The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, January 30, 1873, Image 2

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    * iRKD KTJHT2 Editor.
Centre nail, Pa., Jn W. 13..>.
TRRMS.-The RsroftTsa is PhlUhed
wreklv *1 S'J per vear, in advance. or
SSSfATi- K,,r •' v nu,n,h4
half these rates. .
Advertisements fI.M per square tten
Hne*) for three insertion. Advertisements
fer S, 6 and 13 months t reduced rates.
Any person sending u* tho names qt sis
new suhscribesr, with ethcash, will re
ceive the Raroaraa one vesr free.
Tho first thing proposed by tho
radical congress, at the commence
ment of the present session, was to
double Grant's salary. Grant got ]
rich during bis first term ou $25,000
per year, now he must have $,">0,000.
The first thing done iu our radical
•tate legislature, on the first day of
the present session, was to ofler a bill
doubling tho salary for Gov. llart
ranft. The bill passed the radical
senate and house a week thereafter,
and a few days ago was signed by
Gov. Geary. The earlier governors
of this state got aloug with $3,000 per
year. Geary had his increased to
$5,000, and now Hartahft gets double
—slo,ooo per year.
Well, these radicals always did
promise reform, were very loud about
it last election, and wo must confess
they have rfformed the salaries, and
are entitled to the gratitude of all
tax pa pore.
This kind of radical reform reminds
us of the Irishman who built a stone
fence making it two feet high and
three feet wide ; a neighbor comming
along told Tat it was too wide and it
a wagon came along it would upset it
"And be jabbers if it does.'' says Pat,
,4 it will only be a fot higher for the up
aetten." So with these, rads, all their
reform means a "fct higher in the
A Hugo Job.
In another column we print an ar
ticle from the world, on tho proposi
tion to refund the cotton tax —a job,
a radical swindle, to tap from the
treasury 63 million dollars at one
vreep. These claims, amounting to
$63,000,000, were all bought up by
shoddy patriots around Washington,
for a few cents on the dollar, and these
worthies are now at the head of thi?
gigantic scheme, and we expect to see
it go through, for they can well afford
to spend a few millious to make the
63—and if this congress does not pass
it, it will surely go through the next.
The following we clip from the pro
ceedings of 22nd inst:
Mr. Orvis offered the following resolu
tion, which was twice read and agreed to:
JbeotMd, That the report of the presi
dent of the Agricultural college of, Penn
sylvania he printed in the daily legisla
tive journal.
Jteaafosrf, That a,OOO copies of tho report
of the board of.trustees of the Agricultural
college of Pennsylvania, for the year 1572
be printed for the use of the house of rep
resentatives and 2,000 copies for the use of
ths senate.
Also, Further supplement to an act to
empower the town council of Bellefonte to
borrow money. Also, to facilitate the set
tlement of estates of deceased.
A communication was received from
Gov. Hartranft announcing that Bo had
appointed and commissioned Colonel M
8. Quay, of Beaver, secretary of tho com
monwealth, and Hon. Samuel £. Dim
mick, of Wayne, attorney general.
Old Winnebago Given Another fiix
Years Lease of Power.
Simon was re-elected to the U. S. Sen
ate on 22nd.
At 12 o'clock the Joint Convention to
count tho votes for United States Senator
It was found that Simon Cameron had
received 76 votes ; William A. Wallace,
Mr. Wallace voted for Hendrick B
Wright, and McClure for Thomas ~M.
It is thought that Alexander U.
Stevens will be elected to congress
without opposition.
The constitutional convention pass
ed finally, an article that fixes the
general election on the Tuesday follow
ing the first iVonday in November,
and elections for city, county and
township officers on the third Tues
day of February.
The yeas and nays being called for
they were taken with this result: Yeas
84, nays 24.
The New York Herald very justly
sayb"of the Credit Mobilier expos
ures :
Senators and Representatives are
shown to have hung around an agent
of the Union Pacific Railroad and
Credit Mobilier "Ring," seeking in
formation as to how they could invest
money, accepting from him stock at a
fourth or fifth part of its value—some
times borrowing of him the money,
With which to pretend to pay for the
ah&res "placed" to them ; and the peo
ple are asked to believe that these
hungry, purchasable legislators were
only engaged in an ordinary business
transaction. Senatois and Ileprescn
tatives are proved to have consum
mated their bargains with the Credit
Mobilier lobbyist under the mask of
their wives or Bon-in laws, and to have
run like frightened sheep to get rid of
the atock as soon as it became evident !
that exposure was inevitable ; and vet
the people are asked to believe that
these dodging, skulking operators nev
er dreamed thatjthey were committing!
an improper or illegitimate act when J
they accepted the pecuniary favors ol
the Bhiny Ames. Some of the tainted
legislators come boldly forward and
iustify their speculations in the Credit
Mobilier stock, declaring that they
had as much right to become purchas
era of shares in that corporation, and
voting upon legislation in regard to it,
U they have to buy sheep and vote on
■tiie tariff on wool, and their party or
gans approve their position, or quiet
ly pass it over as reasonable enough
to the public.
HQ> Credit Mobilier scandel is proving
dreadfully damaging to radical Senators
and congressmen. Vice President Colfax
h Completely cornered, so is Senator Pat
terson, from whom Oakes Ames produced
ffCiipts and letters that use up the virtu
•6l Senator. Will publish these nest
, This investigation shows some horrible]
fWWring in bigh plages. ]
The committee on legislature, in
the constitutional convention, has i
made a report submitting an amend-1
mcnt for tho government of our state
legislature, which coutainssome whole
some features, somo of which have
heretofore been advocated in the Hk
rORTKR, such as preventing jobs, bri
bery and the use of corrupt meaus to
obtain nn election and accepting
money for favoring aud voting for
bills. Tho main features of the pro
posed amendmeumt are : That elec
tion- for the assembly shall only be
hold once in two years, commencing
on the first general election day after
tho adoption of the new constitution ;
vacancies as they occur to be tilled by
special elections. Senators shall be
elected for four years ; but one half of
the li: >t number elected, the same to
be detetmined by lot, shall hold office
only for two years; representative#
shall be elected for two years. The
sc-sions to begin on the first Tuesday
of January, and to In? biennial. A
Ucnator must be twenty-five years of
ago, a citiron and inhabitant of the
state for four years, and of bis district
for one year. A representative shall
bo twenty-one years of age, a citizen
and inhabitant of the state for three
years and of his district for one year.
No senator or representative shall dur
ing his term of office, hold any civil
office under the commonwealth, creat
ed, or the emoluments of which shall
have been increased during the said
term ; nor shflll any congressman or
federal officer be at the same lime a
member of either house. No person
convicted of bribery, perjury, or other
infamous crime, or who may be a pub
lic defaulter, shall be eligible to the
general assembly, or to any office of
profit or trutt in the state. Every as
! -eiublymau shall take aud subscribe
to an oath or affirmation, pledging
1 himself to support the national and
| -tato constitutions, and to a faithful
discharge of his duties ; that he has
not paid or contributed anything or
made any promise in the nature of a
bribe to corrupt or intluence, directly
I <>r indirectly, any vote in his election,
,iud that he has uot, nor will acceptor
receive, directly or indirectly, any
money or valuable thing from any
corporation, company, or person, for
any vote or influence he may give or
withhold any bill, resolution, or ap
propriation, or for any other official
act ; that this oath shall be adminis
tered by a judge of the Supreme
Court, and that any member refusing
to take it shall forfeit his office, and
that any convicted of having sworn
! falsely to, or of having violated it,
shall forfeit his office and be disquali
fied thereafter from, holding any of
fice of profit or trust in the state.
Each member shall receive for his
two years services twelve hundred dol
lars aud mileage at the rate of ten
cents per mile, and nothing more, ex
cept ten dollars and mileage in case of
special sessions convened by the gov
ernor. Every member must discharge
his duties in person. The lieutenant
governor shall preside over the senate
and in case that office shall be vacant,
one of the members shall be chosen as
speaker by the senate. The hoose
shall choose its other officers, and
shall judge of the election and qualifi
cations of its members. A majority
of c-ach house shall constitute a quo
rum, but a smaller number may ad
ijourn from day to day, and proceed
against absent members as authorized
by law. Each house may regulate its
own proceedings, punish, and, by a
two-thirds vote, expel members, but
not a second time for the same cause.
The sessions shall be public, uoless
when the business is such as ought to
be kept secret. Neither house shall,
without the consent of the other, ad
journ for more than three days, nor to
to any other place than that in which'
the'two houses shall bo sitting. Ex
cept in cases of treason, felony, viola
tion of the oath of office, and breach
of surety of the peace, members shall
be priviledged from arrest during
their attendance at the sessions, and in
going and returning from the same ;
they shall not be questioned outside
for auy speech or debate.
The general assembly shall appor
tion the state every ten years, begin
ning at its first session after the adop
tion of this constitution by dividing
the population of the state, as ascer
tained by last proceeding Federaljcen
sus by the number thirty-three, and
the quotient shall by the ratio of rep
j retention in the senate. Counties
j containing a population of four-fifths
jof said ratio shall be separate senuto
rial districts, and elect each one sena
tor ; counties containing not less than
the ratio and three-fourths thereof
shall each elect two senators, and one
additional senator for each number of
inhabitants equal to the ratio contain
ed by said counties in excess of twice
the number of said ratio. All sena
torial districts shall be formed of con
tiguous and compact territory, each as
nearly as possible an equal number
of inhabitants ; provided, that no city
or county shall elect more than four
The general assembly shall appor
tion the state every Jten years, be
ginning at first session after the
J adoption of this constitution, by divid-
( ing the population of the state as as
certained by the last preceeding feder
al census, by the number one hundred
and the quotieut shall be the ratio of
reprcsntation in the house of repre
sentatives. Every county shall be en
titled to one representative, unless its
population is three-fifths of the ratio.
Every county having a population not
less than the ratio and three-fifths
shall bo entitled to two representatives
and for each additional number of in
habitants equal to the ratio, one rep
[ resentative. Counties containing less
than threc-fltthts of the ratio shall be
formed into single districts of compact
and contiguous territory, bounded by
county linos, and contain, as nearly as
possible, an equal number of inhabit
The Right Ring
Mr. Orvis, on the 20th inst, in the
House, mtde ft few short remarks,
which will go to show, that our repre
sentative, as we predicted in the KB
roKTKR when advocating his election,
I would not bo found on the aide of has
ty legislation and legislative jobe.
The question being on the last section
of Senate bill No. 9, to authorise the
appointmeut of a board of health for
tho hero' of Carlisle :
Mr. Orvis. I would like to ask the
gentleuau who has charge of this bill
how these judgments are to be recover
ed and in what oourt and who is to im
prison and inflict the penalties, and
whether the misdemeanor is to be in
addition to the penalty of SIOO. This
seems to be a most singular provision,
as it does not provide any court in
which the trial is to be haJ, nor who
shall judge whether imprisonment shall
be indicted or not
Mr.Latta. The Senator represent
ing that diatrict lives in Carlisle, and
the gentleman representing the bill on
this side lives in Cumberland county.
He asks for it here, because be deems
it a necessity. There are some provi
sions in it that I would not like to have
applied to my constituents, but since
the Senate has passed the bill, and as
it is asked for by the gentleman repre
senting that district in this chamber,
we ought to pass it as an act of court
esy to him.
Mr. Orvis. Ido not reoognite any
such principle as that—that one Sen
ator or member can require thirty
three Senators and one hundred Rep
resentatives to enact a law which is
wrong in itself. It is a right common
to every member of this House to ob
ject to a bill introduced, and I give
notice that so long as 1 am a member,
whenever there is a bill attempted to
be passed under a suspension of the
rules the necessity of which is not
made apparent, that it will meet all
impediments that can be thrown in its
way according to tha rules of the
The committee was thereupon in
structed to report next day.
Mr. Orris it olao after the manage
meut of the Sinking fund —with which
the radical officials at Harriaburg hare
been trifling for some years, and stu
diously trying to keep the people in
the dark, as to their management of
this important institution. Mr. Orris
proposes to hare some light upon the
matter and on the 23rd inst, offered
the following {resolution, which was
twice read and agreed to :
Resulted, That the state treasurer
be requested to furnish to the house a
statement from the records of his of*
fiee of the receipts and disbursements
on account of the sinking fund for
each and every year since the estab
lishment of said sinking fund.
The final bill of exceptions in the
Stokes case was filed, and an eaalg
hearing will be had on the application
for a new trial. Four affidarita hare
been submitted substantiating allega
tions embodied in the bill of excep
One of the affidavits established, on
the authority of a juror, that another
juror, on leaving the court room in
charge of a Deputy Bheriff, visited the
Remington Arms Company's store
in Broadway and examined the vari
ous makes of pistols to satisfy himself,
as he expressed it, whether a casual
observer could tell, in an excited mo
ment, whether a pistol had four or six
barrels. Another juror swears that a
juror named Yoat visited the Grand
Centra] Hotel and examined the stair*
case where the firing occurred to satis
fy himself whether Stokes had means
of escape. He also talked with the
clerk, and others. The defense, it is
understood, mean to insist that these
jurors thus introduced evidence not
submitted on the trial, and invalida
ted their verdict.
Still another affidavit by two women
living in Fourth are. is to the effect
that the juror Yost, while witneainr
the funeral of Jama Fisk, jr., said
that if ever be was on the iury to try
Stoka tha murderer would be hanged.
This remark was made over a year
ago. It has also been established that
\ at and Mitchell, two of the jurors,
live in adjoining housa and are in
businea together, and this fact is reli
ed upon by the defense as in some way
advantageous to their client*
There will be greet surprise
throughont the country at the *ura
raarv repeal a few days ago of the
Bankruptcy Law by the lIOUM of
Representative*. It look* very much
as if the Senate would alao concur in
this repeal, a* a bill to that end waa
favorably reported from one of it*
Committee*. The law ha* not been so
successful in it* working* a* it* friend*
expected, hut the temper of the
House on the subject was not antici
Hon. Davis A. Wei la ia smiting lbs
postal telegraphing scheme of the gen
eral government with heavy, damag
ing blows. He preeenU such facta aa
cannot be overcome in relation to the
improper character of the movement.
In the first place Mr. Wells takee is
sue with the Postmaster-General that
a complete system of telegraph lines
could be built for a little more than
SI 1,000,000. He says the existing
lines could not be bought for less than
$75,000,000, to say nothing of exten
sions. To meet this expense a loan
would be required. This would be
followed by additional taxation upon
the people. In discussing this matter,
Mr. Wells refuses to compare the pro
posed system ia America with that
now operating in Europe, although
showing that it is a dead loss every
where except in the small territories,
when conducted by the government,
although the relative population to
each mile of wire is three times as
great in Europe as in the United
tates. It is not only as a financial
investment, but also as a piece of po
litical machinery, that Mr. Wells
treats the Postal Telegraph. He con
cludes that the system is inconsistent
with republican institutions, and draw
ing an inference from the PostofiSce,
which gives neither cheap postage nor
bonnet service, he judges that a gov
ernment telegraph would eaually fail.
The conclusions of Mr. Wells are
those which bear the stamp of intelli
gent observation and careful, honest
examination into the whole question
of Postal Telegraphy. If the govern
ment owns ana controls the lines, they
will most assuredly be prostituted to
partisan purposes. Besides this, in
the end, tne cost of transmitting in
telligence from point to point would
be greater than under the present sys
tem. The Postal Telegraph move
ment is a "Ring" maneuvre of the
party in power in the nation, and it
should be defeated.
If you want Hand Bills printed.
Cell M the RroTO 9sce.
Tba examination of Oakes Antt WII re-{
turned before Judge Poland's Committee i
ya* lard ay. Mr. Ames produced a receipt
signed by J. W. Patterson for sl,tUo worth
< of dividend*, and another for iIUO iharee of
the Union Pacific Kail road Company and
$767.34 in each on account of Credit Mo-'
heller alack, lie alto presented and lead
a letter from Mr. l'atlereon—written since
the investigation began-In which Mr.'
A wet it aaked to correct hit original ilale
taent before the Committee, ax "it muat
not be reported aa it now stands. 1 ' The
only additional name given by Mr. Amea
of Congreeemea who had received alock
and money from him waa that of John A.
iem * - •
A memotlal t* the constitutional
cenvaatien wa* raceivad from the
religious Society of Friend* of Penn
sylvania, praying for such amendment of
tk* Constitution a* shall atampl ail par
aona conscientiously opposed to war frem
bearing arm*, and from contributing to
t tha support of those who do. Referred to
the Committee on Militia.
—"Tk# Pena Monthly," devoted to Lit I
sralure, Science, Art'and Politics,'publish
ed at Phil'a, $2 60 per annum. A review
of the January number sati>fle* us that it
is a aiagasina that ranks with any ether
devoted to tke same objects. It has upon
its list some ef our ablest men a* contribu
♦ ♦ ♦
FATAL ACCIPKJIT.— On Saturday lae.t,
says the Lcwistown Democrat, George
Wilson, aa interesting lad aged about 14
years, a son of county commissioner Henry
S. Wilson, esq., of Menno township, lost
his life under Ike following circumstance*,
via! George and Taylor Wilson were each
leading a new-bought horse from Fergu
son's Valley toward home. In crossing a
small bridge one of the horse* became re
fractory, and in tbe struggle that ensuid
the animal kicked, striking George t bead
and fracturing his skull, which resulted in
his death on Mondy morning.
—Tba Miflliakurg Telegraph of last week
says : P. K Weed and Henry Browa, last
Saturday, beughl out tha inlereit of Mr
Wm. Yeung, ef Mifflinburg, in the bank
ing heute of Wood, Young A Co., in
Williamsport, fot tka comfortable sum of
The Senate by a rote of 33 to 15,
haa passed a resolution to abolish the
franking privilege. A bill to admit
Colorado aa a state is up before the
This ia tbe way Foruey announces
Bimon Cameron'* triumph—the pro*
to type of "Boa*" Tweed and the in
structor of Patterson and Caldwell
■ant back to represent our staid old
Stala in tbe United States Senate.
Gavarnor Geary issued the following
pardons just before retiring from office:
Geerge Blakely, on the 2d of January,
1971, convicted of manslaughter, in killing
George Beehm at Baldwin's Locomotive
Works. The time for which he was sen
tenced was four years and six months
Four hundred of the working men of the
Baldwin Works signed the petition. A
letter accompanies the document from the
proprietors ef the Baldwin Works, prom
mising to reinstate him in his old position
if pardoned.
George Miller, eoavictod of manslaugh
ter in killing Dominick Torpey. August 16
1871, and sanlanced to eight yeara. The
allegation it that his mind was seriously
affected at tha Una of committing the acL
The petition Is signed by eight of the ju
rors in the case
Edward Warrington, for keeping a !•-
orderly hauio. sentenced for one year
The allegation Li tbet bo U in feeble boolib
•nd further imprisonment will be injuri
ous. Tbo Governor issued the first docu
ment of tbo kind.
Tbo remission of tho forfeited recognie
nneo of James Kslley's boil of Thorns*
MulboUnni, cborgod with sseouitnnd bel
lory, grsnlod October 2, 1872, wee revoked
by tbo Governor Jonusry IK, 1878, by res
eon of fraudulent disposition* hsvi ng been
presented to procure tsid remission.
Tbo metier of refunding tbo cotton tax,
soys tbo World, wbich be* kept just beck
of tbo bells of Congress for several yesrt,
on tbo principle of nursing one's wrath to
keep it worm, will on Tuoedsy next come
before tbo Committee of Wsys end Mesne,
end will no doubt bo pressed vigorously.
Tbo amount to bo peid beck is enormous,
tbo interests supporting it ere correspond
ingly energetic, tbo erguments in fevor of
tbo proposition ingenious, end tho subject
itself one eminently deserving attention.
Tbo emount of tax to bo refunded is es
Collected is 186# $361,311 48
Collected in 1864 1.J68.412M
Collected in 1866 1.772,883 48
Collected in 1866 18,409,664 00
Collected in 1867.. .. 23.768,078 80
Collected in 1868 22,600,947 771
Making a total of. **,O7'2,W,W
Tbe ground upon which this enormous
rMtitution of excite It claimed are, firt,
thai the tax waa an unconstitutional one,
and that it is the duty of the Government
to repair damages done under pretext of
law, or it will run the risk of standing in
the light not only of a public robber but
of a parricide, destroying the people and
the principles to which it ewes its exis
tence. Second, that this money, extorted
from the Southern people ia the years of
their utmost poverty and destitution,
should be repaid them for humanity's
sake and as a matter of national policy, to
enable them to rehabilitate their suffering
and prostrate industries.
As a matter of fact, the duty was of
I course not constitutional" Asa matter of
strict justice, Congress is bouad to make
restitution. But Congress has not in the
! past been governed by rigid and closet
principles, or more than the legislature of
any people, past and present. Govern
ments exploit themselves rathor in the
open country of expedience than upon the
cold, severe, restricted heights of fixed
principles. If, being a matter of strict
justice,lCongreas be bound to refund the
money collected under the cotton tsx, j
compelling Itself by the maxim o{Jlaljus
titia, ruat talum , then, by parity of rea
soning, it was bound to rescind the proc
lamation of emancipation as soon as the
war ended ; is bound to do so still and be
gin the agitation about the amendments dt
neco. Nobody desires such action as that,
and very few would consent to it. We
will preiently inquire how many desire
the restitution of the cotton tax and who
those are who do so. Congress in fact, has
the same right to determine the cotton tax
to have been a "war measure" as it had to
deteimine that Mr. Lincoln's several acts
outside the letter of the law were so; and
Congress is as much bound, providod the
expedient justification be the same in both
oaaes, to extend amnesty to the ono set of
acta as to the other. If Copgrpss had no
rights in the one ease Congress has no
rights in the other. But Congress has
! agreed (whether by a process of colorable
fiction or whether properly is no jnetter)
that the right existed in the one case, and
the commonest rules of consistency require
it to admit that the right exists in the oth
er case. The questiou of constitutionality,
therefore, does not enter at all into the sub
ject of the reduction of the cotton tax,
which is narrowed down to the point of
whether it is a thing to be done for
btUMßity't sake and for expediency's
We in the second place aro willing tol
concede at once, if it can be shown aali*-1
faclorily that there i* SO&,UUU,UH> worth ol |
| humanity to the suffering South in the act
of refunding the cotton tax, it ought imme
diately to bo refunded. If there be $tH,-
| Uki.UU worth of expediency to the country
iat large in refunding this money let it be
paid at once. If it can be thown that this
SOh,tUD,(JU> proposed to be refunded, or
una-half of It, or one-tenth of it, will go
, back to the suffering South, or employed,
directly or indirectly, for the benefit uflhe
i •uttering South, we tliii *ay let it be puid
at once.
But how itand* the matter actually 7
This tax in all it* various shape* wa* paid
by tha producer. Tliii 0 wa* col
lected, by method* more or le* direct,
from every man, woman, aud child, white
or black, who grew a bale of Cotton be
tween the year* WW and IHrtt* The pro-,
ducar paid the tax because it wa* deducted
from the market price of hi* cotton. If in.
18i5 he got 60 cents e pound for his cotton
in Now York ho ought to have received 66.
cents to make him even with the tax He
paid it but he will never get it back, for it
will not be refunded to hiiu, but to thu<
who stood between him and the Govern-
I nient assessor and collector, and bunded
over and took receipt* for the tax which
they had previously extracted from the
producer without giving him any voucher
whatsoever. The Southern producer, il|
will be remembered, had no baud in frani
ing the regulation* for the collection of
this tax, xo vital to his immediate inter
| e*H, and it wa* not framed so a* to give
I him any benefit from any prospective rep
aration*. The tax wa* laid and the regv
I tations were framed in ths interest of the
cotton manufacturer exclusively, and il
was intended at once that the manufactu
rer should receive no present harm from
the tax, and should reap all the profits
from it* possible restitution in the future.
With this end in view, therefore, the ar
rangment wa* made to give the manufac
turer an immediate equivalent drawback
per pound on all the cotten goods export- j
ed by him, and to require the la* to be
paid at tha place of exportation or the,
place of manufacture. Thu* the planter
who produced the cotton must be dismiss
ed from all our charitable plan*, since >
cannot reach him. The cetlun tat, if it be
refunded either to the factor, who has al-,
ready reimbursed himself in settling with!
|the planter, or to manufacturer, who ha*
not only already been paid hi* outlay
from the planters pocket, but ha* been
paid over again by the drawback* allow . J {
I him by Government.
But this is not all. The manufacturer
still holds hi* claims for lax to be refund
! Ed, still stands to win in the big pool: but
the factors, taken collectively, are. a* the
j "sports'' say. "out of it." The factor*
{claim*, in fact, have been bought up at a
! * ery low percentage, under the gently
compulsive hint that no move would be
made toward* getting them paid until!
■ they had changed hand*. They are now
' held, almost en kloe, by that many-headed
and insatiate beast the Washington "lob
by," which is correspondingly relic*t-d.
! If Coagrest wishes to recede fr<ni it*
jown previous rules of action, if it is neces
sary just )>ow to set ftp a new precedent
j for our protection in the future—then let
Congress promptly refund the cotton tea
to the ring of shrewd lobbyists and ple
thoric manufacturers w ho are intere*ted in
'the matter. But if Congress simply feel*
that expediency and humanity demand
that some sort of relief should be extended
to the (uffering South, let it prov ide say
So.UUO.UUO, to be equitably disbursed
through that section, and < will guaran
tee that the South will get more money in
that way than it ever will from all the
S<*,OOO,WJO proposed to he vicariously re-
I funded.
The fact that this scheme for refunding,
witich hat so long been loitering beyond
the horizon, has now come forward in
such imposing array and with such titnul
> taneousnes* along the line, leaches us that
: thare u dangr in it- This danger is not
lessened by the further fact that the insti
gators of the movement, in order to pre-'
; servs the appearance of a widowed and mi
'poverithed South suing at the doors of
Congress in forma paupena, have retain
jed several eminent Southern lawyers to
represent their claims and plead for their
Spirited Debate on the Coat of Civil
izing the Indiana.
Washington, Jan. W —One of the annual
discussion* on the Indian peace policy'
took place in the Senate on 9th inst Mr.
Windam. in reply to some assertion that
was made a day or two ago, attempted to;
defend this policy of economy,
and compared the expense* of fighting In
dians in IS6& and IKO6 with the present
cost ef that portion of the army now en
gaged in the tame way. Admitting that
the appropriations made in the Indian bill
had increased during the past two or three
years, he claimed that three or four time*
this increase had been saved in the ex
pense* of tho army.
This brought Mr. Thurman to hi* feet,
and he evidently prepared himself for'a;
speech on this very point He
that tho comparison made by Mr. Win
dom was an unfair ona, a* ba had taken a
period when the extravagance of the War
Department in fighting Indian* wa* whol
ly bayond parallel. To illustrate thi* he
•aid that one expedition that wa* ent out
after the Indian* coat $5,000,(100. The <H
cer in command, in hi* official report, *aid
that he had killed one Indian.
The expra** agent* denied the truth of
thi* report, and claimed to have killed the
Indian themselves, while the trader* said
that both lied, for the Indiau wa* atill
alive. To show that it wa* not true that
the increa*e in the Indian cxpcn*e* and
the decreae in expenses af the War De
partment have been in the *amo ratio, he
read from the official report* the follow
ing : Indian expen*r*. 1792, $13,548 ; 1800
the Indian appropriation* mint have
been included in lomo other item a* no
•pecial appropriation appear* ; 1820, $315,-
760; 1880, $422,242; 1840, $2,271,867 ; thi*
include* a large *um paid for removing
the Seminole* and other tribe* beyond tho
Mii*ippi river; 1860, $1,673,000; 18(10.
$2,001,000; 1870, $3,407,000; 1872, nearly
$7,000,000 ; $1873, $6,609,000 Expense* ot
the War Department, 1810, $2,204.-'
000 ; 1830, $6,760,000; 1840,1840, $7,166,000;
1860, $9,989,000; 1872, abeut $35,000,000.!
The Indian Commission report* that
there are new, including Ihote in Ala*ka,
300,000 Indian* in the country.
leaving out those in Ala*ka, the Chero
kee* and other tribes in tho Indian territo
tory who have civil government of their
own, there are about 200,000 Indian* who
have to be cared for, and thi* bid give*
tbam $29 50 a bead. Mr. Thurman could
not tee the good policy of providing so
liberally for lha*e Indian*. No nation
that ever lived bad aver provided io boun
tifully or treated with so inucb consider*-]
tion a barbarous nation within it* borders
a* wo have the Indian*, and what i*the re
mit 7 |
When we have 600 of them under the in-,
fluence* af civilisation and among Christ - i
ian people, we appropriate $60,000 to rc '
move thorn bccauso they are thieves nnd ;'
vagabonds. Nobody, he continued, can ,1
understand an Indian bill. If you ask the' l
Chairman of the Committee about it, he '
will put on tyit spectacle* apd road you] >
from statute* a treaty 60 year* old to pay ! i
"Chief Rolling-ofl-a-log" and hit band an ' 1
annuity, and to establish a blacksmith-]'
•hop at Chicago. ,
Mr. Conkling asked Mr. Thurman what *
he proposed to do about it. Mr. Thurman
replied that, in tha ttrst place, he would t
not increase the expense* from year to
year, and would see that no money -
wa* paid to white men who got themselves
adopted into the tribes just to gt annui- j
IMb li
The debate continued till afternoon, and
the Sonalo adjourned without passing the
>lill. Ono fact that aeema to be forgotten
by thoeo who complain of the coet of uk
log care of our Indiana, ia that evory year
railroad* and aeUtlemenU are encroach
ing upon Indian* who were not before pro
vided for. Mill there i* no doubt that
there in more money stolen out of Indian
appropriation* every year than out of any
other oi like aire.
For the Keporter.
The financial fureaight which tua peo
ple exhibit in tbeir school affair* furnishes
fit illustration* of the old taw beading this
article. These illustrations are many, and
only a few of the moat prominent will be
When two workmen, equally killfril
and industrious, offer their services, a wise
employer will hire the una that agrae* to
labor for for the )e*s wage*. But If one is
. worthless it would be folly to employ him
though he should offer to work for half the
j wage* the other would. Common tense
would tell u* that this principle hold* true
in regard to employing teacher*. How
ever, the practice in many townships is
quite the reverse. Poor teacher* are fre
i quently employed jut because they agree !
' to teach for a few dollar* loss. Now,!
it i* admitted by every one that a worth j
less teacher does more harm than gaod, is!
ftit wise, then, to hire a poor teacher at thir
ty dollar* a month and Iwote all, than to!
>' secure the service* of a good one at double!
that figure?
Farmer* pay a school tax ranging from
thirty to fitty dollar* a year, representing
n daily tuition for one pupil of thirty to fif
ty teuts; yet such pupil* are often kept
out of schoel to perform trifling errand*!
about home worth not half that amount.
Hut more is lost than the one or two day.
the pupil slaysal home ; attending school
one day in a week and staying at home thai
other four, is worth nothing at all. Poor
attendance ha* a very bay effect on the pu
oil and the school. The pupil gets dis
'jcouragcd, he mliset many important links
n hi* studies, and will make but stow pro
gress. l'oor attendance interrupt* the pro
gress of the classes in which such irregular
1 scholars are found ; they are a perpetual
drag and a constant object of discourage
ment to the teacher. And aside from the
> pecuniary loss which parent* sustain, there
i* a far greater evil inflicted upon the
i child. Il i* robbing the child of his iuval-
I uable time which should he devoted to the
training of hi* mind. Money lost may be
r restored, but time lose can never be re
. gained. How parent* can And any excuse
t for their criminal neglect in providing
-uitablc instruction for their children, is
difficult to conceive, especially with the
i, many school facilities they at the prjsent
' time enjoy.
Most people complain of the large num
liber of *(udies their children have to lake
l up in school, and tbeir objection is well
I fouaded. No matter how important all
- these branches may be, our pupil* can not'
. take up all of them and make good pro-1
gress, for their minds are not sufficiently
• developed to prosecute to many at one'
t time. Hut since it has been ordered that;
t History, Physiology, Music, Drawing, Ac.'
i shall be taught, and if some pupils have
- taken up tbee branches, others, who are 1
n equally capable, should study them too
- For the teacher will grade the length of;
1 his lessons with reference to the number!
d of branches taught in hi* school, and, as
y there are always a few pupils, at least, that
d study all. or nearly all the branches, the
- leuot must neceasarily be short. If then,,
n I there are pupil# baring only a few studies,
e ttie-- will not have assigned them work suf
>- firient to keep them engaged the whole
time. To illustrate. Suppose A and B
;, are both studying three of the same
d branches and are in the same classes. A
r, studiea siz branches, end U three ; now, as |
. they have aasigned them the same lessons,
t A will have to prepare twice a* much a*
5 B The consequence [is, B will be idle;
. about half bit time, for the teacher canaol j
..{take hits on any faster in hi* three branch-;
e* than the rest in hit class. And expeti-j
fence show s that this is a true picture of the
. case In almost every school may be
0 found a few pupil* who will take up only ;
r three or four of the easiest branches, and.
they are the ones that have lime to annoy J
the teacher most. Not having work suffi
cient to keep them employed, they past
their lime in idlene** and mischief. Prob- j
- ably, ip this, at in most other cases, par-;
not* come in for a share of the blame, j
Their chiidien would often be willing to!
1 study if they had tho necessary book.!
r1 When there are bright mind* thirsting for'
• knowledge, it It lolly to permit them to 1
1 trifle away precious time for lack o! a few
• school book*. Practically, the money!
■ paid in the shape of school taxes, is lost.
" through a desire of saving a few cents by ;
i refuting to purchase books, and is an apt 1
' illustration of the proverb, "a penny wise,
'• and a pound foolish " hzixaim.
, Id-tiers From India
1 1 (Correspondence of the Centre R<porter.*
Tak ins it last look at the interminable line
l jif camel* a* it stretches away up among
- the blue hill* on it* return to the interior,
, ! *n<l shouting to the quarreling pack or
boatmen below to stand clear of the vessel,!
'< we hoist tho anchor anl afiin stand out toj
' tea The neat Jay we heave in tight of
Al< xandrette. Thi* it an insignificant lit.
I tie place, scarce deserving a name. I>eatt
of all a name to historic. The next day
find* ut at Lalaquie. Thit ft a small place
r with a little trade in cotton, orange*, to
i bacco Ac There it a rather flourishing
American Mission of the Presbyterian
church here. It was established bv Her.
l)r. Dodds. He died at hi* post, a* a brave
: man should in 1870 * 1 regret to learn that
hi* successor Rev. S. R. Gilbraith, who en
tered upon his labor*, but last January,
has already fallen a victim to thit terrible
eastern climate. Another day's sail brings
jut to Bey rout; t>rebably the most desira
ble town, considered as a place of resi
dence. in all Ryria. It* situation is ex
- cocdingly beautiful. It stand* on a trian
gular promontory projecting three wile*
into the Mediterranean, with it* baso run
, ning along tho foot of hoary old Lebanon.
Its population it estimated at nearly 60,000;
one tliird being Muslems, and the rest
! Christians, Jews, Druse* and stranger*.
We found a bevy of American gentle
men here, which we can not soon forget.
; Kir-1 and foremost in our grateful reool
-1 lection stand* our american consul J. Hal
| dwin Hay, a generous, open-hearted fellow,
| and apparently as glad to tee ui as it he
had known u* ail bL life-long. He has
spent the greater part 6f hi* life in foreign,
► i rvice. Ho has been stationed soccosstve-
Ily in Greece, Jaffa and Beyrout. With- 1
I out even so much as an intimation from us,
'upon the simple strength ot what wet
*rr.m*i to be, lie gave ut letter* of intro
duction to parties at Jaffa and to our con |
sul at Jerusalem. He had returned notj
long, from America, bringing ayoung wife;
with him. To so good a fellow as J. Bald
win llay. I could with nothing less than!
the best that eror tilled a man's heart with
Joy, and hit home with happiness, and he I
vowed that he had that very woman.
Drs. Bliss nnd Jcssupof tho Presbyterian i
Mis>ion are also true, representative!
Americans. TheyVreeteduswithacordial
itv that went right home to e fellow's heart.
The venerable fir. Thomson author of the
"Lnnd and the Book/' has boon a mission
ary here for the last fifty year#. Ho was out
of tow n and wo did not gut to si.-o the va
liant old hero. Dr. Van Dvck is also con
nected with this mission, flo Is said to be
one of the most accomplished Arabic
scholars in the world.
Thosj men have a gigantic work on
hand here, and they are carrying it for
ward with a giant spirit too. The college
recently established by the liberality of
American philanthropists—particularly
Win. K Dodg of N. Y.—is an admirable
institution and wul u\o largely to ad
vanco tho cause of education and Christi
anity not in Beyroul only, but throughout
■syria. If there Is aay success possible for
Christianity against the ignorant suncr
tlilion and blind fanaticism of these Ma
lummedsm, Cofls, Druses and the Lord
inly knows what not, I'll trust true
Americans to bring that about
1 think 1 toulif stey ut Beyrout always,
-especially in association with men' like
hese— but my stopping place still lias
ouie distance beyond. So wishing the
levoted men the blessing of tho Highest]
tpon their work, and receiving their
hearty "(Jod speed you," in, return we
inaka our way back to the ship, and we
are aoon under way for Jaffa,—"Jaffa"
•ay* the ormmiaaary, turning to me, aa we
island on deck the nest morning, pointing'
i to n lot of houaaa that are gradually merg
ing into view on the front larboard quarter. 1
A naif an hour hater and thn little ancient
town coma* Into frill eight; built up like a
cone, houae riaing upon houae to to a oaa-|
trai peak, in away that keep* you in con
•lanl dread leat the whole thing should '
topple over. Leaning over the taffmil 1
genu upen the act no To the rear, a
long line of dark hill* (landing about
••ighleen mile* from the bore form* the
back grouad to a noble landscape. The**
lull* were once the mountain heme of Ju
dah. Benjamin and David. To the left a
noble plain atretchea away into tha dim,
diatance until it* far otToutline melt* away
into amber and gold. TbatH* the plain of
Sharon—a name aa fbmiliar In evary
christian houae a* the commonest houae*
hold word. Far off, up into the dim blue
vault of heaven, riae* the snow-capped
summit ef old Lebanut, from which lli
ram sent tha cedar wood for the temple
Ye*, it ia the Holy Land on which I
gas* the country of Jacob and Daniel,
of Kachel and Ituth; the scene of ouri
sweetest fencia* of our childish prayer* and
of our household psalms. Among yon I
hill* tha prophet* of Israel taught and tha!
, Savior of all men lived and died. This
•tony hillock of a town before me. i* the 1
Joppa from which Jonah embarked tor
Tarshisb; along that dusty road to tba
, left, I'eter walked in frem Lydda. It we*
here that 1 tores* made her garment* and
coat*," and where Petar having raiaad
that same Dorcas from the dead, saw the
vision from yon housetop of "Simon the
tanner.,' Traditionally that town ia the
oldest in the world, for Pliny nays It exist
-1 ed before tha flood. Through its eld
•treet* a hundred generation* ef men—
. Philiatines, Hebrew*. Macedonians, Barn
cans, Prank* and Turks have walked and
pawed onward into the abyw. Destroyed
ia war, rabuilt in peace it ha* remained the
i same in aspect and in site -in the Urn* of
. Solomon and l'ompey, of Godfrey do Ban
liltonaad Baladin, of Napoleon and Mo
'; bammed AIL
1 am roused from my reverie by the
veice of the captain. He tell* me thet the
sooner 1 get to shore te better. The wind
is rising and two hour* hence that low line
of surf will b* lathed into lury. Aye, in
:very truth, thou son of Neptune, will 1 ge
ashore! Is not this the land of which I
have been dreaming since my very child
.hood 1 ' Arenet these the hills over which I
' have a thousand time* traveled in fancy.
. when a boy ia my far-off village home r
Have I not during all these year* hugged
the hope, even as a miser hug* hi* gold,
.that mv pilgrim feet should one day
{•land witbie that wondrous city lying out
I yonder beyond that chain ol mountains?
Yes, I will go on shore and sae the grouad
on which was enacted the grandest drams
of events this time-worn earth of ours, in
all its centuries has ever witnessed, and
; 1 shall see if I can not get a clear idea of
| the secret of that power, which taking its
| rise amid these rugged hills, has gene out
, among the nations of earth, changing, sub
verting, revolutionising, and yet ever
! leading up to better thing* and higher and
So 1 give this jolly French crew, with
• bom I have established a aort of friendly
familiarity durinf IhU lonf ride down the
Mediterranean, food bye; cry en rtvoir to
the captain, using up in that one word ail
1 knew of French, pre** the hand of the
commissary whoae inllniiMimal stock of
English ha* stood u tuch food need, in
making known our wanu to the block
beaded steward of the Ebre: pitch rti*
trap* into a little canoe that iadancinf and
dipping around the companion ladder and
leap in after them ; cry "all right" to half
a dozen Arab rowert with black bare anna
and savage looking mustache* ; and skim
ming cross the waves, glide in through a
narrow opening between the rocks, over
which the surf u boiling high and white,
and at the little boat touches the land 1
*priug on shore—on the shore of the Holy
Next door to Wilson A Hick*" Hard
ware store, Allegheny St.,
R. F. Rankin & Co.,
(Successors to Linn A Wilson.)
for medicinal purposes.
variety I
4-1 so, Choice
and all other articles usually bept in first
class Drug Store.
tf.ljune K P. RANKIN A 00.
Boot & Shoe Store!
With New Goods & New Prices!
Having determined to engage in business
at tbi place, we bare opened up in
I BELLEFONTE, PA., the largest,
mof complete an J cheapest stock of
that ha* e*cr been opened up in thi* part
of the State At our More yon can find in
the Boot Shoe line
Anyitotag Vu Waat,
from the finetl boot to the cheapest slip
per, and we know if you once call and
you will concede that it is to your interest
to purchase from us.
Repairing Neatly Bone.
July lijtj
: Grand Opening
FOR 1872.
where he has opened with a eery large
stock oQhe latest styles, both fancy and
Parlor, Chamber and Kitchen Furni
of kinds.
All kinds of repairing done with neat
ness and dispatch naving four good wort
men at the bench. 1 am prepared to do
all kinds of custom work, fine or common.
Thankful for past favors, I hope by strict
attention to business you and everybody
else will show trailing laces at my new
ware rooms.
B. P. DKIJftyOKI. A. C. MI'UU.
New Firm— New Eoterpne.
(Successors to B. O. DatMiNcaa)
We would most respectfully inform the
public, that they bar* taken charge of
thi* old and urces*Al establishment, and
propose to carry on tba taai under re
newed auspic*,
Tbey bare on hand, and will make to
P°Jihle design, and price.
We uw the beat grade# of marble-
a Hutu AMD Me.,
and My with perfect aaaurance, "Our
work la our reference."
Shop.|eMt f Bridge, Millbeia.
No 6 Brockeriiofl* Row, Bcllcfootc.Pa
Dealers la Drug*, CheaslemJks,
IVrfttatrry, Fancy Geeda dke.,
Pure Wine# end Liquor# for medical
purpose# el way# kept. may 11. 71
0 BellefonU. Pa. 2
x* (Successor# to lawur e WILSON.,) >
£ Respectfully inform the ouxent ofjO
Z Centre end other counties, that they "
< here one of the largest end beat •*- df
S. lected stock of Hardware to be found, °
consisting of Iron, Steel, Nell#, •
jg Hone Kboea Axels, Spring Wagon
Skein* end Boxes, Complete stock of **
> carpenter tool# end builden hard- £j
Z were, lock#, oik, paint#, glass, ear- ®
5 niaha#, brushes, cucumberpampaaad f
< tubing. Lamp# ef ell kinds, scales, Z
~ cutlery, J,
Full line of saddlery end eoech ma
ker* good*, wood work for buggtse
_ and wagon#, plough#, barrows, cujti*
'J valor* and grindstone#. Looking H
At glasses end mirror elates. Picture £
./ frame* made to order. They al*o K
J here the celebrated cook store, **
f every one warranted to girc perfect £
£ satisfaction. All kinds of parlor .
Z store# We ere determined to sell g
< at the lowest price# for cask, or on _
5- *bort credit—not to exceed three 2
u' month*. Cell-end see us, a# we take
a- pleasure in showing our goods.
> merl6tf. Bellefonte, Pa. *
C ►
* m
= H
Gift & Flory's
New Shoe Store !
They hare now opened, end will constant
ly keep on band, a splendid rtock of new
men, women and children, from the beet
manufactories in the country, and now of
fered at the
Lowest Prices.
BOOTS end SHOES made to order, upoa
short notice. They invite the people of
this vicinity to give them e cell, as they
will strive to merit a share of their pat
ronage- tnylOtf
1 POOS BKLOW Horrsa'a
Dealer in
Parlor end Chamber Sets,
WABDK )BBS. NArnucsaxa, a#
Particular Attention to Ordered Work.
In All Ita Branches,
, Always on Hand, and Funerals Attended
With an Elegant Hearse. epkt
1 Stoves! Fire! Stov's!
At Andy Kcesman'a, Centra Hall, are
latest and best stores out, he baa just
received a Urge lot of
Cook Stoves, the Pioneer Cook,
the Eclipse Cook,
the Reliance Cook.
PARLORS—The Radiant LifhL aelf-foe
dcr, Ira* Burner, National Egg,
J ewe! i, Ac.
te*-Qe sells Moves as LOW as aaywksre
in Mifflin or Centre co.
The undersigned hereby informs the
, • itisens of Pennsvalley that ue has pur
chased the Tinthop heretofore carried on
by the C. If. Mf g Co., and will continue
. the same, at the old stand, in all its branch
es, in the manufacture of
All kinds of repairing done. He has
alwayion hand
Fruit Cane, of all Sites,
All work warranted and charges reason
able. A share of the public patronage so
licited. AND. RKESMAN,
2sep7oy Centre Hall
New Clothing Store
ongag*d to manage for I. L. Bci*enstein,
in the corner building, oppoaite Hoffer's
•tore, Bellefonte, has established a new
Clothing Store, where the beet bargains in
the county are offered.
$7.50 to sls Tor Suits of the fin
est Cassimere.
r.' :i i ;. „
•nd a full and complete auortmeat of ev
ery thing in the line of Clothing.
dent'. Faraiaklsi Peed.
.11 directly from their own manufactory.
Jewelry, Balche., Je,
They have engaged their old clerk, Mr.
A. Sternberg, ao well known to the people,
and who will be pleaaed to aee ni. old
friend.. .pfitf.
I tece good, of every ducription, .old
low to enable everybody to have hit cloth to order.
John Sfamolbb, Proprietor.
Stage, arrive and depart daily, for all
point., north, touth. ca.t and wwt.
•' ■ rg : ■ • • ; with a i., *
and .uperior.tock of GUNS. Call or .end
fbr a Price LUt. Single Shot Uuu, $3 t*
fao; Double Barrel Shot Gun*. |8 to 76.
Ireech Loader., $36 to 160; Rifle., sl2
to $76;
Addreb, H H. SCHULfS,
. „ iibert y Street, pittapurg Pa.
J an 9 2m rm
Cure larlpiml •■•■ ptlo.
Care Cotarrlb
Cure Aetbnua.
Cure Heart DBraat.
Cur# IBIAAsi IM%t*£l %C"Hu
Regulate the Llvrr.
Regulate the St.—rh end BeWfß
Cure all Frawlr Wraknraart.
Fwrffy Ike BKMMI.
Car* Djeraeirt eflkc Tfcrwat.
Care Bronrfeitia.
Care "Rett CwU/oVHmr Fever
Care Salt BhfW
B/tA-. tHfcl-1 gi iw a hi a
Pnrves* Chelera A Velio w Fever
£ Fnaari Melartwa Fever*.
Reasoee Pals la Ike Breast.
Remove Fala la the Mde or Back.
Am a kaprrter Tank.
Baatrirt ike Appetite.
OHM the Feed t. Dtpcat.
Rim I th. Weak ead PebdMtawt
Give Temc t. l eer Syetem. f
L. F. HYDE Jfc GO.,
MMUI raorazßTo&a
193 tow th J Tmm York.
Chat. H. Held,
Cltek, VatekMaiwr * le
I ' mllLeim, Centre eo., Pens*
Respectfully inform* hi* friend tad lb*
public in |Mnl, ihtt ha has just opened
at hi* sew eaUblkt-irent. above A lex an
dtr'i Store. and keep* constantly oa band
all kind* of CtocksTWalchesaad lew*in
of (he latest stylet, at also the Marsnvillt
Patent Calender Clocks, provided with r
complete index of the month, and day 01
the month and week on iu face, which it
warranted at a perfect time-keeper
Watchet and Jewelry re
paired on ibort notice and warranted
t fit® 1 -
Sctenft OIK tkd Adt&n'x
*" * ff I '''" TOT Hi I ■ ll f ■
C. H. Guieliua,
Surgeon and lecfcaatetl Dentist -
who m permanently located in Aarectsbun
in the oftce formerly occupied by l>r. N elf,
and who hat been practicing with entire
tucoeee—having tha experience of a number
of yean in the profassioa, ha would cordi
ally invite nil who have at yet not jm er
him a call, to do to, and tost tbe truth fu : • x
of thir aaeertioa. JWTeeth extracted
without pain. maySSTfifttf
Furniture Rooms I
respectfully informs the citixen* of Centre
county, that ha haacouttantly on hand end
make* to order, all kindt ot
TABLES, At., Ac :
Horn MADE Cttiu Aivttt on ux>n
Hisstcck of ready-made Furniture itler„*
and warranted of rood workmanship ai;u .t
nil made under hit own immediate tUPC" i
tion, and ie offered el rate* at cheap akeUe
where. Thankful for past favors, he tolir
it* a continuance of the tame.
Call and eoo his stock before purcha.r
elsewhere. apiM'WU
THE undersigned, determined to met tha
popular demand for Lower Price*, re
•pectndly calls tha attention of the public
to hit stock of
now offend at if t old stand Deal*acJ o
pocial 1 v for th* people and the tfov*, fhe Isr,
geetand most varied and corn plate assort*
meat of
Saddles, Harness, Collars, Bridles,
of every description and quality; Whip*,
and in fact everything complete to a trst
clam establishment, hv now offers at prices
which will suit the times.
TOflS F. POJTEB, AttnraSTitLaw
v Collections promptly made and specin
attention riven to those having lands oi
property for tale. Will draw up and hare
acknowledged DaeiM mpttgligv* Ac Of
flee in tha diamond, north side of the
court house, Bells/onta. octSftOtf
■MET aaocKaaaorr, jdsbgxrt.
_ _ President, Cashier.
(Lata Millikea, Hoover A Co.)
And Allow Interest,
Discount Notes,
_ _ Jd •>- anabti.
Government Securities, Gold Ud •
aplO'tttf 1 ' votttoi*.
IAS. M'MANUH. Attorney r>. U
V Belief-.:-, *mpt!y attends to all bt:
tress entrusted to him. juls,6Btf
f\ *■ rOKTNEY, Attorney at 17i7
JLr • Bellefonte, Pa. Office over Key
nold's aayU ..■■■.
a.a. a'atLtay**^ —'-yaaYi a. bslsyi it
U'AUltm t Ifilt;:
Bellefonte, Centre Co., Pann'a. spflhi!
i*o. H. oavu. C. T. ALKXAXDICK
Attorneys-at-law. Office inConrad House
Bellefonte, Pa.
with Orris A Alexander, attends to coilec
tuoa in the Orphan's Court.
favorite hotel is now in every respect
one of the most pleaaent country hotels in
central Pennsylvania. The traveling com
munity will always And the best accommo
dation. Drovers can at all times be accom
modated with stables and pasture for any
numperofeatweor horses. . .
jhiyrßatr ogo. MILL?r.
A new and complete Hardware Store hiu
pared toaellall kind* ofßuildiaga'adHou*.
Furnishing Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nail*.
Bug*y wheel* in ChampionClothes
Wnnwr, Mill Saw., Circular and Hanc
Saw., Tennoa Saw*, WebbSaw*. IceCriair
Freezem, Bath Tub*, Clothe* Rack., a ful
a**ortment of Qlau and Mirror Plate of al
.izea, Picture Frame., Wheelbarrow.,
Immp*. Coal Oil Lamp., Belting, Spokes,
Felloe..andHub.,Plow.,Cultirator*. Cot"
,£'<>*-Pou*., •••* Maid Boarda
and Teeth,Tdbl.Chtierv. Skov
Spade, and Fork., Look., fling, i
Screw., Sub Sprmn, HorwsShoei, Nail.
Norway Rod*. Oil.. Lard, Lubricating
Coal, Linaeed Taimers. AuriU, Vice., Bel
lowa, Screw Plate.,. Biaekunith. Tool
iy *wl*i yntit Jar. andCatu, Faint., oil.,