcr Organ 1226 00 WM. UALUUAITH, Ryuder Organ 140.00 LEMONT. DR. J. Y.DALE, American Organ • eee •isssHee*s*sess4Mtst*4tsss 11376 00 PETER BCHKECK, Rynder Organ 140.00' AARONBBURG. WM.TSTTINGER, Rynder Organ eee ee stssssssssiss *s M4MMM44MI* $240.00 BOALBBURO. MISS E. E. HUNTER. Melodion $130.00J In a few weeks we will call attention to our PIANO DEPARTMENT. In short by wriliug a letter to us and gettiug our prices—we deliver all instruments— You Can Save From S4O to S6O on an Organ. Address, RYNDER? S MUSIC STORE, Lock Haven, Pa NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! C. D. KE LER. BISHOP STREET BELLEFONTE, PENNA, it now prepared, at the Old Stand on Bixhop Street, to nail ©Jit s©Q©3, Sft 0 ©2B32B®©ott CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE, AC., AC., at greatly reduced prices. He is nlxo prepared to purchase ALL RINDS OF GRAIN! FOR WHICH HE WILL PAT THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE! ASH PURCHASERS H ILL FIND SUPERIOR INDIOEM apr.lfttf. I. Guggenheinmr. ARRANGEMENT! ISAAC GCOOENUEIMKR. having purchased the entire stock of the late hrm of Suesman & Guggonht imor.ei cent tha Leather aud Shoe-findings, haa filled up bia shelves with a lot of ARLKKUID HEW GOOD*, embracing READY MADE CLOTHING, DEEM 000 I*B, GROCERIES, PBOVLSIONB, BOOTS A SIIOEB, HATS A cars, AND FANCY ARTICLES and ia now prepared to accomodate all hie old cuelotnera, and to welcome all Mw one* who mav favur him with their patronage, lie feela safe in sav ing that he can pleaae the moat faatidi oua Call and aee. ISAAC GUGGSNHKIMER. P. 8. —Mr. Bnaaman atill continuaa AND SHOE-FIN DINGS, CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEhl. in the old room, where he niav a! way be found. C. F. HerUcher N. Ommiller. NEW GOODS! y JJI 8 W ARRIVAL or FALL GOODS!!! HKBL.ACUBB A CBONSIILLBB Wish to infoim the citixeut of Potter that tbey have opened an entire new stock of good* in their old quarter*. and will keep constantly on hand a full and good assortment of LADIES* DRESS GOODS, consisting of ALPACAS, Poplins, PLAIDS, Lustres. and nil other kind* of DBESS GOODS, Rill line of NOTIONS and FANCY Goods Hhta A C*p, Bools N A. SONS, Proprietor*. A rikITCUM HOTEL, COMROETABLB BOOMS; PROMPT A I TEN DANCE. ALL THE MODERN CON VENIKN CKS-AN D RKAhON ABLE Charge* The proprietor* offer to the traveling public. and to their country fuend*, first cla* *rrafflmod*tioiu mad careful alien - tiun to the w*nu o! guests at all time*, at] fair rale*. Careful hoatler* aad good *uble ling for bom An excellent table well served. A Bar supplied with fine liquor*. S*r \ anu well trained aad everything re ?uiiie in a first class Hotel. Our location in the business part of the town, near the Post Otter, the Court House, the Chur ches, the Banks, and the p incipal places ! of business, rcarter* it th* most eligible place for those who visit Bellefoete on busi or pleasure. An Omnibus will carry passenger* and baggage to and from ail trains > ] free of charge. wm™ GREAT INDUSTRIES of the united statee; an historical sum mary of the origin, growth aad per lection of the chief industrial arts of this country 1300 PAGES AND 600 ENGRAV INGB Written by 20 Eminent Authors, inclu- - ding John B Uough, Leon Case, Edward ! Howland, Jos. 8. layman, Rev. E Edwen ' Hall, Horace Greeley, Philip Ripley, Al ] Vrt Brisbane, F. B. Perkins, Kct, Ecu RAISEOTSESIIEISIISUIMWSIIIWM.AU * BUM* Istll Kl| sad whalli eat* at la lormsUoa oa oab> Uw poeUe It k i llaiilsS la Ui eoatt of Ska Mot t hsai. MaaalaaSafor. MaaEesMTfsswii. *"*■"' aad InroaUtt. sad satis u> both oM aad |ia*aalU ill Tli boot u aoW l aeoasa. eke aso aaakle* late* j ab> la all parts of u uiaaUj It A aUHOd at Uw 100 pnaaol SSSu.aad is tfce *e*aeast beak ooaraaMis 1 aobaertetsoa. Mo laaUt ebeeld be wtUwd a saw, i Wa oaal ad is osesr 1 al lUtMsi BUUI , B A goat caa fell todo oaU auk teas bask Oertaswe ■I.J. aa other hH SSI la too ooaka Uar aeaatta Harv ford aoM art la weak. Sradeaal at Ut ease aaai to aeoata oa roeatpt at dtas Tor euvolar* aad laras to aoato . iliti *■ tba eobUaMra J. B. BUKR AfIYDK, Hartford, Conn. Chicago, 111., or I incinnaU, Ohio. Oct. 18 te ABA I'M, A** MOLD'S KEW MAEBLT a raoxr, atsuor at.. Bcllefonte | \v i N E 8 AND LIQUORS The subscriber lespectftillv calls th at tention of the public to his eslablishtu at, where be is prcpated to furnish all kindsot Foreign ana Domestic Liquors' wholeoalf at the lowest cask price*, which are warran ted to be the best qualities according U their respective prices. His stock consists ol Kye, Monongahela, Irish and othei Whiskies, all kind* of Brandies. Hollanc Oin, Port, Maderia. Cherry, Blackberry and other Wines—the best '.'itle# —at ai reasonable rate* at can be bad in the city, Champagne, Cherry. Blackberry, Oingei and Carraway Brandies, Pure Jamaica an J New England Rum, Cordial of all kinds, lie would particularly invite Farmers, Ho lei keepers and other* to call and examin. hit large supply, to judge for themselves and be certain of procuring what they buy. which can seldom be done when purchaa ng in the city. c-Vf Physicians are respectfully requested ■ > give his liquors a trial. aplO W.l B~KTTKLK'B HOLES ALK WINE & LIQUOR STORE Bishop street, Bellefonte, in the Stone buil ding iormerly occupied by the Key stone Bakery Takes pleasqre in informing the public that he keeps constantly on hand a supply o. choice Foreign and Domestic Liquors. Alt Barrels, Keys and Casks .carrantea to contain tkc quantity represented. , The attention of practicing physicians ii f ailed to his stock of PURE LIQUORS, suitable for medical purposes. Bottles, jugs, and demijohns constantly on hand. He has the ONLY PURE NECTAR WHISKY in town. All liquors are warranted to give satis faction. Liquors will be sold by the quart barrel, or tierce. He has a large lot ei BOTTLED LIQUORS Of the finest grades on hand. Confident tnat he can please customer the respectfully solicits ashare of public pi ronago my li IVSTRA Y.—A Chester white bokr,about j 7or 8 months old, has been upon the premises of the undersigned since August . last. The owner is requested to prove . property, pay costs and remove the same. ROBT. M'CORMICK, , 117feb Potter's Milla ; BUTTS HOUSE } > BFLLEFONTE, PA. J. B. BUTTS, Prop'r. Has first class accommodation; charg es rcasta* dtnr, tf, Dr. Crook's Wine oflai 4 lO YEARf PubUcToat Bupml K DR. CROOK'B 3b WINE OJT TPdflL3nL ■serlt """ SJMMS vf" "lit r* - . the paUte. TtbiMlatbeiMlMlcul. Ilk* of Tar. •<* uneqoakrf for 4Ia mof the TkrwU m 4 LV. forming lb* awwt rwirtrshls eora c^'c nSS^SSS: ARIMBM n BMBJ ASMS it Sss bea* HOMMed* •pacific for these cwpbhfc For pain* In Smut, Side or Back, Grave) or Kkhiej Disease, Diseases of the Urinary Ornas, Jaundice or an j Liver Complaint, Strengthens the System, Restores the weak and Debilitated, Cannes the Food to Obtest, Removes Dyspepsia and Prevents Malarious Fevers, Gives tone to jonrSystciM. TRY DR.CROOK*SWDfEOFT All The Champion of the World. The De* Improved American Button- Hole Overwaroing and Complete Sewing Afachine —The great est machine of the Age ! Sim pi city, Durability A* Cheap ness Combined. Thi machine being the litest, ha* many improvements over *M other, in a word, it is a perfect macbinelwbich i* acknowledg ed by tbe'bent judge* andagetiU of all Olhei machines. Call on A. L. Bartges, nadiconbutg, who i* the authorised agent for Centre eountv Alaq keep* the beat Sewing Ma chine thread, needles, and repair* all kind* of sewing machines, clocks, watcher, mu •ick boxes Ac I will thoroughly canvas* the section belonging lo me, and I *hall be very much pleased to sell every person a machine, on ea*y terms ; give it a trial bo fore purchasing any other—it hayio eoual. Pame* wishing the machine, will please address the undersigned. Satisfaction guaranteed. All orders promptly attend ed to. A.i BARTGES, Agent for Centre County MADISOKBURO. FA. MANHOOD: HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED! Jan pabUshe*. a am *4IU rf .Da. Cctmwiu s rci*aa*m> K*a*T oa tb taOtsat ear. without mad wta*>ol BioniwSsnbl aradlcioo or tbs application of the tatfc nointtow oat a aodr of car* si once rimpVo. -•rum sod affect > at. by awaas of which orary orr. no matter what bis nwdtttr-n may bo. may tor* btmactf ch.apty, privately * *nu< tctar should bo la tho baada of every root and avaft min in UtP tiihl , Scot, uud.r 0.l loa plain envelope, to any addre.., 1 postpaid, 00 receipt of atx oenta. or two poat stamps. Abo, lir. Cairanrotl'a "Marriage Guide," price Si Addrtw UM paUlithrnt. , CHAB. J.C. KMNE A CO., Poet-Ottce Box MBS, It: Bowsty, Ksw Yotk aprly ly. CENTRAL HOTEL. Corner of Third and Chestnut Street, Mifflinburg, Fa. John Showers, Proprietor. 1 Its Central Location make* it particularly ' desirable to persona visiting Town on business or pleasure. " H. A. Taylor's Livery Attached. 1 un{2l ly |, PmtlFY YOUE BLOOD. ft ! For Soroftala, Scrofr.. V ' IOUB Diaeaaea of tbe 1. *kt# Eyes, or bcrofula iu ■1 & any form, Any disease or eruption of gJyT the Skin, disease of the Liver. - *4p ~ Rheumatism, Pimples, Ola r Bores, Ulcers, Broken-down s Ija Constitutions. Syphilis, or any disease depending on a do- KgC s * praved condition of the bhx4 1 {&& $ *7 [ DR. CROOK'S * rf&'Ji? SYRUP OP fit POKE BOOT. L efrSiS It has the medicinal property <>f Poke combined with a prep- I I'// arstion of Iron which goes at i h// e nce into the blood, perform i ß g the most rapid and won derfnt cores. Ask your Druggist for Dr. Crook's Cora w wand Syrup of Fok* Root—Uk it nrd U denied. •