THE CENTRE REPORTER THURSDAY FEB. U, LOCAL ITEMS. LOCAL Riwa.—Our friend*, every where, will oblige us by sending u locnl new* of interest. _ , , , , CIBCOLATIO*.—The circulation of the Raroavaa, on thUside tha county, Is larger than that of all other papers in the county Businees men will therefore find this one of the beat advertising mediums. We invite all interested to com# and in epect our list for themselves. IKMITTARCEi -All montee tor sub scription will be credited on the subscri bers address, tach week : by referring to which our patrons can at all time# see how their accounts stand, and a receipt is by this system csrried upon each copy of the paper. Public Salea. —Sale of Hcrlacher A Durst. Centre Hall, Fsb. 14th, tornitura, smith tool*. Ac. Sale of And. Smith, Farmer s Mills, on 16th Feb. —Sale of John 8. Foster's farm stock, in 11 arris twp., Feb. 99. -Saleof Wm. M Minn, dee d. Potter twp,. on 20 Feb. Sale of real estate of Mrs. Rankin, j dee'd, Potter twp., Feb., 22. —Sale of George Uarbrick, Linden Hall, Tuesday March 4th. —Wm. H. 11 arter 1 sals of farming stock, near Aarontburg, March 4th. Sale ef Geo. Zeigler, Benner twp., farm stock, March lllh. —Sale of L. J. Noll. Gregg twp., March, llth. —Wm. Armagast's sale, near Church ville, March 14th. —Saleof Peter Klinefelter, dee d, near I Madisonburg, 14th March. —Sam 1 Mota's sale. Woodward, &th ot March. -John M. Miller .1 sals, Miles twp., lh March. To tte Public. We, the undersigned hotel-keepers, of Pcnnsvalley, iq order to keep our botels open for the aeeemmodatieo of the public, do bind ourselves to the strict observance of the following rates of kotvl-hdlf ia caa# the qualified voters of this valley carry .Ye L i few: Board per week, (with fire) Board per week,(without fire)........ f® Table board per week, AOP Meals, H Lodging Horse feed tO Hay ® Keeping team in stable without ]feed 60 Keeping team over night....—3.® Drovers horses per day I.® JOHN SPANGLER, GEORGE MILLER, CHARLES SMITH, . M. L. LEITZEL, W. L. MUSSER, JONATHAN KREAMER, JOHN LIMBKRT. Mr. KurU:—l wish to inform ths public that ny name appeared to the card, pub lished by the various landlotds of this val ley, without my knowledge or consent; you will therefore please omit it from the same in the Reporter. FEED FABEIOX, Spring Mills Hotel. —We are informed that Jaf, P. Coburn baa sold the tract* of timber land, on the head waters of Pine Creek, in Haine: twp , some 400 acres, the title to which was in dispute, for $15,000 to a Mr. Pardee and other parties. —A. L. Bartges the well-known and popular sewing machine agent, of Madisonbuig, who sella the world re nowned and unrivaled American Over- seaming and Buttonhole Sewing Ma chine. intends to add another branch tu bis trade, having accepted the agency for the sale of musical instru- pianoe, melodious and organs. Wait until Bartges calls around. —On 4th inst., Mr. Orvis, introuced in the house the following bills: —Re- lating to the jurisdiction of courts of equity. Also, an act relative to lim itation of actions. —Mr. Cbr. Alexander of Peon twp. recently slaughtered a litter of 4 pigs some it montns old, whighing, dressed meat, 2119 pounds. Ob, what hogs ! —We can assure the Tuten Repub lican that no such nonsensical decision SS it inquires about, relative to the publication of legal advertisements was ever made anywhere. The wi*K is father to the tnougbt. with those who invented the report, that the y might monopolize all the crumba. —Hiram Hofier invites all smokers to call and see him, in the Conrad bouse. He has such nice cegars and tobacco, keeps all kinds of pipes, eve -17 quality of smoking and chewing tobacco. —Our young friend J. D. Miller, a native of Pennsvalley, but for the last few years doing business at Bellp fonteand Pleasant Uap, where he has won hosts of friends by his honest and gentlemanly bearing, has now opened a general insurance office at Belle fonte, representing a number of the foremost insurance companies of this country. We can recommend him to the reader as worthy all confidence. —Public examination of Mr. John Hoffer's school, on Friday 21st. Free, All ere invited to attend. —Ths \eoop, on last last Tuesday eve, {debuted the Ideal option qnes lion, in (be Rock grove school-bouse. For license : Mr. Snyder, Thoe. Sti ver, R, Stiver and Sam'l Kreider. Against: Perry Stiver, Krise, Fred. Jameson, 7 .i '• * ~ —The Bellefonte papers publish the registry act with the local option proclamation. We thought some folks went in for economy, and now we know they do, we always dented it heretofore. '—The musical oonveutiou cornea off at Aarooaburg this week —concert on Friday evening. A number of Cen tre Ilall folks are in attendance. —We bad about an inch of snow on Monday night, to patch up sleigh ing. Mild ana damp weather has set in since which has almost put no nod [q sieigbng. -- - • 1"• ' —R. C." Crittenden furnishes us with a brief summary of Sabbath School labors in Northern Central Pennsylvania, for the year ending Dec. 31st, 1872. ' New Schools establ^hei. 16 Other schools visited and aided...- 86 ftenaoM and 'addresses delivered.. 188 Family visiu. - 815 Copies of the Scriptures distribu- ' 1 ted by sale end d0nati0n5.......... 147 Juvenile temperance papers dis tributed, one-third gratuitously. 16,000 Second-hand 6.'8,' papers given ; away ......2,000 Nfcw books and papers from the American 8. 6. Union given to needy persons and 8,8, Jn vqj ue L; fiw Jliles travelled..... •••• ' During the year, Clearfield county baa been thoroughly canvassed, complete 8. S. statistics gathered for 1872, and a map constiucted showing the loeation and de pomiuat|on of every' Sab bath 8) 00 T fn.tbe county, also indicating the w*rk yet to be done. A aiwilav mep is ftni'hed for Centre county. God speed the work and the workera another year. R. CRITTENDEN, Missionary Am. 8. 8. Union. —The Irish down at Paddy 'a moun tain tunnel got their "Dutch up' last Wednesday, and had a lijaly ttwa at Mrt Fowler'*, VakWg otaplet* poNff •ion of his premises for n short time, end driving him therefrom. The con tractor, Mr. Williams, hearing of their conduct, discharged them on the soot, and next day they nil reached Mill hcim, and partook* freely of the anient, but created no disturbance. Mr. Wro, Kisenhoot, and old residenter of the mountains, has moved out. the Irish railroad hands got too lively for him, aud he thought his life would tie en dangered by his remaining in his old home. —Mr. Win. M'Mauigal, olMilroy, has conclude I not to take the store stand at Potter's Mills, of which we mentioned last week, lie having since leased the old s(£-c room in Millheim, formerly occupi* bv lieo. Swarti and will put a large stock of hardware in it. We take pleasure in recommend tag Mr. ATManigttl to the citixens of the lower end. —Our townsman, I). F. Lose, haa j invented a new renper, a model of which he brought to this office, a few days, ago which has. according to our judgment, some merit. The knife is worked by a cog-cam wheel aud die peases* with* considerable ef the iut lug and gearing now found about oth er rce|>er. This now machine com bines much simplicity. The Philipsburg Journal has not reneh ed this office tor a coon'* age. —Judge Woods, of Lcwstown, was bur ied on Saturday. —Persons wanting ticket* printed tor or against licen-e,' siiouid order them in time. —Keep your bead cool and feet warm it you wUh to escape colds and headaches. —Local optioa will be bard on bauds — not a horn w ill be allowed to the lip* Some person* are of the opinion that if licrnees are voted dow every one will be free to sell strong drink, and that all pen alties for so doing at c abolished. Tbi* i* a mistake—the penalty remains just the same a* it any one \l.l. \\ , l lic sale, at tpp iesidance of the Wfb seriber, 1 mile'- west of ifsdisonhurg, On Thursday, Feb. 27th at 10 o'clock, a. io. Horses, Cows, Young Cattle, Hogs, 1 Buckeye Reaper, Threshing Machine, Graindrill, 2 Plantation Wagons, 1I 2-horse Spring wagon. 1 Top buggy, 1 Sleiirh, 1 Sled, Flows, Harrow*. Cultivators. 1 Corn plow, Windmill, Horsegears, Harness, Comscraper and many other .arming uten sils. 41#o. Household ffftrhllure, 1 cook ing stove, I ten-plate stove and pipe, ta bles, 0 chairs, bedsteads, 14 corner cup beards, sink, meatvessel#, tubs, iron kettle, and manv other article* too numerous to mention.' WM. ZIEGLER. T)UBLIC SALE.— X, Will, be euM, at Public Halo, at tho ifte rendenco of Peter Klinefelter, doo'd. Near Madieonburg, on Friday, Marcb, 14th, at 10 o'clock. 6 Horses, 5 Cows, 10 Head of Young Cattle, 1 Excelsior Reaper anu hfowtr, al most new, 1 Buggy. ) Spring 1 wsg o "' 1 Sleigh, 1 Bob Sluf, 1 Log Sled, 2 Planta tion Wagon*, Cornplanter, (grain Drill, 1 Fanning Mill. Hhaker & Strap, Hayrope* Pullies. Hay rake. Plows, Cultivators, Wood and Hayladdeos, 2 setts Harness, let of Horiegaars, &o. : Household Furniture, 1 Coolcstove, Cunbeard, CheaU, Chain, Beds and Bedsteads, Iron Kettle and many other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS of sale will be made known on day of sale, by SAM' L GRAM I.EI, H. G. COXSKK, Executor. Auctioneer. SETTLEMENT.—N. 8.-The 15th of March, day after Mile, has been fixed upon for making settlement of accounts with above estate when all persons interested LOCAL OPTION. Q. 0I) SAVE Til K COM MON WKA 1.11 SHERIFF'S PROCLAMATION. I, It F. SHvrraa, HI eh Sheriff ofUsn tre County, Commonwealth ot Pennsylva nia, do hereby make known and give no. lice to the elector* of the county aforesaid, that an election will be held in the said county of Centre on FRIDAY FEBRUARY, 21 HO, in accordence with the following act of As sembly -. An Act to permit the voter* of Ibis Com monwealth to vote every three year* on the question of granting license* to sell in to licating liquor*. SUCTION I. It* it Ay /Ac Smitle >tnd Hou *# qjf AVprrica/e/ires of /A# wsoNieeii//A u/ /V-naty/redta m OtHrral As~ trtnbly M''• 1 ' • - 1b disc the person who shall have re ceived the second highest number of votes for Inspector shall not attend on the day of any alection, then the person who snail have received the second highest number of votes for judge at the nest proceeding election shall act as inspector in his place And in case the person who have re ceived the highest number of votes fur in spects*'tfhatl not attend, the person elected judge shall appoint an inspector in his plaee i and in case the person elected judge shall not attend, then the inspector who received tha highest number ot votes shall appoint a Judge in his phico or if any va cancy shall continue in the board for the space of one hour t.fVcr the tune fixed by law lor tha opening of the election, the qualified retort of the township, ward, or district tor which such officer* shall have been elected, present at such election, shall elaet one of their number to fill such va [ caney. i It shaft be the duty of the severr,! atscs i sons of each district t* intend at tha place ol holding evrty gehoril, special or town ship election, during the whole said elec tion Is kept opam, for the purpose of giving information to the inspectors and fudges when called on. In relation to the right of any person assessed by them to vote at such election, or such other, matters in re lation to the atscstincrtts of voters a* tho said Inspector of either of them shall from time fo time require. Met person shall be permitted fa vale at any election, gs gfurtsaiU. other than a freeman tea age of twenty-one years or more, who shall nave resided in the State at least one year, and in the election dis trict w here ne offers his vote at least ten days immediately preoeeding snch elec tion, and within two years paid a State or county tax, which thai) have been assessed at least ten days before the election. But a citizen of the United States who has pre- Ivieusly been a qualified *oter of this Stats and removed therefrom and returned, and 4 i!i ,< , \ ■ V Iiitil!<■<.) t<> voto, although they *baH not have paid U(M. No |Mr>rmilld to toll whiMo nam* i not ranlained In tho Mtt of laiablo Inhabitant* ftirnlthad by tha com ntuiionrr*, tin In** flrit bo produce are-i calpl tor tin* |>ay mont within two year* of • a lato or County lax luiua! eg raaablv ■ to tho Constitution and give* •atiifaetorjr - evidence either on hi* oath or affirmation, . or tha oath or affirmation af anolhar, that I ho ha paid tuch tax, or on failure to pro duco a receipt, thai I make oath to the pay ment thereof. Second, if he claim the right to tote by being an elector between the age of twenty-one and tweaU-lwo year* he thall le|>>*o on oath or amrata iion that he hat rveided in thi* State at | Icatt one year next before hit application, and make tuch proof of roaidauco in tha dittrict at it repaired by thii act, and that he doct verily believe from Jlhe account given him, that he la of age aloratald, an J tuch other evidence at It required by thi#| act, whereupon tha name of tha pereou ihut admitted to vote thall ha ineerted inj the alphabetical litt by tha inapectora, and i | a note made oii|H>tite thereto by writing ( ihe word "tax if he tball he admitted le , vote by reaton of having paid tax, or the word ' age" if he thai) be admitted to vote I by reaton of tuch age thall be called out ! to the cierkt. whe thall make tha like , uotea on the litt of voter* kept by them. lu all catet where the name o( the par- * ton claiming to vole it found on tha Mat I furntthed by thacommifianaraendenaai- ( or, or hit right to vota, whether fouad . thereon or not, It objevlod to lha duty ol the intpeclor* to examine tuch paraca oa i oath at to hit qualilH'ationt. and if be , claiiilt to have retided in the Stale for one | year or more hi* oath thall bo *uffict*Cii proof thereof, but thall rnaka proof by at < laatl one competent wilnett. who thall i he a qualified elector, that he hat retided , in the dittrict for more than ten dayt nest immediately proceeding tuch election, and thaU alto hiuitelf awear that hit lott /idt * residence in pur.uance of hi* lawfbl rail- , trig, it in aaiJ dittrict and that ha did not j remove into aid dittrict for tha purpoaa of voting therein. livery noraon uualifled, at atoraeaid, and t who thall make due proof, if required, ol a [the retidence and payment of taxaa, a* nloraeaid, thall be admitted to vota ia lha lownthip, ward, or dittrict in which ha * I shall reside. If any peraon shall prevent, or attempt j to prevent any officer of this election, un t tier tht act, from halding uch election, or use or threaten any violence to any ' such officer, or shall block up the window _ 1 a here the *aw- tuay be holCiug, or (ball "j riotously disturb the peace of *uch election "or ahall use any intimidating threat*, force j or violence, with design to influence un • -July er overawe any elector, or to prevent htm from voting, or restrain the freedom _| of choice, tucb peraon, on conviction ahall] *jbe tined in any turn not exceeding fiva; hundred dollar*. and impriaoued for any time not less than three ner more than t twelve month*, and if it ahall be *hown to , the court. where the trial* of tuch offen- I es shall be bad, that the peraon o offend-j ( ing vi> not a rvsideat of the city, ward, i diatrict or lownfhip where the offense wa* committed, and not entitled te vote thero-; in, then, on conviction, he shall be sen i teticed to pay a fine of not lea* than one . hundred nor more than one thousand doi , lars, and be imprisoned not te* | months nor more than two year*. If any peraon, not by law qualified, shell; fraudulently vote at any election of thu Commonwealth, or being otherwise quah . fled shall vote out of hi* proper diatrict, if any person offending shall, on conviction , he fined in any sum uot exceeding two hundred dollar*, and be imprisoned In any I term not exceeding three months. It any peraon ahall vote at more; '.han one election district, or otherwise fraudulently vote more than once on the; same day, or shell fraudulently fold and! deliror to the in>pector twe tickets togeth er with the intently illegally to vote, or! shall procure another to do so, he or they i offending shall, en condition, be fined la any sum not less than fifty nor more than j five hundred dollar*, and he imprisoned for n term not lees than three nor more; than twelve months. If any person not; qualified to vote in (kit Commonwealth! agreeably to law, (except the sons of quali fied citizens) shall appear at any place of election for the purpoae of influencing the! citizen* qualified to vote, he shall on con- i viction, lorfeit and pay any sum notex-j, coeding one hundred dollars for every; such offense and be imprisoned for any !' term not exceeding thtce month*. < B F BHAFFER. , 'Sheriff, j' Shortlidge & Co., PROPRIETORS OF TUE Beltefonte Lime Quarritt, The only Manufacturer* of L'D4> hutni exclusively with wood, in Central Vennsylvania. liEAI-KfU IK Anthracite Coal, White Lime, I)u Pont'e Powder, Sporting and Blnntinf Powder on Laud, Kueo for ttl|xlin£, Fire Brick, J Ground Fire Clay, Fertiliser*, Implement*. jan.ft) 73 Office acd vard near South end ef the: Bald Kagle 5 alley Railread Depot, Belle fjnte, Pa. julftrt; NOTICE ~ The partnership heretofore existing be twicn A W. Graff and Ncr Thompson, at Centre Hill, in the mercantile bus in ess, is! this day dissolved by Mutual cojwant. All I persons knowing thcintclvea indebted to, and all persons having claims against said ; tinn will please call and settle thair ac count, f ith Jas. l>a*h el I, with whom the books have been left, at Centre Hill wbe is authorised to settle them. ! Mtlroy, Jan. 2318;4 A. W. GHAPF NKE THOMPSON. The undersigned beg* leave to inform the c tixens of Centre Hill and vicinity,; that having purchased Nor Thompson'*in terest in the Centre Hill store ho will contin ue tho business at the Old Stand. Thank ful for pnst favor* he begs a continuance of : the same. •10 jan 1 n. A.W.GRAFF. | ILLINOIS FARM FOB SALE! id#) ACRES ; FIRST CLASS LAND ; on ly 6 tears improved from prairie soil, with .builuing*. orchard dec * tl is 8 mHes di-, rectly south of Joliol. negt to Uhiciufo Mfo 1 most thriving cily in the stal' and U tRWM | east of the incorporated viltgge of slwood situated on Chicago mile* from Cftigajta, Che great market of tLlt country, and 10 mile* from coal re gion*. Population largely interspersed with Ist class I'enn'n. Germans. I desiro to invest in Commercial busi ness Address W. NICHOLSON, nov 29 3in KI wood. Will Co. 111. N E PLUS U LJ ft A- No Hotter Place ! The subscriber is just receiving from the eastern cities a Full Stock of FALL and WINTER „OODS which he hiu determined to ell V®rjJ cheap, consisting of IlllY 0001)8 and . i Print., Muslins, Opera Canton., and Woll Flannel*. Ladic* Ore** Good*, uch a* Detain, Alpaca*, Poplin*, Empress CK th. Sateens, Tameiso, together a WW stock of everything usually lfispt in the Dry Load* rino. ' NOTIONS: A full stock, consisting part of Ladies and Children's Merino Hose, Cct)lask Kid gloves, best quality (ilk and LUU thread Gloves, Nubias, Breakfast shawl*, HATS & CAPS, A full assortment of Men's Roy's %ud Children's style and best. CLOTHING, Ready made, a choice telectioq qf Q®U'* and Boy's of the newest sty Icq ana most serviceable materials. BOOTS & SHOES, A very largo stock of Men's 1\ omen's and Children's and sold vory low. Queens ware, full assortment. GROCERIES I I ft ftill stock ftt the lowest prices • At lb* old rtan4 vf j* . •* > ' w* w**- ( For lha Kaparter ( Mr. Kditor, 8lr:—Il it a long lime tinct 1 hava Ukan up my pen for yaur column*, - and a* the evening it dull and tnow falling (ilenlly, 1 devote half an hour to you. Thr , evening !Ord January wat a gala eve in r I Loganiville. The Grand concert given 11 under tha direction of Miu Ko*e Kyitder 1 wat a turca*. we had a fine audience and . many ttrangen were in. Owing io the > blinding tnow itorm that ragrd all the af | ternoon many were compelled lo remain at home. Still we had a fine and appreci i ativa audience. Tha opening piece piano trio, "Honnie Dundee," wat finely eta cuted by Mitaat Augutla Kynder, Annie 1 Uopkint, and Jotie Curt* Duel for cor 'net and piano, "Sweat Spirit bear my I Prayer" and Cornet Polka by ('baric* j Hricker and Mitt Rota Kynder. were very cleverly performed to the delight of the audience. Duet for piano and organ, "Martha" wea truly grand, and lliote who love opera thould hava heard the Kynder Sitter* "Blew the llorn for Supper Kale," Song and Chorut with cornet and piano ae compniment wat given ia the good old fhtbion way. The crowning piece of the eatartainmaat waa "Buhop * Kcho, ' tang by Mr*. Wm. M. Uotwalt, it wa* rendered ia her utual bappy ityla Veu could hear a pin drop, tho audience wat to *pell i bound. She wa* called out aud tang it again Thi* lady ha* a cultivated voice, i and if uadar the charge of a grand old I matter in Draadan two year* would ttartlel the operatic world, and if not rival, at least equal Palli, Nilleon, and Lucca, whoar>-j receiving from |'i,Uoi) to $4,01 M per night if newepeper report* are correct. Her J voice la folly under her command, and bar echo to toll and rippling that the flute accompaniment teamed harh and almost marred tha dying echo. Then again her voice rang out clear and tweet like th- j ruehing of lha water* of Lwtore, then d eep ' and mild at a rnoau of tha tea. If ilh two | year* trill culture her fortune it made, and i we could beast of as successful cantatrice , as ever blazed over operatic Europe ; "Wind up Galop," cornet and piano Du-j et, was well received "Cousin Jedediah Song and Chorus was leudly applauded; and Vrought out the second time to lhe| mirth of the audience. The closing and Chorus "Gathering home ' wa* theirl adieu te us, and all, we think, were satis fled with the entertainment. Th# proceed* of concert were for the i j benefit of the Lutheran congregation in as j stsiing to purchase an organ. Afier all; 'expenses were paid SB9. aatroua flood ia expected. Railroad - travel by Columbia may he interrup . ted unlet* the ice breaka away aud al • lowa the water to aubaide. The Co* < luiubia travel aud railtoad bridge ia • in imminent dangtr. tj Port Deposit, Feb. 9—Al thia hour the water is from four to five .(feet deep in the street at Rock Run, ' aud i* creeping into the street at otb ' er points. T lie road being im|iaaaible, we went up the mountain side back of the street and followed a nanow path which skirls the edge of the bill, this : being the only meane of communica- 1 | j lion now, except in boats, between ' j Rock Run and the southern part of j the towu. From the mountain side a ! view of the river fur miles either way jis had, and the ice look* very differ cully from its condition a day or two ago. Many of tbe immense farrows 'J have disappeared, having been level ed up by tbe increased volume of water underneath. Down below, on tbe edge of the bank, the watery street appeared, the flood passing down it with a current of about four miles au hour. For some distance the water has broken down the miniature j ice is now in the street, materially in terfering with boat sailing. 11KLLEFONTEMARKKTB Corrected by C. D. Keller. iVhite <7 heat $1,96, Red 190 ... Rye j76 ..Cot nBO ....Oats <0....... Barley 00. 70 Clo/erseed 6,00 ...... Potatoes 46. I>ard per poun.l 7 Fork per pound 06 Butter *2O. ..... Plaster perton fill Tallow 8 Bacon 8 Ham 12 LEWLSTOWS MARKETS Wiuie wheat 1,85 ... Rd wheat 1,80....Rye 70 Corn 40 Oats 86 Barley 00 Cloverseed 6,00. Timothys®ed, U0 Salt 2 60 per sack, „.... Bacon 10c. Ham 10...... Butlei 26... Eggs £> Plaster 9 60 4 DMINISTRATORS NOTICK- I-ettera of Adminiatralion on the ea- U.e of John C. M Minn, late of Pwtter township. Centre county, Pa., dec d, have been granted to the undersigned, residing .I in said township, to whom all peraon* in debted to said estate are requested to make ''immediate payment, and thoee having -1 claims or demands, will prearnt the same - duly authenticated for settlement. JANES. M MINN A A RON LUCK EN BACH llih o flt Adm rs r Miners* Hospital l| GRAND GIFT CONCERT TO WE HELP AT SHOEMAKER'S OPERA HOUSE, Shenandoah, ScAuyUeUi Oa., Pa,, WEDNESDAY. MAR. 26, 73. J $ioo7oo() 11 In Yal uable GIFTB to b Cr'ims A sway j OS ■ OIAJfD CAPITAL OUT Of • 15,000 in AMERICAN GOLD. I Two Grand Capital Gifts of $6,000 each in Greenbacks. Whole number of pres jeal* K.UAI | TaxAtrEEW.—G. A. liming. Treasur- r Sch County, Pa By permtaaion w* publish the following yentlemen aa references: George O. Jacoby. Esq . Chief Burgess of >hcnandoah J B M. Cann:, Cashier, Shenandoah Valley Bank , Wm. Grant, of Lee, Grant A Co., Shenandoah , J. tVas lay. superintendent Thompson Coal Co , j Shenandoah; Geo 11 Parrtah. General I Superintendent Wilkesbarra Coal A Iron Co. ; Thus Cassidy, superintendent of Su gar-Notch Colieriaa ; James Grifßtb. ruin iing superintondant of Empirw Mines, i ! Wlkesbarre: Col. J J. Connor, Potts villa; Hon Wm. M Randall. Schuylkill lleven , Dr Thomas Wren. Esq . P--tts , ville ; CapL J. K. Ualssst, KchuylUill Hi . ven . Daniel Barlow. Esq Mahanoy City ; JAM Paaamote. Esq.. PoOavilla-, John .ISeney, Pro*, of M d L Bit of Schuylkill; county and Dr. A P Oarr of St Clair, Pa. AGENTS WANTED te sell licketa. to 1 whom a liberal commission will be paid | Single Ticket#, $1,00; five ticket*. $1,60; ten tickets, s.(*) Send fer programmes. All communica tions mutt be addressed to G R SHAFFER, Aun**u Manager > Box 001, Shenandoah, Schuylkill Co., P.i. ; o i (. GET THE BEST. TUE OaiaiMAL HOWE SEWIKO Msritsx lwraovxD—The Howe, th* original and yet th# beat ha* the following point* of ex cellence ; Simplicity of construction Symmetry of form and beauty Of finish. Rapidly and stillness in operation. Ease w ilk which it can be maneged Nun-liability to mis* stitch a*, havings moveable head, which can be readily ad justed close te the shuttle, when using either the finest or coarseat needle. A shorter and smaller needle, in propor tion to the six# of the thread, than used with any other machina. The Lock Stitch, alike on both side* of the fabric. Economy of thread. Strength and firmness with which the 1 seams are drawn together. Roundness, fiillneas, regularity and beauty of stitch. Adaptability to the widest range of work sewing the finest and coarsest fabrics, and using equally well the finest and coANast, and all intermediate grades of silk, Cotton and Linen Thread, 11. F HARTLEY, of Bollefonte, haxthe agency tor Centre county, for the Howe ; he will travel tho and persons wishing a machine about which there it no fault, should wait and give the liowea trial, before purchasing. jan9.Bm. |C. PECK. J. T- Lek. PECK A; LEE'S ' ■ New " . i Coach Manufactory* I CENTRE II ALL, PA. The under*iff"od k v ® op®*®* l a new es tablishment, at their new shop*, for the mnnufacluie of Carriages, { Buggies, A Spring Wagons, Slekum axd Sled*. j Plain and Fakct i of every description . All vehiola* manufactured by thorn are warranted to render satisfaction, and as equal to any work done elsewhere. They us* non* but the best material, and employ the most skillful workmen, llencotney flattar themselves tht their work can not be excelled for durability and finish. Order* from a distance'promptly altend od to - . , . , Como and examine *ur work berore contracting elsewhere. PRICES REASONABLE, All kinds or Reparing done. PECK A LEE. STAND FOB RENT. 1 The Rouse and Smith-shop. formerly oc cupied by Mr. Dunkle, which is one of the best Blacksmith stands between Bellefonte s and Salona, Is offered for rent For fUrth , I information address |i JAME9LGRAMLY /dßjan Sit. HublfJiVnng, pa. : RYNDER'S MUSIC STORE. LOCK HAVEN, PA. The proprietor of Ryuder's Music ft tore desires to call tbe attention of the people of Centre county, to the fact that they Can Save Money by purchasing tbeir musical instruments ot Ryoder > Music Store, We are telling Double Heed Six Stop, Five Octavo Organs, at $l4O, •.superior in lone and finish, to tboae that are hawked and peddled throughout the country at $175 to $200.) T1 e we warrant for five years. We give any reasonable credit desired to responsible partite. We beg leave to call your attention to tbe following instruments, sold in Pennsvalley this year, which yon ,v. d do well to examine before purchasing elaewbere : CENTRE HALL. 8. a WOLF, Render Organ $225 00 WM. GALBRAITH, Rynder Organ 140.00 LEMONT. DR. J. Y.DALE, American Organ $376 00 PETER BCHRECK, Rynder Organ 140.00 AARONSBURG. WM. ETTINGER, Rynder Organ $240.00 BOAUBBURG. MIBB E. E. H U NTER, Melodion $130.00^ In a few weeks we will call attention to our PIANO DEPARTMENT. In short by writing a letter to us and getting our pricee—we deliver all inatrumente— You Can Save From S4O to S6O on anTlrgan. AJ ~ R YJVVER'S MUSIC STORE, Lock Haven, Pa NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! c. D. KELLER, BISHOP STREET BELLEFONTE, PENNA, is now prepared, at the Old Stand oa Bishop .Street, to aU OM7 S&QDS,Sfl&!s2in2B,Beets, Shees.Ceepets, CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE, AC., AC. at g-ea'ly reduced prices, He is also prepared to purchaee A LL K I N I)S OF GR A IN! FOR WHICH HE WILL PAY THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE! ABB PURCHASERS HI LI. FIND SUPKRIOR INDUCIBI*™ MRRR apr.lttf. I. Guggenheinier. ARRANGEMENT! ISAAC GCOCEMIKIMER. having purchaaeci lb euljre Hock of the late firm of SuMtnan A Guggonheiuior, ex copl tho Leather auatshoe-ffudiuga, KM filled up hia tlial* with a lot of arLKKIItD SEW cooua, embracing READY MADE CLOTHING. 11RK24ES GOODS, UKOtkKl K, PBOVUIOKfi, BOOTS A BIIOEB, HATS A CAW, ASH FAKCT ARTICLBB and is now prepared to accomodate all hut old customers, and to welcome all offW one who may favur him with their patronage. lie feeli fe in wy iog that be can plcaae the moat fastidi ous Call and see. ISAAC GUGGKNHEIMKR P. B.—Mr. Busman atill continual to deal in LEATHER AND SHOE-FIN DINGS. CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEEDS, in the old room, where he mar alway be found. 12ap-tf. C. F. Ileriacher N. Croomiller. NEW GOODS! & B 111 YAk OF FALL GOODS!!! HERLACIIER & CRONMILLER With to infoim the cilisput of Potter that they have opened an enure new ttock of good* in their old quartern and will keep conotantly on hand a full and good ateortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, contitting of ALPACAS, Poplin*, K PLAIDS,' Luitret. and all other kind* ol DRESS GOODS, fUU line of NOTIONS and FANCY Goods Hats A Caps, lioots * Mtwy ■ ah bu* •" a oa aaujavu atpiiiil IwMraM earn i.inn to lb* paUa to lb* ttSEsLA •ft" —TlfaMta U flgdf ai umucr OaiolMncMta aoM 1* **•• to utabt SVSISSStiX J. B. BURR Ad YDS, Hartford, Conn. Chicago. lU-. •* * tneinnati. Ohio. Oct. lair | AM BAUM, KTTVOLD'A *EW M*ML> • raoxT, manor sL.Bellefonte. WINES AND LIQUORS Th* subscriber respectfully calls the at tention of the public to bit aatabiiabm nt, where he it prepared to furnitb all kindtot Fortitt ana Domestic Liquors' wholesale at thefowest catb price*, which are warran ted to b# the bett qualities according to their respective | rice*. His ttock consist* or Rye, Monongahela, Irish and othei Whiskies, all kinds of Brandies. Holland Gin, Port, liaderia. Cherry, Blackberry and other Wines—the beat * Y.tles—at as reasonable rates at can be bad in the city, Champagne, Cherry. Blackberry, tiingei and Carraway Brandies, Pure Jamaica and New England Rum, Cordial of all kinds. He would particularly invito Farmers, Ho lei keepers and others to call and examine his large supply, to judge for themselves and be certain of procuring what they buy, which can seldom ba done when purchaa ng in the city. Fhysieusnsare respectfully requested o give his liquor* a trial. aplO \\T J. B. KTTELE'S W HOLESALB WINE & LIQUOR , STORE Bishop street, Bellefonte, in the Stone huil | ding formerly occupied by the Key stone Bakery Takes pleasure in informing the public that he keeps constantly on hand a supply Oi choice Foreign and Domestic Liquors. Alt Barrels, Ktgt and Caeke warranted to eeisfaiis tke quantity represented, s The attention of practicing physicians is called to his stock of PURE LIQUORS, suitable for medical purposes. Bottlee, egs, and demijohns constantly on hand, e has the ONLY PURE NECTAR WHISKY In town. All liquors are warranted to give satis faction. Liquors will be sold'by the quart barrel, or tierce. He has a large lot at BOTTLED LIQUORS Of the finest grades on hand. Confident tnat he can please customer the respectfully solicits a share of public pa ronage my Id BUTTS HOUSE BKELEFONTE, PA. J. B. BUTTS, Prop'r. HU first class accommodation; charg es reasons tf. BIIINEW MAN'S COLLEGE, No C Sixth St., Pittsburg, Pa. • Book-Keeping, Pennmanship, and Ar ithmetic. TIM* Uin-tMiT*®, SHOOO. Enter at any tim*. Sand for Circular Dr. Crook's Wine of 'i ik lO YEAIt —OF A— Public Tc. . On proved fjt DR. CROOK'S JXL WINE TAB Tw hare snore pffpar 9BP Hon ever wbrcd Ike public. II b rich te 0e nsedtrtvl coat Ittn ofTmr. mod oneqoaled <5 dtoc* cm mt (ke Tfcrost uad Lug* i forming Dm mm* <—n. CmcH OaMkCbrwlcOaacbs. I keflecuialir cures them mi tal Broach Itl*. EM eared m> may cam it ha* bee* proaaoaead* g specific lor Utat oompiaiiils. For paina In Breast, Hide or Bark. Gravel or Kidney Mnm, Diseases of the I rlnarv Orpu Jaundice or any Liver Complain: It baa Mtqc: DeUiitai Canoes the Food to Digest, * moJt * Dj gßg prevents Malarious Fevers, Gives tone to your fljysf TBI DB.CBOOK'SWLVKOfT The Champion of the World/ The oew Improved American Button HoleOvcraeamiug and Compute Sewing Jfachine—The great eat machine of the Age ! Siraplcltr, Durability A Che p ness Combined. This machine being the litest, hit u improvements overall other, in a wot... si is a perfect is acknow. Ed by judges andagvnt* of ail t . machines. Call on A. L. Bartacs, maaiionl u.g, who is the authorised agent for Centre county. ALAO keeps the beet Sew nig Ma chine thread, needle*, and repair* all kn of sewing machines, clocks, wskhw. n <> sick boxes Ac I will thoroughly cam the section belonging tonie, and 1 shall I very much pleased totel) every per machine, on easy terms ; give it a :ria 1 for* purchasing any other— it ha* no e. i::.l. Parties wishing the machine, will p < - address the undersigned. Satisficl guaranteed. AH orders promptly altei d- Sdto. A. L BARTGES. Agent for Centre County MADisoxaumo, PA. MANHOOD: HOW LOST, HOW - RESTORED! JM (AOLAM •• TDLUM RF DL TWWR. Kaasl on llw mdienl cut* (without m lci^^sVm2kwTi.nru. ha*lWkn.. >'y •BUru SMulanl I,nn. ltoputowcp. Mraiul aoC I '';r, oal taoaeacits. tascSlanli to kwam. etc. : Sutowtoptlnn. fc|Ua*. "•<> •'"t ** ertfia itwlsswrrr TT ' b hrcrMirtW. frM a thirty |Wl' wwcftoful vr* do*, (hat lbs olonatu ooiMiufiico at aUsln. > ho rwduwll) curwU without the duiurorow* u. at It *l, to BNU oi which eeerr cm mutter wb< aoaatUoa moj bo. Bar cmte huurolf cbeoply. ertvir. 1. This Lecture Omuld bo ta tbo hsods of amy jwut aiuj afgn nvan in tkw lud Soot, under ml. ta 0 ploln earok>ro. U> > sadrwto, ASdroas tho KLIHK A CO.. Poot-OBco Box 4.MS. UT AiSNTkAL HOTEL. twi-rTFiHi \j and Chestnut Street. Mifflinburg, I a. Jobn Shower*, Proprietor. Its Central Location makes it particularly desirable to persons visiting Town on business or pleasure. H. A. Taylor's Livery Attached. nnf2l ly PURIFY YOUR BLOOD. 1 For Serwftalauftorofn* T lotu JpihcoMK of Use are Eye*, or Sci©fula in A any foruu Any disease or eruption cf Jg the Skin, disease of the Liver, Rheumatism, O 11 IgV Bores, Ulcere, Broken-down ri Qs Coustitutions. Sjphiita, or an* ' diacaae depending on a do pSkj proved condition of the hiooj ' CROOK'S m v* SYRIP OP Spoke root. G'&y oi Poke rombitud p' l iC ' EJy aration of Iron which goe "• • Ay tnce into the blood, perfc im - mg the mcst rapid tnd w^' V derful core*. Ask vonr DiUi-gid .'or Dr. Crook C r ' - ' tound S/. up of t'wka Boot-take Band . fiatled.