The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, January 23, 1873, Image 1

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    fAnd Vol,
I m him look M Idnds's wary hair;
I sea him watch Cacilia's winning "nil* :
I *e* hun notice Mand'a complexion fair;
My heart with dread is heating all th* whit*
And yet
I'm almoet aura ha love* MM Hart of all.
In** him gance at Millr* fairy foot.
And follow all thoir movement* with a annt*
1 a*o him charmed hy many maidcu* ewost.
My heart with dread fai heating ail the while
And vet
I'm almoat sure It* lowa mo Hoot of all
"For when ba take* my hand in Mi of hi*.
And look* at mo with Hi* eonftding omfla.
My ovwry dowht and faar are not at oa*e
Although my heart io boating all tho wlula ;
I 'm euro, quite auro. ho love* me hort of all
Machine Made.
I More of truth than poetry will he fetuut iu
the following:]
A carpenter'* duty i* plain;
A oohl4er for food sell* hi* sole;
Ttie Ittrt'cr. who's ne'er ,-rw**e.t the main
f . Stall pusee* from pole unto pols:
The brick-maker. bloodthirsty elf.
To kiln * l>eeii addicted of old:
Tlie pilferer goes for the pelf;
An elder's a* efl young as old;
Tlw weathercock-maker* are vam
Of thq vune* they e\| to the I4ast s
The hrtkisr* man ne'er wdl refrain
From "blowing hie *xic* to the Is*I;
A lawyer's existence i* hi icf .
A printer 'gainst i ice shoahl l-e proof.
The hiuider will *mv come to grief
Who commence* n> huili *t the voof ■.
The nuller make* miß from mil!*;
!i alt trade* can moi . v lie maie.
Itut i>c*v*i*per* si.ffei fona hill*
Which seldom or never are psud.
The story of a Singular tha meter.
On a drive with Home friend* over
Pomfret Hills, Ct.. the other dav, wo
called on a singular character—a rnsn
who is 80 year* old, who is deaf, dumb
ami Mind. Whether ho would have
boon dmuh or not had he Invn bloMd
with the sense of hearing, it is impossi
ble to tell, luit his glimmerings of in
tellect are evidently rather feeble. The
man is a,-11 developed physically ;is of
ordinary bight ; has a stout thick neck,
and looks strong :uid robust ; has never
eaten anything but milk ; has never
tasted w iter uor a particle of food but
nnlk. Thirtv years oil clear milk, ami
with a neck like an ox, ami apparently a
muscular system to corresjnind. Can
we say now that milk is for babies and
calves, and not for strong men. This
man had a full set of strung double
teeth clear round, and every one of
them had to he pulled out, as he tore
his clothes to pieces with there. As he
didn't use them to chew milk with, he
probably thought he must make some
Use of them, as they were evidently
made for something, and his clothes
furnished excellent material on winch to
exercise them.
Another peculiarity of '.iiis strange
being is that through all his life long he
has chewed a rag— or rather, I should
say. has gummed it since his strong
teeth were taken from him. From in
fancy his mother has had to place u rag
in hie mouth as soon as be b>ul taken
his food. She said he gave her no
peace till ahe put it back. He distin
guished stranger * from the neighbors
and those whp had visited him before.
I took hold of his hand and h • took it
in belli of his and seemed to lie consid
ering: then he pawed his hand np the
length of my arm, ami patted his head
ami chest and made a singular gut tend
noise. His mother s.iid that was his
way of expressing joy—of allowing that
he was pleased. His principal enjoy
ment seems to consist in having his
mother get through with her work and
sit down ly his ride. He hns a swing
in the room, in which he spends a good
part of the time swinging. Sometimes
when his mother steiw ont, he will look
the door so that tuie can't get buck
again, which shows he has some
wit about him, or trickery at least. He
is always very wakeful at night, and
rouses his mother ont of bed many
timea in the night. She says he has
lived thus without a good night's rest
for 30 years, with the exception of
(Saturday and Sunday nights.
Every Saturday night he calms down
like a lamb, aud keep* that night
and all the Sunday after in the strict
letter of the old " blue laws " of Con
necticut. His mother attributes this
hebdomadal to the fact that she change*
his clothes on Saturday night. But it
is probably owing to the mere fact of
change from the ordinary routiae. This
slight ripple of change ia a change to
him, ana the rest a sort of weekly land
mark in the dreary, monotonous blank
of his life. Perhaps through the cloud
and mist of his vacant mind he welcomes
this slight ripple, snd thus in his twor
way computes the fiight of time. What
meaneth it to such a mind as this ? To
wake and sleep, to draw the breath, to
take a pint of milk. The snn goes
round, the seasons change, but naught
of this knows he. Sntions arise and
nations fall—'tis the same to him. One
dreary round, forever blank—will death
improve his state ? The bird that flies,
•lie fish that swim*, baa better life than
Ijovc Lore.
January.—The Ist of January ia one
ml the earli<st days in the year voa can
take a wrife on, if yon want to. If yon
really want,two, though, yon can't, lie
cause it is not legal.
February.-Feathered songsters choose
their mates. This month they pick
them, presently they will peck them.
Go thou and do likewise.
March.—Don't Wlievc the woman
who says she will give you'her heart
this mouth. It ia not given—it's Lent!
ApriL—The Ist is All-Fool's Day.
This is the dsv to make promises of
marriage, and accept accommodation
bills. Go it!
May.—Trusting maidens, don't W
lieve in a chimney-sweep's suit this
month! The fellow will most likely
wash it all off on May-day.
June.—The longest day occurs this
month. Take care it doesn't come in
the latter end of your honey-moon.
July.—Every dog has his day this
month. Bachelor dog-days are nnm-
August.—The first mail, 1784 ! Poor
SeptemWr. Michaelmas - day this
month. Wise geese keep close.
OctoWr. —Old Michaelmas-day used
to fall on the 11th of this month.
Hoary-headed and unmarried old gand
ers chuckle at the thought of their es-
November.—Mothers of large families
should get their Guvs off their hands, if
possible, this month.
DecemWr.—lf yon have net lieen
hooked Wfore midnight on the 31st, yon
are safe for this year at least.
Odor of Kattlesnakc*.
A writer in Chain her'* Journal, refer
ring to the peculiar and offensive odor
given forth from the lxxly of a rattle
rtxake when the reptile is enraged, re
calls a remarkable instance of escape,
which may be credited to a knowledge
of this met, coupled, however, with
presence of mind, which fully attones
lor the rashness of the act which called
it into exercise. Dr. Hamiltyn Ko,
having opened a box directed to the su
perintendent of the Zoological Gardens,
London, put his hand under the layer
of dry moss which appeared, to see what
was there. He touched something alive,
and the emcil told him it was a rattle
snake. Had he withdrawn his hand
rapidly, he would have been bitten to a
certainty, since the odor is only appa
rent when the animal is enraged.
Knowing this, he had the presence of
mind to stroke the reptile, wnicb allow
ed him to take his hand gently away.
So powerful and permanent is this oder
that, when a shake is irritated, and
made to bite the rake or hoe with which
it is intended to kill him, the implement
often retains the odor for months.
The man King, who confessed himself
the murderer of Pook at Greenwich,
England, has been found insane and dis
Historical and lYr-onal.
Lnuia XIV. wa in 1691 not much In
born! the prime of life, ami ho w atill
tti ail Uio strength of In* glory. Ho
wa fifty-three yearn eld, ami undoubt
edly at Uio head of Kuropo, Spuiu 1h
tug decadent, Ucrduuiy divided, and
England only Iwgitinuig hor reaction
against Uio vassnlsgc of t'harles 11. and
hi* hrothor, nmlor Uio leadersbiii of
William of Orange. Ho hud gained all
the im|H>rtant triumph* wliioh had giv
en him the title of " Ureal," ami the
taiut of found iu aome of which lut* Wen
so bitterly expiated by France in our
own time. He aa* mooter of French
Plunder*. Fruueho-Couite, ami Burgun
dv. lie had inflicted horrible authoring*
upon Holland ami tleriuany. He had
taken Luxeml*>urg, *ttleu Straabnrg,
and bought (otaal. Hi* ambition was
. known to la- *ttll nuaati*tVed ; hi* de
sign* llpm the Spanish crown were fore
seen ; and henee Europe was now en
gaged in tho confederacy which *hook
hi* kingdom to its foundation*, ami
prepared humiliation for hi* gloomy old
age. The influence of the men of gen
iua (hi* support of whom constituted
his oharni iu the eve* of Voltaire) was
still unrivaled, although some of the
greatest >f them had pe*ed away. Hi*
(wrsoual deopotiam retained all its uu
tiueationed ascendancy, ami was >ne of
the dangerous legaoie* which he left to
his family and to Fnuue. Iu private
life Uio kiug had n>w become what we
may call a respootable sinner, ami was
gradually sliding into a ouasi-devout
condition—half conventional, half foun
detl on fear of the devil—under Uie
adroit management of Madame de Main
tenou. That ladv had lawn a respecta
ble sinner herself, and was a penitent
after his Majesty's own fashion, having
passed from a decorous demirep into n
private Unacknowledged wife, and add
ed to the perfumes of Versailles a tinge
of holy water. She ruled over Louis'
passion of religious fear, as the Valliere,
the Moutespan, the Fontunges had over
another passion, and, as far as we eau
**•**, with quite as little excuse.
by calculation, amusing by study, with
the cunning of Becky Sharp varniahed
over with the gravity of a court which
was always pompous in its gayest times,
she suited the mature Louis admirably.
And she got her re wan I for betraying
the Moiitesjmn, persecuting tho Protes
tants, deserting Fenelon, and so forth—
not the declaration of marriage which
she hoped, bnt the privilege of nursing
a morose, melancholy, disappointed,
and meanly-timid old man, round whose
nook she hail bung relics probably as
false as her cores**'*, ami whom she tied
from forever when he had the death
nit Ue iu his throat. Of all the mis
tresses of Loui* XIV., we confess that
the one we like least is the legal one.—
The Farmer's Vocation Perpetual.
We need not fear that the human race
will ever cease to nave a delight in the
cultivation of land—the raising of grnin
ami fruits---in planting trees. Men al
ways did delight iu the pleasure of ag
riculture. It has IH-011 the chosen pur
suit of the ablest and wisest men in all
age*. The pleasure* of the husbandman
have been the theme of j**-t* oml ora
tors in every language ami in every
laud. These pleasures, Cicero tells us.
an- not checked by any old age, ami
make the nearest approach to the life of
a wise man. And he tells us that Homer
introduces Laertes, soothing the n-gn-t
which he felt for his sou, by tilling the
land and maun ring it. Mareu* Cur l us,
after he had triumphed over the bsm
nites, over the Sabines, over Pyrrhus,
spent the closing period of h:* existence
in agricultural pursuits. Cinoiunatu*
was at the plow when it was announced
to him that he was made Dictator.
"God Almighty," says Lord Bacon,
"first planted a gar-leu; and indeed it
is the purest of pleasures; it is the
greatest refreshment to the spirits of
man, without which buildings
laccs are but gross handiworks. Addi
son savs a garden was the first habitation
of our first parents la-fore the fall. It is
naturally apt to fill the mind with calm
ness ami tranquility, and to lay all its
turbulent passions at rest. The philo
sopher Boangbroke was never so nappy
Pope tells us, as when among the hay
makers on his farm. Asnl not alone in
the refinements of rural life will there
be an interest. Fanners hold the world
together. There may be year* when
thev seem to be of less consequence.
Trade or manufacturers may allure some
of them for a time. But there will ever
l>e latent in every man's breast a hope
to end his days on a farm.
An E-saj I'pon torrect brnmuiur.
A searcher after trntli writes to ask us
which is grammatically correct, to say,
'• the house ia building," or "the house
is being built;" " the street ia paving."
or " the street is Wing pavel ?' - There
ia a wide diversion of opinion upon this
subject ; but we are inclined to favor
" ia Wing built," for the following rea
sons ; Suppose yon want to express an
other kind of an idea, would you say,
for instance, " Johnny is spanking," or
" Johnny is Wing spanked ?" The dif
ference to yon may aeein immaterial,
but it is a matter of considerable im
portance to Johnny ; and it probable
that if any choice were given him, he
would select the former alternative.
You assert, we say, that " Hannah is
hugging,"'which, by the way, would W
s very improper thing for Hannah to do,
it would W positively scatididoiia, in
deed. I*recisely a similiar idea ia con
veyed if you say, " Hunnnh is Wing
hugged," because it ia a jieeulinritv of
the act that it ia hardly ever one-sided ;
there is no selfishness about it. And it
is the asma with kissing. " Jane is
kissing," is jnst exactly as if we should
aav, "Jane ia Wing kissed; and the
sensation is the same. It will not be
necessary, however, for our corresjsin
dent to attempt to prove this lnat men
tioned fact bv practice. He must take
our own word for it. UnleM he does so,
we alioll answer no more questions in
Syntax for him or any one else. Our
duty to conserve the morula ml the com
munity, not to start jieople to playing
private games of Oopenhagen.
The girls in the first class of the High
School in Portland, Maine, have made
a decided movement in favor of sim
plicity in dress. The class, between
thirty and forty in number, have al
most" unanimously agreed to adopt for
school wear dresses of plain, substantial,
and inexpensive material. Fanciful
ornaments and jewelry are to be used
onlv to a limited extent, which is speci
fied and fully understood by the girls.
Many pupils in the lower classes are
following their example. Any move
ment to cause the young girls in Amer
ica to dress simply is worthy of highest
commendation. It is painful to see
those who are fresh and young, and who
are ostensibly occupied in gaining an
education, so dressed as to show plainly
that their thoughts are largely speut
upon outward adornments.
Wc heard this with surprise ; but as
is was not to be accounted for on ordin
ary principles, we could hardly believe
the fact as he related it, much less give
any account of it, unless he should
please to make the experiment be- 1
fore us, which we were unwilling
be should do, Jest in his weak condition
he might carry it too fur. He continu
ed to talk very distinctly and sensibly
for about a quarter of an hour respeoi I
The tW of math.
The dread of death is universal ami
instinctive; and vet how many rush into
its arms * Suicide is s most impressive
fact in this connection. The disap
p*uutcd lover, the discouraged adventu
rer, Uie siinpeclcd elerk, the child
wounded in it* self-love or fearful puu
tehiucut, faces Uie great enemy and in
vite* his blow. Every now ami thou
the coiutuunitv is shocked by suicides
so unprovoked and so frequent a* al
most to |**nmade us that tho natural
fear of death i* p-*ing sway. Tho in
cousi*toucv l* easily explained. I ami
llacou auyn Uicrc i* no |*u>*iou thai wdl
not overmaatcr the terror of death. For
(Mtsaiou l* thoughtless; occupied wholly
with an immediate Buffering, it ui*k< *
lto estimate of any other kiud of pain ;
absortieU in an instankineou* sorrow-, it
tak*-* no other airm* into account. The
litiml entertains but sue paasiou ut n
time, whether it IKI joy or fear. But
men arc not always or generally under
the influence of passion. Ordinary life
l* cnlui, calculating, con*id<- rate, and it
is to ordiuary life that death is so terri
ble. It is the thought of death is terri
ble, uot death. Iteutb is gentle, pcac*'-
ful, painless; instead ef bringing suffer
ing, it bring* an end of Mift'ermg. It is
misery's cure. Where death is, agony
is uot. The prv*<e*ae* of death uie ail
friendly. Fhe Hear asjKVt of death I*
gracious. There i* a picture some
where of a fearful face, livid and g!u*t
ly, which Uie beholder gaze* on with
horror, and would turn away from, but
for a hideous fascination that not only
rivets his attention, but draw* him elm
ser to it. On upproaelung Uie picture
the hidtHiUKiies* disnpficars, ami when
direcUv confronted it i n>t any more
*oeu; the face ia the face of an angel.
It i* a picture of death, and the object
of the artist wan to impress the idea
that the terror of death is in apprehen
sion. .Theodore Parker, whose obser
vation of death was very large, has said
he never saw a }*-r*on of any lielief,
condition or experience, unwilling to
die when the time came ; and my own
more limitc*! observation confirm* the
trutli of the remark. l>eath is an ordi
nance of nature, and lik* every ortli
nanee of uatnre is direct**! bv benefi
cent law* to tieueficeiit ends. What
must be, l* mads welcome. Xeeeeaity
i* beautiful.
Poor People.
There are various kinds of poverty.
Pcojde perishing with famine an* poor.
People that cannot procure fuel IU the
winter, nor sufficient clothing far
warmth and comfort, an- poor,- People
that are coiu}K-lled by their circumstan
ce* to live in squalid ai-nrtineut*, iu ill-
Ventiluted alley*, arc poor. People thai
are infirm in health, and need a warmer
climate and have no means to go away
with, are poor. These are poor iu their
own view, and iu the view of all man
kind. People may In- said to Is- abso
lutely poor, too, whose intellectual na
tures have begun their development,
and yet who cannot procure !>ook*, or
access to libraries, or entrance into
schools aud college*. But, after all, it
is "style" that inakas many people js>or:
the show in which other people live.
The house that was well enough furnish
ed before, becomes mean when the next
iicighlKir furnishes her roouis with more
expense and elegance. Bricks or wood
weru good enough, till another's brown
stone front went up. And the sidewalk
ami the hone-cars would answer .very
well, till a neighbor's horses pranced
along the street, with glittering hnrw-Hs
and glanciug wheels, ami a black coach -
uiau with silver buttons drove ap to tin
door. Aud the same is true in circum
stance* of mncli humbler degree. Con
tent is known to live in the cottage, but
takes its leave after it has once visited
the " mansion." "Style" is the world
iu many people's thought*. I* uot this
arrant follv, good people ? Is our own
house the less comfortable because that
of our neighbor is larger ? Are our own
blessings the less appreciable because
his apparent!? outnumber them? Oot
ujsin such folly ! The strong-minded
ami the wise never find themselves poor,
however small their means am] however
cultivat•*] their tastes may lie. The
world of God's rreatiou is so much
larger, so much fuller, so much more to
them, than nny work which man can
create, that they never have a want be
yond their maan*. Cannot yon l-c as
wise as thev ?
11M- Pwtlrpatien of tka Buffalo.
Secretary Delano take j a new and in
structive new of the i|Tcation of the
i>ros]>cetive extirpation of the him in.
With a heart loan uiaregajd of the rights
of the noble sportsmen, who feel tliat
thev hare lived in vain if they have not
proved their valor hv < hnsiug buffalo
cowa on the alojH-a of the R*cky Moun
tains, he suggests that the sooner the
game ia disposed of the tMtter for civili
zation. His argument ia that the In
diana will eoutiuue more or leaa intract
able while the liunting-gronuds remain;
bat, aa they Iwvome convino*d that they
can no longer rely njam the supply of
game for their support, they will turn
to the more equable aource of subsist
enoe furnished at the ageneiea, ami en
deavor to live ao tliat the supply will lie
regularly dispensed. Stripped of ita
verhiage, this meana simply that the
only way to civilize the red man ia to
atarve him into anhmiaaion. However
philanthropists mav regard tliia sugges
tion, it ia underlaid hv aontething more
then a modicum of truth. With a few
exceptional cases, auch aa the Cherokee*
nnd Creeks, the Indiana have shown no
di*|>oaitiou to abandon their vagrant
hahita; but, following the wild herds
from which they have derived their sul>-
aiatenoe for centuriea, they hnve wan
dered westward year by year before the
white man's advance, preferring to pick
up a scanty, cluuise subsistence, rather
than to stoop to manual labor. Thus
binon and savage are travelling rapidly
the road to extinction; nnd the child ia
horn to whom both will he almost as
much an object of curiosity in our
country aa the eleplwnt ia now.
Mill: I'aint. —ln Every Man Hi* (hvn
I'aintrr we find the following : " For
painting in rooms where the smell of
oil of turpentine would be objectionable
a preparation may le mode n* follows :
Take eight ounces of freshly slacked
lime and mix it in an earthen vessel
with three quarts of skimmed sweet
milk. In another vessel mix three and
a half pounds of Paris white with three
pints of the milk. When three mixtures
are well stirred up put them together
and add six ounces of linseed oil. Mix
these well and it will be ready for use.
This preparation is equal to oil paint,
and is excellent for walls and ceilings.
Any shade may be made by t)o addition
of dry pigments."
The latest pets which the Purisini
ladies affect are monkeys. Those
charming little animals are to take the
place of the inevitable poodle, and are
said to take kindly to the attention and
affection lavished upon them. They
are adorned by dainty silver collars but
on their walks are left unchained, us
each " respectable monkey is attended
by two footmen, who guide his wayward
steps and keep him within the bounds
of the civilization of which he may one
day. form a part. We do not know
whether Mr. Darwin, or a (jeak of
fashion is to be thanked for this trans
fer of affections.
Tried aud True.
The inexhaustible romance of ctuigra
turn, of which in umderu days our coun
try is almost alwuys the objective |*tait,
lnis it* latest recorded illustration ai u
ouict little st#rv recently nuulo public
tnrvitgli the circunistaiicea of it* grutt
fying taiuclusiuti-
Hcvcral years ago, in one of the mid
land counties <>f England, the sou of a
l*>or clergyman became einuoored of a
young lady named MUM, who lived IN
tsmdou, but was nt that time paining
the summer with her aunt, one of tlu>
minister'# parialiioiicr. Miss M<** was
most graciously dii*ise*l toward her
rural adorer, uud us ue was n gentleman
by birth and a welcome guest in the
nio*t resectable country house* the *o
ciety of the village recoguircd, there
was no incompatibility in the affair.
l'|M>n her return to Loudon, however,
(lie young lady, whose father an* a
wealthy merchant, received *o little
sympathy from her family in the affair
of the heart which she had to disclose to
them, that she felt impelled to write
rather diaconnolately to her lover on the
subject; nml when he, ujsin hastening
to the metropolis to present himself, was
received witli lvjicllunt eolilueaa bv the
parent*, the prospect for the lover*
seemed uupreiiusiug enough.
Not to be thus dismiaaed, though, the
clergyman'* *■ 'U obtained a private in
terview with the reluctant merchant,and
stoutly asked why he was not eligible
for the nlluuiee he desired. The blunt
answer was that hi* worldly circum
stances were not suitable. He was jxx.r
tutd likely to remain so, and should se-k
a wife adapted to his means. 1 teeming
the concluding piece of advice gratu
itous, the lover took leave of the father
with no great cordiality; but upon bid
ding adieu to Ins lady-love, u*krd her
very earnestly if she would promise to
wait for him until he should have gained
for himself the means and jsisitiou ee
essary to change the parental decision.
The answer was as affirmative a* earn
est, and, without further explanation,
the rejected suitor mud a hurried good
by. Mi** Mo>>* heard no more of him
until nearly thn-e months thereafter,
when a letter bearing an American
niark mnozid her with the information
that he hud crossed the Atlantic to *-ck
the npi*iinted fortune, ulel had high
kojH-a of soliciting the fulfillment of her
promise iu alxutt two veara.
A half-brother of lii# father was a
uieroinuit ai Leavenworth, Kansns, and
had ga.iti him countenance and g-iieral
a**i*t.vnce bv which he was sanguine
that he could not (ail to speculate *ue
ci i-iully in city paoperty. Only let her
remain (oitlifu! to lam and ill two y.-*i*
her father should tK-e him in lamdon
again with plenty of money in In* pock
et*. She answered appropriately, with
a faith in the future a* unworldly u* his
own, aud from thenceforth their letters
passed i irk other ou the ocean by every
The story of American fortune-making
by immigrant* h* not much variety.
Occasionally the dmun i at leant prt
ly realize*!, but a* u general thing de
ferred hope IK the burden of the *oug.
The young Knglialimau iu Ku*ii* won
always j lint alMiiit to il<> la tter, but the
titue of actual golden consummation
neti r eliauce.l n> c<me. .Two year* ami
three yearn and four rolled on, and at ill
he rcmaiu"d ou thia aide of the "en and
wrote hojnful lett* r. I hiring thin time
hi- father, the clergyman, dled, leaving
an rotate w lueam*' to the widow ami
daughter that the exile could not think
of going back to hi* old home n* poor
an when he left. Hnt the father of Si Ikk
Mo>s departed this life also, and about
three mouth* ago the truc-hearti*! heir
er * wrote to her finally dexjamding lov
er that, n* he conhl not go to her, ahe
had decided to eome to him.
Accordingly, the spirit***! young lady,
di*r>*gnriliiig the still urgent objectiona
of lier kimlml, ami leaving a Ixmdou
borne of luxurv ami refinement, cross*-d
tin* Atlantic alone, an*l on Sunday last
arrive*! at a hotel in I/eaveiiworth, wh*r'
her yet iinjux-nnions lover was to, and
of course did, m***t her. Tin y were
married on tin* saun* day, atnl it fiiay IM*
added, that tln-ir journey will be bark
to the old country. A serious tenijs*r
nry sacrifice was involved, of course, in
tin* fair voyager's IM11 trip to tin* coun
try oil such an errand; but, n* already
noted, *lie is now an heiress; her array
of traveling trunk* is *q*ok*-n of us sonn*-
tliing wonderful, and the reunited lov
ers will return to their native laml, as
husband and wife, in tin* glow of a ro
innnee to which riclies will give all nec
essary gentility.
Kli IVrkin* ui defect lir Hue*.
It pains me to hear of MI lunny pe*iple
being hum**!, on account of elevator*
and defective fiues. Tin* other day 1
laid a plan lwforc the Fire 1 nspcctors,
which, if carried out. will remedy the
When 1 called on the Imqieetor of
Ruildings, Mr. McGregor was trving
s*mie experiments w-ith Professor Ryn
dall. They were trying t*i il>*tro*-t the
heat from the fire, MI lU* t*i leave tin* fire
perfectly harmless, while the heat is to
be carted off in flour barrels !> supply
ctHiking-stoves. Tlu-n they trieil experi
ments in eonrentrating water. t> bo
need in the engines in ens*- of a drouth.
The hitter experiment proved eminently
successful. Twelve barrel* of water
w* re cvnjio rated down t<> n gill, and this
w:m s*-al*'<l in a small phial, to 1M- diluted
ami 11****1 to put out fire* iu eases where
no ('rotoii wnter can he had. In some
raa<*H the water is to Is* evnjsirsted and
concentrated till it becomes a fine dry
ixivdrr, ami this can We carried around
in Ilu* vest jmM'ket of tin* firemen, ami is
t<i 1 ><• blown ii|Mn the fire through tin
horns—that is, it is to extinguish the
lire in a horn.
1 examined the powderizod water with
great interest; took a horn—in Ins
hands—and pro**eed<**l to elucidate my
plan for constructing fin'-flues. I then
told them how the holes of tlia flues
should lu* constructed of solid east inui
or other non-combustible material and
then cold corrugated iron, without any
ajiertnres, poured around them.
"Wonderful!" *xclainied Professor
Tvndnll and Mr. McGregor in a breath,
"nut where will voa pine*' the flues,
Mr. Perkins?"
"My idea," I replied, drawing n
diagram on the wall-paper with a piece
of charoon!, "is to have these flues
in every instnnee located in the adjoin
ing house."
" Magnifleent! but how about the ele
vator ?"
" Why, after putting them in the next
house too, I'd seal them up water-tight
aud fill them with cotton and let it
freeze. Then I'd turn them Imtlom
siile np, and if they eaught fire the
flames would only draw down it into the
The lending actors at the New York
theaters are hy no means bodlv paid.
John Brougham has a weekly salary of
9000, and a handsome income besides
from his many plnvs ; Mrs. John Wood
gets SOOO ; Rose Horace, 9600 ; Stuart
liobson, 9160. These nre nt the Grand
Opera House. At the Fifth Avenue
Tneater Miss Davenport ( whom Bonci
cault pronounces one of the liest light
eomeuy actresaeß of the day) gets 9150;
George Clark 125 ; James Lewia, 9125;
Plessy Mordauut 9KO ; Jenny Lee, 900;
Emily Weatayer 50. There are very
many others receiving salaries ranging
from S3O to 900 u week. Most of these
are prudent, maney-aaving people, regn
, lax visitors at the savings-banks.
Hluki'n uu Trial.
Tilt* trial of Edward H. Ht<>kri, fur the
murder of James Flsk, Jr., ww ruUlnwl
in the Court of Oyer ami Teriuim r, In -
fore Juilgc |lt>*rilui*ii. Til® prisoner
hIIMM-lf WM placed Oil till* Hlttllll oil Ilia
ow it In-half, and hi* examination lusted
all duv. He explained at length the
circumstances of hi* business relation#
with Fiak, their Biilnnnjueiit litigation*,
uiid the various legal proceeding* which
nro- front them, lie nurruted the pro
gress of the lil>el suit instituted ugumat
Flsk to .loKeJillllie Mansfield, and hav
ing stilted how he left York*ill® Police
t'ourt on the morning of the shooting,
lie detallsd his subsequent movement*
up to the time of lii* arrival at the
(iraiul Central Hotel. He was induoed
to enter the hotel by seeing a lady in
the window UIKIV® he thought lie recog
nised us u friend he met ut Saratoga
•luring the previous summer, and he
endeavored, hut without success, to
bring a friend, Mr. Bailey, with bint.
After entering the hotel lie found that
the lady was not the person whom he
supposed, uud he turned to go away; he
had got down three or four steps, when
he *aw Kisk inside the second door;
Fink pulled Ins pistol out, and witness
sprang to the l-!t to la- out of riuige.
The witness hen- dest-rils-d Flsk as hold
ing his pistol with laith hands, and said
he immediately U*k his pistol out of his
right-hsud eat pocket, slid tired, bisk
cried " <Mi " at the first shot, and at the
second lie turned jmrtly around and
said he was shot, and sceltled to drop
his pistol; had no premeditation to kill
Fisk, and had no tiuie to think; saw
Flsk # pistol distinctly, and Imliered Ins
own life to 1H- HI danger and he instant
ly took out his own pistol, cocked it,
and fir-d as rapidly as possible, aiming
at Fiak, but not thinking of killing, and
not taking any particular aim. He de
uied the testimony of Thomas Hart that
he crouched a if waiting for some one,
olid UeVer Useil the wonls, " NoW 1 have
you;" did nut go into the ladies' parlor,
ami dropped hi# pistol sot there, but at
the head of the stairs, did not say " 1
have just come in;" Fi#k did not iden
tify lain as the man who shot him, but
sitiiplv said, when lie w* confronted
with him, "That is Mr. Htokes, Wit
ness deacriliod tllst 1 i*k Was a desper
ate, uuserupuloiia, vindictive man; that
he had made threats against his life,
ami, in cou#eiueuoe of these threats, he
was always apprehensive of violence
through la* agency; Fisk boosted to lam
thrft his touch was cold ami i-lammy,
that it was dangerous to cruea him, ami
that iKinuon 11. Eaton would not
trouble lam any more. He deuied the
testimony of I'arker that he said " Fik
was a black-tnailer, ami that he
would shoot him;" he had no acquaint
ance with Barker, and the statement
wa an invention. He repeated the ev
idence cnuceriiiug the cast* given nt the
last trial, ami was then subjected to a
severe cross-examination.
One lie-nit of Housekeeping
Nothing rob one of that sort of
iierwoual vanity which youth IK K> apt U>
feel HO Hooti aa keeping house. If one
never did that, it might le that the
vaiu-glorioUK iilea that it IK a great thing
to lie the identical I which one happen*
to be, would never la- properlv inodi
fied ; but a abort experience of bouao*
keeping prove* conclusively that one IK
only of importance Mvmuiof to one'*
relation to each < .ther folk.
There is a potato mall who plainly
thinks that if yon do not take potatoc*
of him your mission on earth remains
unfulfilled. There is an ice company
winch feels that your deal my i* to bur
ice. There is a gas company, to which
yon are nntnlver twenty-four, Mich a
street, ami can only prove your identity
bv depositing a certain sum of money
iu the cximpaiiy's ham!*.
You are " the )M-IAOII that is Wing
painted" to the painter ; and hi* notion
SxHvwnea literally true, if you cuter your
domicile in a hurry, forgetful of his |<>t*
ami brushes. You nrc so much meat s
w.-ck t<> the butcher, and so many
dollars a month to the cook.
In yourself you an- nothing—aad or
glad, tired, tormented, er iu a state of
Wsutitndr, it matters not to any of
these people. You are the lug machine
that winds the house up, winds fond and
furniture into it, and winds money out
to pay for it all.
(11l for the golden dream* of early
voiith, when dinner was as natural a
blessing a* sunrise, and one never
thought where the tin pan* ami tea
kettle ean. from ; when, in a white
dress and blue saah, one could r*'|*sc
ll|Htn a sofa, heedless of the rattle of iCe
ra rt wheels or the howl of the milkmen,
unconscious of the awful days ahead,
when everi new arrival of the sort would
IM* succeeded by a howl for " missus,"
ami when one would W responsible for
the sweetness of the butter, and the
plentifulness of the green isa at that
enrlv season when tliey shell out small
I.r,Uj< r.
The Find Carpet.
1 was *nee very mneli ainii***l st an
nn*cil<>te an old preacher told of him
self. It IMY tired some sixty or seventy
Tear* ago. He had l*eii rniM**l in the
hnckwonds, and knew but little of the
wars of the world. Having been ad
mitted into conference he was sent to a
cir* nit, and IIJKUI a certain occasion was
invited to dine with a wealthy man.
CarjM*!* were not near so common
then a* they ere now. Most people had
their floors scoured very clean, and nice
white sand sprinkled over them. l'hia
wealthy man with whom the young
preacher dined, however, lisd a carjet ;
Suit it Was not large enough to cover the
FIIM*r, so their was a naked space all
around the room alMiut thr width of a
chair. It WHS llii* first carpet the
preacher had ever s***n, and he thought
that it would not do to step on it; so he
took n seat near the wall anil drew hia
f***<t around on either aide of hi* chair,
so as not to touch it.
After u while ii servant came in, and
spreading down n piece of linen in the
middle of the room, placed the dining
ttilile on it and began to set it. The
preacher was greatly troubled ; he did
not know how he was to get from the
miked plaee where he eat to the piece of
linen on which the table stood. He
knew he could easily jump it if he had
a fair chance ; but flow was lie to man
age with the chair between his feet he
diil not know. Hut then the thing must
be done someway; so, when dinner was
announced, he rose from his chair, and
summoning all his energies, lie made a
desperate lonp, and to his great joy,
miule the trip in safety.
Krlr Spcrulntion*. —J ay (build, just
previous to the HosUm fire, says a reli- j
able New York authority, sent a prom
inent Hroad street speculator to London,
with letters of credit to s large amount,
and orders to quietly buy calls upon an
immense number of shares. The stock
in New York had been depressed by
Gould about 1(1 per cent., and was made
to look very weak on purpose to induce
the English speculators to sell calls at
cheap rates. No telegrams were sent
by cable, for fear of the operation leak
ing out, and the market for Erics was
kept down until the return of the Now
York agent, who came back by the
steamer City of Brussels two weekH ago.
' When the culls were all secured the
trap was sprung and Erie shares ran up
10 jer cent, within two days. Gould a
profit in the London market nre esti
mated at $5,000,000.
Disaster# of the Year I**2.
It is lamentable that, as if to make up
for the absence of war the year 1H72 was
one of almost profound pence—storms,
flood*, earthquakes, fires, railroad
collisions, aasasiuatifn# *l*uudcd iu
all part# of the world, and carried off a
great number of people.
Kttrlkquakf, h'tmxls, itr.---January t
there were violent thunder-atoms, with
shock of eurihquake, iu England: 16th,
the great earthquake at Huiemacha,
Caucasus, occured, killing 137 people,
wounding 11, ami destroying the city;
26th, there were reported terrible flc*i#
in England which caused immense losses
of property. The next day l gall the
famous suow blockade on the Northern
Pacific Hailroad. The part of
Jaiiuary and the liegiuutng of February
were extremely cold, ami many persona
in the Northwest died of exposure.
February 8, three |*eraoits were killed iu
I tell by eliortaona suow slides, 2,000
f.M iu height; the 14th, a frightful
storm iu the Northwest, 8110 cam Idock -
aded, and many person# reported as
perishing froiu cold. March 3d, suo*
drifts were reported in Nova Scotia
thirty feet deep; 2fth and following
day*! 7,000 shocks of earthquake were
felt iu California, l,3oomiles of country
were shaken, forty jieople killed, ami
4(1 wounded. Oaxaca, Mexico, was vis
ited by uu earthquake which destroyed
part f the city on tiie 27. April 3, j
Antioch, Syria, was destroyed by an
earthquake," by which 2,000 person#
were killed; Bth, a great flood in the
Ohio River by which 125 boats were
sunk. An eruption of Vesuvius—the
most terrible for two centuries—occur
ed on the 25th to the 27th, causing the
death of 200persona. June Bth, a great
tornado occured iu Ohio, bv which 160
houses were blown down ami 80 person#
more or less injured. The summer in
the Northern States was charartt-nicd
bv tiie lute use heat which occured at
sliort intervals and coutiuucd long.
The first snow fell at lllaudford, Mass.,
on the 3lst at August. September 28,
Osceola, Ark., was nearly destroyed by
u hurricane, and on the following <lay
then- were great gales and immense lows
of property on the lake*. October 24th,
disastrous freshets on the river I'o iu
Italy rendered6o,(KM families homeless.
On November 13 and 14 terrible gales
in the Baltic and North seas, eighty '
ship* and hundreds of lives reported
lost; tiie damage between (2,000 000 and
(3,00(1,000; 26th, great gale# ou the
F.uglish coast, causing great damage,
lieeember 4, the Po was again (busied;
Htli to 19th, hurrtcaue in England and
Irelatul, towns flooded and 449 lives 1
rt |s>rt<*l l<N>t in t*u day*; 19th, the Heme
overflowed and Paris was partly under
w uter; 22m1, the greatest inundation of
the Tluunew in twenty yeara ieeured at
Loudon; 26th, great a now-storm in N-w
York, travel almost #fcoppd. Tiie
following days the atorm continued in
the West.
h'uilrtnid at'. —A railroad train
at Upper Alton, 111., wa* teleon|ted on
February 7, wvru person* killed and
tbirteen wonuded; June ±l, an accident
on the (iraud Trunk Km 1 road at Belle
ville. Ontario, scalded aixty-flveperwou*.
of whom twenty-tlrree died; Itiwrnler
21. twenty person* kille*! and forty
wounded by an ac*mlent at lorry, I'a.;
the following day three jx-raona were
killed and aeveut-en woniidii! by an ac
cident nor IndintiapoliK, J ml.
/Ir**.—March 4, SI.<100,(100 tin iu
Philadelphia; 'JOtli, lius*eldorf Art Gal
lery, Germany, destroyed: 191b, Javne's
building and "five printingoAcea i I lnla
delphiai burned down; lo*, g1,000,000,
July 5. 1,000 houses iu Constantinople
burned; JOth, great petroleum Are at
Hunter's Point, L I.; loaa, $1,500,000.
August 12, a cotton factory in Geneva,
Switzerland, burned; loaa, $2,000,000.
September .'l, part of Canterburv Cathe
dral burned; nth, 12<<houses in iScroatx,
Switzerland, burned. October 2, the
Esctirial, in Spain, damaged by fire
ean*ed by lightning. November 0-10,
the great fire m Boston; more than
eighty acre* of ground were burned over;
twentv to thirty lives are reported lost,
and th* money value f the property
destroyed is estimated at more than
11 10,000,000. lh-cember 10, the Fifth
Avenue Hotel horror—eleven women
roasted to death; 24th, Barnum'a Mil
*eum destroy**! by fire; same afternoon,
fir** in Centiir street—seven lives lost.
of ,S'/i i/m. M*r**h 4, ship Great
Republic lost at sea. May 17, Cunarder
Tri|xdi wreck**! on west coast of Ireland.
June lfi, steamer Gaudevea exploded
her boilers in Marseilles harbor with a
loos of fifty-five lives. July 5, shir
Rothsay. from Calcutta, hist at sea with
seventeen persons. August 13, steamer
Bit * die Mil her voyage from N* York
to Aspinwall bnroed at sea, nineteen
live* lost ; 24th, steamship America
burned at Yokohama; loot $1,000,000
and several live* ; 31st, steamer Metis
lit HI the Sound ; fortv-eight |*ers**ns
kill***!. November id. eighty ships
ami hundreds of smaller vessels lost in
the Baltic and North seas from hurri
canes. December H-19, fifteen ships
driven ashore on the English and Irish
coast by n great hurricane; 443 lives
/>**< n*r* of J/'M nod Animiul*.—
January 1-#, 230 persona die*! of small-
JM.X in 'Philadelphia ; 12, small-pox RE
porUgl as spreoding in all part* of
England, Ireland ami Scotland. March
22. Miiall-jxix in New York and vicinity.
April <>, 43 persons rejiort***! as dying in
a week of small-pox in Montreal. June
11, cholera appears in Southern Russia.-
Week ending July fi, 1.M9 persons die*l
from the effects of the terrible h*st in
New York.; 19th, rinderpest attacks the
herds of England ; 20th, cholera spread
ing in Central and Southern Russia.
August 20, cholera in India and West
Russia. September 17, fatal cattle
plague npjM-nrs in Nevada. Ootolier 1,
the great horse-plague appear* in
Ontario, Can., ami in the two months
following i* is said to have attacked
5,0110,000 horses ; 10th, 3,000,000 per
sons are said to have died of famine and
plague in Persia ; 25th, 30,000 horses
iek of the cpiaootic iu New York—the
following days witnessed a great mor
tality among the sick ones; 30th,
cholera appears in East Prussia; Hun
gary, ami Ireland. November 2, the
horse-plague reaches England ; 3*l,
cholera in Vienna, Prague, and Berlin ;
IHth, 80.000 Russians have died since
J ntiunrv lof cholera.
February 5. iittempt
ed assassination of President 'iliiers by
shooting; Earl Mayo, Govcrnor-Gen
cral of India Hssassinateil at Port Royal
(Imlin) by n fanatical native! 29th,
attempted sssassination of Queen Vic
toria by a Fenian named O'Connor. July
18, attempt to assassinate the King and
Quen of Spain in the streets of Madrid.
MAN ANI> MOHKBT. Mr. Darwin has
written a new hook, the subject of
which is Thr HrprrmUtn of Emotion in
Man and Animal. For the purpose of
proving the connection between the two
species he states that both men and
apes " pout" and " turn the cold shoul
der" as an indication of displeasure.
And he tells how it is done, in order
that all jnveliue apes or hnmans who
like may practice the pont without mis
take. He says that " the pouting here
referred to consists of the protrusion of
both lips in a tubular form, sometimes
to such an extent as to project as far as
the end of the nose, if this be short,"
and that "pouting is generally accom
panied by frowning, and sometimes by
a booing or a whooing noise."
11l the ( ondemned ( ll
■ Edward H. Htokes, sentenced to death
i for the murder of Jumna Fiak, Jr., ia iu
cell No, 4, of the Tombs, in New York.
[ It is known as the condemned cell and ia
i on the ground floor of the oondemned
i , row. 'ln® cell ia stamt ten feet long by
aix in width The last occupant of the
j room was Foster, the car-book murder
er, who was removed to Ixetter ouarter
when the stay of proceedings iu his case
was granted. Home seventeen con
demned men have ixvupinl it since
]Nso,and the last occupant who suffered
| the extreme penalty of the law was the
, negro John 'Hiomas, executed sometime
more than a year ago. The cell looked
liare and cheerless enough yes ten lay,
' but will be carpeted ami lltlnl up for
the present occupant, who will be made
as comfortable as j*unable. It is se
curely fasteneil with a net work of iron
grating, the interstices of which will j
wwclv admit of the insertion of a j
man's Auger. It contained only a chair
at the rear end, on which was laid a
bundle of eiothing, another chair near
it,supporting a small black valise; a bed
near the door, and a small table directly
in the doorway. On the table was j
placed a bottle of cordial and a tumbler
with which the occupant occasionally j
refreshed himself. In his hand he held
a lead pencil, and ever and anon he :
would write a mysterious something
with it on the walls of hi# cell, and then
ceasing abruptly, would draw with the
pencil alwtrnctedly. In conversing with
the writer.of hi* case and bis prospects,
Htokes protested bitterly at tiie crowds |
of jieople that lined the streets yester- j
day morning as he drove from the j
Tomb# to the court-room to be senteue- j
ed. "One would think," said ha,"that I
the day was a holiday and that I was a j
procession." He also said that owing
to some strange idea entertained by the i
" prosecuting lawyers" that they were |
ia personal danger from him, he was
searched bv the officer# for aay weapon
that he might have about him ere he <
entered the court-mom yesterday. He j
indignantly disclaimed entertaining any
feeling of peisotuU hostility toward his ,
prosecutors, and aaid instead that he j
pitied them, l>eeauae he was convinocd !
that when they had fully recovered from 1
the excitement of the triaPthey will tie t
sorry that they have succeeded so well j
as thev have in their work.
" AH three men," said he, " were not .
only IBV lawyers at one time, but my j
persons! frienila, and though they have •
forgotten that fact now, they will re- !
memlier it hereafter. I teU you before ;
(Kid tliat I am happier to-day in my :
condemned cell than thorn- three tnen J
are out in the wride City of New York. j1
1 at least was Fiak's open enemy for i
years. Thev were tnv friends, my ad- j i
viaers, up till just a fittle while ago. I ; .
dare aav they mean nght enough, but <
they will find some day that they wen- j 1
ternblv mistaken. Bosch Ido not fee) ■
so badlv about. He gave me fair notice (
of a fight i though a rather sudden one), j
and what he ha* done since he has done i
openly. But FuUerton ha* striven to i
stab me in the dark, and Fellows lias •
acted as though he had never been t
under any obligations to me. Still I \
believe 1 owe the verdict against me t
more to Beach than to any one man. I t
hope be is well pai.l, for iiis money t
< this bitterly and with intense feeling i i
it will lie every dollar of it blood j i
tuoneT." (
The pnsouer also uud that he ww
perf*rtly convinced that Mr*. Fisk had
nut been in BUT *T among Ulnar who
bad " hunted aim down." HP waa cer
tain she had not spent WIT money ;
against ltiin, but that Jar Gould was
the moving spirit of the prosecution.
He aaid he w prepared to (lie, if die
he must, knowing that Jay Gould hail
. killed him. He attached the greatest
importance to the fact that there had
been to many murder* in New York of j
late, and aaid. " After all a jury i a
tmrt of the public, and I happening to
te the one tried at tliia particular time,
waa the one whom the public mind
aelert<>d aa an example. Had wiv other {
man lieeii in mr place he would hare
had to aerre aa thia ' example ' instead
of rae, but * I waa generally supposed
to l*e the richest of the lot, and all that
aort of tiling, why of course I have had
to serve a* * ronspiewn* example. Now,
it mav be, 1 did wrong in shooting at
Mr. at all—though God knoars I
WW had any more idea of killing him
than I had of killing you—but ul the
murder* thai hare been committed since
then have nothing to do with my guilt
! or innocence, and should never liare
I wen for a moment considered in refer
ence to my caae one way or the other.
And although 1 fully believe that the
nrv tried to do their duty, and although
denv altogether that aiiy of the jury
wen- \ aoight up bv Jay Gould or by any
body clue, yet I *fo believe that, uncon
acioiisly to themselves, |*erhaps, they
were influenced by the pressure of the
public sentiment.
Mr. Stokes profeenes to he entirely
satisfied with the effort* of his counsel
save in one instance, in reepeet to which
he said : " Had I really started out
that Saturday afternoon to shoot Mr.
Fisk, aa the pmsecution claim I did,
would 1 not naturally hare gone to the
Erie Railroad offices Resides, how on
earth was I to know that he waa going
that afternoon to the Grand Central
Hotel ? or how w Ito know when he
| would be then 1 ? Besides, I deny alto
gether that I ever had any idea of going
to the Grand Central Hotel that after
noon all. I have always been in the
habit of riding in a carriage in prefer
ence to walking aince I have been in the
City <>f New York, and have also been
in the habit of designating any place I
wanted to go to by some prominent ob
ject, hotel or theatre, in the ncighbor
liood. Consequently, having an ap
|N>intmciitthat nfteruoon with my friend
at Great Jones street, near Broadway,
I told the driver of course to go to the
Grand Ceutral, though my carriage
never stopped there, and i met mr
friend afterwards in the street. 1 tab
von the whole meeting between Mr.
risk and myself that Saturday after
noon was the moat accidental tiling
With regard to the testimony of
- Cnrtirs, Mr. Stokes waxed bitterly ear
eastie. " Thot man," aaid he, *' swear* j
he was on the third floor of the hotel
when he hoard the shooting ; ran like .
lightning ; he knew just where to run, |
to the landing of the private staircase, j
rushed down to Fish's assistance, help- j
ed him up the stair*, sad yet saw nobody |
all the while ; did not see FannieTnrn- i
er at the head of the stairs ; saw, in |
fact, noliodv, though of course the hotel ,
must have been crowded. Nobody on !
earth saw the meeting Wtween James
Fisk and myself but onr two selves.
What the boy Hart saw was nothing
nothing btrt imagination and perjury."
•' As for our side," said Htokes, "re
suming his self-control, "we hail any
umonnt of testimony offered to us that
did not appear on the trial; but Mr.
! Tremain doubted it, and so he did not
> use it, and I sustain his course. I do
not fear death more than most men, but
it ia hard to die like a dog on perjured
testimony. It was strange, very strati *e
that Captain Bvrnes should ask l)e
J Corley, the parlor-man of the Grand
Central, for a written description of the
| pistol which he found. Whv did he
want a written description of what he
I found himself ? And where is that de
scription? And "why was it not pro
j duced at the first trial ?"
As regards the portion of the Judge's
charge which stated that it was Mr.
Htokoa's doty aa ft eltiwm to have avoid
ed Kiftk. ha said, " Why, thift is ft cow
ardiee theory. Because ft man has in
jured yon, therefore you moit ran my
from him every time you ee him. What
noufteoM I Because you have bean in
jured yon most take to your legs evwy
time you meet th villain who ha* in
jured you. That Min tbe law. because
it in not human nutore. Besides, I did
try to avoid Fik aa it waa. hot I hadn't
Uma. It waa growing dark when I aaw
Flak >ming up the *t*ir, and before I
knew it we were engaged in conflict."
Should a ate* be granted on the at
ceptious taken during the trial of eouna
another mil will be allowed him. He
will be cloeely watched in Ida cell by
the official* up to • week before too
time eat for execution.
hlgtrts la Algiers-
A writer in tlw VentMhan't Mafftuu**
' j chats pleasantly about what he aaw in
Algiers Any of the streets asoanding
; the hill from the Ptaep da Chartrea—
which may altnoel be considered aa the
extreme limit of the European town
will lead immediately to the Mahometan
quarter. Here will be found obscure
and frequently vaulted narrow thorough-
I fare*, resembling alley*, Ivmlered by
houses, where the monotony of the bare
plaster walla to only broken at wide in
tervals by quite small ceaeucnU crowed
with iron bars, and low arched doorways
There are no garden* or verdure, sod
hardly a foot of even sickly-looking vine .
or tbfkree dying amidst the rubbish of
j iU crows-ways ; there are mosque* so
"unrounded by buildings that tncy can
j hardly be seen, vapor hatha whither
people go mysteriously, the men at
night, the women in the daytima. lo a
word, the Mahometan quarter of Algiers j
is a compact and confused m*re of ma
sonry, where almost every vestige of life
> to hidden, and where it seem* aa if it j
were forbidden that gaiety should be '
heard. The dears of the houses are
never opened but half way, and they
then cloe again by their own weight.
Every thing looks suspicious about these
curious buildings, wnich ore admirably
; adapted for thi-ir masters' love of eeere
! ey. The small casement* looking on to j
I the street are barred, and every kind of
precaution to taken against eunoaity
from without and indiscretion from
' within.
Inside these bare, dismal-looking !
walls and massive doors, resemble the
gates of citadels, and the two great
mysteries of the country —namely, the
personal fortune of it* inhabitant*, ami j
its women, of cither of which much to
known. Money hardly circulates. It ;
i is only area jiaaaing from the hand of
an Arab to an Asab hand, and to only '
used to porch see the ordinary daily |
ueoewaitiea of life, and jewelry. The j
women go out but seldom. In public j
thev are invariably veiled, and the baths, -
which are their usual place* of resort,
are inviolable. Paaaing along theae j
lonely alleys, beaida theae silent dwell
nigs, one bears tfftise which are almost
imperceptible to the human ear, and
whi*pen which might be mistaken for
sigh*. At times it to the sound of a
voice coming through an sogrtnre in
the wall, ordeeeemliiig from the terrace i
on the roof of the house ; at others it i* i
the whimpering of a child complaining ' <
in a strange tongue, whoae liap mingled i
with sobs ha* no signification for a I
foreign ear ; at others again it is the ]
•train of an instrument whose unique 11
note, slowly marking the measure of an
unheard song, aeems to accompany a
dream. It is thus that the captive con- (
soles himself, dreaming of a liberty ;,
whieh she has never had. and which ahe j
cannot understand. There ia aa Arab ,
proverb whieh says, "When a woman ,
has seen the guest, she cares no more
for her husband," and upon this precept i
the whole svatem of conjugal life among
Mahometans to baaed. Their houses,
whether they be agreeable or not to
tlioae by whom they are inhabited,
whether their interior* be Insurious or
poor, are prisons. They are like irou j
•afro, of which the avaricious masters '
have the key*, and within which they
lock up all their secn ta, so that no one 1
insv know what they possess.
vdo a tiding Mesmeric Pswrr.
A eurion* nw of mesmerism it re
corded bv the civil surgeon of Hoßhun A roan* wwnan named Nuu
nee. inl tweuty-four, ** married
some twelve ywu* ago ; she, however,
did not go into her husbaud's botxae for j
two rear* afterward. After "taring j
with him for eight dav* ahe suddenly
h*ritnic intt&MMtb wa wßuuned ®o for
two or three dav*. She was taken back
to her mother, and aoon got welL Then j
follow* a verv remarkable history. Dar
ing the next "four or five year* she never ,
ent red her husband's nonae without
falling insensible and remaining so. He
was very kind and attentive to her;
she liked him, hot when he came into
her presence she at one sank into (his
Mate. This went cm till she became
emaciated and exhausted, and at last
her parent* applied to the Court for a i
separate maintenance for her. While
she was in Court her husband entered,
end * site instantlT became insensible,
sad was sent to the hospital, where the
case was carefully attended to by Dr.
Cullen, in March, this year. While in
this state her pnlse was even, breathing j
soft, her bodv pliant, bnt she could eat ;
not hi tig. Experiments were made to j
see if there wa* no trick about it. ,
While she waa in bed, her husband was
muffled up, and made to walk through!
the ward. She said she felt he wsa near
her, and she was by no means well, bu
had not seen him anywhere about Next
dav this experiment waa repeated, and j
she sctuallv became insensible aa be- I
fore. When the hnaband left the place j
she recovered. The experiment M to
the influence of the husband's preeenoe
was tried in all sort of ways. He waa
made to pasa behind her, and to be near
her in a separate ward, but this hsd no ;
effect, but whenever, he was brought to
look on her fare, though muffled up, or
disguised aa a policeman, aa a sepoy,
and so forth, she was at once influenced.
The experiment continued for about a
mouth, ami the conclusion was that the
husband mx>nscKwial % v ineamcrixed bar.
Hieeonrtwuneto the conclusicm that
it was impossible that she oouM lite
with him, and afeparat* allowance was
ordered. The husband was asked to
try if he conld not remove the effect,
seeing that he had the power to onus©
it, but be was quite frightened at the
I idea of having the power, and eould not
control it in any way.
A* INHTTUMCK Qnxno.v.—A novel I
and curious question of life insurance
is likely to arise in Delaware. Professor
West, of Dover, had his life insured
for $25,000 for the benefit of his family.
He hns confessed to the killing of a
negro named 6oooh Turner, and to the
horrible manner in which he disposed
of the remains. His apparent object
in the murder was that the mutilated
body of the negro might be mistaken
for his own corpse, and the insurance
companies be defrauded out of the
$25,000. The question arises, if West
is hanged for this murder, will the com
panies be compelled to pay the amount
iof the insurance to his family ? If the
' insurance holds good, it will be to the
interest of the companies to sac that
j the murderer gets off with some lighter
I penalty, such as imprisonment for life.
Provisions are so scarce in Core* that
| the natives willingly pay two young
I women tor a bushel of grain.
u. i .s'aSfMd; * *
t. ' •- J f
Items of latere*!.
| " Let aese of all "-Kara-eat*. whieh
at ended IST Strang* wraatful hiatortoa
during the peel year.
The OoMiwioßw of Intanal Ba%
Boe wiahee Congress to peae • MQ
■ 'preventing the manufacture of tK#t
tiort wine# without payment' of tax y
stem pa."
Miniature conaervatorire are ft good
idee in drawing room furniture. Tky
era of glees, about tha aiae of a piano,
and are supposed to contain chelae
• plant* and flowers.
Young Willie (to whom deer-Oraadpe
hes in at offered half a dollar). " No,
thank yon. Grandad. . Ton stick to U a
bit longer, and layt - out at Interest,*n.i
1 111 get all the mote when you pop on,
Old Men. "
Fnople who believe the currant ikories
about intelligent doge, will read with
pleasure thet e lost dog .in Norn.
having seen hie meater'a advertisement
■ in one of the local print*, promptly
'* went home.
l * ! A parent in New Albany, Ind.,wi o
I had fifteen daughter*, has poironed hto
'■ -tog, taken the lock* off the doore and
'* bung rape ladder* over hie doovymrd
y fence by the donen, and atill the pre
l* vision bill is aa ever.
!J Urn Plorenee Birney, ft daughter of
, General Birney, baa been warning to
, set type in the office of the Dedhem
I (Mum. > Vas*tu for the pest six months,
I and last week she went South to assist
; la editing a newspaper.
* A maiden of sixty lately dtodia Ww*-
a more land, England, and left §OOO,OOO to
fa MBit emsninio bad capforwi b n mfc-
II tura affection* The will to now Uteg
eon tested on the ground of irregularity,
incapacity, nod ignorance.
An ill-need husband around the tola
(Kan.) Rtx/Wer office makes this obese*
' i ration; "it Boaaa B. end her conferees
1 1 get shut up in prison for illegal voting,
f | wa know iota oFman wbowQl urge their
' wires to try rating next time.
| A worthy farmer tn Georgia, who wee
, carried home on a litter the other day,
! solemnly asserts that nothing but a
twenty-ton anchor can hold a aorval
i , mule down to the earth after she baa
stepped in a yellow jacket's neat.
The troops whisk here been operating
against the Apaches near Camp Verde,
in Arixoaa, have had many Woody en
counters with fc™, killing many war
riora. capturing many prisoners, and
seizing large quantities of Indian sup
A wedding was recently broken op ut
Columbus City, la., tn the following
manner ; The preacher asked if any onn
had anv objections; the young Udy
, said, "tee; I don't want to merry him."
The expectant groom folded hie broad
cloth end aiknUy stole away.
The California Fiah Oommiseiooera
; have appointed an agent to go East in
April, and bring back lobsters, eel*,
whitefiah from the lakes, wuß-
Sed perch, black baas, and other vaio
le fish from all over the United
States, to be propagated in that State.
•'.Mary, my desir," aeie n utmng una
-1 bend to the lady that oa-nefl turn, ''if 1
torn Mormon and many another halp
mate, ahe shall be a Mary too, for your
own dear sake !*' "Be content with
one Mary, my dock." said the loving
wife; "in ay opinion another would be
merely a taper-new-Meiy."
" Faddy, what's your briinf," said a
!c ntlemau to aa Irish guide, caxionft to
isoover what his religion was. ** flh are,
ver honor, Tm of my landlady's beliet
"What's that, Pat?" he inquired.
! " Wtar, then, I owe her five bail-roars'
rent, and she believes thai 111 never pay
her, and that's my belief too."
The President of Franca usually dines
! aa follows ; A plate of soap, the wing
of a chicken, a few leaves of salad, ft
i gliu* of claret, and bonbons orf libitum
If he wishes to dine heartily toe add*
: a mutton-chop. Instead of Champagne
lor liquors, be indulges in humorous
conversation and spareling wittieissu*
Stanley was engaged to deliver one
hundred leeturea in this country for
fifty thousand dollars. He delivered
two in New York, in the very heyday
of the excitement consequent upon his
arrival, and then the manager waa eon
tent to pay the fifteen thousand dollars
be had pat up for a forfait end termi
nate the magagement.
Mrs. Lvdift Sherman, who waa eon
rieted of the murder of her husband by
poison in New Haven hunt spring, mads
a confession of bet guilt to the jailor.
She says that she poisoned Sherman
and his two children, as well aa her
first husband, Struck.several years ago.
She denies that ahe killed her aeeond
husband. Dennis HurlburC
A man in Yoangston, Ohio, bed thirty
dollars one bitter cold day tost week
that he oonhl walk to Warren. He
spoiled a forty-five dollarsait of olotbea,
a fourteen dollar pair of boots, paid •
doctor ten dollars to thaw out his eara,
and was arrested at Warren aa a sus
picious looking character, and Locked
up two day* in jail. He woo hit bet
Boasrell once asked Johnson if there
1 waa no poaaible circumstance under
' which suicide would be justifiable
j "No," waa the reply, "well," afty
Be* well, "suppose a man had been
guilty of fraud that he was certain
would be found out." "Why, than,"
Mva Johnson, "in that ass* let him go
j to'son* country where he to not known,
and not to the devil, where he to
i know."
A toper got eo much on hto atotnapk
the other day that ssud organ repelled
■ tf- ■> load. An he leaned against a lamp
! yv -t vomiting, a little dog happened to
i stop by him, whereupon he indulged
; in this'soliloquy : " Weil, no*, here s ft
conundrum. I know where I ate tha
baked beans. I remember where X ate
that lobster, I recollect where I got that
rum, but I'm hanged if I can recall
where I ate that little Taller dog.
The Toronto Glob* gives a touching
account of a lamentable accident whieh
recently befel a flock of 1,000 sheep at
Pernm in Upper Canada while being
! driven over a long oorered bridge, 500
feet above high-water level. When
shout midway between shores the bell
whether observed an open windqw, and,
recognising hto destiny, made a strike
for glorv and the grave. When he
reached 'the sunlight he at once appro
mated his critical situation, and, with ft
leg stretched toward each cardinal point
of the compass, he ottered a plaintive
" Ma-a!" and descended to his fate.
The next sheep, and the next followed,
] imitating the gesture and the remark of
the leader. For hours it rained sheep.
I The ere while placid stream waa incarna
dine with the life-blood of moribund
mutton, and not until the brief tail of
1 the last ewe, as it disappeared through
the window, waved adieu to the wicked
world, did this melancholy movement
A New Invention In Telegraphy.
NO. 4.
When Sir William Thompson in-rent
ed his reflecting galvanometer, and
showed its usefulness for telegraphic
purposes, he insured the success of un
der sea cables, whatever their length.
Jfcth this instrument, the movements
of the little reflector enables the clerk
mMM off the message by careful watch
top But recently Sir William Thomp
son has invented an instrument—the
intent siphon recorder—srhioh, as its
nafts indicates, writes or reoords the
nvwaagtv sureceived, on s strip of paper.
It is as essential oondition of such an
instrument that it shall be very light,
and the siphon, in this case, made of
capillary tut ng, is not thicker than a
horse-hair. Indefffl, so small is tha
mire, that the ink will not flo'v therein
of itself, bat squirts out when electri
fied. The siphon w oonmeisd with a
ooil of oopper-wire, an electro-magnet,
and an ebonite disk, armed with pieces
of soft iron, -which being attracted by
the magnet, is keps rotating, and regu
. lafces the current lowing from the bat
tery and the cable. Acted on by this
' current, the ink,- *aa already stated,
squirts from the siphon, and writes a
j succession of delis and dashes, which
represent the Idlers of the alphabet.
To an unaccustomed eye, the writing is
i a confused unmeaning scribble; but a
j good telegraph clerk will read it off as if
(it were ordinary writing. Thus a mas
: cage will deliver itself from the other
side oi the Ocean, thousand of miles die
. taat; nnd telegraphy has achieved an
other triumph.— Chamber ft Journal