The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, February 06, 1873, Image 1

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    Nope On.
Hope no, tried heart. hop* on !
Though dork thr lot,
Nor one bright *pot
To elisor thy lonely WOT.
Let not thy courage foil thee ;
When doul>U ond feor omoil the*.
Hope on!
There shine* o tpddiug tor shot a j look up ond
And it* ry.
Hope on, brave heort. hop* on!
Fronds may deceive.
And thou moy'et grieve
And mourn affection's low ;
But do not yet deapoir, love.
True friend*, like pearie. ore rare, love;
Hope en!
And throngh the growing dorkneee. noldy
bravely bear thy oroae
Hj* did it happen! Wad. yon ■*•,
Charley caked fur Mary or me;
B'leigntng good, and neither loth.
Only wished be eculd lake n* both,
Po he said. And grandmother aaule-1.
Nodding at me. " Ores* warmly, child."
He looked at Moll
As if to say:
Too had; but ww
Shall rid* soma day.
Whila I. half promised not to go.
Tat feclmg, somehow, forced, yru know,
Kan lo get ready, tilithely humming.
Navar dreaming of what waa coming
A dear little sleigh and robes -so me*!
And though the air w as cold as low,
1 didn't care on* bit. not 1.
And that here* at lliarUy's seemed to fly;
Wlul* tha sleigh-bells' clung a-liug clear and
Kept tune to my heart's bewildered bast.
With a olung-a-Ung-ehing.
And <"barley singing
" What would ww do. love !"
Through thaw ringing.
Bvarv thing waa so perfect and bngbt
And tweet and warm- for a winter night—
That -that in fact, though only afoightug,
1 hardly knew what Charley waa saying.
Snow-bound ? Ah, that is only his jok#;
There wasn't s storm, and netlung broke.
And ww weren't half deed with eotd and fear.
Nor buned in drift, as he'd have it appear.
It's only his way of letting you know
Of what bwfhU o'er law crispy snow.
While ching-a-hng-whiag
We slid along.
And Charley forgot
To end his song.
And I—well. I was quiet 100.
For where was the use. when Charley knew ?
All in a breath the paat grew clear.
And life ah,me forth, so dear, to dear!
" Pnfta," indeed! and " Fuy ww wwui 1*
Tou might have guessed what his '"mom
bound" meant.
Early Traces of Men.
When quarry men uncovered alalia of
Connecticut sand atone, bearing im
pressions exactly like bird tracks, geol
ogists reasonably inferred that, at the
time the rook was forming and was as
vet but wet sand, there existed gigantic
birds or bird-like animals, which strode
along these ancient sea shores much as
beach birds do along the shores of to
day. The fact that traces ef birds had
never been found before in strata so
ancient, uinch less the popular theorv
that birds were of later creation, diil
not invalidate the inference; one posi
tive fact, as is well known, outvalues
any amount of negative assertion, and
the old theory had to pre way.
When workmen, digging a canal near
Stockholm, came upon a buried hearth
with charcoal on it, exactly like those
which uncivilised people now make and
use, tlie natural inference was that some
one of more than brute intelligence had
lived there before the overlying earth
was deposited. Had the hearth been
slightly buried, sav six feet below the
surface, there would have been iu ques
tion of its artificial origin; it would nave
been accounted the work of man as
surelv as if a human skeleton had been
found lying beside it. Hhould the in
ference* be considered leas legitimate
becauue there happened to be sixty feet
of eardi above the hearth ? True, that
accumulation of erratic blocks and sand
and sea shells gaTe unmistakable evi
dence of great geological changes since
the hearth was last esed—glacial action,
submergence of the land and its subse
quent elevation, —all involving long
periods of time; but that told not so
much against the testimony of the
hearth ss against the belief'that man
was of more recent creation.
Nov that such witnesses bare beea
multiplied to an almost infinite namber,
forming a continuous chain from the
earliest historic times far back into the
terttary period, the evidence is over
whelming; the "alleged ** antiquity of
man, as it is styled by those who £ave
never investigated the matter, passes
from the domain of hypothesis into the
region of demonstrated fact. The vista
of human antiquity opened up by these
surprising discoveries is indeed vast, so
vast that even those who have most pa
tiently followed them and assisted in
their development are overwhelmed
with the thought of it. No wonder,
then, that those to whom it comes ss s
sndden revelation should flatly refuse
to admit its reality.
As Mr. Evans remarks in the closing
paragraph of his magnificent work on
the ancient stone implements, weapons
and ornaments of (ireat Britain, "it is
impossible not to sympathize with those
who, from sheer inability to carry their
vision so far back into the dim past, and
from unconsciousness of the cogency
of other (than the fossils described in
the work above mentioned) and distinct
eridence as to the remoteness •( tha or
igin of the human race, are unwilling to
believe in so vast an antiquity for man
as must of necessity be conceded by
those who . . . &ave fully and fair
ly weighed the facts which modern dis
coveries have unrolled before their
eves." Yet while we sympathize with
the natural incredulity of those who
lack the basis of intelligent judgment,
we need not imitate their unreasoning
assurance in contradicting the deduc
tions of science while refusing to exam
ine either the ground of their own con
victions or the evidence of the different
convictions of others.
The geological proofs of the antiqui
ty of man, to which Mr. Evans alludes,
are of threefold character :
1. The association of hnman bones
with the bones of extinct animals, un
der conditions which prove them to be
of eqnal age.
2. The signs of hnman action on the
bones of eztinct animals: the breaking
of them to extract marrow, after the
manner of existing savages; the shap
ing and polishing of them for use and
ornament; and more instructive skill,
the tracing on them of the outlines of
mammoths and other animals now ex
tinct or driven by change of climate to
distant parts of the earth.
3. The discovery of wrought stone
implements, weapons and ornaments
under undisturbed strata demonstrably
belonging to periods reaching as far
back as the pliocene period, if not far
Detailed descriptions of these various
evidences, which are marvelous in num
ber, may be found in the elatwrate
works of Lyell, Lubbock, Wilson,
Evans and other English scholars, as
well as in numerous French and Ger
man writings; or the evidences them
selves may be studied in ritu, and in
numerous rich collections of archseo
geological specimens, by any one dis
posed to do so. The purposes of this
arficle admit bat the briefest mention
of a few of the most ancient of these
tesces of early man.
First, for our own country. Perhaps
the oldest skull vet discovered is we
one found in the pliocene strata of Ca
ble Mountain, California, Having ne
companion in its almost incredible anti
quity, it was natural at the time of its
discovery for men to ridicule tie age
accorded it, and to take refuge in the
assertion that it never came from the
place alleged, or if it did, it must have
come there by irregular means. But
when many corroborating evidences of
human existence during the pliocene
period are found, as they have been, in
VMKT>. ICI HTZ, Ivlilt.r MIHI 1 Vopiiotor.
the Mtu strata under condition* which
salify careful geologist thnt the strata
hod not previously IWII dt*turled, the
astonishing ohoroctcr of the testimony
i* not sufficient ground for Hotly reject
tug it. At e meeting of the Sou 1 ron
eiaeo Academy of Science, in Moy U*l,
Dr. Blake presented the toriely w ith o
uunilmr of perforated implement* of
•erj*ntiu\ winch had been lokeu frutu
strati lied rock near the atmunit of the
coast range, 1700 feet above the sea.
They were found. enilieddod in argil
laceous shales, in digging away the
aide of a hill for the fonndAtiou of a
house, and. oay* Dr. lllake, were "iti
deutiy fvliH'Ued hv the liwild of mail or
some animal capable of uoiug it* anter
ior extreniitiea no a* to fashion object*
to meet it* wants, and apparently p<>*-
aeaaed of aurtictcut iutelugvnoe to use
line* or uets for catching Hah; as it
would seem that these instruments muat
have been used as sinkers." Dr. Blake
pronouueea the rook m which these in
teresting specimens of primitive manu
facture were discovered, to Ih> of an age
not laterthan the pliocene period; while
Professwr Whitney, the State Geologist,
is of opinion it is still more ancient
Anyhow, man appear* to have antedated
the* upheaaval of the coast range and the
attendant geological chauges; a remote
ness iu time wluclt makes the fossil
skeleton found at Natchex and New Or
leans, and the human fragments under
the Florida canals, seem comparatively
modem. Yet at that distant period man
had existed long enough to overspread
a considerable portion *>f the earth, if
not the whole ot it, since traces of such
primeval meu have been found wher
ever they have been diligently sought
Scarcely a decade has passed sinee
geologists began ts admit the possi
bility of finding traces of men IU glacial
or preglacial strata; yet already human
bones or unquestionable evideuces of ,
human luuidiwork have been found in
the deposits of those early times, in
couneotiou with the remains of suppos
ed prehuman animals, in England,
Scandinavia, Belgium. France, dpain,
Italy, Germany, India, Australia, and
South America, as well as in our own
Oouutrv; and the moro carefully the
search baa been conducted, the farther
back the history of man has been push
ed into the distant past. Every inch
of the ground has been fought over, the
firm conviction of the early iuve-tiga
tors that man could not be so old s crea
ture eausiug them to receive every dis
covery with downright disfavor.
Such an upturning of all the reco
gnised foundations of history seemed
of necessity to involve some hidden
error. But it did not. The facts are
so numerous and intelligible that the
most skeptical enquirers have been con
vinced, and now not a few of them hold
high rank among tlie authorities of the
young science of archjrogeology. Among
these is the venerable Sir Charles Lyell,
whose caution is not less remarkable
than his courage. After studying
some of the'earlier discoveries of human
fossils, he admitted their preglacial
origin and thought we might expect to
find the remains of man in tlie puoceuo
strata. Writing after tlie diajpvery of
such pliocene remains. Sir JWin Lub
bock set tlie time of the first beginning
of the human race as far back as the
miocene, or middle tertiary period;
while Alfred Wallace carries the date
still further back, into the eocene period;
this, however, on theoretical grounds,
since the traces of men earlier than the
pliocene period are few and somewhat
questionable. In what is aaid to be
miocene strata near Pontlevoy, France,
a M. Bourgeois has found numerous
wrought fiiuts in the stratum contain
ing the remains of a long extinct animal
allied to the rhinoceros, and beneath a
bed which contains the mastodon, the
dinothcrinm and tlie rhinoceros. Simi
lar evidence# of man's presence and skill
have been found in the miocene beds of
Aurillar, with the remain* of auimals
long since extinct ; and at I'ouonce, an
other observer, M. I)elaunay, has dis
covered a bone of a herbivorous cetacean
of the miocene period, which bears the
marks of cutting instruments, such as
must have been made when tlie bone
wae in a green condition. i>oul>tless
these faint foreshadowing* of man's
presence in the middle tertiary will be
strengthened by future discoveries, as
the first evidence of his existence in the
later tertiary and quarternary period
have been.
The time required for all the geologi
cal changes which have take place since
man demonstrably entered upon the
struggle for existence is simply incon
ceivable. The glacial limit lately set to
his history has been overpassed, and his
dominion extended perhaps further be
yond it than it is back of the present.
" We of the present generation." says
Sir John Lyell, "when called upon to
make grant's of thousands of centuries
in order to eTplain the events of wliat
is e&lled the modern period, shrink
naturally at first from making what
seems lavish an expenditure of past
time." Yet, however much the imagin
ation mny take alarm at the immensity
of such periods, the sternest reason de
clares them to be necessary unless we
stand ready to deny the orderly se
quence of events. The same sort of
evidence which proves the existence of
man on earth six thousand yearn ago
proves his presence here aa many thou
sand centuries.— Scientific American.
ANOBT Wonos.—lt is an excellent
thing to have a good memory as a rule,
but it is quite as good to have a poor
ons sometimes. Tliere are some things
it would be such a blessing to forget.
Angry remarks and bitter retorts arc
amongst them; bnt, alas! a thousand
good words are forgotten, while the bad
one is remembered for ever. It is far
easier to learn an idle, senseless jingle
of rhymes than a beautiful hymn or po
em. Do not waste your time and atten
tion over what yon would some dny give
much to forget. Slanderous words are
far better forgotten than remembered.
One of the heat helps to forgetting ia
never to speak of them, not even in a
whisper. If you hear a playmate any
something nnkind of another, keep it
to yourself; she will forget it pretty soon,
anii feel as kindly as ever towards the
person. But if you tell it, what a storm
you will raise ! "How the girls will take
sides! and two parties will be formed,
and very likely the girls' parents wiil
join the quarrel, and the whole neigh
borhood will be in a great uproar just
because of that cross word you had so
much better let die. What would yon
think of a person who went along pick
ing up all the old burs and thistles he
could find, and then fastening them on
to people? Just such nuisances are
these malicious, thoughtless words.
Don't pick them up, and they will do
but little hurt.
the following almost muke us exclaim,
"What's the use of eyes?" The accom
plishments of a sightless man are thus
told Beading, Penn., owns the per
son,' but leaves it for a Berks county
German paper to immortalize him. He
is a German, ninety years of age, keeps
a tavern, (which is known as blind
Hartman's,) ia expert in the handling of
money, and baffles all attempts to cheat
him with spurious cnrrency. He walks
out alone, can point to any piece of
real estate in the town, and to crown
all, mends clocks and repairs musical
i instruments.
A Horrible Story.
A* the day of the murderer ("luek'a
execution approaches, horrible Slid
ghastly topics sre diseusacd in work
shops, around the evening stove, iu ilie
comer grocery, and in many places of
public resort. Children shudder and
cling chmor to their mother's knee a*
the garrulous old visitor narrate* some
story of a hanging, or the details of
some dark crime that occurred a hen she
was a girl. The solemn, the mysterious
and the *ujer*titiou*, which always
surround a hanging, seem to he in I lie
air; and, although the topic is a dis
gusting oue, it must be confessed —not
to the ervdit of humanity- that a rnor
bid appetite in the public craves and
demand* the minutest detail of the hor
rible barbarity. Oue of the many re
called stories which are borne upon the
very wind, the following was told to s
reporter of tlie /rMfntnupofia AT ntinrl a
night or two ago, and, to mid to the
horrid surroundings of the story, lie
was iu a eofHu shop, viewing the coffin
which is to contain the last remains of
the condemned Cluck. The story may
be a true oue; more likely it is false,
but it is gtveu as it was detailed, and it
may be that some one still living may
remember the circumstance and write
the tale.
Some year* ago there wan a well known
eogiaear, whose name is not given lor
gooil and sufficient reasons, nut a pas.
aetiger traiu on one of the moat popular
and moat travelled road* that rrnis out
of ludiauapolis. At a certain place ou
the road, every uight for altout a week,
aa the passenger train run by tlna engi
neer came thundering aloug, it w* cer
tain to be thrown from the track by ob
structions placed there. Several of
these mishaps to the train caused loss of
life, and the company was becoming
considerably alarmed, and the ability of
tit* engineer was being seriously ques
tioned. One uight ss the unfortunate
tnuu was usariug the fatal spot, the en
gineer, who had been sitting grum and
silent st the throttle, turned to the fire
man and aaid, " If this train jumps the
truck, st this place to-night, you follow
me; don't stop for anything, but keep
close after inc. Somebody has been
throwing this train off the track, and I'm
going to catch him. ' When the tram
arrived at the usual place it struck a
misplaced rail and was hanked. The
engineer, closely followed by the fire
man, jumped from the engine and ran
into a corn field, and started up a man
that lay concealed there. I'pou bring
ing the culprit back to the wreck the
euraged passengers wanted to lvnrh him,
but the engiueer, a stern, cold, deter
mined man, prevented them, saying he
would take charge of him, and through
the intercession of the conductor tlie
trembling wretch wa* left in charge of
the engineer. The train was righted
and wus soon speeding on its way. The
prisoner, who had confessed his fiend
lshneas, had been seated on the engine,
and the fireman placed beside bim as a
guard. When the train was on a smooth
piece of track, bowling along st a speed
of twenty-five miles an hour, the engi
neer beckoned the fireman to ataud out
of the way. The fireman stepped aside
and the engineer picked up a round
stick of wood and struck the criminal
such a blow upon tlie bead that it com
pletely stunned him. He then caught
the quivering form of the poor wretch,
and, -opening the furnace doors, threw
lus body into the hot, seething hell of
fiame. The doors were shut, the train
rattled along, and never, until upon lua
death-bed, tlie engineer confessed the
act, was it ascertained what had been
the fate of the fiend who had been luthe
habit of throwing the train off the
Pulling s Tooth with s boor-Knob.
Tlie rough sort of dentistry described
below has occasionally l>eeu practiced as
a trick, with more or less success; but
we have rarely heard of a patient's
choosing the door-knob method of his
own accord.
A rough, Western farmer came into a
doctor's office to have a tooth extracted,
but fliuched at sight of
ment* and again and again the doctor
tried in vain to get a gnpper into hia
At lost, the Hoosier declared " that
'ere new-fangled thing tobs no account,
and wanted to know if the doctor could
tie a string ground the tooth ; " for,"
said he, "that's the way I used to pull
'am out, an' I guess it's better'n all jcr
new-fangled fixtures."
The dentist, to please him, said he
would try, and producing from s drawer
a fine strong piece of fish-line, after a
great deal of trouble, and yells of pain
from the Hoomer, it was firmly secured
around the tootli. The Hoosier then
proposed to fasten the string to the
door-knob, whieli was accordingly done.
The backwoodsman then commenced
a scries of easy jerks on the line, each
of which was followed by yells of pain.
The doctor resumed his seat, aud
smiled audibly behind his paper, occa
sionally glancing toward the door, and
then turning quickly again to the paper
to hide behind it hia merriment.
Thus matter* atocxl, until nt last the
fire burned low, aiul the dentist arose
to replenish it. As he threw in the
wood, and stirred the red-hot coals into
a blaze, a brilliant idea seemed, to strike
him, for his face brightened wonder
fully. Arising from the floor, he left
the poker in the fire, and, seating him
self, awaited the change of affairs.
The backwoodsman had relapsed into
despondency, for a melancholy expres
sion had settled on his face. He steadily
gazed downward, as if he were in deep
The dentist, as I have said before, re
sumed his seat, but threw asido his
paper, and sat looking intently into the
fire, with an expression of merriment
plaving on his features.
Thus he sat for some time. At Inst,
noiselessly rising from his chair, he
drew the poker, one end of which was
glowing with a r<*d heat, from the fire.
He suddenly brandished it in the air,
and brought it rapidly towards the
Hooaier's nose. The "backwoodsman
threw himaelf back with a jerk. The
cord did not break nor the door-knob
come out; but the tooth looaened from
ita roots, and iioundcd against the door
with a click like a bullet.
An ExtrnTagant Suit.
A costnine of amethyst velvet, fur j
trimmed, having a flounce lined with
bird of paradise satin, slashed St inter
vals, and one corner held back by *
border of ermine, which formed chev
rons round tlio skirt, was lately worn.
The tunic was bird of paradise moire
with rovers of amethyst velvet, on which
were laid bands of ermine, finished by a
velvet quilting and a deciier one of rich
fragiledooking point, which fell ujxin
the moire. Toe ermine was thrown into
purest relief bv the velvet, and blended
admirably with the bird of paradise bus;
forming a study of color which would
have encliauted the eye of a great artist.
The open bodice, with velvet revere
edged by s double pleating of moire
and wide lace with shoulder-knot of vel
vet and treble silk cord, recalled some
thing of mediaeval splendor, carried out
by the chatelaine of topaz and diamonds,
which fell in long links to the waist,
ending in a coetly pendant of amethyst
and topazes fringed with brilliants. The
cost of this sumptuous bit of modern
imsgination was $1,700 for the dress ex
clusive of the lace, and $2,000 for the
chatelaine; but these were Paris prices,
not American ones, which iroold be
something ruinous to think of.
A Chat with Clergymen.
Mr. H., a well-known clergyman, any*
Di<> Ijewis, came to consult me al>ut
his throat, ami began by telling Una
"I worked on a farm till 1 was twenty
two,when I was converted, and immedi
ately resolved to study for the ministry.
We Used oxell, and indulged iu that
unearthly habit of veiling at them all
day long. The netglilmra who lived
full two miles away declared that they
lieurd ute from tuoraiug till night. 1
reinemtier thut one old man ill the
ucighlKirhood said when be heard that
1 was studying for llie ministry;
" 'Well, there is one thing about that
chap; lis'U make 'eiii hear anywhere in
the country. When he once gets
into the pulpit, if li* Veils aa loud as he
does at them ealtle, they'll hear him all
over heaven and all through the t'other
place too.'
"And now," routiuued Mr. H., *'l
have been preaching aeventeeii years;
and although I have had no attacks of
sickness, have gradually lost uiy health
and strength, till preaching one acrmuti
a week completely exhausts uie. 1 don't
feel like aiM-aking loud before Wednes
day; and beside* this, I have lost my
legs, until 1 can't walk two miles with
out complete exhaustion. My ehureh
has gtveu me a year's vacation, and now
1 come to ask what 1 had batter do?"
First," 1 said, "I'll bell you what not
to do. Don't go to the Holy"Laiid.
The dirt and discomfort which you
must encounter there won't help you,
while the lsrk of opportunity to use
your faculties, physical and mental, is
every way unfavorable. This climate
is an excellent one—this society is ex
ceptionally good; so 1 advise you to re
main here, and after visiting a week
or two with friends, go back to your
work and follow this regimen:
"Ist. Go to bed at nine o'clock every
night, and sleep half an hour in the
middle of the dav.
'"id. I'm ft good l>cefteak or Million
chop, with stale bread and butter u<i
Ithitum, for breakfast, with • cup of
weak coffee. For diuuer, ftt two o'clock.
Lake a large diah of oatmeal or cracked
wheat. Eat no aupper.
"3d. 1 lathe your akiu in the morning
with cold water, and rub it hard with
rough towel*. On going to be l at night
rub youraelf all orcr witli hair glove*.
"4th. Work Ave hour* a day out
door* iu oin* regular employment, like
that of fanning or that of a carpenter.
Keep up vuur habit of morning study.
"sth. bon'l le extra good I mean
to say, don't ls aolemu and reserved,
lie jolly. Have a good time. Even if
you think this life a weary pilgrimage,
act, for the sake of your health, a
though the world were a pleaaant home
and designed for happiness rather than
Mr. 11. engaged with one of his par
ishioner*. a carueuter, and bargained to
begin at uiue o'clock every morning and
work till two. He was to have what he
could earn, which, at the end of a mouth,
was thought to l>e a dollar a day. With
in three month* he could frame timl>er
as well as the beat of them.
The only disagreeable result from
this prescription is this: Since Mr. il.
got well laud he declare* that he never
felt so well in hia life* he ha* taken to
preaching this aort of table and out-door
work to hi* people, and thus, yon see,
deprives me of the opportunity to re
peat this prescription to others at five
dollars per head. In this wav mv fam
ishing children are deprived of that
bread which, but for this clerical inter
ference, their father would supply to
them from the sweat of his brow.
American clergymen should be the
healthiest men iu the country. Their
life health wise way easily be mad® the
ideal one.
Ktiline * Wife.
A man named TtJdlw, in Wgiuia,
ha* got kin wife in proper subjection,
and means to keen her so. "Oh," say*
ke, in telling about it, " there ain't
many men who know kow to rale a wife
properly. Xow, my old woman is oue
of the best nntnred woman in the world, ,
but ske's got a dene® of a temper.
Wlienener I see ske's got ker madness
up, if it's a dozen times n day, I just
quietly ssr nothing, but rather humor
ker, aiid she comes around all right af- |
ter a while. Even when she thrown
tilings at mo or gives a wild dash at me
with the broom or rolling-pin, I (just
dodge a little, and she never hits me n
third time before I get mv eye on her.
and let her know I disapprove of sueh !
notions on her part. Perhaps I have to
leave the house to show her this, but j
she sees the point. Then, by being
careful not to irritate her, and letting ;
her have her own way, I manage to
make her do as I please. And yon bet
I make her understand and appreciate 1
my discipline. Oh, I keep her nnder
perfect control. A man has, you know,
got to lw master in his own honse, or
your wife will ride you down a* if you
wasn't nolxnly. My wife is a perfect
angel in her natnral disposition, but
any other man bnt me would spoil her."
Aixiatrom' Hunts. - The Mobile
RrgUter is nrging upon its readers tbo
necessity of establishing a tannery for
the preparation of alligator hidea on an
extensive scale. It argues that alliga
tor-Mkin Ixxit* were once very generally
worn in the United States, and that tiiey
went out of fashion through a failure
on the part of the South to meet the re
quirements of the trade, by enabling
manufacturers to buy the material at a
reasonable price. According to the
Shot and Jsathrr Reporter, there is
only one tannery in the country making
a specialty of alligator hides. It is sit
uated in Xow England, aud by all ac
counts is exceedingly prosperous.
Southern men ship skins t® it, but rare
ly wear alligator boots, for the reason,
sis the Regirtcr puts it, "tlist if we oon
olnde to have a lnxnry of this kind, we
must not onlv pay in full for tho leath
er, but alao the cost of its transporta
tion up to New England and back again
to Mobile." There is certainly a good
deal of force in the arguments of onr
contemporary, and we shall be glad to
see its suggestion carried into effect.
Profitable Business,
The Adams brothers, whose father
set tied twelve miles west of Han Antonio,
Texas, in IHo 1, coiffinenccd witn two
hundred head of stock cattle. The old
gentleman is long since dead, but his
sons have steadily followed the business,
ami now offer their entire stock for sale.
They propose to deliver, at their various
pens sitlun their range, aixtv-cight
thousand head of cattle, all of their
own mark and brand, within ninety
days after signing contract, at flvo dol
lars ajtcric i>er head, and to give the
purchaser all there may he over, which
they believe will be fully ten thousand
head. This execs* they offer as an in
ducement for aome one to buy their cat
tle. These gentlemen sold eight thou
sand head of beeves this year at twelve
dollars gold per head.
A young man named Gill, of Gaines,
Michigan, went to bed and dreamed
that a tree was falling toward him. In
his frantic efforts to escape he jumped
into the middle of the floor and thence
through a window over two tree*tops,
landing in snow nine feet from the
building and thirty feet from his bed.
The window was badly smashed, but he
wasn't hurt at all.
Something About Carpet*.
In its homo comer the New York AWi
gives the following hint* :
First, we will give you some idea as
to the cost of carpi-ting. As we do not
know the ante of Uie rooms we cauuot
estimate the entire value, but must ooit
flue our statemeut* to the price jww
yard. Ingrain etui be Imught for 81 and
81.2 ft, but a good article- one that will
wear well—is valued at 81-Ai and fl.ftU
per yard. Three-ply ranges iu price
from 81 bd to 81. Pf yard, and is
really th* most durable curjn-t oue can
invest in. It is not only strong and
substantial, but can lie used oil both
sides, which gowd quality cau also lie
attributed to the ingrain, while tapestry
or Brussels c*u be worn only on the one
In lirtiaiiel* rarjieting we find two
kind* English body Brussels and ta
The difference lietweeu the two is
considerable, both in texture and price.
The tajH-atry Brussels cornea in jut a*
desirable color* and pattern* a* the
other, but the thread* or loop* are not
fastened on the under sole. Thi* car
pet can lie distinguished by taking a
piece of the earpit aud pulling one of
tlie thread*, when the loops will come
out iu*t like knitting or crotchet. If
carefully used, one of these carpels will
wear well; but rough sweeping, ami
Im*.t or shoes with tacka in them, will
simiu cover the fl.ior with string* of dif
ferent color*. The price per yard ia
from $1.50 to $1.73, varrying according
to quality, color*, and newness of
The English body Brussels is higher
priced and more substantial, although
to the inexperienced it doe* not apuear
any better, or, in truth, different from
UiH-alry. it ia mora desirable llutu the
otin r for tlii* reason : The loops are
fastened on the under hide, and there
fore cannot be pulled out, either by
drawing the thread* or by pulling at
the loop*. £2 to $2.A3 are the regular
lirioM silked for English body Brussels,
tut sometime* the newest designs sell
as high aa $2.5<1, while those two or
three year* old are sold for $1.75 per
Underneath the carpet*, linings are
now used, consisting of two thicknesses
of stout brown paper with cottoa be
tween. These soften the floors, anil
make the carpet* wear better.
have to pay about fifteen ceuta a yard
for the beat qualities.
The moat fashionable and convenient
stair rods are round, mid are arranged
in the *te|i* with springs, and of course
are much easier to manage than tlie old
style flat rods, which need to be pushed
into place and held tin r* ever the head*
• f large screw*. We ftud different
qualities of these rods, tlioaa of orna
mental brass being p*. slrt, and sl2 per
dozen, while the wooden rod* with brass
end* or tt)M cost only $5 a dozen.
Oil cloth* you will uel for your
rlon<-1* aud lower hall*. A good artirla
will coat from $i to $1.25, and then, too,
mats add to the appearance of noatnesa
in tha house, and they do not oust *o
vcrv much. Oocoa mat* range from
s2.ff> to $3. Brussels coat $2.50, while
those of akin range from $3 to $5. Ot
tomau* ready-made coat anywhere from
$2.50 to $5 each, according to *txe and
quality of the carpet used for covering.
They are nut only convenient but very
pretty ornament* for a room.
At her Husband'* Birr.
Mrs. Edwin Forrest, the tragedian's
wife, was, according to the statement of
! reporter, at her hualuutd's funeral. He
says: -Sitting at the window facing
Broad street, and with no one near ker,
her arms resting listlessly on ber knees,
her fingers nervously dramming and
hiving each other, was csthanne Sin
clair, the divorced wif® of the dead. If
any one knew who she was they appear
ed to kwp their distance. She arrived
in the morning and entered the house
at half-past twelve. She was dressed in
deep mourning, with a dsnbls black
crape veil flowing nearly to her feet.
She moved nervously toward the rear
parlor, where the remains were lying.
There were but five or six peraonaiuthe
room. Throw jug aside her veil she
fttowd for nearly ten minutes, placed her
hand upon his head, aud followed the
, arm down to the hand, which she
! grasped for a few minutes. Then she
glided toward the foot of the coffin and
plucked one or two flowers from the
•runs which lay upon tiie dead man's
feet. Bk® Uu n moved rapidly to the
front parlor, wlier® alie was seated nntil
the coffin left the house."
It is a hard work to speak. Home
may laugh that it should be, but let
them laugh. Icy hearts are never kind.
It ia a word that has choked many an
utterance, olid started many a tear. The
Inuid ia clasped, the ward spoken, we
part, and are upon tho ocean of tima—
we go to meet again, God only knows
where. It may be soon; it may lie nev
er. Take care"that your " good-by "bo
not a cold one—it-may be the last one
that you can give. Ere you meet your
friend again, death's cold hand may
have closed his eyes and hushed hia bp*
farever. Ah! lie" may have died think
ing you loved him not.
Again, it may bo a very long *separ
ation. Friend* crowd around and give
their hand. How do you detect in each
gooil-hj the love that linger* there; and
how you bear away with yon the mem
ory of these parting words many, many
day*! We must often separate. Tear
not yourself sway with a careless bold
ness tliat defies all love, but make your
last words linger—give tlie heart its fall
utterance—and if tear* fall, what of it ?
Tears are not unmanly.
Penny Kewqiapers In America,
Only about thirty yearn ago, or lew,
two journeymen printer* commenced
the publication of the New York AWi,
writing ami netting up their editorials
and other matter. They issued seven
hundred copies daily, which they sold
to the news-boys at "the price of sixty
two and a half' cents a hupdred copies,
and the boys sold them for a cent each.
An old Railing* press was worked with
their own hands. As their edition in
creased—which it did—the printing was
done on a Napierpress. Afterward they
employed a steam press. One of the
party sold hid interest for ten thousand
dollars, and lieeamo a lawyer and a pub
lic man at the West. Now, tens of
thousands of copies of this paper sro
thrown off daily, and it was not long
before a brood of penny papers sprung
up in different parts of the country.
Tim MONTH TO MI Rons IN, See
what a number of famens persons have
lw<on liyrn in December: Samuel
Crompton, inventor of tlio mule for
spinning cotton, born in the year ;
Thomas Carlyle, historical and miscel
laneous writer, 1795 ; John Kitto, bibli
cal writer, 1804 ; Marv, Queen of Scot*,
1R52 ; Gnstavus the Great, of Sweden,
1594 ; John Milton, the gr. at post, 1608;
Tyrho Brnhe, astronomer, 1546 ; James
Bruce, the traveller, 1730 ; Von Welwr,
musical composer, 1770; Lndwig
Beethoven, composer, 1770 ; Sir Hum
phrey Davy, chemist, inventor of safety
lainii, 1779; John Kepler, astronomer,
1571 ; Sir Isaac Newton, natural phil
oaopher, 1642 ; Francis Xavier, 1695 ;
Thomas Grny, author of " Elogy in a
Country Churchyard," 1716.
The Union Pacific has had uo serious
delays from snow this winter.
Sated by • Hug.
A short time linw, uyi m Omii
rt|r, • man uaiut-d Andrew lVirn left
i* home ui Ch.iiu.lh, Mill came IVtnl in
search of work. Upon arriving in
Omaha, ho proceeded to Plum Creek,
on the line of the Union Pacific llail
rotul, mkl u|Hn reaching that place ho
wmh i'<l to x*' b) the far in of • man il * •
ing eight an lea from the village. Not
being acquainted with tho country, lo
inquired the way, Mid *• directed to
f o across the erooi, ami follow a certain
ino. He started on hia ahort journey,
1 having hut little idea that in an abort a
distance he would stare death in the
After fgnaaatliwg about four milea, he
niHile tho alarming discovery that he
! had suddenly loat hia way in the blind
ing, drifting anow, which hail swept
awar all traces of tjie road, and all tlia
landmark* upon whiehhe depended, tha
wind having sriscu after he hail aet out
fruui I'luui Creek, What t do he did
uot know. There he *a# in the uudat
of a dreary waate, with no house or place
of shelter iu view, and yet he kuew that
he waa not more than fonr milea front
hia starting place. Then hia wander
tnga began, he hoping all the time that
he aught accidentally obaerve some
friendly habitation where he could gain
aheltor* and luformatiou. Hut alas! aa
each hour passed, hia hope failed, anil
hunger, against whieh he had not
thought it necessary to provide, in
creased, and at the 'aanie time he euf
fcred terribly from the cold. Each
minute seemed to him an hoar, and
each hour a day, aa he continued hia
fruitless walk, which lie wa* obliged to
km-p up iu order to prevent hia freezing
to death.
Three dava and three nights he tlma
wandered slanit, without food, without
real, and with but poor protection from
the biting eold and the piercing winds.
At last Lope, which ia said never to
leave the human breaat while life re
mains, entirely deserted him, and he lay
down uik>u the anow and prayed
Almighty that help might come, aa he
wan completely exhausted. He aooa
sank into insenaihdity, and remained in
that alale he don't know how lung, but
it couldn't Lave been any great length
of time, for he waa aroused from hia in
sensibility by uomething that seemed to
warm him up, and, upon opening hia
eyea, he discovered a large Newfound
land dog licking hia face and his hands
In an instant ho(>e returned to him. and
gathering all hia eaergiea, he made an
effort to get upon hi* baud* Mid knees,
and succeeded. Hie dog then com
menced jumping around him in a play
ful manner, and set upa joyful liarkmg,
and then made a abort run aa if to indi
cate to Peters that, if he would follow
him, he would lead him to a place of
safety. IV-tem began following the dog,
sometimes upon hia hands and knees,
Mid at other tnnea at a hobbling gait
After proceeding a half-mile, he discov
ered, sure enough, a farm-house in the
distance, which he tiiisiiy reached. He
■a taken in by the farmer and hia son,
and, briefly telling his story,hereonvod
their kindest stteution. They pulled
off his Units, and as they did ao por
tions of tlie flesh of hia feet, which were
fro ten, came off with them. Hia first
and third fingers, thumb, and palm of
hia right hand, and hia left ear waa also
terribly frown.
The farmer soil hia son gave him all
the assistance iu their power; but there
was no doctor at hand, and consequent
ly they could not do much. He was
sent to Omshs and to the hospital, but
will lie s cripula for life even if he lives.
The story of ins wMidenngs, his suffer- j
mgw from hunger and dud, hia dxop
ritig into iuacnsibility, and hia rescue
v the dog —as thrillingly told by him
self waa a most interesting narrative,
and one that at times would make the
very blood of the listener run cold. <
The Sea Serpent Again.
Periodically some enthusiastic sea
captain report* the sea serpent. He
has come again. Let the captain who
saw him tell his own story: I was on tha
quarter deck of the ship on Mst &,
1K72. We were off Norfolk Island, in
latitude 29 88 south, longitude 170 41
cast, shout six thousand nolcs from Hsn
Francisco, bound for Hong Kong, when
the men who were out on the fore top
sail-yard, engaged in reefing sail, sung
out to me, "Captain, look over the
side and see what's that over there!"
I ran to the rail, and npon looking over
—it was blowing a pretty fresh breeze
at the time, though there was not mncli
of a sea on—l saw, distant only four or
six feet from the ship's woollier quarter,
a huge monster. We were going, ac
cording to the log, five knots an liour.
As I ninde the reptile out it was a sea
serpent of deep brown oolor, and not
lea* than fifty feet in length from the
head to the end of the tail. It
was two feet in diameter. The head
wa* somewhat larger tliMi tha rest of
the body. When the monster was
about twenty feet astern of the ship it
raised it* head about four feet above the
water, anil, opening aa enormous month,
gapeil, or yawned, aa though just
awakened from sound sleep. 1 could
not diatiugui*h the color of its eyes.
Before my astonishment had subsided
I observed, a* did the entire ship's
orew, another similar *erj>ent coiled up,
a* though asleep, floating by on the lee
" How long did you keep tha reptiles
in sight ?" asked the interviewer.
" Sot long. Like all bail character*
thev ran away from u* aa fast aa they
could. Hie serpent I saw off Juan
Fernandez some rears ago gave a long
er view of itselh It passed the ship
going to windward, ana then rounded
and repassed on tlie lee side. That ser
pent's body waa quite plain above the'
water as it moved along."
A Pintroexrr'S STOUT.— A really
hard case came befora a Cincinnati po
lice court last week in the affair of one
Edward Anderson, who from the proud
position of Wing admittedly the most
expert pickpocket in the State, had
fallen to the degrndation of mere vul
gar, unskilled stealing of anything he
could lay his hands on. lie explained
this unprofessional course by patheti
cally assuring the Court that duriugthe
three vcars' imprisonment from which
he had iust emerged he had quite lont
the steadiness of nerve and delicacy of
touch requisite for the prosecution of
the higher branch of his art, and was
unwillingly compelled to return to
soarser work, which he felt was Wneatli
him. Under theae circumstances the
sympathetic magistrate mitigated hin
sentence to thirty daya' sojourn in the
Workhouse, with an admonition to
leave the city at the expiration of that
period. Kuril mercy should lie temper
ed with simple justice to the extent of
affording the geutleman an opportunity
to regain his former dexterity before he
is exiled from his provincial home to
ootnpete with the labor of the metro
WHO WoriJ) nr. A KINO ?—According
to a rather rough account, out of al>ont
2,540 emperors or kings over sixty-four
uations, two hundred and ninety-nine
were dethroned, sivty-four abdicated,
twenty oommitted suicide, eleven went
mad, one hundred died on the battle
field, one hundred and twenty-three
were made prisoners, twenty-five became
or were prononneed martyrs and saints,
one hundred and fifty were assassinated,
sixty-two poisoned, and oue hundred
and eight sentenced to death—total,
nine hundred and sixty-three.
Term*: 52.00 a Yoar, in .Advance.
Early Days at California.
i A Han Francisco paper, apeakhig of
t llret Ifarte's lecture on the early days
i of the Hlatc, aaya : Outlaws flocked here
i from every quarter, as in turn they have
, flocked to every new Htate in tlie f'niou.
- If any men who had led prwper lives at
• borne became reckless and immoral
• ; here. Good women were slow in com-
I ing with their refining influence. There
II waa only a feeble effort at political er
i ganixatiou, and throughout a greater
■ portion of the mining regien there were
, no institutions or courts of law. Muc
i coaaive irruptiotia of fiandwicb Island,
i Hiftith American Mid Mexican a<lven
turers mixed with or opposed the Amer
• icau and European elements. Yet
i through all this apparent eheue, the in
■ hereut order Mul sobriety of the Amer
t icsn character generally prevailed,
i Magistrates were elected by a direct
i i exertion of jiopnlar sovereignty, whose
I decisions in eases referred to them were
I obeyed more implicitly than to-day be
. cause there waa no resort of appeal.
> Code* of mining law, adapted to new
exigencies, were adopted at popular
i meetings and universally respected.
Property waa safer than to-day, burglar
i iea and highway robberies were com
i paratively rare, and the ruffian class
i very seldom molested any uuut who waa
I uot of them. When they became too
obstreperous, the orderly class waa
alwavs strong enough to subduv or
expel them. There was iu: lability,
fluctuation, unreal; there was a strange
mingling of races ; there was daring ex
plorations into wild regions ; there waa
much building and leaving in haste;
there waa hardships, discomfort soil
peril; there were great viciaailudea of
fortune, attended by much tin happiness
and ending in mental or moral wreck,
where thev did not end in a bloody
tragedy ; there were many picturesque
contrasts, and much material for ro
mance, poetry and humor. But through
all these the sterling traits of the beat
American and European character gen
erally shone preeminent. If it had not
been so California would hair been a
j wreck to-day, instead of the orderly,
fair and prosperous state she ia. The
Htate waa not founded in ruffianism ; j
that waa an excreeenee which the larger
and better riaaa, when enough aroused.
united to throw off. And the intelligent
I and adventurous men of '49 are not hid
den by the mountains. Thousands and
thousand* of them took hack to the old
homra in the East the means of inde
pendence. Other thousands bought
farms and helped to bnild cities in
what waa formerly called the Weal,
Michigan and Illinois, lowa and Wis
cousin, can count onr pioneer* in all
the ranks of their most prosperous, use
ful and estimable citizens. They built
the attics and towns of California, it*
mountain roads and aqueducts. They
pushed the field of mineral discovery
into everv Territory from Mexico to
Alaska, from Nevada to Wyoming;j
daring the savage Indian, Tropic heat
or Arctic cold, in search of gold and
silver. They marked the path and laid
the track of tlie railroad across the
tnowy mountains. Khali they nut have
abetter monument than witty epigram
or a cote satin-
A Fiendish Woman.
Mr. and Mrs. X. of Pittsburgh are
believed to have lived aa happily to- I
gether as man and wife commonly do in
their social position. Home time ago
Mrs. X., with or without reason, began
to fancy that Mr. X. preferred Ida D.
to herself. This young girl had, for a
while, kept house for the husband in
the temporary absence of the wife on a
visit to relatives.
One day Ida received a message from
Mrs. X., requesting her to call at her
house, aa she (Mrs. X.) had a letter
from the country for her. In tlie after
noon Ida dressed herself in her beet
clctliee and went to Mrs. X-'a house,
where she waa met at the door by the
woman, who kissed her, inqnired par- ■
ticularly about the state of her health,
and placed her in tha moat comfortable
chair in the room, an armed rocking
chair. Mrs. X. offered the girl refresh- :
mcnta, which were declined, with a re
quest for a glass of water. This waa at
once brought by tlie amiable hosteqs,
who herself took" a drink,
j The woman then went into aa adjoin
ing room, from which she speedily re
turned with a strong cord of rope ar
ranged in the form of a noose. Smiling
and talking pleasantly all the time, she
stepped behind ber visitor, and. drop
ping tha noose over her head and arms,
with a sudden jerk, she soon bound the
young girl brlplcss to the chair. Ida
'feet were next tied to the chair.
" Now " said the woman, "yon shall
see how I avenge myself; wherenpon
from the table drawer she took a pair of
shears, a large knife and revolver, all of
which implements she spread upon the
table before her victim, by this time
ready to faint with terror.
The tormentor'a next step waa to cut
off tlie girl's hair aa close as possible to
tlie akin, leaving only a single handfnl
on the top of the head, for tlie purpose,
as ahe explained, of facilitating the
subsequent operation of scalping. The
e screamed and called for help as
Hy aa ahe could, but the house stands j
in a lonely place, and no deliverer ap- !
pcared. ,
After cutting off the hair, Mrs. X.
brought a looking-glass that Ida might j
see the change produced in her features.
As the girl lxtgged for release, saving
that ahe waa freezing, she was told, with
a plentiful application of mocking epi-
II theta, that she would lie warm enough
before she got away.
Mrs. X. then put the poker in tlie
stove, and while calmly waiting for it to
become red-hot, she told her victim
i-l what alio intended to do with it. " First,
I will burn your eyea out," etc., etc.
And she really began to execute her
' 1 threats, but when she waa trying to
! blind the girl, the latter, by a super
' human effort, sueoefded in releasing
I one of her hands with which she seized
■ j the glowing poker, and for a while
1 , arrested the monster in the peroration
of her crime. The interruption made
' it neceasarv to reheat the poker, and in
' tlie meantime the nnlooked-for return
1 of her husband waa all that saved the
' girl from prolonged tortnre Mid death
1 at the hands of lira. X. ,
is a vessel in Queenstowu harbor (Ire
land) of 1,200 tons, which received from
a single sea a surprising amount of
damage. This vessel, a Norwegian,
wn*struck by a sea, or wave, of so tre
mendous a character, in the late gale,
as to sweep that portion of her cargo
which waa stowed upon the deck in a
moment into the sea; to carry off her
cookiug apparatus, made of east iron ;
to empty snd injn -e her deck house, to
smash her bulwarks and stanchions, to
wound and bruise three of her men, and
to mini* four more to a state of weak
ueas and svneope; to break the mate s
thigh and wash a seaman overboard,
and finally to fill the cabin and damage
all the provisions, so that the crew were
nearly starved when they came into
Queenstown. All these injuries were
produced in a moment by a single wave.
It not only cleared the decks, but it ex
tinguished hope in the hearts of the
crew, who, the moment they were
struck, never expected to see land
An official advertisement of property
to be sold for unpaid taxes in Chicago,
ILL, occupied 180 columns in the Chica
go Eitning PoiU
NO. 6.
sin ruler Murder Case,
In Marshall county, Tennessee, then
will soon be a trial tar murder, which
will possess some singular features.
Threw years ago a young man in Mar
, shall county was rn#gwd to be married
! to a young lady, wboae family strongly
objected to the union. The lover ran
off with his intended twice, bat waa an
closely watched and body pursued by
the lady's friends, that it waa impossible
for the wedding to take place. H
uuuta a third attempt, whao as mat the
giri at an appointed plana, end took hot
on a bursr behind him. Thus they
were going to find a minister In make
them one, whan two men sprang up ai
the roadside, and culled for them to
stop. The young man increased the
speed of his horse, and several shots
were sent after him. Re node on a
little way and fell from his borne, drag
ging the giri with him. TW assassins
osmc up and eumtasnoed liSating the
sounded man unmercifully, ha hogging
i them to dniat, as the shut be bad re
ceived would am finish him. The
murderers proved to be the girl"* 1 moth
ers, and they tried to force her th get on
her lover's horse sad go house with them.
This she refused to do. area by the
persuasion of a severe basting which
they gave bar. They soon left the two,
helpless is the rued, went home and
t-dil their mother they had "fixed"
that fellow, and left the part# to avoid
surest The girl wounded her lover and
got to the bouse of one of her friends,
where they were married, and in a few
hours the husband breathed his last
The sssaastns were shortly after arrested,
and before the day of their trial they
managed to break jail and sweep* to
Texan. They were lately re-sweated
and bra tight bark to Marshall county.
They will be tried in a abort tuna. The
wife of the murdered man—their own
sister— expresses a determination to do
all in bar power to secure their convic
tion. Kbe lives with her husbands'*
■istcr, and has not gone near her own
family since the tragedy.
The (as# af Faster.
Th# Court of Appeals of New York
rendered a decision adverse to the ap
peal of Foster, the car-hook raanltscr,
for a new trial. After the decision eras
announced, the news reached the
Tombs, and a city judge aays it waa as
tonishing with what rapidity it fiew
from tier to tier and from sail to cell.
As each prisoner heard the news ha ut
tered some characteristic expression.
The " 1 told yon ana," were aumeitms.
Foster, himself, who received the
announcement from his weeping wife,
was little movwd outwardly. He was
not wall prepared for the derision, hav
ing entertained hopes until the last that
it would be in his favor. When the
shock came be retired with his wife to
the inmost receeaet of his cell, and pos
itively refused to aae or talk to any one
else. *
Several reporters, anxious to inter
view the condemned man, cams to hi*
cell door; but the answer from within
waa invariably the same, " I don't want
to see anybody." Foster sent won! to
the reporters: "Tell the gentlemen I
am much obliged to tbem, but do not
wish to say anything at present/" The
officials ai the Tomhs express great sor
row at Foster's fate. During bis long
imprisonment be haa made himself
universally popular in the prison, and
hit quiet conduct baa endeared hun to
the irejwr*. Warden Finiey speaks of
him as one of the most orderly prison
ers ever consigned to the Tombs. The
Sheriff said that the announcement of
the derision gave Foster u terrible
shock, because ever since the appeal had
been takln he had felt and expressed
the moat confident hope of a new trial,
which, he expected, would result ia a
conviction of one of the leaser degrees
of murder, and a sentence to a term of
imprisonment. He had not accustomed,
himself to look forward to an adverse
derision, and the death sentence.
Tartu and Arab* Flrbtlair.
Despatches were forwarded from
Aden to Bombay and Calcutta during
the latoat days of the month of Vorem
ber, 1872, reporting the progreaa of a
desultory war between Turks and Arabs
and other people in the western terri
tory. It waa stated that the Turks de
aired to gain possession of the fortress
of Koukeban, and offered an amnesty
to the chiefs of that district on condi
tion of their rebuilding a broken bridge
connecting the fortress with the city.
The chiefs refused to accept the terms,
and there were signs of a rigorous re
newal of hostilities. The Arabs were
mastering in force. 15,000 fighting men
having been assembled for the purpose
of driving the Turks out of the land.
Previous to this a courier had arrived
in Bombay from Hodeida with the in
telligence "that an insurrection having
broken out in the Asaeeree country
Wahe Pasha had advanced against the
rebels with 600 Turkish troops. He
entered a village and was said to have
massacred all the inhabitants, without
distinction of age or tea, and to have
carried off all their cattle. When the
native population heard this they as
sembled, under the leadership of Abdnr
lUhniAQ bin Aiodh &nd Ntur bin Aicnlh,
brothers of a deceased chief. The
Turks were attacked and only a hun
dred of them are said to have escaped.
Sii of the sub-tribes, amounting to
2,500 or ft,ooo men, submitted to the
two brothers, ami the whdle road from
lUuda to Hhukaik, on the sea coast,
where the stores, provisions, am! money
of the Turks are, waa blocked up, and
from these occurrences has resulted the
state of affairs which now trouble# the
great Anglo-Asiatic material interests.
beck a kingdom.
Mark Twain say* of the Sandwich Is-'
land that they are governed by a King—
and a Parliament—and a Ministry—and i
a Privy Council—and a standing army
(200 soldiers)—and a navy (steam ferry
boat and a raft)—and a grand bench of
supreme justice*—and a lord high sher
iff to each island. That is the way it is
done. It is like propelling a sardine
dish with the Great Eastern's machin
ery. Of the drink of the Islanders he
sa'rs the native beverage, aire, is so ter
rific that mere whisky is foolishness to
it. It tnrns s man's skin to white fish
scales that are so tough a dog might
bite him, and he would not know it till
he read about it in the papers. It is
made of a root of some kind. The
"quality" drink this to some extent, but
the Excise law has nlaoed it almost be
yond the reach of the plebisns. After
nwa, what is whisky?
Many years ago the King and his
brother visited California, and some
Sacramento folks thought it would be
fnu to get them drunk. So they gath
ered together the most responsible
soakers iu the town and began to fill up
royalty and themselves with strong
royalty &uu mciuoruco w*u ouvug
brandy punches. At th# end of two or
three hours the citizens were all lying
torpid under the table and the two
princes were sitting disconsolate and
saying what a lonely, dry eountar it
was! I toll it to yon as it was told to
me in Sacramento.
HAWKS —An OMo farmer correspon
dent thinks we ought, in our warfare
i a iast hawks, to make an exoeption in
tu mous.' hawk's favor, inasmuch as it
subsists almost entirely upon the in
jurious field and orchard mice, and
thus render a. positive service to sgn
! culture.
Itim af literal.
Tha acarrity of teal ■till riagftiiiiimi n
stid weed is seilliM si HO i
. te An unknown brig want ts%iera oi
the Isi# oI Wight, and tun* persons wen
drowned. .
The firmest fffeodshfpa have beat
forasd in mutual advataftv, as iron i
moat stfmgly united by the imw
| fiame. ,
Young married man at Rockland
Ma., have dviwd a plan of eo-opcra
I tiva bonsa building, in ordar to obtaij
| homes.
! A man died, recently, at Potutown
j Pans., wboae lm, stomach, and othe
! internal organs had turned to tbrnt
] right gallons of liquid.
Lavia county, Haw fork, baaao man]
' haats running around night# that lb
gills faar to go out. The Tdoa of lip
hugged aata tbrro into a cold cbill.
Courting fa not much indulged in it
Kentucky, from the fact the old man k
. liable to enter the room with a pranrthei
and a abot gun and gat up a wedding.
"To gat horsaa not of a burnip
building." nays an exchange, " baraa*
them aa if for their usual work, ant
they will follow as if nothing ware tin
i matter."
Agassi t aays that any full grown mar
can lira for tea dart w shewing at i
> pair of boota, and yet tbare era met
1 1 who will growl If they don't hare minis
pie every meal.
! ft is s peculiar rireumatanea that o
the sixtv mm who wen employed o
1 the Dubuque lowa water romoeny'i
! rsssrinir, not ana breaiaa sick or lost i
! day for t*tc year just panted
I "Every one" baa heard of the reply
of the hatcher to the sentimental lady
remonstrating againat the killing of in
nocent lambs. " Lori, mam, you would
not eat them alive, would you T
The upper doom of the granary ai
the Lion Brewery at Isanbrcth, Eng
land, faH in recently, burying the maa
| ager of the establishment, the darks,
and other employ aa in the ruins.
Rev. H. W. Baeaher lectured recent
ly on "Compulsory Education," at As
sorialsoa HAD. Sew York, maintaining
that the Bute should provide free
; aeboola and compel all children to at
! tend them,
A young man in Bostoneaaaada pho
tographer to jump out of a fifth dor
window the other day, merely beeansw
! the fanner had filed up his face with
j wslur-eMars to represent a bad ease af
smallpox, which be wanted photograph -
j ed to aaod homo too giri from whom ha
wished to sever his acquaintance
Apparently England has too much
land devoted to ornamental parks and
hunting grounds, and too tittle to agri
cultural cultivation. It haa been esti
mated that batsman Hi hsSmssfidfaM <A
ItTS and UTS Engiand most expend no
leas than far wheat from
foreign countries. and about fiSO,OOO,C*X
fur com lu.d other food.
As a recent lecture by Professor J.
H. Pepper various experiments were
made to show that muslin and various
dress materials may ha made oompare
tivdv incombustible by dipping the
fibres in bora* and other chemical solu
tions. The advantage of using such
preparations in the raac of thoaa who,
in stage eetfoßDwes, art exposed to
foot-lights is apparent.
Many pemma-rbeaidca aasooj-ooys
sadMulege stadenta—use the phrase,
•• He isabnek," without the least idea
that it is supposed to be of dassie ori
gin t It is aatd that King Agcailaua,
bring asked by en gmbaaaador from
, Epirua why they bad no walla lor Bpar
, ta, replied, "Y have." Pointing to
I his marshaled army, ha said, " There
are the walla of Sparta; every aaa you
| see is a brick.
! The Texas cattle breeders have al
' ready discovered by the infallible teat
of the markets, that it pay* to rataa
better stock, and they have already
commenced to breed by systam ™
thus improve the form of their animals
and the quality of the beef. If this is
found profitable in Tens, where the
cost of ruisjag a ateer in auxt to nothing,
how much more will it bo true in the
East and Weatf
" What do you call that T indignant
ly asked a customer at * c|m rtmUn
rtu(, pointing it on object thai be had
pistol* h-k "Wiwt.
band with aleeveAratton attoehed, Rir,
Mid the waiter, briskly ' do
nm consider that a proper thing for a
man to find in his hashr* asked theaos
tomer. in wrath. ••Geodbeavena.Sir!
cried the waiter, "would yon expect to
find a ton-dollar aflk umbrella in a fif
teen cent plate of hash r
A merchant in Springfield. Massachu
setts, a few days rnnee, pulled out his
money drawerfurther than usual, and
noticed a dollar bOl hanging ow the
back of the drawer. This led bun to
invwatiratr and behind a partition was
found between sixty and seventy dol
lar*' worth of bills and scrip, moat of
which bad been badly mutilated by
mica. Among the money waa a S2O bill
on a State bank, isaned before the bank
adopted the national system.
A terrible accident hae just occurred
at Hawick, England. A poor woman
who waa employed in a factory went
into the boiler-honse to warm heraelf.
She soon afterward saw the fireman
coming, and knowing that he objected
to any one being there, she ran into a
recess to hide herself. In this fatal
corner worked a revolving shaft. The
clothes of the unfortunate woman were
caught, and she herself waa dragged
round by it till mangled out of all human
lil an a—
Headers of the Wertd.
The 7 wonders of the world are among
the traditions of childhood, and yet it
is a remarkable fact that 99 persona ont
of 100 who might be asked the question
could not name them. They are the Pyr
amidt—the mystery of the past—the en
igma of the present—and the enduring
for the fntnre ages of this world. The
temple, the walls and hanging gardens
of Babylon, the most celebrated city of
Assyria, and the residence of the kings
of that country after the destruction of
Nineveh. The Chryselephantine status
of Jupiter Ohnuiaa the most renown
ed work of Phidias, the illustrious artist
of Greece. The statue waa formed of
gold, and waa sitting en a throne almost
touching the summit of the temple,
which was 70 feet higb. The Temple of
Diana at Epfaesua, which waa 220 years
in building, mid which waa 425 feet in
length and 220 in breadth, and support
ed bv 127 marble columns of the lonic
order, sixty feet high, The Mausoleum
at Halicsrnassus, erected in the memo
ir of Mausolus, the King of Caria, by
his wi/e Artemesia, B. •. 858. The
Pharos at Alexandria, a lighthouse
erected bv Ptolemy Seterst the entrance
of the harbor of Alexandria. It waa
460 feet high, and oould be seen at a
distance of 100 miles, and upon which
1 was inscribed " King Ptolemy, to the
; gods, the saviour*, for the benefit of
I sailor*." Lastly, the Colossus at Rhodes,
1 a braxen. image of Apollo, 105 Grecian
feet in height, and which was to be lo
cated at the entrance of one of the har
bors of the city of Rhodes.
) -
CBUSWI STATISTIC*. —The aggregate as
sessed value of taxable property in th*
United States, as given in the statistics
of the census of lOTO, wae $14,178,986,-
782; the aggregate true value was $30,-
068JUfi,50Vbeiug nearly double what it
was in 1860, though it is to be remem
bered that the valuation in 1860 wasin
gold and that of 1870 in currency. The
total amount of taxation in the States in
1870 was as follows: For State purpos
es, S6B, 640,089; for county purposes,
$77,746,116; for town and city purposes,
$134,794,108; total for til purposes, $281,-
180,812. The aggregate debts of the
States, counties, oities, and towns was
SB6B 676,758: the national debt on June
; 1,1870, was 82,406,562,372; so that the
aggregate national, State, county, and
municipal indebtedness for that year was
/ $3,271,874,768. St Louit Kepubliean.
\ A San Francisco man laughed until
t he had the cramp to see a woman fall
- through a trapdoor in his sidewalk, but
I he never smiled when the court inform
ed bun he must pay five hundred doh
lan for his tsport.