The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, January 30, 1873, Image 1

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    And Art.
MW him look at T<tnd* waty hair \
I *e him watch Cecilia* winning mil .
re him notice Hmd * complexion fair;
My heart with dread IK beatthg all *h"*
And yet
I'm iimott tiuv lit lovee me Iwt of HI
I MM> him glauee at MlllvV fairy feet.
And follow all their movement* with a amile
1 m him charmed lW mam maiden* ewect.
My heart with drmdfaat lieating all the while
.And yet
I'm ahiKwl nre he lovee me boat of all
For when he takea my hand in both of hie.
And look* at me with hie eon (Ming amile.
My every doubt and hear are ret at eaee,
Although my heart in heeling all the while;
And—ree I
I'm euro, tjuhe euro, lie lovee me heel of all
Mary, The took.
It is strange what a world of romance.
What a "wiklenug, watching spell.
Hangs shoal Mary, the cook.
Why. it's music to ait in ker silbuoe.
And (pta not ashamed to tog)
It's heaven to catch but her look.
She rubbing the lamps, well might ms.UWu
The stoniest slave of - -
In short, tf eon want to know sweetiarwa
And deftness and magical neatness
You've only to lotA
At Mary, the ct*A.
You see, as we're off on a picnic,
Stwne dutice must fall to the gtrW;
So Mary la boiling the tea.
Ah. who wouldn't be an aid kettlw
To mirror those tumbled curls.
Aud slug near Iter heart fur glee 1
t 'barley and Kale, by the hevehee.
Are opening pickles aud poaches ;
The others are making a table;
While I, like the fox ui the talis.
Sit vauily anil look
At Mary , the cook.
She's " steady " I'd swear it. Ami " soberJ
Well, no by that mtsehioioa* laugh!
" Willing t" A fcik>w can't tU.
Though she knows how 1 long to ask her.
Or guemea it more than half.
Which answers nearly as oM
Mm'.' 1 ask her? (Bui. ah. what tftuaftj')
" To go a short way ir. the country,"
And always be— Jove 1 If she flushing
Over that fire—or— Mushing ?
Wbat tf I nw and " took "
Mary, the sxk!
Mine! by the grand old beeohee!
Mine 1 by the ps-ktes and peaches!
Mine! by the rippling brook!
Mine 1 by the sunect sj4cudor !
Mine; by the starlight tender!
Mary, the cook!
The date was that of the civil war be
tween the Parliament and King Charles
L The two parties had takea up arms,
and were vigorously earning on the
conflict. The king's army had been de
feated several times, and those of his
adherents taken with arms in their
hands were leil before judges appointed
by Cromwell in every town, to be con
demned as rebels.
Sir Nicholas Newcastle *(** one of
those judges. He was a man of austere
manner, but without fanaticism; Lis de
votion to the new goverflVnent was well
known, and Cromwell Lad a special es
teem for him. His weakly constitution
did not allow him to serve in arms for
the cause which he thought the just sac,
but he waa looked npou as the most ac
tive and able, as w eft as the most vigor
fHialy just magistrate in the country.
One'eveuiug Sir Nicholas was at supper
with his family and a few of his friends,
when a band of soldiers arrived with a
royalist prisoner, whom tkey had just
succeeded in capturing. It was an offi
cer who, after the rout of Oniric*' ;irmy,
had been vainly trying to reach the
coast, ami there find means of escape to
France. Sir Nicholas ordered his hands
to be unbound, and another table to be
placed near the fire-place.
"It is my birth-day," said he, " and
I wish to finish merrily the supper
which I have begun. Give refreshment#
to this chevalier and the guard*. At
F resent I would be his host, in an hour
will act as his judge."
The soldier* thanked him, and sat
down at the table near t!eir prisoner,
who did not appear to be much afiectrd
by his position and fell to on the pro
visions set before him with as good an
appetite as any of them.
Sir Nicholas returned to his place at
the head of the Urge table and resumed
the conversation that had lieen inter
rupted by the arrival of the soldiers
with the prisoner.
" Wei!.* I was telling yon," he contin
ued, " that at the age of 15 1 was still so |
teak ami puny that every one scorned
my feebleness and took advantage of it
to ill-use me. First, I had to endure
the bad treatment of a step-mother, then
that of tnv school-fellows. Courage in
Ixiys is ofiy the consciousness of their
strength. My weakness made me a
coward, and "far fp>m hardening me, the
roughness and harshness to which I
was exposed made meouly more shrink
ing and sensitive to pain. I lived in a
continual state of fear, but above all I
feared the master's cane. Twice I had
suffered this cruel punishment, and I
had preserved such an accurate remem
brance of the pain, that the very
thought of a third infliction made me
tremble all over. I was at Westminster
school, as 1 have already told you. The
forms were taught in a large room to
gether, and were sejwrnted one from
another by a. curtain, which we were ex
pressly forbidden to touch. One Sum
mer <lay drowsiness had overcome nie
for a moment in the middle of a Greek
lesson; then a slight noise starting me
ou(u>f my nap, I only saved myself from
falling off mv seat by catching at the
curtain, which was close beside me. It
gave way at mv grasp, and to my horror
I saw that I had made in it a tear big
enough to see the next class through.
The two masters turned roupd at the
noise, and at oace perceived the damage
that had been done. The blame ap
peared to lie between me and the lx>y
next the curtain on the other side; but
my confusion soon pointed me out as
the culprit, and my master angrily or
dered me to come and have a dozen
blows of the cane. I got up, staggering
like a drunken man: I tried to speak to
ask pardon, but F-ar had glued my
tongue to my mouth; my knees trem
bled under me; a cold perspiration
broke ant on my face. The instrument
of punishment was already rained over
ma, when I heard some one sag:
"Do not punish him. It was mv
"It was the boy on the other side of
the curtain. He was at once called for
ward and received the dozen blows.
My first impulse was to prevent this un
just punishment by confessing the
truth; bui I could not summon courage
enough to do it, and when the first blow
had been given I was ashamed to speak.
When the flogging was over the boy
passed near me with bleeding hinds,
and whispered to me with a Bmile that L
ahall never forget:
"' Ho not meddle with the curtain
again, youngster. The cane hurts.'
" I sank down in a fit of sobbing, and
they had to send me out of the room.
Since that day I have been disgusted
with my cowardiae, and have done all I
can to overcome it. I hope I have not
been altogether uitenceessful."
" And do yon know this generous fel
low ?" asked one of hif guests. " Have
yon ever seen him again ?"
" Never, unfortunately. He was not !
in any form and left the sehool soen
afterward. Ah! God knows that I have !
often wished to meet with the gallant
fellow, who suffered so much for me, :
and I would give years of my life to be '
able to shake hands with nim at my j
At that moment a glass was held ont |
toward Sir Nicholas, who lifted his eyes '
in astonishment. It was the royalist
prisoner, who laughingly proposed a j
"To the memory of the tora curtain
at Westminster! But upon my word,
Sir Nicholas" your memory is not RO ac
curate us mine. It was not twelve blows
that I received, but twice twelve—for
haying exposed another to punishment,
KURD. Kl'liTZ. Ivlitomntl lYoprifto
aud not Ml once declaring myaelf to
" You an* right: now I renietulier! l>ut
in whit M ait nation! in what a aervioe!"
exclaimed lho judge.
" In the service of my king. Sir Nieh
olna. I wmm not gotug to l>e the rtrst of
niv family who hud pluvisl tho traitor.
My fMtlior ha* already iliwl in arms, mid
I expect no better fate. Novorniuul; I
only *k one thing: "(KHI ear® tho
With theae words tho royalist return
ed to his place aiuoug tho soldiers, Mini
continued liis n-past,
J hut very uight, Mftor having given
era that the primmer wna to be well
treated, he left home without earing
where he waa going, MK) WIS* gone three
dava On the fourth day ho arrived, and
ordensl the roydit officer to In* hrought
lielore him.
" Are von going to settle IUT affair at
length?' 1 naked he coolly. "It t* time
to do MO, wen* it only for humanity'*
Make. Thev tn*at me ao well at your
honae. Sir Nicholas, that before I
shall oouie to wish to retain my life. '
"My friend," said the judge, with a
grave face, hut in a voioe trembling
with emotion, " twenty year* ago you
said to me, • l\> not meddle with the
eurtaiu, youngster. for the cane Lurta!"
Here ia your pardon, signed by the
Lonl Protector: hut IU my turn 1 say to
von, "lVinot take up arms against the
Parliament, for Cromwell ia not eaav to
deal with."
Funeral Festivities.
I o*n imagine what i going on iu
Honolulu now, say* a letter writer, du
ring tlii* month of mourning, for I waa
there when the late King'* sister. Vic
toria, died. David Kalakatia (a ehiofi,
Comwaudcr-in-Chiof of the Household
Troop# (how is that, for a title?) is no
doubt standing guard now over the
closed entrance to the "palace" grounds,
keeping out all white* but officers of
State; and within, the Christianized
heatheu are howling and dancing and
wailing and esnysugou in the same old
savage fashion that obtained twfore
Cook discovered the country. 1 lived
three blocks from the woodeu two-story
palace when Victoria was beiug lament
ed, and for thirty nights in succession
the mourning pow-wow defied sleep.
AH that time the christianized but mor
ally unclean 'Princess lay in state in
the palace. I got into the ground* one
uiglit and saw ftonie hundreds of half
naked savages of both sexes beating
their dismal tom-toms, and wailing and
caterwauling in the weird glare of in
numerable torches; and while a great
baud of women swayed and jiggered
their pliant bodies through the intricate
movements of a lascivious danee called
the hula-hula, they chanted au accom
paniment in native words. 1 asked the
sou of a missionary what the words
meant. He said they celebrated certain
admired gifts and physical excellencies
of the dead princes*. I inquired fur
ther, but he said the words were too
foul for translation; that the Ixjdily ex
cellencies were unmentionable; tliut the
capabilities so lauded ami so glorified
hail better lie left to the imagination.
He said the King was doubtless sitting
where he could hear tlieap ghastly
praises and enjoy them. That is, the
late King—the educated, cultivated
Kameliameha V. And mind you, one
of his titles was "the Head of the
Church;" for, although he was brought
up in the religion of the missionaries,
and educated in their school* and col
leges, he early learned ts despise their
plelteian form f worship, and had im
ported the English system and au Eng
lish bishop, and bossed the works him
self. Yon can imagine the saturnalia
that is making the night hideons in the
palace grounds now, where His Majesty
is lying in state.
Tr\a Cons a* Milkers.
Here very few farmers have barns or
even sheds for stock, writes a Texas
farmer to an exchange. Last Septem
ber I reached this place.
tl am a carpenter), and could get
neither milk nor butter for family ns-\
J accordingly bought a cow and calf,
paying therefor 815, gold. The calf
was the cow's second offspring. At the
flrst milking the cow gave mc one pint
of milk. 1 gave her some corn shucks,
which sbc ate; bnt on offi ring her some
corn she would not touch *t. I then
bought some bran (at 10 cents per
bushel), mixed it with salt and water,
but she would not go near it; she
would eat nothing bnt grass and corn
shtM'ks. I mixed bran for her every day
for three days before she would taste
it. Hhe then licked the salt from the
top, of ronrse getting sotue of the bran.
The next time she ate altont a quart of
it.- Then I gave her some shelled com
and bran mixed, of which she Anally
ate henrtily, and her milk increased in
one week's time to two quarts per milk
ing, fgone gallon per day. I now feed bucket of hrau, seven ears of
corn, and two bundles of oats night
and morning, ami now get three quarts
at a milking.
We put the milk in a crock by the
fire and let it set there over night; in
the morning we pour the morning's
milk inte what we obtained the night
lief ore, and at night churn the whole,
and get from 1 to 1{ pounds
of butter from the two nilkings. From
my limited experience, I judge this cow
to be No. 1 for Texa*. I have lieen
told that it did not pay to feed csws
here in Winter; I find there are very few
who do it. fjst week we had very cold
weather, rain and sleet for two daya.
During that time there were from thirty
to fifty head of cattle standing in an
open lot near my house, and not a mor
sel of food did they get in that time,
except the dried brier *talkn in the lot.
Iteatli Rate In Cities.
In 1871 there were 26,976 deaths in
New York city, which, on the estimated
population for that year—966,ooo—show
a rate of annual mortality equal to 26.2
per l,oot. In 1872 the deaths number
ed 32,647 ; the population is estimated
at 970,000, and the death-rate is conse
quently 33.6 per 1,000.
The figures give Brooklyn, in 1871,
10,259 deaths. Its population for that
year we estimate at 410,000, showing a
rate of mortality of 25 per 1,000 per an
num. In 1872 the figures are as follows:
Number of deaths, 12,648 ; estimsted
population, 412,§00 death-rate, 30.7
per 1,000.
For Philadelphia, the returns give
the following results: In 1871 there
were 15,485 deaths, a population of 685,-
000, and a death-rate of 22.6 iht 1,000.
In 1872 there were 20,500 deaths, a pop
ulation of 696,000, and a death-rate of
29.4 per 1,000.
j The Boston returns yield almost pre
cisely the same results as those of
i Philadelphia. In 1871 there were 5,88
deaths, a population of 258,000, and a
I death-rate of 22.7 per 1,000. In 1872
i the deaths numbered 7,900, the popula
' tion was 266,000, and the death-rate
i 29.7 per 1,000.
' Dear me ! that is n charming song.
It's quite new to Mo. Have you ever
heard it before, Algy?" Algernon—
" Yiae, think I have —one of Arthur
Snllivau's, 1 believe —something about
lies— ' ' c sidbw-white lies,' or ' Tha
snow lies white'—l don't recollect which,
pnd it's all the same !"
Inst MI the Frontier.
A* a romantic element ill our eurreut
national history t!*• red-men have lost
nearly ail the idyllic character with
whit'l'i the genius of Cooper graced hi*
aboriginal uMi*, aud degeuerutcd into
tlie conipirntivcly commonplace mid
truculent sucowdsueuui of mere ki-1
knapping. Wwilf MIW ft*
pitiless, inexorable wicmndißiwi'* "f
the white man, these unhappy ghosts
of the old reuuuiN) eon uu louger affoial
to indulge in the idealities of friend
ship, love, and revenge; and hence the
modern p-twous! ejiinode* of tin ir
steadily weakening and frantic death
tight involve more of pitiful, d" I*pair
ing laat rv*ert tliati of dramatic or pic
turesque heroism. The iy>turc of wo
mcu and children as hostages against
present or future discomfiture is the
event most commonly yielding what
little is left of Indian "romiwiee in tin se
days, ami such an occurence is the le
--> ginning of the following savage story
from the To|H-ka (Kau. i CbiitmoHUtalih;
In IH<S a predatory hand of Cotuaiiolics,
raiding from the sonthem aihls of their
i own Territory into Llano County, 'l< v.,
visited the place of a wealthy cattle
dealer named Friend, and, after various
outrages, captured and carried away a
hoy of eight years old, sou and grainl
soa of the joint proprietors of tlie
house. The older Mr. Friend and his
sou, knowing the Indians habit of de
taining white children as prisoners un
til one or more of their own warriors
might lie redeemed frww captivity by
exchange, did not believe that their
lost lad would suffer any serious vi.i
leuee, and accordingly resolved to re
lax no measure for the child's recovery
while they had life and means to foil, u
the flying savages. Father and grand
father were together in the pursuit at
the start; hut, us the story is told, the
former seen to have died or been .li-t
--aided early in the long journey, leav
ing his father to continue the march
alone. So for several year* this old
man devoted his whole time and means
to trailing the captors of his grand
child; uever tiring under any diacour
:igcuieut, nor turuiug Iwck for any
obstacle, t hvoeioually hearing that the
band he sought was here or there in tie
vast trackless f> rains or woods of the
Indian Territory, and had amongst it
whitc-faced hostages a little boy, he
rode ami tramped onward indefatigable
over 15,000 miles, and" spent at lea t
$5,1*10. Continually breaiuig their en
campments and moving by circuitous
ways further toward the Northwest,
the savages, as has lieen indicated, elud
ed their aged pursuer and all his d -
tective agencies for four years; in the
meautime treating their young hostage
not uukiudlv, though training him to
forget civilisation. In the fall of lie t
year, however, a party of white troop*,
under Major Me Kinney, came sudden'y
npou them not far from the Kan. •-
frontier, and MI a sharp battle kills l
many and captured others. The cap
tives of this affray were taken to Fort
Still, and thither followed the remnant
of the routed band to redeem their
squaws and children with the white l*y.
Thus was the latter restored to his
grandfather at last, though in such bar
barons guise and assimilation of
manner as mnde him seem more like
an Indian th&ii an Anglo-Saxon. When
lately on his way homeward with the
old man through Wellington, in Kan
sas, he had learned to rememlier his
proper name and regnitted some facili
ty in English; but his walk, bearing,
and ideas ore still those of his late Bss.e
eiates, he delights IU talking in tlip
Comanche tongue with those who enu
converse with him therein, and months
if not years must elapse before he c; n
have lw<en snflleieiitlv rehabilitated in
civilixatiou to lose tlie wildtiess of his
experience in the red-man'' wigwam.
State of Trade in Brest Britain.
Extracts from the yearly circular* of
prominent broker* sav the cotton trade
was not so good in 1872 a* in the pre
vious year, and the rates obtained w re
not even remunerative. Spinners and
manufacturers commence toe new year
well under contract. Business for the
present will lie mainly influenced by the
quantity of imports, and the pre nt
scarcity is likely to bo tided over with
out any enhancement of price*.
As to the sugar trade, it is stated that
the consumption of 1871 by Europe and
the United States was increased in 1872
by alsiut 2 J Jier cent. It is expected
that the uow crop will lie at least 14 jer
cent, better than the last, while stock*-
are accumulating, and depreciation in
prices is certain.
In regard to the timlwr trade, it i*
said that the forest* which are being
cleared for supplies grow continusllv
farther from toe seaports, and an on-
Imucemeut in prices is probable. .
The petroleum trade is in a satisfac
tory condition, and business is certain
to increase. legislation, however, is
required, ss English merchants are only
allowed to inqiort oil inflammable nt 120
degrees, while those of the Continent
can import it only 110 degrees.
The wool trade is in an unsatisfactory
stpte. The import*, for the first time
in its history, have fallen off. The de
ficit haa evidently gone to the United
Hud to Pay for It.
The unit of Jean Pieot against Is.
Rich, to recover $15,000 for personal
injuries, came on for trial in the Twelfth
District Court of San Francisco. Pieot
allege* in his coni|ilniiit thnt defendant
was the proprietor of n gmcery attire,
and used m hia business a yonng, wild,
and vicious and that, on the 11th
day of Beceml 1871, while plnintif!
was walking along the sidewalk, the
horse (carelessly driven by an employee
of defendant, who was too young to be
intrusted with such an animal) rail
against him, and so severely injured
him thnt he was unable to attend to his
business ; that he was forced to employ
a physician and purchase medicines at
a cost of <3OO. Defendant, in answer,
denies that the horse was wild and
vicians, or that he was carelessly driven
by a person too young. He also denies,
that plaintiff was so serionsly injured
as to incapacitate him for business.
Defendant alleges that he was using n
kind horse, gently driven; that the
horse became suddenly alarmed and ran
awRT with the driver, and that before he
oonfd be stopped by ordinary leiman
prudence and strength, did irfrike
plaintiff and inflict apon him certain
mjnries, but not to the extent alleged
in the complaint. The defendant had
to pay £l, Jilo damages.
Vbrt Conn Qt-ARTERM. —Eight freight
trains were suawed in during a late
storm between McGregor and Austin,
Minnesota. The snow was packed in so
tight that the snow ploughs had no ef
fect on it, and it had to be shoveled out.
All that could le seen of trains
was here and there the top of a brake pro
truding alaive the snow, and nothing
but the smoke stock of the engine mnrk
'ed the whereabouts of the same. The
thermometer ranged from 20 to 25 de
grees below zero, the wind blowing s
perfect gale. The drivers of the relief
teams were badly frozen.
COINCIDENCES. —Stokes shot Fi*k on
the first Saturday in January. 1H72, and
was convicted of murder in the first de
gree on the first Saturday in January,
lfffJ. Fisk died on tha fitli of January,
1672, and Stokes was sentenced to death
on the 6th of January, 1878.
"Sweet Heine" in Hanger.
A writer iu the fiumr Journal tells the
following story, related to him by
Pavue himself:
Payue had strong sympathy for the
red mun's right* uml home, mid without
thought of exciting snger expressed his
kindly feelings to any one and every
• ■lie.
It was at the time when the people of
thurgia, of the Indian country, had
sufhrat bv massMcrea and liight tires
ami murder, till they could endure the
outrages no longer, andlYesidrnt Jaek
soti was favoring the removal of the
triltes to the west of the Mississippi.
Trarelliug alone as Payne was, with
out much baggage, so simple and out
spoken iu his manner, it was not long
before he excited suspicion as an In
dian spy, and when tliey reached the
next stopping plan it wus whispered
als.ut that lie wu* au enemy, in sympathy
with the Indiana who had aooften com
mitted such terrible outrages upon the
white pululation as to exiuqx-ruto every
one to bitter enmity to them and all*
their friends.
Not dreaming of the cause they took
Puvite, lied Ins hutids behind him the
most girlish man in the world and
marched him off between two strong,
fllllv armed men.
lie saw his situatiou, and la gan to
tremble audlcg and protest aud explaiu
who he was, but to no effect, till they j
marched for jwrhaps half a Uifle through
thicket* and fields, jiassmg towyd an
ttnusuallv lighted and respectable aje
peuriug log cabin. It wsut quite late in
tlie night,still the inmatesseemed to be
moving, and us the |arty approached
nearer thev heard singiug ; finally
I'avue could distinctly recognize the
music of " Home Sweet Home.
He protested aud tried to break loose
and gi-t to the house. They held him
back. One of the guard went to the
house, iu compassion for the prisoner,
to get *cme water, for he hail fainted.
Meeting an officer from the house
winch proved to be the beadoiuurters of
•mule of the United State* soldiers Hot
long there- he said they had brought
one of the spies of the Indians "who
claimed to have written some song about
• Home', which 1 never heard tell on."
The officer's curiosity w* excited,
who, hcarmg the Song at the same time,
went immediately with the guanl to *••
the prisoner, whom he found stretched
on the grotftul.
" What i* your name?" naked the
" John Howard Payne," said the •
prisoner ; but only s little over a whia-
I* r.
"(iooil heavens !i* it possible?" said
the qffiscr. *' I'nbiud him immediately,
and tiring water t once, or I'll blow the
brains out of iwry one sf ye ! Here,
Payne, take some of this," handing him
u rude ramp tl-uik, while he raised his
It. ul witli his own hands that he might
Soon Payne, half dead, was carried
to tlie hou*c. There the whole matt, r
waa explained, and eur hero was soon
iu as comfortable a rosin as could be
obtained, surrounded by officers ami
ladies, who did everything in their
jmwer to calm and nnufort the author
without it homo
( heated the l,alien*.
W'm. Cluck, the wilcrannlerer, tuider
Kcutetise of death at luilianapolis, eotu
mittcd suicide, thus escaping the im'*
lew*. A lot*al paper says:
Jim Taylor, fellow-prisoner of Wil
liam Cluck, entered tlie latter's cell a
few- minutes In-fore two o'clock and
found the wretched man in the agonies
of death by poison. Taylor at once gave
the idann to tlie jail authorities, who
call. I in physicians. In order to give
the doctor* opportunity to do the pa
tient justice in their treatment, lie waa
removed from the cell in which he lav.
When first brought out in the passage
way n stomach-pump was brought into
requisition, by means of which it wa*
hoped to remove the poison swallowed
bv the living mini. Emetics were *!*•
....,:i. !. re !, but without effect, and
Clis-k died in about half an hour from
the tine he was first seen under the Mi
ll e me of the fatal drug. There were
t>r< -nt at the time n ntunlwr of his fel
low-prisoners, tin- jailor, and one of the
phv ic'ua*. W*' diisl calmly, and seem-d
•luring the lust few momenta to Ih in
but little pain. The corpse wa* laid out
and lrt*sed in a plain black suit, and
in an hour or two after it was placed in
a coffin bv the undertaker. An inquest
was held over the Usly of the suicide,
but the evidence produced merely
shvwed that the man died of poiaon
The crime for which Cluck was con
demned to die was by ieal
oii'-y. Horn m England iu IKW, Cluck
*i as a r> iideiit of East Telitiessn- at the
breaking out of the late war-a widower
with two children. He went to ImUann
and nlifted i:i the Seventeenth Indiana
lufantrv, and while on duty as a soldier
at Manchester, Tenn., in 1864, be mar
ried hi* victim, a Mr*. Clementine
\\i -t, the mother of one child—a Imy.
The two he remitted t# lislianapolis,
and the w .irlteing over rcjigne.l theni
and made the eity the place of his |>cr
lnanent reidcucc. A oouple of y.*nrs
later he )■ irnt, to his surjtris.-, that his
wife was not a widow, as he hail sup
posed, bnt the ex-mistress >f one Frntik
Wit, who wan*not dead, a* believed,
lint ntill alive nnd in correspondence
with kfhmcutino. This knowledge, to
gether with after suspicion* of adultery
on her part with two citizen* of Indian
apolis, drove him to hard drinking, nnd
when drunk lie would unmereifcilly
abuse her nnd her son, and onee he
even attempted to kill her. I'nable to
put np with the hard treatment, alio at
hud left him nnd went to the houne of a
Mrs. Wright to live, applying to the
oonrta on April '2d, 1872. for a divorce.
Cluck nt onee heard of tliia application
and 1 eonme frantic, making many
threat* against her life, getting drunker
than ever, nnd then fining to Mr*.
Wright'*, revolver in hand, forced, and
with many blow*, compelled hi* wife to
start with him for hi* home. On the
way the woman tried to eseajie, when
01 nek chased her and *hot her aeven
time*, killing licr. Some of the shot*
were fired into the bndv even nfter life
ha<l departed. Cluck then made'a weak
lint unsuccessful attempt to commit su
icide by cutting hi* throat with a com
mon picket-knife. Arrested, impris
oned, and cured of hi* wound, he wa*
tried for murder in the §rst degree,
found gniltv, and sentenced to be linng
on Friday, I>eeeiuler 20th, and was sub
sequently respited to January .'hi by
' Gov. Baker.
How CODFISH ARK Umamtn. —No part
•f the cod is regarded a* useless. The
head is sometimes cooked and eaten,
mow frequently, along with the intes
tines, it is converted into manure. In
France an excellent fish-gunno is niadh
from the offal of cod and other fish.
From the swimming-bladder isinglass
is made almost equal to that yielded by
the sturgeon. The roe is exported to
France und used there ns a ground-bait
in the sardine fishery. The Norwegians
give the head, with marine plants, te
their cows, for the purpose of prodncing
s greater proportion of milk; and the
Icelanders give the vartebrw, ribs mid
bones to their cattle. There is no other
fish so useful to man as the cod.
The convicts at the Joliet, 111., Peni
tentiary average days wages of 55 cents
each, making segars.
I lie Agrieiilliiral burrrilla.
< My neighbor, Ham. tUiuiJaun, tins sold
but and i* going Weat, 1 here lout b i n
a plain, holiest, industrious Ot-flnnii—-
I lutis LoiU'iistciti---banging around
Simpson for some tiun- try ing to pur
■ chase his farm. At lust Hsu* got it.
Simpson thinks he sold it at a bargain.
I hiubtlcsH Hans thinks he got it ut a
bargain. I had an errand down to
Simpson's the other night. 1 lia>l not
heard that he had sold lus farm; but
upon inv entrance nt> tlie house, 1 saw
by tlie look on the faces f the family
tli it some unusual excitement wus out
lliat'lllg tlielU.
" Well, Crumple, you're going to lose
me for a ueigltlHir," wn* HIIIII*OII'S lirst
words after 1 had got settled ill the
spiut-lsittoißed elintr his daughter Sal
ly handed me; and the whole Simpson
fsrnily lisiked ut me us if they otp-oU-d
1 would jump out of that clour on ac
count of the news, with n auddrmie-s
and force only equaled by on cxplosiou
of nitro glycerine uuihr tuc. Hut 1 did
* not. I siuiplv naked, "How's that*"
"I've sold.' " Hold what ? Hie
farm." "To whom?" "Huns." That
was the whole atorv. 1 didn't licol any
further explanation; but HHIIJIHOII pro
ceeded I* any:
" You *•> the 01.l farm is eompleb
run out. 1 can't make the twe end*
uieet the lieat of year*. I've got tired
' of tumbling orontid the stones, ami I'm
' going where there's some virgin soil
that will produce something. So 1
struek nj a trade with Hans, lh-has
l>eeii after it, off and on, for a year or
more. I wasted per orre for the
old place. He offered me $25. Finally
lie offered uie S9O; and after oonaideriiig
the subject I told him 1 would take it if
he would pay me cash down. Hadn't
OUT idea he would do it; but he said if
1 would throw in the stock and farm im
plements lie thought he could nose the
money. 1 Anally told him 1 would; and
what do you think. Sir! He luuiled out
of his greasy old ) units pocket u sl,(**t
bill aud handed it to me to bind the
bargain, and aaid as soon as the popus
were receipted he'd pay me the balance,
which he has done to-day. I feel kind
<' sorry to part with the old place; but
the thing is done, and there's an eud on
it! What d'ye think?
All this tune my Crumjile nature had
lieeu rising within rue like an inspira
tion. Here was this man Kiiupsou who
inherited this farm, one of the finest iu
the m-ightiorhood, who had skinned it
without scruple until it wonld scarcely
raise white under his system of
treatment. And he lliwl got to leave, or
mortgage the farm of hi ancestors, to
live on!
Thwti here was Hntis, who enine into
thi neighlMirhood with In* lot of little
one* and hi* frnu five rear* before,
with oulr hi* ami hi* frnu'* Mroitg il
willing I. ami*. economy and industry.
They had rented a worn-out farui which
thev had Anally purchased and paid for,
and aaved $3,000 with which to pay
for Simpson's lit) acre*. H<> in uti>< r
to •' What d'ye think ?" I was ready to
rea|M>nd ; and I did in thi* wise.
"What do I think ? I'm glad you're
going, neipldxir Simpson ! I'm jflad
liana ha* gut the farm. l(t< drwrvi •
the farm; you don't. He ha* pot
hrnina and indtiatry ; you haveu't pot
either. Under your management the
farm i a diaprace to the iirig!it*>rhood.
Han* will make it a credit Your farm
lying nett to mine, depreciate* the
value of inv land 10 per cent. 1 shall
IK- Use richer for your going. 1 am
phul you are going.
You should have acan Simpson's and
hi* family'* face*. Thev grew cloudy
aiul long. Simpson *; id :
"You re pretty rough on au old neigh
lnr, Crumple, now that he'* going. 1
thought von and 1 had alway* |v u
friend*. Vve tried to lie a g**t and ac
commodating neighbor. You've been a
ge* *1 one to me, and I'm aorrv to leave
von ; but if you are glad I m going,
Via not aorry either,
" Simpson," I aaid. " let na undendand
each other. A* a neighbor, *o far a*
neighborly intercourse i* concerned.
I've no fault to find, and am *<>rry you
arc going. In talking almst you a# a
farmer—you are and alwaya have been
a ]MM>r one. No man with anch a farm
a* youra ought to want to coll-.-at least
there ought to lie no mwity for *>•!-
i ling. But you are not a fanner. Yon
haven't got a aingle quality eaaaentinl to
make a gol fanner. 11l the flrat place,
von d"'U-*t the liiiaine**: TOO don't take
iuiv pride or interest in it; yon don't
care whether your land improve* tinder
cultivation or not; yon want to get till
off it yon can without taking the trouble
to pay anything bark ; you skin it year
after year, and cry out against the *< a
son*: von denounce every mau van
deal with aa a sharper or swindler ba
caiise yon do not get the price* for your
product* other ix-ople do ; and vet yon
do not seem to know that the reason is
that your product* are poor in quality
and put on the market in miserable
*hn|>e ; your shirk has been running
down ever since your father died : you
I haven't built a new fence and acarcely
repaired an old one ; your manure ha*
not lieen hauled out and judiciously
used on the farm ; your pigs have lath
ered TOUT neighbor* more than they have
lienented yon : vonr cattle have become
brenehy, anil I have had ta shut them
up in ray stables in order to keep tliem
; out of mv grain ; you have distributed
from your fence comer* more weeds than
nay farmer I know of, and thus given
yoiir tidy neighbors more trouble than
your favors to them would compensate.
' tii short, it i* time for yon to move.
••Yen ought to have a virgin farm ! It
will take yon but a few years to stripit
1 of its fertility ; then you'll have to move
again, and keep moving. Yon belong
to a very large class of farmers who are
a curse to any country- The fact is you
nre not, never was. uml never will If a
farmer in the right sense of that word.
Yon are only a guerrilla. You live by
robbery—robbery of the soil. And it
is not right, neighbor Simpson ! Yon
I had lietter seek some other Veeation now
that you've got the "ash to start with.
Yon like horses ; joti know homes ; yon
' ean talk horse from daylight till dark
\ you can,t be foiled with horses; yon
like to trade horses ; you hail better gi
into some smart town and start a livrri
stable. You'll make money at it ; yon'l
never making any money farming; yon'l
grow poorer and ponrer the longer vol
j attempt it."
Just then Sally Simpson elapped hei
hands and said: "That's so. father
Haven't I told you so ? Mather and 1
: have often talked it over ! Mr. Chnp
pie, ami you are just as right as eon be
• and father knew* it too, if he wouldonb
| say so. 1 know you toowaH (anil yon'vi
! done us too many kindnesses for us eve:
to forget them), to believe fliat vou kv<
talked to father in the way yon have nu
of any unkind feeling, ft t's true, ever
word of it, father, nml you ought t<
thank neighbor for talking just as In
thinks; I do; and 1 den't think n hi
II the less of him, either!"
Then Sally burst into tears, and Mrs
i Simpson drew a long breath and sighei
in away that indorsed all Sally hni
i snid ; and Simpson got up and earn
► i over to me and said : " Crumple, 1 <h
; j believe yonr right; I only wish you hoi
• | talked to me in that Btyle ten vonr
I | sooner. It shan't make a bit of differ
• i enee in our good feeling toward oiiei
! other, old fellow ; and I'll never forge
how yon once saved my boy—
- | " 'twere, rttere ! Simpson ! enough fl
i I that. It's all right. If I ean do any
| thing for you before you go, let m
know," and he shook my hand with a
Mining grip us 1 passed ant ut the hack
The Sandwich Islands-
The uativea of the islauds number
oulv about HU.Utin, u'.ul the white atsiut
3,000 chiefly Aittrrifkns. According tv
('apt. Cook, the natives numb- red AflO,-
Oi*l, leas than a huudre<l years ago. Hut
the traders brought labor aiut fancy di
sease* iu oilier words, long, delltier•
ate, infallible destruction. For nearly
a century the native* have been keeping
up a ratio of nlMiilt three birth* to five
destlis, and yon 'an see what that must
result in. No doubt in fifty years a
Kanaka will be a curiosity in his own
land, ami as an investment will lie su
p rior to s circus.
1 tun truly sorry tliat the** jwople
are dying out, for they are aliout the
most interesting oarage* in existruoe,
ThelV language is soft and musieal, it
has not a hissing sound in it, and all
their wonls end with a vowel. They
would call dun Fink Jimmi tMcki, for
thev will even do violence to a proper
name if it grates two harshly iu its ua
j lursl slate. These p ojdc used to go
naked, but the missionaries broke that
up ; iu the towns the men wear clothing
now, and in the country a plug hat and
breeeh-elont. Nothing but religion
ami education could have wrought these
mliitiruble changes. The women wear
a single loose esilioo gown, that falls
without a break from ueak to heela.
These usitveA are the simplest, the
j kiiideat-hewrb'd. tlie mwst uiioelflsh
creatures that bear the image of tlie
Maker. Wlu-re white iuflnmee ha* not'
changed them, thev wrifl make any
rhaiiee stranger welcome, and divide
their all with him a trait wiueft has
never yet lieeu found to exist amongauy
other pvople. They live otilv for to
day ; tomorrow is a thing Uiat does
tmnlile them at all. I had a native Imy
u> air employ iu Homdulu. a graduate
of a missionary college; and he divided
his time between translating the Greek
Testament and taking aare of a horse of
mine, Whenever this boy could collect ;
his wages, he would go and lay out the
eptire amount, all the way np m>m fifty '
cents to *a dollar, in poi (which ut a
jaiste made of the tor" ot, aud is the
national dishi, and call in all the native
ragamuffins that came along to help bin) j
est it. And there in the rich gnuis, uu
der the tamarind trees, the gentle aav- (
ages would ait and gorge thenwl ves,
till it was all gone. Sly bov would go J
hungry and contented for a day or two,
and then sonic Kanaka whom he had *
probably never seen before, would iu- j
vite him to a similar feast, and give
him a fresh start.
. _ I
Plying F***.
The /'<if/ JA/tf (<a:rttr thinks it t* j
wortii the oonxidemtjon of those ulio
ar* wearied of the usual British sp.™*.
*nch as hunting, shooting, fbihing.
pigeon, and the like, whciln-r a new and
pleasing excitement might not be found
by the introducttoo of fiymg foxes into I
England, ami in chasing them in bal
lo> m*. From an account given by tin*
JUitytU Ttint * of s tame flying fox kept
bv a gentleman in that district, it seems
that these animals sro qnite intelligent
enongh to enter into the fttti of being
liuntcd. but at thcaame Urn* an snnsble
that they would Iw unlikely to turn and
rend their pursuer* The flying fox
mentioned by the J'ntt't, upend* much
of the day on * piece of stick hung up
in a room. He can turn somrrsstilts,
and js-rform other tricks, but strongly
objects to any one resiling in his )roa
ence, and dives all he can to prevent rt
by flvtnp to the jx-rwon tliu* employed
and crawling on the l*K>k. He will an
swer to hi* name when called by his
owner, but is alwara suaptetous of
sUauger*, living U them st one- and
smelling thmn all over. He never bHea,
though blessed with a formidable set of
til th. When balheil, he ttae* his w-jng*
as a towel. He is extremely rosthMw,
hi* head and ears never being still, and
his sense of smell, a* well aa of hearing
seems verv scut.-. He never show- any
desire to fly aw*y, though he eon I<l do
s> if he hked st any moment. At uigbt
he sometimes utters load cries, when
lie is immediately visited hr a troop of
friend* and aequßintanees—no many, m
deed. attending the summons, that the
whole verandah is festooned with flying
The I'rlnce Imperial.
The voQDK Prince N|K>lsin Knp-w
Louis J rat; Joseph w Wm on the 1 "ilb
of March. JSfW, and i* therefore on of
the late Ex-Einperor of the French iw
drowing toward tho completion nf hie
seventeenth yosr. If WM intended that
ho should ww*f a military ednestiou.
and while Mill an infant was placed in
tho muster mil <f the French Imperial
Gnardmiaa privnte. It was deumrdj
as a compliment- to tho army that ho
should at least inmibmlly go through
all tlio gradations of tho aorvieo. He
sides receiving a military adu
oution he received hysons in two or
lime handicrafts, the last of which was
the sotting up of types in the imperial
printing office of* Paris. Tho veung
Prince nlwavs twins tho reputation of
toing intelligent, good tempered and
very much at tacked to hia friends and
chosen companion*.
Tho late ex-Emperor was a most par
ticular and thoroughly practical render
in his way, would not allow his selling
aooeiiluntisn, or pointing to ba inter
forrod with in tho least, A compositor,
who was employed in tho connection of
some of tho Emperor's slips of n work
ho had ill protresa, communicated some
facts of interest. Ho said the voting
prince was a capital compositor, that he
liud IV case of the beat mahoganv oases,
a small imposing surface of slate, and
the prettiest little press in the w*rld.
writer hi Th< Onmhttt Vaj/artoe rc©om |
mend* to one in the nntumn of hi* life,
to take to gardening, if he hn* not al ,
ready experienced it* pleasure*. Of AII
oceupafion* in the world, it in tlie one
which boot combines repose ami activi
ty. It in not idleness; it in not stagna
tion; and yet it is iwrfrt quiltwk. i
Like all thing* mortal it ha* its failure* j
and it* disappointment*. and there are <
aome thing* nanl to understand. But ;
it i* never without it* reward*, and per- '
hnp* if there were nothing hut success
ful cultivation, the aggregateenjoyment
would l>e lea*. It in letter for the <x
msional shadow* that come over the
eoene. The discipline, too, is most salu
tary. It trie* our patience and it trie*
our faith. But even in the worwt of
aeaaon*, there i* far more to reward and
encourage than to dishearten and din
appoint. There in no day in the year
without something to afford tranquil
pleaaure to the cultivator of flower*,
something on which the mind may rent
with profit, and delight.
TAKTNO rr—ln all policies
of life insurance, these among a hptft of
other qnestiona ooour : " Age of father,
if living ?" " Age of mother, if living ?"
A man in the country, who filled np an
application, made hii* faMier's age, if
living, 120 years, and his mother's 108.
The agent was aiunaed at this showing,
and fancied he had got an excellent
subject ; but, feelingsomewhat dubious,
rem nrked that the mini came of a very
long-lived family. " Oh, you see, sir,"
replied the applicant, "niv parents died
many years ago, hut, *if living,' would
be liged as there put down." "Oh, I
<eee," said the ngeut.
Term*: 04.00 Vear, in Advance.
Hying In Exile.
Tlie "Man of Ilecember" having gone
out with the snow of January, ft will
set ptsiple thinking about those "beat
laid pbuia of mice aud men" whioh
"gang aft a-gley.*' Rovalty in France,
since He Launy surrendered the Hastile
to the mub, has Iwwn very uufortuuute.
Indeed, since that day French kingu aud
emperors have doue well to provide
place* for themselves on foreign shores,
where thsy might die iu peace in oaae
of accident to the machine of govern
Th fpUi of Limit XVI, furnished
thrm with a proper incentive to thin
course ; fur king* aa will aa omnia oner*
11'itu tirri&rn h good den! to bo pared
Ivurwomil acquaintance with the (judlo
itie. Louis XVI, indeed, onoc tried to
• ik'hjh* from Prance in diagutoe. Ho
made otio night's journey from Paris in
• a coach, but waa r-i-oguixeil and arrest
ed at Varcuut-a. Jie wanted to die in
exile; but tbcv brought him back a
primmer, to die a roar and a hall after
on the scaffold. The people (fazed n
the captive Kin# iu lilnw, which muat
have been Tory difficult to Frenchmen,
j Hut there waa a reason Placard* were
pouted everywhere with the laconic in
scnptiou— Whoeot-ver applauds the
km# all all be whipped ; whosoever in*
vulU the King alia 11 be hanged." The
obliterating wave of the revolution soon
flung one man on the rock of jiower,
' who had the alnliLv to stay there until
the atorm aultaiued, and who (lien
ruled the new Prance after the deluge
with the cold iron of hia will and the
, glittering ateel of hia military gwitua.
Ilie citizen (Vtnaul la-came the citizen
Emperor, ami Ntpohoa Bonaparte,
, adored by the French, ami hated and
feared by all else, waa the arbiter of
Europe. Then came the decadence.
France could nut fight all Europe for
i ever. Knocked out of time in < ll
, Napoleon waa aeut in exile to Elba,
Again he roae to try conclusion*. Wa
-1 terloo waa the place where the laat
round was fought, and the aound of the
great gladiator's fall awoke an echo
which reverberated aa far aa the rock
iof St. Helena. There it died out, and
Napoleon I. died an exile along with it.
Tin* u No. 1 Here we may look back
to the hue direct The aon of Louis (
XVJ, like hia father, would not be per- i
mitted to die in exile, ae the mor Pan- i
phin, the phantom Louis X\II, lis
ap|>eara from pnaon or die* there in
1786—blotted out anyhow. The aon of
the Conueau, the young, sickly King of
ItuiiK*, i* UkkiU to Viouui flitfjr W lU?r*
liki, ia made a phantom Duke, and piuea
and diea in exile in the gloom of Hchon
brnnn. * Thia ia No. 2. la>ui XV 111,
who mme into France when Napoleon
went to Elba, in 1814, ran into exile
again for one hundred day*, when
Napoleon rrltirtied again iu 1815, an 1
th wayward fates, on account of this
thorough scare, allowed him to die in
France in 1824. He waa the only French
monarch of the eentnrr who got the
chance, and he availed himself of it
Charles X, who aneeeeded hi* brother,
•jfjot sent luting after the glorions days
id July, iu HSkt. He went u> Holyrood.
in Scotland; then to the Caatle of
, Hradchin, in lVagtie, and then to
(biritx, far away in iHrri*. where he
died, in peace and piety, in 183*1. This
m No. U. All this while "pear-headed"
Louis Philippe, the wUzen King, waa
! working lu# way along to IK4B in his
ihUI which has made him in his
I zenith and his eclipse slwar* seem s
flgarp. Th* tcat ISW waa •
1 -baking-op tiro.- all over Enrope, and
when the fvarrieade# were shaken up in
■ Paria, he found that hia crown was
shaken off hi* head. I*l that his
iM-sd did not follow the rrowu, he fled,
axl another of the "smiintcd wss ad
d.-d to the list of thdic sovereigns whose
light urn* snnflVd oat in exile. Thiw is
Nd. 4 He dud quieilv st Claremont,
in England, in HKW, alamt twenty milea
I from ObiMtknwt, where Napoleon 111
, died, in pain and exile, yesterday morn
ing. This is No. & The two mes who
Wore th<'ir kingly or imperial crowns
for almnt eighteen years each hail many
experieners in common, earlybardshipa,
1 later luek anil final disaster.
We cam, thewrfore, count up five mon
arrlnral wrecks from France alone in
this nmoU* ntli iSZlltil f —three Nsjne
h-oua, (*tie liourKm. aiut one Orleauist.
Who shall Ive the next? (h.vcrnment
hr the tveople i* denounced by raonarcb
ia't and imperialist alike as unsafe;
pi or eminent by the annotated seems,
however it may be for the people, rather
unsafe for tlie kings. < arlyle celebrates
the First Na(*ileon's "whiff of grapc
sbot;" Hugo fells us of the Tlijrd Na
poleon'r roup if rtat. Were Waterloo
and Sedan. St. Helena and Chiiw-lhurst,
mcr- ly result* f these two event*, it
m.vv b<- fair to ask 2
We con only point to the sueeesaion
of events and leave the question to
Providence. We can be sure, however,
that the sardonic spirit of history is
just now counting tin one hand (tie
name* of tlie five French crowned heads
that elided their uneasiness in exile.
"Then happy low lie down."—A". J".
//- mtii.
Though the days are lengthening. ■
and the ran is returning, and the nm- !
mor joy afar off is advancing, still the ;
cold of winter is yet to come. The |
groat imttlirr of storms sing* in tho
north; snows an yet to l>c piled and
drifted; hitter days are yet ta come; j
the whole weight of winter is due after |
the days liegin to lengthen: frosts will j
gripe the ground, and not let go: hut j
under the atorraa, through the anows,
tieuoath the cold, under all the winter. !
is nevertheless, the silent deliverance j
which is surely coming. You cannot I
vet nM< the effects; no flower blossoms, |
"no hud swells, ns dew softly speaks to
you: yet along the early and late hori
koii ia'a circle of eresent light girding
the earth, and as snro ns God's decree
it is bringing summer with it. and every
day nearer. Therefore let those who
mourn in harsh troubles, and are over
whelmed in storms of adversity, know
that, though winter yet lowers, the great
eauseof their troubles may have changed
long ago. Let these who are in sorrow
: mucin Iter that, as the year goes on
storming and thundering, deliverance
' may be coming, though they see it not,
Yoiir days may woar more gold in the
morning* and more at night, though the
midday is full of snow. Nor does relief
i ramie to ns at once when we repent and
i turn to (b>d. God may be gracious,
though he comes to ns robed in dark
< ness and clothed with storms. It is a
journey of release teward tho spring,
when winter ia coldest and darkest
I Read the year by faith and not by sight
" TOXINS" TO* N KRVEH. — An interest
ing discovery has, it is stated, been
mode lately 6y an Italian. He has hit
1 upon a method by which nerves may l>c
' turned like harp-strings, and brought in
ito harmony with each other. His theory
i is that nervous systems, like musical
' instruments, are all liable to chum e of
i tone, and this change is of little ini.<ort
t snce if all tlie nerves change togethi r, as
' bv attention to diet and temperature the
, evil may be corrected rn mnwt, but
when, owing to accident or uneven wenr,
, i the general harmony ef the nerves is de
' j stroyed, a disconnected notion is the re
' suit, oiul a special mode of treatment is
I requited, of which he professes to pos-
I | sesi the key. He calls himself a "nerve
[ ■ tu'ier," and contracts to keek nerves in
l order by the month or year.
.A.4. re7;n4 w <*-
Texas Cattle.
The man owning a Urge stock of amir
tie in Texas, **v the President of the
Western Texas "Htock 1 taming Aseori*-
| tion, conducts hi. bwinaw diftwotly,
though like their mark* and brand*, no
two manage exactly the Mine war. The
extent of counter over which tueir oat
tie range depends upon the aire of the
•took ; one of 75,000 head would range
| in moat cases over an area of country
fifty miles wide and one hundred miles
long, though tune may always be found
u-v<>ud the limits. Sfo*t of our large
stock-raiser*, an they sell their beeves,
invest their surplus money in other
stocks of eetile rontiguouu to. or within
their rsnge, and much depends upon
these purchases us to the se or shape
of the Territory. They slwsys have a
central ranch at which they keep s j
sufficient numlier of brood-moras to
supply all demands (for horses. This
plsoe" is known s* " hesd-oasrtew ; M
they generally he** otherer sub-machos,
id which they keep two or more men,
•toing whst theyesu in driving up, mark
ing sud branding young stock, gsther
: ing snd selling beeves, and looking out
generally for the of their em
ployer. As in the other caee, nothing
; ts done during the winter month* with
the cattle, except to get up and aU the j
beeves to supply the home demand, the
imcking houses on the coast, and the '
New Orleans market. When the spring
opens, and the gnsa ia snfflcieutly high
Ui support his bones at labor, the stork -
raiser employs his hands, gets up his
homes, snd prepares for operation*.
Twenty-five men ere shout as many ss |
can work to an advantage in one gang, '
and for this number, one large fwur- 1
mule wagon, laden with provisions,
rsmp-eqipege, s verv little baggage,
snd about one hundred horses, make
up the "outfit." Of course the osttle
about the central rsneho are tint gath
• red in, marked snd branded, and as
many of the c-slves kept in the pen ss is
desirable ; the large stock-raiser, or s
number combined, having * series of
jiens located with s view to permanent j
water throughout his range. The party, j
thus equipped snd provisioned, eatsb-1
liah their first camp at one of theee ,
pens, and the busiaees df the season ia
considered fairly commenced. Th<
wagon, snd one tiisn to cook, being si- j
ways kept at the camp, another with j
the assistance of s " bell-mare " keeps |
the extra horses under herd, while the ;
balance of the party ride over the coun
try, in every direction, and drive up all!
the oows with young rslvea belonging
to their employer. If it is the wish of -
the ewner to gather beeves at the aam '
time, they are driven along with the
cowa, kept in the same pen at night,
and herded during the day. The calve* |
ore generally branded in the morning :
snd turned * out with the oows, snd ■
nothing more is ever done to them un
til the mole portion are of sufficient age
to gather and sell for beeves. I men
tion this that my readers may estimate
for them**! TO* the oust of raising s bed
upon the prairies of Texas.
The beeves which are being gathered,
are kept in bond until the drove is suf
ficiently large, *ay eight hundred to a J
thousand herd, when they are turned ,
aver to the speculator, and the proprie
tor receives from twelve to fifteen then-,
sand dolhira in gold, and immediately
commences the gathering of another
drove. _____
A M ITr.
Paper-hanging* for wall* are known to
everybody. Uis now proponed to use
haugingsmsde of metal; and an aoeount
of this new invent ion, which comes to us
from Puu, ban t<*n nwd before the
Soeietv of Arts. Tb metal empleved
is tinfoil, in sheets about sixteen £<**t
long, sod from thirty to forty indies
wide. The sheets are painted, and dried
at a high temperature, and are then dec
orated with many different patterns,
sueh ss foliage, flower*, geometrical fig
ures, imitation* of wood, or landscape*.
When decorated, the sheets are var
nished. and again dried, and are then
readv for sale. Tinfoil is in itself nat
urally tough; and the ooats laid upon it
iu preparing it for the market increase
the toughness.
The hanging of these metallic sheet*
is similar to paper-hanging, except that
the wall is varnished with a weak kind
of varnish, sad the sheet applied there
to. Thus in this ways room or a house
may he newly painted, without any
smell of paint to annoy or harm the in
mates. Moreover, the tinfoil keeps out
damp; and ss the varnish is a damp
resister, the protection to the room w
two-fold. Experience has shown, also,
that cornices, mouldings, and irregular
surfaces may be covered with the tin
foil aa readily a* a fist surface; hence
there is no part of a dwelling-house or
publie building whieh mar not be dec
orated with these new sheets; and, as
regards style and finish, all who sawthe
siieeimens exhibited at the reading of
the paper were made aware that the
highest artistic effects eould be achieved
at pleasure.
The Chinese Sew Year.
Of all the world, the deapiaed, the j
ignorant, and the old-fashioned heathen i
Chinee has adopted, says an exchange,
among much of what seems to u child- j
ish absurdity, the most enlightened i
custom that" ever blessed humanity.
Other people settle their accounts at the
vear's end; so does the Cliiiuunaa.
'Other*, variously according to their
various conditions, kick tip their heels
iu joy; if the Chinaman kicks more ob
streperously than we do we can afford to
tainton him because he is only a poor
heathen. He bums paper money and
joss-sticks liefore senseless stocks and
italics; he lets off firecracker* innu
merable. and rejoices to be hid in a
cloud of gunpowder smoke; he drinks
—and whose fault is that, we wonder—
too much of Mclican man's bad whisky
out in California, and thapolice do fol
low him. But if a poor Cuinaman can
not pay his debts—from time immemorial
while ire have been building and pulling
down our debtors' prisons, establishing
and breaking bankruptcy laws, ana
committing divers tfiher civilised follips
to secure each of us in his rights of
property—the depraved Celestial has
forgiven his debtors every New Year's
eve. and started again with cleaned
balance-sheets. In the mother country,
however, it is deemed so disgraceful for
s Chinaman to be nnable to square ac
counts at the year's end that the high
spirited debtor frequently ends his woes
by suicide. It is noticeable that this
barbarous and heathen practice fades
rapidly on eur Western coast in the
light of the grand American civilization.
To RXHOVK BPOTS rnou Canrrrs.—
Mix well half an ox's gall with one
quart of water; wet and rub the spot
with this. Then with a clean scnib
hing-brush, warm water and soap scrub
well the spot, and wet and half wring a
clean floorcloth in clean cold water, and
rub well out the soap and gall from the
carpet; rub the spot with a dry coarse
cloth until it is nearly dry, then pin a
thin brown paper over the spot, to pre
| vent dust from settling on it while wet,
iuid leave it to beoome perfectly dry.
j If the spot occurs near the side or end
of the carpet, undo a few taoks and
slip under tho spot a thickly-folded
coarse towel, to absorb the water which
runs through and to preveut the wet
carpet from lying in the dust; after
■ washing the spot, remove the folded
! doth and slip in & place a piece of
brown paper, whioTleave till the ear
l-pet is perfectly dry.
Ftoto —i .Isaolte \ *
Austria wants an mti iiiMMiJiMtt
thai of Prussia.
The total number of snkß^Vwat
Isft Liverpool during the ymiW f<*
America was |M,O<M.
There are In the" Moose
chnsetts Stale of whom 3U are
Utidar thirty jeers of age. " m
Mr*. Dr. Bextletfc, **togat#u,
Miss., raised
en two acres ' worth four eantp ipouM,
or 1300.
he "Lucy Faroaoa." at Pittobgrg
is lb* largest in the Doited
produce* about 580 tons of ply ifos,
annually. " . "**
" An lowa man bought a chair of 0 dol
lar store the other day, ®&d bafo| night
ka fall through tho same and bra***
couple of hie.ribs.
The oonfeasee to being a
! little astoniehed to eee " how patiopi-
( sing A# new school of eoepudu selsnee
is to the Almighty. H
j The D. 8. PosUoffloe Department has
1 1 decided that neither firms, families. or
aompanies can combine to. rstitasid use
the same post-offioe box. . „
A great draught exists lg Northern
Wisoonsinr, where the forests srrso dry
that fears of another great Sanfisgration
I ara entertained- The *
dry. ' .
Dyspepsia btokd is mode with three
quarts unbolted wbeotmoal, one quart
lukewarm water, one gill of freek
one gill of molasses, one taasjoanfol of
Daring the first nine months off lI7J
England mode sway with
gallon* of epirita—l,lfiß,gt9 gallons
more than she drank during the oorras
ponding time in 1871.
Over seven thousand ksngorog hides
have been worked up into en* ooots fot
the young men of Ban Pranoiseo. They
Kftj 4 to SMI th* patoat Irnmm* m
s drees boot for hops.
• I wish yon would pay a little ettea
! tion to what I am saying. **i" ro **®
on into lawyer at on exoopersting wit
new. " Well. lem paying aslittta ee
, I con," was the calm reply.
The vein best way to clean a stained
steel knife ia to cut a solid potato to
two, dip one of the pieces in brmk dual,
such ee ia usually used for knife-mean
ing, and rub the blade with it.
Those who believe nothing eftoag
siske other* belieye most; as the best
actors in our theatres are those who re
; tain the most perfect command ever
their feelings, voice snd countenance.
Tea Biscuit are made by working into
a place of light dough or cresm torts*
biscuit one oggond a pit®* of butter
Roll it out as inch thick, cut it www
with the lid of • dredge-box, snd boko.
According to* St. Paal paper, noses,
ears and fingers, which have bean tores
en off while to a froren and crisp con
dition. jusy be picked up to lsig#
titles from the id#wslk* of that frosty
NO. 5.
Than ere now published in fkfP"**®**
Bt*u 8,482 periodic*!*, ef h® hPJ
are > Mined daily, 105 tri-weekly, I*®
mi.wwWy. wy.
ly, 91 semimonthly, OS? monthly, 4 re
monthly, and 56 quartefiy.
A mrral pet ha* a lady of
Conn, in tb® shape ol • butterfly. wMeb
nestles in hr hand, efcgbte upon ha*
•boulder or hair, or, byway ol variety,
hide® in the knot of ribbon at hm
throat, waen be fsels like a nap.
Fort Ontario, Oawagjo. K- ¥., i >*
charare of a sergeant and three privates.
The other day the aeargeant mt one of
the men into the gusrd-boase, set
another to guarding Him, and put the
remaining ono in charge of the flrt
Two men exert themadeaa to no pur
•joae one is the man who trie® to hare
the but word with his wile: and the
>ther is be who, having had the lar
word, tries to totke to ooaJin thai hui
I is in the wrong.
A French chemist baa devised a new
form under which raw heel may b ad
ministered without being disagreeable
to either taste or stnelL It consists of
the lean meat chopped find*, and cut j
in an air current aim pulverised.
The wife ola railroad empkge in Ah
! J ant* thrashed a barkeeper lor aellmf
Sum whiskey, treated the master of the
p4hii shops to a similar oom for
giving him money, and took the inbn
ated ihdividoal borne by one of Ma earn.
The Chicago Tribune hayine boasted
that one of its earners has fallen heir to
?ir.,o(Krooa, the tottivilte tW
Journal sare that if one of their earns,
ihould pav the alighteet attentmn to ee
con tejnptabie a bequest, they would die
! charge him on the spot.
Mrs. Imogen Brown has been engaged
to sing forenoon and afternoon on Sun
days at fit Bartholomew's Church,
Sew York, at €3,000 a ream In tha
evening she is to *mg in Christ Church
for another SI,OOB, thus realising from
her beautiful voice and culture about
SBO a Sunday.
A divorce baa recently been granted
to a Hi; dostan woman for the arngu
: lar reason that her huab*bd nninten
tionally exercised crrrr her such anorer
powering en amerie influence tt at when
ever she waa in his presence aha i®m**
.1 lately fe 1 int a sleep from whiah
there "was no waking her.
Two doctors met, when una arid.
" Hare yon heard bow our friend Dr.
Wilson is?" "He died yesterday, re
plied the other. "Howl" cned the
nrst; I did not think ha was so ill aa
that." " What could you expect T amd
the other, in a tone of disgust "He
trusted to his own trestsosnt.
A ayetem of oondemrej gardening fnr
' ladies— Make your bed in the morning ;
: sew buttons cm your husband's ahirtj;
do not rake any grievances; protect
the Toung sod teoaer branches of jour
family; plant a entile of good temper
■ on Tour face, and oarefuTiy root oql all
angry feelings, and expect a good crop
| of happinea*.
j P. .returned home a borrowed hoi a* to
the owner with a note, saying, " I re
turn bv the bearer, your Horse. Ton
nee I spell him with a capital H because
he-atarte off so capitefly;*'and he re
ceived in reply this: " HorsF, all right;
I apU him with a capital E because,
however capital he may etartoff, be
oomce to a atop with the greatest ease.
The Vermont Legislature jpaased an
act at it* recent session to prevent trie
careless use of firearms. The first aec
tion reads aa follows: "Any person
who shall intentionally, without malice,
point or aim any firearm® at or toward
anv other person, shall be guilty of e
misdemeanor, and shall be ebbject to a
fine of not more than fifty dollar* and
not lees than fire dollar*.'
The wool product of the entire world,
or rather that which flnda ite way into
commerce, amount* to about 1,K13,3w,-
000 pounds. Asia, including Boasts in
Asia, produces 320,000,000 jwaig
Great Britain and Ireland, 260,000,000
pounds; Germanv, the Netherlands and
Belgium, 198.000,000 pounds: the Uni
ted States. 110,000,000 pounds; Austra
lia, 130,000,000 pounds, to.
The officer# of the Masonic bodies of
Omaha, Neb., warn the FratenWv add
tha public against a uchema
' under the name of " A Grand Cfiit Coa
-1 cert for the purpose of aiding a board
' of trustees to erect a Masonic Temple
' a t Omaha," and state that it it earned
on without the sanction or consent of
any of the Masonic bodies of that eity
j or State ;*and that lotteries and gift en
■ tennises are oontrary to the pnnaiplaa
. of Masonry.
• -J—t nt T.nnasdicr /-
A correspondent of the UMWi" r
quinr from Mtftic township, gives w
account of s dream which happ<*edto a
young muned woman in that township,
a short time since: " A married ladjs
residing in an adjoining township, who
has been afflicted for two WSWB with
I cancer, and had been tnted b^minent
physicians without obtain::>g leuef,
dreamed that a stranger cam% to the
i house and gave her some medktne, with
! directions, which he said woni# effeo
tually cure her. Neat day on, going t a
the door and looking out she saw- pe
identical man of her dream approaching
1 the house. He offered her ajytle of
medicine to cure her canoer.- 'BitJtook
it and followed Wnoirection*tial no *
. nearly we*." . A