THE CENTRE REPORTER THURSDAY JAN, 10, 1U- LOCAL ITEMS. „ LOCAL WBWfi.—Our friends, every where, will oblige us by sending us local new* of interest CIRCULATION.- The circulation of the RapoaTKK, on this side the county, is larger than that of all other paper* In the counlv. Business men will therefore find this one of the beet advertising mediums. \Ve invite all interested to come and in spect our list for themselves. RKXITTAMCSS.—AII monies for sub scription will be credited on thesubecri ber's address. tech week: by referring to which our patrons can at all time* see how their accounts stand, and a receipt Is by this system carried upon each copy of the paper. —Gov. Geary baa our thanks for a copy of his last annual message. —A small two-etory house, en "skoeta," was moved about two aouares, iu our town, last Thursday. 12 horses did the pulling- Advice— when you want to move a bouse, do it when Ceding is good. —Sheriff Shafer advertises for sale, Jan. 27th, Real estate of Centre Hall Manufacturing Comn Lot of John W. Simpson, Port Matilda. Lands of C. K. Hssington, Miiesburg. Lot aud building of Jamea and Catherine Dolan, Helletbnte. Tract ef land of Geo. M. Keplar, Ferguson twp. The Pleasant Gap hotel of G. Haag. House and lot of J. A. Winter, of Uuionville. Seven tracts of land of Joseph Develing, in Curtis twp. House and lot of T. J. Galea, ia Spring twp. Philipaburg Baptist church. Lot of J. HZ Hann, Miles burg. House and lot of John Meeee, Boalsburg. —Samuel Baker, a farmer, aged about 60 ream, reeiding with Mr. Swartilauier iu Buffalo twp„ Union countv, attempted to commit suicide on the Bth last, by cutting hie throat with a pocket knife. Two or three severe gashes attest his energy, but there is probability of his rtporery.— TeUgrttfX —The streets resembled rivulets on Friday. So says the Lock Republi can. We suppoeo they were all arink ing gin that uay. —We omitted to mention in the obituary notice of the death of D. C. Hollo way, last week, that Rev. Leek ie preached a funerai sermon in the English language, followed by Rev. Sahm, in German. The omiasion was caused by one of the compositors. —The newspapers down in Williamt* port have got so mixed up recently, oy frequent changes, that they don't know themselves any more. One of the quill drivers got "a drap" and was found hogging a lamp post, and was beard mumbling to himself "Am I Ami Ami, if I ain't, who the deuce am i r —The counsel of the murderer Stokes is busily engaged in preparing a bill of exceptions, which is to be laid beforo the court. It would not surprise us in the least if the assassin, who appears to have lots of cash, is vet permitted to eacape through some loop-hole. —A liquor dealer of Williaasport declared that SIOO,OOO had reached Harrisburg to effect the repeal of the local option law this winter. We direct the attention of the people of this side of the county to the annual state ment of the Pennsvalley Fire Ins. Com p. Our citixens can not help but peruse the exhibit of the affairs of our heme company with pride, as being in the healthiest pos sible cendit on and as worthy their support in preference to all other companies for purposes of insurance. The company has now been in existence 15 years, and in all that time not a dollar has bean misapplied, iu expenditures shewing a more econom ical administration than those of any com pany in existence for the same length of time, er evea during any less term of years intermediate. We trust that those of our people who have been disposed to feel prejudiced against the company, will sea that there was no foundation for the least dissatisfaction, either now, or at any peri od since iU incorporation, and we defy a successful rebutaticn ef this assertion. Being a local company iu premium notes amount to such a sum that it is not possi ble for any fire to occur of a magnitude to bankrupt it, A prominent oitisen of Gregg twp,, wbo was Insured In two other "popu lar" companies, to the amount af $4,800, in 1872 paid taxes on th/same amounting t# $110.26. The same gentleman was in sured in our own homo company ta the amount of $21,960, and, in tha same year, 1872. paid only $60.86; and the year 1872 was one of the heaviest* of our company for losses. Let those who have been in sured in other companies examine their receipU, and they will find themselves paying the same excesses. Further com ment upon this important fact is unneces sary, and wo trust it will convince those who have deserted their local company for ouuide one*, of their folly, a folly which many are now free to acknowledge they have dearly pai4 for. Qui let our people read tha annual statement In another col umn of the BXPOBTK* and be true to themselves, their neighbors and their own locality, by supporting a company at home that in every particular is worthy their confidence. —The weather all last week was intense - ly cold ; it is more moderate thia week ; en Tuesday we had a thaw and a little mow at night. There has been good sleighing for several weeks. —Rer. Miller .commenced a protracted meeting in the Lutb. church of this place. Rev. A. A. Kerlin commenced the ser vices by a sermon on Sunday evening. —Every one can do hi* own puff ng now, arid to suit his tastes, by purchasing his cigars, tobacco and pipes at Hiram Hof fer'*, in the Conrad House, where smokers and chewers all go who wish to get a fine article. The lovers of thg find every variety there, besides all other article be longing to that line of trade. —Never fail to visit Hoffer Bro's store, when at Bellefonte. It is there you find the largest and best assortment of goods. They sell cheap, and never fail to satisfy their customers that they get the full worth of their money. Hoffer Bro's is the store for farmers. THE LOCAL OPTION LAW. An act to permit the voters of this com monwealth to vote every three years on the question of granting licenses to sell intoxicating liquors. §jccpjOM L fie'U enqctej, e(e., That on the third Priday in March. 1878, in every city and county in this commonwealth, and at the annual municipal election eve ry third year thereafter, in every such city and county, it shall be the duty of the inspectors and judges of election in the cities apd counties to receive tickets, eith er written er printed, from the legal voters of said cities and counties, labelled on the outside "license," and on the inside "for license," or "against license," and to de posit said rickets in a bor| provided tor that purpose by said Inspectors and judges, as is required by law iq tbe case of ot'jer tickets received at tpch elections; and the tickets so received (ball be counted, and a return of the same made to the clerk of the court of quarter sessions of the peace of tbe proper county, duly certified as is' required by law ; which certificate shall be laid before the judges of tbe court at the first meeting of said court after said elec tion iuU be held, end shell be filed with the other record* •( raid court; and it shall be the duty of the mayor* of citio*; and the therilfii of counties, or ol any other officer, whoso duty it may ho to perform uch er- vice, to give due public notice of *uch special election a* above provided for, three week* previous to the lime of the same, and also three week* before *uch election every third year thereafter; /Veeu/W, That thia act fhall not be con strued to repeal or affect any special law prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liq uor*. or prohibiting the granting of li cense* ; /Vended, That when the muni cipal and township election, in any county or city do not occur on the third Friday in March, the election provided for in this lection shall be held on tho day fixed for the municipal elections in said county ! AW proridcd /wrf Aer, That all license* granted after the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and seventy three, shall cease, determine and become void on the first day if April, one thou sand eight hundred and seventy-three, if | the district for which they shall be grant ed determine against the granting o( li cense ; and the treasurer of the proper ceuntv shall then refund to the holder of such license the moneys so paid there for, which tho said treasurer* shall be entitled to credit in their accounts with tho com monwealth. Sac 2. That in receiving and counting, and In making returns of the vole* cask the inspectors and judges and clerk* ol [ said election shall be governed by the law* of this commonwealth regulating gen eral election*; and all the penalties of said •lection lews are hereby extended to, aud clerks, voting at and in attendance upon the elections held under the provisions of this act Sac. S Whenever, by the returns of elec tions ia any city or county aforesaid, it shall appear that there is a majority against license, it shall not be law ful for aay court or board of license commission ers to issue any license for the sale of spirituous, vinous, malt or other intoxica ting liquors, or any admixture thereof, in said city or county, at any time thereaf ter, until at an eloction as above provided a majority shall vote in favor of license; /Voru/sd, That nothing contained in the provisions to this act shall prevent the is suing of license to druggists for the sale of liquors for medicinal and manufacturing purposes. LARUK SAL**.—We learn that Senator Wallace, at attorney tor a > arty of W>ll - lumbermen, last week negotiated and sold IC.OOt) acres of timber land, situ ated in Girard and Covington townships and part in Elk county, for the sum of $6,0,000. being over S6O an acre for the Bald Hills wilderness. And we underetand that Guv. Bigler, a few weeks previous, for himself and Messrs Reed A Weaver, sold a lot, situated in HuaU>n township, for SBO,OOO cash, after having lumbered off it for two or three years. Talk about great bargains in Michigan ami Wisconsin! Why, the hemlock tim ber and bark alone in this county, upon which there is no value placed now, will be worth more money ten years hence than was placed upon everything in the county ten years ago. The folly or carrying tapi lal out West, to advance other people's property, when millions can be just as profitably invested around our own homes and add to their value, had better he aban doned.—Republican. MARRIAGES On 9th inst, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. M. G. Karhart, Mr. David Meek, and Mis* Emma Weaver, both oi Ferguson twp. On the 6th jnst, by Rev. W. H. Groh, Mr. Thomas V. Hunter and Miss Sarah C. Kreamer, both of Roalsburg. On 34th ult. by Rev. M. Sloat, Ren-. A. J. Gramly, of Brush Valley, Centre coun ty, to Miss Mary Brumga'rd, of Nittanv Valley, Clinton Co. On Dec. 26, Frank Garrett and Sadie Hohenbery, both of Bellefonte. On 7th in*L, C. H. Else to Mis Mary C. Reman, both of Milesburg. On 24th of Dec. Alfred Rankin to Miss Mary Foresman, both ef Moshanon. On 31st ult, Mr. Orraatt Allison, of Mill Hall to Miss Martha Irvin WolfofSnow Shoe. Oa 6th. at Booneville, Sugar Valley, by Rev. S. T. Buck, Wm. Stover and Miss Mary Grenninger. At the same place and on the same day, Henry Strickler and Miss Rebecca Sim mons. DEATHS. On the sth instant, Joel Johnsen, of Sprinf twp., aged 73 years. On 4th inst., in Liberty twp., near Eag levilU. Mrs. Sarah P. Liggc-t, wife of Benj. Liggct, sged 41 yean, 0 month* and 5 day*. On the stb instant Mr*. Lizzie F. Halter of Milesburg, aged 18 yean and'J nine. On tame day, Jarae* Curtin. at Curtin's Work*, aged 66 year* and 18 day*. At hi* home on the Branch, of typhoid pneumonia, Daniel Garner, son of the lata Samuel Garner, awed 37 yean, 2 month* and 16 days. LETTING Proposal* will be received by the Board of School Directon of Potter twp.. at Pot ter's Mill*, on Saturday, February Ist, 1873, for the building of a sohoel-house at Centre Hall. Bidden can see specifica tions at any time by calling upon F. Kurtz, director at Centre Hall. By order of the Board, W W. Korea PETER lIOFFKR jan 16 Sec't. Pres't. TIMBERLAND AT PUBLIC SALE Un Saturday. January 25th. 1873. at the Sublic house of M L Leitzel. at Patter* (ills, at 1 o'clock, will be offered at pub lic tale. ISO acre* valuable TIMBERLAND, lying on the south tide of Sand mountain, and is well timbered with fine white oak, yellcw and pitch pine and poplar. Per sons wishing to view this Timberland, will please call upon the undersigned. TERMS:—One third of purchase money to remain in the property a* widow's dow er ; one-third to be paid on confirmation of sale, and the balance in one year thereaf ter, to bp secured by bopd end mortgage on the premise*. DANIEL FLEISHER. Administrator of Peter Fleisher, dee'd. jan 9. 0 I c. GET THE BEST. THE OBI(JINAI. HOWE SEWIVO MACHINE —iMraovEO.—The Howe, the original and yet the best has the following points of ex cellence: Simplicity of construction Symmetry of form and beauty of finish. Kispidty and stillness in operation. Ease with which it can be managed. Non-liability to miss stitches, having a moveable bead, which can be readily ad justed close to the shuttle, when using either the finest or coarsest needle. A shorter and smaller needle, in propor tion to tha ije of the thread, than used with any other machine: The Lock Stitch, alike on both sides of the fabric. Economy of thread. Strength and firmness with which the seatns are drawn together. Roundness, fullness, regularity and beauty ef stitch. Adaptability to the widest range of work sewing the finest and coarsest fabrics, and usiiig equally Veil the finest and coarsest, and all intermediate grades of silk, Cotton and Linen Thread. H. F. BARTLKY, of Bellcfonte, has the agency fer Centre county, for the Howe ; he will travel the county, and persons wishing a machine about which there is no fault, should wait and give tho }Jowe a trial, before pi|lfcbaipft. jnn9.Bm. LICENSES.— The following applica tion* will appear for Licenie* at Jan uary term ef court, next Robert Taylor, Tavern, Philipsburg George Roller. " Rliih ' Benlaniift Wnlfef '! Boggs " Benjamin Snyder Boggs " Philip Gate* " Furgu*on " James Havw....d " Rush " Alonzo White, " Ru*h. " Hiram Harri*, Restaurant, Robert Haworth, Tavern, " Jeffrey Hay* " Rush twp Jamea L Rune*, M Üborty >{ Henry Robb, Walker " Frederick Fahrion, •' Gregg '• John Shannon, Restaurant. Ferguson " A. WILLIAMS. Olnton count} Front the Lock Haven Nrfiublican : At two o,clock laat week Monday morning the building owned by Frank At wood, and occupied by BeU> Holm ce, situated on High street, wan de itroyed by lire. The low ia about SSOO, which i* covered hy insurance. The snow iu the country averages 48 inehee iu denlh. H. F. Batch tier of llellefbule—has been unpointed superintendent for the Shoe factory. The Factory shut down on the 24th to look over the year's work, take account stock, and "rid up" generally. They began again on the Bth in*L The coni|utny manufacture*! during the |>a*t year 1984 case* of boots, 1,320 pair of meu's shoes, 48 pair of boy's shoes, and l,tl2l pair of women's, misses'ami children's shoes. They paid for the stock used, $78,870, and for labor, $30,317. Total sales $102,870.08. Win. ltoagrr aud W. K. Foster came froiu A/iflliuburg to Lock llav ' eu to do a little business. Seeiug the suowy coudilion of Old Mother Earth's bosom, they thought a little trade could he driven in the sleigh liua, regardless of the jKwldling Act of May 3, 1871. Hut Mr. Kufus Heed objected, and on bis complaint they were arraigned before Aluerman No ble aud fined SIOO. - ■■ ■ ■ - # ♦ ♦ A Sirisii CuatTMss Nt'unxa. The December number of the "People's Month ly," of Pittsburgh, Pa., is just to hand, and we must confess to a surprise. No such j fine or elegantly illustrated piper has oxer appeared out of New York, while it chat le tges comparison with anything publish ed in that city. The new type, new "heads, and tinted paper look admirably. This Christmas number ha* a supplement of eight pages i making twenty-four in all) and ia absolutely crowded with fine illus trations, and interesting letters, stories, poems, Ac., appropriate to the season. The | Household and Boy's and Uirl's depart ments are of speeial interest. In fact, the | whole paper is gotten up for the home ami i the family, and is pure, bright and whole | *ome. This Monthly, we must say, is a credit to the West, and should receive a ! hearty and generous \Vostein support, j Agents wanted everywhere, and large j commissions paid. Send fcr sample aud j circular. Three months on trial, only '£> j cents including the splendid OhriUnas number. More given away with each pa per than its cost Yearly subscription on-1, ly SI.OO r 1 4KNUAL STATEMENT. •e of "The Fanner's Mutual Fire In surance Company ofOentrecounty." CENTER HALL, Jan. 13th, 1671 In compliance with the provisions of their charter, the Director* present the fifteenth annual statement of the transac tions of the Company : Assam Bills receivable, be ing premium notes due and payable by members for insur ance the past year. $20,479 24 On which there has been paid.... 466 24 Leaving due on pre mium notes taken the past year f-jt,oll 00 To this add assess ments No. 7, for payment of losses 4,46 ft 14 Making the total available assetb of the company the past year $24,496 14 EXPENSX*. Compensation to di rectors... ... $16296 Salary oQiecretarv. 150 00 Salary of Treasurer. 5000 Printing, office rent, postage, and sta tionary 127 2C Election Board 500 W. P. Wilson, At torney Fees 1000 LEE* IM. Dan'l Durst on barn 4000 Uriah Stover on wash house—...... 40 00 Dillon AM'Kinney on sure goods 3,431 70 Cook A K reamer on merchandise 009 99 " —" $4,020 93 Total accrueingas setts and funds of the company the past year.... $19,809 21 To which add funds of the previous . y* n - $117,616 72 Leas amount of notes expired and can celled 29,99499 $67,523 73 Making 'tho total availablu assettsof the company this day $107,39294 Risks and insurances taken the past year 41 Same heretofore retorted for pre vious years 3,740,606 09 Grand totil of risks and insuran ces since organiza tion- 3,880,765 50 From which de duct policies ex pire* and cancell •d 1,742,30010 A1te.20040 Liabilities, due Member* for Los*e. Cook'A K ream or 1519 81 J. W. fettenuii 471 40 Fred. Kurt*....... 125 00 Total Liability... 21H8 21 Outstanding taxes due the com pany 138.5 61 GEO. BUCHANAN, Pres'l. Attest: ALEX. SHANNON, SEO'y. At an election held the same day, the following members were elected Directors for the ensuing year: Geo. Buchanan, Joshua Potter, Henry Keller,' Jas. W. Campbell, John Ames Alexan der, J. O. Meyer, John Wolf, Samuel Gramly John 11. Keller, and David Gil liland. Whereupon the new board* organized and appointed the following officers : President—Geo. Buchanan. Vice President—Joshua Poller. Treasurer—Henry Witnier. Secretary—Alex. Shannon. . TbeCompanv wish to call theattenlionol the people of this valley to statement rnaU trtrt, constating of tbo counllM of Centre, Clinton. >ne directed for bla in* n court of Oyer and Terminer end tisusnil Jell It. Users nod Wuartsr OnMotn of the Psar* In HeUefontr. (or lb# oonnlr of Cent**, sod to cotamSWiSi an the 4th Mojsday of Jsu nest, tola* the JTth dsn of Jen I*7>. tad to AOlilaM two WMllffi SoUoe U hereby (iron to the Coroner, Jnetlcee of the Pence. Aldermen end ConaUbiee of tbe eeld county of Contra, thet they be then end there In their proper persons. et IS o'clock la the forenoon of eeld day. with their records, tngalelUone, etemlnellene. nod their own remembrances. to do those things which to their office appertains to be done, end thaw who era bound In re gsratt"tiraica Jen. In the ywor of cur L>rd. IKS. end fn the nteL*. foorth ywr of tbe .ntUpsmUnos H.e,^ Juit enlarged and re-opened with it new and superior stock of GUNS. Caller send for a Pripa List, dingle tihot Guns, $3 to tW; Double parrel Slot Guns, $8 to 76. reech Loaders, SB6 to 160; Rifles, sl2 to $76 ; Revolvers, $6 to $24. Address, H. H. SCHULTK, I a— Bßo Liberty Pittspurg Pa. •W l w The people and prcas of England are unanimous in expression* of re •peel for the deceased Emperor Napo leon and sympathy for the Empress itjucen Victoria hus sent a letter of condolence to the latter, the Prince of Wales has visited t'liiselhurst, and thej Dean and Chapter of Canterbury Ca thedral have oHe red a crypt of theca thedral, under the tomb of Thomas A. Docket, as a temporary tomb. The ex-Empress Eugenie intends to iwue a proelaiualion to the French people announcing Iter assumption of the regency during her son's minori ty. Mii.waukkk, January tt.—The great allow atorm in Minnesota did not ONM until last night. The lown and Minnesota divisions of the Milwaukee and $u Paul railroad have suffered; greatly. Four or live freight trains ami one passenger train are blocked between Couovor, lowa, and Hidge wajr. There are fitWu women on the passenger train All the fuel and ft rovisions for (he |utsengcni are irouglit from Kidgewav. Ihe drifts iu tnauy places are reported to be as high as the cars. All the MiuueioU railroads have sus|ieuded and trains will prolmbly not run before Satur day. List of Grand Jurors for January Term. UcUufwnte John 8. Rsnkint, Samuel Grant. M ilesburg Horo John 8. ProudfooL l'hilipvburg Moro—Geo. It. Zeigler Bennertwp. -John Askcy. R 1 '*** Coiutancc Curtin. Kurtiside, George K. Hoak Gregg John G. lteckman. Hnluiioou -Thomas M Way. Haines Samuel It. Megrer. Huston Hugh Adams. Liberty Joseph Baumgardner, John Brick ley. Miles—J. B Crawford. Penn—David Krt!\ Jacob Kmarick, J no. Brand. Potter David Deckcrt, John 80-cer, Jonas U. Hover. Spring Sidney Miller. Taylor John Weavor Union L. M. Fisher. Worth- John G. Jones List of Petit Jurors for Ist Week of January Term. Hellefonte Boro— I Theodore Gordon, W. F. Reynolds, K. P. Green, John Irvin, jr. Mile, burg John H. Thomas, J. S. Ky m an Philipsburg—Wesley K. Hunt, O. 8. Dorman, JohtiS. Funk. Unionville Joseph Steer, Jehu Alex ander. Hogg* Morgan Lucas, Jacob Yarnell. Huritsides— M. Stewart. Curt in Joseph McCloaky, James L>- flaas. Ferguson- Isaac Carter, Samuel Msser. Jehu Shefller. Gregg—John U. Ho.,*, John ltawk. llarri* l>avid Sparr. Kvan Williams. Hubert Gobeen, John Meese, Adam Flart:- wick Haines— I)an 1 ILwteruian. iislfmoon David M Kinney. Howard W.G. Lucas. Huston Hugh Glenn. Liberty- Christian Kuhns. Marion -James McAlmont, lteberl Strunk. Miles- 11. G. Couser. Pallor, l* It Waddle, Wm. G Furst Potter Wm. Famer, And. ltaesman, Adam Hosiernian Spring- John Long, Shuman Ly., 1873. 1. The final account of Samuel T. Lucas, j administrator of Ac., of John Perry Lu cas. late of Snowr Shoe tow nship dec d. 2. "Hie final a. count of John Snyder guardian of the K-lale of Mary M. Hays, wife of John C. Hays, the said Mary 11. Havs being a child and licir at law ol William Hair late | Mile* Iwp., in the county of Centre, dee'd. 3 The administration account of David Wolf, administrator of Ac.," of Cathri.u- Minich, late of Mile, twp.. Centre county, dee'd. I 4. The final account of Abram M. Elder dee d guardian of Elizabeth A. Tonner and John Tonner, minor children of Thomas K. Tonner, dec d a* filed by Mary Ann Elder, administratrix of Abram M. Ktder, dee d. 5 Second Partial account of Peter Neese and James D. Gontxell, administrators of Ac., of Klirabeth Neese late of Gregg twp. dee'd, as filed by James D. GcnUel. ac ting administrator. ti. The account of Jacob Spangler, guar- j dian of Samuel Aruiaghasi, minor child of; Michael Armaghast late ol Centre county, dee'd. 7. The account of Jacob Spanglcr, Exe cutor of the last will and testament of Dan- ■ iel Kerr, late of Potter twp., Centrcoun-| tv, dec'd. " a. The account of J. I). Shugart. guar- | dian of Augustus M lfiHiver. a minor ton j of John T. Hoover, lato of the Borough of! Bellefonte, dec'd. 9. The account of Catharine M<>e and Samuel Felly, administrator* of Ac., of the Rev. David Moscr, late of Furguson twp., dec'd. It). The account Knot Krtley Executor in the last will and Testament of James M'Cullooh, late of the Township of Mar ion in the county of Centre, dec'd. 11. The account of Geo. Bower, admin istrator of Jfco., of Michael Kreamer, late of Haines twp., dec'd. 12. The first account of Jociah NefT and Join Shannon, executors of the last will and testament of John NefT, of Potter twp , dec'd. 13. The final account of Willigm Bible, guardian of tho person and estate of John It. Bitner, minor son of Henry Bitner late of Potter twp., dee d. 14. The account of Jqi. Uakv.r and John Dale expculor) of Geo. Coble, late of ilarrs twp., dec d uiid trustees under the will of said dee'd daughter of John.Coblc, now dee'd. 15. The account of James Gate*. adminis trator of Ac.,of David Gates, late of Fur guson twp.. dee'd. 10. The first account of Thomas Weston, executor in the I to. I will and testament oj Christian Vanpool, lnlc of Half Moon twp, dec d. 17. The final account of Mark Halfpen ny and pa. Forter executor* of A r , of the last will and to*lament of It. M. Fors ter. late of Harr* twp., dee'd. I*. The guardianship account of Geo, Shinebcrgcr. who was guardian of John T, Hoovei, of Harris twp., dee'd, a* filed by John Shinebcrgcr and David Stover, hi* administrators. J. 11. MOKBISON, Register. COACH & SMITH SHOPS FOR SALE. The lot and Coach and Smith Shops, at Centre Hall, lately occupied by Geo. B. llarpster, arc offered at private sale. There arc three Shop* upon the premise*, all new two-story frame buildings, suita ble for carrying ou all the different branch c.s of Ooach'naKing, smithing, wood-work, painting, trimming, Ac. There is also a now stable upon the lot. Tho location is one of the best in Centre Hall, and a large trade can be readily sucured. For further information address WM. WOLF, CeptfO Hall, Pa. ILLINOIS FARM FOR SALE! 240 ACRES; FIRST CLASS LAND; on ly 0 years improved lrorq prairie soil, with buildings, orchard Ac , Uis H miles di rectly south of Juliet, negt to Chicago the most thriving city in the tat) and It mile* cast of the incorporated villago of Klwood situated on Chicago A St. Louis R. K 45 miles from Chicago, the great market of this country, and 10 miles from coal re gions. Population largely interspersed withlstclass Penn'a. German*. I desire to invest iu Commercial busi ness Address W. NICHOLSON, aov %> 8m Klwood, Will Co. 111. 'VTOTICE.—The subscribers to the Cap-! LN ital Stock of the Lewisburg, Centra! and Spruce creek Railroad, having paid in lull prior to December Ist 1872, will please call at the Centre County Banking Com pany and receipt for certificates of Stuck re- J.C. F. Herlachrr N. Crontniller. NEW GOODS! rfßlß W a B B J VBI OK * FALL GOODS!!! | IIKKLACHEB A CRONMILLEU TlTish to infoim the citlaeus of Potter V T that they have opened sn entire new stock of goods in tliuir 01.l quarter., and will keep constantly on hand u full and good assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, consisting of ALPACAS, Poplins, P I.AIDS, Lustres, j and all other kinds o| DRESS GOODS. ftill line of NOTIONS and FANCY Goods Hals s% Caps, Hoots t Shoes OKOCKKKY, uI'KKNSWAKK STONKWABK. CEDAItW AHK, SUGARS, TK AS, COFFEES, KtSH, SALT, i etc., etc , etc., I All of which we offer at greatly reduced i priest. Highest prices paid for country produce, i lly strict attention lu business we hope to merit and receive the patronage of the i public NE PLUS ULTRA No Better Place ! i The subscriber ia just receiving from the eastern cities a Full Stock ol FALL and WINTER ..OODS which he has determined to sell very cheap, consisting of DRY GOODS and Prints, Muslins, Opera Canton , and Woll Flannels. Ladies' Dress Goods, such as : Detains, Alpacas, Poplins, Kmpress Cloth, Sateens, Tameise, together with a full stock uf everything usually kept in the Dry Goods line. NOTIONS. A full stock, consisting |>art of Lndn • and Children's Merino Hose, Collars, Kid: gloves, best (luahty silk and Lisle thread j Gloves, Moods, Nubias, Breakfast shawls, HATS & CAPS, A full assortment of Men's Boy's and Children's ol the latest style and best. CLOTHING, Kcady made, a choice s.ti>.n of Men's and Boy'sot the newest styles and IB on serviceable materials HOOTS & SHOES, A very large slot k of Men a \N ouicn's and Children's and sold very low. Queettsware, full assortment. G R O C E R / E S a full stack at the lowest prices. At the old stand of WM. WOLF. W. J. McManigal, \ Wholesale and retail dealer in HARDWARE and CUTLERY, Irwn, Nwills OiN. Pwinls*. Vnrn- Ishca, B all l*|cr. Ac. Pi), To Shovmakcrta, I have just received a large stock of FRENCH KIP FRENCH MOROCCOES FRENCH CALF S.vISS LINING SKINS RUSSIA BRISTLES RED SULK LEATHER SHOE MAKERS TOtiLS PAT.. AWL HAFTS AT 10 CENTS SHOE THREAD Ac. Call early and examine Oct 11 3m WM•J MM A NIG A L BOSTON Boot & Shoe Store! A NEW ESTABLISHMENT With New Goods & New Prices! Having determined to engage in business at this place, we have opened up Itsj Room NO 5 BUSH'S ARCADE, BELLEFONTE, PA., tho largwd. moat complete and cheapest stock of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS,SLIP PERS, AC., that has over been opened Up iu this part, of the StrVt, At our store yon can find in the li>>t and Shoe line 7ou Y/fiiJi, from the finest boot to tbo cheapest slip per, and we know if you once call and EXAMINE Ol* It STOCK AND PRICES. you will concede that it is to your interest to purchase Irom us. W:NI:I.L AT it %TE ItppnlrliiK NPIIIIJ IKUM*. 11. L. LI" TCHKDLKK A to. July lOtf. THE PEOPLE S DRUG STORE. Next door to Wilaou it Hick*' Hard ware store, Allegheny St., BELLEFONTE, PA., I R. F, Rankin & Co., (Successor* to Linn A Wilson.) DEALERS IN ■ PURE DRV US r AND MEDICINES, • CHEMICALS, PAINTS OILS DYE - STUFFS. VARNISHES, BRUSH , KS IKRKUMKRY. NOTIONS, ' AND FANCY ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET, Ac. e ** for medicinal purjw>a©R. J} SHOULDER BRACES, •j TRUSSES A SUPPORTERS in greu variety] I- Also, Choice CIGARS AND TOBACCO, I'" and all other articles usually hept in - fir* class Drug Store. " PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFU 1 COMPOUNDED. ttljwu R. F, RANKIN Jk CO BKLLKFONTKM ARK KTH. Oorrsrtsd by 0. D. Keller, White Wheat SI,W. Red IHO ...Rye CotnflO ...Oats 40 ...... Barley 00. 70 010 rersee.l 6,00 Potatoes 46. Lard pr poiin.l 7 Pork per pound oft llulter all. Eggs SO Plaster per ton • sll Tallow H.,..,,8ac0n M ...... Ham 17 LEW INTO WN MARKETS | While wheal 1,7$ ... H< d wheat 1,06....Rye 00 Corn (XI Oats 36 Ilarley 60 ('loverseed 4,40 Tiniothyseed, 360 j Salt a 60 per sack, Macon in< ...iiai!, in Unit, i an... Kxx* 16 Plaster 0 60 VI'DITOItS NOTICE The under signeti, an Auditor appointed hy thr 1 Court uf Com mull Pleas of Centre eouiity, (■• distribute the money arising from tin -ale of the real estate oi David Kreps, and j to hear and report upon the fads in the > lease, will attend to the duties of his Hp-; poiiitmeiit, at his office in Ilellefotile, on Friday, the l*lh day of January, A. D,, 11H7;1, at a o'clock, p. m. >f said day when and where, all parties interested can at tend it they see proper JAS T It At.K 1 dec 10. W Auditor. VI IM lull S NuTlt K The under-1 signed, an Auditor appointed by tin-1 Court of Couimon Pleas of Centre county, ] to distribute the tuoney arising from the; -ale of the real estate of llahn, Wilson A jf Co., w ill ulletid to the duties of his Hpjeiinl nient. on Thursday the 16th day of Janua ry 1U73, at 10o'clock, a. rn. at his office in lietlefonic, when and where alt persons may attend if they see proper. W. J. KKALSIt, dec la Id Auditor. W. A. CURRY, BOOT & SHOE MAKER CENTRE 1141.L, P 4. \\ "Uld most respectfully inform the cl lir.ens of this vicinity, that he has started a new Hoot and Shoe Shop, and would be thankful for a share of the pahlie patron age. Bool* and Shoes made to order and according to style, and warrants his work to equal any made elsewhere. All kii:d of repairing dona, and charge* reasonable |Give him a call. | Get 11. 3in. j'jpilE \ cry Best Buenos Ayer* Sole Leather, | FRENCn, GERMAN AND CO UN ! TRY CALFSKINS, SIKH I I > l> I Ar„ Ac., i At r- asonable rtc, next door to C. D. Kellers store, lti,hop Ptree Itellcfontr j Penn'a. K-4.1t All AH A MEN. | Get II tf A. SLS.S.MAN LEATHER & SHOE FINDING. in idKrr room, Not. I. ltueh r block, where he on hind k ttork of WHITE and RED LEATHER and HA R.XESS. Kips and Calf Skins French and Citv Finish. STIIIXU LKATHKH, SHOE FINDINGS OFFVEItV DE scuimoN. Haw Hides BOUGHT AND SOLD. Trunks and Valises OF ALL KINDS. HAW FURS, of all kinds bought aud highest price paid. (lover and Timothy Seed a!way - l ught and on hands. WHEAT and OATS •pecialiy Irouglit and the high ■ >t Cash price paid. Go to Suuman't, there you can buy < heapcr than elsewhere, as everybody knows, who ever dealt with him. lie Jets no one off without a good bargain. N< xt d<>or to Sussman'a is the cheap dry good* establishment of Isaac Guggcnhciitt- V- C. PECK. J. LEE. PECK & LEE S New Coach Manufactory. CENTRE HALL., PA. The undersigned h.ivo opened a new e i tabhkhmeul, at their new chops, (or the msnufnrtuie of Carriages, Buggies, o cases of Hoots and Shoes. IICHNSIDK A THOMAS Sell the cheapest and best HooU and Shoes. UURNSIDK A THOM AS Are the only ones in Centre co. that * have lister Hro's A Co.. Boots CK HAVEN, PA. The proprietor of Rytider'a Muiic Hiorr d®giras to cull the attention of th® poop)® of Centre county, to llie fnct that they Can Save Money Uy purchasing tbeir musical instrument® ol Ityuder's MtnicStow, We are nelling Double Deed, Six Slop, Fire Odavo Organ*, at $l4O, (sujß-rior in touo am) fiuUh, to thuw that arc hawked and peddled throughout the country at §175 to $200.) Tie e We warrant for five years. We give any reasonable credit desired to rcwpotitibl® partita. We beg It jve to call your attention to the following instruments, aold in Pennsvalley thin year, which you . tumid do well to examine before purchasing elsewhere : CENTRE HALL. B. B. WOLF, Uyndcr Organ $226.00 WM. GALBKAITH, Hyuder Organ 140.00 LKMONT. liR. J. Y.DALE, American Organ |37160 PETER BCHRECK, Kyndr Organ 140.00 AAROKBBURG. WM. ETTINOER, Uyndcr Organ..... $240.00 BOALSBURG. M ISM E. E. HUNTER, Melodioo $130.00^ In a few weeks we will call attentioo to our 9 PIANO DEPARTMENT. Iu short by writing a letter to u* and getting our price*—we deliver all instrument*— You Can Save From S4O to S6O on anTlrgan. A " " RYJWiEICS MUSIC STORE, Lock Haven, Pa. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! C. D. KELLER. BISHOPSTREET BELLEFONTE, PENNA, is now prepared, at the Old Stand on Bishop Street, la sett DflT 600D3,0flO0£H123,aotdc, Bhaas,Carpa^*i CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE, At'., AC, at g-ea',ly reduced price*. c l also prejutred to purchaae A L L K I N D $ O F G R A IN ! FOR WHICH HE WILL PAY THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE! ASH PURCHASERS II IU. PISH SIIPKRIeR INUI spr.lßl I. CJu££enlieiiiHT. VTKW ARRANGEMENT ISAAC GCOOEXHTTMTA. B• V tug purchased the entire stock of Ibe late tirro ofStmtuan & Ou| oept the leather and Sboadmdmg . hm. f.Hosl op bis shelves with a lot of splendid NEW OOl*t, embracing RKADY M ADE CLOTH I NO. DUES* ooodh, OBOCEItItM, PROVISION*, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS A CAPS, AND FANCY ARTICLES and it now prepared to accomodate si! his old customers, and to welcome all new one* who may favor him with their patronage. He feel* safe in sa t ing that he can please the roost faslidi ou# Call and see. ....... IS A AC OUGGEN H hi M Kit. p g.— Mr. Sussman still continues iKVTHKK ANI) SHOE-FIN 1I NGS, CLOVKKand TIMOTHY sKKDS. in the old room, where he roav alway be found. COAL, LIME, anil POWDER! GOAL— Wilkcsbarre Coal. Chestnut Stove, ERR, furnareand foundry, Owl-oflied quality, at the low est price*. Customer* will p!ea*e note that our coal i* housed un der commodious shed*. LIME—Wood or coal-burnt Lime, tor ale at our kiln*, on the pike lending to Milesburg. POWbbll Having received the agency for i>u Font's Pow ler AT WHOLESALE, we shall be pleased to receive orders from the trade. Office and yard noar *outh end of Bald Eagle Valley It. K. Depot, Bcllefonte, I'a. r nov4 SHOIiTLIIX3K & CO ADAM HILD, r PAINTER, ".ra p offer* hi*orvice* to tho citizens of Mifllin Centre and adjoining counties, in >• House, Sign nnil Ornmcnal al 1 Painting. CHAINING Oak, Walnut, Maple. Ash, Mahogony. Ac. 8 Plain and Fancy Paperhaiiglng. Or r ders respectfully solicited. e All fine work dona for other painters. (iraliam & Son. Boot & Shoe Makers Next door to D C Keller's fttorej liellefonke. We matufaclure to order. Our work is neat and durable. Our prices are very moderate. We warrant to give satisfaction. j, We have the LARGEST and BEST, stock of Ladle's and Children's shoes ioj town. We are receiving goods every week. We wish an examination of our goods.!- The Pennsralley trade is especially in vited to call and roe our stork, we think we can please all who call u to tjf'u quality, and prices. We study to render satisfaction and although we have had anj extended trade for years, we have never, given a customer cause to complain. soptlMf i IJROCKKRHOFF HOUSE, Allcgncncv Stm-t, Pa: I). JOHNSON A SONS, Proprietor*.; x rtasrcLANf hot ea cois ronr able nooita PROMiV ATTENDANCE. ALL THE MODERN QONVINIEN CES—AND REASONABLE Charges. The proprietor* offer to the traveling public, snd to their country ftiends, first class accommodations and oarefill alien-; tiou to tha wants of gui*u at all times, at fair rate*. Oarefill hostlers and good sUble ling for horses. An excellent table well served. A Bar supplied with fine liquors. Servant* well trained and everything re quisite in a first class Hotel. Our location ? in the business part of the town, near the Post Office, the Court House, the Chur ches, the Banks, and the p incipal places of business, renders it the most eligible place for those w ho visit Bellofoet* on busi or pleasures An Omnibus will carry passenger* anil baggage to and from all trains free of charge. mm™ GREAT INDUSTRIES of the united states; an historical sum mary of the origin, growth and perfection of the chief industrial art* of this country. 1300 PAGES AND .'>oo ENGRAV INGS Written by 90 Eminent Authors, inclu ding John B Gough, Leon Case, Edward Howland. Jos. t?. Lyman. Rev. K Kdwen Hal!. Horace Greeley, Philip Ripley, Al bert Brisbane, F. B. l'erkins, Ect, Ect. This work to • complex* hl.tory of all branches of In Jnatnr. proxwas** <>t manufacSars. ect. In all aM 11 la a oompUt* citojcfoiMidU of aria and maaafaetona. antl is lb* moat lnt.*i>tin an,t valuable work of la formal 100 the undersigned. All per sons knowing themselves indebted to salt Estate are called upon to tnako paymen ' forthwith, and those having claims to pre . sent them properly sentieated for set ttem.nt. JUHhH.FSA||. aov '& fit Adi Dr. Crook's Wineotluz 10 YJSARB -or a- Public Test Hm ywni jgfg. D*. CROOK'S WINE T *?: ■ilmmUrr pttmunf' IW'P 1 (ton tTfr oflcfti! Sbr It S. rtrto la Uw iiiill'laal fl ll<* nf T**vnd mmqmMfor Slaeaw. • ©f (Ims Throat aaS Laws"* per* forming Um na iinwiishla out® cm *- c raSssg3gft iithaa m mm j it has bee* premouwmd * specific for umw onpkbh. For p&Qtt la Breast. Side or Back, Gravel or Kidney Disease, Diseases of the Urinary Owns Jaundice or any Liver Complaint. It has M equal aad DuMlll filed, fanses the Food to Digest, Bemo "- Prevent* Malarious Fevers Gives tone to your Systran. TBI DB.CROOK'S WINEOFTAt | The Champion of the World. The new Improved American Button* Hole Overaeaming and Complete Searing Jfaehine— The great* eat machine of the Age ! Simplcity, Durability & Cheap ness Combined. This machine being the litest, ha* many improvement* over ail other, m a word, it lit* perfectmachinejahich it ickrt*Wi iad bv judge* andagents of all othtu machine*. Call on A. L. Bartgc*, jaaoisonbuig, 'who is the authorised agent for Ventre county. Also keep* the beat Sewing Ma jchine thread, needle*, and repairtalikinds 'lof tewing machine*, clock*, watches, mu • jtick boxer Ac I will thoroughlv cmnra* > the taction belonging to me, and I shall be very much pleated to tell every pcwoii a . machine,on eaty term* ; give it a trial be ifore purchasing any other-it has no (wual. , Parties wishing the machine, yu please [address the undersigned. Satisfaction .'guaranteed. All order* promptly nUend [!ed to. A. I*. HA KTiiKS. Agent for Centre County I Madisoxbueo, Pa. ~ THE~GREAT CAUSE OF Human Misery. JMX published. I* ■mM ratclop*. Price, tlx reals 1 A Lecture on the !t stare. Treetment end Htdk-tl . OpM .■( talul Vmlxm* of itonhye, iuOM d h, Self A bos*. Invwluuter, FmfMnps.TsHmtoWg . FtLtoiju££e?it*..wTV noli J ct i.vkr. The worldxwssatd eathor. In Ihto adaUxsble Lito f um clearly preve* !*■"• 'fc swful wmtWMWi t Keif Abut* me* l rSectaaUx remoeed wfihowt medicine sod without lUne ton. rur ■tool oymUtM. beetles. teetrwmruta. rtace. or rot r ittlt. pom tin* nut * mode of care at oner certain end r agential. I* which ever* shEcrer. no mailt* wbst his eoudlttou las; W. ma, u aad rodtoaßg Thi lecture *lll prow a boon to Ihon aands tons} thMNktl ! For Scrofti 1, Hcntfit [d V loos Viaeimes of (be " <£• Eyes, or Ncrolhla iu Ate any forma •> <&• Any disease or arupticn of id the Skin, disease of the Li vrr, •J euf) _ Rheumatism,. Pimplea, O1 a bt f.& ™ Sores, Ulcers, Broken-down J 23/C9l. Constitutions. Syphilis, or any m ©S& £, disease depending on ado praved condition of the bloo# a J§Jl 7 DR. CROOK'S SYRUP OP 5 Hi POKE ROOT. < jJRny It has the medicinal property ro \jisgyy of Poke combined with a prep r. §Jy sratlon of Iron whlcji po I* id once into the UocJ, pi-iiorm nt ing the most rapid *! wow e- / derfut cure*, t- Ask your Ur - Cr ? ok . i C ®"* Jgaad Syrup * Root-take Hsi ; d b*