T'dE CENTRE REPORTER THURSDAY JAN 18. 187 S. LOCAL ITEMS. LOCAL KEWt Our friends, every where, will oblige u* by sanding u* local now* of interest- * . CIRCULATIOW. The circulation of the lUroRTXR. on this side the county, i* larger than that of all other |*peiw in the county. Business men will therefore find this tote of tho best advertising mediums. We invite all interested to come and la nuvt our list for themselves. RSMITTARCRS -All monie* for sub scription will be credited on the subscri ber's address. each week : by referring to which our patrcn* can at all times see how their accounts stand, and a receipt is by this system carried upon each copy of the paper. LETTING* ~ Proposal* will be received by the Board of Behind Directors of rotter twp., ai 1 ot ter's Mill*, on Saturday, February Ist, 187:1, for tho building of a so hoel-house *1 Centre Hall. Bidder* can see specifica tions at any time by calling upon r. Kurt* director at Centre Hall. By order of the Board, AY W. HOYKH * PKTKR UOFFKR ji Hi Sec t, Fm t VOTIt'K. The subscribers to the Ca| Hat Stock of the Lewisburg, Centr, and Spruce crock Railroad, bavins paid in lull prior to Decembor Ist 1872. will pleas. call at the Centre County Banking Com pany and receipt for certificates ot Stock re turning receipts given for instalments paid janlSt J. I). SIIUGERT, Cas. EXAMINATION —There will be a pub lic examination of No. 2. in the school room at Centre Hall, cm Friday. 24th, inst , forenoon and afternoon, to which the parents of scholar* arc invited. Tho exer cise* wil! be interesting and interspersed with vocal music. J. A\\ Horrxa. Teaehef —\Vc see by the legislative proceed ings that our member, Mr. Orvis, has been placed upon the following stand ing committees: Judiciary General, Judiciary Local, and Education, —Xo 1 wheatis still bringing $1 90 a Bellefonte, quite a large number of ileds ftotu Brushvailrv, passed t trough here, th s week, laden with grain. —We had a thaw and rain close of last week which came well nigh put ting au end to the sleighiug, but a sub sequent freexe and a little suow on Sunday, rendered sleighing good again. We also had a fad of snow on Monday and Tuesday. —An examination and public en tertainment will be given by Mr. John X. offer's school, on Friday. —ln thiS issue we give the conclu sitn of Mr. Philips lecture, on "The Lest Arts," which we know amply re paid a perusal. We also furnish to day, as belonging to the history of the times, the Pope's address. As his Holiness has met with some item op position in the last few years from some of the crowned heads, we know the readers of the Uefortkr will ea gerly read the address to know what Pius IXth has to say. —Jiebersburg had a good concert of vocal aud instrumental music, cn last Saturday night, umder the direction of He vs. Millet aud Landis, assisted by J. G. A Willie Meyer. The con cert was a success and the best of or der maintained. Several of the pieces performed, and which took a goodly share of the applause, were composed by our young friend, Willie T. Meyer, of Aaronsburg, and published by Lee A Walker, of Philadelphia. —"The People's Monthly" pub lished at Pittsburg, is a handsomely illustrated family paper. Only $1,50 per year. —The miners, sap the Philipsburg Journal, at work iu the Decatur Coal company's mines are men formerly be longing to the union, who have resolv ed to cut loose from that organization, or at least who have entered iu oppo sition to its express orders and rules. The miners are guarded by an armed force. —The Williamsport Epitomist has gi ne into the hands of Messrs. Gal- Lraith and Bierly, and its name is changed to Jieyiskr. Mr. Wesley Bierfy is a Dafivc oif Miles twp., this count}', and we wish him and his part ner success with their interesting pa per. Local option jneaas—Moral or pt ore-alt. Borne fellows say they don't care which as the thing looks so near alike. —The Gazette is the only paper in this county which has furnished its readers with the President's and Gov ernor's message in full.— Levutovra Gazette. And it was then the Gazette was most empty. FROM ILLINOIS. f Otnugcville, Jan. 10, 1873 —Mr. Editor.—l notice in the Reporter about big hogs. Idinois can beat you. Judge Hinds, of Orangeville, killed one which weighed, dressed, 580 lbs. Ellis in the town of Kidot, Stephenson county, bad a hoe, 2 years old, Poland China stock, which weighed alive 740 lbs., and I bought a pig of him, three months old, which weighed Jill lbs. Wc have ah old fashioned Winter ; there is not much fouw on the ground. This is the coldest winter since 1863. M.S. Golden Wedding of Gen. John Potter. The Fond du Lac Commonwealth of the 13th December, has a long ac count of the golden wedding ol Gen. Joh'ti and Amelia Potter, a native of Pennsvalley, which took place at the Patty House. At an early hour the guests com menced arriving at the Patty House Before 9 o'clock, not less than 350 had arrived, greeted the venerable and esteemed couple, and joined in the fes tivities of the happy occasion. ■ 'l'hcr presents were "golden." The bride's cake was rich in appearance. It was a foot in diameter, six or eight inches thick, and made at a cost of 815. It was set with gold, there be ing one hundred gold dollars fastened about it. elegant supper followed, with old -lime songs, speeches', See. " After,'singing a verse of "Home Sweet Home," the company, led by Gen. Potter and wife, repaired to the parlors, where another hour was spent in pleasant social visits ; and ere the hour of 12, the halls and parlors had echoed this last laugh and word of the Golden Wedding Party. Gen. John Potter was born in Cen # tre Co.. Pa., in 1800, and subsequent ly resided in He came to Vyisconsip in during the most of which time he Has spent in Fond du Lac. He tyas oupe Mayor of that city, (Jouuty Treasurer oue term, he has eesvod in the Uounoil and wa3 Deputy U. S. Marshall in 1870. M iss Amelia Burnside, born in.Lan caster, Pa., in 1803. Her father was Judge Burnside, of the Supreme Court of that State. She also had a brother who held a similar office. J/r. and N Mrs. Potter have had three sons, James 8., T. B. and W. W., two ol whom are alive. Wo KX fr>>:,i a ( 'lcartield paper, that the Render Organ i* tho fnvortfo out ihcro. —Mr. Dauivl Riley, wlu> died in Harri* twp., n short time uj-.>, aged 7? jrart, died in lh<> house in which ho was born, never having 'ived in any oilier Iron* tho day of hi* birth unto hi* death. -Sale of John S. F> N farm *toek, in 11 arris twp., Feb. 'A' An Illinois paper report* the thermome ter "thirty degree below Cairo." That is not a> low'as one of ,utr mb-oriher* who reports hi< j;':i . ;KJbolow Selinsgrova. - A jury cos cling of Rich. Conley, John Wagner, Ja-. Alevunder and four others, who.-e mum we did not learn, 1* appointed and wilt m < t to day, tßrd, upon tho land el' Adam Grenobla, in Gregg twp., to a--< - damage* for right-of-way occupied by the railroad company UIHUI said lands. A New Wrinkle. A follow from tba west end of the valley, -a tided his oat* and sold it at llellefonte by w. igltt, a few day* ago. But, unfortunately, be gave it an overdose of sand, ami the unusual weight of the oats Id to an examination of it. AVe used to hear el" *te;e-ko, j em sanding su- I gar, but sanding oat- i- a now wrinkle. For the Report FKotl ILLINOIS LUNA, In Jan. 17,1873 Mil Kuileti lVa wi r Vs 1 have not seen any thing in ths- liKtvavxa irom the wet, lately, 1 th .-lit I . lid take the liberty to i a tew items, and if you deem them worthy of publication, "piint 'rut,'' if n>'t, I p . i:tt • you base a wate basket, con- them to their fate 1 was autu-. vl at thi.t i hap say i:>* tho therniotno ter wa below "Se!i: ;io\e.' We are having a severe white- The thermome ter ha- been a- i> v. ... thirty degree- be low xero ; thi morning a- 1 atn writing, it is fifteen 1, v, and it it kiH-p* on going down we will - -on base to gel u* our knee* to see Iww low it is. Farther west the weather i- -.ill more s< veto ; in parts of Jew* atid Mint;. ot.* trains are blockaded and drifted in rnliroly impeding ttavsi and transport*! n e ti.-iderably. The horse disease lias about di-jippeartd, but an epidemic - onething -ittiilar i- affecting the people. A>:de from that, there is not any great amount of si. kn - in thia eem munitv. The Centre county folk* are all lively. Geo. and wife, of your place, are here, don't know as yet how they like the we-:. Bustnes- i- middling lively, grain and stock low. 1; takes all a farm er can raise to pay hi* taxes. I heard one farmer say that after selling hi* grain and stock, he had b> berrow > 'tne meney to squarn up his tax bill AVeather awful | cold, wood high, i al ditto, thermometer twenty to thirty, ju-t imagine t > vot r*clf how you wouhl feel were you here, it has been to tremendous cold that we men in the habit of scolding J had to give it up. the w, reis would fre-e/e before reaching the person addressed. Just wait until warm w. ather, when it be- I gins to thaw, and the air w ill be tided with j the K'urd of fro* it; word* thawing out! AVe expect liv.lv tim - then. 1 think,' taking everything into consideration, thai' a farmer in Penusvalley, or anywhere in j the East, who i* corah rtably situated, out . of debt, ar.d - •mclhing laid by for a rainy , day, is a little better off than ho would be were le to pull up stake* an 1 emigrate, west; it is true, that 'and is cheaper here I th*r> in the En t. and that the farmer can raise more |>cr acre here than he can there, but on the other ' and, toot at the price* here and then whn*. they g : in the Kail, and see which is the L< for him. Oat* i here now from 10 :■> Is < te, corn 18 to 'JO other grain in rti. n. llogs live, three 1 cent* per lb., cnttl. 21 t" 2j cents per lb., ' compare the pric K.n-t with those re ceived in the v,c-t, and -ee if the balance / is not largely in favor of the Eastern farm- I er. It is al- > true thers are times here j when thing- ri.:. wild . e the great wheat and oals cornet ia Chicago last ycart then of course svtno ate lucky enough to get a ! fair price fer tiuir grain, then the change 1 in the weather her: are a little too -udden for comfort. Just last week wo had an in- : stance of that one n.ild warm day the; snow disappeared rapidly, and left in its ' place large pools *f v. v. r, the next morn- i ing ice solid enough t> !•ar a team. You get up some morning :.nd find the sky ! clear and no air, thinking it is nice out- 1 side you step out hr :h. porch, and hard ly get outside of the dew.r until you clap your band to your ear which feeds as if some dog had jumped up and nipped you in the car. but when you look you find it is only one of the freaks of that mis chievous little fellow called Jack Frost Before an hour the wind ia howling and . blowing a perfect Lurri. ar.<\ almost taking sway your breath, the e are some of the advantages of living in '.hi* lovely western country ; :>f course, uf'.er a residence of tw o or three years here a |<'f-on becomes ac customed to it and docs not iniud it much. W ill the car- !• running through your valley before another winter or not* per haps i.fter your railrond i finished some of the- peeple nlong the line will find like it is in some paits of the west that they are blc>t with too much of a good thing, a* you are well i.warc - >mclimes they prove n.or if a - .r-o than . • ylhiug d.c, especially at prio<;- here there is no competing itnts to i ht ai-on latcs. Well, I think 1 have written about 1 enough, and fay in tusioii that 1 think by the time tin- thermometer gu a little above Felii.-grove, we will all feel more comfortable. Hoping that s-me one will bo kind enough to dish up a few Potter township items for our benefit. I remain tis ever, Yours Truly. ' OI.OI*. A 1,0. TUc Clearfield Republican arks: How is IT ?—The Logi.fture having delegated to ttie people the right to repeal the Liquor Licence laws t f the State, by counties, and Clearfield having done so on the2Tth day of l)< . mbcr last, what are the pains and penaltic- for yelling intoxicating liquors ? i re not disposed to be cap tious about this qu< >lion. We hold that the license laws nr< repealed, so far as our county is t< ncerncd, tir.a that ail penalties in that law go down with it. Will some one give us light ? L)r. Garvin's tar remedies give tone to your system. Sold by nil Iruggirls. The ship Chillifigkaio Castle, on her way from Sheilds to Malta, hit been wrecked with I,only-six persons on board. —The sudden breaking up of the icc ha* caused much destruction of property in various parts of the coun try. Railroad bridges have been car ried away by the floods, telegraph communications broken, and travel greatly interrupted. BO Alt—A strange Bour, j about U years old, has boon on the premises of the undersigned, in l'enn twp., since last fall The owner is requested to come and prove property, pay cost* and remove the Mime. DANIEL GENTZKL, tS jan.St Peni: twp. TIM3ERLAND AT PUBLIC BALK On Saturday. January iio'.h. 1873. at the Siblic home*of 11. L. Leitxel. at l'otters ills, at I o'clock, will be offered at pub i lie sale. 130 acres valuable TIM Be U I. AN p. lying o;i the south side Qf Band mountain, and is well timbered with fine white oak, ycllcw and pitch pine and poplar. Per sons wishing to view this Tiniberland, will please call upon the undersigned. TERMS:—One third of purchase money to remain in the property us widow's dow er ; one-third to be paid on confirmation of sale, and the balance in wis year thereaf ter, to be secured by bond and mortgage on the premises. DANIEL FLKISHER. Administrator of Peter Pleisher, dee'd. v • jan 9. Tho Deadly 100 Cyclone Fenrful F/tW* of the Storm* in thr Xorthur.it. From Minnesota wo havo tho feat ful intelligence of the suffering onuscd by th oolil weather. Ail spatch from Alexandria, Doug* laa county, My a that thus far authen tic reports have boon received of sev enty jwifotia who have been fhuen to death in Stevens, (Jrant, DuUg)a,aiid Otter Tail counties. Others are still missing and believed to be dead ; ; many more cri||ded for Id's bv free/ j | ing hand* mid feel. A man was found standing bv hi* | barn door, in the vicinity of New I Iw, froaen to death I'wo men were found dead in another place in the same vi cinity. At Fergus Falls eight people are known to i>e frozen ; at Morris, four, and scattered through the inter ac h ate country seven or eight others Two men were found near St. IVter silting upright in a sleigh fro/en Miff, covered with buffalo robes. At Worthiugton two teamsters have been found dead. KtoiiT i> u> inunt is osK st.t:uati. A gentleman front Illue Kartli county tells of uti instance wltere, iu driving along after the storm, a team of horse* was noticed a little off the beaten track, and ou examination the horse* were fouu dlroaen stiff, sl.tiiding on their feet, ami looking perfectly life-like. Sitting on tho seal in an erect position, with the reins in his hand, was the driver, dead, and iu the bottom of the sleigh, covered tip with blankets and straw, wciatho bodies of seven persons, all dead. On Saturday last seventeen colli us were takeu out of Now I'lin to bury the dead bodies fouud iu tbo immedi ate vicinity of that place. At Lake ileuakev, six mile* from Lake Crystal, the bodies of thirteen pervoti* had been found frozen to death. Six children who hud been attend ing school betweeu Fort ljidglcy and Beaver Falls, were found frox.'ii to death, the teacher having unwisely al lowed them to leave the school room. Another school teacher, near New LTm, kept his forty scholar* from Tuesday sveuiug until Friday, walk ing himself a mile or more through the storm to get food for them. Mr. Durand, in his testimony l>o •oro the Credit JAdiilier committee, threw a light on Senator Harlan's election in lowa that can scarce he gratifying to the Senator's friends, lie testititied that 110,000 was expended iu obtaining the requisite amount of influence to elect J/r. Harlan. The Phrenological Journal for Feb ruary is an attractive, welcome num ber. The contents are varied, inter esting and useful. $3 a year ; single Noa., 30 els. S. I{. Wells, 3>3 liroad way, N. Y. —The Feb. No. of Zells Illustra ted Mont-dy J/agazine has becu re ceived. Conteuts : —Sketches of Dutch Life aud Maimers, (Illuslra ted); C'areme—A Kiug of the Kilch eu, (Illustrated ; The Flack Watch. (Three Illustrations ; Future Change.- of the Forth, (Illustrated); Historical Summary : Scientific Summary ; Odds aud Knds, Ac. $2.00 a year. Single Nus., 20 i ts. A good magazine. T Kliwood Zell, Philadelphia, or 6 Beekmau St., New York. The Springfield "Republican has a W&shiugtou correspondent who j writes ; A private letter from a very i intelligent source at Washington says : ; "If I only dared to tell you what 1 know of the lying and twisting ol members w hose names were on the M- Comb Credit Mubilier li.t, you would be startled A* for Dawes, he told Ames to tell the whole story about him, but others whon: you know nr< trying to lie or skulk out of all con nection with the affair. Routwell i knew all about it, though I believe it' it true that he never took any stock,! but he did not peremptorily decline it. i Well, I doi't see how wee are ever going to obtain nil the facia." Mr. Duraut again qppcqrcd on ITih ( before the WiUon Cuimnsltee of the I Credit Mobilier investigation. Wit ; ticss testilied that on asking Auies why (he latter wanted to know if any mon ey had been paid to members of Con gress the latter replied: "I want them to pay it hack if they do not go 1 straight." Inauguration of the Two Govern ors. New Orleans, January 13. —The iuaugurati >n ceremonies passed off quict.y. The wcalliar was clear and pleasant. McKoery was inaugurated in Lafayette square. Several thou sand were preseut, ineluding many ia'lies. The ceremonies were opened with prayer by Bishop .Milner, the valeelietory address oiGov. Warmoth, theu prayer by Bishop l'iercc, follow ed by the inauguration address by Gov. McEnery. The oath of office was then administered, and concluded with benediction by Rev. J. K. Gutli erin. Kellogg was inaugurated at J/c chanic Institute, the doors of which are still guarded bv United States soldiers. The Senators repaired to to the Hall of the House. Acting Governor Pinchback delivered a short valedictory, followed by Kel logg's inaugural, Ac. About tiflecn hundred people were pre-ont, three fourths of w nbm were colored. THIRTY BUILDINGS DESTROYBD ATGKKKN VILI.E, PA. Cleveland, Pa., Jan. 16.—A dispatch from Greenville, Pa., dated one o'clock this morning, says an extensive tire is now mging there. It commenced ir, tb-> St. Charles hotel, in the heart of the village, and several large building' and mills arc already destroyed. At midnight a gener al alarm was given, am! Mcndvillc sent one of her fire companies by special train. The fire i* increasing. The toss cannot be estimated at this hour. A later dispatch f )V ,i.i mocnvillo say* about thirty building* have been burned down and the (Tames are still raging. The origin of lh" fire i unknown, and it i* im possible to get any detail* of the th aster. Investigations were much at in Republican circles just before the lute Presidential election, and .judging froin the way the vote stood a majority of vo lers throughout the North and West thought there was nothing in the charge* against the Administration. What now suy the doubters? Do the revelations in the Credit Mobilier mutter respecting the Union Pacific swindle and as to the Kan sas Senutorship (jlie-lose "baseless slan ders" ? A pTKC BL'lNrt IN ARIZONA, A parly of adventurer*, headed hy Col. W. T. Roberts, have recently stumbled upon the ruins of an ancient city in the sandy plains of Arizona, which is supposed to be one built by the Aztecs in their grad ual migration south ward to Mexico. Col. Roberts' city covers about three square miles. It is surrounded by a wall of sand stone, "neatly quarried and dressed,' ten or twelve feet thick, and 01 iginally—jugd iog by the talua—fifteen or twenty feet high. Within are tha wall# of houses,| temples, and markets, all of solid stoae, ninl showing excellent masonry. Theso wiill* hour numerous hieroglyphics, rut d-eply into tho (tons. Tha whola of Uia ruins, like moat of tluue of tha Orient, and mora e*poi ally thoaa of Arabia and At *vria, are morn or ton buriad In sand 4 Vi iMrding to tha aroount, thU citjr inoi ninety mile* from tha boundary between! t tah and Annum, and an a*jual distance from tha \\ estern Colorado Una A singular accident reotully took place in ii printing; office ill Dublin. It appears tlint a young girl bad her r/ii/u<)i caught hy the upright revolv itig shaft, which tore oil" the entire *'ulp and part of the light ear. Khe una removed to the hoapital, aud a an rill being made fur the aealp. it was found and skilfully replaced hy the urecon. DEATHS. •in HUh, in Harris twp , Daniel Iliely, aged 77 > ears. At Bellrfonte. on 21 Dec., ofconsutup tion, Je**e II t'roslhwaite, aged 22 years, It n ouths and 22days. In Potter township on the Idtb inst.. Mi-* l.vdia Rossman, aged til years, i< months arid Is days. in ISth, if, -' ,in Haines twp, after an illtt. f about four months of liver di - ,i- Annie llubler, aged ftft years, 4 month-, and 7 days, • ♦ • MARRIAGES. i in the 'vih. inst, at Centre Hall, by Rev. .1 Keller Miller, Mr. William I.use and Mi-* Ko t: K. Ream both of Gregg township. On 2nd in-t . at Centre Hill, bv Rev W- J. Leckie, Mr, Cyrus I.use aud Mrs. CoaU. both of Gregg township. On in-t., l'ersavil 1-eiUel and Miss Jennie Miller, both oftlregg twp. < in -lib, ult, da*, t'arner and Miss Julia M Even, b ill of llublersbuig. (ill tth inst at Centre Hall, by Rev. S. D 4 Renningion, Mr. Christian U. Hawser of Grand Island, Nebraska, to Miss Mary M. Crotier of Potter twp. On the '.'th irst ,by Rev C. H Reiter, Mr. Jeremiah P. Heckmsn and Miss Klia at th Jane Auman, both of Centre county. I. -t uf Grand Jurots for Jauunry Term. K llcfuntc lloro John S. Ratikins, ( Snuiuel lira't. Mil. shurg B -ro JohnS Proudfoot Philip*burg lloro Go ||. Zeigler. (tenner twp. John Atkey. M-'gsC- Constance Curlin. Murn-:Je- George R. Boak. tiregg—Joun O. lIM-kman. Ilnltiuoon Thomas M Way. Haines Samuel H. Meyer. Huston - Hugh Adams. Liberty Joseph Baumgardner, John Br.cktey Miles-J. It Crawfotd. Pi-nu DaviJ Ertlc, Jacob Eiuerick, Jno. Brand. Potter— David Deckert, John Be -irr, J It. It"l er. Spring Sidney Miller. "laylor John Weaver I'nion— L M. Fisher. Worth- John G. Jones I.:t of l*etil .Tutors for Ist Week of January Term. 11.-llcfontc I biro Theodore Gordon, W F Reynold*. F P. Green, John Irvin.Jr Miicsburg John H Thomas, J. S. Ky inan. Philip.burg Wesley R Runk, G. S. D"."man, John S. Funk Cr.iouvMU Joseph Steer, John Alex ander. R"gg Morgan Lucas, Jacob Yarnell. Burnside- M. Stewart. Curtin .1,- i>h McClosky, James Dc n.nts Ferguson— Isaac Carter, Samuel Msser, Jehn Nbcfli.T. Gregg—John B. Ro John llawk. llurri- David Sparr. Evan Williams, Eoh.-rt Gotie.:, John Mccse, Adam Harts wick Haines—Dan'l Hosterman. Halfmoon tlavid M Kinney. Howard W.G Lucas, lfu-t >:i Hugh tilenn. Liberty t'hristian Kohnt. Marion J.v M.'Almoin, Rebert tUrunk. Miles It. G Comer Put!on P ii Waddle, Win. G Kurst. Potter Wm. Earner, And. Reesman. Adam llo!ertan. St>ri: g John Long. Shuman Lysns. Taylor John <'otwnhaver. Union J. P. Holt, And. Calhoun,: W Ah valid, r. Walker J hr. II Swartx, Ira Michllsy, 2nd Wc. k February Turin. ( ltvilefolil I! I'Liuy W*4. Win. H.rrl . Mtlesburg II F. Reman. Howard—D. W. Packer, l'hilij-lurg 1.. A. Sheave, Robert' Mu -er, R E Mun<>n. 1 tenner—Thomas Perdue, it,.gg. Roht lleiriy, Jfunry Ro*to. James Curtin. Jot L. \r(T t'ltrtin Henry hcil (in £g- John K Sawyer. Alfred Durst Howard John Rowers, Nelson Askey 1 (alfmoon Cyru* t'uartcr, Jas. H. Ebbs. Huston Joseph Hrown. • Libert) W. Ueaohdol, Jaiuss Bower, F Ligget. Marion—John S. Hcvy. Mile. J. H. llainci Pulton- W. Tate. Penn—Elias Luse. Snow Shoe '-ami lloyle, D- 11. Yeager. Spring—Jacob Struble. Taylor Laac Sharer. Union—David Campbell. Walker-Jobn Zimmerman, Tho. San der*, Adam Decker. Worth— c amuel Steyent. h kg enters notices- The f 'llowing account* hare boon axatn J tn., is;;!. 1 Tho tluai account ofSamucl T. hurts, administrator of A< , of John Perry Lu c, late of Snow Shoe township f.Mi c* twp., Centre county, dee'd. I T <• final account of Abrom M. Elder dee'd gunrdian of K'iZabeth A. Tonner and John Tonner, minor children of Thorns* l. Tonror, IL ; >1 a* filed by Mary Ann Llder, ndmlautrktrik of Abram M Elder, dee d, ,i Second Partial account of Peter Neo*c and James D. Oentxell, administrators of A .of Kli'abetli Neese Into of Gregg twp dee'd, as filed by James I). OenUel. ac ting administrator. >. The account of Jacob Spangler. guar dian of Samuel Armughat, minor child of Michael Armnghast lato of Centra county, deed. *ll re 7. 'she account of Jacob Kpangler, Kxe ou'.. :• of the laM. wifl and thstamunt of Dan iel Kerr, late of Potter twp., Centre coun ty, dec'o. K The account of J. I). Shugart. guar diiin of Augustus M. Hoover, a minor son of John T. Hoover, Into of the Borough of Bellefontc, dee d. Tne account of CutltMjne Moses and Samuel Toby, administrators of dec , of 11.0 Rev. David Muscr, late of Kurguson twp., di e d. 10. The account KIIOS Ertley Executor in the last will and Testament of Jatnes M'(,'ulloch, lute of the Township of Mar ion in the county of Centre, dec' 4. 11. The account of ties. Dower, admin istrator of&. ,01 Michael K roomer, late of Haines twp., doe'd. 12. The first account of Jnsiah NetT and J. n Shannon, executors of the last will nird testament of John NetT, of Potter twp , dee d. |:!. The final account of NVil.lhttw Bible, guardian of the pte-.c.. and estate of John It Hituer. minor sbn of Henry Ilitner late of Potter twp., dee'd. 11. The account of Jos, Baker aud John Dale executor* of Geo. Coble, late of llarrs twp , ilcc'd and trustees vtudcr the will of said dee'd dimjjUlvr of I niiitcd without more ado '.This is the coolest ami summary pro- Meeeding known for some time. • ♦ e A pumpkin pie, ten feet in diame ter aud four feet deep, was the chief ] feature of a California dinner, recent* ;ly. The enjoyment of the guests was (marred somewhat by ft child falling into the pie and drowning before their i cyee. • ♦ • The Emperor of Prussia ha* uii ferred the order of the Black Eagle u| kui Bismark. -♦ ♦ • ■ Of about 2,ft4u empi-rors or kngs 'who have reigned over f.4 peoph-s, '.r.i ! have been dethroned, I'd have abdicated, i "JO committed suicide, 12ft were imprisoned j 2ft were martyrs, 3t were stabbed, 02 j.oi. lolicd, and IUH condemned to death. War is imminent between Jaiuii and ! (tie Cores. COACH & SMITH SHOPS FOR! SALE. ! The lut and Coach and bmilli nhop , m (Centre ilall, lately mU(lld b] Qa It tlsr|ttli>r, are "dried at private -tie There are three Shops upon the prciui-. >. ' all new two-story frame building*, suita ble for carrying on all the different brain h (es of Coachinakitig, smithing, wood-work,' painting, trimming, Ike. There is al-> a , new slatdo Upon the lot Th location i una of the best in Centre Hall, and a largi trade can he readily secured For luitlier : information address \\ M WOI.F, Centre Hall, l'a. ILLINOIS FARM FOR SALE ! 2*) ACRES; FIItSTCLASS LASH on ly 4 years improved Jroin tirairn .oil, with; buildings, orchard Ac , It i S miles di rectly South of Juliet, nest to Chicago th most thriving city in the -tat > and 14 uille rwst of the incorporated village of Klwo- I situated on Chicago A St. l*)u - It K 4- mites from Chicago, the great market of| this country, and in miles -in < >al : giont. Population largely intersper-ed , withlstclass Peait'a. Gorman*. 1 desire to invest in t mmercial bui ness Address W NICHOLSON, nov 29 3m K I wood, Will Co. 11l N E PLUS ULTRA. No Better Place! The tubtcribrr i Jut reeei* in* fr-m the aierri cities a Full Stock o' FALL and WINTER ..OoDS which lie has determined to ir!l very i cheap, consisting of DRV GOODS and Prints, Muslins, Opera Canton and \\ U Flannels Ladles Dre. I. .1-, li 1 Detain*, Alpacas, l'oplin. Fmpr.--- Cl"'.ii. Sateens, Tameise. together uith a full] stork of everything usually he) t in the Dry Goods line. NOTIONS: A full stock, consisting part of Ladie i Children's Menu ■ fl.oc. C ,r.. KiJ gloves, be*t uualily tilk an JL th- I l.loTes, Hood*, Nubias, li.cahfa.t ,4l Ac. HATS & CAPS, A full assortment of Men's Boy's and Chi'.dr* ol the latest style au.l b •!, CLOTHING, Ready made, a choice selection of Men's and Bsy'sot the newest styles 1.3d uc serviceable n.^t^na! HOOTS & SHOES. A very large stock of M< . V .• .1 Children's and sold very low Queenswart', full assortment. GROCERIES a full stock at the lowest pri<. • At the old stand of WM. WOLF. BOSTON Boot & Shoe Store! A NEW ESTABLISHMENT With New 6oods & New Prices! Having determined to engage in bn*ine** at thi. place, wc have openod up in Room NO 5 BUSH'S AHC VDK, [BELLHPONTE, PA., the largest. most complete and cheapest stock of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS,SLIP PEKS, AC'., I that ha* over boon vjvciiad in thi* ] :irl of the MUAo. At our *torc yon can find in , the Boot and Shoe line ftaytotag If ou V^airi, from the finest boot to the cheapest slip per, and we know if you once call and KXAMINE Ol'lt STOCK AND 1* KICKS you will concede tli:\t it i to your interest to lr*dH us. II IM I I U BOSTON II VTIN Its'UillriiiK Xi'iill) Done. B. L. BATCHKLLKR ,V CO. July 19tf. C. F, Herlachcr N. Cronniiller. NEW GOODS! , fa t s ft an v a i;! or FALL (iOOIIS! !!;j HKKLACIIER A CKONMILLKR ! \T7"ish to infoim the citisaus of Potter ] Y* that they have opened an entire new •toyk uf goods in their old quarters, and , will Keep constantly on hand a full and i good assortment of LADIES* DRESS GOODS. |j consisting of ALPACAS. Poplins, PLAIDS, Lustres. I ami nil other kind* •>( DRESS GOODS, full line of NOTIONS and FANCY Goods Hats & Caps, Boots flats HA...... Barley Ml Cloverseed 4.f10. ....Timothyseed, 450 (Salt V Mlper sack Bacon Ilk." Ilall. It) Butler 'JO... Eggs . 15 Plaster WW) W. A. CURRY, BOOT & SHOE MAKER CENT 111: II 41.L, I*4. Would most respectfully inform the cl* l linns of this vicinity, thai he has started a, new 800 l and Si.oe Shop, nlid would he ! ,| thankful for a slrare of the public patron age Boots and Shoe* made It) orifer and According to sty la, and warrants his uork toaqual any made elsewhere. All kit <|a : of repairing done, and charge, reasonable. i , (live him a call. s.tf, C. Picon. J.T.ki. PECK ne elsewhere. They use none but the h.-*i material and employ the mo*l skillful workmen Hence they flatter themselves that the!- work can not bo excelled f r durability and finish. Order# from a dislaticc'prottiptly attend ed to. t' -me and examine *ur work before contracting elsewhere. riUCES REASON ABLE, All kinds of Heparins; done, a t PKUK A LKK TIIE ONLY PLACE TO MY good Hoots cy Shot's. BURNSIDE A THOMAS llavc just received 50 cases of Hoots and Shoes. IHRNSIDE a THoMAS Sell the cheapest beat Roots and Shoes. Ill'KNSII)E A THOM AS Arc the only ones in Centre en. that I have Lester Bru's V Co., Roots t(- Shce*. Lfler Bros <>t* ami Shoes always give satisfac t iou Thousands in this county and out of it have tried these Boots & Shoes. They have been tested and tried for l r > years and always have given Extra satisfaction. If you want to save doctor hills buy your Boots am) Shoes from Rurnidc A Thomas. You can buy the best articles of To bacco and citjnra at half price at Burusuics & Thotnn. The reason you can pet such bargains at Burnable ft Thomas, they sell for CASH. julylb.lt. OODRT PROCLAM ATION. U'tirM< lh lion ( htrlrt A lVshlent l th • uri of I'utnmon I'lmta, Ul* fiicl, < onwmtliut of thr (Mutille* of Ontrit, t'llntsin. and t Inarflfltl, atul Iho llunorablp W W lk'Ul# Judftw, in t'rntrr iHtnrily. havlni laauad Uiaif prncrpt, bwartuff datrtbr 4th ity of January, A. IV. lQ. to tun dlrwtwl for hold luff a court (if and I nrtnitsnr and bfnwil Jail IV It*nrt and Quarter Svuhm* of Ilia I'nacr In for thr (HHtnly of Ontrr. and U> roitimriwe on th 4h Monday of Jatt nast. hainff tlio JTth day of Jan. ItCS. and hi contlnu* two work* NOIK'P la Itwraby |ir*n to thr I'ownrr, Juftttr** of the P. *. c. A Mrrrarrt and (s, and thrir own - sin I**, to do tIi, IMV tbliiff* which to thrtr ofhcc nDprrtnlnft to bo done. and thuoo who aro tmnnd lt re * nffnlxanroft to prowsrut* gnat thr* prUM>nrr that aro or ntsall bo In Iho >atl of font • then and [ there to iiruooouto affalnat them aa hall IMJ juat. I (iloon undor my hand, at Hellwfontw. Iho 4th day of , Jan In thaywar of our Lord. HC&, ami in Iho ninety : fourth yoar of Iho Independence off the I'nlted Stat en _____ H. V WHAKKR. Hherttf IICKNSKS. —' The following applica j lions will appear lor Licenses at.lnn mtry term of court, next. Robert Taylor, Tavern, Fhilipsburg George Keller, " Rush " Benjamin Walker " Hoggs " Iteiii ßlll in Snyder " Hoggs " Philip Gates " Furguson " James Haywood " Rush " Alouxo White, " i&uth. " ! Itirnm Harris, Restaurant. Robert HnWdrth, Tuvern,' Jeffrey Hays *" ltuah twp 'James I. Runes, " Liberty " Henry Robb, " Walker " j Frederick Fahrlo'i, " Gregg " i John Shannon, Ki-stnurant, Ferguson " I A. WILLIAMS. jan2 Truth y. | RYNDER'S MUSIC STORE, . I.OCK HAVEN, PA. The proprietor of Ryndor's .Music Store desires to call the attention of the people of Centre county, to the flic I that they Can Save Money hy purchasing their musical instruments ot Bynder's Music Store, \V e Are selling Double lleetl. Six Slop, Dive Octavo at 8140, (.superior in touo and finish, to those that are hawked ami peddled throughout the country At 9175 to 1200.) There we warrant for five years. We give any reasonable credit desired to responsible parties. We beg leave to call your attention to the following instruments, sold in Peonsvalley this year, which you would do well to exutuiue before pun basing elsewhere : CENTRE HALL. 8. K. WOLF, Ilytider Orgau 1225,00 YVM.UALHRAITU, Hynder Organ 140.00 LKMONT. I)U. J. Y.DALE, American Organ s37bi)o PETER HCHKKCK, Hynder Organ 140.00 AAHONBBURO. WM. ETTINGEK, Ryuder Organ $24040 BOALBBURG. MISS K. E. HUNTER, Meludion ... • sseotitesM $130.00; In a few weeks wc will call attention to our PIANO DEPARTMENT. In short by writing a letter to us and getting our price#— we deliver all instruments^^ Yoti Can Save From 840 to 860 on anOrgan. Address, , Di\\ I) Kirs MUSIC STORE, Lock Haven, Pa. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! C. D. KELLER. BISHOPSTREET BELLEFONTE, PENNA, i* now prajMnd, at ihr Old Stand on Bishop Street, to tell DA Y GiODD'J, Qtt&tt£ft]£336oiß| SkoM,lirpfti) CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE, AC., AC, at K- m'.ly reduced prices. lie Is also prepared to purchase A LL kl N I) S O F G R A IN ! FOR WHICH lIR WILL PAT THE HIGHEST MARKET I'RICE! ASH PURCHASERS H ILL FIND SUPERIOR INDUCEMENTS THERE apr.HHf. c - v • I. Giiggeiiheiiner. ARRANGEMENT! Isaac Gcookniiumer. La v ia g purchased the entire elock of the late tirtu of Suasman & Guggnbvitn®r, ex cept the I/eathcr and Shw-fiudingf. baa filled up hi shelves with a lot 01 irUtSDID SUM , embracing UEADY MADE CLOTHING, linos uooiwj, m PItoVISIO.VM, soon A' t iioia, HATS A CAPS, AND FAXCT ARTICLES and is now prepared to accomodate all his old customers, ami to welcome ail new ones who niav favor him with their patronage, lie feel* *afe in say ing that he can please the most fastidi 'ous Call and see. ISA At' G I'OGEN I! KIM KR. P. S. —Mr. Sus.-man stil! continues to deal in LRATHKIt AND SHOE-FINDINGS. CLOYKit and TI MoTIIV SEEDS, in the old room, where he may alwny be found. 12ap.lf. COAL, LIME, and POWDIill! COAL-• Wilkcsbarre Coal, Chestnut Stove, Egg, furnace am! foundry. Onl—oft, •! quality, at the low est prices. Customer* will please note that our coal is housed un der commodious sheds. LI M K —lV art, l,.|—du at art. a*4 mi..fail—at. >nd u tb an* mti'naUas aaS nhuto nit a* to ijimillM oe -ah>-ct o(.aiial totaraM arar uiaW to lb- pai.Uf ll n udnMod to too vaata of too Mar . haul. Manuiartat-r. MorbaaSa. Pattoar. Stoma* aaS Inr-ator, aad alii to both at* aad roow* a* aU ctoaaaa Tbo I-out H MM bf acoata. wfca art laaAtag lara* l in aU part, o! too ooaatar It la agora* a* too 1..0 prtrt alpll, aad tb* ctisji.il book o*araatS bt .üb-crtjUon. go luall] ibaat* bo .riiil a copj Wo -aal .staat. ta mij wot at toa t'altod Stat.a aad ao Aeoat caa tail to do a-11 atlb tola boot (tor tatM a, III—'.I W- (too oar aavati too asrtartia (tehto at 1-trii-RT Uao o! oar aavafs aald US aaptaa to tost itu>. anotbor aoM SSlta in uo*t> Out aawal ta Mart ford mid asc to aao a-at Spacitoiaa. af tbo wort atoit taunt, oa nc-trt a* .laaic Par otrealan aad tans, to am at. .ddrcM tbo gabllabara. J. 11. BP RK A HYDE, Hartford. Conn. Chicago. ID., or I lueinnati. Ohio. or,, lb I* ABAI'M, kktkold's xxw maehls • FEOXT, manor at., Bellefonte. WINKS AND L I QU 0 RS The subscriber tespectfully calls the at tention of the public to hi* esUblishm nt, where he is nrvpated to furnish all kindsol Foreign and Domestic Liquors' wholesale at the lowest cash price*, which are warran ted to be the best qualities according to their respective j rice*. His stock consists oi Rye, Monongahela, Irish and other Whiskies, all kind* of Brandies. Holland Gin, Port, Madcria. Cherry, Blackberry and other Wines—the best articles—at as reasonable rates as can be had in the city, Champagne, Cherry, Blackberry, Ginger t. ltd Curraauy Brandies, Pure Jamaica and New England Rum, Cordial of all kinds. He would particularly invite Farmers, Ho tel keepers and others to call and exaininv hi- large supply, to judge for themselves and bo certain of procuring what they buy, which can seldom be done when purchaa ng in the city. awPliysicuins are respectfully requested > give his liquors atnel. aplO \\r J. B. ETTELE'S HOLES ALE WINK A LIQUOR STORE Hi-hop Hellefonte, in the Stone buil ding iormorly occupied by the Key stone Bakery Takes pleasure in informing the public that ho keep* constantly on hand a supply o< choice Foreign and* Domestic Liquors. Alt Barrel*, Kept and Casks warrantee to rentain the quantity represented. * The attention of practicing physicians is called to his stock of PURE LIQUORS, suitable for medical purposes. Bottles, jugs, and demijohns constantly on hand. He has the ONLY PURE NECTAR WHISKY in town. All liquors are warranted to give satis faction. Liquors will besoldjby the quart barrel, or tierce. He has a large lot at BOTTLED LIQUORS Of the finest grades on hand. Confident that he can plow* customer the respectfully soli?U> ashare of public pa ron a go my 14 BUTTS HOUSE BELLEFONTE, PA. J It. BVTTB, Pro^r. Has first class accommodation ; charg es reaaosM • im •, If. It LSI * LSS MAN'S ( OLLFiIE, No 0 Sixth St., PitUburg, Pa. Book-Keopiug, Pennsnanship, and Ar ithmetic. TIME UNLIMITED, s£o.oo. Enter at any time. Send for Circular, and Specimen of Pcnnmanship. Addreet] jaaMfc N.SBAJTIJt. I Dr. Crook's Wine of Tax lO YEARN Ja -or a j® Public Tmt Hi fwwi jR DR. CROOK'B "WINE V TAB n i. H* b I£mSßS*iw^ tUM uiqayitfilHM- Mtflkc Tkrwai urf Lap. F forming the Ml rumeskmUe an rnxta, (Mla.CkfwteOMVk>> hHjmtnilly cases thai all H* cored eo saaay ernes it km ha untiiidt far umm mmpbumta* IHmmm f Ue Ortaarc ftpns, J aundU* or an y Liter Cumphlnt, Bto,^tfc TE£isn2rir-- Debilitate 1 Caw the Food to Digest, mmm^ssSS££ Prerents lalartoM Fetwi Gltes tone to jovfl^teo: TRY DR. CROOK'S WPCKQFTA t. The Champion of the World. The m Improved American Button Hole Overeeuning and Complete Sewing Jfcchinc —The great est machine of the Age I Slmplcity, Durability A Cheap ness Combined. I Thi machine being the litest. has mane improvements overall other, in awortL it is a perfect machine>hich is ackaowtedg ed bv judge* aqdagents of all othe. machine*. Call on A. L. Bartges, ssariisonbuig who is the authorised agent for Gentn county. Also keeps the best Sewing Ma chine thread, needles, and repairs all kind of sewing machines, clocks, watches, mu .ick boxes Ac I will thoroughly canvas the section belonging to me, and I shall b. very much pleased to sell every person a t machine, on easy terms ; give it a trial be fore purchasing any other—it has no eaual ; Parties wishing the machine, will pleas ' address the undersigned. Satiefectio: . guaranteed. All order* promptly attend ed to. A.ll BaRTGKS. Agent for Centre County . hlAPtsoxncsa, rx. "THE GREAT CAUSE ©F Hum&nHiiery. JmhUsM.li.imM wntw* Pitoe,Mdht r A UOMf —Mm Hatart. nmset SMi Brtta (tor. of Watwa * SginMlllTt|ii. ludu b*. SISSY* ■' 1 B t■>/ vS i f Th. worbt-rtrtwrrw* .mtoar ta this iitwifibti Lr • tan ataarti pram* Iron Ua on .turia.i that O nwrfttl MMMMMMMMMNM of Mf AbaW BMUf N • '■iniitbilTrtiml iitdlrlni "V* vttikovl rtaufffinn wt 1 (U.I opmtlou. boastM. iwtruinto, rtas*. m w>< ► dtela, potatta* oat .anS.nl ear.it MM t.rt.t. ■ •iniaal. b Wk ** *. y w'j" wbt b ' condition mar W. Mr can hunootf .anew, (■(••*•! • ud ndhalb. Ifctsloetar* attl net a baaa ta torn mid> and fhimtamlt . .Scat, under M*i. la a plcta wMbtw. ta aar aSdn 1 tESFSKK* saSSwPss. "I&n- ta. r—^ Aß 1 roctOßc*Baa UN. Iff Smm-MrnXoti •prists CENTRAL HOTEL. Corner ofThiri and Chestnut Street, Mifßinburg, Pa. ,t John Showers, Proprietor. >< Its Central Location makes it particularly desirable to persons visiting Tewn on a business or pleasure. H. A. Taylor's Livery Attached. • unpil ly PURIFY YOUB BLOOD. V For Scrotal*, Scrota lona IHaeooco of tfe< Eyes, or Scrotal* la A , aay form, tfif* Any disease or eruption el the Skin, disease at the Lire- AS A Rheumatism, Pimply Old Sores, Ulcers, Brokea-dowc t A Constitutions. Syphilid at any 9% <-v disease defending Oil* fSc 3 prated condition ef tha Woof s£&/* OROOXV dP&tjg t*u or HI POKE ROOT. tRJS It hae the medidaWnopert \Jjl9y uf Poke combined withe prep Ijy a ration of Iron wbteh foss *' t nee into the blood, perform IP*** iog the moat rapid and • V derful cures. Ask vour Dinggist for Dr. Croon Co® pound Syrup uf i'okt Uttd I 'UaB. • m, ■■si.iiisMiriiiiniiiM.wiliiiii niWWiimi'" ITHIP