The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, November 29, 1872, Image 4

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    A Picture : Indian Bummer,
Wrapped in peaceful atillneaa Nature lira.
As It, while gazing on the quiet skirt,
She had looked past their depths, and met
God's eyas.
And in that gate grown calm ;
As it, sw<l by the solemn sight she lay,
Or, fallen asleep, was dreaming life away,
Singing unconsciously by night and day
A reverential paalm.
Half railed In golden light of ahimmeri
The landscape ►ketches, wonderonsly flair,
No trace of paling beauty anywhere;
Natnre ia in her prime.
In richest robes the hills and woods appear.
The lakea and spring* lie motionless and clear,
Baled by the thii est queen of all the year—
Beautiful harvest time.
The silver river, winding through the lea
The ringing birds on every greenwood tree,
The music of the never-silent tree,
The deep and silent wood.
Are herar-ehaiqiing witnesses thai He
Who made all these fur things so graciously
Is m ghty in His lora, and prayerfully
I wlii!-per, "God is good."
Farm, harden aud Household.
Carrt-R AT LABOR.— Any man in Illi
nois who now permits iiis domestic
quadrupeds to run at large in the high
way takes the risk of beiug called upon
to increase the school fund of hi* town
ship to the extent of from 63 to $lO
these figures indicating the extremes
of fine under the new law of State which
went Into effect Oct. 1.
SUI T IN WHEAT.— For four bushels of
seed dissolve vine pound of blue vitriol in
water enough to soak the wheat; let it
soak six, twelve or twenty-four hours,
drain off, and roll the seed in plash r or
ashes; sow before it has t'nie to heat.
This will cure any seed however smutty.
Prxirxix PRESERVES.— Cut a nice ripe
pumpkin iuto pieces a third of an inch
thick, {taring them. Take etjual weigh
iu white sugar. Allow the juice of one
lemon to a pound of pumpkin. Let the
pumpkin remain in a pan with the
sugar and juice all night In the morn
ing put inu> a preserving kettle, cooking
tiil perfectly clear. Be sure to skiui
well. Then add lemon-peel cut in piece*
small as marbles. Take out and strain
the syrup through a jelly hag, and pour
over the pumpkin.
*>.—Peel the marrows, take away the
seeds, cut the vegetable into small pieces.
To every pound of marrow add half a
pound of sifted loaf sugar, the rind and
juice ot a fomon. half an ouace of grated
ginger. Put these into a basin and let
them stand all night The next day pour
the juice into a pan and let it boil up, then
add the vegetable. Boil all together an
hour and a halt or until it becomes thick
and transparent. It put into a mould
which will not affect the acid, the preserve
will look very nice when tnrned out for
use. Most vegetables may be prepared
the same way.
knees ate a sign of weakly oonstitutioned
animals, and it Is not always possible to
bring ahont a speedy or permanent cure.
The only plan that might succeed would
be to suspend work, if the colt has been
at work; feed the best food, bay and
oats being preferable (no straw or stalks
should be given:,, bathe the knees dailr
with cold salt water or brine, and rub
gently for fifteen minutes with a coarse
woolen cloth. A strengthening liniment
Bach *s opodeldoc, might also be of ser
vice. Bnt, as it arises from condition*
which are unalterable', as they are con
atitctionsl, there is not mnch*hope of a
permanent cure if hard work is expected
from the anirnaL
CrKrxa Ha vs.—Charles Jessop fur
nished tba Maryland Ag'l Society tbo fol
lowing recipe:—2l-2 lbs. saltpetre, dried
and finely powdered, 12 bushel best Liver
pool salt, 3 lbs. brown sugar, and 1-9 gal
lon molasses. Mix all in a vessel, rub
the tneat well with same, and pack with
akin down. The above is the exact
amount required for 1000 lbs. of pork.
After being in salt three to four weeks,
take out, wash clean the pieces, dry, and
hang it up for smoking. Three weeks is
sufficient to smoke them thoroughly—by
fire made of hickory wood. When
smoked, takedown and bag, or'place away
in dry chuff or cat straw. Examine them
occariors'Jy, and it found to be at all
camp, renew the packing with dry mater
Lord's day is a good day on which to
learn to love roar neighbor as yourself.
Ido not think it is a great sin*if your
neighbor has his aide door open on the
S&bbatn day for yon to walk across the
lawn and ait on hits porch, and talk with
him of seemly things. I think the Lord
likes that. Ido not think that if your
household is more radiant, and roar
children wake and aay, •• Thank God, it
is Sunday,"—l don't think that if yon
make it the beet day of the week, and
your children are good natnred and joy
ful that they are any the worse. I bo
licve in letting out the harness a little.
I believe in making the wholes for the
bockle a little lower down. Let onr
Ijord's day Ire a chnrch day in the morn
ing and a family day the rest of the
time. I think that we preach too much.
I think that we overteach and overtax in
the Sabbath school. I think we are
making the Lord's day laborious. I do
not think that we use Sunday enough to
make the family finer, sweeter, more
homogeneous, more social, and so more
religious. I see many, many men who
eome to church stern and stiff. They
would not for all the world ride in a
street car on Sunday; nor go over the
ferry on Snndav; nor do anything at
home that made them agreeable—!
I do not hold up their way of keeping
the Sabbath as a model. Sunday is a
day of household loTe. It is a day on
which the children should feel that their
father and mother never were so hand
some before, and never so good. It is a
day in which every part of the household
should, at the going down of the sua, be
able to say, "Thank God for this open
door of heaven which has poured out so
many happy hours on oar
ALL KICKED OCT.— Some years ago, a
young man presented himself to the then
United Stales Secretary Curwln for a
clerkship. Thrice was he refused; and
still he tnade-a fourth effort. His prrte
veiance and spirit of determination awak
ened a friendly interest in his welfare, and
the Secretary advised him, in the strorg
est possible terms, to abandon his purpose
and go to the West, il be could do no
better outside the Departments. "Aly
young friend." said he, • go to the North
west ; buy IGO acres of Government land,
or, if you have not the money to purchase,
squat on it; get you an ax and a mattock ;
put up a log cabin for a habitation, and
laise a little corn and potatoes; keep your
conscience clear, and live like a freeman;
your own master, with no one to give you
orders, and without dependence upon any
body. Do that, and you will become
honored, respected, influential, and neb.
But accept a clerkship here, and you sink
at once all independence; your energies
become relaxed, an-J you are unfitted in a
few years for any other and more inde
pendent position. I may give you a place
to-day, and I can kick you out again to
morrow ; and there's another man over at
the White House who can kick me out,
arid the people by and-by cm kick him
out; and so we go. But if you own an
acre of land, it is your kingdom, and your
cabin is your castle—you are a sovereign,
and you will feel it in every throbbing of
your pulse, end every day of your life
would assure me of your thanks for having
thus advised you.
A NEW CHOP. —Kansas is prophesying
for herself a new source of wealth in the
Persian walnut, which has been recently
planted in certain sections of the State,
and has produced a fine crop. The
variety introduced is about a third
larger than the English walnut, of an
elongated shape, very rich meat, and
shell nearly as thin as paper. It is not
an unusual thing for a tree from eight
to twelve years old to beat thirty thou
sand nuts (or twelve hundred pounds,)
worth from thirty-five to fifty cents per
A Chapter on Battleauakea.
The ratflaaTtnke ># prrbapa the most
sluggish of nil the serpent tribe, for evrn
the piifl-addcr of the Cape, which thn
that reputation in general, in very active
when enraged; but the rattlesnake,
excepting just nfter and just before it*
winter-aleep, never bitea excepting in
self-defence. and does not go out of its
way to attack anyone. V nleaa molested,
there in very little to fear from this
nnke ; but the misfortune is. that TOU
cannot tell when you are goinrto moles*
it, as, in coming down a bluff, or pick
ing your way in a gulley, yon may. with
the best intentions in the world, put
your foot on a rattlesnake. And then
the terrific swiftness of his dart! Not
even the cobra, which I had always con
sidered rivaled the very lightning in'its
movement* movements which I will
defy almost any eye to follow—is quicker
than the rattlesnake in that one deadly
act. Vet, to strike, ; t must Win a close
coil, its head and neck Wing erect ; it
throws itself out about three-fonrtlis of
its length, supporting it* weight entire
ly on the tail part I have, however,
known two persons who have trodden
on rattlesnakes, am! have escaped : a
third was still more remarkably fortu
nate. One, a gentleman who has killed
more than fifty of them, recognised
what lus foot touched without stopping
to look, and jumped higher than he had
probably ever done before in his life ;
the other WHS not ao quick, and the
reptile struck hini three tunes with elec
tric quickness, but his trousers and loug
boots saved liiui. This disposes of a
fallacy very generally held, that veuom
ous serpents will not bite twice lu suc
cession. There were the three pair of
fang-marks quite plainly t J be seen IU
his white trowsew. Oue young mau
who was bathing iu the river Platte had
a more extraordinary escape still, for, on
emerging from the water, he sat down,
beiug, of course, completely naked, on a
rattlesnake which was basking in the
grass. Whether be sat upon the icptile's
head, or whether the creature was too
astonished by his sudden descent, can
never be known, but certain it is that
the nffrighted bather leaped up with
a shriek, aud escaped unhurt.
It is told that this particular serpent
has a Tory offensive odor when irritated,
and that I>r. Hamilton Roe owed hi*
life to a knowledge of that fac'. The
physician having opened a lox directed
to the Superintendent of the Zoological
Gardens, London, put his hind—most
rashly, it seems to me—under the dry
m<v*s which appeared, to see what was
there. He touched something ahve,
and the smell told him it was a rattle
snake. Had he withdrawn hia baud
rapidly, he would have teen bitten to a
certainty ; but he had the presence of
mind to*stroke the reotile, which allow
ed him to take h>a hand gently away.
This is a well-known ttory ; I only refer
to it to add that this odor is so powerful
and permaneut that when a snake is
irritated and made to bite the rake or
hoe with which it is intended to kill him
—and, as may be supposed, this is very
often done —the implement will retain
the same unpleasant smell for mouths.
Once known, it is alwavs recognisable.
As much cannot be said of the sound
of the rattle. I have been on the prairie
when opinions have been divided as to
whether certain ominous clicking arose
from the grasshoppers, which were there
in great numbers, or a rattlesnake. It
is not pleasant, at twilight, to have any
loubt on this subject. The chief thiug
igainst the rattlesnake theory was, that
these reptiles seldom move or leave their
holes after sundown. But I would warn
the reader not to depend too much on
this, as some snakes are certainly of
irregular habits, and have been known to
crawl into teuta, and into beds within
the tents. This was for the sake of
warmth. Very often the reptiles will
content themselves with coming inside :
and so true is it that use doth breed a
iiabit in a man, that I have known men
to sleep quietly all through the night
when they were perfectly uware that a
rattlesnake was within the walls of their
tent. They rolled themselves tight in
the blanket, knowing that the creatnre
would not touch any one if it were not
first attacked, and that, when light came,
it would go away. ID one instance, a
man was bitten at night lie was on the
prairie, and sleeping near his horse,
which was fastened by a long rope to a
log or atone. The horse broke a war,
and the man feeling after the rope in
the grass, disturbed a rattlesnake, which
bit him on the back of his hand. He
was cured by a remedy which I think 1
have seen recommended in England. A
friend cut with a penknife the skin
round the puncture, so as to enlarge the
wound and made it bleed ; then he put a
small heap of gunpowder ou the spot,
ignited it—no pain attending this—and
the man was cored. I would jnst add
here, that the stranger must not depend
on always hearing the rattle when the
make moves ; it is only violently shaken
when the animal is alarmed, or is about
to attack, and then the warning and the
assault are too close together for the
victim to escape.
The rattle has been too often described
to need mnch to be said about it here ;
it is known to consist of a number of
bones, looking like knuckle bones,
securely fastened together, yet so loosely
that they make a clicking noise wlieu
shaken. These grow on the tail of the
reptile ; and the popular belief is, that
the first joint, which is always of a
darker color than the others, takes two
years to grow, while afterward the snake
has an additional joint each year. Some
observers contest this, and argue that
the reptile forms its rattle much faster
than at 'Jois rate. The wearing of this
rattle in the hat or bonnet is said to be
an infallible specific against the head
ache, and is frequently worn on that
daughter of Sylvester Dey, residing 25
miles distant from Concord, N. 11.,
mysteriously disapjieared. All efforts
to* ascertain a cause for her vinntarv
absence were unavailing, as were also ail
• ffbrts to discover her whereabouts. In
a day or two circumstances transpired
to lead to the belief that she hod been
murdered, and an old man named Frank
lin B. Evans was suspected as the mur
derer. The old fellow finally confessed
tliat be enticed tho young woman into
the woods, and after outraging ber com
mitted the further crime of murder,
{faring admitted his guilt he went with
the officer into the woods and pointed
out the exact spot where the murdered
girl's remains were buried. They were
concealed beneath an old stump, souie
brush and just sufficient earth to bide
them from the view of a passer-by.
The body was most horribly mntilated,
and there was every evidence that the
poor girl made a desperate strngg.'e for
chastity and life. The remains were
brought into tho town and placed in
a village store, where they were
viewed by the excited citizens and the
grief-stricken parents, and then banded
over to a Coroner, who immediately
commenced an investigation. The mur
derer is alxmt 60 years of age, and a
most repulsive-looking man in every
particular. He baa been a sort of an
itinerant beggar for years, but was never
regarded as a dangerous person.
tage of Medoc, France, was not as fall
this year as the previous ones for a few
seasons, nor as rich in quality. The
grapes were Jate in maturing and conse
quently the operations of picking and
pressing them had to be hurried in order
to prevent tliem from spoiling. The
vintage of Burgupdy ana 3leaoc [sale
this year for francs , when in former
times it sold for SJUS. The vines have
been blighted in exposed places by the
cold northeast winds, and some vine
vords have the appearance of having
been scourged by lightning, being
streaked in irregular, zigzag lines with
withered vines. The vintage season is a
joyous one; it is emphatically the merry
making season in the rural districts.
After the grapes are gathered and press
ed, the laborers in each vineyard are
gathered together for a repast, and af
terward give themselves up to all sorts
of innocent festivities, which sometimes
ast for several days.
• „ n. ■. I I '■
A Uueer old gentleman being asked
what he would have for dinner, replied,
"An appetite, good company, something
to eat and a napkin."
Execution of ft Yllfb Murderer.
(leorgo W. Jenkins, a colored man,
was executed at Washington, Ik for
the murder of his wift. on the 14th of
May hut. There had been trouble Im
tween them resulting from jealousy,
which was followed by separation. But
st the time of the deed they were living
together with their two children. Jen
kins's wife was sound asleep st four
o'clock in the morning when her hus
band assaulted her with a butcher's
cleaver, almost instantly killing her.
The litllo children sleeping with her
alone gave the alarm, and Jenkin* ee
eaped. Jenkins's brother weut up stain
and found the dead Uv!y of ll.a woman
lying on the bed, her head and face
mangled almost beyond recognition;
the bed, clothing, ami floor were soaked
with blood and siMttcrod with brains,
and at the foot of the bed lay the cleaver,
bearing crimson evidence that With it
the awful deed had been done. The
l<olice were summoned, aud a mob col
leeted about the house of such humor
that the murderer would perhaps hive
been lynched had he fallen into their
hands. After the inoucst Jenkins was
arrested and charged with the crime.
On the "27th of June the tiraml Jury pre
sented a true bill sgniust him, and ou
the 3d of October his trial *as U-guu.
It lasted but a day aud the prisoner aa*
brought iu guilty and sentenced by
Judge Humphrey* to be hanged. Jen
kins was a light mulatto, and not par
ticularly ill-looking. During his im
prisonment his conduct was so exemplary
as to warrant the remark from his jailors
that ho was the l>rat-coudurtcd prisoner
they had ever had. He conversed fre
quently and long with spiritual advisers,
au\l was, as he said, readv and willing te
die. In the manner of such men, he
kindly " forgave" judge, jury, aud wit
nesses who had been instrumental iu
bringing him to jgstiee. Wheu Judge
| Humphreys sentenced him, he also ad
| tuoui-hod hiiu to hope for uo pardon,
! commutation of sententv, or reprieve ;
he expected uo leniency, and smiled at
| death as those are said to do who perish
in the consciousness of having passed a
i life of good deeds. He has frequently
Lbeen visited by his mother, his niece,
[ ami two children, of whom he was very
| fond. Before goiug to bed on the last
: night he conversed pleasantly, aud then
| slept aa calmly as a child, and undisturbed
| by thoughts of his coming execution.
; Jenkins resolutely met hia fate. At the
conclusion of the reading of the death
warrant by the wardeu, Jenkins said :
" Well, Mr. Crooker, it is your duty,
j Oval's will bo vlone, aud soou I shall be
I with Christ."
General Crocker—Well, Jenkins, it
affords lis all consolation that yoa are
prepared to meet your Lord.
Jenkins (emphatically)—As sura as the
deed is done my soul will waft to glory.
I'm prepared to ineot my God, thanks
l>o to his holy name. I know that he
has a crown prepared for me, aud I shall
soon wear it My respects to your officers.
Yoa have treated me kindly. All I can
say to you is, continue in the path of
virtue and I'll meet you.
His brother had entered the room
while the death-warrant was being read,
and stood with his head bowed, in one
corner of the room, ami as Jenkins fin
ished the above remarks he took him by
the hand, and throwing one artu about
his neck said, while the tears were stream
ing down bis cheeks,
"O God. heie is my brother. I have
done all I could for tini ; now 1 leave
kirn to thee."
The brother then retired, with tears
trickling down hiscb*cks. Jcnkiusthcn
bid each one in the room good-bye, call
ing *ll by name, saying to them: "There's
a crown that awaits us in glory. Press
on. We will soon meet where there is
no trouble. Glory to God. I'm going
borne." Having bid adieu to each <ie,
a guard advanced aud commenced to
piuiou his arms, and while doing so
Jenkins jumped up, exclaiming, "Oh,
I'll soon put on my crowu. All things
to hope, nothing to fear."
There were few dry eves among the
spectators. The procession walked out
of the jail, the warden and deputy in
advance, then two guards, then the pris
oner, with a guard on cither side, Jen
kins walking with a firm step, and the
colored ministers following him. He
walked with a firm tread up to th*steps,
and immediately took bin position be
neath the fatal noose. The officers and
ministers took their poaitious near the
railiug, and Rev. Mr. l>rup< r lined eut
the hymn " Father, I stretch my hands
to thee," which was sung by the minis
ters and others, Jenkins leading off and
singing with p clear voice. Rev. Mr.
Johnson offered a prayer, which, owing
to the noise nnd confusion -f the crowds
on the outside of the walls, could not be
heard by the spectators. He praved
Gid to receive Jenkins's soul as it crossed
the shadow. On rising from tlieirkneee,
the ministers bade the nnfortnnnte man
good-bye, and turned their head*. Jen
kins then with a loud voice exclaimed :
" Farewell, world ! farewell, friends ! I
am goiug to live with Jesus, and all I
can say is, follow me. Hallelujah."
His legs had been tied while this was
being said, and the black can haviug
Imen produced, the guards taking him
by the nand, he said to them : " <bod
bye ; I want to see yon in paradise."
To General Crocker he said: " 1 thank
you for your kindness. I'm going to
Jesus in glorv. Will you meet me there ?"
To Jani'-s NeL-ijn, the colored cook, he
said : "Jim, I wish yoa well, and hope
to meet you iu heaven. God bless you
all, aud I hope to meet you all in
The black cap was then drawn over bis
face, and the signal was given, the trap
fell with a plunge, and Jenkins was
launched into eternity. The shoulders
gave two or tbreo shrugs and the legs
quivered a few moments.
There aro eight persons in the jail
who have been indicted for murder in
the first degree, and one under sentcnc*
to be bong.
Yocxo MEM AKD WOMEX.— A lively
sermon on tho " Vice of the Ago" was
pleached in Ht. Louis recently, by Rev.
Dr. Holland, of that city, and in the:
course of his remarks bo said: "The
middle ciastes spend their income in
keeping up false appearnnccs. They,
too, must wear dove colored pantaloons
and shiny boot*. They must wear dia
mood studs and seal rings, and carry
young ladies to the opera, in hired car
riages, at the rate of three hours' use for
three days wages. They must take a
turn now and then at billiards, stand
treat now and then to the cocktails, bet
upon their veracity, when called in ques
tion, and lost of all, lest they should be
deemed timid, must demonstrate their
nerve by ' fighting the tiger,' until it
claws the last dime out of their pockets,
and claws lasting scratches upon their
souls. The only safeguard against vice
is work ; not work as the slave, who
works to eat and eats to work, but work
to reach a higher plane of effort, not only
of tho body but of the mind—work,
wha ever it be, whether for a day, a
week, a month, or a lifetime, honestly
and cheerfully, as one who expects t)
coutcmpiatc its results forever.
CAXAIIT Burns.—Hang the cage ALWAYS
where drafts do not strike the bird. Give
lies)thy birds canary and rape seed,
plenty of fresh water, cnttle fish bone,
and clean gravel on the bottom of the
cage olten. Also, give the birds fresh
water to bathe in every day. After they
have bathed remove the dish, which should
be shallow. Never havo the room over
heated. At night, when the lire has gone
down, if it is very cold, throw a thin
clorh over the cage. A little pepper occa
sionally regulates them. Do not give
them cake or sugar. When moulting,
feed them on rape seed slightly moistened.
Ilard-boiled egg and cracker grated are
excellent. Bad seed will kill birds. Cab
bage and sweet apples are good for thetn,
and now and then a fig. With moderate
care the little songsters will repay ycur
attention with sweet notes of joy.— West
ern Rural.
The Cuban insurgents attacked the
town of Guisa, and burned fifty bosses.
They were encountered by Government
troops, and in the engagement seven in
surgents and three Spaniards were killed.
Among the former was the leader Nunez,
who was killed by hie former companion,
Pepillo Gonzalez.
Weekly Review—New York Market.
BxzxpaTrrpa.—The flnnr market it
quiet aud unchanged. Bates at #5 75a
(1 JO for superfine state; ffti Btu7 00 for
choice da. ; s"> 75*fl JO for snperfliis
western: ami 57 IdaD 20 for trade brands.
Southern Flour—U quiet und un
changed ; nUcv at 57 UNO 10 for common
to fair extra, and $0 15a12 00 for good
to choice extra.
live Flour—ia stead v; sales at W 75a
*fi 18.
Corn Meal —it quiet.
(Iraiu The wheat market it 'quiet at
51 11 <1 51 for No. 2 spring, afloat, and
gl sdal r* f r No. 1 do.
Corn—l- a abode tlruier; axle* at Cite
for steamer western mixed; aud floe, for
aait do,
Itye-ia qniet.
Barley - is dull
Barley Malt i quiet,
Oats are quiet and unchanged; sale*
at 4la.Vlc. for white, and 47alHc. for oi l
weateru mixed.
WtiiaiMT —i quiet at flflje.
PuoeiKioMi.—l'ork—dull and lower;
sales at sls 51*13 75 for now mesa, uud
SIS for prime mesa.
Beef- is dull; with solos at ft (Hlah 50
for new plain turns; $5 50x10 (A) for uw
extra mrui.
Tieree Beef—is nominal at BIS >514
for priuie mess, and B!7$12 for India
ui ess.
Beef Hams—arc quiet at $33.
Cut Meat* - aie steady at 7c. for shoul
ders and 15c. tor hams.
Middles—are flrui.
Lard—is unchanged ; sales at HJafiJa.
for steam. ud tic. for kvitle rendered.
Butter —is a trifle more setive. at 10a
J fie. for western, and 22a2Hc. tor state.
Cheese—is quiet at 11a 15c. for com
mon to flue.
TALLOW— is qniet at OaUJe.
Corrit—The market for Brazil coffee
is firm but not active, at 15a1*4- gold lor
Bio. No sales of importaeoe are report
rrrxoLtCM— is firm at 27 4 for stand
ard white,and 14jo.for crude oil iu bulk.
MoLAisea—is dull aud prices are en
tirely nominal.
Hioxnc—Baws aro firm st P}a9jc. for
fair t > good refiniug.
IU ex—is firm at "ishje. for Carolina.
A (ilg: ntic IMe Bakery.
Pie baking mar he ca'led a new in
dustry, and, at the same time, one es
sentially American. For the Item-fit of
our foreign reader*, we explain that iu
the United Statea a "pie" * the synony
mous term for the English "tart" or
French "tourto," mean tug a compound
generally suggestive of dire misery to
dyspeptics, eoiujHiaed of fruit and two
crusts of |iaate. The thick deep pastry
of the veusioit or beef of Euglaiid aud
fair yras of France have their counter
parts among u- as pot pies, of which the
priuci|>al contents are chicken. Their
habitat, if we may lie allowed to use a
scientific term iu the connection, is
New England, where, with the tradi
tional pork and In-aus, they form a sta
ple exercise for the ostrich like digestive
organs of onr Yankee brethren.
Four great firm* have united their
forma in this city and have formed the
New York Pie baking Company. Fifty
thousand pies are daily manufactured,
and we are informed that, in (mat of a
strong dermoid, as msuy as Gs,oooasu l>
supplied. Tlio capital stock of the com
pany is $300,000. The buildings art
constructed of brick, and are admirably
arranged for the pur|>oe intended.
They are three stories high, with base
meut, forming the letter L, occupying
four full lota tweuty-flvo by one huudretl
feet, makiug a total of one handred and
fifty feet either war. The office is locat
ed on the second floor of 82 .Sullivan 8).
The first or ground floor is used in a re
tail department. In the rear are locat
cated the bakery, storerooms, ice bouse,
wagon sheds, etc. In the base mailt are
affixed the oveu\ teu in ntiuilw-r. meas
uring ten by twelve feet, where also is in
operation a new rotary device, which
alone will bake nine hundred pies per
hour. The firid floor alwve is apportiou ■
ed to the engine, boiler and delivery
rooms, Them ootid floor is the pastry
department where the mixing of the
dough is done, snd the third floor is
given to the preparation of fruit, etc.
On tlr's flout is Ftalioned a huge range.
ca|)al)le of cooking ten barn-Is of fruit at
once, also two linge copper kettles with
a Capacity of two barrels each. An
Otis elevator is brought fnto service
here, to hoist and lower the pies and
material of which they aro composed.
The weekly consumption of material
is 14U barrels of floor. 42,000 pounds of
sugar, 5,0k0 pound* of lsrd, 500 barn-Is
of apples, 60,000 pounds pumpkins and
squashes, 60,000 eggs, 500 bushels Wr
ries in their season, 800 pounds of beet
for mincc. 1,500 pounds cocoannt, 100
boxes of lemons, and spices accordingly.
They also have in constant use aUnit
150,000 pis plabw, and give employ
ment to 100 wirkmen, miming 35 wag
ons.—Scientific A meriarn.
New York Dry Good* Market.
Wholesale <1 dines* has been th* fea
tnre of tlie domeatio lry god* inarke'
the rest week. The Boston fire rennet!
fresh excitement sinontr dealer*. Lo*e
have not been defiaitely ascertained as
yet. Undoubtedly extena ! ons of time will
haTe to be given in numerous eases, but
no large failure* are anticlp*ti. The
loea on wool is very greH. The Boston
Adttrliwr says: " All the domestic wool
in the city has been burned, a id the total
number of pounds of domestic and foreign
fleece and pulled wool cannot (all short of
eight tnillioß pound*, while the entire
stock remaining in this market oani*t*
of foreigh wool and ia less than 3.000
bales." The agent* haTe advanced their
price* on woolen* from 7j per cent, to 10
per cent, but the market 1* merely nomi
Brown Sheeting* and shirting* are In
good demand for heavy standard and
medium weights.
Bleached Sheetings and Shirting* havo
been quiet.
Ticks, Checks and Stripe* are firm.
Print* have been in moderate request
for tilling order*, with uo change in
Drew Good* meiatain their prices.
In Shawls prices are irregular.
Price* continue steady in foreign goods.
On Dress goods a demand has been shown
for cloth coloted cashmeres, Irish and
French Poplins, etc. Bilks have not dis
played muck activity during the week.
Silk velvet havo been quiet.
Woolens are still qniet for this season.
Hosiery has been fairly active.
need snirnnl food: they should have a
fresh liver given them to ].eck at, which
they would flud more satisfactory diet
than feathers, tnd straightway take a new
departure. If livers cannot be procured,
butchers' offaj or any fresh meat would
do as a substitute, but the softness of the
liver makes it very agreeable to them.
They should also be furnished with a
drink made by dissolving a piece of cop
peras as large a* a white bean in a quart
ot water.
SNIPWRECK AND Loss or LlVE.—Porter
0. Bliss, United Htates Charge d'Atlaires
of the City of Mexico, telegraphs to
Thomas T. Wilson, United States consul
at Maiamnros, that the steamer Guate
mala, of the Panama and Acapnlco line,
was wrecked on tlie bar of Banala,
and twenty-three lives were lost. Those
saved are at Tihnantepec, awaiting trans
OXEN IN NEW TOBK.—New York busi*
nes* men during the horse distemper there
had to resort to oxen and hired agents in
the country for them. Many went from
Putnam and Orange counties, and the
prices ranged from $8 to 812 per day for
a yoke with driver accompanying. The
freight on a pair of oxen from there to
New York was $3 to 85.
Queen Victoria was so much pleased
with the five barreln of apples presented
to her laet fall by some Michigan fruit
growers tbat she this year sent an order
to that State for 14 times us many for
winter use.
It in a great deal eazier tew be a
philosopher after a man has had hie
dinner, than it in when he don't know
where he iz agoing tew get it.
I-ady Loafer*.
A eyaieal Anonym* *rit Jo the Cin
cinnati Onsmerctttl aa follows;
Souicllmas it seem# to me that tha
whole tonal life of women ta based njKMi
two Ideas—aping and envy. The woman
who lives lu two little hark room# up
stairs, apes and amies tha woman who
has a whole house to herself. Tha wo
man who liaa a small house a|iea and
an view the woman with a large house, and
the wotuau with a large house is in a
steady fever of fear and fretting lest she
ho not recognised and visited hy the wo
man who has a stone trout house and a
clrni* chariot with a clown drersed up in
buttons. No maltrr how high up a wo
man climhs upon the social ladder, there
ta always still some higher height which
she can't scale, some other woman over
her head who looks down upon her, atid
give# her tlayi and night* of and
headache. Not a bleeeed woman of them
all la happy and content in the eoil whore
in fate hae plauted liar, but must needs
spend her best time ami strength In fran
tic etforts to pull Iterself hy the roola and
transplant herself aotuewhere else. The
snobs who ride In circus chariots curl np
their noses at lite schoolmistresses, lite
schiadtiiUlrvases look down from infinite
heights upon the clerks and dressmakers,
and the clerks and dressmaker# in turu
pay it otf with interest u|ton the kitchen
girls. What nonsense, w hat supreme tom
foolery it nil is. 1# a schoolmistress any
better or higher up tlisn a washwoman ?
Not a hit. And ore not the schoolmis
tress and tha washwoman both infinitely
tetter and higher up than the lady loafers,
the—the Slots kfoores of the feuiiuine
-ex. in short f Yea. verily.
Women are tha H4 absurd creatures,
all owing to the sifly fancy that it is lady
like to be a loafer. A little time ago one
of my small busy housekeeper friends
asked a lady loafer caller what had be
come of her sister.
"Hke roes down town every dsy, now,"
says the lady loafer, hesitatingly.
"Is she at wurkf" quoth th housw
" Well, ye—yes," says the lady loafer,
still mors hesitatingly.
" Wtiat does she do t" asked my friend.
The holy loafsr stammered aud booked
off painfully, two or three time*, and
tiuaily made a clean breast of it, thusly :
"She—she—she has charge of the
trimming# in a - dressmaking rtal4isii
meat. S'ie has nothing to do with the
drees-inoktng. She has charge of the
trimming*. It's tut a common dress
making establishment. It's one of the
fashionable dress-maker*. She won't make
a dress for a jrnor person."
" Oh. glory! tan me with a cabbage
leat!,' quoth my friend, the email, busy
The idea of a body 'a dressmaker setting
hcrse'f to Ih> " hl{ hstocracy." The
laurwls of the lady loaters in the circus
chariots are quite faded and withered
after tliat. And yet, why not a drese
makerl Isn't money rns-le at dross
making quite as aristocratic as money
made with pork, whiskey, hides, soap, tal
low, and tobacco I Those are the material
foundation upon which our American
nobility found their airv ea-llee of aristo
Clary, you know, and I m sure dre*inak
iug is qaite as high and honorable as any
of them.
Man's Age.
IV'feasor Faraday believed in Ffcan
rin's physiological theory that the age
of man is oue hundred years. The du
ration of life, he says, is to be measured
by the time of growth. When one* the
bones and epiphyses are united, the
body grows no more, and it is at twenty
years this union is effected in man.
In the camel it takes place at eight,
in the home at five, in the lion at four,
in the dog at two, in the rabbit at one.
The natural termination of life is five
times that ut the Uevel •pucient period.
M id being twenty year* in growing .bees
five times twenty years, that u to say,
one hundred years; the camel is eight
years iu growing, and lives forty years ;
the horse is five years in growing and
Uvea twenty-five years ; and so on wi'di
other animals.
The man who doe* not die from dis
ease lives fn>m eighty to a hundred
years. Providence has given ruati a cen
tury of life, but he docs not attain it
because be inherits disease, cs'a on
wholesome food, gives license to h s pas
aions, aud pcrtuita vexation te disturb
his healthy equipoise ; he does not die,
he kills hiinstlf.
Life may l>e divided into two e*pial
hslres—growth and decline, and these
into infancy, youth,virility and age. In
fancy extends to the twentieth year,
youth to the fiftieth—because it is dar
ing tbia period that the tissue becomes
firm ; virility from fifty to aevcoty-fire,
during whicli (he organism remains com
plete ; and at Mvsuty-five old age com
mences, to lost a long or short time, as
the diminution of reserved farces is has
ten* I or retarded.
Loxa Ft nnows i> Fnowisa.—A Ger
man paper print* a pl.i ft*
long furrows. The turning of the plow
ami the commencing of a new furrow
require more rxerfekoi iu thu plowman
and the (earn than continued work on a
straight line; aud how great may really
be the loss ot time from frequent inter
ruptions in short turns raiy be shown
hy the ollowing calculations:—ln a
field 225 feet long, flvn aud a half hours
out of ten are used in re directing the
plow; with a length of 575 feet, four
hour* arc sufficient for the purpose; aud
when the plow can proceed without in
terruption for SUU feet, only one and a
half hour of the daily working time is
THR PLEASCBRS or Ntmneo.—A little
anuntry boy ran away from school on
Wednesday to go nutting. During the
expedition he (<-11 twice out of one tree,
to the immediate danger of breaking his
nock, was lirked by one of the other
boy* whose breath waa materially lessen
ed bv stumbling against bis stomach, ran
a sliver into his kuee, and was bitten ou
the neck by a new kind of bug. When
he got home hit father anointed him
with tlio boss end of a billiard one, and
the next day at school the teacher escort
ed him twico around the room bj his
sorest ear. lie finya that nut* are an
wormy that it dont pay to go alter them.
Citr.lME. —The export cheese trade of
the I'nitcd States is immense and is grow
ing larger every year. The quantity of
cheese exported from New York alone,
last week, amounted to 1.705.677 ptonds,
of whith 1,147,88* pound# went to Liver
pool. The consumption of cheese in
Europe i* enormous. Pari* consumes
about 11,000.000 pounds, and all France
not less than 200,000,000 pounds annually
Most of the American cheese sent abroad
is of the laotory make, and of a fjnality
equal to tlie best English. From Nov*m
ber to October 15, inclusive. New York
ha* exported 65,670,781 pound*.
No rrnr. —ln regard to the complaint
of Michael Puvitt, one of tho Fcniau
priaoners taken while distributing arms
among his friends, tbnt ho is cruelty treat
ed by his jailors, the English premier has
caused investigations to bo made, the
result of which is,in the Premier's words,
'Ho confirm mo in tho conviciiou at
which the Government haa ariivcd. that
we should deviate from our public duties
and compromise the interests of tho
community wore we to admit 'any claim
to exceptional favor in" such oases as
that of Dsvitt.
Information has been received by tlie
Department cf fitate, at Washington, to
the effect that tho statement in July last,
that the German government was Beck
ing to prevent emigration to the United
Statea, and has adopted stringent meas
ures for that purpose, ia denied by tbat
government, which disclaim* having
issued orders interfering with or forbi.t
ing the emigration of its citizens to this
Mrs Pair doesn't appear to valne lie
life very h'ghly after all tlio tronble
that waa taken to save it and the scandal
upon the adminietratiou of law that wa
oaused by her continuing to live. She
agreed to pay her counsel 82,500 at the
IK ginning and the same amount at the
end of each of ber trials. Having paid
the first instalment she repudiates the
rest of the contract and declares that
she has pa d all that the services wtre
Lot# IMunor Hours.
A medical journal recently, in con
demning late houra for dinner, t.ited
tliat within four hundred years the
dinner hour hn* gradually moved through
Iwt-lvu h<>iir of the duy~from 0 a. u. to
op. U. It i a rurioua fact that tho foud
uM for late huura hi* progressed with
the growth of civilization ; hut it ia not
difficult to account for thia change of
habit, Pour centuries ago the custom
in England and throughout a large por
tion of Europe woa for the family pi take
their uieala at the aniua time and at the
same table with tho domestics and all
persons employed by the brad of the
iiotue, am) thia custom was observed by
the highest noble UN well na by the most
humble farux-r. Everybody rose about
the name hour in the morning, and the
Indiea of the houoe anperin tended the
<iuat..ea of the kitchen. Moreover, oa
the evatem of lighting the interior of
dwellinga waa in a very imperfect state
tho rat-auN usually resorted to being the
burning of pine torches or of oil and fat
in clumsy lamp*, or the kindling of a
roaring lire -it la-came a neceasity to
make use of aa mucb daylight a* posri
ble ; hence the early houra which, it is
said, our aucestois were ao fond of, and
the philosophy of which tha embodied
in the proverbs, " Etrly to bed and
earlv to rise makes a'man healthy,
wealthy and wise;" and "To rise at
five, to dine at niue, to imp at Ave, to
bed at uine, tuukes a man live to uiuety
They were a hardy race, both male and
feiuule, living much in the open air, and
taking a vast amount of physical exer
cim*; but it ia bv no wans certain that
the duration of life was greater with
them than it is with us ; indeed, it may
bo doubted if it was so great. And they
have obtained nioreeredit for their early
rising and retiring than they deserve ;
they had but few inducements to sit up
late ; they kail very little literature, and
what tliey bad could only lie read by s
few; their music and games wote in a
rude and primitive condition, aud they
were accuU>uii-d to gorge themselves,
and to drink to such ati extent, that it
would have been a diflicult matter fur
them to keep their eyes open long after
Mipper. They took four meals a day,
all of them substantial. Henry I. en
deavored to reduoc the number to two.
the principal meal to be taken at 8
o'clock in the morning, and the stippci
at 5 in the afternoon ; but be was unable
to carry out this deaign. It would have
been contrary to nature and very iujuri
ous if be bad carried it out, and so it was
very properly resisted. In Ed word lU.'s
time ! 1327—1377), the usual dinner hoar
was mue in the morning. A century or
so later, in Edward IV. 's time (14C1
1473), the gem-is) hour of breakfast with
the nobility, wboee meals were consid
erably earlier than those of tradesmen,
yeomen, etc , was 7 o'clock ; dinner was
served at 10 iu the morning, and it gen
erally looted three houra ; supper follow
ed at 4, and there was a collection st 0,
before retiring. This collection con
sisted of beer and spiced wine. Daring
the reigns of Edward IV., Mary, ami
Elizabeth (1574—16"3', the hours Ire
came later. The nobility, gentry aud
students dined at 11 ru the forenoon, aud
supped between 5 and 6 in the after
noon, but the mcrrhanta, especially
those of London, did not dine before 12.
and they supped atfl ; the fanners dined
st noon and supped at 7 or 8 o'clock.
Toward the close of Elizabeth's reign
(IGUU), the dinner hour was changed
from 11 to 12, and this remain* d tin
hour until the time of William lIL (168$
The entire change in the habits of the
people of England, which took place
after the restoration of Charles IL (1660).
contributed to incre.vae tho latenesa of
the hours for everything. It became
fashionable for people of rank and fur
tnne to have breakfast in bed aud to
hold receptions bv the bedside. The
ancient habit of all the members of the
Itou*-bold taking their meals together
was abrogated. Domestic followers ami
rehunera came to be looked upon as
"servants," and were treated as strangers
to the family. They were limited to
certain hours fur their meals, and these
hours were not allowed to interfere with
lis*we of thai r masters. Hence, it became
necessary to prepare two sets of meats
iu every household where theia were
servant* —one for the latter snd one for
the family. This lies at the naif of the
mo<k-rn late hours. As the apartments
oortipied during the day by the fanitlv
bad to be cleaned and put in order an as
to lie fit to receive them when they rose
in ths moruing, the family refrained
from rising until the domestic* had
time to do this Another eaute of late
boura has been the vastly improved
lighting up of the interior of houses.
Even the old wax and tallow candles were
a great improvement on what went be
fore ; then came the Argand lamp, and
other brilliant lacqia, chandeliers, and
lastly, gas, which have entirely obviated
the inconvenience which onr ancestor*
suffered from darkuoss. The great pre*
mire of business is still another cause.
This is so severe, nowadays, in large
cities, that men engaged in profeasiotiul
aud mercantile pursuit* cannot spare
the time to do more than take lunch in
the middle of tbr day, so they postpone
their dinner until the eloac of their day's
work. Itut still another, and, jicrbapa,
a more potent cause than all for late
dinners, is the suburban railway. In
verylorg* cities men of business are no
longer, aa formerly, compelled to reside
near their stores or offices ; they can
now, by means of railways or horse-car*,
be conveyed from suburban residences
to their places of business in less time
than it took their fathers to walk from
their town bouses; hence,'they have more
time to devote to business, if used be,
and they retire, when it is over, to theu
families', at a later hoar.
Urißklnr In SAD Franrltco.
A corrrwpondent in speaking of the ex
tent to which drinking wa* carried only
a few year* ago in San F ran Cisco, *ayg :
It i* aaid that th Arab* hare a thousand
name* to designate the lion. Scarcely
lew multitudinous wa* the California
drinking vocabulary. " From the time
th.- habitual drinker take* In* morning
COCK-tail. to stimulate an appetite for
breakfast, he supplies himself with an
indefinite number of racy little oom-
Eouuds that have the effect of keeping
im always more or lea* primed. And
where saloon* line the street*, and yon
oan not meet a friend, or make a new ac
quaintance, or strike a bargain without
an invitation to drink, which amount* to
a command—and where tho days are
hot, and yon see men bunting from the
saloons licking their lips after their ioed
mint-julep*~and where Brown, who haa
a party with him, meets you as you en
ter the saloon, and says 'Join us'—and
where it is the fashion to aoeeptsuoh in
vitation A and rude to refuse them —what
can a thirsty tnn do ? One reason," he
continues, *' cor so many drinks being
consumed is the fact that there is ever
some lilieral soul who is not content till
he has rangisi some twenty of hi* at -
quaintance* at the bar; and when each
one is supplied with a ' drink,' he *ays,
'My respects to vou, gentlemen;' when
the twenty heads are simultaneously
thrown back, and down go Straight
brandies,' 'Queen Charlottes,' 'Rtone
fences.' and so on through the whole
Where there are so many ready fo
treat, there can of course be no lack of
those willing to avail themselves of any
chance of coming in for a share of the
general order for "drinks for the crowd."
There is a story told of a waggish old
Judge who WM wont to find some sport
in taking advantage of tho propensity of
these bangert-on to indulge their bibu
lous propensities at the expense of oth
ers. "Come, let us all take a drink," ho
would exclaim to the thirsty group in
waiting for such a summons. • The bar
is forth with lined with the motley crowd,
each ordering hi* favorite tipple. At the
word of oouimand from the Judge the
potation* are simultaneously disposed of.
"And now," the proposer would say,
drawing a long breath of satisfaction,
" now let's all pay for our drinks," which
each would sorrowfully proceed to do.
Th Ksnonie Lodgs at Strashnrg having
bten informed that it could not he allowed
to keep op its connection with the Grand
Orient of France, has resolved to break
up rather than be nitillsted to a German
uperior. *
Information about any Rallmrd Bonds
•an lw obtained If Ton write to ('HAULS*
W. Haaai.sß, No. 7 Wall Ht. N. Y. •
A eohmy of English sparrows settled
in Heading, J'a., a year or two ago, since
when they have increased ao largely,
that now every street in tha city ia Mid
to bs alive with their cheerful twitter
IMCHMASM IN THIS Corn nr.—The aid
den changing of weather has done much
to give rise to consumption. Hut there
are thousands of cases who bring it oa
by their own imprudence—each aa wear
iug damp clothing, and going from warm
rooms into the eohl air, and checking
the per spiration, which cwitaea irritation
of the Lungu, and then matter or phlegm
will collect, which nature will try to re
lieve by coughing it up. If nature will
not raise the matter with ease, and atop
this inflammation, Consumption will
soon follow. Allen's Lung Balaam will
cure and prevent thousands of eaaee of
Consumption if it is only taken in time.
It ia sold hv all druggists and medicine
dealers.— Com,
AN Aer or Jrwricx.— Dwuhting Can
th- was a aad stumbling block in the
path of Bauysn's ('brstain, though It
oonhlu.t bar hia way to Truth. We ran
sympathise with the I'ilgrim, for Dont*t
always beaela us when we are asked to
believe anything particularly extraor
dinary. Coueequ' ally when we beerd
some eighteen months ago, that a physi
cian in California had compounded,
from the juices and extracts of certain
herbs found there, a medicine that cuted
almost every variety of blood disease,
we were incredulous. Bin re then we
bare kail opjsirtunitira of testing the
accuracy of the re|>ort, and are free to
admit that our doubts hare vanished.
Seeing what we have seen, knowing what
we know, it ia impossible for ua to que#
tiou the remedied proprieties of DM.
JVALKKB'S VIMOAB Bimii That this
famous vegetable Tonic, Alterative, and
Antieeptio is a specific for Dyspepsia,
Liver Complaint, Chronic Constipation.
Fever and Ague, Bilious Intermittent*,
Scrofulous, Taint in the Blood,lncipient
Consumption, Local and General Dc
blity, itbeumatism. Hick Headache, and
Diseases of the Kidneys, seems to be a
matter beyond the pole ol eontroveiay—
a JLred fad ia medical kutory. The state
ments of friend*, in whose veracity and
intelligence we have full confidence, cor
roborated by onr own personal observe
tion compel us, to sdmit the surpassing
merits of the preparation.— COM.
Wutter Is now mrty upon ua, aad lb# team#
ars hastening u> the lumber woods in various
parts sf lbs couoirv. Our odvim to wswry man
who goea to tbs woods, bs bs captain, cook,
teamster, or snv other man, la to tabs along s
good stock of J or* SOS'S t sent we l.msm and
I'txaos i Fcooatitx Pillo. M >ny mouths oi
later (iu the aggregate) may b saved by Ihu
I-fccaulion. — [Cam.)
Tax pares! aud sweetest Cod-Liver Oil iu thr
world is Hassan A fuvxa't, mods on the as*
sitors from fresh, setsctsdl livers, by CaswMix,
ttaxaan A Cm. New fork. Uis absolutely pur
sad iwW. Patients wbo have ones taken it
prefer it to all others. PbysietsiM harsdseided
It superior to any ot lbs other oils in market
Bod enough ts lo >k and feet had yourself,
but no excuse for btrtng your borss look sad
fn.-l tedlv, when fr>r s email sum sou can
bur HitxiMi'l CATAUIT Cosnmo* Pownzmi.
• h'ichgiroa in grata tw.-or ihres times A work,
will make htm look aud fed wall.- [Com.]
Pooler's TM>I PO*<W is lbs cheapest, HOT
not lowest priced. Baking Puwd*r. Bftui
Uou-n le. liolls, Ac., piepsrod in a taw BumiUw.
A few applications of " Ths Qaeen's Toilet,"
will render ths nxigbsst skiu smooth snd soft.
Ths Culture of the Hair—lust ss saiwly ss s
•Oil isfsetrd wilt 1-eesdise tbisUea res b* Btede to
t>rudore Sue r.-p uf (oMee ma. lb* ersle eo
I,m ; <uw>rwd wuk bsrwb dry uourf lIU bstr
ess be inule probSe at kst trreeee All (be* It
nre wery to i tbs ckui* Is eilber sew Is lbs
rubt kind uf ferblissr Ue*if lbs sfrtoulMral
ibimau to Srtorsu. • brw lbs barrra Uo4 shall be
ream fruii ui. • psmivity wrl itiet Lvoa't
KtiWaraos lsneeqas ed m s ferutisrr end besnnker
of tbe tisir Twwalj.lw* yr of wmu is Ibe tasa •
of Vine onqusUßaJ sutemenl Duns* thst uau it
hm ten ueed by ibsb wiltMasof both srtes. snd
Ibr 6rt taelsoee Is wkleb II bsa laiibS to taiSU Ibe
ripe Utiom of s retioasi l-tif- bseer bsa yH to be
diSixxreral U wl ®<v ■ bir to pov os s
Ttrsnhr 1 found . bat wbsrswnr lbs rotas of tbt
turner Sbrws retool) sadist orbed M win esttee Ibauo
to put faitb see •boat*. sod Is sll mam ebrte Ibr
heir heebeouwe UUs U will Uacxeeee He rultuae.
Cess J
Iliat latUliliM family HMllrla-n.
M*l Umrr /an**ral*r —A purfly Ti*tobl* Clatter
tu an t ru— lor !)r*|wjma. toe.epaOora Dotoii'i
*< * Urate b, Hlitrma Attacta and all 4*csacta>*t>t
<4 u*f. Umaarli and Bnurla 14 par Draggtoi
for IL >af i aCuautßrai —lOoaa
Tk VfarrabU IrrhdMMa raH. < Dor
HA* • <U Kara H|. IBti k. -uS- tad Na l>r
aon tin lawrteiaan.hililul ilmaab rat
ad Um fwatiaa Synap (a lm t"Mi baa Wa4tW
htm to atmda*fily ISM a raa tarte par.aada KmaaU
•I i' a rrairtf. aad pr-'fU aba kaaa tola ana awaaabaC
al tbi ttiai#a
LIRE LIGHTNING at* tb ai.faraiaa.rarw rter'to
ailii Haii'i In'laM It*),*' A<' Pans S| .
Boaal I <aaplaißia. Ma . caaam aaaai a Ibb (raalu>*•-
.--a* la aaad. R#li*< aarraaiad.
Or Mora* Rafaatel -COM
wool Ml* aad maiplala pnayaral-aa at IU Lite la tte
aard. Ila ateda art BKINL W ibmur barilaai.
■to Uata aataral Ha qaaliUaa andartaa -tte.
Tlis K*y It llratlk.
tl la tba aaatoat Una* ia tba world la Voaa ibablwatai
at baaltb. bat wbaa Kai I it aai a aaar to r*f*to <A.
Tba popular Itea t lfl| jrara ar> that a toantm
aeaanne of iba to aula waa aa u*aant a! alnaaat at tmt
la alaraal all diaoaaaa hat lartaaalat* tar maaauad braa
prtolr atectaaPr a a plod ad. Tba tmrotecttua at Boa
tattar'a llaaatl B.nor*. ataili a tairtar at a araiaij
a*n. may ba ate to ha*a flora tba aaap da rM to draa-
Uc paiiuaa. Tba world baa Iwraad torn tea bataaft
atal aCatto product* by teal adonrabla praftoaUau.
that oaa aadM taay atab. aca tba Ibraa pmpatllto at
a tooIC. a laiatir*. aad aa altoraura ; Ua tba tbraa
earatirapaeeaaaaa at tarneaaliea, pardtoalioa aad raw
lalloa atay ba mannril al tba aaaw Utaa bp tba apar
atioa at a tiafli asrra.Ua nratady. Tbara ara naad.
phtkaaopbtral raaaoea tar tba raatortabla laaproraaMtoi
wblab tba B<llr oraaMoa la iheoeadH aeef adoraanwd
tad aafaotoad •yOrra Tbt* pat* ooatfeuaiioa < I **
labia Jala"# ao oaly lwnctbaa* tba raaaaft tUttatoio*
Urn tppoHt. tad brteot tba uaroaa. bat tira imparta
lata tad Ticar to tba *aralt'y organ*-- Ira tkia. Iba
Urar. tad Iba kidacyt :-tad tl tba Wood bat boron* too
Lbit tad watory to ararlth Iba bndy propartr. acrobat
tad tritalisot tbal " rtw Btotrnal" "I til lb* taltd pat*
■ tow ot tba frttm At lbit ptr>ad al tba poor, wbra IB
tat cuituat fataft.iltaaa dtow dart tbsaark nomplatßto
tad dymntotr tad dtorrtxa r altaouU ara always am*
or lot rlfo, oocootaati dooat al tba Bittan will to foaad
lb# boat ulayatrd tcttntt Iba tltaaaiHHwto raadllMat
wbb gaaattta thawt. A a aroraaion ol yraortl nywr to
au Mttrr o aatUl" lb# •ytaia to rwotot tba morbid to
doaaot ol Iba mttoriaat rtpart a toll rtoa ftwai Iba aartb
tl DIM Hwn. tad <rf til lb* ktowt tariyaitau. Hot
tottor'a Bum to tba talaat aad lit toot! potoat.
Bpseial Notices.
I* axtantod tothowwild bt pa* Is'"— ba ril.'ir t
hiMKM I'naab ot buuy mbady luaa Allrn'a Lna|
Consumptives, Read !|
Would raw "art tbal die rami aa Ouch, and Irlra
hack tbat hotllhy otear I'S latoly pltntod ia • our rho-Al
It yoa would do ant dtlay ; lor. or* yua tra taunt, it
will hi 100 tot*.
Allen's Lung Balsam
I* you bopo. Il hto h-a triad by tboimn to mot aa
you. who bur* b* a oti'od : mu. la lb*.( pruMate. ,
tit** lan tnalr utm-* to o. I'M mffriu* liaiatuity
ota road tbair r*i.l. ~**• tad brllaoa. Daa't *IB*OIIB*BI
* lib B*w t id untitrd m.ilaroa—yaueta 00l tßuml It— !
bat try tl ono* tbt. in*a uablo trncl*. It to wan triad
to brrak op th* anal ImuSliaotot < i-u*h la t law hour*,
if not al too lot il-odiny. It 1* aarrtmad to *•*
-Bill* otli'Utt na ia til MOO* "t Lane tad Titruat ili*t
cuilito At ta Etprrtnruut. It bra aorgtitL
UnMlicited Evidence of it* Merit*
TV lint Woll'ktKiwn 1 iriiicirtatw tag
about Allru't I.unar Ikalßntn.
Sruntortru*. Te*w . Sop tl. ITV
G*nt!*iaae Rhlti uo an*a Atllt'i I.Chu IttL
utottaaoi W* htor CM t battl* bit in car Mora. It
hto Boor* irpuitl n thin toy <y,uh n.adlrin* w htv#
arartnld. tnd w bar* bran In th* drusbuunatoiwanty
taraa yttn ; w* mwn inat wlitt wo my about tbo Hul-
VMy trail > ur*.
ifllßT A TANNER.
Aytin rrtd lb* Frid*ni-A front u Drnrrlt who WM
on rod by am of tba Hulotm. and now oolta It laiwwly.
L. C. lloMrall. Drasi>l tt Muino Uty. B>chit.
writ**. Kapt. IX IS."! : "1 It oat ol ALLAN • LlTio
OaiSAM : rand m half a (mat m toon aa you dan ; I
would ratiitr ba nut ol any other mrdwin* In my ator*.
Th* bran KALBAM nevar taila to do *ood lor thu*
aMlotod wiih a oou*h."
It Is Hsrmlass to the moat Drltente Child I
It con taint no Opium lu mnj Form.
Ag- D rnrtiona aorrmpany rack bottto.
CA tTIOB-OuU lor
Allen's Lung Balsam.
J. N. HARRIS & CO., Prop's,
For Sale by all Medince Dealers.
JOHN F. HENRY, New York.
GEO. C. GOODWIN & CO., Boaton.
JOHNSON, HOLAWAY * CO., FhiUdelphia.
A BTCHSOBS rorou tbat nrtll not ylrld to ordinary
; raisadtaa. may to thoroughly cured by Da. Jayna'a Ex
j jioetorant, an efflotoioua inodint is Bsfktsl and
| PtilsMiury Disorters.
WAS to stab* *aewn iebwifslto* MM BOOMS!
nra. TO *ll who desire It. be will MAI WW ml (be
MBD. (tree Of ell* THO IMUM
tot prepsnog mat (two* U> MM*. oaicti thry IH tan a
*yna (.van IFF IWAFIFTWA, AT RUM. Raoecmrrm.
ParlM ""£ J> )'I I I '' ******
IM IKMT wrimnaal—aa* M T
for BOUNTY of POLISH. aM* Uiboe, Ciogiv
tiaitt Of Mfmta* HIHIWI, UL RTW
MUMS. BAT reStev.- .0* VOL* 10 M-JO Matt 4M *F WRAPPER
lata HI!M.
TH* KWIM Mi MM tl Ml*. t* auaedtoiamt
rt-"*• iLm mm, (4HTO ITELK TAUTE ter (
2(>:i KKCRIPTS "K? 35 '
aZZT 1 * ' H?" BKNJAItnf. M. LA***. Mm. j
RA ' LA ' V ' 1 ' *<IKST*-*MMM. |
LLLILA ; |..|)*|M *M U> MM |
to imgga* RTU M at ••#,JV>niii( larateted M
PER*—P.:# • • IM.'I TKK * '*• (WtoMe.WlidL ,
w Tfrk vWvrv. I
| • SgMf ** U IMU" fAfc F*.
How to Advertise.
tab •*>. M 4 tor ATFAIOA2JF**L *TAJFL_
• -
4 fits SITU W.aiM. toy ywaranrs# yyfeiJ|iM| 1
•■ -F IMAM # #1 I *.*• •£•
VVAVRE ■MM ' 1 • .*%. 4v# Iflt. II H. M.H. STV-1
<*.. OTM.FL JhitohmaMlieaa LAW* IF tetf made
ISMGWM omgmmod, sad MOM a MAMFNI >FCRet* O F HA
•<>. I liialuiMeaiMiawilaw. thh AR wrt* • .
fC I- aon MX A*R laeebnawl! ilalMMtf {
>3 19 F' U WMKI.IIM people. OF c.ITWA aa. TO| aw
old, matte aaaaaw areavy at WOR* F a • .a IKU a*an
awinaaw all th. IW (baa at AMIAWI#* P*#**
wtaaw tfao. LIT.FEI A. MINORA ACo . P-r-lsxd. M.vtv*
R 9 RA Ra
Cures the Worst Pains
IM auorw ran uimianmi
Xcetl any one Suffer with I'uin. '
IMdvay'* KoadySeliafi* a Cmr* tor <RR*RY fata.
it Aa* is a ruuar AS U
•Jul iprttn'Y nop* IKT MOM cwsrncmttag palna, ai-
of tha Lang*. fitomeeb, Bowels, M olhor gtemt* or
otgrnm*. by one application,
BO matter BAM violent or eacructeliag TV. PALS TBA
EOECMATIC. DAD ALDDWO. Inarm, Crtpjibd. Kerr
aa*. XWANHI-C, or MK dlaeeeo LOAJR
Will MOSS lISTAIT use.
ItlMMMlai .fit. KMWTt.
lalaaaatlmoriM Elaliir,
la*.aaallf ifur Mowrla
. 4 MWRATLM eflk. I ***!,
Mr.TkrU, Blflealf BrraUlaa.
faiffiailMMl*. MMRF,
iM&irV, Iwliwa
Iliafeetl, TeoUark'.
eanl|U. tlna.Haa,
Cold RUIK AFM 4 bJUa.
TH. a;T>!..-atio of IK* BE4DT KELITT to tka rat
or pwite Where UM paia of <UA*U(F UAU wuiaKord
G|l4 IQll oottl'oft
Twoty la halt fan birr of aMar TRTM la A
fa* M UX-OTA mn t ramp*. HON ma. Maar STOMACB.
Heartburn. MT-K Headarh*. liarrbaa. Dtaenmry,
OOUE Wind In 4B*BT>*aU.wd nil Internal Pain*.
TNULM ahuuld alwwy. corf a AM. of MIL
WARD KETDT KEIJEF ria than. AUM dropa
la mar wilt pre re at .uftaraa or palna from OHAIIFW
ofwaiar. ! 1* UUor uaa Erooeii brao-LJ ur iAUara
AI A ftUi!lUiAfit>
FETES AID AUCEmwd for IWY (ran. Thrra i
la not a ramadlal aa-OOL la THLA world TTALML CAM .
HEAR and AR<>*. and all ottarr Mala. ioaa. WW una. I
Soarwc TRMAAD. TEBOW. ami otfcwr *aara(Mdad W
KEUEF. Fifty Cents per Bottiw.
•TBOSO ASM rnc BKU Bioos-
Sarsaiarilliai Resolvent
Hat atadr Ike AWL .-imldtaw farw I an ritpl.l are the tkaaiMl*. Hafji
aaleea no a. a4tr TAR ItUeaw af Ukla
Iraif Maaatrftl Ma<lw4A. L*al
Everj Day aa Increase in Flesh and
Weight is Seen and Felt
The Great Blood Purifier
rotumaai alo. U>r Ike LLM. HrT, Crwa,
and ULHRR Saidaand jnlnaaf UWRTAMUNIIJIR
of Ida. lor It rapaln the WAtr of MA MDJR vuhaaw
aad sound naakrrttL SCRT-fnla. B'phaia. Qui naif
tton. Chronic Lfa| ppfn. Utaadutar Mwaaaa I train A
tha throat, Month. TNAOM. KUDO# in tha Utanda and
Oiler PARTI I tha amtrm. RV.:AKYAA, nan
.J.acharroa fium IHA tJua. and tha wont torma of
MOA diaraaca, Ixupdoua. Friar tfarra, Scald Baad.
KIN* Worm. 8a L KBE m. H vatpaha. Acnr. Blaak
-J-ta. Boras in U> Fkah. Tumors. CMEMM la tha
VWH and all wnakamnx AND palnkal disc-haw*-
Xubt Bwaata, Los* o( sprrmand *ll wmmaof tha
LLTA nrltn >| <*. ART withla lha curatln nan of thla
won<t<r f Modrrn CLrulstry. asd afrwdaja' not
will PROT# to any paraoa naiat U for atler of than*
I luimac Idixaa*imp lNL power WMII*FA
If tha palicnL daily bw.unf rodnaad by tha
! wwtr* aad drcompualUon that LA oonennaHy cro
' craaatn*. ANCOMDS in anwattng thraa waatoa. and ra
| pair* UW SAME WUh n#W niatrrla! toad* from haalthy
! > lood - mad thla tha KARdAPAKIIXUIt wm and
doaa oaonra— * cars it CERTAIN ; tor whan ONES this
ramady eommatxw* ttawoit C 1 pwiirfalon. and eoa 1* diibcuiahlct Ihahwnat nnoma. LU rrpans
will b rapid, and every day th | aural ntli MM
htm self yrowtnc L-01-R and auwnaar. tha Avail DTPAOH
LA* BE LLRR. apiwAua laaprwnnc, and flash aad waiyM
hot only do*A lb# lituniMlif lirinr N
oM *B known media: BAFXITAIA to. com of Chrome,
hcrafaloua, Conatatuuona'. sad bktn dlaotara i bat
It I* tbr only poeaun car* fur
K DAOY sod Bladder Complamta,
Crtnary, and Womb dlaaasra. OnvaL CHABEMA
Prepay. 8-oppan of Water. laniHltejei af I'rfna,
liriatii'a I>IWM. tlbnmisurlaaad to all csaea wbara
THERE mio brick -dual depoaita. or tha water M thick,
clondy. murd wtthaabstannn hke tha white of aa
■•FT ar tkraada Uka wbiu allk.or tbera laatnothid.
dark, bllioue appearaaca. aad wbits booa-dnM da
po.UA and wb#n tbrre la api vcklnc buroior sanm-
T KJO wben paaainy water aad ]4un LA Uva Small of
tba Sack and ALONG tha Louts.
Tumor of 12 Years' Growth Cured
by Radway's Resolvent.
Perfect PoreatiTe ant Pills,
pcrfeoUy tvat uaa, slrtraotly coated with awartenm.
I>nr. twyaatr. pun Y. rlraoaa aad Jtrrnrthaa.
HAD W AIM PILLM. for tha ctM* of all dtmrdMa of
tba Stomach. Liaer. Boarela. Kidney's. lUadder.
Nervous PIMWACA, Uaa dacha, Oanaupatioa. Ouatlva
rveas. lodlnaAu-n. Dvonepabt, fiitiovacmu. blttcna.
Typhus and Typhoid • vara, tnflareirialion of tba
How Ma. Pi lea. and ail iveeaneeananw of tha Iniemat
Via.-er* Uarratitad to affacda poMUfw enra Puraly
Tefrtmb)#. RVO lain tag co mcrcur J .mxßcral*. or dais
taw STI FF.
M-Otvarrva th# foHowitif K-(upturns resulting
from di.or.tera of the DTGWSUE* O-PURN :
Cona; lp.tvn. inward TUea. Knlluesa of tha Blood
L tba H ad. Aridity of th - Hiomarh. Nausea. Heart
burn. Dlagu.t of FOd. Fnllnoaa or Weight in tba
Moiuarb. Moor Ernctotioba. tdtikmgar Kluttaringat
tha Pit ol the STOMACH. Swimming of t a Hand.
Harried and P FFL.-U'L HIANTHLI G, 1 tattering at the
Heart ."boking or HuSocallng Benmtkvna whan In •
1 J.NG IWainre. luranana of VIRION, Dote or W. ba be
lore the KlghL Fever and Doll Pain In the Dead, De
ficiency of l vrapiratvon, EeUoarneasof tbahaia aad
Kvea Pain in to* Mdo, Cheat L-mba, ai d auddaa
KLU-bra OF Hoai. Burning in th* Fleab. A tew doses
of R\|VW.\Y'S I'ILI 8 will free iheav.tem FROM all tba
above named disorders. Pries 25 cents per
Box. Bold by Druggists.
READ - FALSE AND TKPE." Rend one letter
stamp to R VP WAY A CO., Ko. XI Warren M„ N. X.
Information worth tbousanda will be Mat yoo.
Doa*t ITTU to procnr* MBS. WIXTLOW'T
This ealuabl# nreparsilaa baa bean naed with N KVEB
IL not (vni> reiiavee (he child Irrvm pain, TETL invigev
•tea the .tomacfa and boweta, oorracia acidity, and CIVET ,
tone and energy to lbs whole sy.TEM. tl will alas in- .
slant BR relieve
Orlplng In (he Bowels and Wind CALLE.
We bvlieea I*, LB* BEST MD BCWFBT N
TUB WOULD. In all cases •! PYUKhThUY AAD
PlAHßllilA IN CHILPRUN, abvltar arutng from
teething or any other O -naa.
Depend upon It moth anUgiaaiaat to yoaiea
Relict nod Health la Team Infanta.
fie inn and call (or
a Maw. Wlaslasa'a ft nothing iyra*,"
Having LBS fee-atnviie of * CURTIS A PERKINS
on the outenia wrat-pct.
SaM hp Drnggtata thronghont (he WortM [
■a rare an tan take (kaae Kitteaw wr*Jd*
lug hvdtrnrtoaiM. aad rvwiAln FMg bbwMi.
ihfir bflfiFil am* fi*l gWliMt w
mpm wm M baS *•
* mmffifMher jtoiiSS
deehied an HMkMMe* IM* Imyptvmamt la aous
and Chrwrnla Bhom-
S-Va atad Bladder, (hnae Bitter. fc*vao eqoai.
Koch Iti-eaaeaartaandte >MMMdMwd.
Thar era a ccntk Pargallrt d wall ad
sSTic E&SrgZs£i
fjto aav.nmwu.maww yaJS
.*• UM aygtost IS • mm rnrnmumamm mm
'"urMefnt Thmtatmla pewSnhn Sm
TdXteOto Mitel wtmdoffnl 7grtgbh that IW
—'£E'atKJ".... ec*
gDSTS—Mn prrpat gcSt. ha W* I'awa
**"** l 'XliiM&Mm**mmmm. Pa.
ittwiirriKß. -WSSSTWS^-
.jirssaegtaaryr'iagTL-' **•
wj? "FOR *WOM estodoT
* Do Qood aad *** Ktaty.
ra V-XfefS. AddreM. wvthaaaano.
M oY—. Koae XaMttg
1J523 JUBILEE I IS'73-
The Dam RMK ami and Sana* ar Pnmdy Raw a agar.
n a Tear with tha JTIXUS TEAK BOOS.
• St Park Ban Xew Taste.
/ fiO M PAR^\
'pAPcii "ros 1V
TBI COIIPAKIOS suns to ha a teaettto to amy
a fcmdr-I—had fcr andl k lb* yaaagMk. and
ran* with intoaaatkg *kaaMw. tea anry am teaaiataiat
i to* to bawraalh eanaaaoaol watth,ba*a fa aOnatoAar
; lhahmtr.
MM**of tbe'sMMl atirsctava otttara hi thr ainatoy.
tlrw Ugwama. ond. C- LWSMn*i
llrteeeraH. Ihaela, ikaiih A,(.. ItehA,
i. W. Fkamdwra, g-A.-!*lH*v '
. h. Itiilnii Prof. K. Ivftoaate*.
ite raad ag I* adapted t. Ihadlaaf I k ten
varied to Ma ilaadit. aaavghtly and aoteatafntng ■
Mltlartoad Arttekea. .tototfto.
HI tTUSHtllt4f :to| ISL -**4*f> ili ll> r<l Sitf"#i
*ta. irllSl
KvllgtoauiAjrtlolea. Pwta aad ltoatSntoha
daaliarrlpttow Fataa, f I.SS. Bpatdman aagAa*
seal tote. Address.
Cheap Farms! Frea Homes!
(la the tea. af tba ITNtOK PA_IFW' N kILNOAD.
I*,(*M Aaasaat Ihobaa* Faanttngaad Miaaaal
La-data aamto _ _
g.OOO.nnn Aarta m Niteaaka. la (ha Platte TaHay.
aa* tar aalc.
XUd CUmats, Fertile Soil,
Per Clrain (Irewiaa aad Staak Raiafag naaarpamad kg
any ta lha I'aM Sate.
cnaaettn IS Pan mote favorable terms given, ard
taateaonvtswndemarfcaa Ibanvaa befaaaaa tkva*ais.
FREE Hoßcstsads for Aetasl Settfen.
The best is pa team tor Ontonite Oaldtota antttkd tea
map*, publtabed m EnaLab. Oarvnan.** aod Date
aab. ma ted ties ai wj abare.
Addtvoa O. F. DA ▼.
I mod CemV f. F. K. S. Co..
Onaakat. Koto.
.moilflnß A li
27 Union SqusrDf'H. Y. Z
Unionbtedl? the hest Square Piano made.
Bend for Circular with Illustration*.*" ~
Errrv f"r Flee Year*.
nn Thea-Nectar
F~FMHSSSra|teitb tba Oram tea Ptea*#. The
nalteMßßbtr a„( Tea lmoarted. far aahwwp.
,|jnrS9i<te< Andtev <t wl.l-ote oaty
rtefcltear (Vrwte
Horaaeo Watvn. •! ttroodwoy. N. Y.,
■ill dvauM* of lis* HUtoUtov Plaai*. HcuiOKONiL and
tinovKi ol ail 6r.t-clam malera. WatevnV, an
(wnTfi'/<*monthb- nnlif^ ttmru>
•ant am i-.i i! parctvated. A an kind a# PAHU ■
Cirua. tba at beautiluf .trie and peifawt ten* tnr
ectw nn ssbfHitW st 4RI Hnwdwuv MM YnHr.
THE boat aelling book ta Ike market It
The Struggles of
It la lllMtmted by THOMAS HAST, the great
tat ef American artiste, and contain* aa introdaetioa
by Hen. Charles Sumner. Agents wanted tor this
aad other popelar book*. Ad,i reus L N. lUehardaeg
A Co., Boston, Ala**., and St. Loatt, Mo.
•gs7s to $250 per month,
> mate, to Introduce theUKNLT NE IM PBOVLD CUJ4-
g Machine win stttck. hem, teU. tack. 4ddt.aord.Und,
'6 braid aad embroider ins uuvet uj*rier :uanner Pttea
only fill. PnUy Iwensed nodwarmnteJ Ibvfiveyvaro.
P2 We will yarfiM** any mscbrne that wiU sew a
. atroagev- "m™ '"wuMfW. or more elatele teact lbaa
K eursT it make* the 'Lteaite Lock dutch." Evqy
> aaewnd agu h esa ha eat. and still t*• teth eamtrt >e
5 yullevl snart wii hou t tearing it, *• C* iS
tnu filte per meoth aoe eape—ee. ovatevmroteetea
NAco which twice that amonot ran >* ntede. Aodrpa
A CO- Boston, Ma*#. I Ptttsbaffi, M