The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, January 16, 1873, Image 1

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As I tii leaving the yard we imiiiif
to trudge buck to the hit* of room* tro
were forced to pnt no with ainee T asms
to London in ordrr to get better v*ge*.
I was called into the office by the fore
man. " What's your present job, Liml
say ?" bo asked, and I told him.
"Humph! that can stand over for a
day or two, can't it f Htublw baa fallen
ill again, and you must take hi* place."
I didn't care to be shifted Iwfore I'd
finished what I was about, but a jour
neyman bricklayer, with a wife ami
children looking to him for bread, can
not a fiord to be Lxi particular, ami ao I
held my tongna.
" Yon must go to Coot's Itrewerv to
morrow morning ahd finish that chim
ney," the foreman told me. He gave
me a few more directions besides, and
then want hia way while I went mine,
not very well pleased at the prospect
before me.
I suppose I wwr ought to have fol
lowed the trade, for though I'd gamed
myself a good character as a steady
workman,l hail never been able to over
come a horror at being perched at any
great height- In the country, where
the buildtugs were low. I mausge-1 well
enough, but in thia great eity there
were roofs an which I could not stand
without this dread oppressing me, nor
look down without tceling as though
something talow was tempting me to
tliug myself over ami end at once the
miserable sensation which no effort of
mine could shake off.
This huge chimney the foreman bad
ordered me to fiuish was reckoned one
of the highest ami lx**t built shafts in
London. We were all proud of the job,
which had Ixx ncarried on ,v far without
a single mishap. lnt l had earnestly
been hoping that I might not li- asnt ts
it, and it wwsn't till the workmen had
gvit almost -> the top that 1 li-gnn to
a bit more freely, and trust that
it would lx> finished without any help of
Ikuce at home with ftie vpuagwtcra'
merry prattle in my eai-s, 1 forgot my
uneasy feeling about the morrow's joh.
but the moment I doled ef to sleep it
eame hack upon me in a hideous dream.
I th-nght 1 was falling down, and just
aa the crash of my lx-4v striking the
earth seemed inevitable, f woke np with
a start to Sud myself bat Led in a cold
li-npiration, sua trembling in avarv
No more settled sleep ri site*} UT pillow
that night, ami it was a relief when the
K*>ming of the clocks dispelled my
frightful visions, and warned ma that
it was time to face a reality.
The morning was bitterly sold and
boisterous, scarcely a sou! was to be
seen in the deserted streets st that early
hour, and the dnll thud, thnd of my
footstep* sounded nienrufully in the
ft i lines reigning around. At last the
great chimuey loomed in might, and,
gazing np at its immense height, I shiv
ered at the thought of being on top of
it, and forced to look down on the sick
ening depth helow.
If it had not Iteen for the name of ths
thing I should have gone liack ; but the
thought of Bessie and the children
spurred me on ; so, buttoning my jacket
tightly around me, I began to aseend
the staging. In my jouruev npward I
passed many cosily-curtained windows,
and remember thinking, rather envious
lv, how nice it runst be ta be rich aud
sheltered on such a morning from the
biting cold in a wann-furnished bed
Some fellows wonld'ut mind the least _
bit if they were perched on the top of
St. Paul's on the coldest of mornings,
provided you supplied them well with
beer; but I wasn't over-strong liml>ed,
any more than I could pretend to be
strong-minded; so what to them was
nothing, to me was almost death itself.
The higher I went the more intense
the cold appeared to be. and my fingers
became quite numbed by the hoar frost
that was clinging to the sides nnd spokes •
of the ladders. After a while I stood on
the few boards forming the stage on the
summit of the shaft, and, giving one '
gknee downward, my blood turned
colder than it was already as I realized
the immense depth to the yard beneath.
Giving myself a shake to get rid of
the dizzy sensation that c&me over me,
and unhooking from the pulley the tub
of mortar which my mate, waiting be
low, had sent np, I at once began my
so'itary work.
I had been hard at it for more than an
hour, and was getting a bit more recon
ciled to my position, cheering mvself as
I whistled and worked, with the thought
that each brick I laid was bringing me
nearer to a finish, when all at once a
fiercer and colder blast than Wfore
came shrieking around the
1 VM nearly overthrown, and, in the
endeavor to recover myself, I tilted the
board of mortar from off the edge of
the shaft on to my frail standing puma.
In a second, to my intense horror, I
felt the boards and all that were on them
gliding away with me from the chimney, !
and, in a few moments I should have
l>een lying, a mangled corpse, below, if '
1 had not succeeded in flinging my arm
over and into the hollow of the shaft, j
where, as the scaffold and its h>ad of
bricks crushed downward, I was left
hanging, with certain death awaiting me j
qe moment I loosened my hold.
My first impulse was to throw my {
other band over and draw my body up,
so that I could lie partially across the
top of the shaft. In this I was success
ful, and continued to I Milan cc myself, :
half in the chimney aud half out.
There for some time I could only
cling with frenzied desperation, praying
earnestly to le saved from the horrible
death threatening me; but at last I sum
moned courage to peer cautiously over
the outside of the shaft.
Not a bitof scaffolding remained with- '
in many yards of nie—and that but the
poles, with a few boards dangling to '
them—and there was nothing to break
my fall should I quit my hold.
Khudderiug'y I drew my head over
the shaft, for there the darkness hid my ]
danjvr, while to gaze on the scene with
out brought the old feeling of being
dragged back to me in full force.
_ Then I began to think of the wifa and
little one* wham I bed !efi snng in bed,
and bitter tears came into my eye* as I .
wondered how they would live if I were
taken from them. The thought brought
me back to more selfish ones, and I
kept asking myself, " Must I die? How
long can I hold on with this fierca wild
besetting me ? I there no hope ? Will
no one, seeing how I am placed, strive
to rescue me f"
Again I turned mv eves downward.
In the conrt-vard of tlae brewery and in
the street befow people were fast collect
ing ; window* were being thrown open,
and women and children, shrieking and
sobbing, were gazing from them at me.
The crowd below thickened, running
hither and thither. A large kite flutter
ed nearer and nearer. How I tried to
steady myself with one hand, that I
might grasp the cord with the other as
soon as it was within reach, comes vivid
ly before me now. But it never did
come within reach, a gust of the breeze
carrying it far away, and dashing it to
the ground.
An hour passed on, snd though cling
ing to the brickwork, it was almost un
consciously, for cold and fear had so
worked upon me that I became quite daz
ed, and the chimneys, the people, the
confused noise from the streets, and
my own perilous position, seemed to be
jumped together in a tangle which I
could not put straight. While in this
half-sensible state I heard a voice shout
my name. But it had to be repeated
twice before I could rouse myself suffi
ciently to heed what was said.
" Bill, Bill Lindsay ! cheer up, mate 1
help is coming!" were the words which
rumbled up the shaft.
After this there was a pause for some
minutes, and scarce able to control my
excitement, I tried to think haw this
help could come. Then there was a
warning shouted to me to keep my head
back, followed by a whizzing, hissing
sound, and looking within the shaft, 1
saw a bright shower of golden sparks
lighting up the well-like hole, and
knew that a rocket had been fired.
Bat it struck the brickwork in its as
cent and failed to reach me, so that once
more I was left to wait and hope until
the voice again Bhoated for me to keep
clear. A moment after a fiery tail of
sparks shot upward far above me, and
an earnest " Thank God!" came from
his heart], as I grasped a thin cord tha
fell by t\jy aide as the r-wket descended
By thia communication a stouter ami
stronger rope was sent me. But tuy
danger was not over, for iu my weaken
ed and numbed state, it was a perilous
slide down it. At first I could scarcely
brace my nerves up sufficiently to launch
myself over the brickwork, sml my bead
turning dixxy for a moment, 1 thought
myself gone, but, conquering the hid
ing by a great effort, I slow ly descended
until atmu! half the distance was ac
Then the horrid fear seised me,
■"What if the rope should break or not
be securely fastemil I" and dreading
each seeoud that my fears would be fill
filliil. iu feverish haste 1 slid on.
Within s few yards of the luttom,
overtasked uature would Ixar the strain
no longer, and, 1-H-seiuug my held, 1
-lr>p|nl iut-> llie arms of those w ho had
been breathlessly waiting rtiv descent.
Other hands Ann mine finished the
shaft m calmer weather, and, on a mure
accural v-fatened s.-affoM ; and 1, w ell
oared for by the Lest of little wives,
soon got over the sluwk f my accident,
but, sa 1 go to ami fro to my work, and
look up to tlie huge chimney, I often
reewl with s shudder the hour wheu 1
clung to its summit, counting tlie mo
ments, each one of which seemed to
bring me nearer to a dreadful death.
Baste in Steam Engine*.
i Thia waste arises from a variety of
causes ;—lst, bail tiring, which means
laid combustion ; 2nd, insufficient sur
face to ali-orb the heat; 3rd, an unclean
ronditiou of that surf any either from
internal or external deposit or both ;
tth, a faulty proportioning of the part*
of the boiler to each other ami t> the
work to be doue, which ceusca heated
wab-r to l>e earned over with tlie steam
—a cause of deficiency of evaporation,
which, however, so far from being as a
role detected goes to swell the apparent
duty of the boiler. -
But firing may result in the fire li'ing
too thick or, too thin or irregular. If
too thick the carlimic acid that is gen
erated lv the combustion of the lower
part of the fuwl with whiah the air first
comes in eoutact ia changed in its pas
sage through the upper part of the fuel
into carbonic oxide, by al-sorbiug from
the fnel a aocond cipuralcnt of curiam.
If thia gas, carlxuiie oxide, doea not
meet with free atmospheric air, and I
meet with it at a suitable temperature in
the npper part of tlie furnace, it must
remain uuconsumed, and will pas*
through the fines or tulx** of the boiler
and make its es-aje into the air, carry
' ing with it the valuable uneousuuied
carbon of the coal iu a gaseous forai. It
ia eommonly said that smoke is uueou
am til fuel." This is true ; but it is not
couiinonly recollected that there may be
invisible "smoke arising (even from a
•oke-firat which shall contain the highly
conibnstible ingredient carbonic oxide
gas. When it is remembered that every
pound of coal bunit into carbonic acid
. is capable of evai-oratiug nbout 13 lb. of
water from 212 teg., while a pound of
coal, converted only into carbonic oxide,
is capable of evaporating but 4 lb., it
will ke seen how necessary it is that no
mismanagement of the fire should cause
a portion of tlie fuel thus to eou}e un
bnrnt up the chimney. Auother defect
in the management of afire (anoppaaite
defect, as it were* by which coal mavlx'
wasted is the admission of too much
! air ; and this arises when tip- fire is toa
thin iu relation to the ciamuey-drnft, or
when (a more common evil! it is thin iu
places, owing to the neglifg-nce of the
firemen in keeping it properly levelled.
• The way in which waste arises froin
these causes is that unnecessary air is
introduced into the fire nt a tem|i ratnre
of, aay, 60 deg., and that this air has to
Ie heated, and then (oven if the heat
i be abstracted from it, as far as practi
cable by the boiler. it w ill t**ca]x? up the
chimney at a temperature of from SCO
deg. to*3oo deg. iu excess of that which
it had ; and the whole of this excess re
present* wasted coal. Thus, on the
one liaud, it is of imj*>rtance that there
should be a proper amount of air to se
cure the perfect conversion of the car
bon into carbonic acid; and, on the
other hand, it is most desirable that
this amount should not be exceeded, in
-1 volving the necessity of uselessly heat
ing air not wanted for combustion.
Much a happily balanced state of things
: it ia almost inifwssihlo but not nlioshite
ly impossible, though only attained nt |
competitive trials, and when these trials
are conducted by highly skilled men.
Matrimonial IncouipntabllHy.
The Rev. I>r. Peabgdy, in a lste es-
MT, Winches NJK >II this delicate mihject <
after the following fashion : i
The tmth in that the greater proper- ]
tion of the so-called i noompatibihti-s ; -
ami unoongeniahties of domestic lif* I
which are ao often made the gTDIUiJ for ]
the disruption of tlie matrimonial IMIUII, I
are inadmissible as a justifying ground <
for any aurh diaaolntion, uu<l could IK- I
readily overcome and blotted out of sx- I
isU-we if the parties moat Concerned i
had only the will to do it. A coupl*
are no sooner married than they find i
that (lUfcrcnoefl of opinion and mutual •
jars ensue, and all is not gold that ■ I
glistened; and then one r both ]
straight way imagine that there is no !
remedy hnt in ruthlessly breaking the ]
solemn, aacred tie that binds them. A (
vague, restless feeling seizes upn n i
or both, prodncing discontent, engend
ering a certain thought of present bond
age wlsieh exists only in fancy, and
creating a feverish desire for other as
sociations and spheres which are sup
posed to lie more fitted and providen- .
tiully designed for the mind and heart.
No escape bnt in cutting the knot. It
ia a delusion. The marriage relation,
in all its history, was never expected to
lie entirely free from misunderstanding
and discords. Foolish to think that
the whole mutual life can flow on, like j
the earlv stream, without a ripple or an
eddy. Rome is a school, a discipline,
whereby husband and wife are to grow
into each cither, getting rid of their an
gularities, harmonizing their peculiar
characteristics, and more and more lie
•norning one in thought, sympathy and
life. The trne blessedness of wedded
s<mla ia not insured by a simple ex
' change of plighted faith. It Comes
i through and after many a self-denial,
many aerncifixion of the will, many a
' scourging of the resentment, anger,
Eride, vanity, and passions of tha
eart. It is'true here, as in other rela
tions, that he who saveth his life shall
I lose it, and He that loseth his life shall
j save it.
and curious question of life insurance
is likely to arise in Delaware. Professor
! West, of Dover, hail his life insured
' for $*25,000 for Wie benefit of his family,
f He has confessed to the killing of a
negro named Gooch Turner, and to the
horrible manner in which he disused
of the remains. His apparent object
i in the murder was that the mutilated
• body of the negro might be mistaken
for his own corpse, and the insurance
companies lie defrauded out of the
$25,000. The question arises, if West
is hanged far this murder, will the com
panies b compelled to pay the amount
jof the insurance to his family ? If the
insurance holds good, it will be to the
interest of the companies to see that
| the murderer gets oft' with some lighter
I penalty, such as imprisonment for life.
A Patkncah small l>oy vias fined eighty
cents in the City Court the other day
t asablauea.
Wheu I was a boy, nothing ever af
footed me ao much na the story of Oas
sbatncA. Mv lx>yish bread was rent in
twain, torn ifi twv, broken asunder aa it
were, and the copiaua—yea, that's the
word—copious tours rolled from tin eye*
inontura-us, and you could ae the course
they took for a whole day, by two clean
streak * down my cheeks.
I have attempted to recite it -Iramati
cally on the *tuge, but 1 would be <•
overcome ly the terrible atorv, that 1
invariably broke down and never auo
ceeded in getting the boy off the burn
ing deek, whence all but him bad the
good sense to flee.
I longed to emulate hi in, and once,
• red by reading it, I rushed out and set
tlie pig pen afire, and got upon tin' roof
ami stood there, " U-aiitifiu and bright
as l—ru to rule the storm," ami 1 rulle-1
aloud, " Hay, father, must I stay?" and
my father cams running out and said
he guessed not, and jerked me down so
suddenly, and went to work on me with
a barrel stave, that I thought the deek
had blown up, rud the enemy's hundrcd
pouuder* were still tdaxiiig away.
This ls'V- that- stood - on- the- dti'k's
uame wasii t t'nsabiaiiea, but plain Toiu
I>iekenhara; and duriug the battle his
father had told him to stay where he
was till In' came back, and he stayed
there. He had probably tried that lit
tie game of lix Ixilieiiee before, and
knew what it would result in. Now, iu
my boyhood I have ofteu done a got*!
many tlunga which seemed heroic, wheu
in fact, I was constrained to li- heroic
for fear of gettiiig an unmerciful li*k
idg; and, after all, 1 never got into the
nohool-rvaders as a model. I don't
think 1 ever had justice doue, while
other l—ya who have Iki-u brave and all
that, have got themselves killed ami
dane up in poetry for the benefit of
other children, who are learning to
read. Never uiiud, I am getting up a
new Whitehuru Header, in every eh ip
terof which 1 will appear to great a-1
vantage ami applause.
As I was going ou to say the boy
tloodon the burning deck, all oloue, and
kept tlie !tattle ifc> himself ; all the rest
had jumped overboard, and swnrn a.*
as fust a* thev could run, for they knew
tliat, "He who fights and rtins away
will always live U> draw his pay." This
little Iht of a lx>v would load a big cnu
non all by himself, take it us in his
arm*, and fire it right into tlie other
vessels; ami all the while th • finnu
rolled up on all sides of him sml made
him sweat ; they completely enveloped
him, and he found that it waa absolutely i
necessary b> pull off hi* ; still he
would brush the flam--- away, and h .<1 1
and firo the cannon so rapidlv tint it
got red hot. ami that was what'lie want- i
til, for he then conld fire r <i-hot balls,
and make a geiiead red-hot time, while
he was at it.
'Hie canaoa-lmlls flew nrouml him. i
One of them struck him ou tlie month, '
and nearly laiocked a tooth, a front om j
down his throat. Wln-u he ran short of ,
balls, he would reach np ami take in
one an a fly, ami all the time he would 1
shout, " Say, father, must 1 slay ?"
The flames buroetl all hi* clothes off 1
hiin, but he said he didn't care a cent !
for the loss of them, as he conld get
plenty more at a seuoiid-haud store. The
thdne* wrappetl around him, but he r
inarkil that he didn't cans for that *-
he was getting mad, ami even if he did (
ran away, the <>hl gentleman would half .
kill hiin any way.
A mast fell, ami he picked it up and !
pirlied it over into one of the ships,
ami it mashed iu the deck and killed a
great many ; ami by anid In- could do '
without aiu oat, anyhow. And still out |
alxve the lucming of can nan and bur-" ;
! ing of bomba, his voice was hoard, '
"Say, governor, don't you think it j
would lx- consistent wiith the nature of
thing---I sav with the nature of thing'
—for me to get out of this here?" but
no answer came. A 15-inch shell pass
ed through hi* bosom, and at the same
time a ball took off both his amis, but
he continued to put in his time at load
ing and unloading the caituou as if no
thing had happened, until it uirlbil
and ran over the burning deck, upon
which you haTe been informed, lie sbssl
whence all but him, etc.
At hist all the ship was buroetl up
. except the magazine, ami the powder
which had been burning foraome minu
' tes, took a notion to go off on a sudden.
Well, the lust that ever seen of biin In
was ulx>nt four miles np, still shouting,
1 " Say, father, is it incumbent ou me to
stay ?"
A long Ikiuro.
Jimmy Keunovan finished his thirty
one hour's dance at 2 o'clock at night,
says a Valligo, California pa|ier. Jimmy
kept in locomotion throughout the
whole time announced, only taking a
brief recess for the purpose of bathing
liia feet and having a brief respite. At .
this time he showed Vw symptoms of
ovej-exertion. liia feet were slightly
swollen, bnt be •therwisc seemed as
fresh as when he commenced. His ex
tremities were bathed by hi trainer
with brandy, which proved n most ex
cellent specific lor the purpose for
which it was used, lb-fore the expira
tion of the ten minutes allotted Jimmy
liegnu to feel sleepy, and was glad to
begin his exercise again as soon ns
possible. At frequent intervals hi
drank wine with raw eggs as an in vigor
ant. His appetite was also keen during
the trial, and he ate heartily. When
the last twentv minutes la-fore the el
apse of the thirty one hours had come, j
Jimmy, who it seemed, hail husbanded
his strength for the close, " let himself
out." He seemed us fresh and more
vigorous than when he first began, mid
he danced the last three danees with an
energy and a heart in i>ss which wonld '
have put to blush a youth of sixteen.
Jimmy, in f<M-t, did not stop when 5
o'clock struck, but kept on going for
nearly ten niinete* longer. When the
feat was finished he departed with his
trainer for his lodging, whrc lie was
placed in a hot bath, rubbed down, ana
put to bed The spectators during tlie
evening enjoyed themselves in singing
and danring, aiul passed the time very
agreeablv. Jimmy slept enltnly and
peacefully until 7 o'clock the next morn
ing, when lie arose and dressed himself.
He made his appearance upon the street
that forenoon, apparently as fresh as
ever. For a person sixty years of age,
the feat wliiefi lie has perform: dis truly
. remarkable.
Iteware of Poisoned Tea.
A physician from the country was
passing a down town restaurant a few
days ago, and feeling a little famished
after a long ride in the ears, be stepped
in and ordered a cup of black tea. Al
most immediately after partaking of it
he felt sick at his stomach, and soon he
commenced vomiting, which continued
through the night. Twenty-four hours
afterward he bail not fully recovered.
The doctor attributed tlie effect to ver
digris in the tea, which mnv have been
used ns coloring matter or derived from
the copper pans on which the tea was
dried, or from the vessel in which it
was drawn.
Wo have heard of other instances in
which verdigris was discovered in black
tea.— Exchange.
A pumpkin pie, ten feet iu diameter
and four feet deep, was the ohibf feature
of a California dinner recently. The
enjoyment of the guests was somewhat
marred Ijy a child falling into the pie
and drowning before iheir eyes.
The Origin f II rd-
Miwl men, aud women, too, desire
fame, or notoriety. Yet a great name
tuny come !• base uses. Si Kthehlre
tla's muiie became llldtteuftl t Ht.
Audrey, from wheneo came the word
" tawdry," sign dying cheap and gaudy.
It is stud that the nunges of the saint
were so much ovcr-dresocd by her vota
ries, that they uiuxiusdonslv furnished
the Kuglish language with this very ex
|K'iisivu term. Ami farther endorse
ment was given to the word by tlie fair*
held ou St. Uthehlreda'a day, at whieh
articles of female finery were sold.
Another sainted lady, who lived iu the
sauna century, the seventh, gives a
household name to tlie eat. " Tabby "
is sanl to coiuo from St. Abbe. Two
tow ns iu Kuglaiid are iisuuil iu her hon
or, Tablev, but iintie from the corruptetl
name "Tab." " Boston," on some few
(xitple know, is St. Butolph's town,
shortemil; and there is in the American
a* well as the Kuglish Boston, a stm-t
named " Butolph," after the s.oif
Among the most curious deviations is
the Turkish name of Constantinople,
aitainboul. The colloquial phrase among
llic tireeks to designate the place was
" cis teli ixiliii," "to the city. ' t'f this
♦he Turks make " Istampoul," and,
finally, Stamlxnil. 1u an effort to pro
duce Knglisli wortls in TurktJi ft>rm,
•i Turkish seholor could get uo nearer
to •' stimudrel " than " Asomderel."
The truiisformutiou in this case is aa curi
ous as Htawbonl, from "eis ten pohn."
York, from the l-atiu Elxiracum, would
seem to present at the first glance little
rvsa-mhlaucc to the original.
The prts-ess of change iu common
ts:ige was something as follows ; Klxe
raeuui, Ktracu, Korforwic, Konc, Aork.
This is almost eapial to the alerivatlou of
the name of a pickle from Jeremiah
King; Jerry Kmg, Jer King, girkiu.
lillt (iilhspunl changes are not always to
Ix* despised. They mean history. The
i-ammou expression, " a game leg." for s
'uilie leg, would at first seem to Ix- mak
ing game af a misfortune. The true
wortl is "gam," old English meaning,
defective. We have Cainbridges in
great numbers iit the I'uited States, in
places where there is neither s river,
cam, nor a bridge. Every machinist
knows that a " cam " is the name given
to a piece -if machinery which causes
an eccentric motion. The river Cam is
a crooked river.
Names of places hi this country aro
meauinglesi iu their appliffiition, • OHM pi
aa in the case of oh! towns, showing
when* the first settler* --nni-- from, like
Chester ami othnra. There are uiutiy
N-ittiughaius, btlt those who -late their
.•tiers in these towns do it without con
scionsness that they are noting the fact
that the respected ancestors ->f some of
is were trogl-alyt-n (ui-l liv--l in cave*.
Hnotincgoliain, the original name ->f
Nottingham in Lug Land, signified "the
home of the dweller# iti eaves;" an-l nn
ti-piariau examinatMina liave fouml
trncel of the residence* of these eave
Such arc a few -if the euwoiis trans
formationa b- winch w-.r-ls and names
are subject, while ax y#t Jxuple wer>
unable to read. The sound changed
the orthography, ami thus nearly every
tracaaf thg original disappeared in the
.imrn' of time. If the -.orl-l were in
like condition now, with no printed
b-Hika an-l ncwa|x|x-r U jr'i*rve the
-i>rri-t *|x'lliiig, wild w-rk might k
made ---en with prominent name*. Eel
del-fy would hanily lx' rooogniaed by
the ixun-ler, e.uil-1 he return. Bawlt
mer wonld lx n puzzle t lanl Balti
more. Two other lending riti-n, wh-gi
mentioned b-gether, seem b> kavo in
th-* sound of their names a distinction
as b> age, nanielv, N- w A'ork an-l Nxw.-r
Leans, though tlie ffitt- r loi< a syllable
ill the second won! t-> the enrichment of
the first.
Wheu I was a (fiiild and iw-n-1 fairy
tali's, I used to wish that 1 had the
" invisible cap," that I might go where
f cb-xi-' without the knowtrdgc of any
other mortal. I can't way I wish it now.
for if people use me as tffiey do other
folk---:in-l what more likely ? I should
Ix* apt b h--ar n g-xxl -f mys*lf, ami
to Ix* iu a chronic state -if rug<* ->ti ac
count of the ten, fiftx*n, or twenty
years ad-led bi my #!'■ by uiy dearest
friends, who knew i • first when " I
waa a married woman ami they were
onlv sixil-girla." I should hesr enti
cisms on my dress, aiul my " tricks and
manners," mil hear old bachelors nwnk
•>f om* as a designing widow, mi whom
if was dangerous to rail in
No, I've given np mr dmiw for the
invisible cup, but I realty should like to
have second night. It 11*1* 1* con
venient. If I had a* obi .Srwteh uncle
or mint powieiißed of the areomplish
nient, I Mould nit down and write to
him or her, and any;
•• Make your nlssle with me for life.
Live in myteart and pny n< rent. Yli
will l>e more useful than the washer
woman, and more fioceeesry than the
cook." Anl I should not act that aant.
dit was nn aunt, to w**hu%' dishes. I
should provide her with a big arm
chair ami a bottle of whatever is neeea
lary, aud act her to " spwring " forth
There aha would ait in her eh aw, all
hnndy, and when I aaid, " 1 II hare cod
flab for dinner, she would say :
" lion't do it. Mary."
And I would any, " Why not ?"
Ami she would any :
" All the Topalieea are eoining to din
ner. 1 aee nm."
And then I should make a preparation
of ronat and laiiled, and of dessert and
of nfter dinner coffee, to any nothing af
before dinner soup, and not writhe with
anguish when the smell of eadfish and
the TopalieeH burst into the ball to
When I put on that light silk dress
aud that new bonnet, and took that new
parasol in the fingers of my new glove*,
with n blue sky overhead, jerbapK
Aunty would begin to groan and would
sav :
" Beware ! at home."
But wouldn't that la# lietter tliAti to
lie caught in the rain ? 1 should think
Kho would hnre vision* of Biddy giv
ing away the cold mutton to her cousin*
at the area gnte, and would know why
we always had an little butter and so
much soap-fat.
In fact, alio would lie I letter than any
private detective, and •< end of a com
fort to everybody.— lsdf/er.
deatrurtion of the buffalo wax carried
on during the pant year with a rapidity
entirely unprecedented, although it haa
been matter of regretful comment for
yearn. One firm in Leavenworth re
ceived 30,000 hidea per month, while
two othera in Kan nan City reooived
15,000 each in flic name time. Thin in
at the rate of 2,000 nlain per day. The
immenae pilen or stacks of hidea to bo
neen at all the atatienn along the line of
the Kannnn Pacific Itailroad lieijr wit
nenn to the alnughter. Prof. Madge, of
Manhattan, Kan nan, who in well posted
in the economy of the Plaina, "places the
number killed per day at 1,000, which in
sufficiently higli to itinnrc the early cx
tiuction of the species.
A Georgia woman is credited with
having raised a la rue family, although
not out of her teens. It wis her moth
er-in-law's faaiily, and she did it with a
keg of gunpowder planted in the^eellar.
S-ix-n-l Nlfbt
tn tbfli'iglnal Medusa.
Near the headwaters of Ciw'lk brunch
of Indian crock there resides nit old
Shuwuee Imlluli woman by the nalue of
Net tulln <|i|ah" fallilllnrly railed, ill the
immediate neighborhood, Allut Netty.
She otX'U pies a small log eslns iu w rocki
cleft or guleli remote froin the Auhrey
and Kansas City hwd, ami alsint one
unle from the road. This old wouuui
can not la- less than ninety years of age,
although she w ill not under any consul
ei'otii li state her eXWt age, Hhe i* a
perfect rti'llise, as much SO HI though
she were dead and buried. Few viait
her lonely cabin, ami those who intrude
oiiec upon her privacy seldom care to
Venture there again. All attache of this
pajx-r, in nun pony with Mr, Kuoch H.
■ tow ns, of Can coiiulv, paid a viait to
the old Indian's cabin a few duys ago
for the purpose of examining a rare col
lection of reptiles said to lx* kept by the
old sipiuw.
After s-aiir little difficulty the calun
was discovered ui a Ix-ii-l of the creek,
completely souccalctl from \i-'w by pre
cipitous nx'k banks, except from the
south side of the raviue. A hllge, vici
ous mastiff wolf dog showed his ugly
fangs, ami for a time disputed entrance
to the cabin. The door -.jh-iuhl, and a
hl-leous old *<|Unw mode her aplx-iiramx*
at the aperture, olid ill a guttural voice
said somethuig to the dog, which atouce
retreatil l- lun.l the stone chiumev at
the eu-l of tlie cubin. With# it bidding
the jxirty enter the old s|uaw retreated
herself within the cabin, leaving the
door open. Follow tug the old woman
into the cabin, our rej"rter and las
guide were for a moment blinded lv the
smoke am! darkness. Standing near
the d<sr for a few moment*, they were
enabled to see the old x-JIIHW seated UJe
on a bl.s k of w-xxl near a smouldering
fire, smoking a small, red pi|x>, and
ap|arrnUy nneonaciaiia -if the presence
of itruugera. Mr. Dowiut well M'-|unmt
ed with th-' old hug'a taste for whisky
ami tobacco, hii-i a -jnautity of each in
her lap.
'l'lk sight of these uuei}*x-tc<l luxur
ies hu-l n magical effn-t UJSIII the s<|tiaw.
II- r small, -lull bku-k < ves glittered
with joy, uuil hr b ilthery fas- bright
t iied with satisfaction. She arose, ou
Ix-ing tuikle a4-<|uaiute-l with the object
of tlie visit, dragged <ut a large lxX
and a lrnrn-1 from near the fire, which
at first njijx'aivd to lie filled with leaves,
hut mi closer examination were found b
eoutaiti tlie -d-l hag's family jx-t*. Mut
tering some w inning, sing-song words,
evidently of endearment, she put her
hand down into the barrel ami brought
forth firal huge " bin- racer," which,
half torpid, roiled hera-df s!..wh into a
knot U|s>ti th- a hearth. I heis alie
t-M-k out several black snakes -if various
tiiii, -uie --f which waa not less than
lour feet 111 length. Then she lifted out
a |x*rfect knot of mixed snakes, spotted,
striped, and yellow, which were knotted
ami etitwiiHil iu a coil as large a - a htdf
lulshcl measure. All of th- loathsome
reptiles, she said, she had collected lier
u'l f m the rountry sroun-l alsmt her.
Some of them *!■ nii-l she had had for
Kacli f the snake* she MIII by
names, iiul, ft*r laving tlx- writhing
mass upon tin- warm hearth, 1 ft theiu
t<i squirm and uncoil IU tlx* warmth
Ki'in'rutiil by tin* fire. Turning to tin*
Im>X ibi' opened tin' il l Htnl pointed to a
large yellow anl block lam constrictor
which lay coiled up, filling one-half of
the lax. She caught it geutly by tlx*
back of the neck ami the tail, ami liftiil
it alao out upon the hearth, ami there
from took a huge brown snake,of a vari
i'tr unknown tc our rrporter. Kueh of
tlone monstwr* was at lenat four or Ave
fi*et in length, atal apjieared to lie far
more active ami lively than the smaller
snake*. Khe tlien ilwirKiil forth an ohl
wolf-akin OIM< from Iter I**l in a corner
near the fin-, ami unrolled a perfect
medley of rattlesnakes of all httea, aixea,
thickneaaea, and age*. These alio han
dled roughly, rolliug flic anttiraimg
mass out ti|*>n the hearth, where the
riaitora. at a aafe distance, might view
the loathaomc sight at lei-are. Upon
the walla hung a variety of Miake akina,
rattlea, dried snakes" hernia, lizards, ami
pieotw of dried meat.
The aight was the moat repugnant
ever wittu-aaed hy >nr rejmrter. Tlie
old hag ant dowgi uj*>ii the hearth,
laughing and chattering her horrid
gibberish, nml pwoviliil to wind
the two largeat snnke* aronml her
wriukhsl old neck, aud then to uncoil
the half torpid mosses of snake*. In n
ahort time nhe had her lap full of the
M|tiimiing reptilca, nml appeared to
handle and play with them like ao many
linrndeaa kittena. The riaitora, nnahle
to stand the lonthaonie, airkening aight,
and the eflluvin generated in the clone,
dark ilen, mam took their leave, leaving
the old aijuaw to the eomjauiy of her
singular jiel*. She devotea mueh of her
time iu playing with them, allowing
them to crawl over her lied and over the
floor.'o She feed* them upon birda nml
insecta. The former she eatcliea nlivi'
ami feds to the larger anakea at inter
vals of one or two week*.
She works a small patch of garden,
and depends mostly for ether IKHVHSU
ries upon the siirrouinliug eonutrv in
which she Ix'gs. She refused to follow
her trilie south when they departed n
few years ago, and they loathed her so
mueh for lier hideous habits that they
did not regret leaving her. In the warm
months she jiennit* her pets to roam at
will over the cabin, and in no instance
lia* bee* bitten by auyof them; although
they will hiss and dart with their poia
ouoiis fangs at times, vet she appears to
control tliem by a few whinuing words
and a glance of her dull hlnek eyes. It
is needle** to sny old Aunt Netty has
few visitors, and those who have visited
her are not anxious to rejent the visit.
A'IIIIM* I'HI/ Tiuu *.
The ( anailiitu Railroad*.
From a review of the Canadian rail
WHVH we see that the Oram! Trunk
way, with 1,300 miles of track, employ
ing 5,000 men, and ninety millions ol
cash investments, has not paid a divi
dend for yenrs. Its expense* consume
77 1-2 per cent, of gross earnings. The
(treat Western limit makes $10,40.
gross earnings a mile, the largest of any
siagle track in the world, but nttia it *
expenses up to 00 |a*r emit, of the re
ceipts, which are found to increase in n
faster ratio than tlx- earnings. Oneyeai
of the ten which the iKiminion Parlia
ment granted for the building of (be
Canadian Pacific Road lias pasaisl with- I
out n stroke of work done, but a com
pany has b<*en formed, its stock ia to
be placed with most rigorous precau
tions against its lieingcontrolled by any
other than Canadian capitalists.
Fur* and Ihclr Prkrs
A Maine paper nays that mink are
selling at SMI anil 87. Sable are quie
plenty thin season—plentier than last—
at $2.50. Sliver fox sell at 840 to 8M-
Bear skins are worth $5 to 813. Musk
rat are not nearly ne plenty an laid year.
Kittens sell at flveeeWts ; Fall munkrata
at 10 centn to 15 cents; Winter, 20 cents.
The otter is scarce, and sells at 84 to 812.
Very few are taken. The raccoon is
milking himself scarce. He sell at 25
to 75 a#>nts. Weasel is not plenty, and
and sells at a nominal price. He is
stuffed nail kept for curiosity, but no
body wears him. Weasel fur appears
under the fashionable name of ermine,
hut this fur is grown in Russia, and ia
finer and longer than ours.
A Had Hrrne.
1 Hiring the nrogreaa of tin* excavation
of the rtiina of the Ventre atrret fire in
New York, where aeven live* were loat,
relative# of Uuiae who were miasttig alao
crowded alMiiit the ruini, anil with eager
anil watchful ■ yea pounced U(M>U every
object which they tliought resembled a
human figure. Among other* waa the
young man, M<*(irnth, whoae naUr ia
among the utiaaiitg, ami wlio remained
in a jMHiition above the worknieu the en
tire afternoon. At interval# of an hour
he would leave the ruiua and hurriedly
croon the street, where waa hitting iJnv*
ering with Uie cold an old woman, thinly
and poorly clad. Approaching her at
one time with tear* in hi* rye, he aaid,
hi# voire quivering with emotion,
" There ia no aigti of her yet, mother;
I'm afraid Well never find her."
" (111, Mike, don't aay. that; let u*
place our truat in thai."
The young man walked quickly ai-roaa
the htreet and waa again at hia pout
watching an intently MM ever. The pre*-
once of the old lady, together with her
violent nobbing, attracted many around
her, but ahe accrued to take no notice of
what wan going on, keeping a steady
gaze upon her aon. When it began to
grow dark he left the building, und
coining over once more to hi* mother,
naked her to go home, aa nothing more
could la* done. At firat ahe waa un
willing to comply, but at laat went off
in the direction of tlie car*. When ahe
hail left the aon turued arpuml, and in
a low voice, acarcely audi hie, aaid :
" (Ih1 help her." In eonveraation with
the writer, klr. McUrath aaid that hi*
alater and himself kept houae for Ilia
mother that ahe might enjoy the latter •
dava of her life in comfort. " 1 know,"
aniil he, " ahe ran never I*-or up with
thia loaa, ami what ia moat troubling me
now ia that ahe a* well aa my poor aister
will noon leave me."
Mr*. DoaobtM, who loat her two oldest
daughlera < her uitun aup|Mirt iat the fire,
waa uualile to bear up under her loaa,
ami loat her quad. Around her l**b>idr
clung her four retuaiuiug eliildrvn, who
were crying, but who are yet unable to
realize the critieal condition of their
mother <>r the ami and uutimelv end of
tlirir older aiater*. The mother waa
alightly letu*r yesterday, and spoke
very ratioually, but it ia lielieved if ahe
la |H-nnittcd to View the remain* of liar
two girl* that ahe will never recover.
Her entire cry yesterday waa : "Oh I
the worat ia hi come yet." Father
Miaiuey, of St. ftridget'a flum-lt, made
nliuaioii to the unfortunate girl* yeahv
ilay, ami naked the congregation pray
for them.
After dark the aceur* 111 and around
the atutlou-liouae where lav the IMNIV of
Fail 11 v Stewart were appalling. Mother*
who had loat their children, aud who
had t'nlrlii'il the laltor* of tht' workmen
all the afternoon, with their feet im
la-dded in the cold, damp allow, called
on the Ciqihun h procure information
of *' what would lie done cut the mor
row ?" "if lie thought all the other
la alien were an diafigun-d MM the one
found F' mid hundreds of other qnaa
tioiia which he aunwetvd aa heat lie
t New-Mexican Utr (base.
In New Mexico, where young Indie*
are aciirae, five men wooed the name
dnmael. The lovera, it MUBI, were
all equally p<air and—disreputable.
The girl didn't love any of them, but
ahe feared all of tlo-m. A* the w<aing
waxed warm, the lover* liegan to in
dulge in threat* of nhootingand throat
cutting, ond one of them, more Ravage
than the rent. declared he wonld cut the
throat of the girl lumaelf aooner than
nee her the wife of any of hia rival*.
Thin no frtgliteucd the girl that ahe re
aolvcd on flight. Making ample, but
arret pre)Mirationa, ahe fled one morn
ing, on borneliaek, hi the ranehe of a
frieud, diatant nearly a hundred mile*
from her home. Tlie next day ber flight
waa dincovered, and the five lovera net
out in purauit, every one of them de
tennimal to eatch her and marry her, or
die. They rode in eompany till the
horae at one began to fall behind, when
lie iiimah-d tliat the other* ahould slack -
en tlieir speed, no aa to give him an eqnal
cliam-e. This they reflined to do, when'- ,
upon he drew hia revolver and la-gnu hi
fire at their lioraea. Tliia no maddened
the four other lover* that they opened
fire on tltur aaaailant, ami aliot him and
hia horae, but not till he had wounded
am! lamed two of their horae*.
The owner* of the two wounded
horae#, aeofhg that they wonld lie dis
tanced in the race, demanded that their
comrade# ahould give them an cqujil
chance by all going on foot. Tina pro
portion la ing declined, a aecoml fight
waa immediately liegun, which ended in
the death of two of the oomliatanta, and
the wounding of the other two an aeri
oualv that they could not pnice>iL
After two day* of suffering, tlie
wounded men were found by a part v of
explorer*, and aont to a cabin wh.<r they
could linve am-h help aa the limited n
aonroea of a frontier aettler'a family |
eou Id anpply, Tliere one of them aoon
died, ami the other, after a long illncaa,
convalesced anfficieutly to ride away on
koraebuck in search of Mime old com
panions. lie did not propoae to go in
luirauit of the girl again, aa he had
lcanl of her marriage to a cotiain who
waa akillftil with the bowie-knife, und a
dead allot.
tool's Method
What reoeaoea of tlie hiinian Sold can
not be reached by tlie even tide of (bid?
Ita refrealimeut #lid<-a up from gift to
gift, and toaaea ita sprav into the face of
iuingiiintioii, and lie# deep around the
rooted aenaea on which men atuml to
aoe their hope of immortality ami con
amottaneaa of the divine presence reflect
ed in it. If it ebb*, we recollect the
image ami vcarn for the diurnal fresh
ness. It lift# us with the nut of nature,
ami all things tiud theinaelvea blithely
afloat. Nice observation of an insert*
• inbryo,W arm enthusiasm for the mortal
law. the tenderness that seek* its liiuuaii
kind, and the eeatacy that cliiima kin
aliip with the invisible order—the whole
of tloaworld ia iwrried round with tlie
plnneta, ami roll# into the ordinary
influence of all the heavenly lights;
not one faculty can lag behind or lie
dropjM-d out of tliia mental unit v. Noth
ing truly preciona swims helpleaalv in
the great wake of Oral's clear method,
but every |mrt of tlie man ean la- ami
therefore atrivea to lie abreast of the
other. The mountaina follow the earth,
i the air k*ta clasped the mountaina, and
daylight and starlight stream forward
onUuighsl in the air. Clubbing for
dear life to each other, all solid and
tenuous thing# describe the great, in
variable motion, and God ia in the
iniuiifnldnraa, drenching it with uni
formity.—John ttViaa.
Ilorrar* of Cuban Warfare.
A coiVespondent of the New Yark
Ifrra/d, writing from the battle-field of
Viamones, in Onba, where the Spaniards
lately defeated the Cubans, gives a ter
rible' picture of the horrors of the war
now desolating that island. No prison
ers are ever taken. The enemy's
wounded left upon the hattle-flehl are
all slain by the victors. Their throats
or#' cut; their nnns and legs lire ent off:
in some (vises the top of the hood is out
off with with a machete—a large heavy
knife resembling a broadsword; and in
some instances, the liodies are too
shockingly mutilated for description.
HucJi treatment of wounded men is a dis
grace to civilisation.
Roads and Road Making.
At ilia Central New York Fanners'
Club, A. O. Williama, in some very
sensible talk <n the above anhjeet, sug
gested as a possibly goral plan, tlie dl
vi.ling of each of our present road dts
trieU into ten <{ual parta, and that all
j the ialxir lx- conn-titrated on one of
thewe jisrt* each yesr, and tbn# secure
at the end of a decade " splendid roads
all over the Htate." It were a <*iuum
motion devoutly to be wished, and, aa
Mr. William" assert", it would add im
mensely to the comfort and glory of the
•iiinmotiwealth. It would carry its
blessing to every 'cottage, It would
double the value of the lands remote
fr.un tlie cities and villages at once, by 1
making them easy of access at all sea
sons of the year and bringing them near
to market Tlie expense of building
such a road would be about $2,(10(1 per
mile, and, e-mac-|uently, the yrarl v cost
for each section would be alxiut jriift, as
each district is ihiut one mile in extent.
There is now ex}xndod in work from
S3O to SIOO. To accompltsh so noble
an enterprise, Uie fanners could well
afford to double tins appropriation for
ton years, as, after that time, a much
leas sum would lx- needed to keep tlie 1
roada in repair. The manner of con
struction should he somewhat as follows:
The road-lied should be about 14 feet
wide, slightly rounded, ami properly
graded. Then draw on stone from the
fields, from two to tliree feet iu thiek
iieaa, accordiug to the solidity of the
road-bed, whether it is of gravel or
loam, well packed together. The sur
face stones should be well broken with
the hammer and left sufficiently crown
ing to turn tlie water, and the whole
mode einonth by a alight covering of
washed gravel, and this, rolledjwitl' an
iron roller, wotihl complete the job.
This kept smooth with a roller and
scraper would IH> a road worth v of tlie
Empire Stole Jta width ahoufd I# ao
great aa to allow teams to |xias each
otlier easily. Its surface should he ao that teams insy travel all over
it. ami not la obliged to follow each
other iu direct line#, making ugly rut*
in a abort time.
At the *aine meeting, Mr. Heoville
suggested the following plan, and said
he had adopted it with mooes* in a small
way on tlie road contiguous to his own
ioixl :
The aeiitre of the roa-l-lted should be
excaivated to a width of eight feet, and
to a depth of a foot and a half at least.
Then let this trench |x- fill.-d with "torn
nearly to tlx- level of the former road
way, always placing the largest stones
at the bottom an-l tlie smaller <mea ou ,
top, and it vrouhl lx- a very great ad-;
vintage if then* mnhl he an addition
of several inches of brok-xi atone and
top dressing -if course ami fine gravel.
Hucli a ros.l would lx- p*rfcet in con-1
it ruction and enduring. Tlie atone
uae-1 f-r this purpose could lx- gathered
frora tin- neighboring flel-ls, and thus
get rid of thoae unsightly abate heaps
i ami foul fence corners.
Pratt* of ( attic KaUinir.
W. <l. Kinp*bnrr, E*q., Chairmau of
the Hoard of I>i rector* of the Agricul
tural Stock-raiaing and Industrial Aa
sot'intion of Western Texas, in an article
. on cattle raising aaya: M. 8. Culver, '
(luaantville,. Nueces county, Texas.oom
nxneed working with Mr. J. T. James,
in IMS, for a pro rata of tlx- mavericks
or atray cattle for the army, instead of j
regular wages. Thw gave liim the first
start HI ealtle. lie then took a stock to
at tend to, for one thin] of the inereaac. j
Other tmrties gave him one dollar per
head, for gathering their lawns, aud
fifty cent* per bead fr branding their
calves. He now has 7,0<K1 head of rtit
tle, NO saddle horse*. a good rancho, !
well improved with an inclosed pasture
of 400 acrea. Tlti* statement has been
furnished bj Sir. Alexander Coker, of
Oakville, Live-oak county, an authority
that no one in this country can doubt,
Mr.Culver is but the type of hundred*
I might ]irtirnlurixe throughout the
i country. His property now would he
cheap at fifty thousand dollar* specie,
and if he livea ten yeara longer, will
probably amount to over three hundred
thousand dollars.
Thomas O'Connor, post* office San
Patricio, Texas, wa* discharged from the
army of the Republic of Texan in 1837. ;
Hia entire earthly posaenaiona then eon
sistisl of a Spanish pony. saddle and (
bridle, two old hell pistols, one of
which waa broken off at the breech, and
one rifle gun. all of which were mueh
the worse for baring been in constant
use in obtaining our independence,
i At this time, 1871. he has 80,000 head
I of cattle, worth >100,000; six leagues or
'Jti.iVU acres of valuable river land, all
improved, cheap at $5 per acre, $233,- •
.Tilt; 500 head of saddle and stock horses
i worth |90,0fl0; sent one drove uf 1.025
bewv** to Ksusns this year, was largely '
i interested in three other droves, and is ;
shipping beeves by steamer to New Or- I
leans all the trne; has ready money on j
hand for all purposes of speoelatian,aud '
lost eighteen negro men, worth flß,ooo,
hy emancipation. I vrish to mention, !
for the benefit of my laly readers, that
Mr. tVOonnor is aw idower, very good
looking in the face, not a bad figure, ,
ami very susceptible.
11 . I. -II l U.I L j—-T-t J
How to IkwIWIUi Rlarkmailer*.
The Journal of ftontnrrrr very sent:- !
bly says; We do not undertske to advise
.i a persi'ii exactly what to do when a
blackmailer calls to trv his giune upon j
, him. We would not fielilwrately recom
mend throwing hiui out of a third or
fourth story window into the street. If
, nil honorable man ia so transported with
just indignation at the sight of a hlaek
mailer as to ls attacked with " tempor
, ary insanity," and should hurl the fel- ;
. low through the window, sash and all, |
j we think it would be hard to convict liiui
1 of homicide. Similarly, if he shonhl
, kick the scoundrel down three or fonr
| flights of stairs and give him R parting
, " rwisi'" nt the door, which would land
liiin in a mud puddle in the middle of
, tlx* street, we could safely insure him
, against exciwaive damages for assault
. and I lattery. Much must le pardoned
; to the glow of righteous wrath; and
' these summary proeesaea do have
. the advantages of neatness ami dispatch
, but we will not gravely commend their
adoption. The black-mailer should In*
J handed over to the jsiliee. If he at
. tempt* to escape arrest, he should lie de
: tained, witli whatever force ia necessary
j to keep him quite and docile. Home
I |ieople would employ more force and
r others less. Those unfortunately impul-
I sive persons who cannot rest sain them
selves, would jai.-sibly mark him witli a
black eye—and that would assist in hia
identification—but tlx* great object is to
keep tlx* scoundrel fast and tight till the
jHilieiman reajioixls. In the present
public hwmor, we think that jurors snd
judges would make short work with
' these crawling pest* of society.
in NfwKkmg of ths establishment < f<
Holy-tree Coffee-Houses, Mr. Be clier j
recently remarked: "Talk of a ter |>er
ance reformation—l think that a < >tU ]
reformation ia neednl in thin country.
I have traveled all fiver the length and
breadth of thin land, and only in one ul
two instances have 1 ever been able to
get a cup of real good ooti'ee. Aa a ni'e, |
a cup of coffee ia a swindle and a cheat,
and it will lie a good thing if there ouu
be established some places where tlu te
can be obtained a cup of pure codec,
and good brea! also."
NO. a.
TTip future f Hip #nilwMi Ua4*.
The •lcMtti of tb late King of tin
Hatidwich Islands and the future
that Kingdom, In view of the fact thai
hs loft io bet* to the throne, t* the sub
j jwrt of <-o;untWralile comment and spec
ulation in official and diplomatic circles
(luwrtwr MeOook, of Colorado Ten
ritoiy, who r*a minister naihot al
Honolulu prier to Hen. Grant's admin
nitration, fa of opinion that if oar Gov
eminent wants to nunei <Khe islaudi
it can be dona without much dilflenlty.
if ottr prew ot minister show* any aart
of unuiagemsui Jb awi have control of
matter* The English and French
minister# ara absent on leant. There
ft re no hrreign vessels of war in the
Hawaiian waitra except American, and
iw all <le|Murt4Mei*ia of the government
of the Kingdom the Atucrnam* have
the ascendancy. principal oppo
nent to the annexion of the inland to
the t'lifted Mtatee w the ihtud King,
Kamehainea. In hia youth be had
viaitad tJua country, and unfortunately,
the treatment he Deceived waa not of a
character to prepossess him in war favor.
Being a oolotedS man, and traveling in
cognita' be m in many iuatinco* sub
jected to indignities which he never for
got. In couvaraatiou with (Jon. He-
Cook, while lie waa miniater resident,
on the aubjact of annexation, Kamcha
meha atated that aa King ha raoeivad a
■alary much larger than Una of the
i'rasidt-nt of the Cuffed HtoL-, aom
forty Uunwand dollar* per annum, not
to apeak of tbejxiviieguw of lus position
aa aoverign; With annexation, tie Mid,
aa an MoaorapUahsd fact, be would be
cmueaven-ordinary eitsaeauf the United
Btatoa. Be preferred, of course, to re
main King. I'Uia waa liia puajtion. The
aeutimeuta of hie. subjects, or at leaat
the moat influential portion* vi them,
were more favorable to tbe Unitod State®
and to nuiiexation ; hat while Kamcha
uieha bred the question waa not agitat
ed. Shortly before hia dtftr the King
eiprMMwd a deoire to viait tlie C lifted
State#, for w hat purpose in not precisely
known, but Uie fact waa communicated
bi Mr. Petnt, otir miniater at Honolulu,
wha informed hia Govusmtiuett. Th
reanlt waa that Abe United State* atcam
er California wm ordered to proceed to
the Sandwich for the jmxpoee of
Imaging the King hem That vessel i
now on her way there under the original
order, and not* at haa Iweti -stated, to
protect tlie interest of American sttixeu*
in tlie inland*. Tlioae familiar willt af
fair* in the island* date Uiere i no
acceMiity fur ordering a viwael la protect
American ntiiiMM. It ia not known
what court*- the Adiniuiatratioii will
pnrwur, but it ia not improbable that in
view of the importance of the inland* to
the Unitcil State*, if a favoralde oppor
tunity offer#, annexation will be at leant
Tu |t Stammering-
Dr. yio tewi. writing in the Phila
delphia /'-■/<'/. aaya
Home rears ago * hunou* professer
I'MiMt l <i town where we wens then re
aiding, and announced that he could
" core Use won! rum of stuttering iw
ton minute* without a surgical oprew
tion." A friend of mini nuaa inveter
ate cone. Mid we advwed him to cat!
upon the wonderful nutftfeua. He
csdled, ww> convinced by the testimoni
al* exhibited, struck up a bargain, paw!
the fifty dollar*, and soon called at our
office talking an straight a a railroad
(rack '
We were greatly astonished, and asked
our friend by what miracle he had keen
strangely and suddenly relieved of
hw life long .trouble. He most provok
ing ly informed u* that be had made a
solemn prom tee not to reveal the process
of cure.
We knew two other bad caw* —ladies
—and calling upon them, reported what
liad evuw to pass.
They were aoon at the professor's place,
came away greatly elated, ranted the
hundred dcrtnu*, "went tlie next day,
paid the Mi*h. am! in half an hour Were
ready, had the question keen popped,
to my "yea'' without a jerk.
We were noon made acquainted with
evenal other cures quite a* remarkable,
and resolved to put on our aharpest wits
and wait upon the magician otuwelve*.
He seemed an honest man, and In
two day* we made up our mind to pay
him a largo fee, and learn the strange
art. with the privilege of using it to
cure whomsoever we would.
Those who had been cured by the
professor were solemnly bound not to
reveal the secret to anyone, but onr
contract gave us the privilege of using
the knowledge as we pleased.
And now wo propose to give the read
era of Una journal a simple art which
has enabled ua to make liappy many an
unhappy stammerer. In our own hand*
it ha* ohen failed to effect the desired
result, but in three-fourths of the cases
which we have treated the cure has been
The secret is simply this !---The stam
merer is made ts mane the time in his
speech, just as It is ordinarily done in
singing. He is at first to beat cm every
syllable. Ilia beat at first k-.w>n to
read some simple composition, like one
of David's Psalms, striking the finger
on the knee al every word ; then read in
n newspaper, beating each sellable.
Ton can Vwat time by striking the fin
ger on the knee, by simply hitting the
thumb against the forefinger, or moving
; the large toe in the boot
We doubt if the worst case of stutter
j ing could continue long, provided the
sufferer would read an hour or two every
day, with thorough practice af the simple
art. observing the same in his converse
i tion.
As thousand* have paid fifty and a
hundred dollars for this secret, we take
great pleasure in imparting it to the
patron* of thi* journal.
The Ik**! ruction of Pompeii.
Tn the vear A. n. t2t, toe ancient city
at South Italy. Pompeii, was visited by
two earthquake*, oeeuring at an inter
val of a few months, by which many
public building" were thrown down, and
an iiuinchac amount of damage done;
and it liod net entirely recovered from
the effect* of these diaanfcw*, when it
wa* overwhalmM by tlw famous erup
tion rf Vesuvius, August 24, 79, which
involved it ami the neighboring towns
of Horeuliuieuui and Stabim in a common
Thenceforward, for nearly seventeen
eenturies, the city vanishes from hi*-
i ory, h1 though the name seem* never to
have keen totallyforgotton. A village,
constructed from it* ruins, snbsequent
ly aruee upon its aite; but, after the de
struction of fliis by the eruption of 472,
the Campus Pompeina, as it was long
called, remained, until the middle of
the last century, an undisturbed and un
j inhabited plain.
The eruption of 79 produced striking
physical changes in the vicinity, and
| the sea. which formerly laved the wall*
of the city, is now upward of a mile
I from it* site, while the neighboring
river Re mo lms lieen considerably di
verted from its ancient course. He*co
I I the geographer Cluverius, who invest
t gated the anbjeot in the early part of
the .seventeenth century, following tin
description of ancient authors, was in
-11 duoCd to locate Pompeii at a ariag of
■ \ sevcrfd ratlea from its actual poaitici
. • ) "7' ■■ ~ "
I A Maine breach of promise suit, four
teen yenrs old, has at laat been termin
ated by the death of both parties to it.
-t 1 i - Ij - ■ f■■ jtap ; , 4
1- I
iieiM if
mm a tortil for sixteen yam*
TSera haa uevwr boan a ssaSon whan
the Connecticut tobacco crow premised
ao many Havana oigam aa this.
J A Chouteau avenue (St. Louts > girl
frankly confesses that bar advwoaey dr
, the woman'a right# movement ia dua to
an inaane desire to wear red-top boola
; and a piatol pocket,
Mr* Mary 0. MmL widow of ths lata
regiater of deed# of Loaawworth, <*>..
Kan., haa been appointed hy the W
'of Con urn Crmmomdanam to sweessd
her lata htiaband in that offlm,
The Khedive of Egypt hia ordered
the wedding outfit oftlJ daughter to b.
made in Pan# One of tha itornt of the
order ia flounce* of point d Ah®eo® at
•800s vanl, and f!o00of other laoaa
are to be added. _ .
A parent hi Haw Albey*l't who
had fifteen daughters, haa prisoned hia
|1 dog, taken the lock# off the doora and
! ! hung rape hidden over hia dooryard
1 ! fence by the doaen, and atil tba pre
• I vision bill ia aa aver.
Iftas Floreuee Birney, • daughter of
General Birney, baa been learning to
set type in tho office of the Dedham
iMmm i Oamttr for the part ai* laootha,
and hat weak ah* went South to aastot
in editing a newspaper.
A maiden of sixty lately died in Woet
mo4and. England, and left |500,000 to
a gentleman who had captured her nto
ture affection* Tbe will ia now being
. oonteatod on the ground of irregularity,
' incapacity, and ignorance.
An ill-need husband around the Wo
'Kan.; Jit aider office makes thia obaar
vmtioa: " If Susan B. and bmreonfamaa
get abut up in priaon for llhgal voting,
we know kits of men wbe will urge tbaar
wives to try voting next time.
Settle Clauaer, • young woman of
aweot fifteen, in Algehoa, Shawano Co.,
! Wis., will give her left hand to her hue
! band in marriage, if aheevmgete one.
Her right hand waa ebot off hat week
, while she wee gracefully oareaaiag o
' revolver.
A voung woman in Virginia, feelitof
j socially inclined toward a neighbor the
. other aide of a formidable river, and
' having no horse convenient, made the
toenail in safety and dryness recently
; by taking two chairs and uaiiig them
aa ctiita.
One hundred and sixty-one pmuenu
! have died in Eoghad during the Mat
lu year*, whoM pereonal property alcme
exceeded five million doUara in each
caac. Only ton of them left this smalk
.nyrtiiit; the rest ranged from that sum
up to fifteen millions each.
The Cleveland girl who shot Henry
Print, otherwise knewn aa Harry May
uani, the gyulaaat, whose home was at
Snacnae, gets off with no pumahsmt
at ell, the grand jury before whomthe
owe was ealled belrrviag the shooting
to hare been accidental and refusing to
indict her.
The time has come when the ques
tion of false weight* and measures must
be met aquawiyaiid settled. When th. *
public refnuif from buying fraudulent
UMckagea, the dealer* will quickly r
fTirnj. and not before. By taking thia
coatee, the public will be a law for
Tbe Loudon Lancet aays the roedkal
.ifficcrm of the British navy preserve
their surgical instruments from rust l v
a mixture of carbolic acid and olive oil,
in equal parte, smeared over them. How
the acid flan taenia— the effort of tho
oil ia not plain, but. iI it nmllj does it,
the pl*r ia worthy of adoption.
The great-grandfather of Thames
Edwards died at one hundred and four
teen; hia grandfather at on hundred
and four; but the father dwd at the
f-arly aim of sixty-eevea. Hia young
son* Edward, now only ninety-fiye,
nuklrmh oommittod matrimony with a
chit of seventy. This ia what comes of
being aa unadvised orphan.
There are in Austria twelTcpriaona
for men and six for women. The num
ber of prisoner* attheendtrf last jmr
was 10,422 of both aexee. The number
of person a who died in prison during
the year waa 552. Every pneoaer i
obliged to attend echoel regularly, end
popular lectures ara delivered to the
prusoneiu on Bundaya and holidays.
Albert C. Abbott, Unman, of Cbariea
towa, injurad at the great fire, died in
the hospital, aged thirty-thrw-. At the
time of hi* injury be was engaged to be
married to a voung iady, and at the de
sire of both parties the couple were
married three day* Wo* the young
man's death. His brother was buned in
the ruins at the same fira, *i*u ,n *
mother died from grief at her beraava
Noble county, Ohio, a county of 400
•quara miles, with a population of 10,-
dOO persons, haa not one single grog
shop The liqnor nuisance waa abatod
there in 1870 by the euioreemsmt of the
Liquor Law. Not a fakmv haa b
committed, not e gh— of liquor sold,
not one person in prison, in that eotuity
for two rears, nor have Um criminal
courts had a solitary oruninal to try for
aug offense.
Innumerable buttorfliea lately viaitod
the citv ef Fiorenoe, in clouds se dense,
sav the Italian papers, thai the gaa
iighta were ohacurcd, and die streeto at
night rendered almort perfertly daik.
The mmiictpai Milioriiie* imiafdiittly
ordered fin- to be lighted, which at
tracted the insert* and burned off their
wines, ao that in a shert time the atraato
wew oovewd with their white bodice to
the depth of half an inch, as if w*h a
fresh fall of snow.
Tbe term horse-power, aa applied to
•deam boilers, is so indefinite that it has
come to be regarded by many engineer#
m prarticallv valueless. A committee
rrcejutlv appointed by the Franklin lih
xtitute of Philadelphia, recommended
t|>t ita use be discontinued. One of the
members said that bone-power, as the
tonn was used by different engineer#
and boiler-maker*, indicated aa actual
power, which in one eaae sometimes
varied one hundred par cent from that
in another.
The Panama Star and 'Herald givet a
striking illustration of the vigor and
rspiditv of vegetation in the tropica, by
tt Jerriag to the bushes and twos grow
ing in the ruins of the burned Aspinwali
Hotel st Panama. It is acsrraly mora
than two years since this couragmtion
took place, and yet there
itig within the walls trees at least thirty
feet in height They belong to what
arc called trumpet trees fj/vnus Oecropia)
and tk* brancnes are mud to be crown
ing out of the highest doors and wm
iowa, so aa to render it prehable that in
their further growth they wijl throw
down the walk with which they ara
A great botanicau work by Prof. De
caianeon the genus i'yria, or pear-treec,
baft iuai been published at Pwjj 111
French language of conree. Ttereato
fourteen hundred varieties oftkis fruit
in the Jardon des Plants. The author
regards all cultivated pear# aa belonging
to'one speciea, divided into six races,
which he names : Ist Odttc ; '2nd. Ger
manic ; 3d. Hellenic; 4th. Pontic; sth.
Indian!- and 6UI. Mongolian. The pears
of France, which it seems are used ex
tensively in the mannfarture of oham
pagne at Eperoay, belong to the Ger
manic race, which also includes our own
1 common pears. Thus far a natural clas
sification of pears has been found i -
practicable, and the arrangement **opt
ed is ttiat of grouping them according
to the period of ripening.
[ , Everything that entejrs Puns has to
pay octroi duty. For many weeks aa
[ 6 from the out
tikirte to the cityrbei ll ? attended every
! evening by a neat-looking groom. One
, night the dogcart was npeet in ths
presence of the gendarmes, who, on go- gl
' mg to the rescue, notioed Chahthe grooin
had not moved from his seat. ' 4 Come, *
r said one of tlie men. The groom pre
nerved a diguified silence. " Coma
down," eried tlmy anaply,''.dimt you
i sea your master is hurt - Is hv
drunk or stupid?" The pre
ierved his Eugbsh mny froid, wad the
1 employes, giving him a shake, disoover
. Ed, to their unutterable astonishment
- that he was iqadfe of xinc, and ooutifined
150 likes of oognaa I