K3. A. ■ ■ rmn>.nr*Ti...... tai tor. Centre Hall. IV, J*" TB7: *' TKRMS —The UaroRTKR is weekly at $2 per year, in advance, or $V.f when not paiain advance, borsix months Vkdverttsement* SI,BO per square (ton lines 1 for three insertion. Ad> ertuemonU for 8, 6 and 12 months, at reduced rate* . Any person sending u* the names of new subtcribesr, with etheash, will re- M lve the Rkimrtrr one vear free Constitutional Convention We see by the proceedings of the Convention, thus fur made knowu in the shape of resolutions and amend ments offered and referred, many of them that would disgrace even the •lang of a Vuion League, or the belch ings of a Junta of pot-house politi cians. and it convinces us, that the members of talents, intelligence, and statesmanship, in the convention, will be bored to death by the small fry that is seated among thetu. That there arc questions of great importance that will come before them, is true, questions that will involve the right* of the state, such as the right of suff rage, aud we hold that this is a con ventional right, and that the present couveution can enlarge, or restrict, or qualify it. Already do we find the worshippers of Ham's deeendants are raising their impious hands to strike out the word "White' from the Ist sectiou, 3rd article, of the present con stitution, in servile obedieuce to the radical kites, whoeeTalons they have affixed to the instrument signed by George Washington as its President, yeleped the 14th and loth amend ments. Will a majority of the con vention permit the political sacrilege to be consummated ? Will they per- Mit these political Janizaries to dis grace our good old common wealth by placing her alongside of Louisiana and the Fiuchback governor, South Caroliun and her negro administra tion ? We hope Dot. The negro nor mulatto had no right to vote in our state under the constitution of 1776 or 1790. See chief-justice Gibson's opin ion in Hobbs,et al vs Fox, 6 Watts Rep. 553. But these inceudious gen tlemen do not intend to . stop here. The legislature in 1839 passed an elec tion law, the 95 sec. declaring that, "No body of troops in the army of the United States, or of this common wealth, shall he present, either armed or unarmed, at any election within this commonwealth, during the timo of such election"'Ac., and thcv now in tend to have inserted in the constitu tion a prohibition, preventing the leg islature of the State from enacting, hereafter, any such law—thus recog nizing the usurpation and infringe, ment of the rights of the state by President Grant and his soldiers, in the late elections held nCNew- York and in this state. So they go. But suppose that as a matter of grace and favor they should leave out the word "White" in the Ist see. 3rd art. and insert it by declaring "that none but White freemen shall be elected as Sen ators and members of the House of Representatives," Ac—this a majority of the convention have the power and right to do. Similar restrictions and qualifications are to be found in Un laws and constitutions of several of our states. In New York a negro must be possessed of a freehold worth 8250 before he can vote, while the white man is not subject to this free hold qualification. In Massachusetts none can vote who can cot read the constitution and write his name, and in that state, and one or two others, they have imposed a capita tax on each foreign emigrant that is landed on their shores. But the qualifies lion and restriction in the constitu tion of the United States is in point. The person elected President must be a native born citizen. But this qual ification and restriction is not requir ed of the person elected- Vice-Presi dent. So in our state, if the negro is permitted, as a favor, to vote, this is no reason that he should be elected to office, or be an officer iu the militia to command white men, or sworn as a juror to try white men, or be elected to any office of trust or profit in this state —and we " k think the convention will so declare in the constitution they will submit to the people for their ap proval. Purchased Heats. From the revelations of bribery al most invariably following the election of a United States Senator, nowa days, one is led to conclude that few members now occupy seats in that once august body, made renowned by a Clay, Webster, Benton, Cass, Buch anan, and others, in the earlier and purer days of the republic, but what obtain their seats by bribery—pur chasing their seats as men would buy cattle. Cameron is notorious the world over for buying his elc-ction, Patterson did it, the Credit Mf.oiiler as now leaks soo to elect senator Har lan, from lowa, and senator elect Caldwell, of Kansas, was elected by bribery, a committee to investigate bis case, having witnesses before it which make out a clear case against him, of which the Tribune remarks : The Investigating Committees now at work in Washington, if they do not take alarm at the multiplying developments of irregularity and wickedness, are likely to throw a flood of light upon certain myster ies of legislation which have long puzzled simple-minded people. Parliamentary debate, as we all know, has long fallen in to disrepute at the national Capitol, or is valued only for its indirect effect upon public sentiment; and bills before Con gress are really discussed, not in Senate or House of Representatives, but in the news papers. The arts of prompting legislation are practiced secretly in the lobbies and corridors; and what those arls are, if the present investigations go on much longer, we shall all thoroughly understand. There is the purchase system, for in stance, of which the Senate Committee on Privilege and Klootion* i* getting a pretty fair illustration in the Kama- Pa-c. Mr. Caldwell, it scorn f. wi-hing t>> bo Senator, 1 bought the Kinw Legislature out and j I out, a* he might have bought drove of hog*. The umal price ola uicuibor wa $1,000; but if there happened to 1> cor- 1 nor in the market quotations ran a* li|{h a* S2,&CO, and some uncommonly conscien tious gentlemen refitted to sacrifice their integrity for less than So,(MO. t)ne mem ber, being applied to for his vote, hinted that "he was a poor man" and struck a bargain at $2,000, It is painful ti !e,\rn that although he voted according t .'agree meat he never got the money. Mr. t itd well's friends formed a committee of live, who uacd to go over the list of members together and devide the work. "Suno times v thi* i the cottfcsion of one of the (1 vet "a member would report that a rer "tain mat: hal better not he counted yet, "a he was a little too high, but he thought "he could bring hitn down ' And yet there scents to have been a competition lively enough to send prices up one hun dred per cent in two days, and Mr t aid ' well had to pay roundly because hi- was a little slew'' in eotuinj. to term-. V Mr. Carson testifies! that he had bv.u "em ployed by T J. Anderson, a friend of TaUwdl. t* l buv voU* IKI TUM oat h i-thnt is, he <> to have for each "vote lie bought, and lie 'j ! • m ike all ''the proflt he wuU. I mlor this ar rangement thohoneralde g>r>t > ">- 1 * ,ro mot unmercifully shaved. Mr I'arson paid only for the wear ami tear of the tuoral WMIMM!'. and kept S.tW tor hi* own wear ami Ur of lungs and shoe leather. One of the members who h*a taken the money afterwards returi d it, baring changed his mind, and Mr Carson "kept it to pay for hi* own servk w So little disguise was there about tlu> hu iu -s that the same Mr t'arson asked legal ad rice as to the possibility of taking a re ccpt Irom the members whom he bought. so as to insure delivery. Theiv is another vten of lobl-\ „• much loss dangerous and less brutal than these dealings in legislative live-stock. It consists in "mshiag friends.' and the Credit Mobilier inquiry presents an excel lent illustration of it. The Credit Mobi lier was a doubtful company which made a (treat deal of money through the favor ot Congress. It had obtained, as it* chief managers tell us, all the legislation it wanted; but it was threatened with an in vestigation ; it might at any time be ruined by unfavorable action in Washington; and if it wanted nothing else it wanted to be let alone. The trustees consequently put into the hands of Oakes Ames and Thomas C. Duraul a thousand *hares of stock to be distributed "where it would do "most good.'' These gentlemen or at any Mr. Ames—we have net heard Durant s story yet) proceeded to place the stock in Congres*. Thcv asked no return for it; they only wanted to make triends by giving Congre—men a pecuniary inter est in the affairs thcv were expected offi cially to examine. They did not give the stock outright; they only sold ti at a third or a quarter of its value, and promised that every man who took it should have his money back, with ten per cent per annum additional, if he did not like the invest ment That the Credit Mobilier was not molested in Congress aflct this, and that it was even benefited by subsequent acts, it ifould perhaps be superfluous to men tion. What difference is there in principle be tween these lwo*niethod of corruption In both cases legislators accept a pecuni ary consideration for their official action. In both cases they prove false to their pub lic duty and become the paid agents of private persons or companies. The cor ruption in the Kansas system i the more and degrading, because it presup poses the loss of all shame; but the bri bery in the Credit Mabilier case is never theless rel, and the implicated Congress men can only vindicate their honesty at the expense of their understanding. • ft New York city has fourteen mur derers awaiting trial, lies ides Stokes, whose lawyers are making an effort to get a new trial for him. If Stokes gets through the meshes of the law, it would be an outrage to hang any of the others. If there is not law en enough to hang him, there certainly is not to hang any other murderer. John W. Geary issued 425 pardons during the time he was governor — many of these were fdr villains of the most dangerous kind, and heads of political rowdy gangs of Philadelphia. We trust the constitutional conven tion will place such restrictions upon the pardoning power that such abuses of it will be shut off. Governor Geary will have a nice thing for himself after the close of his term. His legs arc full of bullets, which struck him and lodgded there during the war, so that his propcllors now present veins of the richest lead ore, a lease of which has been obtain ed by a company of lead miners, from whom the governor will receive a bonus that will make him comfortable during the remainder of his days. The Domiuican government has presented President Grant with four asses. We thiuk there are too many asses about the white house already and San Domingo hadn't need in crease the number. The temperance men of Mifilin have organized 'and intend to make a vigorouj campaign against license at the approachiug spring election. ♦ • Caldwell* Corruption. HIGH PRICED LEGISLATORS I.N KANSAS. Washington, D. C., Jan. 12. —The Senate Committee on Elections this morning examined Irn Dusick, a member of the Kansas Legislature ; C. W. Thomas, and Janus C. McDow ell, the latter of whom testified that Thomas offered to sell him for Cald well the votes of Steele, and other members of the Legislature. The Committee also examinied at great length L. T. Smith, Caldwell's part ner in the banking Smith gave the details of the arrange medt made before the Senatorial Election between Caldwell, Governor Carney and himself, by which Carney was to withdraw from tiie Senatorial candidacy for fifteen thousand dollars paid him by Caldwell. This amount was subsequently paid Carney by Caldwell in installments of ten and five thousand dollars respectively. Some time afterwards Smith gave Carney $7,000 to reimburse liirn for expenditures during the election. Another Democratic Senator. WASHIKOTOK, January 17. —The committee on elections decided to-day to give the seat from Florida to Nib lack, democrat, who contested the scat of Walls, negro and republican. Walls has held the scat since the be ginning oi the present session if con gress. It now appears that he never had any right to it. Bloody'election riots have occurred in the City of Parana, Brazil, and many per sons killed. The Surveyor (Jweral'H Report r The report of Col. It. R. lUnth, * Surveyor General, fur the vent November :50th, is before lis. The in- , celpta paid into the State Tretiury.i, during the year, were $48,1 V 48—a little i than for the year 1871, hut , about the average of yearly receipts | since the postage of the net of May , ! *0, 1864 which so greatly stimulated , | tho patenting of land*. The stimulus , I given by thnt act seems to have reach- , ijd ita maximum in 1780, siueo which i time tho applications fur parent* have j diminished. The act of last aesabn, | requiring Comity Surveyors to notify the owner* of unpatented laud* of then a ttouttU of the lien* held against them 1 by the State has beeu put into u|wra tiou. Thi* plau has been adopted to i avviitl the harshness of bringing suit* j without notice, which could have been done at any lime, and it is believed. I will go far tow an! closing up the un tiuished business of the IVpartmenl. 1 Special list* were made out for each county, and embraced 1,492 tracts and j oS town lots, covering 821,470 acres, agaiust which the Commonwealth has, lieti> for unpaid purchase nciney andj fen's am,uniting to SIOO,OOO. Many of the County Surveyors have report led, and generally have been quite suc cessful in finding the tracts uud the owmrs. They uniformly report that owners will voluntarily settle, and thus avoid compulsory collection ou the part of the State. The lieu* agaiust lauds not embraced in the sjiecial list* I amount to SOOO,OOO, thus showing an aggregate due the Slate from unjiat' I eiited land of $600,000. The Survey j or tJeooral appreciates the importance, of sjteedily closing up the accounts of the State against unpatented lauds, 1 and suggests to those who know their land to be uapntoned, the propriety ol paving off their liens without waiting < ito lie notitied by the Couuty Survey- Gors. 15y doing so, they will save i costs, and the accumulation of iuler i est on the liens. Tho Surveyor re • commends an increase of the fees for making connected drafts, copies ol r records, etc., us the revenues from this ! i service do uot pay the expense, lie ! | asks the fees to lie increased so as to make the otiice at least self-sustain -1 'nS ' The Chicago Timet holds the ful* lowing views ou currency and bank r hg : A Washington telegram says thai tho House Committee on Currency and Hanking have agreed on a bill "for frbe banking, without authority to issue circulating notes.", This means, probably, that the committee have agreed ou a bill extending all the privileges of the existing banking law. except the privilege of issuing circula tion, to all who may wish to avail themselves thereof. This a step in the right direction. If banking priv ileges are to be granted by the gener al government at all. there is uo rea son why they should not be granted j equally to all. There is no propriety | or justice iu creatiug and maintaining a banking monopoly, any more thau i there is justice or propriety iu creat ing and maintaining a railroad or a hotel monopoly. The baukiug and currency committee seem to perceive, however, that it will not extend the privilege of issuiug circulation to all who may desire it. They seem to per ceive that if banking were to be made free iu this respect, there would be great danger of extreme inflation, with all its attendant evils. But ifi they can perceive this, why can theVj not perceive that the currency privi lege is one which ought not to be granted at all ? The government ought to grant no favors which can not be granted equally to all who may desire them. Government ought not to create ami foster monopolies of any kind. It ought not to say to the pub lic, "You may enjoy all the privileges conferred by the banking law, except one, and that the most valuable one ; that one must be reserved for the ex clusive bout tit of those who uow en joy it." If a privilege cannot be free Iv extended without detriment to the public iuterests, as it clearly catiDot be in the matter of issuing circulating notes, then it ought to be withheld en-; tirely. But our law-givers don't be lieve in shaping legislation in accord ance with principles, and therefore they will see no impropriety in mak ing banking free, except iu so far as they prefer to have it remuin a mo nopoly. PRESIDENT GKANT AT HORACE • ■lt EE LEY'S FUNMKAL. When President Grant declined an in vitation to a dinner in Washington in or- : dcr that he might attend the funeral of Horace Greeley, many kind things were said of him by the news paper press of the country. It seemed to be regarded as a piece of self-denial greatly to be commen ded, and we are sure that all the admirers| of his excellency will be sincerely gin I to learn that he got a good dinner in New York, with wine in plenty, and that he got all these good things without paying for any of them. Shortly after Horace Gree ley's body was deposited in the ground the Fifth Avenue Hotel sent the following bill to the Hoard of New York Aldermen : Fifth AVKXVK HOTKI , ) New York, Dec. 4, 1872. / President Grant and Party. Dr. tu Darling, Griswould A Co. Board and parlor, 1 day, C persons -h 00 Fire* $2 00 Meals served in room 10 To—lß 76 Carriages—s I, $2 000 Wine 10 00—25 a) $Ol 76 When the above bill was received the Hon. Jenkins Van Schaick, who had the honor *f riding with President Grant in Mr. Greeley s funeral procession moved that the hill be paid nnd the motion was adopted. The amount thus expended was ordered to I>e cbaigcd to the account of "City Contingencies, -1 nnd that was the end of it. We have no camment* to make. 'I # | The Insurance Commissioner of Massa chusetts has just made a report to the Leg islature of that Commonwealth, which shows the losses of homo and foreign com panies by the Boston fire to bo as fol lows : Companies. Massachusetts, mutual $6,737,879 Mass., joint slock 80,018,225 Maine 632,600 New Hampshire 8,600 ilhode Island 1,122,078 Connecticut 2,982,376 New York 7,400,087 Pennsylvania 2,710,600 Ohio 200,000 Illinois 61,206 Wisconsin 66,600 Minnesota 23,000 California 76,000 Foreign,.,.„ 4,804,468 Total- $55,901,967 Of the 187 companies tuking risks in Bos ton 72 succumbed to their losses, and of the 115 which survived about 30 have been compelled to reduce capital or rail for as- < •essmcnts ranging froin 20 to 76 per cent. ' Notwithstanding this havoc 28 new com- i panics have been authorized since the Are, I and 7 have .commenced operations. I Constitutional Convention . Philadelphia, Jan. 10.- Hon. Wayne I MucVeagh, Chairman of the Committee ; on Legislature, presented tlie report ol l said committee, which wus laid over for t printing. The following are the essential points thereof: t The report submitted by Mr. MacVoagh J proposes biennial instead of annual se#- sipn# of the Legislature, ami n carefully prepared oath that the member* hat • nob ther given bribe# to obtain their election not taken bribe* to infltieiOe their < th. ml action. The scheme of apportionment i# based upon iheiyitem in the reformed C'onilitution in 1 Ilittoi* itliui i*, the cuuimutative *y*tem) and it i* believed thai it will never ecure I a fair di*trictiug of the State, without per milting the State to be divided and "gery mandered" to uit tbe convenience of the Legislature or of political parties j The compensation of member* of the Legislature i* fixed nt f l,fiUO for ea> h pe tod of two years, without allowing any flirther sum* a* members of committer# or perquitic* of any kind. Elections for member* of the legisla ture are to be held only once in two yrars. Senators holding for four year*, and Rep resoiilalives for two years • ♦ • 11 EDUCTION OK POSTAGE The House Post-office Committee unani mously authorised General Karnsworth. the chairman, te prepare a bill to reduca letter postage to 2 ecnts, "and require pre payment on all printed matter except 01 weekly paper* circulating in the counties w here they are primed ; these to be unaf fected by the pro pose. 1 bill. An estimate from the Post office Department show* that #1 liUflMi arc annually 1. : on ac count of postage on printed matter being uncollected or confiscated by postmaster s ♦ s NAPOI.EON S OBSKQUIKS. Sixty Thousand SpectatuM Prcaeut — Modesty of the Prince Imperial. j London, January'lC'--It it now estimated that there were sixty thousand persons in 1 Chiselhursl yesterday. Many of the store* in London and throughout the country were partly closed during the tuucral. White the Prince Imperial was return ing from the chapel, he was saluted with J the cry of "vivel' Kmpereur!" In'replphe I exclaimed, "The Emperor it dead! Vive !a France I" Berlin, Jan. IT.—The number of emi grant* who left the port of Bremen for the United Slate* last year was W,OOO. The emigration irom Hamburg during the same time reached the unprecedented fig ure of 5V.C00. A boiler rxploJcd in a factory at Char* leroi, Belgium, yesterday morning, killing 1 eleven |>erson* and wounding a large num ber of others, some very seriously. THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. Papal Allocution on the Italian Spui at ion# and the German Kucroach menu. The Document that trus Sujipremed in Germany. [From Ike Orthotic Herinc 0/ 14/A i The following important document is a tranlaelion of the l'apal allocution ad dressed by the Pope to the Cardinal* in th.- Consistory of December 2a. It ha* 1-' ready attracted profound attention in Ku rope, and is this morning published lor th first lime in America It will he remem bered that tbe publication of this allocu-i tion in the German Empire has led to tb<-' prosecution of several Reman Calholi. journals. AlU'Cution t f our Mot Holy l,* rud < er voice the expostulation* alridy mud< i in your prc*encc, venerable brother*, mm before the universal Church. Execrating thl* nefariou* crime, In the name oi J. u* Chrit, whoe vicar we are <-n eurlh, wi coii.l.'iiui it by nntt ••• 11 > of 1)0, holy upoalb * Pet, i ami l':ut' and by u; i-.wi, together with any chenio of law which .hall arrogate to itself the power of di torbing the religion* order* in It.one and the adjacent province., and of depriving the Church there of it* properly utid de posing it foe tbe benefit of the troasurv or otherw be. We tln-ref -re pronounce .11 valid whatever i done against the right and patrimony of the Church \\ ede. lar absolutely void and null mu inquisition,; by any title, of the stolen g"od, agai >t alienation of which thi* Apostolic S. will, never cease to protest. Let the author alid supporters of this law rente über the censures and spiritual punishment* which, ipso facto incurred, Ik* i|s*tali constitu tions inflict on the inv uder* of the 1 hurch, ; snd pitying their *00!* bound by tin--, spiritual chains, let them ecu-e to lay up treasure* of anger against the day of wrath, and of the revelation of the u-t judgement of God The very bitter grief with which we arc afflicted, on account of these an J 1! 1 other injuries wrought against the Church throughout Italy, ha* be. ti not lightly in creased by tbe cruel perscculi >n* to which It is subject elsewhere, . , . tally 11 tli new (iermai Empire, w iu.< in !• 1 l y eeriit machination*, but also by ope: I fore#, they attempt to subvert it from thi very foundation, since men who not only de not profess our Imly religion, but d< not even know it, claim for themselves tin right of defining the d->guia* and right* . the Catholic Church, and while they d.. turb her they have the audueity to deelsn i that they do her Bo injury. More-over 'adding calumny and derision to injury they do not hesitate to attribute this crut persecution to the fault of the Calholi - | forsooth, that their |r. late and priest!.-o u together with the faith!ol r fuse to pr.-for the laws and w ill of the civil empire t ;.i. holy law* 01 God and the Church, ..1 t abstain from their religious duty. Would that the guide* of public t.ilsir taught by a long experience, luight 1 persuaded thai none of their subject would with greater exactness th in Cathc lies render to Cca-ar tbe thing* that wer Cesser's, and this precisely* because the; tesire religiously to render to G .J l! ; thing* that are God 1 The civil authorities of some of th cantons of the Swiss republic appear I have entered upon the same path as th German emp.re in deciding on tbe lion* are joined should daily become closer. Tv se cure this, let DO ono think it inopportune that those who, with the authority of me tropolitans, preside ovoi tho cc< Vsiaitu al provinces, should ponfer with their suffra gans in the be*l manner that circumstan ce* will permit on those measure* which! mutually unite and strengthen them all in one mind and sentiment, and let them pre pare themselves to undergo with a unani mous effort tho difflcult cnte*l against the assault* of the impious. The Lord lias truly smitten us, venom-; hie brothers, with his sword, hard, great, and strong; the smoke of hit anger ascend* Hnd the fire burns from his face. But will (sod cast us away forever, or will he not be appeased'/ No! for the Lord doc* not forget to have mercy, and he will not stay ins mercies in his anger, for lie is mighty to pardon and ho may be propitiated by those invoking him in truth, and lie shall pour out on us the richos of his mercy, j Let us endeavor to appease tho divine >• ti ger in this acceptable time of the advent ol our Lord Humbly walking in newnessi of life, let us goto the King of l'oaco who is about to come to announce peace to them and good will. The just and merciful (Sodj by whose mysterious purpose wc are per- j milted {o i£e the sorrow of our people iindj the sorrow of our holy city, and to sit then when it 1* given into the hands of ilia ene my, ho Will incline his ear to hear ; he will open his eyes and see our desolation and the city upon which his nuine is invoked. , Pius IX. • THE LOST ARTS " , ■ t IsKC'l I ItK IIV WENDELL PHILLIPS t 1 fW/w/nl ) Ancient Muster Artisan#. ' Tut. jug the metal*, the liihle in it* first chapter* 'howed thai innn first conquered ' metals there in Asia, and the wonder I* that on tlint spot to-day he can work more 1 wonders with those metals than we can. One of llie surprises that the European ' it tit* received when the English plunder ■u tl Summer palace of the King of Chi- ' un, was the curiously wrought metal vas- ' -el# of every kind, far exceeding all the ' boasted skill of the workmen of Europe. Mi Colioii of Th# Boston Journal, the : lir t week bo lauded in Asia, found that < his eliroio.meter was out of order from the 1 sleet of the works having Income rusted i'lie I i.don Medical and Surgical Jour nal 1 ises surgeons not to venture to car- ' ry any lancets to Calcutta, to have them . gilded, because English steel could not < bear tbe atmosphere of India. Vet the 1 , Damascus blade* of the Crtl-ades were not ' g.lded, and they are a* jwrfect a* they were eight centuries ago. I There was one nt the London Kxhibi t ion, the point of which could be made to tout it the hill, and which could bo put to a scabbard like a corkscrew and bent every- 1 way without breaking, like an American , politician, j Laughter. J Now, the wonder of thla L, that perfect j >•■ . 1 is a marvel of science. Ifa London! chronometer-maker want* the be*t *t#d to u*e in h.s chronometer, he doe* not send to Sheffield, the center of all scienca, but to the Punjaub, tbe empire aflhe seven Hv-j er* where there i no science at all. ! The first needle ever made in England \ius mude in the time of llatry the \ 111 th . and mad* by a negro, and when he died the art died with hitu Some of the first traveler* in Africa staled that they found. ' a tribe ill the interior who gave them bet- j ter ra.'.jis (ban they had, the irrepressible j negro coming up in science a* in isoltlic*. 1 lie lo st steel U the greatest triumph ol metallurgy, anJ metallurgy ithe glory of | .chemistry. 1 The post* have celebrated the perfection | ~ iof the oriental steel, and it isrecognixed as <- the finest by Moore. Byron, SOOU, South- 1 ey. and many others. I have even heard t - a young mi vovule of the lost arts find an < e argument in Byron's "Sennasherib from 1 v (he fact that the mail of the warrior* in 1 e thai one short night bau rutcd before the 1 trembling Jew# stole out in the morning to | (l . behold the terrible work of the Lord. 1 ~ S. tt, in this "Crusader* ' —for Sir Mr alter 1 1C wa* curiou* in hi* love of the lost arts—de ►crib.s a meeting between Richard Coeurj . de Lion and Saladin. Saladin asks Richard to show him the 1 n underfill strength for which he is famous. , and the Norman monarch respond# by *v- 1 i ring a bar of iron which lie* on the floor 1 j' of the tent. Saladin ►>*#. "I cannot d v that, but h>-lake# an eider-down pillow!' . ft the sofa, and. drawing his keen blade | aer - - it, it fall# in two pieca*. Richard i "This is the black art it is magic ; it is; \ a the devil; you cannot cut that which ha*{ .j- ii - resistance;" and Saladin, to show him, L . t hat such it not the case; lakes a scarf from j ' his shoulder*, which l# #0 light that it al- j , most final* in the air, and tossing it up. !t -i-vi-r* it heft re it can descend. George .) Thompson told roe he *aw a man in Cal ..:ta throw a handful of floss silk into the air and a Hindoo sever it into with ' ! his wber. can proiluce nothing like ,!f this. Kgypt'a Mechanical Marvel#. Taking their employ men; of the ue-i j iCI-atiiral force*, and their movement of large masses from the earth, wo know that they had five, seven, or three mechanical I . but we cannot account for the mul tiplication and increase necessary to per form the wonder# they accomplished. In Boston, lately, we hare moved tho "j Pclham Hotel, weighing bU.OIIO tuns, 14 k • ■!, and are very proud of it and since , t'..< .we moved a whole block of house# 21 !, .t. and 1 have no doubt we will write a book about it; but there is a book telling how Dominica Fontana of the sixteenth, century set up the Egyptian obelisk at K n> on end in the Papacy of Sixtu* V. " Wonderful' Vet the Egyptian# quarried; •* that *.unt and carried it 1W miles, and the; "* 1-.-man* brought it 7k# mil#*. anJ never ' .aid a word about it. Mr HatUrsou of Hertford walking with i Brunei, the architect of the Thames tunnel in Egypt, askel him >hat he thought of the mechanical power of the Egyptians, and he said, there is Pompey's Pillar, it is 10ft feet high, and tho capital weighs 2.OUQ pound*. It is something of a feat to bang 2,000 pounds at that bight in the air. and tho few men that can do it would better ,11-. us- Egyptian mechanic*. Take canal*, for instance. The Sue* Canal absorb* half its receipt* in cleaning mil the sand which fill* it continually, and it i- not yet known whether it i* a pecuni ary success. Tho ancient* budl a cant! at right angle* to our*. beoauo they knew it would not All up if built in that direction, and they kney such an one a* our* would. There were magnificent canals in the land of the Jew*, with perfectly arranged 1 gale* and luicc*. A\e have only Just be -1 gun t-> understand ventilation properly for our houses; yet late experiment* at the Pyramid* in Egypt show that tho*e Egyp tian toinbs were ventilated in the most per fect and scientific manner. Again, cement i* modern, for the an cient* drested and jointed their tono* *o , clcs; ly in building* thousand* of year* old that the thin Made of g cannot be forced between them. The railroad oate*i back to Egypt. Arago ha* claimed that they had a knowledge of *team. A pa nting ha* been discovered of*ship full of machinery, and a French engineer said that the arrangmcnt of thi* machin ery could only bo accounted for by sup posing the motivo power to have been •team. Brahma acknowledge* that he took tho idea of his celebrated lock from an an cient Egyptian pattern. I}o Tocovjeville -ays there was no social question tnat was not discussed to rags in Egypt Old Hint* of New Things. "Well," say you, "Franklin invented I the lightning rod." I have no doubt he did; but years before liis invention, and i before l!,c musket* were invented, the old soldier* on guara on ike tenors used Franklin's invention to keep guarJ with ; and if a spark passed between them and the spear-head they ran and bore the warning of the state and condition of af fairs. After that you will admit that Benjamin! Franklin was not the only ono that knew of the presence of electricity, and the J*d vaulage* derived from if* uj. Solemon'sj Temple, you will find, was situated on an 1 expesed point of tho hill; tho tcmplo was o lofty that it was often in peril, and was' j guarded by a system exactly like that ol j Benjamin Franklin's. [Laughter.] Well, 1 may toil you a little of ancient maiiufaetures. The piu-hcs* of Burgundy took u necklace from the neck of a mum my and wore it to a ball given at tho Tub cries, and everybody said they thought it ivus the newest thing there. You have hoard of what is called tl.o Kstnjscare, and the Italians spent their live* in trying to find out the secret; and it ha* come down to n* and our day, and we do not know either. Tin: old novel* of Walter Wuotl w ore three thousand year* before the popular 1 titles of Eastern Asia Russell Lowell Miys; "Thcro was a town in Vermont so • orrupt that the Inhabitants had to sleep in the walla at night.'* LLaughter.] Well, he had this opinion. A Hindoo princess 'came into court, and her father seeing her said. "Uo home, you aro not decently covered—go homo and she said, "fath er, 1 have seven suits on;" but the suits were of muslin, so thin that the king could sec through them. A Roman poet says: "The girl was in the poetic dress of thu country." I fancy the French wouhl bo rather aU>nishrd at ihli. Four hundred end fifty year* ago the first (pinning machine wa* introduced in Kuro|>e', I have evidence to show that it made it* appearance 2.UUO year* before. Well, I tell you thla fact to how that perhaps we don't invent jutt everything. Why did I think to grope in the a*he* for thi*? Because all Kgypt knew the secret, which wa* not the knowledge of the pro feaaor, the king, and the priest. Their knowledge won an hiiloric privil ege which *rparalod them from, and brought down the ii... -e* ; and thi* chain wa* broken when C .mbyte* cento down from I'eraia, atid by is gciiiu* and intel lect opened the gale* of knowledge, thun dering aero** Kgypt drawing out rivili ration from royalty a J p nest hood. -Modern Know! dge Utilised. Such was tha syster* which wa* eslab lished in Kgypt of olu. It lias been 4,(JUT year* before humanity took that subject to a proper consideration, and when thi* eon-, sideration wa* made, civilisation changed her character. Learning no longer hid in a convent er slumbered In the palace. No! *ke caiue out joining hand* with the peo ple, ministering and dealing with them. We have not astrology in the stars serv ing only thi king* and priest* ; we have an astrology serving ail those around u* Wr havemt a chemistry hidden in under !ground ceil*, striving for wealth, striving |to change everything into gold. No, we have a chemistry laboring with the farmer and digging gold out ot tbe earth with the miner. All! this is the nineteenth centu ry, and of the hundaod* of things we know, j 1 can show you ninety-nine of them which ! have been anticipated. It i* the liberty ol intellect and a diffusion of knowledge that has caused thi* anticipation. When Gibbon finished hi* History ol Home he said : "The hand will never go back upon the dial of Time, when every thing was hidden in fear in the dark age*. He made that boast a* he stood at night in the ruin* f jhe Corsani palace, leaking out upon the places where the utonkt were chanting; that vision disappeared, and there arose in it* stead the Temple of Ju piter, Could he look back upon the past he would ace nation* that went up iu their strength, and down to grave* with fire in one hand and iron in the other hand be fore Home was peopled, which, in their strength. weie crushed in subduing civili sation. But it U a very different princi ple that govern* tin. land : it is one which •bould govern every land ; it u one which this nation need, to practice thia Jay. It ia the human property, it it the divine will that any man hat a right to know any thing which he knowt will be terviceable to himself and to hit fellow-man, and that will make art immortal if Co J meant that it shall 'a*L THE PEOPLE S DRUG STORE. Next door to Wilaon it Jlicka' Ilanl ware more, Allegheny St., BELLEFONTE, PA„ R. F. Rankin & Co., (Successors to Linn A Wibon. 1 DEALERS IS PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS PAINTS. OILS. DYE STUFFS, VARNISHES. BRUSH ES. I'ERFI'MERY, NOTIONS. AND FANCY ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET. Ac. HJA2Vy)H2&L)<&yOBS for njedicinal p4V|>os#. SHOULDER BBACK3, TRUSSES A SUPPORTERS in great variety} Alto, Choice CIGARS AND TOBACCO, and all other article* utually hept in first clat# Drug Store. PRESCRIPTIONS CARKFU Y COMPOUNDED. tf.lKn# 5 FRAN KIN A CO, 0 I c. GET THE BEST, TIIK OKIOIXAL Howe SEWIXM M ACBIVK IMPOVKI> -The How, the original *a4 yet the bcl h* the following jHiinU of n celloocc: Simplicitv ol construction Symmetry of form and beauty of finish. Rapidly and stillne** in operation. Ease with which it can be managed. Non-liability to mi** stitches, having* moveable head, which can be readily ad justed close to the shuttle, whin using either the finest or coarsest needle. A shorter and smaller needle, in propor tion to the six* ol the thread, than used with any other machine. "" 't he Lock Stitch, f-lik on both sides of the fabric. Economy of thread. Strength and firmness with which the seams are drawn together. Koundncas, fuuncss, regularity and beauty ef stitch. Adaptability to the widest range of work tewing the finest and coarsest fabric*, and using equally well tbc fineat and coarsest, and all intermediate grade* of silk, Cotton and Linen Thread. II F. HARTLEY, of Bellcfontc, ha*the agency for Centre county, for the Howe ; he will travel the county, and person* wishing machine about which there is no fault, should wait and give the Howe a trial, before purchasing. jan'J.Sm. Excelsior Cement The undersigned now manufacture Ce mcnt WARRANTED OF A SUPERIOR QUALITY, at their kiln*, near Pine Creek Hills, in Heine* twp. This cement has already been used in large quantities upon the L. C. A S. C. H It., and ha* been found highly satisfactory u|>on all jobs ' where Iltfi* hoc&'uHd. Uj-d a* vu*l to, any now manufactured. The 'unJersign-; cd now take pleasure in recommending, j and warranting it to all, for u-e in CIS TERNS. WATER PIPES, or whatever purpose a good quality of Cement i* desi : rabl\ Tin* Cement ha* already been tested far and wide, and rendered the ul-1 most satisfaction. Person*, therefore eon-; [structing Cistern*, laying Water Pipe*, it., will And it to ad vantage to bear thi*' in mind, and aj*o, t,':xt they warrant the 1 article a* represented. For further par-' ticulars, address MEYER & IIOFFKR. 30 dee tf Aaronsburg, Pa. FURNITURE! Oram! Opening I FOR 1872. AT JOHN CAMP'S MILROY, ; where lie has opened with a very large . stock of the latest styles, both fancy and cqmn}oi) Parlor, Chamber and Kitchen Furni ture. CHAIRS, of all kinds. All kinds of repairing done with neat ness and dispatch having four good wort men at the bench. I uui prepared to do all kinds of custom work, fine or common. Thankful for past favors, I hope by strict attention to business you and every body else will show smiling faces at my new war* room*. JOHN C'AIUI*. Janl2.tf. i R. 0. DSIRIXQII. A. r. MUMI* < MILLHEIM MARBLE WORKS. New Firm—New Enterpme. DEININOER <(• M USHER, (Buece*#ori to 11. O. DEIXIIGIB) I We would rno.l reapectftjlly inform the ! nubile. tl.nl they have uken charge of thu old end auocearibl eatabliabmmt. end prepare to carry on the umt under re newed autpicu*. They have on bend, end will meke to rder I MONUMENTS, COUCH KM. TOM UK A IIKADSTONKS. |K*lble deign, end price, we ue the beat grade* of maible— ITALIAN, CANADA, AUKNICANSTATCAIT, 1 I , . „ HI TLANBAC., and *ty wuh forfeit eaaurence, "Our , work U our reference," ( Hhaii.|eeA| I Bridge, Millbeim. eprMUy. J. ZELLEB dr SON DRUGGISTS No G llrockt-rhoff Ifow, Il.llifoMtPa Dealer, iti Ilrugn. < lit- tut<-!, I'rrliirnrrj , Innrj Geeda dke.. Ac. Pure Wine* end Li-juor* for medical purpoae* at way* kept. iney 81. TL y.r IS WILMOX TMUMA A HK.XN. ! jTARDWAKB STOKEM H Z WILSON & HICKS, O itellcfonte, Pa., 2 y aSuceeaaor* to lewix * W'ILXOX.,) £ Keapectlully inform the citizen* of C „ Centre end other couutiau, tbnt they * < hev© one of the largeal end beet ee- jjj - lectedatock of Herd were to be found, c conaiatir-.g of Iron, Steel, Neil a, a florae Shoe*, Axel*. Spring Wagon > carpenter loo'* and builder* herd- fi - were, loeka. oila, painu, glaaa, var- S 2 niahoa, bruahee, cucumber pr.mpa and r < tubing. Lamp* ef ell kind*, acuta*. Z. a culier J. m WOOD ASD WILLOW WA ME. § Pull line of eaddlery end couch ma ker. good*, wood work for btiggie* _ and wagtHia, plough*, harrow*, culti ■J valor* and griadatonee. Looking H < glaaaea and mirror plate*. Picture ® y frame- made to order. Thvy eleo K Ji here the celebrated cook atove, *5 5 SUSt/UEII ANNA, > j. every one warranted to give perfect 2 •" aatiafectioii All kind* of parlor _ alove*. W'e ere determined to roll 3 < at tbe low eat price* for caab, or on Z. U kort credit—not to exceed three £2 month*. Cull and aee u*. a* we Uke J pleasure in ahowing our * J < WILSON A NICKS. 5 > marl&tf. Bellefonte, Pa. S i P ; s ! % - % —- Gift & Flory s New Shoe Store ! AT CKXTXE liALL. They have now opened, and will constant ly Iwp on hand, a splendid stock of new J-lIOES, GAITERS* Jt SLIPPERS, for iuen, women and children, from the beat manufactories in the country, and now of fered at the Lowest Prices. HOOTS and SHOE.*? made to order, upon short notice. They invite the people ol this vicinity- to give them n call, at they will strive to merit a share of their pat ronage. mylOtf E W FURNITURE STORE. 1 noon a SLOW llorram'a BELLEFONTE, PA. GEORGE (TBRYAN, Dealer ta ? IJ ft NJ ? U ft i OF. ALL KIKM, BEDSTEADS, TABLES, (HAULS, Parlor and Chamber Seta, SOFAS, L O UNO£B, BUREAUS, WASHSTANDS, WARDS )3KS. MATTRESSES, 4c Particular Attention to Ordered Work. REPAIRING DONE PROMPTLY. IXDKRTAKIXCi, In All Its Branches, METALIC, VALKUT, BOSEWOOD, ASB cauuos CASKETS, Alvay* on Hand, and Funeral* Attended Witl. an Elegant Heartc. apfof. Stoves! Fire! Stov's! At Andy Rcesmaas, Centre Hail, are latent and beat a tore* out, he ha* just received a l*rge lot of Cook Stoves, the Pioneer Cook, the Eclipse Cook, the Reliance Cook. PARLORS—The Radiant Light, telf-fee der, Gas Burner, National Kgg, Jewell, Ac. SU,II- "ell* atovca a* LOW a* anywhert in Mifflin or Centre co. ~&S TIN AND SHEETTRON WARE The umUmigned hereby inform* the citiacn* of Pen naval ley thai nc ha* pur ehated the Tin hop heretofore earned on by theC. U. Mf a Co., and wilt continue the same, at the old stand, in all it* branch ei, in the manufacture of STOVE PIPE A SPOITIVCJ. All kind* of repairing done. He has always on hand - Fruit Cans, of all Sitea, BUCKETS, cute, "'felMhao. All work warranted and charge* reason able. A share of the public patronage so licited. AND. JtKESMAN, 2ep7oy Centre Hall Netv Clothing Store STERNBERG, engaged to manage for 1. L. Rciaenstein, in the corner building, opposite Hoffer# -tore. Bellefonte, ha* established a new Clothing Store w here the best bargains in the county are offered. $7.50 lo sls for Suils of the fin est Casstuiete. HATS, CAPS and a full and complete assortment of ev ery thing in the line of Clothing. e Henri Dliemf. Dr.tiAKVINU TAB BESSDIES Cure Hit in Wwttwv Dr.OABVIT* TAB BEAEDIEk EeffulaU. the Livr. Dr.VABVHI TAB BEIEDII> Regulate th< Htomnrliao J Bowrb Dr.BABVHH TAB BBEEMD Cut* ell Frwenlr WiwkacM> k . Dr. OABVINU TAB BEWEDIF Purify the BIOAML Dr.tiABVIICI TAB BE* EDI I Com BtMMMtMr tfc® Tkroal. Dr.OABVm TAB BE.WEDIE* Cero BroirMtU. Dr. UABVI-VK TAB BEHEDII> Cure -B—r CnlA," or " Bay Frv rr" Dr.BABVIKI TAB BEBEDIES Gun 1 wr*tf Pier ■ere TAB BE9IEDIE . Cw ( entipNiM. Dr. fiABYOri TAB BESIEk>II> Cow Unit Bbnm. Dr.tiAßVm TAB BIUUfE* Gun l&Mnry Dheaw*. Dr.UABVnH TAB BEBEDIEtf PiwetCMra4i¥ellewFffr Dr.UAKVIVN TAB BE*EDH C iVmei .nnlariou* Frier*. r * Dr. UAHVaVft TAB BEAEDfIN Remove Pal* * Briaut Dr. UABVITk TAB BE WEOI> Bine Pail in tin Hide or Back. Dr. CABVI** TAB BEHEDIiA Are e kuprrier Taatc. Dr. CABVINW TAB BEMEDIEK Reatore the Appetite. Dr.OABVnf TAB BEMEIMH* Oeaee the Food fa Di**t. Dr.GABVKH TAB BE9IEPIE* Beetun the Weak ami Debilitated Dr.OABVIVft TAB Giro Taae le Voir SfMem. I*. F. HYDE & CO., •OUi raOPHXKTOH'-* 195 Seventh Ac*., New Fork* deeir7*y Chas. H. Held, Clerk. H'nlehaMtker At Jewc Milibeim, Centreeeo t Penns. Respectfully inform* hfc friend- and tU public In general, that b* hasiuat ow athia new uttabiiahment, above Aij wa der'a Store, and keep* constantly on ha:— all kinds of Clocka, Watches and Jews ir> of the la teat styles, aa aiao the Marat, v * Patent Calender Clocka, provided *u' ( complete index of the month, and da; 01 the month and week on it* Care, which warranted aa a perfect time-keeper, cn.Cl.xk*, Watches and Jewelry paired on abort notice and warranted aepin f Seimc* ea tkt Ad*am**. C. H. G utelius, Snrppon and Mechanical Dent is. who ia p-rmanentl.v located in Air in the oflce formerly occupied by Dr -■. . and wbo has been practicing with u :< aucceaa—having the experience of a nut t of years ia the profession, he would c nit ally invite %11 who have as yet apt f.' him a call, to do so, anJtrel thetrdtbi.; of this assertion. /im-Teeth extra .d without pain. mayiSfCHi Furniture Rooms! j. o. DKIXIXGKE, respectfully inform* the citiaena of Ci re county, that he baacoa*tantly < n hat ■' i makes to order, all kinds et BEDSTEADS. BUREAUS, SINKS, WASHBTA X DS, CONIItCrPBOA , .> h TABLES, Ac., Ac 1 Hons Maps Ogata* Al*at* ox son Hit stock of ready-made Furniture i and warranted of good workman-hip • all made under his ownimtnedialr t. t-rt * ■ion, and ia offered at cafes aa cheep a where. Thaftfefyl fpr h'aat fay pry. h. in iu a continuance of thf same. Call and see his stock before pure!- olaew bare. ai*24' \ THE undersigned. determined tomet the popular demand for Lover Prie< n ipectfulSy call* the attention of the pi die to his itock of SADDLERY, nov offered at the old stand. Design* peciall * for the people and the tim* #, t fc< feat and most varied and complete ment of Saddles, Harness, Collars, Bridle , of every description and quality; \Vhij*r, and in fact everything complete to a rt clas* etabli*htnti4, be |}6V offer* at j . which will suit the times, JACOB DINGES. Centre!': !1 JOHN F. POTTER, Atteraiy It law. Collection*promptly mnde and a;.ecin attention riven to those having lan<*.- 01 property for sale. Will draw up and have acknowledged Deed*, Mortgage-. Ac. Ol fiee in the diamond, north ride of th< court house. Bellefonte. oct2h't?.i;f HKKKT BKOCKEKUorr, 1 D SBC 1 T. President, Cashi* . QKNTRB COUNTY BANKING I/O (Late MiUtkcn, Hoover .1 Cu. RECEIVE DEPOSITS, And Allow Interest, Discount Notes, Buv and .Sol Government Securities, Gold and nplOdKtf Cni]|< J AS. M'MAKIIK. Attorney ~ Bellvrt--f.. ~nnpUy attends to all tc ines* entrusted to him. JuIS.CPi f DF. FORTNKY, Attorney at La* • Bellefonte, Pa. OJBee over K- v nold'sbanE —*-■ ' ' '-may 14'bjtf 14. K. M ALLISTKR, JAUKS A. UFA \ K a'ALLttTMi & mwrzz A TTORNETS-A T-LA R, Bellefonte, Centre Co., Penn'a. a] . JXO. V. oavia. C. T. ALKXAM K* ORVIS A ALEXANDER, Attorney*-at-law. Office inConrad If. -< Bellefonte, Pa. J. fp. GEPHART, wlfh Orvi* & Alexinidht,' attend* to eoi-t - tion* and practice in the Orphan'.- 0< rt. Tjan'TOtf Vff ILLKK S HOTEL, Woodward, Pa I?JL Stage* arrive and depart daily. Thi* favorite hotel i* now in every respect one of the molt pleasant country hoti !* in central Pennsylvania. The traveling com munity will always find the best accommo dation. Drover* can at all times be accom modated with etables and pasturo tor any number of cattle or horse*. julyS'6Btf GEO. MIRLKit. MABDW ARE STORE) J.